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  • How to plant sea buckthorn in autumn. How to plant sea buckthorn: step by step instructions

    How to plant sea buckthorn in autumn.  How to plant sea buckthorn: step by step instructions

    Often we are talking about such a beautiful plant as sea buckthorn. Planting and care are fundamental processes necessary for the successful cultivation of all plants. For many gardeners, sea buckthorn is not as valuable a crop as, for example, blackcurrant or raspberry. On the contrary, over the years it has been uprooted from garden plantings. It is very easy to explain the negative attitude towards sea buckthorn - the berries are too sour, there are thorns on the shoots, and the shrub gives a large amount of weed root growth, which drowns out other plants. However, wild sea buckthorn has these properties. Your attitude to the plant will change radically with the appearance of a cultivated garden berry in the garden.

    It is about how to grow varietal sea buckthorn in your area that will be discussed in this article. Sea buckthorn, planting and caring for which require certain knowledge from the gardener, will help you in solving some gardening problems.

    Biological features of sea buckthorn

    Many gardeners immediately try to find the necessary information in specialized reference books - "Sea buckthorn: planting, growing, pruning." However, first it would not hurt to get acquainted with the biological characteristics of this culture. Sea buckthorn belongs to the family of dioecious plants. This means that for fruiting in the garden, it will be necessary to plant not one shrub, but two - male and female. Determining the gender is not difficult. In the spring, when the plant has not yet unfolded its leaves, take a closer look at its buds. In female sea buckthorn, they are half as large and have only two covering scales. The buds of the male tree are large and have 5-7 scales.

    Little by little, it's time to move on to really valuable information that can answer the question of how sea buckthorn seedlings are planted. Pollination occurs by wind, so trees should be planted close to each other at a distance of no more than 50 m. A male plant can be taken even from wild growth, but a female plant should be varietal.

    Sea buckthorn: grown in the country. Care and landing

    Sea buckthorn is photophilous and moisture-loving, prefers open sunny areas. An adult plant is quite frost-resistant, however, in especially severe, snowless winters, flower buds can freeze slightly. This, of course, leads to a decrease in productivity. Therefore, when buying a seedling, check with the seller how the variety is adapted to your climate zone. All this information can be found in the section of the gardening guide - "Sea buckthorn: planting and care."

    The plant prefers light and medium loamy soils, does not like acidic, solonetsous and highly carbonate soils. When planting a crop in heavy loam, add coarse sand to the planting hole. The sea buckthorn bush should be planted away from the garden and beds, that is, from those places where soil loosening often occurs. This is explained simply - the root system is sprawling and goes a few meters away from the plant. By digging the soil under the bed, you can easily damage the roots. This injures and weakens sea buckthorn, the fruit yield decreases. Damage to the roots of the plant leads to profuse growth of unwanted wild growth.

    Planting and transplanting sea buckthorn seedlings

    The most favorable time for planting sea buckthorn seedlings is spring. During the warm months, the plant will take root well and get stronger. Of course, sea buckthorn can be planted in the fall. But in this case, the probability of freezing of the plant is high - in a short time, sea buckthorn does not have time to take root well enough.
    Usually, annual or biennial seedlings are planted with two thickened shoots 35-40 cm long. Male trees are planted from the direction of the blowing winds. For more economical placement, even grafting 2-3 branches of a male tree on female sea buckthorn shoots is allowed.

    For planting a crop, prepare a 50x50 planting hole. Add 2 buckets of organics and at least 200 g of superphosphate to it. Dilute heavy soil with coarse sand. When planting, place the seedling 12-15 cm deeper than it grew before transplanting. This will create conditions for the formation of an additional tier of roots. After planting sea buckthorn, press the earth as tightly as possible to the roots. Water the new plant immediately.

    It is better to transplant sea buckthorn in the spring. At the plant, try to injure the root system as little as possible. If, during digging, the roots of the tree were damaged, then the shoots should also be cut off at least a third. On an adult plant, during transplantation, all side shoots are cut without regret, leaving only the central trunk.

    Sea buckthorn: cultivation, planting, care, varieties

    All varietal sea buckthorn is frost-resistant. However, sudden temperature changes in winter can cause great damage to the flowering primordia of male plants. In order not to lose the crop, it is better to have two male trees on the site.
    In summer, in a drought, sea buckthorn will require additional watering. The culture does not require frequent fertilizers - once a year will be enough. Due to the fact that her roots are sprawling and go far from the near-stem circle, top dressing is rather difficult. And in two or three years it is not necessary at all.

