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  • We prepare drinks from tarragon at home. We prepare tarragon drinks at home Cocktail: "Heart of tarragon"

    We prepare drinks from tarragon at home.  We prepare tarragon drinks at home Cocktail:

    A friend from Georgia taught me how to make homemade tarragon, but it is hardly worth considering it a traditional dish of Georgian cuisine - based on the method of preparation, it is, on the contrary, something absolutely modern. Apart from the main ingredient (tarragon is called tarragon in Georgian), homemade tarragon has little in common with the famous lemonade: it is prepared without syrup, it is not carbonated, and, in principle, it is not necessary to put a lemon there either. And homemade tarragon is green from nature, and not from green dye.

    The essential advantage of this recipe is that the Tarragon green cocktail is prepared in about 5 minutes. Disadvantages - it needs appropriate kitchen utensils: a food processor or a large-capacity flask mixer (blender), and also ice.

    Water at the beginning of the preparation of the cocktail should be from the refrigerator. It is better not to take carbonated or take in a very small amount, adding it to ordinary water at the very end.

    About the tarragon itself (which is tarragon). It is different, like basil. For drinks, one is better suited for which the leaves are so thin and, as it were, dry. They are very narrow and sharp. I mean, there is also a variety with more fleshy leaves (usually it is lighter in color and much sharper in smell), and so, that one is categorically not suitable for making homemade tarragon - the taste will turn out too sharp.

    Please note that in my ingredients the weight of the tarragon branch is indicated, not the leaves. The weight of a leaf without a branch is about half as much. But everything is about there. The intensity of the flavor can be adjusted at the end by adding more or less water. Sweetness, in fact, too. What kind of sugar you take, regular or brown - it doesn't matter at all. But with lemon - very, very carefully. Lemon should either be a pure minuscule, or it should not be at all.

    We cut off the leaves from the tarragon branch. Only they will be used, in no case a branch.

    Lemon can be used with zest or just juice. But just a little, don't overdo it. I have two thin washers.

    In a flask mixer (blender) or food processor, place the tarragon leaves, lemon, sugar and ice cubes. Pour in enough water to completely cover the ice cubes.

    Well, we shake the whole thing for a couple of minutes in a mixer until all the leaves are crushed into dust.

    Now we start adding water. At least a liter of regular, well, and then it will be possible to have a drop of carbonated, if you really want to. But she's here, seriously, unnecessarily! You can get by with just one regular one. It is very likely that the flask of the mixer (blender) will not be enough for the right amount of water, then continue to dilute in some jug.

    If there is a desire, then you can catch the dregs from the very top, it is usually very thick there.

    They drink homemade tarragon immediately, while it is cold. If it stands for a long time, then you can throw ice cubes into it before use. But why should he suddenly stand for a long time, if it is so tasty, and make it so quickly?

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    Tarragon is a pleasant aromatic green herbal drink prepared on the basis of citric acid, water, sugar and tarragon extract. Invented by the Tbilisi pharmacist Mitrofan Lagidze in the 1980s, and who received gold medals for him in various prizes and awards. The most common drink is the non-alcoholic carbonated drink Tarragon, which has received worldwide recognition. It is worth noting that the natural Tarragon drink without dyes has a yellow color, and not green, as was previously customary.

    Tarragon syrup color: bright green, herbaceous, transparent.

    Taste: herbal, semi-sweet, well flavored.

    It is combined with soda water from the siphon, with natural ingredients in cocktails, iced tea, lemonades, milk desserts and spirits.


    Cocktail: "Lemonade tarragon" (in a jug)

    • Tarragon syrup Monin (100 ml.)
    • Soda water (400 ml)
    • Tarragon grass (10 g) (for decoration)
    • Ice cubes (600 g)

    How to cook: Fill a pitcher 2/3 full of ice cubes, then pour in the tarragon syrup and soda, stir everything with a cocktail spoon and garnish with a tarragon branch.

    Cocktail: "Heart of tarragon"

    • Tarragon syrup Monin (120 ml.)
    • Soda water (820 ml)
    • Sea buckthorn jam (55 g)
    • Ice cubes (1 kg.)

    How to cook: Take a siphon for carbonating water and put sea buckthorn jam on its bottom, pour in tarragon syrup and soda, close the siphon and beat well three times. Pour the resulting glass into a tall glass, after putting ice in it.

    Cocktail: Tarragon mousse

    • Tarragon syrup Monin (250 gr.)
    • Sugar syrup Monin (250 gr.)

    How to cook: Take sugar syrup and tarragon syrup, and mix in a mixer until fluffy, then pour into molds and refrigerate.

    Cocktail: "Lemon tarragon"

    • Tarragon syrup Monin (100 ml.)
    • Soda water (410 ml)
    • Lemon (1 pc.)
    • Ice cubes (500 gr.)

