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  • When to process gooseberries. How to treat gooseberries from powdery mildew in spring

    When to process gooseberries.  How to treat gooseberries from powdery mildew in spring

    Good day everyone!

    With the beginning of spring, all living things wake up and pests are no exception! Therefore, the timely processing of blackcurrants and gooseberries from pests in the spring is very important.

    All gardeners need to know

    How to treat blackcurrants and gooseberries from pests and diseases in spring

    Terms of work

    They do this in early spring, when the buds are just starting to bloom, but have not yet opened, have not picked up buds. Do the processing in warm weather, about + 18 ° C.

    It is impossible to give exact dates, since the weather is different everywhere, and spring is unpredictable with its surprises. It happens that the cold stays for a long time, and all the plants freeze and do not open their buds, and then, with warmth, suddenly in a couple of days everything is green. Therefore, watch the currants and the weather. In the Urals, such processing is usually carried out in early April.

    Pests and diseases: processing methods


    From this misfortune, you can wash the shoots with tar soap. Spray with "green soap" or garlic infusion. For two to three weeks, spraying with the Fitoverm biopreparation helps.

    The photo shows a female with wings. They can fly in at any time and immediately start a whole colony of aphids. Therefore, processing must be done regularly.

    gall aphid

    Gall aphids are red swellings on the upper side of leaves on red currants. We process, as from a simple aphid.

    Red currant leaves with characteristic red swellings

    shoot aphid

    shoot aphid- it usually multiplies and harms on the tops of young blackcurrant shoots. These twisted tops need to be cut off and burned. You can't leave them in the garden. Aphid larvae will pupate in the soil and the next generations of pests will appear, and more than one will have time to hatch before the fall!

    Characteristically folded leaves at the ends of young currant shoots

    The tops of plants damaged by any of the aphid species can be sprayed with solutions:

    • dandelion
    • Tobacco
    • Ash-soap solution

    Then sprinkle with ground red pepper or spray the plants with "green soap".

    When it gets warm, put geraniums in pots or plant them under currant bushes. Its smell is not tolerated by many pests.

    Getting rid of aphids is not easy. She reproduces very quickly. Treatment with infusions should be carried out every week. "Fitoverm" lasts longer - up to three weeks.

    Bud currant mite

    Diseased plants are visible by very large, swollen buds. If there are not very many of them, then pluck all the kidneys with a tick and burn them. If the bush is severely affected, then it is better to completely cut it out and burn it. The kidneys must be removed before opening, otherwise the mites will move to other kidneys.

    Those big kidneys

    After plucking diseased buds, spray the shrubs with garlic-mustard infusion. This composition will also help against other pests. It's easy to make it yourself.

    • Pass 300 grams of garlic (leaves or arrows) through a meat grinder.
    • Add 200 g of onion peel
    • 1 st. a spoonful of mustard powder
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of birch tar

    I insist all this mixture in a bucket of water for a day. Then I filter and spray the bushes.

    If all the components are not available, only garlic infusion can be made. Pass 200 grams of garlic heads through a meat grinder and leave for a day in warm water. Then also strain and spray. This infusion can be used to treat plants all summer if any pests appear.. Spraying with Fitoverm also helps.


    They are hard to see, they merge with the branch

    Scale insects stick to the branches and suck the juice out of them. Gradually, the branches fade, and then dry. It is necessary to spray or wash the branches with a soap-kerasin mixture. In a liter of water, stir 80 grams of laundry soap until dissolved and half a teaspoon of kerosene. By the way, many pests do not tolerate the smell of kerosene. Or use Fitoverm.

    Fireflies, sawyers

    Very dangerous garden pests. Bushes are sprayed with infusions of plants with phytoncides (garlic, tomatoes, horseradish, nightshade, wormwood).

