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  • China has landed on the moon (Fresh photos and videos). Chinese probe sent first photos from the far side of the moon Lunokhod images of the moon

    China has landed on the moon (Fresh photos and videos).  Chinese probe sent first photos from the far side of the moon Lunokhod images of the moon

    The Chinese research station "Chang'e-3" with the lunar rover "Yuytu" on board successfully landed in the Sea of ​​Rains on the visible side of the Moon.

    The solar panels of the station were deployed almost immediately. The descent of the lunar rover "Yuytu" to the surface was expected in a few hours.

    At the last stage of landing, the station carried out serial photographs of the surface with a downward-pointing camera:

    The landing was planned in the Bay of Rainbow (Sinus Iridum) - a large crater, evenly flooded with solidified lava:

    This is far from the landing sites of the American and Soviet stations, so there is no hope that the Chinese lunar rover will be able to inspect them. The radius of its activity does not exceed several kilometers, and the nearest Lunokhod-1 is about two hundred kilometers.

    They may not have calibrated the white balance yet, so the moon is red. Let's wait until there is a photo of the Earth. Although, there is a version that this color of the moon was chosen in accordance with the ideology of the party (just kidding).

    Upd .: As the users of the American forum were able to determine from the video taken during the landing of the descent vehicle, Chang'e-3 "missed" and landed about 400 km east of the center of Rainbow Bay:

    Therefore, now it is more correct to say that he sat down in the Sea of ​​Rains (Mare Imbrium). Although, this deviation is within acceptable limits, which were considered as the intended landing site.

    Earlier, the Chinese seemed to miscalculate when they carried out the rendezvous of their Chang'e-2 orbital probe with the asteroid Tautatis. Then the meeting of the satellite and the asteroid took place almost a month earlier than planned. At the same time, the filming was carried out successfully.

    Landing camera snapshot animation:

    And, a few hours after landing, the lunar rover descends to the surface of the moon:

    And conveys the first landscape:

    Such a difference in the color rendering of frames from the lander and the lunar rover itself, apparently, is explained by the difference in the white balance setting. We will find out which camera more objectively displays colors when both take a photo of the Earth. Please note that there are no stars visible in the picture. This is a common complaint about the footage that astronauts took on the moon. However, the explanation for this phenomenon is not in a worldwide conspiracy, but in the fact that the stars are too dim, and if you set the camera to take pictures of the stars, the surface of the Moon will be overexposed.

    I hope China will actively cover the activities of its lunar rover, and I will try to talk about its successes.

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    Space has always been of interest to man, and the Moon, as the closest object, has become the subject of close attention. On June 30, 1964, NASA's Ranger program received the first images of the Moon from close range and began collecting information to prepare for a manned flight to the Moon. Since that time, the number of photographs has steadily increased, and along with them the number of lunar mysteries has grown. What professionals and amateurs did not find in the pictures of our neighbor ...

    A strange object above the lunar horizon, captured by Lunokhod-2.

    In various places on the Earth's satellite, traces were removed, presumably left by rolling boulders.

    The first photographs of such phenomena appeared in the early 1970s, and their collection is still being replenished.

    The smaller object in this image, the one that made the longer path, somehow lifted out of the crater before continuing downhill.

    This image was taken with the help of Google Moon: on the back side of the satellite near the Moscow Sea, with a strong approach, you can see a strange object - seven points located at right angles.

    This image was captured by the Clementine HIRES camera. The eroded structure has a clearly rectangular anatomy.

    And this is a crater shot on the far side of the moon, which looks more like a hole in the surface. This type of crater has been called "collapse craters", and ufologists suspect that it is nothing more than the remnants of underground lunar structures.

    The crater in this photo is completely rectangular, which is contrary to the laws of nature.

    These are the craters Messier and Messier A. Also a strange shape, similar to the fact that they are connected by a tunnel.