    Propagation of sea buckthorn by lignified shoots

    Propagating sea buckthorn is not difficult. The fastest way to do this is in a vegetative way: varietal female trees - green or lignified cuttings; male - root shoots.

    With the second option, everything is simple - they dug it out and transplanted it to the required place. Rooting cuttings of female varietal trees is a little more difficult. For propagation by lignified cuttings, well-ripened shoots are cut in November and stored in the snow until spring. As soon as the cold subsides, cuttings are cut no more than 20 cm long, kept with the lower limbs in any root formation solution for 2-3 days, and then planted in grooves at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other. Two buds are left on the cutting above the soil surface. A bed with planted plants is watered abundantly.

    For the fastest rooting, the cuttings can be covered with polyethylene in order to maintain a fairly moist environment inside the greenhouse. During the entire rooting period, make sure that the soil always remains moist. Upon reaching a height of 50 cm, young plants can be transplanted to a permanent place.

    Propagation of sea buckthorn by green cuttings

    In industrial crop production, the method of propagation by green cuttings is used. At the end of June, when there is already a good growth on the mother plant, green shoots with a length of at least 15 cm are cut off. The two lower leaves are cut off from the cuttings and lowered with the bottom side into the Kornevin solution for 16 hours. Then planted on a prepared bed under the film. While the cuttings are rooting, it is necessary to carefully monitor the soil moisture and timely water and spray. Rooted and grown plants (about 50 cm high) can be transplanted to a permanent place.

    Rejuvenation of old sea buckthorn bushes

    Picking berries from a short sea buckthorn bush is much easier than reaching for a long top. An overgrown tree will require extensive pruning. As the practice of skilled gardeners shows, this crop not only tolerates pruning perfectly, but also increases productivity. Sea buckthorn is such a plant, useful properties, the planting rules of which you could read in our article.

    Every 8-12 years, sea buckthorn should be rejuvenated, that is, cut down under the stump. As a result of this operation, a large number of young shoots will grow from the remaining stump, on which an even larger crop will ripen over time.


    So, in the course of this article, we dealt with all the questions that relate to the topic of interest to us - "Sea buckthorn: planting and care." At the beginning, general information about the biological characteristics of this plant was given as an introduction. Do not forget how useful such a berry as sea buckthorn is in winter. Planting, growing, caring for and pruning, however, are processes that must be carried out with knowledge and real positive experience in this business. Analysis of the topic "Sea buckthorn: planting seedlings and reproduction" required us to take an integrated approach to this process. In any case, now, after reading this article, you have at least an idea of ​​​​what needs to be done.

    Sea buckthorn is a rather unusual plant for most gardens. Many gardeners do not perceive it as a fruit crop. At the same time, this amazing, juicy berry should not be underestimated: sea buckthorn contains just a unique set of useful substances. Just 100 g of berries or sea buckthorn juice is enough for the body to receive the daily norm of almost all the necessary substances.

    In addition to useful properties, sea buckthorn is also very beautiful. During the ripening of berries, this plant is the best decoration of the garden. Bright orange fruits, densely sticking to the branches, are very colorful and create a pleasant autumn atmosphere.

    Sea buckthorn bush with fruits

    How to grow this wonderful berry crop in your area? An important step in growing sea buckthorn is competent planting. It is she who is the key to good tree health and the reason for abundant harvests. In this article, we will look at how to plant sea buckthorn correctly.

    Selection of male and female specimens of sea buckthorn

    Sea buckthorn is a dioecious plant pollinated by the wind. This means that there should be female and male specimens of sea buckthorn in the garden. You can determine the sex of sea buckthorn by its buds before they bloom, in spring, autumn or winter. This is especially true for the male plant, because the female plant is easy to identify in the summer by its flowers and fruits. You can choose male and female varieties of sea buckthorn in our directory .

    Planted male and female representatives close enough to each other. Distances within 5-10 m are sufficient for good pollination.

    One male specimen can pollinate 4-5 female sea buckthorn plants at once. However, it is better to plant two male plants.

    If there is very little space in your garden, then both male plants can be planted close to each other - at a distance of 30-50 cm.

