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  • Norms and rules of business communication. Business communication etiquette

    Norms and rules of business communication.  Business communication etiquette

    - norms, standards used in the course of communication, the purpose of which is to solve a specific problem in the field of economic, as well as social and legal relations. Their use is mandatory if the goal is to solve the problem without conflict and competently. The use of such norms is a generally accepted pattern among business people who care about their image and reputation. Therefore, they should be known, as well as the rules of business correspondence, in order to be able to effectively conduct business activities.

    Basic Rules

    • Punctuality is a manifestation of respect for partners. To maintain punctuality, business people use planning.
    • Reticence. You shouldn't say too much. This applies to both communication on the topic of solving a specific problem, and the personal life of employees, colleagues, partners.
    • Respect for colleagues and partners. In business communication there is no place for curiosity, selfishness, intolerance. It is necessary to respect the opinion of the interlocutor, no matter how wrong it may seem to you.
    • Using the correct language. The ability to conduct a conversation, to interest in the process of communication.
    • The ability to clearly formulate the purpose of a conversation, conversation, negotiations, etc.
    • Preservation of self-control, control over feelings, emotions. Calm communication without rudeness, even if the interlocutor behaves in an inappropriate way for a business person.
    • Business attire must be adhered to. The dress code affects the features and outcome of business communication.
    • No unnecessary gestures when meeting. In addition to shaking hands, you should not touch the interlocutor in any other way.

    Business communication processes

    The process of business communication is not only conversations and correspondence. This concept covers emotions, gestures, manners. Studies show that more than 60-70% of communication is based on non-verbal communication. And only about 30-40% - on the verbal.

    In the verbal process, the rules of speech communication are applied. This also includes speech etiquette, the observance of which allows you to build business relations at a more civilized level. There are rules and non-verbal communication process. They relate to body language, facial expressions, general human behavior. This is already a separate large area, which, if desired, everyone can study on a large scale. This will be helped by etiquette trainings, which are conducted by our company. Of the basic rules listed above, control over emotions can be included here. Rude communication, excessive harshness is unacceptable. Emotionality in the conduct of the same negotiations should not be present.

    Forms and purposes of business communication, its functions

    There are several forms of business communication. The main ones are:

    • Conversation;
    • Negotiation;
    • Discussion;
    • meeting;
    • Meeting;
    • Correspondence;
    • Performance.

    Each of these forms has its own characteristics. However, for all respected general rules business communication. For example, respect for opponents is present in every form. Another example would be the punctuality rule. It is unacceptable to be late for the same negotiations.

    If we talk about the purpose of business communication, then it is defined as the impact on others. Such influence is expressed in the desire to persuade opponents to some actions, deeds, to change their opinions, to get what they want from them within the business framework. An additional goal can be called the desire to learn more information about the interlocutor in order to use it in further communication to achieve the main goal. At the same time, the rules are observed, for example, a conversation is conducted in a polite manner, since in the communication of business people an impolite attitude towards an opponent is unacceptable.

    Business communication functions:

    • Information and communication - associated with the accumulation, formation, as well as the transmission, reception of information;
    • Regulatory-communicative - involving the correction of behavior, the choice of ways to influence the opponent;
    • Effectively communicative - expressed in the formation of the emotional shell of the interlocutors.

    Principles and means of business communication

    Principles of business communication:

    • interpersonal

    Business contacts are characterized by interpersonality. Communication relates to topics that are of interest to the parties, and also demonstrates an attitude towards each other.

    Business communication is always based on the achievement of some goal.

    • Continuity

    Communication is ongoing. Even if the opponent is silent, what he, for example, thinks, can be understood from the characteristics of his behavior. Any behavior is capable of carrying this or that information.

    • Multidimensionality

    In the process of communication, not only information exchange takes place. Opponents in the course of communication correct their relationship.

    In communication, various means of communication are used: verbal and non-verbal. Verbal refers to speech. For a business person, it should be distinguished by accuracy, clarity, correctness, purity, brevity. This also includes the ability to listen. The result of business communication always depends on the degree of possession of this skill. If a person does not know how to listen, then he will not be able to communicate with partners, colleagues, clients in such a way that communication is effective and efficient.

    Important! The culture of speech and business communication are inseparable concepts from each other.

    Non-verbal means include intonation, gestures, facial expressions, postures, etc. Moreover, in the business world, all of the above points are given even more importance than words. For a businessman, it is not only important to control his non-verbal behavior, but also to be able to correctly assess the facial expressions, gestures, postures of an opponent in a business conversation, conversation, etc.

    Psychology of business communication: role and characteristics

    Business communication is a multifaceted process of developing relationships. His role is important. Often, opponents forget about it, which leads to various problems. It is necessary to know about the proper level of communication in a business environment, without overestimating yourself. At the same time, it is important to understand that the role of business communication is different, if we evaluate it in terms of the status of the interlocutors. However, there is something in common in it - its importance is undeniable.

    Characteristics of business communication- This:

    • Regulation - subordination to certain rules, which are determined by the type of communication, the degree of officiality, purpose, as well as national, cultural traditions;
    • Role play compliance. In different communicative situations, a person has to act in different roles: boss, subordinate, etc.;
    • Responsibility for the result. The success of business communication is determined by strategy, tactics, in other words, the ability to clearly formulate one's goals and determine the interests of opponents;
    • Rigidity in relation to application language tools. It is unacceptable to use profanity, jargon, conduct a rude conversation, which is a requirement of the ethics of business communication.

    Organization of business communication

    When organizing business communication, certain rules apply. They concern preparation for different outcomes, both positive and negative. It is required to plan time, create an appropriate environment, prepare your emotional state, get acquainted with information about your partner.

    The place of communication should not distract, interfere with communication. If necessary, provide equipment - prepare auxiliary materials, some necessary documents, etc. When choosing a strategy, tactics, you should determine the direction, understand what can be sacrificed in the course of communication. Direct communication process
    it is necessary to start with the establishment of contact in order to achieve the creation of a favorable atmosphere. The exchange of information is important. You need to be able to ask questions, listen to the opponent, observe his behavior, correctly analyze the reactions of the interlocutor.


