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  • Gooseberries covered with white mold. White coating on gooseberries

    Gooseberries covered with white mold.  White coating on gooseberries

    Usually, gooseberry bushes that grow in one place for a long time are sooner or later affected by powdery mildew. Not every gardener will decide to get rid of such a bush, especially if it is a rare and tasty variety. Therefore, the question becomes how to get rid of powdery mildew.

    There are many different ways to defeat this fungus. Some of them are based on folk methods, for others the use of chemicals is recommended. Which of the proposed ones to choose is up to the gardener to decide.

    Powdery mildew: what is it, how does the disease affect the yield of berries

    Determining the infection of a bush is simple. A cobweb loose white coating forms on the berries, which eventually develops into dense brown spots. Gradually, the fungus passes from the berries to the shoots, bending them, and then to the leaves, which makes them turn yellow and curl up.

    The berries begin to crack and crumble before they even ripen. If appropriate measures are not taken in time, gooseberry powdery mildew will infect and spoil the entire crop, and eventually destroy the entire plant.

    Did you know? Gooseberries belong to the family of the same name. Its natural habitat is Western Europe and North Africa, although today it is distributed throughout the world. A wild plant settles in forests and on the slopes of mountains.

    How to get rid of powdery mildew, country methods

    It is necessary to fight the misfortune immediately after detection. If the berries have already appeared, they are mercilessly destroyed along with the affected shoots. If it was possible to detect the disease before the buds bloomed, appropriate measures must be taken immediately.

    Important! The fungus releases spores twice a year: in spring and summer. Accordingly, it is necessary to process the bushes three times: before flowers appear on the bush, immediately after flowering, and also before the bush sheds its leaves. The plant is not sprayed, but abundantly soaked. All the litter is collected around the bush, and the earth is treated with the same composition as the bush. All work is done in the evening.

    How to defeat powdery mildew? We offer several proven folk methods.

    The use of saltpeter

    For the fight, different types of saltpeter are used, but in approximately the same proportion. So, for processing bushes after flowering do ammonium nitrate solution:50 g of funds are taken per bucket of water. Also used potassium nitratetogether with potassium permanganate in the ratio of 50 g and 3 g per bucket of water.

    Aspirin and soda

    When a white bloom appears on the gooseberry bushes, they prepare for spraying a solution of soda with the addition of aspirin and soap. The latter is necessary so that the product adheres well to the bush, lingering on it.

    About 50–60 g of soda and about 10 g of liquid or grated laundry soap are taken per bucket of water. It is important that the solution is thick enough. It is necessary to spray every week two to three times.

    How to remove white bloom on gooseberries with ash

    Among the safest folk remedies for powdery mildew is considered wood ash solution. To prepare it, you need to take a kilogram of ash, clean it and sift it. Then heat a bucket of water and dissolve the cleaned ash in it.

    It should be insisted for about a week, stirring occasionally. And on the last day they don’t touch him, giving him the opportunity to settle well.

    Then it must be filtered, add laundry soap and used for its intended purpose. Processing of bushes should be carried out in calm weather in the evening. Leave a little solution, add water to it and water the bush.

    Did you know? Today there are about one and a half thousand cultivars of gooseberries. Its berries contain vitamins, sugars, beneficial acids. It is consumed both in its raw form, and jam, marmalade, jelly, wine are made from it. Sometimes used for medical purposes.

    Using kefir or sour milk

    Surprisingly, but the fight against powdery mildew with folk remedies has in stock such a remedy as fermented milk products - sour milk and kefir.

    The fact is that their consistency helps to create a kind of film on the plant, which interferes with the breathing of the mycelium. At the same time, the gooseberry itself receives useful substances and improves health.

    To prepare the solution, lactic acid products and water are used in a ratio of 1:10. In this case, the bushes are processed only in dry weather. This must be done three times in three days.

    Powdery mildew treatment with horsetail

    Another folk remedy for powdery mildew on gooseberries is horsetail. To prepare the solution, take 100 g of a fresh plant and pour a liter of water.

    After a day, the infusion is brought to a boil and boiled for a couple of hours. Then it must be cooled, filtered. The concentrate is diluted with water 1:5 and the bushes are treated.

    If you have to treat an already infected plant, it must be treated with this solution every five days for three to four cycles. However, the method is effective only at the initial stage of the disease. For prevention, bushes are treated for powdery mildew in the spring.

