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    The work plan of the city methodological association of orxe teachers. Exchange of experience at a meeting of the district moo teachers on the course of teaching orxe



    for 2017-2018 academic year.

    Methodological topic: "Improving the quality of education by improving the professional competence of teachers in the context of the implementation of federal state educational standards"

    Head of GMO: Anisimova Olga Mikhailovna, primary school teacher MBOU SOSH №6

    Purpose of GMO: providing teachers with theoretical and practical assistance in mastering modern approaches to teaching in educational institutions of the course "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics" (ORKSE).

    GMO objectives :

      To create conditions for the development of professional competence and methodological literacy of teachers in the field of the taught course.

      To work out the mechanism of interaction between the municipality, educational institutions and religious organizations in the field of spiritual and moral education and education.

      To develop an optimal and effective scheme for working with parents in the implementation of the ORCE training course.

      Introduce heuristic and other interactive methods, the latest educational technologies into pedagogical activities, which make it possible to increase the effectiveness of lessons in the ORCE course

    The main activities of GMOs:

      Organization of work on the study and dissemination of advanced teaching experience.

      Organization of conferences, pedagogical readings, round tables.

      Study and familiarization with the latest methodological literature and scientific publications.

      Organization of the accumulation of teaching materials and developments.

      Participation in competitions at the municipal, regional and federal levels.

    Agreed and approved

    at the meeting of GMO teachers

    teaching ORKSE, 26.08.2017

    Head of GMO _____ O. M. Anisimova



    for the 2017-2018 academic year.

    Analysis of the work of GMO ORKSE for 2016-2017 year. Discussion and approval of the GMO work plan for the 2017-2018 academic year.

      Approval of work programs for the course "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics" for the studied modules: OSE and OPK in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

      Homework assignments (forms, frequency ...) as an incentive to increase students' interest in the subject of ORCSE.

      Development of evaluation criteria for mark-free training in the course of ORCE.

      Conducting a questionnaire survey among the RMO members in order to create a single database.


    Problem workshop :

      Technologies, methods, techniques of work in the lessons of ORKSE and ODNKNR.

    2. Expanding the information and educational space of the teacher through the use of:

    Internet sites and portals;

    Novelties of methodical literature, teaching materials;


    3. Expanding the information and educational space of students through participation in various actions, competitions, Olympiads and other forms of work with students

      Methods of working with illustrative material in the lessons of ORCE

      Typical problems and difficulties encountered by teachers teaching ORCE and ODNKPD.


    Round table: "Spiritual and moral development and education of students in the lesson and extracurricular activities by means of the course of the ORCE".

      Integration of RCSE lessons and extracurricular activities.

      The experience of introducing children to the values \u200b\u200bof Russian culture by means of the ORCE course.

      Contemporary Orthodox literature as a tool for formation life values students in the framework of the OPK module.

      Development of value and moral guidelines of students through the use of interdisciplinary connections of the courses "The World Around" and ORCE.

      Fostering a tolerant attitude and respect for the cultural and religious traditions of the multinational people of Russia by means of the ORCSE course.


    Scientific-practical conference of teachers of the integrated training course of ORCSE on the topic "Local lore component in the process of teaching ORKSE to foster respect for the religious and cultural heritage of the small homeland."

      Workshops, workshops, creative workshops, round tables

    Who conducts

    For which category


    Seminar:"Formation of information competence of participants in the educational process through studying the course of the ORCSE and ODNKR"

    ORCE course teachers


    Round table: "Spiritual and moral development and education of students in lesson and extracurricular activities by means of the course of the ORCE".

    Teachers of the course ORKSE, leaders of the SHMO class teachers

    3. Joint work with departments and GMOs of other cycles

    Who conducts



    Educational potential of ORCSE in extracurricular activities

    GMO teachers ORKSE, class teachers

    4. The work of creative teams

    September 2017 g.

    1 ... Meeting of the creative development group the plan of the event dedicated to the Day of National Unity in the framework of the subject "Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics" (ORKSE)

    October 2017 g.

    November 2017 g.

    Meeting of creative groups bypreparing projects and competitions in the framework of the subject "Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics" (ORCSE)

    Creation of a methodical piggy bank at the rate"Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics" (ORKSE)

    Creative team members

    May 2018 g.

