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  • Meringue cookies. Making Your Own Homemade Protein Cookies Protein Cookies

    Meringue cookies.  Making Your Own Homemade Protein Cookies Protein Cookies

    Protein Cookies - cookies with an increased amount of proteins. These cookies can be a great replacement for protein bars. There will be no butter in our recipe - this will reduce the amount of fat and total calories, and we will also replace some of the flour with protein so that cookies are an excellent source of protein.

    To make protein cookies, we need:

    • Oatmeal - 80 g;
    • Protein (preferably casein) - 60 g;
    • A little sugar or sweeteners - 50 g;
    • Eggs - 2pcs;
    • Baking paper.


    The calorie content of one protein cookie will be approximately 60-80 kcal.

    Protein for cooking is recommended to take either casein or whey (you can take it with any taste - chocolate, vanilla, berries). You can experiment with the proportions of protein and oatmeal, but if there is no oatmeal at all, then protein cookies will taste a bit like rubber and only athletes after a month of drying will be able to appreciate such a delicacy. Sugar can be replaced with sweeteners, but you should not use honey, because at high temperatures, honey loses all its properties and even begins to release harmful substances. You can add raisins, nuts, chocolate to the ingredients to taste.

    Protein cookies are a healthy replacement for regular oatmeal cookies, which can be a threat to our figure with their high calorie content and high amount of sugar. What's more, protein cookies can be much tastier than regular cookies, and they can help you gain lean muscle mass or get leaner.

    Let's look at another recipe for protein cookies, but this time without using the oven. We will need:

    • A glass of oatmeal;
    • Protein powder - 60 g;
    • One third of a glass of peanuts;
    • A quarter cup of walnut and a quarter of coconut oil;
    • Dates - 2-3 pieces;
    • Approximately ¾ cup of water.

    How do we prepare it:

    Now you know how to make protein cookies at home. A minimum of calories and a lot of protein is all that is needed for a quality set of muscle mass. Experiment with proportions, add some of your ingredients, and you will turn the cooking process into a healthy and tasty creation.

    It is possible to replace protein bars with regular protein cookies prepared by yourself. An increased amount of protein is achieved without the presence of butter. Moreover, part of the flour can be replaced with protein, which will serve as an excellent source of protein.

    • oatmeal - 80 g;
    • protein (casein) - 60 g;
    • 50 g of sugar or sweetener;
    • eggs - 2 pcs;
    • baking paper.

    1. The oven heats up to 180 degrees.
    2. Pour oatmeal into a large bowl.
    3. 2 eggs are broken into a bowl and mixed with cereal.
    4. In the process of mixing, half of the protein is added to the composition.
    5. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, the rest of the protein is poured into the bowl.
    6. Place baking paper on the bottom of the baking sheet.
    7. With the help of a spoon, the mixture is laid out on paper in separate lumps, forming future cookies.
    8. After that, a baking sheet with cookies is placed in the oven for 10 minutes. When the cookies are browned, they can be removed from the oven.

    One cookie, in terms of calories, will correspond to 60-80 kcal.

    For making cookies, casein or whey protein is suitable, with the aroma of chocolate, berries, vanilla, etc. The recipe is not perfect and there is an opportunity to experiment by changing the proportions of oatmeal and protein. At the same time, you need to know that without oatmeal, the cookies will have a specific taste, reminiscent of the taste of rubber. Not every athlete will be able to appreciate this taste, therefore, it is better not to resort to such proportions when there is no oatmeal. Sugar can be easily replaced with sweeteners, but you should not resort to honey, as it loses its beneficial properties when heated. You can add nuts, raisins, chocolate, etc. to the main ingredients, to taste.

    Protein cookies can easily replace the usual oatmeal cookies, which do not contribute to weight loss, but on the contrary, they can cause excess weight. In addition, such self-made cookies (protein ones) can turn out to be much tastier than ordinary oatmeal ones. In addition, these cookies contribute to a set of lean muscle mass, which is very important for athletes.

    There is another option for protein cookies that does not require oven cooking. This will require:

    • oatmeal - 1 cup;
    • protein powder - 60 g;
    • peanuts - 1/3 cup;
    • ¼ cup each of nut and coconut oil;
    • dates - 2-3 pieces;
    • water - 3/4 cup.


    1. A blender is taken, where peanut and coconut oil are mixed, as well as 2 dates and water.
    2. A bowl is taken in which dry ingredients are mixed with the mass obtained in a blender.
    3. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed until smooth.
    4. At the next stage, the future protein cookies are formed from the resulting mass. To do this, take a spoon and use it to separate pieces from the dough, from which the balls roll. After that, the balls are laid on a flat surface and pressed down. You should get round cookies, about 3 cm in diameter.
    5. After the formation of cookies, it is transferred to the refrigerator for 1 hour.
    6. Once the cookies are in the refrigerator and harden, they can be eaten.

    As can be seen from the information, making your own cookies, which contain a minimum of calories and a maximum of protein, is not difficult. Everything here is aimed at gaining not fat, but muscle mass. This is especially true for those who play sports.

