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  • How to properly plant nasturtium seedlings. Growing nasturtium from seeds: planting seedlings and care in the open field

    How to properly plant nasturtium seedlings. Growing nasturtium from seeds: planting seedlings and care in the open field

    Nasturtium is an unpretentious annual, which must certainly be planted in your summer cottage. Once it was brought to the territory of Russia from Holland and was called a capuchin because of the hood-shaped flower. But over time, capuchin became nasturtium, and today it occupies an honorable place in the list of the most popular annuals.

    In flower beds, flower beds and flowerpots, mainly several types of nasturtium are grown.

    The nasturtium is large, the lashes of which reach a length of 2.5 meters. The most popular varieties: King Theodore, Ladybug, Peach Melba, Salmon Baby.

    Cultural nasturtium, combining hybrids of large nasturtium and shield-bearing nasturtium. The varieties range from dwarf to giant. Popular varieties: Moonline - a giant up to 3 meters, Gleming Mahagani - a medium-sized bush up to 35 cm high, Golden Globe - a compact bush up to 40 cm.

    Small nasturtium - represented by low-growing varieties, such as Cherry rose, Black velveteen.

    Nasturtium: growing from seed - when to plant?

    Before planting nasturtium, you need to find a suitable place for it - well lit by the sun and protected from the wind. Nasturtium prefers moderately fertile soil. On humus-rich soil, it will "fatten" and madly increase the green mass to the detriment of flowering, and on poor soil, it will lose its decorative effect.

    You can grow nasturtium using seedlings and directly by sowing seeds in open ground. Sowing directly into open ground is more suitable for southern regions, because nasturtium is sissy and does not tolerate frost.

    Nasturtium seeds are planted in the second half of May, when the threat of frost has passed. The seeds are pre-soaked in hot water for 20 minutes, and then kept on a damp cloth for another day. Seeds can be germinated to accelerate germination. Naklyuchnuyu seeds 2-3 pieces are planted in holes to a depth of 2 cm at a distance of 20-30 cm. When the temperature drops, it is advisable to cover the crops with a non-woven covering material.

    To speed up the emergence of seedlings, experts recommend pouring hot water over the wells before planting, and then covering the crops with non-woven material, and additionally covering them with plastic wrap at night. Water the seedlings with moderately warm water and do not open them until the beginning of June.

    Growing nasturtium seedlings

    For central Russia and more northern regions, it is preferable to grow nasturtium in a seedling way, which will allow you to enjoy long summer flowering. Seeds for seedlings are planted in mid-April. Previously, planting is not worth it, because the seedlings will take root worse when planting them in open ground.

    Seeds are prepared for planting in the same way as for open ground: they are soaked in hot water, and then on a damp cloth. It should be noted that nasturtium does not tolerate transplanting well, so the seeds are immediately sown in separate peat pots, 2-3 seeds in one container. The temperature for seed germination should be between 20-22 degrees.

    Seedlings will appear in 10-14 days. In order for the seedlings to grow strong, they need a place well lit by the sun. In open ground, seedlings are planted in late May - early June, when the threat of frost has passed completely.

    Caring for nasturtium consists in regular watering, especially when the plants are still young, weeding, and removing the fading flowers. You do not need to be zealous with watering, because nasturtium begins to grow leaves if the soil around the plant is wet all the time.

    For the splendor and brightness of flowering, nasturtiums need regular feeding, but not with nitrogen fertilizers. Nasturtium is fed every week with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers until flowering.

    1. large - with bright flowers-caps;
    2. cultivated - with large flowers and creeping stems;
    3. bush - used in decorative borders, containers, vases.

    Gardeners use this flower to create unique flower arrangements. It is difficult to find a garden without nasturtium. In addition, it is grown on windowsills and balconies. Many people know her smell from childhood.

    Planting nasturtium rules

    To plant nasturtium, the following conditions must be met:

    Choose a bright place - preferably in the sun, you can in partial shade under a tree. If there is not enough light for the flower, its shoots will become stunted, and flowering will not occur.

    The soil should be moderately fertile, drained, with a slightly acidic environment. Fertile, organically fertilized soil contributes to a large amount of green mass, but the plant does not bloom well.

    If you prefer the seedling method, keep in mind that the plant is very painful to suffer damage to the roots. Therefore, seedlings should be grown in separate containers, preferably in peat cups. It is better to sow seeds in 2-3 pieces in one glass in April.

    When growing it, a good light regime must be provided, otherwise the seedlings will stretch out, and when planting they will hurt and will not bloom. With proper care, seedlings will appear in 2 weeks. It is necessary to plant seedlings in early June directly with an earthen clod so as not to damage the roots.

    When using the seedless method, nasturtium seeds should be placed in water up to +50 degrees for 20 minutes before sowing, and then soaked for a day.

    Make holes 2 cm deep at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other. Dip 2-3 seeds into each hole. The sowing period is the end of May, if there is no frost, otherwise the seedlings will die at temperatures below 0 degrees.

