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  • Individual route with a child. "Approximate individual educational route for the development of a child with disabilities in the PA" Physical development

    Individual route with a child.

    Individual educational route

    1st grade student

    1.1 Explanatory note

    The school has 3 children with disabilities (musculoskeletal system). These students are socially adapted, intellectually developed. An individual approach is recommended for such children at physical education lessons. Children with disabilities (HH) are children whose health condition prevents the development of educational programs of general education outside the special conditions of education and upbringing, that is, they are children with disabilities, or children with temporary or permanent disabilities in physical and (or) mental development. Children who are advised to study in classrooms are especially difficult.Viispecies, data of students in the primary grades of our school - 2 people.

    These children are taught in a general education class. The main problem of underachievement of children with disabilities is the discrepancy between the child's intellectual system and the educational system at school. At present, it is generally known that children with mental retardation who did not receive special psychological and pedagogical assistance in preschool childhood, at school already from the first grade, become unsuccessful students. Quantitatively, this group of children is the largest in comparison with any other child group with developmental pathology. Moreover, it has a tendency to constant growth, for which there are objective reasons.

    In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 79 of the Federal Law "On Education in Russian Federation"dated December 29, 2012 No. 273 (hereinafter - the Federal Law" On Education in the Russian Federation ") established:" ... the content of education and the conditions for organizing training and education of students with disabilities (hereinafter - HIA)determined by an adapted educational program, and for disabled people also in accordance with an individual disabled person's rehabilitation program ”. Due to this in OO developed an adapted basic educational program forchildren with disabilities studying in the form of full-time education.

    Basic aim is the creation of a humane educational environment at school for the purpose of social and personal rehabilitation of children with disabilities and their subsequent integration in the modern socio - economic and cultural - moral space.

    The individual educational route provides for the solution of the main tasks:

    Providing conditions for the realization of the rights of students with disabilities to receive free education;

    Organization of high-quality correction and rehabilitation work with students with various forms of developmental disabilities;

    Preserving and strengthening the health of students with disabilities through improving the educational process;

    Creation of a favorable psychological and pedagogical climate for the realization of the individual abilities of students with disabilities;

    Expansion of the material base and resource support of the school for organizing the education of children with disabilities.

    Expected end results

    Providing a basic level of education for students with disabilities.

    Implemented at the first stage of education - 4 years:

    The second stage - basic general education - 5 years.

    1.2 Design and implementation principles

    1. The principle of humanization - involves the implementation of a personality-oriented approach aimed at the overall development of a person with disabilities, his socialization, maximum integration into modern life.

    2. The principle of an individual approach - implies the need to determine the individual goal of education and training, the selection of content, the choice of forms and methods of education for each child with disabilities, taking into account his professional and educational needs, opportunities and conditions of upbringing.

    3. The principle of consistency - ensures the unity of education, diagnosis, correction and development of students with disabilities, that is, a systematic approach to the analysis of the peculiarities of their development and correction of disorders, as well as a comprehensive multi-level approach to solving the child's problems;

    4. Integrated approach principle - involves the integration of training and correction by including a corrective component in the working curriculum focused on primary defects presented in the structure of student developmental disorders.

    5. Continuity principle - guarantees the continuity of pedagogical assistance to students with disabilities until the problem is completely solved or an approach to its solution is determined.

    6. The principle of complex interaction of all participants in the educational process during the implementation of AOP - assumes constant cooperation of teachers, a psychologist, the administration of the educational institution, medical workers and other specialists for the most successful implementation of the goal of teaching a student with disabilities in AOP.

    7. The principle of priority of independent forms educational activities - assumes maximum activity and independence of the student in the course of learning.

    1.3 Terms of sale

    Organizational conditions

    This program provides for both variable forms of education, and various options for special support for students with disabilities. These can be forms of education in a general education class according to a general educational program or an individual program; using home and (or) distance learning.

    Psychological and pedagogical support includes:

    The optimal mode of training loads;

    Correctional orientation of the educational process;

    Accounting individual characteristics child;

    Compliance with a comfortable psycho-emotional regime;

    Use of modern pedagogical technologies;

    Recreational and protective regime;

    Strengthening physical and mental health;

    Prevention of physical, mental and psychological overload


    Compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations;

    Participation of all children with disabilities, regardless of the severity of their developmental disorders, together with normally developing children in educational, cultural and entertainment, sports and health and other leisure activities.

    This work is provided by the interaction of the following specialists and teachers:


    Social teacher;

    Subject teachers;

    Classroom teacher;


    The nurse monitors compliancerequirements of SanPin

    The teacher - the psychologist conducts diagnostics emotional sphere, aesthetic and cognitive needs and has ahelp the child and parents (legal representatives) in solving complex social and emotional problems.

    Together with a social educator, a psychologist and a nurse, the class teacher and subject teachers carry out complex psychological, pedagogical and medico-social support of students in order to create conditions for their fullest self-organization and mastering educational programs.

    Software and methodological support:

    Teaching materials and work programs in academic subjects;

    Diagnostic and correctional and developmental tools necessary for the implementation professional activity teacher, educational psychologist, social teacher

    Digital educational resources.


    Teaching children with disabilities is carried out by teachers and specialists of appropriate qualifications, having specialized education, having completed compulsory coursework or other types of vocational training. The qualification level for each position held corresponds to the qualification characteristics of the corresponding position.


    Availability of folding ramps and specially equipped training places;

    Purchase of universal digital tablets for teaching children with disabilities;

    Installation of floors without drops and thresholds;

    Expansion of doorways and installation of handrails on the paths.

    Information Support

    Creation of an information educational environment for distance learning for children with mobility difficulties using modern information and communication technologies.

    Creation of a system of wide access for children with disabilities, parents (legal representatives), teachers to online sources of information, to information and methodological funds, which presuppose the availability of methodological manuals and recommendations in all areas and types of activities, visual aids, multimedia, audio and video materials ...

    Content of work programs in academic subjects

    Work programs for students with disabilities are drawn up on the basis of sample programs in subjects. They meet the requirements of FKGOS and FGOS. Programs determine the goals and objectives of studying the subject, possible levels of development teaching material, criteria and methods of assessment educational outcomes... The number of hours allotted for the study of program material is planned based on the individual curriculum.

    Pedagogical technologies, forms and methods of teaching

    and raising children with disabilities

    1. Technologies of modern traditional education.

    Traditional education provides for the classroom-lesson organization of education, which allows you to provide:

    The systematic nature of training;

    Logically correct study of educational material;

    and optimize resource costs for training.

    2. Technologies based on the personal orientation of the educational process.This group of pedagogical technologies is characterized by an orientation towards personality traits, its formation and development in accordance with the natural abilities of a person, and the maximum realization of children's capabilities. It is represented by technologies of cooperation pedagogy that implement a humane and personal approach to a child, apply an activating and developmental didactic complex, and carry out pedagogy the environment... Work with the use of these technologies ensures the most complete immersion of students in the pedagogical process, "living" in themselves the peculiarities of such an interaction of the participants in the pedagogical process, which is characterized by a humanely personal and, moreover, an individual approach to the child.

    3. Pedagogical technologies based on the revitalization and intensification of students' activities.The principle of the child's activity in the educational process is implemented, motivation, awareness of consumption in the assimilation of knowledge and skills is carried out, compliance with the social needs of students, their parents and the social environment is achieved.

    The group of these technologies includes gaming technologies, problem-based learning, the elements of which are implemented by the teachers of the school.

    4. Gaming technologies (mainly cognitive and business games)are widely used at all levels of education, since they are a universal way of transferring the experience of older generations, and the structure of the game as an activity organically includes goal-setting, planning, goal implementation, analysis of the results in which a person realizes himself as a subject of activity.

