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  • Martial arts for children at the Meu-Dam school: program, active leisure, approach to learning. Kung Fu Panda Games What Kung Fu Training Gives to Children

    Martial arts for children at the Meu-Dam school: program, active leisure, approach to learning.  Kung Fu Panda Games What Kung Fu Training Gives to Children

    Description of flash games

    Baby Kung Fu

    Digital Baby Kung_Fu V2.0

    The favorite pastime of modern children is computer games, so now there are quite a few of them. Each game is suitable for a certain age and has an impact on the development of certain abilities. "Baby Kung Fu" is a game for children aimed at developing logic and quick thinking. You can play it together or with a computer opponent, so the child can always invite his friend to compete. Each player can choose his hero and any type of terrain that he likes the most. Each of these heroes has the ability to fight a powerful monster that cannot be defeated without a certain amount of experience. In addition, game participants can receive various bonuses to improve their combat strength, to protect their bodies from enemy blows, as well as to obtain improvements in movement, and so on. With each level, the player is offered new cards that can diversify the game and make it even more interesting and exciting. The winner is the participant who can defeat the enemy the fastest and complete all assigned tasks. It is important to take into account the time, because a lot also depends on it in this game. Take part in the battle now and show your capabilities to the enemy!
    The second version of the digital baby is out! Completely new combat experience, new

    Poe the big panda's life changed dramatically when he accidentally found himself in the election square next to the Furious Five Warriors. The Grand Master unexpectedly chose him as a Dragon warrior. From a simple son of a noodle maker, he became a great master of Kung Fu. However, such a transformation cannot be easily given to anyone, especially a fat, slightly lazy and slightly gluttonous panda. Nevertheless, his strong character, will to win and at the same time cheerful and friendly disposition allowed Po to achieve tremendous success. He was able to justify the trust of the Grand Master and comprehend the wisdom of the Dragon scroll. Thanks to this, the newly minted Kung Fu fighter defeated the powerful, but vicious Tai Lung in a tense battle. Do you want to take part in the funny adventures of Panda Po and with him to comprehend all the wisdom of Kung Fu? Then play free Online Games about him on our website!

    Kung Fu Panda is a 2008 American animation project from DreamWorks, directed by Mark Osbornes and John Stevenson. In the English version, the cartoon characters speak with the stellar voices of Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Lucy Liu, Jackie Chan.

    Panda Po's story

    The action takes place in the Valley of Peace - a fictional area of ​​ancient China, inhabited by humanoid animals. Panda Po lives with his named father Goose, learns to make noodles and dreams of becoming a kung fu master. Looking at Poe, it is impossible to believe that his dreams will ever come true: the panda is fat, clumsy and awkward. However, fate decides otherwise ...

    Kung Fu Master Oogway is revelated in which the evil snow leopard Tai Lung escapes from prison and attacks the Valley of Peace. Sensei foresees future dangers and starts looking for a warrior who can withstand the strong and power-hungry Tai Lung. However, there is no need to look far for the hero, because the Master has five of the best kung fu warriors at his disposal. To determine who will fight the leopard, Master and teacher Shifu announce a tournament. Po also comes to the tournament, but not in order to declare himself as a warrior, but in order to have at least one eye look at the great masters of kung fu.

    Late for the tournament, Poe ties himself up with fireworks, flies over the fence, and lands right in the middle of the arena. To the surprise of everyone, Oogway chooses Po, and the panda begins preparing for the battle.

    Cheek brings success

    Despite the ridicule of his comrades-in-arms, Panda Po studies hard and gradually transforms from a clumsy bear into a real superhero. He has one advantage over other warriors, which for the time being no one realizes: By insensitive to combat techniques - the main weapon of Tai Lung. Together with his friends, Po goes through many adventures and, in the end, defeats the insidious Tai Lung, recaptures the mysterious Scroll from him and saves the Valley of Peace.

    Reception by film critics

    Since its inception, the Kung Fu Panda cartoon has received many positive reviews. According to the Rotten Tomatoes rating system, the picture received 88% positive reviews out of 163 submitted. The film was warmly received by 76% of professional critics and 83% of users of the thematic site. According to the polls, the picture received a rating of 73 out of 100.

