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  • Ege for social studies time. Classes C1-C4

    Ege for social studies time.  Classes C1-C4

    The 2010 USE results in social studies showed that reading and understanding texts is becoming an urgent problem for the subject. The performance indicators of tasks for the analysis and interpretation of fragments of original texts containing information have become lower than in previous years.

    How to work with text on the exam

    1. How to start working with text?

    Read the text carefully before answering questions and completing assignments. Direct answers to many questions are contained in the text itself.

    It is important in the process of preliminary reading to clearly define to which content line of the course of social studies the proposed text belongs ("Society", "Cognition", "Spiritual life of society", "Economic sphere of life of society", "Social relations", "Politics" and "Law" This correlation is necessary because, as has been noted more than once, some of the tasks involve the use of contextual knowledge.

    2. Do I need to define the main idea of ​​the text?

    Determine the main idea of ​​the text.

    3. In what order should you answer the questions?

    The general principle is simple - to answer in the order in which they are presented in the work. It is sometimes impossible to complete the next task if the answer to the previous question is not found.

    4. How to figure out for yourself- whether to look for the answer in the text or do you need to remember what was studied in the lessons?

    5. What to look for when completing assignments?

    read the assignment carefully;
    understand what exactly is required for a successful response;
    understand what parts the task is composed of;
    try to complete the entire task;
    if you can answer only part of the task, be sure to write down the answer (each element of the answer is evaluated, incomplete, but the correct answer will bring you extra points);
    do not go beyond the scope of the question, do not try to write everything that you know about the problem, do not evaluate the opinion of the author and do not seek to express your point of view, if this is not directly provided for by the assignment;
    try to illustrate the answer with concrete facts;
    having formulated the answer, check its correctness.

    The first task out of four (C1) is aimed at identifying the awareness of perception and the accuracy of reproduction of the information contained in the text. It is required to find and present in the answer the information contained in the text in the form in which it is given in the author's text. The second task (C2) is aimed at reproducing and interpreting information. The third task (C3) most often involves characterizing the text. This assignment involves the attraction of additional knowledge on the subject. The fourth task (C4) is aimed at using the knowledge gained from the text in another situation. C3 and C4 tasks are the most difficult. The reason for the difficulties is that graduates do not pay attention to the requirement to fulfill “based on the text”.

    Example task

    Text for tasks C1-C4.
    State in a market economy

    All agents of the economy are united by a single market space of the country, where the same rules of the game are monitored and supported by special state institutions ... The market itself is not able to maintain competition. Maintaining and stimulating competition in the economic sphere is the function of the state. Fighting monopoly, supporting competition, the state is both within the market model and outside it, guaranteeing the stability of the market system as a whole. Maintaining stability is as important as protecting competition. The favorable social climate in the country, and the stability of the financial system, and ... the expansion of the production of public goods - especially in the sphere of services, education, science, health care, culture, - the creation of a legal field in the entrepreneurial sphere depend on the verified, active role of the relevant state institutions ... even in the theoretical market model, the state plays a crucial role - the preservation of the market system itself through the expression of common, or public interests. Not a single private business, no matter how gigantic it has reached, by its nature can ignore its own interests and assume the interests of the whole society. However, the state can cope with such responsibilities only if it is part of a democratic society. In such a society, along with the market mechanism, a democratic mechanism of voters' control over the state apparatus has been established, and the judicial system provides legal protection to all citizens in accordance with the law.

    (A. Porokhovsky)


    C2. The author lists the socio-economic phenomena of the life of society, which are directly dependent on the active role of the state in their regulation.
    Name any three of them and illustrate one with an example.




    C1. What are the three economic functions of the state in a market economy named in the text?

