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  • Solar eclipse August 21 what to do. Solar Eclipse Impact on Zodiac Signs

    Solar eclipse August 21 what to do.  Solar Eclipse Impact on Zodiac Signs

    For August 2017 for all signs of the zodiac.
    From 1 to 27 August 2017 when Venus enters Cancer. We will face a real love trouble. We will idealize relationships with loved ones. Complete acceptance of a partner, sensitivity to any changes in his mood is accepted, and everything that we do not like is discarded and forgotten for a while. However, from the depths of consciousness, everything will come out. As soon as Venus leaves Cancer, the relationship will return to normal.

    Already August 7, 2017 will be able to observe partial lunar eclipse which will occur in the 16th degree of Aquarius. Nature promises real fireworks - a storm, a hurricane, winds and heavy rains. The maximum eclipse will come at 21:20 Moscow time. It will be possible to observe the phenomenon throughout Russia and on other continents except America.

    After 7th to 21st August 2017 we will fall into the "corridor of eclipses" . People with heavy horoscopes will need to be wary of illness and loss. Remember that in Kabbalistic astrology, August is considered one of the most difficult and difficult months of the year. Considering that the eclipse corridor in August is superimposed on the retrograde (reverse) movement of Mercury, everyone will have to face various obstacles, inconsistencies and strange situations.
    Note! Already now, a few weeks before the eclipse, you may be faced with layoffs, layoffs and other troubles. Lions and Aries, and those who have an eclipse in their sign, can react especially badly to the solar eclipse in August 2017.

    will be dangerous and August 9-10 as soon as the Moon goes into conjunction with Neptune in Pisces, the water element risks causing problems again on earth. And in life, health and personal relationships - excessive emotions, illusions, chaos and poisoning.

    From August 13 to September 5, 2017 Mercury retrograde.
    During this period it is not recommended:
    - start learning and new things;
    - get a new job;
    - sign papers, contracts, new agreements;
    - draw up important papers, certificates, documents;
    - move, as well as engage in the purchase or exchange of housing;
    - to rent or lease premises;
    - buy or sell appliances, both household and vehicles;
    - to borrow and borrow;
    - go on a trip, especially to new places;
    - send parcels, letters and documents;
    - You should not make new acquaintances and sort things out.

    - to finish old affairs, to solve "old" problems;
    - put things in order in documents, papers, on the desktop;
    - refer to archives, re-read books;
    - throw away unnecessary papers, things and objects;
    - to return to the roots and origins;
    - check the furthest corners of your home or office;
    - revise old contracts and terms of cooperation;
    - look for new premises, but it will be possible to move there after the rotation of Mercury;
    - meet friends and old acquaintances.

    From August 15, 2017 Venus will oppose Pluto in Capricorn. In relationships with other people, there will be manipulation or pressure from the outside.

    BUT August 21 we will experience a total solar eclipse at 29 degrees Leo conjunct the royal star Regulus. The maximum solar eclipse is August 21, 2017 at 21:26 Moscow time. It can be seen in North America. For the first time since 1979, Americans will be able to see such a phenomenon. In Russia, the eclipse can be observed only in Chukotka (the Moon will touch the Sun a little).
    An interesting fact, since the eclipse is according to Leo, it will be associated with royal and famous people. For example, during periods of a solar eclipse, Mother Teresa, Princess Diana, Pope John Paul II passed away, and weddings, for example, of Prince Charles and Camilla, took place. In August, during this period, we will definitely witness bright events.

    August 23 The Sun will set in Virgo, and Mars from Virgo will make a positive aspect to Saturn in Sagittarius. There will be a period of acceptance of conditions for military operations on the planet. An attempt to change power in some countries can occur democratically.

    25-th of August Venus will create a tense aspect to Uranus in Aries. For personal relationships, the day will turn into quarrels and even parting. Note! Quarrels at eclipses almost always lead to a final break.

    From 26 to 28 August there will be a transit of the Moon in Scorpio. The time will not be suitable for solemn events, weddings and new cases in general.

