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  • How to write social studies part c. Society

    How to write social studies part c.  Society

    Part C assignments:

    Article 80.

    Article 81.

    Article 86.

    Article 87.

    C9.1 Philosophy

    C9.2 Social Psychology

    C9.3 Economics

    C9.4 Sociology

    C9.5 Political Science

    C9.6 Jurisprudence

    Part C

    Extract from the Family Code of the Russian Federation

    Article 80.
    1. Parents are obliged to support their minor children. The procedure and form for providing maintenance to minor children are determined by the parents independently.
    Article 81.

    2. The size of these shares may be reduced or increased by the court, taking into account the material or marital status of the parties and other noteworthy circumstances.
    Article 86.
    1. In the absence of an agreement and in the presence of exceptional circumstances (serious illness, injury of minor children or disabled adult children in need, the need to pay for outside care for them and other circumstances), each of the parents may be brought by the court to participate in incurring additional costs caused by these circumstances ...
    The procedure for the participation of parents in incurring additional costs and the amount of these costs are determined by the court based on the material and marital status of the parents and children and other noteworthy interests of the parties in a fixed amount of money payable monthly.
    2. The court has the right to oblige the parents to participate both in the actually incurred additional costs and in the additional costs that must be incurred in the future.
    Article 87.
    1. Able-bodied adult children are obliged to support and take care of their disabled parents who need help.
    2. In the absence of an agreement on the payment of alimony, alimony for disabled parents in need of assistance shall be recovered from able-bodied adult children in court.
    3. The amount of alimony collected from each of the children is determined by the court on the basis of the material and marital status of the parents and children and other noteworthy interests of the parties in a fixed amount of money to be paid monthly.


    1) the number of children;

    OR The answer is incorrect.

    Maximum score


    1) serious illness of the child;
    2) injury of children;

    Three circumstances are correctly named.

    Two circumstances are correctly named.

    Only one circumstance is correctly named.
    OR The answer is incorrect.

    Maximum score


    OR The answer is incorrect.

    Maximum score


    There are three explanations.

    There are two explanations.

    One explanation is provided.

    Wrong answer.

    Maximum score


    OR The answer is incorrect.

    Maximum score


    OR The answer is incorrect.

    Maximum score


    The correct answer should contain the following elements:

    OR Only an explanation is given.

    Only one conclusion has been drawn.

    Maximum score


    1) What is socialization?

    The wording of the points of the plan is correct and reflects the content of the topic.

    The structure of the response follows the complex type plan.

    Maximum score

    Criteria for assessing the answer to task C9



    Part C assignments:

    Extract from the Family Code of the Russian Federation

    Article 80.

    Article 81.
    1. In the absence of an agreement on the payment of alimony, alimony for minor children is collected by the court from their parents on a monthly basis in the amount of: for one child - one quarter, for two children - one third, for three or more children - half of the earnings and (or) other income of the parents ...

    Article 86.
    1. In the absence of an agreement and in the presence of exceptional circumstances (serious illness, injury of minor children or disabled adult children in need, the need to pay for outside care for them and other circumstances), each of the parents may be brought by the court to participate in incurring additional costs caused by these circumstances ...
    The procedure for the participation of parents in incurring additional costs and the amount of these costs are determined by the court based on the material and marital status of the parents and children and other noteworthy interests of the parties in a fixed amount of money payable monthly.

    Article 87.
    1. Able-bodied adult children are obliged to support and take care of their disabled parents who need help.
    2. In the absence of an agreement on the payment of alimony, alimony for disabled parents in need of assistance shall be recovered from able-bodied adult children in court.
    3. The amount of alimony collected from each of the children is determined by the court on the basis of the material and marital status of the parents and children and other noteworthy interests of the parties in a fixed amount of money to be paid monthly.

    C1 Name any three statutory circumstances that affect the amount of child support required by a court in the absence of an agreement to pay child support.

    C2 In the presence of which of the exceptional circumstances (in the absence of an agreement), according to the law, each of the parents can be brought by the court to participate in the additional costs of supporting the children?
    List three exceptional circumstances.