    Choosing a place for planting sea buckthorn

    Since sea buckthorn is a photophilous and moisture-loving plant, the optimal place for planting is a sunny elevated area, not shaded by other plants.

    In addition, sea buckthorn should be planted as far away as possible from the tillage zones - it is recommended to indent from other plants at least 2 m. The reason for this is the shallow roots - 15-20 from the surface of the earth. Digging the soil next to sea buckthorn can lead to poor fruiting and the appearance of shoots in places where the root system of the plant is damaged.

    sea ​​buckthorn fruits

    When is it better to plant sea buckthorn - in spring or autumn

    The best time for planting sea buckthorn seedlings is considered to be early spring, when the plant is at rest - until the sap flow begins and the buds begin to swell. For planting in the spring, seedlings with both closed and open root systems are suitable.

    Autumn planting is also acceptable for culture. In autumn, sea buckthorn is planted with a closed root system (in containers) after the end of leaf fall and at a comfortable temperature of +4 degrees.

    Pros of planting sea buckthorn in spring

    • root system manages to fully recover ,
    • since the seat is prepared in advance - in the fall, pit with fertilizers manages to insist , which positively affects the future harvest,
    • during the spring planting of sea buckthorn the first harvest can be harvested a year earlier than with autumn planting,
    • easierselect plants , which are difficult to take root in order to give the necessary additional care in time.

    Pros of planting sea buckthorn in the fall

    • much less time to care after landing,
    • trees planted in autumn 2-3 weeks earlier start to grow than those planted in spring,
    • autumn easy to determine the quality of seedlings by foliage and other criteria,
    • autumn sales allow you to save your budget.

    Step by step instructions on how to plant sea buckthorn

    Planting sea buckthorn in the spring is not much different from planting other fruit crops, the difference is only in the rate of fertilizers. Sea buckthorn does not like too nutritious soils, so when planting, the main thing is not to overdo it with mineral and organic nutrition.

    1. First, prepare the landing pit. Its size should be 35-40 cm deep and 40-50 cm in diameter. Regardless of the time of planting, the pit is prepared in advance: during spring planting it is prepared in the fall, during autumn planting - in 3 weeks.

    2. Top and bottom layers of soil fold separately .

    3. To the center of the hole drive in a peg for a garter.

    4. seedlings with open root system preparing - soak in a solution of Kornevin, Heteroauxin or other root system stimulants.

    5. We fill the bottom of the pit nutritious soil mixture: 1 bucket of humus or compost, 30-50 g of double superphosphate and 15-30 g of potash fertilizers are added to the soil from the top layer (calculation for 1 plant).

    6. Further form a mound from the top layer of soil, carefully straighten the roots and cover with soil, periodically spilling the pit with water. Watering should be plentiful - to the point of dirt. This will ensure a tight fit of the soil to the root system.

    8. We form a circular hole around the seedling, again carefully pour 2 buckets of water and mulch the hole with peat, straw or old sawdust.

    9. We tie up sea buckthorn to the peg.

    Sea buckthorn planting scheme

    Sea buckthorn is a multi-stemmed deciduous shrub, usually 1–3 m high. Sea buckthorn is a medicinal plant. Growing it in your garden is not difficult at all. If you create the right conditions, she will delight you with healthy and tasty fruits.

    Many fail to grow sea buckthorn, as the tree begins to die suddenly. To prevent this from happening, it is important to know that the roots of sea buckthorn are in the upper layer of soil and go far away from the tree, so digging up the ground can easily injure them.

    Soil Requirements

    For planting sea buckthorn, you need to prepare the soil well. Fertilize the earth with humus, it is better to use decomposed peat. You can not plant sea buckthorn in marshy soil. Also, the plant does not like heavy soil and high-carbonate soils.

    Selecting a landing site

    Sea buckthorn is a very light-loving and moisture-loving plant, so the planting site should be sunny. In the shade, it will grow and bear fruit worse.

    The tree should be planted on the edge of the site, away from the garden. So that during the loosening of the beds not to damage the root system of sea buckthorn. A damaged root will lead to the growth of wild shoots. You can loosen the top layer of soil, no more than 10 cm deep. Together with loosening, humus and mineral fertilizers are introduced.

    How to choose sea buckthorn seedlings

    It is better to choose and plant sea buckthorn seedlings in early spring. Then over the summer the tree will take root well and overwinter normally. Seedlings of two years are suitable for planting.