    The use of drugs in the treatment of powdery mildew on gooseberries

    There are many traditional methods of fighting the fungus. There are a number of chemicals on the market that really quickly and effectively fight the disease.

    But some gardeners prefer a less reliable, but safer for plants and humans, bacterial treatment method. Let's look at each of them so that every gardener who has a sick gooseberry can decide for himself how to spray the plant.

    Important! Infection with powdery mildew spores can occur through the air from other infected plants or trees, through contaminated water for irrigation, even through the hands of a gardener who, before touching a gooseberry bush, touched an infected plant. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the disease does not appear on other plants in the garden.

    Use of chemicals (fungicides)

    Current fungicidal agents can effectively deal with powdery mildew. They penetrate the cells of the plant, treat it, protect it and inhibit the development of the fungus.

    Depending on what means you decide to fight the disease, you need to process the bushes from one to four times with a break of about 7-10 days.

    The most popular preparations for powdery mildew are:

    • Amistar Extra;
    • Vitaros;
    • Speed;
    • Previcour;
    • Acrobat MC;
    • Topaz;
    • Fundazol.
    As a prophylactic, Fitosporin-M is used, which is made on the basis of a concentrate from the bacteria Bacillus subtilis. And although this is a trouble-free remedy for preventing the onset of the disease, it is not capable of fighting powdery mildew itself.

    Biofungicides: how to cure gooseberries with biological preparations

    In the fight against white scourge, fungicides of biological origin are also used.

    First of all, this fresh manure cattle. To prepare the solution, a third of a bucket of manure is taken, which is filled with water to a full bucket.

    The mixture is infused for three days, then filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Dilute the infusion each time before processing.

    In the fight against powdery mildew, weeds from the garden, which are used in cooking, are also suitable. fermented grass. It is necessary to finely chop half a bucket of weeds, pour them with hot water to the very top of the container and mix. The mixture is also infused for several days, filtered and used undiluted.

    Actions for prevention

    Prevention consists, first of all, in the proper care of the shrub. So, it is necessary to ensure that the planting does not thicken, has moderate humidity, and the soil is sufficiently fertilized with organic matter.

    Be sure to prune old branches and those that do not bear fruit well. It is also recommended to put the tops of tomatoes and potatoes under the bush, watering it with a solution of EM preparations.

    Steady, unpretentious, fruitful, our favorite berry shrub - gooseberry, sometimes suddenly covered with a moldy coating. Over time, the bush weakens, stops growing, the berries get sick and crumble. At this time, the gardener begins to ask himself the classic question - what to do? To answer it, you need to know what disease struck the wonderful gooseberry.

    What diseases cause mold

    First of all, you need to figure out what disease causes mold on gooseberries. Unfortunately, there are several such diseases. Berries become moldy with the following fungal infections:

    • American powdery mildew (spheroteca);
    • European powdery mildew;
    • gray rot of berries;
    • goblet rust.


    American powdery mildew or sphere library has a characteristic feature at the beginning of development. It appears after the flowering gooseberry. Leaves, berries and young shoots are covered with a white powdery coating, similar to mold.

    At first, it is easy to remove it with your hands. The fungus grows rapidly, changes color from white to brown. It is no longer washed off from the affected parts of the plant. The berries stop growing and become mummified. Young shoots are crooked, stunted and finally dry up. After 2-3 years, the gooseberry bush also dies.

    Powdery mildew (European)

    European powdery mildew at first looks like a sphere library. A white powdery coating appears on the leaves and shoots. The difference is that the disease begins in the second half of summer, rarely affects gooseberries, the plaque does not change color. The white color of the mold is erased with your fingers and always remains whitish. The leaves under the action of the fungus turn yellow and fall off, the shoots dry out.

    Gray rot

    The fungus affects only the berries, they simply dry out on the branches. During a rainy summer, the spores of the fungus germinate through the skin of the berries and they are covered with a smoky gray coating. Fortunately, the disease rarely affects gooseberries.

    goblet rust

    If the gooseberry grows in a damp place where sedge is a weed, then soon it will begin to become covered with bright orange rust spots. The fungus infects leaves and berries in early summer. The mold on the berries has a rusty color, by mid-summer they crumble along with dried leaves.

