To come in
Portal for sewage and drainage tube
  • Calculation of the calorie rate per day for a woman
  • Phrases for tattoo on Latin (with translation)
  • Simple sketches of Tatu Old Skull
  • Tattoos for men on the hand of Tribal
  • The value of theatrical masks
  • The value of the Card Ace in poker What does 4 aces of tattoo mean
  • Kushkin in alexander Nevsky. Unknown Alexander Nevsky: Whether she was "ice", whether the prince of Ordans and other controversial issues bowed

    Kushkin in alexander Nevsky. Unknown Alexander Nevsky: Whether she was


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    Alexander Nevsky and the history of Russia. Materials of the Scientific and Practical Conference September 26-28, 1995. Novgorod, 1996. P. 102 (Novgorod State Joint Museum-Reserve). Content: Kuchkin V. A. Alexander Nevsky - State Avestigator and Communion Middle Ages Rus (P. 3-28). Bricks A. N. Two great battles of Alexander Nevsky (P. 29-41). Egorov V. A. Alexander Nevsky and Golden Horde (P. 42-63). Gorsky A. A. Two "uncomfortable" facts from the biography of Alexander Nevsky (P. 64-74). Popova M. P. History and activities " Orthodox fraternity sv. Alexander Nevsky "at the Christmas Monastery of Vladimir (1879-1918) (P. 75-83). Zavadskaya L. A. Raka Alexander Nevsky in the Hermitage Assembly (P. 84-93). Klimov P. Yu. Saint Alexander Nevsky in Russian church-monumental painting of the second half of the XIX - early XX century. (G. I. Semiji, V. M. Vasnetsov, M. V. Nesterov).

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    Klyuchevsky V.O. Old Russian Saints Lives as a historical source. M., 1871. Reissue. M., 1988. P. 65-71, 238-240, 251, 258, 312.

    Prince Alexander Nevsky and his era. Research and materials. Ed. Yu. K. Begunov and A. N. Kirpichnikova. St. Petersburg: D. Bulanin, 1995. 214 p. (City Hall of St. Petersburg. Russian Academy science Institute of Material History). Content: Sobchak A.A. Alexander Nevsky - Patron of St. Petersburg (P. 3-5). From editors - with. 7-11. Likhachev D.S. The word about Alexander Nevsky (P. 13-14). W As Kolsky I. P. Nevskaya Battle of 1240 in the light of the data of modern science (P. 15-23). Bricks A.N. Nevskaya Battle of 1240 and its tactical features (p. 24-30). Spit A.B. The editorial art of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich in the Nevsky Battle (P. 31-37). Sokolov Yu.F. Alexander Nevsky: the formation of personality and tradition (P. 38-43). Lind D. G. Some considerations about the Nevsky Battle and its meaning (P. 44-54). Runners Yu.K. Russian sources about the Nevsky Battle. Several comments on the report of John Linda (P. 55-58). Mathewerova S. Alexander Nevsky and his era (P. 58-64). Hesh E. Eastern Politics of the German Order in the XIII century. (P. 65-74). CERNAK K. Alexander Nevsky and "Window to Europe" (P. 75-80). Beletsky St., Satyreva D.N. Pskov and the Order in the first third of the XIII century (P. 81-85). Oakov I. V. Pereyaslavl-Zalessky - Motherland Alexander Nevsky (P. 86-92). Froyanov I.Ya. About the princely power in Novgorod IX - the first half of the XIII century (P. 93-99). Andreev V.F. Was the princely domain in the Novgorod land of the XII-XV centuries? (P. 100-107). Lebedev G.S. North-West of the Novgorod Land: Stages and results of development by the middle of the XIII century (by archaeological data) (P. 108-113). Saksa A.I. Northern Baltic-Finnish tribes in the era of Alexander Nevsky (P. 114-122). Ryabinin E.A. Waterland of Veliky Novgorod and Alexander Nevsky. Historical and archaeological realities (P. 123-127). Yanin V.L. Berbrist certificates about the defense of Novgorod Rubbers in the XIII century (P. 128-133). Jackson TN. Alexander Nevsky and Khakon Old: Embassy Exchange (P. 134-139). Khoroshevich A.L. "Equestrian prints" of Alexander Nevsky and the tradition of modern spragistry (P. 140-145). Ziborov V.K. About the new copy of Alexander Nevsky's seal (P. 146-150). Johnishyan O.M. XIII century in the history of the ancient Russian architecture. The main trends in the development of the architectural process (P. 151-156). Blanks J. "The Word about the regiment of Igor", the lives of Alexander Nevsky and the embroidery of Queen Matilda from Bayo as a reflection of the life of the feudal society (P. 157-162). Runners Yu.K. The lives of Alexander Nevsky in Russian literature of the XIII-XVIII centuries (P. 163-171). Runners Yu.K. The iconography of the holy prince Alexander Nevsky (P. 172-176). Moiseeva G.N. The image of Alexander Nevsky in the work of M. V. Lomonosov (P. 177-180). Bratchikova EK Alexander Nevsky and the art of Palekh icon painters (P. 181-184). John O.M., Thomsinsky C.B. Report on the exhibition "Alexander Nevsky in the monuments of Russian culture in the State Hermitage" (P. 185-186). Runners Yu K. Edition without a textologist. [Review) (P. 187-189). Texts. Sources and biography. Life of Alexander Nevsky. First edition. 1280s. Translation and comments; The chronicle story about the battle on the Neva (P. 190-204). The genealogy of Alexander Nevsky (P. 205). Chronicle of the life and activities of Alexander Nevsky (P. 206-209).

