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  • Design of yacht clubs, marinas, moorings and other. Sailing - a luxury vacation Business project for the placement of a yacht berth

    Design of yacht clubs, marinas, moorings and other.  Sailing - a luxury vacation Business project for the placement of a yacht berth

    The magazine often publishes messages about the organization of new amateur yacht clubs, but does not cover the legal registration of such organizations. In particular, we are interested in answers to the following questions:

    How are amateur yacht clubs created? Is there a standard Yacht Club Charter and what is its content? How many members are needed to create an amateur yacht club? How to get permission to make a stamp, seals, emblem, badge and pennant of the club? Can an amateur yacht club have its own account with the State Bank? Where is the money stored and how is it spent?

    Yu. Panteleev, Solntsevo, Moscow Region, S. Zaraikin, Saratov, A. Masny, Kremenchug, K. Sazonov, Yakutsk, and others.

    The organization of an amateur yacht club begins with the creation of an initiative group of the most experienced yachtsmen who can be members of various voluntary sports societies. This group, using the standard charter of the yacht club, develops a draft of the future charter of the club, then applies to one of the DSO organizations with a request to allow the creation of the club and approve its Charter, adopted at the general meeting of future members. The Charter may also be approved by the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports under the City Executive Committee.

    The model Charter of the yacht club was approved by order of the Chairman of the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports under the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 237 dated April 25, 1972. The Charter contains the following sections: general provisions and tasks; activities of the yacht club; yacht club rights; yacht club facilities; yacht club management; public bodies of the yacht club (council of the yacht club; coaching council; board of judges; commissions: qualification, technical, for sports swimming, youth, cultural and audit), members of the yacht club, their rights and obligations; legal members of the yacht club; honorary members of the yacht club; liquidation of the yacht club.

    The model Charter states that in order to ensure sports and financial activities, the yacht club, as an independent sports organization, can have its own stamp, seals, forms of established samples, a current account with the State Bank, as well as its emblem, badge and pennant.

    On the basis of the approved charter, at the request of the chairman of the DSO, the relevant service of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate issues a permit for the manufacture of a corner stamp and a round seal of the club according to the submitted samples for processing documentation related to the sports activities of the club.

    The form of the membership card, the emblem of the club (badge) and the pennant of the club are reviewed and approved by the DSO, which will have jurisdiction over the club.

    At the request of the DSO or other organizations that have assumed financial responsibility for the yacht club (this can be an enterprise, collective farm, institute), the district executive committee allocates a land plot to the club for lease, on which buildings, mooring walls and other structures are then erected.

    Amateur yacht clubs can also be created at enterprises and other organizations. The Leningrad amateur yacht club "Mayak", for example, was created under the DSO "Trud", and the "Positron" enterprise, whose employees formed the backbone of the club's members, assumed financial responsibility. The yacht club in Pushchino on the Oka was organized under the city committee of DOSAAF. A yacht club in the city of Kondopoga was created at a poultry farm; The charter of the club was approved by the city sports committee. The Dnepropetrovsk cruising yacht club was created by the decision of the Executive Committee of the Dnepropetrovsk City Council of People's Deputies, and the Charter was approved by the City Sports Committee.

    The number of members of amateur clubs is not specified by anyone and depends on the financial assistance of the organization that founded the club. If the club exists entirely at its own expense, although it is registered with the enterprise, then it must have at least 100 members who provide security and maintenance of the club on a voluntary basis. The technical and sports management of the activities of the yacht club is carried out by the board and relevant commissions elected from among the members of the club.

    The board of an amateur yacht club is elected, as a rule, for 2 years in the amount of 7 people according to the structure of services of regular clubs: the chairman of the board, who is also the head of the club, the head of the port, the head of the educational unit, the head of the workshops, the chairman of the technical commission, the boatswain and the secretary of the board.

    These people are enough for operational work in the club. Functional responsibilities are developed for each official.

    A current account with the State Bank can be opened on the basis of a decision to establish a yacht club, provided there is a minimum amount of 2,000 rubles. Until the opening of an account, funds from fees (entry, membership, for the use of the territory) are stored in the savings bank and spent on the basis of an estimate of expenses for sports and household needs approved by the general meeting of the yacht club.