    Rules, norms of business communication, their observance are an important component of business communication. Without them, it is impossible to establish effective business relationships. At the same time, it is important to know the basics of ethics and aesthetics, the etiquette of business communication. Their knowledge will ensure competent conduct of the same negotiations, discussions and other types of business communication.

    You can gain knowledge about the rules of business communication by training managers, employees who have to act as communicators to achieve important goals for the company. Such training is organized by our company in the form of trainings. As a result, business communication training participants acquire knowledge and skills that contribute to establishing effective contacts both within the company and outside it.

    No business can exist without the necessary order. The communicative side of this sphere is always determined by Business Etiquette. Its main task is to organize and put in order the activities of the involved specialists, partners and management.

    What are the features and general principles of business ethics and business etiquette

    Ethics is a system of moral norms accepted in society.

    Etiquette is a set of generally accepted specific rules and laws of behavior.

    Business etiquette is one of the components of ethics. Without knowledge in this area, the likelihood of success in any chosen field of activity is minimal.

    The correct choice of relevant and relevant expressions, phrases, gestures demonstrates the excellent upbringing and education of any person, forming only the best impressions of him in the working environment among colleagues and superiors.

    The need to comply with the rules of business etiquette is primarily due to the fact that they:

    • form a favorable positive image;
    • accompany positive management any business dialogues;
    • provide options for dealing with inconvenient or emergency situations;
    • open up more opportunities to achieve their goals.

    In most cases, business etiquette in professional activity eliminates the likelihood of unforeseen situations or turns in a business conversation. As a rule, this obliges to conduct all procedures and conversations in a more or less standardized order, so you can rarely expect something unexpected.

    What rules dictate the etiquette of business correspondence

    Rules of etiquette business correspondence extended not only to the relationship between a person and an organization, but also to the situation in the company itself. It is necessary to engage in conveying information to colleagues, and to check that feedback is received.

    By a beautiful and correct style of writing, one can understand not only business qualities, but also a person’s personality. In addition, it can be considered an excellent discipline.

    Remember: business letter- often the first contact by which they will judge the person who wrote it and, especially, the whole company as a whole. And this is a great way to establish yourself as a professional and specialist from the very beginning.

    There are elementary rules, the so-called business writing etiquette, the observance of which will make life easier for both the writer and the reader.

    Rule 1. Letter for one addressee

    Rule 2. If you receive a letter - you simply MUST answer

    It is important not to lose the thought of the message when writing. It should be in a dry and clerical style to display only the essence. The etiquette of a business letter obliges you to compose a response in such a way that it is perceived only in the literal sense and accurately. Do not forget that each letter requires only one answer. This completes the cycle.

    Rule 3. If you need the meaning of your letter to be understood by several interlocutors, then simply add their addresses to the "Copy" line

    If you need an answer from only one specific person, and the rest just need to get acquainted with them, then address the letter to him, and for the rest, make the label “copy”. According to the rules that establish the etiquette of business correspondence, the main addressee is obliged to send you an answer, even if it is brief and out of courtesy. The rest in such a situation are not obliged to answer, only if they personally do not want to do this. In general, copies of the letter are needed for only one purpose - to inform.

    This applies to mailing prices for customers or clarifications on work for employees. In general, there are very few reasons for such a letter, so you should not resort to mass mailing often enough.

    Rule 5. The subject should always be indicated in the letter. For such purposes, it is worth using the box with the name "Theme"

    Business etiquette obliges to be able to save someone else's time. If you have specified the subject of the letter, then it will be easier to find it by searching if necessary. And it will be easier for your interlocutor to navigate in his mailbox, so he will answer faster.

    Rule 6. In a letter - first a greeting, then an appeal to the addressee

    It does not matter to whom you are going to write a letter. If you call a person by his first name and patronymic, he will automatically assume that you treat him with respect. This will help you make contact.

    Rule 7. Literacy of writing - first of all!

    A message with errors always causes a subconscious dislike for the interlocutor. Therefore, you should never be lazy, and you should reread the text and check it for spelling and punctuation.

    5 Terrible Phrases You Shouldn't Start Your Letter With

    The editors of the General Director magazine found out which first sentences do not inspire the reader, but, on the contrary, force them to delete the letter.

    6 rules of business negotiation etiquette

    The goal and logical conclusion of negotiations (when compared with a business meeting) is a signed agreement or protocol of intent. In this regard, it is necessary to prepare very carefully for negotiations, to focus not only on the meeting itself, but also on preparations for it. Your speech at the event, of course, includes your interests, but here's how to organize the meeting itself - business negotiation etiquette will help here. And in no case should you forget about these rules:

    Rule 1. Arrival

    Naturally, you should never be late. From an official position, such behavior is a violation of protocol, from a moral point of view, it can be perceived as disrespect or even a personal insult. In case of being late for a couple of minutes, and if unforeseen circumstances are to blame, business business etiquette obliges you to apologize to the host. If the delay lasts more than a quarter of an hour, then according to business etiquette, the CEO of the host has the right to cancel the meeting or delegate it to a subordinate.

    Rule 2. Meeting place

    If we talk about important business negotiations, then the venue should be an office or a neutral environment. Contrary to TV shows and movies, business etiquette dictates that a restaurant or sauna is not the place to make business decisions. The restaurant can be chosen for a business lunch. This goal is to maintain partnerships or discuss interests, to celebrate the successful outcome of negotiations, but not for other cases.

    You can designate your office or the territory of partners as a place for negotiations. Sometimes the best way out is to choose neutral territory. In many business centers and hotels it is possible to rent an office (conference room) for the purpose of negotiations. At the same time, the institution is fully engaged in the service. This also applies to technical nuances and preparation of the premises.

    Rule 3. Meeting guests

    In the case when the company is the host party, the full composition of the delegation members must be in the meeting room without delay. Meeting guests and escorting them to the place is handled by a partner who does not take part in the negotiations himself. As the business etiquette of the head says, the first greeting to the interlocutors should be delivered by the CEO of the host, then the head-guest. After the exchange of greetings has taken place, an invitation should be received from the head of the host country for everyone to take their seats.

