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  • Sergey Belokonev Financial University. Vasilisa javix - intelligent search engine

    Sergey Belokonev Financial University.  Vasilisa javix - intelligent search engine

    The head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, Sergei Belokonev, decided to resign from his post, where he worked for less than two years. He already announced his upcoming resignation to the agency staff last week at a closed meeting. Belokonev explained his act by the fact that "he could not work well with his colleagues in the agency." A source in Rosmolodezh told Izvestia about this. The order to dismiss Belokonev has not yet been signed by the Prime Minister.

    On Thursday he said goodbye to all of us. He said that he allegedly could not find a common language with the team. But, most likely, this is not the only point. The corruption scandal, which is now flaring up, also played its role. The best choice for him now was only one, and he made it, - explained the interlocutor of the publication.

    Sergey Belokonev entered politics 13 years ago. In the period from 2001 to 2005, he headed the St. Petersburg regional branch of the youth movement for promoting youth education "Walking Together". In 2005 he was appointed to the post of commissar and ideologist of the Nashi movement. Until 2007, he was the secretary of the Federal Council, directed the federal project "Our Elections". In the period from 2007 to 2011, he was elected a deputy of the State Duma (of the 5th convocation - Izvestia) on the internal party lists of United Russia, and worked as the first deputy chairman of the committee on youth affairs.

    In November 2011, Belokonev was appointed deputy head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs.

    In June 2012, Sergei Belokonev took the place of Vasily Yakemenko, who left the department - on June 23, Education Minister Dmitry Livanov announced the appointment of Sergei Belokonev as the head of Rosmolodezh.

    The head of the National Anti-Corruption Committee, Kirill Kabanov, also confirmed to Izvestia that Sergei Belokonev had left his post.

    Yes. I was told yesterday that he was leaving. Firstly, in essence, this structure should closely interact with the administration and with certain public organizations, including the regions. This interaction was not built. Secondly, there were suspicions of embezzlement and abuse on the part of the agency's management, - he says. - For Belokonev now there is an opportunity to leave with minimal reputational losses. Otherwise, an audit of the Accounts Chamber is coming.

    According to Izvestia, the candidacies of ex-commissar of the Nashi movement Artur Omarov, State Duma deputy from United Russia Alena Arshinova, who works as curator of the Youth Club under the General Council of the ruling party, are now being considered for the place of Sergei Belokonev's successor. In addition, the former press secretary of the Nashi movement, Christina Potupchik, is named among the candidates for the post of head of Rosmolodezh.

    As Izvestia previously reported, the work of Sergei Belokonev caused a negative reaction in the government and the State Duma. So officials criticized the draft Strategy for the development of youth policy until 2025, which was prepared by the department of Sergei Belokonev. Representatives of Rosmolodezh were forced to redo the document in an emergency mode.

    Alena Arshinova, who today is one of the candidates for Belokonev's place, criticized the draft document.

    Obviously, the draft strategy should not only be finalized, but developed again. It cannot even be called raw. Even if Rosmolodezh does not go on vacation and will work for a month without days off, it will not have time to make a high-quality new strategy. More time is needed, - said Arshinova in a conversation with Izvestia.

    In addition, at the end of January it became known that a member of the HRC Kirill Kabanov appealed to the Investigative Committee, the Prosecutor General's Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Accounts Chamber with a request to check the leadership of Rosmolodezh. In his letters, Kabanov referred to information published in December 2013 on the website The publication says that the head of Rosmolodezh, Sergei Belokonev, organized a scheme in the department for receiving kickbacks from contractors in the implementation of government contracts. The author of the note, referring to a source in Rosmolodezh, writes that during the execution of contracts, contractors are forced to reduce their cost under the threat of refusal to accept work. Thus, the heads of the federal agency are reported to appropriate between 10 and 50% of the contract value.

    In February, the General Prosecutor's Office instructed the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to organize an inspection of Rosmolodezh (the text of the statement is at the disposal of Izvestia). "The execution of the order of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation is being monitored," said the response of the senior prosecutor of the Office for Supervision of Compliance with Anti-Corruption Legislation.