    In addition to the diseases described, gooseberries are often affected by diseases in which the foliage is covered:

    • brown;
    • grey;
    • black spots;
    • black soot.

    These diseases are also caused by a fungus, but they do not cause mold.

    Causes of the disease

    The culprits of infection with fungal diseases can be different reasons:

    • warm and damp summer;
    • too dark or low-lying landing site;
    • excessively wet location or rainy season;
    • infection from plants, insects, humans and wind;
    • bush thickening with old shoots or a large number of new shoots;
    • excess nitrogen fertilizer in wet summers;
    • the growth of weeds, which are carriers of many diseases.

    A weakened plant can hardly tolerate unsuitable climatic conditions, as well as a violation of agricultural technology. While a strong and healthy plant is rarely attacked by pests and resists various infections for a long time.

    Mold control

    To get rid of the sphere library and other fungal diseases, the bushes and the ground under them are sprayed with a 3% solution of ferrous sulfate at the end of the season. On the treated bushes, all young shoots, leaves and dried berries are cut, collected and burned. In the spring, gooseberries are again treated with iron sulphate, and then with a solution of soda. This double treatment gives very successful results.

    Treatment with special means is carried out several times until the bushes are cleared of the fungus.

    The introduction of nitrogen fertilizers provokes the development of the disease. Top dressing with phosphorus and potash fertilizers, on the contrary, helps gooseberries cope with mold. Gardeners have developed many tricks on how to treat fungal infections.

    1. An infusion of ash helps not only to get rid of the fungus, but is also an excellent top dressing. A kilogram of ash is poured into a 12-liter bucket, insisted for 3 days, filtered and watered the bushes. It is good to add liquid soap to such an infusion for better adhesion to the leaves.
    2. Liquid mullein has always been an excellent tool for feeding and disinfecting plants. 1 part of mullein is taken for 3 parts of water, the mixture is insisted for three days in the shade, filtered, water is added to the volume of a bucket and the diseased bush is watered.
    3. Kefir or sour milk is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:9. I process the bushes with this solution even during flowering, it is harmless to bees.
    4. During the onset of the disease, we get rid of fungi with the help of a milk solution: 1 liter of whole milk is diluted in a bucket of water and the bushes are watered. The solution has an alkaline environment, which inhibits the development of fungi.

    Treatment with any remedy for mold, that is, fungus, must be repeated several times until the gooseberry is completely healed.

    With the release of fungicides for use in private gardens, the question of how to get rid of a fungal infection is no longer an issue.

    If the branches are still covered with mold in the summer, then a lot of chemical and biological preparations cope with all known diseases. The most popular were:

    • Topaz;
    • Fitosporin-M;
    • Nitrofen;
    • Fundazol;
    • Oksikhom;
    • Strobe.

    These drugs should be used with a constant manifestation of the disease. They are used four times:

    • before flowering;
    • after flowering;
    • after picking berries;
    • 2 weeks after the third application.

    resistant varieties

    Great changes have recently taken place in gooseberry breeding. Breeders give new varieties new features:

    • thornlessness;
    • large-fruitedness;
    • resistance to major diseases.

    Resistant varieties include:

    1. Beryl is a popular variety, zoned for Western Siberia. Sweet, yellowish-green berries grow on purple shoots. The yield of the variety is good. Thorns grow only from the bottom of the bush. Powdery mildew is not affected.
    2. Vladil (Commander) is another very popular gooseberry variety, zoned for the Ural region. Sweet and sour cherry berries contain a lot of sugars and vitamin C. Does not get sick with powdery mildew.
    3. Kazachok is a new variety for the Central Black Earth region. Dark red berries have an excellent taste. Very high yielding. Resistant to powdery mildew.
    4. Senator is a gooseberry from the Ural region with delicious red berries. Not affected by powdery mildew.

    In addition to varieties that do not suffer from a sphere library, there are many varieties that are resistant to this disease:

    • African;
    • Malachite;
    • Russian;
    • Harlequin;
    • Stanichny.

    Mold Prevention

    Some agricultural practices will help prevent mold damage to gooseberries:

    • selection of a variety resistant to fungal diseases;
    • purchase of seedlings in proven nurseries;
    • selection of the right place for landing;
    • prophylactic during the season;
    • weed removal;
    • proper preparation of the bush for winter.

