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  • Coconut milk application. Coconut milk: benefits and harms to the body

    Coconut milk application. Coconut milk: benefits and harms to the body

    Coconut milk is a healthy drink made from the filling and liquid of the fruit. Traditionally, it is used in oriental cuisine, but in our country, this product is considered exotic. Many people have already come to love the drink. It is preferred by both gourmets and supporters of a healthy lifestyle. But it is used not only in cooking. The benefits and harms of coconut milk. How to apply?

    Detailed analysis of the composition and calorie content of coconut milk

    The composition of coconut milk is rich in vitamins and minerals. Thanks to its rich composition, it is so beneficial for our body. The main feature of the product is the presence of unique amino acids, which are found naturally only in seafood.

    • Coconut milk contains the following chemical elements:
    • Folic acid, vitamins B, C, E, K;
    • Phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium;
    • Iron, manganese, copper and selenium;
    • Sugar carbohydrates;
    • 24 amino acids necessary for the body;
    • Omega acids;
    • Lauric, palmitic, stearic and other fatty acids;
    • Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated acids.
    The rich composition of vitamins and minerals makes the product indispensable for nutrition and use in cosmetology. 100 grams of the product contains 19 kcal. Milk can be high or medium fat depending on the amount of coconut pulp used. Typically, it contains 70% protein, 2% fat and 20% carbohydrates. The rest is fiber and water.
    Important! Coconut milk is an easily digestible product with low calorie content, easy to digest and beneficial to the whole body.

    Benefits of coconut milk for the body

    Despite being high in saturated fat, coconut milk is good for the body. First, because it is easily absorbed and has medicinal properties. This product fights carcinogens, germs, viruses and harmful bacteria. Particular attention in its composition should be paid to lauric acid, which is also found in breast milk. It improves brain development and bone health. It is believed that drinking from an exotic fruit is effective for use against AIDS.

    In addition, the product has the following beneficial properties:

    • Benefits of lauric acid The component acts as an antibacterial, antiviral and fungal substance. Stimulates the immune system to actively fight diseases. Also, lauric acid promotes the elasticity of blood vessels and thus reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and other heart diseases.
    • Coconut milk protects against free radicals due to its antioxidant content.
    • Improving the digestive system. The product is recommended for people with peptic ulcer disease, as it alleviates its symptoms.
    • Increased hemoglobin. One cup of this vitamin drink contains 22% of your daily iron requirement.
    • Lower blood pressure, control blood sugar, and relieve tension and fatigue.

    Is there any harm from coconut milk

    Very rarely, with constant use, side effects appear from the product. Complications can occur only with individual intolerance to it. People with fructose intolerance should not partly consume the drink, this can lead to dizziness and diarrhea. Also, harm from coconut milk to the body is possible if it is stored correctly and if it has expired.

    Applications for coconut milk

    Coconut milk is used most often in cooking and cosmetology. In cooking, it is used as a main or additional ingredient, smoothies and milkshakes are made from it, it is added to cottage cheese and yogurt, tea, coffee and other drinks. The vitamin drink goes well with fruits, berries and vegetables. It is used as a cream for cakes and pastries.

    The use of coconut milk in cosmetology also has its benefits. It is especially effective for lamination of hair, making it soft and silky. The product helps to fight dandruff. In addition, it is successfully used for weight loss.

    How to drink milk for maximum benefits

    It is advisable to make coconut milk yourself from coconut. To do this, use the pulp and liquid of coconut. This is the healthiest way to prepare milk. Everything is mixed in a blender. You can also make a healthy drink from shavings. To do this, fill it with water for a couple of hours and set it aside in a cold place for softening and impregnation. Later, the whole mass with a liter of water is whipped well in a blender and filtered from uncrushed particles. It is even more beneficial to drink coconut milk in combination with fruits and berries. It will be very tasty to use in a cream soup. The product will perfectly complement the delicate texture.

    Features of Canned Coconut Milk

    Canned coconut milk may be less beneficial than natural milk. It all depends on the proportions of water with which the pulp of the exotic fruit is diluted. Therefore, each manufacturer has a different nutritional value. Often, 100 g of a product contains 180-200 kcal, 20 g of fat, 5 g of protein and 3 g of carbohydrates. A canned drink can also be made from shavings and water, so it has a mushy appearance. When choosing a canned option, it is recommended to carefully study the composition on the label.