    5. Problem learning - such an organization training sessions, which involves the creation of problem situations under the guidance of the teacher and the active independent activity of students to resolve them, as a result of which there is a creative mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities and the development of the mental abilities of students. Problem-based learning is an important preparatory step towards achieving competence as a predictable level of education, preparation for solving educational and life problems.

    6. Information (computer) technologiesensure the development of skills to work with information, develop the communication skills of students, form research skills, the ability to accept optimal solutions, allow everyone to work at the optimal pace and content that is optimal for them. Thus, students are prepared for life in the information society and the development of professional educational programs.

    Student certification

    Certification of students with disabilities is carried out in the form of:

    Current and intermediate attestation in accordance with local regulations

    State (final certification) in accordance withregulatory documents for the conduct of the State Examination and the Unified State Exam.

    Individual curriculum 1st grade


    Number of hours

    By uch. plan

    At home

    In class

    Name of teacher

    in absentia



    Lit. NS.


    Env. peace




    Fig. Lawsuit.






    Physical education



    2.1 Expected results of the program implementation:

    Reducing the number of students with persistent learning and personal development problems;

    Formation of effective behavioral strategies and personal resources in children with disabilities;

    Inclusion of interaction with other organizations in the school's correctional work system;

    Improving the professional level of the teaching staff on the problems of correctional work with students with disabilities.

    The educational institution has created comfortable and accessible environments in the training, development and upbringing of children with disabilities:

    Contributing to quality and affordable education;

    Providing joint education for children with disabilities and children without developmental disabilities;

    Providing social adaptation and integration in the society of children with disabilities.

    teacher of speech activity MBDOU
    « Kindergarten"Stork"

    Individual educational route for a child with disabilities (Down syndrome)


    Individual educational route for a child with disabilities

    (Down syndrome)

    Developed by: Toropova Yulia Nikolaevna, teacher of speech activity at MBDOU "Kindergarten" Aist "

    1.1 General information about a child with Down syndrome

    Total information

    Full name of the child: *********

    Gender: husband

    Date of birth / age 5 years

    Child's social status: prosperous

    Family characteristics: complete, financially secure

    Living with: with parents

    Family microclimate: favorable

    Child's health status: group V

    Day regimen: gentle

    Meals: common table

    The adapted individual educational route was developed in accordance with the disease indicated in the individual rehabilitation program for a disabled child and the planned activities.

    1.2 Explanatory note

    Education of people with disabilities and disabled people (hereinafter referred to as children with disabilities) is one of the priority areas of the education system of the Russian Federation.

    The number of children with disabilities, which include children with hearing, vision, speech, intelligence, musculoskeletal disorders, emotional volitional disorders and learning difficulties, is increasing every year. The efforts of the Ministry of Education of Russia are focused on creating an educational environment within the framework of the modernization of Russian education that ensures the availability of quality education for all persons with disabilities and people with disabilities, taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development and state of health.

    The full development of the child as an inalienable human right and one of the most important tasks of education at the present stage requires the search for the most effective ways to achieve this goal. The protection of human rights, to the protection and promotion of health, to free development in accordance with individual capabilities is becoming a field of activity in which the interests of various specialists are closely intertwined.

    Supporting a child with Down syndrome is a whole range of problems related to his survival, treatment, education, social adaptation and integration into society.

    A purposeful system of social and pedagogical activities, the inclusion of a child with Down syndrome in the correctional and educational process from an early age, increases the level of development, contributes to the child's social activity. A favorable combination of the organism's compensatory capabilities with correctly selected programs at each stage of training, effective forms of its organization can largely, and sometimes completely neutralize the effect of the primary defect on the course of the child's psychophysical development.

    The individual route for accompanying a child with Down's syndrome was drawn up taking into account the PLO MBDOU "Kindergarten" Aist "developed on the basis of an exemplary educational program of preschool education" From birth to school "edited by N.Ye. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. - M .; MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2014 and Programs of preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type for children with intellectual disabilities Auth. E.A. Ekzhanova, E.A. Strebeleva.

    IOM (individual educational route) is designed for one academic year... The content of the material given by the IOM is constructed in accordance with the principle of concentricity. This means that acquaintance with a certain area of ​​reality from stage to stage becomes more complicated, that is, the topic remains, and the content reveals first mainly the objective, then the functional, semantic, sides, then the sphere of relations, cause-and-effect, temporal and other connections between external signs and functional properties. In addition, the route also traces linear, interdisciplinary connections between sections. In some cases, this is a thematic connection, in others it is a common pedagogical concept. Thus, repetition in teaching the child is ensured, which will allow him to form sufficiently strong knowledge and skills.

    The IOM defines the goals and objectives of education and training in the module "Speech development" of a child with Down syndrome for the 2017/2018 academic year.

    The theoretical basis of IOM is the provisions developed in domestic psychology by L. S. Vygotsky, P. Ya. commonality of the basic laws of mental development in health and disease, about sensitive ages, about the relationship between correction and development, about the current and potential levels of development (zone of proximal development), about the relationship between learning and development, about the role of preschool childhood in the process of socialization, about the importance of activity in development, about the role of the sign in the "cultural" development of the child, etc. The route is designed taking into account the specific characteristics of the motor-motor, emotional, sensory, mental, speech, aesthetic and social-personal development of a child with Down syndrome; leading motives and needs of a young child; character of the leading

    activities; the type of communication and its motives; social situation of the child's development.

    Proposed content of the main directions pedagogical work, the conditions and forms of its implementation make it possible to solve in unity the correctional and developmental tasks, which include the motor-motor, emotional, sensory, mental, social-personal, communicative, speech development of the child.

    The practical implementation of these tasks is carried out in the process of forming the mechanisms of objective and game activity as the leading types of activity in early and preschool childhood, productive activities (drawing, design), familiarization with the environment, development of speech, and the formation of elementary mathematical concepts.

    All areas of correctional educational work are interconnected and interpenetrating, and the tasks of correctional education are solved in a comprehensive manner in all forms of its organization.

    IOM for a child with Down syndrome is built in accordance with the principles formulated in psychological, neuropsychological, pedagogical research, taking into account:

    • the nature of the leading activity;
    • the structure and severity of the disorder;
    • leading motives and needs of the child;
    • goals of preschool education.

    Also, when compiling the IOM, the data were taken into account Individual program rehabilitation of a disabled child, conclusion and recommendations of TPMPK, individual characteristics of a child with Down syndrome.

    Work on activating compensatory mechanisms in a child with Down syndrome relies on the strengths of his development:

    • relative safety of emotions;
    • preservation of visual-motor perception;
    • enough high level imitation abilities;
    • relative preservation of tactile sensitivity;
    • the combination of visual and motor sensations gives the highest level of memorization;
    • preservation of emotional memory.

    The construction of correctional and developmental work in accordance with the indicated principles ensures the social orientation of pedagogical

    influences and socialization of the child. The work of the teacher of speech activity with the child includes three blocks of in-depth diagnostic examination: at the admission of the child (September), at the end of the first period of study (December) and at the end of the second period of study (May).

    The effectiveness of the ongoing correctional and developmental work is determined by the data obtained in the course of in-depth diagnostic examinations of specialists and examination of the child at TPMPK, based on the results of which, the child receives recommendations on the further educational route.

    A feature of this program is the active involvement of parents in the work, which helps to increase their psychological and pedagogical competence. Teaching parents (or mothers) and interacting with teachers gives the maximum effect when carrying out corrective measures. The content of IOM involves the active use of the following forms of work with parents:

    1. Advisory and recommendation.
    2. Informational and educational.
    3. Organization of children's matinees, holidays.
    4. Individual lessons with parents and their child.

