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  • Salad with beans and corn and mayonnaise. Beans and Corn Salad

    Salad with beans and corn and mayonnaise.  Beans and Corn Salad

    Delicious low-calorie salad.

    If you choose recipes for delicious dishes excluding meat or fish, or strictly adhere to a low-calorie diet, then I recommend adding this recipe to your bookmarks. Low in calories, it includes a significant amount of protein and fiber, which favorably stimulates the digestion process, as well as lowers blood cholesterol.

    It is a snack that is suitable for all occasions, from sudden guests, to a planned anniversary or calendar holidays. In terms of energy value, it can easily replace a heavy meat dish. In addition to the fact that this salad with beans and corn is very tasty, it is also festively colorful! Look at the photo! Doesn't it look bright ?!

    This colorful salad with beans and corn can be made in just 15 minutes. You will find the ingredients for it in any shop, and I am sure that the taste will delight you!

    The bean and corn salad I recommend is a hearty meal. It is rich in many proteins and vitamins. And also, beans and corn include vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus.

    Low Calorie Salad Ingredients.

    Despite their high nutritional value, a salad with beans and corn is great for those who have a desire to lose weight because beans and corn do not support the increase in volume in problem areas.

    When preparing salad, you can use both canned and fresh beans and corn of various varieties. If you decide to prepare a salad with fresh beans and corn, then boil them, first, in salted water and mix with other ingredients of the dish.

    And of course, you guessed it, in order to prepare a salad with beans and corn, you need to prepare the main ingredients: beans and corn. I decided to cook a salad with canned, canned, beans and corn. I trusted well-known manufacturers and bought the first two ingredients at the nearest supermarket. The third, no less important, is ordinary croutons. I gave preference to homemade rather than store-bought croutons, which, as a rule, include a variety of flavors, dyes and other harmful ingredients.

    I do not dwell on the secondary components of the salad with beans and corn. Everything is clear with them, I list them briefly below.

    To make a salad with beans and corn, you will need the following ingredients:

    • Red beans (in a can) 400 gr.;
    • Sweet corn (in a can) 300 gr .;
    • Black bread crackers 80-100 gr.;
    • Pickled cucumber 1 pc .;
    • Any cheese (hard varieties) 250 gr.;
    • Starch 1 tbsp. l .;
    • Green onions 100 gr.;
    • Fresh herbs (parsley, dill) 50 gr.;
    • Sour cream (or mayonnaise) 2 tbsp. l .;
    • Fine salt and black pepper.

    Salad ingredients

    How to make a salad with beans and corn:

    To begin with, we open the cans of canned beans and corn and get rid of the liquid, it's simple: turn over, one by one, the contents of the cans in a colander, and let the excess liquid drain off.

    The crackers, as I said earlier, I dried myself. There are no subtleties here. I chopped black bread, salted and slightly dried on a baking sheet with the oven open.

    Beans, corn, herbs and pickled cucumber

    Salted salad with beans and corn, pepper to taste, seasoned with sour cream and mixed everything.

    The hard cheese was rubbed through a coarse grater, mixed with a tablespoon of potato starch and poured in a circle into a preheated frying pan. After the cheese has melted, remove the pan from the heat.

    Cheese salad dish

    To give the resulting cheese pancake the appearance of an elegant basket, it is necessary, before it cools down, to transfer it to a small deep dish, or, alternatively, cover an inverted glass with it and let it cool.

    Many types of beans are widely spread in the culinary world. This wonderful product is tasty and healthy. Many recipes have appeared for all kinds of soups, stews, and baking fillings. There are even recipes for real cakes with beans in their composition! But today we are not going to talk about these dishes. We suggest considering recipes for salads with this vegetable component. This will bring gastronomic delight to those who are familiar with beans. And for those who do not dare to try this unique vegetable, it's time to dare and discover the world of delicious and nutritious salads. Bean salads can be eaten any day, they are not difficult to prepare. Such dishes are also good on the festive table.

