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    Tikhon Zadonsky helps with what. Miraculous healings: St. Tikhon of Zadonsk (1724-1782)

    The one who lives in malice is dead,
    and he is alive who is in love ... "

    Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk

    Every year on these days the Zadonsky Nativity-Theotokos Monastery receives a particularly large number of pilgrims. August 26 - the day of memory of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, the day of his repose and the second acquisition of relics The saint reposed in the Lord in 1783, he was 59 years old. But this life, not so long by earthly standards, has contained so much work, so much love, so much mercy, so much soulful edification, has become such a truly inexhaustible source of God's grace that many generations of our compatriots and Orthodox Christians from all over the world hasten to fall to Saint Tikhon of Zadonsky, in order to taste the life-giving dew given by the Savior Himself through His pleaser to all who flow in faith.

    “Orthodoxy is a mentor, piety to a teacher, a preacher of repentance, a zealot of Zlatoust, a good pastor, new Russia Thou art a lamp and miracle worker, Thou didst save the good of your flock, and Thou didst teach all of us with your writings, with the same crown of incorruption you were adorned by the Chief Shepherd, pray to Him that our souls be saved, "the Church sings in one of the troparions to the saint.

    Saint Tikhon, Bishop of Voronezh and Eletsk, Wonderworker of Zadonsk (1724-1783) - a great theologian, the greatest Orthodox religious educator and writer of the 18th century, author of many letters, among which there are instructions for parents and children, teachers and seminarians. His works were the favorite reading of pious Russian people and had a tremendous influence on Russian religious literature and preaching. This is one of the saints most beloved by the Russian people. The simplicity of his life, sensitivity and care for each person with whom he communicated, attracted the hearts of many people to him. With a simple, deep and fiery word, he strengthened in faith, instructed, supported and taught his flock. He tirelessly resisted the pagan superstitions that persisted among the people and began to develop, especially among young people, freethinking and unbelief.

    The life of the saint contained within itself many labors, many sorrows, but also many spiritual consolations from the Lord and His Most Pure Mother. From childhood, having known hunger, want, extreme poverty, the saint was always not only merciful to those in need, but also taught in his creations that poverty, like many other human misfortunes, stems from the impoverishment of love in people: “If there was love, we would not go people would be half-naked and in rags, because love would dress them, for "love is merciful." If there were love, homeless people would not wander, because love would not allow this, but would give them a place of rest ”.

    From childhood, the saint also shows an example of hard work, a special zeal for knowledge (after all, he even sold half of the daily piece of bread allocated from the treasury in the seminary to buy a candle and devote more time to reading books and studying). Seeing his determination and zeal, love and mercy, humility and non-covetousness, the Lord consoled and strengthened His chosen one - he was given the vision of the open Heavens, the grace of shepherding and archpastorship, the appearance of the Mother of God and the Savior Himself, a special gift of tears and many spiritual gifts ...

    Already during his lifetime, those around him saw in him a man of God, a saint, so ordinary people exhorted each other with the words: "Otherwise he will complain to God," those who were in discord with him did not dare to express enmity, but, listening to the saint, they came to the world, indifferent to someone else's misfortune was abundantly sacrificed when the saint called for help to those who were burned down or who fell into other trouble.

    The successor of the apostolic labors, Saint Tikhon, above all, called upon the flock to manifest love for God and neighbors in deeds. “Dead is he who lives in malice, and he is alive who lives in love,” he wrote. The labors of St. Tikhon, like his holy relics, are a spiritual support to all who seek good pastoral guidance and guidance on the right path.

    In Soviet times, the holy relics of St. Tikhon were taken away from the Zadonsk monastery, but by the grace of God in 1991 the shrine was returned to the monastery. Back in 1988, in the year of the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus, the relics that were in the Oryol Regional Museum were transferred to the Church, but before returning to Zadonsk, they stayed in the Oryol diocese for three years. It was on this day twenty-three years ago, August 26, 1991, that the brethren of the Zadonsk monastery, headed by Archimandrite Nikon, now Metropolitan of Lipetsk and Zadonsk, solemnly met the priceless treasure - the holy relics of the Zadonsk miracle worker.

    At that time, the monastery was just beginning to recover. Before returning to the monastery of the relics, as Vladyka Nikon recalls, “life in our monastery was barely warm, there were few pilgrims, there were very few participants in the service. But they returned to us the holy relics of St. Tikhon from Orel in 1991, and this became a powerful impetus. It became easy, joyful to live and ascetic in Zadonsk. "

    Under the prayerful protection of Saint Tikhon, through the labors and care of the priest archimandrite of the monastery, Vladyka Nikon, from year to year, not only the Zadonsk monastery is being restored and beautified, but also the entire Lipetsk diocese formed in 2003, whose ruling bishop from the very moment of its foundation was Vladyka Nikon, at that time bishop of Lipetsk and Yeletsk. This remarkable archpastor not only brought the monastery to a wonderful state, but revived the spiritual life of the entire Lipetsk region. In the diocese, which he received in control, in 2003 there were three monasteries, 74 functioning churches. Ten years later, through the efforts of Vladyka, there were already about 280 functioning churches in the Lipetsk diocese. On May 29, 2013, the Lipetsk Metropolitanate was formed, there are three male and seven female monasteries in it, but the Zadonsk Nativity-Theotokos Monastery remains the largest monastic cloister, the center of attraction for thousands of pilgrims.

    Many people come to the sources of St. Tikhon, - says Metropolitan Nikon. - Here, at the monastery, the Mother of God spring is in honor of the Life-Giving Spring icon. Saint Tikhon dug a spring in the village of Tyunino, and then in the Skete tract, he went there to write works. Then there was a skete of this monastery. Most people come to that distant source, especially on Sundays. But there are great healings.

    And many healings take place from the relics of St. Tikhon. Rumor goes, people come. For example, about a year ago, many witnessed a miracle in the Zadonsk monastery: a man ascended to the relics of the saint on crutches, and moving away from the relics, he realized that he no longer needed them! He thanked God and His saint with tears for the healing! And how many intimate miracles are performed! The main thing is that firm faith in the mercy of God and the intercession of the saint on the one hand, and that what we ask for will really be useful to us. Otherwise, it turns out according to the words of the Apostle James: “Ask and you do not receive, because you ask not for good, but in order to use it for your desires” (James 4. 3).

    People thank Saint Tikhon for a lot. In February of this year I was in the village of Pokrovskoe, there is the Intercession Church. It has been standing since the 17th century, but it was built gradually, so there is a legend that one of its limits was already consecrated in the 18th century by Saint Tikhon himself. And with the prayer cover of the saint, many associate the fact that in Soviet times the church was not blown up. It was supposed to be blown up along with the neighboring ones, but suddenly a bad weather broke out, the roads were washed out, and the explosives simply could not get to the village, and the authorities were told that they had done all the work. So the temple was “forgotten”. And in our time, the ancient five-altar Cathedral of the Intercession began to revive. Thank God!

    Vladyka, how do you manage, heading the Lipetsk Metropolitanate, to delve into the life of the monastery to the smallest detail?

    It's easy and natural. The Zadonsk Monastery is my home and my offspring, the inhabitants of the monastery are my children, I live here all the time, from here I go to Lipetsk and to all the cities and villages of our diocese to perform divine services and to participate in other events.

    Often I go around the territory of the monastery, inspect everything, communicate with the brethren and monks at all obediences. Seniors in the refectory, bakery, prosphora, printing house, monastery shops, warehouses, construction and field work, the monastery farm and other facilities can easily meet with me, tell me about problems that arise, get advice, and receive blessings. Everything happens on the go, as in a large family: in the process of life and communication between children and parents.

    What place does Saint Tikhon occupy in your life?

    Saint Tikhon is not only an example of a righteous man for me and for all Russian people. He is invisibly present nearby and very lively, with extraordinary power, helps in my service. His invisible presence inspires and inspires us incessantly. Saint Tikhon became the most important patron of my life together with the elders of the Glinsk Hermitage - the Monk Schemitropolitan Seraphim (Zinovy \u200b\u200bMazhuga) and Schema-Archimandrite Vitaly (Sidorenko). The life and teachings of these great elders, whose spiritual son the Lord vouchsafed me to be, became the basis of my whole life. There was something akin to them with St. Tikhon, probably, like all the saints. I saw their lives, heard their words, their attitude to everything ...

    I came to Father Vitaly at the age of twenty and could not leave him. He was unmercenary. His cell attendant was mother Maria, abbess; she looked after him, followed him everywhere ... and hid things from him, because he distributed everything wherever he went, and what was on him at that moment, too, right down to his socks. The crowd ran after him ... He was so loving that he did not want to part with him. Likewise, Saint Tikhon - after all, charity was his favorite business, he was not himself, if on some day he could not be of benefit to someone, and the more he gave, the more he rejoiced.

