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    Days of the creation of the world by God for children presentation. Creation of the World: An Example of a Sunday School Lesson for Preschoolers

    Good morning created by God! Irina Ivaskiv with you. Friends, generally accepted theories on the creation of the universe have long been bursting at the seams, unable to withstand any criticism. People understand that no explosions in the Universe could create such a complex mechanism, according to the laws of which everything is arranged, moves, exists. But it can be very difficult to explain the creation of the world to young children. Therefore, below I am placing an example of a lesson with preschoolers at Sunday School.

    Game "Caterpillar in the meadow":

    Lay out large enough flowers of different colors cut out of paper on the floor, build the children with a "caterpillar" so that each of them holds the child's belt in front with his hands. Become "at the head" of the caterpillar and "crawl" with the whole caterpillar along the flower meadow, without stepping on the flowers. Do it with excitement and excitement.

    Game options:

    1) easy, funny tasks for the one who steps on the flower;

    2) make 2 caterpillars and crawl through the clearing so as not to touch each other;

    3) stop near some flowers and complete the task with the whole group (everyone sit down, or everyone bend over, or everyone raise their hands up, or everyone tell a verse that was taught the day before, or everyone sing a verse of some song, show that the caterpillar is asleep , or something different);

    4) collect a bouquet;

    5) invite the caterpillar to crawl in the garden (where apples, pears and other fruits are spread on the floor) or in the forest (where mushrooms, leaves, cones are laid out)

    6) any other option that you can think of.

    The main lesson "Creation of the World":


    I brought you some fruits from different plants. These fruits can be eaten. What's on this tray? (slices of apples, pears, slices of bananas, grapes, etc.). Take what you love and eat it. Do you know how they are called in one word? These are fruits. Fruits grow on trees. What's on this tray? (pieces of cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, etc.). Take what you love and eat it. Do you know how they are called in one word? These are vegetables. Vegetables grow on the ground (you can bring some juice and explain what kind of fruit it is made of). Both fruits and vegetables are called plants.

    Bundle offer: All plants were made by God.

    Show picture 1: God made all the plants:

    Plants are also all the flowers on the earth, all the bushes, trees, grass. Algae in water are also plants. Everything that grows on trees is also plants. You already know many plants. I drew some plants here. Try to remember what they are called (pumpkin, chamomile, Christmas tree, etc.).

    A game: Let's play a game, just play it fast. I will show you pictures of everything that God has done (He did not only make plants). And you will need to clap your hands if you see any plant in the picture (dog, sun, flower, mushroom, shell, bush, other flower, pine cone, cloud, butterfly).

    Bundle offer: How well you know about plants! Can you tell me in your own words what plants are? Yes. And where did they come from on earth, who made them? Yes. God made all plants.

    Show picture 2: God made plants a long time ago:

    God made plants a long time ago. Do you know how I know this? This is what the Bible says. God made plants many years ago, when you weren't born yet, when even your dad and mom weren't born yet, when even your grandmothers weren't even there. At the time when God was making plants, there were no people at all. Not a single person! There were no clouds in the sky. And the sky itself was not there either. There was no sun, no rain, no trees, no birds - there was nothing then. There was only God. He has always been! One day He decided to make everything beautiful that you see today.

    You see, here I have painted everything that God did in front of the plants. Before plants appeared on earth, God had already made the sky, the earth on which you run, the light, the sun, the stars in the sky, the moon. She and the stars shine at night. When the weather is good, they can be seen in the sky even in the evening. What is this? These are mountains. They, too, were made by God before the plants. And also - the rivers and seas where you swam in the summer, God also made in front of the plants.

    Bundle offer: Well, after that it was the turn of the plants.

    Show picture 3: God made plants different:

    All the plants that God made are very different. Some plants are very soft, fluffy, pleasant to touch. For example, this herb. Touch her. It is called feather grass (you can let the reed or dandelion touch). Some plants are very thorny and can be scratched. You don't want to touch them. For example, a cactus. Look how many needles he has. And here is a branch from a tree called acacia. You see how big the thorns are on it. And on which plants have you seen thorns? (after the children's answers, you can show branches of a rose, a Christmas tree, a pine, a burdock, ears of rye).

    Some plants need thorns so that they are not touched, not plucked. Plants protect themselves with their thorns. And other plants need thorns in order to cling to some animal or to a person's clothes, ride a little and move to live in another place. See how a burdock can move from place to place (attach it to the clothes of several children, let the group walk with it).

    God made plants very different! Some of the plants are very small. Look at the tiny leaves on this blade of grass (show a knotweed twig). And other plants are just giants! Very high! Above our church! They have very large leaves (show chestnut or sycamore leaves).

    There are plants that grow on the ground. But some plants only grow in water. This is algae. They cannot live without water. God made the plants different in color too: some plants have green leaves, while others have red, yellow, and blue leaves.

    Some plants can be eaten. For example, onions, bananas. Others are not allowed. They are bitter, poisonous, they can be poisoned. For example, mushroom-fly agaric (show picture).

    Bundle offer: God made plants very different.

    Show picture 4: God made plants beautiful:

    Every plant that God has made is very beautiful. While doing it, God thought of everything: where it will grow (in a pot on a windowsill or in an aquarium), how it will look and smell (let a few plants smell).

    Many plants are so beautiful that pictures are painted from them. Plants decorate rooms (show how many plants there are in the church). Flowers are given as a gift because God made them very beautiful.

    Bundle offer: God made plants for a reason. He made them for you.

