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  • Pluto in Virgo years. Pluto as a principle of personality transformation and rebirth

    Pluto in Virgo years.  Pluto as a principle of personality transformation and rebirth

    The planet Pluto is naturally associated with the sign of Scorpio and the eighth house. Both the planet, the sign, and the house have to do with issues such as birth, sex, death, energy and transformation. Pluto's main theme - energy, and how to handle it - exists both on an individual level and for all of humanity. A Plutonian is someone who has Pluto very strong in the chart, that is, Pluto has aspects to the Sun, or Meridian, or several important planets are in Scorpio, or the eighth house is strong.

    Topics given by such a position are feelings of guilt, resentment, desire to rule, anger or revenge. Since no one is looking for an opportunity to take revenge without being deeply wounded, often some terrible story is associated with the position of Pluto in the natal chart. While some people are more profoundly influenced by Pluto than others, we all exhibit some Pluto trait in the areas of life that it affects.

    Overview of Pluto positions

    Much of what will be discussed relates to Pluto's plight. If your Pluto is well aspected (only has and) or if your Pluto is not particularly strong, this material may not apply to you in any significant way. At the same time, you may find that even the weakest position (such as Scorpio on the cusp and no planets in this house) is due to some of your difficulties. In this case, reading the text will give you some understanding, although some of the most stressful moments of this situation will not apply to you.

    Regardless of whether your Pluto is strong or weak, you may be jarred by some comments, but being face to face with the truth is already the beginning of a change. Once is not enough, but we will continue to know about it, and the truth will bite our eyes, until the games we play are often brought to light enough to interfere with us - and we will be forced to abandon them. Recognizing them in front of others speeds up the process.

    We are often haunted by affairs at home or planets related to the position of Pluto in the natal chart. And to what we cannot get rid of, we become attached tightly. The same negative pattern can appear over and over again in our lives, and with each repetition we will become more and more fixed on it. If someone hurt us or betrayed us, we are already waiting for betrayal, we choose people who will betray us, and then with our expectations we achieve betrayal. Even a decent person who is constantly suspected will be forced to say: “You don't trust me? If that's all you can think of me, then I will do just that. " This is how we create self-fulfilling prophecies.

    One of the options for the emergence of such an obsession is the tendency to be involved in a power struggle in matters related to the house, occupied, or his. Such a fanatical desire to win can paradoxically lead to bitter failure. Often everything starts with a forceful struggle with parents (or other authorities) in childhood - with those who attached great importance to the issues of the house in which Pluto is located, and tried to impose their will on the child here. If the child followed the directions, the parents won. In order not to succumb to the will of his parents and win the battle, a person had to lose everything connected with the house where Pluto is located. Failure was misunderstood as a moral victory. This process allowed me to call Pluto's home "the home of bad luck."

    In the end, the parents can teach the child that he or she will never achieve anything in the affairs of this house - and the child in a peculiar way takes revenge on the parents, suffering failure after failure. Some people kind of freeze this area of ​​their lives, controlling their needs and feelings so tightly that even friends cannot guess how this area was once important. There may be another attitude: “I don’t need this at all” - and a feeling of moral superiority over those who succeed.

    A different picture arises if a person accepts as truth the parents' belief that the affairs of the house where Pluto is located, or its aspects, will help transform and manage life if he or she succeeds in these matters. As a result, an exaggerated amount of energy is directed into this area of ​​life. Because of the energy invested in the area of ​​life ruled by Pluto, and as a result of the power struggle that occurs where a person eventually begins to control what he himself most wants to control. He is powerless to succeed, but he also cannot get rid of it until he transforms himself. Paradoxically, when the Pluto realm is healed and loses its hold on you, it becomes an area where you can apply a significant amount of creative energy.

    A person in a difficult situation can be a Scorpio in the relevant area of ​​life, injecting poison to others - usually secretly, from around the corner. I call this syndrome “vengeful sacrifice,” referring to the person who has been treated unfairly and who feels avenged by returning the injustice to others. A person with the Moon in Scorpio, for example, may feel severely hurt by his mother, and as a result, he is relieved to vent his anger on any woman who turns up. Of course, not all of us are vengeful victims, but many of us like to play the role of a victim at times, and if there are difficulties in areas of your life influenced by Pluto, then maybe this model works for you to some extent.

    There may be a deep, dark mystery in the Pluto area of ​​your life, making you feel like you are unable to be open with others. Readers may be relieved to learn that we will not be discussing the sexual aspects of various positions. So often, a deep, dark secret is sexual. But it really has nothing to do with sex. When sexual difficulty or sexual obsession arises, the real cause is often energy. Critical issues such as betrayal, separation, guilt and resentment can be manifestations of the same energy as sexuality.

