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  • Black Moon, Lilith. Manifestation levels

    Black Moon, Lilith.  Manifestation levels

    In astrology Lilith- this is a fictitious planet, which in the signs of the zodiac indicates the sum of our wicked moral and ethical actions from previous incarnations, reflected at a deep level of subconsciousness. And in the Houses of the horoscope indicates the spheres of temptation in those areas in which a person can be seduced and further aggravate his karma. According to Lilith, temptations and self-destruction of the personality are possible.

    Checking for the Black Moon occurs every 9 years

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    During the years of testing, difficult situations can manifest themselves more harshly and it is very important to withstand them with dignity so as not to aggravate your karma. The higher the spiritual and moral level of a person, the less on him negative impact Lilith. During the years of testing, difficult situations can manifest themselves more sharply and it is very important to withstand them with dignity, and not get angry even more and not aggravate your karma. Over time, they can move away and not bother a person.

    The Black Moon gives 3 manifestations:

    1. Man, as before, serves evil, and at the moments of the return of the Black Moon, for the time being, he does not receive punishment. Then in an instant (negative karma accumulates) and gives an explosion. On the physical plane, it can be an accident, physical injury, loss of material wealth, hospitalization, prison with very serious consequences. And it may end on this its existence.

    2. At the moments of the return of the Black Moon, dark forces attack a person in order to seduce him to an unholy path. He can be insulted, deceived - and if he answers evil for evil - he will aggravate his karma. He needs to endure all this and take it for granted. It means that he acted with others as they are doing with him now. The path is harder, but more effective for cleansing the Soul.

    3. If a person is purified, he sees and feels the dark forces, but they do not stick to him. He is able to push them away.

    Lilith in Aries.

    Heroism (extremes - excessive activity or passivity).

    V past life You could be a warrior beyond your powers. This situation is often the case with "too active" people.

    Active person: Your inner impulse to action becomes so powerful that all manifestations are accompanied by an uncontrolled release of energy. Decisiveness turns into irrepressible pressure, impulsiveness turns into absolute unpredictability, and independence and independence turns into a desire to impose one's will and subjugate others. Fighting obstacles and suppressing other people's resistance give you inexplicable pleasure.

    Passive person: You become a convenient object for manipulation - controlled, suggestible, weak-willed. Indecision, lack of initiative, lack of independence, laziness, the desire to shift responsibility to others develop. At the same time, aggression accumulates, which has a destructive effect on health and affects the emotional state.

    On the way to redemption, you can suffer from firearms, fire, violence.

    Lilith in Taurus.

    Accumulation (extremes - greed or waste).

    In a past life, you could be a curmudgeon, a banker, a usurer, a glutton, a hedonist (a person who lives only on sensual pleasures).

    Negative manifestations in the past can now give the following extremes:

    Wasteful person: not knowing how to properly dispose of your funds, you make unnecessary purchases (waste money). Due to the inability to hold energy, you often become a victim of vampirism, as this energy can easily be used by others. Physical and mental strength is wasted or out of place

    A greedy person: an irresistible craving for money-grubbing and greed appears, a huge appetite bordering on gluttony, an addiction to money, material wealth, comfort, increased attention to the outside of things. The desire to appropriate the entire world around us gives rise to jealousy, a heightened sense of ownership, pathological attachment and "fixation" on their feelings.

    On the way to redemption, you will be haunted by endless debts and monetary difficulties. Everything accumulated will be wasted, money will turn to dust.

    Lilith in Gemini.

    Contact (extremes - talkativeness or slurred speech).

    In a past life, you could be an "eternal boy", doing everything in spite of everything, without a twinge of conscience. These are denunciations, intrigues, "trips", meanness, theft.

    Negative manifestations in the past can now give the following extremes:

    Active person: You become overly contact, all time and energy is absorbed by communication, which gradually becomes an end in itself. There is promiscuity and multiplicity of connections, scattered, superficial. You become chatty, words cannot stay on the tongue and spill out. Such unevenness interferes with a comprehensive and harmonious knowledge of the world.

    Passive person: your need to perceive information increases. You are intensely absorbing her "informational omnivorousness". There is a need to constantly communicate with someone, endlessly talk on the phone, watch TV, read, and all this is done almost indiscriminately, solely for the sake of obtaining any information. Trying to express a thought in words, you experience tremendous difficulties, you lose a lot of energy.

    On the way to redemption, you can be deceived by relatives, close friends. Around gossip, intrigue, petty theft (from neighbors and relatives). Study is hard.

    Recommendation: in this life, one should avoid deception, theft, not engage in gossip, slander, not talk too much, be attentive to information, abandon idle talk and chaos in thinking. Beware of gas poisoning, suffocation, plane crashes.

    Lilith in Cancer.

    Home and family (extremes - tyranny or indecision).

    You have earned karma, being a traitor and a coward who shook his own skin, you could be a defiler of traditions, an insult to your parents. You were pulled into the abyss by the karma of your ancestors, possibly a family curse.

    Negative manifestations in the past can now give the following extremes:

    An active person: all your thoughts and deeds are focused on household chores, raising children. But in this case, caring for children becomes excessive, intrusive. It happens that you want to realize in your family life your ambitions related to the thirst for power. Strive to become the head of the family, subjugate all members and enjoy the power received. You are conservative, aggressively defend ancestral traditions, stand to death for your delusions, not admitting that you are wrong.

    Passive person: all family affairs and responsibilities are burdensome, you try to evade their implementation, but this rarely succeeds. In childhood, it often happens to experience psychological trauma that leaves a mark for life. You can become weak-willed, indecisive, lazy. The idea of ​​motherhood can be distorted here. This is dislike for children, unwillingness or inability to have them.

    On the path of redemption, it is difficult for you to live in your own home, as if something is oppressing and crushing. Difficult relationships in the family, with parents and children are possible.

    Recommendation: devote yourself to serving the motherland or be involved in national history. One should be afraid of secret attractions and not indulge secret vices. The danger of betrayal of loved ones, from water, liquid poisoning, drowning.

    Lilith in Leo.

    Self-expression (extremes - ambition or disguise).

    Incredible pride and vanity in the past, or "a man buried his talent in the ground." He used power for evil, could be a child killer (abortion), a libertine, a "pornographer", a seducer of children.

