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  • Natalia Pavlishcheva - Yaroslav the Wise. Compatibility: Yaroslav and Natalia Meaning of the name Yaroslav

    Natalia Pavlishcheva - Yaroslav the Wise.  Compatibility: Yaroslav and Natalia Meaning of the name Yaroslav

    (45 years old) - Virgo (Tiger)

    Natalia(45 years old) - Gemini (Tiger)

    If you think that the year of birth according to the Chinese horoscope is determined incorrectly, read on. (January, February - it concerns you)

    You have a rather low astrological compatibility.

    Yang Tree Man

    Yang Tree Woman

    Union of Companions. Everyone dreams of such unions in their declining years, but there are couples who live their lives embracing each other from the first meeting. Kindness and patience, constant growth and striving for development unite not only both trees, but also everyone who is next to them. “Trees” always have a lot of ideas, deeds, hobbies. They readily help each other and the immediate environment in everything: in the household, in studies, in career growth. And always one will stretch "branches" to another in case of problems, troubles or illness. Quiet happiness of two faithful people.



    Birth number 1 for a man Such a man is independent in relationships, energetic and assertive. It is of particular interest to women, since it is a type of active, purposeful, self-confident man. He is ambitious, courageous, straightforward. You can rely on him in difficult times. I am ready to do everything for the object of my passion. Can fall in love recklessly, ignoring common sense. The main thing for him is to express his strong feelings. It would be good for him to take into account that his chosen one is also an independent person with her own life and her own interests. He often ignores the opinion of his partner, decides everything himself. Life with him is interesting, but hectic. He is hot, but easy-going. Loves attention to his person and praise. He likes to strive, conquer, be generous. She can settle down, have children, but she will always be a slave to her own desires and motives.


    Birth number 4 for a woman Realistic, practical, guided by all common sense. In a partner, she is looking for a reliable companion, paying special attention to his material security. Tied to home and family. She needs stability and peace of mind to be happy. Leads the family budget economically. But sometimes he can spare money for a fashionable hairdresser, expensive cosmetics. Shows his character whims, nervous breakdowns, quarrels over little things. She should be wary of showing her possessive instinct, besides, she is very jealous. Emotionally, she is very tough, and has a tendency to manipulate a partner, both in sex and in other areas. She needs to choose a man who has great energy potential and sets high goals for himself. Otherwise, she will be disappointed and indignant, and the man will be a complete moral collapse. But, if the husband gets what he needs, then she will do everything in his interests. She herself is not inclined to make connections on the side, but instinctively reacts to men who attract her attention. May quarrel with his parents and work colleagues, just to keep him with him. Her care will be appreciated by a sensitive man, possibly older in age. She is able to become a faithful companion of a creative person. She needs her partner to constantly reaffirm his affection for her.

    The union of "one" with "four" is rather problematic - they are too different. Their sounding does not recall the bravura march bursting into the measured flow of melancholic adagio. The "unit" is always in motion, she needs to do something all the time, she is easy-going. The “four”, on the other hand, find it difficult to change, they prefer to live calmly and measuredly and cannot stand the rapid change of events.

    The kaleidoscope is the unloved children's toy of the “four”. Perhaps, it is precisely because of the incongruity of life rhythms that the union of “one” and “four” is much more common in professional and business cooperation than in love relationships.

    The Destiny Number and the Human Soul Number are called "the main numbers of the name."

    Yaroslav(compatibility / fate number - 4 5 )

    Natalia(compatibility / fate number 3 , the number of emotionality / soul - 9 )

    Personal Relationship Outlook:
    3 and 4 - Good combination with great chances of success if the feelings of the trio are serious enough.

    Emotional prognosis:
    5 and 9 - Excellent union. The only problem of living together can be the complete detachment of both partners from the necessary daily activities, which can cause a number of problems at the everyday level.

    * Important: Relationships are a very complex and multifaceted topic, therefore the proposed calculation is not simple. Consider and take into account all the results obtained. The potential is present in every type of relationship, and there are also exceptions to the rules (in particular, it is better to draw up a personal horoscope of compatibility). Corresponds to the potential of the individual to independently decide their own destiny. We always have freedom of choice, and this can help us overcome the difficulties that astrology warns about.

    Natalia Pavlishcheva

    Yaroslav the Wise


    Yaroslav Vladimirovich the Wise- one of the most famous personalities of Ancient Russia. We know much more about him than about many other rulers of that time, but in fact we know nothing about most of his life.

    Different sources call the year of birth different - from 978th until 988. The second date is hardly correct, because a year later Yaroslav Vladimirovich was Prince of Rostov.

    Father - Grand Duke of Kiev Vladimir Svyatoslavich, nicknamed Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko.

    Mother - Polotsk princess Rogneda Rogvolodovna... The history of Vladimir Svyatoslavich's marriage to her is well known. Rogneda was married to the elder brother of Prince Vladimir - Yaropolk of Kiev.

    After a quarrel between the two eldest sons of Prince Svyatoslav - Yaropolk and Oleg - and the death of the second, Svyatoslav's second youngest son Vladimir, born by the housekeeper Malusha and being, in fact, illegal, fled across the sea. Returning with the Varangian squad, he unexpectedly wooed everyone to Rogneda. The princess refused, arrogantly declaring that she did not want to "take off the robicich," that is, the son of a slave.