    Vegan dishes

    Salads with beans and corn are probably among the most famous in this category. This is not surprising, it is very convenient to make such a salad, especially when there is a canned version of the food. In this case, with a slight movement of the hand, the hostess is able to present the dish to the guests within 10 minutes after the start of cooking.

    Corn salad with beans and rice


    • Canned corn and beans - 300 grams each.
    • About 80 grams of prepared, washed rice.
    • Garlic - about 2 cloves.
    • Vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons.
    • Tomato or ketchup - 4 tablespoons.
    • Apple cider vinegar - 2 tablespoons.
    • A teaspoon of mustard and sugar.

    Making a salad:

    1. First, let's prepare the sauce for our dish. Mustard, sugar, vinegar, oil, pepper and ketchup - mix everything thoroughly.
    2. Canned food - open it.
    3. Corn, after draining the liquid, we send it to the sauce. We rinse a jar of beans using a colander in cold water. Shake off the remaining drops well and now add the beans to the corn sauce.
    4. Peel the garlic and crush it using a special one. After this procedure, add it to all the products in the sauce.
    5. Cooking green onions - finely chop them. And pour ready-made chilled rice into the salad. Now mix the resulting dish and enjoy the result!

    Lazy salad

    This salad is very easy to prepare. If you find a jar of corn and the same amount of canned beans, a small piece of cheese and a clove of garlic in your supplies, then the salad will be on your table. To prepare this salad with beans and corn you need:

    1. Drain the canned beans.
    2. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
    3. Peel and crush the garlic.
    4. Prepare some salt and a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise sauce.
    5. Mix all ingredients and place in a salad bowl, decorating as you wish.
    6. Don't like mayonnaise? This dish can be easily served with a drop of refined vegetable oil.

    Maybe cook?

    To prepare salad with beans and corn, as well as other varieties of bean masterpieces, you can boil the beans yourself in advance. This technique will save you some amount of money. Because by buying a kilogram of dry product, you will provide your family with salads with this component for the next month! If you have a desire to cook beans at home - cook them!

    Proper preparation of beans for salads

    Rinse the grains and soak for 10 hours. After this time, pour the soaked beans into a saucepan and place on the stove. After boiling, the product is cooked for 1 to 2.5 hours. How to determine the time in this case? After 40 minutes of boiling the beans, taste the bean. If hardness is felt, this is a sign that cooking should be continued. And so by the method of tests, you will calculate the time required for the full readiness of this legume vegetable. Water is an important element in the speed of cooking. Hard water can lengthen this time. When the beans are ready, be sure to cool them well. Now you can make bean salads.

    Autumn vegetable salad

    This salad with beans and corn is so named because it is harmoniously complemented by vegetables, which usually appear at the end of the gardening season.

    We collect products:

    • Canned corn - 1 can.
    • Beans, boiled or canned - 1 can.
    • Tomato - 1 piece.
    • Red sweet pepper - 1 piece.
    • Red onion - 1 piece. Onions can be replaced with a more familiar onion - onion.
    • Lemon juice and olive oil.
    • Ground black pepper and green spices.

    Cooking a delicious salad:

    1. All vegetables that have passed the standard procedures for preparing for food, cut as you want.
    2. Drain the liquid component of the canned corn and add the seeds to the vegetables.
    3. Next, send the beans to this dish.
    4. Season with sour lemon juice and sprinkle with salt.
    5. Pour pepper according to your needs or do without it altogether.

    Sausage is a favorite ingredient

    You can argue and talk about the benefits and harmful effects of this meat product on the body as much as you like. But today we will not talk about it. For sausage aficionados, there is a category of salads. Let's start with the corn, bean and sausage salad.

