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  • Why eat only egg white. With or without yolk? How to eat eggs

    Why eat only egg white.  With or without yolk?  How to eat eggs

    In this article, I'll tell you if you need to separate the yolk from the protein (in eggs) and why many people do it.

    You've probably seen, heard, etc. etc., like many people, incl. bodybuilders (jocks) separate the yolk from the protein by throwing the yolks into the urn. They argue their actions by the fact that the egg yolk contains a large amount of CHOLESTEROL and FAT.

    Fat will not scare anyone)), although we will talk about it later, but CHOLESTEROL is still like)).

    In general, the most common theory is that cholesterol obtained from food (food) can lead to atherosclerosis, which causes coronary heart disease (angina pectoris, heart attacks, etc.), and who does not know, this is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world ... by the way, about 75% of men aged 25-64 die from such diseases in Europe….

    • Fats, be that as it may, are vital for the body. Here, just, an important nuance: healthy fats, but unhealthy ones! On the other hand, EGGS are mainly loaded with polyunsaturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids (i.e. good fats). Accordingly, everything is ok ...
    • Harmful fats will harm the fact that the food consumed rich in cholesterol (the same eggs) will not turn into good cholesterol, but into bad (harmful), respectively, will harm.

    That is why it is so important to monitor not only PROTEINS, but also FATS!

    They should only be useful, while harmful - in no case should you (now you already understand why). P.s. when and when to pamper yourself, of course, you can, but get the point: not on an ongoing basis.

    That is why (and not only because of this, you will understand further), I believe that you do not need to separate anything, on the contrary, you need to use only whole eggs (without separating anything).

    Because in addition to what was said earlier (if you have everything ok with the proportion of B + F +), a whole chicken egg also contains its main advantage = i.e. EGG with PROTEIN, but without YOLK, loses its biological value. One without the other, not so COOL (effective) anymore! Do you understand? Therefore, only BINDLE: PROTEIN + YOLK = maximum natural protein value.

    And by separating the yolk from the protein, you only lose the opportunity to get its maximum possible (high) biological value. You are simply wasting some of your money down the drain buying egg trays ...

    P.s. I can consume more than 10 whole boiled chicken eggs per day, because eggs, in terms of price-quality - (and from my point of view) best view protein (protein) from natural products ... but if it's necessary (for example, the absence of other types of protein), more often than not, I try to make variety, eating and chicken breasts, and beef, and sometimes fish, and eggs, in short everything in a row 🙂

    But, you must understand the essence, and the essence is that I am not afraid that I will be found to have an increased cholesterol level from eating such a number of eggs per day, because I am sure that eggs do not play a role here in any way, and about this evidenced by many conducted experiments, which I talked about in the main article: "Eggs in bodybuilding" (which clearly proved everything), and moreover, eggs, in terms of blood cholesterol, not only do not harm, but even help to normalize its level since have a kind of "anti-cholesterol effect", which, too, because of misinformation, few people know ... Well, something like this ... And how many eggs do you eat? And do you eat at all? Write in the comments 🙂

    For dessert - vidos, in which everything is chewed in much more detail, I recommend to those who are interested:

    Best regards, administrator.

    Eggs contain a lot of energy, essential substances, vitamins and minerals that our body requires. Eggs are eaten in any form: fried, baked, boiled or cheese. They can be used both as a separate dish and as part of other dishes. These are salads, pastries, cocktails.

    Until now, not everyone knows why you can't eat a lot of eggs and why it is harmful. After all, they contain many useful substances that are found in the yolk, protein, and shells.

    The egg is a rather controversial product. Eggs contain all the nutrients the body needs to function. The protein itself contains a sufficient amount of amino acids that the body requires for good work. Egg Fats Contains Almost all known vitamins can be found in this product. But with excessive consumption of eggs, especially raw eggs, it is possible to cause damage to the body due to hazardous compounds that disrupt metabolic processes. This is one of the reasons why you shouldn't eat a lot of eggs a day.

    White, yolk and shells

    Eggshells are also composed of magnesium, phosphates, and other chemicals. In terms of structure, the shell consists of a supra-shell membrane that protects the egg from drying out, a supra-protein and an under-shell shell. A gas chamber is located at its blunt end. It is with the help of it that the process of respiration of the embryo takes place. The color of the shell depends on the bird's diet, the season in which the egg was laid, and many other characteristics.

    If the purpose of the shell is to protect the embryo from the external environment, then the yolk and white, in turn, are additional food for the embryo. The most valuable and nutritious part of the egg is the yolk. It acts as the main type of food. The yolk takes up almost a third of the entire egg. It consists of an embryo, a yolk ball (dark and light yolk) and a yolk membrane. Almost half of this part of the egg is water, the rest are fats, cholesterol and proteins. The energy value of the yolk is approximately 60-80 kcal. That's three times the value of protein.

    Water makes up 85-90% The rest of the components are various proteins, carbohydrates, fats, glucose, B vitamins, etc.

    What kind of eggs do you eat?

    This information applies to chicken eggs. Chemical composition subject to change and is dependent on other factors.

