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  • Analyzing the main trend of the modern politics of the Russian Federation. A Brief Review of Russia's Domestic Politics and Factors Influencing It

    Analyzing the main trend of the modern politics of the Russian Federation.  A Brief Review of Russia's Domestic Politics and Factors Influencing It

    What is the influence of ethnic diversity on the current situation in the country and in the world? What is the essence of social conflict?

    Interethnic (interethnic) relations - relations between ethnic groups (peoples), covering all spheres of public life.

    The main scientific problem is to determine, based on the ideas of humanism, the analysis of historical experience, the best ways to regulate interethnic relations. The problem is multifaceted, includes issues of history and modern everyday life, spiritual world personality, culture, education, sociology, psychology, economic, political, legal relations; therefore, scientists use the methods of a number of humanities. From the middle of the XIX century. explores the problem in depth ethnology- a science that studies the processes of formation and development of various ethnic groups, their identity, the forms of their cultural self-organization, their collective behavior, the interaction of the individual and the social environment.

    Ethnology identifies two levels of interethnic relations. One level - the interaction of peoples in different spheres of public life: politics, culture, production, science, art, etc. The other level - interpersonal relations of people of different ethnicity in different forms of communication - labor, family, household, educational, informal types of relationships .

    Interethnic relations find their expression in human actions and largely depend on individual behavior and its motivation, which is based on personal experience, mastery of cultural norms, the influence of the family, the immediate environment.

    The ethnic processes of modernity are characterized by two trends: integration- cooperation, unification of different ethno-state communities, rapprochement of all aspects of the life of peoples; differentiation- the aspirations of peoples for national independence.

    Interethnic relations can be friendly, mutually respectful, or, conversely, conflict, hostile.


    Spontaneous cooperation has been known to mankind for many centuries, consisting of a huge number of communities, representing in the aggregate an ethnically mixed environment, where productive cooperation often operates in the production of material goods, in Everyday life; the creation and preservation of national cultural values ​​is combined with the knowledge of other cultures.

    In the XX century. there is an increase integration shadowsdentia dual direction:

    • economic, political integration leading to
      the formation of unions of states;

    • integration of national entities within the multi
      national country. This may be of interest to
      clans living in a single state, to promote the
      strengthening this unity.
    The domestic experience of interethnic cooperation is significant. In all branches of the economy and culture of the USSR, multinational collectives worked fruitfully. The cohesion of peoples was clearly manifested in battles, work, everyday life during the years of the Great Patriotic War, in the post-war revival of the country.

    Cooperation in the cultural sphere ensured the eradication of illiteracy, the creation of a written language for 50 ethnic groups, the flourishing of the bright, original art of small peoples. Scientists note that in the Soviet Union in the XX century. not a single minor culture has disappeared and, in fact, the entire ethnic mosaic of a huge state has been preserved, while hundreds of minor cultures have disappeared in other regions of the world. At the same time, the mistakes and crimes of the totalitarian authorities led to grave tragedies for many people and entire nations. Centuries-old national ties were disrupted due to ill-conceived administrative-territorial division, and the ecological situation in the regions inhabited by indigenous small ethnic groups worsened. The forcible resettlement of peoples, undeservedly accused of complicity with the German occupiers, caused great damage to the dignity of hundreds of thousands of people and had a heavy impact on their destinies. It took a long time to restore the violated rights of the peoples of our country.

    In Europe, other parts of the world in the last third of the XX century. integration in the economic sphere, and then in politics, was widely developed. This is due to the process of globalization, the formation of a post-industrial, information society, as well as the need for unity in the fight against international terrorism.

    One example of integration is the activities of the European Union (EU), which unites (2005) 25 states with

    population of 450 million people speaking 40 languages. The EU introduced a single citizenship, a single currency - the euro. Supranational authorities have been created: the European Parliament, the EU Council, the European Court. The EU Constitution has been developed. However, it can enter into force only after it is approved by all EU countries (by a decision of the parliament or by a popular referendum). Russia does not remain aloof from the integration processes of the 21st century. This manifests itself in particular:

    • in caring for the formation of a common economic, gum
      nitarian legal space with several countries,
      members of the Commonwealth created after the collapse of the USSR
      Independent States;

    • in negotiations with the European Union on cooperation in the areas of
      economy, justice, security, science, education,
      culture. A large place in the documents on partnership
      leno joint action to comply with the principle of non-
      discrimination, including opposition to any form of
      intolerance and racism, respect for human rights.
    Along with the trend towards international integration, there is also a trend towards differentiation. It manifests itself in various forms. Mostly in a peaceful form, the formation of independent post-Soviet states, the division of Czechoslovakia into two states - the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Armed actions accompanied the disintegration of Yugoslavia.