    To accelerate the onset of flowering, it is necessary to spill the soil with hot water at 45-50 degrees before sowing. After sowing, cover the area with a non-woven material, and overnight on top with a plastic wrap. Covering material is also recommended for use during a cold snap.

    It should be remembered that nasturtium is photophilous and thermophilic, afraid of strong winds and frosts.

    Growing nasturtium in your area

    To grow beautiful flowers of nasturtium, you need to fulfill the main conditions - watering, fertilizing, weeding.

    - Watering - regular, moderate, warm water. In a dry season - 4-5 liters of water per square meter. During flowering, watering must be suspended and carried out while the earth dries up. It should be remembered that on too moist soils, the roots rot, and the plant dies.

    - Top dressing - twice a season with fertilizers such as nitrophoska.

    - Weeding can be replaced by mulching, that is, cover the area near the plant with a layer of material: peat, straw, fallen leaves, etc.

    Young plants should appear in the first half of June. Flowering usually begins one and a half to two months after planting and continues until autumn frosts.

    If you want to extend the flowering period, remove any flowers that have faded. This is how new ones are formed.

    The collection of seeds is carried out from the fruit that appears in the place of the flower. It is better to collect them as they ripen, while making sure that self-seeding does not occur. Fallen seeds can even hibernate in the soil, maintaining their germination capacity for four years.

    Nasturtium is very sensitive to transplantation. It must be carried out very carefully so that the earthen lump is not disturbed. The plant often withers after transplanting.

    Diseases of nasturtium

    Nasturtium is susceptible to several diseases:

    If nasturtium has undergone one of the diseases, the plant must be removed, the damaged parts must be burned, then treated with chemical or bacteriological preparations. Bacteriological are more harmless to humans and plants.

    Curly nasturtium

    The most popular among gardeners is an annual plant - climbing nasturtium. The height of nasturtium reaches three meters. Most often it is planted along walls, fences, around gazebos, on balconies. It blooms especially beautifully from the beginning of summer to the first autumn frosts.

    The flower propagates in two ways:

    • seedling - by growing seedlings in pots (3 seeds in one pot);
    • seedless - by sowing seeds in open ground (2-4 in one hole 2 cm deep at a distance of 30-40 cm or one seed every 10 cm).

    The plant does not need strong watering, it prefers dry, slightly humid soil. You can feed this nasturtium variety in the same way as other varieties.

    The flowers and leaves of curly nasturtium not only decorate the garden, they are also used to decorate various dishes and to prepare salads. The fruit can be pickled and used in place of capers.

    Growing nasturtium is within the power of any gardener, even a beginner. This plant not only decorates the garden, gazebos, balconies and other places, but also has medicinal properties. With its help they treat:

    • avitaminosis;
    • kidney stone disease;
    • anemia;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • skin rashes;
    • baldness;
    • bronchitis.

    Nasturtium is rich in vitamin C, provitamin A and phytoncides and has a strong antimicrobial effect. And dishes with its use have a unique taste and dietary properties.

    Thus, nasturtium helps in the treatment of many diseases and also brings aesthetic benefits.

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    All the flowers in the garden are magnificent and the tropical beauty of nasturtium is no exception. Large yellow, orange and red flowers of different shades are islands of the sun at their summer cottage.

    You can also admire this spreading flower on city esplanades, in parks and near administrative buildings. They are used to decorate gazebos and terraces, high flower beds.

    In a familiar environment, in warm and humid tropics, nasturtium develops as a perennial shrub or liana. In our climate, it is known as an annual, and some amateurs bring this plant indoors for the winter.

    This flower cannot be called capricious, but you need to follow the rules of planting and care. What varieties exist and is there any beneficial properties of this plant.

    Nasturtium has strong, long and succulent stems on which leaves are arranged in a regular order. They are rounded, thyroid, with uneven edges. Numerous green leaves, sometimes variegated, less often have a brown-green color.

    The flowers are usually rich yellow or red, they can have all kinds of shades and differ in the degree of doubleness. Semi-double and simple, as well as densely double inflorescences are located on long stems. The flower is a funnel-shaped tube with more than five petals.

    After flowering, fruits are formed, they are wrinkled, large, consist of three lobules. They contain kidney-shaped seeds. They are suitable for planting, maintaining germination for 5 years.

    The flower and stem mass of nasturtium is suitable for use as a spice, it is used for cooking food. The medicinal properties of this amazing plant are also known.

    Planting and breeding

    Nasturtium needs warmth and protection from the wind, so planting requirements are appropriate. Lighted (avoid shade) and leeward areas, so the plant will delight with abundant and bright flowering, and the bush will not lose its decorative effect.

    The soil should be moisture-permeable, slightly acidic, light. If the land is infertile, solid - dig up and add humus. Plants cannot be planted in soil that is too rich in organic matter; fresh manure is also contraindicated.

    There are several ways to plant nasturtium, it is easy to reproduce.

    Seeds for seedlings

    For those who want to ensure early flowering, you should take care of this in advance. Nasturtium seedlings are planted in April. From emergence to flowering, this bush takes 1.5 months. They are planted outside at the end of May or at the beginning of June.