    In this material:

    Today, a small number of successful businessmen can afford to buy their own yacht, but the cost of some models is so low that wealthy members of the middle class can get a full-fledged sea vessel in their ownership. For some, yachts are a form of recreation and entertainment, for others - a hobby, and there are those for whom yachts are a collector's item. For all categories of ship owners there are yacht clubs that are engaged in organizational activities and are interest clubs.

    The business plan of the yacht club contains guidance on the main stages of organizing business activities: passing the mandatory procedure for state registration of a business, choosing the location of the club, employing the necessary personnel, as well as financial analytics of the income and expenditure indicators of the business project.

    Description of the yacht club, the relevance of the business idea

    Owning a full-fledged yacht is an indicator of the wealth and status of the owner. Yacht clubs are organized meetings of businessmen who associate their activities, recreation, hobbies or collecting with yachting, where common issues are resolved, events and exhibitions are held, and joint leisure is organized. The business is designed for rich and successful clients - businessmen and wealthy representatives of the middle class.

    Yacht business organization step by step

    Activity registration

    To carry out entrepreneurial activities, a novice entrepreneur must go through the mandatory procedure for state registration of a business, having decided on the choice of the optimal form of existence - an individual entrepreneur without forming a legal entity, a limited liability company or an open or closed joint-stock company.

    After collecting all the necessary documentation and paying the state fee for registering a business, you need to register with the local tax authority and choose a taxation system. The simplified taxation system (STS) will provide an entrepreneur with a choice of two forms of payment of mandatory monthly tax deductions: 6% of income or 15% of net profit.

    Location of the yacht club and arrangement of the territory

    The success of the business project implementation, as well as the indicators of the profitable part of entrepreneurial activity, directly depend on the correct choice of a place to accommodate the yacht club and the competent arrangement of the territory. It should be borne in mind that the location of the club in the central part of the metropolis on the embankment or the arrangement of the club outside the city has its own various advantages for doing business.

    On the market today there are offers for renting buildings and structures located near equipped berths, which is the most optimal accommodation option for a novice entrepreneur implementing a business project related to the organization of a yacht club.

    Purchase of yachts and equipment

    In addition to the acquisition of traditional yachts and small boats for future profitable resale and rental, an additional source of income will be the purchase of:

    • jet skis;
    • water bicycles;
    • speed boats;
    • other water craft and small boats.

    At the initial stages of organizing the activities of a yacht club, an entrepreneur will not need a large number of swimming facilities.


    To organize a fully functional club, a novice entrepreneur, among other things, should be puzzled by the employment of highly qualified personnel. In addition to employees involved in servicing yacht club events, administrators, technical staff, it is necessary to employ specialists in the maintenance and repair of swimming facilities. It is also worth taking care of attracting a third-party incoming accountant or forming a full-fledged financial department of the club.

    For start-up marketing and legal support of the company's activities, as the need arises, you should contact specialized third-party marketing and legal agencies. At first, it is recommended for an entrepreneur to manage the club on his own, and then to employ a qualified manager-manager.

    Yacht club marketing and advertising

    In order to attract the target audience of a business project and form an initial client base, traditional advertising and marketing methods should be used, including advertising in local print media, on television and radio. Posting ads and distributing leaflets in places with high traffic indicators of the target audience of the project will also work.

    Creating and maintaining your own website will become a significant competitive advantage, as well as the promotion of groups in popular social networks and advertising on thematic forums. Carrying out promotions and discount campaigns will increase the level of trust of regular customers and draw attention to the business of a new audience.

    Financial part of the business plan

    Investments in business

    For the purposes of organizing a small one-star yacht club, the amount of initial investment, directed mainly to renting a land plot, purchasing small boats and equipment, as well as equipping a berth and carrying out the necessary repairs, will be from one to two and a half million rubles.

    Monthly expenses

    The main current expenses of the club are aimed at paying mandatory tax deductions, paying salaries to employees of the organization, purchasing the necessary consumables, regular repair and maintenance of small boats, and advertising and marketing activities. The average monthly expenses of the company will be 200-300 thousand rubles.