    This is not only useful, but also interesting. In this case, there are many options for obtaining such cookies based on two recipes. After all, you can add some of your ingredients, based on one of the recipes.

    The problem of high-quality and proper nutrition has not arisen today - it has existed for a long time. But in our time it is felt most acutely. The quality of food is constantly declining, therefore, many people are switching to the principles of self-cooking various dishes. The percentage of counterfeit products is constantly high, which means that there is practically no confidence in the manufacturer. And it’s not a fact that a protein bar meets the declared characteristics, and it’s good if it doesn’t hurt. When something is done with your own hands, the result is known in advance, which will please you with a wonderful taste and aroma.

    I tried to make this step-by-step dessert recipe more than accessible so that you can repeat it without problems at home. It should be noted that mostly meringue cookies are prepared with the addition of powdered sugar, and not granulated sugar. The fact is that the powder dissolves much faster in the protein, so the meringue (the base for the meringue) is whipped faster.

    However, I can assure you that you will also be fine with sugar, just beat longer (if you have a planetary mixer, this is not a problem at all) so that the sweet crystals completely dissolve. But for the first time, still take the same amount of powdered sugar, and then fill your hand and cook with granulated sugar.

    The most important secret when making meringue cookies is to beat the meringue properly. That is, the finished mass should turn out to be airy, smooth, homogeneous and at the same time thick enough to keep its shape (I will show you this in step-by-step photos). How to plant the meringue is a personal matter: you can use a culinary bag with nozzles or just a spoon. You need to dry these sweet protein cookies in a warm, but not hot oven - ideally at 90-100 degrees, periodically opening the door.

    Properly cooked meringue cookies are light, sonorous, dry (a little viscous inside in the first hours), sweet and tasty. Store it at room temperature in an airtight container or bag. I really hope that my step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the recipe will help you make homemade meringue cookies for your family without any problems.


    Cooking step by step with photos:

    This step-by-step meringue recipe includes such simple products as: egg whites (1 protein weighs an average of 30 grams - this is important if you store a lot of proteins in one dish), sugar (for the first time, use powdered sugar), lemon juice and a pinch salt. By the way, my proteins were frozen, and then just thawed overnight in the refrigerator. I often cook dishes on egg yolks, so I just collect the whites in a bag and store them in the freezer. There is no difference between fresh and frozen meringue proteins.

    So, in addition to products, we need suitable dishes and a mixer. Take a bowl, wash it and dry it thoroughly. It is also advised to degrease it with lemon juice, and then wipe it dry again. Pour cold proteins and pour a pinch of salt.

    Start beating the egg whites at low speed, gradually increasing the speed to medium. When the proteins begin to foam and become airy, add lemon juice. Ideally, the whipping is not interrupted (I do this solely to capture the frame).

    We continue to beat already at almost maximum speed for another minute or two. In the process of whipping, add sugar or powdered sugar a tablespoon at a time. We increase the speed of the mixer to the maximum and beat the meringue, not forgetting the sugar. If you use a planetary mixer, it is much easier, because your hands are free. With a hand mixer, beat the whites as if drawing a figure eight or an infinity sign. This is necessary so that the mass is whipped evenly.

    In general, whipping proteins will take you about 10-15 minutes. When the sugar is completely dissolved, the mass will be as it should.

    Now decide for yourself how you will plant cookies - I like using a pastry bag with a rose or star nozzle. You can just use a spoon.


    How to get the most out of this product. Two recipes for self-preparation.

    One of the biggest concerns of bodybuilders is proper nutrition. Sometimes it is so difficult to decide on the products that should be taken before or after a workout. Of course, you can eat a sandwich or a bun, but this is wrong. Fast carbohydrates will not add muscle mass. The only thing that can be achieved with their help is to increase the fat layer. So why "torture" your body if you can eat a hearty protein cookie. It remains only to prepare it.

    What are the benefits?

    If you choose the right recipe and buy all the necessary ingredients, you can get a really satisfying treat. In such a cookie there will be what is required for the development, growth of muscle fibers and recovery. It's no secret that after a workout you always want to eat. In the body, a carbohydrate-protein window “wide open” opens, which needs to be “closed” wisely. And what could be better than a tasty and satisfying cookie with lots of protein, carbohydrates and vitamins. Which recipe to choose? We will discuss this issue in the article.

    What to cook?

    Many people think that preparing a delicious treat is difficult. Not at all. You can always choose a recipe that suits the ingredients and cooking time. So let's get started:

    1. Oatmeal Protein Cookies. This recipe is well known to most housewives. We'll just update it a bit. So, as ingredients, you need to buy and prepare coconut flakes (half a glass) and the same amount of egg whites. After that, measure out four cups of oatmeal (preferably as small as possible), stevia (four teaspoons), vanilla (3 tsp is enough), apple mousse (one cup), protein powder (7-8 scoops), raisins ( as a rule, half or a whole glass is enough), a little almond (half a glass) and two tablespoons of cinnamon.

