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  • Description of false boletus. Boletus mushrooms: description of species and cooking options Is it possible to eat blackened boletus mushrooms

    Description of false boletus.  Boletus mushrooms: description of species and cooking options Is it possible to eat blackened boletus mushrooms

    Around the world today there are almost 40 species of boletus. But in our area you can meet only a few: marsh boletus, ordinary, hardish, gray, and false. The latter always raises many questions, especially among inexperienced mushroom pickers, so we will tell you more about it. After reading this article, everyone will know if there is a false boletus, what it looks like, how to recognize this mushroom among real boletus, and next time they will know exactly what to do if they ate a false boletus.

    Are there false boletus

    False boletus, unfortunately, is not uncommon. And it almost always ends up in a mushroom picker's basket, because not everyone knows how to identify it among other mushrooms. Is it worth talking about the differences, if few people even know that such a mushroom exists. False boletus is also called bile, and not at all unreasonably.

    Description of false boletus

    It is best to carefully consider in the photo, on Wikipedia, for example, how a false boletus differs from a true one. But you can do without a photo, and use a detailed description to understand its difference from a real boletus. Here's how to recognize a false boletus:

    Even among experienced mushroom pickers, there are few who, at first glance, can distinguish a false boletus from a real one. The first thing to look out for is the absence of worms, as this may be the first sign of a false fungus. Then you need to examine the leg, on which there should be a pattern similar to that which adorns a birch trunk. If it is not there, most likely, you have a false boletus in front of you. The shades of the hat of a real boletus may be different, but they will never be striking. A false boletus, thanks to a bright hat, is noticeable even from afar. By the way, a true mushroom never has a greenish tint. The easiest way to distinguish these two mushrooms is to find a green color - it cannot be in the description of a real boletus. And there is also another sure way how to distinguish a poisonous false boletus, he is real to the touch - the surface of the hat of a false mushroom is smooth, but should be velvety.

    False boletus poisoning

    Those who recognize this mushroom in their basket often do not want to throw it away and are interested in whether the false boletus is edible, and in general - what will happen if you eat the false boletus. They do not even suspect how dangerous the false boletus is. But, due to the specific bitter taste, it will not work to eat such mushrooms in large quantities. Even if just one false mushroom gets into the basket, then during the cooking process, its bitter taste will spoil all the other mushrooms. As soon as a person eats a false boletus, an unpleasant bitterness will appear in the mouth, and he most likely will not be able to eat these mushrooms further. A completely logical question arises - is the false boletus poisonous, why is it dangerous, and in general - is it possible to poison yourself with a false boletus to death? Firstly, it can be unequivocally said that the use of a large number of false boletus, at least, will cause signs of poisoning. Therefore, if symptoms such as nausea, cutting pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, dizziness and high fever appear after eating, you can’t hesitate, you need to urgently seek medical help. The consequences of eating any poisonous mushrooms are always unpredictable, they can have varying degrees of severity. Therefore, it is better to carefully look at the photo of the false boletus, remember its description, and no longer think about whether it is possible to get poisoned by the false boletus, but simply do not take the mushroom if there is the slightest doubt.

    Picking mushrooms is a very exciting activity, but also very difficult and sometimes dangerous. Even the most experienced mushroom picker in the forest can be in danger. First of all, these are difficulties in collecting mushrooms. Almost all the inhabitants of the forest, namely animals, are able to distinguish between poisonous and dangerous plants. This may not always work for a person. Not everyone knows that a fragrant, tasty and such an unusual mushroom as a boletus can have a double and how to distinguish it. The false boletus is not poisonous, like the pale grebe, for example, but still it is inedible. Although there is an opinion that in large quantities this false type can cause poisoning.

    It is also called the gall fungus, and all because when cooked it has a pronounced bile and bitter taste. If at least one of the false brothers comes across in a dish among a real crop, it is very easy to distinguish it by taste, and it will certainly spoil even the most delicious stew.

    The difficulty in distinguishing these forest fruits lies in their amazing similarity. But if you look closely, you can find differences. In manuals for mushroom pickers, these nuances are described in detail, but amateurs will not hurt to know about them. From the photo, the gall fungus and the false boletus are practically indistinguishable.

    Both one and the second are found in any of the regions of the country. They grow on clay and sandy soils at the bases of trees. The main difference between the false mushroom is its bitter taste, but you can feel it only after heat treatment.

    But also, like a real boletus, a false boletus has a gray leg with a characteristic ripple. The hat is the same color. Even the smallest piece of pulp is enough in a dish to spoil it with its bitterness. Moreover, after cooking, it becomes even more pronounced. To identify the toadstool before cooking, you can try to touch the tubular surface raw mushroom tongue to feel the bitterness. It is impossible to get poisoned in this way, but it is quite possible to protect yourself from a dubious harvest. Experts do not approve of the unpleasant method of distinguishing and strongly recommend identifying a false boletus by external signs.