    From August 27 to September 20, 2017 Venus will enter Leo. We will acutely feel the desire to fill life with joy, relaxation, love, we will want to be generous and magnanimous, to pamper our relatives. During this period, the number of meetings, dates, light intrigues will sharply increase. Cash spending will fall on pleasure, entertainment or gifts. Small profits or occasional money are possible for everyone. A good time for people passionate about art.

    The last lunar partial eclipse, which happened on August 7 this year, has already borne fruit. Each of the signs of the zodiac in their own way felt its influence, as well as the influence of the eclipse corridor, but it has not yet ended.

    Those engaged in creative, intellectual and social activities have experienced a full personal crisis and a loss of meaning in what previously seemed ideal. Others also had a feeling of personal limitations, disappointment in some dreams, which served as a kind of reason for a bad mood. For many, the "inner critic" has become the best friend, who smashed today's life to smithereens, because of which, against the background of his own worthlessness, irritability increased, and there was a rejection of other people's achievements and successes.

    In order to get rid of such sensations, it is necessary to shake off the shackles of disappointment with an effort of will and treat this issue from a different angle. The situation that has arisen during these days since the lunar eclipse only indicates that you have stopped in development and, in a sense, have reached the maximum level, that in order to move forward, you must abandon the old thinking patterns, habits and attitudes. They are hopelessly outdated and already act as an obstacle and interfering factor. Give up old patterns and past ideals, do not cling to your yesterday's achievements and victories - there are even more significant and big ones ahead of you.

    Signs of the Zodiac and the eclipse corridor of August 2017

    The hardest part of the August eclipse corridor is Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus and Leo. Due to their zodiac features, throughout the entire period between eclipses, they may feel a decline in mood and strength, panic from the inability to change situations that arise every now and then, to control the course of events. This year is the most difficult for these signs, as they react more sharply to changing conditions in their familiar environment and to the need to abandon their achievements.

    Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio and Leo ! Use the eclipse corridor as an opportunity to relax, play sports, or do something you love. Do not intrude and do not try to influence the course of events - this is not yet within your control. Give up self-criticism and regrets about missed opportunities, just watch the changes, prepare for the Solar Eclipse, it will mark you more than others.

    Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius and Aries with the right approach, they can go through the August eclipse corridor more constructively. Aries have a great chance to get rid of an old painful situation without unnecessary showdowns and problems. Libra will be able to delegate their problems to others, they will find support where they do not expect. Some important information will suddenly become accessible and understandable to the Gemini, which will help to “put together the puzzle” of today's and future circumstances for further development. Well, for Sagittarius, the eclipse corridor is a great opportunity to sort out relationships at work, put things in order in personal affairs and business.

    For Pisces The eclipse corridor will prepare misconceptions about the importance of the situation. They will think that the situation is much worse than it really is. Hence - fears, irritability. You should moderate your ardor somewhat so as not to be misunderstood. You should not draw hasty conclusions and it is recommended to keep silent once again, so that later you do not disentangle the consequences of a word not spoken in time.

    For Capricorn and Virgo the eclipse corridor will be associated with financial worries, since during this particular period a number of inconsistencies and confusions with contracts and money will arise. But Cancers will have to seriously work on personal relationships. Whether you like it or not, you will have to dot the "i" in some matters. In personal relationships, you should abandon old patterns and stereotypes of thinking in order to make room for a good future. Be extremely careful in order to correctly assess how things are in reality in certain issues, and not in a far-fetched being.

    Solar eclipse August 2017: what not to do

    Each solar eclipse is a kind of revelation and an opportunity to change the program of our life. The slogan for the August 2017 solar eclipse is "all or nothing". That is, when forming programs, you can aim at something unimaginable for you and ... get what you want. Or, recognizing their incompetence in certain issues and unwillingness to follow the path of development, to remain at the same level without any guarantees to preserve what is already available and achieved.

    In other words, the August solar eclipse calls on a voluntary-compulsory basis to take the opportunity to change your life and make it more successful. If you refuse such an opportunity, then in consequence you may lose the stability of the already achieved position. You should not stop there. You need to move on and do more, and the bigger and bolder your plans are, the more likely it is that their implementation will take place without unnecessary costs and effort on your part.

