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  • Chinese Victory Day parade. Victory day in china

    Chinese Victory Day parade.  Victory day in china

    Most of our compatriots believe that the biggest and bloodiest war in the history of mankind ended on May 9, 1945. However, the Chinese - quite rightly - celebrate this event every year in September.

    The date of the end of hostilities between China and Japan during the Second World War in the PRC was recently recognized as one of the most important public holidays. Since 2015, when the whole world celebrated the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, the country's leadership has declared September 3 as the Day of National Remembrance. From that moment on, the round anniversaries of the Victory Day over militaristic Japan, like earlier similar dates, began to be marked with a large military parade on the capital's Tiananmen Square and large-scale actions throughout the country.

    The Chinese Victory Day is actually a day away from the official moment of the end of the First World War - the surrender of Imperial Japan, which took place on September 2, 1945, aboard the American battleship Missouri. Although China does not appear on the lists of the most important battle theaters of the Great War, its people endured severe ordeals comparable to those that went to the lot of the multinational USSR. Many modern historians begin counting the events of the First World War precisely from July 1937, when China was subjected to Japanese aggression. During the eight years of the war disaster, between 21 and 35 million Chinese were killed.

    By the way. The date of September 3, in relation to the events of the First World War, was also celebrated in the Soviet Union. Since the end of the war, this day has been declared a holiday in honor of the USSR's victory over Japan. Although May 9 is not included in the number of public holidays in China today, the "Russian" Victory Day is also solemnly celebrated on the streets and squares of many Chinese cities.

    The Immortal Regiment is marching along Chaoyang

    On May 9, the squares and parks of China hosted events dedicated to Victory Day: the columns of the Immortal Regiment marched in city parks, very picturesque and green, filled with the scent of spring roses (Beijing is generally a very green city). In Chaoyan Park in the center of the Chinese capital, the procession ended at the sculpture "Soviet Falcon" dedicated to our pilots who, during the Second World War and the country's struggle for national liberation, fought against the Japanese imperialists without fear and reproach. Balloons fly into the sky - in memory of those killed in the West and in the East. And in the evening - a festive concert in the large hall of the Jintai Art Gallery and the broadcast of the parade from Moscow.

    Of course, not only our compatriots take part in the massive celebration of Victory Day: there are many young Chinese people as well. Zhang Sheng, a student at Peking University and a future historian, believes that Victory Day is a common great holiday for the two peoples: China has done a lot so that in the far west the Red Army will turn the tide of history. And these are not just kind words: about 15 million Chinese died in the fields of the Celestial Empire during the Second World War. The role of China in contemporary Western and Russian historiography is often underestimated; Meanwhile, the country fought for 18 years, from 1931 to 1949, including the war with Japan that began in 1937, which many historians believe should be considered the starting point of World War II. An unprecedented situation in modern history: a three-way civil war was unfolding in China against the backdrop of external Japanese aggression.

    The bloody battles of Wuhan, the defense of Shanghai, the blows of the People's Revolutionary Army of China from the Yan'an special region - few know about this today. Meanwhile, Otozo Yamada, the commander of the most powerful million-strong Kwantung Army, the most combat-ready unit of the imperial troops, did not dare to insist on the invasion of the USSR, having Chinese troops trained and trained with the help of Soviet military advisers in the rear. So China's contribution to our common Victory is undeniable and weighty.

    Let's continue on the Silk Road

    But the significance of the Victory in China is not limited to the military superiority of the Soviet Union, the bravery of the soldiers and the patriotism of the people. 60-year-old Liu Lianzhong, doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, is sure that the main role was played by communist ideology: after all, soldiers born and raised after 1917 fought in the Red Army. Their fathers have not yet forgotten what the exploitation of man and man and the cannibalistic capitalist society mean, and the teachers brought up in the spirit of patriotism, humanity, justice and equality - moral categories that, according to the doctor, are absolutely alien to both Nazi Germany and modern imperialist states. When asked if he was a communist, Liu said that it doesn't matter. The fact is that the Chinese communists do not have traditional party membership cards, there is only electronic registration. But people must themselves assess whether this or that person behaves like a communist or not. A rather curious CCP personnel idea ...

