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  • Knight of tarot wands value in work. Knight of tarot wands by rider white

    Knight of tarot wands value in work.  Knight of tarot wands by rider white

    The Knight of Wands card symbolizes dynamics, fast movement, rapid changes. But, in order to interpret the meaning of this card in the layouts correctly, it is worth knowing some of the nuances that we will share.

    Take a closer look at your surroundings - can you trust people who are close to you? Be careful and careful, someone is dishonest with you and plays a bad game behind your back.

    The rider of tarot wands: meaning in relationships

    The Knight card, when it appears in the relationship, has the following meanings:

    • You will start a frivolous relationship. You and your partner will just enjoy spending time together - there is no need to talk about any obligations in this situation. It is unlikely that such an alliance will spill over into something serious.
    • The Knight of Wands in a relationship symbolizes vivid and dynamic emotions. This is a passion, a stormy showdown, a constant confrontation between "who will win". The map may indicate a sick relationship in which partners are incredibly attracted to each other, but they cannot live a day without violent scandals
    • But sometimes the meaning of the card is favorable - the Knight indicates that your partner is a powerful source of inspiration for you. It gives a lot of energy, thanks to which you develop and constantly strive forward, to achievements.
    • In an inverted position, the Horseman card indicates jealousy. The paradox, but your chosen one is jealous, despite the complete indifference to you. From a spiritual point of view, there is no connection between you - you are united only by physical attraction. Sex alone will not go far, so your relationship is unlikely to last long.

    If the inverted knight fell out to a lonely woman, the card promises an unsuccessful and extremely unhappy marriage.

    Knight of Wands: Combination with other Tarot

    It is known that the meaning of any card can change depending on which other Tarot is surrounded by it in the layout.

    Here are the most common combinations of a Knight card with other cards in the deck:

    • With the Page of Swords. A stormy and very hasty showdown is ahead, which will lead to unpredictable negative consequences. Try not to get into fights in the near future. Before making a complaint, cool down and think about how to convey your discontent to the chosen one without conflict.
    • With the King of Swords. A serious conflict awaits you with someone who has power over you. It will be a kind of rivalry. The result of the dispute will determine whose authority is considered the most significant
    • With the Four of Swords. You will become the heir, but along with the inheritance, you will get a lot of problems. We'll have to share property with other people who claim it. Litigation and long disputes await you
    • With Ten of Pentacles. After a long absence, you will finally return home. A trip to your homeland will be sudden and unplanned, but still very joyful.
    • In combination with the Chariot card, the Horseman portends an exciting journey, from which you will receive a lot of positive emotions. It can be either a planned vacation or a sudden business trip.

    Watch the video about the meaning of the card knight of wands:

    Significance in the layout for work

    In the hands of money and career, the Knight card has the following meanings:

    • You are very impatient and do not know how to calmly wait for the right moment to achieve your goals. This interferes with a career - often acting in a rash, spontaneous, emotional state
    • You are full of energy that needs immediate release. I want to redo a bunch of things to release everything that has accumulated inside. But take your time and do not make rash decisions - the consequences can be serious and irreversible.
    • To shift energy away from work, go in for sports, find a hobby or hobby - shift your focus from work to other energy-intensive things to avoid career problems
    • Sometimes the Knight of Wands indicates that you will receive a responsible assignment at work. We'll have to show all the originality, find a non-standard solution. But if you do the job perfectly, you will have a big jackpot or advancement on the career ladder.
    • In rare cases, the card indicates troubles associated with relationships in the team. A series of conflicts and misunderstandings are coming. This prediction is correct when the card is dealt upside down.

    Let's summarize: In most cases, the Knight of Wands card has positive values. But she often warns a person against committing rash acts, which he may later regret. The card calls for making decisions with the mind, and not under the influence of emotions.

    The value of the card in different layouts

    ✚ Layout "One card"

    Total value

    This card indicates that the fortuneteller has the makings of a leader that needs to be realized.


    The relationship will not be serious. Expect a short-term hobby, an affair.


    In general, there should be no health problems. However, injuries can occur. The weak point is the heart.


    The card portends a change of job, type of activity. Arkan may also talk about moving to a new office.

    link >>>

    ✚ For the future

    The map is especially significant for relationships between people. A tarot card can mean a change for the worse. For example, parting with the most beloved person, breaking up a relationship between strong friends who have had a good relationship for a long time. Perhaps the separation will be associated with a long trip. Sometimes love cannot stand the test of distance. Distance can test the strength of a relationship and help you understand whether people are that important to each other. It has no effect on health.

    A full description of the map is available by link >>>

    ✚ On relationships

    Regardless of whether a person is in a relationship or is just looking for, there is no need to talk about duration and consistency with this card. Most likely, the basis of a relationship is passion, excitement, sexual desire of the pertners, but not the desire to spend time together. It is possible that you will meet someone who will become a bright flash, but will quickly go out, since the relationship will be built only on physical intimacy, which means there will be no attachment and commitment. If the relationship already exists, then it is not very strong yet.