    At best, it will list water and concentrated coconut milk. If the preservative E 224 is mentioned, then you should not buy this product. It is added in order to prolong the fermentation process of the drink. When buying, also pay attention to the production date and fat content.

    Coconut milk is a healthy vitamin product that can be consumed by children and pregnant women. With it, you can strengthen and transform hair, improve the health of the body. Contraindications to drinking the drink - intolerance to its components. In other cases, you can and should use it.

    Coconut milk - the elixir of youth: video

    And milk is crushed ripe pulp, and not at all a liquid drained from it. The taste of coconut milk and its consistency directly depend on the number of pressing. The first pressing product has a pleasant sweet taste and delicate aroma.

    Chemical composition, harm and benefits of coconut milk

    Coconut milk is not just an incredibly tasty product, it is a very healthy treat. So, it contains a rich vitamin and mineral complex. Coconut is rich in vitamins of group B, C, E, PP, K, elements such as zinc, selenium, iron, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and manganese, amino acids and valuable fatty acids.

    Nutritionists include nut in the menu of low-calorie food, since sugar in fruits is represented by fructose. Coconut milk dishes are very popular. Coconut contains no more than 5% vegetable proteins, and there are fats that are easily absorbed by the human body. This allows the product to be used with intolerance to animal components.

    Health Effects of Coconut Milk

    The harm and benefits of coconut milk is a frequent topic of discussion among scientists. The extract obtained from southern nuts has the following actions:

    Southern coconut milk has a tonic effect. The natural product will fill the human body with strength after a hard day, remove fatigue, relieve depression and help restore excellent health.

    Also, coconut milk, reviews of which, by the way, are also available from doctors, and purely positive, is recommended for use during rehabilitation after undergoing a course of radiation and chemotherapy, after long-term use of antibiotics. It normalizes the work of the intestines, normalizing its microflora.

    It should be noted that heat treatment of coconut milk does not deprive it of its high nutritional properties. For this quality in Europe this valuable product was called "tropical cream".

    Harm of coconut milk

    Despite its wonderful properties, coconut milk can sometimes be harmful. It can cause allergic reactions. In this case, its use in food is strictly contraindicated. Also, according to experts, people with individual fructose intolerance should limit or even exclude the intake of palm nuts.

    The harm and benefits of coconut milk is a topic that worries many. Eating large amounts of it can lead to negative reactions from the digestive system. So, attacks of nausea, diarrhea and dizziness are possible. In some cases, people have increased blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, and decreased blood supply to organs.

    You should be especially careful about canned milk. A natural product should contain only coconut and water. Milk with a lot of preservatives will have little benefit. Expired product is also unacceptable to eat.

    Coconut milk and shavings preparation

    We will now look at how to make coconut milk at home. You can find fresh walnuts in almost every grocery store. The resulting product is widely used in cooking for making soups and cocktails. You can also make an excellent dessert with milk.

    First, punch a hole in the coconut shell. To do this, select the desired "eye". The liquid must be poured out, and only then the shell must be cracked. After the peel is peeled, we get a white fragrant pulp, which is needed to prepare milk. Rub the pulp on a medium grater. We put it in a container and fill it with boiling water. You need to take such an amount of water that it covers the mass a little. After half an hour, squeeze the grated nut with cheesecloth. The resulting liquid is the most valuable coconut milk, which can be stored in the refrigerator for a day.

    The shavings remaining after spinning must be put on a baking sheet in the oven. Dry until tender - within half an hour. From one coconut, as a rule, you get a glass of milk and about two glasses of shavings.

    Popular recipes with coconut milk

    The dishes prepared using coconut milk are distinguished by an unsurpassed aroma and amazing taste. The product will add a piquant aroma and tenderness to even the most common dish. The harm and benefits of coconut milk were discussed earlier. And now we will give a few recipes.