    • We take containers or peat pots and place the potting soil there;
    • We bury the seeds in the moistened soil (2-3 in pots, and 2-3 in containers in one hole at a distance of up to 8 centimeters);
    • We cover with foil and put in a warm place;
    • Ventilate and spray regularly, check;
    • Seedlings appear in two weeks or earlier;
    • It is not necessary to dive, since nasturtium does not like this, its delicate roots can be damaged;
    • Frosts on the street have passed - we plant them in open ground, a couple of days before planting, it is advisable to take the plants out to fresh air for acclimatization;
    • Depending on whether it is a compact bush or a loach, the planting scheme is also chosen. For the first, it is 25 cm, and for lianas up to 40-45 cm;
    • We plant the plant together with a lump of earth in the ground, in a hole, 2 or 3 pieces;
    • For climbing plants, support should be installed immediately upon planting.

    In open ground

    • The sowing procedure is carried out in May, after frosts;
    • Pre-soak the seeds in hot water (50 degrees) or in ordinary water to swell;
    • The bed must be dug up, compost or humus and some wood ash must be added;
    • We make holes at a distance of 25 or 30 centimeters, depending on the variety;
    • We sow 2-3 seeds in each recess and sprinkle with earth;
    • Water the planting, seedlings will appear in 10-15 days, and will bloom in 1.5 months or a little later.

    The seeds of a faded bush can overwinter in the soil, but this is more typical for the south of our country, in most cases freezing occurs.

    Propagation by cuttings

    If it is necessary to propagate the variety you like during the growing season, they resort to cuttings. Nasturtium takes root well in this case. Hybrids do not produce seeds that can carry the characteristics of the mother plant to the next generation.

    Therefore, the method of propagation by cuttings is an excellent opportunity to get specimens for planting.

    • We leave a beautiful plant to winter at home;
    • Put it on a cool windowsill in a bright place and limit watering;
    • In the spring, cut the cuttings and plant them in a special mixture in peat pots;
    • Plant all rooted shoots obtained in early June (or earlier, depending on the weather) in permanent places.


    Taking care of nasturtium is simple - it loves water and loosening. Watering should be done regularly and then loosen the surface of the ground. When the flowering period begins, water only as the soil dries out. With excessive moisture, the root system begins to rot, and the plant may die.

    Since the bushes are spreading, weeds rarely germinate under them.

    Before flowering, it is advisable to feed it with a potassium-phosphorus solution once every 10 days. Then fertilization stops. If the bush grows in hanging pots or flowerpots, it is necessary to fertilize, since the soil there is quickly depleted and there is nowhere to take minerals.

    The plant blooms for a long period, it is advisable to remove the seed pods to prolong it, without waiting for them to dry. This measure will allow new flowers to form at a doubled rate.

    Varieties and varieties

    Domestic gardeners and designers mainly use five types of annual nasturtium.


    In nature, this species is capable of reaching 4 meters in length (lashes). It is a shrub with succulent shoots and dark green shield leaves. The dark red flowers are 5-6 centimeters in diameter. The shield-bearing species blooms from June until autumn.

    A popular variety of the species is Lucifer, its bushes are only 25 centimeters high, and the flowers are very large, red-orange.


    The plant is 35 cm high. It has thin stems and has rounded leaves on elongated petioles. The difference between this nasturtium is in the small size of flowers, there are a lot of them, the coverage is 3 cm.

    The color is usually yellow, and there are dark blotches along the petal. There are spurs, the petal is pointed at the end. Beautiful velvety flowers delight the eye for almost four months. Known varieties Black Velvet (maroon, almost black flowers) and Cherry rose with double bright red petals.


    Strong, branched plant. In the natural environment, it grows up to 2.5 meters in length. There are erect varieties, their height is 70 centimeters. Numerous rounded leaves have a bluish bloom on the back.

    In more southern regions it winters in the ground and reproduces by self-seeding. It blooms for a very long time, until autumn.

    There are a lot of varieties of this nasturtium. Lovers are familiar with Ladybug (burgundy spots on an apricot background), Salmon Baby - a semi-double variety, Peach Melba - cream petals with red spots.


    It is a hybrid of large and shield-bearing nasturtium, the two largest species. These are dwarf plants, and bushes, and creeping specimens. Their height varies from 15 to 50 centimeters, depending on the variety.

    On hearing varietal species Moonlight - pale yellow flowers on long vines, Golden Globe - its flowers are double, golden yellow, and the leaves are large (up to 7 cm). The bush is compact, it forms a ball, its height is 25-30 cm.

    The bush variety Gleming Mahagani has red double flowers, the plant height is 35 centimeters.


    The species is also known as foreign nasturtium. This is a liana, it grows up to 3.5 meters, weaves around buildings and arches, gazebos and is good on trellises. The leaves are semi-divided, not very large, and the flowers are bright yellow and small in diameter. The petals are extremely decorative, corrugated with green outgrowths. Blooms, like all species, for a long time.