    Moth moth (1), its caterpillar (2), damaged berries (3)

    butterflies moth fly out from under the bushes when the berry bushes bloom. It is better not to let them out of the soil at all. To do this, we cover the ground under the currant with pieces of film, dense material and press the edges with bricks. Pests simply will not be able to get out and die. We do this early, before flowering.

    sawflies lay their eggs in large green berries. When the caterpillars in them eat the seeds, they immediately turn into a ripe color. These early berries on gooseberries and currants should be immediately harvested and burned. Otherwise, the caterpillars come out and sink into the ground. Then a new generation will appear.

    gooseberry sawfly

    If there is no time to pick berries, spray the bushes with Fitoverm.

    Moth butterflies do not like the smell of tar, turpentine, kerosene. Some of these liquids can be put in jars under the bushes, to scare away moths, moths and sawflies. To make the bushes unattractive during the emergence of butterflies (blooming), it is useful to dust them with tobacco dust or ash.

    To scare away leaf-eating and other pests, it is good to plant marigolds, tomatoes, and tansy between berry bushes. And lay out sprigs of wormwood and elderberry.

    If the enemy still penetrated, which you will learn from the eaten leaves, then you will have to shake them off on the litter (you can use an open umbrella).

    such gluttonous caterpillars will quickly eat currant leaves

    After flowering, currant and gooseberry bushes can be sprayed with infusions of garlic, onion, mustard or ash.

    In order to prevent moths and sawflies from hiding in the ground under the bushes, it must be loosened in the summer and for the winter.

    The moth butterfly lays eggs in a flower, a caterpillar comes out of them and, having eaten delicious leaves, is preparing to become a chrysalis. We see it on a bush in the form of early browned berries, which are entangled in cobwebs. You need to collect these brushes and destroy them.

    Currant berries in a web

    To make butterflies fly past the bushes, stick elderberry branches into the ground. You can plant a small bush next to currant and gooseberry bushes.

    Firefly cannot stand the smell of elderberry. She also does not like the smells of tansy and garden mint, and also nasturtium and calendula!

    If you plant these plants around the perimeter of the site, near the beds, shrubs, trees, then the butterflies of many pests will fly around your site!

    powdery mildew

    The spores of this fungus are carried by the wind in the spring, and, once on the plants, quickly germinate. The tops of the shoots are covered with a white coating, as if sprinkled with flour. Such tops are immediately cut off and burned. There are several ways to protect currants and gooseberries from powdery mildew. The recipes are different, but everyone needs to spray the bushes before and after flowering for prevention.

    • Soda ash solution with soap. Dissolve 50 grams of soda and soap in a bucket of warm water.
    • Infusion of wood ash. 1.5 kg of ash insist a day in a bucket of water, stirring occasionally, strain. Dissolve 50 grams of soap.
    • 1% solution of ferrous sulfate.
    • Infusion of slightly fermented mullein.
    Powdery mildew on black currant

    It is necessary to pour currant and gooseberry bushes with very hot water with the addition of aspirin. Add 10 tablets of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) to a bucket of boiling water. Stir until dissolved. Pour water into the watering can and go to water the bushes.

    While we are carrying out all these manipulations: pour, pour, the water will cool down a bit and will be just very hot. The branches of the plant do not suffer from such treatment, but various pests do not like it very much.

    Once again, I draw your attention: they do this such treatment before the buds open!

    Ten liters is enough for two or three bushes.

    With careful attention to plants, you will notice diseases and pests in time. So, successfully get rid of them by immediately starting treatment. Great help with this. They will not poison your crop and will help drive out plant diseases.

    Well helps to cope with various leaf-eating and sucking pests biopreparation "Fitoverm". It destroys pests, but birds will not be poisoned from it.

    biopreparation Fitoverm

    It is impossible to use chemistry in small garden plots, because not only pests are poisoned, but also useful inhabitants of the garden, and the land, and the crop.

    Video about the processing of blackcurrant and gooseberry

    Gooseberries are popular among gardeners for their excellent yield. In order for the shrub to bear fruit for a long time, it should be given enough attention. Processing gooseberries in the fall is one of the important steps in caring for the bushes. During this period, it is necessary to help the plantings prepare not only for winter, but also for the next harvest.

    What does gooseberry processing consist of in the fall?