    How to use interpretations

    In the following interpretations, it is considered in various, and in some, signs. Interpretations are arranged in order of houses, similar positions are grouped together. For example, Pluto in the third house is grouped with aspects between Pluto and Mercury, as well as Mercury in Scorpio, as they all have similar manifestations. None of the aspects are similar to the other, but there are similarities that can help an astrologer find similar topics. For example, in each combination, the concerns of Mercury are combined with those of Pluto to provide some commonality. If one of the combinations is markedly different from the others or has important personality traits, it will be considered separately. Since I do not adhere to the traditionally attributed Venus leadership of Taurus and Mercury-Virgo, these points are omitted.The strength of the grouped combinations is not the same. The approximate order is as follows:

    • Pluto in a tense aspect to the planet.
    • Pluto in the house.
    • Planet in Scorpio.
    • Scorpio planets in the house.
    • Scorpio on the house cusp.
    • Pluto in the sign.

    Apart from Pluto's position in the first house, the location of the individual interpretations is in line with their approximate strength, as I estimated it, and this can vary at times. mainly tense (,) are considered. Sometimes even a trine from Pluto can give you some of the trends described. - the most powerful of all, and the influence can be practically neglected. Not given, but planets and signs in the eighth may have a similar effect.

    Interpreting Pluto Positions

    Pluto in the first house

    This is a difficult position, especially when Pluto is close to or aspects the Ascendant. The struggle of energies can be manifested in their physical appearance. These people manage to look completely different, stand out from the general environment - for example, they wear black leather jackets, sexually provocative clothes, have weight problems, or look gloomy, dejected. You can almost hear them say to their parents, "You can't influence the way I look." Since the first house is one of the houses of health, this case is especially important for working on feelings of guilt, as this energy can develop into serious physical problems over the years.

    Plutonians are capable of turning others away from themselves, as they can walk around with a defiant look, radiating resentment. They can strictly control their external expression, not trusting the world with any important information and looking at everything invariably critically. When angry or offended, they retire into solitude. In relationships, they may do too much for others, or they may tie others to themselves in a symbiotic bond. If this fails, isolation is the result. This lack of trust may be due to past betrayal, renunciation, someone's death, or other difficult family conditions (the first house speaks of the defense mechanisms that we have developed as a result of the family environment and other events in childhood).

    This is a powerful position when used constructively, as such people can have a huge impact on their environment. If they master the use of energy, their impact on others will be very great. This is one of the hallmarks of a healer or psychotherapist, as such people can look directly at the root of the problem and give other people the ability to heal themselves. They can also be consciously mediums or not.

    Pluto in the second house

    (Planets Scorpio in the second house, Scorpio in the second house)

    The struggle of forces can focus on money, which is without a doubt an important topic for parents. When the parent gave something to the child, they largely controlled him, so the "giving" was accompanied by resentment: a rope was tied to the handout, which kept the child close to addiction. As a result, these Plutonians make no distinction between money and control, and may or may not have a lot of money.

    Some people fail as if out of spite, with chronic financial difficulties. This can happen if the parents predicted to the child that he will never achieve anything in the field of finance. There may be strong resentment towards people who have money (one of the clients calls rich people “commoners”). Some people rebel against any means of making money, confusing leadership in the process of working with control. The lifelong resentment of money and control can poison any attempt to become financially solvent.

    Poverty itself can be a governing mechanism in relationships. This means that such people can form symbiotic bonds with those who "help" them, forming addictions in order to manage or not be rejected. The words about the lack of money end up with any phrase, this is their trump card (“I cannot do what you want, because I have no money”). Sexuality can play a role here, but then both parties become indignant at the need to pay in this way. Rather than being dependent on a particular person, the second-home Plutonian may seek government aid, perhaps with the underlying pleasure of "taking back from the state." Resentment towards those who have money can also lead less ethical individuals in this position to “borrow” money or goods from an employer who is viewed as corrupt and exploiter.

    The flip side of the coin can be seen in individuals who make a decent amount of money, but do so for the sake of establishing control in relationships or over their environment. These Plutonians are "helpers" associated with people who cannot do without their financial help. This would seem to give the second-house Plutonian a better position in the relationship (since whoever pays calls the tune), and also creates the feeling that he cannot be rejected because others need him so. But in the end, they become disgusted with making money for these purposes, as a result of which neither the relationship nor the work is successful. Resentment poisons all their efforts, and they do not earn as much as they could, just as they do not feel loved.

    If you put the keywords for and for next to each other, you get “earning power,” which is a constructive interpretation of this position. People with Pluto in the second house working to get rid of negative plutonic tendencies, i.e. resentment, anger, guilt, power struggles, and financial management, can achieve incredible success. They can literally be money magnets, wizards capable of converting resources into wealth. But to be successful, you must stop failing to spite others.