    The following varieties need to be mentioned:

    • Vesuvius

    The pink-salmon color of the petals turns into orange, and red spots appear on the entire surface of the flower. Bush form.

    • Day and night

    Creamy and red flowers are harmoniously combined on one plant. A very spectacular color scheme can decorate any flower garden. The height of the bush is 30 centimeters.

    A climbing variety that grows up to 200 centimeters. Creamy white petals have yellow blotches in the middle. Exclusive view.

    • Alaska

    Variegated leaves of a white-green color give the plant a marbled appearance. Shades of flowers are different, but Alaska is valued for its unique foliage.

    Pests and diseases

    Nasturtium is a flower with a scent that repels unwanted insects: whiteflies and cabbage whiteflies, aphids and spider mites. The smell is able to repel even the Colorado potato beetle.

    On the contrary, it attracts pollinating insects, which is beneficial for all other garden plants. This helpful neighborhood enhances the atmosphere in the garden both literally and figuratively.

    In order to prevent nasturtium bushes from rotting and rusting, it should be treated with insecticidal preparations. The infected areas are removed and burned.

    To prevent diseases, spray with a solution of laundry and tar soap, avoid waterlogging.

    In the endless row of garden flowers, nasturtium has a special place. Eye-catching orange-red curtains make any garden boring, suitable for all types of flower decoration. There are many varieties of unpretentious, but there are those with which you have to "negotiate". Among the 25 cultivated species, there are interesting options for both beginner gardeners and “bison” floriculture. Planting nasturtium and leaving in the open field is not difficult, but a few nuances should be taken into account so that possible "surprises" do not come as a surprise.

    Types of nasturtium

    There are 88 species of wild-growing nasturtium in nature. Most are from Central or South America. All of them attract with elegant foliage and simple, but very graceful flowers in a sunny red and yellow tones. The characteristic shape of the five-petalled flower is distinguished by the presence of a mandatory spur at the bottom of the corolla. The silhouette resembles the traditional hood of a medieval Capuchin monk. Therefore, the original name of nasturtium is capuchin. Plant shape - from low bushes to dense vines and creeping varieties. In culture, there are 25 species and many hybrids, among them both popular with domestic gardeners and less known.

    Large nasturtium... The oldest species, it has been cultivated since the end of the 17th century. A native of the western regions of South America. A perennial variety, cultivated as an annual. Distinguish between weakly (slightly) creeping and creeping plants. Stems are juicy, branched, fragile, up to 2.5 m long; in erect (slightly creeping) nasturtiums at the base, they can rise to a height of 25–70 cm. Leaves are thyroid, asymmetric, rounded. Diameter 8–10 cm, surface light green, smooth, long petioles. The back is smoky, bluish. Flowers with a characteristic pleasant aroma, large, simple or of varying degrees of doubleness. Coloring from yellow to brown-red, with a lighter calyx, velvety, with elongated spurs.

    Differs in long-term abundant flowering, generous self-seeding.

    Foreign nasturtium (aka Canary)... Curly member of the family from South America. The length of the stems reaches 3.5 m, often grown on a trellis, they quickly "wrap" gazebos, hedges, balconies.

    The leaves are very beautiful, with five or seven lobes. Small flowers stand out not only in size, but also in corrugated bright yellow petals.

    Seeds in our climate do not fully ripen, ripening is required.

    Shield-bearing nasturtium... Originally from the southwestern tip of the South American continent. In culture - an annual shrub with long creeping stems. The leaves are thyroid. The flowers are traditional in shape, the petals are deep red.

    Cultural nasturtium... The species combines hybrids and varieties bred as a result of the activities of breeders. They are obtained by crossing the large and shield nasturtium. Forms are bushy, creeping, curly, ampelous. Height from dwarf (15 cm) to giant, with stems 4 m long. Color from light green to reddish, depending on the variety. The flowers are double or simple. Monochrome or multicolor coloring. Tones from milky white and yellow to red-brown, cherry and even azure-lilac. Bred hybrids with contrasting spots and strokes on the petals.

    Small nasturtium (she is short)... A short group with slender stems, miniature leaves and flowers. Height no more than 30 cm, can be grown in a pot or flowerpot. The flowers are velvety, yellow, with darker spots. The spurs are short.

    Tuberous nasturtium.Less common , with spectacular powerful leaves and flowers; azure, with an unusual color of the corollas; tricolor, with an original unconventional flower shape; multi-leaved, which is appreciated for its decorative foliage and is used to decorate alpine hills and stone gardens.

    The best regions to grow

    Growing nasturtium in the open field is not difficult, it has taken root in all regions and climatic zones. In the South, a heat-loving plant is sown earlier, it blooms longer, and perennial species can be grown. In the middle lane and to the north, the short summer limits the flowering period, but here the capuchin also feels great, reproduces well by self-sowing. Experienced growers are trying to bring the appearance of buds closer, for this they grow nasturtium through seedlings.

