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  • Purple dumpling. Festive dumplings: a recipe for colorful dumplings

    Purple dumpling.  Festive dumplings: a recipe for colorful dumplings

    Pediatricians do not recommend giving dumplings to children from an early age. Store semi-finished products are especially prohibited for use! Such products often contain preservatives and other dangerous elements. However, you can cook the dish yourself. Many parents ask if a child can have dumplings a year or older. Homemade dumplings can be given to children no earlier than 2-3 years. A one-year-old baby can eat meatballs from homemade minced meat, but it is still too early for him to eat dumplings with dough.

    If you still use store-bought semi-finished products, then choose dumplings for children with a special mark. The composition of such a product meets the requirements of the recipe as much as possible, and the dumplings themselves undergo thorough quality control. Give store-bought food rarely and only when needed. For example, when there is no time to prepare homemade food for the baby.

    Read more about the dangers of semi-finished products, as well as what you can and cannot eat for a baby in a year, read the article. And in this article, we will look at how to properly and safely cook baby dumplings and find out the recipe for this dish.

    How to cook and serve dumplings for children

    • Choose your ingredients carefully. Minced meat should be fresh and preferably home-cooked;
    • Chicken, turkey, rabbit and beef are best suited for minced meat for a baby. Such meat can be given to children a year. Low-fat lamb and pork can be started after 1.5-2 years;
    • Before cooking, thoroughly rinse and clean the meat, soak for about 2 hours;
    • Do not use more than three filling ingredients. Avoid ;
    • It is better to start with the usual minced meat from one type of meat. Then you can experiment. Many mothers add vegetables and herbs, make dumplings with potatoes and other ingredients for babies;
    • As spices, you can use only salt, in extreme cases - black pepper;
    • Do not use mayonnaise, ketchup and other sauces! For dressing, you can take sour cream or butter;

    • Make dumplings small so that it is convenient for the baby to eat;
    • If it is still difficult for the child to chew, cut each piece into several pieces;
    • Before use, thoroughly boil the product so that the meat does not remain half-cooked!;
    • To properly cook dumplings for children, small dumplings are placed in boiling, lightly salted water at the rate of 20 pieces per 0.5 liter of water. After boiling, the product is boiled for another 10-15 minutes;
    • The finished dish is cooled to a comfortable temperature. Do not give children hot dumplings! They are less digestible, and hot broth can burn the intestines;
    • For the first time, let your baby try 1-2 pieces. Monitor your child's well-being. A new dish can cause a negative reaction, including indigestion and stool disorders;
    • If they appear, exclude dumplings from the diet and consult a pediatrician! It is important to identify the allergen product, choose the right treatment and nutrition.

    Fillings for dumplings

    Minced meat is a traditional filling for dumplings. For a baby in a year, minced turkey, chicken, rabbit or beef is suitable. For older children, you can already give pork and lamb. Do not put onions in the filling. If the baby is allergic to chicken protein, use quail eggs instead of chicken eggs or put grated hard cheese or ground walnuts for viscosity. Such a filling will make dumplings even more tasty and interesting.

    In addition to the classic dumplings with minced meat, you can cook a dish with cottage cheese or the so-called dumplings. But the size of dumplings should be small, like dumplings, so that it is convenient for the baby to eat! To prepare the filling, the cottage cheese is ground in a blender and mixed with sour cream, you can add chopped greens (spinach is good). They also put salt or sugar, depending on whether this is a dessert dish or a main meal. Such dumplings are suitable for children one year and older.

    If you want to make sweet dumplings, you can use natural cottage cheese instead of sour cream. Also put honey, vanillin or cinnamon in the filling. But this dish is suitable for older kids. Do not overdo it, the dish should not be too sweet! Do not put more than 2 sweet ingredients at the same time.

    Also, eggs with carrots or cheese are used for the filling. Eggs are hard-boiled and finely chopped. Hard cheese must be grated, and pre-cooked carrots are cut into small cubes. The required ingredients are mixed. And then we will consider the classic recipe for making dumplings for children.