    Chicken baked in coconut milk

    To prepare this dish, we need the following ingredients:

      chicken legs - 4 pcs.;

      coconut milk - 2 cups;

      onions - 2 heads;

      vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;

      lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;

      garlic - 2 cloves;

      salt - 1 teaspoon;


    Preheat the oven to 200 ° C. Thoroughly wash and dry the chicken legs. We cut them, separating the lower leg from the thighs. Mix lemon juice with minced garlic, pepper, fennel, coriander and cinnamon. Rub the meat with the mixture and leave for half an hour. Finely chop the onion and fry it until golden brown. Add chicken legs to it and fry until cooked. Fold the meat into a baking dish and fill it with coconut milk. We put the dish in the oven for 30 minutes. You can also always make a dessert from milk.

    Shrimp in coconut milk

    To prepare this aromatic and tasty dish, you will need:

      shrimp - 1 kg;

      coconut milk - 2 cups;

      onions - 2 heads;

      tomatoes - 2 pcs.;

      olive oil - 2 tablespoons;


    Peel the onions and cut into rings. Fry them in a pan in olive oil. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes and add to the onion. Simmer for 15 minutes.

    Combine coconut milk with turmeric, pepper and saffron. Put the shrimp in the vegetable mixture. Salt to taste and fill with coconut milk. The ingredients are stewed with the lid closed for no more than 15 minutes. Can be served. Enjoy your meal!

    There are other recipes as well. Coconut milk can be used in a wide variety of dishes.

    Irina Kamshilina

    Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


    In modern supermarkets, you can buy goods for every taste and budget. There are also such unusual delicacies for Russia as coconut milk. However, it has little in common with the usual cow or goat.

    Coconut milk - benefits and harms

    Before using any exotic product, you need to think several times about the possible unusual manifestation of properties. The benefits and harms of coconut milk can be identified to varying degrees for each person. For example, due to the content of coarse fibers, it is a good cleaner from toxins that have filled the body, in addition, this milk softens the spiciness of dishes. However, for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to consume this product only with the permission of a doctor.

    Other useful properties stand out:

    • positive effect on blood vessels, preventing their fragility;
    • strengthening of immunity;
    • prevention of cancer;
    • giving the body tone;
    • relief of the condition during an exacerbation of peptic ulcer diseases;
    • effectiveness in losing weight to neutralize hunger;
    • enrichment of the body with phosphates and vitamins.

    There is an opinion that due to its unusualness for the average Russian person, a drink made from coconut will not only not be beneficial, but can also cause allergic reactions. However, no scientific evidence has been found for this. An exception can only be an individual intolerance to the product. If you buy canned coconut juice, choose one with a shorter shelf life - it contains less harmful substances.

    Can i drink

    There is a group of people who, for one reason or another, do not eat cow's milk. Some adhere to a strict vegetarian cuisine, while the organisms of others are simply not able to digest this product. In both cases, you need to look for some useful analogue. Drinking coconut milk is not only possible, but also necessary: \u200b\u200bin its pure form, adding to coffee or various dishes. Palm fruit juice will be an excellent alternative to cow's milk: it will not yield to it in usefulness and taste, it will give a special aroma.

    Calorie content

    Those who monitor their weight and volume are very serious about the choice of foods to eat. Coconut pulp is not a low-calorie product, but it has an interesting feature. The calorie content of coconut milk is approximately 150-200 kcal, however, this does not affect the change in weight upward. It is absorbed faster and better than cow, without having time to be deposited as fat on the body.

    Coconut milk recipes

    In cooking, cooking options are becoming widespread, where it is recommended to use coconut milk instead of cow milk. Buying a drink is as easy as buying a more familiar product. Pastries with coconut milk are very special in taste and texture. Sometimes the taste resembles the famous Rafaello sweets.

    However, coconut milk dishes are not limited to desserts and sweets. It is used in soups, meat and fish dishes. Often this milk is used to make sauces, which are subsequently used to season various dishes. A delicious option using this ingredient would be pasta with seafood, for example, with shrimp.

    How to make coconut milk at home

    • Servings Per Container: 3 Persons.
    • Calorie content: 150 kcal.
    • Purpose: breakfast, lunch, dinner.
    • Cuisine: Asian.

    Provided that you can now buy almost anything at affordable prices, many housewives prefer to cook at home in order to get a 100% natural product. According to reviews, making coconut milk at home is not difficult. You can store the drink in its pure form for a short time, but if required, you can freeze the product.


    • fresh coconut - 1 pc .;
    • warm water - 400 ml.