    Vladimir took Polotsk by storm, raped Rogneda in front of her parents, whom he later, like her brothers, killed. But he took the Polotsk princess herself as a wife, calling her Gorislava. Rogneda bore him four sons - Izyaslav, Mstislav, Yaroslav and Vsevolod- and two daughters - Foresight and one more, whose name is not exactly known. Izyaslav became prince of Polotsk and forever lost contact with his father and Kiev. Mstislav, according to some sources, died in infancy. Vsevolod died absolutely absurdly: his father sent him to marry the widowed Queen of Sweden Sigrid the Harsh. The Queen lived up to her nickname. Having invited two applicants for her hand in a deliberately built tower and thoroughly drunk, she ordered to lock all the doors and simply burn the hapless suitors! Many years later, Yaroslav himself will marry the cruel granddaughter of Sigrid, and his eldest son will marry her stepdaughter.

    The future Grand Duke was baptized, most likely, together with his mother in 988, even before his father's marriage to the Byzantine princess Anna. After this marriage, Vladimir dispersed his previous wives, two of whom married boyars, and two, including Rogneda, went to a monastery.

    Almost nothing is known about the ten years of Yaroslav's rule in the Rostov lands. A little more about his first Novgorod rule. He seemed to be married to Anna, had a son Ilya... Something has been clearing up since the death of his father, Prince Vladimir, in 1015. But again, very doubtful information about the death of two brothers - Boris and Gleb- at the hands of some murderers, about the first capture of Kiev by Svyatopolk, about the war with him and the death of Svyatopolk himself.

    Prince Vladimir, according to Russian chronicles, had twelve sons and at least ten daughters! By the time of his death, Svyatopolk (born, most likely, from an older brother - Yaropolk Svyatoslavich, whose wife Vladimir took over after the capture of Kiev and the murder of his older brother), Yaroslav, Boris, Gleb and Mstislav could claim power. The rest were either too young, or simply, like Svyatoslav, weak. Whether Mstislav was his son is doubtful. There is a version that Prince Vladimir also had a younger brother, also illegitimate Sfeng, who ruled at the behest of his father in Tmutarakan, and it was his son who was Mstislav Tmutarakansky. This version explains many absurdities in the events described in the annals, but is not yet generally accepted.

    After marrying a Swedish princess Ingigerd, which in Russia was called Irina, Yaroslav, with the help of the Varangian squad, was able to finally capture Kiev, dividing Russia into two parts with his brother Mstislav Tmutarakansky. After the death of Mstislav, Yaroslav remained the only prince of Russia, and peace was established in it for many years.

    Yaroslav Vladimirovich is known to us by the nickname given to him by Karamzin: wise... He was indeed wise in his subsequent policies. Gradually returned to Russia all the lost lands, gave the first written code of laws - Russian Truth, built many churches, opened many schools for teaching children to read and write, spared no expense on the correspondence of books, collected a large library, founded several cities, including Yaroslavl and Yuriev(Tartu) ...

    And Prince Yaroslav the Wise is famous for the marriages of his children. He himself was married to the daughter of the Swedish king Olav Shötkonung, his sister Dobronega married the Polish king Casimir, his eldest son was married to the sister of the English and Danish king Knut the Mighty, his sons - to the German, English, Byzantine princess Irina Monomakh, by whose name his grandson Vladimir began to call himself Monomakh. But the marriages of his daughters are especially famous. Elizabeth(Ellisiv) was the queen of Norway and then of Denmark, Anastasia- Hungarian, and Anna Yaroslavna became the wife of the French king Henry and ruled after his death as regent under her son Philippe for many years. There is also information about the eldest daughter of Yaroslav Agatha, who was married to an English prince, but the data is little studied.

    Thus, Yaroslav Vladimirovich became related with almost all the royal courts of Europe, which undoubtedly helped him maintain peace around Russia.

    The prince is famous for his construction, for the fact that he himself loved books and opened many schools for teaching children of different classes, that he spent huge amounts of money on correspondence and the creation of new books, he even collected a large library, which has yet to be found.

    The Scandinavians called our prince Evil Lame, Karamzin named Wise... We know better, don't we?

    Luchina was barely smoldering, he would have to get up and light a new one, or even take a candle, but the monk was so carried away by his work that he did not even notice the semi-darkness in which he worked. No time to be distracted, the abbot ordered to finish the work by next month, apparently, he promised someone. Chernetz wrote letter by letter, working quickly and ... without looking at the text that he was supposed to rewrite.

    Hearing the creak of the door being opened, he shuddered, a drop of freshly typed ink fell from the tip of the carefully sharpened pen and spread over the parchment like a nasty blot! No matter how I tried to get wet with a rag, all the same - the blot remained, now just wait until it dries, and then carefully scrape it off with a knife and write on top. It is dangerous, if you hurry up a little, and on the spot where the blot was, the dressed leather will get loose, the next letters will come out vague, dirty ... Even if you wait until the blot dries up, the stain will be noticeable.