    Prince Alexander Nevsky. Materials of scientific and practical conferences 1989 and 1994. Ot. Red.: Yu. K. Runners and A. N. Bricks. St. Petersburg, 1995. 111c. (Administration of the Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg, Krapitsa). Content: Part One. The introductory word of the head of the administration of the Kolpinsky district V.D. Colossian (p. 4). Bricks A.N. Prince Alexander Nevsky. History and modernity (P. 5-8). Runners Yu.K. Alexander Nevsky and Russian Statehood (P. 8-12). Dubov I.V. The role of the historical and cultural environment in the formation of the personality of Alexander Nevsky (P. 12-19). Krivosheev Yu.V. Russian princes and rational khans (P. 19-21). Mayorov A.B. Alexander Nevsky and Daniel Galitsky (to the question of the relationship between Russian princes with Tatars) (P. 21-24). Sazanov sv. About the monastic name of Alexander Nevsky (P. 25-27). Shishkin A.A., Glyaev Yu.N. Alexander Nevsky and Glenchevy-Kutuzov (P. 27-30). Sorokin P.E. From the history of wooden churches Ust-Izhora (P. 31-33). Toropov G.V. Izhora tradition (p. 33-35). Sushko A.M. Alexander Nevsky in the work of Evgenia Orlova (P. 35-38).

    Part two. Alexander Nevsky: Personality and Acts. Materials of the scientific and practical conference. Leningrad. December 6, 1989 Martyugov GM Memorial of the Nevsky Battle of Ust-Izhora (P. 40). Appeal to compatriots in connection with the 750th anniversary of the Nevsky Battle (P. 41-42). Runners Yu.K. Alexander Nevsky and modernity (P. 42-48). Bricks A.N. 750th anniversary of the Nevsky battle and her historical meaning (P. 48-55). Lebedev G.S. Crusades of Swedes in Finland, Ingrey and Karelia - Head of the Prehistory of St. Petersburg (P. 55-61). Ø ac Negole Ki I. P. Battle on the Neva (to the 750th anniversary) (P. 61-69). Ziborov V. K. Monuments of the Old Russian writing is the main source of our knowledge about the era of Alexander Nevsky (P. 69-73). Gumilev L.N. Alexander Nevsky and Eastern Christianity (P. 73-78). Degtyarev A.Ya. Do you not change the battleship? (P. 78-82). Roses A.A. Memorial complex "Nevsky Battle" (P. 83-85). Runners Yu.K., Sapunov B.V. The history of the relics and cancer of the Holy Prince of the Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky (P. 85-90). Applications. Cost. Yu.K. Runners. The story of the battle on the Neva from the lives of Alexander Nevsky first edition. 1280s. Reconstruction text. The chronicle story about the battle on the Neva. From the synodal list of the XIV century Novgorod 1st annals of the elderly. Tree of memory. A. Mikey. In the city in 1263. The chronology of the life and activities of Alexander Nevsky. Brief bibliography (P. 91-109).

    Kozachenko A. I. Ice Beach. M., 1938. The same // People-Bogatyr. IX-XIII centuries. M., 1948. P. 73-98.

    Kolotilova S.I. Russian sources of the XIII century about Alexander Nevsky // Historical sciences. Scientists notes of the State Pedagogical Institute. A. I. Herzen. No. 502. Pskov, 1971. P. 99-107.

    Colucci M. The initial version of the lives of Alexander Nevsky: notes on the history of text // Proceedings of the department of Old Russian literature. St. Petersburg., 1997. T. 50. P. 252-260. Retch: Runners Yu.K. Falsification of Professor Colucci // Saint Alexander Nevsky. Ust-Izhora, 1999. P. 95-97.

    Komarovich V.L. Tale about Alexander Nevsky // History of Russian literature. T. 2. Ch. I. m.; L., 1946. Ch. eleven.

    Kosmossky E.A. Ice breaking // Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences. M., 1942. No. 4. P. 89-95.

    Kostomarov N.I. History of Novgorod, Pskov and Vyatka. SPB., 1868. T. 1.

    Kostomarov N.I. Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky // Kostomarov N.I. Russian history in the lives of its main figures. Vol. I. SPb., 1873. P. 153-170.

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    Brief life-in-law of Russian saints, compiled by Archimandrite Ignatius. St. Petersburg., 1875.

    Krivosheev Yu.V. Mongols in Novgorod in 1257-1259. // Petersburg readings-97. Petersburg and Russia. Materials of the Encyclopedic Library of St. Petersburg-2003. St. Petersburg., 1997.

    Krivosheev Yu.V. Rus and Mongols. Research on the history of Northeast Rus X1I-XIV centuries. St. Petersburg., 1999. p. 140, 159, 162, 166, 170-171, 174-175, 178, 187-189, 192, 196-199, 203, 236-237, 240, 246, 310, 317, 331 , 348, 373, 376, 379, 384.

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    Kuznetsova I.M. Artistic value of the "Life of Alexander Nevsky" // Theses of the reports of the X Conference of the Moscow City Pedagogical Institute. MOSCOW, 25-27 May 1967 M., 1967. P. 36-38.

    Kuzmin A.G. Alexander Nevsky // Great State Guidelines of Russia. M., 1996.