    The volume of the educational material is calculated in accordance with the age-specific physiological standards, which avoids overwork and maladjustment of the child.

    An integrated approach provides a higher rate of dynamics of the general and speech development of children. The implementation of the principle of complexity provides for the relationship in the work of the teacher-psychologist, narrow specialists and educator.

    The basis for long-term and scheduling of correctional work is a thematic approach (thematic plan). It allows you to organize communicative situations in which the teacher controls the cognitive and speech development of the child. The thematic approach provides concentrated learning and repetition of the material. Concentrated study of the topic contributes to the successful accumulation of speech means and their active use by the child for communicative purposes, it is quite consistent with the solution of both general tasks of the comprehensive development of children and special correctional ones. Concentrated study of the material also serves as a means of establishing closer ties between specialists, since all specialists work within the framework of one lexical topic.

    1.3 Planned results of mastering the individual educational route. The planned results of the child's mastering of the IOM content take into account the individual characteristics of his development, are determined in accordance with the set goals and objectives of the program in the form of target guidelines.

    In accordance with the individual characteristics of the development of a child with Down syndrome - R. Lin, given IOM assumes focus on the following targets:

    the child is interested in surrounding objects and actively acts with them; is emotionally involved in actions with toys and other objects, seeks to be persistent in achieving the result of his actions.

    the child uses specific, culturally fixed object actions, knows the purpose of everyday objects (spoons, combs, pencils, etc.) and tries to use them;

    the child masters the simplest self-care skills; strives to show independence in everyday and play behavior;

    the child possesses the initial skills of active speech, a passive vocabulary is formed; can express a request, using monosyllabic words, using gestures, understands the speech of adults; knows the names of surrounding objects and toys;

    the child seeks to communicate with adults and actively imitates them in movements and actions; games appear in which the child reproduces the actions of an adult;

    the child shows interest in peers; observes and imitates their actions;

    the child has an interest in poetry, songs and fairy tales, looking at pictures, seeks to move to music; emotionally responds to various works of culture and arts;

    the child has a positive trend in the development of gross motor skills; he seeks to master different kinds movements (running, climbing, stepping, etc.).

    1.4 Characteristics of the individual characteristics of the development of a child with Down syndrome The structure of mental underdevelopment of a child with Down syndrome is peculiar: speech appears late and remains underdeveloped throughout life, speech understanding is insufficient, vocabulary is poor, sound pronunciation in the form of dysarthria or dyslalia is often found. But, despite the severity of the intellectual defect, the emotional sphere remains practically preserved. Most of them have good imitative ability, which contributes to the instilling of self-service skills and work processes. The level of skill and skill that a child with Down syndrome can achieve varies greatly. This is due to genetic and environmental factors.

    Thus, supporting a child with Down syndrome is a whole complex of problems related to his survival, treatment, education, social adaptation and integration into society.

    Social - everyday skills and orientation.

    Cultural and hygienic skills partially do not correspond to age: the child knows how to eat with a spoon, drink from a cup, there are attempts to undress (dress) on his own. The rest of the skills are not developed.

    Features of the child's play, constructive, visual activity.

    The child does not take part in games, drawing classes, construction, he needs constant support, the help of a teacher, constant attraction of attention. Interest in the lesson, as a rule, disappears quickly. Initial game skills, object manipulation are formed.

    Assimilation of the program, difficulties in assimilating the program.

    The assimilation of the program is significantly difficult due to a low level of speech development, a delay in the development of general and fine motor skills, with a discrepancy overall development given age.

    Emotionally - behavioral characteristics of the child.

    The child is friendly towards both peers and adults. The boy makes contact, which is mainly manifested by emotions and touches, and individual sounds. The adaptation process after the summer holidays was long, but without any peculiarities.

    The participation of parents in the upbringing and development of the child.

    The child is brought up in a complete family. Parents take an active part in the upbringing and development of the child, in his life in kindergarten, listen to the recommendations of the educator and specialists.

    2.1 Characteristics of educational activities in accordance with the individual needs of the child.

    In the individual educational route (IOM), the ratio of forms and types of activity, individualized volume and depth of content, special psychological and pedagogical technologies, educational and methodological materials and technical means are determined, which is specific for a given child. IOM is discussed, approved and implemented with the participation of the parents (legal representatives) of the child.

    The route provides for the solution of a number of tasks: diagnostic, correctional and developmental.

    In the diagnostic block, the leading task is to organize a comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical study of the characteristics of a child's development, as well as to determine the effectiveness of implementation individual route child development.

    The block of developmental tasks is aimed at developing the most intact functions, socializing the child, increasing his independence and autonomy.

    The correction block is aimed at the formation of methods of assimilation of social experience of interaction with people and objects of the surrounding reality; development of compensatory mechanisms for the formation of the psyche and activities of the child; to overcome and prevent the child's secondary deviations in the development of his cognitive sphere, behavior and personality in general; the formation of methods of orientation in the world around (the method of tests, practical trying on, visual orientation), which serve as a means for the formation of an integral system of knowledge, skills and abilities in a child, the appearance of psychological neoplasms.

    The organization of the work of specialists in this block also involves teaching parents certain psychological and pedagogical techniques that increase the effectiveness of interaction with the child, stimulating his activity in everyday life.

    The presented blocks closely interact at each stage of work with the child. The implementation of the tasks of these blocks takes into account the severity of the violation, the age of the child, and the structure of the defect.

    The preservation of the emotional sphere of a child with Down syndrome allows him to show his abilities and achieve significant results in creative activities. The strength of the child is the ability to imitate. The child willingly imitates simple movements used in various games.


    1. To form skills of onomatopoeia;
    2. Promote the development of pronunciation and communication


    1. Form the skills of simple rhythmic movements;

    Final indicators for the child's mastering of the content of the module of the educational area "Speech development" (speech development)

    The child will:

    - imitate an adult by repeating simple words;

    - answer simple questions in monosyllables;

    - follow one and two-syllable instructions;

    Actively show yourself in game situations.


    3.1 Provision with special educational programs and methods, special teaching aids and didactic materials. The program material was selected tentatively, adapted to a specific child. The features of the development of a child with moderate mental retardation, his ability to learn and educate, the current level of development, the zone of proximal development and the main types of activity in a given age period were taken into account.

    The educational and methodological complex of an individual educational route for a child with Down syndrome included:

    1. Approximate basic educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" edited by N.Ye. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. (the basis of the teaching materials).
    2. The program of preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type for children with intellectual disabilities Е.А. Ekzhanova and E.A. Strebeleva "Correctional and developmental education and upbringing of children preschool age with intellectual disabilities ”.
    3. The program of early pedagogical assistance to children with developmental disabilities "Little Steps". - Moira Petersie, Robin Trilor and others
    4. The program of correctional and developmental work in the junior speech therapy group of the kindergarten Nishcheva N.V.

    Teaching aids: teaching materials for the program "From birth to school". The main general educational program of preschool education / Ed. N. Ye. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M .: MOSAIK-SINTEZ, 2010 .-- 304 p.