    And I knew Schemitropolitan Seraphim for eleven years. When Vladyka died, he lay for five days in the Alexander Nevsky Church in Tbilisi, all this time we practically did not sleep and did not eat, we were as if stunned - such grace was from his body that there was neither sorrow nor grief, we walked and communicated as if in a dream.

    And when I met Saint Tikhon, it was as if I was in my home. And we always try to continue his work of mercy, helping the disadvantaged, spiritual enlightenment. Our monastery takes care of two secondary schools, a school for the deaf and dumb, the Nadezhda center, where children whose parents are deprived of parental rights, and other “difficult” children are kept. Our inhabitants come to them and teach there all year round. These are secular institutions, but our hieromonks, monks and nuns work closely with them, children come in whole classes to receive communion. We organize various trips, concerts - in general, the monastery helps. We also help schools for the deaf and dumb and visually impaired with food.

    It was considered that the monastery constantly provides spiritual and material charitable assistance to five children's and five medical institutions, prisoners of more than twenty correctional colonies and prisons, many people in need, donates funds for the restoration of more than ten churches of the Zadonsk region, as well as for the restoration of the newly formed monasteries of Lipetsk and Yeletskaya dioceses.

    Your Eminence, how many pilgrims come to visit the saint at the Zadonsk monastery?

    Sure. There are especially many of them these days. We are preparing to meet tens of thousands of pilgrims, including participants in the Mitrofaniev-Tikhon procession, which has been going on for several years, which begins in Voronezh on August 20, on the day of the celebration of St. Mitrophan, and for several days people go to our monastery - to the feast of St. Tikhon.

    As always, on the eve of the commemoration day of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, we put the monastery in order, clean it up everywhere. Preparing premises for accommodation of pilgrims for the night. There will be a refectory for all comers under the Vladimir Cathedral in the not yet fully restored Trinity Church. We bring food for the holiday. There is a strict Dormition Fast, but fish is allowed in our diocese on the feast of St. Tikhon.

    Hieromonks, abbots are constantly with people - they accept confession, receive communion, unite, consoles, and give spiritual advice. To decorate the temple and the reliquary with the honest relics of St. Tikhon, a large number of fresh flowers are acquired.

    Anything new in comparison with the previous years can you name?

    For the feast of St. Tikhon, we reopened the site of the monastery, now it is decorated more strictly and concisely and is served not by laypeople, but by members of our monastery brotherhood. The next issue of the almanac "Zadonsky Pilgrim" is being prepared.

    Dear Vladyka, how do you personally prepare for the feast of St. Tikhon? Are there any changes in your life in connection with the holiday?

    For me, this is just a holiday of another meeting with the saint and those who come to honor his memory. I try to always be spiritually cheerful and maintain a constant prayer and work form. Throughout the year, I often serve the Liturgy, in secret fulfillment of my monastic rule. I often go to the forest for the whole day (early in the morning or after the Liturgy), where I pick mushrooms for the refectory and at the same time perform the Jesus Prayer. I try not to relax spiritually and physically.

    Probably, the spiritual and physical labors of youth formed a certain skill in you, so it is easy for you to serve God and people, it is easy to pray, to communicate with people joyfully. What are your favorite activities?

    I will be quite sincere if I say that I love God and people. Therefore, sometimes I hasten to run away from people in order to be alone with God in prayer, and sometimes, on the contrary, I hasten to meet people, feeling the need for communication, the desire to help, console, and prompt.

    As already mentioned, I like "quiet hunting" - to pick mushrooms; it is both an opportunity to be useful to the monastery, and a method of prayer solitude, as well as bodily labor, movement, to maintain good physical shape. Let us recall that both the Monk Seraphim of Sarov and Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk consciously loaded their bodies with physical labor. Saint Tikhon, for example, chopped wood, mowed grass for his horse, and dug wells for arranging forest springs. This helped him to improve his health.

    How many children and young people come to the monastery?

    They come. There is often a Voronezh cadet corps; when they arrive, they line up here, go in formation to the temple, then to the refectory. Those who rest in summer camps diocese. Many children come from sunday schools... We have many flowers growing, and almost all of them were planted by these guys.

    Students from a technical university come, they work in our garden. Students from the Pedagogical University come to practice.

    Everything related to the memory of St. Tikhon is carefully preserved and venerated in the monastery. In 2005, a new canopy was installed over the shrine with the relics of the saint, in 2006 - a new silver shrine with skillful chasing, this precious ark for keeping the main shrine of the monastery - the relics of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk. The vestments of the saint, in which he was buried, are completely untouched by time; it rests in a glass ark next to the honest relics.

    The Vladimir Cathedral currently houses many locally revered icons, relics brought from Jerusalem, particles of the relics of God's saints. In the monastery there are icons of ancient writing, carefully preserved by believers during the years of godless power. Among them, the most revered are the image of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk and the icon of the Mother of God "Vladimirskaya".

    From the instructions of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk about education:

    “Teaching without a good living is not strong and not useful. What is the use for a person to teach and not create himself? And according to the word of Christ: Whoever does and teaches, he will be called great in the kingdom of heaven (Matt 5:19). Therefore, from an early age, one must resist natural malice, and try to eradicate it with the help of God, and accustom oneself to virtue, which is done by everyday teaching in the law of God, and through seeking success in that test. "

    "To teach not only literacy, but also an honest life, the fear of God, since literacy without the fear of God is nothing but a sword to a madman."

    "As a small tree tilts to which side, so it will grow to the end, so the young boy, what he will first be instructed to do, will have a tendency until the end of his life."

    “Instructions in piety and in the fear of the Lord should be from infancy, as soon as children begin to understand at least a little something. Because, as it was said above, this age, as a gentle one, is convenient for the perception of good or evil. "

    “The most urgent thing is for parents to bring up their children in the fear of God and good nature. Without this, any teaching and education is nothing. Many parents teach their children foreign languages, others teach arts, but they neglect the Christian teaching and upbringing: such parents give birth to children for temporary life, but they are not allowed to eternal life. Woe to them, for it is not bodies, but human souls that kill with their negligence! Christian! Do not imitate such parents, but in every way try to educate your children in the fear of God and good nature. "

    “Holy Baptism for those Christians who fearlessly and lawlessly live and neglect the law of God, does not mean anything, but before God they are like pagans and outside the number of true Christians. Only those who live holy and piously will benefit from holy Baptism; for them the doors of the Kingdom of Heaven are open, and for the wicked and careless they are closed, because they do not keep their vows and have lied to God. Remind your children of this, so that they live in the fear of God, and beware of every sin, like a deadly poison, and learn every good deed. "

    “Christian, love your children in a Christian way and punish them so that they are good and good. Punish the body so that the soul is healed. Do not feel sorry for them (punish) now, so that you can rejoice about them later. Remember that you will repay God for them. However, moderation in everything is commendable. "

    “Any human effort, and especially in such an important matter, is powerless without God's help. Therefore, pray diligently that God Himself will help you to be the most kind, and to instruct your children for good ”.

    “[Pupils] should not discuss and not laugh at other people's deeds and actions, but everyone should know himself and his business, to which he is called. And beware of quarrels, slander and fights among themselves. Foul language, obscene jokes, blasphemy and outrageous laughter beware. Do not use any nicknames, especially obscene ones. Do not play with inappropriate and obscene games. "

    Photo of the site of the Zadonsky monastery

    Saint Tikhon is known for his help in healing from demonic possession. In particular, N.A. Motovilov, an assistant to the Monk Seraphim of Sarov, was healed after 30 years of illness, which consisted in a strong demonic action, at the discovery of the relics of Tikhon of Zadonsk, which was accompanied by a visible appearance of St. Tikhon himself.

    A great ascetic, an outstanding writer and theologian, an ardent prayer book - all this is about one person - about Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk. He lived and carried out his ministry in the 18th century, in a completely different environment from ours, among people, perhaps not much like us. But even today his creations continue to ignite the hearts of people with the flame of faith, and today any prayer, any appeal to him will certainly find a response. With special hope, they turn to the saint with a prayer for the treatment of mental ailments: depression, drunkenness, insanity, demonic possession.

    Timofei Savelyevich Sokolovsky (that was the name of Saint Tikhon before taking monasticism) - was born in 1724 in the village of Korotsko in the Valdai district of the Novgorod province. His father, Savely Sokolov, served as a psalmist in a local church. By the way, he received his surname while studying at a theological seminary (such was the tradition of those years), and by birth he bore the surname Kirillov. The father of the family died when Timofey was still quite a child. Left without a breadwinner, the widow and orphans literally became beggars. Therefore, the future saint, from childhood, knew the price of labor, the price of bread.