    Recipe for making baby dumplings

    • Flour - 200 gr;
    • Water at room temperature - 100 ml;
    • Chicken fillet - 200 gr (about 35 small dumplings are obtained);
    • Vegetable oil - ½ tbsp. spoons;
    • Onion - 35 gr;
    • Salt to taste.

    Flour is mixed with salt, water is poured in and vegetable oil is added. The dough is kneaded by hand and covered with a lid or bowl for 10 minutes, after which it becomes flexible, plastic and soft. Chicken fillet is twisted in a meat grinder, mixed with finely chopped onions, salted and mixed. The finished dough is rolled out in a thin layer and circles are squeezed out.

    On each circle put a little prepared minced meat. Dumplings are formed in small sizes and made with an ear, crescent or other shape. The resulting dumplings are boiled or frozen. The finished dish can be sprinkled with chopped herbs (green onions, dill or parsley), seasoned with sour cream or add a piece of butter.

    Colored dumplings

    Colored dumplings will be an amazing dish and will definitely interest the baby. They are especially useful if. At the same time, only natural and healthy ingredients are used in the preparation. Let's look at the recipes for some of these dishes.

    For a green color, use spinach. The greens are washed and twisted in a blender to a puree consistency. Juice is squeezed out of the resulting puree, and the rest is added to the dough. As a result, dumplings are green, and the product itself is enriched with useful fiber. In addition, spinach cleanses the body and strengthens the immune system, normalizes digestion and helps with constipation, relieves eye strain and fatigue, improves appetite, strengthens bones and performs many other important functions.

    For orange or yellow, use carrots. The vegetable is peeled, grated and fried with vegetable oil until soft. Then the carrots are passed through a blender. The resulting puree is squeezed out and the rest is added to the dough. Carrots are a source of vitamin A and PP. It improves visual acuity, improves the condition of the skin and hair, performs a restorative function.

    Beetroot decoction gives the dough a rich burgundy color. The vegetable is peeled and cut into thin layers. Then pour water so that it covers the beets on the finger. At the tip of a knife, add citric acid and cook for 10 minutes. In the resulting broth, then dumplings are boiled. For blue, use blueberries. To do this, the berries need to be washed, sorted and boiled. The mass is filtered and added to the dough. Before adding to the dough, natural ingredients must be thoroughly mixed!



    I prepare multi-colored dough based on my favorite dumpling dough. I suggest using natural products as dyes: tomato juice, tomato sauce or paste, turmeric, cornmeal, carrot juice, spinach, etc. Dumplings or dumplings from such a dough are very cute, elegant and even festive. Minced meat can be any unsweetened: meat, vegetable or mushroom, as well as a combination of them.


    For the green test:

    Wheat flour - 250-300 grams;
    Frozen spinach - up to 100 grams;
    Water or milk - 100 ml;
    Egg - 0.5 pieces or 1 C2;
    Sour cream - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
    Salt - 1 pinch;

    For the red dough:

    Wheat flour - 250 grams;
    tomato juice or
    Water with ketchup / tomato paste - about 100 ml;
    Egg - 0.5 pieces or 1 C2;
    Sour cream - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
    Salt - 1 pinch;
    Vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon (for hands).

    For the yellow test:

    Wheat flour - 250 grams;
    Turmeric - 0.5-1 teaspoon;
    Milk or carrot juice - about 100 ml;
    Egg - 0.5 pieces or 1 C2;
    Sour cream - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
    Salt - 1 pinch;
    Vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon (for hands).

    For a normal test:

    Wheat flour - 250 grams;
    Milk - 100 ml;
    Egg - 0.5 pieces or 1 C2;
    Sour cream - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
    Salt - 1 pinch;
    Vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon (for hands).