    I“The more enlightened the states, the more they

    i share ideas with each other and the more the si- increases.

    I la and the activity of the universal mind. 1

    \: C. Helvetia i


    You know the concept of "social conflict". Among the significant for the individual and humanity are conflicts between ethnic communities. In scholarly writings, ethnic conflict is often defined as any form of civil, political, or armed confrontation in which the parties (or one of them) mobilize, act, and suffer based on ethnic differences.

    This definition provoked an objection, because it considers the conflict as a stage of extreme aggravation of contradictions. A broader interpretation has been proposed: ethnic conflict is any competition (rivalry) between groups, from confrontation for the possession of limited resources to social competition, in all cases where the opposing party is defined in terms of the ethnicity of its members.

    Interethnic conflicts are generated not by the existence of ethnic groups, but by political and social conditions, in

    which they live and develop. Often, the creation of the “image of the enemy” is also facilitated by the appeal to those pages of historical memory, where former grievances and facts (sometimes distorted) of the distant past are imprinted.

    Consider main causes of conflicts, clearly expressed in the goals and actions of the opposing sides.

    Territorial reasons- the struggle for changing borders, for joining another (“related” from a cultural and historical point of view) state, for the creation of a new independent state. These demands are in line with the political goals of movements striving for the formation of their "own" sovereign state. Demands of a separatist nature are especially dangerous, because they directly affect large masses of people and are connected with questions about the division or abolition of the state. “It’s about,” writes one of the Russian ethnologists, “what kind of state to live in, to whom to obey, what language to speak, to whom to pray, how to move, who will protect the life and property of people, finally, what anthem to sing and what heroes and what graves to honor.

    Economic reasons- the struggle of ethnic groups for the possession of property, material resources, among which land and subsoil are of great value, in particular.

    Social causes- demands for civil equality, equality before the law, in education, in wages, equality in employment, especially for prestigious places in government.

    Cultural and linguistic reasons- requirements for the preservation or revival, development of the language, cultural community. The derogation of the role of the native language, which unites the ethnic community into a single whole, is especially acutely perceived and often serves as a cause of conflict.

    There are hundreds of national cultures in the world, each ethnic group has its own culture, treats it with care. Attempts to belittle its significance in favor of the culture of another, larger ethnic group cause protest, can cause conflict. There is another danger: sometimes an ethnos proceeds from the fact that its culture is called upon to dominate in relation to other cultures.

    The source of interethnic tension is nationalism - the ideology, psychology, politics of groups of people who affirm the priority of national values ​​over all others, the supremacy of the interests of their ethnic group,

    1 Separatism(here) are demands for sovereignty and independence for an ethnically designated territory, directed against the state power of the country of residence.

    opposed to the interests of other ethnic groups. The idea of ​​national exclusiveness often takes the form of xenophobia 1 leading to the extermination of so-called "inferior" races and peoples.

    The bloody results of chauvinism will forever remain in the memory of mankind. This is the genocide of the Armenian people in 1915, when the actions of the Ottoman Empire led to the death of 1.5 million people. This is the greatest tragedy organized by the Nazis - the Holocaust (destruction through burning), which led to the death of 6 million people - more than half of the Jewish population of Europe. These are the actions of the Nazis to destroy the Slavic population of the "eastern space" and turn the remaining ones into labor force for the "superior race".


    The question arises: is it possible to exclude the emergence of conflicts with an ethnic component? So far, a positive answer is impossible due to the fact that many ethnic groups live in pre-conflict conditions, experience significant social difficulties, feel (including in everyday life) neglect of their culture, language, traditions, and customs. All this causes mass protest moods, often leading to socially dangerous, destructive behavior (especially in the crowd).

    It will take a long time for most people to become capable of tolerance. But it is already possible to soften and conflict preventionations by regulating interethnic relations. Recall: to regulate means to streamline, adjust.

    Humanistic approach- the main reference point in the implementation of the moral, political, legal regulation of interethnic relations. The main features of this approach are:

    • recognition and respect for the diversity of cultures, eg
      femininity for the ideas of peace, harmony, rejection of violence against
      relations between peoples;

    • the development and continued functioning of democracy,
      ensuring the realization of the rights and freedoms of the individual, ethnic
      communities, regardless of their nationality

    • the focus of state bodies, mass media
      howling information, education, sports, all forms of literature
      ry and art on the formation of citizens, especially young
      dezha, culture of interethnic communication. Necessary
    1 Xenophobia- intolerance, rejection, hatred of someone, something alien, alien.

    upbringing tolerance- respect, trust, willingness to cooperate, compromise with people, their communities of any nationality, the desire to understand and accept their cultural values, lifestyle, behavior. Tolerance largely determines the consciousness and behavior of the individual, groups of the population, representatives of government bodies, contributes to the development of personal responsibility for the prudent solution of ethnic problems.