    Kuchkin V.A. Alexander Nevsky is a statesman and commander of medieval Russia // Domestic history. M., 1996. No. 5. P. 18-33. The same // Alexander Nevsky and the history of Russia. Materials of the Scientific and Practical Conference September 26-28, 1995. Novgorod, 1996. P. 3-28.

    Kuchkin V. A. To the biography of Alexander Nevsky // Ancient states in the USSR. 1985. M., 1986. P. 71-80.

    Kuchkin V.A. Mongol-Tatar Igo in the lighting of the Old Russian scribes (XIII - the first quarter of the XIV century) // Russian culture in conditions of foreign invasions and wars. X - the beginning of the XX century. M., 1990. Issue I. P. 36-39.

    Kuchkin V.A. About the date of birth of Alexander Nevsky // Questions of history. M., 1986. No. 2. P. 174-176.

    Kuchkin V.A. Rus under the yoke of Tatar-Mongols. How it was? M., 1995.

    Kuchkin V.A. Hard years of Alexander Nevsky // Eastern Europe in antiquity and Middle Ages. Ancient Rus in the system of ethnopolitical and cultural ties. Memory reading ... V. T. Pashutu. Abstracts reports. M., 1994.

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    Limonov Yu.A. Vladimir-Suzdal Rus. L., 1987.

    Lipitsky S.V. Battle on the Ice. M., 1964.

    Likhachev D.S. Galitsky literary tradition in the life of Alexander Nevsky // Proceedings of the department of Old Russian literature. M.; L., 1947. T. V. P. 49-52.

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    Mavrodin V.V. Battle on the Ice. M., 1941.

    Madansky A. Russian Chronograph. All Orthodox Russia times from Rurik to Nikolai H. M., 1999. P. 103-117.

    Macarius (Bulgakov), Mitre. History of the Russian Church. St. Petersburg., 1886. T. 5. P. 147-150; T. 7. SPb., 1891. P. 438-439, 442-443.

    Maksimov V. Holy Warrior Alexander // Soviet Russia. M., 2000. 1.06. № 62 (11957). P. 5.

    Malinina G. History of Novgorod Land in the Old Russian Pewing Art // Music culture of the Middle Ages. M., 1990.

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    Mansicka V.I. Life of Alexander Nevsky. Demonstration analysis and text. Monuments of ancient writing and art. T. CLXXX. St. Petersburg., 1913. 137 p. REC.: Bugoslavsky joint venture. To the question of the initial text of the life of the Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky // News of the Office of the Russian Language and Literature Imp. Academy of Sciences. St. Petersburg., 1914. T. XIX. No. 1. P. 261-290.

    Martyshin O.V. Volong Novgorod. M., 1992.

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    Melnikov-Pechersky P.I. Historical notes. Where stumps died. Alexander Nevsky? // Melnikov-Pechersky P.I. Cathedral cit. 2nd ed. St. Petersburg., 1909. T. VII.

    Moiseeva G.N. New list of stories about Alexander Nevsky // Russian literature. L., 1964. No. 1. P. 87-97.

    Moskvitina O.N. Alexander Nevsky in the mirror of the newest English historiography // Criticism of concepts of modern bourgeois historiography. Vol. 2. L., 1987.

    Nosonov A.N. Mongols and Rus (history of Tatar politics in Russia). M.; L., 1940. P. 47-49.

    Nekrasov V. Sveti Blagoven Great Prince Alexander Nevsky // Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate. M., 1963. August. P. 56-62.

    Orlov A.C. Alexander Nevsky in medieval literature // Bulletin of the USSR Academy of Sciences. M., 1942. No. 4. P. 72-79.

    Orlov A.C. Heroic themes of ancient Russian literature // Jubilee session of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Moscow, June 15 - July 3, 1945 m.; L., 1947. T. 2. S. 710. Same: Dep. ed: m.; L., 1947. 143 p. (Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Scientific and popular series).

    Orlov A.C. Old Russian literature. M.; L., 1937. 2nd ed. M.; L., 1945.

    Okhotnova V.I. The story of Alexander Nevsky's life // Vocabulary of the books and books of ancient Russia. Vol. I (XI - the first half of the XIV century.) / Resp. ed. D. S. Likhachev. L., 1987. P. 354-363.

    Okhotnova V.I. The story of Dovmontte and Princely Signatures // Sources of Literature Ancient Rus. L., 1980. P. 115-128.

    Essays of the history of the USSR. IX-XIII centuries. M., 1953. P. 845-852.

    Pavlov A. Description of the Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra with chronological lists of Persons buried in churches and in the cemeteries of Lavra. St. Petersburg., 1842. P. 13-17.

    Paklar E.K. Where did the ice breaking happen? // historical notes. M., 1951. No. 37. P. 304-316.

    Parabellum. Military Historical Review. St. Petersburg., 1998. June-July. № 4-6. Content: No. 4. To the 756th anniversary of the Ice Empire. Reconstruction of the Arms of Russian and the Order soldiers. Reconstruction A. I. Ivanov and P. A. Vasina. Figure and comment P. A. Vasina. Cover. P. 188-190. Vasin P. A. Fracture during the battle. P. 20-23. № 5. Heavy boyars cavalry. (Elder squad.) Rus, 1220-1270. Reconstruction A. I. Ivanova and P. A. Vasina, Artist P. A. Vasin. P. 18-19. No. 6. Vasin P. A. Auxiliary troops - Sagittarius, Easy cavalry. Rus, 1200-1250. P. 12-15.

