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  • Dmitry Medvedev. Internal policy Medvedev

    Dmitry Medvedev. Internal policy Medvedev

    In the official biography of Medvedev Dmitry Anatolyevich written that he was born on September 14, 1965 in Leningrad. His parents were teachers: the father of the professor of the Leningrad Technological Institute named after Lensovet, the mother - Philologist, taught at the Pedagogical Institute named after A. I. Herzen, later worked as a guide in Pavlovsk. All his ancestors come from Central Russia, so by nationality he is Russian.

    Dmitry Anatolyevich studied at School No. 305 in Kupchino. In 1983 he entered the law faculty of the Leningrad State University named after A. A. Zhdanov, who graduated from a red diploma in 1987. After graduating from the university, he entered the graduate school, which he graduated in 1990. The University of D. Medvedev became a member of the WLKSM, and then the CPSU (remained a member of the party until 1991).

    Career before the 2008 presidential election

    From 1990 to 1999 he taught in LSU (St. Petersburg State University), while at the same time as an advisor to the chairman of the Leningrad City Council of People's Deputies A. Sobchak, then an expert of the Committee on Foreign Relations of St. Petersburg City Hall, which was headed by V. Putin.

    Then he moved to Moscow, where he became the Deputy Head of the Government Office of the Russian Federation D. Kozak.

    After V. Putin's victory in the presidential election (he headed his election headquarters) in 2000 he took the position of First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation. In 2003 he became the head of the presidential administration and a member of the Security Council. Since 2005, he began to oversee all the priority national projects, became a member of the United Russia party and took the position of Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

    From 2000 to 2008 (with breaks) Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Gazprom.

    Presidential elections 2008 and presidential term

    In a brief biography of Medvedev, it was stated that since 2007 he became an official participant in the presidential pre-election "race" from the party "United Russia". Medvedev's election headquarters headed S. Sabyanin, who left the post of head of the presidential administration for the time. The elections were won, and on May 7, 2008, the inauguration ceremony was held.

    During his presidency, Medvedev paid great attention to innovation, combating corruption and national projects. Also, during his presidency, the Ministry of Internal Affairs was carried out, the financial crisis has happened, the responsibility for which the head of government V. Putin took responsibility, and the so-called five-day war (Georgian-Ossetian conflict).

    Career Currently

    Refusing to participate in the 2012 presidential race and supporting V. Putin, Medvedev provided himself with a position of the Minister (head of the Government of the Russian Federation).

    On May 8, 2012, his candidacy was approved by deputies. On May 26, he became Chairman of the United Russia party.

    Personal life and family

    D. Medvedev is married (since 1993) on Svetlana Linnik (the wife of the former president of the Russian Federation is from the city of Murom Vladimir region; it is the initiator of the annual holiday - a day of love, family and loyalty). In 1995, a couple had a son of Ilya (currently a MGIMO student).

    Native aunt, Svetlana Afanasyevna Medvedev, is a member of the Union of Writers and Journalists of Russia, the author of 9 poetic collections.

    Other biography options

    • From youth, the future president was fond of hard-rock (her beloved Russian group is "Tea").
    • At the university he became interested in weightlifting and even won the competition.
    • During his studies, being a student, an excellent student, he worked as a janitor and received 120 rubles a month (+50 rubles of high scholarship), also worked in the militarized security of the Ministry of Railways of the USSR.

    Evaluation by biography

    New feature! The average estimate that this biography received. Show rating

    Domestic policy.The beginning of his presidency coincided with the beginning of the global financial crisis of 2008. This crisis was originated during the mortgage crisis in the United States of 2007, and then, against the background of unbalanced world trade between private enterprises and international corporations, a survey in the global economic crisis. In 2008, when Medvedev became the head of the country, on the Russian stock market The collapse of quotations occurred. The first decisive anti-crisis measures were undertaken in budget and credit politics in August-October of the same year. Constitutional reform has changed the procedure for electing candidates for presidential (now not 4, but for 6 years), the Council of Federation and the State Duma, the procedure for registering political parties is simplified. Anti-corruption reform in all executive and legislative bodies, which contributed to the separation of authorities from large entrepreneurs. The 2010 law enforcement reform changed the methods of assessing law enforcement officers, while their salary were increased. In 2009, a counter-terrorism operation was finally minimized. Although the outbreaks of the terrorist attacks occur also periodically.