    Igor Ananskikh (LDPR), chairman of the Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs, told Izvestia that Sergei Belokonev did not warn him about his departure.

    Now it's hard for me to talk about who can take the place of Sergei Yuryevich [Belokonev]. I saw him just a few days ago, but he did not warn me about his decision, - he says. - I have the best impressions of working with Sergei Belokonev, we have always interacted in full contact, and I believe that he did a lot for the development of Rosmolodezh.

    President of the Center for Political Technologies Igor Bunin told Izvestia that the voluntary departure of Sergei Belokonev is unlikely to change the reputation of himself and the department he headed.

    Nothing will save his reputation, he believes. - At the same time, his departure will not save the image of Rosmolodezh, because he himself ruined it.

    Izvestia failed to get a comment from Sergei Belokonev himself.

    June 2012

    2nd Head
    Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh)
    June 13 - March 13
    Predecessor Yakemenko Vasily Grigorievich Successor Pospelov Sergey Valerievich
    Federal Commissioner
    Youth movement OUR
    2005 year - year 2013
    Birth July 20 ( 1977-07-20 ) (42 years)
    settlement Sloboda, Zolotukhinsky district, Kursk region, RSFSR, USSR Spouse married The consignment Walking together
    Movement OUR
    (2001 - 2013)
    United Russia
    (from 2007 - present)
    Education Kursk State University
    Moscow State Social University
    Religion orthodoxy Place of work % D1% 81% D0% B0% D0% B9% D1% 82% 5B> https:% E2% 95% B1% E2% 95% E2% 95% B1wiki% E2% 95% B1Category: Sergey_Belokonev% D1% 81% D0% B0% D0% B9% D1% 82<=>% 5B> https:% E2% 95% B1% E2% 95% E2% 95% B1wiki% E2% 95% B1Category: Sergey_Belokonev<%5D<)+%7D" class="extiw" title="commons: Category: Sergey Belokonev">Media files at Wikimedia Commons

    Sergey Yurievich Belokonev(born July 20, metro Svoboda, Kursk region) - Russian politician, secretary of the Federal Council of the Youth Movement OURS (2005-2008), deputy of the State Duma of the fifth convocation (2007-2011), head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (June 2012) - March 2014).


    Since 2005 he has been teaching at the Department of Political Psychology, since 2008 - at the Department of Sociology and Psychology of Politics, Moscow State University. He is also the head of the Department of Political Science at the Financial University.


    At the end of 2003, after completing his postgraduate studies at the Faculty of History, Political Science and Law of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Sergei Yuryevich Belokonev defended his Ph.D. thesis at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, from 2005 to 2013 he was a teacher of disciplines in political psychology and public relations.

    Since the spring of 2014, Sergey Yuryevich Belokonev has been moving into the investment sector, was appointed advisor to the Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, and in the fall of 2014 he transferred to the largest Russian private investment company Aton-Capital (appointed as Development Director - GR direction).

    In the summer of 2016, Sergey Yuryevich Belokonev, Candidate of Political Sciences, was offered to head the department of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (the leading economic university in Russia). Since 2018, the Department of Political Science has been expanded to the Department of Political Science and Mass Communication of the Financial University of the Government of the Russian Federation.

    As it turned out, this is not the only brainchild that Rosmolodezh has managed to nurture over the past six years. In early December, the All-Russian Innovation Convention starts in Moscow - a competition for youth technological works that are attractive for investment. Like "Seliger", this project will cost the state a lump sum. 11 million rubles will be spent on the convention from the budget. Whether these funds will be spent effectively is not clear, given the "innovative approach" of Sergei Belokonev not only to the same "Seliger", but also to youth policy in general. Assessing the results of his activities as head of Rosmolodezh, it seems that the youth policy itself, and this is the main task for which the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (FADM) was created, occupies Sergei Belokonev much less than his own interests, which, upon closer examination, are embodied nothing but corruption schemes. This is confirmed by numerous financial scandals, deputy inquiries to the Prosecutor General's Office and the Accounts Chamber, as well as inspections by the Federal Antimonopoly Service, which are carried out in Rosmolodezh quite often.