    Tense aspects of Pluto with Mars

    Anger is very difficult to express and is held under pressure until it becomes pervasive resentment and discouragement, as these people feel that anger has the ability to destroy, even kill. There could be some kind of severe trauma or, perhaps, there were not clearly expressed, but strong resentments in childhood, some kind of hidden threat. At the very least, there is a belief that anger can destroy relationships, or open conflict can lead to renunciation. Since the power of anger is exaggerated, these people control it at all costs, and at the same time, they do not part with it. Others feel anger and dishonesty on their part, and may in turn be offended; in the end, people and Pluto can begin to bypass the side, which is exactly what they are afraid of. As the people of Mars and Pluto learn to deal with anger, they are able to heal long-term grievances by realizing the liberated energy with great benefit. The controlled use of this energy gives an extraordinary capacity for concentration. This energy can also be used for healing or other amazing accomplishments.

    Pluto in the third house

    These people believe that words have the power to destroy. They are extremely careful about what they say: how not to give out some information that others could use to harm or manipulate them. Such conditions develop if at least one of the family members had a black belt in language karate - a sarcastic, sarcastic person whom the child did not have the strength to resist. It could very well have been a brother or sister - probably older ones - who were so superior in strength that the Plutonian learned to keep his mouth shut.

    As adults, third-house Plutonians may either fear verbal abuse, or be unrestrained in words and sarcastic themselves, sharing the opinion that offense is the best defense. Another possibility is that words may be at the center of the struggle of forces - until they have said their word, they prevail. In relationships, they can do without communication. As subordinates, they can withhold documents or other important information. As students, they will not look at notes and ask for additions. Words can also be used to manipulate, and with great efficiency.

    People who use this position are constructive, receptive and deep in thinking and communication. They are gifted with the ability to see the motivations of other people and can penetrate deeply into any problem. They can use words for healing, reaching right to the heart of the matter. They are excellent analytical writers and teachers. Instead of being manipulative, they can use words to influence others and inspire them to do good.

    Pluto in the fourth house

    This is a very plutonic personality, especially when Pluto is near the cusp. One of the parents, most likely the mother, was a domineering person who seeks to impose his opinion and control others. If one of the parents openly dominated, then the other could manipulate the child more subtly: "You and I are together against this monster." There is often a strong but not overt resentment in the home, especially with regard to the needs of the child or the need to care for him. Sometimes the grandmother enjoys tremendous influence - she is, as it were, the matriarch of the family. There could be a real loss, such as the death of a parent, or there could be a constant threat of abandonment if the child does not behave properly. Perhaps, near the time of the birth of the child, someone's death was mourned, so the mother was in a sad mood and could not give much to the child.

    If a man has or has an aspect between Moon and Pluto, he may find it difficult to trust women; there may be resentment or manipulation of them in order to make women symbiotically dependent and thereby avoid rejection. A parent in this position may resent the need to take care of the child, and at the same time, he may overcompensate or symbiotically tie the child by doing too much for him. The parent can hold on to the child as if it is a matter of life and death for him, feeling that at least in this relationship he will not be rejected. Conversely, the scars left by a lack of love and care in childhood can be so deep that a person chooses never to become a parent.

    When a person with Pluto or Scorpio in the fourth house becomes an adult, their home can become a battleground for the struggling forces; or, in order to avoid repeating what happened in the parental family, he decides to live alone. It can be difficult to live alone unless that person has absolute control over the situation. He says: "My home is my fortress, my secret refuge, and I cannot bear the need to share it with someone." It is significant that people in this position have a need for privacy and loneliness, and even if they live with others, they need to be alone for a while.

    Pluto in the fifth house

    Those who have Pluto or Scorpio planets in the fifth house - at least among the older generations - often have a situation of forced marriage due to pregnancy. And even in people who are married, pregnancy can be used as a means of establishing control in the relationship - for example, as a guarantee that the spouse will not leave. Since this is not the most successful method of management, such people as a result often take out on the child that he was not the first reason for his birth - either reject him, or pamper him. Children born under such circumstances, whom they did not want, very often become offspring: parents put excess energy into the child and indulge him too much because of their feelings of guilt. These children resent the way they are used and learn early to manipulate and maneuver their parents. Children can also be seen as a means of exercising power or a testimony to one parent that he or she will never be alone - then the bonds become symbiotic (Cancer ascending often has Scorpio in the fifth house, thus this position helps explain Cancer's overwhelming love).

    On the other hand, people with such a position may even give up the idea of ​​having children altogether. If a child is denied by his parents, he grows up to fear or prejudice the demands that his own children may make. He is afraid that parenting will take over the rest of his life and leave him nothing for himself. Plus, parenting is an unwanted consumer of energy. And childlessness can be a kind of revenge - either to a spouse. or parents - refusal to grant them immortality.