    Rule 4. Start of negotiations

    The etiquette of business communication says that the beginning of negotiations and the care that they do not have long pauses lies entirely with the CEO of the host. If the silence lasts too long, then the guests may take this as a sign that the meeting is over. In addition, do not suddenly touch on the main topic of the negotiations. It's good manners to talk about neutral things first, like the weather or good cooperation in the past. You can not raise controversial topics about which the meeting participants may have different opinions (religious, national, political issues, sports, etc.). After that, it is the responsibility of the head of the host country to start discussing the main topic of the negotiations. He may do this with other members of his delegation, advisers and experts. You cannot interrupt the speaking partner.

    Rule 5. Duration of negotiations and meetings

    If we talk about Russia, Western standards and norms of business communication etiquette do not quite work: the duration of negotiations between leaders can last several hours, but the final decision will not be made. According to the norms of business etiquette, the preliminary program should include the estimated duration of the event, on average it is 30-40 minutes. Negotiations can last an hour and a half at most, but in this case it is worth taking into account the break and specifying its exact time. The clock at the event should be in full view of everyone. This helps the speaker to keep within the allotted time, and no unforeseen situations in this regard happen.

    Rule 6. End of negotiations

    It's nice to finish the event to de-escalate the atmosphere. For example, the CEO of the host country may make a proposal to continue negotiations without jackets. The etiquette of business relations freely allows you to take such a measure after the protocol part of the meeting is over, and the shooting is stopped. The head of the guest delegation has the right to close the negotiations when a decision is made and documented. Authorized persons of each party sign this document, and both parties receive their copy of this paper. A little later, the results of the meeting are written in the report and sent to both parties so that they agree. Negotiation agreements, regardless of their form (written or oral), must be observed. Otherwise, this is a violation of the main principle that dictates business business etiquette.

    • Negotiation etiquette: rules that are easy to remember

    How business telephone etiquette can affect the image of the enterprise

    Often, in order for business relationships to become long-term, a large role is given to a telephone conversation. Do not compare it with a personal meeting when Special attention given to gestures, smiles on duty, the decor of the room, a strict business suit.

    The reputation of the company, in general, often depends on how well telephone conversations are conducted. That is why business phone conversation etiquette is very important.

    Basic rules of telephone etiquette

    1. If a person calls you, you should always greet him. If you make the call, don't forget about it too.
    2. Pay attention to your intonation.
    3. When calling the company, never say phrases containing the expressions “disturbing you”, “disturbing you”.
    4. Presentation is an important part of etiquette.
    5. When talking with a specific interlocutor, be sure to find out if he now has time for a dialogue.
    6. If your company is called, answer no later than three rings.
    7. If the caller wants to talk to someone else in the organization other than you, don't hang up. It is necessary to transfer it to the required employee, while using the call hold function.
    8. When talking with a new interlocutor, focus on his speech and try to adjust to its speed.
    9. Do not smoke, chew, or drink while talking on the phone.
    10. At the end of the conversation, check with the interlocutor if he has questions for you, and only after that say goodbye.

    It would be wrong not to mention cell phones considering what an important part of modern life they are. They also apply their own etiquette of business conversations. Now this means of communication is simply necessary, and its advantages can be listed almost endlessly. That is why the general rules of etiquette when using a mobile phone have been formed:

    You should definitely study the instructions for the mobile device, paying great attention to the functions and characteristics of the device. Do not forget that there are situations when the phone should be put on vibration mode or even completely turned off. The latter is important to do in situations where you will not be able to answer an incoming call under any circumstances. If you are surrounded by people, business etiquette does not allow you to raise your voice when talking on mobile phone. On the contrary, it is worth talking a little quieter than in normal conditions.

    Don't talk in public places. If such a need nevertheless arises, ask the interlocutor to wait a couple of minutes and go to the pay phone. Do not forget that a loud bell should not be installed in any situation. If, nevertheless, you did not understand this function, and the phone rang, apologize, but do not start making excuses. It just sounds terrible.

    Voice mail is a feature that should not be forgotten. In addition, before entering places where communication may be interrupted (elevator, basement), it is worth warning the interlocutor about this and ending the conversation. If your phone rings when you are not alone, business etiquette allows you to have a conversation for a maximum of half a minute. If a private meeting is in progress, your phone should not ring during it. If you are expecting a very important call, let people know ahead of time and apologize to them.

    Business etiquette does not imply certain norms for all situations and conditions. Some elements of these rules are subject to change. For example, this applies to informal meetings. Although many omissions and indulgences are allowed here, this also does not apply to everything. Clothing is still required to be neat and good, and speech - cultured and clean. And in general, behavior and manner should still be adequate. But a number of concessions are allowed, and you can feel freer. This also applies to other situations that must be strictly guided and be able to distinguish when and how to change your adherence to business etiquette.


    It is extremely important to be able to show respect for other people at work - this is the base on which the etiquette of business relations is built. This applies to absolutely every aspect. During speeches or debates, you need to listen to the speech to the very end, without interrupting or interfering with speaking out. First of all, it improves the image and impression of oneself among others, and secondly, it encourages everyone to treat them in the same way during their own statements. It is important to be able to recognize someone else's rightness. Even if one of the partners proves the fallacy of the opinions of the second with his views, the second must at least listen to it and, if the arguments are really in favor of the first, accept it. Rationalism and the desire to obtain the truth - this is what works in the hands of business. It is also important to remember to thank the opponent after the debate, thus expressing respect.

    Consideration of the situation and its relevance

    Every employee must bring positive attitude with them. Even in difficult times and in difficult conditions, it is extremely important to strive to be positive yourself and infect colleagues and partners, superiors and managers with this. This approach will make the atmosphere within the company positive, which will certainly affect performance. Even hard times are easier to pass if all colleagues are united and begin to treat work with joy. Negative topics of conversation should be avoided or talked about superficially if you can’t get away from the conversation.

    Respect for other people's opinions

    Employees must be privy to the organization's hierarchy and treat it accordingly. A subordinate should not be rude to superiors, he is obliged to listen carefully without interrupting, and so on. The manner of communication of employees at all levels hierarchical ladder must be clearly marked and strictly observed. But at the same time, it must not be humiliating or offensive to those who are lower in rank. It is important to remember that the leader's business etiquette must be present.