    The correct answer should contain the following positions:
    1) the socio-economic phenomena given in the text are named:
    - a favorable social climate in the country, the stability of the financial system;
    - expansion of production of public goods;
    - creation of a legal framework in the financial sector.
    2) one of the socio-economic phenomena is illustrated by an example, for example:
    - adoption of the Civil Code (legal field);
    - fight against corruption (favorable social climate);
    - Carrying out a reform of the education system, health care (production of public goods).
    Other examples may be given
    Three phenomena are named, one is illustrated by an example 2
    Three phenomena are named without an example OR two phenomena are named, one of them is illustrated by an example 1
    Less than three phenomena named without examples OR one phenomenon named and illustrated with an example OR the answer is incorrect 0
    Maximum score 2

    C3. The author of the document emphasizes the role of the state in the preservation and development of competition. Based on the text and knowledge of the social science course, provide three proofs of the importance of competition for a market economy.

    Content of the correct answer and guidelines for grading
    (other formulations of the answer are allowed without distorting its meaning)
    The response may include the following items to explain the role of competition:
    1) ensures freedom of market pricing;
    2) creates conditions for the realization of the economic freedom of the producer, contributing to the independence of the economic choice of the consumer;
    3) stimulates the improvement of the quality of produced goods and services;
    4) stimulates the reduction of production costs.
    Other correct answers are possible.
    Three items indicated 3
    Two items indicated 2
    One function specified 1
    Wrong answer 0
    Maximum score 3

    C4. Various points of view are expressed on the relationship between the market economy and democracy. What is the position of the author? Name two arguments he gave and explain any of them using an example.

    Content of the correct answer and guidelines for grading
    (other formulations of the answer are allowed without distorting its meaning)
    The correct answer should contain the following elements:
    1) the author's opinion is given: only in a democratic society can the state ensure the functioning of a market economy;
    2) two arguments are given, for example:
    in a democratic society
    - a mechanism for the control of voters over the state apparatus has been established;
    - the judicial system provides legal protection to citizens.
    3) an example is given as an explanation, for example:
    - an entrepreneur can go to court with a claim on the illegality of the actions of the city department in relation to his enterprise;
    - voters can demand from their deputy a report on his voting on economic issues.
    Other arguments and other examples may be given.
    The author's point of view is indicated, two arguments are named, one example is given 3
    The author's point of view is indicated, two arguments are named, an example is not given, OR the author's point of view is indicated, one argument is named and one example is given OR the author's point of view is clearly not given, two arguments and one example are given 2
    The author's point of view is indicated, the argument is given without an example OR the author's point of view is indicated, an example is given, there are no arguments OR the author's point of view is not explicitly given, two arguments are given, there is no example OR the author's point of view is not explicitly indicated, one argument and an example are given 1
    The author's point of view is stated, but no argument or example is given OR the answer is incorrect. 0
    Maximum score 3
    Used materials:
    1. Demonstration version of control measuring materials of the unified state exam in social studies.
    2. Lazebnikova A.Yu. Social science. Unified State Exam: a collection of tasks: a methodological guide for preparing for the exam / A.Yu. Lazebnikova, M. Yu. Brandt. - 3rd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2010.
    3. Rutkovskaya E.L., Kotova O.A., Liskova T.E. Excellent student of the exam. Social science. Solving complex tasks / FIPI. - M: .Intellekt - Center, 2010.

    How to properly prepare for social studies:

    1. It takes constant practice.
      • Pay special attention to the Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2019. A demo version from FIPI will help you understand the structure of the ticket, understand the requirements. will guide you in what topics you need to study.
      • Prepared for the solution 10 training options with answers. They are developed by teachers based on a demonstration version.
      • The more tests are solved, the higher the preparedness will be, since the memorization mechanism is triggered. Do not be lazy to work on mistakes. Solve online tests every week until you make mistakes. Registered users on the site can track the statistics of the solved tests.
    2. Schedule your time correctly to solve practice tests in order to get the maximum number of points.
      • Tasks 1-3 and 10 are solved in 1-4 minutes;
      • Tasks 4-9 and 11-28 are given from 2 to 8 minutes;
      • Assignments 29 - 45 minutes.
    3. Work with text

        To complete typical tasks 21-24, textual information skills are important. When practicing to solve the USE tests in social studies online, pay attention to tasks that require not only extracting and reproducing the essence from the information canvas, but also interpretation, your own understanding of what is said or written, and the involvement of social science knowledge in formulating.