    C3 What aspects of the relationship between children and parents are regulated by each of the above articles of the Family Code? Based on your knowledge of social studies, name any other aspect of relationships that is governed by the Family Code.

    C4 In some regions of Russia, local authorities apply moral measures, along with legal mechanisms, to citizens who evade paying alimony for the maintenance of minor children and disabled parents. Using your knowledge of your social studies course, provide three explanations for why moral harassment can be effective in this case.

    C5 What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "political party"?
    Drawing on your knowledge of social studies, make two sentences containing information about the political party.

    C6 Give two manifestations of the inconsistency of social progress.
    Illustrate each of them with an example.

    C7 The graph below presents data on the ratio of the average and minimum wages in country Z to the minimum subsistence level in 2002-2008. Draw conclusions about the ratio of a) the minimum wage to the living wage; b) the average salary with a living wage in 2002-2008. Explain why the socio-economic situation in country Z is dangerous.

    C8 You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Socialization of the individual". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

    By completing task C9, you can show your knowledge and skills on the content that is more attractive to you. To this end, select only one of the statements below.

    Choose one of the statements below and state your thoughts (your point of view, attitude) about the problem raised.
    Provide the necessary arguments to substantiate your position.
    When completing the assignment, use the knowledge gained in the course of social studies, the relevant concepts, as well as the facts of social life and your own life experience.

    C9.1 Philosophy

    "Morality is not a list of actions and not a collection of rules that can be used like pharmaceutical or culinary recipes" (D. Dewey).

    C9.2 Social Psychology
    “Man is a doer and participant in the general world process” (VM Bekhterev).

    C9.3 Economics

    “In business and in sports, too many people are afraid of competition. As a result, people avoid striving for success if it requires hard work, training and self-sacrifice ”(K. Rokne).

    C9.4 Sociology

    “The best laws are born from customs” (J. Joubert).

    C9.5 Political Science

    “- I am not involved in politics. “You know, it's like saying:“ I'm not busy with life ”” (J. Renard).

    C9.6 Jurisprudence

    “The universal law is freedom that ends where the freedom of another begins” (V. Hugo).

    The system of assessing the examination work in social studies

    Part C

    Extract from the Family Code of the Russian Federation

    Article 80.
    1. Parents are obliged to support their minor children. The procedure and form for providing maintenance to minor children are determined by the parents independently.
    Article 81.
    1. In the absence of an agreement on the payment of alimony, alimony for minor children is collected by the court from their parents on a monthly basis in the amount of: for one child - one quarter, for two children - one third, for three or more children - half of the earnings and (or) other income of the parents ...

    2. The size of these shares may be reduced or increased by the court, taking into account the material or marital status of the parties and other noteworthy circumstances.
    Article 86.
    1. In the absence of an agreement and in the presence of exceptional circumstances (serious illness, injury of minor children or disabled adult children in need, the need to pay for outside care for them and other circumstances), each of the parents may be brought by the court to participate in incurring additional costs caused by these circumstances ...
    The procedure for the participation of parents in incurring additional costs and the amount of these costs are determined by the court based on the material and marital status of the parents and children and other noteworthy interests of the parties in a fixed amount of money payable monthly.
    2. The court has the right to oblige the parents to participate both in the actually incurred additional costs and in the additional costs that must be incurred in the future.
    Article 87.
    1. Able-bodied adult children are obliged to support and take care of their disabled parents who need help.
    2. In the absence of an agreement on the payment of alimony, alimony for disabled parents in need of assistance shall be recovered from able-bodied adult children in court.
    3. The amount of alimony collected from each of the children is determined by the court on the basis of the material and marital status of the parents and children and other noteworthy interests of the parties in a fixed amount of money to be paid monthly.

    C1 Name any three statutory circumstances that determine the amount of alimony for minor children recovered by the court in the absence of an agreement on the payment of alimony.