    Unfortunately, there are not many of them, but it is they that allow you to distinguish fake mushrooms without touching and tasting.

    Signs of a false fungus

    The boletus does not differ from other tasty forest gifts in the presence of a double. And many novice mushroom hunters are interested in the signs by which these unaccepted false varieties can be distinguished.

    Before cutting off the find, it is important to carefully examine it. Animals and insects know how to choose only good mushrooms, so false mushrooms are not damaged by the teeth of herbivores, as well as insects. On gall fungi there are no holes from worms and other inhabitants of the forest, they are not wormy.

    False boletus attracts with its untouched beauty, but it should alert. When there is no worminess, it can be dangerous. And also in a false counterpart, the surface of the cap has a velvety structure, while in a useful mushroom it is smooth. Of course, this is also not the surest sign: in the halo of growth, external factors and dry weather can smooth out this difference. But with humidity, the roughness is smoothed out only when touched. So after rain, in order to distinguish a toadstool, you can simply touch the hat and change your mind about cutting off the leg of such a boletus.

    By the way, the leg of the false variety is always more fleshy and does not have a thickening at the bottom. The stem of the mushroom is straight in the pseudo-mushroom, while in the real one it is thin, domed. The white fungus has the same.

    A tasty and healthy variety does not grow large, its top rarely reaches more than 18–20 cm in circumference. Therefore, a large harvest should also alert. The bile type does not always grow in places familiar to the boletus, it can be oak groves or deciduous thickets.

    The leg and mycelium of the boletus characterize the name; spots are clearly visible on them, outwardly resembling a birch trunk. This explains why boletus can often be found in a birch forest, while pseudomushrooms may not have such a difference. But thin veins resembling vessels are possible.

    If the mushroom has not caused concern and is already ready to move into the basket, it is important not to forget to look under the hat. The bile variety does not have snow-white pulp, which turns pink over time, like its true relative. And outside there is no obvious characteristic green tint.

    How to distinguish a real boletus

    To know what a real, tasty, fragrant mushroom looks like, you need to take into account its features. Only avid mushroom pickers and experts know that genuine representatives belong to the Boletaceae family. This makes them different characteristic features, which include:

    • a brown hat of a muted shade;
    • thin, slender leg;
    • soft pulp that breaks in the hands.

    This boletus chooses a sunny place, but with moist soil. From it they take everything useful qualities, which makes the mushroom not only tasty, but also sometimes necessary for the human body.

    Boletus mycelium has a number of healing properties, from which one should highlight their ability to remove harmful toxins from the body, as well as normalize kidney function.

    From the name it is clear that their favorite habitat is near birches. Some unpretentious representatives of the species can be found on the edges with aspens or even poplars.

    The boletus is not one type of mushroom, it has more than 40 subspecies. Of the most common and popular, there are three, and they all have their own characteristics.


    He does not have the usual brown hat, but brown with a red tint; the surface is smooth and slightly slimy. Only in sunny weather, under the influence of rays, the mucus dries up and shines. While the mushroom is young, its shape resembles a convex sphere with creamy pores below. In older ones, over time, the hat smooths out and becomes flattened, and turns pink from below.


    Already from the name it becomes clear that this type distinguishes the representative of the family with a brown, grayish tint. His hat is not as smooth as that of the common variety, and has slight wrinkles. The leg is usually straight or slightly curved under the weight of the sweeping cap.


    This is just the boletus that avoids birches and grows near aspens and poplars. Outwardly, it has no characteristic differences. A medium-sized brown fungus with a slightly drooping cap that turns pink below with age.

    What is dangerous false mushroom

    Most scientists argue that the false boletus is harmless like fly agaric or pale grebe, it is not so poisonous. We must also not forget about the unusual taste of a false mushroom: it is unlikely that a person will be able to eat a bitter product in large quantities.

    But still, those toxic substances that it contains can, if they enter the human body, adversely affect his health. In addition to food poisoning, disorders in the work of internal organs are possible.

    If, during cooking, the gall mushrooms did not have an unpleasant taste or were able to score a little with spices, then after a while a person may experience the first signs of intoxication.

    These include:

    • nausea;
    • vomiting;
    • dizziness;
    • heartburn;
    • diarrhea.

    With manifestations of indigestion, it is necessary to take an absorbent so that toxins do not cause even more harm, and seek help from a medical institution.