        Task number 29 (essay) includes 5 alternative tasks, focused on writing an essay on one of 5 topics. Themes represent the statements of famous public figures, as well as representatives of politics, science and culture. The task is traditionally considered the most difficult in CMMs.

        Helpful hint: to write a high-quality essay, it is necessary to be able to reveal the meaning of a judgment (statements, quotations), to attract the studied provisions of social sciences, to draw their own conclusions and concretize with vivid examples.

    Converting points to grades

    • 0-41 points - "unsatisfactory";
    • 42-54 points - "three";
    • 55-66 points - "good";
    • 67 points and above - "excellent".

    The minimum is 42 and the maximum is 100.

    The USE test in social studies consists of:

    • Part 1- of 20 problems, with a short answer in the form of a word, a few words or numbers. Half of the tasks belong to the basic level, the other part to the advanced level. The first part is estimated at 35 primary points.
    • Part 2- of 9 problems, with a detailed answer. Tasks 21 and 22 are basic, and from 23 to 29 - with increased difficulty and are estimated at 30 points. See with a detailed answer on social studies.


    • In 2019, the social studies exam will include 235 minutes (3 hours 55 minutes).
    • It is forbidden to take with you foreign objects (cribs, smartphones, headphones, smart watches, etc.).
    • On the last day before the exam, review the material you covered, look again at the solved options.

    There is an opinion among schoolchildren that social studies is the simplest subject of the exam. Many people choose it for this very reason. But this is a delusion that leads away from serious preparation.

    Changes in the KIM USE 2019 in social studies:

    • The wording has been detailed and the grading system for task 25 has been revised.
    • The maximum score for completing task 25 has been increased from 3 to 4.
    • The wording of tasks 28, 29 has been detailed, and the systems have been improved
      evaluating them.
    • The maximum primary score for completing all work has been increased
      from 64 to 65.

    How to start preparing the Unified State Exam in Social Studies?

    1. Learn theory.

    For this, theoretical material is selected for each task, which you need to know and take into account when completing the task. There will be questions with a philosophical bias (man and society) and sociological (relations in society). Remember that there are only 8 topics: society

    • Human
    • cognition
    • spiritual sphere (culture)
    • social sphere
    • economy
    • politics
    • right

    Indicate on what topics the survey will be in the tasks. Each topic has many small subtopics that you should pay attention to when studying.

    To obtain a high result, the examinee must confidently operate the basic concepts and terms. Analyze the information provided in the form of graphics. Work with text. Competently reason within the framework of the problem posed, concisely express your thoughts in writing.

    Important tip: when preparing, you should not use materials and manuals for 2016 and earlier, as they have lost compliance with the updated assignments.

    2. Study well the structure of tasks, the system of their assessment.

    The exam ticket is divided into two parts:

    1. Tasks from 1 to 20, requiring a short answer (word, phrase or number);
    2. Tasks from 21 to 29 - with a detailed answer and mini-essays.

    The assessment of the Unified State Exam assignments in social studies was distributed as follows:

    • 1 point - for 1, 2, 3, 10, 12 tasks.
    • 2 points - 4-9, 11, 13-22.
    • 3 points - 23, 24, 26, 27.
    • 4 points - 25, 28.
    • 6 points - 29.

    You can get a maximum of 65 points.
    The minimum must be 43 total points.

    Pay special attention to the tasks of the exam with a detailed answer in social studies.