    Negative manifestations in the past can now give the following extremes:

    Active person: You consider yourself the "center of the universe" around which all life is centered. Strive for power, try to subordinate others to your will. You can manipulate others, inspire them with your ideas, here the need for respect and attention to your person turns into an obsession. The constant desire to stand out generates demonstrative behavior, boasting, love of flattery. Self-love becomes painful.

    Playing as a slave of love or imposing such a role on a partner. You are fixated on the object of your love. We are ready to extol and endure any humiliation and suffering "Love is evil, you will love a goat". You may even feel the pleasure of being bullied by the object of your passion, but with pleasure you mock those who had the imprudence to fall in love with you.

    Passive person: You lose your individuality, become suggestible, controlled, weak-willed. Strive to dissolve in the crowd, avoid the attention of others, suffer from low self-esteem and lack of self-esteem. If you still try to show your creative potential, you cannot find an adequate way of self-expression, all forms of creativity are borrowed. You can enter the image, having almost lost your individuality, and use other people's masks all your life, play roles that are not characteristic of you, become obsequious and hypocritical.

    On the path of redemption, you are not given the opportunity to manifest and realize your creative potential (envy of others, intrigues, obstacles are possible). Possibly a difficult relationship with children.

    Lilith in Virgo.

    Efficiency (extremes - pettiness or chaos).

    In this life you will pay for pettiness and greed, for depriving your loved ones, for quarrelsomeness, bureaucracy, sycophancy, cynicism. For breaking the Hippocratic oath.

    Negative manifestations in the past can now give the following extremes:

    An active person: you have a pronounced practicality, prudence. The ability to detail is brought to the point of absurdity - you are carried away by the insignificant, "making an elephant out of a fly", subject to detailed analysis that which should not be divided into parts, get confused in the little things, behind which the main thing is lost. Unbearable criticism often develops - you criticize literally everything you come across.

    Passive person: You almost lose the ability to analyze, notice little things and details, considering them insignificant. It is difficult for you to maintain cleanliness and order, chaos and confusion always reign around. It is as if something prevents you from critically looking at what is happening around you. There is a lack of obligation, indiscipline, dishonesty, neglect of personal hygiene and health care. Often obsessions and fears associated with illness.

    On the way to redemption, you can suffer from doctors, colleagues.

    Recommendation: you need to be wary of suspiciousness, especially about your own health. Avoid vindictiveness and petty dirty tricks. Do not be afraid of those who are smarter. Risk of surgery, earthquakes, underground.

    Lilith in Libra.

    "A girl from high society" (extremes - greed or addiction).

    In the past, you could be a keeper of the law, a judge who broke the law. They could be a bribe-taker, justifying their lowest deeds with the highest justice.

    Negative manifestations in the past can now give the following extremes:

    An active person: you see imperfection in everything, your demands on others are overestimated and often unfair. The choice, including partners, is carried out on the basis of only an external impression or belonging to the elite, the value system is based on a subjective aesthetic criterion, the goals are determined by considerations of prestige. The idea of ​​justice is distorted here. You know how to attract people to your side, so that you can use them for selfish purposes later.

    Passive person: You have difficulty making a choice, constantly fluctuating from one decision to another. In relationships with partners, dependence, lack of independence, easily obey and agree with everything they say, strive to shift responsibility to others. It is possible to conclude a marriage of convenience, since you are striving to improve your financial situation thanks to your partner or even exist at his expense.

    On the way to redemption, you may be dragged into the courts, there may be disagreements with your marriage partner. A partner is a source of misfortune, or the person himself is a cuckold (for treason in the past). Around unreliable, vile people, tense relations with the law. They can never go to jail.

    Lilith in Scorpio.

    Huge strength (extremes - tyrant or victim).

    In a past life, you went through all the vices. This is a criminal - a mafia, rapist, sadist, sex maniac. A man with secret vices.

    Negative manifestations in the past can now give the following extremes:

    An active person: you have a desire to change the world around you according to your will. You love thrills, risk, you yourself create critical situations around you, involve others in them, know how to impose your opinion on others. Such an action enhances interest in everything related to sex, promotes the development of hypersexuality and sexual perversion, and can give rise to a tendency to violence.

    Passive person: You become weak-willed, suggestible. You often find yourself a victim of all sorts of manipulations, psychological influences, magic, sexual harassment and violence. Feelings of jealousy become manic, and rancor are exacerbated. Sexuality is often reduced, contributes to the development of sexual coldness.

    On the path of redemption - there may be a fatal passion or fatal love, leading to fatal consequences. In both cases, it can be the cause of various diseases of the genital organs, complications of pregnancy and childbirth. Both women and men are at risk of rape. Recommendation: you need to beware of robbers, rapists, maniacs, explosions. Danger of drowning.

    Children under 9 years old need to have time to instill good concepts and the necessary information about the danger. These children absorb vices like a sponge.

    Lilith in Sagittarius.

    Ideology (extremes - megalomania or suggestibility).

    In a past life, you may have committed malfeasance. They could be a false teacher, undermining true authorities, a major adventurer.

    Negative manifestations in the past can now give the following extremes:

    Active person: You acquire an irrepressible character, neglect daily affairs and household duties. A desire to constantly teach someone is born in you, you annoyingly give everyone "valuable" advice. Often self-esteem is incredibly high, you can consider yourself the chosen conductor of a great idea. There is extreme intolerance to a different worldview, fanaticism.

    Passive person: You become suggestible, worldview, religious beliefs and social orientations are dictated by the environment. Blindly follow the ethics and morality accepted in society, without thinking about your motives. You suffer from low self-esteem, do not have your own opinion, completely rely on someone else's, which everyone considers authoritative. You tend to idealize your teachers and mentors, imitate them, strive to find an object of worship or an ideal that you can serve.

    On the path of redemption, you suffer from false teachers, they do not listen to you, they do not understand you, they despise you. Very tense relationship with religion, hesitation, confusion and contradiction. This is tantalum flour, when fate beckons, and then takes everything away. Often makes it difficult to obtain higher education.

    Lilith in Capricorn.

    Reasonableness (extremes - excessive responsibility or passivity).