    To make the purple dough:

    1 small boiled beetroot
    1 egg
    1 incomplete glass of cold water
    flour salt to taste

    We clean the cooled boiled beets and cut into pieces. Using a blender, we interrupt the beets along with water into a homogeneous mass. There should not be any slightest pieces of vegetable. Add egg and salt. Knead the dough with flour. The dough should be tough but elastic. We prepare minced meat for dumplings from minced meat, eggs, salt and ground black pepper. We make dumplings. Sculpting from colored dough is quite simple, but minced meat should not be liquid, as the dough is afraid of prolonged exposure to liquid. Boil dumplings in lightly salted water until tender. Tip: You can add a little citric acid so that the dumplings do not lose color.

    Dumplings can be not only with meat, but also have original fillings!

    The filling for dumplings is a matter of fantasy and good taste. The further we move away from the traditions of our ancestors, the more original and unusual the usual cuisine becomes.

    Fillings for dumplings:

    1. Stuffing of mushrooms and minced chicken. You will need: chicken meat - 500 grams, porcini mushrooms, or we take champignons - 500 grams, fat cream -100 grams, and salt.

    2. Minced fish filling. It is prepared from any kind of fish, it can be both red and white fish. If we take a red fish, then you need to twist a piece of lard into minced fish. You will need: 500 grams of fish fillet, twist it into minced meat, onion head, chop it and fry in oil, mix with minced fish. Add any spices, salt, sugar, pepper to the minced meat.

    3. Stuffing, minced cheese with tomatoes. To do this, you will need the following components: tomatoes - two hundred grams and the same amount of mozzarella-type cheese, finely chop everything and add basil, salt, and black pepper to the minced meat. The filling is ready and you can sculpt dumplings.

    4. Stuffing with boiled rice and mushrooms. Mushrooms should be fried with onions in oil. You will need: mushrooms - 150 grams, boiled rice - 400 grams, turnip onion head, spices to taste and butter for frying.

    5. Seafood stuffing. Maybe squid, or shrimp, scallop or mussels. You will need: 500 grams of seafood, an onion head for slicing and subsequent frying, spices and butter. Seafood must first be boiled and added to the fried onions.

    6. Stuffing with minced pork and cabbage. You will need: pork - 300 grams, fresh cabbage - 200 grams, 1 onion, 1 teaspoon of topless salt, 3 tablespoons of water, 1/4 teaspoon of ground black pepper. Pass pork and onion through a meat grinder. Finely chop the cabbage, blanch and drain in a colander. Mix cabbage with minced meat, add water, salt, ground pepper, knead the minced meat.

    7. Minced young nettle stuffing. You will need: young nettle - 500 grams, green onions - 100 grams, butter - 100 grams, 3 eggs, 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Rinse and dry young nettles with stems. Finely chop the onion and nettle, put in a saucepan or frying pan, add butter and simmer for 20 minutes. Add the beaten eggs to the stewed nettle, salt, mix and simmer for another 5 minutes. Throw the finished minced meat on a sieve, cool and you can sculpt dumplings.

    8. Ham and cheese filling. You will need: Adyghe cheese - 200 grams, ham - 300 grams, 2 cloves of garlic. Cut the ham and cheese into small cubes, add the garlic and stir well.

    9. Filling of buckwheat porridge with liver. You will need: beef liver - 300 grams, 1/2 cup buckwheat, 1 onion, 1 teaspoon of salt, vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons, ground black pepper on the tip of a knife. Rinse the liver well, remove the films and cut into small pieces, cut the onion into cubes. Fry onion with liver for 15-20 minutes in vegetable oil, stirring constantly, do not overdry the liver. Rinse buckwheat, pour a glass of water and cook until tender. In the finished buckwheat porridge, add the liver with onions and the oil in which it was fried, pass everything through a meat grinder. Salt the minced meat, pepper and cool.

    10. Lean black radish filling. You will need: 600 grams of black radish, 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Peel the onion and radish and cut into small pieces. Pass everything through a meat grinder with a fine grate, squeeze out excess liquid, salt and stir well.