    Meaning of the name

    Men named Yaroslav are smart, wise, strong in character, strong in spirit, stubborn and unhurried. But often they have a certain ambivalence: for example, Yaroslavs tend to wear a mask of indifference and toughness, behind which hides a vulnerable and sensitive soul to someone else's grief. Only to the closest people Yaroslav can reveal his innermost dreams or pour out grief, but the closed Yaroslav has very few such people.

    Characteristics of the name Yaroslav

    Winter Yaroslav has a rather complex character. He is characterized by such features as isolation, taciturnity and excessive scrupulousness, bordering on meticulousness. Among the positive qualities of winter Yaroslav, I would like to note non-conflict and the ability to quickly adapt to any conditions and circumstances. He knows how to listen and draw conclusions, while always striving to get to the bottom of the problem under discussion.

    Spring Yaroslav is a talented man who can find himself in any profession without exception. He is sociable, open and sincere, thanks to which he is welcome in any company. This sympathetic man will never refuse help, and legends are made about his generosity, kindness and hospitality. But the spring Yaroslav expects the same return from those around him, rightly believing that good begets good.

    Summer Yaroslav is a kind and sensitive man who always tries to understand his neighbor. Its main disadvantage is that it lends itself quite easily to outside influence. At the same time, the summer Yaroslav is persistent and stubborn, and these qualities are most often manifested, first of all, in critical situations. It is impossible not to say about the excessive emotionality of this man, which prevents him from competently building his career.

    Autumn Yaroslav - a spiritual person with a refined and vulnerable soul. He is concerned with questions of the universe and other philosophical and psychological topics. He is modest and often closed, therefore it is quite difficult for him to achieve success in life. In general, the autumn Yaroslav is a reasonable, diplomatic, correct and scrupulous person, he tends to carefully consider all his actions.

    Stone - talisman

    The stones protecting Yaroslav are agate, marble and amber.


    This stone helps to achieve success in sports endeavors, therefore it is considered the talisman of athletes. Agate also pacifies anger, contributes to the maintenance of fidelity between lovers, harmonizes the environment, enhances eloquence and neutralizes negative influences from the outside (we are talking about damage, evil eye and other energy attacks).

    Influence of agate by color:

    • White: protects from the evil eye, promotes health, enhances kindness, gentleness, calmness and confidence;
    • Gray: helps to achieve justice, eliminates anger, restores peace in relationships;
    • blue: brings novelty, peace and love to life, increases creativity;
    • Brown: helps to overcome troubles with dignity;
    • yellow: cheers up, strengthens family relationships, improves financial situation;
    • golden: gives inspiration, helps to attract money;
    • pink: attracts good luck, therefore it is considered a stone of gambling people;
    • Red: brings love and happiness to family life;
    • black: protects against catastrophes, gives tremendous inner strength and fortitude, strengthens the financial situation;
    • green: protects the house from adversity and quarrels, strengthens family ties, helps to adapt to various life circumstances.


    This stone symbolizes luxury, abundance, prosperity and originality. In addition, it is marble that is rightfully considered the personification of purity of thoughts and harmony.


    This is a stone with tremendous energetic power, therefore, it is amber that is often used as one of the strongest amulets that protect against the negative effects of dark forces in general and ill-wishers in particular.

    Amber helps to find peace of mind and balance, as well as relieve stress, preserve beauty and prolong youth. Also, amber attracts happiness, health and love to life.


    The colors favorable to Yaroslav are white, brown, green and scarlet (more information about these colors can be found in the article "Influence of the sign of the zodiac and the color of the name on a person's life").





    Animal - symbol

    Yaroslav's totem animal is a pheasant, which in the East is associated with light, virtue, prosperity, security, luck and beauty.

    At the same time, the cry of this bird not only from time immemorial symbolized immorality and temptation, but also was the predecessor of serious misfortune.


    The plants that protect Yaroslav are nettle and oak.


    A symbol of unhappy love, full of suffering, despair and disappointment.

    In Russia, nettle was the personification of innocence, therefore it was believed that only an innocent girl could pluck this plant with her bare hands. Also, this plant was assigned the role of a talisman that drives away evil spirits and evil spirits.

    The Greeks believed that nettles were able to increase love and sexual desire.

    In Europe, nettles symbolize a rough and tough temperament, stupidity and conflict. In addition, the abundantly overgrown nettles were considered by the Slavs a harbinger of death and devastation.

    It is a symbol of courage, strength, fertility, longevity, endurance, nobility, family happiness and loyalty.

    For many nationalities, the oak is personified with the world axis, being a kind of connecting link between the world of the living and the dead.

    Our ancestors believed that the souls of the dead dwell in the foliage of the oak.


    Tin patronizes Yaroslav - a metal that symbolizes the ability to adapt to any circumstances, find a compromise, show flexibility and diplomacy.

    Auspicious day



    Winter and summer.

    The origin of the name Yaroslav

    Name translation

    From the Old Slavic language, the name Yaroslav is translated as "Yarilu glorifying", "having glory", "strong" or "glorious with vitality."

    Name history

    The Slavic name Yaroslav has the roots "yar" (which means "ardent", "hot" or "strong") and "glory", which translates as "glory".

    This name came to us from pagan Rus, at the time of which the concept of "yar" was identified with life-giving power and fertility. At the same time, our ancestors believed that this power should be dosed, otherwise the creative energy will be transformed into destructive (it is not for nothing that today we use the root "yar" in the word rage).