    When Pluto is in the fifth house or accented in Leo, one parent could reverently honor the child's creativity and see him as a means to wealth and power. Overdoing it, he can go too far, and then talent becomes the focus of the struggle of forces. This happened to many people who have Pluto in Leo - after all, this was the first generation who had enough free time and funds to develop creative inclinations in all of us. Talent can become the focus of many battles, especially for those who think that love is the force that transforms a person and awakens a genius in him. Love and transformation are inseparable for people with one of these combinations. "Let me love you so that I can exalt you in my own eyes." Or vice versa. To better understand the romance of this position, read the descriptions of Pluto in the 7th and 8th houses as they are similar.

    Tense aspects of Pluto with the Sun

    (To a lesser extent. If Pluto is accented in Leo, you may also notice some of these manifestations.)

    There is some kind of domineering figure here - usually a father of the plutonic type, often a rude tyrant. Because of his imperiousness and selfishness, he cannot afford to praise his child, as if everything that the child does well undermines his dignity, and everything that the child does badly casts a shadow on him. You can't achieve much with a father like that.

    Used negatively, this position provides a combination of selfishness, Leo's need for attention, and Scorpio's willpower. These people do not think of themselves without presenting something of themselves. If they have no influence over their world, they can develop self-loathing, and sometimes they can be ruthless or use questionable tactics to prove their worth. With the tendency to extremes inherent in Scorpio and Pluto, such people believe that if they are not someone, then they are nobody, and life has no value. They hit people in the spotlight and jump into battle when their egos are under threat. If they cannot spend their energy in battle, their self-loathing will multiply.

    Paradoxically, when these people gain the ability to get rid of the desire to be in the center of attention, when power becomes less important to them, they really become very powerful in good deeds. The source of energy is their endless ingenuity, radiating from the very center of their being, the never-ending light of their inner Sun. Sun and Pluto shows the potential to transform your self. If something needs to be worked out, these people will not give up until they finish it. When they heal themselves, they will naturally have the ability to heal other people with similar problems.

    Pluto in the sixth house

    This position often indicates people who are obsessed with work to the point that they become workaholics. These people serve, but do not tolerate the position of servants, work insatiable, but do not tolerate work that is too hard. Such people believe that work is their own path to power, and they really gain influence imperceptibly, becoming absolutely necessary. Because this desire for power is easily noticed by both the boss and employees, these people are not trusted. Power struggle brings resentment and revenge into relationships with employees, as a result of which such people have to quit one job after another, and not in the best situations.

    The sixth house is another house of health, so natal or transit Pluto here indicates the possibility of illness due to accumulated grievances. Illness may be the only available remedy to end the unremitting workload. If it was not possible to gain power through work, the Plutonian of the sixth house can control others through illness - become an invalid, around which everyone will run. A symbiosis is guaranteed: someone must take care of it. Most people are unable to leave a disabled person - they will be tormented by feelings of guilt.

    Used constructively, this position indicates people who, through work, continuously transform themselves, realizing that work and relationships at work are a microcosm that reflects all life. Any situation that arises at work can be used as a tool to help deal with those parts of ourselves that need to be changed. Work can be a powerful means of transforming life, and these people, through their work, can themselves become powerful transformators. This is another manifestation of the ability to heal, sometimes developed as a result of illness.

    Love can become an obsession when a person seeks an inseparable merger with a loved one. Issues of possession, resentment, guilt, and power struggles can trigger a nuclear reaction. If all this pushes a loved one away, the Plutonian can withdraw into isolation, deciding to no longer have any relationship at all. Some may continue to retain in their memory the connection with the last partner who doused them with mud, and remembering haunts them. Others may choose to remain lonely, because this type of person equates love with being in control of another person, and they want nothing to do with it.

    For many people in this position, love becomes tantamount to control as early as childhood: if they did not obey the authority of their parents, they were threatened with denial of love and approval. Perhaps there was a real loss or death, which instilled in them the fear of losing love, so they tenaciously cling to their partner, trying to become absolutely necessary. There could be a symbiotic relationship with one of the parents, such as those described for Pluto in the fourth house: you and I together against this monster (to some extent, this model may be valid for the position of Pluto and in other houses of relationships - the fifth and eighth ).

    If Scorpio is in the tenth house, and Pluto is in the seventh, this may indicate a parent who restricts the child too much or who has seriously abused his trust. Sometimes a parent of the opposite sex is so dominant, suppressive or seductive that such a situation causes horror of intimate relationships (in this case, the relationship often changes for the better after the death of such a parent).

    In another model, relationship is mixed with transformation. These Plutonians may fall in love to make the loved one higher, while the loved one may be outraged by both the urge for change and the implied inequality in the relationship. A struggle of forces may arise, which in the end will lead to a rupture. The "patient" can get worse out of spite. Or the Plutonian himself may become such a patient and fall in love with a powerful mentor.

    If this position is used constructively, the relationship can become an arena of transformation for both the person and his partner. To become whole, these people may be forced to go through pains and resentments, which intensify with each new love, until they learn to free themselves from them and forgive them. When these people heal the difficulties in their relationships and learn to let go of problems, this situation can make them good consultants, especially in matters of marriage, who can advise and have the ability to love as a healing power.