    11. Stuffing with squid. You will need: 700 grams of unpeeled gutted squid, 1 large onion, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon of topless salt. Peel squids and onions, cut into small pieces and pass through a meat grinder with large cells. Throw the minced meat on a sieve, then add the egg, salt and mix well.

    Bon Appetit!

    Well, very, very beautiful and home-made delicious dumplings. And not an ounce of artificial colors. You can please the youngest members of the family or surprise your loved one, and they are the best way to meet old friends.


    For the test: about 150 g flour, 60 ml vegetable juice, 1/2 chicken egg, 1 teaspoon vegetable oil, a pinch of salt.

    For minced meat for 4 servings of dough(with 240 ml juice): 1 kg meat, 1 medium onion, salt and pepper, 1-3 tbsp. spoons of water.

    Preparing everything for dumplings:

    natural dyes: Pour boiling water over the spinach for a few minutes, for more convenient grinding with a blender. We drain the water, and finely chop the greens. Turmeric
    dilute with water, like tomato paste. We squeeze the juice from carrots, red cabbage, beets into different containers. In each “paint” with a volume of 60 milliliters, throw a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of vegetable oil and half a stirred egg. Based on the obtained natural dyes, we will prepare colored homemade dumplings. We will knead the dough the same for everyone.

    Dough: In a bowl with ready-made dye, add portionwise flour and knead the dough of a uniform consistency. Wrap with cling film and let stand for about fifteen minutes, and then proceed to sculpt dumplings.

    Ground meat: We pass the prepared meat and peeled onions through a meat grinder. Add spices to taste, herbs, salt and carrot cake, which will give softness to the meat preparation. Mix everything thoroughly and let stand for fifteen minutes.

    Cooking dumplings:

    We roll out alternately colored dough into thin layers and cut out equal circles with a glass. Put about a teaspoon of minced meat in the center and pinch the edges, giving the shape of traditional dumplings.

    When all the blanks are completed, they can be frozen for future use or cooked immediately. To do this, we lower the semi-finished products into boiling salted water, you can additionally add your favorite spices. After the water boils again, and the dumplings float, they will need to be cooked for about five minutes. You can serve with the broth in which they were cooked, or with your favorite sauces, butter or onion sauté. Eating such colored homemade dumplings is very fun and, at the same time, healthy.

    Pelmeni recipe © depositphotos

    Who among us does not love? The recipe for their preparation is very simple, and even a novice hostess will master it. In general, dumplings are a family dish, it’s fun to sculpt them together and then eat them together, barely cooled down.

    You are probably familiar with the classic. Delicious, simple, but boring. Few people are surprised by these.

    Editorial invites you to cook dumplings, the recipe of which is slightly different from the traditional one - they turn out to be colorful, positive and cheerful. Do not be afraid, the recipe does not use dyes - only natural and healthy vegetables and spices, so you can even treat children with such dumplings without fear.


    Multi-colored dumplings - ingredients:

    for stuffing:

    • 1 kg of meat
    • 1 onion
    • 2 cloves of garlic
    • ground black pepper to taste
    • salt to taste

    for the green test:

    • 2 cups of flour,
    • 1 egg
    • 100 ml milk
    • 100 g spinach
    • 70 ml of water
    • a pinch of salt,

    for red dough:

    • 2 cups of flour,
    • 1 egg
    • 100 ml tomato juice (or diluted tomato paste),
    • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil
    • a pinch of salt,

    for the yellow test:

    • 2 cups of flour,
    • 1 egg
    • 3 carrots
    • 100 ml of water
    • 0.5 teaspoon of turmeric,
    • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil
    • a pinch of salt.