    When Timothy was fourteen years old, his mother brought him to Novgorod to study - she wanted her son to enter a religious school. In this she was helped by the eldest son, who was a clerk in Novgorod. He took his brother to him for maintenance and petitioned for his enrollment in the Novgorod Spiritual Slavic school at the bishop's house. The poor family could not give more to their child. But this turned out to be unnecessary: \u200b\u200bTimofey showed such diligence and ability to science that he was soon recognized as one of the best students of the school. In fact, the school did not exist for a long time, in 1740, thanks to the efforts of the Novgorod bishop Ambrose, it was transformed into the Theological Seminary. Timofey Sokolovsky, as the most talented student, was transferred there and admitted to government support.

    However, "state maintenance" did not at all mean a carefree well-fed life: at that time it only gave the right to receive free bread and boiling water. But this was enough for Timothy - after all, the main thing was that he got the opportunity, without burdening his family, to study, to comprehend the depths of the Orthodox faith. But it took a long time to study. In general, the future saint spent a significant part of his life in the seminary, first studying (almost 14 years - after all, there was an acute shortage of teachers in the new seminary), then teaching Greek and theology and heading the department of rhetoric.

    On April 10, 1758, Timothy was tonsured into monasticism with the name Tikhon. And a year later he had to leave Novgorod, which had already become native - at the request of the Tver Bishop Athanasius, he was appointed archimandrite of the Tver Zheltikov Dormition Monastery and rector of the Tver Theological Seminary, a teacher of theology and present in the spiritual consistory. At this time he became a bishop - on May 13, 1761, in the St. Petersburg Peter and Paul Cathedral, he was consecrated bishop of Keksholm and Ladoga, vicar of the Novgorod diocese. But the second segment of life in Novgorod was short-lived. The new obedience entrusted by the hierarchy called him to St. Petersburg - to preside over the St. Petersburg Synodal office. From there Vladyka Tikhon moved further, to Voronezh, where Bishop John of Voronezh and Eletsk died at that time, and Bishop Tikhon was appointed to the Voronezh See.

    Having received serious power and great opportunities, Saint Tikhon finally launched an activity that, apparently, he dreamed of, and towards which he had been going all his life. Previously, only to the extent of the opportunities given to him by teaching, he disseminated true knowledge about God among the laity and the clergy, encouraging them to pure faith. Now he could write and publish theological works, preach, observe and help the clergy in their ministry. In the very first year of his hierarchical ministry in Voronezh, Vladyka Tikhon wrote a short lecture On the Seven Holy Mysteries. This was followed by the work "Adding to the priestly office on the mystery of holy repentance." This essay is of particular interest because in it the saint teaches two approaches to constructing confession for the laity: feeling in a person deep repentance and contrition for his sins, the priest must encourage and comfort him, recalling the mercy and forgiveness of God, in order to prevent the penetration of despondency in his heart. Otherwise, the priest needs, on the contrary, to remind the person of judgment, of mortal retribution, in order to awaken in him regret for sins.

    Saint Tikhon took care of both the spiritual and intellectual growth of the clergy and their protection from unlawful punishment. He preached a lot, including especially for the clergy, summoning teachers from the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy for this, publishing books and sending them to the county towns of the diocese. Vladyka constantly participated in the upbringing of future archpastors, opening Slavic schools in all cities, and then establishing two theological schools in Ostrogozhsk and Yelets. In 1765, with his labors, the Voronezh Slavic-Latin school was transformed into a theological seminary. At the same time, the bishop was the first to ban corporal punishment of clergy in his diocese.
    Youth dream

    Probably from an early age, Saint Tikhon wanted a solitary monastic life - constant prayer, simple everyday life, silence ... But he possessed many talents and gifts that were to find their application in a different environment - in the city, in theological schools, in upbringing and education clergy and strengthening the Church of Christ. Therefore, for many years the Lord did not allow him to fulfill his dream and to retire for prayer in a quiet little cell.

    But then the moment came when the incessant cares, deeds to which Vladyka always treated with great zeal, crippled his health and drained his strength. Heart and nervous attacks began to happen to him, the lightest ailment gave serious complications. In the end, the lack of strength began to affect deeds: the saint could no longer pay attention to everything that required it. But Vladyka was extremely strict and exacting - first of all, towards himself. He could not afford to occupy the department, knowing that he did not fully meet the high requirements that he himself presented to this position. Therefore, he persistently asked permission to retire, which he received on December 17, 1767. He was given a pension and allowed to live wherever he wants.

    At first, Vladyka chose the Tolshevskaya Spaso-Preobrazhenskaya monastery (40 miles from Voronezh), but in the spring of 1679, due to climatic conditions unsuitable for his health, he moved to the Zadonsk monastery.

    Vladyka spent the rest of his life there, receiving the name “Zadonsky” because of this. Freed from the labors of the archpastoral, the saint, nevertheless, did not give himself rest. He lived in an ascetic environment, eating the simplest food and taking on the most difficult jobs (chopping wood, making hay, and so on). Strict towards himself, he was gentle and condescending to those around him, although he had a naturally ardent disposition. They say that after a stern remark made to his cell attendant, he bowed to the ground before him and asked for forgiveness.
    Light of faith

    It must be said that the saint did not succeed in fulfilling his desire for loneliness in full while at rest. His cell became a source of spiritual enlightenment for a large number of people who flocked there from different places and asked for advice and prayers. However, Vladyka was by no means burdened by this. He loved to talk with ordinary people, comforting people in the most difficult situations and even helping those who needed it with money. Children from the monastery settlement often came to him. He was respected by the surrounding nobles and landowners, taking into account his opinion when he pacified their conflicts or interceded with them for the peasants. Everything that the saint received as a gift and as a pension went to charity.

    Freed from a large number of troubles, freeing up time, in retirement the saint continued to write his works. This is how his best works appeared - "The Spiritual Treasure Gathered from the World" (1770) and "On True Christianity" (1776).

    The Christmas liturgy in 1779 was the last in his life. After this, his strength was extremely weakened, but he continued to work: in 1782 his spiritual testament appeared, in which he gave thanks to God for all the good deeds to him and expressed his hope for mercy in eternal life. And the next year he was gone. It happened on August 13, 1783. "His death was so calm that he seemed to fall asleep." Vladyka was buried in the Zadonsk Nativity-Theotokos monastery.

    Pilgrims still flock to his relics. His spiritual heritage still helps different generations of people find their way to God. His works contain age-old wisdom, but even now they are capable of giving an answer to the most acute, topical question.

    Description of the healing of N.A. Motovilov, assistant to the Monk Seraphim of Sarov, from demonic actions that lasted for about 30 years.

    <...> During the all-night vigil from 12 to 13 August after the transfer of the sacred relics of Saint and saint of God Tikhon to the cathedral, I had the happiness of standing in the altar of this cathedral in the side-altar of Saint Alexis, Metropolitan and Wonderworker of Moscow, closing my eyes for something, to see the Eminence Anthony, Archbishop of Voronezh and Zadonsk, who, coming up to me, taking my hand and feeling it shaking it, said to me in a voice that was intelligible to me, clearly audible: “That's good, that's fine, thank you for being here.” And when, on the day of the Dormition of the Mother of God, in the altar of the Intercession of Her Most Honorable in this very cathedral, I prepared for communion of the Most Pure Mysteries of the Lord and stood with my eyes closed, I had the happiness of seeing St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, the newly appeared wonderworker, standing near the altarpiece against the Image of the Mother of God " Life-giver ”, opposite the throne in this altar located. The saint stood with his head bowed down in front of the Heavenly Queen, and tears flowed from his eyes, in the same form as his sacred face appears on the prints of previous old editions of his works. This continued as long as I had to go to the communion of the Life-giving Mysteries of Christ.

    Here in Voronezh<...> when at the All-night Vigil of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist I stood near the relics of St. Mitrophan, which stood on the occasion of the change of the canopy over the place of his former tomb opposite the tomb of the Most Reverend Anthony, someone invisible, but clearly audible, approached sensibly, said to me: “What do you think , "where is the healing from my internal diseases, promised to me by the Eminence Anthony on behalf of St. Mitrophan," and you are waiting for a clear sign about that, but is it<го> it is not enough that you were rewarded, though with your eyes closed, but still not in a dream, but clearly to have the happiness of seeing two saints of Voronezh: Anthony and Tikhon, - after all, these were not ghosts you saw, but themselves, - so here is a sign for you, that the term for your inner suffering is over. This gift of God has been given to you, keep it and do it, ”- and a few words are added that personally relate to my life.