    Planning the work of GMOs for 2017 - 2018 academic year year.

    Creative team members

    5. Educational activities

    September 2017 g.

    Data bank formation about passing the course training of teachers "Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics" (ORKSE)

    During a year

    Supervision of course preparation teachers of "Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics" (ORKSE).

    Protocol No. 1

    dated ... September 2014

    Attended by:



    1. Analysis of the work of the RMO for the 2013-2014 academic year.

    2. The work plan of the RMO for 2014 -2015 academic. year. Organization of visiting lessons and extracurricular activities (scheduling).

    3. Cooperation with the local religious organization "Orthodox parish of the church in honor of the miraculous image of the Savior"

    4. Organization of the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the defense industry

    On the first question listened to the head of the RMO. The head of the RMO for the course of ORCSE made a report on the work done on this course in ... school, and also summed up the work of the methodological association for the 2013-2014 academic year

    On the second question listened to the head of the RMO. She brought to the attention of teachers the work plan of the RMO for the 2013-2014 academic year. The plan is based on the needs of teachers and taking into account their wishes. At all sessions, it is planned to discuss theoretical issues and exchange experience on various issues of teaching the course of ORCSE. A schedule of visits to open lessons of district teachers was drawn up, topics of messages for exchange of experience were distributed.

    On the third question listened to ... the minister ... of the temple. He made a proposal for further cooperation of teachers teaching the defense industry course with the temples ... of the region.

    On the fourth question listened to the head of the RMO. It was reported that the OPK Olympiad is being held with the aim of expanding and supporting the study by the younger generation of Russians of the foundations of Orthodox culture, spiritual, moral and patriotic education of schoolchildren, identifying and developing their interests and abilities. The organizers of the Olympiad are: school stage - educational institutions; municipal stage - local government bodies of municipal and city districts in the field of education; regional (final) stage - Orthodox St. Tikhon University for the Humanities. Students of grades 5-11 take part in the Olympiad on a voluntary basis, and since 2014, the Olympiad in 2 rounds has been held in 4 grades.


      Take note of the information on the results of the work of the RMOfor the 2013-2014 academic year.

      The work plan of the RMO for the 2013-2014 academic year should be approved.

      Continue cooperation with a local religious organization.

      The next meeting of the RMI will be held as planned in November 2014.

    Protocol No. 2

    meetings of the regional methodological association of teachers of the course of the ORCE

    dated ___ November 2014

    Attended by:



    1. Extracurricular activity by ORCSE as a means for the formation of spiritual and moral values

    2. Open lesson "The use of a parable in the lessons of the ORCE course."

    3. Projects in ORCSE as one of the forms of student assessment. Exchange of experience in extracurricular activities

    On the first question listened ... She shared her experience of extracurricular activities at the OPK course.The issue of spiritual and moral education of children is one of the key problems facing each parent, society and the state as a whole. Currently, the society has a priority situation in the issue of spiritual and moral education of the younger generation.School activities are one of the means for the formation of spiritual and moral values

    2. Open lesson in 4th grade MOU ... Secondary school on the topic "Conscience and Repentance". The teacher… showed the lesson using the parable of the Tear of the Sinner. The course of the lesson showed the importance of the ancient genre today, since the morality and moral precepts of these works never lose their relevance. The lesson was full of various forms and methods of work.

    3. On the third question listened ... The head of the RMO presented a master class on the topic "project activities in the block of lessons of the defense industry complex", supporting schemes were proposed, which become project activities for the students in the cycle of lessons according to the ORCSE, the module of the defense industry. The lesson outline moves from one lesson to another, includes a test of knowledge and new material, and contains motivation for subsequent lessons.


      Pay special attention to the spiritual and moral aspect of teaching and upbringing of students in the military-industrial complex lessons and in extracurricular activities.

      Continue using parables in GPC lessons.

      The next meeting of the RMO will be held in accordance with the plan in January 2015 in

    Head of RMO _________________

    Protocol No. 3

    meetings of the regional methodological association of teachers of the course of the ORCE

    dated ___ February 2015

    Attended by:



    1.Report "Modern forms and methods of teaching defense industry"

    2. Open lesson "Interactive methods of work in the lessons of ORCE"

    On the first question listened to the defense industry teachers ... Report "Modern forms and methods of work in the military-industrial complex" was presented in the form of a presentation. It contains a lot of theoretical and practical material on modern forms and methods of work in the military-industrial complex lessons. The workshop participants copied the report for self-education for further elaboration and application in their work.