    Of course, such an assessment of the reasons that led to the Victory may seem one-sided. But the fact remains: Chinese ideologists believe that the defeat of Nazi Germany testifies to the superiority of socialism over capitalism. In a direct military clash, the bourgeois idea of ​​private property and unrestrained enrichment collapsed. Soviet soldiers fought for socialism with much more resilience and enthusiasm than the Germans - for a kind of exploiting society. Moreover, it was the communist ideas (and some military support for the USSR) that determined the inevitable victory of the CPC under the leadership of Mao Zedong in 1949 over the much stronger and more numerous Kuomintang, which was supported by the United States. It is no coincidence that the Chinese are very fond of Soviet films, performances, songs on a military theme: not only because of their artistic merit, but also because they show the whole, pure characters of the people of a communist country.

    Now is the next stage in the confrontation between socialism and capitalism, as many Chinese theorists believe. simple Chinese. “You have defeated the capitalists in battle, we will defeat them in peaceful competition,” says Bai Xiaoqi, deputy director of the Center for Strategic Perspectives in Beijing, referring to the grand concept of the Great Silk Road (GSR). This strategic project in the PRC does not pursue economic goals in the first place. They must inevitably be combined with ideological transformations, for the sake of which the PRC is ready to sacrifice the profitability of certain investments. And in this sense, the concept of the GSP can also be regarded as a continuation of the experience and traditions of the great Victory, says Bai Xiaoqi. So the Chinese are forging their Victory - the Victory of the 21st century.

    As you know, yesterday a grand military parade was held in Beijing to mark the end of World War II. The parade was on a Chinese scale. How else? 12,000 military men, 200 planes and helicopters, tanks, self-propelled artillery installations, drones, missiles!

    For the sake of the parade, they closed off almost the entire center, announced a weekend, closed many shops and restaurants, and in those that did not close, sometimes they required to fill out a questionnaire when ordering. Even hospitals sent patients home for treatment! Many Chinese people on the Internet were outraged at the high costs of the parade, but the authorities explained these costs simply: "Yes, we always did that!"

    Agree, a bit strange explanation, given that China has not celebrated victory in a war so loudly before. In my opinion, it is obvious that this parade is not about the past, but about the future. It is not for nothing that yesterday the Chinese rolled out the new Dongfeng-21D missile, which "can destroy aircraft carriers." An application for a future role in the world order, yes.

    Many countries are seriously scared by the growing Chinese power!

    We, of course, have nothing to fear, with our bogeyman guarding the Russian-Chinese border.

    It's funny, many viewers were surprised by the unusual blue coloring of some equipment. Some couch analysts immediately saw in this winter version of camouflage and a hint of war with Russia.

    More patriotic couch military experts, on the other hand, took this as a good sign - a sign that China is ready to defend Russia if something happens!

    I can also say that it seems that the main fear of the Russian organizers of our May 9 parade did not come true. I was told in confidence in one conversation that our authorities were afraid: no one came to us, but they would come to the Chinese. In fact, only the Czech Republic was represented in China from the EU countries, and the Americans were not even represented at the parade by low-level officials.

    But a military parade is not only a demonstration of military power, but also the apotheosis of a social order. Instead of citizens with different interests and preferences, we face orderly ranks of soldiers marching in a row and greeting their commander. The real embodiment of the united people!

    A military parade is the fantasy of any ruler, his secret desire. "If only the people marched so constantly and greeted me!" - the leader dreams. "If only society could line up and dress alike! Then there would be no stock market crash!"

    It is clear that what our authorities feel, the Chinese also feel. If Russia is trying to compensate for its complexes of modernity with a victory 70 years ago, why shouldn't China do the same, after all?

