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  • Rice porridge with raisins in milk. The best breakfast is rice porridge with raisins

    Rice porridge with raisins in milk.  The best breakfast is rice porridge with raisins

    Rice porridge can be called a versatile dish. She has a delicate taste that pleases even the most capricious children. It is very nutritious without overloading the body with excess calories. Rice grains contain many vitamins and minerals, so a plate of such porridge is a dose of real vital energy that keeps a person in good shape all day.

    Porridge is prepared with different fillings. Second courses are made with meat, mushrooms and vegetables. Sweet options are flavored with dried apricots, figs, honey, jam, nuts and just butter. However, perhaps the most classic combination is rice porridge with raisins.

    You can appreciate traditional dishes and learn some new ones by reading the recipes below.

    Classic rice porridge with raisins

    The age-old recipe of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. This is how porridge has been cooked since the very time when rice and dried grapes were imported into Russia.

    Advice! If rice takes a long time to cook, then it is better to boil it in sweetened water beforehand and only then add it to milk.


    • Rice - 1 tbsp.
    • Butter - 50 g.
    • Long-fruited raisins - 50 g.
    • Milk - 600 ml.
    • Salt.
    • Sugar.


    1. Boil the rice in sweetened water. Drain off all liquid. Soak the raisins in warm water beforehand. Rinse and sort, chop if necessary.
    2. Boil milk over medium heat. Pour in a pinch of salt, add boiled rice and raisins. Sugar to taste.
    3. After 5 minutes of boiling, add oil, reduce heat and cook for about 5 minutes until thickened, then turn off the stove.

    Dairy-free rice porridge with raisins

    Suitable for people with milk allergies or fasting.


    • Long grain rice - 1 tbsp.
    • Honey to taste.
    • Salt.
    • Assorted raisins (yellow, black) - 50 - 80 g.
    • Water - 700 ml.
    • Butter - optional.


    1. Pour raisins with hot water, rinse and sort. Rinse the rice as well.
    2. Pour the rice with water, salt and cook over medium heat, without covering.
    3. When the porridge thickens, add raisins and a little honey. Mix everything well and bring to readiness.
    4. Season with butter, if desired.

    Baked porridge with raisins, in baked milk

    This is also a rather old and, unfortunately, forgotten recipe.


    • Round rice - 1 or 1.5 tbsp.
    • Yellow raisins - 50 g.
    • Millet - 0.5 tbsp.
    • Butter - 50 g.
    • Baked milk - 600 - 800 ml.
    • Cinnamon to taste.
    • Water - 1 liter.
    • Sugar - 100 g.


    1. Rinse and sort the rice and millet. Boil separately until half cooked in lightly sweetened water. It is undesirable to cook together, as rice takes much longer to cook.
    2. Steamed raisins in hot water, sort out and chop if necessary.
    3. Mix hot boiled cereals with butter, sugar, cinnamon, raisins.
    4. Put in a low form (layer thickness no more than 5 cm.), Pour baked milk.
    5. Place in a highly preheated oven and bake for 30 minutes. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon 5 minutes before cooking until crisp.

    Rice porridge with raisins and condensed milk

    A modern variation on the previous recipe. Porridge is delicious with its crust of baked condensed milk, under which lies crumbly rice with a thick creamy aroma. To make it exactly like this, you need to initially cook a thick, slightly crumbly porridge. If it is liquid, this effect will not work.

    Since condensed milk is used, it is better not to get carried away with sugar, otherwise the dish will turn out to be too sweet.


    • Rice is round and long-grain in equal proportions - 1.5 tbsp.
    • Large raisins -50 g.
    • Condensed milk - 1 can.
    • Butter - 50 g.
    • Salt.
    • Sugar optional.
    • Milk - 600 - 700 ml.


    1. Rinse and sort the rice. Steam the raisins in hot water, rinse and chop.
    2. Pour milk over the rice, add salt and cook a very thick, crumbly porridge.
    3. Season with butter and place in a baking dish.
    4. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Dry the rice porridge in the form for 5 minutes, and then pour it evenly with condensed milk. Better to just spread it out with a tablespoon and spread it over the surface.
    5. Reduce the oven temperature to 200 degrees and simmer the porridge until the condensed milk thickens completely and acquires a caramel shade.
    6. Rice porridge with raisins, mashed Festive

      It would be more correct to call this recipe pudding, since the most delicious porridge is obtained if it is consumed cold, after solidification.


    • Round rice - 1 tbsp.
    • Raisins - 100 g.
    • Milk - 600 ml.
    • Butter - 100 g.
    • Lemon zest - from 1 pc.
    • Citrus jam (tangerines, lemons or oranges).
    • Nuts.