    3. Solving the tasks of the exam in social studies.

    The more test tasks you complete, the stronger your knowledge will be. Tasks are formed on the basis of a demo version from the FIPI in social studies. Solve full and thematic online tests with answers, at whatever stage of the study of the theory you are. By registering on the site, check and analyze your mistakes and keep statistics in your personal account, so that later they will not be allowed on the exam.

    Formula for success in the exam

    High scores on the exam = theory + practice + systematic repetition + clearly planned time for classes + desire / will / hard work.

    Get ready. Try. Strive for success! And then you will succeed.

    Did you know that Part C will give you almost half of your Unified State Exam in Social Studies? On the exam, you will count every point, therefore, no matter how difficult the written assignments are, they must be solved. Let's try to outline the main recommendations of the exam experts for part C?

    But the most difficult thing on the exam in 2016 will not be, but your struggle with emotions, insufficient time, and your own gaps in knowledge. Preparation for the exam is entering a decisive phase, do not forget to use ALL opportunities for the most effective and accelerated preparation and repetition of the material.

    Part C of the exam in social studies - structure

    “The best is that which is more difficult,” said the great Aristotle. With regard to part C of the USE in social studies, this is absolutely true. If each assignment of Part A, and some of the assignments of Part B, will only bring you to the Unified State Exam, then in Part C you can count on a grade from 2 to 5 at once!

    So, half of your result on the exam depends on the completion of part C! Meanwhile, even the simplest tasks of part C - C1, C2, cause difficulties for graduates. But their meaning is a simple contextual search in a social science text. That is, you just need to choose the right author's idea from the text.

    Part C consists of 9 tasks, which are divided into 4 large blocks.

    • C1-C4 - work with social science text, search for information presented in explicit and implicit form, your commentary on author's judgments based on knowledge of courses and social practice.
    • С5, С8 - tasks of a theoretical nature, where it is practically not required to apply examples from the surrounding reality, and the emphasis is on the ability to structured present knowledge of the course of social studies.
    • С6-С7 - tasks for the application of theoretical knowledge in practice, solving problems and giving examples.

    We have already devoted our posts to separate assignments, and a separate heading - writing an essay on social studies, which the subscribers of our group are happy to use.

    The published FIPI "METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVALUATING THE PERFORMANCE OF USE TASKS WITH AN EXTENDED ANSWER" for the Analysis of essay C9 with the help of FIPI recommendations, we will devote another post, and today we will discuss the remaining 8 tasks.

    Analysis of part C of the exam in social studies 2013

    A few words about the method of working with social science text:

    1. We read the entire text, highlight its main problem (what is it about?). In this case, it is ensuring the constitutional right of a citizen of the Russian Federation to judicial protection.

    2. We work with the text in KIM (assignment form). As a rule, C1 and C2 can be completely written out of the text, sometimes with a little revision. Like this, for example:

    3. That is, without wasting time on rewriting the answer into a draft (remember that working with part C requires a lot of time), we prepare ready-made answers for rewriting into a draft.

    So, here are the answers of a graduate who is seriously preparing for the USE in social studies:

    C1.1) Speech the text deals with the constitutional right to judicial protection.
    2) The main condition for the realization of this right is the opportunity for every citizen to find out how, where and on what issue to apply. Ensuring information accessibility of the court.

    Maximum per task - 2 points.

    C2.1) According to the author, the problem of the procedure for receiving complaints is a number of rules that objectively restrict access to justice.
    2) The limitation is to accept complaints only on randomly set “complaint acceptance” days.
    3) Complaints can be submitted only after personal consultation with a judge or only after checking documents not provided for by law.
    4) Only federal laws can impose this kind of restriction.

    And again the maximum for the task - 2 points. But, there are some comments on the design. A problem is identified, its two manifestations. But the last part of the question is not clearly highlighted. It is better:

    - The role of federal laws in solving the problem of the complaint procedure is that only they can impose a restriction of this kind.

    One more remark. Each exam expert checks more than a dozen papers. Naturally, the eye becomes blurred, so I recommend writing down the answer to the task clearly, repeating its condition, especially if several questions are asked for one task.