    2. Open lesson at MBOU ... secondary school. Teacher ... in During the lesson, she used modern educational technologies: technologies of productive reading, critical thinking, health-saving technologies and ICT. The students analyzed the text, demonstrated good theoretical knowledge. The guys worked actively and tried.


      To continue using in the classroom "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" modern forms and methods - interactive and informational, design and creative work.

      The next meeting of the RMI will be held as planned in May 2015.

    Head of RMO _________________

    Protocol No. 4

    meetings of the regional methodological association of teachers of the course of the ORCE

    Attended by:



    1. Exchange of experience

    Work plan of the district methodological association

    teachers of the comprehensive course of ORCSE

    for 2017-2018 academic year

    Methodological topic:"Improving the level of pedagogical skills of the teacher of the ORCE, his competence in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard»

    Purpose: increasing the professional competence of teachers of the course: organizing methodological support for increasing professional competence, creative growth and self-realization of teachers of the course "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics"

    Tasks :

      Improving the professional competence of teachers of the ORCSE course through the broadcast and dissemination of the experience of successful teaching.

      Providing prompt informing of teachers about the new in the content of education, innovative educational and upbringing technologies, teaching methods;

      Stimulating and developing a creative research approach to the educational process, ensuring the constant growth of professional skills through collective and individual activities.

    Questions for discussions





    Topic:"Tradition and innovations: a comprehensive training course for ORCSE as a condition for the implementation of the program of spiritual and moral education in primary school».

    1. Discussion and approval of the RMS plan for the 2017/2018 academic year.

    2. Methodological support for teaching the course of ORCE as a component of spiritual and moral education of students.

    3. Collecting data for the formation of the “Data Bank on the staffing and main areas of work of teachers of the RMO.

    4.About the working programs of the ORCSE course (by modules) in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the LEO (individual conversations).

    Practical part

    On the topic "Mercy and Compassion".

    2. Master - class on the topic "Alexander Nevsky - Holy Prince-Warrior".

    Vinichenko L.N.

    T.A. Chernova

    Vinichenko L.N.

    Vinichenko L.N.

    Mikosyanchik T.M.

    Popova G.A.

    MBOU-SOSH number 5 Zelenolugsky settlement

    Module "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture"


    The topic "Features and possibilities of implementing the ORCE course in the context of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard"

    1. Evaluation criteria for grade-free training in the course of ORCSE.

    2. Homework as an incentive to increase students' interest in the subject of ORCSE.

    Practical part

    1. Open lesson of ORCE 4th grade.

    2.Master - classes: (topics not yet defined)

    Selivanova A.V.

    O. V. Budyanskaya

    S.V. Logutenok

    Dyachenko S.I.

    Dvodnenko O.A.

    MBOU-OOSh No. 14 x. Ilyinov

    Module "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture"


    Topic "Actual problems of teaching a comprehensive training course for ORCE: innovative practices"

    1. Innovative technologies in the course of ORCE

    2. Working with a parable as part of the ORCE course.

    Practical part

    1.Open lesson of ORCE in grade 4 (topic not yet defined).

    2. Round table: "Innovative practices". Experience exchange. Creation of a regional piggy bank of ORKSE lessons. (presentations, development, video tutorials)

    Chernyavskaya T.Yu.

    Yakovleva G.A.

    Lyakhovich L.S.

    Vinichenko L.N.

    MBOU-SOSH №22 x. Krivoy Liman

    Module "Fundamentals of World Religions"


    Topic:Final meeting of the RMO "Analysis of the work done and planning for the next academic year."

    1. "Analysis of the work done and planning for the next academic year."

    2. Participation of teachers and students in competitions for the course ORSKSE

    3. Methods of working with illustrative material in the lessons of ORKSE.

    Practical part

    1.Open lesson of ORCE in grade 4 (topic not yet defined).

    2. Round table: “Exchange of experience. Replenishment of the regional piggy bank of ORKSE lessons. (presentations, development, video tutorials)

    Vinichenko L. N.

