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  • Store milk for the baby. Milk in its time: when and how you can give your baby cow's milk

    Store milk for the baby.  Milk in its time: when and how you can give your baby cow's milk

    Dairy products play an important role in the diet of every person. Healthy, nutritious and delicious dishes obtained with the addition of this drinkable product. Cow's milk is given to children under one year old with caution. Many pediatricians agree that it is administered only after one year of age. And the experience of grandmothers testifies to the early introduction of the product. To make the right decision, you need to understand the composition and basic properties of cow's milk.

    There is no need to rush to introduce this product. Knowing the peculiarities of the influence of milk on the child's body, the mother herself must decide at what age to offer it.

    This drink is considered allergenic due to its high protein content of casein.... In addition, this type of protein is poorly absorbed by the fragile gastrointestinal tract of the baby.

    The effect that cow's milk has on the body of a small child is as follows.

    1. Contains a lot of fats and proteins. There are relatively few carbohydrates.
    2. Another feature is that it contains more minerals than vitamins. Such a combination adversely affects the work of the digestive organs of the baby, especially the load on the kidneys increases.
    3. The increased calcium content leads to early overgrowth of the fontanelle. As a result, the bones of the skull will not reach their true size, and the risk of intracranial pressure increases.
    4. The high calcium content promotes the removal of iron from the body.
    5. An insufficient amount of copper and iron can lead to the development of anemia.
    6. It should be borne in mind that the risk of colds increases. This is due to the lack of antibodies that activate the body's defenses.
    7. The high fat content contributes to the accumulation of bad cholesterol. The cardiovascular system deteriorates.
    8. If it is too early to transfer the baby to cow's milk (about 6 months), then the gastric mucosa may not cope with its task. There is a risk of internal bleeding.
    9. Due to the absence of the lipase enzyme, there is no complete breakdown of fats. They begin to be produced only by the age of three.
    10. Breast milk is both drink and food for the baby. Cow's milk does not fulfill the function of quenching thirst, so the baby should be constantly fed.
    11. A low linoleic acid content also negatively affects the development of the child. It is necessary for the full development and functioning of the brain.

    It is difficult to determine the exact limits from what period cow's milk can be given. Some experts do not recommend introducing this drink to a child under the age of three. Since milk has a bad effect on the functioning of the digestive system, the endocrine and heart systems. It is better to wait for the period when enzymes begin to be produced (about three years). Others talk about earlier dates - you can give from one year. But everyone agrees that cow's milk should not be given earlier than 8-9 months.

    What to consider when using the product in the diet

    At what age can milk be added to the diet? A small amount is allowed to be administered to children after the age of one year. In extreme cases, older than 9 months, but not earlier than 8 months. You can cook your baby's favorite dishes on it: porridge, mashed potatoes. It is best to make curds. Fermented milk products are less allergenic foods. Before use, milk must be diluted with boiled water. As the child grows older, milk can be offered as a drink.

    • The best option would be to buy the product from a dairy kitchen. If this is not possible, then you must definitely choose a well-known manufacturer.
    • It is important to know when the finished product is poured. To do this, you need to closely monitor the expiration dates.
    • Milk must be heat treated. Without boiling, dangerous bacteria can enter the baby's body along with milk.
    • It is better to choose a product with a fat content of 3.2%, but not more than 4%.
    • The amount of milk per day should not exceed 150 ml. When the child is two years old, the dosage can be increased to 200 ml.

    How much milk should a baby be given for the first time? You need to start giving with one teaspoon a day. If there is no response from the child's body, then gradually the dose can be increased. Do not forget to dilute it with boiled water. You should get: 1 teaspoon of milk and three teaspoons of boiled water. Stir and spoon to child. After a couple of months, the amount of milk can be increased to 100 ml. The amount of added water should gradually decrease. And then you can completely remove it.

    If a mother decides to transfer her baby to cow's milk, it is necessary to make the right and safe choice.