    Preventing fungal infections starts with choosing the right place to plant. From the moment they appear in Russia, they try to plant them in well-lit and warm places. Landing should be protected from blowing winds, but stagnation of cold air should not be allowed.

    Landing in a dark, damp or damp place is absolutely contraindicated.

    The ground under the gooseberries is loosened until the buds open, covered with a thick layer of mulch or a black film. Branches and shoots must be treated with fungicides (Karate, Parachute, Bi-58, Danadim), if the bushes were affected by mold last season.

    Instead of purchased funds, you can use:

    • infusion of ash;
    • soda solution;
    • liquid mullein;
    • herbal infusion;
    • boiling water.

    Before flowering, the branches and the ground under the bush are sprayed with a Strobi-type fungicide. If on the gooseberry, in addition to mold, insect pests are noticeable, then insecticides are used:

    • Karbofos;
    • Actellik;
    • Kinmiks.

    After harvesting the fruits, the fight against diseases begins again with the help of the Strobi drug, with pests - with Karate, Karbofos.

    In autumn, all fallen leaves are removed, sanitary pruning is done, all organic residues are removed and burned. Do not leave dried leaves, spider nests, branches with traces of fungi or pests.

    The earth under the bushes is dug up, spilled with a disinfectant and covered with organic mulch.

    You should not hope that the fungus will dry out from the heat or freeze in the winter from the cold. The spores are very persistent and cannot be eliminated without proper treatment.


    How to deal with the disease if mold has appeared on the gooseberries? Observing the correct agricultural technology, feeding and watering in time and in moderation, protecting the shrub at the beginning of the disease, it is unlikely that you will ever have to remove your favorite gooseberry bush from the garden.

    However, the plant is often affected by various diseases that can cause crop loss, including such a dangerous one as powdery mildew. Most often, it is she who causes the so-called mold on gooseberries. In this article, we will tell you how to recognize such an attack in a timely manner and effectively deal with white bloom on the bush.

    But first, a few words about the symptoms of which diseases can be white bloom on gooseberries. In general, there are several such diseases at once. So, mold on berries can appear if the shrub is affected by the following fungal infections:

    • Sferoteka or American powdery mildew;
    • Gray rot;
    • European powdery mildew;
    • Goblet rust.

    As mentioned above, most often the cause of white mold is a sphere library or American powdery mildew. This disease has one characteristic feature - it appears immediately after the flowering of the plant. At the same time, both leaves, and young shoots, and berries are covered with a white powdery coating, which looks very much like mold.

    However, soon the fungus grows rapidly, and the color of the plaque changes from white to brown. And if earlier it could simply be removed by hand, then at this stage the plaque is not even washed off. Young shoots begin to lag behind in growth, bend, the berries become mummified, and the bush itself dies in two or three years.

    European powdery mildew in the first stage is very similar in appearance to a sphere library. But unlike the American fungus, the disease begins to develop only in the second half of summer. In addition, the plaque does not change its color, and the latter appears only on leaves and shoots. Such a white color of the shrub is quite easily erased with your fingers, but over time the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off, and the shoots dry out.

    But a fungus called Gray rot, on the contrary, affects only berries, which then simply dry out on the branches. A rainy summer contributes to the fact that the spores germinate through the skin of the fruit, which is why the gooseberries are covered with a gray coating. Fortunately, this bush disease is rare.

    Goblet rust can affect the plant if planted in a damp place where there is a lot of sedge. A clear sign of this disease are bright orange spots. This fungus infects berries and leaves already in early summer. Such a mold has a rusty color, and it leads to the fact that both fruits and leaves crumble by the middle of summer.

    In addition to the diseases described above, there are other ailments that gooseberries can suffer from; with them, the plant is covered with gray, brown, black spots, and even soot, but there is no mold from them.

    We add that the diseases that cause mold do not come by themselves. As a rule, they occur against the background of a rainy summer, too wet location of the site, with a large number of new shoots and a strong thickening of the bush, an excess of nitrogen fertilizers, the growth of weeds, and infection from insects, plants and humans. And this is not to mention the fact that fungal spores are actively carried with the wind.

    It goes without saying that if a plant is weakened, then it tolerates violations of agricultural technology and adverse climatic conditions much worse. But if the gooseberry bush is healthy, then it can withstand the effects of various infections for a long time, especially if it is helped in time.