    An article from the open Orthodox encyclopedia "Drevo".

    Tikhon (Sokolov) (1724 - 1783), bishop b. Voronezh and Yeletsky, Zadonsky miracle worker, saint.

    In the world Timofey Savelyevich Kirillov-Sokolov was born in 1724 in the family of Savely Kirillov, a sexton of the village of Korotsk, Novgorod province, Valdai district.

    His father soon died. The family remained in such poverty that one day the mother decided to give her youngest son to a rich coachman who wanted to adopt him. Her eldest son, Peter, who took his father's place as clerk, begged her not to do this. "We will teach Tim to read," he said, "and he will be a sexton somewhere!" But the years passed, and Timofey often worked for the peasants all day for one piece of black bread.

    In 1737 he was sent to a theological school at the Novgorod bishop's house.

    In 1740 he was admitted to the government-sponsored seminary in Novgorod.

    Timofey studied well, even at night. And his playful peers teased the serious boy, sang dignity to him and incensed him with bast shoes. Due to the lack of teachers, the years of study were 14 years. He graduated from the course at the age of 30.

    In 1754, after graduating from the seminary, Timothy was left as a teacher, first of the Greek language, then of rhetoric and philosophy.

    In 1758 he was tonsured into monasticism with the name of Tikhon Archimandrite. Parfeny (Sopkovsky) and was appointed prefect of the seminary.

    In 1759, in the rank of hieromonk, he was transferred to the Tver diocese. There he was appointed archimandrite of the Zheltikov Monastery.

    In 1760 he was appointed rector of the Otroch monastery, with the determination to be the rector of the Tver seminary and theology teacher.

    He gave lectures on moral theology, for the first time in Russian instead of the generally accepted Latin language at that time, and at the same time it was so exciting that many strangers gathered to listen to him.

    Bishop of Khutynsky

    On May 13, 1761, he was consecrated bishop of Kexholm and Ladoga in order to be vicar of the Novgorod bishop while managing the Khutynsky monastery.

    Initiation was providential. The young archimandrite was supposed to be transferred to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, but in St. Petersburg, when the Novgorod vicar was elected, on Easter, his name was taken out of 8 lots three times. In great excitement, the Right Reverend Tikhon entered Novgorod, the city in which he spent his youth. Among the clergy who met him were his former contemporaries, and he jokingly reminded them of their childish pranks. In Novgorod, he found his older sister, who lived in great poverty. He accepted her with brotherly love, wanted to take care of her, but she soon died. The saint served her burial service, and in the grave his sister smiled at him. In Novgorod, her grave was honored. When all the members of the Holy Synod went to Moscow for the coronation of Empress Catherine II, Bishop Tikhon remained in St. Petersburg and conducted all synodic affairs.

    Bishop of Voronezh

    In 1763 he was transferred to the Voronezh department.

    Here, as the Savior said, “the harvest was plentiful, but the laborers were few” (Matthew 9:37). The diocese was huge, from the Eagle to the Black Sea, and it was neglected. The clergy were few, the population widely scattered, feral and ignorant and superstitious. There were many non-believers among the upper class. The young bishop set to work fervently. He traveled around a huge diocese, almost all covered with dense forests or steppe, often just on horseback. He started schools and preaching, which did not exist before him. He taught the people to honor God's temple and priests, and demanded mercy from the rich and noble to the poor. And morals began to soften. Once in Voronezh, the pagan god Yaril was celebrated on the square. Suddenly the ruler appears and with his fiery word stops the rampage. And the next day all the people appeared to him in repentance. Since then, the Yarile holiday has been terminated forever.

    Having assumed the leadership of the Voronezh flock, Saint Tikhon directed his attention to improving the moral condition of the clergy. He published for distribution to the priests a work of his, called "The priestly office on the seven holy mysteries", and in addition published "Addendum to the priestly office on the mystery of holy repentance."

    In the year of his arrival at the Voronezh See (1763), St. Tikhon recreates the Voronezh Seminary. He personally led the seminary, constantly talked with students and attended classes, drew up special rules for seminarians, spent a lot of money (including his own) on the maintenance and encouragement of students, invited the best graduates of theological academies and seminaries to teach, and began to create a library. Through the prayers of St. Tikhon Voronezh Seminary firmly stood on its feet. Due to the lack of teachers in the seminary, he took care of the education of spiritual youth. To teach the people, St. Tikhon in Voronezh open teaching of the Law of God on Sundays, before the liturgy, in the cathedral church. For those who, for whatever reason, could not personally listen to these teachings, the saint wrote Christian instructions, wrote an essay for reading "Flesh and Spirit". For this, he wrote reflections on some sayings of the Holy Scriptures. Preaching the rules of Christian life, Saint Tikhon was at the same time a stern denouncer of the vices of his day. The destruction of the Yarila folk festival and the outrageous Maslenitsa fun in Voronezh serve as a monument to the ardent and pious zeal of the Voronezh shepherd. For the poor and destitute people to St. Tikhon has always had free access. He called the beggars (according to the word of Chrysostom) Christ's and his brethren.

    For only four years and seven months Saint Tikhon ruled the Voronezh flock. Monastic exploits, pastoral labors, cares and griefs resulting from various obstacles to the fulfillment of his good intentions upset his health. He was attracted by solitude and prayer: he applied for his dismissal.

    In 1767 he was dismissed from the management of the flock with the appointment of a pension of 500 rubles. For his retirement, he first chose the out-of-order Tolshevsky monastery, but in view of the area unfavorable for his health, in 1769 he moved to the Zadonsky monastery.

    Here he first of all distributed all his belongings, leaving himself only the most necessary. He also distributed his pension. During his very modest dinner, he always lamented those who did not even have it. He often went out under the guise of a simple monk to the market square to ask the visiting peasants about their needs and send them help. He loved to gather poor children to him, teach them prayers and endow them with bread and small money: he always remembered his bitter childhood. He strictly kept the statutes of the Church, zealously (almost daily) visited the temples of God, often sang and read in the kliros himself, and over time, out of humility, completely abandoned participation in the performance of services and stood at the altar, reverently protecting himself with the sign of the cross. His favorite private occupation was reading the lives of saints and patristic creations. He knew the Psalter by heart and usually read or sang psalms on the way.

    The saint endured many temptations, lamenting the forced abandonment of his flock. Having recovered his health, he was going to return to the Novgorod diocese, where he was invited by Metropolitan Gabriel to take the place of abbot in the Iversky Valdai Monastery. When the cell attendant announced this to Elder Aaron, he said: "Why are you mad? The Mother of God does not order him to leave here." The Keleinik conveyed this to the Right Reverend. "If so," said the saint, "I will not go from here," and tore up the petition. Sometimes he left for the village of Lipovka, where he himself performed divine services in the Bekhteevs' house. The saint also went to the Tolshevsky monastery, which he loved for its solitude. For solitary prayer, he locked himself in his cell, and from there his prayer sighs flew to the cell-attendants; "Lord Jesus, have mercy on me!" He was seen shining with a blessed light. Once he was honored with the appearance of the crucified Lord Jesus Christ.

    St. Tikhon worked, did good, built an almshouse in the city of Livny, Oryol province, at the church of St. George. He took part in all the suffering and worried about the conversion of the schismatics to Orthodoxy and, at the same time, did not stop putting his thoughts on paper.

    He spent the day as follows: he always attended the early liturgy, wrote after it; at dinner I listened to the reading of the Old Testament and after a short rest I read the lives of the saints and the works of John Chrysostom, and after Vespers - the New Testament. This normal daily routine was interrupted by deeds of charity, receiving visitors, and gardening, which he loved very much. He never turned down the poor. His favorite occupation were his literary works: "Spiritual Treasure, Collected from the World" (1770), "True Christianity" (1776), "Letters to the Cell" and others. He dictated to their cell-attendants, usually walking around the room. Until recently, his works were the favorite reading of pious Russian people and had a tremendous influence on Russian religious literature and preaching.

    The saint lived in the simplest setting: he slept on straw, covered with a sheepskin coat. His humility reached the point that the saint did not pay attention to the ridicule, which often poured after him, pretending that he did not hear them, and said afterwards: “God pleases so that the ministers laugh at me - I am worthy for my sins my". He often said in such cases: "Forgiveness is better than revenge."

    Once the holy fool Kamenev hit the saint on the cheek with the words "not high-minded" - and the saint, accepting this with gratitude, daily fed the holy fool.