    Pashkov B.G. Rus. Russia. Russian empire. Chronicle of boards and events. 862-1917. Ed. 2. M., 1997. P. 97-100.

    Pashutu V.T. Alexander Nevsky // Scientific Notes of Leningrad state University. L., 1939. N9 36. P. 62-84.

    Pashutu V.T. Alexander Nevskiy. Series "Life of wonderful people." No. 10 (542). M., 1974. 2nd ed. 1975. 3rd ed. M.; Yekaterinburg, 1995.

    Pashutu V.T. Alexander Nevsky and the struggle of the Russian people for independence in the XIII century. M., 1951.

    Pashutu V.T. Foreign policy of ancient Russia. M., 1968.

    Pashutu V.T. Heroic struggle of the Russian people for independence (XIII century). M., 1956.

    Pashutu V.T. To disputes about the reliability of Alexander Nevsky's love // \u200b\u200bHistory of the USSR. 1974. No. 1. P. 208-209.

    Pashutu V.T. About politics of papal currics in Russia (XIII century) // Questions of history. 1949. No. 5. P. 52-57.

    Pashutu V.T. Education of the Lithuanian state. M., 1959.

    Pashutu V.T. Essays of the history of the USSR. IX-XIII centuries. M., 1952. P. 845-852.

    Pashutu V.T. Essays of the history of the USSR. XII - XIII centuries. Manual for teachers. M., 1960. P. 155-156.

    Pashutu V.T. Essays of the history of Galico-Volyn Rus. M., 1980.

    Pashutu V.T. Essays on the history of the USSR. The period of feudalism: IX-XV centuries. M., 1953. Ch. I. Ch. five.

    Pashutu V.T. The rhymed chronicle as a source in Russian history // Problems of the socio-political history of Russia and Slavic countries. M., 1964. P. 102-108.

    Transferring the relics of the Holy Prince of St. Alexander Nevsky from Vladimir to St. Petersburg // Vladimir Diocesan Vedomosti. Vladimir, 1868. No. 17. Part of neopic. P. 843-856.

    Petrov A.B. On the struggle of the "oldest" with the "smaller" and performances of "Kramolnikov" in Novgorod the second half of the XIII century. // Bulletin of the Leningrad State University. Series 2. History, linguistics, literary criticism. L., 1991. Issue one.

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    Petrushevsky A. Tale of the Holy Blagovers Great Prince Alexandra Nevsky. St. Petersburg., 1885.

    Piceta V.I. Alexander Nevskiy. Tashkent, 1942.

    Platonov O.A. The crown of Russia. Holy Rus. Opening of Russian civilization. M., 2001. P. 27-28, 542.

    Pisthen B.F. Ice clogs and world history // Reports and reports of the historic faculty of Moscow State University. M., 1947. Vol. five.

    Zaporzhenny N.E. Battle on the Ice. M., 1938.

    Porfirids N.G. Ancient Novgorod. M.; L., 1947. P. 122, 130, 141.

    Potemkin A.N. Great Russian commander Alexander Nevsky. Transcript of a public lecture. M., 1952.

    Pokhlebkin V.V. Tatars and Rus. 360 years of relations between Russia with Tatar states in the XIII-XVI centuries. 1238-1598. Directory. M., 2000. P. 29-31.46-47.

    Orthodox encyclopedia / under the general edited by Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II. Russian Orthodox Church. M., 2000.

    Crazy MD Alexander Nevsky Lavra at Peter Great (for the upcoming two hundred anniversary of St. Petersburg // Wanderer. SPb., 1903. № 4. No. 569-597. No. 6. P. 41-861. No. 7. P. 16-30.

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    DIRECTION E. The history of martial art from ancient times to the first imperialist war 1914-1918. Part 2. Military art of a medieval feudal society of the VI-XVIII centuries. M., 1940. P. 107-109.

    Razin E.A. History of military art. T. II. Military art of the feudal period of war. M., 1957. P. 159-161.

    Razin E.A., Krusenchenko I.E., Sinelnikov P.S. History of military art. T. I. Ed. E. A. Razin. Ed. Military Academy of Armored Forces. M., 1956. P. 58-59.

    Ramm B.Ya. Paper and Rus in the XXV centuries. M., 1959. P. 111-134.

    Rapov O. M. Princely possessions in Russia in the first half of the XIII century. M., 1977. P. 170, 184-185.

    Remezov P.S. Talk about the exploits of the Holy Blessed Great Prince Alexander Nevsky. 3rd ed. St. Petersburg., 1874.

    Rogov A. I. Alexander Nevsky and the struggle of the Russian people with the German feudal aggression in Old Russian writing and art // Drang Nakh is Osten and the historical development of the countries of Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. M., 1967. P. 32-58.

    Rogov P. Tatar Pogrom and Saint Blessed Great Prince Alexander Nevsky. St. Petersburg., 1890.

    Rosko Innokenti IV and Threat tatar-Mongol invasion. Message of Pope Daniel Galitsky and Alexander Nevsky // Symbol. Paris, 1988. No. 20. P. 92-114.

    Runkevich S. G. Aleksandro-Neva Lavra. 1733-1913. St. Petersburg., 1913.

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    Cavich A.A. The struggle of the Russian people for their independence on the North-West Outskin in the middle of the XIII century (1240-1242) // Scientists of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. K. Liebknecht. # 4. Series is historical. Vol. 2. M., 1939. P. 22-26.