    Show picture 5: God made plants for you:

    Why do you think God made plants? So that you look at them and be happy, so that you enjoy walking the streets. Some plants God made for you to eat. People have learned to make perfume, threads, cotton wool, fabrics from other plants. They build ships and houses from trees, make furniture. Sometimes God uses plants to cure a person from a disease.

    Biblical illustration: Once, they cured a king (tell how and how they cured the king Ezekiah 4 Ts. 20: 1-7)

    Show Figure 6: God wants you to take care of the plants:

    God wants you to care for the plants. If you have any plants at home, water them on time. You can also help your grandmother to take care of plants in the garden, in the country.

    Other parts of the lesson:

    Include in the lesson a simple prayer of thanksgiving, in tune with the theme "Creation." For example:

    God made plants for you. You can thank God for all the plants He made. Now let’s thank God for your favorite fruits that you love to eat. God made plants for you.

    You can also teach the kids one verse of the famous song about the creation of the world - "God holds the whole world." Come up with another verse about plants with the children. For example: God holds different trees in His hand.

    I also advise you to reinforce what you have heard with simple "labor" tasks (for example, watering flowers in a group) and / or simple creative activities (applique made from dried leaves, coloring flowers, modeling vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms, flowers are suitable).

    Review game:

    You can choose any fun game, suitable for the theme "Creation", or use the suggested below.

    Game "Yes / no":

    I really want you to remember what we talked about in this lesson. To make it easier for you to remember, I suggest you play. I will tell you different sentences. If I said correctly, then you will need to wave both hands high (show how). If I said wrong, you will have to stomp your feet and yell ooh.

    Suggestions for the game:

    1) God made heaven and earth first, even before plants.

    2) After that, God made the plants. Ooh ooh

    3) Grass, trees, bushes and flowers are called plants.

    4) Algae are also plants.

    5) Fruits grow in the garden. Ooh ooh

    6) Bananas, apples, pears are fruits.

    7) Tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers are also fruits. Ooh ooh

    8) Vegetables grow on trees. Ooh ooh

    9) Fruits and vegetables are plants.

    10) Some plants can be eaten.

    11) Some plants can heal people.

    12) Some plants are used to make furniture.

    Explanations for the teacher

    Young children can concentrate their attention for a short time, for only 3-5 minutes. Therefore:

    1) the types of activities in the lesson with them should often replace each other and be diverse,

    2) and the duration of the lesson should be short, from 30 minutes to 1 hour (provided that the children are very interested in the lesson!).

    All of these activities can be done in one lesson (for older children), which will take about an hour, but if the kids you serve are very young, then think about how to shorten the lesson. For example:

    • a song, labor training, a repetition game, a craft can be done in the second lesson after break (toilet, tea, snack)
    • a review game can be done at the beginning of the next meeting with the children

    Necessary materials:

    • Paper cut flowers for play
    • 6 drawings for the lesson
    • A5 size pictures: dog, sun, flower, mushroom, shell, bush, another flower, pine cone, butterfly, cloud for play
    • Fluffy plants: feather grass (or reed or dandelion)
    • Thorny plants: cactus (or a sprig of acacia, Christmas trees, pines, roses) and burdock
    • A sprig of knotweed and large leaves from any tree
    • Picture in size A5: mushroom-fly agaric
    • Plasticine, plasticine boards; or white and / or colored paper, glue, dried leaves, blades of grass, flowers, plant seeds; or coloring
    • Two trays
    • Fruits: apples, pears, grapes, bananas
    • Vegetables: tomatoes, carrots, boiled potatoes, etc.
    • Disposable cups
    • Watering cans or buckets
    • Lyrics and notes of the song "God holds the whole world" see below in the section "Applications")

    6 drawings for the lesson:

    Make drawings on the theme “Creation” in A4 format each, at the top write the main truth, and below (in smaller font) - a sentence explaining the main truth. Of course, most preschoolers can't read yet, but write these sentences anyway. If preschoolers often see letters written, they are more likely to begin to distinguish them from one another. I know from experience that preschoolers, even not knowing how to read, are able to recognize, among others, words that they often saw written (for example, God, Jesus). And the written sentences will be a good hint to the teacher. On the back of each picture, write the text that relates to it. By showing the drawing to the children, it will be possible, if something happens, to peep into this text. Drawings do not have to be artistically sophisticated (it often happens that children better understand drawings drawn with a simple felt-tip pen, so to speak, hastily). If you don't know how to draw at all, it doesn't matter! You can ask someone to make drawings for your class, or find the images you need in old magazines and paste them as an applique. I offer an approximate version of these figures. They can be printed and then decorated.


    Friends, the creation of the world is a wonderful topic! Do not be afraid to take it for classes with preschoolers. If such classes are useful to you, write about it in the comments. With love for you and your preschoolers

    © Irina Ivaskiv

    Friends! On our YouTube channel launched a new project: Bible lessons for children. For children and parents - our Sunday School online! Want to make your Bible study fun? Are you sorry you don't always understand difficult adult Christian sermons? Need someone to explain Bible stories in your mother's language? Not sure how to apply Bible truths in your everyday life? Come visit, listen to our Bible lessons with the whole family - and familiar stories will come to life in a new way! The Bible is not out of date!

    A new scenario has appeared in the "Sunday School" section - an introductory lesson on the subject "The Law of God" or "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture". The script is called "The Creation of the World" and is designed specifically for first graders.

    Artists (grade 2-3) are located on both sides of the WORLD PICTURE.

    Spectators (grade 1) sit on benches in the hall. First-graders have toys-answers-animals and luminaries in their hands.

    Dear first graders! You have come to study at a school where, along with general education subjects, you will study the "Law of God". We have prepared a performance for you, and you will find out what you have to do in the lesson " Orthodox culture". Listen carefully, because you are not just spectators, but participants in our performance.