    In the correct answer, three circumstances established by law must be named:
    1) the number of children;
    2) the financial situation of the parties;
    3) the marital status of the parties.

    Three circumstances are correctly named.

    Two circumstances are correctly named.

    Only one circumstance is correctly named.
    OR The answer is incorrect.

    Maximum score


    The following circumstances may be indicated in the correct answer:
    1) serious illness of the child;
    2) injury of children;
    3) the need to pay for outside care.

    Three circumstances are correctly named.

    Two circumstances are correctly named.

    Only one circumstance is correctly named.
    OR The answer is incorrect.

    Maximum score


    The correct answer must contain the following elements:
    1) the aspects of the relationship between children and parents are indicated, which are regulated by each of the above articles, for example:
    - obligations of parents to support minor children (Art. 80);
    - the amount of alimony collected for minor children in court (Art. 81);
    - participation of parents in additional expenses for children (Article 86);
    - obligations of adult children to support their parents (Article 87).
    2) any other aspect regulated by the Family Code, for example:
    - conclusion and termination of marriage;
    - forms of upbringing of children left without parental care, etc.
    Any other aspect of the parent-child relationship regulated by the Family Code can be named.

    Aspects of each of the four cited articles and any other aspect are correctly named.

    Only three or four aspects are correctly named.

    Two aspects are correctly named.

    Only one aspect is correctly named.
    OR The answer is incorrect.

    Maximum score


    The following explanations may be given in the correct answer:
    1) The attitude of society towards such actions is demonstrated;
    it helps to establish a moral norm that requires the support of both parents of young children.
    2) Such measures may affect the conscience of a citizen, perhaps he will become ashamed and he will reconsider his attitude towards fulfilling the duties of supporting minor children and disabled parents.
    3) Such measures can serve as a kind of warning for other defaulters and they, in order to avoid negative public opinion, will begin to fulfill their duties.
    Other explanations could be given.

    There are three explanations.

    There are two explanations.

    One explanation is provided.

    Wrong answer.

    Maximum score


    The correct answer should contain the following elements:
    1) the meaning of the concept, for example: "A political party is a voluntary and stable organization of like-minded people, which expresses the political interests of a certain social stratum, linking their achievement with state power";
    Another, close in meaning, definition can be given.
    2) two sentences containing information about a political party, for example:
    - "A political party has a program that defines its goal, strategy and tactics";
    - "On ideological grounds, liberal, conservative, socialist, communist, nationalist political parties are distinguished."
    Any other proposal that contains correct information about a political party can be drawn up.

    The meaning of the concept is revealed and two sentences are drawn up containing information about the corresponding social object.

    The meaning of the concept is revealed and one sentence is drawn up containing information about the corresponding social object. OR The meaning of the concept is not explicitly disclosed, but is presented in two composed sentences indicating that the graduate knows the social science content of this concept.

    When revealing the meaning of the concept, sentences are not composed, i.e. no testable skill has been demonstrated to use the concept in the correct context.
    OR The proposals were made without the involvement of social science knowledge.
    OR Social science knowledge in the proposals is not involved in the context of the concept under consideration.
    OR The meaning of the concept is not explicitly disclosed, one sentence has been drawn up containing information about the corresponding social object.
    OR The answer is incorrect.

    Maximum score


    The response must indicate the manifestations of the contradictory nature of social progress and provide relevant examples, for example:
    1) progress in some areas dooms other areas to stagnation (during the period of industrialization in the 30s of the twentieth century, the USSR made a huge leap forward in the development of industry, but this was achieved due to a decrease in the standard of living, primarily of the rural population);
    2) the fruits of scientific progress can be used both for the benefit of society and generate new threats for it (discoveries in the field of nuclear physics have led to new advances in the field of energy and to the creation of nuclear weapons);
    3) an obvious achievement today may turn into negative consequences in the future (plowing virgin lands in the USSR led at first to an increase in grain harvest, and after a while soil erosion began)
    Other manifestations may be indicated, other examples are given.

    Two manifestations of the inconsistency of progress are indicated, and the corresponding examples are given.