    1. Better to give special baby milk from reputable manufacturers. It includes vitamin complex and is enriched with dietary fiber that improves digestion. The ideal solution would be to get milk from the dairy kitchen.
    2. If milk is taken from store shelves, be sure to read the composition. It should be free from preservatives and flavorings.
    3. Pasteurized milk is obtained by heating to high temperatures - it is boiled for several seconds and cooled. The finished product is poured into sealed sterile bags. When milk is produced in this way, it retains all the nutrients. This eliminates all pathogens. Therefore, this milk is the best choice.
    4. Sterilized milk undergoes prolonged heat treatment at high temperature conditions(up to 100 degrees). The finished product does not contain pathogenic microbes and has a long shelf life. When milk is sterilized, no nutrients are left in it.
    5. It is better to take milk with a fat content of 3.2%. Calcium and other vitamins contained in a fat-free product are poorly absorbed by the body. If the fat content exceeds 3.2%, the product will be difficult to assimilate.
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  • Many parents find milk to be incredibly good for their children. It contains both calcium and bacteria useful for digestion. Naturally, from an early age, the child is taught to drink and eat dairy products, even if the toddler desperately resists and by all means shows that he does not like them. Is it necessary to insist and is milk so useful, as is commonly believed, says the famous pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky.

    Good for children and harmful for adults

    In order for milk sugar (lactose) to be absorbed in the body, a special enzyme is produced - lactase. In newborns, the level of lactase is very high, a lot of it is produced, since breast milk is the only food for crumbs. As they grow older, the amount of lactase produced decreases, and in an adult this enzyme is practically absent in the body, since it biologically no longer needs dairy food. But the adult body quite normally accepts and digests fermented milk products.

    A decrease in the level of lactase in some people begins at the age of 3, in others - from 10 years, in others - later. it individual feature organism and any norms in this matter does not exist in principle.

    If nature has provided for the child the opportunity to eat milk, this does not mean that you need to eat milk from farm animals. Nature has made sure that the baby absorbs mother's milk well, and not goat's or cow's.

    Benefit and harm

    Milk of cows and goats for children of the first year of life is not just harmful, but dangerous, says Yevgeny Komarovsky. But this fact is rather difficult to explain to parents, who from their own childhood remembered the statements that milk is a source of health and energy for a growing organism. It is very difficult to explain to parents that in the absence or lack of breast milk, it is best for a nursing mother to choose an adapted milk formula.

    First, it is important in terms of composition. The mixture contains vitamin D, which prevents the development of rickets. But if you give a child to drink with cow's milk and give separately vitamin D preparations, then rickets develops very often. And this can be explained by the processes that take place in the body after the child consumes cow's milk.

    Cow's milk contains more calcium, than in breast milk, almost 4 times. The phosphorus content is 3 times higher than that of breast milk. The calf needs this amount of phosphorus and calcium to grow bones faster. However, the rapid growth of bones for a human infant is not the most preferred option development.

    In addition, excess amounts of calcium and phosphorus entering the child's intestines cannot be fully absorbed. The body will take only the amount it needs, the rest will come out with feces.

    With phosphorus other story. His body takes not as much as needed for normal life, but about one third of the amount received. Thus, the consumption of cow's milk leads to an overdose of phosphorus. The kidneys of the child react to the increased content of this substance, which begin to quickly remove excess phosphorus from the body. Unfortunately, it leaves along with the calcium obtained, which is so important for the harmonious development of the baby.

    The kidneys ripen closer to the age of one year, at about the same time you can start giving the child milk, gradually introducing it into the diet.

    It is not necessary to give the crumbs liters to drink, it is quite enough to give one year old child about half a glass of milk a day, a two-year-old - 1 glass, and a two-year-old toddler - no more than 2 glasses a day. By the age of 3, all restrictions lose their relevance, and children can be given this product, even cow, even goat, in any quantity that he is able and willing to "master".