    Cooking method:

    1. Wash the coconut, gently open.
    2. Drain the coconut water into a separate container.
    3. Cut off the pulp carefully. Grind it inside the blender.
    4. Fill with warm, but not hot, water. Squeeze the shavings, strain and pour the liquid. You can refill the pulp with water.
    5. Dilute the resulting milk with coconut juice, if required.

    Chicken in coconut milk

    • Cooking time: 1 hour 10 minutes.
    • Servings Per Container: 6 Persons.
    • Calorie content: 110 kcal.
    • Purpose: lunch, dinner.
    • Cuisine: Asian.
    • Complexity of preparation: medium.

    To add juiciness to dry chicken fillet and give a pleasant delicate taste is possible not only with the help of cream. Due to their fat content, it is sometimes not possible to use them. Chicken in coconut milk is prepared in a similar way, but the taste is slightly different. The recipe belongs to Asian cuisine, and Thai people who prefer spicy food add curry to add spice.


    • breast fillet - 600 g;
    • chicken broth - 1 glass;
    • potatoes - 1 pc.;
    • onions - 1 pc .;
    • starch - 1 tsp;
    • beans - 2 cups;
    • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
    • green curry paste - 2 tbsp l .;
    • grated ginger - 2 tsp;
    • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l .;
    • coconut milk.

    Cooking method:

    1. Cut the washed onions and potatoes into small pieces.
    2. Remove the seeds from the pepper, chop the vegetable into strips.
    3. Fillets cut into pieces must be fried in oil for 5 minutes, salting. Put the finished chicken on a separate plate.
    4. Cook onions and peppers in the same pan for 3 minutes.
    5. Add curry paste, ginger and salt.
    6. Pour the broth, transfer the potatoes. After boiling, cover the pan and boil for 5 minutes.
    7. Arrange the chicken pieces and cover. It will take a quarter of an hour to cook.
    8. Mix the coconut milk with the starch and pour the mixture over to the dish.
    9. Add the beans. After boiling, cover and simmer for 5 minutes.

    Coconut milk soup

    • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
    • Servings Per Container: 6 Persons.
    • Calorie content: 126 kcal.
    • Purpose: lunch, dinner.
    • Cuisine: Thai
    • Complexity of preparation: medium.

    Cooking soups with unusual ingredients can be accepted by different peoples of the world. Coconut milk soup is widely used in Thailand and other Asian countries. There, chefs prepare soup in two versions: with seafood or chicken fillet (called tom-yam or tom-kha). Chili pepper is often added to the soup for spiciness. The taste of milk softens the pungency a little.


    • coconut milk - 400 ml;
    • champignons - 200 g;
    • peeled shrimp - 400 g;
    • tomato - 2 pcs.;
    • garlic - 3 teeth;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. l .;
    • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l .;
    • chili pepper - 1 pod;
    • oyster sauce - 2 tbsp l .;
    • lemon juice.

    Cooking method:

    1. Wait until the milk boils, put the mushrooms cut into small slices into it.
    2. After 5 minutes, add the shrimp.
    3. Crush the garlic, add to the soup.
    4. Cut the tomatoes into cubes, transfer to the dish.
    5. Add chili, sugar and fish sauce.
    6. Cook for 2 minutes, add a few grams of lemon juice. The soup is ready!

    Coconut milk cream

    • Cooking time: 1 hour.
    • Servings Per Container: 6 Persons.
    • Calorie content: 295 kcal.
    • Purpose: lunch, dinner, dessert.
    • Cuisine: European.
    • Complexity of preparation: medium.

    If you're wondering what to make with coconut milk, think about sweets. A cake called White cannot do without a delicious cream. This dessert not only looks beautiful, as in the photo, but also very delicate. The airy sponge cake is best served with coconut milk cream, which is easy to make at home or find in the supermarket.


    • coconut milk - 270 ml;
    • granulated sugar - 150 g;
    • coconut flakes - 150 g;
    • white chocolate - 100 g;
    • heavy cream - 350 g;
    • starch - 2 tbsp. l .;
    • vanillin.