    A full description of the map is available by link >>>

    ✚ For today

    Initiative and enthusiasm. You have a lot of ideas in the work aspect, a change of place of work is possible; new financial perspectives. Your body is strong, so it can withstand any heavy load. With your powerful pressure, you will have a sexual relationship without obligation, new acquaintances are possible. You are a creative, resilient and risky person who strives to be active to get what you want. It's time to act!

    A full description of the map is available by link >>>

    ✚ For tomorrow

    The Knight of Wands personifies situations in which emotion prevails over reason. Zeal and lack of patience, enthusiasm and the desire to move in front sometimes go beyond reason.

    Tomorrow the questioner will have a day spent “on the nerves”, the general life situation will seem to be getting out of control. Something will start to develop too rapidly, there may not be enough time to understand the situation.

    Also, the card can mean a young enthusiastic person, impetuous and expressive.

    In the professional sphere, the card speaks of the need to make decisions quickly, and in love, about outbursts of jealousy.

    A full description of the map is available by link >>>

    ✚ What does he think of me

    You have met someone who won you over with their determination, self-confidence and passionate look. You will bathe in vivid feelings for a long time, which will be filled with "pepper". You will feel at ease and constantly think about your significant other. You will feel the need to be near him, like air. It will be a heavy burden, because a person should feel free and calm in any relationship. Harmony must be achieved in all aspects of the relationship.

    A full description of the map is available by link >>>

    ✚ On desire

    The result of the fulfillment of your desire will bring a much greater result than the process itself. Awareness of new qualities in oneself is something that has eluded attention until now. The only thing that stands in the way is some unpleasant person. Contacts with him will have to be broken in order to achieve much more important results. If you are just thinking about fulfilling your desire, then now it is best to just start building an action plan and prepare for its fulfillment.

    A full description of the map is available by link >>>

    ✚ On the situation

    You are assertive and active. Inability to control oneself, lack of control of actions can aggravate the situation. Excessive assertiveness and intemperance increase the likelihood of breaking wood.

    Rapid changes and changes, quick resolution of cases, successful undertakings, productive activity await you. Now is the time to act. Fate provides a chance to prove itself. Do not expect change passively - stir yourself up and move forward!

    A full description of the map is available by link >>>

    ✚ On the betrothed

    The Knight of Wands promises global change. Most often they manifest themselves in a change of partner or in an increase in feelings for a real soul mate. It only depends on you what to choose, but fate will still direct you in the right direction. Do not be afraid of changes, because they will only bring positive emotions and happiness. When you realize that there is a prince on a white horse in front of you, then the wedding will not be long in coming.

    A full description of the map is available by link >>>

    A strong partner who will become a support will not leave you alone with difficulties; cardinal career changes are possible.

    You need help and it will come soon. There is no reason for worry and fear. The appearance of a patron in your business is possible. The old problem will be solved because new opportunities will appear.

    Don't try to get everything at once. Show restraint and stay in control.

    A full description of the map is available by link >>>

    ✚ On the King

    Perhaps the end of a boring romance and the onset of freedom. At the same time, there is a possibility of surviving a new meeting away from home. If you planned to move, then it will pass quickly and unnoticed. Lightness is the motto of your relationship with your spouse. It is possible that there will be some alienation in the relationship. Treat the desire of a loved one to be alone with understanding, perhaps he needs to rethink something. This is not a time for joint travel and planning. Wait a while.

    A full description of the map is available by

    Direct position

    In the event that the Knight of Wands fell in upright position, the card symbolizes a person - a fighter. He is always ready to defend his interests without fear of accompanying problems and intrigues of competitors. At the same time, he is a romantic, he is interested in everything in life. Loves controversy and competition. He does not think for a long time, but prefers to act actively and with enthusiasm so that his goals are achieved. Not afraid to take risks.

    The fortuneteller creates vanity around himself. He wants to see immediate results from his work. Expectations and reflections are not for him. Usually, these people like to do business, sports. Travel frequently. It is easy for those around them. With a sense of humor and easily reacting to adversity, they are open to new ideas. They are generous, impulsive. There are many leaders and union leaders among them. They are all strong, reckless, active.

    Inverted position

    The Knight of Wands upside down warns of unnecessary risks. The card speaks of such character traits of a fortuneteller as: frivolity, recklessness, a tendency to dubious adventures, excessive haste, jealousy, suspicion.

    It is no coincidence that there have been failures. No one is to blame for this. The man himself, with his thoughtless actions, provoked them. The card advises you to look at yourself from the outside and revise your life goals at the root, otherwise the troubles will only worsen. This person is prone to lying. It may happen that he is deceived too. We need to think about this.

    Knight of Wands: Meaning in Love and Relationships

    Direct position

    If we consider love and relationships, the card denotes strong sexual energy, pleasure from satisfying sexual fantasies, emotionality. The Knight of Wands symbolizes a temperamental personality who is waiting for a change in the love sphere.