    Sazonov S.V. The monastic name of Alexander Nevsky and the tradition of monastic name for medieval Russia // Messages of the Rostov Museum. Rostov, 1994. Vol. four.

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    Saint Blessed Great Prince Alexander Nevsky. Ed. Presnov. M., 1876.

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    Pavlenko P.A., Eisenstein S.M. Alexander Nevskiy. Filmcenerable. M.: Goskinoizdat, 1938. The same // Banner. M., 1937. № 12. Same: Pavlenko P.A. Alexander Nevskiy. Film // Pavlenko P.A. Cathedral cit. in six volumes. M., 1954. T. 4. P. 225; Eisenstein S.M. Selected articles. M., 1955. Fees: Tikhomirov M.N. Identka above the story (about the "Rus" scenario) // Historic-Marxist. M., 1938. No. 2. Literary newspaper. M., 1938. 26.04. № 23 (730) (response P. Evstafieva).

    Sayanov V. Zhiya Alexander Nevsky // Heroic Poetry of Ancient Russia. L., 1944. Since 81-92.

    Subbotin A.A. For the land of Russian! Roman about Alexandra Nevsky. M., 1957; 1963; 1988.

    Tikhomirov O.N. Guarding Russia. The word about the campaigns of Alexander Nevsky. M., 1982. With 4-33.

    1240. Poem // Kolpinsky interest. Kolpino, 1994. 9-16.09. № 37 (80). P. 5.

    Khokhlenko Y. Tale of the ancestors of Pushkin. M., 2000.

    Yugov A. K. Ratoborets. Daniel Galitsky. Alexander Nevsky // Sovar. cit. A. K. Yugova. M., 1985. T. 3. Roman was published in 1949, 1956, 1962, 1972, 1978, 1983, 1986

    Bibliography bibliography

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    Ratoborets. Alexander Nevsky and Daniel Galitsky. Recommendative pointer. M. M. Znamensky. M., 1991.

    "Alexander placed his army" to Usugeni at Voroneg Kamen. " The Germans built their fighting orders of the "pig", at the head of which the heavy knightly roof was moving, and rushed into Russian shelves. Alexander strengthened the flanks of the regiments, and ahead of the troops put archers who were shot at the distance to the crusader. However, the Germans managed to break through the system of Russian warriors.

    The battle took extremely stubborn character. In the end, the auxiliary troops of the Crusaders scored from Esta, and ran down the battle. The Germans ran behind them. Victory on April 5, 1242. On the ice of the Church of the Lake Russian regiments was complete. In the same year, the Germans sent an embassy in Novgorod, which entered into peace with Prince Alexander. The Order refused all his conquests 1240-1241. In the Novgorod Earth, let go of Pskov hostages and broke through the prisoners. The conditions for this contract were valid even in the XV century. The victory of Alexander Nevsky in the ice, the Order of the Order I remember for a long time. "

    "The life of Alexander Nevsky broke early. He was not even fulfilled forty-three years. But this life from adolescence was filled with major events, complex diplomatic negotiations, bold campaigns, decisive battles. As a commander Alexander Nevsky hardly has equal among other princes of medieval Russia. But he was a man of his era, in whose character was bizarrely combed cruelty to trarners and silence with the negative of the princely struggle and the desire to ease the position of the people conquered by the foreigners. It should be especially emphasized that Alexander, unlike grandfather, father, native brothers, even his own children never participated in bloody internecine fights. Internal conflicts were; To solve them, Alexander collected troops, however, it did not reach open actions, the threat of the use of force decided, and the power itself. It is quite obvious that this was a conscious policy of Alexander Nevsky, who perfectly understood that in conditions after the Batiev of the pogrom of Russian lands and alien domination, internal wars, even in the case of a complete victory of one of the parties, can only lead to the general weakening of Russia and the destruction of her labor and military population. Biographer of Alexander Nevsky, who wrote his life, who was not only the "Self-Share" of the Prince of Prince, but also an eyewitness to at least the consequences of Mongolian conquest, specifically drew attention to the fact that Nevsky, becoming the Grand Duke Vladimir, "Churches invalagna, Holds Power, People Cable in my houses. " Ensuring borders, preservation of the integrity of the territory, care for its population is the main features of the activity of Prince Alexander at that critical period of Russian history. About Alexandra Nevsky briefly, we can say with the words of the chronicler of the XIII W.: "Having worked for Novgorod and for the whole Rusie land" ".

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    Prince Alexander Nevsky. Materials of scientific and practical conferences 1989 and 1994. Ot. Red.: Yu. K. Runners and A. N. Bricks. St. Petersburg, 1995. 111c. (Administration of the Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg, Krapitsa). Content: Part One. The introductory word of the head of the administration of the Kolpinsky district V.D. Colossian (p. 4). Bricks A.N. Prince Alexander Nevsky. History and modernity (P. 5-8). Runners Yu.K. Alexander Nevsky and Russian Statehood (P. 8-12). Dubov I.V. The role of the historical and cultural environment in the formation of the personality of Alexander Nevsky (P. 12-19). Krivosheev Yu.V. Russian princes and rational khans (P. 19-21). Mayorov A.B. Alexander Nevsky and Daniel Galitsky (to the question of the relationship between Russian princes with Tatars) (P. 21-24). Sazanov sv. About the monastic name of Alexander Nevsky (P. 25-27). Shishkin A.A., Glyaev Yu.N. Alexander Nevsky and Glenchevy-Kutuzov (P. 27-30). Sorokin P.E. From the history of wooden churches Ust-Izhora (P. 31-33). Toropov G.V. Izhora tradition (p. 33-35). Sushko A.M. Alexander Nevsky in the work of Evgenia Orlova (P. 35-38).