    Cooking method:

    1. Grind the coconut with a blender.
    2. Heat the milk slightly inside a saucepan.
    3. Dissolve the starch with a small amount of milk, pour the liquid back into the pan.
    4. Add 100 g sugar and vanillin. While stirring the cream, cook until thick.
    5. Add shavings to the finished cream, mix. Cool, put on the refrigerator shelf.
    6. Melt the chocolate.
    7. Whisk the remaining sugar with cream until firm foam.
    8. Remove the cream from the refrigerator, transfer some of the cream, stir.
    9. Pour the mixture into the remaining cream.
    10. Add the cooled chocolate to the cream, mix everything well.

    Porridge with coconut milk

    • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
    • Servings Per Container: 4 Persons.
    • Calorie content: 110 kcal.
    • Purpose: breakfast.
    • Cuisine: European.
    • Complexity of preparation: low.

    When it is necessary to prepare a tasty and healthy breakfast for the child, and is allergic to cow's milk, then it can be replaced with coconut. If desired, the drink can be additionally diluted with water or used in pure form. Any cereal can be present in the recipe for porridge with coconut milk. Oatmeal flavored with honey is very tasty.


    • oat flakes - 250 g;
    • coconut milk - 400 g;
    • water - 400 g;
    • honey - 1 tbsp. l .;
    • walnut.

    Cooking method:

    1. Pour milk and water into a saucepan. Stir until boiling.
    2. Transfer the flakes, reduce heat and cook, stirring constantly.
    3. Measure doneness by consistency.
    4. Transfer the porridge to a plate, add honey and nuts.


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    Coconut milk: benefits and recipes

    September 14, 2018

    Coconut milk is a delicious drink that is used to prepare a number of amazing Asian dishes. In our country, such a product is a novelty, but the Vietnamese and Thai people produce coconut milk in almost every home. The benefits and harms of this drink are the topic of today's article.

    In our article we will look at what coconut milk is, the benefits and harms for the body of this drink, as well as a lot of other useful information. Coconut milk is made from the pulp of this exotic product. Surprisingly, no expensive equipment is needed, and the manufacturing process itself cannot be called high-tech.

    The pulp is scraped out of ripe coconuts, then it is filled with filtered water and sent to the press. Through the action of pressure, a milky liquid is formed that has a sweetish taste.

    On a note! Coconut milk is a plant product that has a rich component composition, a sour taste and a number of beneficial properties for the human body.

    Some people consider milk and coconut juice to be identical drinks. The benefits and harms of the latter will be similar to milk, only they are different drinks. Juice is a liquid contained inside an exotic fruit, and milk is produced using the above technology.

    Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia are considered to be the main exporters of coconut milk. It is believed that there are so many coconuts growing in these countries that everyone can enjoy the taste of the fruit for free.

    What is a coconut drink made of?

    In appearance, coconut milk is very similar to cow's milk. It has a dense texture, reminiscent of liquid sour cream, white color and sweet taste. 100 g of coconut milk contains approximately 187 kilocalories. Somewhere 68 g falls on purified water. There are also carbohydrates, protein and fats in coconut drink.

    On a note! Keep in mind that 100 g of exotic fruit milk contains about 24 g of fat. The drink is nutritious and healthy enough.

    In addition, coconut milk is enriched with vitamins, micro- and macroelements, including:

    • tocopherol;
    • ascorbic acid;
    • amino acids;
    • Omega-3, 6 and 9;
    • nicotinic acid;
    • vitamin K;
    • niacin;
    • riboflavin;
    • manganese;
    • pantothenic acid;
    • potassium;
    • fructose;
    • iron;
    • folic acid;
    • pyridoxine;
    • copper, etc.

    On a note! Thanks to this composition, the consumption of coconut milk compensates for the deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Such a drink can be safely included in the diet.

    It's time to talk about the beneficial properties of the drink, which is made from the pulp of exotic fruits. By consuming a little of this milk, you can cope with depression, including seasonal. Experts say that coconut milk helps to strengthen the immune system, eliminate apathy and replenish vitamin reserves.

    Many modern people complain of constant fatigue. To feel the surge of strength and energy, you need to drink some coconut milk.

    The healing properties of coconut milk include:

    • stimulation of brain activity;
    • normalization of the functioning of all internal organs;
    • treatment of diseases of the urinary system;
    • prevention of the development of cardiovascular diseases;
    • elimination of helminthic invasions;
    • promoting wound healing.

