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  • What to do if you haven't passed it. What threatens a ninth-grader for a "deuce" on the OGE

    What to do if you haven't passed it.  What threatens a ninth-grader for a

    What if the child did not pass the OGE?

    If in ninth grade your child suffered a complete fiasco, did not pass the GIA or was not admitted to the exam, this does not mean that all doors are closed to him. Instead of a certificate, they give a certificate. Let's figure out together what to do with it and where to go to study further.

    Let's try again?

    According to the law, children who graduated from the 9th grade with a certificate of the established form can try to pass the State Examination Agency again in a year as an external student. At the same time, subjects for which unsatisfactory points were received must be handed over.

    If desired, your daughter or son can stay for retraining and undergo the GIA along with new classmates for the next year. As a rule, this applies to those who were not admitted to certification.

    Where to go with help?

    Until 2015, in order to undergo training in various vocational training programs for specialties, mainly workers and employees, a school certificate was a prerequisite. Now you can enter a secondary specialized educational institution with a certificate.

    Who will your daughter or son become?

    The list of working specialties and positions of employees is not limited to the janitor, plumber and turner, who are so fond of scaring teenagers. In fact, there are many more professions:

    • educator;
    • private security guard;
    • Cook;
    • driver;
    • seamstress;
    • driver;
    • flight attendant;
    • cynologist;
    • the hairdresser;
    • electrician, etc.

    If your son or daughter succeeds in their profession, then they can earn very good money. Here, as elsewhere, the main thing is diligence and desire.

    You can check with your local board of education to find out which colleges are accepting grade 8 students in your area. In most cases, training is carried out on a paid basis.

    Why go to college?

    Admit it, after the thought: “What a horror! You have not passed / have not passed the GIA! " the next was: "Will lose a whole year, what to do ?!". Idleness has a destructive effect even on an adult, what can we say about a teenager, who is not averse to forgetting to study. In this situation, primary and secondary vocational education is a good option.

    • First of all, the child will be busy with business, and will not sit for days at the computer or hang out from nowhere.
    • College education for children with a certificate lasts up to 6-8 months. They study specialized disciplines and gain practical skills in production. Classes usually start in October. A year will pass before the retake. During this time, your child will receive a profession and a corresponding rank.
    • If your son or daughter successfully passes the GIA, they will be able to continue studying for free in any specialty. A college diploma with honors gives certain advantages when entering a specialized university. In addition, many colleges participate in the "college - university" program, their graduates can immediately enroll in the 2nd or 3rd year of a specialized university.

    As you can see, college offers good prospects. If your son or daughter immediately tunes in to study, then they will be successful in the future.

    How to prepare for retake of the GIA?

    Without passing the state final certification, your son or daughter can get a profession, raise the category, but their level of education will remain the same. Employers always pay attention to this column in the work book. Therefore, the GIA will still have to be handed over. We have already written about the rules and deadlines for retaking the GIA.

    • A professional tutor will prepare your son or daughter, but classes are very expensive and can be disrupted due to his illness or other urgent circumstances. After all, he is also human.
    • Many colleges have preparatory courses. They are slightly cheaper than courses in educational centers, but they are not always effective, as there are always large groups. Classes are taught by the same college teachers.
    • In educational centers, classes are never canceled. In groups, 5-6 people are engaged. Teachers are often certified experts of the State Examination Agency and the Unified State Examination and are aimed at high results.

    There are no hopeless situations. If your child received a certificate instead of a certificate, do not rush to blame only him for everything. You are also involved in this, admit it. Somewhere in time they were not forced to sit down for lessons, somewhere they were allowed to skip the day. Instead of looking for someone to blame, make the best of the situation. Focus on going to college and getting ready to retake the GIA.

    Source of information brochure from Rosbrnadzor "What is OGE?" - download

    To obtain a certificate of basic general education, graduates take two compulsory subjects (Russian and mathematics) and two optional subjects.

    Elective subjects are not retaken, and the scores for them do not affect the marks in the certificate.

    If a graduate received an unsatisfactory result at the GIA-9 in one or two of the academic subjects, then he can re-pass these exams on reserve days (summer period)

    If a graduate did not pass the GIA-9, or received unsatisfactory results in more than two academic subjects, or received another unsatisfactory result in one of these subjects when retaking on a reserve day, then he can again pass the GIA-9 in the corresponding academic subjects in additional deadlines in September.