    Part two. Alexander Nevsky: Personality and Acts. Materials of the scientific and practical conference. Leningrad. December 6, 1989 Martyugov GM Memorial of the Nevsky Battle of Ust-Izhora (P. 40). Appeal to compatriots in connection with the 750th anniversary of the Nevsky Battle (P. 41-42). Runners Yu.K. Alexander Nevsky and modernity (P. 42-48). Bricks A.N. 750th anniversary of the Nevsky battle and its historical significance (P. 48-55). Lebedev G.S. Crusades of Swedes in Finland, Ingrey and Karelia - Head of the Prehistory of St. Petersburg (P. 55-61). Ø ac Negole Ki I. P. Battle on the Neva (to the 750th anniversary) (P. 61-69). Ziborov V. K. Monuments of the Old Russian writing is the main source of our knowledge about the era of Alexander Nevsky (P. 69-73). Gumilev L.N. Alexander Nevsky and Eastern Christianity (P. 73-78). Degtyarev A.Ya. Do you not change the battleship? (P. 78-82). Roses A.A. Memorial complex "Nevsky Battle" (P. 83-85). Runners Yu.K., Sapunov B.V. The history of the relics and cancer of the Holy Prince of the Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky (P. 85-90). Applications. Cost. Yu.K. Runners. The story of the battle on the Neva from the lives of Alexander Nevsky first edition. 1280s. Reconstruction text. The chronicle story about the battle on the Neva. From the synodal list of the XIV century Novgorod 1st annals of the elderly. Tree of memory. A. Mikey. In the city in 1263. The chronology of the life and activities of Alexander Nevsky. Brief bibliography (P. 91-109).

    Kozachenko A. I. Battle on the Ice. M., 1938. The same // People-Bogatyr. IX-XIII centuries. M., 1948. P. 73-98.

    Kolotilova S.I. Russian sources of the XIII century about Alexander Nevsky // Historical sciences. Scientists notes of the State Pedagogical Institute. A. I. Herzen. No. 502. Pskov, 1971. P. 99-107.

    Colucci M. The initial version of the lives of Alexander Nevsky: notes on the history of the text // Proceedings of the department of the Old Russian literature. St. Petersburg., 1997. T. 50. P. 252-260. Retch: Runners Yu.K. Falsification of Professor Colucci // Saint Alexander Nevsky. Ust-Izhora, 1999. P. 95-97.

    Komarovich V.L. Tale about Alexander Nevsky // History of Russian literature. T. 2. Ch. I. m.; L., 1946. Ch. eleven.

    Kosmossky E.A. Ice breaking // Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences. M., 1942. No. 4. P. 89-95.

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  • 5. Political fragmentation of Russia 12-14 centuries. Features of the development of individual Russian lands. (Vladimir-Suzdal, Galico-Volyn Principalities, Novgorod Boyar Republic).
  • 3. Novgorod feudal republic. Vladimir-Suzdal Principality
  • Galico-Volyn Principality.
  • Novgorod feudal republic
  • 6. Culture of Kiev Rus.
  • 7. Alexander Nevsky - a warlord and statesman.
  • 8. The invasion of Mongol-Tatars into Russian lands in the 18th century. Relationship between Russia and Horde.
  • 10. Moscow Rus in the second half of the 15th - early 16th centuries. Folding a single Russian state and its features.
  • 11. Ivan 4. Reforms of the 50s. Official.
  • 12. The main directions of the foreign policy of Ivan the Terrible.
  • 13. Culture and life of 14-16 centuries.
  • 14. "Smoot" in Russia at the beginning of 17 V.: Causes, ways to overcome.
  • 15. New phenomena in the socio-economic development and political life of Russia in the 17th century. The formation of absolutism.
  • 16. State reforms of Peter 1., restructuring of central and local governments.
  • 17. Foreign policy of Russia in the first quarter of 18 V .. Military reform of Peter 1.
  • 18. "The Epoch of Palace Dobor" at 18 V.
  • 19. Ekaterina 2. The policy of "enlightened absolutism".
  • 20. The main directions of the foreign policy of the Russian state in the second half of the 18th century.
  • 21. Culture and life of the 18th century.
  • 22. Domestic policy in Russia in the first quarter of 19 V. Alexander 1 and tendency to liberal politics.
  • 23. Patriotic War of 1812: Causes, Stages, Results.
  • 24. The movement of the Decembrists: Causes, Stages, Values.
  • 25. Internal policy of Nicholas 1.
  • 26. Public movement in Russia in the second quarter of the 19th century.
  • 27. Foreign policy of Russia in the second quarter of the 19th century. Crimean War.
  • 28. Culture of Russia 19th century
  • 29. Cancellation of serfdom in Russia: preparation, character, results.
  • 30. Liberal reforms of the 60s, 70s. 19th century, their meaning.
  • 31. The main directions of Russia's foreign policy in the second half of the 19th century. Folding military-political blocks in Europe.
  • 32. Education of political parties in the early 20th century.
  • 33. Revolution 1905 - 1907: Causes and main stages.
  • On June 3, 1907, a new electoral law was published simultaneously with the manifesto on dissolution of the II of State Duma. June is considered the last day of revolution 1905-1907.
  • 34. P. A. Stolypin and the modernization program of Russia.
  • 35. Russia's participation in the First World War: the causes, the main stages, the exit of Russia from the war.
  • 36. February bourgeois-democratic revolution. Deliciousness and its essence. Armed uprising in Petrograd in October 1917.
  • 37. Organization of the Soviet management system. Policy "Military Communism".
  • 38. Civil war and intervention in Russia: reasons, main stages, lessons.
  • 39. The formation of the SSR. National-state construction in the 20s - 30th.
  • 40. NEP: Essence, contradictions, results.
  • 41. Industrialization and collectivization in the USSR: Tasks, contradictions, results
  • 42. Political development of the country in the 30s. Approval of totalitarianism.
  • 43. International Position of the USSR in the 20s - 30s. Contracted of the foreign policy of the USSR on the eve of the Great Patriotic War
  • 44. Causes, character and main stages of the Great Patriotic War
  • 45. The root fracture during the Great Patriotic War
  • 46. \u200b\u200bForeign policy of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War
  • 47. The country's interior in 1945 - 1953.
  • 48. Socio-economic and political development of the Soviet society in the second half of the 50s - the first half of the 60s. Controversial nature of transformations.
  • 49. Soviet society in the mid-60s - early 80s. The increase in crisis phenomena. Socio-economic and socio-political life
  • 50. The controversial nature of the Perestroika policy (1985-1991)
  • 51. The collapse of the USSR. Education of the CIS. Polician crisis 1993
  • 52.Russia at the present stage of development.
  • 53. Culture and Gen. 17B.
  • 54. Peasant Wars in Russia 17 - 18 centuries. Stepan Razin and Emelyan Pugachev.
  • 55. Publication in Russia: the main stages and directions, place and role in the social movement of Russia in the 2nd half of the 19th century.
  • Conservative direction
  • Liberal revolutionary direction
  • Socio-revolutionary direction
  • Anarchist direction
  • 56. Essence and forms of historical knowledge
  • 7. Alexander Nevsky - a warlord and statesman.