    Most often, chicken, duck, goose, and quail are used for food. There are also ostriches and wild birds on sale. Aesthetes even eat the eggs of reptiles, for example, turtles. However, the question of why you can't eat a lot of eggs is relevant for all species.

    What is the danger of eggs?

    Although eggs contain a rich composition of nutrients, their use as food should be limited. Nutritionists do not recommend the use of more than three pieces in one week. This is due to the high cholesterol content of eggs.

    If the metabolic process in the body functions normally, then cholesterol itself is produced in small volumes. If the amount of cholesterol is increased, it can cause diseases that are associated with excessive levels of it in the blood. For example, atherosclerosis, heart disease, and other heart conditions. Scientists have found a very high cholesterol content in the product in question, which is the reason why you cannot eat a lot of eggs. Even fast food is less harmful in these characteristics. For example, cardiologists strongly discourage consumption of more than 200 mg of cholesterol per day. The content of this substance in one egg can reach up to 275 mg.

    The opinion of nutritionists is that eating eggs is unacceptable for any diet. Speaking about why men cannot eat a lot of eggs, it is worth noting that it is the representatives of the stronger sex who are more prone to cardiovascular diseases due to excess cholesterol.

    Eggs are an allergenic food, especially for small children. For this reason, it is required to limit their amount in the diet.

    What diseases can be provoked?

    Considering recent research, frequent egg consumption is directly linked to the development of type 2 diabetes. Excessive egg consumption can raise levels. This can cause malfunctioning of the pancreas. This circumstance is also the reason why you cannot eat a lot of boiled eggs.

    Using eggs in the diet, one should not forget that they can cause salmonellosis. To exclude the possibility of the likelihood of contracting this dangerous disease, certain rules must be observed during the storage, preparation and consumption of this product.

    Precautionary measures

    Eggs should be washed very thoroughly before eating. To do this, use vinegar or soap. Cooking should be at least 10 minutes. But do not forget that long heat treatment will reduce the content of nutrients in the egg.

    Eggs should not be eaten raw. But even if there is a similar need, then the freshest product should be used. Eggs with damaged shells must not be used.

    Now it has become clear to everyone why you cannot eat a lot of eggs. But such a warning is not a reason for completely rejecting them. Do not forget that eggs have a high content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins (A, E, D and group B), calcium, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, amino acids, cholesterol and antioxidants necessary for the body's vital functions. The daily consumption of this product is permissible only for healthy people, but it is also very undesirable. On the advice of nutritionists, it is permissible to eat eggs only twice a week, and, if possible, discard the yolk.

    Reply from site

    There are 2 reasons why nutritionists do not recommend eating egg yolks.

    1. Cholesterol... Each yolk contains about 0.2 g of cholesterol. This substance is indispensable for the life of the body, however, it is synthesized in the right quantities internal organs... From food should come about 0.5-0.7 g of cholesterol per day. These are 3 yolks, and there are still other foods containing cholesterol. Many bodybuilders eat several dozen eggs a day. If they hadn't thrown away the yolks, there would have been an overkill of cholesterol ...

    2. Fats... The yolk contains about 5 g of fat. If you eat one omelet a day, fat will be beneficial. Things are quite different when there are dozens of eggs in the daily diet. 20 eggs = 100 g of fat, which very often does not fit into the daily requirement.

    Thus, you should only discard the yolks if you eat more than 5 eggs per day ( leave 2-3 yolks of them anyway). In other cases, it is better to eat the yolks, because they contain a lot of useful substances!

    People who are fond of bodybuilding cannot imagine their life without all kinds of nutritional supplements: gainers, proteins, etc. Manufacturers of sports nutrition claim that without their products, it will take an exorbitant effort to achieve a noticeable result. However, professional athletes often advise novice bodybuilders to pay attention to the importance of a balanced diet, which should include meat, cereals and eggs. Who should you trust? Supplement manufacturers who are interested in marketing their products, or people who have dedicated their lives to sports? Be that as it may, it is very important for a bodybuilder to monitor their diet: only then will the training be effective. This article will focus on such useful product like chicken eggs.

    Eggs are considered one of the most inexpensive sources of high quality, easily digestible protein. Egg white contains many essential amino acids: it can completely replace expensive amino acid complexes for athletes. Nutritionists say that you can eat up to 10 eggs a day: this will not cause any harm to your health.

    The eggs include:

    • up to 7 grams of protein;
    • 0.5 grams of carbohydrates;
    • 4 grams of fat;
    • 150 milligrams of lecithin;
    • minerals and vitamins.

    Scientists have been researching the effect of eggs on the state of the cardiovascular system for a long time. For example, one experiment involved two groups, each with 10 women. The subjects of the first group ate 10 boiled eggs a day, while the other group offered soy cheese instead of eggs. After the end of the experiment, it turned out that the women from the first group had significantly lower cholesterol levels.

    Thus, regular consumption of this product does not affect cholesterol levels in any way. On the contrary, eggs help to reduce the so-called "bad" cholesterol in the blood, which brings only health benefits.

    Can you eat the yolk?

    The yolk of a chicken egg contains about 4 grams of fat. Therefore, many athletes refuse yolks. This is only justified if you are in the drying process. When building up muscle mass the yolk will be very useful. In addition, if the eggs are cooked correctly, the yolks will quickly "burn" during training.