    In the event that the student again receives a "deuce", there are two options.

    Did not pass the exam

    He can take the 9th grade course again, or spend a year at home, and take the OGE next spring. Instead of a certificate, such a graduate receives a certificate of study in a general education institution. It does not provide an opportunity to enter a technical school or college.


    To ensure the right of the GIA-9 participant to objectively conduct the exam and evaluate its results, there is an appeal procedure.

    GIA-9 participants can appeal:
    on violation of the established procedure for conducting GIA-9 in a school subject;

    Disagreement with the points awarded.

    Appeals not accepted:

    On the content and structure of KIM in academic subjects;

    On issues related to the participant's violation of the procedure for conducting the GIA-9;

    On issues related to the incorrect design of the examination paper;

    For questions related to the assessment of the results of assignments with a short answer.

    To consider appeals, conflict commissions are created in each region. When considering the appeal, instead of the GIA-9 participant or with him, his parents (legal representatives) may be present, who must have their passports with them. Legal representatives (guardians, adoptive parents, trustees, as well as persons exercising patronage of an adult capable person who, for health reasons, cannot exercise his rights) must also have other documents confirming their powers.

    Also, members of the SEC, officials of Rosobrnadzor and regional supervisory bodies in the field of education may be present at the appeal.

    See also:

    Official website of the exam

    OGE presentation

    Demo version of the OGE (GIA grade 9) 2018 in mathematics

    Preparation for the exam

    Merged and separate spelling NOT
    1. Define a sentence in which NOT with a word is written LITTLE. Expand the parentheses and write out this word.
    1. The student (NOT) who appeared for the exam was sick.
    2. The actor spoke (NOT) LOUD, but emphatically.
    3. The fence at our dacha is still (NOT) PAINTED.
    4. The student recited the text by heart, (NOT) LOOKING at the book.
    5. There was (NOT) MORE than a week before the holidays.
    2. Define a sentence in which NOT with a word is written LITTLE. Expand the parentheses and write out this word.
    1. The issue of financing the construction is still (NOT) RESOLVED.
    2. Solving the problem turned out to be (NOT) EASY for me.

    What to do if you did not pass the exam in 2018

    Winning an argument (NOT) ALWAYS presupposes the triumph of truth.
    4. (NOT) LOUD crackling made the hunter look around.
    5. The man walked through the courtyard and, (NOT) NOTED by anyone, disappeared around the corner.
    3. Define a sentence in which NOT with a word is written LITTLE. Expand the parentheses and write out this word.
    1. To a stupid son and own father of the mind (NOT) WILL SEND.
    2. (NOT) A KIND word burns more painfully than fire.
    3. (NOT) LETTING me closer, the fox threw herself into the water.
    4. People who have (NOT) BEEN IN Kamchatka cannot imagine all the beauty of the morning.
    5. I didn’t (O) K0M even regret that day.
    4.Write a word in which NOT (NOR) is spelled LITTLE.
    1. At home, there was (NOT) GOOD news.
    2. We (NEVER) have ever seen my father sad or confused.
    3. It was (NOT) SOMEONE other than the headmaster.
    4. The artist had a (NOT) BEAUTIFUL, but surprisingly expressive face.
    5. The fence was (NOT) PAINTED and fell to one side.
    5. Define a sentence in which NOT with a word is written LITTLE. Expand the parentheses and write out this word.

    6. Define a sentence in which NOT with a word is written LITTLE. Expand the parentheses and write out this word.
    1. We (NOT) ALWAYS get what we want.
    2. The list of books turned out to be far (NOT) COMPLETE.
    3. Most of the grass in the meadow is (NOT) MOVED yet.
    4. The new book turned out to be very (NOT) SUCCESSFUL.
    5. Time is always catastrophic (NOT) ENOUGH.
    7. Define a sentence in which NOT with the word is written SEPARATE. Expand the parentheses and write out this word.