    Scientists identify several intersecting paths conflict resolution. First - application of legal mechanisms, first of all, the change of legislation in multi-ethnic states, the elimination of ethnic privileges. Second way - negotiation between conflicting parties, both direct (between delegations of the parties) and through intermediaries (representatives of international organizations, public figures). Unfortunately, often the parties (or one of them), instead of the policy of negotiations aimed at cooperation, restricting access to weapons, rely on uncompromising diktat, on armed violence. This leads to an intensification of the conflict, intimidation of society, mass casualties and destruction. Negotiations are difficult and lengthy. But in a number of cases they contribute, if not to overcoming the conflict, then to its mitigation.

    Third way - informational. It involves, first of all, the exchange of information between the parties on possible measures to overcome conflict situations. A public dialogue (in the press, on television) among representatives of all ethnic groups is appropriate, with the aim of jointly developing proposals that meet common interests.

    Effective, especially if the conflicts have a religious connotation, joint peacekeeping performances of representatives of different faiths. The figure of the Orthodox clergy Alexander Men said: "Understanding, tolerance are the fruits of the highest culture ... Remaining Christians and Muslims, without offending each other, to give a hand is our way."

    The psychological impact of the media (especially electronic) requires a careful approach to the ways in which information is presented. Information, even neutral, about the facts of extremism can cause a new wave of conflict. It is necessary to abandon the dramatization of events, which is sometimes characteristic of reporters, because this can gain a foothold in historical memory and, after a while, revive the spirit of the conflict. We must not allow terrorists and extremists to be glorified in order to avoid turning them into heroes and leaders. We must remember that ill-conceived words can shoot stronger than a bullet.

    State support for the policy of multiculturalism is adjacent to the information path, which is especially important in connection with the growth of population migration. For example, in Canada, this policy aims to promote the development and preservation of the own culture of all ethnic groups, contacts and interaction between members of various groups in the interests of national unity. Immigrants are assisted in mastering at least one of the official languages ​​so that they can become full members of Canadian society.

    One of the causes of conflicts is the unsettled life of ethnic groups, manifested in poverty, unemployment, low wages and pensions, poor housing, and difficulties in obtaining an education. An indispensable condition for overcoming conflicts is the improvement of the life of a citizen, the creation and consolidation of a psychological sense of satisfaction among ethnic groups with a favorable stability of life. This requires the regulation of social processes, including agreements between the warring parties on a fair distribution of resources, on increasing jobs, improving housing conditions, on equality in employment, education, and access to power structures.




    National policy is an integral part political activity state, regulating interethnic relations in various spheres of society. Its essence depends on the general direction of state policy. At the heart of democratic national policy is a respectful attitude towards people representing any etnicommunity, setting for cooperation and rapprochement of peoples.

    The foundation of the ethnopolitics of the Russian Federation is the Constitution. In its preamble, two policy settings in the field of interethnic relations can be distinguished:

    • patriotic respect for
      the memory of the ancestors who passed on to us love for the Fatherland; concern
      and about the preservation of the historically established state
      the unity of peoples united by a common destiny in their

    • political and legal orientation for approval
      human rights and freedoms, civil peace and harmony, equal
      rights of peoples, to ensure the sovereign state
      of Russia, the inviolability of its democratic foundation.
    The Constitution guarantees human rights and freedoms, regardless of nationality, their equality, understanding, observance and protection (Art. 2, 19). Everyone has the right to use their native language, freely choose the language of communication, education, training, creativity (Article 26). Throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, the state language is Russian; republics have the right to establish their own state languages, used along with Russian (Article 68). Actions aimed at forcibly changing the foundations of the constitutional order and violating the integrity of the Russian Federation, propaganda of racial, national or linguistic superiority are prohibited (Articles 13, 29).

    In the "Concept of the state national policy of the Russian Federation" (1996), the principles of this policy are formulated as follows:

    • equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen
      simo from his race, nationality, language;

    • prohibition of any form of restriction of the rights of citizens under
      signs of social, racial, national, linguistic
      or religious affiliation;

    • preservation of the historically established integrity of Ros
      the Russian Federation;

    • equality of all subjects of the Russian Federation in
      relationships with federal government agencies
      noah power;

    • guarantee of the rights of indigenous peoples;

    • the right of every citizen to determine and specify
      their nationality without any coercion

    • promoting the development of national cultures and languages
      peoples of the Russian Federation;

    • timely and peaceful resolution of conflicts and

    • prohibition of activities aimed at undermining
      state security, excitation of social, racial,
      national and religious discord, hatred or enmity;

    • protection of the rights and interests of citizens of the Russian Federation
      tion outside its borders, support for compatriots, living
      living in foreign countries, in the preservation and development
      native language, culture and national traditions,
      strengthening their ties with the Motherland in accordance with the norms
      international law.
    Consistent implementation of these principles meets the diversity of interests of the peoples of Russia.