    In the past, cruelty, ruthlessness, despotism, suppression of everyone around. You did not disdain anything, going towards the goal.

    Negative manifestations in the past can now give the following extremes:

    Active person: You cannot obey someone else's will and strive for power with all your might. Managing people, suppressing someone else's and imposing their own will turns into an end in itself. The will to implement any plan is so strong that you do not stop at any obstacles on the way to your cherished goal. If the circumstances of life do not allow you to realize your ambitions, you become a home tyrant and revel in power over family members.

    Passive person: you do not know how to achieve your goal, the slightest obstacle does not allow you to achieve practical results, you easily abandon plans, do not strive for a career, power and social status. Become controlled, you can only obey the will of others, follow the instructions. Be afraid and avoid taking on even the smallest responsibility or defaulting on your commitments.

    On the path to redemption, you can become the scapegoat. The sins of an entire people are laid on you - and sacrificed. Sometimes someone else's crimes are blamed on you, or you take on someone else's fault.

    Lilith in Aquarius.

    Independence (extremes - eccentricity or conservatism).

    In a past life, you loved freedom too much and sought it by any means possible. They could be an anarchist, an adventurer, a sharpie, a traitor to friends.

    Negative manifestations in the past can now give the following extremes:

    Active person: You organically do not tolerate any pressure and restrictions. Any, even a weak attempt to coerce is regarded as violence and causes violent indignation. You have unexpected and sudden mood swings. Often you deliberately commit extraordinary actions in order to shock others, to demonstrate to them your disregard for the established norms of behavior. You are evading responsibility in any way, you do not want to take on any obligations, to tie the knot of legal marriage.

    Passive person: You can block your ability to expand and learn. Then, in a distorted form, the opposite quality associated with the establishment of all kinds of boundaries will appear, which complicates intuitive knowledge, generates unnecessary self-restraints, complexes and emotional blocks.

    On the path of redemption, you are betrayed, imprisoned. Your plans either collapse or are fulfilled on the contrary, you do not distinguish between good and evil. In life, boredom and constant loneliness, nothing is stable, everything collapses.

    Lilith in Pisces.

    The game of the sage and the prophet (falsity or sacrifice).

    In the past, you may have been involved in clandestine illegal affairs. Spy, drug addict, alcoholic, criminal, commandment breaker.

    Negative manifestations in the past can now give the following extremes:

    Active person: You constantly strive to help someone, but distort the very concept of what this help should be. Therefore, your actions are often too intrusive and inappropriate, people who do not really deserve it cause pity and sympathy in you, and those who really need support are left without attention. You sacrifice yourself all the time for the sake of others, but precisely when it is not only unnecessary, but on the contrary, you can bring harm. You can become a member of a dubious religious sect.

    Passive person: you do not understand the reasons for your actions, you become overly suggestible, you can easily be influenced on a subconscious level. As if something prevents you from penetrating into the depths of the unconscious, from hearing the voice of your higher "I". If circumstances force you to empathize with the suffering of others, this causes a psychological crisis in you. Here the instability of the emotional state increases. It can cause mental disorders and diseases, and often contributes to the development of alcoholism.

    Tags: Black Moon, every 9 years, Lilith in the signs of the zodiac, temptations and self-destruction, a fictitious planet, karma and astral spirits,

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    Lilith (Black Moon) in the horoscope is, as it were, a counter of sins and mistakes, the totality of which in astrology is usually called dark, or black, karma. Knowing the position of the Black Moon in the zodiac sign in his horoscope and deliberately avoiding certain situations, a person is able to correct his fate.

    Lilith (Black Moon) in the signs of the zodiac

    In no case can you demand from fate an early and generous reward for the work done in this regard.

    In fact, we are talking only about correcting one's own mistakes, and by no means about exploits, although the costs of mental and physical strength at the same time sometimes turn out to be no less than when performing a heroic deed.

    Determining the psychology of a person's bad inclinations, black karma tends to increase from every dishonest, criminal, immoral act of a person, from every false word and unworthy, low thoughts.

    Lilith in Aries

    You need to be extremely careful when handling cutting or piercing objects, they also cannot take up weapons unless absolutely necessary.

    Despite numerous provocations from others (it does not matter whether acquaintances or strangers), one should by all means refrain from rudeness, harshness, rudeness. You cannot rely on the use of weapons and physical force.

    This will help to avoid the painful attraction to weapons, the fear of being killed or maimed, will get rid of many obsessions.

    Lilith in Taurus

    People with Lilith in Taurus should never save anything or save anything. On the contrary, it is necessary to learn to live by the proverb: "God will give a day, God will give bread."

    It should be especially emphasized that people with Lilith in Taurus cannot save anything - no books, no things, no knowledge, no money, no strength.

    No matter how noble the goals for the sake of which such a person begins to make his reserves, he still will not be able to use anything from the accumulated, without burdening his dark karma.

    And, making her heavier, he inevitably dooms himself to new losses and additional torment.

    Lilith in Gemini

    Do not take part in any gossip and gossip, do not allow yourself to discuss someone's behavior in the office or at home, do not provoke others to idle talk and frivolous attitude to words.

    Put things in order in your own thoughts, achieve a complete cessation of fragmentary thoughts and other people's statements that are randomly scrolling in your head.

    Do not provoke others to steal and do not leave your wallet or wallet in a place accessible to other people.

    Lilith in Cancer

    Disrespect for ancestors, desecration of ancestral, national, religious or occult traditions, betrayal and a tendency to cherish their secret vices are an important component of a person's life with such an indicator.

    It is necessary to steadfastly endure the period of difficult trials and endure the well-deserved suffering, passing through them without anger and fear and thus rising to the highest level of manifestation of the Black Moon.

    Lilith in Leo

    Such people have to experience a lot of suffering due to negative attitude to them from the mighty of this world, and also because of all kinds of impostors and upstarts with dissatisfied ambition.

    A person who has such an indicator in his horoscope and is at the average level of Lilith manifestation in Leo should not put himself in the center of everyone's attention or strive for fame and glory, he does not need to go to power.

    Lilith in Virgo

    Such people always try to pick up as friends those who are below themselves in terms of culture and overall development.