    Positive impression

    Given all the features of business etiquette, you can count on the successful outcome of any negotiations, career growth and other victories of various sizes.

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    What is the role of etiquette in business communication?

    The social behavior of people (employees, management, partners, customers) is determined by a wide range of different factors - legal, regulatory, statutory, administrative. Even the economy and the level of technical equipment of the enterprise can have an impact. All this directly affects the degree of interaction of employees with representatives of other groups - suppliers, customers, and so on.

    Typically, two types of social norms affect workers and management, as well as related individual units.

    Formal- official norms determined by the regulations and rules of the enterprise, which are described in special documents. Such norms are based on the preferences of the company, the legislative features of the state and region, and so on.

    informal- gradually developing non-statutory forms of interaction, which are determined by the mood and nature of the internal team, external factors acting on them and working conditions.

    At the same time, it is necessary to note the objective basis of the prevailing informal norms, the so-called business business etiquette. Such social norms will be regulated and undergo changes only if they reflect the actual processes and aspects that arise in the performance of a particular task assigned to the team.

    The norms of business etiquette are included in the control system of informal relationships within the enterprise.

    Compliance with these norms is necessarily accompanied by an assessment of the social environment (colleagues, superiors) for compliance with the established norms, behavior and laws of the organization. Based on this, a collective attitude towards a particular individual is formed.

    Being an integral part of the system of social norms of relationships, the principles of business etiquette perform the following functions:

    1. They provide stability and order, acting as a regulator of social relations at various levels.
    2. Increase the efficiency of working and entrepreneurial relationships both within the team and with external representatives.
    3. They allow to improve the quality of communication with clients and partners, increasing the level of mutual trust and attraction.
    4. They perform a disciplinary function through the formation of hierarchical structures, help to identify differences in status within and outside the team.
    5. They unite the norms and requirements of members of a social group both to new members and to each other. In other words, they act as organizers and cohesive factors, uniting the group.
    6. They help the individual in the process of infusion into the new team of which he is a part.
    7. They help the individual to navigate in various communicative and other situations, finding the correct exits and solutions.

    The main rules of business etiquette that every leader should know

    Rule 1: Be punctual

    Valuing time in business is a paramount task and an indicator of good taste. Punctuality allows you to be effective in achieving any goals. The inability to organize in time, incorrectly calculating one's strength and the speed of the task, leads not only to the creation of a bad image. In business, all employees are interconnected, so the delay of one inexorably entails delays and complications in the work of another. According to the domino principle, the efficiency of the entire unit, and maybe the organization, falls. Therefore, the etiquette of a business person forces him to be able to calculate his strength and time, being able to clearly understand how to solve problems on time. At the same time, we must not forget to allocate additional time for each goal in order to take into account all possible complications and problems.

    History practically does not know examples of successful and legendary businessmen who would have achieved their fame and fortune alone. Behind each of them is a team, work with other people. All this had a decisive influence on the development of young companies. Therefore, it is important to always be honest with those with whom you cooperate and work. This will provide the individual with the support of the team and even the authorities. Those who are ready to go “over their heads” towards the goal end up with nothing. After all, in order to succeed, setting people against you, it is very difficult. It is important to take into account the interests and motives of both colleagues and partners, and even competitors, always trying to look for mutually beneficial solutions. Do not forget about business etiquette in professional activities.

    Rule 3. Speak and write well

    Competent speech, both oral and written, has always been the key to successful people. No serious person will deal with someone who uses obscene or simply slang words and expressions in his speech, poorly structures his speech, and also writes illiterately. It is important not only to be able to speak beautifully and clearly - it is necessary to have public speaking skills and fully know the etiquette of business communication in order to achieve maximum success in any business. We are talking about both career advancement and deals with partners.

    Rule 4. Dress according to the office setting

    Business is not the place to strive to show your individuality. Business etiquette will clearly be against the decision of a top manager to show up for an important interview in a bright yellow suit made of shiny synthetics. It's important to follow the general tone of the office dress code, even if it's not officially mandated. You always need to be neat, stylish and be able to demonstrate appearance belonging to this group.

    Rule 5. Don't talk too much!

    Even if an employee is not subject to any trade secret laws, he must still be able to determine what can and cannot be said about work to outsiders. Excessive talkativeness not only creates not the best image, but can also harm the company's business. And for this, no one will pat on the head for sure.

    Principles of business etiquette

    Principle 1. Common sense. In the matter of creating norms of etiquette within the enterprise, one must first of all be guided by common sense. If the rules contradict him and go against it, then there will be no logic in this. Standards of corporate business etiquette always pursue the goal of maintaining order, organization and optimization of the process, as well as saving time. If the norms do not fulfill these tasks, then there is no need for them, since they are likely to be harmful.

    principle 2. Freedom. With all the order that the rules of business communication etiquette create, it is important to leave room for freedom for both employees and partners. Total control will never attract people, even at the cost of the prospect of a good profit. At the same time, moderate opportunities for self-realization, individualization and the availability of choice make the company not only attractive to everyone, but also open up new opportunities for development. Of course, freedoms must also be relatively limited, based on the norms of the working day, company profile, political and government aspects, cultural and national preferences, and so on.

    Principle 3. Ethics. One of the main functions of business etiquette is to focus on maintaining not just order within the company. It is important to observe the norms of business communication etiquette and direct employees to the right and good intentions. An atmosphere should be created that is positive for every worker, taking into account national, political and personality traits everyone. It is difficult to ideally create the direction of the company, since the concepts of "good" and "evil" are very complex in themselves. However, it will be easier and more interesting for employees to work if they work for the benefit of some good goal.

    Principle 4. Convenience. It is important that the points of business ethics are convenient for employees. If the standards will fetter them, make them feel uncomfortable, force them to put up with the state of affairs, then it is foolish to expect a full return from the employee in their activities. If each of them will feel the full attraction to their work, feeling the joy of sharing the successes and moments of the work process, then the overall efficiency of the enterprise will be much higher. These requirements of business etiquette have always been in effect - if employees or partners are comfortable, and their love for the company is ensured not only, for example, by good salary and social package, then their devotion to the cause will be unconditional, as well as the calculation.