    Disadvantages: an increase in unemployment to four percent; insufficient attention of the pharmaceutical industry; insufficient attention of the new education reform (creating an exe) and the inconction of this sphere in anti-corruption reform; A controversial decision to change the balance time in some regions and cancel the translation of the clock from winter time on the summer and vice versa.

    Foreign policy Medvedev It was built on the basis of the principles laid back in Munich Putin's Munich. In international relations, Dmitry Medvedev allocated five of the following directions: recognition of international law as fundamental. The result of this direction was the signing of a plurality of international treaties, as well as supporting the activities of such world organizations such as the UN and OSCE Safety Council. Departure from the "monopolar" world device to "multipolar". As part of this principle, on June 16, 2009, a full-fledged meeting of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) took place.

    Ensuring the protection of the interests of all Russian citizens who are abroad, as well as citizens of other states, Russians by nationality. The most striking manifestation of this principle was the conflict with Georgia in 2008, as well as the return of the Crimea to Russia. In practice, all these theses began to be implemented in a month after the inauguration of Medvedev. For example, on June 17, 2008, a law on visa-free regime for citizens of the former USSR was signed with the intersection of the Russian-Estonian and Russian-Latvian border. On May 2008, Vladimir Putin again became the President of the Russian Federation, and Dmitry Medvedev again became his prime minister. Despite the fact that personnel permutations did not undergo special changes, from now on in Russia the new stage of historical development begins (the return of the Crimea, the conflict with Ukraine, the war in the Donbas, Western sanctions).

    49. Culture in modern Russia. Integration of the country and global cultural space.

    The culture of modern Russia, organically associated with the previous periods of the country's history, was in a completely new political and economic situation, a radically changed a lot, first of all, the relationship between culture with the authorities. The state has ceased to dictate its demands to culture. The first place in the culture began to occupy the media that called the "fourth government". Since the end of the 1990s. The state of affairs in science began to change for the better. The modernization of the materially technical base of research began, the state allocations for the needs of all branches of science increased. At the beginning of the new century, the laureates of the Nobel Prize in Physics became J. S. Alferov (2000 - for fundamental research in the field of information and communication technologies), A. A. Apricos and V. L. Ginzburg (2003 - for work in Areas of quantum physics). In 1997, on the initiative of an outstanding Russian scientist D. S. Likhachev, the TV channel "Culture" was created. Attention increased to the culture and traditions of various religious denominations. The literature expanded the diversity of directions and genres. B. P. Astafyev, V. I. Belov, V. G. Rasputin, Ch. T. Aitmatov, Yu. M. Polyakov, and others. Mass circuses were published by the works of A. I. Solzhenitsyn, in 1994. Returning to Russia. Modern avant-garde flows were distributed in theatrical art and in music. At the turn of centuries, cinema develops dynamically. Successful at the viewer enjoy the films "Burnt by the Sun" and "Siberian Barber" (director N. S. Mikhalkov), "Brother" and "Brother 2" (in the lead role - S. Bodrov ML.). In artistic creativity, works of sculptors Z. K. Tsereteli, O. K. Komova received wide fame. Artistic creativity of representatives of new directions in art is inherent in features: mixing art styles, the desire to think symbols, the use of mystic elements. In the field of culture, the state pays more attention to the education system. In 1992, the Law "On Education" was adopted, which began the origin of the reform of the Russian Middle and Higher School. The law declared a refusal to command-administrative management of the system of national education, the priority of humanistic principles in training and education. Middle and higher educational institutions were provided with certain academic freedom. Musicla. In 1999. Music Metro was supplied, which became a noticeable event in Moscow's musical life. Music development. From the mid-90s. Many of them, without giving intensive creative contacts with foreign theaters and orchestras, led the leading Russian creative teams. There was a serious update of the repertoire of the largest opera and ballet theaters of the country that carried out new productions of musical classics. 20B .. The repertoire of the leading Russian orchestras expanded.