    They easily and willingly play by the worst rules of the bureaucratic-bureaucratic apparatus, neglect their official duties and thereby violate the integrity and purity of the society around them.

    Admiring those who are stronger than him, and at the same time brazenly deceiving them, such a person easily becomes a servant of two masters and begins to deceive both of them.

    Lilith in Libra

    In the life of these people, there are always many problems associated with social or socio-political activities; often ambivalent, contradictory and confusing situations are formed, leading to multiple litigation and persistent disagreement with public opinion.

    Such people need to be highly fair in relation to others, never make excuses to anyone and always remember that a person with a Black Moon in Libra becomes guilty at the very moment when he begins to prove his innocence to someone.

    Lilith in Scorpio

    People who have Lilith in Scorpio are often forced to live surrounded by blackmailers, rapists, sadists, maniacs, racketeers and simply insane.

    It is necessary to gain courage and steadfastly endure all the trials, constantly engaged in the most thorough cleansing of the soul and thoughts.

    Lilith in Sagittarius

    Those people who have such an indicator in their horoscope should, despite all the difficulties and obstacles, look for a path to the Temple with which the faith of their ancestors was associated, and avoid any innovations in the religious sphere.

    It is desirable for these people to stay as far away from any ideological battles as possible and refrain from nomenklatura positions.

    Lilith in Capricorn

    The people around willingly mock those who are at this level of karmic retribution, and treat them like a thing.

    In such situations, it is necessary to come to terms with the role of an innocent victim and understand that this is a form of karmic retribution for sins mentally or clearly committed in the past.

    One must learn to maintain self-esteem in any circumstances and continue to pursue the goals set, carefully choosing the means of achieving them.

    Lilith in Aquarius

    Those who were born under Lilith in the sign of Aquarius cannot make long-term plans, they need to be able to achieve everything with “short dashes” and make plans no more than two or three days in advance.

    Such people should also handle electrical appliances as carefully as possible, carefully follow the rules of conduct during a thunderstorm and in no case abuse medications, because there is a high risk of provoking drug allergies.

    Lilith in Pisces

    People with Lilith in Pisces often have to deal with secret revenge, evil eye, corruption and other black magical influences.

    Those who were born with Lilith in the sign of Pisces must lead an absolutely sober life, do not smoke or abuse. drugs... Any sessions of hypnosis, spiritism or magic are also contraindicated.

    Lilith in the abode of Mars and Pluto, in the sign of the exaltation of the Sun, in the element of fire.
    Here she is very strong. In past incarnations, the karma of a murderer, a warrior who killed in excess of fulfilling his military duty, marauded, enjoyed violence was accumulated. With a weak Black Moon, there may simply be a tendency to rudeness and rudeness.
    At the first level in this life, you are again tempted to be rude, to use force, to kill. Following these desires pushes on the harmful path of aggravating Karma, does not give redemption.
    At the second level of Lilith's manifestation in this life, there is no conscious "evil-doing".
    Circumstances punish for what was done in the past - in any business there are a lot of obstacles, rudeness, rudeness from others, a desire to interfere, and beating attempts are possible.
    Fears may appear obsessions, fear of being killed, cowardice appears, a painful attraction to sharp objects, fire, firearms.
    If you respond to rudeness with rudeness, then you can attract open enemies to yourself, even the killers while remaining defenseless, since the previous sign - Pisces - has a water element.
    Avoid activity, pressure, increased physical dynamics, impetuosity, do not come into contact with cold weapons and firearms, fire, sharp objects.
    Commandment: do not kill, do not be rude, develop fearlessness.
    At the third level, it is possible to immediately distinguish between murderers, rapists, to see situations where Evil can manifest itself in the form of violence. It turns out that such situations pass by, do not affect.

    Pavel Globa. Planets in the signs of the zodiac.

    Lilith in Aries: Violation of justice in the manifestation of will, personal activity; defamatory acts.
    At the lowest level - participation in fights, stabbing, murder, banditry.
    At the middle level - a victim of violence, mockery of a person.
    On the highest level- the ability to recognize killers, personal fearlessness, invulnerability.

    Black Moon in Aries.
    Increased intolerance, carelessness, a tendency to overexcitement, inability to entrust one's "I" to others - and the power of personal attraction.

    The art of predicting. Semira and V. Vetash.

    Lilith in Aries
    In the element of Fire, Lilith manifests itself very strongly. In a past life, the person was a killer, a warrior. This situation often happens among "mokrushniki", among "too active" people. The man fought and fought a lot, the consequences of this must be removed at all levels.
    People with Lilith in Aries need to avoid activity, impetuosity, pressure, be afraid of fire, firearms, sharp objects. Develop fearlessness, endurance

    Larisa Nazarova. Karmic astrology.

    Black Moon (Lilith) in Aries
    The Black Moon generates astral vortices that cause strong emotions and desires that prevent consciousness from controlling its influence. The Black Moon sharply accentuates one of the polar components of the sign, while activating its involutional properties, as a result of which it begins to dominate the other component. This not only enhances the extremes in the manifestations of the sign, but also distorts its primary qualities. Under the influence of the Black Moon, it is impossible to balance the opposite properties of the sign - it alternately acts on each pole, and a person falls from one extreme to another.
    If the Black Moon strengthens the main pole of the sign (for male signs - active, for women - passive), this leads to redundancy, excessive manifestations of the qualities of the sign. If the Black Moon suppresses the main pole of the sign, but activates the hidden one (for male signs - passive, for female signs - active), this in itself is a distortion of the primary zodiacal qualities, their natural manifestations seem to be turned inside out. In both cases, the Black Moon enhances the involutionary manifestations of the sign.
    Aries symbolizes the first manifestation, impulsivity and action.
    The ability of Aries to impart concentrated aspiration to thoughts, feelings and actions under the influence of the Black Moon turns into a destructive force - for those around them, if the active pole of the sign becomes stronger, and for the person himself, if the qualities of Aries become passive.
    If the Black Moon intensifies activity, then the internal impulse to action becomes so powerful that all manifestations characteristic of Aries are accompanied by an uncontrolled release of energy. Determination turns into irrepressible pressure, sweeping away everything in its path, impulsiveness turns into absolute unpredictability, and independence and independence turns into a desire to impose one's will and subjugate others. Fighting obstacles and suppressing other people's resistance give a person inexplicable pleasure. Under the influence of the Black Moon, egocentrism, aggressiveness, desire for leadership sharply increase, a feeling of permissiveness, cruelty and a tendency to violence appear, and fits of rage and anger often occur. The world becomes an object of conquest and conquest. The Black Moon gives desires and thoughts such strength that they can be transmitted to others. It often contributes to the development of excessive sexuality.
    Aries is an impulse for purposeful action. In an effort to get as much energy as possible, the Black Moon stimulates violent external activity, the original meaning of which is lost. Activity turns into an end in itself, does not achieve a practical result and is accompanied by huge energy costs.
    Since the natural manifestations of Aries are masculine, the suppression of external activity and the predominance of passivity are already a distortion of the essence of the sign. When the Black Moon affects the passive component, all the qualities of Aries turn into their opposite. A person becomes a convenient object for manipulation - controlled, suggestible, weak-willed. Indecision, lack of initiative, lack of independence, laziness, the desire to shift responsibility to others develop. At the same time, unmanifest aggressiveness accumulates, which has a destructive effect on human health and is reflected in his emotional state. Sometimes this aggressiveness breaks out in outbursts of rage. This influence of the Black Moon can also cause a decrease in sexuality.
    Galina Volzhina. Black Moon in the signs of the zodiac