    In addition, it is not worth giving up the yolk at all: it is advisable only to reduce the number of eggs consumed to 2-5 per day. This is due to the fact that the yolk contains many important amino acids. In addition, fats promote better protein absorption.

    Surely you are aware of such a harmful microorganism as salmonella. Salmonella lives on eggshell... Therefore, it is advisable to boil or fry the eggs before eating. Raw eggs can only be eaten if they are produced under practically sterile conditions.

    A bodybuilder needs to know how to cook eggs properly. Nutritionists say that when cooking for too long, the beneficial substances contained in the protein and yolk are partially destroyed. Plus, the yolk of a hard-boiled egg will take too long to digest: at least three hours. Therefore, it is advisable to cook soft-boiled eggs, that is, make sure that the yolk remains in a liquid state. In this case, the egg will not only retain the maximum of its useful properties, but also quickly absorbed by the body: it has been proven that soft-boiled eggs are absorbed by the body within about an hour and a half.

    How many eggs can an athlete eat per day?

    Bodybuilding athletes can consume a fairly large amount of eggs. However, due to the high content of fat in the yolks, it is recommended to limit yourself to one dozen. But you can eat as much protein as you like. Professionals eat 150 egg whites a week!

    When deciding how many eggs to include in the diet, it is worth starting from your own goals. For example, on drying, when it is important to limit the fat content in the diet, you can refuse yolks or purchase a product such as liquid egg white. This dietary supplement contains only proteins so that it will not add to your body weight. If your goal is to gain muscle mass, you can follow the advice of professional athletes and eat two dozen chicken eggs daily. True, this is quite difficult to do: with so many eggs consumed, they begin to taste unpleasant and bother you quite a lot.

    To achieve good bodybuilding results, it is important to carefully monitor your diet. An unbalanced diet cannot be compensated for by any sports supplements, even the most expensive ones.

    Proper nutrition in bodybuilding

    Egg white is in great honor among many people: athletes who are losing weight, trying to monitor the amount and quality of nutrients entering the body. But the yolk's reputation is, to put it mildly, worse. But is it fair to blame him for the sins of which he is accused?

    Research shows that eating eggs is a fairly convenient source of nutrients for your body. They can also play a key role in weight control, strengthening muscle strength, proper brain function, eye health and are recommended for pregnant women. Just one egg a day reduces the risk of stroke by as much as 12%. It turns out that the consumption of "chicken gift" is healthy and healthy, and each of us should introduce them into our diet, as well as make sure that the youngest eat at least two or three eggs a week.

    Eggs and cholesterol

    Dozens of studies carried out by scientists around the world unequivocally state that this natural product is appropriate for almost every person's menu. Where, then, did the thesis that eggs are bad and should not be eaten at all? This reputation is largely due to the fact that one egg contains about 200 mg of cholesterol, and most of this substance is stored in the yolk. Therefore, the doctors urged us to be careful with the yolk, because high level blood cholesterol is the leading cause of heart disease. However, few people take into account that the correct level of "good" cholesterol is necessary for the life and proper functioning of the entire body. This substance helps build new cells, supports the functioning of the nervous system, the production of hormones, and in the case of men, it helps to increase testosterone in the body. Under normal conditions, the liver produces cholesterol, which is found in animal products such as milk, eggs and meat.

    Of course, too high a cholesterol level contributes to cardiovascular disease. However, you should not consider food of animal origin (and egg yolks in particular) as the only culprit in cardiovascular disease. For some time now, scientists have been conducting research that clearly shows that high cholesterol is not the only one responsible for cardiovascular disease. Scientific research has shown that saturated fat and trans fat actually affect blood cholesterol levels, but this is not the only factor that causes heart problems.

    Nutrients in the egg

    On the other hand, you need to pay close attention to the fact that the egg yolk contains almost all the necessary vitamins and minerals that are present in the egg. However, most of the nutrients will be lost if we ignore it and eat only one protein. Yes, egg white contains about 60% of the total protein in an egg, but the yolk contains nutrients such as vitamin D, E, A, choline and carotenoids that support the body in absorbing many important substances from eggs. In addition, eggs contain phospholipids, which can positively affect blood cholesterol levels and limit inflammation in the body. Therefore, it is not true that they lead to the formation of cholesterol and cannot be eaten (or you can, but only in very, very limited quantities).

    The nutrients in the yolk help reduce blood pressure and improve the functionality of blood vessels. Preliminary findings from studies examining the effects of this natural product on Alzheimer's sufferers suggest that eggs may help reduce symptoms.

    Thus, from all of the above, it follows that eggs in general and yolks in particular are not to blame for diseases of the cardiovascular system of that system, but rather the opposite. After all, they are full of nutrients that you need to actively use. We can eat eggs prepared in different ways without hindrance. Without a doubt, raw ones are the healthiest and most nutritious. But many doctors warn about salmonella and other harmful microorganisms that may be present in them. However, nothing prevents you from preparing for breakfast, for example, a delicious and hearty omelet, which will provide energy for the whole morning.