    Disembarkation requirements

    The correct choice of location ensures success in growing nasturtium in the country and the absence of further excessive troubles, therefore, the determination of the "place of residence" of the flower should be considered carefully. Nasturtium does not like an excess of humus; it is better for it to pick up soil with average fertility, but always with a slightly acidic reaction. The introduction of fresh organic fertilizers, fertilizing with a high nitrogen content, lime or dolomite flour is contraindicated. The soil should be loose, breathable, well-drained, lightweight. In this case, it is necessary to ensure sufficient moisture capacity, loam is an ideal option, but sandy loam is also suitable. Sand must first be added to dense soil.

    Before planting, they dig up the ground to a depth of 25–30 cm (on a shovel bayonet).

    In sunny areas, nasturtium blooms intensely, brightly, in a light gliding penumbra it feels good. But in the shade it looks depressed and unattractive. Choose the sunniest corner in the garden for her. Drafts are detrimental to this plant. At least on one, and preferably on both sides, there should be protection from the wind, for example, ornamental shrubs, hedges, buildings.

    Growing seedlings

    Nasturtium blooms in the first half of June, if grown through seedlings. The flower is endowed with a weak root system. This feature must be taken into account when choosing containers. It is better to give preference to peat pots and fill them with light soil mixture. Together with them, you can painlessly plant plants in a permanent place. At home, you can sow nasturtium in regular plastic seedling cups. When moving from them, it is necessary to ensure the integrity of the earth clod. Do not forget to lay a drainage layer on the bottom of the containers, for example, from expanded clay.

    Seedlings of nasturtium should be planted in a flower garden without damaging the earthen lump. The plant does not tolerate transplanting well.

    Capuchin seeds for seedlings are sown about 30-40 days before the intended planting in a flower bed. Focus on the timing of the onset of stable positive night temperatures in your area and the microclimate of the site. The generally accepted sowing dates are April-May. It is not worth sowing before: overgrown seedlings will take root worse after planting. In each container, 2-3 nut seeds are placed to a depth of no more than 2 cm, watered, placed in a warm place with a temperature of 23-25 \u200b\u200b° C, at the same time, preventing overheating of the nursery.

    Seedlings appear after 1.5–2 weeks, after which it is necessary to lower the air temperature by 8–10 ° С and remove the shelter. Take care of intense but diffused lighting so that young plants do not stretch and actively grow powerful greenery. Start hardening a few days before planting. With the establishment of stable night values \u200b\u200bof at least 7–9 ° С, nasturtium can be planted in a permanent place. This is usually May, and for more severe regions, early June. If in doubt, temporarily cover the seedlings with agrofibre.

    Disembarkation scheme:

    • bush hybrids 25 × 25 cm;
    • climbing 35 × 35;
    • weakly creeping and creeping - 40 × 40 or 50 × 50 cm.

    Flowering occurs in about 2 weeks. The seedling method is preferable in areas with long frost periods and short summers. Plants get to the flower bed strong, mature, quickly move to flowering. Among the disadvantages of the method:

    • labor intensity of the process;
    • difficult survival of plants in a permanent place if the earthen lump was disturbed.

    Planting seeds in the ground

    Planting nasturtium seeds in the ground gives good results, especially in the southern regions, where the heat comes early. You can sow here already at the end of April or in May, the first flowers will appear in about a month and a half. In Siberia and in the Ural gardens, they are sown in late May or early June. Seedlings appear in a week or two, return frosts are fatal for them. Therefore, for each region, the sowing period will be different, and nasturtium will begin to bloom in about 1.5–2 months.

    In an unpredictable spring in the middle zone, for example, in the Moscow region, or in Siberia, it is better to cover crops with foil or agrofibre. Before planting nasturtium in open ground, they dig the ground, if necessary add sand, humus, mineral fertilizers - superphosphate and potassium sulfate, 30 g each (tablespoon or matchbox) per 1 m². Prepare small holes at a distance of 25 cm for bush varieties and 40-50 cm for climbing. In each hole, 2-3 seeds are embedded to a depth of 2 cm. Water immediately after sowing, then every two to three days.

    Compared to growing through seedlings, this is a less time-consuming method, there is no problem of survival. At the same time, in cold areas, flowering begins in the middle of summer and lasts for a relatively short time, because the first frosts come early. Loss of seed germination can lead to the formation of "bald spots" in the flower garden. Weak seedlings that have emerged can die if the temperature drops below zero.

    For double and semi-double varieties, it is better to prefer propagation by cuttings. This ensures the transfer of varietal properties of the parent plant.

    Care features

    Let's consider how to create optimal growing conditions.


    Pay extra attention to watering: nasturtium does not react well to both excess moisture and drought. At the beginning of growth, carry out the procedure every two to three days, preferably with warm water. As soon as the first flowers appear, shorten the interval. During this period, watering is necessary only as the soil dries out, but it is undesirable to allow drought. It is a good idea to use mulch to maintain optimal moisture levels. It will also help to get rid of weeds, and will ensure the delivery of organic elements in a form acceptable for nasturtium.