    Principle 5. Expediency. Any prescription of business etiquette should have a purpose. Business is not a place where something can exist just like that. Therefore, each norm must have a function and the essence of the work, otherwise this approach will be ineffective and simply unnecessary.

    Principle 6. Profitability. The culture of business etiquette, even with all its attractiveness, should not ruin the company. The cost of complying with the ethical standards of the company should be reasonable and as low as possible. No business will be profitable if it spends heavily on internal statutory elements that do not directly affect the core business of the company. This will lead either to a decrease in the profits of the organization itself, or to a decrease in the prosperity of individual employees. In any case, moral values ​​are not worth it.

    Principle 7. Conservatism. Moving forward does not always lead to a better result. As for ethical standards, it is better to focus on the traditions that have developed over the centuries. They are determined not only by the general direction of the organization, but also state history, the course of the government, popular sentiment, and so on. The pursuit of cutting-edge trends, as well as the creation of independent new motifs, can cause rejection among other enterprises or companies that adhere to conservative views. Loyalty to traditions and culture of business etiquette is what unites and what has been tested for many years.

    Principle 8. Ease. The etiquette of business relations must be simple for execution in order to independently develop automatism among employees in its execution without coercion. Such norms should be easy, interesting for the employees themselves, capable of being built into the initial model of human behavior. If they cause psychological rejection, seem like an unnecessary routine and have an unpleasant effect on a person’s personality, he will not follow them and will not work effectively either.

    Principle 9. Universalism. Any norms should be multifaceted and seek to influence several important aspects of the planning, production or other processes important to the business.

    Principle 10. Efficiency. From the implementation of ethical standards there should be a result. This should unite the team, cheer them up, increase the speed of signing contracts, and help build relationships with partners. If the norms do not bring tangible benefits, they should be abandoned as an unnecessary mechanism within the organization.

    • Also read

    Hold a knife in your right hand and a fork in your left, open the door and give women a hand ... The rules of etiquette are firmly entrenched in our lives, if a person observes them, then the attitude towards him improves significantly. However, business also has its own rules, on which the success of negotiations, obtaining a profitable partnership or acquiring valuable connections. The principles of business etiquette allow you to reach great heights. Unfortunately, not everyone realizes the importance of these principles. If you want to achieve something in life, then you need to behave accordingly. There are not so many rules, but they are able to open all doors for you.

    Business etiquette and success criteria

    Business is a rather complex environment where the strongest survive. You need to have a lot of advantages - be a good speaker, an experienced specialist, be able to defend their point of view. A good businessman is a combination of positive qualities that make up a reputation. Reputation cannot be built overnight, it is the result of hard work. An important step to gaining a good reputation is business etiquette.

    Save time

    Accuracy is the courtesy of kings, says famous proverb. In business, you need to constantly be the king - to come to all meetings and meetings on time, not to keep others waiting. Trust in a constantly late person is gradually reduced. In the eyes of partners and colleagues, he looks unreliable, unable to work in the modern rhythm of life. Time management basics lie not only in punctuality, but also in accuracy. Do not load other people with unnecessary information, stupid conversations. The ability to value other people's time is an integral part of business etiquette. If you can properly plan your day, pay due attention important matters, if you respect your surroundings, you will gain an indispensable assistant in the form of reputation. Always remember that time is money.

    Organize the workspace

    A desktop can say a lot about a person. Piles of papers, dust, garbage and a dirty cup - this is far from the most ideal workplace. If a person maintains order on the table, then his thoughts are in order. Moreover, it greatly helps in the work. It will be easy to find an important document. And you are unlikely to find that a sticky coffee stain has spread on a profitable contract. Putting things in order on the table is not so difficult, even during responsible work. Help will come Japanese 5S system.

    Courtesy and respect

    No one will communicate with a boor who uses only strong expressions in his speech, and at any opportunity breaks into a cry. In business, as in life, if you know how to respect your interlocutor, do not try to insult or humiliate him, then it will be easier for you to establish contact. You need to respect the other person's point of view, even if it doesn't match yours. You should not act only in your own interests. Respect for partners is an important quality of a good businessman. But excessive altruism is also not encouraged, otherwise you may get a reputation for being too soft and be crushed by competitors.

    Working mood

    Many employees put the least amount of effort into their jobs. official duties- they constantly drink tea, chat on the phone, communicate in in social networks. This negatively affects not only productivity, but also the reputation of employees. If you know how to work at work, then your career will quickly go uphill. The bosses will definitely be interested in an active specialist, more prestigious companies may pay attention to you. And if your reputation as an employee is not credible, then career growth can not be expected.

    Dressing appropriately

    Probably, many people with modern views pay minimal attention to this point. However, statistics show that the best deals are made by businessmen in elegant business suits, with expensive accessories and with a presentable appearance. It is possible that the appearance of a person- this is far from the most important thing in business, but it is worth remembering that they are greeted by clothes. There will be more trust in someone who follows the office dress code, and not in someone who comes to a meeting in old jeans and a sweater. Women should not look too vulgar and defiant. These norms of business etiquette should be taken for granted and comply with them. Even if it doesn't match your views.

    Attention to gestures

    Sign language can tell a lot more about a person than it seems. The rules of business etiquette require a minimum of tactile contacts - the only exception is a handshake. You should not hug or kiss your colleagues, touch them during a conversation. Respect the boundaries of personal space. Not everyone likes the touch of a stranger. Keeping track of gestures while speaking is not easy. Many people can figure out a lie or understatement with just hand movements or facial expressions. It is worth keeping yourself in control, being restrained and self-confident. No need to fuss - a straight back, clear movements and a firm look set you apart from the rest.

    Unity of rules

    Business etiquette rules exist not only for men, but also for women. Do not confuse them with secular etiquette, where a woman is allowed more than a man. A business woman should shake hands with partners on an equal footing, behave with restraint, avoid coquetry, flirting or affectation. Even romantic people can become business sharks if they behave accordingly. Do not expose your personality traits to the public. If at home you love pink bears, then at work you should observe strictness and restraint. Otherwise, male colleagues may not want to cooperate with you. For women at work, there should be no problems like a sick child, a conflict with a husband, or a banal purchase of a new handbag. All these worries should be left at home, the only way to get to the top of the business.