    Income and profit calculation

    The club's income is generated by providing clients with a wide range of services, varying depending on the size of the company, the number of swimming facilities and the number of clients. As practice shows, on average, an entrepreneur can count on a net profit of 200-300 thousand rubles a month. The start-up investment is thus paid off within the first year of operation, and the profitability of the business is more than 30%.

    Additional sources of income

    In addition to the traditional leasing of small boats, an entrepreneur can provide additional related services, including:

    • arrangement of a cafe or restaurant;
    • renting out parking lots near the club's berth;
    • training courses on the management of swimming facilities;
    • other services.

    Buy a ready-made business plan

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    Yachting is a modern hobby for active, dynamic people who appreciate new experiences, a healthy lifestyle, comfort and quality. Dmitry Solopov, the founder of TABI, spoke about his love for sailing, the peculiarities of the development of the yacht business, plans and prospects for Thirst.

    History of the project

    As Dmitry Solopov recalls, love for yachts and sailing accompanied him all his life. It all started from early childhood. Dmitry's parents met in Odessa, and, naturally, the family often visited the sea in Odessa. Both the father and all the relatives of the Solopovs are sailors. Any sailor in Odessa is a yachtsman, but Dmitry's father, Andrei, was an avid yachtsman. And, of course, he passed on his passion to his son.

    Dmitry was 6 or 7 years old when his father first brought him to the Odessa Yacht Club. They got on a boat, 8 meters long, and went to sea. It was the beginning of the 80s. The boat was old, most likely received by indemnity after the war - a completely wooden classic Bermuda sloop. Dmitry climbed into the bow compartment, opened the anchor cover and watched, without climbing out onto the deck, how the bow of the yacht broke the waves on the sidewind with foam. These impressions, according to him, Solopov will never forget. He was completely infected by the sea - Alain Bombara's "Overboard involuntarily" became the young man's reference book.

    Probably, Dmitry would have become a sailor - but the choice of a further life path led him to Moscow, where he continued his education and became first a philologist, then a journalist, and then a media manager. But the passion for yachts remained, and after a while Dmitry returned to his childhood and youthful passion. 10 years ago at the Moscow yachting school he received a skipper's license and since then regularly, two or three times a year, took boats on charter. The first years he really liked to just go in for yachting, periodically go sailing. But gradually he began to see the shortcomings of the existing charter companies - the realization came that a youthful dream could be transformed into a promising business idea. With an experienced eye, the future founder of TABI found more and more opportunities to improve the quality of boat rental service, expanding the range of services offered to customers.

    Getting Started, Investments, First Difficulties

    TABI is a relatively young business project, but it already has a certain financial base. Naturally, in order to start effective work, significant investments were required.

    Yachts are a capital intensive business. If we talk about yachts from 55 feet in size, it is almost 20 meters - they are not worth less than 700 thousand euros. In addition, the process of technical and service support for such a boat is not cheap - in order to be in a decent, competitive condition, the vessel requires constant care and professional supervision. However, with proper business organization and marketing, its profitability can reach 20 percent per annum.

    Dmitry Solopov: “We passed the last 2016 in test mode. Then we operated only one boat. Now we have several of them. In fact, initially there were two people in the team - me and Lev Rodshtein, the current CEO of our company. This season we were joined by Alisa Neladus, Commercial Director of TABI, and Alena Roman, Executive Director, who is responsible for interior comfort on boats. We pay special attention to this."

    Work with clients

    TABI is a brand that is being developed on the basis of the concept of improving the quality indicators of cooperation with customers and the formation of a loyal customer audience. The reputation of the company is a professional service, well-maintained yachts, a benevolent atmosphere. The company appreciates each client, and tries to do everything to provide him with a comfortable, pleasant stay, as focused as possible on the implementation of a specific request.