    One manifestation of inconsistency of progress is indicated, one or two examples are given.
    OR Two occurrences are indicated, one example is given.

    Only one or two manifestations of the inconsistency of progress are indicated.

    Examples are given only and are not illustrative of the position.
    OR The answer is incorrect.

    Maximum score


    The correct answer should contain the following elements:
    1) conclusions from the given data, for example:
    - The minimum wage in 2002-2008. was below the subsistence level, i.e. did not provide the satisfaction of basic human needs.
    - Average salary in 2002-2008. slightly exceeded the subsistence level, i.e. allowed to satisfy an extremely limited set of human needs.
    Other conclusions can be drawn.
    2) an explanation, for example: a similar situation (poverty) inhibits economic development and creates preconditions for social conflicts.
    Another explanation could be given.

    Two well-founded conclusions are made and an explanation is given.

    One well-founded conclusion is made, an explanation is given.

    Only two conclusions have been made.
    OR Only an explanation is given.

    Only one conclusion has been drawn.
    OR General reasoning is given, not in context

    Maximum score


    When analyzing the answer, the following are taken into account:
    - the correctness of the wording of the points of the plan in terms of their relevance to the given topic;
    - correspondence of the structure of the proposed answer to the plan of a complex type.
    One of the options for the disclosure plan for this topic:
    1) What is socialization?
    2) Activities that influence the socialization of the individual.
    3) Socialization throughout life
    a) from infancy to youth
    b) mastering new social roles in adulthood
    c) does socialization continue in old age?
    4) Institutions (agents) of socialization:
    a) the importance of the family in primary socialization;
    b) the role of education in the socialization of the individual;
    c) what experiences are passed on by peers;
    d) mass media as agents of socialization.
    5) The value of socialization for the individual
    Perhaps a different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan. They can be presented in denominational, question or mixed forms.

    Individual points of the plan do not reflect the content of the topic.
    The structure of the response follows the complex type plan.
    The wording of the points of the plan reflects the content of the topic.
    The structure of the answer does not fully correspond to the plan of a complex type (there is no specification of individual points)

    The content and structure plan does not cover the proposed topic.

    Maximum score

    Criteria for assessing the answer to task C9

    Criteria for assessing the answer to task C9


    K1 - Disclosure of the meaning of the statement

    The meaning of the statement is revealed OR the content of the answer gives an idea of ​​its understanding

    The meaning of the statement is not disclosed, the content of the answer does not give an idea of ​​its understanding.

    K2 - Presentation and explanation of the graduate's own position

    The own position of the graduate is presented and explained.

    The own position of the graduate is presented without explanation (simple agreement or disagreement with the judgment of the author of the statement).
    OR The graduate's own position is not presented.

    K3 - The nature and level of the given judgments and arguments

    Judgments and arguments are disclosed based on theoretical positions, conclusions and factual material. In the course of reasoning, various aspects of the problem are revealed.

    When disclosing several aspects of the problem (topic), judgments and arguments are given based on theoretical positions and conclusions, but without using factual material.
    OR One aspect of the problem (topic) is revealed and the argumentation is based on theoretical positions and factual material.
    OR When disclosing several aspects of the problem (topic), judgments and arguments are given based on factual material, but without the theoretical provisions of the conclusions.
    OR Several aspects of the problem are revealed with a lack of theoretical or factual argumentation.

    Several aspects of the problem (topic) are listed without argumentation.
    OR Only one aspect of the problem (topic) is touched upon, only factual or only theoretical argumentation is given.

    Only one aspect of the problem (topic) is touched upon without argumentation.
    OR Arguments and judgments do not correspond to the substantiated thesis

    Society in a broad and narrow sense. Signs of society.

    Topic 2.

    Functions of society: production of goods,
    management, reproduction, socialization, the formation of ideology, the transfer of experience to generations.

    Topic 3.

    Society is a system. Society is a developing system. Spheres of society: economic, political, social, spiritual.

    Topic 4.

    Concept, types, structure, signs and functions of social institutions.