    Deputy to the charismatic but highly controversial Vasily Yakemenko Sergey Belokonev, under the patronage of his boss, headed Rosmolodezh in June last year. Over the past time, Rosmolodezh has not managed to create any new and breakthrough projects and keeps afloat only at the expense of the old ones - "Seliger", "Run after me", "Zvorykinsky project". And they, apparently, will soon repeat the fate of the Nashi movement, and the department itself, under the leadership of Belokonev, will finally get bogged down in scandals, of which a lot has happened over the past year and a half.

    Disappearing tents and golden carriages

    The first erupted last summer - after the appointment of Belokonev. The Communists turned to the Prosecutor General's Office and the Accounts Chamber with a request to check the spending of budgetary funds for the "Seliger-2012" forum, which took 280 million of state money. The expenses for the event were overstated, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation counted. Then the tents story happened. For "Seliger" it was required to purchase such structures for 47 million rubles. It was this amount that appeared in the contract posted on the public procurement website. Then a certain LLC "Legion" won the competition, knocking down the price by 50%. But then, as explained in Rosmolodezh, the company decided that it would not cope with the task and simply disappeared. Therefore, Belokonev gave the multimillion-dollar contract to another company that did not participate in the tender, but, as reported by some media outlets, affiliated with him. The FAS, having carried out an audit at the request of the deputy of the "Fair Russia" Hovhannes Ohanyan, found that Belokonev violated the law on public procurement, exceeding his official powers. Incidentally, this is Article 286 of the Criminal Code. “The law clearly defines the cases when it is possible to conclude contracts without bidding,” explained Vadim Raikin, head of the law firm “Raikin and Partners”. According to him, with the current contract not terminated, Belokonev had no right to give the order to another company. It is not known how much the company received, which eventually installed the ill-fated tents, but, as they whispered in Rosmolodezh, Belokonev promised to pay her much more than the 47 million announced in the tender.

    The current "Seliger" was also marked by a financial scandal, due to which a transport company that transported participants of the forum was on the verge of bankruptcy. LLC "Autobusiness" took part in the tender for transport services "Seliger-2013" and won six contracts for a total of 12, 5 million rubles. However, the cost of the actual work performed by the carrier at the forum was much higher, says the director of the company, Yulia Molchanova. “Starting from the first day of the forum, it became clear that the transport laid down according to the technical assignment was not able to meet its needs in full,” Molchanova said. According to her, due to errors in calculations made by the organizers of the forum, the carrier almost every day incurred additional costs, which resulted in huge losses. In just one shift of Seliger, the company lost almost a million rubles. But Belokonev not only did not compensate for these costs of the carrier, but without explaining the reasons, ordered to reduce the total amount of transport contracts to 10 million. To agree to this "lucrative" offer, entrepreneurs say, they were forced by threats from the side of the customer. “As a result, we received less than 2.8 million rubles from Rosmolodezh,” Molchanova said. "And since we have attracted credit money for servicing the forum, now we are in a desperate situation."

    Robots on the "Change" of beaches

    Another wave of indignation was caused by the story of the Smena children's health center in Anapa. Summer camp complex by order of the Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov handed over to Rosmolodezh. After that, the center, which hosted tens of thousands of children from almost all regions of the country, immediately began to reformat to meet the needs of the agency's management. And this is a direct violation of the order of the President of Russia on the inadmissibility of re-profiling of children's health institutions. The new leadership of the FDC "Smena" represented by the ex-adviser to the head of Rosmolodezh Yevgeny Nizhnik decided to demolish 4 out of 8 camps, as well as football fields, sports grounds, the central stadium and a swimming pool - sports facilities of federal significance. And all for the sake of organizing a Robotics Center in the camp, which, by the way, was planned to be financed by commercial structures. That is, most likely, the camps, or rather the expensive land under them, would have gone into private hands. Moreover, the idea of ​​creating a Robotics Center was actively promoted in the media by Belokonev himself. Why computers and robots need to be dealt with on the seashore - the head of Rosmolodezh, of course, did not explain. As well as why to do this to destroy the federal health center, which attracted children from all northern regions.