    Yagupova L.N.

    Rybtsova R.V.

    T.V. Shevchuk

    E.A. Molchanova

    Muradova L.D.

    MBOU-SOSH number 8 Krutoberezhny settlement

    Module "Secular Ethics"

    Head of RMO teachers

    complex course of ORCSE Vinichenko L.N.

    Work planregional methodological association "Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics" 2015-2016 academic year.

    Topic: "Actualization of the spiritual and moral direction of activity in teaching the course of the ORCE in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard".

    Purpose:providing teachers with theoretical and practical assistance in mastering modern approaches to teaching in educational institutions of the course "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics", with improving the level of pedagogical skills of the teachers of the ORCE course and their competencies in the field of the curriculum and teaching methods based on the creation of a system of information and technical and organizational and activity content of methodological work

    Tasks: FSES.

      To form a system of theoretical and methodological training of a teacher in connection with the fulfillment of modern requirements for improving the quality of education.

      Improve the system of training students to comply with the requirements of state standards for ORCSE;

      To improve the organization of extra-curricular work on ORCE at the school and municipal level

      Timely identify and support talented and gifted children through class and extracurricular activities, through project activities.

    Methodical task: to direct efforts to the formation of a system of theoretical and methodological training of a teacher in connection with the fulfillment of modern requirements for improving the quality of education within the framework of the new educational content and the use of new forms of assessment of students' knowledge (FSES of the second generation).

    Directions of methodical work:

    ■ Providing conditions for the continuous improvement of the teacher's professional skills, taking into account the main directions of the innovative work of the school.

    ■ Providing conditions for the study, generalization and dissemination of best practices in teaching the course "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics."

      Providing extracurricular activities for the ORCE course.

      Providing control and analytical expertise.

    Forms of organizing scientific and methodological work in MO:

      reviews of scientific, pedagogical and other literature;

      creative reports of teachers;

      thematic meetings of the RMO;

      self-education of teachers;

      open lessons and mutual visit of lessons;

      individual conversations and consultations.

    Joint August meeting of the RMS of teachers of ORCE, history and social studies. 27.08.2015

    Tasks : Organize teacher learning activitiesoRCSE course in the context of implementationFSES.

    Resp. Abramova L.T.

      Discussion of work programs.

    November 5.11.2015

    Topic "Actualization of the spiritual and moral direction of activity in teaching the course of the ORCE in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard".

    Purpose: Timely identify and support capable and gifted children through class and extracurricular activities, through project activities.

      Age-psychological patterns and features of the development of value orientations in schoolchildren in the course "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics." Tushkanova L.V. Krasnokommunarskaya secondary school. Kuznetsova O.I.

    2. Extracurricular work within the framework of the course "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics." Trefanyuk Yu.A., Gulyaeva V.I.

    3. Extracurricular activity at school. Tat. Kargalinskaya secondary school. Ismagilova R.Z. Scenario. Guseva T.P.

    January 2016

    Topic: Providing conditions for the continuous improvement of the teacher's professional skills, taking into account the main directions of the innovative work of the school.

    PURPOSE: formation of a system of theoretical and methodological training of a teacher in connection with the fulfillment of modern requirements for improving the quality of education within the framework of the new content of education and the use of new forms of assessment of students' knowledge (FSES of the second generation).

    1. Organization and participation in competitions of essays, drawings dedicated to the Days of Russian Spirituality and Culture, Christmas. All ORKSE teachers.

    2. Reflection as an integral aspect of the spiritual and moral development of the child's personality. Zagidulina G.M. Verkhnechebenkovskaya secondary school. Urusova T.A. Dmitrievskaya secondary school.

    3. Open lesson. Krasnokommunarskaya secondary school. Tushkanova L.V.

    March 2016

    Topic: Providing conditions for the study, generalization and dissemination of advanced experience in teaching the course "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics."

    Target: with improving the level of pedagogical skills of the teachers of the ORCE course and their competencies in the field of the curriculum and teaching methods based on the creation of a system of information-technical and organizational-activity content of methodological work.

    1.Participation of ORCE teachers in thematic webinars.

    All ORKSE teachers.