    Strong boletus, close relatives, belong to the genus Obabok and are considered mushrooms of excellent quality. As the name indicates, they are in symbiosis with birches, often developing under these trees. However, this does not always happen - a variety of species can be found on the outskirts of swamps, in dry pine forests or in beech groves.

    Main types

    The best view of this group is characterized by a smooth hemispherical hat up to 15 cm in diameter. The skin is chestnut with a grayish, black or reddish tint, light in young mushrooms. The leg is up to 20 cm high, slender, wide at the base, the surface is dotted with a scaly dark pattern.

    The flesh is grayish-white, then gray, does not darken when broken, first hard, then soft, porous. The structure in rainy weather is spongy. The taste is pleasant, the aroma of mushrooms.

    A tall mushroom with a very light, almost white convex hat up to 15 cm in diameter. The skin is thin, sometimes greenish or brown. The leg is long, thin, often curved, cap-colored or brownish. The tubules are whitish-cream, then brownish, turning green when pressed.

    The flesh is creamy, later with a yellowish-green tint, does not darken when broken, watery, fresh in taste, with a slight mushroom aroma, often odorless.

    The fleshy, strong species rarely worms, and for this quality, mushroom pickers are especially fond of. Cap up to 15 cm in diameter, hemispherical, then convex, concave in old specimens. The skin is velvety at first, then smooth, matte, in wet weather - slippery, light chestnut, with a red sheen, often with a lilac tint. Leg up to 15 cm high, cylindrical, thickened in the center, cream-colored, covered with a mesh scaly pattern.

    The tubules are creamy, turning greenish-brown when touched. The flesh is tight, white-cream, greenish-yellow at the stem, with a pink tint on the breaking of the cap, turning green or blackening when cut at the stem itself. The taste is neutral, the aroma is pleasant, mushroom.

    Outwardly and in culinary use, the species is similar to the common boletus. The hat is variegated - brown with whitish-gray spots and stains, sometimes the main color is brown, almost black, reaches a diameter of 15 cm. The leg is brown, cylindrical, even, turns green at the base.

    The tubular layer is off-white with a bluish tint, darkens when pressed. The flesh is creamy white, when broken it acquires a pink tint, at the stem it is red or green. The structure is watery, the taste is insipid, the smell is light, mushroom.

    The hemispherical cap eventually becomes pillow-shaped, reaches a diameter of 12 cm. The skin is yellowish-brown or brown, often spotted, with light stains. The leg is low - up to 10 cm, it is curved, the surface is light, with a black-brown scaly pattern.

    The tubules are creamy, turning pink when pressed. The flesh is tight, light cream, turns pink at the break, later becomes dark. The smell is insignificant, the taste is simple.

    An appetizing mushroom with a round cap up to 15 cm in diameter, which is first hemispherical, then cushion-shaped, later flat. The color of the skin is in brown-gray tones - from light gray to brown, olive, black, in the center at the edges - yellowish. The surface is velvety, first wrinkled, then matte, cracked in the heat, slippery in damp weather.

    The leg is high - up to 16 cm, thickened at the top, the surface is light, darkens when pressed, dotted with black scales, which later become brownish. The tubules are white, creamy gray, brown or purple when pressed.

    The flesh is whitish with a yellow tone. At the break, it acquires a rich pink or red color, later it becomes black.

    Squat appearance with a dark brown hat of a hemispherical, then convex shape, up to 10 cm in diameter. Leg up to 12 cm high, even, brown or grayish, abundantly mottled with darker scales. The skin is velvety, then matte, in dampness - sticky.

    The tubules are large, cream or grayish-white. The pulp is tight, white, does not darken or slightly turns blue when broken. Mushroom aroma, neutral taste.

    How to distinguish a boletus from a boletus?

    Despite their eloquent names, these mushrooms, belonging to the same genus, can settle under aspens, birches, and under the canopy of many other trees.

    Young mushrooms, especially light-colored species, are difficult to distinguish, and for a more accurate definition of species, it is better to look for adult specimens. They are distinguished by the color of the skin, the structure and color of the pulp when broken.

    Generally coloring of boletus more modest, often in gray-brown or brown tones, brighter - their caps are reddish-brown and orange-yellow. However, this difference is not always characteristic - common boletus and red boletus are similar in chestnut-red caps, and both of these species can grow side by side.

    An experienced mushroom picker will distinguish boletus according to the structure of the pulp- it is more porous, loose, becomes watery with age and does not darken when broken or slightly changes color - more often turns pink.

    They are characterized by tight pulp, which quickly turns blue, turns purple or turns brown on the cut. Fruiting bodies are solid, do not collapse during heat treatment, and therefore often these species are preferable to boletus boletus.