    But not everyone understood Christ's ascetic, and he had many occasions to show his humility. He loved everyone, but he had especially close friends. Such was especially Schema-monk Mitrofan, an elder of a high spiritual life, to whom the saint entrusted his spiritual children, novice ascetics, and to him alone he revealed his visions. He also loved the monk Theophan for his pure childlike soul and called him "Theophan - my joy" because he knew how to comfort him in sorrowful moments.

    The saint did not like to talk about worldly affairs and only during the war did he follow the military actions in the newspapers. But he never missed an opportunity to preach the word of God - neither in the monastery, nor outside its walls. He especially loved the city of Elets for the piety of its inhabitants and called it Zion. He helped the poor there, especially after the fire. He visited a poor widow on every visit, left her money, and took her boys to his upbringing. He stayed with his friends - the merchant Yakov Feodorovich Rostovtsev and Kosma Ignatievich Sudeikin - and through them he gave alms. He especially loved Rostovtsev's eldest son, Dimitri, who, living with his father, led an almost monastic life. The saint instructed him to sell the precious materials that were given to him, and to distribute money to the poor. Once the saint saw a perfectly healthy boy, Rostovtsev's grandson, and said to him: "Get ready, Sasha, in the mountains, get ready, my dear, to the heavenly fatherland." The boy died three days later. Sudeikin was a church elder all his life, he lived near his church in voluntary poverty, because he gave all his fortune to the poor. He set up a school near his home.

    Once Cosmas came to Father Mitrofan during the 6th week of Great Lent. There was no hostel in the Zadonsk monastery, and everyone had to take care of themselves. According to the charter, fish is allowed during Great Lent only on Palm Sunday and on the Annunciation, and Fr. Mitrofan has already bought it for Palm Sunday. But when he saw Cosmas, he said: "There will be Palm Sunday, but Cosmas will not be" - and ordered to cook the fish. But when they were having dinner, St. Tikhon unexpectedly entered. The Friends were so frightened that he found them breaking the fast that both fell on their knees and asked for forgiveness. But the saint said: "Love is above fasting" - and in order to calm them down, he ate several spoons of fish soup. Cosmas was amazed. He knew that Saint Tikhon was a great fasting man. And in emotion he told the prediction he had heard in childhood that a great saint of God would live in Zadonsk: “I cannot take this to myself,” the saint remarked. Nevertheless, he forbade his friends to repeat this story.

    Saint Tikhon's charity was not limited to Yelets and the environs of Zadonsk; He set up an almshouse near Tula, entrusting it to one priest. Sent to the city of Livny about. Mitrofan with financial assistance. He sent alms even to his distant northern homeland. He especially loved helping the peasants. Zadonsk stood on the high road, and the house of St. Tikhon was a real stranger. He put the sick in his own bed. He himself served the funeral service and buried the deceased. When Zadonsk turned into a city, he, avoiding noise and crowds, sometimes went to the village to his friends or just to one secluded place that he loved and where the Tikhonovsky Monastery subsequently arose. Nevertheless, he avoided these departures whenever possible.

    Saint Tikhon did not give a blessing for this to all who wanted monasticism. He usually gave these people advice to live in the world in a Christian way. But he was very concerned about those in whom he saw a real inclination for monasticism. So, two of his spiritual daughters cut their hair, giving them the names Margarita and Eupraxia, and resumed the burned-down Elets monastery.

    Another example: Saint Tikhon often visited his friends, the landowners Bekhteevs. On one of these visits, their children, having received a blessing, left and only the younger, Nikandr, remained to listen to the instructions of the saint. Leaving, the saint blessed him with the words: "May the blessing of God be in this youth." A few years later, Nikandr Alekseevich, at the behest of his parents, entered military service, but soon returned and announced that he wanted to enter a monastery. The parents were frightened and, leaving somewhere, locked him up and ordered him to be watched. On the same night Nikandr Alekseevich fled, swam across the Don in a boat and landed at the Zadonsk monastery, which was 12 miles from his parent's house. Saint Tikhon was waiting for him on the shore. “I knew that you would leave your parents tonight,” he said, “and I dropped in for Fr. Mitrofan to meet you. " He entrusted him with the spiritual guidance of Fr. Mitrofan, and Nikandr Alekseevich remained in the monastery forever. But he did not bless him to receive monastic tonsure, and Nikandr lived as a novice in the monastery until his death. He gave his share of the inheritance to the poor, and for his sustenance he learned a craft. His grave was venerated among the graves of the righteous there.

    Saint Tikhon carefully concealed his gracious gifts of insight and miracles. He could clearly see the thoughts of his interlocutor, predicted the flood of 1777 in St. Petersburg, and in 1778, the year of the birth of Emperor Alexander I, predicted to Nikandra Alekseevich many events of the reign of Alexander I. In 1812, Bekhteev said, according to the saint, that Russia will be saved, and Napoleon will die. “The Lord God listened to him on many occasions,” wrote one of his cell attendants. Saint Tikhon healed this cell attendant during his dangerous illness with the words: "Go, and God will have mercy on you." (The gift of miracles of Saint Tikhon was also manifested after his death, and, moreover, with great power.)

    Saint Tikhon devoted the last years of his life to prayer and almost complete seclusion, preparing for death. Except about. Mitrofan, Bekhteev, Sudeikin and cell attendants, he did not receive anyone. At this time, Zadonsk became a city, and a prison was temporarily placed in the monastery. Saint Tikhon had already stopped his exits altogether, only this prison he visited at night - for the sake of consolation and concern for the prisoners. Whenever possible, he worked for them. So, he saved two brothers-clerks, exiled innocently, and their position was returned to them. Three years before his death, he heard a quiet voice: "Your death will be a weekday." After that, he was told in a dream: "Work another three years." A year and three months before his death, he was struck by paralysis of the left side, and he finally fell ill. Shortly before his death, he saw in a dream that he had to climb a high staircase and many people who followed him and supported him. He realized that this ladder marks his way to the Kingdom of Heaven, and people are those who listened to him and will remember him.

    The last days of his life, those close to him began to come to say goodbye. Blessing them, he whispered: "I entrust you to the Lord." But for the last two days before his death, he stopped receiving. He lay in full memory, eyes closed, and prayed.

    He died on August 13, 1783, at 6 hours 45 minutes in the morning, at the age of 59. The day was Sunday. The funeral was performed by his close friend, Bishop of Voronezh Tikhon (Malinin). Buried in a specially arranged crypt under the altar of the cathedral church of the Zadonsk monastery.

    In 1846, on the occasion of the construction of a new church in honor of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God in the Zadonsk monastery, it became necessary to dismantle the dilapidated stone church and the altar under which the deceased archpastor was buried, and to move his coffin to another place for convenience. Then it was discovered that the crypt where the saint rested had collapsed from antiquity, the coffin lid had been crushed by bricks, and the coffin itself was close to destruction. The bishop's vestment, in which the Reverend Tikhon was buried, despite his half-century stay in a damp place, was found intact and almost unchanged in color. His body was also found incorrupt and abiding in the position and form in which the saints of God rest in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. As a result, the body of the saint was placed in a new tomb, placed in a warm monastery church. At the same time, Archbishop of Voronezh Anthony (Smirnitsky) twice reported this to the Holy Synod, bringing at the same time to the general information about the miracles taking place at the grave of St. Tikhon and about the general desire to discover the relics of this hierarch. The Right Reverend Anthony wrote about the same to Emperor Nicholas I. In 1860, Right Reverend Joseph (Theological) confirmed the previous reports of Archbishop Anthony and testified about the miraculous healings that had taken place again at the grave of Saint Tikhon.

    Healings from his relics were countless and continue to this day. Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk is one of the saints most beloved by the Russian people.

    The works of St. Tikhon were published at different times, but their complete collection in 16 volumes was published in 1826. The first volume contains only one biography of Tikhon.

    Used materials


    A new surname, Sokolov, was later assigned to him by the administration of the Novgorod seminary.

    Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk

    Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk was one of the brightest Orthodox religious leaders who lived in the 18th century. This is an Ascetic whose life was dedicated to serving God and taking care of the spiritual education of people.

    Family and childhood

    Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk was born in 1724 in the village of Korotsk, Valdai district, into the family of a clergyman. The baby was named Timothy. Soon after his birth, his father Savely died, and the family was left without a breadwinner. In addition to Timothy, there were three more brothers and two sisters in the large Kirillov family. The elder brother served as a deacon in one of the Novgorod churches, and the middle one was in military service.

    Useful materials

    The family lived very poorly and in constant need. Often a family friend came to the Kirillovs' house, the coachman was a wealthy and childless man. He really liked the youngest of the boys - Timofey, and he asked his mother Domnika to give her son to him, and he would raise and educate him as his own son, and would leave him all his fortune. Domnika resisted this proposal for a long time, but it was hard for her to see her son starving, and she decided to give him to the driver.