    To get rid of the sphere library, it is best to treat the gooseberries and the ground under it with a 3% solution of iron sulfate. In this case, all affected areas - berries, shoots, leaves - are removed and burned. Next spring, the shrub will again need to be treated with a solution of iron sulfate, and then also sprayed with a solution of soda. This double processing gives good results. We add that treatment with special preparations also needs to be carried out several times.

    As already mentioned, one of the reasons for the development of a sphere library and other fungi may be the application of nitrogen fertilizers. But if you feed the gooseberries with potash and phosphate fertilizers, this, on the contrary, will help the plant cope with the disease.

    There are other measures to combat such diseases. By the way, currants and gooseberries have such problems. And therefore, if you have the first culture on the site, then troubles will surely happen with the second.

    So, in order to get rid of white plaque on gooseberries, experienced gardeners advise using an infusion of ash, which, in addition, is an excellent top dressing. To prepare this effective remedy, a kilogram of ash is diluted in a twelve-liter bucket of water and insisted for three days. And it’s better to add a little liquid soap there too - for a good hitch with the leaves.

    Liquid mullein also proved to be excellent - also for disinfecting and feeding plants. To prepare it, take one part of mullein and three parts of water. Such a mixture should be infused for three days, after which it is filtered and water is added to the volume of a full bucket. And you can use sour milk or kefir, which are diluted with water in a ratio of one to nine. Bushes can be treated with this tool even during flowering, especially since it is also harmless to bees.

    If you do not miss the moment when the gooseberry disease has just appeared, then a milk solution will help get rid of it. This alkaline solution can be prepared by diluting a liter of whole milk in a bucket of water.

    We add that the treatment with the means described above should be carried out several times - until the plant is completely healed.

    Often, the question of how to get rid of plaque on gooseberries, many gardeners decide even more radically - by using fungicides. And, indeed, modern means can be very effective. So, if the fruits, leaves and shoots of your pet become moldy, then the following biological and chemical preparations can be used:

    • Strobe;
    • Topaz;
    • Nitrofen;
    • Fitosporin-M;
    • Oksikhom;
    • Fundazol.

    Resistant varieties and prevention

    In order not to raise the question of how to process or feed the gooseberries, if it is covered with white mold, it is necessary to follow preventive measures and choose disease-resistant varieties for planting. Modern science has made it possible to create crops with virtually no thorns, resistant to frost and sudden changes in temperature, as well as resistant to most known gooseberry diseases. These varieties include, for example, Beryl, Commander, Kazachok, Senator, as well as Russian, African, Malachite, Stanichny and Harlequin.

    But, of course, prevention and proper care are extremely important. So that no infection appears on the gooseberry fruits, you should choose the right place for planting, process the bushes during the season, regularly get rid of weeds and properly prepare the plant for wintering.

    The pathogenic microflora that affects the berry bush most often negatively affects the productivity and quality characteristics of the crop being formed. In very difficult cases, the disease may well cause the death of the plant.

    Fungal infection is accompanied by the appearance of a very rapidly spreading grayish-white coating on the berries, which after a while acquires a pronounced brownish tint. The fungus is perfectly adapted to severe Russian frosts.

    The disease spreads through the foliage, stems and fruits of the shrub.

    How to fight

    The treatment of bushes should be carried out in early spring at the stage of active flowering and one and a half weeks after the plant has faded. For this purpose, a mixture prepared on the basis of 150 g of copper sulfate, 200 g of lime and 5 liters of water is used.

    gooseberry anthracnose

    A fungal infection that affects the foliage of gooseberries and causes small, blurry spots of dark brown color to appear on them. On a diseased plant, the yield is reduced, and the growth of young shoots is also reduced.

    The disease is characteristic of currants and gooseberries, it manifests itself in both plants in the same way.

    Control measures

    In addition to burning fallen leaves, it is necessary to remove leaves affected by the fungus from the plant, and then spray the aerial part of the gooseberry bush with a solution based on copper sulphate (20 g per 5 l of water).

    White spot or septoria

    It is characterized by the ability to infect a wide variety of horticultural crops, causing the appearance on the leaves of small and even rounded spots of an off-white or brownish color with a dark border.

    The causative agent of the disease is a fungus of the genus Septoria.