    C3. Conditions for unimpeded visits to courts by persons with disabilities include:
    1) Providing assistance in moving from home to ships (special social services providing a vehicle (social service car with a driver or taxi))
    2) Installation of convenient ramps at the entrance to court buildings
    3) Convenient elevators and doorways inside court buildings
    4) Sound equipment for the blind in court buildings, vehicles, pedestrian crossings.
    5) Equipping the metro with convenient ramps and elevators
    6) Equipping ground vehicles with convenient wheelchair access, sound equipment for the blind.

    C4. The information accessibility of the court and the openness of court sessions guarantees the observance of the rights of citizens, since: 1) Public announcement of the verdict and decision of the court is carried out. This provides an opportunity for public discussion, media coverage, filing complaints, if necessary, from citizens, or other expressions of dissatisfaction (meetings, rallies).
    2) The openness of the meeting guarantees the equality of all before the law and the court
    3) Elimination of the possibility of falsification and distortion of the case during the trial.
    4) Elimination of bias on the part of the judge, prosecutor or lawyer towards the defendant, plaintiff or witnesses.

    Let us point out the exhaustive brilliant answers. Shown understanding of the text, knowledge of the theory of law, understanding of social reality. This, in contrast to tasks C1-C2 (basic level), tasks of an increased level, each correctly completed task is estimated at 3 points.

    For loyal C3 and C4 maximum 6 points. Total for the text C1-C4 maximum 10 points.

    C5.Social progress is the process of development of society from simpler to more complex, from lower to higher.

    1) Society is a dynamic self-developing system, which inevitably leads to social progress
    2) The idea of ​​social progress arose by analogy with the development of nature
    3) Social progress is controversial, since improvement in one area can lead to deterioration or complete withering away of another area. progress for this segment of the population may be negative for another.
    4) The criteria of social progress are the development of science, technology, the complication of culture, law, education, medicine, etc.

    We note right away that in this format this year, it has been concretized in part of two complementary proposals. But there are very big doubts about this answer C5, with the current (extremely specific) form of asking questions on complementary proposals, a maximum of 1 point for the correct definition would have been received. Suggestions would be here did not count, since it would be unclear what is being concretized at all.

    And yet, they ask to make two sentences, and in the answer 4. This requires exactly 2!

    And in part C on the exam, there are no abbreviations, especially etc. NOT ACCEPTED!

    Let's say 1 point for the task.

    Here's the graduate's answer:

    C6. Ways to combat unemployment:
    1) Organization of public works (landscaping and improvement of parks, squares, playgrounds)
    2) Lending and subsidizing small businesses so that people show their entrepreneurial abilities, create jobs for themselves and additional jobs. (loans issued by banks to open their own business at a lower interest rate)
    3) Creation of schools and courses for retraining workers. (Creation of accounting courses, courses in scripting languages, etc.)

    1. At the request of the local employment service, the department of housing and communal services of the town of M. allocated an additional 2 places for the employment of unemployed citizens to work as a street greener.

    Here is how the FIPI methodological recommendations look like:

    Therefore, for this answer, the expert will set 0 points.

    Graduate response:

    C7. This social phenomenon - Socialization of the individual.
    1) Parents (mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather) have the greatest influence on the primary socialization of the child. Secondary - school, university, teachers, professors.
    2) The same influence on the socialization of a person is exerted by people who are in authority with a particular person.
    3) Example: The child remembers how family members communicate with each other and does by analogy with them.
    The student accepts the opinion of a professor he respects on a particular topic.

    In general, the task itself contains the fact that you must know at a high level what an agent of socialization is, and what an institution of socialization is. These are subjects. In this answer, all the arguments are stacked "in a heap" ... Honestly, further in this situation the experts would argue, but you would receive at least 1 point for an example. Ask two subjects, write:
    1. Parents.
    6. Functions of the state

    b) Protection of the territory of the state
    c) Representation of the state in the international arena (political, economic)

    The variant really got a voluminous question for the plan. The logic of constructing the answer by the graduate is correctly understood, but at the end there are some inaccuracies.