    How to prepare: Take a tall glass and fill it halfway with ice, pour in the syrup and club soda, then squeeze the juice of a chopped lemon and stir with a cocktail spoon. Garnish with a lemon wedge.

    Cocktail: "Oxygen tarragon"

    • Tarragon syrup Monin (150 ml.)
    • Water.

    How to cook: Take a three-liter jar with a polyethylene lid and 2 plastic tubes (5 mm in diameter). Dilute the syrup with chilled boiled water and pour two cups of the mixture into a jar. Carefully insert the tubes into the lid and close the jar with this lid. One tube must be immersed in the syrup solution, and the second is connected to the oxygen bag. The lower end of the second tube should not come into contact with the liquid, leave a gap of 4 cm. Then we open the oxygen and it will fill the jar, forming a thick foam. This foam will begin to come out through the first tube. Substitute glasses and gain health! It is not recommended to drink an oxygen cocktail more than 1 glass a day!

    Cocktail "Frozen Tarragon Mojito"

    • 30 ml Tarragon Syrup
    • 50 ml Roma
    • 30 ml lime juice
    • 3 mint leaves
    • 40 ml Soda

    How to cook:

    Mix all ingredients and freeze...

    Soft drinks are a real salvation in the summer heat. But multi-colored effervescent liquid, which is sold in beautiful plastic bottles, does not always give freshness. As a rule, such drinks contain a huge amount of sugar and dyes. Therefore, the thirst from them only intensifies. So

    why not learn how to make soft drinks at home?

    There is a plant that is always associated with a liquid of rich color, which has a wonderful slightly sweet aftertaste. Drinks from tarragon (this is the name of this variety of wormwood) have always been popular. Both adults and small children love them. Natural natural tarragon-based cocktails are easy to prepare at home.

    You will need approximately 3 tables. spoons of plant leaves, 3 cups of water, half a fresh lemon, and a glass of sugar. As you can see, the Tarragon drink at home is very easy to prepare. It does not contain any rare or exotic ingredients.

    First, finely chop the herbs. So she will give a maximum of tart and fragrant

    juice. Then boil the water. Put tarragon (the second name of tarragon) in a pre-prepared jug. Pour greens with boiling water. Pour in the sugar. After this, the liquid must be allowed to brew for about 3-4 hours. All tarragon drinks have one striking distinctive feature. The liquid should become a rich green hue. Once the drink has cooled, pour the lemon juice into the pitcher. The drink is stored in the refrigerator and served with ice cubes.

    This is a classic recipe. But on its basis, you can prepare absolutely amazing and varied drinks from tarragon. Refreshing cocktails with the addition of fragrant mint, berries and even fruits are sure to please the whole family. And cook them

    also easy. It is enough just to show a little imagination, as well as listen to the preferences of the household.

    A drink based on tarragon with the addition of fresh strawberries received a lot of excellent reviews. For its preparation it is recommended to use a special shaker. It is very convenient to create with ice in it. Just cut small fresh strawberries, put the pieces in a shaker, add crushed ice and the tarragon base already prepared in advance. Shake the container well in your hands. The cocktail is ready. It is also recommended to add blueberries.

    How to prepare a drink from tarragon based on various citrus fruits? Take the pulp and peels of orange, lemon, lime and grapefruit. Get rid of the bones. Pour the mixture of fruit and crushed tarragon leaves with boiling water, let it brew for the allotted time. After the drink has cooled, add a little sugar to taste, mix thoroughly and place in the refrigerator. Such a natural tincture will be the best assistant in the fight against thirst in the hot summer.

    All tarragon drinks are saturated with vitamins C, B1, B2 and A. In addition, they contain calcium, phosphorus, iron and potassium. The less sugar you put in your drink, the more beneficial it will be for the body. In addition, such a liquid will better quench your thirst.

    Tarragon syrup is a unique product made on the basis of tarragon extract, a perennial herbaceous plant famous for its unique, exquisite aroma. The syrup is very popular among bartenders, because. in cocktails, it blends perfectly with other ingredients and looks especially impressive in layered drinks. Produced by pasteurization of tarragon extract mixed with sugar syrup.
    Aroma: sweetish, pleasant, like the Tarragon drink, beloved since childhood.
    Taste: rich, herbal, sweet with pleasant notes of tarragon.
    Color: grassy, ​​bright green, transparent.

    Tarragon syrup is used in the preparation of various desserts, cocktails, lemonades, in the confectionery field for making cakes and pastries, sweet sauces for fruit salads, milk and chocolate mixes, ice cream toppings, etc. It can be added to tea and coffee.
    Very beautiful and impressive, with bright layers, when using syrups, multi-layered cocktails look.
    Cocktails with Tarragon Syrup:
    Tarragon syrup + soda;
    Tarragon syrup + tarragon;
    Tarragon syrup + mineral water;
    Tarragon syrup + sea buckthorn jam;
    Tarragon syrup + ice cubes.
    See cocktails with Tarragon Syrup.