    Lovely children! You know how everything plunges into darkness at night when all the lamps are off. Close your eyes. Dark? Open up.

    (Draws attention to the picture of the world, black cloth)

    The whole world was once in such darkness. Then there was no grass, no trees, no beautiful flowers, no birds, not even heaven and earth, but the whole universe was darkness and chaos. There was only one Merciful GOD.

    He wanted the world to appear, or, as they say more simply, light. And he created angels first. Angels are incorporeal and therefore invisible spirits, immortal, like our souls. They are endowed with intelligence, will and power. The word "angel" in translation into Russian means "messenger". It is wonderful to sing about angels in a children's song, which will be performed by children in grades 2 and 3.

    ("Song about Angels", lyrics by I. Yazykova, music by Katya Pasternak)

    (A girl dressed as an angel appears on a dark background)

    Then he created the heavens and the earth on which we live. But everywhere there was still terrible darkness. Deep below, dark water stirred, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the water. The earth did not immediately appear in the form in which you see it now, but GOD arranged everything on it in six days.

    On the first day, GOD created light. And light-light became on the ground. And the Lord divided the light and the darkness. And God called the light day, and the darkness - night.

    (A light appears in the picture of the world)

    On the second day, GOD created the firmament. At the word of God, a vast blue heavenly vault opened, which you see above you when you walk.

    (A blue sky appears in the picture of the world).

    On the third day, the Lord GOD commanded that the water on the earth was collected in special places. And suddenly streams, rivers and lakes formed. Where there was no water, there stood out dry land, on which large and small mountains arose. But, if there were bare earth everywhere, if you never saw a single green leaf, not a flower, not a single tree, what do you think: would it be beautiful? - Yes, that would be very ugly and boring. And on the third day, the Merciful God said: let the earth grow herbs, vegetables and flowers. And let each plant bear a seed so that new plants can spread from it. Let trees grow on the ground and bear fruit. And by His command, delicate grasses, beautiful flowers, various bushes and trees grew from the earth.

    (Land, water bodies, vegetation appear in the picture of the world).

    Now you can understand that the earth has become more beautiful and more fun than it was at first.

    On the fourth day, God said: "Let there appear in the firmament of the heavenly bodies, which would illuminate the earth and by which people could distinguish day from night, count months and years and notice spring, summer, autumn and winter." And in the firmament, countless luminaries immediately shone. Between many luminaries, two seem to us more than others. The Creator commanded that one of them shine during the day and the other at night.

    Grade 2 prepared riddles about the fourth day of creation. Grade 1 guesses.

    (The sun, moon and stars appear in the picture of the world).

    Now it was very beautiful on the ground. Flowers bloomed below and streams gurgled. Clouds floated in the sky above, and a huge sun shone above them. But not a single living creature has ever been on earth. Not a single bird has ever flown in the air. There were no butterflies on the flowers, nor ladybirds on the leaves. Not a single worm crawled on the ground, and not a single fish swam in lakes and rivers. Therefore, everything was quiet and dead.

    So, on the fifth day God said: "Let fish live in the water, and birds fly in the air." And what? Large and small fish swam in the water. Frogs jumped and snakes crawled, crayfish backed away. And among them is a large dinosaur.

    (A dinosaur appears in the picture of the world).

    These are not all living things that the Lord created on the fifth day. Now the guys in grades 2 and 3 will sing about it themselves.

    (The "Merry Song" sounds. Birds, insects, amphibians and fish appear in the picture of the world).

    Thank you guys, we now know that on the fifth day birds, insects, amphibians and fish appeared on the earth.

    On the sixth day, God created animals and beasts of the earth - such that cannot live in water and cannot fly. And according to the word of God, animals appeared, of each kind in pairs, so that they could reproduce.

    About the sixth day of creation, the children of grade 3 prepared riddles about animals.

    And you, first graders, be careful. If you have a solution in your hands, boldly run out onto the stage and attach it to the picture of the world.

    You can recognize me,

    I am a long-necked horse.

    You, my friend, of course, are right

    Do you understand that I ... giraffe .

    Hear the mighty stomp?

    See the long trunk?

    This is not a magical dream!

    It's African ...elephant .

    Here's another animal

    He carries a wallet in his bag

    Deftly jumps in length

    Australian...kangaroo .

    Whose antics are easy

    Does the kids repeat?

    Who lives among the lianas?

    A flock of wild ... monkeys .

    Long ears, fast legs,

    Gray, but not a mouse.

    Who is it?... bunny .

    Who sucks paw in winter?

    He also loves honey.

    May roar loudly

    What's his name? ... bear .

    Twigs crunching in the forest,

    Here and there.

    Looking for acorns ... boar .

    On the lawn for an hour

    runs playfully

    striped mattress

    with a tail and a mane.

    Zebra .

    So now there were plants and animals. But one more creation was missing. Who else do you think was missing? There were no people yet.

    And so God was pleased to create a man. “I want to create a man,” God said, “let him be master over all animals and all the earth. Let us create man in Our image and likeness. "

    Now listen to how the Merciful GOD created the first man. He took a piece of earth and out of it created a human body and breathed a rational soul into it. The first person's name is Adam. And he made man the head of all His creations.

    The Lord blessed all His creatures and commanded them to multiply and fill the earth. He gave the fruit of trees for food, and greens, grass and leaves for animals.

    So in six days the whole world was created. And when GOD once again examined everything that he had created, he saw that everything was perfect.

    The closing song sounds from the TV screen.

    The bird has feathers

    Fish have fins.