    Pour everything into a large bowl and mix well until a homogeneous mass is obtained (if, of course, you can call it that). Preheat the oven to 160-180 degrees Celsius. While the oven is heating, begin to form cookies of the desired shape on a sheet (you should get about 50-60 servings). Install the "blanks" and let them stand in the heat for about 20 minutes. That's all - a wonderful and healthy cookie is ready. The recipe is very simple, and the preparation itself will take no more than 20-30 minutes. The main thing is to buy everything in advance.

    1. A simple protein cookie. This recipe is even easier. Its feature is the minimum amount of fat and calories in the composition. As a result, cookies can be safely eaten even when losing weight. A big plus is a minimum of flour, which will be replaced by protein. Such a treat is best eaten somewhere 30-40 minutes before the start of class. On the one hand, it will provide the necessary feeling of satiety, and on the other hand, it will give the body a supply of useful substances and energy.

    You can customize the recipe yourself. For example, no one bothers to buy and add more protein to cookies, and reduce the total amount of oatmeal. In this case, you get a satisfying product for weight gain.

    In general, let's look at the features of cooking in more detail.

    You will need - oatmeal (90-100 grams), protein (casein or whey - 25-30 grams), one third of a glass of sugar, egg white (2 pieces) and special oven paper (you will bake goodies in it).

    If you do not like large oatmeal, then you can grind them or use flour for cooking. The taste of the protein can be any (here it is already up to your preference). Just do not overdo it with protein, because cookies can turn out bitter. Sugar can be removed by adding a sweetener instead. It is useless to use honey, because when heated, there will still be no useful substances left.

    Once everything is prepared, pour into a bowl and mix until a single mass is obtained. After that, using a spoon, spread the finished mixture on a sheet in the form of a small cookie. Preheat the oven to 180-200 degrees and put the sheet with the blanks inside. 15-20 minutes is enough and nutritious food is ready.


    Remember that these protein treats are very healthy and can significantly increase the effectiveness of classes. The main thing is to find a decent recipe, buy the ingredients and set aside some time for your health. Good luck.

    An excellent biscuit to satisfy the desire for something tasty and sweet. Protein cookies are very easy to prepare, but you will have to be patient, because it takes more than one hour to bake them. But trust me, it's worth it! Incredibly tender and airy cookies will not leave anyone indifferent. We all remember the awesome and unforgettable cake "Kiev" that has existed for fifty years! There is not a single person who has never tried this wonderful and unforgettable cake! My protein biscuits are a part or, one might say, a "culinary quote" of the "Kievskiy" cake. Yet, giving the cookie a certain uniqueness, it acquired a new taste and aroma. The texture and ingredients of protein cookies allow you to fantasize and experiment with additives and flavors. You can add natural essences of rum or almonds, natural flavors of lemon or orange, as well as dried fruits or candied fruits to the cookies. But do not overdo it, otherwise when the protein is overexposed to the oven, the ingredients also begin to dry out a lot and subsequently become a little bitter in the finished form.
    I advise you to cook protein cookies for the first time purely with nuts, without additional additives, in order to feel their primary, real taste. I share with you the recipes of our favorite protein cookies!

    Servings: 6
    Calories: high calorie
    Calories per serving: 295 kcal

    To make Protein Cookies with Nuts and Raisins, you will need:

    Eggs (squirrels) - 3 pcs.
    salt - a pinch
    powdered sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
    nuts - 100 gr.
    flour - 2 tbsp. l.
    sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
    vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (you can replace your favorite essence)
    raisins - 40-50 gr (you can without it)

    How to make protein cookies with nuts and raisins, you will need:

    1. Prepare all required ingredients.

    2. Weigh 100 grams of any nuts. It is desirable that hazelnuts be among them (I had hazelnuts and cashews). We pour them into a chopper and chop them of medium size, not finely and not coarsely.

    3. We shift the chopped nuts into a bowl. Add granulated sugar to the nuts, then flour and vanilla sugar. Mix everything well and thoroughly.

    4. Separately, in a deep bowl, separate the proteins from three fairly large eggs. Let's salt a little. We begin to beat the whites with a mixer. As soon as foam begins to appear, gradually and gradually add powdered sugar, without ceasing to beat the whites with a mixer. Then increase the speed and beat until smooth and firm peaks.

    5. Pour the nut part into the resulting whipped proteins. Stir gently, from bottom to top, so that the protein mass does not settle. Optionally, add washed and dried raisins (the first time we cook without it).

    6. We cover the baking sheet with parchment paper and spread the protein mass one by one with a tablespoon. Between them we leave a distance of about 1 centimeter.

    7. Preheat the oven to 120-130 degrees and put the baking sheet in the oven for 1 hour 30 minutes. This is how our cookies will dry and cook.
    8. After the specified time, we take out our finished protein cookies from the oven. Leave them to cool on parchment. You will hear a pleasant, light crunch and crackle, do not be alarmed), so they cool down.