    To ensure the best conditions, it is necessary to perform a number of gooseberry processing activities:

    • collect and burn old leaves and weeds;
    • cut off old, diseased and broken branches;
    • if necessary, water the plantings;
    • cultivate and dig the soil around the bush;
    • feed with mineral and organic fertilizers;
    • treat gooseberries from diseases and pests;
    • mulch the soil under the shrub.

    All of the above activities for the processing of gooseberries after harvesting, it is better not to postpone until later. Let us consider in more detail the agricultural technology of gooseberry processing.

    How to handle gooseberries after harvest?

    Gooseberry processing begins with weeding around the bush. If weeding was not carried out throughout the summer, then many small and large weeds grew under the bushes. They should not be pulled out, as roots may remain in the soil, but carefully dug with a shovel so as not to damage the gooseberries. It is also necessary to collect the accumulated garbage and fallen leaves with a rake, since many pests and pathogens of various diseases remain under it to winter.

    Gooseberry pruning should begin at 6 years of age. Basal weak shoots must be cut out the next year after planting the shrub, choosing 3-4 strong shoots. First of all, broken branches are cut out, damaged from diseases and pests, old and infertile. A well-formed bush should have up to 18 branches of various ages, thin enough to allow light and air to enter the interior of the bush and facilitate subsequent harvesting.

    How to cut gooseberries - video:

    After the leaves fall during a dry autumn and a large harvest, it is necessary to water the gooseberries. Such watering is very important on light and sandy loamy soils. At the same time, root growth is enhanced, and the bush is better prepared for frost.

    For good development of the bush and regular fruiting, it is necessary to dig and loosen the soil. Unlike spring digging, during autumn the soil is not broken, but turned over with a pitchfork, as large lumps retain moisture in the soil in autumn and spring. Gooseberry roots are located close to the soil surface, therefore, under the crown of the bush, processing should be carried out very carefully, to a depth of no more than 7 cm.

    In connection with the abundant fruiting, gooseberries need enhanced feeding.

    During digging, the following fertilizers are applied to the soil under one bush:

    • up to 10 kg of compost or rotted manure;
    • 20 gr. potash fertilizers (potassium sulfate);
    • 30 gr. phosphate fertilizers ();
    • 300 gr. oven ash.

    The best result will give a liquid organic fertilizer in the form of a diluted infusion of mullein or bird droppings.

    The task of these top dressings is to prepare the shrub for laying flower buds next year.

    It is advisable to sprinkle humus or peat mixed with ash on top of the soil dug under the bush to a thickness of no more than 10 cm. Both the inner zone of the bush and the bristle strip are covered with this layer. Due to mulching, the water-air, temperature and nutritional regime of the upper soil layer is improved, the roots are protected from freezing, and the growth of weeds is reduced. It is advisable to mulch the soil before the onset of frost.

    Treatment of gooseberries from diseases and pests

    In autumn, gooseberries must be treated for diseases and pests.

    An effective means of combating fungal diseases is iron sulphate, bushes are treated with a 3% solution after the leaves fall. A 1-3% solution of Bordeaux mixture is also used.

    To combat powdery mildew, a 5% solution of baking soda is used. To protect against septoria, anthracnose or goblet rust, the treatment of gooseberries and the soil under it should be carried out with oxychloride (40 g per 10 liters of water), soap-copper emulsion or ash infusion. All fallen leaves should be burned.

    To protect against aphids, moths or sawflies, gooseberries should be treated in autumn with a solution of karbofos (20 g per 10 liters of water), infusion of ash (1 kg per 10 liters of water) or infusions of onion peel, chopped garlic or potato tops.

    All measures taken for the processing of gooseberries will have a positive effect on growth and yield.

    How to grow a healthy gooseberry - video

    In the spring, as soon as the snow cover disappears, all kinds of garden and garden work begin actively. Their main task is to treat plants from pests and fungal diseases, which, with the onset of a warm season, begin to become more active and cause irreparable harm.