    NIS Basic concepts: interethnic relations, interethnic conflicts, national policy.

    SHSHTerms: ethnology, separatism, xenophobia, tolerance.

    Test yourself

    1) Name the levels of interethnic relations, show the common and different in these levels. 2) What is the essence of the two trends in the development of interethnic relations? Give examples of manifestations of these tendencies. 3) What is the essence of interethnic cooperation? 4) What are interethnic conflicts? List their main reasons. 5) What are the ways to prevent and overcome interethnic conflicts? 6) Describe the principles of the national policy of the Russian Federation.

    Think, Discuss, Do

    1. UN documents state that tolerance is
      is a moral duty, legal and political requirement
      ness leads from a culture of war to a culture of peace; right
      commitment to respect and understanding of the diversity of cultures;
      means an active attitude to reality, forming
      based on the recognition of universal rights and freedoms
      loveka. Relying on personal experience, facts of history and contemporary
      values, show how the principles of tolerance can
      be realized in interethnic relations.

    2. Explain why it is especially important now to follow
      principles of tolerance and respect of peoples for each other,
      overcome common difficulties together.

    3. Scientists believe that humanity, becoming more and more
      more interconnected and united, does not lose its ethno
      cultural diversity. If you agree with this point
      view, then confirm its correctness with facts from the public
      military development of the 20th century; if you disagree, justify
      those views.

    4. Think over the answer to the question: how professional de
      the activity of a historian, lawyer, economist can
      promote interethnic cooperation, prevent

    5. Analyzing the main trend of modern politics
      ki RF in the field of interethnic relations, scientists of the sex
      they say that it consists in switching from national-terri
      torial direction to cultural, educational and
      cultural and educational. How do you understand this conclusion?
      scientists, do you share this point of view?
    Work with the source

    Read a fragment of the work of the ethnologist V. A. Tishkov.

    The most serious challenge for Russia and a number of other post-Soviet states is ethno-nationalism in its radical and intolerant manifestations. So called

    national movements in peaceful political and cultural forms among nations former USSR have played and continue to play an important role in establishing decentralized forms state structure and management, in the preservation and development of the cultural integrity and distinctiveness of large and small nations, in the growth of the socio-political activity of citizens. But the ethnic factor in some cases became the basis for the formation of programs and actions, as well as for the promotion of ideas and attitudes that provoke intolerance, conflict and violence.

    The nationalism of small peoples, being a reaction to the traumas suffered in the past and the belittled status of non-Russian cultures, in the conditions of a social crisis, political destabilization and weak modernization of the population, often takes on aggressive forms. This is manifested in attempts to usurp power and prestige positions in favor of representatives of one ethnic group, change the demographic composition of the population by forcibly expelling ethnic "foreigners", change administrative or interstate borders, and carry out secret secession (secession from the state. - Ed.), including force of arms. Instead of improving governance and socio-cultural conditions of life, extreme nationalism offers outwardly simple, but essentially unrealistic solutions, attempts to implement which cause inter-civil tensions and conflicts ...

    No less a threat to democratic transformations and social peace is the growing nationalism of the hegemonic type, formed on behalf of the numerically dominant peoples. In Russia, Russian nationalism is trying to acquire the status of a national ideology, appropriate the idea of ​​all-Russian patriotism and replace the formation of a common civil identity with the same unrealizable slogan of self-determination of the Russian ethno-nation. Extremist groups and individuals are increasingly promoting fascist ideas, anti-Semitism and disdain for minorities.

    Tishkov V. A, Requiem for Ethnos: Studies in Socio-Cultural Synthropology. - M., 2003.-S. 319-320.

    NO Questions and assignments to the source. one) What is ethno-nationalism? 2) What is the difference between radical ethno-nationalism and peaceful forms of national movements? 3) Illustrate with examples from history and the present the position that radical ethno-nationalism is a great danger for the peoples and states of the post-Soviet space. 4) What caused and how is the nationalism of small nations manifested? 5) What is the

    is it the essence and danger of ethno-nationalism of the hegemonic type? 6) The opinion is often expressed that the development of democracy, civic culture, and the stabilization of the socio-economic situation will have a positive effect on overcoming ethno-nationalism. Do you agree with this opinion? Justify your answer.

