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  • Divination in a circle of desires online. Divination in a circle of desires

    Divination in a circle of desires online.  Divination in a circle of desires

    Divination in a circle of desires

    To carry out fortune-telling, you need to take 10 dried seeds of orange, lemon, tangerine or grapefruit in your right hand, ask one of the questions listed below and throw them in a circle divided into two sectors.

    If not a single bone fell into either the first or the second circle, this means that there are hypocritical and unfriendly people among your friends.

    Answers to questions asked it is necessary to search under the number that coincides with the number of bones in the first circle. For example, you asked question number 5, and 6 seeds fell into the shaded sector, which means that you need to look for the answer to question number 5 under the number 6.

    Questions and answers:

    I. How will a romantic relationship develop with ... (guess the name of the person you are interested in)?

    1. You will be disappointed, and the reason will be your unfounded jealousy.

    2. Your chosen one wants to offer you a hand and a heart.

    3. You will be upset and depressed over petty grievances and quarrels.

    4. Your relationship develops out of calculation, not love.

    5. You will part and will take revenge on each other for treason.

    6. Your relationship will last long if you don't talk about it and trust strangers.

    7. Envious and ill-wishers will do their best to upset your relationship.

    8. In the near future you will meet a wealthy and influential person.

    9. Relationships will last long if you are sincere and undemanding.

    10. By supporting each other, you will be able to cope with all the hardships and troubles.

    II. Will there be rivals and obstacles on the way?

    1. Be prepared for envy, lies and betrayal.

    2. Gossip and rumors will spread around your relationship for a long time.

    3. If you are blind in your love, you will be deceived.

    4. Do not indulge in doubts - your love is strong and mutual.

    5. You will have to fight for your happiness for a long time.

    6. Your friends will go to great lengths to make your relationship worse than it is.

    7. Close acquaintances can ruin your relationship out of jealousy. Beware of them and your love will last a long time.

    8. You will hide your feelings from each other.

    9. Very soon you will get bored and you will start looking for new relationships on the side.

    10. Your relationship will be strange and ambiguous.

    III. Does your loved one have sincere feelings?

    1. Yes, his feelings are strong and sincere.

    2. A loved one is deceiving you, and you find out about it by accident.

    3. Your chosen one has a strong love for the other, and you are just a passing hobby for him.

    4. It is difficult to say, as his opinion is constantly changing.

    5. In order to seduce you, your chosen one will do anything, but be careful - there is no sincerity in his words.

    6. You will have a long and happy relationship with your chosen one.

    7. A loved one has strong and sincere feelings for you.

    8. Relationships will bring happiness if you have mutual trust.

    9. Your chosen one truly loves you, but his feelings may fade away because of your claims.

    10. Try to be honest with your loved one, then your relationship will only bring joy.

    IV. Will anything change in our romantic relationship?

    1. You will break up because of a stupid quarrel.

    2. You will get bored with each other.

    3. Your chosen one is used to talking a lot, but doing little.

    4. Your love will be long and mutual.

    5. Your relationship will be calm and stable for a very long time.

    6. Be careful: ill-wishers can tear you apart.

    7. Relationships can be tainted by jealousy.

    8. You will have a passion for each other.

    9. Soon a loved one will be carried away by another.

    10. You will be disappointed when you accidentally find out that your loved one is cheating.

    V. What will be the result of our romantic relationship?

    1. You will part as enemies.

    2. There will be many disappointments and troubles on the way of your love, but you will stay together.

    3. You will quickly become disappointed in the chosen one and leave him without regrets.

    4. You will receive a lot more love and support than you bargained for.

    5. Be careful: your chosen one pursues selfish goals in the relationship.

    6. You will be disappointed by his character and habits.

    7. You can not look for love in your relationship - the chosen one is just playing with you.

    8. Relationships will soon become happy and cloudless.

    9. Your love will be strong and sincere and will last for a long time.

    10. Relationships will be clouded by the mistrust and doubts of your chosen one.

    Vi. Will you be able to get rid of the courtship of other people?

    1. You will break up unnecessary relationships with the help of intuition.

    2. Be careful: a person from your environment is cunning and intends to achieve what you want in any way.

    3. New romantic relationships will help you cope with problems.

    4. In the future, you will be mired in small problems and big troubles.

    5. You will be able to get rid of obsessive people only if you go towards the intended goal without changing your mind.

    6. You can get away from unwanted relationships only with the help of trickery.

    7. You can be calm, as the boyfriend will be beaten off by your girlfriend.

    8. Do not despair, go with the flow.

    9. Trust your intuition.

    10. Do not refuse advice from friends - they can suggest the correct solution to the problem.

    Vii. If we quarrel with my chosen one, will we meet again?