    "Stock markets are falling, warehouses of hazardous substances are exploding in Tianjin, tens of thousands of protest actions are recorded in the country every year, the PRC's economy is slowing down," say foreign media outlets. "What about our contribution to the Victory? What about the biggest sacrifices? And we also know how to march harmoniously!" - the Chinese answer them.

    The parade is not a demonstration, it is blindness. This is the reluctance of the rulers to see the problems of our time and accept them, and not hide behind the screen of the former splendor (even if this splendor, let's say, contrived), is simply the inability to accept society in all its diversity.

    I don't like military parades. There is so much militarism in our troubled world! What if children see the military parade? Where does it go? I propose to the State Duma to adopt a law "On the prohibition of propaganda of militarism among minors." By the way, right after the parade in China, for the first time, a film was allowed to be shown in cinemas, in which the main characters are gays. Coincidence? I do not think!

    Many media outlets are hooked on the message that China will reduce its army by 300,000 people, and will remain with some miserable 2 million (for comparison, the United States has 1.2 million, and Russia has 770 thousand). At the same time, China's military budget is constantly growing: last year it grew by 12%, this year it will grow by another 10%, to $ 140 billion (the United States has 577 billion, we have 65). Therefore, of course, many countries are seriously scared by the growing Chinese power! But we, of course, have nothing to fear. Firstly, we are friends, and secondly,

    A military parade in honor of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese people in the war of resistance with Japan and the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II ended in Beijing on Tiananmen Square.

    The parade, which took place on Thursday in the Chinese capital, was watched by the heads of government, presidents and representatives of nearly 50 states, as well as UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

    The Russian delegation at the ceremonial events was led by Russian President Vladimir Putin, who arrived at the parade as the last of the invited heads of state and ascended the rostrum together with President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping.

    Opening the parade, the Chinese leader announced China's desire for peace and a large-scale reduction of the Republican army by 300 thousand people, and also noted that the victory of the Chinese people in the war of resistance to Japanese aggression "opened up broad prospects for the revival of the Chinese nation."

    The preparations for the parade were accompanied by unprecedented security measures. The police blocked the central streets of the Chinese capital, several metro stations do not work, and the access of people and transport to the city center is limited.

    Additional posts of police and internal troops were deployed at the intersections, the streets are patrolled by military personnel, including in armored cars, TASS reports.

    By the end of the parade announced by Premier of the State Council of China Li Keqiang, “doves of peace” and many colorful balloons were released into the sky, RIA Novosti reports.

    In total, about 12 thousand military personnel took part in the parade, of which about 1 thousand were from foreign countries, as well as 500 units of various military equipment and over 200 aircraft.

    Among the foreign states whose military personnel took part in the parade were Russia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, Mongolia, Cuba, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Cambodia, Laos, Fiji, Venezuela, Vanuatu and Serbia. On Tiananmen Square, about 40 thousand spectators watched the parade.

    Following the walking part of the parade, which was closed by the Russian servicemen of the 154th separate commandant Preobrazhensky regiment, military equipment passed through Tiananmen Square.

    Residents and guests of Beijing were shown 40 different types of military equipment, as well as 20 types of aircraft and helicopters - in particular, the Xian H-6K heavy bomber, the Shenyang J-11B multipurpose fighter, the Dongfeng-21D medium-range ballistic missile (DF-21D ).

    During his speech at the beginning of the parade, President Xi Jinping thanked the countries that supported Beijing during the war, and also greeted the foreign military personnel who took part in the parade.

    At the same time, Xi Jinping noted that "the Chinese people will never forget the contribution of other countries" to victory. “China will never seek hegemony and expansion. Our people will always live in peace with other nations, ”Xi Jinping stressed.

    March of Enthusiasts (Chinese version)

    On September 3, 2015, footage from Beijing flew around the world,
    where the grandiose Victory Parade in honor of the 70-year-old
    anniversary of the end of World War II.