    Richard Corliss of Time Magazine praised the film, emphasizing that the film successfully intertwined exceptional quality graphics and entertainment. In one of the critical articles published in The New york Times ", there was such a characteristic:" The first impression of the fuzzy concept and clearly box-office orientation of the project is quickly replaced by surprise that the film finds its way to the very heart. "

    Chris Barsanti, a professional critic of, commented on the film's appearance: "Kung Fu Panda" compares favorably with other modern paintings with pure artistic beauty. When you watch a movie, you realize that it is a classic, and you find analogies with Disney cartoons during the Golden Age. Michael Phillips of the Chicago Tribune emphasized that Kung Fu Panda is one of the few comedies of 2008 that knows what it is doing on screen.

    They voiced criticism and restrained reviews. CNN's Tom Charity said the film was a whirlwind of chaos that was impossible to figure out and lamented the lack of a meaningful plot. According to Charity, the creators of Kung Fu Panda have released entertainment that is not fun.

    Interestingly, the film was received very warmly in China. The box office in this country was RMB 110 million. Chinese director Lu Chuan said, “From a production point of view, the film is perfect. Its American creators have shown a sincere attitude towards Chinese culture. "

    In fact, the story of a fighting panda is a story of the formation of a personality, a story that makes children and adolescents believe in themselves and move towards their goal, no matter what. The film won official recognition: it was nominated for an Oscar and Golden Globe, and won eleven Annie Awards.

    • Most of the main characters in the cartoon are critically endangered: giant panda (Po), red panda (Shifu), South China tiger (tigress), gold-nosed monkey (Monkey), Snow Leopard (Tai Lung) and Java Island Rhino (Wachir )
    • The scene in the cartoon of Poe tying fireworks to a chair to take off and watch the tournament is very similar to the actual historical fact of how one of the Ming dynasty members did the same in order to fly to the moon.
    • According to the words of director John Stevenson, all the cartoon characters are vegetarians. There is not a single predator among them.
    • Film codename inside the studio - Dreamer
    • The two pigs Po communicates with on the steps of the palace are called the Sho Brothers, a nod to and homage to the Sho Brothers studio who filmed many Kung Fu action films in the 70s.
    • San Francisco Giants baseball player Pablo Sandoval was nicknamed Kung Fu Panda.
    • The artbook The Art of Kung Fu Panda mentions that Po's full name sounds like Po Ping and translates to "precious world."
    • When Poe claims that, unlike all the members of the Five, he does not have any special merits, he specifically mentions that he does not have claws like the Tigress, although in reality the giant panda has rather impressive sharp claws that help them climb trees and defend against enemies.
    • According to the crew members' comments on the DVD edition, Poe's favorite fighter of the Five is Tigress, despite her dislike and lack of respect for him.
    • In the opening frames of the film (in Poe's dream), he kills his rivals with quick kicks in the air. In the second part of the cartoon, he was able to actually apply this technique. Poe called it "The Leg of Fury."
    • Poe, Shifu, and the Furious Five were parodied in one of the episodes of MAD.
    • The only newborn panda in the United States, which was born at the Atlanta Zoo in 2010, was named Poe.

    With games about Kung Fu Panda you will not get bored - it is not every day that you have the opportunity to defeat Tai Lung with the help of "Paws of Fury" or "Fire Claws" and then taste your favorite dumplings! Do not waste time - forward towards adventure!

    Martial arts classes are the key to a successful child's life!

    In the East, the true art of fighting of the old schools of kung fu from ancient times to the present day was transmitted "live" through the exclusive institution of mentoring, through the centuries, strict rituals of the relationship "teacher - student" were formed. The teacher is a master, he kept his knowledge in the strictest confidence and trusted them only to the most worthy of the students who overcame a series of severe tests and tests.

    In the distant past, absolutely all theories, systems, doctrines, techniques and types of martial arts had a single foundation and fundamental principle, a single concept and worldview, a single "gong fu" (old term). The laws of kung fu are the laws of the universe. A kung fu master is a person who lives according to the laws of the universe, a student is one who cultivates a master in himself through the double work - to live and learn.

    Martial arts for children at the "Meu-Dam" school: program, active leisure, approach to learning

    School of martial arts "Meu-Dam" teaches children in three directions:

      kung fu - group and individual lessons;

      Thai boxing for teenagers (read more on the page "Thai boxing");

      self-defense / combat training in special. group. (read more on the self-defense page).