    May 04, 2012 1:06 pm

    Dmitry Medvedev's presidency began with a difficult decision on military operation against the attacking South Ossetia of Georgia, and ends with a large-scale political reform, which includes simplifying the registration of political parties and the return of the elections of the governors, the decree of which the head of state signed the day before. Four years of Medvedev president will also be remembered by renaming the police to the police, a change of approximately half of the governor's corps, the formation of a "big Moscow" and the cancellation of the clock clock-habitual for Russians.

    Medvedev, after the inauguration appointed on May 7, the elected President Vladimir Putin leaves from the highest state post and is expected to become the prime minister. His candidate for the post of head of the government of the State Duma may consider on May 8.

    1. Modernization

    The modernization of the Russian economy has become the main program "Fishka" of the new president of Dmitry Medvedev, who actually introduced this word into modern Russian lexicon. In the Epistle of the Federal Assembly of 2009, he called the modernization of the country's survival and stated that he could no longer be merged with it. To modernize, according to Medvedev, it is necessary to economy as a whole, as well as the production sphere, army, medicine, technology, up to cosmic, education and education of a person. Of great importance in this regard acquires the introduction of innovation and energy efficiency. The symbol of the new economy is intended to become an innovative center "Skolkovo", created on the initiative of Medvedev after he visited the famous silicon valley in the US. In the future, Skolkovo should be the largest in Russia by the test test site of the new economic policy. Specially designated territories in the near Moscow region will create special conditions for research and development, including to create energy and energy-efficient technologies, nuclear, cosmic, biomedical and computer technologies. In 2012, about 1 trillion rubles will be allocated for programs in the field of modernization, according to Medvedev.

    2. Changes to the Constitution

    Considering its first message to the Federal Assembly after nine months after entry into office, Medvedev proposed to be amended to the Constitution of the Russian Federation amendments to increase the term of presidential powers from four to six years, deputies of the State Duma - from four to five years, as well as the responsibility of the government to report annually to deputies . This was the first change in the Russian Constitution in all its fifteen-year-old history. In accordance with this norm in December 2011, elections were held in Russia in Russia, and in March 2012, the president.

    The innovations also touched the Council of the Federation. Now the senator can be only a deputy, which is elected to the regional authorities and local self-government. The State Duma also adopted the laws prohibiting the heads of regions by the Presidents; Regions will have to bring their constitutions or statutes in line with adopted by law until January 1, 2015.

    The last and very significant change in the main law of the country was the return of direct elections of the heads of the regions, which were canceled in 2004 - on the eve of Medvedev signed the relevant law, which he had previously made to discuss the parliament. In addition, the procedure for registering political parties was significantly simplified.

    3. Punch for corruption

    The fight against corruption was also one of the main theses of the Medvedev election campaign. About corruption as the main misfortune of Russia, severe illness, corrupting the national economy and decomposing Russian society, the president also spoke in inaugural speech, and in numerous interviews after taking office.

    Two weeks after the inauguration, the head of state signed a decree on the establishment of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation to combat corruption. In July of the same year, he signed an anti-corruption plan, calculated for several years, and later the Parliament adopted the presidential package of bills aimed at fulfilling this plan.

    As part of the opposition to corruption and improving the efficiency of Medvedev, Medvedev ordered civil servants and members of their families, as well as managers of state corporations and funds to provide information on income and property. Otherwise, they were waiting for dismissal. In addition, in March 2011, the head of state demanded the withdrawal of state officials from the Board of Directors of large state-owned companies and state banks, which was done by October.

    According to Medvedev himself, despite the obvious successes in the fight against corruption, in particular the adoption of the first in the history of the country of anti-corruption rules, the fight against this kind of crime is far from completion, as it should take part in it all society, and not just a state.

    4. Reform Silovikov

    The task of opposing corruption was directly related to the need for a large-scale reform of law enforcement agencies, which was launched in 2010. A number of resonant incidents with the participation of law enforcement officers, the most loud of which was the shooting of visitors to the supermarket in Moscow, the head of the police department "Tsaritsyno" Major of Militia Denis Evsenukov, made the authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The reform of the largest ministry in the country received signs of the president at the initiative of the president - the police renamed the police. The new law tightened the requirements for receiving a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, delivered the ministry from a number of unusual functions to it and canceled the so-called "laughter" system of assessing the work of the internal affairs bodies. At the same time, the salary of employees were significantly increased, which were able to undergo itching.