    Later it turned out that the agency's increased love for androids is explained by banal self-interest. In addition to the land, people close to Rosmolodezh also tried to make money on children - no less than 200 million rubles. The scam did not require any special efforts - it was only necessary to sell the already sold out vouchers to the camp in the second round, which the presumptuous officials rushed to do - they began to "dynamite" those who had already purchased vouchers and send back prepayments. “In essence, this is fraud and double sales,” local journalists concluded and sent an appeal to the Prosecutor General's Office demanding an audit of the activities of the new Smena leadership.

    "Seliger" miracles

    Sergey Belokonev does not seem to be left with the idea of ​​making money on youth policy. Perhaps that is why "Seliger" - the most important brainchild of Rosmolodezh - this year has ceased to be a visiting card of FADM. The forum has been "sprayed" - similar sites are now organized in every federal district.

    Many experts believe that in this version, the only working project of Rosmolodezh, put on stream, may simply be blown away. Nevertheless, Belokonev ardently defends the idea of ​​organizing as many youth forums as possible, while at every opportunity he declares the lack of funding for youth programs, thereby trying to lobby for additional funds for his department.

    Indeed, the creation of 8 new youth forums promises a very big jackpot. In general, judging by the persistent, if not the only, emphasis of the head of Rosmolodezh on money, it is the “golden calf” that Belokonev puts at the forefront of youth policy, and by no means issues of social and creative adaptation of youth or patriotism.

    Unaccountable emptiness

    Sergei Belokonev is also distinguished by a rare forgetfulness that is impermissible for an official. Until now, the Rosmolodezh website has not posted a declaration of income and property of the head of the agency. And this is a gross violation of the Law on Combating Corruption, as well as the presidential anti-corruption trend. Belokonev also ignores the order of the Ministry of Economic Development on the mandatory annual publication of plans for the placement of state orders. On the agency's website, the last such plan was made public even under Yakemenko - in 2011. With the same ease, the head of Rosmolodezh does not pay attention to the order of the Ministry of Finance, which obliged government agencies to publish financial information about subordinate institutions.

    For example, Rosmolodezh did not consider it necessary to make public the budget plans and financial statements of the International Children's Center (IDC) and the Russian Center for Civil and Patriotic Education of Children and Youth. Obviously, the FADM leadership has something to hide about their activities. For example, the fact that the MDC is engaged in illegal hotel business - rents rooms and beds for rent to third parties. At the same time, minor participants in children's and youth activities are constantly living in the center. So the safety of children, apparently, is sacrificed to the current scheme of extracting profit from the ICC in the interests of the leadership of Rosmolodezh.

    As you can see, Belokonev's ideas about an effective management model are very peculiar and often frightening. In a recent interview, Belokonev expressed admiration for Lavrentiy Beria, the organizer of the terror and repressions of the 1930s, during which, according to official data, almost 2 million people. “Everyone knows that Beria is one of the most effective managers in our country,” he said.

    These are the words of the head of the federal department in charge of youth policy throughout the country. One can easily imagine what kind of businessmen, statesmen and public figures leaders with such ideals can bring up.

    Or is it just another bureaucratic nonsense? Emptiness ... like the whole youth policy of Sergei Belokonev.

    As predicted by The Moscow Post, the head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs Sergei Belokonev decided to voluntarily leave his post. This resignation is taking place against the background of an audit of the agency's leadership by the FAS and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    Leaving "nashist"?

    After a series of exposing publications in the media (including The Moscow Post), the head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs Sergei Belokonev decided to resign from his post, where he worked for less than two years. Despite the fact that the order to dismiss Belokonev has not yet been signed by the prime minister, the head of Rosmolodezh has already met with the current leadership of the agency and said goodbye to them.

    Curiously, according to rumors, Belokonev said that he was leaving his post, as supposedly he could not find a common language with the team, although this is somehow vaguely believed! But, most likely, corruption scandals played the main role in Belokonev's resignation.