    They argue about it

    The non-Russian population makes up 20% of the total population of the Russian Federation. This gives some authors a reason to consider Russia a mono-ethnic state. This point of view meets with objections, because it does not take into account the historical conditions of the development of Russia and the commitment of many peoples to their languages, culture and way of life. What is your opinion?

    "Cold hell" for the Swedish king Charles XII, the place of death of Napoleon's great armada, the "angel of death" for Nazi Germany - these are all epithets that are commonly associated with Russia. It is enough to think about them, and it will become clear what a great role this country has played in world history. Russia continues to occupy a prominent place in international politics even now, when its contradictions with Western countries over Syria and, most importantly, due to the events in Ukraine, have once again reached their apogee, and we have all witnessed the creation of two political blocs - Eastern and Western. In this regard, of great interest, especially for experts and those who actively follow the development of the international situation, is the analysis of Russia's features that allow it to occupy such a prominent position. At the same time, when analyzing Russia's uniqueness, it is impossible to move away from the discussion of the political processes existing in the country and the power structure, which set the framework for making government decisions. In this regard, an analysis of the peculiar internal political situation that has developed in Russia may turn out to be very relevant.

    The political structure of Russia and the factors influencing it

    The population of Russia, covering an area of ​​more than 17 million square kilometers, is at least 150 million people. According to official data, almost 30 languages ​​are spoken in Russia, and in total 160 peoples live in this country. Each of them has its own difficult history, the echoes of which are still heard in Russian society. All this creates the conditions for a very difficult domestic political situation.

    On the paper political structure Russia looks quite simple: the country has a presidential political structure, in which the head of state is elected by a majority vote of citizens and makes all the most important decisions. However, everything is so simple only in theory, but in fact the situation in Russia is much more complicated. There are many factors that really influence the domestic political situation in this country. Let's consider them in more detail.

    1. The recent past and related nationalism

    The consequences of the collapse of the "Red Empire" (Soviet Union) are still being felt in Russian society. It must be taken into account that in Russia the people are not the same as in Iran, Turkey, Italy, Greece and other countries, whose citizens can read about the imperial greatness of their countries only in history books or learn about it from the preserved cultural monuments. Just 23 years ago, the Russians dominated a vast territory that stretched from the coast of Japan in the east to the Berlin Wall in the west, from the North Pole in the north to the borders of Iran in the south. Not so long ago, 15 independent states were formed from the fragments of this vast empire, but Russians still remember their former greatness and with pain in their hearts recall Gorbachev's speech about the death of the Soviet Union, as well as the ease with which Yeltsin gave away his inheritance. Memories of this leave a strong imprint on the political processes in modern Russia. Perhaps, at some point in time, the realization of what Russia really lost became the basis for the development of a severe depression in Russian society. However, even now it feels completely new: the revival of the past has become a sacred goal for a significant part of the Russian population. This goal has become a reliable propaganda mechanism for Russian politicians, and it must be admitted that in reality some of them consider this goal to be not alien to them at all.

    Today, within Russian society, any decision is evaluated in terms of “what happened before,” and confident judgments on this score are made on the basis of what Russia has seen in the past. It is on this basis Russian politicians and the entire political community is building their tactics - all in order to avoid accusations of weakness and betrayal. If Russian politicians want to enlist the support of the electorate, they, as a rule, appeal to a sense of nostalgia for the past, while at the same time explaining all the difficulties that exist in the country by the events of bygone days, and thereby weakening attention to them. Perhaps our readers will be interested to know that when asked whether Crimea was really worth the collapse of the ruble because of it, one university teacher from Russia answered: “The dollar is just a piece of paper, and if necessary, we we can live on one potato.

    2. National question

    Despite the fact that it is customary in Russian society to be proud of one's past, the threat of nationalism is seriously affecting the Russian political structure. This problem is especially acute when it comes to national minorities, such as the Chechens and other peoples of the Caucasus. In general, it can be argued that part of the national minorities in Russia not only do not want to merge with Russian society and become the object of Slavicization, but actively dissociate themselves from the Slavic ethnos. Even in Moscow, as one of the largest multicultural centers, it is clearly felt that immigrants from these regions are trying in every possible way to demonstrate their national uniqueness, which is reflected even in their appearance.