    Very confusing again etc. at the end of the plan. Moreover, at the beginning of this paragraph a) Economic and social problems … what is this? it is not a function. These are problems. As if the point was removed, since this item is in the task of the plan.

    2 points for answer.

    How to solve part C of the exam in social studies?

    Small summaries from the disassembled version. We checked it without an essay, we will immediately take this into account when calculating points (- 5 points, this is the maximum for C9).

    Of the maximum possible, thus 22 points, 15 points are scored. That's a lot. Combining this with 17 points for Part A and 11 for Part B, it turns out (that's almost 67 points). That is, the graduate claims a high level of USE scores. I recommend that you continue this work in our group.

    In addition to the main disciplines, students can take additional ones, which they choose on their own, and the results in which they will need for further admission. Social studies belongs to one of these subjects.

    In 2018, the social studies exam will not structurally change, the block with the test part will continue to be excluded.

    The number of retake attempts has been increased to 3. This option is suitable for those students who did not score the passing number of points or are not satisfied with the exam results. This change is due to the fact that there is a need to create a more acceptable psychological atmosphere.

    An important change in the project will be the fact that now students will speak more during the exam, rather than write. A similar innovation will affect the humanities, in particular social studies. Time to pass the social studies test will be 235 minutes.

    Very important changes await students in relation to violations during the exam. If the examiner finds things that are not allowed in the exam, then he gets the opportunity to retake only the next year.

    As for violations on the part of teachers, then a fine will be issued in the amount of from 20 to 40 thousand rubles.

    In general, social studies is a fairly popular subject among graduates, since it is precisely this subject that is needed in a number of prestigious universities.

    The structure of assignments for the 2019 exam in social studies

    The structure of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies of 2019 will be presented in two types of thematic tasks. The types differ in the complexity and type of answers. A general description of the structure of the task is given below:

    1. The first category includes questions that require one-word answers.
    2. The second includes questions that need to be answered in detail.
    3. The last assignment is an essay on one of the proposed topics.

    Essay in the Unified State Exam in Social Science 2019

    The most difficult task in the Unified State Exam in social studies is considered to be an essay. For the correct completion of this task, the student can receive from three to five points... The most important thing when performing this task is to properly structure the content of the text, as well as try to avoid common mistakes.

    It is important when writing this assignment to reveal the meaning of the selected statement. If the meaning is not revealed or is not revealed correctly, then the answer is already evaluated in zero points.

    It is very important to present the correct arguments to support your reasons. If the student has supported his arguments with actual examples, then he will definitely receive a good score for completing the assignment.

    In order to cope with such a task, you must remember about essay plan:

    1. Selected quotation is given.
    2. The problem, voiced by the author, is determined, and its relevance is substantiated.
    3. The meaning of the quote is revealed.
    4. Own point of view is voiced.
    5. Arguments of a theoretical nature are presented.
    6. Theoretical arguments are supported by practical examples.
    7. The conclusion is drawn up.

    If you strictly adhere to such a plan, then all the requirements for writing an essay will be met and the grade for the essay will be high.

    Categories of those taking the exam in social studies

    Some citizens cannot take the exam. This is agreed by Rosobrnadzor. The following persons are allowed before the test:

    1. Those who took the exam in previous years, however, did not receive the desired result.
    2. Students looking to improve their performance.
    3. Students who fail the test or receive negative marks in a number of disciplines.

    How to become a participant of the Unified State Exam 2019?

    To get on the exam, you need to make an application at the place where the test is organized. The application contains a list of disciplines in which the exam will take place. Such documents can be submitted to the admissions office of the school, to the municipal authority of the entity where the Unified State Exam will take place, to the admissions offices of universities.