    In the same 2010, the Investigation Committee of the Russian Federation was established, which was out of the subordination of the prosecutor's office. Then the president called it the first step towards creating a single and independent investigative body in the country, but so far the investigative structures of other departments (prosecutors, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSKN and the FSB) remain independent.

    No less large-scale reform of the armed forces and a new state program of arms and modernization of the defense and industrial complex. In accordance with the Sun reform plan, by 2012 the number of the army decreased from 1.2 million servicemen to a million, of which 220 thousand are officers. In the structure of the Armed Forces there were military-cosmic defense troops. In addition, within the framework of reform, six military districts were transformed into four - West, East, Central and South. The monetary content of officers was significantly increased, military educational institutions were reorganized, the army moved to the outsourcing system (when the nutrition and other unusual functions take on civilian structures). In addition, the pace of construction of housing for military personnel and military service veterans was significantly accelerated.

    An unprecedented arms program with a total volume of about 20 trillion rubles and calculated until 2020 was also called Medvedev one of the most important priorities in the field of defense capability. The program was adopted despite the objections of the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance Alexei Kudrin, who because of disagreements with the president was resigned.

    5.Wang and Mir

    The main foreign policy event in the activities of Medvedev as the president was the war in August 2008 with Georgia, which began fighting in South Ossetia. As a result of Georgian aggression, civilians and Russian peacekeepers were killed. The President of the Russian Federation gave an order to introduce troops to South Ossetia and to carry out the operation "forced Georgia to the world." The result of a five-day operation was the destruction of the main objects of the military infrastructure of the Georgian army and the ships of the Martial Fleet of Georgia in the Poti port. On August 12, Medvedev announced the completion of the operation, stating that its goal was achieved - the safety of peacekeeping forces and the civilian population was restored, the aggressor was punished and suffered very significant losses. On the same day, in Moscow, the presidents of Russia and France agreed on the plan, called Medvedev-Sarkozy and providing for the diversion of Russian troops from the territory of Georgia and the security guarantees of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

    Two weeks later, on August 26, after the corresponding requests of Tskhinvali and Sukhumi, the President of Russia announced that Moscow recognizes the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Later on the territory of these countries, and unrecognized by the majority of the worlds of the world, Russian military bases were deployed. Georgia in response to it came out of the CIS and continues to insist on its territorial integrity and require the withdrawal of Russian military from South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

    6. Treaty on START

    The relations between Russia and the USA in the field of arms over the past four years have been not easy formed, but in April 2010 the heads of the two countries in Prague signed a new START Treaty, designed to become one of the foundations of the modern system of international security. The parties intend to reduce the total number of warheads for a third in seven years to 1.55 thousand - compared with the 2002 Moscow Treaty and more than twice the limiting level for strategic carriers. For entry into force, the contract was supposed to be approved by both chambers of the Russian parliament, as well as the US Congress Senate. The principal was the requirement of Russia on synchronous ratification of the document, and this was achieved.

    7. Replacement of governors

    The years of Medvedev's presidency in the field of internal politics were marked by the change of the overwhelming number of governors and heads of the regions, among which there were many political long-livers from the era of the 90s. So, only for 2010, the President of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev, his "Neighbor" from Bashkiria Murtaza Rakhimov and the head of Kalmykia Karisan Rakhimov and the head of Kalmykia Karisan Ilyumzhin were left. Another "heavyweight" Mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov was sent to Medvedev to resign with the humiliating formulation "in connection with the loss of trust." The intensive replacement of the governors began after the December elections to the State Duma, according to the results of which the ruling "United Russia" weakened its position. Thus, over the past months, the heads of Primorsky, Perm, Stavropol Territory, Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Yaroslavl, Smolensk, Kostroma, Saratov and a number of other areas took resignation.