    Both those and other mushrooms are edible, have excellent quality and can be safely eaten - they are suitable for drying, pickling and any culinary delights.

    Places of distribution and time of collection

    A variety of species are common in temperate climates, in deciduous forests and parks. They settle in abundance under birch trees, it is with this tree that the title species forms mycorrhiza - common boletus. They find tight fruiting bodies on the edges, clearings and along forest roads. The noble fungus does not like acidic peat soils, preferring neutral loams or calcareous soils. The collection time is long - from the end of spring to dank autumn and the first frosts.

    In swampy lowland forests, including peat bogs, most often under birches, mycelium develops. marsh boletus. These fragile mushrooms appear in whole clearings, from July until the first frost.

    In deciduous and deciduous-coniferous forests under aspen and white poplar, you can meet a rather rare mushroom boletus harsh. It prefers calcareous soils, appears singly or in small families from July to mid-October.

    On the edges and clearings of gloomy mossy forests warmed by the sun, under birches and poplars, colorful hats are found. boletus multi-colored. The species settles in small groups or singly, the collection time is from July to the beginning of autumn.

    Found in birch groves and mixed forests pinking boletus. More often settles on the outskirts of swamps, on peat soils. This stable but rather rare species forms mycorrhiza with birch and is distributed wherever this tree grows, up to the tundra zone. Harvest a short period - from August to early October.

    Mid-summer and early autumn - harvest time black boletus. Places of growth - damp lowlands of birch and mixed, more often birch-pine forests, the outskirts of swamps and clearings.

    On glades, edges of beech and hornbeam forests, in poplar, birch groves and hazel groves, a fruitful crop grows in abundance. gray boletus or hornbeam. Collect fruiting bodies in three waves: the first - during the flowering of mountain ash - in early summer; the second - in July, after haymaking; the third, autumn - in September-October.

    False Species and Doubles

    Tubular mushrooms do not have such dangerous counterparts as lamellar ones. And yet, out of inexperience, one can mistake a very poisonous pale grebe for a swamp boletus, and confuse the real and turning pink species with a gall fungus.

    In a variety of deciduous forests - under birches, aspens, beeches, from July to October, this poisonous mushroom is found. The hat is first spherical, then flattened, glossy, light, sometimes with a greenish or olive tint, reaches a diameter of 10 cm.

    The whitish flesh is fragrant, fragile, and tastes sweet. Unlike tubular mushrooms, wide white plates are found under the hat. The species is very poisonous and even a small fraction causes severe poisoning, while there is no antidote.

    This species is not poisonous, but is not eaten due to its unpleasant, bitter, acrid taste. The hat is hemispherical, up to 15 cm in diameter. The skin is glossy, brownish or light chestnut. The leg is squat, thickened in the middle, with a dark mesh pattern at the top.

    The pulp is very bitter, white, turning pink when broken, which resembles a pinking boletus. In the latter, the tubular layer is creamy and turns pink only when pressed or at a break, while in the gall fungus, the tubules are initially bright pink. They are found in coniferous and coniferous-deciduous forests from mid-summer until frost.

    Beneficial features

    Nutritious dried boletus mushrooms are close in calories to bread and are significantly superior to many vegetables. But unlike carbohydrate or fatty, energy-rich foods, their calorie content is due to the presence of proteins, which are the building block of the body and must be present in the diet.

    The protein composition is characterized by the presence of essential amino acids - leucine, tyrosine, arginine and glutamine, which are in an easily accessible form and are quickly absorbed.

    The pulp is rich in vitamins, thiamine, nicotinic and ascorbic acids, vitamins E and D are significantly present in it. A whole complex of essential trace elements - calcium and phosphorus, sodium and potassium, manganese and iron complement this wonderful natural treasury of valuable substances.

    The action of these mushrooms as antioxidants is known, which reduce the amount of free radicals and thus reduce the risk of cancer, slow down the aging process, and strengthen the immune system.


    Healthy, tasty boletus mushrooms are among the best edible species, but people suffering from gastritis, duodenal ulcer, hepatitis of any etiology, inflammatory processes in the gallbladder should not eat dishes from them.

    Some people may have individual intolerance, which is characterized by allergic reactions, and with insufficient activity of the enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract, digestive problems occur, which are expressed by nausea, indigestion, and fermentation processes in the intestines.

    Recipes for cooking and preparations

    Strong mushrooms are good in a variety of dishes - in roasts and sauces, pie and pies, pickles and marinades. Useful properties are perfectly preserved in drying, but only young tight specimens are suitable for these purposes, old fruiting bodies become watery and dry poorly.

    Boletus in a hot marinade

    This delicious aromatic appetizer is prepared quickly and keeps well.