    Another not the most "useful" aspect is the intolerance of cow protein, which happens quite often in children of the first years of life. It manifests itself in the impossibility of assimilating protein, which the body of the crumbs regards as foreign. Immunity is activated, an allergic reaction begins. If you have such a child, you should not give him any milk. Only adapted mixtures are suitable, preferably hypoallergenic, in which milk protein is processed in a special way and neutralized.

    Cows and goats in last years they also eat little natural food, and many feeds that owners give them contain hormones and antibiotics. Naturally, this whole set passes in certain quantities into the milked milk. This is another reason not to give this product to children under one year old, although the final decision remains with the parents. After all, it is quite difficult to dispute the fact that it is quite difficult to provide a varied diet to a child without milk.

    Mix or milk?

    If, after 12 months, a decision is made to introduce whole milk into complementary foods, Evgeny Komarovsky advises to make an informed decision. This product in metered quantities will no longer cause harm, but it will still be more useful to adapt infant formula, in which the amount of phosphorus is reduced, and the amount of calcium and vitamin D is increased.

    The amount of iron in cow's milk is insufficient and regular intake will lead to anemia. In adapted mixtures, this composition parameter is provided, and the child will receive the amount of iron he needs.

    If the family budget allows, it is better to choose a mixture that is appropriate for age - from 12 months. Usually such mixtures are designated by the manufacturers with the number “3”.

    Fat or low fat?

    Today food industry offers tons of skim milk options. It is considered preferable for adults and children who do not tolerate fatty cow's milk poorly. However, in the very concept of "fat-free", according to Evgeny Komarovsky, there is a catch.

    Baby milk is different from conventional UHT. The percentage of fat in it is reduced, but not at the minimum mark. The box usually indicates from what age manufacturers recommend the product. Most often it is 8 months. Komarovsky urges to give such milk, if mom really wants to do it, no more than once a day and in small quantities.

    After a year, children can dilute ordinary milk with 3% fat with ordinary water by about one third of the volume.

    Dairy products

    It is very good if mom learns how to make homemade fermented milk products for her child. For them, you can use ordinary store-bought cow's milk with a fat content of no more than 1.5%.

    Complementary feeding in the form of fermented milk products is not very desirable for children with disorders of mineral metabolism, with signs of rickets. Therefore, before introducing such complementary foods, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician.

    Should milk be boiled?

    Pasteurized milk, which is sold in any store, does not need additional boiling, says Yevgeny Komarovsky. But if the product was bought on the market, from grandmothers who keep cows or goats on their farm, then it is imperative to boil.

    If you buy a product from a neighbor whom you know well, and you know her cow almost personally, then you do not need to boil milk that was milked no more than 2 hours ago. It contains a large number of beneficial bacteria, the content of which decreases markedly within a couple of hours after milking.

    "Drink, children, milk - you will be healthy!" - who does not remember these lines from childhood? But is animal milk really that good for babies? And can it be given to children under one year old?

    For a long time, there was heated debate about whether it is possible to give cow's milk to children under one year old. Finally, the experts decided ...

    Cow's milk for children under one year old: a baby is not a calf ...

    Most pediatricians came to the final conclusion: it is not recommended to give cow's milk to children under one year old. And not at all because the milk suddenly became harmful product, far from it! And the phrase, cheerfully sung by the cow aunt in the famous cartoon about the one who grazes in the meadow, remains true.

    However, it requires clarification: not all children benefit from cow's milk. Moreover, for babies under one year old, milk from large animals is a serious danger!

    The fact is that cow's milk contains a lot of proteins and fats, while neither the gastrointestinal tract system, nor the kidneys of a small child can simply not withstand such a load due to their age imperfection.

    Why is there such an excess of proteins and fats in cow's milk? It's very simple: cow children - calves - grow much faster than human babies. They need a certain amount (taking into account, first of all, their body weight) of nutrients for good growth and development.