    Lilith in Aries.
    Indulging on one's own actions. A person is very proud of any, even his most insignificant act. Washing dishes can be perceived by him as the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline. In addition, a person feels like a pioneer in any business. He is drawn to the invention of bicycles. Since there is such a self-esteem, a person believes that he is constantly dragging an unbearable burden, and that without his “titanic” efforts, everything will simply collapse. The pioneer complex presupposes the need to enthrall other people who are a priori regarded as being led, and everything done by joint efforts is credited to oneself. Shows aggressiveness when people who are identified as followers refuse to be such, i.e. do not want to follow his "selfless" impulse. The dissatisfaction of others with their actions is perceived as a personal insult, which can often be washed off only with blood.
    Playing Danko or Robin Hood.
    S.V. Evtushenko "Lilith's grotesque manifestations"

    In the horoscope of each person there is an indicator of dark karma. it Black Moon, or Lilith... This is the so-called fictitious planet: not a real celestial body, but a certain point in the horoscope. Her position in a particular sign of the zodiac shows your weak point, helps you understand where a person is waiting for provocations, temptations and trials.

    There are periods when Black Moon is strongest - years divisible by 9.

    It is for 9 years that the planet of dark karma bypasses the entire zodiac and returns to the starting point, where it was at the time of the birth of a person. At this time, many fateful events take place. About five months before and five months after the return, the person is checked for all possible negativity. It is considered a period of reckoning for mistakes, punishment for sins. And although at this time difficult events can occur, people are given the opportunity to atone for all the evil that they have done. Sometimes during the return of the Black Moon, nothing may happen.

    What is the lunar day today?

    Lilith in history

    Mythologically, Lilith is an evil spirit, usually female, who came to us from Jewish culture.

    The name goes back to the names of three Sumerian demons: Lilu, Lilitu and Ardam Lili. Lilu refers to a masculine spirit, Lilitu a feminine one.

    Lilith was the first wife of Adam, who left him to harm the newborns. According to Talmud, men are not advised to spend the night alone, so as not to expose themselves to temptation from Lilith. Therefore, Adam and Eve, who spent 130 years in “excommunication,” gave birth to many spirits and liliths, cohabiting with them. According to the book Zohar, Lilith, leaving Adam, became the mother of many demons.

    Greeks called the Black Moon Hecate, which embodies all the worst that is in the subconscious nature of man.

    Lilith in Gemini

    Keywords: violations in information exchange, promiscuity in communications and contacts.

    Negative manifestations in the past can now give the following extremes:

    • At the lowest level - a thief, a gossip, a pimp; evil-tongued;
    • At the middle level - the victim of slander, theft. Touchedness by relatives, neighbors;
    • At the highest level - incorruptibility, independence from gossip, avoidance of theft and defamation.

    Active Black Moon in Gemini: characterized by talkativeness and promiscuity in communications. Such a person weaves intrigues, dissolves gossip, blurts out other people's secrets.

    Passive Black Moon in Gemini: makes a person illegible. This manifests itself in watching various low-quality shows or TV series; reading the yellow press. Such people more often than others become a victim of gossip, slander and gossip.

    • Learn to relax, take a break from mental work;
    • Get involved in a business that requires a professional manifestation of Gemini qualities - work related to the processing and issuance of information, where you have to read a lot. For example, a journalist, writer, programmer, teacher;
    • Do not force yourself to keep the conversation going, and also allow yourself to say “I don’t know this”;
    • Educate yourself continuously. Read different sources, analyze, draw your own conclusions, and then share with others. At the same time, do not forget to simplify the information as much as possible (as if you are going to teach a first grader);
    • Remember the emotional side of the relationship and express your feelings;
    • Don't try to think and speak for everyone, give other people the opportunity to show their intelligence.


    This position indicates that the karma of a warrior (perhaps even a murderer or aggressor) is your darkest side. It is possible that in a past life you fought a lot, killed and succumbed to aggression. If you do not want to increase the power of Lilith (the power of negative karma), you must strive to balance and take control of the energies of Mars.

    Lilith placed in Aries can have three different ways of expression. The lack of energies of Mars creates the fate of a coward. An excess of these energies creates the fate of the aggressor. Both cases show the lack of an adequate and harmonious relationship to the energies of Mars. (It is not difficult to determine the amount of energies of Mars by the courage or cowardice of your actions. The following descriptions show the excess of energies of Mars: you are often aggressive and irritable, but you know how to stand up for yourself; You welcome adventures and risks, cause conflicts.

    Another group of opposite qualities reveals the lack of energies of Mars: you are afraid of everything, unable to say "No" when it is necessary to do it; you are unable to protect yourself and what is sacred to you. The latter case shows the need to develop courage, simplicity, and the ability to fight for oneself directly, even if you are unsure of the outcome. Mars reflects the ability to take risks when needed.)