    In fact, any person living in Moscow can clearly observe with his own eyes the cultural confrontation that is taking place in the city. It is enough to go to a cafe, plunge into the university environment, visit hostels or take a walk in the park, and you immediately feel that you are among people who like to get together, smoke cigarettes or the hookah that Russians love so much. You instantly understand how strongly their ethnicity affects them. Almost every company of people traces their national identity. Of course, this does not mean at all that absolutely all the peoples living in Russia are trying to stand out from the total number. An example is the Tatars, who have perfectly entered Russian society and maintain constructive relations with the Slavic majority. The same can be said about the Armenians, who to a large extent became close to the population of the central regions of the country. At the same time, sometimes the common people use the racist term “khachi” in relation to them. To be honest, not only Armenians are called that. According to the researchers social life in Russia, in last years this name is increasingly being used to address Kazakhs, Chechens, Uzbeks and representatives of other nationalities.

    This pronounced nationalistic approach is well founded and is closely linked to the country's recent past. When the “Red Empire” ceased to exist and some national minorities within the Russian structure, such as the Chechens, also wanted to follow the path of other former Soviet republics, Putin strongly opposed this and in 1999 initiated the second wave of the Chechen war. In response, a series of terrorist attacks followed, including the theater center on Dubrovka in 2002. Then everyone realized that this story was still far from its denouement. A series of special operations in Chechnya in December last year also reminded of potential threats in this regard.

    All this means that the national question in Russia continues to be a very acute topic and sometimes puts the politicians of this country in an extremely difficult position. The authorities are obliged to stop the activities of terrorist groups, but, on the other hand, if they act unwisely, then perhaps this will create the prerequisites for a wave of protests throughout Russia.

    3. Parties

    Concerning the question of parties in Russia, it is necessary to keep in mind that Russian society and the internal political structure in this country are close not so much to Europe as to Asia. In essence, Russia's domestic politics is much less party-based and mostly focused on specific individuals. This means that in Russia the authority of parties is built on specific politicians, and not vice versa.

    For those who now support the government and its domestic policies, Putin's personality and course are of great importance. In fact, it doesn't matter to them whether the president is a member of United Russia or not. Those who oppose the current situation in the country accuse Putin of establishing a dictatorship, and his entourage of nepotism and attempts to establish their own power in Russia. In fact, they do not take such a party as United Russia seriously.

    On the whole, one can say that the parties in Russia are either inferior or are subject to certain Russian traditions. Instead of being a political player or a place where future politicians gain experience, Russian parties are associations where they find "their own" and forge cadres.

    4. Economy

    Indeed, already now Russian society, or at least a significant part of Russian citizens, believes that when choosing between the dignity of their country and economic well-being, one should choose the first. At the same time, we should not forget that the current emotional situation in the country is a temporary phenomenon, and the economy, as a vital structure of society, is an absolute reality. In practice, it was economic policy and material prosperity that became the key to the great popularity of the current political structure in Russia. Moreover, before the start of the Ukrainian crisis and the annexation of Crimea, the existing political structure in the country found wide support in society — even when Putin allowed the possibility of Russia joining NATO. It was the economy and economic growth that created the conditions for the great popularity of the current Russian authorities in their homeland.

    5. Putin

    Modern Russia can be called Putin's Russia. This country is developing within the framework of the policy of the current president, his ideology and according to his plan. In fact, the reins of power in Russia are in the hands of the president, and not of any political or intellectual movement. Putin makes the final decision on all issues domestic policy country, and it is regulated in accordance with its decisions. Once the Russian president believed that the only way to end the Chechen crisis was by force, and acted as the author of the strategy that launched the second military campaign, but after a while he began to talk about universal brotherhood and helped the former militia head an autonomous government.

    Putin is now considered a charismatic figure in Russia. To assess how strong his influence in society is, it is enough to look at the beloved by the Russians social network VKontakte, where you can find many propaganda banners glorifying the current Russian president.

    6. Opposition

    One of the features of Russia can be considered the situation with the opposition. In Russia, as in other countries of the world, there are opposition political parties that are engaged in introducing their ideas to the masses. However, an important nuance is that a significant part of the Russian opposition, or, more precisely, its leaders, began their activities due to specific relations with Putin personally. In the recent past, many oppositionists were in power, but today they have become its opponents.

    As an example, consider Mikhail Kasyanov, one of the most famous political leaders opposed to Putin. In 2008, he put forward his candidacy for the presidential elections and became a competitor to Putin's party, although back in 2000-2004 he served as prime minister under Putin. You can also think of the oligarch Boris Berezovsky, another prominent opponent of Putin, who was assassinated in 2013 in London. Once he too was one of the staunch supporters of the Kremlin.


    On the whole, it should be taken into account that the policy of Russia, especially domestic policy, on the one hand, is influenced by the age-old problem of nationalities, and on the other hand, by chance factors and even events taking place outside the country itself. Thus, the Ukrainian crisis caused a surge of nationalism in Russia and led to the emergence of a number of nationalist slogans in political circles, and the annexation of Crimea became a new political motivation for the Russian government.