    Perhaps a new object for love will appear. You will have to choose between already established relationships and vague vague prospects. If you deceive your partner, it will not lead to anything good. As they say, you can't sit on two chairs.
    Inverted position

    When an inverted card falls out, this may mean that the fortuneteller often falls in love. He tends to have romances with the opposite sex. Often, the relationship is not binding. The constant change of partners brings dissatisfaction and spiritual emptiness... Often a given person thinks only of himself and his desires.

    Alternatively, the Knight of Wands warns of a dying relationship with a partner who is currently nearby. Out of pity, you shouldn't be around. If you part, you can find happiness with a new chosen one. Another card speaks of the tendency to very much patronize the beloved (beloved).

    Knight of Wands: Meaning in Situation and Question

    Direct position

    When the Knight of Wands appeared in the situation, and the card was in an upright position, in a career this person new opportunities are opening up. He can boldly show all his positive sides by implementing creative ideas. The management will undoubtedly appreciate such a worker. His creative ideas may go further and he may want to change jobs.

    Exactly at this moment it's a good time. Everything will go well. Changes are coming in the life of a fortuneteller. Moving to a new home is possible. A new love affair and a new job are not excluded. Also, a person can be visited by inspiration and he wants to realize his ideas.

    Also, a business trip and travel to another country are not excluded. Everything will work out well. A new type of activity, or a trip, is favorable for the fortuneteller to stay away from his problems, and to be able to think about life plans.

    If you recently had a quarrel with someone, this is another reason for loneliness. If you have a vacation, the time spent on the seaside will be fun and carefree. Meeting a beautiful stranger (stranger) can radically change the fortuneteller's fate. A casual acquaintance can develop into a strong marriage.

    Inverted position

    The fortuneteller, if the Knight of Wands fell in an inverted position, will face trouble. He is currently under stress. Troubles at work, in a relationship with a partner, health problems - all this can unsettle anyone.

    A person, worrying and worrying, can further worsen the situation. We must try to control ourselves. When it comes to love relationships, a partner's coldness can inspire thoughts of breaking up. You should not get excited, because if you pay maximum attention to each other, go on vacation together - the ardor of old feelings can be returned.

    You should not forget about the Sexual sphere. The card warns against marriage. In the team, discord is possible due to the fact that each employee wants to seem irreplaceable. The fortuneteller has no sense of satisfaction from the performance of his professional duties. It seems to him that he is out of place.

    Knight of Wands: Value of the Day Card

    It will not be easy for a fortuneteller on this day. Perhaps you will not show yourself to others from your best side. It can be a quarrel or trouble. On this day, you should not start new business and implement your plans. For this, other days will come up.

    If you keep your emotions under control, a fortuneteller can avoid many problems. Whatever happens today, you must remain calm.

    A person cannot but take risks on this day. The situation will not work out the way the fortuneteller wants. You should not be upset about this, because difficulties on the path of life temper, enable a person to become stronger.

    In a difficult matter, you have to show all your positive sides. The card advises not to tell anyone about plans for the future, so that everything conceived will be successfully accomplished.

    Knight of Wands: Combination with other cards

    Major arcana Wands Cups Swords Pentacles

    stupid impulse, hasty action

    Ace of Wands

    ignite; flare up; succumb to a momentary desire

    Ace of Cups

    love adventure

    Ace of Swords

    an ardent desire to carry out our plans

    Ace of Pentacles

    chase a long ruble

    crude idea

    King of Wands

    creative rise

    King of Cups

    seething emotions

    King of swords

    conflict with a government official

    King of pentacles

    lust for financial power

    an attempt to master knowledge

    Queen of Wands

    be filled with creativity

    Queen of Cups


    Queen of swords

    Queen of pentacles

    chasing a rich lady

    The empress

    maternal instinct

    Knight of Wands

    Knight of Cups

    strike up a romance

    Knight of swords

    wrestling; ardent desire to prove at any cost

    Knight of pentacles

    business trip

    The emperor

    enthusiasm for work

    Page of wands

    moderate ardor, but add calculation

    Page of Cups

    eagerly accept the offer

    Page of swords

    rush; unexpected showdown

    Page of Pentacles

    exciting adventure

    desire to start a family

    Two of Wands

    inexperience; stop

    Two of Cups


    Two of swords

    striving for balance

    Two of Pentacles



    passion in a relationship

    Three of wands

    fast but superficial results

    Three of Cups

    superficial relationship

    Three of swords

    insult in the heat of the moment

    Three of Pentacles

    professional passion



    Four of Wands

    catch luck by the tail

    Four of Cups

    burnt out interest

    Four of swords

    to calm the hot aspirations

    Four of Pentacles

    inheritance disputes

    a passionate desire to embark on a search for something new

    Five of Wands

    confusion; inconsistency

    Five of Cups

    loss due to impulsivity

    Five of swords

    hot clash of characters

    Five of Pentacles



    desire to change your life

    Six of Wands

    an inspiring idea leading to a goal

    Six of Cups

    unwillingness to return to the familiar or the past

    Six of Swords

    an impulsive desire to give up everything

    Six of Pentacles

    reward for courage

    desire for change; desire to end the gray days

    Seven of Wands

    In an upright position Knight of wands (staves) Tarot

    Name: Knight of Wands, Knight of Clubs, Knight of Sceptres, Knight of Staffs, Knight of Wands, Rider of Wands, Prince of Wands, Herald, Conqueror of States, March to the Leader, Lord of the Fire Spirits. Brunet.