    Top dressing

    Nasturtium is responsive to phosphorus-containing fertilizers that promote intense flowering. Add 30-40 g of superphosphate diluted in a bucket of water to the root once a month during watering. Add potassium nitrate in the same proportion as superphosphate. Potassium strengthens the immune system and maintains the vitality of the flowering plant. Avoid mineral nitrogenous and fresh organic feed. Excess nitrogen leads to lush foliage at the expense of flower development.

    Pests and diseases: control methods

    Here are some possible options:

    • sprinkle flowers with wood ash or tobacco dust;
    • spray with ash infusion (pour a glass of ash with boiling water, leave for a day, then dissolve the resulting mass in a bucket of water);
    • treat the flower bed with a strong solution of laundry or tar soap, light blue solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux liquid;
    • use special preparations (Fitoverm, Karbofos, Alatar), prepare the working solution as indicated in the instructions on the package.

    Typical nasturtium diseases are associated with viral and bacterial lesions - spotted or ring mosaic, rust, gray rot. A diseased plant lags behind in development, spots appear on pale-colored leaves, flowering stops. It is useless to treat such plants. They need to be dug up faster so that other plantings do not suffer, and burned.

    How to harvest seeds correctly

    For sowing, seeds ripened on the plant are suitable. The fruit should be light brown and easily detach from the stem. It is impossible to delay collecting them, because they quickly fall off. Nasturtium seeds are harvested not only for sowing, but also for the preparation of culinary masterpieces. Large nut seeds are removed and stored in a paper bag in a dry room. Dose, as a rule, is not necessary, with the exception of Canary (foreign) nasturtium. Store in optimal conditions for no more than 4 years. Green fruits are removed for cooking, although both brown and light yellow are used to make dry spices.

    Wintering and storage of perennial tubers

    Tubers of perennial species winter in the soil only in warm regions. The aerial part of the flower is cut off in autumn, the planting site is covered with mulch - humus, rotted leaf litter, bark. At the end of winter, the mulch is removed. In temperate climates, the tubers should be dug up after the end of the growing season, stored in boxes filled with peat in a cool dry place. In early spring, they are taken out for germination and division.

    The main mistakes of growers for growing

    The most common errors are:

    • improper selection of soil for a flower garden - too heavy loam, alkaline, dense, fertile soil;
    • introduction of fresh organic matter, excess nitrogen;
    • insufficient lighting;
    • strong winds, drafts;
    • insufficient or excessive watering.

    Weeds can be detrimental to flowers, especially with a powerful aggressive root system - creeping wheatgrass, sow thistle. When preparing the soil for nasturtium, all roots should be carefully removed, weeding should be carried out on time. Weed control will be facilitated by mulching.


    In landscape design

    There are no limits to the ways in which nasturtium can be used in the garden landscape.

    1. Creeping flowers create picturesque glades, accents on a smooth lawn.
    2. Low bush capuchins are good in curbs, small balcony pots, ridges, in the front tier of mixborders.
    3. Ampel nasturtiums are planted in tall and suspended flowerpots.
    4. Pergolas, pergolas, hedges, balconies, facades, fences are decorated with climbing plants.

    Nasturtium is used to decorate fantasy garden compositions, ponds and waterfalls, window openings, corners and joints of buildings.

    Medicinal properties

    Nasturtium delivers not only aesthetic joy, but also health benefits. All parts of the plant are rich in vitamins, trace elements, essential oils, and are used in official and folk medicine. Nasturtium is useful as a remedy:

    • vitaminizing and toning;
    • expectorant, antiseptic, diuretic;
    • stimulating metabolism, hematopoiesis processes.

    Carotene and sulfur are used to prevent vascular sclerosis. The flower has a high content of vitamin C, 2 times higher than that of currants. Nasturtium preparations are used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, heart disease, vitamin deficiency, anemia, and dermatitis. Burns and wounds are treated with juice by applying plant leaves to them. It is used to prepare products for strengthening and stimulating hair growth, and other cosmetic products - balms, creams, ointments, lotions.

    Healthy eating: cooking applications

    Interestingly, nasturtium got its name from the spicy taste of leaves and shoots, reminiscent of watercress. Like some other spices, it was called Nasturtium officinale at the time. By analogy with him, the capuchin flower received a second name - nasturtium. For culinary specialists, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits are interesting - everything, except for the roots. In addition to being delicious, it is also extremely healthy. Green fruits are pickled, ripe fruits are used to make a spicy dry seasoning. Flowers and leaves are added to sauces, fresh salads, first courses, to meat and fish, to vegetable stews.