    Animals have fur

    Claws and fangs.

    Who is sad, who is cheerful

    Who loves darkness, who loves light

    We all live together

    on the best planet.

    We are all earthlings.

    The end and glory to God!


    Angels live in the sky high

    They sing the glory of God Almighty,

    People raise their prayers to the sky

    Sweet dreams of children.

    My Lord, open your heart,

    My Lord, open your heart,

    I know you are a living God.

    God sends angels from heaven

    To proclaim God's miracles,

    They bring faith and joy,

    Messengers of God's love.

    My Lord, open your heart,

    Let me hear the angelic choir!

    My Lord, open your heart,

    I know you are a living God.


    Little frog

    I sat on a stump

    Merry song

    He sang like a frog.

    Song with butterflies

    This one spun

    And on my violin

    Sank quietly.

    Chorus: Ti-li-li ...

    On a green twig

    May beetle was sitting

    Buzzing song

    I sang to myself and sang.

    That song with the breeze

    Made friends quickly

    And on my pipe

    Sank quietly.

    Chorus: Doo-doo-doo ...


    I sat down on a birch

    Song about the sun

    He began to sing tenderly.

    With the summer this song

    I immediately made friends

    On my heart

    Sank down gently.

    Chorus: La-la-la ...


    On the sixth day of Creation

    The sky is bright.

    In our field of vision

    Hare lion and elephant.

    On a blooming shore

    100 hearts beat:

    The animals rejoice -

    The Creator created them

    As if for gifts

    Head up,

    Look at the sky bright

    Zebra and giraffe.

    Foolish beasts

    Jumping in a crowd

    Created by God,

    This is the sixth day.

    Boars under the branches

    They dig here and there,

    With a bag with the kids

    The kangaroo is galloping.

    On the ground under the sun

    Happiness and peace -

    Everything around is filled

    Marvelous beauty!


    Who created the sea and land?

    Who gave you life and soul?

    All creation

    And you are a creature of God's hands!

    Isn't it a miracle of miracles:

    Does God send rain from heaven?

    Look at the grass

    Rejoices: I live!

    The grasshopper will jump out of the grass, -

    Knees above your head

    He unfolds his wings - and into flight.

    And he is a small, earthly creature,

    And dear to God!


    How easy her flutter is!

    God gave her breath.


    On a green leaf and not visible

    But God needs it!


    Sits on the finger - not afraid!

    Quiet, harmless creature

    In God's creation.

    Dragonfly -

    Air wanderer -

    Heaven's messenger.

    Firefly your flashlight

    Lights up in the evenings.

    All nature is God's temple!



    PURPOSE: To continue teaching to recognize Jesus in pictures. Teach to understand that Jesus loves everyone and cares about His creation, that He created this wonderful world for us. Teach children to care for God's creation. Create a joyful mood. Foster love for God and a sense of gratitude.

    Memorable Verse: Gen. eleven ... "God created heaven and earth"


    1.Hello children! I am glad to see you all, and Masha, and Sasha (name each child, pat on the head). Let's ring the bell. This means it's time for us to start our Saturday lesson (the teacher calls and recites the verse).

    The teacher invites the children to sing the song "Shabbat bell" (hand out small bells to the children) or another song on the topic.

    2. Someone knocks on our door,

    Someone is in a hurry to visit us.

    (The teacher brings in the doll).

    Tanechka came to visit us. Children, let's say hello to Tanya (children say hello). Tanya wants to meet our kids. Who came to our lesson? To the song, Tanechka greets the children by the hand.

    3. Look, little children with mom and dad go to church on Saturday. They are very happy (show picture). We also went to Church today. Let's grab the pens and sing a song (children join hands, dance and sing).

    Today is a beautiful Saturday afternoon! (1st verse)

    Today is a beautiful holy day! (2nd verse) Singing. heart No. 42

    4. Jesus loves when children pray to Him. Our children already know how to pray. Look at how Tanechka is doing (a doll with which you can fold your arms, close your eyes): she closed her eyes, folded her arms. Let's do the same (song “If I pray to Jesus.” Prayer).

    5. Tanechka came to us on this little train from a distant country (name the country where donations go) to collect gifts for Jesus in order to buy Bibles for the children, and they will also have a Saturday school. They will sing songs to Jesus, pray and listen to interesting stories.

    Song. “My Jesus loves me

    I know this for sure "

    Prayer: (holding hands round) “Dear Jesus! Help that all the children on earth hear about You and the beautiful songs about Your love. Amen".

    Congratulate the birthday people.


    I. Bible theme. World creation.

    1. Today we will learn how God created the world. Let's open our Bibles and sing our commemorative verse (the teacher has a large, double-folded cardboard box on which the Bible is written, and give the children a smaller one. Sing supposedly according to the open Bibles. The text of Genesis 1: 1 is sung to any melody 2p) ...

    "God created the heavens and the earth" Genesis 1: 1.

    2. The Bible tells us that Christ created the world in 7 days (The teacher holds an open children's Bible in his hands). It was dark at first. Close your eyes. How dark! But Jesus said, "Let there be light!" Open your eyes. And there was light! (flannelegraph) In the dark we cannot see, but in the light we see different colors and colors. For example, in soap bubbles (the teacher blows bubbles). Look how beautiful they are, how they fly! It's so good that kind Jesus created light and we can see so many beautiful things.

    3. It is light now, because this is the day when we can see everything, play and walk. But then the night comes when we close our eyes and sleep. Jesus knew that we would be very tired if we did not rest. See how kind Jesus is. Let's play the game "Day and Night" (give the children dolls). Now it is day and the dolls are walking (Children are playing with the doll), night is coming, it is time for the dolls to sleep, they are tired. Let's rock them and sing a song:

    Bayu-bye, byu-bye,

    Fall asleep on the sly

    You will see a bright Paradise

    Collect flowers in it.