    It should be noted that throughout his entire political path, Belokonev's career was in one way or another connected with the youth movement Nashi. Indeed, back in 2005, Belokonev received the post of commissar and ideologist of the Nashi movement, and in the period from 2007 to 2011 he was a State Duma deputy and served as first deputy chairman of the committee on youth affairs.

    Then, in November 2011, Belokonev was appointed deputy head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, and already in June 2012, Sergei Belokonev became the head of Rosmolodezh, replacing his former boss and patron Vasily Yakemenko in the leading position.

    However, in his post, Belokonev, in less than two years, became involved in a large number of corruption scandals, so that his credibility in the White House and in the Kremlin was undermined ...

    Who will replace Belokonev?

    At the moment it is already known that after the departure of Belokonev, Rosmolodezh may be headed by State Duma deputy from United Russia Alena Arshinova or former press secretary of the Nashi movement Kristina Potupchik.

    Thus, most likely, it is Arshinova who will head Rosmolodezh. It seems that this will not only lead to a disruption in the financing of projects, one way or another connected with the Nashi movement, but will also seriously hit the wallet of Belokonev himself!

    After all, Belokonev, even when he was Vasily Yakemenko's deputy, appeared in another major scandal with budget money!

    This incident is connected with the fact that earlier the National Institute "Higher School of Management" received 113.5 million rubles from the state. The co-founders of this organization are the Nashi commissar Maria Kislitsyna and the head of Rosmolodezh Sergey Belokonev.

    So Mr. Belokonev, in fact, currently combines both of these positions (co-founder of the Higher School of Economics and an official), which means that budget money from the “pocket” of Rosmolodezh is transferred directly to the “pocket” of Belokonev's structure. But is it legal? !!

    The Prosecutor General's Office decided to check Belokonev

    This and other scandals have already prompted the power structures to start checking the activities of the new leadership of Rosmolodezh! The thing is that back in February 2014, the Prosecutor General's Office instructed the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to organize an inspection of Rosmolodezh.

    "The execution of the order of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation is being monitored," said the response of the senior prosecutor of the Office for Supervision of Compliance with Anti-Corruption Legislation.

    Rumor has it that after the Prosecutor General's Office took control of the inspection of Rosmolodezh, Mr. Belokonev decided to hastily leave this department! And this check began after the chairman of the National Anti-Corruption Committee (NAC) Kirill Kabanov turned to law enforcement agencies with a demand to check information about possible abuses by the leadership of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs.

    “The level of corruption in the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs is outrageous. “We received information that kickbacks in this case are from 60 to 80%. These amounts are off the charts even in relation to the public procurement system, ”Kabanov said.

    Here it is worth giving an example from cases of extortion of money and regional structures. For example, the chairman of the Tver organization "Youth Policy - XXI Century" Aleksey Vinogradov told the press that unexpected demands were made on his work, as a result of which he received less than 2.4 million rubles.

    In the common people, this is called "ripping off" kickback ", when officials underpay the contractor or demand a bribe from him!

    "Grant case" of young politicians

    The situation with the allocation of grants is also quite scandalous. At the same time, if you believe the latest publications in the media, it becomes clear that the agency's officials earn even on those who, in theory, should be helped according to their duty. In particular, the agency writes that in 2012 alone, Rosmolodezh spent 120 million rubles on grants. from the budget.

    But journalists wrote that young entrepreneurs - winners of grant competitions were required to pay kickbacks - “from 50 to 80% of the grant amount”. “Since most of the winners were members of the Nashi movement and was personally acquainted with S.Yu. Belokonev, he himself negotiated kickbacks with them,” the press writes.

    As a result, it generates continuous "kickbacks" and "cuts"! Although this often leads to non-issuance (or theft) of grants!

    So, for example, the winners of the Zvorykinsky project could lose their grants. Their names were determined at the end of December at the All-Russian Innovation Convention, for which Rosmolodezh spent about 11 million rubles. But on the basis of the information provided by Kirill Kabanov and the media, it is possible to roughly calculate how much could settle in the pockets of officials, if there were still abuses. Formally, each of the five winners of the competition must receive 1 million rubles.