    Lilith, placed in Aries, can also testify to a mixture of several cases: a person rushes between the role of a coward and a brave man, an aggressor (and vice versa). It is important to realize this unresolved position and start looking for the wisest position as a whole. This position of Lilith also reveals the threat of fires and burns - a complicated relationship with the element of fire is manifested. Any contact with metal or sharp instruments may be unpleasant for you. It may also be related to the karma of your past incarnations. Then it is especially important to restore and cleanse your relationship with fire, sit by the fire more often, pray, ask to cleanse.

    If you feel that you have too much energy from Mars, you should strive to take control of your aggression, anger, despotism, selfishness, arrogance. You must develop patience, tenderness, peacefulness, sensitivity, tolerance and tolerance. Learn to keep the peace and stop looking for the guilty, forgetting to look after yourself ...


    Lilith's position speaks of the biggest mistakes, unsuccessful karma associated with the earthly element: the deification of the human body, earthly love, things, movable and immovable property, disrespect or destruction of the living. Often this position reveals the negative karma of a person who lost the object of his love or was afraid to lose, harmed and took revenge, was extremely greedy, could not satisfy with what he had, destroyed the well-being of others, took away someone else's land, polluted or harmed it, possibly destroyed the world. This situation can also be associated with the destruction of cities, licentiousness, excessive consumption of food (when a person cannot get enough), the deification of things, body and money. Lilith in Ox can also talk about rude behavior and harm done to animals, abuse of women, violence and disrespect. This position of Lilith can occur in the horoscope (on the sky map at the time of birth) of a person who was a slaughterhouse worker, a flayer or a fauna destroyer in his past lives. This karma is associated with the destruction of natural resources and the disrespect shown to the Earth.

    Such a person may experience a loss of love, wealth, tranquility and well-being in this life. Such a person may have an unpleasant appearance and not be successful with women. Sometimes animals show their hatred for him - dogs growl, bark or do not allow horses to approach them, babies begin to scream in his presence. Greed or deification of things, of the body - you just repeat the same mistakes. Therefore, you should strive to develop unconditional, self-sacrificing love and respect for any form of life. You must avoid jealousy and greed. You should strive for peace, beauty and simplicity. Do not betray tenderness and respect weaker sentient beings who cannot take care of themselves.

    I have seen many times how this position of Lilith limits the ability to have offspring when a person repeats the same mistakes. More often than not, a person is in the disgrace of the Mother of the Universe. He must atone for this shame if he wants to find love, inner peace, tranquility and have offspring. It is important to strive for the well-being of the Earth. Significantly develop kindness, tenderness, purity, simplicity and respect for women, children, fauna and flora ...


    Lilith in Gemini reveals similar qualities that are shown by Selena, placed in Gemini; however, Lilith presents these qualities upside down. This person may have a dark side of his karma associated with deception, theft, superficiality, intrigue, talkativeness and violation of oath, promises.

    Temptations: information, numbers, documents, instant gain in trading, speculation and fraud with securities, deception associated with documents, breaking promises in search of personal gain. You should strive to manage yourself so as not to get involved in intrigues and deliberate or unconscious deception through promises, information, documents, trade and intermediation. Be vigilant not to become the scapegoat of other people's machinations and intrigues. If Lilith is still very active, then you will be inclined to give in to these temptations. If you have passed this, you will be able to recognize deception and thieves from a distance. This provision does not necessarily express karma associated with verbal deception, but also speaks of infidelity, frivolity, or hypocrisy. It is important to strive for truth and impartiality in this life. If Lilith's karma in Gemini is especially complicated, then you may suffer from lung diseases, allergies, pain in the arms and hands. Defects of speech, memory, vision, psyche are possible.

    You may also face problems related to deception, theft, intrigue of other people.


    Lilith in Cancer talks about the mistakes and temptations associated with motherhood and babies. Such karma may indicate violent behavior associated with women or babies - the history of mankind is full of wars ... Perhaps you personally hurt yourself when you were a mother.

    Bad fate in the sign of Cancer can be associated with the dark past of relatives, the destruction of cities, families, houses, as well as the conquest of foreign countries, the seizure of foreign lands. In this life, you should strive to develop respect for the feminine aspect, babies, parents, ancestors, homeland and history. Karma speaks of disrespect for burial places, temples, other nations, their languages, culture and traditions. If you want to have a happy family, you must sincerely strive to develop tenderness and the ability to care for others, create comfort, and respect loyalty.

    Lilith placed in Cancer can show bad karma associated with prostitution, selling the body, or mediation in this kind of business. This activity in the distant past can negatively affect certain areas in this life. A person may experience unhappy family life, family failures, problems related to offspring and abundance.

    Lilith in Cancer is also associated with the karma of a coward - succumbing to fears, betrayal for fear of being destroyed, a person chose the path of a coward. It is important to develop courage in this life, not to succumb to the influence of your fears and get rid of the role of the victim. Often Lilith in Cancer indicates various ways of selfish exploitation: a person may exaggerate the signs of his illnesses, neuroses, he may be inclined to dramatize everything and thus, under the cover of the constant role of the victim, receive attention, support and live a comfortable life. Such a person should avoid sentimentality, whimpering, also despotic, selfish love, which leaves no room for others for freedom and independence, independence. The overall situation shows an unbalanced and inharmonious feminine aspect: in one case, too much of this will stimulate sentimentality, cowardice, selfish exploitation or feminine principled despotism, in the other, feminine tenderness, sensitivity and kindness will be disadvantaged. Once you have gone through this, you will be able to recognize the discussed shortcomings in yourself and in others. If you have already ended your negative karma in Cancer, you will constantly try to help mothers (especially those who are abused), abandoned babies and weak ones.


    Lilith in Leo - most often speaks of mistakes associated with selfishness and pride. Most likely you have had a lot of power that has spoiled you during your past lives. In this life, you may experience the consequences of past incarnations, when you could afford more than now, when your word was the law and when others were afraid to criticize you and tried to flatter and please in every way. You succumbed to selfishness, pride and being the most important figure became understandable for you, but not in this life. You may think that beautiful life, luxury, wealth, and power are innate. Often this sincere feeling has been cherished in many lives.