    Relationships in the team

    Communication with colleagues and superiors significantly affects the performance of the team, the result. The boss should not publicly accuse his subordinates of incompetence, even if they made a mistake. The censure must be personal, take place without prying eyes. Public censure should only be taken if the mistake is repeated, if the subordinate does not accept your instructions. There is no need to single out pets and scapegoats. The etiquette of a business person assumes that the boss treats each member of the team equally, encourages or punishes his subordinates equally.

    Relationships between colleagues should also be equal. You should not start novels at work, otherwise it will lead to a deterioration in the overall result. It is necessary to distinguish between work and personal life. Often, in groups, peculiar "circles of interest" are formed, victims appear who are poisoned (this is called mobbing), pets who are envied. This should not happen in a normal team. Such behavior not only reduces overall performance, but also negatively affects the reputation of individual team members. You can hardly succeed if you have a reputation as a gossip. In a normal team, miscalculations and mistakes are not ridiculed, but they offer help.

    Service hierarchy

    Business ethics and business etiquette suggest that a person's status is determined by the job hierarchy, and not by age or gender. It is possible that a man will have to work with a female boss, or an adult may be subordinate to a young leader. In any case, it is necessary to observe subordination.

    Business speech etiquette

    Speech etiquette in business communication is necessary not only for oral, but also for written negotiations. Business documents must be well-written. Avoid dry phrases, clericalism that make your letters boring and monotonous. But you don't need to use the conversational style either.

    It is important to learn how to speak on the phone. Empty calls, lasting tens of minutes, betray a non-professional in a person. If you have an important conversation on the phone, then prepare for it in advance - write a list of questions, make a conversation plan, indicate the desired result. So you can quickly come to an agreement without wasting your time or the time of your interlocutor. Be sure to introduce yourself first if you make a call.

    Business communication etiquette also includes netiquet - the art of communicating on the Internet. With the development of technology, many issues are resolved through e-mail. Often we are forced to respond to comments on social networks. The rules advise you to always leave your contacts - e-mail, Skype or other means of communication, so that the interlocutor knows who to contact. Moreover, you should also be polite on the Internet. Not all users leave pleasant comments, but it is not appropriate to respond with rudeness to rudeness. If you see negative reviews addressed to you, then you should explain to the user why the mistake was made, try to correct it, if possible.

    Rules for receiving delegations and negotiating

    Favorable contracts and agreements are concluded during negotiations. Often partners come from other cities and countries. The rules of business etiquette indicate how to receive delegates, how to seat them correctly, how to schedule a meeting, and so on. A successful businessman must think through everything to the smallest detail - meeting partners at the airport or train station, transfer to the hotel, choosing a conference room, excursion program. Foreign delegations are of particular difficulty. culture European countries significantly different from the culture of Asian or Muslim states. Often, third-party companies are hired to receive foreign delegates, who know all the intricacies of the dress code, food and communication with foreign colleagues. For example, for a meeting with Muslim partners, you need to dress discreetly, especially for women. They prefer light makeup, long skirts, no neckline. Food for foreigners also follows the rules - no pork or alcohol, you must leave time for prayer. There are quite a lot of difficulties and peculiarities in the reception of delegates, if you are unsure of your abilities, then it is worth inviting specialists to organize. Any minor trifle can significantly damage the reputation and adversely affect the outcome of negotiations.

    Features of business etiquette also include the ability to negotiate. The time for discussion should not exceed 2 hours, otherwise the partners will get tired and the discussion will decline. The choice of strategy depends on the relationship with partners, the desired result. Before negotiations, draw up a discussion plan, logically justify your point of view, so that later you can give the necessary arguments. Use the pronoun "we" more often to indicate common interests. If your partners understand that you associate your own success with their benefit, then it will be easier for them to accept your conditions. At the end of the negotiations, be sure to take stock to record everything that was achieved. It is also worth doing intermediate results in the course of the conversation.

    Compliance with the rules of business etiquette allows you to succeed in business. This is not the main quality that one should have. business man, however, it is the knowledge of these features that can play an important role when signing contracts or concluding agreements. It is worth remembering that in Russia about 68% of transactions fail only because of ignorance of the rules of etiquette. If you know and observe all the subtleties, you will be several steps ahead of your competitors. Business etiquette opens all doors in the business world.

    P.S. Teaching etiquette in the best international schools

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    Business circles have their own specifics of communication, which helps the parties to communicate successfully, work productively and achieve their goals. In this article, we will talk about what business ethics is and how to use it in practice.


    It is worth noting that business ethics is not a set of legal rules established at the legislative level. Usually it is guided in entrepreneurial work behind the scenes.

    Consider its features:

    • First - honesty. This metric should apply to all colleagues, clients, and even competing firms. It is the moral and moral qualities that are the main activity of the company. In order for a business to be profitable, it is necessary to conduct negotiations correctly, competently manage and resolve conflicts.
    • National and cultural traditions worth exploring in advance. This way you can show respect and win the sympathy of foreign colleagues with whom you are building a business.
    • Correct Behavior will help to create a positive image of the company and the leader. Team management will also be successful. Thanks to a favorable reputation, the level of confidence of buyers and investors will increase.

    What it is?

    Business ethics are codes of conduct, rules and principles that help regulate behavior at work. These are the foundations by which goals are achieved. When the parties recognize and apply these rules, it is easier for business partners to find ways to cooperate and conduct successful joint activities.

    The definition of the rules of business ethics also characterizes the relationship between different parties in the business sphere. Knowing the main norms and rules, you can correctly stay in critical situations and conditions of communication, predict the behavior of your colleagues. Interestingly, the term "business ethics" itself is close in meaning to the word "order". Of course, it's about doing business. Different areas of research on this topic agree that business ethics is based on work as a moral value that helps to emphasize human dignity.

    Thus, the essence of the term lies in the fact that entrepreneurs rely on certain elements - norms of behavior in order to achieve their goals, to realize important tasks.