    We will be together in Paradise

    Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word.

    Our dolls fell asleep, we will quietly lay them down and continue to listen.

    4. On the second day, Jesus created air for us to breathe. Let's inhale with our nose, like this (the teacher shows), and now let's exhale. We cannot see the air, but we can feel and see what it does. On a hot day it is so pleasant when the breeze blows (hand out paper fans to the children and let them wave to create the wind. The teacher shows how to do this). The wind sets things in motion (show the turntable how it spins). Jesus also created clouds. Attach them to the board (cotton wool clouds can be distributed to children, let them attach).

    5. The next day Jesus looked - there was water all around (flannelegraph - ocean). We cannot live when there is water all around, we are not fish. And Jesus created the earth for us. And we can hear the water splashing (recording the sound of rushing water or splashing water in a container). Jesus wanted the earth to be beautiful and He created many trees, bushes and grass (flannelegraph is a tree). Let's show how the trees sway when the breeze blows and sing a song (song with movements).

    God created our big world. He loves us!

    God created a wonderful light. He loves us!

    God created the sky around. He loves us!

    He also created clouds. He loves us!

    6 Jesus also created many beautiful flowers. Look how beautiful they are: red, yellow, white - different. These are the beautiful flowers that Jesus created to please us. What a kind Jesus! We will sing a song and wave the flowers, and then collect them in a basket (vase). (distribute artificial flowers). Song.

    Our God created the sea. He loves us!

    And God planted flowers. He loves us!

    7.And on day 4, Jesus created the sun to shine during the day (we hang it on a flannelgraph) and the moon to shine at night (flannelegraph). And He also created stars, many, many stars (distribute stars on sticks. Children sing a song). Song.

    God created the light of the sun. He loves us!

    He created the stars and the moon. He loves us!

    8. Then Jesus decided to create someone who would live in such a beautiful world. He created a lot of all kinds of fish and sea animals (distribute fish from flannelegraph). Let's put them on the board in some water. Fish live in water, they swim there, eat and sleep. How do fish swim? (the teacher shows, the children repeat). This is how they swim. We will sing a song about fish (to the song, children imitate the movements of fish with their hands).

    God created wonderful fish. He loves us!

    He also created the birds so that they would delight us with their singing (show a picture of a bird and turn on the recording of bird voices. Instead of recording, you can rub a wet cork against the walls of a glass bottle, creating the effect of birds singing, but so that children cannot see). Some birds live on the ground or trees, others on the water - these are ducks, geese (distribute birds from a flannelegraph). We will glue the birds to the board. See how many different birds and how beautiful. How Jesus loves to please us. And how do the birds flap their wings? (children repeat after the teacher). And how do the grains peck? (knock on the floor or table with your finger). Now we will sing a song about birds.

    God created beautiful birds. He loves us!

    9. And the next day Jesus created all kinds of animals. What a kind Jesus that created cats, lambs, elephants (to show children a toy and distribute to them). Let's sing a song about animals (children sing a song with toys).

    God created all animals. He Loves Us! (US Songbook)

    Now let's put the animals near Jesus (on the flannelgraph is the figure of Jesus, the children bring toys to Jesus).

    10. Then Jesus created Adam and Eve. These were the first dad and mum who will take care of this world (figures of Adam and Eve talking to Jesus). Jesus looked around - everything was very beautiful. He said: "Everything is so good!" And then Jesus decided to create another day - Saturday, as a day of rest. It is the birthday of the world (hand out bells, sticks and sing “Shabbat bell or another song about Shabbat”).

    11. Let's repeat our commemorative verse (again distribute cardboard Bibles and the children repeat the memorial verse after the teacher). After that, you can distribute to the children memorial poems written on cut-out Bibles.

    WARM UP.

    Now let's play (exercise).

    “To rest a little

    We clap our hands (clap)

    We'll turn around (turn around)

    We'll go for a run. (Run)

    We raise our hands to the sky - (raise our hands)

    He created our earth -

    Bow down to the ground (bow down)

    God loves all children -

    Take a deep breath (breath)

    Let's sit, get up and again (sit down, get up)

    II. The story on the carpet "Flowers"

    1. (The teacher shows a bouquet of natural flowers). Look, these flowers were created by God. So beautiful. These are the leaves (shows). And this is a flower. Smell what it smells like (let the kids smell it). Jesus created these flowers for us so that they could delight us with their beauty and their smells. They grow in the forest and in the meadow, in flower beds near the house or in our house in pots (show a flowering houseplant). Jesus wants us to take care of the flowers. They need to be watered with water, like this (the teacher is watered), flowers love the light and the sun, they need to be put on the window. They are so delicate, you need to touch them carefully, you do not need to break the flowers, let them grow and delight everyone with their beauty.

    Anchoring game

    Exercise game "What God Created"

    (Children repeat the movements after the teacher, the number of movements at the request of the teacher).

    1.God created light (we closed our eyes with pens),

    2. God created a breeze (waved hands above),

    3. God created trees, like this (stretched out),

    4. God created the weed, like this (sit down),

    5. God created the sun big-big (spread their arms to the sides),

    6. God created and the stars are small (close hands),

    7. God created fish (move hands like fish),

    8. God created birds (waving hands),

    9. God created a bunny (jumped),

    10. God created me too (cross your arms over your chest).


    1.Let's remember our commemorative verse (repeat). God created heaven and earth because he loves us, both adults and children. Sing a song to Jesus.