    If each of them gave at least 50%, then enterprising bureaucrats could probably “earn” about 2.5 million rubles.

    How to cash in on children?

    It is also worth remembering the scandal with the Smena children's health center in Anapa. The complex of summer camps was transferred to Rosmolodezh by order of the Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov. After that, the center, which hosted tens of thousands of children from almost all regions of the country, immediately began to reformat to meet the needs of the agency's management. And this is a direct violation of the order of the President of Russia on the inadmissibility of re-profiling of children's health institutions. The new leadership of the FDC "Smena" represented by the ex-adviser to the head of Rosmolodezh Yevgeny Nizhnik decided to demolish 4 out of 8 camps, as well as football fields, sports grounds, the central stadium and a swimming pool - sports facilities of federal significance.

    And all for the sake of organizing a Robotics Center in the camp, which, by the way, was planned to be financed by commercial structures. That is, most likely, the camps, or rather the expensive land under them, would have gone into private hands. Moreover, the idea of ​​creating a Robotics Center was actively promoted in the media by Belokonev himself. Why computers and robots need to be dealt with on the seashore - the head of Rosmolodezh, of course, did not explain.

    By the way, Rosmolodezh tried to "weld" another 200 million rubles by selling vouchers to the same camp again !!!

    Of course, these and other scandals published in the media have seriously undermined public confidence in Mr. Belokonev. And now he is retiring. It seems that by his voluntary resignation from the post of head of Rosmolodezh, Sergei Belokonev simply wants to avoid trouble after being checked by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Antimonopoly Service. But will he succeed? After all, the siloviki have already quite heavily "overlaid" the current head of Rosmolodezh ...

    Sergey Yurievich Belokonev(born July 20, 1977, settlement Svoboda, Kursk region) - Russian politician, federal commissar of the OURS movement, deputy of the State Duma of the fifth convocation (2007-2011), head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (June 2012 - March 2014).


    Graduated from Kursk State Pedagogical University, Faculty of History in 2000

    Graduated from Moscow State Social University, Faculty of Law in 2001

    In 2004 he defended his Ph.D. thesis at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Lomonosov Moscow State University

    Since 2005 he has been teaching at the Department of Political Psychology, since 2008 at the Department of Sociology and Psychology of Politics, Moscow State University.


    2001-2005 led the St. Petersburg regional branch of the youth movement for assistance in the upbringing of youth Walking together

    2005 - present he is the commissar and ideologist of the youth movement OURS, until 2007 he was the secretary of the Federal Council, led the federal project "Our Elections".

    In 2007, the federal project of the movement Our "Our Elections" under the leadership of Sergei Belokonev for the commissars and activists of the movement held the All-Russian youth educational forum of electoral technologies "SELIDON", the purpose of which was to train and conduct election campaigns. The camp took place on the shores of the Azov Sea, in the Rostov region.

    In 2007-2011. was a deputy of the State Duma of the 5th convocation, was elected on the party lists of United Russia, first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Youth Affairs.

    In 2007-2011. organized and headed the "National Perspectives Fund" to support youth projects.

    April 2009 - September 2010 Secretary of the Smolensk regional branch of United Russia.

    In November 2011, he was appointed Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs.

    On June 23, 2012, the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Dmitry Livanov announced the appointment of Sergei Belokonev as the head of Rosmolodezh.

    On February 2, 2014, he personally allocated himself a subsidy in the amount of 8,601,300 rubles from the budget of the Russian Federation for the purchase of housing.

    Sergey Belokonev takes an active part in various youth educational forums, conducts educational lectures.

    According to a number of media reports, in July 2014 he attended the Seliger-2014 youth forum in a Rolls-Royce Phantom.


    • Personal site of Sergey Belokonev - does not work!
    • bely0777- in "Live Journal"
    • Sergey Belokonev on Twitter
    • Official page in the social network "VKontakte"
    • Belokonev, Sergey - article in Lentapedia. year 2012.