    But the Providence of God did not allow this to happen. The elder brother, having caught up with his mother on the road, fell on his knees in front of her and began to persuade her to abandon her plan, saying:

    “Give him to the coachman, he will be the coachman. I'd rather go all over the world with my bag, but I won't give my brother. ... I will try to teach him to read and write, then he will be able to go to some church to become a sexton or sexton. "

    Timofey remained in the family. Remembering his childhood, St. Tikhon said:

    "When it used to be that there was nothing to eat at home, I went all day to harrow the land with some rich plowman, so that he would only feed me."

    Timofey Sokolov

    When in 1737 a decree was issued, according to which all non-studying children of the clergy were obliged to serve in the army, they decided to assign Timofey to study at the Spiritual Slavic school in Novgorod. He was already 14 years old at that time. His older brother Peter was a clergyman, and he managed to persuade the school authorities to accept Timothy on the condition that Peter would pay for his brother's education and support at the school.

    In 1738 Timofey was registered as a student of the Theological School under the name of Sokolov. It was difficult for him to study, because due to poverty, a lot of time was spent not on reading books, but on hard physical labor - in order to get money for food, he often had to be hired for agricultural work.

    However, his naturally good learning abilities and diligence in mastering the sciences gave their results - Timofey was on the list of the best students who were transferred to the Theological Seminary with full government content. True, this content was rather meager, and he also sold half of the bread to buy candles for evening reading.

    Seminarians from wealthy families often made fun of Timothy. Here is how the saint himself spoke of it:

    “They will find my bast shoes and start laughing at me and waving their bast shoes at me, saying:“ We magnify thee, saint! ”

    However, these words turned out to be prophetic. Having shown great diligence in many sciences, Timothy was appointed teacher, first of the Greek language, and then of rhetoric and theology.

    Choosing a life path

    St. Tikhon Zadonsky

    While still a teacher at a theological seminary, Timofey dreamed of becoming a monk. But relatives, who saw in him a support for the family, persuaded him to join the white clergy. At this time, he had a widowed sister as a dependent. This circumstance and the fact that after the death of Bishop Stephen, the Novgorod flock was left without a pastor - forced him to postpone his entry into monasticism for a while.

    But dreams of tonsure did not leave him. Timofey strove for solitude, he loved to spend nights in prayer and reading spiritual books. Once going out on the porch one night, he reflected on eternal bliss, when suddenly he was given a vision, which he always recalled with delight:

    “Suddenly, the heavens seemed to open up in front of me, and I saw such radiance and light that it was impossible to say with a perishable language and understand it with the mind. It was only for a short time; the sky has taken on a natural look again; From this vision I had a more ardent desire for a solitary life, and for a long time after that I felt pleasure and admired my mind, and now, when I remember, I feel in my heart some kind of joy and joy. "

    In 1758 he fulfilled his desire and was tonsured as a monk at the Anthony monastery with the name Tikhon. Soon he was ordained a hieromonk. Father Tikhon was 34 at that time. In the same year, he became a teacher of philosophy at the Novgorod seminary, and then its prefect.

    In 1759, Father Tikhon was transferred to Tver and appointed Archimandrite of the Zholtikov Monastery. Soon, in the same position, he was transferred to the Otroch Uspensky Monastery and became the rector of the theological seminary and teacher of theology. The lessons he taught to his students were collected in six books, On True Christianity.

    Bishop Tikhon

    In 1761, the Holy Synod elected a bishop to Novgorod. Seven candidates were identified as applicants for this position, of which one had to be chosen by lot. There was a proposal to add the name of Tver Rector Tikhon to the list of candidates. The chairman of the Synod, who wanted to appoint Tikhon as archimandrite of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, objected to this proposal, saying that he was still young for such a position. However, he added Tikhon's candidacy to the list. When they began to cast lots, the name of Tikhon dropped out, and so on three times.

    Prelate Tikhon of Voronezh, Zadonsk, bishop

    “True, God wants him to be a bishop,” the chairman of the Synod said then.

    Voronezh department

    In 1763, St. Tikhon headed the Voronezh Department. At this time, the young Empress Catherine II ascended the throne, who began her reign with the seizure of church lands to the state treasury. Monasteries and bishops' houses were very poorly maintained and gradually fell into decay.

    The enlightened empress corresponded with the French freethinker Voltaire, a renowned critic of religion, and high society took up the fashionable idea without discussion. Outright blasphemy and attacks on the Church were then considered a sign of education and advanced views.

    When Saint Tikhon arrived in Voronezh, he saw a sad picture of confusion and decline in the morality of both the local population and the clergy. It got to the point that some priests didn't even know how to read the service, and many didn't have the Gospel.

    St. Tikhon gave the order to check all the priests for their knowledge of the service and reading, and those who did not pass the test should be sent to him. By his order, all priests should always have the New Testament with them, which they were obliged to read with reverence and diligence.

    Interesting fact

    From the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, especially for the priests, Tikhon summoned teachers, spiritual books were published and sent to the district towns of the diocese, theological schools were opened in Ostrogozhsk and Yelets, and in 1765, through the efforts of St. Tikhon, a theological seminary appeared in Voronezh.

    The saint did a lot to get people to return to the church. But there were still habits, folk traditions of public festivities with their immodest games and unbridled drunken fun. The saint called them a fire that devastates souls. The pagan holiday Yarilo was especially popular among the people. Furious dances of the drunken crowd, fights and swearing accompanied the "stinking" holiday.

    It is not surprising that St. Tikhon strove to end this rage. Once he came to the square and made a formidable speech, denouncing the indecent holiday and threatening to excommunicate. Hearing the saint, the people obediently dispersed to their homes. On Sunday in the cathedral, he delivered such a sermon that people cried, and then they came to him and, kneeling, with tears in their eyes, repented. The holiday dedicated to the pagan sun god Yarila was never held again.

    Serving in Voronezh, St. Tikhon created his first writings, intended for clergy: "On the Seven Holy Mysteries" and "Addition to the priestly office about the secret of holy repentance."

    Removal to retire to the Zadonsky monastery

    Prelate Tikhon of Voronezh, Zadonsk, bishop

    In 1767 St. Tikhon, due to poor health, retired to the Zadonsky monastery. He spent all the years of his monastic life in asceticism. Prayer, reading the Word of God, charity, writing soulful works - all his days were filled with godly deeds. Every day he came to church services and read the Holy Scriptures every day. If he had to go somewhere, he always took the Psalter with him on the road.

    The saint often visited the inmates in the Yeletsk prison, conducted soul-saving conversations with them, encouraging them to repentance. Accustomed from childhood to poverty, he had nothing until the end of his life - a simple cell environment, a very meager table. And every time, sitting down to a meal, he thought about the poor, who now have no food, and began to reproach himself for the fact that he devoted little work, as he believed, to the Church and always cried at the same time.

    The saint's character was not easy. He was hot, irritable and prone to exaltation. He considered these qualities in himself obscene and fought with them, trying to get rid of them. The saint asked for help from the Lord and gradually, tirelessly working on himself, he became meek and gentle. Sometimes he heard criticism and frank ridicule in his address, but he always said to himself in such cases:

    "It is so pleasing to God, but I am worthy for my sins."

    Once St. Tikhon was sitting on the porch of his cell and he was overcome by high-minded thoughts. The foolish Kamenev passed by, who ran up to the saint, suddenly hit him on the cheek, whispering in his ear: "Don't be high!" And the saint immediately felt that the devil of high-mindedness had left him.

    Another time he had to talk with a rich nobleman, an admirer of Voltaire. In conversation, he managed to meekly but confidently refute all the godless arguments of the interlocutor, and he, in anger, hit the saint on the cheek. And the saint, falling to his knees, began to ask forgiveness from the nobleman for causing anger in him. This made such a strong impression on the proud man that he subsequently returned to Orthodoxy.

    The most difficult temptation for St. Tikhon was melancholy and despondent. Some monks could not stand this condition and often left the monastery for the world. St. Tikhon fought the temptation of singing psalms, writing his own compositions, or doing physical work. Often during such periods he visited his friends - Schema monk Mitrofan and Elder Theophanes. Conversation with them consoled and drove away despondency.


    St. Tikhon sometimes displayed the gift of miracles and perspicacity. So once one of his cell-attendants fell ill and no longer hoped for recovery. They brought him to the saint so that he could receive his bishop's blessing. With tears, the dying man said that although he knew that he was dying, he believed that if the saint asked for him before the Lord, the Lord would hear these prayers and give him health. To which the saint replied: "Go, and God will have mercy on you." Soon after, the hopeless patient recovered.