    We collect products:

    • Beans and corn - in equal proportions (in a jar).
    • Boiled sausage - optional. If you really love this product, then you can use half a sausage loaf.
    • Mayonnaise sauce with cheese - to taste. Someone likes more "wet" salads, but someone just needs a couple of tablespoons
    • If you wish, you can add a little finely chopped onions here.
    1. Mix vegetables in a bowl.
    2. Finely chop the onion and send it to the vegetables.
    3. Sausage - cut into cubes.
    4. Now sprinkle with salt on your masterpiece and mix with mayonnaise.

    The rule of adding breadcrumbs

    But how do you like a salad with beans, corn, sausage and croutons? To prepare it, it is enough to add a pack of any croutons to the set of products indicated above. The main rule of all salads with them is to add this ingredient just before serving! If you hurry up and pour the crackers into the bowl beforehand, they will swell and soften. Although many people in a salad of beans with croutons are attracted by their swollen form. And you try, suddenly you will like it!

    Smoked salad

    For lovers of smoked aroma and taste, there is also a very simple salad.

    Search your refrigerator for ingredients:

    • Corn, beans and smoked sausage - in equal proportions. We usually count on 250 grams of each ingredient.
    • Small cherry tomatoes. Their number is approximately 250 grams.
    • Onions or red onions - 100 grams.

    Let's prepare a salad:

    1. In a bowl, stir together the corn kernels and the beans.
    2. We cut the raw smoked sausage thinly, turning it into strips.
    3. We cut the tomatoes into four parts and send them to a bowl with the rest of the products.
    4. Chop the onion finely and mix with the salad too. Salt and season with mayonnaise. Our simple salad with corn, smoked sausage and beans is ready!

    Greenpeace salad

    This is a salad of corn, peas, beans and croutons, but this includes both raw smoked sausages and hard cheese. Perhaps, thanks to the excellent collection of combined products, this salad is loved by many gourmets. But let's not rant for a long time on this topic, we'd rather try it ourselves.

    You will need the following products:

    • Corn - 1 small jar.
    • Beans - 1 small jar
    • Polka dots -1 small jar.
    • Croutons with your favorite taste - up to 100 grams.
    • Semi-smoked sausage - to taste.
    • Hard cheese - to taste. Although, if desired, you can replace it with sausage.
    • Mayonnaise.

    Cooking salad:

    1. We open the canned food carefully in turn, put their contents in a salad bowl.
    2. Sausage cut into small cubes is also sent there. The size of the sausage cubes must match the size of the croutons.
    3. Cheese can also be cut in this way, but you can also grate it.
    4. If you want to add spice to a dish, crush a clove of garlic into it.
    5. Salt the salad if necessary.
    6. Now is the time for the mayonnaise. Add and mix the salad with mayonnaise.
    7. Crackers are added before serving.

    The result is a delicious salad.

    The composition of which includes meat products are very popular at festive tables. Especially the salad will not go unnoticed, which, in addition to beans, corn and cheese, also includes delicious smoked chicken breast.

    Smoked breast salad

    Products composition:

    • Half smoked breast.
    • Medium jar of corn.
    • The same jar of beans.
    • A large pack of salami or cheese-flavored croutons.
    • Hard cheese - about 100 grams.
    • Garlic - 3 cloves.
    • Mayonnaise.


    1. Cut the breast into thin strips along the fibers. It is permissible even to slightly "tousle" the fibers of chicken meat.
    2. Grate the cheese through a medium grater.
    3. Mix canned food and add meat and cheese to them.
    4. Salt the dish if necessary. But remember that there are very salty croutons.
    5. Crush the garlic into a salad.
    6. Season it with mayonnaise and let it brew for about 10 minutes.
    7. Now stir the salad again. And it’s already noticeable how the garlic gave the aroma to the dish.
    8. Fill the salad with crackers, mix again and serve.

    Bean salads usually receive positive reviews. Housewives in most cases simply adore these dishes. You can quickly prepare any simple salad, and guests will not go hungry. In terms of composition and calorie content, beans do not lag behind meat products. In combination with corn, the dish always turns out at the highest level.