    Papus value: Departure, Change, Relocation, Absence, Removal, Flight, Emigration, Desertion, Plant Transplant, Transfer, Resettlement, Abandonment, Escape.

    Interpretation of tarot cards with wands: The appearance of the Knight of Wands card means that it's time to start active actions or go on a campaign. If your aspirations are noble and your thoughts are pure, then now is the right time to take action or go on a long-planned journey.

    Interpretation Knight of wands (staves) Tarot in an upright position

    Interpretation: The Tarot card Knight of Wands is interpreted as the beginning of events, the arrival of which you have been waiting for. Your efforts to prepare them have not been in vain, and events are starting to gain momentum. This is noticeable not only to you, but also to the people around you.

    The Younger Arcanum Tarot The Horseman of Wands is the source of fire and the center of all world energy. For the person this card points to, also called the Knight of Staffs, no problem will be too big or difficult. Such a person has already appeared in your environment, he is always ready to come to your aid, no task of yours is to blow him, any support is not a burden for him, and timely advice is always useful. He is quite ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of his friends and loved ones.

    Look around, you will immediately understand who the Knight of Wands is pointing at. He is a romantic person, courageous and determined, always ready to help. His decisiveness sometimes borders on uncompromising, but he is neither cruel nor aggressive. Narcissism and selfishness are alien to him, he is extremely honest and fair. He is adequate in his actions, ready for the upcoming difficulties, is not afraid to meet face to face with the enemy and fits perfectly into any situation.

    Meeting with him means the beginning of great changes, ranging from a reassessment of values ​​and ending with spiritual rebirth. These changes can be expressed in travel or even moving to a new place of residence. If the Knight of Wands card appeared in your fortune-telling, then wait for the appearance of a person who will literally take you by the hand and send you on a journey around the world.

    Inverted interpretation of the Knight of Wands (staves) Tarot

    Papus value: Break, Discord, Separation, Separation, Section, Divorce, Party membership, Party, Guard, Quarrel, Quarrel, Cut, Clipping, Break, Not continuation.

    Interpretation: The Inverted Knight (Horseman) of Tarot Wands is interpreted as unforeseen obstacles and difficulties in making your dreams come true. Your efforts and resources were wasted. If you are just intending to start a new business, then the inverted Knight of Wands advises you to abandon the implementation of your plans for the time being due to the increased risks. If we are talking about a forced trip, then you will not be able to avoid it.

    If the inverted Horseman of the Tarot staves points to a specific person, then this person will bring quarrels and strife into your life. He will be the cause of your quarrels with friends or unpleasant situations in the started business, up to its complete termination.

    Knight of wands (staves) card of the day

    Today you have a hot day, choose the right stage for it. Perhaps today your stormy temperament will make itself felt, and you want to give free rein to your feelings. Passions will be heated to the limit, and you will certainly want everything at once. Although once in a lifetime you can follow the lead of your crazy desires and act at the behest of your heart. If your emotions require an outlet, go for some fun today or embark on some kind of adventure. The main thing today is not to make far-reaching plans, today is not a suitable day for this.

    Card Tip Horseman of Wands: Once inside the action, act boldly and act temperamentally, but it is better to let it be noise over trifles.

    Caveat card Horseman of Wands: for your part, avoid ostentatious efficiency and do not start "noise and dust" yourself.

    Description of the KNIGHT OF WANDS Tarot card

    In most tarot decks, the Knight of Wands is depicted as a rider who, riding a horse, gallops forward. It is a symbol of movement and change.

    The general meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card KNIGHT OF WANDS in fortune telling and layouts

    Direct position of the card KNIGHT OF WANDS

    The map indicates active and dynamic progress towards your own goal. Despite the high energy, this activity in most cases is under control and fruitful. The Knight of Wands symbolizes the warmth and even the heat of the soul, manifested in the thirst for life, passion and enthusiasm, but sometimes turning into impatience, increased excitability, impulsivity and a tendency to exaggeration. However, the internal energy inherent in the Rider of Wands, in any case, sets in motion whole layers of being, melts the ice of many years and brings a fresh stream to the long-familiar situations. To determine the situation, this Arkan is interpreted in the meaning of an interesting proposal, a new project that makes it possible to reveal your talents and abilities and show them their best, as well as test your own strengths, a measure of courage and resourcefulness.