    8. Define a sentence in which NOT with the word is written SEPARATE. Expand the parentheses and write out this word.
    1. She briskly turned to him in an angry movement, still (NOT) SUCCESSFUL to transmit her gaze, but immediately laughed.
    2. Somewhere far below, seven versts (NOT) SEEN from here the property of Shakhmatovo.
    3. In this hour of peaceful grace, it is good to walk in front of the outbuilding with your (NOT) COVERED head.
    4. The day was (NOT) BRIGHT, but light and quiet - somehow sleepy.
    5. Nature is arranged in such a way that the most (NOT) SIGNIFICANT booger keeps in itself universal laws.
    9. Define a sentence in which NOT with a word is written LITTLE. Expand the parentheses and write out this word.
    1. The extraordinary disappearance of Likhodeev was joined by the (NOT) EXPECTED disappearance of the administrator Varenukha.
    2. The person even (NOT) MOVED when the doctor entered.
    3. THE PROFESSOR (NOT) EXPECTEDLY mysteriously beckoned both buddies closer to him.
    4. Nothing (NOT) IS SAID about this in any newspapers.
    5. Now he was already (NOT) AIR, but ordinary, carnal.
    10. Define a sentence in which NOT with a word is written LITTLE. Expand the parentheses and write out this word.
    1. Someone fussed, shouted that it was necessary immediately, right there, (NOT) LEAVING from the place, to draw up some kind of collective telegram.
    2. In the hallway, (NOT) LIGHTED by a light bulb, a bicycle without tires was hanging from the ceiling on the wall.
    3. One moonbeam, seeping through the dusty, (NOT) WIPE window for years, sparingly illuminated the corner where the forgotten icon hung in the dust and cobwebs.
    4. On the door of room number 2 was written something (NOT) AT ALL clear: "One-day creative trip".
    5. The next door bore a short, but already completely (NOT) UNDERSTANDING inscription: "Perelygino".
    11. Define a sentence in which NOT with a word is written LITTLE. Expand the parentheses and write out this word.
    1. (NOT) SOLD OUT within a month have been discounted.
    2. This talented artist (NOT) IMMEDIATELY managed to gain public recognition.
    3. While the sun (NOT) HIDDEN by clouds illuminates the city with surprisingly bright light.
    4. The master of the carpentry shop passed by Pelageya (NOT) IN HURRY.
    5. (NOT) LOOKING at the colossal workload, he still found time to meet us at the cafe.
    12. Define a sentence in which NOT with a word is written LITTLE. Expand the parentheses and write out this word.
    1. If there are no flowers in the middle of winter, then it is (NOT) necessary to be sad about them.
    2. Prince Andrey was irritated by Speransky's cold, (NOT) PASSING look into the soul.
    3. (NOT) EVERYONE can accurately articulate their thought.
    4. Ivan began to think that the surgical department was a very (NOT) BAD team.
    5. The lindens in the old garden are (NOT) CUT OUT, they were defended.
    13. Define a sentence in which NOT with a word is written LITTLE. Expand the parentheses and write out this word.
    1. The pirates who (NOT) EXPECTED to meet such dangerous opponents changed their tactics.
    2. In the plot of this novel there is one fragment (NOT) EXPLAINED by any literary critic.
    3. It turned out to be (NOT) a SUITABLE tool for the job.
    4. Only (NOT) COMPRESSED one strip, it brings a sad thought.
    5. Bulgakov's father taught (NOT) ANYTHING other than the history of Western European Christian denominations, that is, Protestantism

    What if the child did not pass the OGE?

    If in ninth grade your child suffered a complete fiasco, did not pass the GIA or was not admitted to the exam, this does not mean that all doors are closed to him. Instead of a certificate, they give a certificate. Let's figure out together what to do with it and where to go to study further.

    Let's try again?

    According to the law, children who graduated from the 9th grade with a certificate of the established form can try to pass the State Examination Agency again in a year as an external student. At the same time, subjects for which unsatisfactory points were received must be handed over.

    If desired, your daughter or son can stay for retraining and undergo the GIA along with new classmates for the next year.

    What if I didn't pass the OGE in grade 9?

    As a rule, this applies to those who were not admitted to certification.

    Where to go with help?

    Until 2015, in order to undergo training in various vocational training programs for specialties, mainly workers and employees, a school certificate was a prerequisite. Now you can enter a secondary specialized educational institution with a certificate.