    How to fight

    When the first signs of the disease appear, all infected leaves must be removed and disposed of. At the initial stage of flowering, it is necessary to carefully spray the branches of the shrub with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid.

    goblet rust

    The leaves of the shrub affected by a fungal infection are deformed, wither and dry prematurely, after which they fall off. In the absence of therapeutic measures, after a while the whole plant dies.

    Appears on flowers, ovaries and leaves

    Control measures

    Sanitary pruning of branches, followed by treatment of the plant with special fungicidal preparations "Abiga-Peak", "Topaz", "Bayleton", "Khom" or a standard solution of Bordeaux mixture.

    gooseberry mosaic

    A viral infection is accompanied by the appearance of a peculiar yellow pattern along the veins of the leaves, a stop in the vegetation of the plant, the formation of small and wrinkled young foliage, and the absence of berries.

    The disease is not treatable

    Control measures

    The main condition for maintaining the health of plantings is the timely prevention of the disease and the destruction of aphids. Sick bushes must be uprooted and then burned outside the site.


    Microscopic fungi and bacteria cause the formation of brown spots on foliage, ovaries and branches, the appearance of green and brown growths on fruits, leaf fall, peeling on berries and their deformation.

    A dense brown film on the fetus is a sign of severe infection

    How to fight

    Treatment of the aerial part of the plant with the biological preparation "Fitosporin-M" before and immediately after flowering, as well as at the beginning of the formation of the crop in order to destroy fungi and increase the immunity of the bush.


    Gray rot appears on gooseberries quite rarely. At the first stages, the disease affects the shoots from below, after which it causes massive rotting of the berries and a complete or partial loss of the crop.

    May appear in wet weather if the gooseberry bush is too thick

    Control measures

    Treatment of the plant with a low-toxic broad-spectrum drug "Fundazol" immediately before flowering, as well as immediately after the final harvest.

    Video: Gooseberry diseases

    Gooseberry turns yellow

    In addition to seasonal changes, as well as weather events, insufficient moisture and nutrients, the yellowness of a berry crop can be triggered by some diseases, including spheroteca and verticillosis.

    Causes can be: malnutrition or dangerous diseases

    What to do

    Observe the rules of agricultural technology, timely irrigation measures, regular top dressing. To combat pathogenic microflora after harvesting, the shrub is additionally treated with Isofen.

    berry falls

    Too much fall of gooseberries can be caused not only by natural causes, including an excess of moisture and a lack of nutrients, but also by some diseases, among which powdery mildew is most common.

    Crumbling gooseberries can also signal insufficient watering.

    Control measures

    Compliance with agricultural technology, timely irrigation measures, regular top dressing. Preventive treatment with a mixture based on 150 g of copper sulfate, 200 g of lime and 5 liters of water.

    The main pests of gooseberries and their control


    Small inactive insects of black, dark brown or light green color are characterized by rapid reproduction, causing twisting of the shoots, as well as the appearance of honeydew and a large number of ants on the leaves.

    Plants affected by gooseberry aphids develop slowly in the next season

    In order to fight, it is necessary to treat the aerial parts of plants with special preparations Fufanon, Bi-58, Aktara, Aktellik or Arrivo and Inta-vir in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.


    Gooseberry leaves infect several types of caterpillars, among which the most common moths, sawfly larvae and moths. The pest damages leaves and shoots, eats away all the internal parts of berries and flowers.

    One of the most annoying shrub pests

    At the stage of swelling of the buds, the drug "Inta-Vir" is used. Re-treatment can be carried out when pests are detected. In conditions of mass destruction, it is recommended to use the Iskra-M tool.

    An insect disguises itself as a wasp

    As a treatment, urgent treatment is required with chemicals or bioinsecticides, which include Bitoxibacillin (80-100 g / 10 l), Dendrobacillin (30-50 g / 10 l) and Lepidocid (30 g / 10 l).


    The pest appears on the plant in early spring, settles on the underside of the foliage, which is abundantly entangled in cobwebs. The insect feeds on the juice of a berry crop, as a result of which the leaves turn yellow and gradually die off.

    Despite its small size, the insect can cause serious damage to the bush.

    Control measures: the aerial part of the bushes is carefully treated with a fungicide of inorganic origin. The spray solution can be prepared independently on the basis of 5 g of colloidal sulfur and ½ l of water.

    gooseberry processing

    The effectiveness of all preventive measures and therapeutic treatment of berry crops directly depends on the correct choice of the remedy, as well as adherence to the method and scheme of its application.