    Forms (analogs) of the name

    Popular forms of the name Yaroslav: Yarik, Rostik, Yaroslavka, Slava, Slavunya, Yaroslavchik, Glory, Slavik, Yaroslavushka, Yarechka, Rosya, Slavochka, Yarosh, Slavushka, Yara, Yarka, Yarechek, Yarus.

    The legend about the name Yaroslav

    The legend tells us about the tragic fate of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, who remained in the memory of the people as an educated, religious and reasonable ruler.

    Yaroslav was the eldest son of Prince Vladimir I, and, therefore, the legal heir to the throne. But fate decreed differently: power was seized by Yaroslav's brother, Svyatopolk, whom popular rumor dubbed the Damned.

    Having ascended the throne, Svyatopolk killed three of his brothers, but Yaroslav managed by bloodshed to stop the fratricidal war, which lasted for four years. Having taken his rightful place as the ruler of Kievan Rus, Yaroslav 35 years faithfully served for the good of the people and his state. During his reign, Kievan Rus experienced an unprecedented prosperity.

    Yaroslav defeated the army of the Pechenegs, built churches and schools, and also laid the foundation for the chronicle. It was he who made a lot of efforts to make Kiev a real European capital. Under Yaroslav the Wise, many theological and historical books were translated. In addition, the prince preached the Christian faith everywhere and tried to eradicate paganism, and without the use of force. And even the death of his son Michael at the hands of pagans did not become a reason for revenge and unleashing a religious war. On the contrary, Yaroslav the Wise did not take revenge on the pagans, but built a church of the Annunciation on the site of his son's death, thereby facilitating the conversion of many pagans to Christianity.

    Prince Yaroslav the Wise died in 1129.

    The mystery of the name Yaroslav

    Patrons of the name

    • Holy Prince Yaroslav Svyatoslavich of Murom.
    • Holy noble prince Yaroslav the Wise.
    • Hieromartyr and Archpriest Yaroslav Savitsky.

    Angel day (name day)

    February: 11th number.

    March: 4th and 5th numbers.

    June: 3 number.

    December: 8th number.

    Famous people

    Famous writers and poets named Yaroslav:

    • Yaroslav Hasek;
    • Yaroslav Galan;
    • Yaroslav Smelyakov;
    • Yaroslav Rymkevich;
    • Yaroslav Ivashkevich.

    Famous actors named Yaroslav:

    • Yaroslav Boyko;
    • Yaroslav Zhalnin;
    • Yaroslav Garnaev;
    • Yaroslav Baryshev.

    Famous athletes named Yaroslav:

    • Yaroslav Martynyuk - footballer;
    • Yaroslav Shaitar - chess player;
    • Yaroslav Rakitskiy - footballer;
    • Yaroslav Rybakov - athlete;
    • Yaroslav Shpachek - hockey player;
    • Yaroslav Khabarov is a hockey player.

    Famous artists named Yaroslav:

    • Yaroslav Krestovsky;
    • Yaroslav Mogutin.

    Yaroslav Dombrovsky - Polish-French revolutionary and military leader.

    Yaroslav Evdokimov - the famous Belarusian singer.

    Yaroslav Pekelsky - the famous Czech violinist and composer.

    The meaning of the name Yaroslav

    For a child

    Little Yaroslav is capricious, touchy, proud, stubborn, emotional and very quick-tempered. He is a man of mood who today wants to be friends with everyone, and tomorrow he longs for loneliness. Because of such inconstancy, this boy is easily influenced by others.

    But what Yaroslav is not interested in is intelligence and curiosity, which are the driving force of the boy (it is not surprising that Yaroslav begins to read and write early, because he is interested in everything and everyone).

    Yarik is a little philosopher striving to "get to the bottom" of things and learn the innermost secrets of the universe. It is not surprising that this boy does not have very many friends, since most of his peers prefer to play noisy and funny games on the playground, rather than sit at home with books.

    For Yaroslav, it is important to live in an atmosphere of calm and stability, while he does not accept quarrels and waste of time. In general, Yarik is a kind and flexible child, but only until the moment when his interests are not affected (for example, under the yoke of circumstances, a boy can become ruthless and tough).

    Since childhood, Yaroslav has tried on a certain mask, behind which it is rarely possible to see his real character.

    For a teenager

    The matured Yarik largely depends on his environment, which dictates to him a certain model of behavior. He is very upset by failure, so he needs the support of loved ones. At the same time, Yaroslav steadfastly endures all the hardships of life, since he knows how to be content with little.

    Yaroslav stands out among his peers for his good manners, good manners and competent speech, therefore his opinion is often authoritative. I must say that the fair sex does not deprive the attention of the intelligent Yaroslav).

    This young man is characterized by isolation, due to his vulnerability and sensitivity (Yaroslav is afraid to trust people). He is courageous, strong in spirit, stubborn, but at the same time kind and sympathetic, which his friends appreciate.

    Energy, activity, independence and rejection of established norms can negatively affect the fate of Yaroslav, who is used to following only the impulses of his heart, forgetting about logic.

    Young Yaroslav is honest, fair, but at the same time vindictive and vindictive, so it is better not to enroll him in the ranks of his enemies.