    Russian State Affairs, Commander, Prince Novgorodsky (1236-51), Grand Duke Vladimirsky from 1252, son of Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich.

    He headed Russian troops, stood up the northwestern lands of Russia from capturing Swedish and German feudals. After disembarking the Swedish knights when the Izhora River is shifted in R.neva, Alexander Nevsky with a small squad, connecting with Ladodians, 15240 suddenly attacked the Swedes and completely defeated their numerous army, finding exceptional courage in battle.

    In the Nevskaya battle of 1240, Alexander Nevsky won a major victory, which lost their losses. The threat of enemy invasion from the north was prevented. For this battle, the people nicked him "Nevsky".

    This victory, increasing the political influence of Alexander Nevsky, at the same time contributed to the exacerbation of his relationship with a boyars, as a result of clashes with whom Alexander was forced to leave Novgorod. However, after the invasion of Livonian knights, the Novgorod residents sent to Alexander a delegation, in spring 1241. Alexander Nevsky returned and quickly created a strong army, stealing invaders from Russian cities (storming of Covenia and Pskov - an example of high military art of mastering fortresses).

    Against Alexander Nevsky made a big horse army led by Master of the Order, the victims of a decisive defeat on April 5, 1242 on the Ice of the Church of the Lake (Ice Bare).

    The victory in this battle put Alexander in a number of the largest military leaders.

    The aggression of German knights on Russia was stopped. Alexander Nevsky continued to strengthen the northwestern borders of Russia: the parcel of the embassy to Norway, which was the result of which was the first peace agreement between Russia and Norway (1251), a successful trip to Finland against the Swedes who made a new attempt to close the Russians to the Baltic Sea (1256).

    Alexander showed himself a cautious and far-sighted politician. He strongly rejected the attempts of Panish Kuria to cause Rus War with the Golden Horde, because I understood the unsuccessfulness of the war with the Tatars at the time.

    Alexander Nevsky's skillful policy contributed to the prevention of the ruinous invasions of the Tatar on Russia. I traveled several times in the Horde, I achieved the liberation of Russians from the obligation to perform the army on the side of Tatar khans in their wars with other peoples.

    Under Alexander Nevsky began the ousting of the agents of the Hannai power in Russia and the transfer of their functions to the Great Prince. Alexander made a lot of effort to strengthen the grandeur in the country to the detriment of the influence of the boyars, at the same time strongly suppressed anti-refortion speeches (uprising in Novgorod 1259).

    He died in the city, returning from the Golden Horde. By order of Petrai, the remains of Alexander Nevsky were transported to St. Petersburg. In pre-revolutionary Russia, on May 21, 1725, the Order of Alexander Nevsky was established. 29 Iyulya 1942 V. The honor of Alexander Nevsky was established by the Soviet Military Order of Alexander Nevsky.