    This year, as you know, turns exactly seventy
    years since the capitulation of the aggressor countries in 1945.
    Officially, Victory Day is the date of the second
    September. However, due to the time zone difference between
    Russia and China, the Chinese celebrated the Victory almost
    the third of September Moscow time.

    People's Republic of China celebrates not only
    victory of the allies against the aggressors, but also a victory
    China in resistance against Japanese aggressors.

    A large-scale parade to mark the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese people in the war of resistance with Japan, which was expected for almost six months, took place on Thursday, September 3, at Tiananmen Square in Beijing. Under the scorching sun and blue skies of Beijing, China demonstrated the latest in its weapons.

    The military parade that took place became the 14th since
    \ formation of the People's Republic of China in 1949
    and the first not on the occasion of the day of her education, which
    celebrated annually on October 1st.

    In 1960, the PRC authorities established that the military
    parades will only take place every 10 years.
    The last such parade took place in 2009.

    A feature of the current parade was the fact that for the first time the heads of foreign states were invited to a military parade in China. The parade began with 70 volleys from artillery pieces, symbolizing the memorable date.

    The holding of the parade in the past few months has become
    one of the main topics followed by all the world's media.
    Therefore, it is not surprising that hundreds of people were accredited for the parade.
    reporters, according to the Chinese side, the number
    foreign correspondents who have applied for
    the coverage of the parade was about 1.5 thousand people.

    The journalists began to be taken to the parade at 04.30,
    so many had to spend the night at the press center,
    so as not to be late for the bus because of the road cordons.
    Press buses began to approach the square near
    06.00, at this time a rehearsal was already underway in Tiananmen
    and preparatory work was carried out. Correspondents
    asked to take your seats and not leave your area
    tribune. A gift awaited guests at each place: a bag
    with a bottle of water, raincoat, cap and napkins.

    Without the hats provided by the organizers
    many would have had a very hard time. On the day of the parade, the sky is above
    Beijing was absolutely cloudless and extraordinary
    blue, the weather is very hot, and the sun
    mercilessly fired on the audience, some of whom
    I had to sit for about 6-7 hours.

    Gradually, the stands began to fill up with spectators and guests, who were brought up by buses. Before the start of the parade, more than 20 harvesting machines walked across the entire area, finally washing the territory.

    At 09:00, Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan began to meet the high-ranking guests at the eastern gate of Tiananmen, including representatives of almost 50 states, as well as UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

    According to Xinhua News Agency, the parade was watched by presidents and heads of government of 23 foreign countries, including Russian President Vladimir Putin and South Korean President Park Geun-hye. Among the high-ranking guests were former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe did not attend the event.

    President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko arrived
    to the celebrations with his son Kolya and caused a storm
    delight. The President of Belarus was known here.
    Or, at least, have heard.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin was the last guest to be greeted by Xi Jinping. After that, the leaders headed for a joint photo session, during which the Russian president stood to the right of his Chinese counterpart.

    In addition to foreign guests, the parade was attended by
    and all the top leadership of the PRC, including the Premier of the State Council
    Li Keqiang, Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli, and former
    Presidents of the People's Republic of China Jiang Zemiya and Hu Jintao.

    The parade opened with 70 cannon volleys, after which the flag of China was brought to the square. An air train with the PRC flag and the PLA banner flew over Tiananmen Square. At this time, 20 helicopters lined up the number "70" in the sky.

    Xi Jinping personally hosted the parade, which was the first for him as head of state. The columns of servicemen, whom the Chinese leader greeted by driving around by car, stretched for kilometers along the central street of Chang'anjie.

    Chinese President Xi Jinping watched the parade in company
    Russian President Vladimir Putin, UN Secretary General Ban Ki
    Moon, former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder,
    ex-prime minister of Great Britain Tony Blair. Prime Minister
    In Japan, Shinzo Abe did not come to the events in China.