    Selection of seedlings

    1. It is important to make sure that the seedlings are healthy and match the plant variety. two year old seedling has a height of about 50 cm and a diameter of 5–7 cm, it also has 5–8 skeletal roots, 25 cm long.
    2. Bark adheres tightly to the wood, has a healthy appearance, is not wrinkled, not scratched.

    In order to avoid diseases of trees, you should not plant raspberries, strawberries, and also where stone fruits grew: apple trees, pears, cherries, apricots.

    It is better to have 2-3 female trees on the site and one male tree for pollination.


    Sea buckthorn is planted in a hole with a diameter of 70 cm, the soil is fertilized with mineral and complex fertilizers, a mound is made from the earth at the bottom of the hole and the root system of the seedling is distributed over it, the root neck after shrinkage of the soil should be located at ground level. Then you need to shed the seedling well, using at least two buckets of water, and sprinkle it with earth. In the future, you also need to water the seedling well.

    How to distinguish between male and female trees

    Sea buckthorn buds open

    Sea buckthorn is a dioecious tree, it is divided into male (staminate) and female (pistillate) flowers. The male plant does not bear fruit, it serves for pollination. One tree is enough for 5-7 female seedlings. Female sea buckthorn bears fruit. There will be no harvest without male sea buckthorn. Trees should be planted nearby, as pollination occurs with the help of the wind.

    It is difficult to distinguish these plants, especially at an early age. But there is a difference:

    1. The female plant has small double buds. Male specimens have larger buds covered with 3–5 scales.
    2. Male seedlings are larger.
    3. The leaves have different shapes and colors. On the female sea buckthorn, the leaves are green, the male leaves are gray and have a larger bloom.


    Caring for this shrub is easy. It is important to loosen the ground, water and feed the plant, remove dried shoots. And then the sea buckthorn will bear fruit for about 12 years. After reaching the time when the tree ceases to bear fruit, you can cut it down to a stump, this will give an incentive to grow new shoots, which in the future will bear fruit again.


    Sea buckthorn loves watering, especially in the heat. While picking berries, we recommend watering the sea buckthorn well and rinsing the berries on the branches at the same time.

    top dressing

    You need to feed 4 times a season:

    • the first time this is done in the spring.
    • the second time during flowering, this is done with a solution of potassium humate.
    • the remaining two top dressings are carried out after flowering, with an interval of 20 days, for this they use Effecton.


    An important condition for care is trimming the top. This contributes to the good development of the crown. You need to prune before bud break to remove unnecessary, damaged branches, and root shoots. This can be done at harvest time. The tree can grow up to 6 meters, for convenient harvesting it is important to regularly trim the tops. This is done with a sharp garden knife or pruner.

    For preventive purposes, three-year-old branches are pruned.

    Picking berries

    Varietal sea buckthorn, in favorable conditions gives a high yield. The berries grow densely on the thorny branches of the tree, which requires a lot of time and patience when picking the fruit. Harvest at the end of August. But if you make juice from berries, the collection is postponed until early September. Don't tighten it too much, the berries become soft and burst.

    Sea buckthorn harvesting options

    Several sea ​​buckthorn harvest ideas:

    1. The traditional way, when each berry is torn off, but it is very long and tiring.
    2. Use different devices, for example, a stick with a hook. They remove the berries from the branch, and they fall into the prepared container.
    3. You can cut off the branches along with the fruits, and freeze. Frozen berries are easier to remove from the branch. This method is suitable in case of further freezing of fruits.
    4. If you make juice from sea buckthorn, it is better to use the following method. Wash your hands well, but it is better to wear cooking gloves, and squeeze the juice directly on the branch. You need to start from the base and lead to the end of the branch. Ready juice will fall into the framed basin. In an hour, you can press up to 5 liters of nectar.
    5. There are also many devices for picking berries. You can take a wooden handle and wire, make a loop out of the wire. To pick a berry, you need to: put a loop on the fruit and sharply cut off the bandwagon, the berries will fall into the bowl.
    • Berries should be cut from the top of the branch downwards.
    • It is also important to wear gloves to avoid scratches from thorns and skin irritation. In order not to spoil the clothes, you can use an apron, because the sea buckthorn juice cannot be washed off
    • No need to wash the berries, otherwise some of the juice will be lost. Before collecting, you can rinse them right on the bush.
    • It is better to collect in enameled dishes.
    • Process on the same day the crop was harvested.