    Inverted position of the KNIGHT OF WANDS

    In an inverted position, the Knight of Staves card should be perceived as problems associated with movement (travel, business trips, travel); like stubbornness, rivalry, envy.

    The meaning and interpretation of the card KNIGHT OF WANDS in fortune-telling and layouts for work, business and career

    Direct card position

    In the upright position, the Knight of Wands symbolizes a willingness to take action, a noble risk, enthusiasm in the performance of their official and work duties and, of course, a worthy reward for them in the form of a likely promotion and personal growth.

    Inverted card position

    Here the Rider of Staves card is inconsistency in the performance of his official duties, too much trust in any innovation, a tendency to adventure and excessive risk. Often, the result of the efforts made does not justify them at all, or even is completely absent. Sometimes the Knight of Wands in an inverted position is interpreted as competition or professional rivalry, discord in the work collective, a thirst for power at any cost; as a warning about unsuccessful real estate transactions.

    The meaning and interpretation of the card KNIGHT OF WANDS in layouts and fortune-telling on health

    Direct card position

    Health is strong, but it must be protected, as there is a tendency to injuries, heart problems.

    Inverted card position

    Increased risk of injury, exacerbation of the disease.

    The meaning and interpretation of the card KNIGHT OF WANDS in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

    Direct card position

    In an upright position, the Knight of Wands is a flame love passion or, conversely, a fierce confrontation. Both can easily lead to extremes. Often the card symbolizes imminent cardinal changes surrounded by a fortuneteller.

    Inverted card position

    In the inverted form, the card symbolizes frivolity of intentions, increased conflict, the flight of a loved one. In addition, Arkan can be interpreted as a faded connection between people, alienation, apathy. If a fortuneteller needs advice on choosing a model of behavior with a partner, then the inverted Knight of Wands should be taken as a recommendation not to rush.

    The meaning and interpretation of the card KNIGHT OF WANDS in layouts and fortune-telling for personality assessment

    Direct card position

    The Knight of Wands describes a middle-aged man, usually no older than 40-45 years old, or a young man, but definitely determined in life. The most frequent activities for him are entrepreneurship, middle management, antiques trade, etc. Character traits - creative streak, generosity, honesty, love of freedom.

    Inverted card position

    As a characteristic of a person, the inverted Staff Rider denotes extreme impulsiveness, quarrelsomeness and unpredictability of behavior.

    The meaning and interpretation of the card KNIGHT OF WANDS as a card of the day

    You will have a hot day: either your character will make itself felt, and you will want "everything at once", or you will find yourself in a situation in which passions will be heated to the limit. But even if this is just a noise over trifles, today you can give free rein to your feelings and act at the behest of your heart. The main thing is not to make far-reaching plans - the day is not suitable for this.

    Council of the card KNIGHT OF WANDS in fortune telling and spreads

    You can hardly do without risk. It is also not worth counting on an even, stable development of the situation. But this should not scare or upset you, because it is the difficulties that harden the character and allow you to show yourself in the best way in a responsible business.

    Fast movement. Sudden change. A rapidly bursting novel, an event. Emigration. Drop everything. Concentrate on this. An ardent youth. Capable, sociable, charming, energetic, impetuous. Traveler. Seeker of adventures. Not ready for the wedding. Marriage.

    Act (act) with temperament and courage.

    Avoid ostentatious efficiency, do not make "noise and dust".

    Card of the day
    It's a hot day. Either your stormy temperament will make itself felt, and you want "everything at once", or you will find yourself in a situation where passions will be heated to the limit. Even if this is just a noise about trifles, today you can give free rein to your feelings and once in a lifetime act at the behest of your heart. The main thing is not to make far-reaching plans. Today is not a suitable day for this. If your emotions need an outlet, choose the right stage for them. Go on an adventure or just go for some fun.

    Inverted card
    Conflict. Disorder in personal life. Braggart. Impulsive, oppressive. He studies poorly. The plans cannot be realized. The girl will be deceived.

    Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for beginners".

    < >

    The knight rides a hot, fierce horse; in his hand is a rod.
    The knight took inspiration from the Page and uses it in his own life.
    This Knight is a map of action, adventure and risky ventures.

    Unlike the Page, the Knight moves quickly.
    He rides a horse, which shows that the adventure has already begun.
    The main colors of the card, which are striking, mean inexperience, primordial strength, crude simplicity and brightness of the experiences that the knight enjoys.

    Fire symbolizes movement - and here this quality reaches its extreme.
    The knight loves to be in the thick of things, but to successfully complete an adventure, he needs to be aware of purpose and direction.

    Without this, the Knight personifies confusion, confusion, frustrated plans and disagreements.
    This card can mean your own energy or represent some impulsive person you know.