    In total, about 12 thousand military personnel, as well as about one thousand foreign military personnel from 17 countries, took part in the parade. The walking part of the parade was completed by a company of the Guard of Honor of the Preobrazhensky Regiment. A mechanized convoy followed the Russian military.

    The parade involved about 500 pieces of equipment
    and 200 aircraft. Moreover, 85% of the military
    techniques were demonstrated for the first time.

    In particular, the Dongfeng rocket was shown for the first time.
    21D with open model number - the only one in the world
    anti-ship ballistic missile capable of
    overcome the defense systems of aircraft carrier groups, on
    which is based
    US naval strategy.

    In addition, Dongfeng 5 and Dongfeng 31 intercontinental ballistic missiles and Yilong unmanned aerial vehicles were demonstrated on Tiananmen Square. After the ground vehicles, in the final part of the parade, early warning planes flew over the square, accompanied by a group of fighters.

    Russian servicemen of the Honor Guard of the 154th separate Preobrazhensky commandant regiment of the Western Military District closed the foot part of the parade. They marched along the Tiananmen in the special dress uniform of the Ground Forces, the Navy and the Air Force of Russia, they were armed with Simonov carbines.

    As the Russian soldiers passed, Central China Television showed Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping in close-up on the rostrum of the Tiananmen Gate.

    During his speech, the President of the PRC
    Xi Jinping announced that China is planning
    reduce the size of the armed forces.

    “We Chinese love the world. No matter how much stronger we become, China will never seek hegemony or expansion. China will never cause suffering to other countries, ”Xi Jinping emphasized. According to him, the number of the People's Liberation Army of China (PLA) will be reduced by 300 thousand people, so 2 million troops should remain in the Chinese Armed Forces.

    According to the organizers, the highlight of the parade was to be a female guard of honor with machine guns at the ready. Their uniforms were caps with gold cockades, white tunics, white skirts above the knee, and black leather boots polished to a shine.

    The most famous participant in the parade was a Chinese sailor, who managed to stand during training without batting an eye for 57 minutes and 24 seconds. As local media wrote, this became a world record - the previous figure of Australian Fergal Fleming was surpassed. The sailor, nicknamed the Staring King, achieved his phenomenal success with hard training - standing, unblinking, in the wind and under the scorching sun.

    Chinese official propaganda used the "peaceful feat of a sailor" to illustrate what reserves can open up in a person who is ready to selflessly serve the fatherland in the implementation of the "great Chinese dream" plan announced by the President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping.

    China lost more than 35 million people in the war with Japan, which lasted on its territory from 1937 to 1945. At the same time, Chinese officials, veterans, experts and media representatives interviewed by Kommersant admitted that Soviet troops played a decisive role in liberating the country from the Japanese Kwantung Army.

    The festivities in the Chinese capital actually became a continuation of the May celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in Moscow, in which Xi Jinping took part. The main Chinese newspaper, People's Daily, expressed the opinion in an editorial that the presence of the PRC leader in Red Square "became a great political support for the President of the Russian Federation."

    “The crisis in Ukraine continues, the US and EU countries have not yet lifted sanctions against Russia, and the leaders of Western countries boycotted the planned celebrations in Moscow, thereby trying to isolate Russia,” the newspaper noted. the parade signals the end of the era of Western domination ”.

    Vladimir Putin paid a return visit to Beijing. According to political scientists, against the background of the problematic relations between the Russian Federation and the PRC with the West, his trip was intended to demonstrate that the two countries have a common view of the history of World War II.

    Victory Parade in China 09/03/2015. Full version

    Well, the Chinese have suffered worthily for their current
    victory. They gave an example that with perseverance and work
    the country can always take its rightful place in
    economic, financial and cultural sphere.
    The main thing is to live in peace and harmony with everyone. But...
    and do not forget yourself, loved ones!

    The main idea of ​​the parade, according to experts, was
    is to send a signal to the main opponents of the PRC:
    that weak China, which did not manage to defeat
    the Japanese Imperial Army is a thing of the past.