    Who will your daughter or son become?

    The list of working specialties and positions of employees is not limited to the janitor, plumber and turner, who are so fond of scaring teenagers. In fact, there are many more professions:

    • educator;
    • private security guard;
    • Cook;
    • driver;
    • seamstress;
    • driver;
    • flight attendant;
    • cynologist;
    • the hairdresser;
    • electrician, etc.

    If your son or daughter succeeds in their profession, then they can earn very good money. Here, as elsewhere, the main thing is diligence and desire.

    You can check with your local board of education to find out which colleges are accepting grade 8 students in your area. In most cases, training is carried out on a paid basis.

    Why go to college?

    Admit it, after the thought: “What a horror! You have not passed / have not passed the GIA! " the next was: "Will lose a whole year, what to do ?!". Idleness has a destructive effect even on an adult, what can we say about a teenager, who is not averse to forgetting to study. In this situation, primary and secondary vocational education is a good option.

    • First of all, the child will be busy with business, and will not sit for days at the computer or hang out from nowhere.
    • College education for children with a certificate lasts up to 6-8 months. They study specialized disciplines and gain practical skills in production. Classes usually start in October. A year will pass before the retake. During this time, your child will receive a profession and a corresponding rank.
    • If your son or daughter successfully passes the GIA, they will be able to continue studying for free in any specialty. A college diploma with honors gives certain advantages when entering a specialized university. In addition, many colleges participate in the "college - university" program, their graduates can immediately enroll in the 2nd or 3rd year of a specialized university.

    As you can see, college offers good prospects. If your son or daughter immediately tunes in to study, then they will be successful in the future.

    How to prepare for retake of the GIA?

    Without passing the state final certification, your son or daughter can get a profession, raise the category, but their level of education will remain the same. Employers always pay attention to this column in the work book. Therefore, the GIA will still have to be handed over. We have already written about the rules and deadlines for retaking the GIA.

    • A professional tutor will prepare your son or daughter, but classes are very expensive and can be disrupted due to his illness or other urgent circumstances. After all, he is also human.
    • Many colleges have preparatory courses. They are slightly cheaper than courses in educational centers, but they are not always effective, as there are always large groups. Classes are taught by the same college teachers.
    • In educational centers, classes are never canceled. In groups, 5-6 people are engaged. Teachers are often certified experts of the State Examination Agency and the Unified State Examination and are aimed at high results.

    There are no hopeless situations. If your child received a certificate instead of a certificate, do not rush to blame only him for everything. You are also involved in this, admit it. Somewhere in time they were not forced to sit down for lessons, somewhere they were allowed to skip the day. Instead of looking for someone to blame, make the best of the situation. Focus on going to college and getting ready to retake the GIA.

    All ninth-graders at the end of the school year pass the GIA without fail. Although the KIM assignments are compiled taking into account the amount of knowledge gained in the framework of general education school programs, it also happens that students cannot answer most of the questions and receive unsatisfactory grades. But failure in the exam is not a verdict: as part of the final certification, a retake of the OGE is envisaged.

    Who can re-pass GIA-9

    The categories of those who are allowed to retake the failed OGE exam by choice or in basic academic subjects are regulated by clause 30 of the procedure for conducting GIA 9 (order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1394).

    This year, students are allowed to retake:

    • those who received a bad mark in no more than two academic disciplines;
    • those who did not show up for the exam or did not complete the work for a good reason (due to illness, due to a sharp deterioration in health in the PPE and due to other documented circumstances);
    • those who filed an appeal on the violation of the procedure for conducting the GIA and received a positive decision by the GEC;
    • whose results were canceled by the conflict commission when facts of violations of the OGE procedure were revealed by the persons responsible for organizing the GIA and who were present at the PPE (examination point).

    The next year, the OGE is retaken by those who received more than two unsatisfactory marks on the GIA and were unable to correct them within the additional time limit.

    How many times can you retake the exam

    If we discard the complex and rather vague official wording about the permissible number of retakes, then in fact, in order to correct the bad score obtained at the GIA, two attempts are given during the examination period of the current academic year (the first - on reserve days, the second - in September).