    Each kung fu training for a child is an opportunity to get to know oneself, harmonize and strengthen oneself, one's psychophysiological potential, learn to act rationally and consciously and overcome life difficulties, gain positive experience healthy way life and self-improvement.

    For children, experienced and certified by teachers of the system of additional education, instructors of the Meu-Dam club have created children's general developmental and specialized training programs in the discipline - martial arts for kids. These programs are approved and recommended for implementation by the Moscow Department of Education and the Moscow Institute of Open Education, and have been successfully tested in practice for more than 10 years. In addition, in June 2018, the kung fu program for children and adults received a prestigious award, and teacher Alexander Viktorovich Tardov became a laureate of the II degree at the all-Russian competition in the field of additional education

    Learning approach

    Teaching a child to fight is easy. It should be understood that the main goal of Kung Fu training is not only and not so much in the ability to fight well, but in the multifaceted and versatile development of oneself as a person. Martial arts for children are very useful - they help in strengthening and maintaining health, gaining self-confidence and adequate self-esteem - and there are few people who want to attack a self-confident person ... as well as self-discipline, the ability to set goals and form character and willpower to achieve them.

    How is kung fu training going?

    The transfer of knowledge - teaching at the kung fu school - is carried out by the "kata" method. This is a special set of strict form exercises, visually reminiscent of "shadow boxing" on the four sides. The students "improve" the learned technique, working out separately and together all kinds of technical elements: blocks and strikes, methods of movement and bundles of elements, methods of wrestling and combat acrobatics, styles and tactics of fighting on paws, bags, makiwars, special dummies, as well as in pairs, that is, already a "real" application. Also, in kung fu training, children learn how to work with weapons: training nunchucks, stick, knives, sword (bokken). In addition, flexibility and stretching exercises are emphasized in training.

    Oriental martial arts for children in a summer training camp on the Black Sea coast.

    A very interesting option for summer leisure will be a visit to the summer training camp of the Meu-Dam club by the sea, with its daily two-time 2.5-hour training in kung fu and Thai boxing for two weeks, as well as a varied exciting cultural program.

    What Kung Fu Training Gives to Children

    and how are they useful

    Physical development

    Martial arts for children, as well as any single sport, promotes intense physical development... But, if team games develop only a few abilities of the child, then martial arts, for example, kung fu or Thai boxing, have a positive effect on endurance, flexibility, coordination, agility and, which is very important, strengthen the ligaments, tendons, and form the correct posture. They lay the foundation for the correct functioning of the musculoskeletal system, which in the future will help to avoid many diseases and disorders.


    Kung Fu is inextricably linked to philosophy, discipline and respect for your teacher. This helps the child to quickly step over the line of infantility and get and absorb the maximum faster than others. useful information... Accordingly, in psychological development, they are significantly ahead of their peers.

    Logical thinking

    Martial arts teach children to think logically: correctly assess the situation, make decisions on their own and be responsible for them. The child can rely only on himself and his strength. A kung fu fight can, to some extent, be compared to a game of chess - here you need to think and act at the same time. Needless to say, how intellectually developed are children who practice martial arts ?!

    The ability to stand up for yourself

    The first victories will relieve the child of fears and give self-confidence, and the first defeats will teach them not to despair and improve their results. Openness and the ability to stand up for himself will allow him to feel confident in new situations and teams.

    Knowing yourself

    Martial arts classes teach a child to observe and learn more than environment but also ourselves. Without fear of experiments and everything new, such children quickly find their way in life and walk it confidently.

    Preparation for school

    It is better to start training in martial arts a year or two before school. During this time, the child will learn concentration, composure, discipline and responsibility, since martial arts can be studied if the above qualities are developed in the child. Accordingly, the beginning of schooling will become interesting and enjoyable for him. In general, you can start learning kung fu at any age - the most important thing is the child's desire, discipline and regularity of attending classes.

    Success in life

    So, physical, psychological and intellectual development, the ability to concentrate, mindfulness, discipline, self-knowledge and self-confidence. We think you will agree with us that such qualities are inherent only in leaders and successful people!

    Sign up for a martial arts training

    The section "Martial arts for children" will gladly welcome every child into its ranks. To sign up for a Kung Fu or Muay Thai class, check out our training schedule. A trial lesson is FREE. For clarifying information, just call the instructor-teacher Tardov Alexander Viktorovich by phone: 8-915-191-68-26.