    Song: "Jesus loves little ones like me, me, me."

    2. Let's say thanks to Jesus for the beautiful world He created for us. “Dear Jesus! Thank you for the sun and flowers, for the fish, birds and all the animals, thank you that you love us. Amen".

    Carpet games:

    1. Play with soap bubbles (the teacher blows bubbles and the children catch them).

    2. Playing with rump. Or flour. Draw a flower.

    Assignment to parents:

    1. Make a turntable at home.

    2 involve children in caring for indoor plants (water them with the children).

    3. Games with water (launch boats).

    During these activities, recall the creation story and commemorative verse.

    Complication for classes 3-4.

    1. Instead of a turntable, take a boat, a basin of water and let the boat float. Create a stream of air to keep the boat sailing. You can use a hairdryer or blow it yourself. Children can help blow.

    2.Can bring a jar of live fish, a live caged bird or a live turtle

    3. Instead of animal toys, you can make dolls out of sock.

    4. Pass out large butterflies that have been drawn, and have the children color with pencils.

    5. Game "What God Created" - II option for older children. Children are given toys or pictures on sticks: animals, birds, fish, flowers, a cloud, etc. The teacher says: “God created the fish. Fish, show yourself. " The game is varied if you change the task: "Bunny, show yourself", "Bird, show yourself", etc. (The child rises with this manual. The teacher helps the children to orient themselves).

    Creation of the first humans

    All other creatures of the visible world God created with one omnipotent Word. On the sixth day, God said: "Let us make man in our image and likeness." And God created the body of man from the earth and gave him a rational and immortal soul. The name of the first man was Adam, which means "made of the earth."

    God made Adam master over all the earth and brought all the animals to him to give them names, each according to his nature. Adam gave names to all animals. And man knew that he was their master, and all animals on earth were created for him. But he did not have an assistant like him.

    Then God said: "It is not good for a man to be alone; let us make him an assistant." And God inspired a deep sleep on Adam and during sleep took one rib from him, made a wife out of him. When he woke up, Adam saw his wife and said: “This is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She will be called wife because she was taken from her husband. " And Adam gave his wife the name Eve, which means "life."

    The Lord blessed Adam and Eve and told them: "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and take possession of sea fish, and birds of the sky, and earthly animals, and all cattle and all the earth."

    Adam and Eve were both naked and not ashamed, because they did not yet know what shame, bad deeds and sin are - after all, they had not yet done anything for which they would be ashamed before the Creator.

    From the book of the Bible retold to older children author Destunis Sofia

    From the book The Bible retold to older children. Old Testament. Part one. [(Pictures - Julius Schnorr von Karolsfeld)] author Destunis Sofia

    II. About the life of the first people in paradise ... and the loss of paradise. And the Lord God commanded man, saying: “Of every tree in the garden you will eat; but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, do not eat from it; for in the day that you eat of it, you will die a death. '' And the Lord God said:

    From the book The Holy Bible History of the Old Testament author Pushkar Boris (Ep Veniamin) Nikolaevich

    Creation of the first people and their blissful life in paradise. Man as the crown of creation was created on the special advice of the Holy Trinity. God creates him in his own image and likeness. His body, like the bodies of all animals, is formed from the earth, but his spiritual nature is immediate

    From the book Essay on Orthodox Dogmatic Theology. Part I author Malinovsky Nikolay Platonovich

    § 73. Groundlessness of opinion? savagery of the first people The newest natural science of the known direction of the divinely revealed teaching? Is opinion opposed to the primitive state of man? savagery of the first people. They claim that to the degree of consciousness and true

    From the book Funny Bible (with pictures) author Taxil Leo

    Chapter 3 A Brief History of the First Men The fourth chapter of Genesis begins with a brief and clear enough observation that after the expulsion from paradise, the biblical "first parents" took care of leaving posterity. “Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived,

    From the book Lessons for Sunday School author Vernikovskaya Larisa Fedorovna

    The dwelling of the first people of the First people, Adam and Eve, God settled in paradise. Paradise is a beautiful garden planted by God Himself in the east, in the place where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers flow.In Paradise there were many fruit trees, beautiful to look at, with pleasant fruits, but especially

    From the book The Law of God author Slobodskoy Archpriest Seraphim

    The Fall of the First Men Once, Eve walked in paradise alone without her husband and approached the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Here she saw a tempting serpent in which the devil possessed. The serpent asked her: "Is it true that God forbade you to eat fruits from all the trees of paradise?" Eve replied:

    From the book Fighting Sin author Dyachenko Grigory Mikhailovich

    How God created the first people God created man differently from other creatures. Before his creation, God, in the Most Holy Trinity, confirmed His desire, He said: "Let us create man in our image and in our likeness." And God created man from the dust of the earth, that is, from

    From the book New Bible Commentary Part 1 (Old Testament) by Carson Donald

    The life of the first people in paradise The earthly paradise, or the beautiful garden in which God settled the first people - Adam and Eve, was in Asia, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The life of people in paradise was filled with joy and bliss. Their consciences were calm, their hearts were pure, their minds were bright.

    author Holy Scripture

    5. History of the Fall of the First People (According to the Teachings of Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow) I. The origin of sin. The beginning of sin is in the devil. - The sin of man was preceded by sin in the spiritual world (1 John III, 8). “Before the visible and intelligent creature, that is, man, God created the invisible

    From the book of Bible legends author author unknown

    1: 24-31 The Creation of Animals and Humans The story of creation culminates on day six. Notice how much more detailed the work of God on that day is presented than on any of the previous days, and the similarities between the descriptions of the sixth and third days.