    8. Big Moscow

    With the initiative of expanding the borders of the capital and the creation of the Moscow agglomeration, Medvedev spoke in June 2011 - opportunities for the development of the capital in the old borders, according to the president, were exhausted. The change in the borders of Moscow will occur on July 1, 2012 - the transition period declared before that time. As a result of expansion to the north-west, the capital will reach the border with the Kaluga region. In total, 21 municipality will go to the capital, including two urban districts - Troitsk and Shcherbinka, as well as 19 urban and rural settlements, which were part of Podolsky, Leninsky and Narofominsky districts of the Moscow region. Also, Moscow is part of the territory of Odintsovo and Krasnogorsk districts.

    For two years, government agencies - the Federation and State Duma, federal executive authorities, as well as their territorial authorities, the Kremlin administration, the Government Office, the Prosecutor General's Office, the Investigation Committee, the Accounts Chamber, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Kremlin, will be moved to the territory The Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow District, the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Moscow City Court, says the list of instructions.

    To solve the task of the development of agglomeration with the help of the federal center to be the mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin and the recently approved governor of the Moscow region Sergey Shoigu.

    9. Caucasian question

    To solve the problems of the North Caucasus, in January 2010, Medvedev decided to create the eighth federal district, which included all of the North Caucasian regions, and to appoint a presidential presidential president of the Krasnoyarsk Region by Alexander Khloponin, who also received the post of Deputy Prime Minister. Khloponin became the only plenipotentiary and at the same time a member of the government, in the hands of which focused both the economic powers and the powers of the presidential vertical. Pyatigorsk became the center of the new district.

    The head of state put the task of eradicating mass unemployment, crime on economic soil, clanism, bribery to eradicate its new proper. One of the key programs for the development of the SCFO should be the program for the creation of the North Caucasian tourist cluster. According to Khloponin, the government has already decided on the provision of state guarantees in the amount of 100 billion rubles in investors who invest in the development of the resorts of the North Caucasus.

    10. Time belts

    The most ambiguous reform of Medvedev as president of the status of the number of time zones in Russia and the change in the belt time in a number of regions. In June 2011, the president signed the law, according to which the seasonal translation of the clock arrows was canceled. Russians on the night of March 27, 2011, the last time passed the arrows of the clock for an hour ahead and moved to "summer time." However, the past year showed that the change of the already familiar regime is very ambiguously perceived by citizens of Russia, which gave rise to new discussions. The other day Medvedev said that it wasotov back to the previous model of translation for winter and summer time, if most support it, for example, electronic voting.

    In St. Petersburg (Leningrad) and also graduated from the Leningrad State University (even the same faculty as Putin - legal). In young age Medvedevhe was a simple student who worked as a janitor, listened to "Deep Purple", but he studied well and had an increased scholarship in the amount of 50 rubles. In the mid-1990s, Medvedev, together with Vladimir Vladimirovich, worked at the St. Petersburg City Hall. Later the second President of Russia took him to himself in Moscow (along with Naryshkin, Ivanov and many other St. Petersburg colleagues), where Dmitry Anatolyevich became the head of the administration President, and a little later, the first deputy chairman Government of the Russian Federation.

    May 7, 2008 Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, after convincing victory in the election, took office President of the Russian Federation. And his prime minister (the same as the chairman of the Russian government) became V.V. Putin . According to many political scientists, russian policy With such a permutation, it practically did not change, although the considerable number of citizens of the Russian Federation considers medvedev Presidency softer than putin's presidency.

    Medvedev's domestic policy.

    Internal policy Medvedev Began not the easiest time and decisions. The beginning of his presidency coincided with the beginning world Financial Crisis 2008. This crisis originated during the mortgage crisis in the United States of 2007, and then, against the background of unbalanced world trade between private enterprises and international corporations, the survey in world economic crisisWhich has affected almost all countries of the world, where international relations and trade are more or less developed.

    Western and Eastern Europe, most Asia, Australia, North and South America were most affected. Already in May 2008, when Medvedev became the head by the country, the collaboration of quotations occurred on the Russian stock market. The first decisive anti-crisis measures were undertaken in budget and credit politics in August-October of the same year. However, in December, the fall in industrial production exceeded 10 percent.

    During the second half of 2008 and the following, 2009, the year leading state economists, financiers and other experts worked in the sweat of the person, and by the end of 2009 the first positive results appeared anti-crisis program.