    For a man

    The adult Yaroslav is stubborn, persistent, smart, calm, somewhat selfish, but at the same time kind, sensitive and vulnerable. But you should not anger him, because from a friendly and sympathetic person, he can in the blink of an eye turn into a cruel and evil man, capable of much, and all for the sake of satisfying his ego.

    Yaroslav can be safely called a courageous and strong-willed person who is ready to steadfastly overcome all life's troubles. He experiences failure hard, but breaking his spirit is very difficult, especially if his goal is to achieve his own well-being.

    People around often do not fully know Yaroslav, who prefers to hide his true nature behind a mask of coldness and toughness. This behavior is a consequence of the disappointments in which the people whom Yarik sincerely trusted were guilty. Therefore, in order not to once again experience the oppression of betrayal, he prefers not to trust anyone at all. He considers openness an impermissible luxury, although he also wants to have a person who can tell about everything in the world and reveal his most intimate secrets.

    But still, Yaroslav must accept the fact that the construction of sincere friendly relations is largely hampered by his selfishness, pride and narcissism, which must be fought. Self-confidence should not transform into vanity, and leadership into dictatorship.

    Description of the name Yaroslav


    Yaroslav has an ambivalent attitude to the norms of morality and morality: for example, he demands that close people comply with all the written rules, while he himself is in no hurry to follow the code of honor. At any opportunity, he will forget about his morality and go to meet new emotions and pleasures. In fairness, we note that he looks extremely condescendingly at the violation of moral norms by others, believing that everyone is free to act in accordance with his attitude.


    Yarik is a physically healthy and strong man who rarely seeks help from doctors, but still he should pay attention to the work of the cardiovascular system, as well as the condition of the stomach and pancreas.


    Yaroslav can be both a Puritan and an amorous man. In general, he prefers stability in feelings, so he is responsible for choosing a partner. He appreciates his beloved woman, pampers and cherishes, he can forgive her a lot, especially if he has deep feelings for his chosen one.

    However, the woman of Yaroslav must remember that in return he expects from her maximum attention, affection, tenderness, care and love. Therefore, you should not speculate on the feelings of Yarik, who will not tolerate indifference towards himself.


    Yaroslav is rarely married once, despite the fact that for the first time he ties the knot quite late (and all for the simple reason that he is afraid of losing his independence).

    It is interesting that Yaroslav not only maintains excellent relations with his first wife, but also compares all his subsequent chosen ones with her. Such a warm attitude towards the first wife often negatively affects the next marriage. Thus, in order to create harmonious relationships, this man needs to learn to appreciate the woman who at the moment shares all his joys and sorrows.

    Family relationships

    For his family, Yaroslav is a reliable, but at the same time somewhat arbitrary and selfish support. Yes, he loves his children and his wife, but he rarely shows his feelings.

    In family relationships, he appreciates calmness and stability, so he chooses a soft, unremarkable and patient woman as his wife, who will obey him unquestioningly (for Yaroslav, in principle, it is important to be the real head of the family, who is both respected and feared at the same time).

    Yaroslav is more concerned with the material, and not the moral, well-being of his family, therefore, his spouse can not count on sentimentality and romantic impulses.


    Even in an intimate relationship, Yaroslav will not give up the palm to his partner. He will dominate and show his sexuality in every possible way. It is important for him to subjugate a woman, and the more obstinate she is, the more interest she will cause. Weakness and humility - that's what Yaroslav wants from a woman. A woman will have to make a lot of effort to surprise and conquer Yaroslav in an intimate way.

    Mind (intelligence)

    Yaroslav's subtle mind and his ability to think globally and analytically help him find answers to the most difficult questions, involving a comprehensive analysis of the situation.


    Yaroslav is a talented man who will find himself in any creative profession. He can make a great musician and artist, as well as an outstanding writer. Exact sciences are also within the power of the owner of this name, because he has the ability to fully concentrate his attention on the issue under study.

    Yaroslav's attraction to philosophy can lead to the fact that he will devote his life to serving God (it is important for him to understand the world order and find the meaning of life). Working specialties are also on the shoulder of Yaroslav, who can make a good carpenter, farmer, auto mechanic or builder.

    But no matter what profession Yaroslav chooses, he will always be distinguished by hard work, responsibility, scrupulousness and discipline. He is diplomatic and correct, so he easily finds a common language both with colleagues in the shop and with the management.


    Adventurous and willing to take risks, Yaroslav can achieve very great heights in business, because he knows how to quickly respond to certain circumstances and make the right decisions. In addition, he does not have an entrepreneurial acumen, toughness and hard work, which is important for a successful business.


    Yaroslav is a lover of travel and new impressions, while he does not like to rest in a large company. He devotes a lot of time to gardening and caring for animals, of which he always has a lot.

    Character type


    Through life, Yaroslav walks with his head held high, and nothing can force him to turn off the intended path. He longs for participation, understanding and even sympathy, but he will never show his true feelings, so those around him see him as a cheerful, confident and carefree person.

    Many are repelled from Yaroslav by his egoism and commercialism (this man is ready for a lot in order to achieve material gain). But nevertheless, when communicating with Yaroslav, an extremely positive impression is formed about him, because he is open, sociable and benevolent.