    The listed funds may not be used at all stages of the gooseberry vegetation, but it is these funds that show the highest efficiency and most often have a combined effect.

    Table - Various drugs to fight diseases

    Table - Folk pest control methods for gooseberries

    Defeat factor Means Mode of application
    Fungi and pestsBaking soda100 g per 10 liters of water
    Fungi and wintering pestssoda ash50 g per 10 liters of water
    fungal infectionwood ash100–1500 g per 10 liters of boiling water
    caterpillarsMustard infusion5% infusion
    PestsAmmonia10 ml per 10 liters of water
    Pathogenic microflora + pests9% vinegar50 ml per 10 liters of water
    powdery mildewTansy50 g per 10 liters of water
    Currant midgetomato tops2 kg per 10 liters of water

    Diseases and pests of garden gooseberries often cause not only a reduction in the yield of a berry crop, but can also cause the death of a shrub, so it is important to detect the damaging factor in time and choose the best way to fight.

    Most often, gooseberry bushes suffer from the same diseases as currants. The only difference is that the first one has a high propagation speed. That is why it is very important to identify and stop the development of the disease in time. Better yet, take preventive measures or plant disease-resistant varieties on your site. But it is not always possible to do so. Therefore, today we will consider all gooseberry diseases and their treatment. And this information will definitely help save yours, which you usually cultivate on your site.

    The sooner the disease is detected, the greater the chance of recovery.

    Let's start with prevention

    In fact, gooseberry diseases are easier to prevent than to fight them. This is a well-known fact, so before moving on to the list of ailments, I would like to talk about prevention.

    1. For gooseberries, there are special agrotechnical rules that must be clearly known and observed.
    2. Quite often, the cause of the development of diseases is the thickening of plantings, so dry, weak and damaged shoots should be removed in time.
    3. Leaf litter is an ideal soil for the development of fungal diseases. Therefore, the autumn care of the gooseberry must necessarily include the cleaning of fallen leaves and its subsequent burning.
    4. It is advisable to periodically loosen the soil under the plant.
    5. It is worth making it a rule to treat plants with boiling water every spring - thanks to this event, active fungal spores will be destroyed.
    6. To strengthen the immune system, the culture should be fed correctly and in a timely manner and sprayed with a Zircon solution in the spring.

    gooseberry diseases

    Gooseberries are characterized by diseases such as:

    • rust;
    • American powdery mildew;
    • anthracnose;
    • septoria;
    • mosaic.

    As you can see, the list is quite extensive. Let's find out how each of the gooseberry diseases manifests itself, and how you can fight them.

    American is a fungal disease. This is a real plague for gooseberries! The symptoms of this disease are as follows:

    • in the spring, at the end of the flowering period, a loose white coating appears on young leaves and shoots; at the initial stage of the disease, this coating is very easily erased;
    • after some time, the same plaque can be found already on the ovaries and fruits, where it will spread at a high speed;
    • gradually soft plaque will turn into a dense cocoon, darken and eventually its color will become dark brown;
    • shoots wrapped in this felt will begin to twist, their growth will stop and in most cases they will dry out;
    • the affected leaves gradually curl, their structure becomes more fragile;
    • the fruits under the felt stop their development, crack and do not stick to the branches.

    Important! If you do not start treatment, then after 2 years the culture will die!

    Powdery mildew spores are very quickly spread to healthy plants by gusts of wind.

    The fight against powdery mildew should be carried out throughout the season. And the whole difficulty lies in the fact that the spores of this disease are not afraid of either winter frosts or summer heat.