    Main differences from etiquette

    Etiquette is the rules of human behavior in a particular social environment. Business etiquette also includes various conditions for greeting, correspondence, and negotiations. Observing it, you can level out possible mistakes, form the image of a reliable person. Every entrepreneur must understand that etiquette and its observance will allow him to open new horizons.

    As for business ethics, its purpose and structure are similar. Wherein business ethics involves a set of certain rules that are customary to adhere to in business circles. This also includes categories such as the style of doing work, relationships with partners, the appearance of the employee, the basics of document management.

    These standards will be an excellent basis for actively and efficiently running your business.

    The main principles include commitment, responsibility, honesty. Of course, the conduct of any business will be based on constant contacts, negotiations, and the implementation of important transactions. Therefore, entrepreneurs should be able to build relationships, show themselves correctly in any circumstances, improve good manners when communicating.


    The types of business communication include several impressive groups:

    • The first one should include oral methods. They are divided into monologic and dialogic. The first ones include a greeting, a sales speech, informational speeches, a report. Dialogic include business conversation, conversation, negotiations, interviews, discussions, meetings, press conferences. Such methods of business communication allow you to establish a verbal relationship with a person.

    • Another group- written. The characteristic of such remote interaction also helps to establish contacts, but without direct "live" communication. Here you can mark official documents: business letter, instruction, application. All of them will be different in content. For example, a document can be material (includes the exchange of objects, results of activities), cognitive (when knowledge is exchanged), motivational (here interests are exchanged), activity (skills act as a means of exchange).

    To conduct correspondence, it is necessary to strictly observe the basics of business communication.


    Code (from Latin codex) is a set of rules. This is a single systematized normative act that regulates a certain area of ​​social relations. It is the code of business ethics that ensures the effective assistance of the company's employees, their responsibility and other important issues. It is developed on the basis of public norms of business ethics, as well as Russian and foreign documents that define the best corporate governance practices. This is the Code of Corporate Conduct.

    It is thanks to him that the main values ​​\u200b\u200bof each company are determined:

    • Effective work. The company is always responsible to its co-workers and other participants in the work process. Every company wants to increase its profits, to be efficient. This will be the main value.
    • Another value is employees. Those tasks will be successfully achieved, the solution of which is aimed at coordinated work. Therefore, it is in the interests of the company to reveal the talents of its employees and their abilities.
    • Responsible attitude. Each firm must be aware of its social responsibility. This means that the company is conscientious and honest in the processes of the market economy.

    • Partnership. For the successful functioning of the company, it is necessary to win and strengthen business partnerships. Only then can significant results be achieved when there is long-term mutually beneficial cooperation. At the same time, both parties must respect each other. The company must create motivation for its employees in order to achieve the set plans and the desired goals.
    • indicators of morality. It is important not only to comply with all laws, but also to lead your company to profit using simple "human" foundations. These include honesty, justice, decency.

    We see that with the help of the code, it is possible to effectively compose the corporate values ​​of each company.


    Business ethics will function on the basis of a specific profession, its focus. The main function is to contribute to the effective implementation of tasks. Business ethics is a kind of intermediary. It incorporates the interests of society and professional groups of the population, as well as separately for each individual.

    Summing up, we can say that business ethics connects the moral and ethical components in the field of work.


    It is necessary to observe the main rules for conducting successful activities. This applies to acquaintances, greetings, meetings, meetings. Any interaction with working partners, colleagues or investors should always be rational.

    Keep a low profile. Emotions that are not controlled will have an adverse effect on making correct and informed decisions.

    It is also important to show understanding to business partners. A careful attitude will help to develop mutually acceptable solutions.

    An important rule is the provision of reliable information. False data will influence the situation not in your favor. You should also not teach your partners. It is better to try to negotiate with the other side and understand their actions and desires.


    There are the following moral principles of business ethics I:

    • All actions need to be done on time. Punctuality- an important feature of the success of enterprising people. Any delay will have a bad effect on the work. They will also talk about the fact that this person is unreliable. In order to keep up with everything, experts advise adding 25% to the period that you think is needed to carry out important work.
    • Confidentiality. It is worth remembering that all the secrets of the institution should be kept as well as personal secrets. Do not retell any information you hear from a colleague, supervisor, or subordinate.
    • Friendly environment, friendly workers. Always be polite at work. In this case, you do not need to make friends with everyone, but you should always show goodwill. This will help you in your work and career growth.

    • Attentive attitude. Respect for the opinions of others is the foundation. Try to understand why something happened. You should also listen to criticism, an important advice from workers. At the same time, you should not lose confidence in yourself.
    • Appearance. Clothing is also important. You should skillfully enter the environment, adopt a similar style. You need to look neat and stylish.
    • Literacy. Whatever the situation, you need to speak and write correctly. This applies to both negotiations and correspondence. It is unacceptable to use abusive phrases, including if you cite the phrase of another person as an example.


    There are multiple norms of ethical behavior for the leader, colleagues of each organization. Their manifestation mainly consists of knowledge, and also depends on the desire of everyone to work fruitfully and efficiently. There are also special rules that will help prevent conflicts. These include:

    • When disagreements arise, non-contact forms should be used. This will help the emotions subside a little and already make decisions more carefully.
    • Entrust negotiating disputes only to those employees who hold high positions in the company, and also have all the necessary powers.
    • It is better to involve a qualified specialist at the first stage of the conflict. This will help prevent possible deterioration of the situation, material and moral losses.
    • It is necessary to use even small chances to achieve a truce.
    • If it was not possible to resolve controversial issue, then the dispute is further considered in the pre-trial or judicial procedure.

    Such norms define expectations, effective behavior, which is approved by the enterprise or society. Of course, the most civilized business will be only honest business, which is built on moral and ethical values.

    Relationship culture

    In business, it is important to observe the culture of communication. If you speak the language of the client, you will be able to conclude the most profitable contracts. Corporate ethics, the ability to listen, as well as knowledge of the traditions of your partners will help to form a positive image of the company and conclude mutually beneficial deals.

    So, for example, Russia has its own peculiarities of business communication, in contrast to Japan and Vietnam. Modern national ethics has undergone development with the improvement of traditional society.