    Questions to ask yourself if you've drawn the Knight of Wands
    • Are you starting a new adventure?
    • What made you flare up?
    • Are you fighting?
    • What are you trying to prove?
    Key ideas
    You will enthusiastically take on a new business that requires courage.

    This is a time of incredible inspiration, burning eyes, excitement and enthusiasm.
    Enjoy the sensations, but do not lose ground under your feet.
    Success will depend on the strength of the foundation and on how sincere and conscious goals you pursue, on the level of energy that depends on your mood and on the people around you - whether they will encourage you to feats.

    Fortune telling in half a minute
    Keene was bored.
    This map showed that either she was about to meet a] person who would encourage Keen to experience something new, or she should rediscover the spirit of adventure.

    Keane considered taking a break from her studies to work overseas on a contract, and Kart noted that such a trip might be the best option right now.

    Annie Lionnet. "Tarot. A practical guide. "

    < >

    The knight gazes ahead, ready to accept the challenge that awaits him.
    You can feel strength and purposefulness in him.
    Change of place.
    The Knight of Wands symbolizes the passion for adventure that takes us to unknown distances.

    This card combines the enthusiasm and inspired foresight of the Wands with the youth and inquisitiveness of a Knight.
    In tarot decks, the Knight is usually portrayed as an attractive imposing man, riding a handsome horse or proudly protruding forward.

    He usually wears a plumed helmet and holds a wand with blossoming leaves on it as a symbol of creative energy.
    This card embodies the many ideals of chivalry, but it also warns against actions with unpredictable consequences.

    This card often serves as an incentive for change.
    The Knight of Wands is full of many ideas that are not always feasible, but nevertheless can inspire us.
    When the call to us conveyed by this card is in tune with our mood, we can move mountains.

    If we are trapped, we can get out of it.
    However, this card should warn us against impulsive actions.
    Her motto "Act first, think later" can lead us to a dead end.
    The Knight of Wands inspires us with a strong desire to experience life in all its forms.

    Nothing and no one can hold us back.
    If the Knight of Wands predicts the appearance of a person in our life, then he will be charming, cheerful, full of energy and courageous; but he can also be violent, unreliable and unpredictable.

    Choosing the Knight of Wands signifies your willingness to take an important step in your life.
    You can move to new house or a new area, or just feel a strong desire for change.

    The knight can herald the appearance of a person who will act as a catalyst for these changes.
    You may feel an urge to be creative or to study philosophical or religious sciences.
    Or you may be possessed by an adventurous spirit and a desire to experience new experiences and pleasures.

    You will want to expand your sphere of life and feel that you are truly living and not just existing.
    If you still feel shackled hand and foot and unable to change your circumstances, then the dynamic energy of the Knight will give you the strength to make an effort that you would never have dared before.

    Stuart R. Kaplan. “Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune-telling ”.

    < >
    The attractive young Knight of Wands raises his club with a threat, ready for any attack.
    He is eager to meet the upcoming events.
    There is no fear on his face.
    Divination value

    Moving into the unknown.
    The change.
    The escape.
    Change of residence.

    Inverted value
    An unexpected change.
    The severance of personal relationships.

    P. Scott Holler. "Tarot for beginners."

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    The Knight of Wands is an honest and trustworthy young man, as well as traveling or moving, changing jobs or changing personal life.

    Most decks have a young man riding a horse on the card.

    In some decks, he holds a wand as a weapon (and in many decks that depict the suit symbol as a trimmed wand, a club is shown) and prepares to either attack or repel an enemy attack.
    Sometimes he attacks more than decisively; sometimes he seems to admire the wand or club he holds in his hand.

    Inner meaning
    If the Knight of Wands personifies a certain person, then this is a young man in whom the Questioner sees a relative or friend who is ready to help.
    Like other colors, this character possesses all the qualities of his symbolic parents; he is honest, not proud and trustworthy; a person who is ready to sacrifice something for you.

    If this card does not personify a specific person, then it indicates a trip or some kind of movement, a move, a change of work, a change in personal life.

    Value in the layout
    Direct or positive: a friend or relative willing to help the Questioner.

    This is a young man, but mature in his actions, a man with an almost instinctive understanding of business and financial issues, and he multiplies this understanding with knowledge and experience.
    Also, a friend who is ready for self-sacrifice.

    In any case, someone whose advice can be trusted and whose help can be used in a moment of doubt.
    Travel, change of residence or environment.
    Inverted, or negative: disputes, discord in personal life.

    Breakup of friendship, separation or flight.

    Mary Greer. The Complete Book of Inverted Tarot Cards.

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    The Knight of Wands is a brave adventurer, spontaneous, creative, hot-headed.
    It represents the dynamic energies of the fire signs of the zodiac - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
    This is a lover - ardent, impulsive and exhilarating.

    Sparks fly from him, but he avoids long-term relationships.
    You or someone you know is in for a romantic date.
    You can tackle multiple projects with passion and zeal without completing any of them.