    Pluto in the eighth house

    Sex is a difficult topic for people in this position. They have trained themselves to think to give it tremendous power, so it becomes intimidating (our culture in all of us has formed the idea of ​​an exaggerated power of sex, but eighth house Plutonians take this idea to an extreme).

    These people may feel that as soon as they start a sexual relationship, the partner begins to control them. As a result, they will think twice before going for it; at the same time, they are passionate people and it is difficult to avoid what attracts them so imperiously. They may strive to play a major role in sexual relations at any cost. Allowing or abstaining from sex becomes a means of control, and the bed can become a battleground where other aspects of power in relationships or in the outside world also surface. If resentment and mistrust builds up in a relationship, it can chill sexuality, and even after breaking up a difficult relationship, this type of person may remain in a "frozen" state, not wanting to open up to anything new. In such a situation, some deep, dark secret may play a large role.

    The eighth house is also the house of money, so patterns similar to those described for Pluto in the second house may operate. Sharing funds for such people is never easy; this is an area where there can be a fair amount of mistrust and an urgent need to establish control. Taking over the right to inheritance or a similar bleak procedure can turn into a fierce battle.

    Death is also an important issue here, frightening and fascinating. Perhaps the child lived in an environment where there were many deaths around, or even more difficult - there was a constant threat of death, which is much more difficult to cope with. Maybe my father had a bad heart and the family was constantly on the alert. This Plutonian type can have the strongest fear of death and live with the constant thought that he could die at any moment.

    The constructive use of such a position gives the ability of the healer and, possibly, the medium, a tremendous ability to recuperate himself and others. When freed from heavy emotional overtones, sex can be an important rejuvenation and recovery tool. When money ceases to be a source of struggles, this position may indicate a good ability to earn money, or the ability to inspire others to succeed.

    Pluto in the ninth house

    This position indicates a deep, analytical mind, although such a person may have difficulties in obtaining higher education. This type of people cannot come to terms with the fact that to succeed is to get a diploma, because to do so is to confirm the victory of their parents. Many of them study at a university, but then for some reason do not finish the last semester, the last course, or even just do not complete their thesis. This is a tough revenge that drives parents crazy, who so wanted their child to have an education, believing that this is the magic key to all doors.

    Such a situation can be viewed as "spiteful failure" because these people themselves believe that education is a powerful factor that transforms life, and that without it they will not achieve anything. indicates in which area of ​​life a person invests excess energy, as if "attaching" himself to it - and does not feel satisfaction, regardless of whether he achieves something or not. And grievances can be taken out on society. One highly intelligent man with such a position, who had only one course to finish in order to receive the coveted diploma, expressed to me his resentment against society. I shocked him by saying, “You know what? Society doesn't care if you complete your education or not! Society doesn't even know you exist! Only you need education. " Struck by the simplicity of this thought, thanks to such a deliberate shock therapy, he continued his education and received a diploma.

    When people work through grudges that stand in their way, Pluto in the ninth house can be a great position. These people are natural scientists and explorers, and they can derive immense satisfaction from self-study. They can also be powerful teachers, able to grasp the very essence of abstract disciplines, using the power of their minds to free others from the bondage of ignorance. Knowledge is truly power, and the correct use of knowledge can transform the world.

    Pluto in the tenth house

    (Pluto in tense aspect to Meridian, Pluto to Saturn, Meridian to Scorpio, Scorpio's planet, sometimes accented Saturn in Scorpio).

    This situation indicates a very difficult relationship with authorities; most likely, one of the parents oppressed, controlled the child, and maybe even insulted. As a result, the child developed a deep-rooted resentment towards people in power (and perhaps towards the whole world) and a decision never to be subordinate to anyone. In addition, these people are very success-oriented, and it is difficult for them to succeed, since they start a fight with the authorities every time. And usually they, with their scorpion sting, end up harming themselves.

    Parents with such a position, being unable to exercise their power in the world, can take out their need to rule on their children, in fact repeating what they did to them themselves. Pluto in the tenth house indicates a critical, very ambitious parent who expects nothing short of BIG success and is never satisfied with little success for a child. This Plutonian can often hear a parental curse: "You will never get anything out of you!" The depth and intensity of this game of "bad luck" is very serious!

    Such people can stubbornly resist healing, because any kind of healing puts a person under someone's authority in one way or another. It is probably best to do it yourself. Success in healing is quite possible - and they will surely be healed in the course of the study. People who have managed to free themselves from the negative manifestations of this situation, who have managed to deal with uncontaminated energy, can have a powerful effect on the world, healing and transforming it.