    But first: what can not and should not be done during the eclipse on August 21 and in the period from August 15 to September 5?

    • Do not buy real estate, vehicles, appliances, electronics, communications. Before submitting or signing any documents, check the correctness of their execution 7 times. Do not get involved in adventurous and dubious projects.
    • During the eclipse and the following days until September 6, one should not give a damn about the available information. It is necessary to have several backup copies of important documents, since there is a high probability of damage or loss of information carriers, problems may arise not only with courier services, but also with supply and consumption partners, intermediaries, customers and consultants. At greater risk are interactions with teachers and students.
    • These days you should not adhere to strict regulatory rules. That is, if you are going to rest, go on a trip, work hard, allocate much more time for these events in your daily routine. Since, there is a danger of any incidents that will prevent you from meeting the set time. And so you can slowly delve into the problem and fix it in the right direction.
    • It is impossible during the Solar Eclipse and in the period from August 15 to September 5 to believe everything you hear, read, see, spontaneously come to mind, signed and promised. And in order not to get into a mess during this period, do not make final decisions. You should always have a chance to reevaluate the situation.
    • You can't fight during a solar eclipse. Do not swear with relatives and loved ones at this time, even if you have good enough reasons for this. It is better to remain neutral and not engage in controversy. Otherwise, you will seriously regret it later. Well, if suddenly you could not avoid the conflict, and it flared up, it is better to step back and give in, even if you are one hundred percent sure that you are right. It is better to return to this problem after a few days and calmly resolve it.

    Well, now: What can and should be done on the Solar Eclipse of August 2017

    • In the period from August 17 to 21, it is good to lay new habits and form programs for the future. All requests to the Universe will be fulfilled. The main thing to remember is the truth of desire (your desire must be truly yours, and not inspired by society and its individual individuals).
    • On the very day of the Solar Eclipse, you can begin a new stage of life. You can launch previously created programs. That is, you should start not what you momentarily came to mind directly on the day of the eclipse. You should go through preliminary preparatory work, which will help determine the goals for the future, the importance of motives and the expediency of aspirations. Let's not forget that grandiose and rather bold plans can be made, but within the limits of regional reality.
    • Remember that emotions are not stable during any eclipses, so we carefully avoid conflict situations.

    Try to be careful and accurate in human relations and choice of decisions, this will help you survive the corridor of eclipses and the Solar Eclipse without loss and get favorable results as a result of working out.

    What can you do on the very day of the Solar Eclipse on August 21, 2017?

    The practice of this day is to follow a certain diet. It is advisable to exclude meat and daily diet and fatty foods. Even better, if you do this 1-3 days before the eclipse.

    Just before the session of planning and starting the program, it is recommended to take a shower or bath with aromatic oils that reduce stress and fatigue.

    Drink a glass of water diluted with holy or baptismal water. And conduct a meditation session using one of the techniques known to you, including the rules for the formation and launch of programs for 18.5 years (since the Solar Eclipse is total). Here is one of the variations of such sessions for an ordinary person who does not have esoteric knowledge.

    Light 4 candles and place them in 4 corners of your room. Light the fifth candle and place it on the table. On a blank white sheet of paper, make a list of your plans and desires. When writing them, the particle “not” should be avoided. You need to write not in the future, not in the past tense, but in the present. That is, I don’t “I want to have”, “I will have”, “I would like to have”, but I have.

    After compiling the list, drink a glass of spring water in small sips and settle into a comfortable position for meditation. Call your Guardian Angel and Saints. Fill your state with infinite light, calmness and relaxation. Remember your list and imagine as if each of the desires has already come true and the plans have come true.

    Enclose the presented picture in a round frame of blue light. Check your feelings. If there is no feeling of tension, then you did everything right. If, on the contrary, you have a feeling of dissatisfaction, change the picture until a smile appears on your face and a sense of peace and tranquility covers your soul. Then imagine that the picture of your plans was filled with blue radiance and went to heaven. Then smile and thank the Universe, the Guardian Angel and the Saints for their help.