    Spring processing comes down to its two types - chemical and natural (folk methods). Which method to choose is up to the gardener to decide, but you should know that one treatment with chemicals is enough for the whole season, but with folk methods it is much more difficult - you will have to repeat up to 3-5 times over the summer. This is suitable for those who have a couple of bushes, but for mass plantings, the advantage should be given to the chemical method of dealing with unwanted guests.

    How to process gooseberries in early spring?

    The main enemy of gooseberries is powdery mildew, which gradually affects the plant, leading to its death. This will not happen if you actively fight this fungal disease. Processing gooseberries from powdery mildew with folk methods includes autumn and spring pruning of the affected branches and their complete destruction.

    In the spring, after the snow melts, gooseberries are treated with boiling water. To do this, very hot water with a temperature of 90 - 95 ° C is poured onto all branches up to the ground. It is good if you dilute a little manganese in this water to a light pink color. In addition to fighting powdery mildew, this method is also good for killing pests sleeping under the bark of old shoots.

    Of the chemical methods that are used to treat gooseberries in early spring, spraying the twigs with a solution of copper sulfate gives a good result, which can be prepared according to the following recipe: 100 g of the product is dissolved in 10 liters of water.

    Another option that is considered harmless is the treatment of bushes with Bordeaux liquid or its substitute, HOM, it will take 40 g per 10 liters of water. They get sprayed not just a bush. But also a trunk circle, with grass, if any.

    Processing gooseberries from pests in spring

    Spider mites, caterpillars, aphids - what kind of insects are not attracted to the gooseberry bush for a winter settlement. And the task of the gardener is to destroy them in time, so that with the advent of heat, they do not allow them to multiply and attack an ever larger area.

    Already familiar means are suitable for spraying gooseberries - copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture and urea. Plants are treated with garden sprayers of various configurations until the buds open.

    The more gooseberry bushes planted on the plot, the richer the harvest. In any case, beginner gardeners think so. On the one hand, this approach to growing berries is quite legitimate. But on the other hand, if the plantings are not provided with proper care, the harvest will not be that little, it may not be seen at all. Therefore, as soon as spring is on the way, gooseberries must be processed.

    The first thing to do right away is from unnecessary and defective branches. The second stage of care after pruning is spraying. Why do it, everyone knows - this is protection against a possible, not even possible, but an unconditional "attack" on gooseberry bushes by garden pests. Plus, protecting the garden plant from diseases. Regarding pruning, we will assume that it has already been done and proceed directly to the consideration of the treatment of bushes with chemicals and natural home-made solutions. Consider separately the protection of gooseberries from diseases and separately from garden pests. But first about something else.

    When should spraying be started?

    Before you process gooseberries in early spring, you need to be well versed in the timing. For gooseberries, this is especially important, because the beginning of its vegetation begins much earlier than other garden plants. If in general terms, then spraying the bushes should be started long before the buds open. That's just how to determine this very moment exactly. After all, it may be that today is still early, and tomorrow it will be too late. In order not to guess and not to take risks, processing should not be started on a specific day, but as soon as the daytime temperature exceeds plus 5ºС. Compliance with the deadlines is important not so much as the beginning of bud break, but as the beginning of the vital activity of some types of caterpillars and their subsequent migration to gooseberry bushes. If this is clear, you can proceed directly to the spring processing.

    Spraying gooseberries from diseases

    There are enough plant diseases in the garden. But there is one disease, perhaps the most important one, that you need to start fighting first. Not that this is a rule, but if the treatment of gooseberries in the spring from powdery mildew is carried out first, there will be nothing wrong with that. So.

    powdery mildew- conditionally occupies the first place in terms of its harmfulness. The fungus can develop at any time, on anything, infecting everything in its path, so you need to destroy it as soon as possible. If possible, folk remedies without chemicals. If the disease turns into a "chronic" form or it is necessary to enhance the effect of natural "medicines", then "Topaz" (according to the instructions) or "HOM" (40 grams per bucket of water) is used.

    At the beginning, before infection of the bush with a fungus, it can be effective home remedies and treatments for powdery mildew on gooseberries.