    Pluto in the eleventh house

    Here, the obsession is not a domineering parent, but a group of peers, to which these people so wanted to belong as teenagers, but still could not break into it. For some, the price of belonging was sex. Others chose to isolate themselves, so as not to submit to the control of the group - after all, adolescents require more submission than any parent. Resentment about what happened in school can affect how an adult defines his or her belonging. The struggle of forces can affect friendships, which can be relegated to the level of possession, a symbiosis so often equated with influence. Others may remain isolated, even as adults, because they find it difficult to trust anyone else. Participation in different groups can also be difficult, as these people see any form of organization as a means of exercising power.

    Group therapy or self-help groups can lead to qualitative changes in attitudes towards alienation. If issues of trust and resentment are worked through, the ability to be a powerful group leader may arise. These people may be involved in groups with the goal of social reform, environmental control, or healing. Friendship can be an area where these people transform, as interacting with other Plutonians who are not afraid of intensity can lead to mutual healing.

    Pluto in the twelfth house

    Emotional suppression can cause self-destructive behavior or physical illness, as this is one of the houses of health. Here, illness can serve as a means of isolating these people from a world that seems too domineering, too dangerous and untrustworthy. Illness can be a means of controlling other people, and this is also true for emotional illnesses in the twelfth house. Have you ever had to tiptoe around someone who is constantly deeply depressed and feel that that person is controlling you with their seeming weakness? Addiction, another manifestation of the twelfth house, can also be used to control emotions and as a means to control others.

    These people can suppress the desire for power, and at the same time manage other people in circuitous ways that they themselves do not understand well. For example, the role of a helpless victim serves as a cover for the desire for power - have you ever had to "save" a poor man who then took control of your whole life and all your energy? Then you no doubt realized that the role of the victim gives a lot of power. (Please understand that there are true sufferers - we are now talking about the sufferers of the false, those who do not miss the opportunity to use such a situation, believing that their suffering is a kind of moral victory). An unconscious fascination with power can also lead to contacts with mysterious personalities, psychic phenomena of a negative plan, and all sorts of disgusting situations where power is used for dark purposes. Healing deep grievances can go a long way: it is required to raise this position from a negative manifestation to a constructive one. In the house of secrets, it becomes even more likely that there is some deep, dark secret, the disclosure of which with the right therapeutic method can free you from its influence.

    The constructive use of this position is to give them the ability to penetrate the unconscious and heal deep-rooted emotional problems. For example, this situation is common in people working in the mental health field. It is also known that people who have suffered from drug addiction and have found the strength to put an end to it are better than anyone else able to help other addicts. This position also gives mediumistic and psychic abilities; the study of dreams here can also be very useful. Another important way to use it is spiritual healing.

    Excerpt from the book "Healing Pluto's Problems" by Donna Cunningham Translated by A. Kolesnikov, 1989

    Pluto in Virgo

    You were born in a 14-year period (1957-1971), when people were born, driven by the need to find an ethical standard, to clearly feel what is true and what is false. You have a subconscious desire to eradicate all the evil in the world and put perfect order everywhere. You have a disgust for anything ugly, dirty, or ridiculous. But oddly enough, you are often fascinated by exactly what is tasteless, and often there is a feeling of hopelessness and despair about the way the world works.

    These inner emotional conflicts are reflected in the attitude of your generation towards the way of life. Most people in your age group are conservative and ethical, and only a few are the opposite extreme - they like to be strange, unusual in manners and appearance, even sloppy, ridiculous. It seems that there is no middle ground between these two extremes in your generation. Usually a rebellious type of behavior manifests itself in youth, and then gradually disappears, and at an older age, your age group is rather simply conservative.

    Your age group does not easily compromise and tends to have strict criteria as to what is right and what is wrong. You have a strong feeling that you must destroy the evil in the world. Of course, good deeds are highly commendable, but a categorical and one-sided approach to difficult issues is unacceptable.

    Your age group has undergone a significant revision of its attitude towards Good and Evil and is rushing from one extreme to another. Your generation will make significant contributions in the fields of medicine, ecology and education.

    On a personal level, it stimulates analytical skills, criticism, the desire to get to the roots. Rethinking your mind, subordinating it to mass opinion.
    Changes are coming through social structures, attention to unemployment, national minorities, and to personal and public health. A generation of reformers of everyday life.

    Francis Sakoyan

    With negative In character development, such a person is inclined to openly oppose his ideas to generally accepted ones. He either dies along with the destruction of his environment, or directs his efforts to transform his own nature, reaching high perfection.

    With a positive character development, a person shows an unceasing interest in the development of new technologies and willingly participates in the destruction of empires. He is able to control his passions and finely regulate the use of internal energy, directing it into the channel of practical service to the needs of humanity.

    Such a person seeks to direct all his energy to specific work - in science, in technology or in everyday life. He is inclined to reconsider his attitude to health care and is seriously concerned about the reform of medicine. This is a rather pragmatic, sober and somewhat detached-cold person, who retains common sense and high tension of mental energy to his old age. He is completely uninspiring, knows how to limit himself in means, is not very ambitious and not too romantic.