    1. Rinse and sort round rice and raisins, pour over milk, salt and sweeten. Boil a thick porridge over low heat.
    2. Season with butter, add lemon zest and grind with an immersion blender until smooth.
    3. Serve hot or cold. In the first case, the porridge is simply laid out on portioned plates, decorated with a spoon of jam and grated nuts. In the second case, rice porridge is distributed in bowls or small molds, and allowed to harden. Then decorate with citrus confiture, whole and grated nuts.

    Proven recipes for crumbly, viscous and runny rice porridge with raisins

    2017-09-22 Rida Khasanova





    In 100 grams of ready-made dish

    6 gr.

    3 gr.


    29 gr.

    160 kcal.

    Liquid rice porridge with raisins and cream

    Not everyone likes thick porridge for breakfast. Most children and many adults recognize an exclusively liquid version of their favorite cereal. Let's try to cook just this!


    • rice groats - 300 g;
    • water - 1 l;
    • cream - 700 ml;
    • coarse salt - 1.5 tsp;
    • natural flower honey - to taste;
    • raisins - 150 g;
    • ground cinnamon - a pinch.

    Cooking method:

    1. Cooking rice porridge with raisins and honey begins with the preparation of the main ingredient - cereals. If necessary, we sort it out by hand, and then rinse it in a cup of cold water. We drain the water, and put the rice in a saucepan. Fill with a liter of water and cook. First, over high heat until boiling. We remove the foam. And then over moderate heat and a half-closed lid.

    2. Wash raisins with strong water and steam in a cup with boiling water. Half a glass of water is enough.

    3. Stir the porridge from time to time so that all the cereals are evenly boiled.

    4. Try the rice, if it is almost soft, add cream, raisins (without water, in which it was soaked), honey to taste. Salt and sprinkle with cinnamon. We mix. Bring to a boil and cook until the cereals are cooked.

    5. After turning off the stove fire, close the porridge tightly with a lid and leave it to “rise” for 10 minutes. During this time, it will completely steam out.

    Porridge with cream is not only a delicious breakfast, but also a fairly high-calorie dish. Therefore, if you are watching the figure, do not get carried away with the supplement!

    Loose rice porridge with raisins

    Classic rice porridge is cooked in water with the addition of milk. It can be crumbly, thick or liquid, depending on the individual preferences of the hostess. It's all about the ratio of the grain and the liquid component of the porridge. If there is less liquid, the porridge will be thicker.

    Recipes for porridge with raisins and other dried fruits are good because you don't need a lot of sugar. After all, raisins partially replace it! In addition, this sweetness is natural healthy fructose.

    Adding salt to rice porridge is also an interesting process. This cereal absorbs it like a sponge! Coarse salt is indicated in the recipes, its tab is easier to normalize, because it is of high quality and very natural in taste. And if you decide to take fine salt with additives, focus solely on your own taste.


    • round rice groats - 300 g;
    • water - 450 ml;
    • milk - 200 ml;
    • butter - 30 g;
    • coarse salt - 8 g;
    • pitted raisins - 100 g;
    • sugar - 15 g.

    Cooking method:

    1. Pour rice groats into a cup and fill with cold water. We rinse well several times and drain the water. Rinsing to clean water is not required.

    2. Pour rice in a saucepan with water according to the list of ingredients and put on low heat to simmer, covering with a lid. Stir sometimes.

    3. Soak the raisins in warm water for 5-6 minutes. Then we rinse 2-3 times.

    4. Salt and sweet porridge. When the rice is half cooked (the water is almost boiled away by that time), add milk and raisins. Stir and cook until tender.

    5. Add butter to the finished porridge and let it melt.

    According to this recipe, rice porridge with raisins turns out to be thick and crumbly. To prepare it, you can use a double boiler (electric or regular) and simmer the rice while simmering. The groats will boil down better and will look like porridge from a rustic stove.

    Viscous rice porridge with raisins and fruit pieces

    Rice porridge according to this recipe is viscous in consistency. The delicate structure of the dish, along with pieces of fruit and raisins, will not leave anyone indifferent! Fruit you can choose any you like or available seasonal according to your own taste.


    • rice groats - 300 g;
    • water - 800 ml;
    • milk - 300 ml;
    • coarse salt - 1 tsp;
    • seedless raisins - a handful;
    • granulated sugar - to taste;
    • fruit - 100 g.

    Cooking method:

    1. We wash the rice grits and, pouring water in a saucepan, put on high heat. Stir immediately and remove the foam. When the porridge boils, set the fire to a minimum and cover the pan lid.

    2. In the meantime, soak the raisins in a bowl of water. After a quarter of an hour, we rinse it well.

    3. Selected fruits (peaches, apricots, apples or plums) are examined for damage. It is very important to use only good quality fruits. We wash them in water and peel them and remove seeds (seeds). Cut into pieces. The shape of the cut is not important - wedges, cubes or straws.