    More specifically, the number of retakes is stated in paragraph 61 of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1394 (last edition - from 17.

    The child did not pass the OGE: what to do

    The innovations made life easier for ninth-graders: in the version of the document that was in force until February 16, 2017, only one subject was allowed to retake in the summer.

    Retake period

    The GIA 9 schedule for retaking exams provides for additional certification terms:

    • reserve days (at an early stage - in May, at the main stage - in June);
    • September period.

    One separate reserve day is allotted for retaking mathematics, Russian and foreign languages. The rest of the items are rented several times in one day, for example, like this:

    Schoolchildren can retake the OGE on reserve days:

    • for valid reasons did not take part in the exam, which was held according to the main schedule;
    • who filed an appeal and received a positive answer to it;
    • whose results were canceled due to violations of the procedure for conducting the GIA on the part of the certification organizers;
    • received a deuce in one or two of the items.

    In September, the OGE retakes those who:

    • got one or two failures, but decided not to rush to retake, but was going to carefully prepare for it within two months;
    • for health reasons and other valid reasons, he could not use the second chance in June;
    • flunked retake on reserve days in the summer.

    The next year, graduates of the ninth grade are admitted to the GIA:

    • those who received a deuce at retake in September;
    • passed three or four exams unsatisfactorily.

    After the successful retake of the OGE in September, subject to the availability of vacancies in the educational organization, the graduate can continue his studies in the 10th grade or enter the secondary school, if the administration of the institution agrees to enroll him after the start of the academic year.

    If it did not work out to pass the GIA, then the student, by the decision of his parents or legal representatives, can:

    • stay for retraining;
    • switch to adaptive programs;
    • get a certificate of the established form instead of a certificate.

    With a certificate, you can study at home on your own, and the next year you can retake the OGE. As an option: continue your studies at a college or technical school (most likely, they will offer a paid form) and get a working profession.

    More related articles

    What to do if you haven't passed the exam

    The OGE is a prerequisite for the student's transition to the next stage of education. What will happen if the OGE result is not credited, how a ninth-grader should act in this case, experts explained.

    Schoolchildren of the final grades in Russia undergo final testing: eleventh graders take the Unified State Exam, schoolchildren who have completed the ninth grade - the OGE. Graduates of the 9th grade in 2018 will have to prove their level of knowledge in five disciplines, two of which are compulsory (Russian and mathematics), and the rest of the student chooses independently. This year, the most popular elective subjects were social studies (63% of ninth-graders chose it), geography (33%) and computer science (28%).

    The results of the OGE are read out when a student enters the next grade of an educational school, as well as when he transfers to a specialized educational institution. According to the results of the work, as you know, points are calculated: for each subject there are peculiarities of scoring. Then the points are converted into grades on a five-point system: there is also a scale for converting points into "twos", "threes", "fours" and "fives". So, in order not to get a "2" in the Russian language, you need to score at least 15 points, for mathematics this indicator is 8 points.

    What if the OGE for the 9th grade is not passed?

    Schoolchildren who have received an unsatisfactory mark in one of the subjects on the OGE can retake it. Time is allocated for this in the summer, and there is also a chance to rectify the situation in September. Note that earlier, a student who did not pass at least one subject on the OGE had to retake all exams. In 2018, it became easier for schoolchildren: they are re-tested only in the discipline for which they received an insufficient number of points.

    A schoolchild who failed to correct the grade for the OGE during the summer or in September, either remains in the ninth grade for the second year, or leaves the walls of the educational institution with a certificate instead of a certificate. In the latter case, the student can receive this document on the successful completion of the 9-year education in another educational institution, where he can apply with a certificate (for example, in a vocational school).

    A student who successfully retakes the exam receives a certificate for 9 grades. With this document, the student will not have problems when entering educational institutions of vocational education, but he may not be taken to the 10th grade, especially if the school in which he studied was with an in-depth study of any subject. Now the rules for admission to the 10th grade are established by the schools themselves: if the charter says that only those who have received at least 4 points on the OGE can become a tenth grader, then documents from less successful students will not be accepted.

    The OGE in 2018 in Russia is taken by approximately 1.3 million students in grades 9. The main wave of the OGE began on May 25 and will end on June 29, 2018.