    Consultative and educational work:

    1. Inclusion of a child with Down syndrome in a general preschool educational institution. Informational and methodological manual. - Novosibirsk, 2010
    2. Zhiyanova P.L., Pole E.V. Toddler Down Syndrome: A Book for

    parents. - M .: CF "Downside Up", 2012

    1. Down Syndrome. Facts. / Comp. E.V. Pole - M .: CF "Downside Up", 2012
    2. Kirtoki A.E., Rostova N.V. Baby was born with Down syndrome: conversations

    psychologist. - M .: CF "Downside Up", 2013

    1. Petersie M. et al. Small Steps: An Early Educational Assistance Program for Children with Developmental Disabilities. Per. from English. M .: Association Down Syndrome, 2001. - Book 1. Introduction to the program.
    2. Maller A. R., Tsikoto G. V. Education and training of children with severe intellectual disabilities: Textbook. allowance. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2003. - 208 p. (Section "Correctional and educational work with preschool children with severe intellectual disabilities" p.100-116)

    Educational area "Speech development (Development of speech)":

    1. The program of preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type for children with intellectual disabilities: Correctional and developmental education and upbringing / E.A. Ekzhanova, E.A. Strebeleva. - M .: "Education", 2005 - 272 p. SECTIONS "Aesthetic development", "Formation of activity" 2. Winders Patricia S. Formation of gross motor skills in children

    with Down syndrome. - M .: CF "Downside Up", 2011 3. Bruni M. Formation of fine motor skills in children with the syndrome

    Down. - M .: CF "Downside Up", 2009 4. Petersie M. et al. Small Steps: A program of early pedagogical assistance to children with developmental disabilities. Per. from English. M .: Association Down Syndrome, 2001. - Book 4. General motor skills. Book 5. Fine motor skills. 5. Archipenko G.A. Speech development in younger preschoolers with disabilities

    view // Preschool education. 2005.No5.

    6. Beltyukov V.I. The interaction of analyzers in the process of perception and

    mastering oral speech. - M., 1977. 7. Bessonova T.P., Gribova O.E. Didactic material on the survey

    speech of children. - M., 1994 - part 1. 8. Borodich A.M. Methodology for the development of children's speech. - M., 1974. 9. Vlasenko I.T., Chirkina G.V. Methods of examination of speech in children. - M.,

    1. 10. Vygotsky L.S. Thinking and speech / Collected works - M., 1982. - T.
    2. 11. Gvozdev A.N. Questions of the study of children's speech. - M., 1961. 12. Epifantseva T.B., Kisilenko T.E., Mogileva I.A., Solovieva I.G., Titkova T.V. Handbook of a teacher-defectologist // Series “I give my heart to children”, Rostov-on-Don., 2005. 13. Efimenkova L.N. Formation of speech in preschoolers. M., 1990. 14. Zhukova NS, Mastyukova EM, Filicheva T.B. Overcoming common

    speech underdevelopment in preschoolers. M., 1990. 15. Zhukova NS, Mastyukova EM. If your child is developmentally delayed. -

    M., 1993. 16. Zeeman M. Speech disorder in childhood. / Per. from Czech; Ed. and with a foreword by V.K. Trutnev and S.S. Lyapidevsky. - M., 1962. 17. Isaev D.N. Mental underdevelopment in children. - L., 1982. 18. Lebedinsky V.V. Violation of mental development in children. - M., 1985

    G. 19. Leontiev A.A. Language, speech, speech activity. - M., 1969. 20. Lubovsky V.I. The development of verbal regulation of actions in children (in

    norm and pathology). - M., 1978. 21. The development of thinking and speech in abnormal children: scientific notes, v.256

    / otv.ed. M.E. Khvatsev. - L., 1963 22. Sekovets, Razumova, Dyunina, Sitnikova. Correction of speech disorders in

    preschoolers. - M., 1999. 23. Series of articles in the journal "Defectology" for 1985 - 1986. T.B.

    Filichivaya and G.V. Chirkina. 24. Hearing, Speech and Ear Inflammation article on Downside Up. 25. Filicheva T.B., Cheveleva N.A. Speech therapy work in a special

    kindergarten. M., 1987. 26. Filicheva T.B., Cheveleva N.A., Chirkina G.V. Basics of speech therapy. M.,

    1. 27. Filicheva T.B., Soboleva A.V. The development of the speech of a preschooler. -

    Ekaterinburg, 1996. 28. Khvatsev M.E. Speech therapy. - M., 1959.

    The plan of individually-oriented correctional and developmental activities for the psychological and pedagogical support of the child area "Speech development" module "Development of speech"

    Educator of speech activity:

    - diagnostics (input, final); 2 times per year

    - individual work in developmental classes for the development of speech in the 2017/2018 academic year. year -; 56 lessons, 2 times a week, 15 minutes each;

    - consultations for parents on request.

    Duration of group lessons is 25-30 minutes, individual lessons - 10-15 minutes.

    The education of a child with Down syndrome can be roughly divided into two periods:

    Period I - September, October, November, December.

    II period - January, February, March, April, May.

    In September, an in-depth examination of the child's mental functions and state of speech is carried out.

    In October, individual and subgroup lessons with the child begin.

    List of pedagogical support of the pupil by the teacher of speech activity

    Surname, name of the child __________________________________________

    Directions of the activity of the teacher of speech activity


    Main directions of work

    Kind of activity

    Family interaction




    Prevention of negative reactions to the presence of adults and peers in the room.

    - observation, guest visits (during the lessons in the group and the play session of children from the group of the preschool institution);

    - establishing contact with an adult (specialist) within the framework of a game session.

    Group educators


    November Development of fine motor skills and coordination

    - the inclusion of the mother in the framework of the play session in the purposeful interaction with the child;

    - teaching the mother how to interact with the child.


    "Fold a row" - primary colors

    "Catch a fish"

    Practical lesson "Games with your own hands", "Games for Stasik". Home game library replenishment

    Educator of speech activity

    Group educators


    December Development of fine motor skills and coordination.

    Expansion of social contacts Formation of phonetic-phonemic hearing.


    "Jumping gallop"

    "Give a flower"


    “Who said 'MEOW'?

    "Fold a row"

    Consultation "Sunny children"

    Educator of speech activity

    Group educators


    Conversation January Development of small


    Educator of coordination motor skills.

    "Catch a fish"


    speech solar children "

    activities Formation

    "Knock - knock" phonetic-phonemic


    "Ball" - (education of the air jet

    "Contour - figure"

    Group educators



    February Development of fine motor skills and coordination. Formation of phonetic-phonemic hearing.

    Encouragement to onomatopoeia.

    The development of mental processes.


    "Divide into buckets" (primary colors)

    "I'll find a couple"


    Finger gymnastics

    "Blow out the candle" (education of the air jet)

    Educator of speech activity

    Group educators


    March Development of fine motor skills and coordination. Formation of phonetic-phonemic hearing.

    Encouragement to onomatopoeia.

    The development of mental processes.

    Brochure “Solar Secrets. Issue 1 "(tips)

    Educator of speech activity

    Group educators


    April Development of fine motor skills and coordination. Formation of phonetic-phonemic hearing.

    Encouragement to onomatopoeia.



    "One, two, three repeat after me",

    lesson "Games for Stasik". Replenishment game on one

    home plate

    game libraries. metallophone

    “Who said 'MEOW'?

    "Give - on - go"


    "After washing" (couples)

    "Look through the window"




    Educator "Feature

    speech development of speech

    activities of solar children ”.

    Educators of the group Watching videos


    "This is how solar children do"

    The development of mental processes.

    "Breeze", "Hedgehogs"

    May Development of fine motor skills and coordination. Formation of phonetic-phonemic hearing.

    Encouragement to onomatopoeia.

    The development of mental processes.


    "Catch a fish"


    "Contour - figure"

    "Pebbles" (primary colors)


    Blow out the candle

    Consultation "Summer is a time of change".