    First of all, prepare the marinade: for 3 liters of water, take 600 g of 5% vinegar, 100 g of salt, 120 g of sugar, a little citric acid, spices to taste.

    Pre-peeled mushrooms are boiled in salted water (50 g of salt per 1 liter of water), not forgetting to periodically remove the foam. As soon as the mushrooms have sunk to the bottom, they are ready, they are strained, packaged in jars and boiling marinade is poured on top. Preservation is sterilized for 50 minutes and rolled up.

    Boletus in tomato sauce

    For 3 kg of the finished dish, take 1800 g of peeled and chopped mushrooms, 1 tablespoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar, 600 g tomato paste, 600 g of water, 120 g of odorless vegetable oil, bay leaf, black peppercorns.

    Fruit bodies are cut into pieces, languish in vegetable oil until softened and add the tomato diluted with water. The workpiece is heated, salt, sugar, vinegar and spices are added. Everything is thoroughly mixed, brought to a boil and kept on low heat for 5 minutes. The mass is laid out in jars, sterilized for 50 minutes and rolled up.

    Boletus with vegetables

    For this healthy dish, take 1 kg of chopped fruit bodies, zucchini, squash, tomatoes, 300 g of tomato sauce, flour, vegetable oil, spices.

    Young zucchini and squash are cut into pieces, dipped in flour and fried in oil. Mushrooms are lightly blanched and fried. Tomatoes are divided into four parts and stew until softened. All ingredients are mixed, poured tomato sauce, salt, pepper and boil until tender. Food is served hot or cold.

    Video about boletus mushrooms (butterflies)

    Everyone succeeded with boletus mushrooms - beautiful, nutritious, tasty mushrooms, famous for their productivity and long-term fruiting. A knowledgeable mushroom picker will never be left empty-handed and, after a mushroom rain, he will easily find portly hats under birches, hornbeams or poplars, notice strong men looking out from under the leaves in marshy lowlands and on the edges of light birch groves, be sure to fill the basket with these fragrant gifts of nature.

    Kira Stoletova

    If you put inedible or poisonous mushroom in a basket, then you can endanger your health and spoil the harvest. One of these species is the false boletus.

    Description of this boletus

    Boletus mushrooms belong to the 2nd category of nutritional value of edible mushrooms and belong to the genus Leccinum or Obabok of the Boletaceae family. There are about 40 species of such mushrooms in the world. The most common of them are: common boletus, n. gray or hornbeam, n. blackening or chess, n. black, n. swamp, n. multi-colored, n. harsh and n. pinking. Their main difference is the place of growth and the color of the caps.

    This inhabitant of birch groves has a hemispherical hat, which becomes pillow-shaped with age. Its diameter ranges from 15-18 cm. The surface of the cap in rainy weather is covered with mucus, in dry weather it has a smooth and velvety structure. The pulp is white in color and dense in texture, darkens when cut. As it ages, it becomes loose and watery, which worsens the food and taste characteristics.

    Its leg is long - up to 15 cm, cylindrical in shape, up to 3 cm in diameter. Its surface is covered with grayish scales along its entire length, outwardly resembling a birch trunk. In the old fruiting body, it is hard and fibrous, in the young it is fleshy and dense. The color of the spore powder is olive-brown.

    The mushroom grows in deciduous forests, preferring light and spacious birch forests, edges of clearings, paths and slopes of ravines. Mostly found singly or in small groups. The fruiting period is from early June to late October. During the day, the fruiting body grows by 4 cm, ripens in 6 days. Then it quickly ages and is affected by pests.

    This mushroom is considered tasty and healthy. It is easy to prepare and does not require special processing. Its only drawback is that it darkens almost to black with any type of processing, although this does not affect its taste in any way. It is added to soups, side dishes, used for filling pies. It is good in salted and pickled form.

    Differences inedible mushroom

    The boletus is false, or the gall mushroom is similar to a representative of an edible species. That is why it is often confused with obabok or white fungus if a person does not know their main differences. False boletus is considered inedible, and when consumed in large quantities causes food poisoning.

    The main differences that make it possible to identify an inedible gall fungus include the following features:

    1. Hat: in the gall fungus it has a velvety surface, in a real boletus it will be smooth and shiny. Bright poisonous brown or fiery red color makes it noticeable in the forest.
    2. Dimensions: the inedible mushroom is more massive, the stem has a tuberous shape and a thickening at the bottom, like a fly agaric.
    3. Leg: a real boletus is outwardly similar to a birch trunk (due to the presence of dark scales), in a bile one it has red-brown bloody streaks.
    4. Hymenophore: the bottom of the cap of the false organism has a pale pink hue at a young age, aging, acquires a dirty color. Real boletus with reverse side hats are white with a creamy tint.
    5. Discoloration when damaged: a real boletus does not change color, while its double darkens, especially at the base of the stem.
    6. Taste: the gall fungus has a specific taste, it is bitter, causes burning, therefore it is rarely affected by worms and insects, and in medicine, choleretic preparations are prepared on its basis.