    1. Spring, still snow may lie, gooseberry treatment with boiling water. Yes, ordinary hot water has been pretty good at dealing with powdery mildew for many centuries.

    2. A solution of laundry soap and wood ash. For a bucket of water, 1 kilogram of ash and 50 grams of soap for stickiness. Before use, the ash with water is infused for several days. Instead of a long infusion, the solution is allowed to boil for half an hour. Work is carried out between the end of May and the beginning of June three times every other day;

    3. Humus diluted with water (proportion 1:3) is infused for three days, after which the resulting slurry is still diluted with water (1:2). Treat once before and after flowering, and once after harvest before leaf fall;

    4. Two-day infusion 200 grams of onion peel in a bucket of boiling water. Processing according to the scheme of humus;

    5. A solution of 1 liter of kefir and a bucket of water. Processing three times in three days.

    6. As an additional option, the treatment of gooseberries in the spring from powdery mildew can be carried out with a solution of ammonium nitrate (50 grams per 10 liters of water).

    Anthracosis- the disease is more typical for currants, from which gooseberries are also transmitted. To prevent infection, the bushes are sprayed with copper sulphate in the form of Bordeaux liquid (100 grams per bucket of water) or colloidal sulfur, Kuprozan, Homitsin, before bud break.

    Rust- appears in the garden if there are sedge thickets near the site. It is treated with "Fitosporin" or a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture. Processing by time: the first time - the blooming of the leaves, the second time - the isolation of the buds, the third time - after flowering. With a strong infection, a fourth spraying is done after 10 days.

    white spotting- a fungal disease akin to anthracosis. Amenable to treatment. How to treat gooseberries in early spring from such a scourge - the same as with anthracosis.

    Spraying gooseberries from pests

    The second problem of horticultural crops is various kinds of pests. If diseases to a greater or lesser extent sometimes allow you to get some kind of crop, then bugs and worms destroy vegetation completely. They must be dealt with as effectively as possible. Who threatens the gooseberry crop?

    shoot aphid- destroyed by one percent "Fufanon" or "Decis". As an option - "Agrovertin", "Arrivo", "Fitoferm". In some cases, the biological "Green Soap" helps. You can prevent the appearance of adults by treating the gooseberries with hot water before the juice begins to move.

    kidney mite- to all its shortcomings, it is a carrier of terry. Destroyed by "Karate" (0.2%) or "Decis" (0.1%). For some gardeners who prefer "natural" methods of control, the spring treatment of gooseberries from pests is carried out without chemistry. Immediately after winter, they treat the gooseberries with hot water. After flowering, a solution consisting of garlic (300 grams), mustard (1 tablespoon), tar (2 tablespoons), onion peel (200 grams) and water (10 liters) is sprayed onto the bushes.

    Gooseberry moth and sawflies- the most harmful. Control methods: removal of damaged parts of the bush, spraying gooseberries with tobacco infusion or wormwood decoction every week. From chemistry after the isolation of the buds and immediately after flowering, Karbofos, Karate or Iskra help. Of the biological preparations, Bitoxibacillin is used.

    gooseberry moth- caterpillar again. Afraid of the infusion of celandine. For 1 liter of water 100 grams of dried herbs, infused for 2 days.

    Shchitovki- for some reason they do not like a mixture of water (2 liters), kerosene (a teaspoon) and soap (80 grams).

    Some general prevention tips

    A properly organized and well-groomed gooseberry bush looks like this:

    1. Damaged and diseased branches are cut out on the bushes.

    2. Under the bushes and near them there is no debris in the form of fallen leaves and branches - everything is removed and burned.

    3. The earth in the root zone is fluffed and slightly mulched with tomato and potato tops.

    4. Tomatoes grow in the aisles. It turns out both beneficial, and useful, and therapeutic.

    5. After processing, the bushes are wet on all sides, and not just on top.

    6. Branches are above the ground, not on the ground.

    7. The distance between individual landings is at least one and a half meters.

    That's all. Approximately such spring treatment of gooseberries from pests and diseases in its main aspects. Of course, there are other drugs and folk remedies for the prevention and treatment of gooseberries. Only to use them all at once not only makes no sense, but even to some extent harmful to the plant. With experience, “favorite” recipes and methods will appear, and for the first time there are enough proposed ones.