    Yaroslav knows how to control himself, but sometimes his rigidity takes the upper hand over him, which, combined with stubbornness, creates an explosive cocktail that is better not to use.


    Yaroslav has a developed intuition, but prefers to trust only his mind.

    Horoscope named Yaroslav

    Yaroslav - Aries

    This is an open, sincere, good-natured, but at the same time demanding man who is used to order. He is honest, hardworking and diligent, his life is subject to a strict routine. Yaroslav-Aries is not devoid of ambition and imperiousness, although he tries to fight these qualities, which he considers unworthy of a real man. In relationships with women, Yaroslav-Aries does not hold back his feelings and emotions, he is gentle, passionate and romantic. However, his chosen one should remember that in their union it will always be the man who will be the main one.

    Yaroslav - Taurus

    This charming, affable and well-mannered man has tremendous willpower that helps him overcome any difficulties. Yaroslav-Taurus is respected by friends and colleagues, he is loved by women who are attracted by his charm. Yaroslav is well aware of the impression he makes on the fair sex, and uses his attractiveness one hundred percent. It will not be easy for a woman with Yaroslav-Taurus, because he does not tolerate disobedience, and even more so undermining his authority.

    Yaroslav - Gemini

    Adventurous, cheerful, energetic and sociable Yaroslav-Gemini loves to play with fate. His "her boyfriend" mask is misleading to many. In fact, this man is far from simple: in order to achieve his goal, he is able to change his moral and ethical principles. Women should be careful with Yaroslav-Gemini if ​​they do not want to be left with a broken heart (although it is not easy not to love this man, his charms are so strong).

    Yaroslav - Cancer

    Proud, intelligent and extremely ambitious Yaroslav-Rak knows how to make a great impression on others, which he often uses for his own selfish purposes.

    People trust this man, who knows how not only to advise, but also to listen to the opponent, which today is a great rarity for representatives of the strong half of humanity. Yaroslav-Rak enjoys success with women who are happy to pour out their souls to him. But keep in mind that Yaroslav will not be exchanged for an easy relationship, because he longs for deep sincere feelings.

    Yaroslav - Lev

    This is a vain, arrogant and narcissistic man who treats others with condescension and with a grain of sarcasm. His arrogance repels people, while Yaroslav-Lev himself does not feel any discomfort about this. He is little interested in someone else's opinion, while he tries to impose his own on everyone. With women, he is self-confident and persistent (in general, Yaroslav-Lev is not used to being rejected). Having achieved what he wants, he quickly forgets about his ardent feelings and is looking for a new object of adoration.

    Yaroslav - Virgo

    This introverted man is unsure of himself, but at the same time he is endowed with exorbitant pride, which prevents him from making friends and feeling comfortable in society. Yaroslav-Devu is constantly gnawed by doubts, so he constantly postpones making serious decisions indefinitely, which can negatively affect his career. With women, he is arrogant and withdrawn, so his personal life often does not work out. In addition, he is looking for a real queen, which he cannot always match.

    Yaroslav - Libra

    Gentle, vulnerable, romantic and extravagant Yaroslav-Libra knows how to find an approach to any person, which greatly simplifies his life. Yaroslav-Libra disposes to himself, while both men and women fall under his influence (the latter simply do not like souls in him). It is not surprising that Yaroslav-Libra can boast of a huge number of love affairs, which undoubtedly flatter his pride, filling him with strength and energy.

    Yaroslav - Scorpio

    This domineering and energetic man has all the makings of an undeniable leader. His opinion is authoritative, and his actions are always thought out to the smallest detail. Any business is argued in the hands of Yaroslav-Scorpio. It is very difficult to deceive this man, because he subtly feels a lie and recognizes insincerity. Yaroslav-Scorpio loves his chosen one sincerely and passionately, for her he is ready to move mountains. However, such love has a downside - unbridled jealousy, which can develop into a real phobia.

    Yaroslav - Sagittarius

    This is a well-mannered, intelligent, highly moral and honest person who accepts the world and the people around it as they are. He will not tolerate criticism in his address, since he himself will never criticize others. Open, sincere and sociable Yaroslav-Sagittarius is liked by women. His chosen one should also be sociable, good-natured, sympathetic and sincere (haughty and rude women repulse this man who strives for a calm and harmonious family life).

    Yaroslav - Capricorn

    This is a reasonable, thoughtful and helpful man who does not like surprises and all sorts of surprises. He never gets involved in adventurous affairs, preferring to build his life in a stable and correct way. Noisy companies do not attract the calm Yaroslav-Capricorn, who is used to keeping aloof. Despite his caution and some kind of isolation, this man has a lot of novels, although he rarely harbors sincere feelings for his chosen one. Practical Jaroslav-Capricorn does not like to show his feelings.

    Yaroslav - Aquarius

    This man is distinguished by an eccentricity of thinking and an idealistic view of the world. At the same time, Yaroslav-Aquarius lives exclusively for himself and for himself, while the worries and needs of other people are of little concern to him. Perseverance and stubbornness help him achieve what he conceived, and he can easily forget about the moral principles existing in society. Yaroslav-Aquarius is in no hurry to start a family, so he gets married rather late, and he is guided by reason, not feelings, when choosing a wife.