    False boletus is considered relatively safe, unlike poisonous pale grebe or fly agaric. Before putting a mushroom in a basket that raises doubts about its edibility, it is worth breaking off a small part from it and licking it to make sure there is no bitterness.

    Just a few pieces of gall fungus in a dish can spoil its taste with their bitterness and cause indigestion.

    Symptoms of poisoning and first aid

    False boletus cannot be eaten because of bitterness and, therefore, they cannot be poisoned. However, for some people, especially children and those with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gallbladder, a small dose is enough to intoxicate the body. Therefore, after eating dishes with mushrooms, one cannot ignore the deterioration in well-being.

    Signs of poisoning are as follows: nausea, dizziness, pain in the stomach and upset stool. In this case, drugs that absorb toxins in the intestines will help: activated charcoal, enterosgel, phosphalugel and others.

    Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

    Mushroom poisoning is always severe, they require the mandatory intervention of a doctor. Therefore, before the ambulance arrives, you need to:

    • Clear the victim's stomach, i.e. induce vomiting to remove large pieces of mushrooms:
    1. using a weak solution of potassium permanganate, mustard powder (1 tsp per glass of water) or table salt (1 tbsp per glass of warm water).
    2. drinking plenty of cool water, followed by finger pressure on the root of the tongue.
    • After gastric lavage, give activated charcoal at the rate of 1-2 tablets per 1 kg of body weight or other sorbents.
    • Put the victim to bed and give plenty of fluids (cold water, cold strong tea or coffee, honey and milk).
    • Put heating pads on the stomach and legs of the patient.

    Attention! It is strictly forbidden to give alcohol, because alcohol facilitates the absorption of mushroom poisons into the circulatory system.

    If, after taking sorbents, the symptoms do not disappear, but intensify (there is an increase in body temperature, fainting and signs of dehydration), it is necessary to contact a medical institution as soon as possible for medical help in order to exclude poisoning by more poisonous species. You need to take with you the mushroom dish that, in your opinion, caused a deterioration in well-being (this will facilitate laboratory studies to determine toxins).

    False and real boletus

    Grabovik - a bluing twin of a boletus, an excellent edible mushroom GRABOVIK Leccinum carpini

    Gorchak is the inedible counterpart of Bely.


    False boletus is an unpleasant double of an edible species that can cause severe poisoning. Knowing how to describe it external structure and features, will not allow you to spoil the harvest of mushrooms you have harvested.

    Kira Stoletova

    The boletus mushroom is one of the most delicious and healthy basidiomycetes. With its qualitative characteristics, it is equated to the kings of the forest - porcini mushrooms. Belongs to the Boletov family, the genus Obabok. In our forests, the boletus mushroom is represented by several species. All of them are edible, but differ in taste.

    general characteristics

    The cap of the mushroom is matte, has a hemispherical shape, painted in a grayish or pale chocolate color. As they grow older, it begins to resemble a pillow. Its diameter can reach 18 cm. With an increase in humidity, sticky mucus appears on the surface of the cap.

    The boletus looks like a boletus. The main differences are the shape of the legs, the color scheme of the hat. The long dense and fibrous leg, expanding in the lower part, reaches 9-12 cm in height. The color of the legs is off-white. In the lower part, its surface is covered with small dark scales.

    The hymenophore is tubular. It is painted white, as it grows older it becomes gray, watery-loose. The flesh is white and has a greenish tinge. On the cut, when exposed to air, it becomes slightly gray. Exudes a pleasant mushroom aroma.

    In young specimens, the fruiting body is dense and delicate in taste, in old specimens it is loose, contains a large amount of moisture. The boletus grows singly or in groups. The harvest season starts in May-June, depending on the region, and ends in late autumn. Spring boletus appears very first.


    There are more than 40 types of boletus. The most popular with mushroom pickers:

    • common boletus;
    • boletus marsh or white;
    • boletus pinkish or oxidizing;
    • boletus gray or hornbeam;
    • black boletus, which is popularly called blackhead;
    • boletus multicolored.

    On the territory of Russia, the most famous are the common boletus and the hornbeam. In addition to them, there are 7 more varieties. All types of boletus are edible mushrooms.

    False boletus, dangerous to human health, is distinguished by the pink color of the hymenophore in old representatives. In a young false boletus, the hymenophore is white. Young specimens are recognized by pressing on the spore-bearing layer: if it turns pink, then the fungus is poisonous.