    "Capers". Green fruits are selected, as soon as the flower drops its petals, blanch in slightly salted water, laid out in jars. At the same time, a hot marinade is prepared: for 0.5 liters of water, take 2 tablespoons of vinegar, a tablespoon of salt and sugar. Allspice, cloves, bay leaves are added to taste. The “capers” are poured with marinade, the jars are rolled up, placed upside down under the “fur coat” until they cool down. The appetizer is good for fish, meat dishes, mushrooms. It is added to meat and vegetable salads. Salads. For the preparation of salads, flowers and leaves of the plant are collected:

    • a handful of nasturtium greens are mixed with two tablespoons of any chopped nuts, one grated tomato, a little honey and vegetable oil are added;
    • cut into slices 100 g of radish, add 30-40 g of nasturtium greens, mustard to taste, mayonnaise or vegetable oil;
    • cut fresh cucumbers into thin strips, prepare the same volume of chopped capuchin leaves, hard-boiled egg, green onions, mix, add mayonnaise.

    Cold tonic drink. A horseradish root (about 20 g) is passed in a meat grinder or grated, mixed with chopped nasturtium leaves (50 g is enough), add 0.5 cups of sugar, dilute everything in 1 liter of water. Insist 12 hours, filter and store in the refrigerator. Growing nasturtium outdoors is possible in temperate regions. Such a simple flower, familiar from childhood, may interest an experienced gardener with unusual shapes and colors. He will surprise the one who takes the first steps with his undemandingness. The gourmet will delight with the prospect of preparing new and interesting dishes. Nasturtium promises you many more pleasant discoveries, and your garden is always a blooming species.

    Nasturtium is a simple and chic flower at the same time. Bright decorative petals leave no one indifferent, and at the same time caring for nasturtium is easy. In addition, the plant has pronounced medicinal properties, and can even be used in cooking.

    All these advantages create many good reasons for growing nasturtium in your own garden. In the article, we will consider this very issue: we will find out how to properly plant nasturtium in open ground, and how then to care for the plant.


    Nasturtium came to our gardens from South and Central America, where it is found in the wild. This plant of the nasturtium family is interesting for the varied color of its petals: almost all possible shades of yellow, red and orange are presented. The leaves of nasturtium are bright green, and are arranged alternately on the stem. Foliage also gives the plant a decorative effect, since it has a beautiful shiny surface and a dense texture.

    In the photo - nasturtium:


    Flowers of nasturtium can be simple, as well as semi-double and double. The last two varieties are particularly decorative. The average nasturtium flower is about 5 cm in diameter and usually has five petals. The shape of the flower is funnel-shaped, the inflorescence has a small proboscis, which gives additional decorative effect.

    The plant is a kind of liana, but it is also possible to breed semi-shrub species. Because of its high decorative qualities, nasturtium is highly prized by gardeners and landscape designers. The plant can perfectly fit into almost any garden landscape: it looks great and picturesque in flower beds, rock gardens, hanging gardens, and other elements of garden decor.

    With the help of this plant, it is possible to decorate borders, arches, arbors, and decorate various vertical surfaces. At the appropriate height of the trellis, nasturtium can reach a length of four meters.

    In landscape design, nasturtium looks great next to ornamental cabbage, as well as verbena. The best places for her: next to the house, near trees, in flower beds, flower beds, next to roses. The liana also looks great in wicker pots suspended along the perimeter of the terrace or porch. Dwarf nasturtiums are used mainly to decorate balcony flower containers. But what the flowers of curly nasturtium look like will help to understand from the article.

    Video - Nasturtium from seeds:

    Thanks to these decorative properties and rapid growth, with the help of nasturtium, you can decorate almost any garden elements, as well as hide unsightly, spoiling the general appearance of landscape details.

    Growing features

    We will find out what specific nuances you need to keep in mind when planning to grow nasturtium in the open field.

    Due to the delicate structure of nasturtium and its southern origin, in our climate, the plant is cultivated only as an annual. But in its native, natural environment, the flower is a perennial. Note that the plant is unpretentious, and even a completely inexperienced gardener can grow it.

    The quality of the soil is important for nasturtium: it loves fertile soil with a slightly acidic reaction. The soil should be well-drained, as the plant does not tolerate stagnant water.

    If the soil is not fertile enough, then the vine will not be able to fully please with its decorative qualities: it will bloom poorly, poorly, it will turn out to be weak, lethargic. On the other hand, overfeeding the plant with fertilizers is also not desirable, since in this case the nasturtium will actively increase the green mass, completely forgetting about flowering. The result is a lush green bush with a few flowers. For those who want to learn more about how stunted nasturtium is grown from seeds, you should go to this

    The video shows the features of growing flowers:

    If the soil is heavy, clayey, it can lead to rotting of the plant roots. Therefore, choose sandy or loamy soils for nasturtium, without close occurrence of groundwater.

    Good lighting is also important for the plant. Since nasturtium is native to their warm sunny countries, it needs warmth and light. In this case, it is also necessary to protect the delicate plant from drafts and gusts of wind. You should not place nasturtium in the shade, and even in partial shade: it will refuse to bloom in such conditions.

    Planting and breeding

    Nasturtium is most often propagated by seeds and seedlings. And professional breeders also use plant cuttings to develop new interesting varieties. We will find out how to correctly plant a flower in open ground.