    Yaroslav - Pisces

    Generous, cheerful and cheerful Yaroslav-Pisces is a devoted friend, a wonderful companion and just a sympathetic man, ready to listen and help. This is a rather loving nature, so he has a lot of love affairs. Women should beware of Yaroslav-Pisces, because even in marriage, he cannot say goodbye to his independence and freedom, which will ultimately lead to betrayal.

    Name compatibility Yaroslav with female names

    Yaroslav and Olga

    In this couple, the man prefers to live for today, while Olga is not satisfied with this position, since she is used to clearly planning her every day and her future.

    The relationship of these people is unstable and short-lived.

    Yaroslav and Anna

    In this union there is love, friendship, and mutually beneficial partnership. It is important for Yaroslav and Anna to live in peace with themselves and with each other, while everyday and material problems are relegated to the background.

    Yaroslav and Elena

    The happy tandem of Yaroslav and Elena is based on common values ​​and goals, although there is also a place for love in their relationship. It's just that the owners of these names understand that marriage is something more than passion and a riot of emotions. It is not surprising that their union easily overcomes all life's difficulties.

    Yaroslav and Julia

    The couple of Yaroslav and Yulia are strong in trust, mutual understanding and respect, that is, those components without which it is impossible to build a strong family. In their relationship, equality reigns, which contributes to the strengthening of the union.

    Yaroslav and Anastasia

    The bright and passionate relationship between Yaroslav and Nastya is not strong, since both in this union have a love of freedom that they do not want to part with. This tandem can only take place if both forget about their pride.

    Yaroslav and Tatiana

    In this interesting union, two philosophers converge - Yaroslav and Tatiana, who care little about the everyday reality. But they discuss the secrets of the universe, magic and other occult topics with pleasure. This couple can be together if they learn to accept the existing reality.

    Yaroslav and Ekaterina

    This is a completely prosperous union in which the partners have common interests and adhere to the same family values, which undoubtedly brings them together. Yaroslav and Katya are two halves of a single whole.

    Yaroslav and Natalia

    These two do not have to get bored together, because their union is multifaceted and interesting. Both love to travel and explore the world through books, both prefer each other's company to noisy companies. Family for Yaroslav and Natalia is the basis of life.

    Yaroslav and Marina

    The relationship between Yaroslav and Marina is rarely serious, and the owners of these names rarely get married at all. A man does not want to part with his freedom, while a woman, on the contrary, is ready to devote herself entirely to her family.

    Yaroslav and Maria

    This tandem cannot be destroyed, since Yaroslav and Maria live exclusively for each other. They do everything together. Moreover, they cannot spend a day apart. Family idyll - this phrase can be used to describe their tandem.

    Yaroslav and Svetlana

    It is a dynamic, energetic and promising union in which both partners strive for power, wealth and fame. Yaroslav and Svetlana do not see obstacles in their path, and their love helps them to overcome any difficulties.

    Yaroslav and Christina

    This rare union has no future, since Yaroslav is from Mars, and Christina is from Venus.

    Yaroslav and Victoria

    The relationship between Yaroslav and Victoria is that rare case when two independent people can peacefully coexist and build a stable and prosperous future.

    Yaroslav and Ksenia

    Generous and good-natured Yaroslav is ready to pamper his Ksenia every day, but in return he wants to get attention and tenderness. This union is successful and prosperous, since both partners live with the same problems and have common interests.

    Yaroslav and Lyubov

    This harmonious couple has every chance of being happy and prosperous. So, Lyubov and Yaroslav prefer to develop and open up new horizons, and not spend time aimlessly at noisy parties.

    Yaroslav and Nadezhda

    The tandem of Yaroslav and Nadezhda is fragile and short-term, since a man is not ready to take responsibility for his family. The woman in this union is serious and practical, therefore she cannot come to terms with the frivolity and frivolity of her chosen one.

    Yaroslav and Alina

    Tenderness, care, sensuality - these are the epithets that can be used to describe the union of Yaroslav and Alina. The atmosphere of calmness, serenity, understanding and comfort is important for them. There is no place for rudeness and harshness in their relationship.

    Yaroslav and Irina

    Temperamental Irina and freedom-loving Yaroslav can fall in love with each other at first sight, but their bright and passionate relationship is rarely long-lasting, since family relationships are painstaking and hard work, for which both are not ready.

    Yaroslav and Diana

    The thoroughness and practicality of Diana and Yaroslav does not allow them to surrender to the power of feelings. On the contrary, they carefully choose life partners with whom they want to live their whole life, so their union is very strong.

    Yaroslav and Evgeniya

    Yaroslav's peculiar attitude to the institution of marriage prevents the creation of a full-fledged family. Evgenia wants stability and attention, while Yaroslav is only interested in freedom, which is limited by marriage.

    Yaroslav and Daria

    Initially, the relationship between Yaroslav and Daria is built on passion and feelings of novelty, but over time, the passion passes, leaving emptiness. In addition, the loving Yaroslav gives his beloved many reasons for jealousy, which destroys the marriage.

    Yaroslav and Olesya

    Olesya is used to working hard to achieve her goals, one of which is building a strong family. But Yaroslav is in no hurry to start a family, and it is difficult to call him a faithful husband.

    Yaroslav and Alena

    Truly Italian passions are raging in this family: for example, the temperamental Alena is not ready to forgive her lover for infidelity and frequent absence from home, but love for a long time does not allow her to end this relationship.