    Many housewives, and not only beginners, are attracted by the fact that now buying canned beans is not a problem. Moreover, its cost is not very high. Also, the price category in which corn is located is not high. Salads can be prepared with boiled eggs, Korean carrots, and a wide variety of other ingredients. Beans can be harmoniously combined with many products.

    Not everyone who had the opportunity to test the salad, which includes corn and beans, speaks positively about the dish. Many people dislike combining the two in the same salad. And some do not tolerate beans at all in any of its incarnations and corn in all its forms.

    These products do not disappear from store shelves in summer or winter. This is why, and red beans, you can cook regardless of the season. In addition, it is such simple dishes that can turn out to be both exquisite, even exotic, and dietary, suitable for those who seek to lose weight. The taste of the salad of corn, beans and croutons is always bright, the presentation is unusual, and the aroma is simply unsurpassed, regardless of what other components are involved in it. Even in a festive atmosphere, even in an ordinary everyday one, a salad without mayonnaise with beans and corn can cheer you up, satisfy your hunger and surprise everyone sitting at the table with its perfection.

    Nobody can call this standard and ordinary. It is mango that makes it unusual and truly aromatic. Thanks to the addition of legumes, it turns out to be satisfying and nutritious. Chicken meat gives it satiety, and tomato bright colors, and improves the already rich aroma.

    Required components:

    • 20 gr. vegetable oil;
    • 150 g corn from a jar;
    • 150 g red beans;
    • 200 gr. chicken breast;
    • 1 medium mango;
    • 1 onion;
    • 1 large tomato;
    • 30 gr. lime juice;
    • 20 gr. parsley;
    • 10 gr. lemon juice.

    Corn Bean Salad:

    1. The mango is immediately peeled and cut into small cubes on a board.
    2. The tomato is washed, cut
    3. Put the chicken breast in a saucepan, fill it with water, add salt and boil for about thirty minutes. This time interval will be enough for it to boil. After its expiration, the meat is cooled, without taking it out of the broth, and then it is already disassembled by hand into individual fibers.
    4. The liquid is decanted from jars of beans and corn.
    5. Pour all the products already prepared for this moment into the salad bowl.
    6. Greens are washed and finely chopped on a board, poured into a salad.
    7. Pour butter, lime and lemon juice there, be sure to mix everything.

    Tip: chicken breast in this case can be replaced with regular sausage. Due to this, cooking will be much easier and faster, and the taste will change at least a little, but still remain unsurpassed.

    Salad with corn and beans and croutons

    Most often, white crackers are added, but it is rye that give the corn and beans salad with crackers a special, unusual taste. Moreover, the aroma is simply perfect. If we take into account that among the components of this dish there is also cheese, and yogurt acts as a dressing, then it immediately becomes clear that the result will be higher than the most daring expectations.

    For salad, corn, beans, crackers you need:

    • 3 cloves of garlic;
    • 300 gr. chicken breast;
    • 200 gr. canned beans;
    • 150 g cheese;
    • 400 gr. canned corn;
    • 3 medium pickled cucumbers;
    • 120 g fresh rye bread;
    • 200 gr. yogurt;
    • 20 gr. parsley.

    Salad with corn, beans and croutons:

    1. Garlic is peeled and crushed with a garlic maker. Rub it with bread, cut into cubes and dry a little in a dry frying pan or in the oven.
    2. The chicken breast is placed in a saucepan filled with salted water and boiled in it, allowed to cool in the broth and then cut into small cubes.
    3. The cucumbers are laid out on a board and cut into small pieces.
    4. The corn is thrown in a colander and the whole marinade is decanted.
    5. The same is done with beans.
    6. The cheese is cut into strips.
    7. The parsley is washed and finely chopped on a board with a knife.
    8. Pour all the products into one salad bowl, pour them with yogurt and mix with a spoon.

    Tip: you can take a little more garlic, but the main thing is not to overdo it. Otherwise, its taste and aroma will overwhelm all other products and the desired effect will not work.