    Before placing seeds in the ground, they must be placed in water heated to 40 degrees for a short time. This measure contributes to the fact that most of the harmful microorganisms present on the seed die. This means that in the future the plant will be more protected from various diseases. After staying in forty-degree water, the seeds are soaked in ordinary water for a day.

    Sowing takes place either in open ground - in the southern regions, or more often - in seedling boxes. The soil for nasturtium seeds should be well loosened, dug up, without lumps. Warm up the soil in advance: this will help the seeds to take root and germinate safely. If all recommendations are followed, nasturtium will bloom in a month and a half after the first shoots appear.

    If you are planting seeds directly into the ground, then make the holes with a distance of 25 cm. Place two seeds in each hole.

    After the seeds have fallen into the ground, the soil is watered from above and covered with a film until shoots appear.

    In the video - flower reproduction:

    Growing with seedlings gives a more guaranteed result: and this is the way most gardeners choose. For seedlings, nasturtium seeds are planted in small plastic cups. The sprouts will appear in the room heat in 10 days. It is recommended to use special cups with a retractable bottom for seedlings: in this case, you can carefully and painlessly transplant the plant into the open ground when the time comes.

    After the sprouts appear, observe the temperature and light conditions: the first should be about +18 degrees, and the second should be abundant. It is possible to plant seedlings in the ground only after a stable heat has been established on the street without night frosts. As for the planting time, in the case of sowing seeds immediately in open ground, June is recommended, and for seedlings - April-May.

    Placing seedlings in the ground

    In order to safely transplant seedlings into open ground, it is necessary to prepare a garden bed: loosen it, fertilize it, dig it up. It is recommended to mulch the soil with dry peat or compost: this layer will avoid the appearance of a large number of weeds, and at the same time will act as drainage.

    In the garden, holes are made in advance, with a depth of a plastic cup, in which the seedling is currently located. Observe the distance between the holes: optimal - 20-40 cm.

    Seedlings are taken out of glasses along with an earthen lump, and carefully placed in the holes. Follow the procedure carefully so as not to damage the fragile roots of the plant. After the sprout is in the ground, it is squeezed from all sides with soil and watered with water.

    In the first week after the "housewarming" it is recommended to cover the nasturtium with a film or other non-woven material at night in order to exclude the possibility of frost damage to the plant. But how is growing from Lupine seeds, you can learn more from this

    Do not place nasturtium outdoors early: both seeds and seedlings. In this case, there is a high probability that the plant will be killed by night frosts.


    The plant is extremely unpretentious, for which gardeners especially love and appreciate it. However, it will not hurt to observe some points. What recommendations for plant care must be followed so that nasturtium can delight with its decorative flowering for a long time. But what can be planted in the country with a minimum of care is described in great detail in this


    The plant needs to provide sufficient watering, although without fanaticism: nasturtium does not like waterlogging. Particular attention should be paid to watering during the period of active plant growth. And when flowering begins, moisture must be reduced by watering the nasturtium only if it is very hot. But whether it can be used, this information will help you figure it out.

    Top dressing

    The plant needs fertilization, especially if the soil is not fertile. It is important not to use fresh manure for feeding nasturtium - the roots of the plant can rot from this organic matter. Old, rotted manure, compost - it is possible, but in small quantities.

    To feed the plant, you can use phosphorus and potash fertilizers, but in small quantities: one teaspoon per sq. m of soil. Nasturtium nitrogen fertilizers are not needed.

    Diseases, pests

    The plant is not afraid of many common insect pests, scaring them away even from neighboring flowers. However, nasturtium is susceptible to such a disease as wilting, which gradually, starting from the bottom, "eats" the leaves "of the entire plant. In addition, gray mold damage is possible, which can be identified by the characteristic grayish-brown spots on the leaves.

    Prone to nasturtium and rust disease. In this case, reddish and brown spots familiar to many gardeners appear on the leaves. Over time, these spots turn into bumps, with voids inside, completely destroying the leaf.

    Diseased leaves are removed, and the remaining parts of the plant are sprayed with fungicides, sometimes washed.

    Other points

    Withered flowers must be removed so that the remaining inflorescences get more nutrients, and so that the decorative appearance of the vine does not deteriorate. Removing wilted inflorescences will also stimulate the plant to form new buds.

    The plant needs weeding: it is recommended to carry out this procedure simultaneously with loosening the earth.

    If you decide to get your own nasturtium seeds, then leave one of the largest ovaries: in this case, the seeds will be obtained in sufficient quantities, they will be strong, viable.

    By the way, in the southern regions, nasturtium seeds that fell into the ground in the fall may well overwinter and grow safely in the spring. However, this is already an uncontrolled, spontaneous dilution, which in most cases is unacceptable.

    We examined the features of growing nasturtium in the open field. As you can see, there are no special wisdom in plant cultivation and care. But with the help of this flower, you can give any garden a festive, cheerful atmosphere, hide household details that spoil the landscape, and find many more uses for the unique liana. Nasturtium is loved by most gardeners - it's time to get this beauty in the garden and for you.