    From the book Fundamentals of Orthodoxy author Nikulina Elena Nikolaevna

    From the book Explanatory Bible. Old Testament and New Testament author Lopukhin Alexander Pavlovich

    Life of the first people in paradise God made a wonderful garden - paradise and placed Adam and Eve in it to cultivate and preserve it.Rivers flowed in paradise and trees grew, on which beautiful and pleasant fruits for food ripened. Two special trees grew in the middle ... One of them was a tree

    From the book of Bible legends author's Bible

    The life of the first people in paradise For human habitation, the Lord planted, that is, He arranged by His special action, paradise in Eden - a beautiful garden, a specially allocated place on earth (Gen. 2.8). While in paradise, a person had to cultivate and keep it (Gen. 2.15). Among the many

    From the author's book

    II Creation of the first people and their blissful life in paradise Man as the crown of creation was created by the special advice of the Creator, and he is only one created in the image and likeness of God. His body, like the bodies of all animals, is made of earth; but the spiritual part of it is immediate

    From the author's book

    Life of the first people in paradise God made a wonderful garden - paradise and placed Adam and Eve in it to cultivate and preserve it.Rivers flowed in paradise and trees grew, on which beautiful and pleasant fruits for food ripened. Two special trees grew in the middle ... One of them was a tree

    Creation (part 3) God creates the world beautiful and perfect Genesis 1,26-31; 2.18-25

    What can be done during the lesson

    Tell me who created people.

    What are the names of the first people created by God?

    Draw a parallel between your children and the first people created by God.

    Play the game "Who did God create?"

    Sing a thanksgiving song for the creation of man.

    Make pictures of people.

    What is this lesson about

    The third lesson tells how God created the most beautiful part of His wonderful and great world, humanity. This is an important teaching for your students because it puts them on the path to correctly understanding their personality. We will not be able to comprehend our personality until we understand that we are God's creation and are responsible to Him.

    French scientist and philosopher Blaise Pascal wrote about the greatness and suffering of humanity. We are very familiar with suffering. We meet them in all sin-filled events everyday life... Television, press, books constantly remind of this. We know very well that evil, begging, decay, depravity have existed since the beginning of humanity. However, we must understand that this is not why God created people. From the very beginning, man was perfect in everything, beautiful and exalted above all God's creation. Tell in the lesson about what special place God has assigned for man, creating him, as the Bible says, in His “image and likeness” (Genesis 1: 26). In addition, God has given us a very important commission regarding the world He created. (An account of this assignment in the next lesson.)

    What does it mean that we are created in the image and likeness of God? This is discussed and disputed by many theologians. Some people think that the image of God is expressed in our ability to reason and think logically. Others, supporting this, add sensory and moral qualities (the ability to love, feel, evaluate actions). Still others associate this similarity with the immortality of the soul embedded in us. But little attention is paid to the fact that the image of God is determined in the relationship of God with man, the possibility of joint communication. Such a relationship is not available to other living entities.

    Try to instill in your disciples the understanding that they, like the first people, were created by God and are His special creation, a creation in the image of God. They also have the special privilege of having a close relationship with Him. As far as God is great, He is available to every person. God knows everything about us. He created people like Him (this resemblance is similar to the similarity in the family). This means that we are a special creation among everything created by God in this huge world! The Bible story in this lesson combines the content of Genesis 1, 26-31 and Gen. 2.7-9.18-25. The first chapter of Genesis speaks of the creation of all living things "after their kind", including man, man and woman (v. 27). The second chapter covers in more detail the creation of the first people, Adam and Eve. We combine the two passages with more emphasis on the second chapter.

    Introduction to the lesson.


    1. Child.

    2. Illustrations of the previous two lessons.

    Today's lesson is final on the topic of God's creation. Pass it on to the children so that they can understand that people are the most beautiful of all that God has created. Adam and Eve, you and me, your little children, we are all the crown of God's creation. This is a great joy both for God and for all people, including your three-year-old disciples.

    Start today's lesson with a live illustration. Invite parents with a newborn baby to the class and gather with the children around him so that everyone can see him well. After explaining to students how to hold a small child, pick up the infant in your arms and let them touch its little feet and arms. Ask the children to take a close look at the baby, focusing their attention on his little ears, nose, eyes, mouth and soft hair. Ask the parents to remove the shoe from the baby's foot, and point the students to his fingers, nails, while explaining how perfect everything is. Also give the children the opportunity to speak up and describe the baby themselves. As you finish examining the baby, tell class members that only God could create man as perfect as this tiny baby, who can breathe, sleep, eat and cry. No one else but God could have created such a beautiful baby!

    After you thank the baby's parents for visiting you, allow the children to say goodbye to them as well. Then talk with your little ones about the wonderful and good things God has done for His wonderful world. Have the children share what they remember and know about these things. You can use illustrations from previous lessons to repeat. Lay them face down, and then invite the children to come up in turn and, picking up the illustrations, show them to the others, naming what is depicted on each of them. After reviewing the lessons learned, ask the children to help you put together the illustrations. (Or, if possible, hang them on a board or wall with your students.)

    Biblical story

    Materials 1. Bible.

    2. Color illustration depicting a man and a woman.

    Show the children your Bible, reminding them that the story you will be telling is in God's Book. God has almost finished creating the world. He looked at everything he created. How good! What a beauty all around! Everything is so wonderful! God liked the world he created very much. But there was also something that God wanted to do, some special creation. Let's see what it is ...