    Salad with canned corn and beans

    And the recipe for beans is the property of Mexico, it is there that it is cooked and appreciated. Like most other dishes of this cuisine, this salad has a rather spicy, but pleasant taste. Its peculiarity is in sausages, which add not only satiety, but also sophistication to the dish. Such a salad will be liked not only by lovers of fiery food, but also by everyone who is not alien to something new.

    Required components:

    • 400 gr. beans in a jar;
    • 200 gr. hunting sausages;
    • 100 g canned corn;
    • 1 head of red onion;
    • 2 bitter peppers;
    • 3 cloves of garlic;
    • 50 gr. lettuce sheets;
    • 2 large tomatoes;
    • 20 gr. parsley.

    Canned corn and beans salad:

    1. The sausages are laid out on a board and cut into thin slices. After such grinding, they are poured into a frying pan and fried, adding a little oil.
    2. Peel the onion and chop finely.
    3. The garlic is peeled and passed through the garlic.
    4. The pepper is cut very finely with a knife.
    5. The corn kernels are separated from the brine.
    6. The tomatoes are washed, cut into two parts and with the help of a spoon, core with seeds is removed; for salad, only walls cut into small cubes are used.
    7. The parsley is washed, then chopped on the board.
    8. All are poured into a salad bowl, mixed.
    9. Already washed and dried lettuce sheets are laid out at the bottom of the dish, and the miracle of Mexican cuisine is placed on top of them.

    Advice: if there are no lovers of such a sharp pungency in the family, hot peppercorns can be replaced with less pungent ones. In this case, the dish will not become fiery, but the sharpness will still be present in it.

    Corn and Bean Salad

    With an exotic aroma, the salad should definitely be tasted. There are so many unusual and extraordinary things in it that everyone will definitely be interested in such a dish. On the festive table, it will be in the spotlight, you can immediately put it at the head of the table and have no doubts. If we talk about taste, and not appearance, then they are simply delicious.

    Required components:

    • 400 gr. frozen corn;
    • 300 gr. beans from a jar;
    • 1 medium-sized avocado;
    • 10 cherry tomatoes;
    • 200 gr. bacon;
    • 40 gr. vegetable oil;
    • 10 gr. mustard;
    • 100 g red onions;
    • 10 gr. cilantro;
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • 2 gr. salt;
    • 2 gr. pepper.

    Corn and red bean salad:

    1. The sauce is prepared using a blender. Put oil, chopped garlic, cilantro and mustard into it and mix everything.
    2. Bacon is cut into thin strips and put in a frying pan, after which it is fried.
    3. The corn is poured into a saucepan, poured with water and boiled, after which it is thrown back into a colander and cooled in it.
    4. The jar of beans is opened and the entire marinade is decanted.
    5. Tomatoes are washed, wiped and cut into quarters with a knife.
    6. Green and red onions are washed and chopped finely on a board with a knife.
    7. The avocado is cut, pitted, peeled and cut into small pieces.
    8. Put all the products in a salad bowl, pour over the sauce, add salt and pepper.
    9. Finally, mix everything and sprinkle with herbs on top.

    Tip: to make cooking less time, you can use not frozen corn, but ordinary, canned corn. This will not particularly affect the taste, the main thing is not to forget to strain all the liquid.

    Salad with corn, beans

    Thanks to pineapples, this salad also acquires a special, exotic flavor. And the rest of the products are not used in vain here. The result is a simply delicious salad with a light crunch and exquisite tenderness that can create a festive atmosphere even when it is not expected.

    Required components:

    • 200 gr. canned pineapple rings;
    • 100 g corn from a can;
    • 100 g beans;
    • 1 red bell pepper;
    • 1 avocado
    • 5 cherry tomatoes;
    • 1 large cucumber;
    • 1 medium carrot;
    • 1 blue beam head;
    • 20 gr. vegetable oil;
    • 15 ml lime juice;
    • 15 gr. parsley;
    • 4 gr. salt.