    Multi-colored dumplings - recipe:

    1. Prepare green dough for dumplings. Chop the spinach and squeeze the juice out of it. Mix the sifted flour with salt, egg, water and spinach juice. Knead the dough, add vegetable oil and knead well. Cover the resulting dough with a towel and leave to lie down for 30 minutes.
    2. To prepare the red dumpling dough, combine and mix the sifted flour, salt, egg and tomato juice. Knead the dough, add vegetable oil and knead well. Cover this dough as well and set it aside to rest.
    3. For a yellow dough, rub the carrots on a fine grater and squeeze the juice. Next, by analogy, mix the sifted flour, salt, turmeric, egg, carrot juice, water and vegetable oil. By the way, the more you put turmeric, the richer the color will turn out. Knead the dough and cut it last so that it also has time to rest.
    4. Minced dumplings are best prepared from different types of meat, for example, pork-beef or chicken-pork. Pass the meat, onion and garlic through a meat grinder, add spices, salt and mix well.
    5. Now you can start cutting the dough for dumplings. Roll out each colored dough into a thin layer, cut out circles with a mold or a glass, fill them with minced meat and blind the edges.
    6. Cooking dumplings according to the recipe involves throwing them into salted boiling water for 5-7 minutes. Multi-colored dumplings are ready. Serve them with butter, sour cream or your favorite sauce.

    Bon Appetit!