    God said, “I will make man a man. But I will create him not like other creations, but special, he will be like Me. And the wonderful world where a person will live is already ready for him. This man, whom I will create, will take care of him. " And everything became so. God took clay from the earth and made a man who was alive and very good, could laugh and talk. God gave him a name: Adam. (Have the children repeat the name "Adam" with you). Adam felt very good with God. However, even now God's work was not over ... that was not all. Let's see what else God created in the end ... God saw Adam enjoying all the beauty that surrounded him. Adam loved small animals that jumped after him on the grass. He loved to watch the large animals eating the leaves from the tall trees. Sitting on the grass, Adam closed his eyes and listened to the cheerful singing of red, yellow, blue birds. He also listened to other sounds: the sound of a wave breaking on the shore in the lake, the chirping of small birds on and around the grass, the buzzing of insects above him. Adam closed his eyes again and took a deep breath - mmmmmm. He breathed in the wonderful scent of the multicolored flowers, which were so many around. Yes! God's world was wonderful and amazingly good!

    But God saw that Adam still needed something. The man He created was lonely. Adam had beautiful trees to look at, wonderful flowers to admire and breathe in their unique scent, and many, many animals to play with, but still he remained alone. Could Adam talk to a beautiful rosebud? Could he have dinner with a tall giraffe? Not. Adam felt lonely. He needed people. God decided to create another person who would be a friend to Adam. God fulfilled His decision. He made another man a woman. (Show a picture of a man and a woman.) God brought the woman to Adam, and he named her Eve. (Have the children say the name "Eve" with you.) Adam was very happy, he felt good, and he was no longer alone. God was also very happy. His world was beautiful and perfect. It was finished! It's time for God to rest!

    When you finish telling the Bible story, tell the children again that the people God created is a special and most important part of His good and wonderful world. Then tell each child that God created him and that he is an equally important creation for God! (If you have posted the pictures on the board or wall, also place the picture of this lesson in the center. Let this remind the children that Adam and Eve are the most important part of God's creation.)


    It's time to get moving! Play the game with the children: "Let's guess who God created." Stand with them in a circle and, looking around everyone, stop at one person, but do not call him another, let them guess. After you have chosen a child, tell everyone: “I am thinking of someone special, God created her! She has ... (ex: curly brown hair, blue eyes, dressed in a pink long dress) ". Name enough signs that the children can guess who you are talking about. When they guess right, cheer them up by saying, “Well done! You are absolutely right, God created Zhenya! " If possible, focus on each child and have the children guess everyone in your class. Each time you look around your circle, choosing someone, tell them that God created everyone in a special way. Finish the game by describing yourself, tell the students that you are also very happy because God created you too!


    Materials Picture for the Bible story. (One to each).

    Sing the song "Who Could Create?" If you have time, sing it several times, inserting the names of the children in your group. Use the song as a repetition to memorize God's wonderful creations. Use the pictures of creation by handing out all nine to the children. Children hold pictures, and you, stopping at each, sing a song. Ask class members to sing along with you. End the lesson with a prayer of thanksgiving to God for creating humans. Give special thanks to each of your little students by calling them by name. If possible, give each child a Bible story picture and ask the parents to read the story of God's wonderful creation at home.


    1. Light snack. Prepare the Happy Face snack today. Bring for this thin dry biscuits, cheese that can be spread over biscuits, or butter, raisins. Help the children place the eye, mouth, and nose raisins on the biscuits spread with cheese or butter. While eating, tell them how wonderful all God's creation is, and just as wonderfully God created us humans: He gave us ears, eyes, nose and mouth. (Use your face to express joy that He created you too!). 2. Pictures depicting people. If your kids love to glue, you can do it today. Bring paper figures of people (cut from magazines or catalogs), colored paper, glue. Give each child a piece of paper with the words written on it: GOD CREATED HUMANITIES! Read these words to the children. Give them models of people and explain how to glue them. On each finished picture, write the name of the child who made it. Allow the children to take their pictures home to show to their families. 3. Playing with songs. There are several games with songs that emphasize the perfection of our body, created by God: "GOD CREATED ME." Sing this song by touching the parts of your body that you will sing about. God created me, God created me. Ears, eyes, nose, mouth. God created me! 4. Can you tell me?

    Review questions

    Here are some questions you can use to end the lesson: 1. What is the most important and special among all God's creations in God's created world? 2. What were the names of the first people that God created? 3. Who created you? (Give the children a chance to think about this question.)


    1. Add a few dolls to your toys and have the students play with them using the same actions that mothers and paws use on babies. If possible, bring a small bathtub, soap, water, washcloth and towel, and ask the children to buy and dress “babies”. During this lesson, teach the children about God's wonderful creations and how God helps and cares for every person He created.

    2. To those books and riddles, which depict plant and animal world, add books and riddles about people. Point the children to a place to look at books and pictures about God's creation.

    3. Don't forget to take time for your seedlings. Have the children examine, touch, and water gently.

    4. Bring a variety of clothing and items to the class (gloves, ties, hats, robes, jewelry, wallets). Dress students as adults (moms, dads, doctors, nurses, postmen, etc.). You can also change your own clothes. As you play this game, tell the children that God did a very good job of creating many different, dissimilar people for His world. (If possible, bring a mirror to class so the children can see themselves as adults.)

    5. Draw a picture on the topic of today's lesson with felt-tip pens or colored pencils. Sculpt people from plasticine together with the children. If you have enough time and helpers, take a portrait of the child who has shown an interest in this. Pin a large sheet of paper to the wall. Ask the kid to come up, stand near the sheet, and trace its outlines with a pencil. Dye your hair, clothing details together. Note: if it is impossible to do this at the wall, then you can put the paper and the child on the floor.