    Corn salad, beans, bell peppers:

    1. Carrots are washed with a brush and placed in a saucepan, filled with water and boiled. After boiling, cool and clean.
    2. Beans for about eight hours are soaked in water, and after they have expired, they are washed and boiled in ordinary water, which is immediately salted. After cooking, pour into a colander and cool there.
    3. Pineapple rings on a board are cut into very small pieces.
    4. The cucumber is washed and separated from the skin, cut into small cubes with a knife and squeezed out of excess juice.
    5. Tomatoes are washed and cut into slices.
    6. The avocado is washed, peeled and pitted, then cut into cubes.
    7. Already boiled carrots are cut into small cubes on a board.
    8. The bell peppers are first washed, then cut and all the seeds are taken out, the veins are carefully cut out, and they are also cut into cubes.
    9. The blue onion is peeled and cut with a knife into thin half rings.
    10. The washed greens are finely chopped.
    11. All products are poured into one bowl, where they are already poured with butter and lime juice, the required amount of salt is added.

    Beans, like corn in a salad, corn, beans, crackers, garlic can be used not only canned. Some hostesses consider it fundamentally correct to boil these products on their own. Agreeing with this or not is a purely personal decision, but in any case, regardless of the option chosen, you can create an amazingly tasty dish in the kitchen. Undoubtedly, it is easier to resort to products purchased ready-made. In this case, cooking takes the least amount of time, while the taste is still excellent. You can add not only the usual vegetables or meat, but also a wide variety of exotic fruits, with the help of which amazing culinary creations are created that will be remembered for many years. Having created corn beans, crackers and salad for a holiday, you can be sure that no matter how many times guests come to the house, they will always remember this particular dish with enthusiasm.

    Meat salad with beans, cucumbers and corn can absolutely completely replace the second lunch dish. The predominant products in this salad - boiled beef and red beans - are high in protein. Therefore, it can be classified as a weight loss fitness salad. Corn, which is also part of the salad, also contains protein, but much less. All ingredients of the dish are in perfect harmony with each other, complementing the flavor palette. The finished salad with meat looks bright and rosy in summer, so there is a desire to taste it as soon as possible. No special salad dressing is required; canned bean liquid is used instead. However, if you want to increase the calorie content of the dish, you can add a little vegetable oil.

    Recipe Information

    Cuisine: Caucasian.

    Cooking method: chopping meat and cucumbers, mixing ingredients.

    Total cooking time: 15 minutes.

    Servings: 6 .


    • boiled beef - 275 g
    • canned red beans - 425 g (1 can)
    • canned sweet corn - 340 g (1 can)
    • pickled cucumbers (gherkins) - 135 g (7-8 pcs.)
    • capers - 7-8 pcs.
    • parsley or cilantro - 1 bunch (6 branches).


    Note to the hostess:

    • Red beans, unlike white beans, have a more pronounced taste, therefore, it is preferable to use red beans for salads.
    • Instead of canned corn, boiled grains of fresh or frozen corn can be added to the salad. The salad will only benefit from this, since boiled corn is much sweeter and more tender than canned corn.
    • Instead of boiled beef, you can use pork or poultry.

    All salads with beans and corn are light, juicy and crispy. They will be a great addition to a hearty holiday or daily dinner table. Both main ingredients are best used in canned food.

    Products composition:

    • 1/2 can each sweet corn and dark beans;
    • 2 tomatoes;
    • 2 garlic cloves;
    • 60 ml olive oil and 20 ml wine vinegar;
    • 2 handfuls of wheat white croutons;
    • salt.


    1. Cut the tomato together with the skin into small cubes.
    2. Put the contents of the cans with canned food in a colander.
    3. Mix the tomato slices with the corn and beans without liquid.
    4. Add mashed garlic and white croutons.
    5. Salt salad with beans, croutons, corn. Season it with a mixture of oil and vinegar.