    4. We look at the porridge. If there is much less water, and the groats are almost soft, add milk and mix. Now we add salt and sugar. And when the porridge boils again, put the raisins and pieces of fruit in it.

    5. Cook viscous rice porridge with raisins and fruits until the liquid is almost completely gone.

    Having prepared such porridge, you will get an excellent breakfast for the whole large family. It is interesting that the rice grits are boiled during cooking and gives the volume of porridge several times more than the original one!

    Rice porridge with raisins in the oven

    What could be tastier than porridge stewed in a pot for breakfast? Only stewed porridge with raisins! Porridge cooked in a ceramic or clay pot in the oven turns out to be so aromatic and appetizing that you will want to eat it every day.


    • rice - 100 g;
    • milk - 200 ml;
    • salt - 5 g;
    • granulated sugar - 15 g;
    • butter or ghee - 20 g;
    • seedless raisins - 50 g.

    Cooking method:

    1. Rinse the raisins and soak them for a few minutes in warm water. Then we take out the berries and put them in a pot.

    2. Rice is thoroughly washed and sent there.

    3. Add salt and sugar. Pour milk. Do not close the lid, otherwise the milk will run away.

    4. Turn on the oven to heat up to 150 ° C and, without waiting for heating, put the pot.

    5. Simmer rice porridge with raisins in the oven for about 40-50 minutes, sometimes glancing at it. Suddenly the temperature rose higher and the porridge ran away?

    6. After a while, an appetizing ruddy film forms on the surface of the porridge. You can serve it directly in a pot (placing it on a saucer) or laying it out on a plate.

    This recipe has its own nuance. The fact is that you need to select the bookmark of products for a specific volume of the pot. The porridge will languish in it for a long time and can escape if you pour a lot of milk or put more rice.

    Proteins per 100 g - 3.12
    Fats per 100 g - 1.34
    Carbohydrates per 100 g - 28.85
    Calorie content per 100 g - 140.33
    Servings - 3-4 pcs. to 200 g.
    Cooking time is 30-40 minutes.

    A glass of rice,

    2 glasses of water

    A glass of milk,

    100 grams of raisins

    2 tablespoons of granulated sugar

    A pinch of salt,

    Butter into prepared rice porridge.

    Rice porridge in milk recipe with raisins:

    First, you need to soak the rice in boiling water. Rice is often treated with a variety of chemicals to prevent pests from spoiling it. Because of the taste of these very chemicals, rice porridge can become unusable. Once my husband cooked rice porridge for the children, forgetting to rinse the Chinese rice. No one ate his masterpiece, the smell was disgusting. In order not to get into the same situation, we will soak the rice in boiling water for at least ten minutes. If you plan on making rice porridge for breakfast, letting the rice soak overnight will save you time on preparing breakfast because the rice porridge will cook faster with milk.

    We wash the rice under warm running water to make the water clear. Drain the water and fill the rice porridge with water per one glass of rice - a glass of water. We put on medium heat and salt. Do not add sugar yet.

    While the rice porridge is being cooked, let's deal with the raisins. You can also soak it overnight, or you can while the porridge is cooking. Pour boiling water over the raisins, let it stand. After 20 minutes, you can rinse it under running water, removing branches along the way. Drain the raisins in a colander, and then place them on a paper towel to drain the water.

    When all the water from the rice porridge has boiled away, add milk and sugar, mix well.

    We spread the raisins in rice porridge in milk, reduce the gas to the minimum and cover the porridge with a lid, let it languish until the porridge acquires the consistency of porridge. You do not need to evaporate all the liquid, the rice porridge will turn out to be sticky and dry.

    Rice porridge with raisins is laid out on plates, a piece of butter is placed in the middle. Do not put too much so that the rice porridge in milk is not greasy. Eat it right after cooking, it tastes better with raisin rice porridge. Also, very tasty and healthy

    With raisins for breakfast, albeit not such a promoted "brand" as traditional oatmeal, lovers of healthy and proper nutrition should pay more attention to it.

    The presence of complex carbohydrates in it will allow you to easily hold out without snacks until lunchtime, and raisins will additionally enrich your breakfast with vitamins and microelements. Besides, rice is an excellent natural adsorbent. It absorbs salt and other "harmful", and promotes their active excretion from the body, which, you see, is a pleasant additional bonus to your morning plate of porridge. But still, you should not get too carried away with rice porridge - twice a week is enough (especially if you have a tendency to constipation).

    Finally, it is important to choose the "correct" rice. Round grain is best. In its finished form, it is more sticky and viscous, and what is unacceptable for, works great in sweet porridge.

    Milk rice porridge with raisins


    • rice - 1 tbsp.;
    • milk - 1 tbsp.;
    • water - 2 tbsp.;
    • raisins - 100 g;
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • butter - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • salt - 1 pinch.