    Interesting fact

    The saint predicted the flood of 1777 in St. Petersburg, terrible in scale of disaster. In 1778, he predicted many episodes from the reign of Alexander I, including the war with Napoleon and the victory of Russian weapons in it.


    Several years before his death, Saint Tikhon finally retired and devoted almost all his days to prayer. Once he heard a voice: "Your death will be a weekday." Soon, in a dream, he was told: "Work another three years." The saint was ill, and a year before his death he suffered paralysis of the left side of his body and he stopped walking.

    Just before his death, he dreamed of a high staircase going into the sky, which he needs to climb, and people who followed him and helped him climb the steps. He realized that the ladder is his way to the Kingdom of God. And people - all those who surrounded him in earthly life, and who will remember him.

    St. Tikhon on August 13, 1783. He was buried in a crypt under the altar of the cathedral church of the Zadonsk monastery. In 1845, the relics of St. Tikhon were found, which remained incorrupt.

    Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk was glorified among the saints.

    Where are the relics

    Prelate Tikhon of Voronezh, Zadonsk, bishop

    During the Soviet years, the remains of the saint were in the museum and only in 1988 were transferred to the Oryol diocese, where they were located in the cathedral in Orel. On August 13, 1991, the relics were solemnly returned to the Vladimir Cathedral of the Zadonsk Nativity of the Mother of God Monastery, where they are today.

    Cloister address: st. Commune, 14, Zadonsk.

    Icons of St. Tikhon Zadonsky

    The image of St. Tikhon Zadonsky can be found today in many churches and monasteries in Russia. His portraits were painted during his lifetime. At the first discovery of the imperishable relics of the saint, the image of the deceased saint was removed from them. Often St. Tikhon Zadonsky is depicted together with St. Mitrofan of Voronezh.

    St. Tikhon Zadonsky

    There are icon-painting half-length and full-length images of St. Tikhon. They depict the saint in bishop's vestments, symbolizing his holiness and church dignity. In his left hand he holds a staff with a sulk, and his right hand is folded in a gesture blessing all those praying. In addition to icon-painting images of St. Tikhon, there are also mosaics and frescoes, as well as paintings on the outside of many churches.

    Holy spring

    In the suburb of Zadonsk - the village of Tyunino, there is a holy spring of St. Tikhon, which he equipped with his own hands, and near which he loved to read prayers in solitude and silence. In 2005, a chapel and a baptismal font with an annex was built here, where at any time you can draw holy water, which has healing properties.

    What the saint is asking for

    Believers pray to the saint for deliverance from mental illnesses, healing of the soul from anger, despondency and sadness, from alcohol and drug addiction, from poverty. Through prayers to St. Tikhon, people recovered even with the most serious illnesses.

    Miracles through prayers to the saint

    There is a known case when a nun suffering from cirrhosis of the liver was healed of a terrible illness by praying in front of the image of a saint in Zadonsk. Often, those who asked St. Tikhon about the miracle of healing, he appeared in a dream. Waking up, people were surprised to realize that the disease was gone.

    A case is widely known when a woman prayed to St. Tikhon on the healing of her husband dying of cholera. Her fervent prayer was answered, and her husband was healed.

    Days of remembrance

    Prelate Tikhon of Voronezh, Zadonsk, bishop

    Memorial days of St. Tikhon Zadonsky is celebrated:

    • August 1 - repose;
    • August 26 - the second uncovering of relics.

    "Spiritual Treasure" and other books

    Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk left us a priceless legacy - his wise, profoundly edifying and saving creations. He wrote:

    “I leave by myself the works, to the benefit of the soul proper, in which I, according to my strength and ability, lagging behind the labors of the diocesan and tenacious in solitude, worked, namely:

    1. about Christianity in six volumes;
    2. letters sent in one volume;
    3. private letters in one volume;
    4. about the truth of the gospel teaching and about faith in one volume;
    5. christian instruction in one volume;
    6. spiritual treasure from the world, collected in four volumes;
    7. short didactic words in one volume;
    8. preaching the works of the dioceses in one volume ... ".

    Creations of St. Tikhon began to be published by the decision of the Holy Synod in March 1784 and were reprinted several times.

    Interesting fact

    In 1875, a five-volume edition was published under the title "Creations of the Saints of Our Father Tikhon of Zadonsk," where all the written works of the saint are collected in the order of the chronology of their appearance.

    The prototype of Elder Zosima F.M.Dostoevsky

    Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk

    His creations are so heartfelt that many people, reading them and following their instructions, drew inspiration from them, which gave rise to images that were subsequently embodied in literary heroes, such as Elder Zosima in the novel The Brothers Karamazov by the great Russian writer FM Dostoevsky.

    In the work of the literary critic A.V. Chicherin "The Rhythm of the Image" in the section "Early predecessors of Dostoevsky" there is an indication that Tikhon Zadonsky was the prototype of Elder Zosima in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov". Chicherin writes:

    “More often and even more fervently than Derzhavin and Karamzin, Dostoevsky quotes another writer second half of XVIII century - Tikhon Zadonsky. ... In particular, Dostoevsky's words that the prototype of Elder Zosima "is taken from some of the teachings of Tikhon Zadonsky ..."

    Quotes from spiritual teachings

    Written over two and a half centuries ago, the teachings of St. Tikhon have not lost their relevance today, and are a guiding thread for people living in orthodox faith and those striving to correspond to the image of a true Christian, as St. Tikhon of Zadonsk saw him.

    • Remember every Christian that there is God, and that He not only looks at your deeds, but also looks at your very thoughts and intentions, and that you cannot hide from him anywhere with anything.
    • Remember that He keeps your life, health and strength, and that whatever prosperity you have in your life, He has given you everything.
    • And so thank Him every hour for the mercy shown to you from Him, love Him with all your heart, honor Him, obey Him in everything, and call on Him to help you in all your work. When He helps you, then all your deeds and labors will always benefit you and be successful.
    • Remember that Heavenly Father sent the Savior and our Lord Jesus Christ into the world, believe in him, and obey His Divine teaching, which is revealed to you in the Gospel, and is briefly depicted here, so that you fulfill the promises that you gave to God at baptism, to inherit eternal life, and it is not in vain to be called a Christian.
    • On Sundays and holidays, come to church, and fall in reverence before God, bring to your memory all the mercies that you received from Him: thank Him for them from all your heart, and promise, as a token of your gratitude, to live as He is to you. orders. This is a sacrifice most pleasing to God….
    • Try not only about yourself, so that you are virtuous: but teach your wife, children and your household in every good and pleasing deed to God. Beware of not only doing evil in their presence, but also speaking, so as not to accustom them to evil: this is how God's blessing rests on your house.
    • Always remember that you were born into the world, so that you all, as much as possible, in any case do good.
    • Love not only your neighbors and benefactors, but also your very enemies, so that you can pacify them, correct them, and create good people.
    • And so do not fight with anyone and do not swear: and at least who offended you, try to take it down as much as possible, and on occasion do good to him.
    • Have mercy on your cattle, which God gave you to serve.
    • Beware of not only bad deeds, but also words, so that not only by your deeds, but also by your words, you are a pure and blameless person.
    • Do not steal or take anything from anyone, but be content with what you will earn by your labor.
    • Be industrious, and flee idleness: for as hard work is pleasing to God, on the contrary, idleness, as the source of all evil, is a sin that is contrary to Him.
    • Never lie, but always speak the truth: for every lie and deceit is the most harmful of all vices, and is an ordinary thing only for the devil.
    • Do not get drunk: for God all the more loathe a drunken person because a drunk man can do any bad deed rather than be sober.

    Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk

    Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk is a great theologian of the Russian Church, whose righteous life sets an example of serving God and people, and his teachings, which are addressed to each of us, call to live according to the Commandments of God, showing the way to salvation.