    1. Stuffing of mushrooms and minced chicken. You will need: chicken meat - 500 grams, porcini mushrooms, or we take champignons - 500 grams, fat cream -100 grams, and salt. 2. Minced fish filling. It is prepared from any kind of fish, it can be both red and white fish. If we take a red fish, then you need to twist a piece of lard into minced fish. You will need: 500 grams of fish fillet, twist it into minced meat, onion head, chop it and fry in oil, mix with minced fish. Add any spices, salt, sugar, pepper to the minced meat. 3. Stuffing, minced cheese with tomatoes. To do this, you will need the following components: tomatoes - two hundred grams and the same amount of mozzarella-type cheese, finely chop everything and add basil, salt, and black pepper to the minced meat. The filling is ready and you can sculpt dumplings. 4. Stuffing with boiled rice and mushrooms. Mushrooms should be fried with onions in oil. You will need: mushrooms - 150 grams, boiled rice - 400 grams, turnip onion head, spices to taste and butter for frying. 5. Seafood stuffing. Maybe squid, or shrimp, scallop or mussels. You will need: 500 grams of seafood, an onion head for slicing and subsequent frying, spices and butter. Seafood must first be boiled and added to the fried onions. 6. Stuffing with minced pork and cabbage. You will need: pork - 300 grams, fresh cabbage - 200 grams, 1 onion, 1 teaspoon of topless salt, 3 tablespoons of water, 1/4 teaspoon of ground black pepper. Pass pork and onion through a meat grinder. Finely chop the cabbage, blanch and drain in a colander. Mix cabbage with minced meat, add water, salt, ground pepper, knead the minced meat. 7. Minced young nettle stuffing. You will need: young nettle - 500 grams, green onions - 100 grams, butter - 100 grams, 3 eggs, 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Rinse and dry young nettles with stems. Finely chop the onion and nettle, put in a saucepan or frying pan, add butter and simmer for 20 minutes. Add the beaten eggs to the stewed nettle, salt, mix and simmer for another 5 minutes. Throw the finished minced meat on a sieve, cool and you can sculpt dumplings. 8. Ham and cheese filling. You will need: Adyghe cheese - 200 grams, ham - 300 grams, 2 cloves of garlic. Cut the ham and cheese into small cubes, add the garlic and stir well. 9. Filling of buckwheat porridge with liver. You will need: beef liver - 300 grams, 1/2 cup buckwheat, 1 onion, 1 teaspoon of salt, vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons, ground black pepper on the tip of a knife. Rinse the liver well, remove the films and cut into small pieces, cut the onion into cubes. Fry onion with liver for 15-20 minutes in vegetable oil, stirring constantly, do not overdry the liver. Rinse buckwheat, pour a glass of water and cook until tender. In the finished buckwheat porridge, add the liver with onions and the oil in which it was fried, pass everything through a meat grinder. Salt the minced meat, pepper and cool. 10. Lean black radish filling. You will need: 600 grams of black radish, 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Peel the onion and radish and cut into small pieces. Pass everything through a meat grinder with a fine grate, squeeze out excess liquid, salt and stir well. 11. Stuffing with squid. You will need: 700 grams of unpeeled gutted squid, 1 large onion, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon of topless salt. Peel squids and onions, cut into small pieces and pass through a meat grinder with large cells. Throw the minced meat on a sieve, then add the egg, salt and mix well. Bon Appetit! COLOR DOUGH FOR DUMPLINGS ___________________________________________________________________________ ___ INGREDIENTS For green dough: _______________________________________________________________________________ __ Wheat flour - 250-300 grams; Frozen spinach - up to 100 grams; Water or milk - 100 ml; Egg - 0.5 pieces or 1 C2; Sour cream - 1 tbsp. a spoon; Salt - 1 pinch; Vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon (for hands). For red dough: __________________________________________________________________________ ___ Wheat flour - 250 grams; Tomato juice or Water with ketchup / tomato paste - about 100 ml; Egg - 0.5 pieces or 1 C2; Sour cream - 1 tbsp. a spoon; Salt - 1 pinch; Vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon (for hands). For yellow dough: _________________________________________________________________________ __ Wheat flour - 250 grams; Turmeric - 0.5-1 teaspoon; Milk or carrot juice - about 100 ml; Egg - 0.5 pieces or 1 C2; Sour cream - 1 tbsp. a spoon; Salt - 1 pinch; Vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon (for hands). For a regular test: __________________________________________________________________ __ Wheat flour - 250 grams; Milk - 100 ml; Egg - 0.5 pieces or 1 C2; Sour cream - 1 tbsp. a spoon; Salt - 1 pinch; Vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon (for hands). Cooking time: 30 minutes For 10 people To prepare the purple dough, you need: _____________________________________________________________________ __ 1 small boiled beetroot 1 egg 1 incomplete glass of cold water flour salt to taste Chilled boiled beets are peeled and cut into pieces. Using a blender, we interrupt the beets along with water into a homogeneous mass. There should not be any slightest pieces of vegetable. Add egg and salt. Knead the dough with flour. The dough should be tough but elastic. We prepare minced meat for dumplings from minced meat, eggs, salt and ground black pepper. We make dumplings. Sculpting from colored dough is quite simple, but minced meat should not be liquid, as the dough is afraid of prolonged exposure to liquid. Boil dumplings in lightly salted water until tender. Tip: You can add a little citric acid so that the dumplings do not lose color. COOKING PROCESS I prepare multi-colored dough based on my favorite dumpling dough. I suggest using natural products as dyes: tomato juice, tomato sauce or paste, turmeric, cornmeal, carrot juice, spinach, etc. Dumplings or dumplings from such a dough are very cute, elegant and even festive. Minced meat can be any unsweetened: meat, vegetable or mushroom, as well as a combination of them. Green dough ___________________________________________________________________________ ___ For green dough, defrost the spinach, chop it if necessary, and if you don’t want speckled dumplings, then squeeze out and use only the resulting liquid for the dough. Add a serving of sour cream and eggs. I used half of the CO, for this I stirred the egg into glasses and poured about half into the dough. Stir the mass. Add flour with salt and knead the dough with oiled hands, or entrust this process to kitchen appliances. Red dough for dumplings ___________________________________________________________________________ ___ To prepare the red dough, combine and mix tomato juice (or water with tomato sauce or tomato paste), a portion of sour cream and eggs. Add flour and knead the dough. Prepare the rest of the dough in the same way. Yellow dough for dumplings ___________________________________________________________________________ ___ It is advisable to give each type of dough a little rest, but at the same time cover its surface from drying out. Although, you can start sculpting dumplings or dumplings right away. Happy experimenting!