    Inhale and exhale deeply several times, stretch gently and once again thank the Universe, the Guardian Angel and the Saints. Open your eyes, and burn the plans written on a piece of paper on the fire of candles, and let the ashes from it go to the wind. Candles leave to burn until complete combustion.

    Natural phenomena such as eclipses undoubtedly affect the world around us, even if only for a short time. This influence will also affect us.

    But let's first understand what a solar and lunar eclipse is.

    Imagine a dark room with no light. The only source is a lantern. Let the lantern be the sun. Let's say it shines directly in your face from the opposite side of the room. You are sitting on a chair or on a sofa, that is, you are on Earth. Imagine that someone is standing in front of you.

    For clarity, imagine that someone will take the ball and carry it right in front of the lantern. If you work in full scale, then you will need, for example, a pea or something round and small. If you look at a pea, holding it with your fingers right in front of your face, then it can block the Sun, that is, a lantern. This is the solar eclipse.

    With a lunar eclipse, things are a little more complicated. Imagine that the Earth and the Moon are reversed. Now we are casting a shadow on the moon. Since the Earth is larger than the Moon, the shadow passes much more often and more clearly across the lunar disk.

    Upcoming eclipses in 2017

    In February, there was already one solar and one lunar eclipse. Now it's summer, it's time for the second "wave" of eclipses. They will take place in August.

    On August 7th there will be a partial eclipse of the Moon in Aquarius. It will take place in the evening, at about 18:20 Moscow time. It will be visible only from a telescope, but still not good enough.

    On August 21st there will be a total solar eclipse in Leo. This means that this event will be very spectacular. Unfortunately, it will only be available in North America. A partial eclipse will be slightly visible in the Russian Far East.

    Thus, August will be very busy. If you have a desire, you can watch the broadcast or recording of the solar eclipse on August 21, but do not worry too much about this, because beautiful eclipses happen once every 5-6 years, and maybe more often.

    Of course, the lunar disk does not completely cover the Sun. In the same place on the globe, a total eclipse of the Sun occurs once every 200 years, which can already upset astronomy lovers.

    How eclipses affect human energy

    Both solar and lunar eclipses represent the opposition of the Moon and the Sun. We feel it ourselves. Remember that before any such phenomenon a day or even two is not worth:

    • abuse alcohol;
    • disrupt the daily routine;
    • overexert;
    • stay in stressful situations;
    • make important decisions;
    • start something important.

    On such days, it is possible and even necessary to part with the past, getting rid of garbage and rubbish at home. Purify not only the place where you live, but also your soul. Do not be afraid to dream, forgetting about all the negative moments, events and people in order to remove negative programs.

    August eclipses are dangerous from the point of view of astrology.

    The lunar eclipse on August 7 will take place in the sign of Aquarius. On this day, you should ask for forgiveness from those whom you offended by word or deed in the past. Don't fight with anyone, especially if you don't want to have problems at work and school. Aquarius can make you say something that will forever turn a loved one away from you.

    The Eclipse of the Sun in Leo on August 21 will be dangerous for anyone who wants to keep the lead.

    Do not make empty promises on this day. Do not put yourself above other people: show your colleagues and subordinates, as well as close people, that you are equal. This will build trust.

    Throw unnecessary emotions out of your head. August is an energetically dangerous month, but you will be lucky if you put some effort into it. You will succeed if you are careful enough on August 7th and 21st.

    There are two eclipses in August:
    - Moon eclipse- August 7, 2017, 9 p.m. 10 minutes. in Moscow time at 15*25 Aquarius
    - Solar eclipse– August 21, 2017, 9 p.m. 30 min. in Moscow time in 28*53 Leo

    Both eclipses belong to Saros series 1N:
    “Unexpected events involving friends or a group of people put a lot of pressure on personal relationships.
    Relationship issues can become exaggerated when an eclipse affects a chart.
    A person should be prudent and not make any hasty decisions, as the information is distorted and possibly erroneous.
    The essence of the eclipse is also fatigue and related health problems.”
    Bernadette Brady, Predictive Astrology, Volume II