    The OGE is a prerequisite for the student's transition to the next stage of education. What will happen if the OGE result is not credited, how a ninth-grader should act in this case, experts explained.

    Schoolchildren of the final grades in Russia undergo final testing: eleventh graders take the Unified State Exam, schoolchildren who have completed the ninth grade - the OGE. Graduates of the 9th grade in 2018 will have to prove their level of knowledge in five disciplines, two of which are compulsory (Russian and mathematics), and the rest of the student chooses independently. This year, the most popular elective subjects were social studies (63% of ninth-graders chose it), geography (33%) and computer science (28%).

    The results of the OGE are read out when a student enters the next grade of an educational school, as well as when he transfers to a specialized educational institution. According to the results of the work, as you know, points are calculated: for each subject there are peculiarities of scoring. Then the points are converted into grades on a five-point system: there is also a scale for converting points into "twos", "threes", "fours" and "fives". So, in order not to get a "2" in the Russian language, you need to score at least 15 points, for mathematics this indicator is 8 points.

    What if the OGE for the 9th grade is not passed?

    Schoolchildren who have received an unsatisfactory mark in one of the subjects on the OGE can retake it. Time is allocated for this in the summer, and there is also a chance to rectify the situation in September. Note that earlier, a student who did not pass at least one subject on the OGE had to retake all exams. In 2018, it became easier for schoolchildren: they are re-tested only in the discipline for which they received an insufficient number of points.

    A schoolchild who failed to correct the grade for the OGE during the summer or in September, either remains in the ninth grade for the second year, or leaves the walls of the educational institution with a certificate instead of a certificate. In the latter case, the student can receive this document on the successful completion of the 9-year education in another educational institution, where he can apply with a certificate (for example, in a vocational school).

    A student who successfully retakes the exam receives a certificate for 9 grades. With this document, the student will not have problems when entering educational institutions of vocational education, but he may not be taken to the 10th grade, especially if the school in which he studied was with an in-depth study of any subject. Now the rules for admission to the 10th grade are established by the schools themselves: if the charter says that only those who have received at least 4 points on the OGE can become a tenth grader, then documents from less successful students will not be accepted.

    The OGE in 2018 in Russia is taken by approximately 1.3 million students in grades 9. The main wave of the OGE began on May 25 and will end on June 29, 2018.

    Final exams in the ninth grade are an important event for every student. The tasks become more difficult every year, and sometimes even good students show low results on the OGE. What is left for the guys who did not cope with the exam task and cannot continue their studies? Let's say right away: don't be discouraged. As you know, ninth-graders take exams in two compulsory subjects (mathematics and Russian) and in two optional subjects. Elective subjects are not retaken, and the scores for them do not affect the marks in the certificate. For example, if a student received a "3" in history in a year, and a "2" for an exam, the education document will have a "three". But alas - everything is not so simple with compulsory subjects ...

    A failed exam has a chance to retake in June and September

    Exam retake options

    If the result in one exam in a compulsory subject is unsatisfactory, the discipline can be retaken in the summer. The first re-delivery takes place in June. For this, all the children who did not pass a certain exam are gathered in one school. If the student has not coped with the assignments for the second time or "failed" both compulsory subjects, he will have to retake in September.

    In the event that the student again receives a "deuce", there are two options. He can take the 9th grade course again, or spend a year at home, and take the OGE next spring. Instead of a certificate, such a graduate receives a certificate of study in a general education institution. Unfortunately, it does not provide an opportunity to go to college or technical school.

    Right to appeal

    There are other options as well. If the student disagrees with the grade or believes that the order of the exam has been violated, he can appeal. The application is submitted to the conflict commission or to the educational organization in which the student was admitted to the exam. The appeal must be filed within two working days after receiving the results of the OGE.

    The student has the right to appeal the results of the exam.

    To resolve disputes, the commission involves subject matter experts who review the work of schoolchildren. If a mistake was made in calculating the score, the score is corrected to a higher one. The Commission does not consider complaints about the content of assignments and cases where a low grade is received due to incorrect design of the work.

    It also happens that a student misses an exam due to health problems. In this case, he must submit an appropriate certificate from the doctor and an application for retaking to the educational organization at the place of study.