    It's no surprise if Lilith in Leo encourages you to do theater and exaggerate your role in every act. It is not surprising if you are full of jealousy and irritability, having met someone better, this situation speaks of past lives associated with serious fights for power, fame and spheres of influence, about a person who loves himself so much that he refuses to have children and share attention shown to him. This person may avoid any difficult work, but wish to live in luxury.

    One of the most important tasks for your soul is learning how to give love, becoming generous, learning self-sacrifice, being open and honest. You must strive to break free from the power of the ego, which can hold you tightly and even seem adorable to the outside. Otherwise, life can turn into a meaningless theater, a fair of emptiness and become a land where there is no place for love and reality. If you no longer want to be at the mercy of Lilith, you must consciously strive for modesty, slowing down, simplicity, honesty and selfless love, you must get rid of melodrama and selfishness. You must learn to give, share, hear and appreciate others.


    Lilith, placed in Virgo, usually speaks of errors and temptations associated with medicine. This position can reveal the karma of a person who, in past lives, tried to help others by healing them, but instead only harmed. A person can experience an exceptional craving for medicine in this life. However, this would be a difficult path with obstacles from the outside, strange and irrational, blunders.

    Lilith in Virgo is also associated with duties and service. This situation speaks of an unbalanced attitude towards work. A person can either avoid any significant work and service, even where it is very important, or he can deify his work and become a workaholic who sees nothing else but his work.

    A person is encouraged to deify or deny order, cleanliness, and hygiene. You can decide for yourself which case appeals to you personally.

    The black moon indicates a picky attitude, pedantry, criticism, the karma of a "lover of truth", a "know-it-all" everywhere and with everything, also a "snitch" who makes a career in any way, even substituting others.

    These qualities can be expressed in a person brightly or softly. A person can have all or only one of the mentioned characteristics. You decide.

    In this life, it is important to achieve purity and order at the level of thoughts, body and feelings. For a reason, Virgo is a symbol of purity. It is important to understand your responsibilities correctly and strive not to burden others with your tasks, which you must complete on your own. Learn, develop forgiveness and get rid of the picky attitude, do not attach too much importance to words and avoid intrigue, keep your mind calm. Seeing and feeling one whole, you will be less bothered by trivial things, you will see them in a different light.

    Another area associated with Lilith, placed in Virgo, is the possible exaggeration of diseases. A person can try to hide behind them and thus become an important figure that constantly requires attention. But the situation can be reversed. A person may experience panic about doctors and have a superficial attitude to their health ...

    This is your weak side of karma, which must be corrected ...


    Lilith in Libra speaks of errors and temptations associated with negative expressions of the Libra sign. First of all, it can be constant indecision, inability and hesitation, making decisions and a constant desire to transfer your responsibility to others. These are the consequences when, consciously or not consciously, you betrayed, when it was necessary to act, you hesitated or stood on the sidelines. On the other hand, this position can testify to a conscious and common hypocrisy when words do not correspond to thoughts. Perhaps your karma testifies to the fate of a judge who consciously or subconsciously made wrong decisions and harmed other living beings. Lilith in Libra talks about the use of laws for their own benefit, fraud with the institutions of justice. There is also a willingness to please everyone, hypocrisy and deliberate sycophancy.

    Lilith in Libra also encourages formalism and dogmatism. Avoid the life of a "man in a case" or life in the "dollhouse" of fate. You must cultivate honesty, fairness, sincerity, and realism. Your soul must always seek justice and truth if you want to clear your karma. Otherwise, don't be surprised if you face unfair accusations and betrayal.

    Spend more time outdoors and strive for clarity, cleanliness, and peace. Avoid intrigue and learn to say "No" where it needs to be done.


    This provision warns that it is especially important to be careful about relationships and habits. In the worst case, you may face the threat of involvement in the structures of the mafia. It is important to learn from early childhood to take control of jealousy, aggression, passions and fears - you have plenty of that. Maybe in past lives "met" with dark forces, contacted black magic- as a victim, initiator or consumer. You may face persecution, undeserved accusations, completely incomprehensible attacks from the outside in this life. You don't seem to deserve it, but it is retribution for past mistakes.

    In this life, you should avoid any contact with magic, martial arts and suspicious companies - this way you can get involved in dangerous and harmful activities that will bring misfortune and danger not only for you, but also for those around you. Avoid participating in dangerous and acute situations. You should strive for harmony, moderation, peace, patience, wisdom, forgiveness, and slowing down. Try to become aware of the perception of a peaceful and harmonious reality, learn to evaluate what you already have.

    Lilith, placed in Scorpio, is also associated with sadism and licentiousness. In this life, you may be prone to similar qualities or suffer from sexual diseases, sexual inadequacy. You should avoid living in dark rooms, basements. Your home should be close to nature, in an open, sunny place.

    Avoid any form of dirt - you will definitely run into it. Don't start analyzing the source, don't start asking what it is or why you deserve it, etc. This analysis will lead you to the dark world. Just step back and do not attach any importance, no real comprehension, or space in your life to it.

    It is advisable to avoid black and brown colors in your wardrobe and in environment.


    Lilith, placed in Sagittarius, speaks of complex past stories related to religion, the spiritual path, spiritual gurus and authorities. Usually this position reveals a materialistic nature and a lack of faith in God. Often a person does not even consciously feel that he does not trust God. He thinks he is a believer, but he is really afraid to open up to God and the guidance of the spirit. His requests and trust are formal and superficial. He is afraid, unwilling, unable to pray sincerely and independently.

    Therefore, a person may experience awkwardness, doubts, tremors and fears when approaching spiritual practices and methods. This person should strive to restore a true and deep relationship with the Creator. He must ask the Creator to forgive him for materialism, rejection of God's will. Lilith in Sagittarius also testifies to the harm done to temples, priests, servants of religion and religion itself.

    This position is also associated with despotism, cruelty and unwillingness to hear others, putting their will and authority first. Also piracy, conquest of foreign countries and robbery. Lilith in Sagittarius talks about pirates, merry robbers, crusades, the Inquisition, the exploits of the Cortes and revolutionary takeovers ...