    With the addition of croutons and sausages

    Products composition:

    • 1 cup full of canned red beans
    • 1 cup canned sweet corn kernels
    • ½ tbsp. ready-made rye croutons;
    • 200 g of boiled sausage;
    • 200 - 250 g of sausage cheese;
    • classic mayonnaise and salt.


    1. Remove the film from the boiled sausage. Chop it into miniature pieces of the same size.
    2. Pour sausage with rye croutons into a salad bowl, which you can choose with any taste. Bacon croutons are well suited for such a salad.
    3. Drain the corn and beans. Dry the ingredients slightly.
    4. Grate the sausage cheese with large divisions.
    5. Combine corn, beans, crackers, sausage. Cover them with chopped cheese.
    6. Lightly salt the salad, add classic mayonnaise. Mix all ingredients well.
    7. Serve the treat immediately, until the croutons have lost a solid base.

    Cooking according to a Mexican recipe

    Products composition:

    • 1 red onion;
    • 1 pod of sweet yellow pepper;
    • 1 pod of sweet red pepper;
    • 1 PC. mango;
    • 5 dessert spoons of vegetable oil;
    • 2 dessert spoons of lime juice;
    • 2 tbsp. canned red beans and sweet corn;
    • fresh parsley and cilantro;
    • salt;
    • a pinch of ground black pepper and red;
    • 1 clove of garlic.


    1. The beans are taken in their own juice. If it is in a tomato, the legumes should be rinsed before further use in a salad.
    2. Drain the marinade from the corn.
    3. Peel sweet and yellow peppers from seeds. Cut the remaining parts into neat small pieces.
    4. Mango peel. Chop the pulp into small cubes. Also chop the red onion.
    5. Finely chop with a knife all the herbs declared in the recipe.
    6. Dispose of chopped food in a common bowl. Salt.
    7. For dressing, combine vegetable oil, lime juice, crushed garlic and two types of ground pepper
    8. Pour the "Mexican" salad with the resulting sauce. Let it brew for about a quarter of an hour.

    With beans, corn and chicken

    Products composition:

    • 300 - 350 g chicken fillet;
    • 0.5 tbsp. canned white beans;
    • 3 pickled cucumbers;
    • salt, sour cream and dill for dressing.


    1. Cook chicken. Cool directly in the broth. Then cut into neat cubes.
    2. Drain the marinade from the corn and beans.
    3. Chop the cucumbers at random.
    4. For dressing, mix finely chopped dill and sour cream. Salt the mass.
    5. Mix the products. Drizzle with sauce.
    6. Mix the resulting salad with beans, corn and chicken well and cool.

    With croutons and garlic

    Products composition:

    • 1 can each of red beans and corn;
    • 100 g of finely chopped young cabbage (white cabbage);
    • 1 tomato;
    • 2 - 3 fresh garlic cloves and 2 pinches of granulated garlic;
    • 3 slices of white bread;
    • vegetable oil;
    • light mayonnaise.


    1. Cut off the crusts from white bread. Chop it into neat cubes of equal size. Sprinkle bread with butter, sprinkle with granulated garlic.
    2. Dry the croutons until golden brown in a frying pan or on a baking sheet in the oven.
    3. Drain the corn and beans.
    4. Cut the tomato into slices. Crush fresh garlic.
    5. Mix all. Add shredded cabbage.
    6. Salt salad with corn, beans, croutons, garlic. Season it with any light mayonnaise. Homemade sauce is ideal.

    Lean salad with canned beans and corn

    Products composition:

    • 300 - 350 g of colored beans (canned food);
    • 2 boiled carrots;
    • 1 tbsp. canned corn kernels;
    • 1 red onion;
    • 5 dessert spoons of lean mayonnaise;
    • 100 g pickled peppers;
    • salt;
    • a few feathers of green onions.


    1. Chop boiled carrots and raw onions into cubes.
    2. Mix the ingredients from the first step with canned food.
    3. Add chopped pickled peppers and finely chopped green onions.
    4. Salt the ingredients of the salad.
    5. Season the prepared snack with beans, corn, carrots with a portion of lean mayonnaise.