    It is possible that you crave freedom of action and the opportunity to explore new areas of life.
    You are unlikely to tolerate if something tries to stand between you and the object of your aspirations.

    When faced with a problem, you will certainly invent a way to cope with it, but, like a crusader filled with noble fervor, you risk tripping over detail, routine and systematic persistent (care.

    You can rebel against anything stagnant and old-fashioned and try to revolutionize a system or process.
    You encourage others to be more spontaneous and not afraid to experiment.
    You can act impatiently, hastily, unpredictable, arrogant, ardent, and ostentatious.

    You tend to clown, amuse, and entertain.
    You are interested in business campaigns, competitive sports and theater.
    You’ll sell ideas rather than products, and you’ll be looking for new approaches and challenges.

    This card assumes that you are forward-thinking and future-oriented.
    You love and know how to give people motivation and encourage riots and searches.
    The Knight (Prince) of Wands can indicate travel, change of residence and the transformation of ideas into concrete actions.

    You may be traveling, meeting interesting new people, or dealing with problems that require instant, impromptu solutions.
    It is also hot dry weather and dry travel on anything powered by an internal combustion engine.

    Traditional meanings: departure, flight, parting, leaving.
    Travel, trip, change of address.
    Abandonment, abandonment, emigration.
    Remote, absent, foreign.
    Moving towards the unknown or the unknown.

    Move, relocate, replant, translate.
    Change of position or position.

    Inverted Knight (Prince) of Wands
    The Inverted Knight of Wands can represent the erratic dilettante or the desperate con man, the victor or the rebel for no reason, the selfish adventurer and braggart, or the rebellious and reckless bully.

    Perhaps you have nowhere to go and nowhere to get your strength.
    Or you are too hot and turn on with half a turn.
    Like the fire of a fire, you indiscriminately burn everything you touch.
    Through impatience, recklessness, and recklessness, you bring discord and discord into any situation, leaving only ruin and destruction in your wake.

    It is possible that you have contacted a criminal company.
    This card describes a state of confusion and confusion, in which desires boil and roam inside, having no outlet, no point of application, or suddenly and unpredictably burst to the surface.

    In love, you can stick to a "throw and drop" strategy, where sex becomes a competitive sport and a way to have fun.
    Passions are now either feigned, or more like a storm in a glass of water.

    If things are going too slowly or are frustrating, you’re ready to flare up at any moment.
    Disagreement leads to quarrels, arguments, and jealousy.
    You may feel left out and dissatisfied.

    On the other hand, a fire may not break out.
    You resist change or deny its very possibility, suppress new beginnings, put a spoke in their wheels.
    As soon as the degree of feelings or relationships approaches the mark of passion, you immediately back down.

    The trip can be canceled, postponed or interrupted.
    In your actions, you are guided exclusively by your impulses and desires.
    Try to slow down, stop to breathe in the scent of flowers, stop looking exclusively into the future for a minute.

    Slower movement of an inverted card will only add efficiency to your actions and contribute to deeper experiences.
    But remember that hesitation can negate any effort.
    The paradoxical phrase festina lente, or "hurry slowly," can be very appropriate to the situation.

    Now the knight depicted on the card of the Waite-Smith deck turns from just a passionate person into a conductor of passion.
    In terms of health, various hidden disturbances in the body's work are likely, suddenly manifesting themselves in the form of boils, abscesses, rashes and inflammations.

    From a shamanic and magical point of view, this is, for example, walking on coals, when a person gives up his fear to fire and steps on them unharmed.
    It is also a trailblazer on the inner planes who tests how well sigils, talismans, and spells work.

    Traditional inverted meanings: separation, separation, quarrels, disagreements.
    Misunderstanding, alienation.
    Fight, quarrel, split.
    Discord, separation, separation.
    Aspiration, competition.

    Competition, competition.
    Grouping, party.
    Violation, interruption.
    A break up.
    Unpaid loan.
    Unexpected changes.

    Larisa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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    Key phrase
    Finally, the long-awaited move.
    Description of the card and its inner meaning
    Most decks have a horseman on this card.
    As in the case of the horse depicted on the Knight of Swords card, the horse of the Prince of Wands rushes at full speed, which is a symbol of movement and change.

    The Knight of Staves card personifies an honest person who will always come to the aid of those in need.
    He has a well-developed intuition and often uses it if there is not enough time or energy for logical comprehension of events.

    If this Arkan talks about the situation, then you should prepare for moving, traveling, changing jobs or changes in your personal life.

    Connection of the card with other occult sciences
    Letter - M, number - 12, Compliance zodiac sign- Sagittarius, Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 16th hexagram ("Enthusiasm").
    The value of the card
    Direct position
    In this case, the card will tell you about a young man full of brilliant ideas.
    But sometimes he lacks persistence to see things as they really are.

    For the Questioner, he can be an honest and devoted friend.
    In the case of a description of the situation, as already mentioned, the Questioner must prepare for changes.
    These can be both various kinds of movements and changes in personal life or at work.