    Less is more

    So, the first reason why you should not give cow's milk to children under one year old: the milk of cows, mares, goats and other large animals contains an excessive amount of proteins and fats - too large for a human cub to be able to assimilate them without risking their health ...

    Cow's milk contains almost 3 times more proteins than. It is extremely difficult for a newborn child and toddler under one year old to cope with such an amount of protein without harming their health.

    But something else is worse: an excessive amount of mineral substances that a child under one year old receives with cow's milk! Judge for yourself: if a baby consumes cow's milk for up to a year, he receives almost 5 times more calcium than he needs, and phosphorus - almost 7 times more than the norm. And if the excess calcium is eliminated from the baby's body without problems, then in order to remove a fair amount of phosphorus, the kidneys have to use both calcium and vitamin D. Thus, the more milk the baby consumes, the more acute deficiency of vitamin D and calcium his body experiences.

    As you know, a deficiency of vitamin D and calcium inevitably leads to.

    And again, the baby's kidneys suffer: an excess amount of proteins and mineral salts, which the baby's body does not need, is unnecessary ballast. The kidneys begin to work with 2-3 times overload. And since in the first months of life, the baby's kidneys and the entire excretory system are not yet sufficiently developed, the child's body experiences three and a half times more stress than that which he can bear.

    Due to insufficient kidney capacity, the child asks for more drink, receiving an additional load on the kidneys, and falls into a vicious circle.

    Iron rule

    Another problem: while there is too much fat and protein in cow's milk, iron, so needed by the baby, which is part of the rapidly multiplying red blood cells, is catastrophically low.

    And iron deficiency is known to contribute. In addition, regular consumption of cow's milk by a child under one year old can cause allergies and diabetes mellitus.

    When and how to give cow's milk to babies

    So, the kind cow aunt from the cartoon should have added: "Children over three years old, boldly drink milk - you will be healthy!" And in this case, it would certainly be 100% right. This is exactly the age when children are capable.

    Well, you can introduce children to the taste of cow's milk earlier, when the baby is one year old. Start giving cow's milk to babies just like any other complementary food, with a small amount.

    Moreover, for a start, gastroenterologists advise to dilute whole milk with water in the proportion: 1 part milk and 2 parts water. After a few weeks, you can change the proportion: 1 part milk and 1 part water. It is imperative to monitor the baby's reaction to this product, as it can cause severe allergic reactions.

    Only when the children outgrow the age of 1 year, only then their kidneys mature so much that they are already able to remove excess phosphorus, without depriving the body of the calcium and vitamin D it needs. And, accordingly, now cow's milk (as well as goat's and any other milk of animal origin) from harmful products to children's menu turns into a useful and important product.

    When a baby is born, the first thing he tries is breast milk or a special formula. It is this kind of food that is ideal for the crumbs in the first six months of life. After that, pediatricians recommend introducing complementary foods and gradually accustom the baby to adult food. However, such a process must proceed correctly. This article will show you when to give your baby cow's milk. It is also worth saying what experts and experienced parents think about this. From what time can you give cow's milk to children and how to do it as correctly as possible? Let's consider the main opinions on this matter.

    What do our grandmothers think?

    When can a baby be given cow's milk? Representatives of past generations say that such meals should be organized as early as possible. Surely everyone remembers how a few decades ago women came out of maternity leave when the child reached three months. The fairer sex did not have the opportunity to properly organize breastfeeding. That is why mother's milk was replaced by cow and goat milk.

    It would seem that there is nothing terrible in this. More than one generation has grown on this product. Grandparents still persuade their grandchildren and granddaughters to accustom them to cow's milk from birth.

    What do software experts think

    When can a baby be given cow's milk, according to health professionals who are supporters of natural feeding? This group of specialists claims that this product should be introduced into the diet of the crumbs no earlier than three years. It was at this age that the baby has already received everything useful from mother's milk and you can safely replace it.

    Until the baby reaches this age, experts strongly recommend adhering to breastfeeding... After all, this is how the child receives all the necessary vitamins, minerals and antibodies.