    There are many ways to propagate sea buckthorn:

    1. The easiest way to reproduce is seeds, they are sown in autumn. Shoots appear in a month. This method is used when breeding new varieties. Since such reproduction produces male plants, they are used for decorative purposes or for grafting other varieties.
    2. reproduction root offspring used when sea buckthorn is not grafted. In the spring, the offspring is separated from the mother plant, added dropwise and watered well. When the root system develops well, it can be transplanted to another place.
    3. For breeding layering it is better to take annual shoots. The soil needs to be fertilized. After that, small furrows are made near the base of the bush, into which young shoots are bent. The tops are pinched a little. When young shoots grow to 12 cm, they are sprinkled with moist earth with humus. In the spring, rooted layers are transplanted to a permanent place.
    4. When transplanting to a new place, sea buckthorn is propagated dividing the bush. To do this, they dig a bush, remove old branches, leaving young ones. When dividing a bush, plants with a developed root system are selected.
    5. For breeding green cuttings non-bearing plants are used. In this case, you need a greenhouse or greenhouse. The cuttings should be 12 cm in size. The bottom two sheets are removed, the cuttings are lowered into the rooting solution for 12–15 hours. Then planted in a greenhouse with prepared soil. To do this, fertile land is mixed with peat and sand, in a ratio of 1: 3.
      It is important to monitor the temperature and water the cuttings regularly, adventitious roots appear after a few weeks. And after a month, gradually accustoming the plant to outside air, the film can be removed.
    6. The most affordable way is reproduction lignified cuttings. They are prepared in November and stored in the basement. In the spring, cut into 20 cm, soak for several days in water, and then for a day in a rooting solution. After that, buds and the makings of a root appear.
      Cuttings are planted in the prepared soil, watered abundantly and mulched with humus. A year later, healthy seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place.

    Diseases and pests

    Most often, the sea buckthorn tree is sick from changes in temperature and humidity. The most serious disease is. This is an incurable disease in which the berries shrivel and dry out. Affected branches should be cut and discarded. If the disease reappears next year, the tree must be disposed of.

    Sea buckthorn fruits are very rich in vitamins and biologically active substances. Sea buckthorn is very useful and has healing properties.

    Fresh fruits can simply be frozen, or ground with sugar. From the berries you can make juice, make jam or jam. Be sure to prepare sea buckthorn oil for the winter. This healing agent is known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

    By growing sea buckthorn on your site, you can provide the whole family with vitamins all year round. By consuming these berries every day, the body will receive many useful substances.

    Sea buckthorn is quite winter-hardy, however, in winters with sharp temperature changes, wood and, especially, the flowering rudiments of male plants freeze slightly. Generative buds in sea buckthorn are laid on the growth of the current year. Yields are highly dependent on weather conditions. The seed offspring of sea buckthorn enters fruiting at 4-5 years, vegetative - at 3-4 years.

    Site selection and soil preparation.

    Sea buckthorn is a photophilous plant. When shaded, it grows poorly and bears little fruit. It prefers light, fertile, well-drained soils. Does not withstand standing water. The groundwater level should be no closer than a meter from the soil surface. Acidic soils must be limed with slaked lime at the rate of 400-600 g per 1 m2. Lime is scattered in an even layer over the surface of the soil, and then dug onto a spade bayonet. This work is usually carried out in October.

    On heavy loamy soils, to improve breathability, it is recommended to mix the top layer with coarse-grained river sand and humus (or peat) in approximately equal proportions. 200-300 g of superphosphate and 30-50 g of potassium salt are also added here. Nitrogen fertilizers and lime are not applied to the planting pit to avoid root burns.

    When allocating a site for sea buckthorn, one should take into account that its roots can extend several meters beyond the crown. In the area where sea buckthorn is grown, the soil cannot be dug up, but it is necessary to loosen the top layer of soil to a depth of 5-10 cm, for example, with a chopper, cutting weeds. It is necessary to loosen annually in the spring to make compost or humus mixed with mineral fertilizers at the rate of 0.5-1 bucket of compost mixed with 2-4 tablespoons of nitrophoska per 1 sq. meter. Another option: in the spring 15 g of urea, in the fall 1 bucket of humus, 30 g of double superphosphate, 15 g of potassium chloride.