    Inverted position
    In an inverted position, this Arkan is identified with an unreliable person, all thoughts and actions of which are reduced to inciting quarrels and intrigues.
    If the question concerns events, then these will be various troubles: quarrels, partings, tears, losses, avoiding making a responsible decision.

    Daniela Chris. “The magic book of the Tarot. Fortune telling. "

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    Knight of Wands - truthful, impetuous, sociable, cheerful, has an independent mindset.
    Unlike Page, he knows what his goal is and actively strives for it.
    He has already taken place as a person, made a good career and achieved a lot in life.

    True, he suffers from some workaholism, which gives reason to consider his candidacy as a future husband not very successful.
    Inverted - selfishness, stubbornness, irascibility.
    An upcoming event - problems at work, the threat of dismissal.

    The original card meanings that come with the Ryder White Tarot deck.

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    KNIGHT. The Horseman - shown as if traveling, armed with a short stick and although protected by chain mail - this is not a military mission.
    He drives through hills or pyramids.

    Direct position: departure, absence, flight, emigration.

    Not too educated young man, friendly.
    Changes his place of residence (place of residence).

    Reverse position: break, disagreement, break (hitch), discord.

    Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction book on the Tarot.

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    Astrological meaning: Mars in Aries as a symbol of lust for life, entrepreneurial spirit, energy, impatience and adventure.
    RIDER OF WANDS The Rider of Wands symbolizes the warmth and even heat of the soul, manifested in the thirst for life, passion and enthusiasm, but sometimes turning into impatience, increased excitability, impulsiveness and a tendency to exaggeration.

    Therefore, a lot depends on which area of ​​our life it belongs to. the question asked, for the answer of the card can mean both warming warmth and scorching heat.
    The impatience expressed by this card means: I want everything and, if possible, everything at once.

    If it doesn't work out right away, or we don't get everything, we get annoyed, get turned on, become aggressive.
    However, the internal energy inherent in the Rider of Wands, in any case, sets in motion whole layers of being, melts the ice of many years and brings a fresh stream to the long-familiar situations.

    Tarot Ryder White. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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    The Knight of Sceptres can symbolize a person who will very soon directly cause your departure (send on a trip: on a vacation trip or on a business trip), or a person who will bring something new into your life, and whose activity will make you turn to hitherto unknown.

    It is possible that this person will reveal to you something within yourself.
    The Knight of Wands can also symbolize an absent person in a state of relocation.
    It is also Someone who takes up everything with enthusiasm, meets new knowledge or new desires with a great impulse, conquering the world with his fire and enthusiasm and firm position.

    The Knight of Staves is clarity of mind, awareness of action, a noble and enterprising spirit of entrepreneurship, a breakthrough, a start that carries along.
    This is an inspired and inspiring conqueror with a fiery soul (he can be either a man or a female).

    Professionally, a position can refer to a person who gets down to business with great penetration and excitement.
    A map can also mean something worth implementing (an expensive project, something that can inspire).

    Direct position: Astrological equivalents: Uranus, Mercury, Sagittarius, Aquarius, a person with a pronounced Ninth or Eleventh House.
    A change in your views, your worldview can occur through this card.

    In principle, this card, as it were, personifies a person who can significantly expand your horizons.
    At the very least, he can move you from the realm of one situation to the realm of another.
    Inverted position: Astrological equivalents: consistent and very low manifestation of the Sun, Mars and possibly Uranus.

    A person who brings with him strife, a break in relations, in the presence of this or that process in which you are involved.
    He carries with him scandals, quarrels, quarrels and can always quarrel you with friends.

    If the card means action.
    A. Direct Map The events pointed to by the neighboring cards have already begun, although the process itself has not yet reached its climax, and your idea of ​​it is far from complete.

    At the same time, this process is already quite tangible and it is impossible not to reckon with it.
    C. Inverted Position The process indicated by the following cards undergoes various difficulties in its development.
    You have to overcome many obstacles, and your plans are realized with great difficulty.

    Perhaps you should check what needs to be changed so that progress towards the goal is faster, less difficult.

    Evgeny Kolesov. "Alphabet of Tarot".

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    He is the Horseman, Knight of Staves or Warrior of Sceptres.
    Here is a man ready for action; he knows that he will have to withstand fierce competition, and is ready for it.
    However, he has no intention of harming others; he only wants to assert himself.

    This is a cowboy, an athlete, an energetic entrepreneur.
    His horse is ready to rush forward. The rider just needs to let go of the reins.
    Astrologically: This card means a person born in the spring (Aries, Taurus, Gemini).

    In a direct position - a romantic, ready to take risks for the sake of a noble cause.
    Council - to act; if we are talking about a trip, then - to go, guided by noble thoughts.
    Inverted: The risk is not justified, events will turn out not at all as you expect.

    The trip (change of place) will be forced.