    1. You will meet after some time.

    2. After a fight, you will meet again and your feelings will be even stronger.

    4. The conflict will complicate your relationship and will play an important role in the breakup.

    5. Do not attach much importance to the quarrel. Peace and harmony will reign in your relationship again.

    6. This conflict will seriously ruin your relationship: even if you stay together, love will not return.

    7. You will part and will regret it for a long time.

    8. New love will come to you very quickly.

    9. You will meet, but not be together.

    10. Waiting for you long years joint happiness.

    VIII. What is your loved one really?

    1. You will soon realize that your chosen one is very jealous.

    2. Be extremely careful: your chosen one is selfish and ready to do anything in order to achieve his goal, even sacrifice his love for you.

    3. A loved one will not be who he claims to be.

    4. Your chosen one loves another woman, and very soon you will find out about it.

    5. The real character of your beloved you will find out unexpectedly.

    6. He truly loves you and does not hide anything.

    7. Over time, you will discover a lot of virtues in your loved one, and your love will become stronger every year.

    8. Remember that appearances are deceiving.

    9. After a while, your loved one will change a lot.

    10. You will be disappointed in the relationship when the chosen one reveals his real face.

    IX. Will my wish come true?

    1. Fulfillment of desire will bring with it a lot of trouble.

    2. The wish will come true if you successfully pass the obstacle course on the way to this.

    3. The cherished desire will not come true, so it is better to forget about it as soon as possible.

    4. After a streak of bad luck, desire will come true, and suffering will pay off with interest.

    5. Try to forget about what you are dreaming about - it will bring unhappiness.

    6. The dream will come true if you go through gossip and obstacles.

    7. Fulfillment of desire and happiness is already on the doorstep.

    8. There will be no obstacles on the way to the realization of your dreams.

    9. In the near future, the favor of fate can not wait.

    10. All dreams will be in vain.

    X. How to achieve happiness?

    1.With the help of wisdom and patience, you can achieve what you have been striving for for a long time.

    2. Be careful and avoid any loss.

    3. Happiness will visit your home if you do not waste your time on trifles.

    4. Observe the savings, do not spend more than you earn.

    5. You can achieve your goal if you are confident in your abilities.

    6. Happiness is far from you, fate will send disappointments and failures.

    7. Maintain reasonableness and moderation in everything.

    9. You will achieve happiness if you do not remain indifferent to the grief of others.

    10. Do not strive for mountains of gold - your happiness is very close.

    XI. What mistakes will be made?

    1. The people around you will take advantage of your gullibility and kindness. Be careful.

    2. Everything you have achieved can be destroyed by hypocrisy and deceit.

    4. Do not do good and do not receive evil in return.

    5. On the way to achieving your goal, you will become frustrated and desperate.

    6. Before making an important decision, think it over carefully - this will help to avoid mistakes.

    7. Do not deceive others - when everything opens up, you will lose more than you could gain.

    8. Trust your own intuition - it will not allow you to make a mistake.

    9. Do not give in to your own whims, as well as show vanity and aggressiveness.

    10. Everything that you have achieved must be protected.

    XII. Should you listen to what they say about your loved one?

    1. The information that comes to you at this time will be useful in the future.

    2. Do not pay attention to the gossip and rumors that circulate around your couple.

    3. You can listen to other people's opinions, but check the veracity of the information.

    4. Do not trust anyone other than a loved one.

    5. All information reaching you is strongly distorted by ill-wishers.

    6. With the help of observation and an inner voice, you will be able to understand who is telling the truth.

    7. Be attentive to everyone: both your friends and your loved one.

    8. Everything said about your loved one is not true.

    9. Be on the lookout: intuition will tell you who you can trust.

    10. You will learn the whole truth in the near future from a loved one.

    XIII. Should I agree to the proposal of a loved one?

    1. No, otherwise you risk being left at a loss.

    2. You can safely agree to everything - it will be successful.

    3. Refer to your intuition.

    4. Think carefully and take into account the circumstances before agreeing.

    5. If you agree, you will not be together for long.

    6. Don't trust promises and don't agree.

    7. Do not agree to the proposal of a loved one, because he takes everything lightly.

    8. You can agree without hesitation - your chosen one is sincere.

    9. If you agree, you will lose what you have achieved.

    10. Wait with the decision. Circumstances will soon change in your life.

    1. Your love will last a long time and bring a lot of happiness.

    2. What you think is love is actually a game.

    3. Listen to your feelings and desires, then you will be happy.

    4. Do not pay attention to gossip and rumors - someone from your inner circle is trying to separate you.

    5. If you don't want to ruin your relationship, don't flirt with others.

    6. If you trust each other, no matter what, you will be able to overcome all obstacles.

    7. Cheating awaits you.

    8. There will be no trust in your couple.

    9. Try not to show your feelings - the chosen one will soon betray you.

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    Concentrate on what interests you in this moment... Try not to be distracted by anything from the subject of fortune-telling.

    Are you tuned in?
    Then click the "Continue Divination" button!