    The list of useful properties of a coconut drink is not limited to this. Scientists believe that such a product is of particular value for young mothers. Coconut milk contains amino acids and lauric acid that improve the composition of breast milk.

    Accordingly, your baby will feel much better. The baby's immune system will be strengthened. Coconut milk has antimicrobial and antiviral properties, which is extremely necessary for the toddler in the first months of life.

    Coconut milk also benefits the digestive tract. Asian experts are convinced that the use of this product is an excellent prevention of cancer and diabetes.

    Also, the following should be attributed to the number of useful properties of a tropical drink:

    • prevention of diseases of the respiratory system;
    • normalization of hemoglobin levels;
    • strengthening the nervous system;
    • stabilization of blood glucose levels;
    • improvement of well-being with ailments of the digestive tract;
    • strengthening of bone tissue and teeth;
    • normalization of sleep;
    • strengthening the body as a whole;
    • fight against insomnia;
    • increasing the elasticity of the vascular walls;
    • strengthening the heart muscle;
    • normalization of hormonal levels;
    • relief of the condition in renal pathologies.

    Experts advise including coconut milk in the diet of people who are exposed to exhausting physical and mental stress on a daily basis. This drink is also very useful for athletes. The body will recover faster.

    Environmentally friendly and natural coconut milk cannot be found everywhere in our country. Coconut milk powder is very popular, the benefits and harms of which will be similar to that of a canned or fresh drink.

    On a note! You can make your own coconut milk at home. You just need to fill the dry component with hot water in equal proportions and boil it a little over low heat. Please note that this drink should be consumed within a couple of days or stored in the freezer.

    So, we found out why coconut milk is so valuable. The benefits and harms for a child of such a product have also been studied by scientists. You can introduce it into your baby's diet, but with great care. It is advisable to first consult with a specialist.

    Beauty secrets

    As already mentioned, there are many dishes in oriental cuisine that contain coconut milk. This product is in perfect harmony with vegetables, first courses, fish, poultry and meat.

    Coconut milk is also famous in the cosmetic field. So, this drink has moisturizing and protective properties, so it can be used to wipe the skin of the face. You can even replace your toner or makeup remover with such a natural product. You will see that the color of the skin will noticeably improve, and there will be no trace of signs of fatigue.

    Also, exotic fruit milk is often added to tanning cosmetics. Coconut milk will minimize the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, your skin will become hydrated and saturated with vitamins, micro- and macroelements, and minerals.

    Coconut milk benefits our hair a lot. Many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity dream of luxurious curls and thick hair. With the help of coconut milk, the hair structure will improve, it will become stronger and more elastic. Your curls will radiate healthy shine and strength.

    Is there any harm?

    Despite the fact that coconut milk is a product of exclusively plant origin, it is not recommended to drink it every day, and not everyone is shown such a drink for consumption.

    If this is your first time trying coconut milk, drink a small portion and carefully monitor your body's response. It is extremely rare, but the milk of an exotic fruit can provoke the development of an allergic reaction.

    Drinking a coconut drink every day is absolutely contraindicated. It is allowed to drink from 250 to 500 ml per week.

    But for children under the age of three, this product is generally undesirable to give. In adolescence, the drink can be safely consumed. You should start with small portions - 50-75 ml.

    On a note! Fructose intolerance is considered an absolute contraindication to the use of coconut milk. Be sure to take this into account, otherwise complicated consequences may develop.

    Today you will hardly surprise anyone with this exotic drink (as well as). In any more or less self-respecting Russian supermarket, you can find canned coconut milk. The benefits and harms of this product are often compared with the properties of the usual cow's milk, and expert opinions differ. But in the world of culinary and cosmetology, the properties of an exotic elixir are generally recognized.

    Coconut or Burenka?

    Nutritionists prefer a plant-based product, despite the fact that coconut milk is fatter and more nutritious (calorie content 150-200 kcal). The fact is that the oils and fatty acids of coconut milk are well absorbed and are not deposited in the form of extra pounds at the waist.

    In case of intolerance to animal protein, doctors advise replacing cow's milk with vegetable, in particular coconut, milk. Does not contain coconut milk and cholesterol. But it is rich in coarse fibers, due to which digestion is improved.