    Brochure “Solar Secrets. Issue 2 "

    Educator of speech activity

    Group educators→

    Shatkina Irina Pavlovna
    Position: educator
    Educational institution: MBDOU "Child Development Center - kindergarten number 56"
    Locality: Seversk, Tomsk region
    Material name: methodical development
    Date of publication: 12.05.2018
    Chapter: preschool education


    "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 56"



    for 2017 - 2018 academic year


    FI child

    Group No. 6

    Compiled by the teacher

    Shatkina Irina Pavlovna

    Individual work plan

    for the 2017-2018 academic year.


    Promote the development of communication skills;

    Develop sound pronunciation, grammatically correct speech;

    Develop memory, attention;





    didactic games;

    Development of motor skills and volitional qualities by involving the child in classes


    Work held







    the basis

    results of the individual speech map of pupils, as well as in accordance with

    an individual program developed by a speech therapist teacher.

    september 2017

    Week 1



    "Collect the pyramid": fix the name of the colors of the spectrum,

    ordinal account.

    Strengthen the ability to compare two objects in size,

    denote the comparison results with words.


    Articulatory gymnastics with mirrors: "smile",

    "Fence", "watch", "jam", "horse"

    Repeat pure phrases for the sound "s". Games with pictures on

    these sounds ("Guess and name", "Name a color and object")




    Playing the muses. instruments, with musical toys:

    the ability to guess by ear which instrument sounds.

    To consolidate the ability to sculpt objects of a round shape of different




    "Most accurate": train in throwing balls into the basket




    Learn to reproduce a chain of game actions with different

    types of toys

    2 week



    "Journey to the Green Country": to consolidate

    idea of ​​green, develop visual

    attention, activate the dictionary.


    The story of the nursery rhyme "Vodichka, vodichka";

    accompany actions by pronouncing words.

    Games for the development of phonemic hearing: "Clapperboard",

    Catch the Sound.

    Blow away cotton wool (leaf, paper flower) from your hand.


    Repeat the rules for working with scissors; learn



    hold them correctly by squeezing and unclenching the rings.



    Learn to stand on one leg while maintaining balance;

    jumping on two legs together.




    Strengthen the ability to participate in game activities.

    Develop friendships.

    3 week



    "Geometric mosaic": to consolidate the ability to name

    geometric shapes, promote development

    attention and imagination.


    proverbs; clarify knowledge of seasonal changes in

    Guess by the sound game. Development of auditory perception,

    the ability to identify sounds in the surrounding nature (in progress

    rain, leaves rustle, beetle buzzes).

    Finger game "Building a house": develop a small

    hand motility and speech.




    Develop the ability to roll out the right one from a lump

    shape, sculpt elongated objects,

    tapering towards one end.



    "Walk along a narrow path" - train walking on

    narrow path with balance.




    Develop friendly relationships in the game,

    promote the development of communication skills.

    4 week



    Learn to distinguish between fruits, not to be confused with vegetables. "Give

    the same "" What grows on a tree "

    "Each bead - in its place": develop a small

    motor skills, attention, logical thinking.

    Strengthen the ability to compare two subjects by



    "Drown, clap": developing auditory attention

    through distinguishing the sounds of the surrounding reality.

    "Ear-nose": development of voluntary attention and


    "Tell a story": train in storytelling

    a familiar fairy tale based on visual material.




    Develop the ability to work with a brush, paint over as needed

    fruit color.

    plastic balls, develop motor






    Week 1





    develop logical thinking, attention.





    mittens ": teach children to carefully examine objects

    and find similarities and differences in them.


    E. Exercise "Raise the ball" - to develop speech

    Exercise in the pronunciation of the sound "Z" in syllables and words.

    Learn to pronounce this sound firmly and softly.




    Development of flexibility and strength of small muscles of the fingers

    through modeling from plasticine (squeezing, flattening,




    "Agile winders": the development of sensorimotor

    coordination, learning to perform movements with two hands






    use substitute items, continue to work on

    development and enrichment of the plot of the game.

    2 week



    "Collect the cubes" - to develop attention, memory, imaginative



    Teach children to compose a story based on questions

    educator and independently, include in the story

    description of characters, their actions.




    Learn to place two spruces next to each other on a piece of paper: one

    above the other. Continue to develop color

    perception: the ability to find among 2 shades

    green is dark green.



    Learn to hit the ball with the right and left hand: develop

    coordination of movements, dexterity.




    Games with a plastic Lego type construction set:

    develop creativity, imagination, intellectual

    activity in constructive and playful activities.

    3 week



    D. game "What has changed?": The development of visual memory.

    "Fold the picture" (seasons): teach to assemble from

    parts whole; consolidate knowledge of the seasons.

    "Extra picture" for the development of thinking and

    visual perception, the ability to generalize.


    Continue to train to listen carefully to the story,

    answer questions with a full answer; learn

    retell based on models, save

    sequence of events. Word game

    "Tell me".




    Listening to the sounds of nature.



    "Penguins" - jumping on two legs with a bag between




    S. p game "Kindergarten". Develop friendships in the game

    relationship, promote development

    communication skills, to select attributes for the game.

    4 week



    E. game "Whose kids?": To consolidate knowledge about home and

    wild animals, find their babies.

    "Find where it is hidden": learn to navigate in

    space; develop attention.


    Reading fiction: learn to listen,

    evaluate the actions of heroes, develop memory,

    thinking, attention.

    "Describe your favorite animal": keep learning

    compose short stories, develop speech.




    Musical exercise "Who sings how?": Develop

    creativity of children, teach to convey personal

    images using well-known means of expression



    "Find yourself a match": exercise in running, develop

    endurance, agility. Throwing the ball vertically




    express them.


    Week 1


    Introduce pets, body parts, which

    "Find a place for the figurine": the development of visual perception and

    voluntary attention, training to work according to the model.


    Learning tongue twisters -

    Purpose: to consolidate the sound pronunciation of the sounds set.




    Work on the formation of fine motor skills of the fingers

    (shading, working with small material)

    Goal: development of fine motor skills, as well as

    the formation of artistic and aesthetic skills and



    P / and "Ball" Purpose: development of general motor skills, feelings

    rhythm, the ability to jump on tiptoes. Coordination of speech with





    "Help a friend get dressed for a walk" Purpose: to form

    socio - communicative skills and abilities, activation

    2 week



    D / and "Assemble from parts", "Where is the toy hidden?",

    "One - many"


    Look at the pictures and remember them: the development of visual

    memory and ability to name what he saw.

    E. Exercise "Raise the ball" - to develop speech




    Listening to musical works.

    Goal: development of auditory perception

    "Make a bouquet": exercise in drawing up a beautiful

    compositions from parts.



    An outdoor game "Rainbow-arc".

    Goal: development of general motor skills, coordination of speech with

    movement. Strengthening the skill of running from high

    raised knees




    D / game "True or not."

    Purpose: the formation of moral ideas,

    rules of conduct with adults.

    3 week



    Didactic game "What first, what then", "When

    This happens". Purpose: expanding cognitive


    E. game "What color is gone?": To teach children to identify

    and accurately name the color of objects, their shades.


    Drawing up a story on the topic "Autumn". Goal: development

    communication skills, the formation of vocabulary -

    grammatical structure of the word, consolidation of skills

    sound pronunciation.




    Strengthen the ability to roll objects round and

    oval shape, work out the details with your fingers.

    Listening to the sounds of nature.



    Exercise with a massage ball. Goal: development

    tactile sensitivity, sense of rhythm.




    S.r. game "Family": to consolidate the ability to act

    according to the chosen role, to clarify knowledge about the family, about

    responsibilities in the family of each member.

    4 week



    D / and "Find superfluous", "Find the differences", "Collect from

    parts "," Help the artist "on lexical topics.