    Prayer to St. Tikhon of Zadonsk

    O great Saint of Christ and miracle worker Tikhon! Hear us, many sinners, who come running to you with warm faith and tender prayer. We do not know your angel-like good life on earth, we glorify your mercy in everything, we are in awe of the height of your Christian virtues, you prospered in good time to glory, wonderfully glorifying the Lord. You truly were a good shepherd of the verbal flock of Christ, the sacrament of God, a virtuous builder, a pillar and adornment of the Orthodox Church, Russian Zlatoust, of pagan customs, a strong exterminator, a highly skilled interpreter of the Gospel teachings, a zealous guardian of the sacred fatherly traditions, a lover of the divine monastic tradition the visible world of this world, wisely created by God. You like chosen vessel grace, Thou hast taught all those who longed for salvation by word, life, love, spirit, faith, purity and humility. Thou art the merciful protector of the orphan, the charity of the widows, the poor, and a quick comforter to all who are in trouble and misfortune, and now we are, as if you stand before the face of the Lord of glory and have boldness for Him; For this reason, Father, we run to you and earnestly pray to you: wake up for all of us an intercessor at the Throne of the Most High. May He forgive our iniquity and unrighteousness; let our mind, darkened by vanity, enlighten and direct it to the true light of the knowledge of God; may our weak hearts preserve from greedy sinful passions and pernicious wisdom of this age; may it give the earth the timely irrigation of rains and fruiting and all that is useful to us, even to the temporary and eternal belly, and all those flowing to your race of imperishable relics will find peace, love and serenity. Ask our Church for mercy, prosperity, salvation from the Heavenly King, and victory and victory for enemies. Protect our Fatherland with calmness and silence. Save your holy abode from all temptations and teach all of us to walk reverently and fearfully in the paths of God's commandments, so that we may be worthy with you and with all the saints to become the right hand of the Lord of forces on the day of His terrible universal judgment. Remember, saint of Christ, the saint Father Tikhon, in their holy prayers and the souls of those who departed, our father and our brothers, may the Lord rest them in the Heavenly villages; do not despise our sighing, but I will take out glorifying the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

    Troparion, kontakion, magnificence

    Troparion to St. Tikhon, Bishop of Voronezh, the Wonderworker of Zadonsk, Tone 8

    From youth you loved Christ, blessedly, / the image was to all of you a word, life, love, / spirit, faith, purity and humility, / the same, you dwelt in the Heavenly abode, / where the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity was coming, / pray to Saint Tikhon, // save our souls.

    Another troparion to St. Tikhon, Bishop of Voronezh, the Wonderworker of Zadonsk, voice 4

    Orthodoxy mentor, piety to the teacher, / preacher of repentance, Zlatoust to the zealous, / the pre-good shepherd, / the new Russian lamp and miracle worker, / you have saved your flock for good / and you have instructed all of us with your writings, / with the same crown of incorruption / decorated by the Shepherd pray to Him that our souls be saved.

    Kontakion to St. Tikhon, Bishop of Voronezh, Wonderworker of Zadonsk, Tone 8

    The successor of the apostles, / the decoration of the saints, / Orthodox Church teacher, / Lord of all pray / the world of the universe to bestow // and great mercy to our souls.


    We magnify thee, our saint, our father, Tikhon, and we honor your holy memory. You pray for us Christ our God.

    ^ sss ^ Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk ^ sss ^

    Pray, and your prayers will definitely be heard! In difficult times, we can always count on the patron saints.

    One of the saints is Tikhon Zadonsky, they pray to him out of despondency, and he gives joy! He is asked for healing and the health of the mentally ill, he helps. The virgins ask Tikhon for marriage and he gives them a husband.

    If you ask him for something from a pure heart, with an open mind, he will certainly help you! God bless you.

    As a great Christian teacher and preacher, Tikhon also became the author of famous works. He carried out religious propaganda among the population, threw all his efforts into eradicating pagan beliefs and traditions. He refused all the pleasures of life, spent a lot of time in prayer, was an example of humility and love for the flock. He surprised those around him with his perspicacity and miracles. Even after the death of Tikhon, Christians did not stop honoring, praising, respecting the saint, and also turning to him for help. Every Christian can count on the protection and support of a saint.

    Prayers are turned to Tikhon Zadonsky when they need meekness and gentleness, mental strength and health. Prayer is especially powerful in the presence of mental illness. We are talking about sadness and despondency, alcoholism, drug addiction, mental insanity and demonic possession. Tikhon helps to restore vision, the ability to walk. People in dire need, living in poverty, turn to Tikhon for protection.

    When there was a debate about the restoration of the Patriarchate, they said about one of the candidates: "He is quiet." The same words can be said about another Tikhon, who lived earlier, in the era of Catherine.

    His prefix to the name - Zadonsky - Tikhon received the name of the monastery, in which he whiled away a century after retirement. It is noteworthy that many of our great teachers and theologians, in order to devote their lives to scholarly labors and constant prayers, left their chairs. Such is, for example, together with Tikhon and. There is something painful about the fact that the administration of the diocese and theological writings are in latent conflict.

    Tikhon came out of terrible poverty. Such poverty that in his mature years, already being a bishop, remembering at dinner about a hungry childhood, he could not bring a spoon to his mouth and left the table with tears.

    For me, the touching thing about Tikhon is that he is a great connoisseur and lover of the Holy Scriptures. He knew the Psalter by heart and always read it from memory, delving into divine thinking. He knew the Gospel text just as well, which is why he learned “in the Law of the Lord day and night,” as it is written in the first psalm, without requiring a book at hand. And at dinner he always asked me to read Isaiah's prophecies to him. He endured this love for the Holy Book from childhood, when at night with a candle stub he was awake over the Holy letters.

    The century then stood in the yard free-thinking and tottering. The upper classes of society lost respect for the faith because of the offshore ideas. Common people vegetated in traditional ignorance. From this point of view, Tikhon had to teach and remind the flock of capital and elementary things. He reminded the monks by what vows they made contact with Christ. He explained to the priests the meaning of the Liturgical actions, as if they were still studying at the seminary. He implored the Word of God, though in small ways, to read it daily. He even asked to put fences around churches so that livestock would not enter the porch (!).

    Some of Tikhon's works were to their hearts. The majority, however, greeted Vladyka's unfamiliar jealousy with cold indifference (letters of admonition to monasteries, it happened, were sent to Tikhon unopened - “read it yourself”). Some were embittered even to the point of assault. Tikhon happened to be beaten by the abbot (!) In the Zadonsk monastery. Even the local holy fool hit him on the cheek once, saying: "Don't be high-minded." However, this is a beating of a different kind and for other purposes. But in general it is interesting to tremble - the holy bishop repeatedly beaten on the cheeks by different people!

    The writings of Tikhon Zadonsky seem to be extremely simple. Saint Philaret of Moscow, in a conversation with Ignatius (Brianchaninov), said that the writings of Tikhon are "a shallow river, but there is golden sand in it." The apparent lack of depth in the texts of the Zadonsk bishop is explained by the darkness of the flock and the need to convey to them the seemingly common truths. But as soon as you read these lines, you begin to understand that these are not just words. Here is experience. Before giving people milk, he himself ate solid food.

    Own theological creativity at that time in Russia was an outlandish phenomenon. Every theologian at the end of school carried in his mind either fundamental or fragmentary knowledge in Latin. The flock from them was neither cold nor hot. It was necessary to translate, creatively master and digest foreign-language and heterodox wisdom for the benefit of the native flock. There were very few interested persons, and Tikhon was one of them. That is why he borrowed the idea of \u200b\u200bhis wonderful book "The Spiritual Treasure Collected from the World" from the then famous Western writer Arndt. In general, Tikhon is independent in his work, and besides the Holy Scripture he quotes only Chrysostom, and even that not often.

    Every man is a son of his age. Most people are only children of their era and are. But the goal is to overcome gravity and become the son of eternity. Then a person will already belong to all eras, miraculously influencing the course of history. Tikhon influences us because he was included in the number of prayer books for both the Russian land and the Universal Church.

    In general, the image of Tikhon is lonely and mournful against the background of the era. This is not an image of holiness, briskly striding into the Heavenly Kingdom (this hardly exists, but many want just such). Tikhon is an example of a person who cries for himself and for others. He is an example of a sensitive and vulnerable person, worn out by the surrounding rudeness, which has become a habit. He is a shrewd and attentive person, horrified by the general carelessness and absent-mindedness. As a resident of an island lost in the ocean, he wrote his books and threw them into the water in the hope of the sympathy of an unfamiliar reader. Today these books need to be read by millions of Orthodox descendants.

    Before he died, he had a vision. A high staircase lost in the clouds and a voice: "Come up!" He walks, rises with difficulty and fear. And already below you can't see the earth, and above you still don't see the end. Fearfully. But then many hands on the left and right begin to support him and help him to rise.

    The dream was interpreted as follows. The staircase leads to the Heavenly Kingdom. And the hands are the prayers of people whom Tikhon teaches and edifies. With these prayers, he will enter Heavenly Paradise.
    What a consolation to every preacher! What encouragement in labors! But now Tikhon has already reached his goal, and no hands are pushing him anymore. But he himself can reach out from a height and help those who call for help to rise. On the day of memory of Tikhon I will ask: "Father Tikhon, pray to God for me!" And you ask.