    Dmitry Solopov: “Today we have dozens of clients, and the main thing is that today we have a 100% return. That is, everyone who traveled with TABI last year returned this season as well. It's just wonderful! The average cost of a week of travel ranges from 7,000 to 10,000 euros, if we are talking about the base model of the 2017 season - the Beneteau 55 yacht. Not so much for a summer season in the Mediterranean or for a winter in the Caribbean, given that the yacht comfortably accommodates three couples! Just compare that to the cost of a five star hotel. But to compare it in terms of impressions is impossible!

    Effective management and teamwork

    TABI is a young company and the team working here is also young and energetic. The people who came to the project clearly understand the goals and priorities of the company, are result-oriented and have a high level of professionalism.

    Dmitry Solopov, as a leader, believes in the principles of effective distribution of obligations and functions, loyal modern management and friendly relations in the team. Strict control and supervision cannot achieve effective results if employees do not have the right motivation. And it is impossible to create it without understanding the importance of each employee, without corporate solidarity, mutual respect and tolerance. Of great importance is the initiative of employees, the ability to generate ideas and the willingness to implement them.

    TABI practices daily communication of the whole team for creativity and brainstorming, joint development of story routes. This allows you not to fall into everyday routine work. It is also a great pleasure to hold working meetings outside the office, each time in a new place where you can drink / eat something new and thereby catch a good mood and inspiration.

    Dmitry Solopov: “It is important that all employees understand perfectly what exactly they are selling, as they are personally familiar with the product and have tried it on themselves. We arrange special trips for the team so that they are saturated with the spirit of sailing adventures, they understand what the thrill is. Another important point is the implementation of the ideas of employees by management. For example, this is how we created an “adventure into the unknown”, when a person goes on a trip and does not know what places he will have a route to, what country he will sail to, what exactly awaits him on the shore. This adds even more piquancy – to look at the coast from the sea, to try to guess what kind of place it is, what language is spoken here, what is the name of the city.”

    Integration into the competitive space

    TABI's competitors are charter companies that provide clients with yachts for recreation and travel. However, the company boldly competes with any type of sea holiday, as it tries to convince customers that the best pastime is sailing. In addition, much attention is paid to ensuring the comfort and safety of movement on a yacht, developing interesting routes, and finding additional opportunities for organizing interesting and high-quality pastime for clients.

    Dmitry Solopov: “While our prices are not below the market, we offer a number of advantages that a regular charter campaign does not have. First, the journey does not end where it begins, but at any point that the client desires. This makes it possible to see fundamentally more places and get more impressions than in the "loopback" route.

    Secondly, we do not just rent a boat, but develop routes. We are studying which bay is more interesting to go for a swim, where it is better to stay for the night, which restaurant is a must-see. We reserve a table in this restaurant for our clients. We book places in marinas along the route of the yacht and at the same time we can book any marina at the first request of our travelers. We have a constantly working call center where the client can call at any time. Rest on a yacht is a luxury story, a luxury experience. And if you want a box of Moet champagne by the time you arrive at the marina, we will do our best to fulfill this desire.”

    Achievements and plans

    TABI is a project that is developing actively and dynamically, constantly expanding the range of services provided and increasing its financial potential.

    The main achievement of the company is the formation of a professional, friendly team and a loyal client audience with a 100% return. The main value is only professional knowledge of yachts, seas, ocean. Here they are responsible for the lives of people, guarantee their safety. Without a deep knowledge of the topic, even the management of the company, and not just the skippers, it is impossible to build a productive dialogue, set constructive and feasible tasks. Each TABI employee is deeply immersed and understands the topic.

    The company plans further promotion in the selected market segment, expanding the geography of its activities.

    Dmitry Solopov: “This year we entered the Russian market, next year we plan to enter the European market. We also plan to increase our fleet with larger yachts.”

    TABI in facts and figures

    Year of foundation

    Starting investments

    Purchase of 1 yacht of 55 feet, worth about 700 thousand euros.


    Basic model of the season 2017

    Yacht Beneteau 55.

    Average weekly travel cost

    A yacht is a luxury item. However, despite this truth, it is worth noting that yachts are different. And not all of them cost fabulous money. So, for example, the price of pleasure yachts is from 3 thousand dollars. On average, the cost of cheap yachts is no more than 15 thousand dollars. In other words, the purchase of a yacht is available not only to millionaires, and an increasing number of wealthy people want to own them. But the yacht must be left somewhere in the parking lot. Moreover, novice yachtsmen need to learn how to sail. All this is possible in yacht club, the organization and opening of which is a great idea for organizing your own business.