    His children usually grow “like grass”, without experiencing any pedagogical pressure from him, because he radiates everything they need for life, pours out on them and demonstrates the rules and norms of behavior by personal example. This is an alchemist, a brilliant doctor, an excellent psychologist. They have remarkable entrepreneurial abilities and the ability to use their position for personal gain. Such a person treats mutual obligations in love calmly and soberly. In the course of his life, such a person should reconsider his vision of material forms through their division into parts and details. He is brilliantly efficient and has a remarkable ability to concentrate forces on one thing.

    The high potential of his internal energy helps him to purposefully transform individual parts of the material environment. He gets to the bottom of everything in everything and, on the basis of the knowledge gained, seeks to improve reality. It requires the ability to abandon some of the previously used “bricks of being”, which seemed to be the unshakable foundation of the world, and to rebuild existence anew, using what is left, on the basis that it will be possible to come up with a new one.

    Such a person longs for gaining power over every material element of reality, and when this fails, he tends to fall into deep despair and depression. He boldly rethinks moral criteria and boldly reformed everyday life. He carries others along with him by his personal example of hard work and frenzy at work and clearly organizes the lives of his followers, specifying the path to his goal of rebuilding reality.

    This man has a remarkable analytical mind and ingenuity, he is especially talented in the field of psychiatry and literary criticism.

    Generation 1957 - 1972 (in Virgo - 15 years).
    Here Pluto is in the abode of Mercury and Proserpine, Mercury is also in exaltation, in the sign of the elements of the Earth.
    In this era, the energy of the masses is wasted on trifles. Acceleration occurs (Virgo is a sign of Proserpine, a symbol of physiological reserves).

    At best, your energy is directed to work, technology, science. This time was characterized by disillusionment with doctors, the emergence of new ideas in health care. The health problem will come first for your generation.
    You have a free attitude towards morality and love. You do not bind yourself in any way with a partner. Your ideals are imitative, for in Virgo is the banishment of Jupiter.

    Your personality is characterized by materialism and pragmatism. You are a sober, cold person, often running small businesses. At best, you manifest the preservation of common sense and mental energy into old age. You are a little suggestible and are able to constantly limit yourself in your means. You are not very ambitious, and you are not at all romantic. You have excellent brain function and a bright mind. You have a very free attitude towards children, with you they can grow like grass, almost not needing education (the necessary information is "in the air"). In general, Pluto's standing in Virgo was realized as a revolution in computer-based science, as sensational discoveries in medicine, technical re-equipment and employment conditions. The people of your generation will become the new alchemists capable of reviving alchemy at the beginning of the Aquarian era. They will use the new celestial energies in both physics and health. With small funds, you can achieve great results. You can make a great doctor, a medical reformer, a wonderful astrologer (astrology is the alchemy of the soul).

    In the worst case, you will be characterized by: squandering of public property, the use of work and official position for personal gain. You can be a sterilized slacker. You belong to a generation that will age early. Freedom in love can manifest itself in this case as unbound relationships and cold debauchery.


    This position is much more constructive than the position of Pluto in Taurus, since here the transforming influence on Pluto does not extend to the forms in general, but to the methodology of working with them and to the elements that make them up.

    This generation (especially together with Uranus in Virgo 1962-1968) must completely change our ideas about the foundations of the universe, space and time, materialize the laws of karma and derive from them the laws of physics as karma imposed on space-time.

    Progress should also be made in understanding the relationship between thought and spirit, and the structure of the mental and astral planes in general and the corresponding bodies of humanity in particular should be clarified.

    In an individual horoscope, this position gives an interest in the foundations of the universe and the rules for composing large forms from small ones, a desire to look and radically change the basic principles of constructing reality and create a new, better reality.

    In the absence of elaboration, all this remains in the form of vague dreams or nihilism in relation to the existing structures and principles of shaping.


    You were born in a 14-year period (1957-1971), when people were born, driven by the need to find an ethical standard, to clearly feel what is true and what is false. You have a subconscious desire to eradicate all the evil in the world and put perfect order everywhere. You have a disgust for anything ugly, dirty, or ridiculous. But oddly enough, you are often fascinated by exactly what is tasteless, and often there is a feeling of hopelessness and despair about the way the world works.

    These inner emotional conflicts are reflected in the attitude of your generation towards the way of life. Most people in your age group are conservative and ethical, and only a few are the opposite extreme - they like to be strange, unusual in manners and appearance, even sloppy, ridiculous. It seems that there is no middle ground between these two extremes in your generation. Usually a rebellious type of behavior manifests itself in youth, and then gradually disappears, and at an older age, your age group is rather simply conservative.

    Your age group does not easily compromise and tends to have strict criteria as to what is right and what is wrong. You have a strong feeling that you must destroy the evil in the world. Of course, good deeds are highly commendable, but a categorical and one-sided approach to difficult issues is unacceptable.