    2. Creative workshop of a teacher - a competition of creative works (projects) of students based on the results of studying the course of the ORCE. All ORKSE teachers.

    3. Organizing committee based on the results of competitions, creative workshops.

    Head of RMO ORKSE L.T. Abramov.

    Minutes of the joint meeting of the RMO of teachers of ORKSE, history and social science of 08/28/2015.

    Topic: Actual directions of the implementation of regional educational policy.

    Purpose: To form a system of theoretical and methodological training of a teacher in connection with his fulfillment of the modern requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

    Tasks : Organize teacher learning activitiesoRCSE course in the context of implementationFSES.

      Analysis of the work of RMO ORKSE for 2014-2015 and tasks for 2015-2016.

    Resp. Abramova L.T.

      Civilizational choice of Russia: (millennium of the baptism of Rus, the death of Prince Vladimir). Resp. Guseva T.P., Sartova I.A. Mazhekenova D.K.

      Discussion of work programs.

      Planning the work of the RMO of teachers of the ORCE.

      Awarding based on the results of the competition for methodological developments, creative works of students, participation in research competitions.

    On the topic “The civilizational choice of Russia: (the millennium of the baptism of Russia, the death of Prince Vladimir). The reports were made by the teachers of the military-industrial complex, history and social science Guseva T.P., Sartova I.A. Mazhekenova D.K. Their messages said that the baptism of Russia by Prince Vladimir determined the civilizational choice in Russia. The Patriotic Church is the spiritual mother who raised our ancestors. Orthodox traditions are a reliable protection of state interests in the modern world. And today a civilizational choice is being made in the world, and let it be for the good of humanity.

    Abramova L.T. introduced the analysis of the work of RMO ORKSE for 2014-2015 and the tasks for 2015-2016. She held an award ceremony for teachers based on the results of a competition for methodological developments, creative works of students, participation in research competitions, the work of the RMO. Diplomas of the RMO for teachers of ORKSE were awarded: Sayfutdinova A.A., Tushkanova L.V., Mazhekenova D.K, Sartova I.A., Guseva T.P., Khmeleva A.P., Bondarenko S.N.

    Working programs, in accordance with local acts of schools, have been developed. The meeting participants took an active part in planning the work of the RMO.

    The teachers were familiarized with the establishment of the Association of Teachers of Orthodox Culture of the Orenburg Region named after the Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius.

    1.Take part in the Theotokos-Christmas readings

    2. To approve the work plan of the RMO for the 2015-16 academic year.

    3.Take part in the work of the Association of Orthodox Culture Teachers of the Orenburg Region named after the Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius.

    Head of the RMO of teachers of ORKSE L.T. Abramov.

    Analysis of the work of the RMO of teachers of the ORCE of the Sakmara district in the 2014-2015 academic year.

    The topic, on which the regional methodological association of teachers ORKSE worked, “Teaching the ORCSE course in conditions comprehensive modernization of the education system: achievements, problems, priorities, prospects "