    What is the opinion of pediatricians?

    When can a baby be given cow's milk, according to pediatricians? Pediatricians strongly advise against introducing this product into the baby's diet until the age of 12 months. Everything is explained quite simply. Cow's milk can cause iron to be flushed out of the body. This leads to anemia, which is very dangerous for babies.

    Milk contains a lot of minerals. These include phosphorus and chlorine, magnesium and potassium, sodium and calcium. It would seem that this is good. However, an excess of these substances can adversely affect the health of the baby. Often, due to an overabundance of minerals, stones in the kidneys and gallbladder are formed.

    What do allergists and nutritionists say?

    What time can a baby be given cow's milk? Experts say that many children are allergic to casein protein. That is why such food should be avoided until the child reaches the age of five.

    Also, newborn babies may have a lack of lactase. This substance is necessary for the breakdown of milk sugar - lactose - and its proper absorption. With age, lactase is produced less and less. This is why milk causes diarrhea in many people. If your child is faced with a similar pathology, then you should completely exclude this product.

    When can children be given cow's milk and how to do it as correctly as possible?

    It will certainly be better if you forget about this product until your child is three or five years old. Absolutely all doctors tell nursing women that they should not consume such a drink. All due to the fact that part of the product enters the baby's body. What can we say about the direct feeding of the child with cow's milk.

    If you decide that you will give this drink, despite the opinions of doctors, then start doing it no earlier than nine months. It was during this period that the baby already got acquainted with many food products and can show his own addictions. Milk should be introduced into the child's diet gradually. Perhaps this process will take even longer than getting used to cereals and vegetables.

    On the first day, give the baby milk in the amount of one teaspoon. At the same time, add a simple clean water... Pay close attention to the reaction of the crumbs on this day. If an unusual rash or indigestion develops, stop experimenting immediately and see a doctor. When the baby reacts quite normally, you can continue accustoming to a new product.

    Try to choose natural milk, not one that is stuffed with preservatives and can be stored for several years at room temperature. If you take a "live" product from under a cow, be sure to boil it. Otherwise, you can infect your child with salmonella, toxoplasma and other microorganisms.


    So now you know when babies can be given cow's milk and how to do it right. Experts strongly advise against using this drink when it is possible to replace it with or natural feeding. Let your baby's nutrition be healthy and tasty!

    Very often, for a number of reasons, young mothers cannot feed breast milk so choose either milk. At the same time, many experts advise not to overdo it, since milk can contain a large amount of powdered milk, which is harmful to the child's digestive system. So, at what age do pediatricians recommend giving milk to babies?

    Nutritionists recommend specialized baby food for babies under the age of three. Store milk is recommended to be introduced into the child's diet no earlier than three years old.

    It is also not recommended to give homemade milk, since it contains pathogenic microflora harmful to the child's body.

    Why not rush?

    There is the following reasons... Cow's milk has a strong effect on a baby's digestive system. Therefore, it should only be introduced into the diet after three years. Today, even children's products bought in the store cannot "boast" good quality... Consequently, mothers should not rush to introduce store milk into the baby's diet, since there is a high risk of various allergic reactions that can cause Negative influence and on internal organs child.

    This also applies to the digestive system.

    Terms of introduction of dairy products

    Nutritionists advise adding milk and dairy products to the diet, depending on the initial feeding. And so as not to harm digestive system growing organism is recommended according to the following scheme. A baby should be given special food from 1 year old when breastfeeding. Store milk - after three years. Artists can try giving milk early: at about 9-11 months.

    Milk should be introduced gradually. After being introduced into the diet, it is necessary to closely monitor the reaction of the child's body to a new product. If the body reacts with an allergic reaction, then pediatricians advise against using milk for about another six months. However, to clarify the timing, it is recommended to contact a specialist.

    If the child's body has accepted the new product, then everything went well, the time for the introduction of the new product was chosen correctly.