    Sea buckthorn is a dioecious plant. This means that on some specimens only male (staminate) flowers develop, which are pollinators, on others - female (pistil), which, after pollination and fertilization, produce fruits. Before fruiting, male and female individuals are practically indistinguishable in appearance. When entering the fruiting period, they are easy to recognize before the start of the growing season. In male plants, the buds are two to three times larger than in female plants, they have five to seven covering scales; in females, the kidneys are small, elongated, covered with only two scales. For normal pollination, one male is enough for 4-6 female plants.

    It should be borne in mind that sea buckthorn is a wind-pollinated plant. Therefore, it is better to place the male plant on the leeward side: at the beginning of the row (for single-row planting) or in the center of the rectangle (for two-row placement of female plants). Sea buckthorn flowers are small, barely visible to the naked eye. If the weather is calm during flowering, additional pollination of female flowers should be carried out. To do this, it is enough to cut a twig from the male plant and shake it over the crown of the female plant.

    Many gardeners do not risk getting involved with this shrub, believing that planting and caring for sea buckthorn presents some special difficulties due to its dioecious nature. However, the labor expended on growing, this shrub more than pays off with its tasty and healthy bright yellow berries.

    Biological characteristic

    Sea buckthorn is a small tree or large shrub. The main feature of this plant from the sucker family is a pronounced dioeciousness. Some bushes contain only male flowers, others - exclusively female. In addition to the “horse shine”, there are three more names among the people: wax, dereza, ivotern.

    When planting sea buckthorn, a one-to-five rule is used: five female trees are planted with one male as a pollinator.

    In height, the tree can reach six meters, but usually does not exceed three. At the beginning of its development, the color of the bush is silvery, as it ages, it darkens to brown. Sea buckthorn is a light-loving and frost-resistant tree, but it is very difficult to tolerate pruning and fractures of its branches, therefore, in this regard, it requires a particularly careful attitude.

    The soil for sea buckthorn should be loose and nutritious with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction, groundwater at the place of its planting should not rise higher than one meter from the ground. The roots of the plant are located in the upper forty-centimeter layer of soil, nodules with nitrogen-fixing bacteria are formed on them, similar to those of legumes.

    Sea buckthorn fruits are round or oval berries of various shades of yellow or orange with their own special taste and aroma. They are very rich in various vitamins and other useful substances. The yield from one bush reaches ten or more kilograms.

    Depending on the region, flowering occurs in late April or early May, and fruiting in August-September, and sea buckthorn bears fruit in the third or fourth year after planting.

    Varieties male and female

    All varieties common in our country belong to the type of sea buckthorn buckthorn. In addition to this species, sea buckthorn is common in some regions, originating from South China.

    Male varieties

    Among the most popular are "Gnome" and "Alei".

    It gives a lot of pollen, if it is located on the windward side, guided by the prevailing wind, then it can be enough for five female trees. The height of the gnome is moderate, its bushes rarely exceed a two-meter level.

    The plant of this variety is very frost-resistant and almost unaffected, which is generally characteristic of "male" bushes.

    Female varieties

    • "Moscow Beauty" - a variety of sea buckthorn with a bush height of up to two and a half meters. Refers to table varieties with an average yield. It has large orange berries, which reach a weight of up to ten grams. Frost and disease resistant, the name gives away the recommended growing area for this sea buckthorn.
    • Very popular with oval berries and a medium-sized bush more than four meters high. The fruits are very sweet, reaching a weight of eight grams.
    • The berries of the Krasnoplodnaya variety have an original red color. They are slightly sourer than the previous varieties, but the tree itself is better resistant to diseases and pests.


    Seeds, root shoots or cuttings. The seed method is very complicated and does not guarantee not only the preservation of varietal characteristics, but also the plants will turn out to be of unknown sex.

    Therefore, it is best to propagate sea buckthorn vegetatively. Root offspring or cuttings do not even need to be re-grafted, because sea buckthorn is a rooted plant and its shoots bear the varietal characteristics of the parent tree.

    The root shoots are separated from the parent bush either in early spring before the start of sap flow, or a month before frost, so that when sea buckthorn is planted in autumn, the seedling has time to take root in a new place.


    If lignified material is used for rooting, then the cuttings are harvested after the onset of cold weather and the cut blanks are stored under snow until spring. In the spring, the branches are removed and cuttings of 10-15 centimeters are cut from them.