    In addition, we have to admit that Russia lives in the era of Putin, because it is he who determines the country's policy, including domestic policy. Thus, we can conclude that three types of factors play a decisive role in Russia's domestic policy, on the basis of which the tactics of its authorities are formed, namely: natural (such as the national question), transient (for example, external events and the growth of Islamic fundamentalism). ) and presidential (that is, the personal position of Putin himself). If it is still possible to understand the essence of the first factor, then it is already much more difficult to do this with the second, and the third does not lend itself to any analysis at all.

    National policy is an integral part of the political activity of the state, regulating interethnic relations in various spheres of society. Its essence depends on the general direction of state policy.

    At the heart of democratic national policy is a respectful attitude towards people representing any ethnic community, a focus on cooperation and rapprochement of peoples.
    The foundation of the ethnopolitics of the Russian Federation is the Constitution. In its preamble, two policies in the field of interethnic relations can be distinguished: respect for the memory of the ancestors who passed on to us love for the Fatherland, permeated with patriotic feelings; concern for the preservation of the historically established state unity of peoples united by a common destiny on their land; political and legal focus on the assertion of human rights and freedoms, civil peace and harmony, equality of peoples, on ensuring the sovereign statehood of Russia, the inviolability of its democratic foundation.

    The Constitution guarantees human rights and freedoms, regardless of nationality, their equality, understanding, observance and protection (Art. 2, 19). Everyone has the right to use their native language, freely choose the language of communication, education, training, creativity (Article 26). Throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, the state language is Russian; republics have the right to establish their own state languages, used along with Russian (Article 68). Actions aimed at forcibly changing the foundations of the constitutional order and violating the integrity of the Russian Federation, propaganda of racial, national or linguistic superiority are prohibited (Articles 13, 29).
    In the "Concept of the state national policy of the Russian Federation" (1996), the principles of this policy are formulated as follows: equality of rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, regardless of his race, nationality, language; the prohibition of any form of restriction of the rights of citizens on the grounds of social, racial, national, linguistic or religious affiliation; preservation of the historical integrity of the Russian Federation; equality of all subjects of the Russian Federation in relations with federal authorities state power; guarantee of the rights of indigenous peoples; the right of every citizen to determine and indicate his national identity without any coercion; promoting the development of national cultures and languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation; timely and peaceful resolution of contradictions and conflicts; prohibition of activities aimed at undermining the security of the state, inciting social, racial, national and religious discord, hatred or enmity; protection of the rights and interests of citizens of the Russian Federation outside its borders, support for compatriots living in foreign countries in the preservation and development of their native language, culture and national traditions, in strengthening their ties with the Motherland in accordance with international law.
    Consistent implementation of these principles meets the diversity of interests of the peoples of Russia.
    NS Basic concepts: interethnic relations, interethnic conflicts, national policy.
    Terms: ethnology, separatism, xenophobia, tolerance.

    Test yourself
    1) Name the levels of interethnic relations, show the common and different in these levels. 2) What is the essence of the two trends in the development of interethnic relations? Give examples of manifestations of these tendencies. 3) What is the essence of interethnic cooperation? What are interethnic conflicts? List their main reasons. 5) What are the ways to prevent and overcome interethnic conflicts? 6) Describe the principles of the national policy of the Russian Federation.
    Think, Discuss, Do The UN documents state that tolerance is a moral duty, a legal and political need, leading from a culture of war to a culture of peace; aims to respect and understand the diversity of cultures; means an active attitude to reality, formed on the basis of the recognition of universal human rights and freedoms. Based on personal experience, facts of history and modernity, show how the principles of tolerance can be implemented in interethnic relations. Explain why it is especially important now to follow the principles of tolerance and respect for peoples to each other, to jointly overcome common difficulties. Scientists believe that humanity, becoming more interconnected and united, does not lose its ethno-cultural diversity. If you agree with this point of view, then confirm its correctness with facts from the social development of the 20th century; If you disagree, justify your views. Think about the answer to the question: how professional activity historian, lawyer, economist can promote interethnic cooperation, conflict prevention? Analyzing the main trend of the modern policy of the Russian Federation in the field of interethnic relations, scientists believe that it consists in switching from the national-territorial direction to the cultural-educational and cultural-educational one. How do you understand this conclusion of scientists, do you share this point of view?
    Work with the source
    Read a fragment of the work of the ethnologist V. A. Tishkov.
    Ethnonationalism in Post-Soviet States
    The most serious challenge for Russia and a number of other post-Soviet states is ethno-nationalism in its radical and intolerant manifestations. So called