    The deadline for submitting an application, for children who want to take the USE ahead of schedule - until February 1, and for those students who want to take the exam later - until December 1.

    Early examinations in social studies in 2019

    In social studies, it is necessary for those students who cannot pass the test in a timely manner. There are various reasons, ranging from being drafted into the army, by the Olympics and up to a regular move.

    In such a situation, the exam is passed ahead of schedule and the undoubted advantage is that the student will not miss the deadline, will be able to pass the exam and then submit the documents to the university. The early USE also has drawbacks. It is very difficult to prepare for the exam without interrupting your studies. It is natural that hasty preparation will not bring good results.

    Additional information about the exam 2019

    On the Unified State Exam in Social Studies, it is allowed to bring a gel or capillary black pen, a passport. By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, a list of subjects and aids that are allowed to be used on the Unified State Exam is designated. In social studies, it is not allowed to use reference books, manuals, collections.

    According to this order, it is prohibited to bring cell phones, tablets, and other electronic computing devices to social studies. It is forbidden to use methodological and reference manuals that are not allowed in the exam.

    If a student brings something similar to the Unified State Exam or performs actions that can be qualified as an attempt to write off, then he will be removed from the exam and a note will be made on the Unified State Exam answer form. The student will be allowed to retake only in a year.

    The passing score in social studies in 2017 was 42 points, it is not planned to change it in 2018. The scale of the transfer of points is used for the calculation.

    If the exam rules are violated by the organizers, for example, less time is given, then the examiner has the right to file an appeal. A complaint for this reason must be filed on the same day, after leaving the audience.

    Also, a similar right arises when the examinee does not agree with the total amount of points earned by him. In such cases, the objection shall be filed within two working days from the moment of acquaintance with the results of the exam. You can dispute the results even if there was a technical failure when checking the exam.

    In the event that there were no violations on the part of the applicant, the organizers give the student the opportunity to retake the exam. If there were such violations, then the student will be denied on the complaint.

    After the results are calculated and checked, the graduate receives a certificate of the established form, which indicates the results in all subjects, except for those for which a sufficient number of points has not been scored.

    This certificate is required when submitting documents to universities and is valid for 4 years.

    How to prepare for the 2019 USE in social studies

    For a good exam, of course, you need to prepare. The training specification varies. You can take online trial tests in a subject. Also, in preparation, it will help great demo version of the FIPI Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2019... Others will use ordinary textbooks.

    These benefits include the following:

    If a student uses online tests to prepare for the exam in social studies, then he may well pass them using a computer and the Internet. The advantage of such preparation is that there is no need to attend any additional classes or lectures, it is enough to go to the official website and take the exam online. There are also drawbacks to such training, the student will not know the theory, but only single answers, which is unlikely to allow him to write an essay.

    Also, for preparation, you can use a service such as demo version of the exam in social studies 2019... These are the materials of previous exams posted on the FIPI website.

    Using demonstration materials is considered a very good preparation method. KIM codifier based on such materials, the same was used that was used to draw up the main tasks for the exam. The use of such materials will help students familiarize themselves with the procedure for passing the exam, the basic rules, and also form a list of topics that need additional training.

    It is very important for both children and their parents to remember that there is no need to be afraid to take the exam. To avoid unnecessary psychological stress and trauma, the teenager himself needs to set goals correctly and maintain a healthy way of eating and sleeping, and parents should try to create that comfortable microclimate that is so necessary for a teenager in a stressful situation, which, in fact, is the USE.

    Statistics of passing the exam in social studies for the past years

    The share of participants who did not receive the minimum score in 2018 decreased in comparison with the previous year by 3.8% and amounted to 13.8%. The number of students who received the maximum score of 142 people, in 2016 there were only 59.

    Exam Schedule

    The early stage of passing the exam in social studies in 2019 is being specified.

    The main stage of passing the exam in social studies in 2019 is being specified.