    After daily exposure to a solution of heteroauxin or other root former, the cuttings are placed in a jar of clean water. After a couple of weeks, roots will begin to appear at the bottom of the segments. This is a signal for planting planting material in the garden.

    Attention! The beds intended for planting cuttings must be prepared in the fall. Loose areas rich in humus after growing cucumbers and other cucurbits are best suited for this purpose!

    For this bed, it is desirable to have a set of arches, film and non-woven material for emergency shelter in the event of night frosts. The same bed will help us with green cuttings, which are produced in June.

    In the second or third decade of the month, cuttings 12-15 centimeters long are cut, the lower leaves (2-3 pieces) are removed and, after a daily exposure in a stimulant solution, they are planted in a garden bed covered with a film for warmth and non-woven material for shading.

    On the first day, every hour the plants are sprayed with water, creating a humidity close to one hundred percent and a temperature of about 30 degrees. Gradually, moisture is reduced, and after a few days the cuttings give adventitious roots.

    The so-called combined sea buckthorn cuttings take root well. Such a cutting is a lignified twig with an escape of the current season.


    Sea buckthorn vaccinations are used in several cases:

    • to obtain a bush of the desired variety;
    • to change the sex of the plant;
    • to obtain a dioecious plant.

    The last case is the most interesting. It allows the female tree to have only one male branch, which will be enough for pollination. This significantly saves space for planting in your garden.

    Sea buckthorn grafting should be done by a professional who has a good hand in this matter. This is due to the fact that cut cuttings blacken very quickly, and tissues die off on them.

    Landing and care

    When planting sea buckthorn, there are several rules, non-compliance with which in the future can lead to big problems.

    Seedling selection

    If you buy a seedling in a trusted store or fruit nursery, then they will help you with the choice of variety and plant sex. In all other cases, you need to be able to determine the gender of the future tree.

    Women's branches in spring

    Please note that female kidneys are smaller and smoother, while male kidneys are large and tuberculate, consisting of several tubercles.

    Landing place

    It is very important where to plant sea buckthorn on the site, this tree does not like to be adjacent to either other trees or buildings. Therefore, seedlings should be placed at least five meters apart.

    The near-trunk circle should also be clean from plants, it is not bad to mulch it with plant residues, hay or humus. Emerging weeds are carefully mowed.

    Attention! Do not plant flowers or vegetables under sea buckthorn. You can damage its superficial roots, and this is very painful for a tree!

    So if you are tormented by the question of what to plant next to sea buckthorn, feel free to answer: “Nothing”!

    landing pit

    You will not need to dig a very deep hole due to the superficial location of the roots of the wolfberry. And in some cases, you will have to place the plant on the surface altogether. This should be done with a shallow water table or heavy clay soil.

    In this case, after loosening the ground, a strong stake is stuck into it, and a sea-buckthorn seedling is tied to it, placed on top of the soil. Then the roots of the plant are covered with loose soil and mulched. In the future, when caring for sea buckthorn, gradually add soil over the roots.

    Landing time

    As noted above, two seasons are allocated for planting sea buckthorn. This is spring, while the buds have not yet blossomed and autumn a month and a half before frost. In summer, only seedlings from a nursery with a closed potted root system can be planted.


    There are times when sea buckthorn needs to be moved either to another place on the site, or even to another garden. To transplant sea buckthorn to another place, first of all, you need to take care of preserving as many roots as possible. The more roots you damage when you dig up a bush, the more branches you will need to cut.

    If you want to transplant an adult tree, you may need to cut off all the side branches of sea buckthorn in general, and only a one and a half meter long trunk remains.

    plant care


    Prune plants before bud break. In the initial 4-5 years of growth, a crown is formed by cutting out too long shoots, and later rejuvenating pruning is carried out.

    top dressing

    Top dressing is best done in the spring. To do this, you need to carefully remove the layer of mulch and spill the soil in the near-trunk circle. How to feed sea buckthorn in the spring, everyone chooses for himself: herbal infusion for himself or chemistry, if you want to be poisoned. Then again cover the entire near-trunk circle with a layer of mulch.


    With a good mulch layer for the growing season, the plant will have enough seasonal rains, but if a drought has set in, then abundant watering of the tree will not hurt. Under each bush, depending on its size, you need to pour 2-3 buckets of water.