    Even adults believe in miracles. Because on New Year holding our breath, we write our cherished desire on a piece of paper, and then, with trepidation in our souls, await its fulfillment. Faith sets us up for a positive attitude towards life. That is why we suggest that you make a wish and check if it will come true in the near future. Desire may be material and not quite. Check if online fortune telling "Circle of Desires" can help you in its implementation. At least the ritual will tell you whether to hope for a miracle? So, make a wish, click "Start fortune-telling" and soon you will receive an answer to your question.

    The "circle of desires" does not fulfill them as such. He prompts, makes predictions, directs. Perhaps, in order for your dream to come true, you do not have enough to do something. So what did you end up with? Fortune-telling did not satisfy your curiosity, or is it quite the opposite? Let's try to figure it out and find a way out in the situation if the result of the event turned out to be exactly the opposite of what you expected. So what did you want? If the wealth is large and immediate, your optimism can only be envied. Nothing in the world turns out just like that, and for well-being, you also need a foundation. For example, no matter how trite it sounds, some kind of work. Put in a little effort, coupled with patience and dedication, and the results of your own labor will give you not only satisfaction with your own successes, but also a tangible increase in your salary.

    Or, another case. You suffer from loneliness, made a wish "I want to get married this year," and received a negative answer. Well, you don't need to get depressed right away and don't need to despair. Try to think, analyze your own behavior, appearance and wardrobe. Who are you friends with, in what circles do you communicate, do you have any girlfriends? In case you are not satisfied with the results of the research, it is time for you to take on your own body, thoughts and actions immediately. Perhaps in your dreams you have bypassed everyone around you. Except for your person. Then start by calling a friend with whom you have not spoken for a while, having parted for some reason, and invite her for a cup of coffee. Communication will bring a little joy, and this will only be the first step.

    When was the last time you communicated with young people and why did this communication fizzle out? Were they stupid, worthless, or did you think so? Maybe you were not satisfied with their financial situation and financial status? Then you should reconsider your point of view on marriage and understand what you really want? Marry a millionaire or a regular guy who will love you for the rest of your life? Perhaps you do not want to meet those who do not answer the first, and therefore did not pay attention to the second. Fortune telling will help you if you are frank with him. This means that you need to be more sincere and not put mercantile interests at the forefront.

    Love is not bought or sold, it comes simply - in an instant. And then it doesn't matter what the lover's salary is and how many rooms he has in his apartment.

    We cannot help but feel desires. And all the time we strive for something. This creates a lot of reasons for anxiety and excitement, gives rise to thoughts that if you knew how things would turn out, you could do something, refuse something, insist on something. But it is possible to know! Fortune-telling allows you to open the veil of uncertainty and outline the likely prospects.

    We offer different options for them - on cards, according to the Book of Destinies, etc. All fortune telling presented here is free and available in online mode... Among them, you will surely find "your own" - the one that turns out to be the most accurate for you. And perhaps there are even several of them. And then you will be able to use one fortune-telling for your personal life, another for solving everyday worries, the third for determining career prospects ... So, make wishes, dream, strive forward, and let our fortune-telling will help you.

    Free fortune telling online

    It is advisable to use this fortune-telling on Tarot cards in situations where a short answer to the question - "yes" or "no" - is not enough. Those. when it is necessary to know what circumstances will accompany the fulfillment (or non-fulfillment) of the desire. The layout provides clarifications on 5 key aspects with which this may be related.

    Have you thought about something, but thoughts about your plan disturb you and haunt you? This fortune telling according to the Book of Fates will help you. Fortune-telling is known for the accuracy and reliability of predictions, gives laconic answers that leave no uncertainty and doubt.

    This is fortune telling on the deck playing cards- a great way to get on a question of interest not "smeared" reasoning, but a very definite "yes" or "no". All you need to do is formulate your desire to yourself and follow the recommendations. Fortune-telling is free, works online, so you can use it whenever you need to quickly resolve any doubts or resolve a dilemma.

    Divination Gold fish unusual and strikingly effective. It works flawlessly, accurately determining where you should direct all your thoughts at the moment. Of the three desires you have conceived, Rybka chooses the one that is most likely to come true, and thus protects you from the risks of directing efforts in the wrong direction.

    Fortune-telling "Wheel of Fortune" will help you clarify some of the circumstances associated with your desire. Its principle is simple and absolutely objective: you yourself - intuitively - choose the moment when the Wheel should stop and give you the information you need. The clues received in fortune-telling will help you choose the optimal direction for action, perhaps prepare for upcoming events, maybe understand how to get around the problem, etc.

    "Mirror of the World" - fortune telling, which allows you to find answers to any questions. To him you can address your concerns about career prospects, problems in your personal life, circumstances related to well-being, etc. Moreover, you can formulate what worries you as in the form direct question, and in the form of affirming your desire ("I want ...", "I will have ...")