    By March 2010, the World Bank published a report on the World Crisis, which said that the economic losses of the Russian Federation turned out to be much less than it was originally assumed, and the stock market of the country even played most of the losses from world crisis. Despite the fact that Russian external debt has grown by almost 14 percent, it turned out to be the most stable result compared to the rest of the world. For example, in Europe, the external debt rose to 90% of the pan-European GDP ( European Union), in the United States, external debt exceeded 100% of GDP, and in Japan, it generally reached almost 220%.

    Despite the problems associated with economic the crisis of RussiaMedvedev continued an active internal policy. The President increased lending to Russian banks, which significantly hardening the country's financial system and did not allow panic among the population. A number of reforms in the field of private entrepreneurship (cancellation of certain restrictions, simplifying taxation and order of registration) did not give a small busine.

    Many reforms passed in the social sphere. It was increased maternal capital (State allowance for a child introduced by Putin) on the second and third child, which allowed the demographic indicator not to approach the negative mark. At the same time, the size of pensions, social benefits and wages of state employees rose 2-2.5 times. One and a half million Russians received new housing, and another million Russian citizens - improved their housing conditions (mainly due to the same new maternal capital).

    First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation since June 2005.
    President of the Russian Federation from May 7, 2008 to 2012.
    Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation since May 8, 2012.

    Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev Born September 14, 1965. In the city of Leningrad (now - St. Petersburg).

    Father Dmitry Medvedev, Anatoly Afanasyevich, the descendant of the peasants of the Kursk province, was a professor of the Leningrad Technological Institute named after Lensovet.

    Mother Dmitry Medvedev, Yulia Veniaminovna, Philologist, taught at the Pedagogical Institute of Herzen, worked as a guide in the museum. Her roots from the Belgorod region.

    Dmitry is the only child in the family. The family of Medvedev lived in the area of \u200b\u200bKupchino on the outskirts of Leningrad. All the time Dmitry devoted to study, he studied well.

    In 1982. YES. Medvedev Entered the Faculty of Law of the Leningrad State University. Before admission began working as a laboratory instrument in Lay.

    From youth, he is fond of hard rock, among the favorite groups Dmitry Medvedev mentions Black Sabbath, Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin; He collected a complete collection of Deep Purple records. In the student years, he became interested in photography, engaged in heavy athletics, won at the University of Trial Athletics Competitions in his weight category.

    D. Medvedev did not serve in the army, but, being, a student of LHA, passed 1.5-month military fees in Khukhoyami in Karelia.

    In 1987 Dmitry Medvedev He received a diploma LSU and entered the graduate school.

    In 1987 - 1990 Simultaneously with study in graduate school Dmitry Medvedev He worked as an assistant department of civil law LSU.

    In the spring of 1989, he took an active part in the electoral program A. Sobchak for elections to the congress of people's deputies.

    And in the same year Medvedev He married a former classmate Svetlana Linnik.

    In 1990 D. Medvedev He became a candidate of science, defended his thesis on the topic "Problems of the implementation of the civilian legal personality of the state enterprise."

    In 1990 - 1991, Medvedev was part of the Assistant Chairperson Chairman of A. Sobchak. In the same years, Dmitry Medvedev met Vladimir Putin. Soon, D.Medvedev was appointed as an expert in the External Relations Committee of St. Petersburg. After the internship was held in Sweden on local government issues.

    In 1990 - 1999, Dmitry Medvedev taught in Leningrad (later than St. Petersburg) by the State University of such disciplines of the private and legal cycle, civil and Roman law. Got a scientist knowledge of the associate professor.

    In 1996, the son of Ilya was born in the family of Dmitry Medvedev and Svetlana Medvedeva.

    During this period, in the following years, D.A. Medvedev performed by the founder and head of various enterprises, including joint.

    In November 1999 - January 2000 He served as Deputy Head of the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation (head of the apparatus - D. Kozak).

    December 31, 1999 by Decree I.O. President of the Russian Federation V. Putin was appointed Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation (Head of Administration - A.Voloshin).

    In February 2000 YES. Medvedev He headed the election headquarters of V. Putin.

    After the election of Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation on June 3, 2000, Dmitry Medvedev was appointed First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration.