    Cooking option with cheese

    Products composition:

    • 2/3 st. canned beans of any color;
    • 1 cup full of canned corn kernels
    • 150 g "Gouda" (cheese);
    • 3 pre-cooked chicken eggs;
    • table salt to taste;
    • classic mayonnaise;
    • 2 - 3 garlic cloves.


    1. Rinse the corn and beans from the marinade. The legume component can also be taken dry. In this case, the beans will need to be boiled in unsalted water until softened.
    2. Send the ingredients from the first step to a shared bowl.
    3. Add to them all the cheese, chopped with a coarse grater.
    4. Remove the shells from the cooled eggs and chop them into neat cubes. Add pieces to the rest of the salad.
    5. Mix classic mayonnaise with crushed garlic. Salt.
    6. Season the appetizer with the resulting garlic sauce. Mix the ingredients well.

    Tasty snack with ham

    Products composition:

    • 400 - 450 g of chicken ham;
    • 1.5 tbsp. Korean carrot squeezed from the marinade;
    • 270 g (1 can) canned red beans;
    • 350 g canned corn;
    • 40 g of green onion feathers without the white part;
    • 2/3 st. classic mayonnaise and salt.


    1. Put the beans without liquid on the bottom of the salad bowl. Salt mayonnaise. Spread them on the beans.
    2. Place the corn kernels on top. Smear with sauce.
    3. Spread the ham, cut into thin, long strips over the corn.
    4. Coat the meat ingredient with the Korean carrots. If the latter is too long, you can cut it into pieces.
    5. Grease the last layer with salted mayonnaise and garnish with chopped green onions.
    6. It is delicious to serve such a salad in sand or waffle tartlets.

    Pea, Corn and Bean Salad

    Products composition:

    • a small can of canned beans in tomato, green peas and corn;
    • 100 g of white garlic croutons;
    • 200 g of semi-smoked sausage with a minimum amount of bacon;
    • 100 g of sausage cheese;
    • classic mayonnaise and fine salt.


    1. Place each canned ingredient in a colander in turn. Drain the marinade from them. If desired, you can rinse the food under running water.
    2. Peel the semi-smoked sausage from the film. Cut into cubes approximately equal in size.
    3. Grind the sausage cheese in the same way. Any other semi-hard variety can be used.
    4. Mix all the ingredients in a common bowl, except for the croutons.
    5. Season with salad and top with classic mayonnaise.
    6. Pour croutons last for a snack. Otherwise, they will quickly begin to soak and the salad will no longer be crispy.

    With crab sticks

    Products composition:

    • 200 - 250 g of juicy crab sticks;
    • 1 onion;
    • 3 boiled chicken eggs;
    • 1 can of canned red beans
    • ½ bunch of parsley;
    • 1 pinch of coarse salt;
    • 1.5 tbsp. canned sugar corn;
    • 2 tbsp. l. natural apple cider vinegar;
    • olive mayonnaise.


    1. Cut the crab sticks into medium pieces.
    2. Mix apple cider vinegar with a little water. Pour the diced onion with the resulting mixture. Leave the vegetable as it is for 20 - 25 minutes.
    3. In a salad bowl, mix crab sticks, onions squeezed from the vinegar marinade, boiled eggs, diced.
    4. Add chopped herbs, both canned ingredients.
    5. Salt the salad.
    6. Season the dish with olive oil and stir well.

    Holiday Shrimp Recipe

    Products composition:


    1. Drain marinades from all canned food.
    2. Mix them in a common bowl. Add mashed fresh garlic.
    3. Salt the ingredients of the dish.
    4. Season them with light mayonnaise or butter sauce.

    If desired, the ready-made salad with red beans can be supplemented with rye bread crumbs or legumes. The dish should be prepared just before dinner or the arrival of guests. They are especially appetizing and crispy when fresh. Any mayonnaise, various yoghurt, sour cream and butter sauces are suitable as a dressing for such salads.