    Boasts coconut milk and vitamins A, B, E, C and trace elements, such as copper, which is involved in biochemical reactions in our body. Present in coconut milk and lauric acid - a real fighter against viruses. Therefore, this vitamin drink is advised to drink for and getting rid of chronic fatigue syndrome.

    Coconut milk also has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland. Due to its antibacterial action, it normalizes the intestinal microflora, helps with gastritis and ulcers.

    Opponents of coconut milk believe that an exotic product that is alien to our diet can cause allergies. Coconut milk is contraindicated for those with fructose intolerance.

    The arguments against include the fact that it is not so easy to find a truly fresh and high-quality product in our country. It can be dangerous to consume canned coconut milk, the benefits and harms of which depend on the methods of conservation. Some preservatives and stabilizers are toxic. Therefore, it is better to choose a natural product, albeit with a shorter shelf life.

    Pushing the boundaries of the culinary world

    Coconut milk recipes are very popular today. This product has long gone beyond Asian cuisine. It is used in the preparation of desserts, pastries and cocktails, soups and main courses. Coconut milk gives food a velvety, light creamy taste with an exotic fruit aroma.

    Fans of sweetish sauces for meat, you can try to stew poultry or beef in coconut milk. When heat treated, it does not curdle like animal cream. It goes well with seafood.

    Still, dishes with coconut milk are the hallmark of Thai cuisine. Here, soups are prepared on its basis, meat dishes are stewed, and curries are made. And rice cooked in coconut milk is a spicy Asian side dish.

    Advice from experienced chefs: Swap cow's milk for coconut milk in any baking recipe. The dish will only benefit and acquire a bright aroma and coconut taste. For example, experiment with pancake dough. A banana or orange filling works well with pancakes with coconut milk.

    Coconut milk makes a good addition to tea or coffee. On its basis, you can make many cocktails, you can start with a regular milk one.

    Exotic on guard of beauty

    Coconut milk is a very common component of cosmetics - creams, shampoos, balms. You can also use natural coconut milk for your face. Use it to cleanse your face and leave your skin clean, fresh and hydrated.

    Thanks to its antibacterial properties, coconut milk can help get rid of acne and acne. For tired and aging skin, regular consumption of coconut milk will help to become firm and toned. You can use coconut milk either in pure form or by adding it to your favorite lotion. Coconut milk has a good effect on the condition of the hair. Use it instead of a balm, and it will eliminate the oily shine of problem hair, and moisturize dry scalp.

    Since ancient times, coconut milk has been considered the elixir of youth and beauty. There is a legend that the inimitable Queen of Sheba mixed half a glass of coconut milk and cow's milk. She drank half of this cocktail, and applied the rest to her face.

    Are your eyes wide in the store?

    Let's clarify that coconut milk is not at all the liquid that accumulates inside the fruit (the so-called coconut juice or coconut water). Coconut milk is a mechanically obtained white, sweetish viscous liquid. It is made by squeezing the pulp of a well-ripened coconut. After the first pressing, the thickest milk is obtained. Next, the squeezed pulp is diluted with water and squeezed again. The product is more liquid.

    How not to get confused in a variety of jars and bottles in the store. The advice is universal - read the label. The correct milk should contain only two items: concentrated coconut milk and water. A product with preservatives and antioxidants (usually E-224) is less useful.

    As with regular milk, pay attention to the fat content. It can be different. If you plan to use coconut milk in your Asian food, buy a fatter product. Coconut milk with 50-60% fat is perfect for curries, desserts and soups. It can be easily diluted with water one to two or even one to three.

    Choose small jars, because you can store opened coconut milk only for three days in the refrigerator. If the product thickens in the cold, place the jar in hot water for 5-7 minutes before use and stir well or shake well.

    Homemade milk

    You can try making coconut milk at home. Grate coconut pulp or grind with a blender. Pour boiling water over it and leave to "rest" for half an hour. Then the chips need to be squeezed out well. Natural homemade coconut milk is ready.

    From the average fruit, you get about a glass of milk and an incomplete glass of shavings. Which, by the way, can also be used in cooking. The main thing is to choose a ripe and fresh coconut. But that's a completely different story.

    Can I buy?

    By the way, coconut milk can not only be prepared at home, but also purchased in the store. For example, milk is sold in the form of a powder - and a non-chemical powder, but organic.