    Obabok birch

    Common boletus is an edible mushroom that grows in birch plantations, deciduous, mixed forests. His hat is domed, diameter - 15 cm. The boletus has a hat color from dark chocolate to grayish, which depends on the region in which he lives. The surface of the cap is thin felt or bare.

    The hymenophore is tubular, easily separated from the lower part of the cap. The young hymenophore is white, becoming grayish as it matures. Spores are olive-brown. The fruit body is white, does not change color at all or acquires a slightly pink tint when cut.


    Marsh boletus or white birch, growing in small groups or singly in humid areas, located on the outskirts of swamps and lakes. Appears in September after heavy rain. Fruits until the end of autumn. Forms mycorrhiza with birch root system.

    The cap of the swamp in diameter reaches 12 cm. The shape is convex, then pillow-shaped. The surface is dry, white or off-white. The old bog is painted greenish-gray. Such specimens are no longer collected.

    In young mushrooms, the hymenophore is tubular, gray-green. The pulp is watery, white, loose structure, does not change color on the cut. Exudes a mushroom aroma. The leg is high, thin, slightly expanded at the bottom. Painted white, covered with small scales.

    Boletus pinkish (oxidizing)

    Pinking boletus (edible mushroom) forms mycorrhiza with tree and shrub birches. Gather p. turning pink in the northern forests, where he prefers to grow on the slopes of groves, in the highlands, on waterlogged soils. Appears in the forests in autumn after heavy rains. It has a small hat, painted in yellow-brown color. The tubular hymenophore is white and later becomes gray.

    The white stem is shorter when compared to other mushrooms in this genus. Its surface is covered with a large number of gray scales. In some instances, the legs are bent to the side, from where more light falls. The pulp is white, dense, reddens on the cut.

    Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

    This type of boletus is characterized by a peculiar “marble” color of the cap: brown areas are interspersed with lighter and even almost white in color. It is she who distinguishes the item turning pink from the ordinary in appearance. These mushrooms are also known in the northern part of Western Europe.


    The gray boletus is popularly called the hornbeam. A young specimen growing in the same area where the item is oxidized is distinguished by a wrinkled structure of a hemispherical cap, its diameter is 6-15 cm. Its color palette is diverse. The surface of the hat can be painted in the following colors:

    • grey;
    • yellow;
    • black;
    • olive brown.

    The stalk, 6-18 cm high, is initially strongly swollen, later becomes cylindrical, narrowed downwards. When pressed, it takes on a darker tone. Gray boletus mushrooms form mycorrhiza (fungal root) with birches, oaks, beeches and nuts. The collection begins in the month of June, when the mountain ash blossoms.


    These mushrooms, growing in wet and swampy soils, are called "black" for the dark color of the cap. Worms of this species are very rare, which distinguishes them from other representatives of the genus.

    The first mushrooms appear in the summer. The peak of fruiting is observed in September. If the summer was dry, they will not appear.

    Description of black boletus mushroom:

    • hat 16 cm in diameter, matte black or chocolate brown;
    • the surface of the fruiting body is dry, velvety to the touch, after rain and with increasing humidity - sticky, slimy;
    • the pulp has a hardish structure, the pores of the hymenophore turn blue on the cut;
    • the leg is off-white, thickened, about 12 cm high.

    Obabok color (multi-colored)

    The main symbiont for the formation of mycorrhiza is birch, the secondary one is beech, aspen. Boletus Multicolored is painted in gray-white color, with pronounced strokes on the surface of the cap. In diameter, it reaches 12 cm.

    The flesh is white, on the cut after a while it turns pink. The smell is barely perceptible. The tubular hymenophore is finely porous. Spores are light brown.

    Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

    If we compare the common boletus and the multi-colored boletus, then the second one has a more compact size, which is expressed in a smaller diameter of the cap, height and thickness of the stem. As the fungus matures, the cap changes from closed to slightly convex. The taste of the pulp is pleasant, although weak. The tubules of the hymenophore are finely porous, light gray in young specimens, light brown in adults, and dark spots may appear on them. When pressed, the tubes change color - turn pink. The length of the stem of a multi-colored item depends on the height of the moss in which they grow.

    Fruiting from June to October, they are found mainly in swamps and mossy forest areas.

    Beneficial features

    high the nutritional value and low calorie content make these mushrooms indispensable ingredients in the diet of people who want to lose weight or gain weight. muscle mass. The fibrous pulp after heat treatment resembles the taste of meat. V chemical composition boletus includes a protein that includes 8 essential amino acids that the human body is not able to synthesize on its own.