    What refers to the subjective and objective factors of the development of society and what is their role.

    Topic 6.

    Progress. Criteria and inconsistency of progress.

    Regression. Signs of regression in society.

    Topic 7.

    Evolution, revolution, reforms are the ways of development of society. Their features.

    Topic 8.

    Signs of modernization and innovation, their role in society.

    Topic 9.

    The importance of choosing the right alternative path for the development of society.

    Topic 10.

    The concept of public relations. their features and types.

    Civilization concept. Local and linear-stage civilizations. Western and Eastern civilization.

    The concept of a formation, features of five types of formations according to Karl Marx.

    Traditional, industrial, post-industrial society. Open-closed, simple-complex society.

    Topic 14.

    Nature in the narrow and wide sense, the interaction of nature and society, the general and the differences between society and nature, the protection of nature.

    The concept of global problems, their signs and causes. Types of global problems, solutions.

    What is globalization? Causes and consequences of globalization

    What does archeology, history, political science, jurisprudence, sociology, economics, philosophy and other sciences about society study?

    Russian language and mathematics. According to the data of previous years, almost half of the graduates (49%) take social studies. And this is not surprising, since the USE in social studies is necessary for admission to all humanitarian specialties.

    In fact, the subject of "social studies" includes information on various aspects of society, studied within a whole class of humanities: economics, jurisprudence, philosophy, sociology, political science and, to some extent, history.

    The version of the KIM USE in social studies has undergone minor changes. The developers revised the difficulty of tasks 28 and 29, which is why the maximum primary score for the entire test increased from 62 to 64.

    Assessment of the exam

    Last year, in order to pass the Unified State Exam in Social Studies, at least for the top three, it was enough to score 19 primary points. They were given, for example, when the first 13 items of the test were completed correctly.

    It is not yet known exactly how it will be in 2019: we need to wait for an official order from Rosobrnadzor on the correspondence of the primary and test scores. Most likely it will appear in December. Considering that the maximum primary score has increased from 62 to 64, it is very likely that the minimum score may also change slightly.

    In the meantime, you can focus on these tables:

    The structure of the exam

    In 2019, the USE social studies test consists of two parts, which include 29 tasks.

    • Part 1: 20 tasks (No. 1–20) with a short answer (choose the correct answer from the proposed ones, establish a correspondence between the elements of the two sets, insert the missing word in the text);
    • Part 2: 9 tasks (№ 21-29) with a detailed answer (answers to questions, mini-essays).

    Preparation for the exam

    • Go through exam tests online for free without registration and SMS. The presented tests are identical in complexity and structure to real exams conducted in the corresponding years.
    • Download demonstration versions of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies, which will allow you to better prepare for the exam and take it easier. All proposed tests are developed and approved for preparation for the exam by the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). In the same FIPI, all the official versions of the Unified State Exam are being developed.

    The tasks that you will see, most likely, will not be encountered in the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demo ones on the same topic.

    General USE figures

    Year Minimum USE score Average score Number of people who passed Not passed,% Qty
    exam time, min.
    2009 39
    2010 39 56,38 444 219 3,9 34 210
    2011 39 57,11 280 254 3,9 23 210
    2012 39 55,2 478 561 5,3 86 210
    2013 39 56,23 471 011 5,3 94 210
    2014 39 55,4 235
    2015 42 53,3 235
    2016 42 235
    2017 42 235

    Task 2 of the USE in society: how to solve

    The difficulty of this task 2 of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies is that it is required to find a generalizing word for the specified number of terms. A generalizing word is a generic term or concept that includes in its meaning the meanings of other concepts and terms. As in other tasks of the Unified State Exam in society, the topics of tasks can be very different: the social sphere, political, spiritual, etc.

    For example, here is a task from a real USE test in society:

    It immediately becomes clear to sensible guys and girls that the proposed words relate to the topic "Spiritual sphere of society", namely to the topic of religion. If you find it difficult to answer right away, I recommend reading my previous post "". After reading the terms, it becomes immediately clear to the most knowledgeable that there are only two options for an answer: cult and religion. What will be more generalizing? A cult is worship of something.