    national movements in peaceful political and cultural forms among the peoples of the former USSR, they played and continue to play an important role in establishing decentralized forms of government and government, in preserving and developing the cultural integrity and distinctiveness of large and small peoples, and in the growth of the socio-political activity of citizens. But the ethnic factor in a number of cases has become the basis for the formation of programs and actions, as well as for the promotion of ideas and attitudes that provoke intolerance, cause conflicts and violence.
    The nationalism of small peoples, being a reaction to the traumas suffered in the past and the belittled status of non-Russian cultures, in the conditions of a social crisis, political destabilization and weak modernization of the population, often takes on aggressive forms. This is manifested in attempts to usurp power and prestige positions in favor of representatives of one ethnic group, change the demographic composition of the population by forcibly expelling ethnic “outsiders”, change administrative or interstate borders, carry out secret secession (secession from the state. - Ed.), including force of arms. Instead of improving government and social and cultural conditions of life, extreme nationalism offers outwardly simple, but essentially unrealistic solutions, attempts to implement which cause intercivil tensions and conflicts ...
    No less a threat to democratic transformations and social peace is the growing nationalism of the hegemonic type, formed on behalf of the numerically dominant peoples. In Russia, Russian nationalism is trying to acquire the status of a national ideology, appropriate the idea of ​​all-Russian patriotism and replace the formation of a common civil identity with the same unrealizable slogan of self-determination of the Russian ethno nation. Extremist groups and individuals are increasingly promoting fascist ideas, anti-Semitism and disdain for minorities.
    Tishkov V.A., Requiem for an Ethnos: Studies in Social and Cultural Synthropology. - M., 2003.-S. 319-320.
    | NO Questions and assignments to the source. 1) What is ethnonationalism? 2) What is the difference between radical ethno-nationalism and peaceful forms of national movements? 3) Illustrate with examples from history and the present the position that radical ethno-nationalism is a great danger for the peoples and states of the post-Soviet space. 4) What caused and how is the nationalism of small nations manifested? 5) What is the state of . _

    is it the essence and danger of ethno-nationalism of the hegemonic type? 6) The opinion is often expressed that the development of democracy, civic culture, and the stabilization of the socio-economic situation will have a positive effect on overcoming ethno-nationalism. Do you agree with this opinion? Justify your answer.
    They argue about it
    The non-Russian population makes up 20% of the total population of the Russian Federation. This gives some authors a reason to consider Russia a mono-ethnic state. This point of view meets with objections, because it does not take into account the historical conditions of the development of Russia and the commitment of many peoples to their languages, culture and way of life. What is your opinion?

    Department of fire safety of buildings


    Constitutional foundations of the state national policy of the Russian Federation

    What do you understand by the term "national policy"?

    What factors determine it?

    Democratic national politics are based on:

    The principle of respect for people representing any ethnic community;

    Installation on cooperation and rapprochement of peoples.

    The foundation of the national policy of the Russian Federation is the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    Working with the text of the Constitution, answer the next questions:

    1. What two policy settings in the field of interethnic relations does the preamble of the Constitution contain?

    2. After analyzing articles 2,13,19,26,29,68, determine how

    Does the Basic Law guarantee rights and freedoms regardless of nationality?

    3. What language of communication, education and creativity is fixed for the citizens of the Russian Federation?

    4. What language is considered the state language on the territory of the Russian Federation?

    5. Are there restrictive articles in the field of national relations? Which?

    Working with the textbook material on p. 93, study the "Concept of the state national policy Russian Federation» (1996) and analyze the principles of this policy. Express your opinion on this document. Argue your opinion.

    The UN documents indicate that tolerance is a moral duty, a legal and political need, leading from a culture of war to a culture of peace; aims to respect and understand the diversity of cultures; means an active attitude to reality, formed on the basis of the recognition of universal human rights and freedoms. Based on personal experience, facts of history and modernity, show how the principles of tolerance can be implemented in interethnic relations.

    Explain why it is especially important now to follow the principles of tolerance and respect for peoples to each other, to jointly overcome common difficulties.

    Scientists believe that humanity, becoming more interconnected and united, does not lose its ethno-cultural diversity.

    If you agree with this point of view, then confirm its correctness with the facts of the social development of the 20th century; If you disagree, justify your views.

    Analyzing the main trend of the modern policy of the Russian Federation in the field of interethnic relations, scientists believe that it consists in switching from the national-territorial direction to the cultural-educational and cultural-educational one.

    How do you understand this conclusion of scientists, do you share this point of view?

    Homework: Learn § 9, do the task. Prepare an answer to the question: how can the professional activity of a historian, lawyer, economist contribute to interethnic cooperation and conflict prevention?