    June 30, 2000 D. Medvedev V. Chernomyrdin replaced as Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Gazprom.

    In April 2001, at the direction of President Vladimir Putin, a working group was established to liberalize the stock market of Gazprom, and Medvedev became the leader of the group. A month later, he gave way to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gazprom R. Vyakhrev, but in June 2002 returned to this position.

    In 2001 YES. Medvedev He became a winner of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education for participating in the creation of a civil law textbook.

    In October 2002 YES. Medvedev Appointed as a representative of the President in the National Banking Council.

    In October 2003, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev became the head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation instead of the resignation of A.Volshina.

    In November 2003, D. Medvedev was appointed a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

    In June 2004, the re-election of D. Medvedev was held by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gazprom.

    In June 2005, D. Medvedev was exempted from the position of the head of the Presidential Administration and was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

    On November 29, 2005, the first meeting of the Council for the Implementation of 4 Priority National Projects was held. Prior to that, V. Putin instructed Medvedev to develop a concrete plan for the implementation of national projects to life.

    In May 2006 Medvedev headed the Commission on the Development of Broadcasting.

    From September 2006, D. Medvedev became the head of the International Board of Trustees of the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo.

    In January 2007, D. Medvedev was elected chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Association of Lawyers of Russia.

    December 10, 2007 Four parties ("civil force", "United Russia", "Fair Russia", the Agrarian Party), when approving V. Putin, nominated D. Medvedev candidacy for the presidency of the Russian Federation.

    On March 2, 2008, the election of the President of the Russian Federation, in which Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev Winches.

    On May 7, 2008, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev was inauguration. He officially joined the President of the Russian Federation.

    Foreign policy at D. Medvedev

    On August 8, 2008, Georgia began a large-scale military operation against the Republic of South Ossetia, in which many citizens of Russia live. On the same day, Russia intervened in military events. By August 12, 2008, large hostilities stopped, and the republic was completely protected from Georgian troops. Together with the President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy developed a peace plan (so-called. "Plan Medvedev - Sarkozy"), the purpose of which was the cessation of hostilities, troop the troops before August 8 and security guarantees for Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

    Since it was not possible to make a question about the status of these republics for international discussion, on August 26, 2008. Russia, according to the decree of President D. Medvedev, recognized their independence unilaterally.

    This step caused a sharp negative reaction in the West and the CIS countries, but there was no serious sanctions against Russia.

    The war in South Ossetia became the first since 1979 by the event of entering Russia's troops into a foreign state.

    Championship of the fundamental principles of international law;

    The rejection of the unipolar world and the construction of multipolarity;

    Avoiding isolation and confrontation with other countries;

    Protection of the life and dignity of Russian citizens, "Wherever they are";

    Protection of the interests of Russia in the "friendly regions".

    On October 2, 2008, a meeting was held with the German Chancellor A. Merkel, on which D. Medvedev again spoke in favor of the creation of a "new legally binding agreement on European security".

    On October 8, 2008, Dmitry Medvedev, speaking at a conference on world politics in Evian (France), criticized the Global Foreign Ministry held by the US Government after "after September 11, 2001" and after the "overthrow of the Taliban regime" in Afghanistan.

    After election in 2012, by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, from May 8, 2012, Dmitry Medvedev performs the responsibilities of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Domestic policy at D. Medvedev

    In September 2008, the Government of D. Medvedev decided on the reform of the Armed Forces of Russia. A three-year budget adjustment was planned, a significant increase in military spending was planned: the growth of financing for defense expenditures in 2009 was the most significant in the new history of Russia - almost 27%.

    One of the "parameters" of the formation of the new Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the concept approved by President Dmitry Medvedev on September 15, 2008 for the period up to 2012 was the creation of rapid response forces.

    At the time of the board, Dmitry Medvedev had a financial crisis and recession 2008-2009. in Russia. On November 18, 2008, President D. Medvedev and the Russian press stated the arrival of the crisis in the real sector of the Russian economy. According to data that were made public by Rosstat on January 23, 2009, in December 2008, the fall in industrial production in Russia reached 10.3% in relation to December 2007 (in November - 8.7%), which became the deepest recession production over the past decade. There was also a rapid decline in the course of the Russian currency.