    You can put a broom in the corner of your room for an experiment. And pray to him every day, talk to him ... In a month it will be the most valuable item for you :). Create a broom cult. What is religion? This is a specific form of worldview, awareness of the world. It is clear that the concept of "religion" includes the concept of "cult", since the worldview can include the worship of different deities. For example, paganism among the Eastern Slavs: some had the cult of Perun (the god of thunder and lightning), others - the cult of the god of swamps, etc.

    Or, for example, Orthodox Christianity: there is the cult of Jesus Christ, there is the cult of the holy spirit, there is the cult of the Most Holy Theotokos ... Got it?

    OK. So the correct answer is: religion

    Recommendation 2. You need to know well the terms and concepts from various topics in social science. Understand which terms are related to which, and which ones derive from them. For this in my paid video course "Social Studies: Unified State Exam for 100 points " I gave the structure of terms for all topics of Social Science. I also highly recommend my article on.

    Let's take a look at another task of the 2nd Unified State Exam in Social Studies:

    We immediately understand that in task 2 of the exam, the topic Social sphere is checked. If you have forgotten the topic, download my free video course. If you don't, you will most likely be making a mistake. The logic of some people is so crooked that it's just tough! Meanwhile, the correct answer is: "socialization agent" - a group or association that participates in the individual's assimilation of the rules and norms of social life, as well as social roles. If you are not familiar with these terms, then once again I highly recommend downloading my free video course.

    Recommendation 3. Be extremely careful! Over and over again solve the tasks of the 2nd exam in social studies to do this qualitatively on the machine. For example, a similar task is more difficult:

    Topic "Science" from the spiritual sphere of society. By the way, I had a detailed article on this topic. People who are not very attentive will immediately make a mistake, indicating in the answer: the classification basis, or theoretical validity. Between the correct answer: scientific knowledge , which includes different classifications and theoretical validity!

    In the next posts, we will definitely analyze other not simple tasks in society, therefore !

    I am attaching a couple of tasks for the 2nd USE in society, so that you decide:

    You will need

    • - access to the Internet.


    History is not just a collection of facts to be learned. It is very logical. Of course, the names, dates, names of princes and emperors will simply have to be learned, but otherwise everything can be divided into blocks, which will be much easier to learn. For example: politics, social sphere, culture, wars.

    In each paragraph of each paragraph of the textbook there are a couple of important facts and there are details, often unnecessary and confusing, or stated in such a way that it is simply impossible to remember them. Forget about them for a while. Imagine that the New Year is coming and that you are collecting and decorating an artificial Christmas tree. First you need to assemble the tree itself, i.e. attach the "paws" to the "trunk", then wrap it with a garland of bulbs, and only then hang the toys. So: do not try to hang toys if the tree has not yet been assembled! The period of reign of Alexander II, for example, is all about the abolition of serfdom, judicial, land and military reforms, and then the number of attempts on his life and the construction of the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood at the place where he was mortally wounded.

    Useful advice

    Talk to those who took the USE in history last year. What were the questions that seemed difficult to them?
    Make contact with your history teacher. He works to help you. Surely he knows and can advise on good tutorials.
    If the story doesn't seem to be at your mercy, talk to your parents about a tutor. It is better to spend money on a tutor than to go to college the next year or choose a less prestigious university.

    Despite the fact that social studies is a very easy subject, it is very difficult to pass it in the framework of the unified state exam. And getting a mark on the exam of 100 points generally seems to be an impossible task. Nevertheless, the 100-point USE in social studies is absolutely real.

    You will need

    • - four hours of free time daily for 2-3 weeks;
    • - perseverance and diligence;
    • - 2-3 books on social studies by various authors;
    • - the necessary regulatory legal acts in the current edition;
    • - access to the Internet.