    Pour water into a saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil. We fill in well-washed rice, add salt and sugar. Cook, stirring occasionally, over medium heat until the rice swells slightly. Then pour in the milk and add the pre-soaked raisins. We remove the heat to a minimum and cook the porridge until tender. But there is no need to wait for all the liquid to evaporate. Real rice milk porridge should be slightly viscous, soft creamy consistency. We put it on plates, add a piece of butter and invite everyone to the table.

    Rice porridge with raisins in a slow cooker


    • rice - 100 g;
    • milk - 1 l;
    • raisins - 1/2 tbsp.;
    • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • butter - to taste;
    • salt - 1 whisper.


    It is very convenient to cook porridge for breakfast in a multicooker. In the evening, put the washed rice in a bowl, add sugar, a pinch of salt and fill everything with milk. Wash the raisins well, put them in a steaming basket and also put them in a slow cooker. We set the "Milk porridge" mode followed by heating for 40 minutes, and the timer - for the required delay so that the hot porridge is already waiting for your morning awakening. It remains only to mix the porridge with raisins and, if desired, add butter.

    Sweet rice porridge with apples, raisins and cinnamon


    • rice (round) - 100 g;
    • apples - 2 pcs.;
    • raisins - 50 g;
    • sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons;
    • butter - 60 g;
    • cinnamon - 1/4 tsp.


    Put the rice in boiling, slightly salted water and cook until tender. Then we put it in a colander and let it drain. We wash the raisins and steam them for 5 minutes in boiling water. We clean the apples from the core and cut into slices. Melt butter in a frying pan, add sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved. Then load the apples and raisins, and cook in this creamy syrup until soft, but so that they do not turn into porridge. Sprinkle with cinnamon at the end. We send rice to the pan as the last one, mix and heat for just a couple of minutes. That's it, sweet rice porridge with apples and raisins is ready!

    Calorie content of rice porridge with raisins

    The most dietary one, of course, is rice porridge on the water. It contains only 78 kcal per 100 g of product and is unlikely to harm your figure. Lovers of milk rice porridge will get from 100 kcal and more, if they add additional butter and sugar in excessive amounts. So, think and decide for yourself. By the way, the natural sweetness of raisins is enough to give up additional sugar, and there is much more benefit from it!

    Experts advise those who take care of their body and eat healthy food to eat porridge for breakfast, and in particular oatmeal. She, of course, is useful, but I don't want to eat the same thing. Rice porridge with raisins is a great alternative to oatmeal. Rice porridge has the same health benefits as oatmeal and other cereals.

    Rice porridge with raisins: a little about the beneficial properties

    Why is rice porridge with raisins useful? Rice grits themselves are not very rich in vitamins, but their advantage lies in the fact that they contain complex carbohydrates. Why do we need them? Porridge is easily absorbed by the body, and when it comes to carbohydrates, they provide much more energy than any other food.

    Here you ate an average portion of porridge for breakfast and before lunch you can feel comfortable and cheerful. When rice porridge is also with raisins, it is enriched with useful trace elements and vitamins.

    There is not a single organ system in the human body that would not benefit from raisins. It should be eaten by children, pregnant women, people with kidney and heart disease, who have low hemoglobin and iron deficiency.

    In addition, the raisins are sweet and if you do not add sugar at all to such porridge and cook it in water, you will get a low-calorie, but nutritious product that tastes great. Rice porridge with raisins is also a good adsorbent.

    It removes harmful substances and excess salt from the body. That is why it is so good to eat for breakfast. But still, do not get carried away too much. Doctors advise eating this breakfast 2-3 times a week. This will be enough for the body.

    Recipe: Raisin Milk Rice Porridge

    Milk rice porridge with raisins is quick and easy to cook, and it turns out very tasty. We advise those who have small children to adopt this recipe. Let's start.

    To make porridge you will need:

    • 1 cup rice
    • 1 glass of milk;
    • 2 glasses of water;
    • 100 grams of raisins;
    • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
    • 2 tablespoons of butter;
    • A pinch of salt.

    Cooking process:

    1.Pour water into a saucepan and put it on fire. Bring water to a boil. Soak rice thoroughly washed with cold water in hot water for 10 minutes and rinse again, only with warm running water. Put the rice in boiling water and add sugar and salt.

    2. Stirring, cook over low heat. When the rice becomes a little swollen, add milk and pour in the raisins, which should also be rinsed well and soaked in hot water for 20 minutes.

    3. Now we make the minimum fire and so we cook the porridge until cooked. Do not wait until all the liquid has evaporated, then the porridge will turn out to be dry. Rice porridge with raisins should be creamy.

    Put the prepared porridge on plates and add butter to it, do not overdo it, this porridge should not be greasy. Bon Appetit!