    Along with this article, they usually read:

    The gooseberry grows, grows, and if there are a lot of branches, the crop should seem to be more. However, in practice, the thickening of the bush crown leads to a completely different result - the fruits of the gooseberry become tasteless, small and inconspicuous.

    They planted gooseberries in accordance with all the rules, but after a while the bush began to interfere? It doesn't matter - it can be safely transplanted to a new place in the spring. At the same time, it is possible to plant an existing gooseberry, and seedlings are not a problem.

    Treatment of grapes in the spring from diseases and pests: spraying after opening.
    Immediately after opening the grapes, pests cannot be found. But as soon as the first leaves appear, problems immediately appear in the form of diseases or lovers of eating green shoots. So do not forget to stock up on a sprayer, chemicals or folk remedies in early spring.

    The first warm rays of the spring sun already in March begin to melt the snow in gardens and orchards. All perennial plants are ready to wake up and start active growth. But along with them, numerous pests come out of wintering, just waiting for the moment to profit from juicy young greens, delicate flowers and sweet berries. They are waiting for their moment under fallen leaves and lumps of earth.

    That is why in the spring it is necessary to take care that the future harvest pleases your family members, and uninvited guests are left with nothing.

    Disease prevention

    Any experienced gardener knows that strong plants that receive proper care are much less susceptible to any misfortune. Therefore, every summer resident should always remember that it is much easier to prevent the onset of a disease than to fight it later. Here is a list of necessary measures that no owner of gooseberry plantings should forget about.

    • Regularly sanitary pruning, ruthlessly removing diseased and damaged shoots and thinning the bush for better ventilation.
    • Be sure to collect and burn fallen leaves - a place of accumulation of pathogens and insect pest larvae.
    • To improve aeration and destroy pests wintering in the soil, dig up tree trunks.
    • Plant repellant flowers nearby with bushes, such as marigolds, marigolds, nasturtiums and others.
    • Carry out regular organic top dressing, which significantly strengthens the immunity of plants. This is especially important for young bushes.

    Gooseberry pests and how to deal with them

    With the onset of the spring season, insects emerge from their winter hiding places, and it is very important to have time to deal with them before they cause irreparable damage to your plantings. And there are a lot of gooseberry lovers among them, and you need to be able to deal with everyone on time.

    spider mite. It feeds on the juice of tender young leaves, simultaneously braiding them with cobwebs. Affected leaves turn yellow, dry and fly around. This pest is dangerous because of its incredibly fast reproduction, which is facilitated by the establishment of hot weather.

    You can deal with this intruder with a decoction of wormwood or tobacco infusion, adding laundry soap to the solution for better deposition on the surface of the foliage. Infusions of garlic cloves, tansy flowers, onion peels or burdock greens help well. With a serious lesion, it is necessary to use special insecticidal preparations even before flowering begins.

    gooseberry sawfly. It can completely destroy all foliage in 2-3 days, leaving only the skeletons. Berries with such a lesion crumble, not receiving sufficient nutrition. The larvae overwinter in the soil under the bushes.

    An effective control measure will be digging up the soil, as well as mechanically shaking off insects on the litter and destroying them. In addition, it is necessary to apply regular spraying with infusions of wood ash, tomato tops or dry mustard, not forgetting to add laundry soap to them.

    gooseberry fire. Caterpillars of moths damage flowers and ovaries, which is why the crop turns red ahead of time, and then crumbles.

    Control methods consist of digging up the soil and spraying with infusions of ash or dry mustard. It helps well to cover the near-stem circles with sheets of roofing material or similar material, which prevents the butterflies from leaving the soil in the spring after wintering.

    Aphid shoot gooseberry. From the eggs hibernating on the shoots, larvae emerge in the spring, sucking the juice from the young foliage, gradually capturing the tender tops of the new shoots. The leaves and tops of the shoots are deformed and form a ball.