    The pulp of the mushroom includes 35% protein, about 14% glucose, 4% fat, 25% fiber. Among useful properties fungus note the presence in the composition of a large number of trace elements and vitamins:

    • thiamine;
    • zinc;
    • nicotinic acid (vitamin PP, vitamin B5, niacin);
    • vitamins of group B, C, D, E, A;
    • magnesium;
    • sodium;
    • phosphorus;
    • iron;
    • manganese.

    This species holds the record for manganese content. Phosphoric (orthophosphoric) acid, present in the composition, has a positive effect on the functioning of the musculoskeletal system due to participation in the construction of enzymatic cells. Porcini(boletus) and boletus are considered competitive specimens. They have been actively used in folk and traditional medicine for a long time.


    As such, there are no contraindications to the use of birch, but it is prohibited for individual intolerance. It is undesirable to prepare such food for children under 8 years of age and people suffering from stomach ulcers. The fiber contained in mushrooms is digested for too long, which can cause the stomach to “stop” in babies.

    You should not collect boletus in forests located near factories, landfills, in public places and near highways. They accumulate toxins in themselves. An overripe mushroom is also dangerous.


    The boletus is ranked among the delicacy types of mushrooms, so most people only know about its use in cooking. In fact, this representative of basidiomycetes can be a good substitute medicines. The content of fiber and protein makes it possible to prepare dietary supplements for athletes on its basis.

    The boletus will be useful in agriculture. After burning mushroom bodies, ash is formed, which contains calcium, phosphorus, zinc and nitrogen, which ensures stable nutrition and does not allow the soil to lose its quality. Mushroom products are suitable for compound feed for cattle, pigs and poultry.

    In cooking

    The product must be processed before use. First, it should be cleaned of adhering dirt, remove the skin, cut off the lower part of the leg. If the product needs to be dried, it should not be washed. Dirt is cleaned, and then the hat is simply wiped with a damp cloth.

    So that the product prepared for gourmet dishes does not turn blue, after cleaning it is soaked in water with a small amount of lemon juice (juice from 0.5 fruit per 1 liter of water). It does not need to be soaked for several hours like milk mushrooms, 20-30 minutes is enough. Cooking technology involves double boiling. For the first time, it takes only 5 minutes to boil the product after boiling water. Then it is transferred to another pan, put a bay leaf, a whole onion, a couple of peas of allspice, cook for 20-30 minutes until fully cooked.

    Boiled raw materials are used for marinating, cooking soups, mushroom caviar, salads and other dishes. For the winter, you can prepare dried mushrooms or freeze fresh or boiled products in portions. Storage requires compliance with the rules:

    • dried fruits with signs of mold must be disposed of;
    • frozen products are used immediately and are not re-frozen;
    • when the brine becomes cloudy in the jar, the product is disposed of.

    In medicine

    V folk medicine it is used in tinctures and ointments to eliminate pain in osteochondrosis or gout. Affected areas should be treated 3-4 times a day. Tinctures are taken 2-3 times a day to increase immunity and sexual activity. Separate components of basidiomycete in combination with alcohol give an analgesic effect, eliminate nervousness (i.e., they have some sedative effect).

    The exceptional properties of this fungus make it possible to use it in the manufacture of drugs for weight loss. In cosmetology, an extract from it is used as a rejuvenating component.


    The cultivation of basidiomycetes is actively carried out. At home, it is easy to grow a clearing with delicacy mushrooms on a personal plot. You can plant spores collected on your own in the country or buy ready-made mycelium. Basidiomycete will bear fruit well in the area where there are birch trees from 2 to 4 years old.

    If you want to collect spores with your own hands, pick up several old fruiting bodies. At a distance of 50 cm from the trunk, beds are made with a depth of 21-31 cm. Crushed stone is laid at the bottom, then coarse-grained sand and a turf mixture. All this must be covered with a layer of high-quality compost.

    If the hymenophore collected from mushrooms is solid, it is better to soak it together with gelatin and dolomite flour in a ratio of 1: 0.2: 0.3. The mixture is placed in the holes, covered with compost, they should be mulched with a turf mixture on top. Stably high soil moisture is maintained within 70%. To successfully grow a product on the site, special attention should be paid to harvesting. The main thing is to make sure that the mycelium that produces shoots is not destroyed, otherwise it will be the last harvest.

    An easier option is to buy a beginner's kit, which includes a special basket with "seed" material, substrate and detailed instruction. You can easily find them in any specialized store.

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    Boletus is a delicacy edible type of mushroom, including more than 40 subspecies. The name is due to the occurrence of symbiosis with birch. All representatives are rich in nutrients and minerals. Today, the planting of forest basidiomycetes in summer cottages is actively practiced.