    Yaroslav and Alexandra

    Freedom-loving Alexandra and Yaroslav are not ready to yield to each other and lose in a battle for leadership, which is why disagreements and quarrels often arise between them. Only by learning to yield will they be able to maintain their fragile union.

    Yaroslav and Lyudmila

    Lyudmila is subject to frequent mood swings, which Yaroslav does not want to put up with, and he does not have time for this, since he is too busy with his own person. This emotional union rarely has a bright future.

    Yaroslav and Polina

    This couple is true to traditions, she is hardworking and ready to go hand in hand through life together, but only on the condition that there is a real feeling between them. Otherwise, the union of Yaroslav and Polina will fall apart.

    Yaroslav and Inna

    This tandem is built not only on love, but also on such components as sexual compatibility, curiosity, passion for travel.

    They always have something to talk about, so their relationship is filled with harmony and understanding.

    Yaroslav and Veronika

    The inconstant and energetic Yaroslav appreciates independence and practicality in Veronica, but over time it is these qualities of her that become an obstacle on the way to building a family, because Yaroslav is not ready to change his lifestyle for the sake of family well-being.

    Yaroslav and Sophia

    This is a happy union in all respects, in which Yaroslav and Sofia value and cherish their feelings. They love each other, so they try to find a compromise in any controversial situations.

    An analysis of the compatibility of qualities will help bring harmony to relationships with a loved one. The science of numerology will help us in this. From numerology, you will learn even more about compatibility than from psychology.

    Building and maintaining relationships is the foundation of our lives. With the help of numerology, the science of the magic of numbers, you can calculate the compatibility of two people with each other, and understand whether they can peacefully and happily exist side by side. Numerology will help you find out your partner's true impulses, hidden abilities and needs - you just need to find out his digital code and match it with yours.

    Using the personal compatibility card, you can conduct an express analysis of the possibilities of your partnership. In close relationships, a diminutive name is often used, therefore, calculations should be made based on these forms.

    Enter names

    Yaroslav and Natalia compatibility

    Compatibility number 9

    A union influenced by the nine attracts with its versatility: such a couple has many features and the monotony will never darken the relationship. Partners easily go through life together, their thoughts and feelings are common, and their aspirations are directed towards one goal. Nine enhances the ability to absorb information; no area of ​​knowledge seems too boring to such people.
    This couple will excel in the study of esoteric sciences. Good results will be achieved in the field of psychology, sociology and other social sciences. The Nine develops the ability for abstract thinking, the perception of theoretical knowledge, generalization, as well as planning and modeling. Such a couple will be carried away by scientific and research work that requires both logic and intuition. The participants of such a union are brought together by the desire for travel, learning new things, as well as the tendency to reflect on the issues that determine the fate of mankind.

    For a complete analysis of name compatibility, now let's take a closer look at each number of the name Yaroslav and Natalya.

    Name number Yaroslav 4

    It symbolizes reliability and stability, conscientiousness and firmness in defending one's own opinion. The people of Uranus seek recognition from friends and colleagues. Success will undoubtedly accompany them if they choose a profession in the scientific and technical fields. These are wayward people, internally independent, stubborn, with a non-standard mindset, who do not live by generally accepted rules. They clearly express the desire for social reforms. They are rarely alone, it is important for them that there are always many friends around with whom you can discuss a problem, argue or just talk. The company enjoys authority, shows an interest in spiritual life, and loves nature. People with a name number 4 are mobile, very conscientious in work, somewhat nervous, have excellent memory and good organizational skills.
    They do not get lost in extreme situations, in difficult conditions, when the qualities of their character and personality are revealed from the best side.

    Natalia's name number 5

    Indicates spiritual freedom and independence of action. Mercury endows people with a lively and resourceful mind. They value the acquired and accumulated experience much more than advice from the outside. They take initiative in everything, find a rational grain in any business, strive to try their hand at rare professions. They are impetuous and mobile: they think quickly, make decisions quickly, quickly move from words to deeds. Overwhelmed with a thirst for knowledge, they have a sharp critical mind, resourcefulness, but they are not capable of routine, monotonous work, they quickly fall into despondency from failures. Their natural charm makes them the soul of the company, and their bright personality can rise to the heights of popularity.
    Most of all they love travel and adventure. They are not very economic and practical. Often the number 5 indicates a philosophical mindset, sometimes - frivolity and promiscuity in connections.

    . Love Compatibility: 60%

    . Marriage Compatibility: 30%

    On the type of relationship: "By trial and error"

    They are from different planets, and these planets are in different galaxies of different Universes. The chances that their paths will cross are usually close to zero: the owners of these names strive for different goals, arrange their life in different ways and speak different languages, but sometimes the feeling can unite (for a more or less long time) even such seemingly , completely incompatible creatures. At the beginning of their life together, they usually experience a sense of novelty, but when it dulls, they have nothing to talk about with each other. At the same time, a man gives his beloved a lot of reasons for jealousy, with which she does not agree to put up, which is why their relationship often ends in a break. If this union is dear to them, a man needs to learn to curb his too independent disposition. However, in any case, if someone can bring strength and solidity to these relations, then this is only his stubborn chosen one.