    Purpose: continuous improvement of the level of pedagogical skills of the teachers of the ORCE course and their competencies in the field of the curriculum and teaching methods based on the creation of a system of information-technical and organizational-activity content of methodological work. Main goals:ensuring prompt informing of teachers about the new content of education, innovative educational and upbringing technologies, teaching methods; Stimulating and developing a creative research approach to the educational process, ensuring the constant growth of professional skills through collective and individual activities; Improving the professional competence of teachers of the ORCE through self-education and generalization of advanced teaching experience. At the August meeting, the main directions of the implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of education for 2013-2020: key changes in the education system" were considered. An analysis of the work of the RMO of teachers of the ORCE for the 2013-2014 academic year is made. At the round table "I'm going to the ORXE lesson" Kuznetsova O.I from Belovskaya secondary school, Saifutdinova A.A. shared about the organization of educational activities in the lessons of ORKSE. from Tat Kargalinskaya secondary school, Shenderbaeva Zh, Zh. from the Yegorievsk secondary school. G.M. Zagidulina spoke about the organization of semantic reading in the course of teaching ORKSE. from Verkhne-Chebenkovskaya secondary school, Urusova T.N. from Dmitrievskaya secondary school. We launched a didactic and methodological material competition. In the subject "Practice-oriented, activity-oriented development of the theoretical and practical foundations of the course" Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics "in an educational institution" presentedpresentation of the lesson and its introspection Kondrashova S.V. from Belousovskaya secondary school. V.O. Utarbaeva shared about the organization of educational activities at the ORCE lessons, discoveries, finds. Khmeleva A.P. from Maryevskaya secondary school, Saifutdinova A.A. spoke about the meaning of clan and family - the sources of moral relations. from Kargalinskaya secondary school. On the use of Internet resources in teaching ORCE. At the January meeting, on the topic "Creating conditions for mastering systemic updates in teaching the ORCE course", she spoke about the forms of interactive learning as a means of forming the value-semantic foundations of the worldview in teaching in schoolchildren as part of the course on the foundations of world religious cultures. Tushkanova L.V. Reviewed and analyzedpresentations of the experience of teachers of ORCSE. T.N. Urusova shared about the methodological findings in teaching the ORCE course. Dmitrievskaya secondary school. Master Class “The use of parables in teaching the modules“ Fundamentals of World Religions ”; "The foundations of Islamic culture", "the foundations of secular ethics" were taught by DK Mazhekenova, who teaches the course on the foundations of world religious cultures. She showed the creative work of students "My family", projects, essays, talked about individual work with students and their parents. She noted that the course is difficult, much depends on the level of preparation of the students and helps in the future in the study of history. Urusova T.A. noted the following, she tries to interest students, uses in her work the story of students, drawings, holiday traditions, games "ball, chamomile", cartoons, parables, and children themselves express different points of view on the same parable. Sayfutdinova A.A. modernizes lessons with cartoons, illustrations, musical excerpts from the works of Bach, Tchaikovsky. She pays attention to the development of speech, compilation of dictionaries, discussion, conducts mini excursions to the mosque, uses cards, in preparation for lessons, visits the websites and blogs of teachers of the ORCE, participates in Internet competitions. The topic was considered at the March meeting "Research activities of studentsas part of the ORCSE course. The experience of teaching course modules in schools of the district is presented. Kuznetsova O.I. The development of research and project activities of junior schoolchildren in the course of ORKSE was told by A.A. Sayfutdinova, I.A. Sartov. Guseva T.P. and Abramova L.T. - participants of the Mother of God-Christmas readings, with their own work experience. L.T. During the academic year Abramova was engaged in research work with students on the history of the temple of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God in the village of Sakmara. Her students, Ivanchuk Marina, a student of grade 7b and Skuratova, Olga, a student of grade 10 of the Sakmarskaya secondary school, participants in the competitions "Raising patriots", winners - "Orenburg region: in the footsteps of Orthodoxy" (2nd place), school scientific and practical conference

    (1st place), 37 scientific conferences of the "University Schools" section (1st place), 13 competition of research works of pupils and students of the Orenburg region (2nd place), participants of the All-Russian Historical and Church Competition with research work "History of the Temple of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God". Lyudmila Timofeevna received a letter of thanks from the Minister of Education of the Orenburg Region V.A. Labuzov and the chairman of the department of religious education and catechesis of the Orenburg diocese, Hegumen Nikodim (Shushmarchenko). She took courses "Historical and Church Local Lore as an Effective Resource of Formation of Traditional Spiritual and Moral Values \u200b\u200band Key Competencies of a Citizen of Russia" in Students, Received a Certificate in 2015, and -methodical complexes of the publishing house "Prosveshchenie" received a certificate in 2015. According to the results of the competition for methodological and didactic developments, the ORCE teachers will be awarded in August at a section meeting. The district parent meeting on the choice of the course of the RCSE in schools showed that parents and students do not have the conditions for choosing a module, since only one teacher is trained at the school, except for the Sakmara secondary school. L.T. Abramova took part in the interregional scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the death of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir "Baptism of Rus: the historical path of Russian civilization" in February 2015. All teachers are provided with methodical literature and disks. The preparation of teachers for the meetings of the RMO and the activity in their work is encouraging.

    Objectives for the 2015-2016 academic year:

    1. To work on the problem of semantic reading in the course of ORKSE.

    2. Create a blog of teachers of the ORCSE, actively participate in its work.

    Head of RMO ORKSE L.T. Abramova.