    Opening of the yacht club- an elite business that requires significant investment, but at the same time, its level of profitability is always high. And the organization of such a business, in addition to dividends in the form of profits, will also provide connections with many influential people, which is always useful.

    Main categories of clients yacht clubs are businessmen, athletes, politicians, actors, so the approach to organizing a business should be the most serious. In order for the business to be successful, the yacht club brings good, stable profits and pays off in a short time, first of all, special attention should be paid to the location of the yacht club. The more good and attractive it is, the more customers will visit it, providing the owner of the yacht club with a significant profit.

    It should be noted that today find good land almost impossible. The best places have long been dismantled. Nevertheless, it's still worth trying. If the city authorities consider the yacht club a city attraction and appreciate the contribution that it makes to the development of tourism, they may well allocate a coastal site for free. In practice, such cases often occur. However, most likely, to use it, it will be necessary to open a circle for young yachtsmen on the basis of the club. In other cases, the land will have to be bought or rented.

    When choosing a location, it is necessary to take into account the classification of yacht clubs, which, depending on the location, divides them into the following types:

    - Stationary yacht clubs- clubs located in places that guarantee the constant presence of customers.

    - Guest berths- parking lots that are located in close proximity to restaurants, cafes, clubs, hotels and other places of recreation.

    - Guest harbors- are built in those places where tourists passing by regularly have a need for rest.

    After choosing a location and resolving all issues related to the site, you should place all the necessary facilities on the territory of the yacht club. First of all, you need to take care of the berth. The simplest and cheapest option is to install a floating pontoon berth. The advantage of such a berth is that it does not have a negative impact on the environment, due to which most of the problems associated with sanitary supervision and environmentalists are simply absent. However, if the clients of the yacht club are owners of large yachts, the length of which reaches 30-40 meters or more, then a pontoon floating berth will not work. In this case, it is necessary to install a pier with metal piles capable of holding a large yacht.

    It is worth noting that yacht clubs can be different and include a wide variety of services. In addition to the parking of yachts, their rental, the services of a school for yachtsmen and even a resort and hotel complex can be offered. In addition, a yacht club can also be a kind of trading platform for yachts.

    As already noted, the opening of a yacht club requires considerable financial investments. Their volume depends on the type of yacht club, of which there are four: 1, 2, 3 and 4-star.

    In order to open one-star yacht club, you need to spend an amount of at least 60 thousand dollars. Such a yacht club is capable of 12 to 15 boats and small yachts weighing no more than 4 tons. The office of the club with one star is located next to the parking lot on the water. The main source of income is the rent paid for the parking space.

    Two Star Yacht Club can be opened by spending about 250 thousand dollars. Such a club can accommodate about 20 medium-sized yachts. In addition, there is a bar on the territory of the club, as well as a toilet and shower for customers. Thus, the main income is formed not only from rent, but also from the profit of the bar.

    Three Star Yacht Club- is already quite a serious business. In addition to yacht parking, customers are offered the services of a bar, a hotel, a restaurant, a repair shop for boats and yachts, a shop selling boats and spare parts for them, showers. Also in such a club, clients can refuel a yacht or boat with fuel, replenish their drinking water supplies, etc. The construction of a three-star yacht club will cost at least 450 thousand dollars.

    The most elite is four-star yacht club, offering customers the widest range of various services, ranging from yacht parking and ending with rooms in luxury hotels, services of elite restaurants and nightclubs. The cost of building such a club is at least $1.5 million.

    The main sources of income for yacht clubs are:

    Renting yachts;
    - courses for yachtsmen, opened on the basis of the club;
    - parking of yachts;
    - trade in yachts;
    - Botels (floating hotels), restaurants, bars, nightclubs located on the territory of the yacht club.

    The yacht club is a business that does not bring quick income. Nevertheless, this is an elite and very promising business that can fully pay off within the first five years of its operation.