    Lunar eclipse August 7, 2017

    On the Full Moon on August 7, there is a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius.
    The Full Moon, ruled by Uranus, falling into the shadow of the Earth, falls for a moment from the stream of sunlight and plunges into darkness.
    At this moment, in the subconscious (Moon) of people, hidden psychological processes will be activated and manifested, which were not previously manifested in the outside world due to control by the consciousness (Sun). All hidden and accumulated grievances, claims, painful states, forced into the depths of the subconscious, will break out of the control of consciousness into the outside world in an undisguised, assertive and, possibly, aggressive form.
    By disposition, the Moon, deprived of solar energy, activates Uranus. And the unconscious uncontrolled negative flow that escaped from the control of consciousness can cause a strong overexcitation of the nervous system. Uranus in Aries, according to the disposition, will transfer this impulse to Mars - an explosion of physical activity, rage, dynamics, a desire to act urgently without any reason or understanding.
    And this powerful blast wave is transmitted to the Sun - ego, consciousness.
    Thus, a Lunar eclipse at the energy level can provoke unconscious uncontrolled outbursts of aggression, which in fact is the result of the control of the subconscious over consciousness.
    Such an effect is very dangerous in its destructiveness, both for the individual and for the outside world.

    Lunar eclipses affect all life on the planet.
    But for humanity, which has consciousness, such an energetic effect on the planet will be especially influential. It can push a certain category of people to unconscious, destructive, inappropriate behavior in relation to the world around them.

    The peculiarity of this Lunar eclipse lies in the fact that Mercury is not only struck by Neptune - blurring of logical thinking, inability to concentrate,
    so he is still in the stage of stationarity before turning into a retrograde movement, his speed is almost zero, which gives stupor, immobility, slowness in thinking, in the exchange of information, contact, sociability, obtaining the necessary and reliable information, movements, trips, documents, etc. .
    In practice, thinking is not able to control and soberly assess the situation, which is characterized by fiery pressure, suddenness and unpredictability and can change rapidly.

    In terms of health, injuries, burns, headaches, neuroses, exacerbation of problems of the cardiovascular system are possible. It is better to once again provide for prevention on days close to eclipses.

    Each person will react and perceive eclipses in his own way, individually, depending on his natal chart.
    Someone may not notice any eclipse, someone may feel physical ailments, nervous strain, an unstable psycho-emotional state.
    This lunar eclipse will be especially felt by people who have planets in their natal charts, angular cusps, important points at 14-17 degrees of the signs Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio.

    Solar eclipse August 21, 2017

    The new moon on August 21, 2017 falls on a solar eclipse, the exact phase of which will occur at 21:30 Moscow time. time.
    Before the solar eclipse, it is better not to start anything new. A solar eclipse can change everything or even completely cancel the affairs and plans started shortly before the eclipse.

    What happens during a solar eclipse for the inhabitants of the planet.
    The disk of the Sun will be closed from earthlings by the disk of the Moon, which means a short-term break in the solar flow, energy, electromagnetic radiation for the inhabitants of the Earth.
    This event is a powerful energy impact for all living beings on the planet, a reboot of all energy processes,
    and as a result, events in people's lives.
    On the day of the solar eclipse itself, a decline in energy, well-being, vitality, apathy against a strong exciting and irritating background are possible.
    By the time of the solar eclipse, Mercury is still struck by Neptune and is already moving backwards - retrograde.

    A solar eclipse can redraw current events and bring old forgotten unresolved unfinished business and problems, papers, things, people from the past onto the agenda.
    The peculiarity of this solar eclipse is that it occurs in one of the last degrees of Leo. That is, all the processes in people's lives caused by this solar eclipse may not manifest themselves in the form of any external activity, but will be a powerful basis, stimulus, impetus for internal processes in the soul and consciousness, in creative manifestation.

    Particularly sensitive to the Solar Eclipse on August 21, 2017 can be people whose natal charts contain planets, angular cusps and important points at 27-30 degrees of Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus.

    On days near eclipses, a sparing regimen is important in everything.
    There is no need to be loaded with hard physical work at this time or try to resolve complex problematic cases and issues. It won't give any results at this point.
    This is the time when it is wiser to wait, to take a break.