    Patience and perseverance should become your best friends in the near future. Social studies is a subject, though, but the amount of information that you need to know in order to successfully pass the exam is large, so you have to work hard to eliminate the gaps in knowledge. If you set aside four hours daily for preparation, then in 2-3 weeks you will study the entire course of this subject. But you will have to concentrate as much as possible on the assimilation of information so as not to re-read the same material several times.

    Make short cheat sheets. So you will consolidate and summarize the entire array of information. You may not have to use them, but in the process of writing them, you will additionally repeat the most important of the entire course. If you are too lazy to make cribs, you can underline the main theses of each paragraph in the book with a pencil - you re-read it, and then carefully erase the pencil with an eraser.

    Don't be limited to one book - use 2-3 textbooks from different authors. Why is this necessary? There are as many opinions as there are lawyers. Social science is the structure of the state and society, the authors have. On only one topic "what comes first: the state or society?" there are several hypotheses to be aware of. If you prepare for the USE with only one book, your knowledge will be limited to the opinion of one particular person on a particular issue. But on the exam, very tricky questions can come across and it is simply necessary to have material for reasoning.

    Since the subject studies state and legal issues, and in books there are often references to articles of a particular law, you should familiarize yourself with the legislation currently in force in the Russian Federation. Only with the basic and necessary for the successful passing of the exam acts. To pass the exam for you, you will need to study the Constitution, the Civil and Criminal Codes of the Russian Federation. If it is not possible to buy them, the Internet will help you, in the vastness of which you will find the necessary regulatory legal acts.

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    In order to successfully pass 100 points in history, thorough preparation is required. You can attend classes with a tutor - in this case, the chances of passing the exam will increase perfectly. But what about someone who does not have the funds for additional studies? Here we can only rely on our own strengths and prepare ourselves for the Unified State Exam on our own.


    Purchase additional literature to prepare for the exam. Don't buy the first textbooks you come across. It is better to carefully study them in the store - whether the information is clear there, what year of issue you are holding in your hands, whether the authors explain the decision in an accessible way, whether all the material is collected in a book. Only after the manual satisfies all your requirements - feel free to buy it.

    Solve the daily suggested tests. You may come across some familiar questions that you can easily answer. When analyzing your answers, focus on the wrong ones. Do not be lazy to work on mistakes so that you do not make them anymore. Memorize dates, definitions, facts - you will definitely remember them on the exam. If for some reason you have not studied for several days, try to repeat the material already covered, at least fluently, in order to “refresh” the information in your memory.

    Make cheat sheets. Not the fact that you will take them with you on. But you will remember what you wrote down. Write down the dates that will definitely be in the tests. Do not forget to include in your names famous people who contributed to history. Pay special attention to definitions, as Part B focuses on terms. Part C suggests more of an answer. Therefore, read as much as possible to be able to navigate, even if you come across a difficult question.

    During the year, try to participate in school Olympiads in school - this will be a great help for passing the exam in the subject perfectly. Do not be lazy to visit the library if you do not have some material at home.

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    Social studies remains the most popular subject chosen by schoolchildren as the final exam. The USE results in social studies are required for admission to law, sociology and many other humanitarian faculties. In order to successfully pass this test, you need to seriously prepare for it.

    You will need

    • - textbooks on social studies;
    • - regulatory documents of the Russian Federation;
    • - sheets of paper;
    • - pen.


    The mistake of many graduates is that they consider social studies an easy subject, the delivery of which will not be difficult. Do not leave the study of the material in the last days before the exam, since a high score can only be obtained by carefully studying a large amount of information. Start preparing at least a month before the exam.

    The social studies curriculum consists of five different subjects: economics, law, sociology, political science and philosophy, each of which contains its own basic concepts and terms. When preparing for the exam, one cannot be limited to one school textbook. Find several reputable publications by professional authors that provide different points of view on a particular issue.

    In addition to educational literature, when preparing for the exam, carefully study the main regulatory documents of the Russian Federation (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Civil and Criminal Codes). These pieces of legislation can be easily found in any library or on the Internet.