    Purpose: enrichment of knowledge on lexical topics,

    activation of the dictionary and its expansion, speech memory.


    Reading fiction. R. Minnullin "Oh

    these adults. " Purpose: to teach to listen to the rhythm

    poetic text, determine its theme, the main

    idea; encourage people to talk about their perceptions

    specific action of the character.




    Activities in the art corner. Continue

    teach to draw on the theme "Autumn". Purpose: to educate

    children emotional attitude to the created image



    Finger gymnast "If that".

    Purpose: coordination of speech with movement, the development of fine

    motor skills, attention and memory.




    Learn to get out of conflict situations peacefully

    through, be aware of your feelings, desires and understand

    express them. Bubble Games: Create

    cheerful, cheerful mood, develop an airy

    stream, teach to play together without quarreling.


    Week 1




    "High Low".

    Domino inserts.

    Fine motor skills.

    D. game for the classification of objects. "Whose baby." Target:

    fixing the names of animals and their babies


    "Signs of winter" - consolidation and replenishment of knowledge about

    winter signs.

    E. Make a Riddle game - learn to make riddles about winter




    Arouse interest in the subject of the image, teach to draw

    poke, apply a pattern over the entire surface.

    distinguish animals by sound



    throwing movements



    Game-dramatization "What is good, what is bad"

    Purpose: consolidation and analysis of the actions of their own and comrades.


    2 week



    Repeat the concepts “Big, smaller, most


    E. game "Count the birds and name" - to consolidate the skill

    “Remember the names and put the pictures in the same

    okay. "


    Exercises in the speech zone. Purpose: to teach clear

    pronunciation of sounds, the ability to find the place of sound in




    "Birds fly": develop the ability to hear the shift

    parts of the melody, react to changes by changing




    Exercise in running and squatting, building in a circle and

    walking in circles.




    3 week



    Show construction progress by fixing attention


    Repeat "Circle, oval". Correlation of color and shape.


    in a series of sounds, syllables, words.




    Learn to draw vertical and horizontal lines,

    using the technique of drawing strokes in one

    direction, without going beyond the contours, drawing



    "Turn out to be the most agile": continue to develop

    agility, endurance.




    "What is friendship": to form the concept of "friend",

    "friendship"; teach children to see, understand, evaluate

    feelings and actions of others, motivate and explain

    your judgments.

    4 week



    Expand knowledge of the holidays. "Let's decorate the Christmas tree"

    "Gift to Santa Claus" The concept of "long-short",

    "Equal in length", "far-close-near-near".

    “What figure does the object resemble?”: Repeat with

    children names of geometric shapes


    "Name affectionately": to foster the desire to use in

    speech affectionate words




    Strengthen the ability to roll circles between the palms and

    connect them.

    "Magic Brush": learn how to use it correctly



    moving forward. An outdoor game "Two frosts".




    The game "How I do" (actualization of behavior

    child in specific situations).


    2 week



    Consolidate knowledge of the signs of winter and winter fun.

    "What sign of the season is superfluous?"

    Left-Middle-Right. Comparison, establishment

    patterns. "Patches". Color lotto. Small

    motor skills


    "Monkeys in the circus" - repeat sounds, syllables on solid

    consonants. Learn to pronounce by imitation "s", "z",

    D. game "Where is the bird?" (use

    prepositions about, over, under, in, k)




    "Let's draw winter." Suggest coloring "Sorceress-



    "Cheerful ball" - hitting the ball with one hand on the floor




    Psycho-gymnastic studies for the expression of different

    emotional states

    3 week



    Expand the idea of ​​animals, teach them to distinguish

    wild animals from pets. "Show the animals", "Where

    whose house "

    Orientation in space: above, below, behind,

    D. game "What's missing?" - development in a child

    holistic perception of the subject.


    To have a dialog. Learn to answer questions 2-4 with words,

    using plot pictures. "Remember, name."

    Continue to exercise in correct and clear

    pronouncing the sound "g", define words with this




    Learn to cut cones and different shapes as shown,


    Isotherapy "Berries for the Bear". Offer

    wild animals stencils for

    outlining and coloring.



    Psycho-gymnastics "Sleeping kitten". Play

    exercise "Jumping up from the spot."




    "Communication with adults": to consolidate knowledge of how

    we appeal to adults, teach them to show respect,

    do not interrupt adults during a conversation.

    4 week



    Correlation of the shape of the object with geometric

    figures. Domino inserts.

    Classification according to one or two characteristics (color and



    "What did the artist forget to draw?"

    D. game "Tell me what a fairy tale?" Goal: revitalization

    dictionary due to the selection of epithets. Interview “I love

    winter because ... "




    Learn to transfer objects of the same shape, but different

    magnitudes. Develop the skill of swing regulation

    movements. "Finish"

    "Make a Pattern" - making a pattern using counting sticks



    "Pass - don't get in the way" - walking between the cubes,

    "Run and not hit" - the development of dexterity.




    "How to make peace?" - find ways of reconciliation and

    exit from the conflict without a fight.


    Week 1







    figures. "Patches". Fine motor skills.

    Introduce the classification of dishes.

    Development of the ability to navigate in space according to the scheme

    "How to get to the bunny?"


    The game "Who do I look like?" (comparison with a plant, animal,

    subject). Guess by the sound game. Development of the auditory

    perception, the ability to identify sounds in the environment

    reality (knocking with a pencil, playing with a ball).




    Learn to draw rectangular objects,

    placing them all over the sheet of paper. Secure reception




    Throw various objects and balls at a distance from a place from

    different provisions. Correctly perform the basic

    throwing movements






    make their own decisions).

    2 week



    Introduce the vehicle. "Automobile"

    "Find the same car"

    Repeat the concepts “Wide, narrower, even narrower, the most


    "Lay out a series of plot pictures and compose a story";




    Continue learning how to draw different shapes on the sheet

    paper (oval, circle, rectangle).

    Learn to connect the ends of the column to get a ring,

    learn to connect all the shapes together. Art therapy

    "Snowflakes" (plasticine).



    Game "My arms-legs-nose".




    The game "I like it in myself" (understanding by the child

    their positive and negative qualities).

    3 week



    Broaden your horizons about the classification of instruments.

    "Who does what", "Tools".

    Repeat "Left, Middle, Right." Development

    visual attention. Correlation of color and shape.

    Fine motor skills.


    "Hit the sound" ts ". Continue learning to distinguish sounds

    in a series of sounds, syllables, words.

    Learn to answer questions on the picture




    Continue to learn to sculpt from several parts,

    fixing the techniques of rolling, pressing,

    pulling ..



    Psycho-gymnastics "Cat with kittens and a dog."




    Game "Lotto of emotions" ("What happened to the mouse?").

    4 week



    Expanding knowledge of the holidays - Defender's Day


    Isolation of an unnecessary feature. "Guess what was removed"


    Continue to teach to finish poetry, fairy tales, nursery rhymes

    behind the teacher (books by Chukovsky, Barto, Mikhalkov).




    Learn to connect the parts correctly to get

    image and stick. We continue to assemble from parts one

    whole. Strengthen the ability to draw the torso, legs, arms,

    teach to paint in the right direction.



    Jumping on one leg, on two in place. Jumping from

    moving forward. Outdoor game "Two frosts" ..




    The game "How I do" (actualization of behavior

    child in specific situations).


    Week 1



    D / and "My family". Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the home address,

    names of parents and their place of work.





    schematic drawings


    Description of the painting from the series "Visiting Grandma". Target:

    expand the horizons of the child, name essential details.

    Didactic game "Tell me which one?" Purpose: to secure

    word matching signs about mom.