    Where are these funny pirates and heroes? Many of them walk among us ... What are the consequences? It is difficult for a person to "earn" authority, respect and a stable social position - disrespect for other authorities besides his own constantly interferes. The same can be said about his relationship to God. The mind of such a person dares to criticize or even condemn God, curse.

    In this life, a person should strive to comprehend, to feel the concept of respect, who in your life are worthy, deserve true respect, to realize this and follow your opinion on this matter. Often this person communicates superficially and does not feel the principle of hierarchy. He simply does not understand that there is someone at a higher evolutionary level than him, does not understand the essence of respect. Sometimes it may seem that this person is creating authority and then destroying it.

    If a person has already gone through this, then he will easily notice the negative and positive aspects of any authority and he will not surrender to servility, sycophancy. However, this person should strive to take control of his inner despot, boss and critic ...


    Often a person with Lilith in Capricorn is prone to melancholy and depression. The ruler of Capricorn - Saturn - the planet is responsible for old age, burial places, history, past, long processes, loneliness, solitude, secrecy, cold. Therefore, Lilith placed in Capricorn is associated with these qualities.

    In this case, we must discuss the negative side of Saturn's expression. Often, this person looks like a millstone on his leg. Not yet thirty, but he begins to talk about old age and death. Sometimes it starts at sixteen ... Constant sorrow, looking back at better times ... He exaggerates illness so that it will become the main event in life and in the world. Other inharmonious aspects of Saturn are distrust, pessimism, fatalism, withdrawal, extreme frugality, exaggerated warning, loneliness, passivity, bad smell, and slovenliness. Often such a person complains more than others, but lives a long time. He can become cruel in his revenge for the very loneliness he has chosen; can pursue its enemies for many years. He exaggerates and does not forget any grudges. Any love and inspiration can die in the presence of his selfishness, withdrawal, suspicion and frugality. In an emergency, this person's house turns into a basement or even a worse place full of various old and unnecessary accumulated things ... But this happens when Lilith is especially strong. Perhaps in this intense and slightly exaggerated picture, you will feel the essence ... In other cases, a grumbler or quiet man who always blames others for his failures.

    Perhaps you recognized this gloomy person in yourself? You must do your best to learn to enjoy, love, open up, and communicate no matter how difficult it may be. Learn to be forgiving, light, optimistic, and joking. Don't put too much emphasis on yourself and look at tomorrow more often. Let your friends and family show you how to love, be optimistic, empathetic, gentle, and empathetic. It is especially important to learn how to relax, enjoy life and shift attention from yourself to the world around you. Move, go in for sports, do not strain, do not close yourself alone - because then Lilith is gaining strength.

    Do not live in gloomy and dark places, near the cemetery. Avoid black, dark blue and brown colors in your wardrobe. You should welcome white, green and peach ...


    Lilith in Aquarius usually speaks of misused freedom. A person believes that everything is possible for him, but others cannot act in the same way. Another case is when a person has forgotten freedom or sold it for comfort, wealth, security, power and other temptations.

    You probably feel an extremely strong attraction to technical devices (computers, cars, mobile phones, etc.) or you hate and fear them. In both cases, it is important to restore a balanced attitude: you should not be either a slave or an "attachment" to technical devices.

    Lilith in Aquarius also highlights the problem of friendship, loyalty to friendly relations. Friends, associates are important to you, but relationships can be complicated or inharmonious. You should strive for a pure relationship that suits your needs and evolutionary stage. Beware of bad companies and do not deceive your friends, first dragging them into intrigues, and then leaving them to their fate.

    Aquarius is associated with renewal, discernment, and invention. In this case, we must talk about the negative side of the mentioned qualities. Lilith can bear witness to the karma of a rebel, a revolutionary, when renewal destroyed everything around her. Another area is when scientific advances have caused damage and harm to the environment. Also, the karma of a person who directly resisted the necessary renewal harmed scientists and inventors who created and invented what was needed, new and useful to everyone. Perhaps this man was a slave owner who despised the freedom of others.

    It is important to develop an adequate attitude to freedom in this life, not to betray or exceed what is permissible. You must develop an optimistic and harmonious attitude towards change and the future, learn to choose and value friends. You cannot blame others for your failures, you need to realize both your own and others' needs for freedom. Another important problem is freedom of mind and intellect, but at the same time, pride in the real world - beware of the danger of getting lost in virtual, inhuman reality. Therefore, it is very important to preserve human relations, warmth, sincerity, honesty and the ability to love.


    Usually Lilith in Pisces is mistakes related to the spiritual and religious path. Therefore, a person can have a complex relationship with the Creator, religion and spiritual methods in this life. Lilith can also talk about black magic, sects, inappropriate behavior in monasteries. The man was all in a dark world of mysticism and secrets. In general, this position can talk about all possible negative aspects of religion, spiritual training, and magic (inquisition, crusades, black magic, etc.). What about your role? Were you really the initiator or the victim? In both cases, all aspects related to Pisces remained damaged by pain, fears, temptations, karmically darkened and “waiting to be purified” ..

    The positive qualities of Pisces are the ability to sacrifice oneself to others, compassion, willingness to help, and mercy. Perhaps you are lacking these qualities? On the other hand, you could create dramatic karma with opposite qualities when others have abused your mercy and you were unable to defend yourself. Then you must learn to recognize people who deserve sacrifice, support and those who are prone to abuse your mercy. Perhaps Lilith, placed in Pisces, indicates the need to learn to protect your values ​​and stop being a quiet, crying victim. Stop looking for suffering and drama. Look for purity, peace and simplicity.

    A strong Lilith can stimulate strange and mystical situations involving sects, black magic, curses, drugs or the like.

    You should strive for moderation and clarity, avoid bigotry, ambiguity, magic, sects and bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs, excessive drug use). The negative side of Pisces - reveals poisoning and secret sabotage. Perhaps your destiny reflects this? Avoid any kind of dirt and ambiguity. Clear the fate of Lilith in Pisces through peaceful and true prayer that is full of love. Strive to restore a true relationship with the Creator so that that relationship becomes yours. main value... Don't let yourself be seduced by a quick, impressive, and exceptional spiritual path. It belongs to your past lives ... Do not separate yourself from others, do not close yourself off from the world around you - solitude, loneliness represent Lilith ...