    Your age group has undergone a significant revision of its attitude towards Good and Evil and is rushing from one extreme to another. Your generation will make significant contributions in the fields of medicine, ecology and education.
    On a personal level, it stimulates analytical skills, criticism, the desire to get to the roots. Rethinking your mind, subordinating it to mass opinion.

    Changes are coming through social structures, attention to unemployment, national minorities, and to personal and public health. A generation of reformers of everyday life.


    Your generation can control its passions and regulate the use of its energy, channeling it into practical service to society. He's less emotional than the previous one.

    Generation 1957 - 1972 (in Virgo - 15 years).
    Here Pluto is in the abode of Mercury and Proserpine, Mercury is also in exaltation, in the sign of the elements of the Earth.
    In this era, the energy of the masses is wasted on trifles. Acceleration occurs (Virgo is a sign of Proserpine, a symbol of physiological reserves).
    At best, your energy is directed to work, technology, science. This time was characterized by disillusionment with doctors, the emergence of new ideas in health care. The health problem will come first for your generation.
    You have a free attitude towards morality and love. You do not bind yourself in any way with a partner. Your ideals are imitative, for in Virgo is the banishment of Jupiter.
    Your personality is characterized by materialism and pragmatism. You are a sober, cold person, often running small businesses. At best, you manifest the preservation of common sense and mental energy into old age. You are a little suggestible and are able to constantly limit yourself in your means. You are not very ambitious, and you are not at all romantic. You have excellent brain function and a bright mind. You have a very free attitude towards children, with you they can grow like grass, almost not needing education (the necessary information is "in the air"). In general, Pluto's standing in Virgo was realized as a revolution in computer-based science, as sensational discoveries in medicine, technical re-equipment and employment conditions. The people of your generation will become the new alchemists capable of reviving alchemy at the beginning of the Aquarian era. They will use the new celestial energies in both physics and health. With small funds, you can achieve great results. You can make a great doctor, a medical reformer, a wonderful astrologer (astrology is the alchemy of the soul).
    In the worst case, you will be characterized by: squandering of public property, the use of work and official position for personal gain. You can be a sterilized slacker. You belong to a generation that will age early. Freedom in love can manifest itself in this case as unbound relationships and cold debauchery.

    Absalom Underwater. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

    This position is much more constructive than the position of Pluto in Taurus, since here the transforming influence on Pluto does not extend to the forms in general, but to the methodology of working with them and to the elements that make them up.
    This generation (especially together with Uranus in Virgo 1962-1968) must completely change our ideas about the foundations of the universe, space and time, materialize the laws of karma and derive from them the laws of physics as karma imposed on space-time.
    Progress should also be made in understanding the relationship between thought and spirit, and the structure of the mental and astral planes in general and the corresponding bodies of humanity in particular should be clarified.
    In an individual horoscope, this position gives an interest in the foundations of the universe and the rules for composing large forms from small ones, a desire to look and radically change the basic principles of constructing reality and create a new, better reality.
    In the absence of elaboration, all this remains in the form of vague dreams or nihilism in relation to the existing structures and principles of shaping.

    Francis Sakoyan. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

    You were born in a 14-year period (1957-1971), when people were born, driven by the need to find an ethical standard, to clearly feel what is true and what is false. You have a subconscious desire to eradicate all the evil in the world and put perfect order everywhere. You have a disgust for anything ugly, dirty, or ridiculous. But oddly enough, you are often fascinated by exactly what is tasteless, and often there is a feeling of hopelessness and despair about the way the world works.
    These inner emotional conflicts are reflected in the attitude of your generation towards the way of life. Most people in your age group are conservative and ethical, and only a few are the opposite extreme - they like to be strange, unusual in manners and appearance, even sloppy, ridiculous. It seems that there is no middle ground between these two extremes in your generation. Usually a rebellious type of behavior manifests itself in youth, and then gradually disappears, and at an older age, your age group is rather simply conservative.
    Your age group does not easily compromise and tends to have strict criteria as to what is right and what is wrong. You have a strong feeling that you must destroy the evil in the world. Of course, good deeds are highly commendable, but a categorical and one-sided approach to difficult issues is unacceptable.
    Your age group has undergone a significant revision of its attitude towards Good and Evil and is rushing from one extreme to another. Your generation will make significant contributions in the fields of medicine, ecology and education.
    On a personal level, it stimulates analytical skills, criticism, the desire to get to the roots. Rethinking your mind, subordinating it to mass opinion.
    Changes are coming through social structures, attention to unemployment, national minorities, and to personal and public health. A generation of reformers of everyday life.

    Planets in signs. The art of predicting. Semira and V. Vetash

    Your generation can control its passions and regulate the use of its energy, channeling it into practical service to society. He's less emotional than the previous one.