    "Hide the mouse" Purpose: to reinforce children's ideas about

    six colors.


    the buildings

    carry out the construction according to the scheme.

    Reinforce the ability to cut corners at the square.

    Purpose: skill

    work properly with scissors.






    pushing it with both hands from below and not letting go far from




    To shape





    d o go in a r and in at with i,

    independently resolve conflicts with peers

    2 week



    D / control. "Name the actions that take place in the spring."

    Tasks: know the signs of spring, be able to finish

    suggestion, naming the appropriate action.

    D. game "What it looks like". Purpose: develop imagination

    children, teach them to imagine objects according to their

    schematic drawings

    Continue to learn to define and name

    the location of the object (left, right, etc.).


    Conversation with Artem and Andrey about the signs of spring (by

    pictures) - develop speech activity, teach

    make suggestions for pictures. Didactic

    game "Tell me which one?" Purpose: to consolidate skills

    pick up words for signs about spring.

    With Artem, Rita, Andrey to work on

    sound pronunciation: teach to pronounce a clean phrase.




    Examining spring illustrations and photos,

    listening to a piece of music by P.I. Tchaikovsky

    "Seasons. Spring".

    Continue to practice the ability to hold pencils and

    draw broken lines.



    "Pass - do not get back" - walking between the blocks.

    Roll the ball "- rolling the ball in a straight line.




    Situational conversation "Communication with adults." Target:

    reinforce the knowledge of how we approach adults,

    teach to show respect, not to interrupt adults during

    talk time

    3 week



    D. game "The fourth extra" - repeat home and

    wild animals.

    Fix the ordinal count, the concept is longer - shorter


    Make up



    using the schematic plan.

    "Name the animal affectionately »

    - continue to educate

    love to the animals .

    sound "sh".







    draw broken lines.



    Move - do not drop "- exercise: carry the ball or

    cube to basket




    in different situations.

    4 week




    Reinforce knowledge of geometric shapes.

    Recall and repeat "My Parents' Profession".


    "Recognize the bird by description" Reinforce the skill

    recognize the bird by its characteristic features.

    "Name the bird

    affectionately »

    - continue

    bring up

    love for birds.

    With Artem, Rita, Andrey, learn a tongue twister with

    sound "w" Game "Angry goose". Purpose: consolidation

    sound "sh".




    Ind.worker on drawing "Circle by points" Purpose: to teach

    draw a drawing point by point, bring what was conceived to


    coloring by


    To improve




    Learn to crawl, crawl, crawl, climb over





    "Don't laugh at someone else's misfortune" - to acquaint with behavior

    in different situations.


    Week 1



    Д / и "Useful-harmful" - consolidation of children's knowledge about

    environmental factors affecting health.


    Articulatory gymnastics "Brushing our teeth" - development

    articulation apparatus.

    "Learn a fairy tale from illustrations." Purpose: to consolidate

    imagination, thinking, speech




    Let's listen to the silence. Goal: development of speech

    creativity, concentration of children's attention.

    Productive activity: modeling from plasticine

    "Pills for a doll."



    Jumping upward from a place. Purpose: to develop jumping ability,

    the ability to concentrate muscle efforts, combining

    strength with swiftness.




    Role-playing game "At the doctor's appointment" Purpose:

    continue to form ideas about the profession

    2 week



    "Count the animals, find the right rocket."

    Examining images of various space


    Didactic game: tangram "Rocket"

    Purpose: to teach

    fold the picture according to the sample


    Articulation gymnastics: exercise "Start

    rocket motor "

    Purpose: education of the right

    sound pronunciation. "Say with the word" cosmic "

    Purpose: development of thinking, ingenuity,

    education of the ability to select the words that are necessary in the meaning.




    Coloring pictures about space according to the pattern. Ind.

    work in laying out the rocket from the counting sticks.

    Goal: the development of fine motor skills.



    Game exercise "Saturn's Hoops"

    to form the ability to roll hoops to each other.




    Role-playing game "Space Travel"

    Objective: to encourage children to be broader and more creative

    use the knowledge of space in the game, continue

    develop independence in creating a gaming environment.

    3 week



    Examination and comparison of tree leaves (in shape,

    size, color)

    "Compare trees by height" (exercise in comparison

    two items in height, denoting the words: high -

    short; higher lower)


    Repetition of proverbs about trees and shrubs.

    Fix the names of trees, their structure, external

    signs; teach children to distinguish trees by external

    featured; develop a vocabulary on this topic.




    Exercise "We outline the maple leaf by points and

    let's paint "

    Making homemade books about trees and




    Throwing the ball up and catching (at least 3-4 times).




    Remind children to help each other,

    how politely one should ask and thank.

    Narrative games at the choice of children.

    4 week



    "Build a plant with Gienesh blocks."


    D / and "What flowers are there?" Purpose: to teach to recognize objects

    according to the description.

    Pronouncing the phrase "Zy-zy-zy, we have grown




    D / and "Collect the flower". Goal: development of fine motor skills,


    "Flowers of unprecedented beauty." Purpose: to teach children to draw

    dandelions using the poke method.



    Run a "snake" between the pins placed in

    row; walk on a log, carrying a bag of sand on your head.




    "Gardener" Purpose: to form in children the ability

    organize the game, act as presenters and

    driving, the beginning of leisure competencies.

    Week 1



    Expand children's understanding of military equipment,

    develop design skills, exercise in

    creating schemes for future buildings. "Name the figures from

    of which the military building consists. " Consolidate knowledge

    about geometric shapes.


    Review poems and proverbs about peace. Develop

    thinking of children, the ability to argue their





    Ind. slave. on drawing "Circle by points" Purpose: to teach

    draw a drawing point by point, bring what was conceived to

    Offer children coloring pages on the topic "Military

    technique". Improve skills in working with

    pencils and crayons.



    Exercise in walking over the cords,

    throwing the ball to each other, climbing over




    Form the ability to perform with the help of an adult

    several game actions combined by a storyline

    canvas; act in improvisation on your own.

    Cultivate friendships, feelings


    2 week



    D / and "What is the shape of the machine part?" Consolidate knowledge

    children about the parts of the car, their shape. Didactic game

    profession "


    by plane,

    by train, ship, etc.)

    "Orientation on a sheet of paper"

    Purpose: Anchoring




    Purpose: To improve

    knowledge of children about the need for machines in human life;

    the ability to reason, express your opinion, exercise

    in composing a story.




    Strengthening the skills of drawing ovals and circles, lines.

    "Car sculpting" Purpose: Formation of sculpting skills

    machines from rolled balls. Tasks: continue

    learn to sculpt an object consisting of several parts

    the same shape, but different sizes.



    Game exercise: "Traveling with the ball" Purpose:

    develop the technique of dribbling and receiving the ball in compliance with

    safety rules: exercise in throwing a friend




    "Rules of Conduct in Public Transport"




    public transport.

    3 week




    insects "



    the ability to correlate the figure with the number of objects.

    picture "


    drawing up

    the whole picture from separate parts.


    Logorhythm "Like an ant, the house of the sun

    looking for »Purpose: correction speech disorders by

    development of the motor sphere in combination with music and

    word. Pronunciation of tongue twisters with the sound "F".




    "Draw a butterfly" - to develop hand motor skills.



    Strengthen the ability to walk on a log, while maintaining







    ability to empathize and empathize, educate

    respect for insects.

    In connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, we increasingly often hear such a concept as the individual educational trajectory of a child (hereinafter IOT). In the FGOS DO about IOT it is said in paragraph 3.2.3. It states that the construction of an IET is necessary for the individualization of education and is carried out on the basis of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring).

    What is it and how to create it? Let's try to figure it out with you.