    The roots of business ethics go back to the past, when relationships were just beginning to emerge between people. IN medieval Europe the basis of such business relationships is the desire for profit. Now at the enterprise or in the company this principle is also present. Also important are the moral qualities of employees. All this allows you to establish strong contacts with the right partners.

    Solving conflict situations in a team

    Any team consists of different people - men and women, leaders and subordinates. Sooner or later there will be a clash of interests - conflict situations. Further fruitful work will depend on how the company as a whole overcomes them. It is worth noting that conflict is the interaction of several people with different goals and interests. Conflicts arise for various reasons. For example, personal motives. These usually include a mismatch of positions in relation to one's own personality. There are also production reasons that are associated with the work process.

    Also conflicts can be one-sided, two-sided, and also false(occur due to misunderstandings and mistakes). It is worth noting that all conflicts have a different pace of development. It can be somewhat slow paced or fast and fast paced. As a result of the conflict, one side can win. You can also reach a compromise or return to the previous state.

    Business etiquette is the thing that a true professional cannot do without. After all, even if you are an excellent specialist in your field, but at the same time regularly expose yourself in a bad light, communicating with colleagues, bosses or clients, then you are unlikely to be able to achieve great success in your career. We bring to your attention the rules of business etiquette that should be followed.

    Stand up when someone introduces you

    Getting up from your seat will enhance the effect of your presence. If, during the acquaintance, you remain seated, then it will be easier to ignore you. If you are caught off guard and you cannot get up immediately, then just lean slightly and lean forward, indicating that you would definitely get up if you could.

    Always state your full name

    In a business setting, you should always use your full name. However, one should also pay attention to whether it is easy for people to remember and pronounce it. So, if your name is too long and complicated, then do not forget to hand over your interlocutor and your business card so that he can perceive it in written form.

    A higher-ranking representative or host must always be the initiator of the handshake

    In today's business world, a handshake is an official greeting, regardless of gender. The first to give a hand, according to etiquette, should be a person occupying a higher position or a representative of the host. If, for some reason, he hesitated, then, without wasting time, stretch out your hand for a greeting. After all, be that as it may, the handshake should take place.

    Dress appropriately

    Clothing is an important form of non-verbal communication. It can both improve your professional reputation and worsen it. Therefore, when going to a meeting or event, be sure to find out what the dress code is supposed to be there, and dress in accordance with it.

    Say "thank you" no more than once or twice during the conversation

    Do not abuse gratitude in a business conversation. Otherwise, your interlocutor may begin to perceive you as a helpless person who needs constant support.

    Send individual thank-you notes to all negotiators

    Remember that after negotiating or interviewing for a job, you must send a message within 24 hours to everyone you would like to thank. IN modern world this is most often done via email.

    Don't take out your phone

    We all carry mobile phones with us everywhere. However, do not take your phone out of your pocket or bag during a business meeting. Of course, you might think that you will be able to discreetly reply to a letter or type a message, but from the outside it will look rude. Also, don't put your phone on the table during a meeting. After all, this way you will demonstrate to the interlocutor that you are ready to switch your attention from him to your mobile phone at any time.

    Use professional photos

    Always post only high-quality professionally made photos on business websites. After all, you should look like a reliable and trustworthy business person, and not like a carefree person who has just returned from the beach or a party.

    Use a professional email address

    If you work for a company, use the corporate address. But if you need to give a personal email address, then make sure it looks correct. So, it must contain your name. Never use nicknames.

    Always check the correctness of the selected addressee when sending e-mail.

    This simple action will never be superfluous. After all, it is not difficult to confuse the addressee, but the consequences of an error can be very serious.

    Follow the rules of business correspondence when sending emails

    Should not be used in email communication. colloquial expressions like "Hey guys!" or "Hey folks!" Even if you are closely acquainted with the addressee, remember that other people can see your correspondence. Therefore, it must be kept in a businesslike tone.

    If you forgot someone's name then admit it

    Each person can forget the name of his interlocutor. If this happens to you, then just politely admit it.

    Greet people at work

    When you come to the office, always say hello to both those you know and people you don't know. After all, in a few minutes it may turn out that a stranger will be sitting next to you at a meeting or meeting.

    Keep fingers together when pointing at something

    Do not point at someone or something with your index finger. It is best to do this with an open palm, keeping your fingers together.

    Don't be late

    Always arrive on time for meetings. You don't want to waste other people's time. In addition, lack of punctuality is seen as a sign of unprofessionalism. However, it may happen that the situation gets out of your control, and you still can't show up on time. In this case, immediately send a notification to the persons concerned about the planned time of your arrival, apologize and briefly explain the situation.

    Do not pull up a chair for partners and colleagues

    It's okay to hold the door for someone. However, regardless of gender, you should not push a chair to your colleagues, partners or clients.

    Always break bread with your hands

    During a business lunch or dinner, never use a knife to cut bread. It should be broken by hand.

    Don't over-order

    During a business lunch, you should not order, for example, an expensive steak or lobster. In this case, it may seem that you are simply trying to take advantage of the situation when the person who invited you to the restaurant will have to pay for you.

    Don't Forget Table Rules

    If you do not often have to visit restaurants, having lunch with business partners, then ask about the rules of table etiquette in advance. This will allow you to make a good impression on the interlocutor.

    Order as much food as your interlocutor

    If your partner orders an appetizer and dessert, then you should follow suit. Otherwise, he may experience discomfort while waiting for you to also eat, for example, first and second courses.

    Never ask the waiter to pack the leftovers of your lunch

    You come to a restaurant for business negotiations. Therefore, in no case do not ask to pack what is left for you to take with you.

    The inviter must always pay the bill

    If you invite someone to dinner, you should always pay the bill. And this applies to both women and men. If your interlocutor insists on being able to pay for lunch himself, then you can tell him not to worry, because the company covers the expenses for you, or something like that.

    stay sober

    Many deals have been broken and many careers have been ruined due to the fact that people during business negotiations abused alcohol and behaved inappropriately as a result. Therefore, always stay sober during business events and informal communication with partners.

    Prepare polite care

    When leaving the room, always say some suitable phrase. This will allow you to remain in control of the situation and remain polite. So, for example, you can say “Nice to meet you” or “See you at the meeting on Monday”, etc.