    Image taken by the American Lunar Orbiter probe on the far side of the Moon. In the Sea of ​​Crises, near the Picard crater, there rises an amazing "tower" resembling a man-made structure.

    Skeptics believe that this "lunar tower" is just a defect in the processing of the film, but judging by the enlarged fragment of the image, the object seems quite real.

    The second Lunar Orbiter find is even more controversial: image number LO3-84M shows a strange structure almost two kilometers high.

    The shadow of the object and its unevenness in reflected light are clearly visible, as if it were made of glass.

    An anomaly in the form of an unusual rectangle in the lunar crater was found by modern virtual archaeologists on one of the photos of the Apollo 10 mission, which are in the public domain.

    Fans of riddles believe that the lens has caught the entrance to a certain dungeon.

    And this is a snapshot of a relief that resembles ruins on Earth.

    On October 30, 2007, former head of NASA's Lunar Laboratory Photo Services Ken Johnston and writer Richard Hoagland held a press conference in Washington, DC, which immediately appeared on all the world's news channels.

    They said that at one time, American astronauts discovered on the moon the ruins of ancient cities and artifacts that speak of the existence of some highly developed civilization on it in the distant past.

    And this is a pyramidal elevation on the dark side of the moon.

    The Chinese lunar satellite Chang'e-2, launched on October 1, 2010, discovered such objects.

    The pictures were published by Alex Collier, who is known for retelling messages from space from aliens.

    Here are more images of the lunar surface, which show structures of an interesting shape.

    Some kind of construction.

    Relief of an unusual shape.

    In the picture, you can clearly distinguish the outlines of buildings.

    Another object that seems to be artificial.

    A similar glow on the dark side of the moon has been seen many times.

    And this strangely shaped stone is very much like a skull.

    Unidentified object on the lunar surface.

    A sensational article appeared in the American newspaper "New York Times": "A human skeleton was found on the moon." The publication refers to the astrophysicist from China Mao Kan, who presented this photo at a conference in Beijing.

    NASA released these images taken by cameras that were installed on the twin satellites Ebb and Flow, one of which flew over the rectangular object.

    Again lunar "buildings".

    Not so long ago, ufologists from the Secure Team 10 discovered a "tank" in one of the NASA images.

    A popular American ufologist under the nickname Streetcap1 found an "alien base" in the images of the far side of the moon taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter probe.

    This is a snapshot of the lunar surface, published by former NASA employee Ken Johnson: in its center you can see the module of the Apollo mission, but on its left side there are several mysterious points.

    Most of the points are located in even parallel rows, which is extremely rare for natural formations.

    New NASA research has shown that the Moon has mysterious swirling patterns of light and dark spots. They are found in over a hundred different locations across the entire surface.

    On November 25, 2015, an amateur astronomer named Dennis Simmons captured the International Space Station in his telescope image, which should be located at an altitude of about 400 km from the Earth's surface, but for some reason in the photo it is right next to the Moon.

    There, the station was also captured by another Australian, Tom Heradine, who filmed on November 21, 2015.

    It turns out that either the ISS flew to the Moon, or astronomers took a photo of an unknown object, similar to an earth station.

    A lot of noise on the Web was caused by footage, which clearly shows that an "alien" is wandering on the surface of the Moon.

    On September 15, 2012, one of the amateur astronomers published a video on the Web in which you can see how a whole flock of small luminous objects break away from the surface of one of the craters.

    UFOs over the lunar surface were also found in the frames taken by the Apollo 10 mission.

    And this huge elongated "alien ship" "buried" its nose in the lunar soil, apparently, during an unsuccessful landing.

    This object with a "tail" of light was discovered by ufologists on the frames of the Apollo 11 mission.

    A UFO resembles a projectile or a flying ship.

    This group of lights separated from the surface of the Earth's satellite.

    A photo of an unusual object above the lunar horizon was taken by Apollo 17 pilot Garrison Schmidt.

    "Straight wall" - this is the name of a perfectly flat formation almost 75 km long.