    Individual educational trajectory (hereinafter IET)- this is a personal way of realizing the personal potential of each student in education. As synonyms, “variable learning”, “personalized learning”, “individual educational route”, etc. are used.

    If we use the concepts given in the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", then an individual educational trajectory (as well as a route) is an individual curriculum.

    IET is designed to determine a personal way of realizing the intellectual, emotional, communicative potential of a preschooler's personality within the framework of the basic or adapted educational program of preschool education.

    An individual educational trajectory is usually designed for children with different starting opportunities. Based on this, the following types of IOT can be distinguished:

    • IET for children who have difficulties in mastering the main general educational program of preschool education due to the lack of development of cognitive processes;
    • IOT for children with advanced rates of development;
    • IOT for children of "risk group" in need of correction of behavior and / or emotional-volitional sphere;
    • IOT for children with somatic weakening (increased fatigue, reduced performance, etc.);
    • IOT for children with disabilities, which is discussed in this article.

    Currently, there is no single IOT form approved by regulatory documents. Therefore, I want to propose to get acquainted with the version of the IOT that I use in my work.

    The IOT structure consists of:

    • Title page, which includes the name of the institution, the purpose of the program, the implementation period, the targeting of the program, the stamp of approval by the head, coordination with the parents and the specialist who is responsible for the implementation of the IOT.
    • Explanatory note. It is necessary to reflect on the basis of what educational program the IET was drawn up, goals, objectives and planned results.
    • Information about the student. This section includes: child's data (name, age, group attended, degree of adaptation, duration of the child's visit to preschool educational institution, characteristics of the child at the time of drawing up the educational trajectory, etc.).
    • Data on the passage of the PMPK.
    • Special conditions for obtaining education.
    • Individual curriculum.
    • Schedule of educational activities.
    • The content of the IOT. Includes 4 components: diagnostic, educational. correctional and developmental, educational.
    • Organization of work with parents in the framework of the IOT implementation. This section reflects the forms of work with parents.
    • Methodological support of IOT... This section includes: a list of methodological literature, didactic games, demonstration materials, etc.

    References used in preparing the article:

    1. Inclusive Practice in Preschool Education: A Guide for Teachers in Preschool / Ed. T.V. Volosevich. - M., 2014.
    2. Internet-

    Karabaeva Gulnara Ismagulovna

    Deputy Director for OIA

    boarding school them. Krupskaya

    The East Kazakhstan region,


    Mini case

    "Individual educational route for children with disabilities"

    Individual educational route is a movement in educational space created for the child and his family in the implementation of educational and psychological and pedagogical support in order to implement the individual characteristics of development.

    To solve this problem in today's education system, it is planned to draw up individual educational routes for children with disabilities.

    The choice of one or another individual educational route is determined by a complex of factors:

      the age of the child;

      health condition;

      the level of readiness to master the educational program;

      the characteristics, interests and needs of the child and his family in achieving the required educational result;

      professionalism of specialists of educational institutions.

      In practice, the process of education and upbringing is mainly focused on the average level of the child's development, so not every pupil can fully realize his potential. This confronts educators, speech therapists, school psychologists educational institution the task of creating optimal conditions for the realization of the potential capabilities of each pupil. One of the solutions in this situation is the preparation and implementation of an individual educational route (hereinafter - IOM).

      An individual educational route is a personal way of realizing the personal potential of a child (pupil) in education and training.

    The main purpose of drawing up an individual educational route (IOM):

      This is the creation at school of conditions conducive to the positive socialization of schoolchildren, their social and personal development.

      Tasks for the social and personal development of the child:

      Create a favorable subject-developing environment for the social development of the child;

      To organize a unified system of work of the administration, pedagogical staff, medical staff of the school and parents for the social and personal development of the child;

      To improve the style of communication between a teacher and a child: adhere to a psychologically correct style of communication, achieve respect and trust of the pupil;

      Create conditions for the development of a positive attitude of the child towards himself, other people, the world around him, the communicative and social competence of children;

      Form the child's self-esteem, awareness of their rights and freedoms (the right to have their own opinion, choose friends, activities, have personal belongings, use personal time at their own discretion)

    The individual educational route is determined by:

      state order;

      the needs and requests of parents;

      individual functional capabilities and level of development of pupils;

      the capabilities of the educational institution;

    Individual educational routes are developed:

      For children who do not master the basic general education curriculum of school education;

      For children with disabilities, children with disabilities.

      For children with high intellectual development.

      The individual educational route includes the main directions:

      development of general and fine motor skills;

      development of cultural and hygienic and communication and social skills;

      the formation of the child's activity (manipulative, sensory-perceptual, subject-practical, play, productive), which include modeling, applications, drawing) and other types of productive activities.

      development of speech (formation of the sensory basis of speech, sensorimotor mechanism, speech functions);

      the formation of ideas about the environment (the objective world and social relations);

      formation of ideas about space, time

      Methods used in the work:

      Conversations, games, classes, reading fiction, sketches aimed at acquaintance with various emotions and feelings, with "magical" means of understanding;

      Games, exercises and trainings that contribute to the development of emotional, personal and behavioral spheres (developing communication skills and improving relationships with others, relieving fears and increasing self-confidence, reducing aggression and weakening negative emotions)

      Classes, games and exercises for the development of mental processes (memory, attention, perception, thinking, imagination);

      Art therapy techniques (puppet therapy, isotherapy, fairy tale therapy);

      Relaxation psycho-gymnastic exercises (relaxation of the muscles of the face, neck, trunk, arms, legs, etc.)

      When developing an individual route we rely on the followingprinciples :

    The principle of reliance on the child's learning ability,

    The principle of correlating the level of current development and the zone of proximal development.

    The principle of respecting the interests of the child.

    The principle of close interaction and consistency of the work of the "team" of specialists, in the course of studying the level of development of the child (phenomenon, situation);

    The principle of continuity, when the child is guaranteed continuous support at all stages of assistance in solving the problem.

    The principle of refusal from averaged rationing. The implementation of this principle presupposes the avoidance of a direct evaluative approach in the diagnostic examination of the child's developmental level.

    The principle of reliance on children's subculture.

    Based on the analysis of the studied literature, several stages of designing an individual educational route were identified.

    1. Stage of observation.

    2. Diagnostic stage.

    3. Design stage.

    4. Stage of implementation

    5. Stage of final diagnostics.

    Let's dwell in more detail at each stage

    The first stage of observation.

    1.Purpose of the stage : to identify a group of schoolchildren experiencing difficulties: personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative, psychomotor or complex. Based on the observation results, the table "Identifying groups of schoolchildren by difficulties" is filled

    2. Diagnostic stage. At this stage, a number of diagnostics are carried out together with a teacher-psychologist. The purpose of this stage is to identify the causes of the child's difficulties. Based on the observation results, the table "Identified difficulties of schoolchildren and their causes" is filled

    FI - Identified difficulties - reasons - Result (at the end of the support)

    3. Construction stage ... The purpose of the stage: building individual educational routes for preschoolers, based on the identified difficulties and the established causes of these difficulties.

    4. The stage of implementation of individual educational routes in the process of life of schoolchildren .

    An individual educational route can be implemented in all types of activities, at any time, it all depends on the child's desire, on his choice, self-determination.!

    On At the 5th stage, the final diagnostics is carried out.

      The purpose of the stage: to identify the results of the route (the difficulty persisted or not.

      The intended result is:

      development of social competence;

      development of communication skills;

      correction of anxiety, self-esteem (approximation to adequate);

      developing a sense of self-worth;

      correction of the child's social and personal problems.

    Thus, by building individual educational trajectories for the development of children, we provide our students with equal opportunities in school.