    To successfully complete the test part of the exam, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with the basic concepts of the course, and learn some by heart. Connect motor and visual memory to the memorization process. This can be done by making small cheat sheets. Write down key terms, main surnames and dates on sheets of paper. This will make it easier to structure and generalize, and subsequently repeat a large amount of material. It is not worth taking these cribs for the exam itself, they will only distract from the main thing.

    The greatest difficulty on the exam is usually caused by writing an essay. It is important that the main idea (thesis) is formulated in it, with the disclosure of which you can maximally show the depth and quality of your knowledge on the subject. This cannot be achieved without regular training in writing such works.

    Preparation for the exam

    It will be easy to pass the exam if all the tasks are familiar and the student does not "float" in terms and dates. Therefore, you should prepare for the exam in advance, and not on the last day. Find a time convenient for you - you can practice every day for thirty minutes, or three times a week for an hour or more. It all depends on your fatigue and readiness to perceive the repeated material. These activities should be rewarding, you should memorize information, not just skim through it.
    Memorize dates, as they are important ingredients in the study of history. If you have a poor memory for numbers, then use the association method. Relate them to important dates for you.
    Memorize dates, as they are important ingredients in the study of history. If you have a poor memory for numbers, then use the association method. Relate them to important dates for you.

    History assignments

    Purchase special manuals to prepare for the exam in history. Memorize the tasks and the answers to them that are offered there. Set aside sufficient time for each question. Summarize important terms and dates. If necessary, you can quickly find the information you need, and writing on paper helps you remember better.
    The manuals should be bought "fresh", that is, the year in which you will take the exam, taking into account all changes and amendments. Give preference to those manuals in which the most complete answers are written.
    The manuals should be bought "fresh", that is, the year in which you will take the exam, taking into account all changes and amendments. Give preference to those manuals in which the most complete answers are written.

    Exam behavior

    Don't guess at random if you don't remember the correct answer. Try to recall the material you have covered. You will definitely remember something related to this topic. Think logically. There are not so many options, so choosing the right one is not difficult.

    Tip 7: How to effectively take notes to prepare for the exam

    To prepare well for the exam, in addition to memorizing, you need to effectively write notes for a good memorization of the material. To do this, you need to follow certain rules. They mainly consist in highlighting the main thing from the general.

    What to write down and how to highlight the main thing

    So, we have decided that we need to highlight the main thing from the general. How can this be done? First, highlight the keywords during the text or lecture, they will just guide you. Keywords will also protect you from writing unnecessary, unnecessary information. Second, find sentences that relate to those keywords, write them down, so your text starts to form. Third, find all the definitions that appear in the text. And fourthly, ask all the questions that may arise while reading the title of the topic. The answers to these questions are just the main thing in the recorded information.

    Once you've selected everything, compose coherent text, reducing it to a minimum. Enter and use abbreviations of words, as they will help to reduce the amount of text, which is better for perception and memorization. Do not skip a single definition, because they are the basis of the synopsis. Make tables and lists whenever possible.

    How to draw up a synopsis

    It has long been known that text formatting plays no less important role than informative content, since it makes it easier to remember. So, in order to effectively arrange the abstract, divide the page into parts: below and, in this way you will get 3 blocks. In the center, write all the main information, at the bottom, write down all the terms and definitions that were encountered in the text, and draw pictures or diagrams on the side. This way of dividing the page will help you better navigate it, find the information you need, and also teach. Pictures in this case will help to remember the material based on associations and images, and tables and lists will help to organize it.

    The next thing to remember when writing your abstract is to use different colored pens and markers, which should also be used to highlight different topics and definitions. You can bind certain colors to the type of information to be highlighted, for example, highlight definitions in red, topics in black, schemes, etc., so it will be easier for you to navigate through the text.

    Do not forget to highlight definitions by stepping back a few cells before and after it. This is done due to the fact that solid text is very difficult to remember.

    Such note-taking will help you easily, quickly, effectively memorize and write down the material, highlight the general from it. Perhaps this method is suitable not only for preparing for the exam, but also in everyday life.