    As a preventive measure against aphids in the spring, plantings should be shed with boiling water, and later, when the larvae appear, treated with an insecticide (for example, fufanon).

    gooseberry moth. After wintering, hungry caterpillars destroy the buds and foliage of the plant. The second wave of pest attacks occurs in July-August.

    Careful cleaning and burning of leaves, processing with tobacco decoctions and digging tree trunks helps to fight the moth. You can spray with a solution of karbofos, which is carried out in early spring with large volumes of damage.

    Gallica currant. Despite the name, it gladly destroys not only the leaves and shoots of currants, but also gooseberries. This pest is divided into two types - shoot midge and leaf gall midge. According to the name, one species feeds on the juice of young leaves, which causes them to dry out or become deformed. The second type through cracks and damage on the surface of the shoots gets under the bark. In these places, dark spots form, and then cracks. The branches dry and break.

    The method of struggle consists in cutting and burning the affected branches, as well as digging the soil and mulching the tree trunks with peat. In case of severe infection, it is necessary to apply spraying with insecticide solutions (karbofos, fufanon).

    Zlatka currant. This pest is dangerous not only for currant shoots, but also for gooseberry branches. He destroys their core, starting from the very top and gradually descending to the base.

    It is possible to fight this scourge only by cutting and burning the affected branches.

    Glass currant. This insect also does not disdain, except for currants, to feast on the core of gooseberry shoots, as a result of which the branches wither, dry and break.

    Sanitary pruning of diseased branches “at the root” and their burning helps to cope with the glass case. It is also effective to loosen the soil with its subsequent sprinkling with a dry mixture of tobacco dust, ground pepper, ash and dry mustard.

    gooseberry diseases

    American powdery mildew. It is a whitish loose coating on shoots and leaves. Then it covers the berries as well, becoming dense and brown. As a result, the plant slows down growth, the foliage is deformed, the berries crack and crumble. If treatment measures are not taken, the bush dies in 2-3 years, and spores infect neighboring plants.

    The fight should begin in the spring, pouring boiling water over the bushes. Then the bush and the soil under it should be treated with Bordeaux liquid, a solution of soda ash or an infusion of wood ash with the addition of laundry soap. Treatment with infusion of cow dung is effective. In advanced cases, spraying with fungicides such as Oxychoma or Fitosporin is indicated.

    gooseberry anthracnose. This fungal disease primarily affects the foliage, forming small brown spots that increase in size. The diseased foliage eventually dries up and falls off, the bushes stunt growth, and the harvest is extremely poor and poor in taste.

    Control measures include the collection and burning of fallen and affected leaves. In addition, spraying with copper sulfate should be carried out, and in case of large volumes of damage - Bordeaux mixture (before flowering and then 3 more times during the growing season), with a frequency of two weeks.

    Septoria(white spot). Signs of the disease are the appearance on the leaves of gray round spots with a dark border. Later, the leaf plates curl, dry and fall off, the shrub is completely exposed.

    Methods for the destruction of the disease include the collection and burning of fallen and diseased leaves, loosening of tree trunks with the simultaneous introduction of zinc, manganese sulphate, boron and copper.

    goblet rust. This fungal disease affects the leaves, on which terracotta-colored spots appear with yellow seals from spores, gradually turning into cylinders. Leaf plates with this disease are bent, and the berries take on an ugly shape and fall off.

    As a preventive measure, choose varieties that are resistant to damage by fungi of this species. Treat diseased plants with Bordeaux mixture during leafing, and then twice more after flowering, with an interval of 8-10 days.

    gooseberry mosaic. This viral disease is characteristic exclusively for this culture. It is manifested by the appearance on the leaves of a bright yellow pattern, the lines of which run along the veins. The gooseberry stops growing and bearing fruit.

    This disease is not treated, therefore, in order to avoid infection of other bushes, unhealthy specimens are uprooted and burned. As a preventive measure, choose healthy seedlings and carry out timely control of virus carriers - aphids, mites and other sucking insects.