    1. The treatment of bushes with boiling water, which is carried out in early spring, will help to partially destroy the fungus.
    2. The soil around the infected plant is recommended to be treated with 3% Bordeaux liquid.
    3. You can also use soda ash, 25 g of which is diluted in 5 liters of water and laundry soap is added to this mixture. The resulting preparation is sprayed with bushes until the buds open.
    4. Wood ash is also used for spraying. 150 g of ash is dissolved in 5 liters of water and the affected plants are treated. In parallel, it is worth bringing dry ash into the near-trunk zone of each bush, connecting it with the ground.
    5. Good results show organic. To prepare a bacterial solution, mix rotted manure and water in a ratio of 1: 3 and leave it warm for 3 days. The resulting infusion is once again diluted three times with water, filtered and introduced into the root zone of plants.
    6. The mushroom picker will help destroy the bacteria from the next infusion. Soak 1 part of rotted hay, greenhouse soil, hay dust or forest floor in 3 parts water. After 3 days, the drug is ready.
    7. The next solution consists of half a liter of serum, 5 liters of water and 10 drops of iodine. The finished product should be sprayed on plants every 10-11 days from spring to late autumn.
    8. And the last folk remedy is tomato tops. It must be insisted in water for several days, add 50 g of laundry soap to the infusion and use it to spray the bushes. In parallel with this event, stalks of tomatoes collected at the end of summer are laid around each bush and left until spring.

    To prevent the spread of powdery mildew to healthy neighboring bushes, leaf litter must be collected and burned off site and any diseased shoots removed.

    If the disease is in an advanced stage, then no folk methods will help here. In this case, it is necessary to turn to chemicals. Plants can be saved by means such as "Topaz", "Fitosporin" and "Oksihom".


    This is another disease that develops due to the attack of fungi. Its symptoms will be as follows:

    • first of all, the leaves of plants suffer - small dark brown spots of a blurred shape appear on them;
    • over time, these spots begin to merge, which leads to drying and premature fall of the deciduous mass;
    • as a result of the development of the disease, 3-4 leaves remain on the shoots, which are located only on the tops;
    • the plant stops in development, the growth of young shoots is significantly reduced;
    • berries lose sugar, and yields fall.

    To prevent the spread of mycelium spores, it is imperative to remove and burn the litter. In the spring, a control check of the site is carried out for the presence of old foliage.

    1. If the disease was detected at the initial stage of its development, then in this case it is recommended to spray the bushes with a solution of copper sulfate. It is prepared by combining 20 g of vitriol and 5 liters of water.
    2. If the disease progresses, then a four-fold treatment should be carried out using 1% Bordeaux mixture - before and after flowering, 2 weeks after the second spraying and after harvesting.


    Septoria, or white spotting, has the following symptoms:

    • gray spots appear on the leaves with a border of a darker shade;
    • after some time, dark dots form in the center of such round spots - mycelium spores;
    • after some time, the leaves curl, dry out and fall off.

    Measures to combat white spotting are similar to the treatment for anthracnose. In autumn and spring, care should be taken to clean the site, periodically loosen the soil and destroy diseased foliage.

    columnar rust

    The causative agent of this disease is a fungus and it affects plants as follows:

    • orange spots with yellow spore cushions appear on the leaf plate;
    • these pads take on a goblet shape after a while;
    • the leaves become ugly and soon fall off;
    • the fruits become one-sided, stop developing, dry out and do not stick to the branches.

    To combat rust, a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid is used three times - when the buds open, after flowering, and again after 10 days.

    To avoid the occurrence of columnar rust, it is advisable to plant gooseberries in high areas where there will be no stagnant water. For planting, it is desirable to choose varieties resistant to this disease.


    If previous diseases could affect other crops along with gooseberries, then the mosaic is “its own” disease. This disease is viral and its carriers can be insects, both sucking and herbivorous, as well as infected garden tools.

    The mosaic appears with the following features:

    • a yellow pattern is visible on the leaves, which stretches along the main large veins;
    • plant growth stops, new shoots are not formed;
    • productivity is rapidly falling;
    • leaves become small and wrinkled.

    As soon as signs of a mosaic have been identified, the bushes must be immediately dug up and burned outside the site. This disease can be prevented by initially paying attention to the health of seedlings, treating the crop against insects and observing quarantine measures.

    gooseberry processing

    Spray infected bushes should be when the first signs of the disease are detected. This procedure is carried out, as a rule, every 10 days, and if it rains within 5 hours after treatment, the plants are sprayed again.

    Processing is preferably carried out in cloudy weather or late in the evening. Bushes are sprayed with special care, paying attention not only to the upper surface of the leaves, but also to the lower.

    Decide on the timing of harvesting and stop spraying two weeks before that

    So, we have decided why the gooseberry leaves fall - the cause of this disease. Carry out prevention and constantly monitor the condition of the foliage on each bush - this way you can notice the development of the disease in time, and, therefore, it will be easier to get rid of it.