    8. The invasion of Mongol-Tatars into Russian lands in the 18th century. Relationship between Russia and Horde.

    In 1243, Great Han made the elders among Russian princes Yaroslav Vsevolodovich Vladimirsky. After his death in 1246, the struggle for the Vladimir table began, in which the Ordans intervened, who ruined the Suzdal Earth. In Vladimir, Sela Alexander Nevsky. For political purposes, he helped Horde to lay Rus Tan. In 1262, in the Suzdal Earth, the uprisings against the Tatars broke out, but Alexander convinced Khan not to smash the rebellious cities. In 1263 he died. Later, Tatars have repeatedly attacked Russia, interfering in the princes. At this time, Tver and Moscow was raised, with Daniel Alexandrovich, which became independent principalities. Soon the struggle for the Vladimir table between Yuri Danilovich Moscow and Mikhail Yaroslavich Tversky began. Horde intervened in the dispute. In 1327, Tver rebelled against Tatars. In the defeat of the uprising, Ivan Kalita participated, the prince of Moscow, who received Vladimir Prince and the right to collect Dani from the Russian lands. He acquired a number of land (Belozero, Uglich, Galich Merry). Metropolitan moved to Moscow to Moscow, which increased its influence. In Dmitry Ivanovich (1359-1389), Moscow began to foster Tver, Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan. In the 1370s. The ruler of the mother of Mamay decided to weaken Moscow, but in 1378 the Tatars were divided into r. Now, and in 1380, Dmitry Donskoy and other princes were smashed by Mama on the Kuliki field. However, Khan Tukhtamysh ruined Moscow in 1382 and returned it under the power of Horde. After the defeat of the Horde of Timur in 1395. Vasily I (1389-1425) did not pay her Dani for several years. In 1408, the ruler of Horde, the union again besieged Moscow, did not take it, but terribly ruined the surrounding cities. Tatars power strengthened. In 1425-1462 The Moscow Principality was a feudal war - the struggle of Vasily II against Uncle Yuri and his sons of Basil and Dmitry Shemya-ki. In the course of it were blinded in 1436. Vasily Kosoya, in 1446 Vasily II ("Dark"), and Shemyaka in 1452 poisoned, Vasily II won.

    Introduction 2 1. Alexander at the head of state 3 2. Alexander Nevsky as a warlord 10 Conclusion 23 List of used literature 25


    Alexander Nevsky (1220-1263) is an outstanding statesman and commander of ancient Russia, Novgorod Prince (1236-1251), Grand Duke Vladimir (1252-1263). Son of the Grand Duke Kiev Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. One of the most beloved national heroes of the Russian people. The editorial art of Alexander Nevsky entered the Golden Foundation of the History of Russian and World Martial Arts. The largest military leader of his time, Alexander Nevsky creatively used the established methods of conducting hostilities, sought to surprise and decisiveness in the attack, took into account the peculiarities of the terrain and time of year, the strengths and weaknesses of their and enemy troops, robbed the enemy in parts, secured military and political successes. Alexander Yaroslavich showed himself not only as a great commander, but also as a far-sighted politician and diplomat. In 1251, he concluded a peace treaty with Norway, finally strengthening the North-Western borders of Russia. Weighted politics conducted against Mongols, especially after he became the Grand Duke Vladimir, it was sought to avoid conflicts, just in case, to protect the rear in the fight against German knights, always ready to impose a war on two fronts. The purpose of this work is to study the history of Russia of the period of Alexander Nevsky. Tasks of work: - Rate Alexander as a statesman; - Consider military achievements A. Nevsky.


    The editorial art of Alexander Nevsky entered the Golden Foundation of the History of Russian and World Martial Arts. The largest military leader of his time, Alexander Nevsky creatively used the established methods of conducting hostilities, sought to surprise and decisiveness in the attack, took into account the peculiarities of the terrain and time of year, the strengths and weaknesses of their and enemy troops, robbed the enemy in parts, secured military and political successes. Alexander Yaroslavich showed himself not only as a great commander, but also as a far-sighted politician and diplomat. In 1251, he concluded a peace treaty with Norway, finally strengthening the North-Western borders of Russia. Alexander Nevsky - Great Communion, who was able to combine the military experience accumulated by previous generations, add a new one, painted from the largest victories (Nevskaya Battle and Ice Battle), and create Russian military artglorified to the whole of Europe, and not only, show what the mighty Russian spirit is capable. Weighted politics conducted against Mongols, especially after he became the Grand Duke Vladimir, it was sought to avoid conflicts, just in case, to protect the rear in the fight against German knights, always ready to impose a war on two fronts. Alexander Nevsky - The Great Communion, who was able to unite the military experience gained by previous generations, add a new one, painted from the largest victories (Nevskaya Battle and Ice Battle), and create Russian military art, famous for the whole of Europe, and not only to show What is capable of mighty Russian spirit. Alexander Nevsky is a great political figure of a medieval type, which put the interests of the state above their personal interests and interests of individual segments of the population and because of this, a lot of it was a great ruler, in the hardest and seemingly hopeless time provided the country for ten years of peaceful life. Alexander Nevsky is a great political figure of a medieval type, which put the interests of the state above their personal interests and interests of individual segments of the population and because of this, a lot of it was a great ruler, in the hardest and seemingly hopeless time provided the country for ten years of peaceful life. During the Great Patriotic War The image of Alexander Nevsky was encouraging for many fighters. The Order of Alexander Nevsky was established, who was awarded commanders who managed to solve large combat missions with a small force. Once the Government of St. Petersburg held a competition for the best memorial dedicated to the Nevsky Battle. It turned out that this theme feathers worries many artists - work was presented almost thirty. The amazing association "Nevskaya Battle" was born, whose activities were aimed at restoring the memorials of the Nevsky Battle, such as the Church in honor of the St. Burd and Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky, which was previously located in the territory of the Nevsky battle. I note that the church was destroyed during the Great Patriotic War, and before her, on the site of the Nevsky battle, there was always a small wooden temple, which consolidated the memory of Russian people about this battle. The temple was repeatedly died with an enemy and repeatedly erected again.

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