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  • How to make a greenhouse yourself. Types and stages of greenhouse construction

    How to make a greenhouse yourself.  Types and stages of greenhouse construction

    Every summer resident and owner of his own house, sooner or later, has a desire to have a good greenhouse on his site. After all, everyone knows that vegetables and greens from their own greenhouse, besides grown by their own hands, are much tastier and healthier than purchased ones. Therefore, someone is following the path of buying a ready-made greenhouse. Someone buys a greenhouse in a disassembled state and assembles it on the site as a constructor. But a considerable part of gardeners want to build a greenhouse with their own hands. After all, everyone knows: if you want to do something well, do it yourself.

    How to build a greenhouse with your own hands? To begin with, let's figure out what types of greenhouses are there. This is important for the choice of the future design and material of the greenhouse.

    Winter and summer greenhouses

    All greenhouses can be divided into two large groups: winter and summer. They differ in the presence of a heating system in a winter greenhouse, which allows you to grow plants in such a greenhouse all year round. The summer greenhouse is designed for faster ripening of fruits and protection of plants from accidental frosts.

    Winter greenhouses are generally more extensive than summer greenhouses. They are built closer to the house, sometimes even attaching them to the south side of the house. This way they are closer to the heat source. Winter greenhouses are almost never made from plastic. The heating system can be either connected to the heating system of the house, or it can be autonomous. For this, an oven is made in the greenhouse.

    Video review of a self-heating winter greenhouse

    Arched, shed and gable greenhouses

    Everyone chooses the type of roof for the greenhouse based on the location of the greenhouse. As well as your personal preferences. We can only suggest the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

    Shed roof usually choose by attaching a greenhouse with their own hands to the house. This type of roof is simple to construct and economical. Under such a roof, you can make an inexpensive but solid base from a wooden beam or a metal profile pipe. The disadvantage of this roof will be that snow will accumulate on such a roof.

    Gable roof, like a shed one, can have a cheap and durable frame. It is a little more expensive than a single-slope one, but more aesthetic. But snow will also accumulate on such a roof. Consider this factor when choosing a greenhouse roof.

    Types of greenhouses. Video review

    And finally arched roof... A very popular type of roof and deserves it. Economical, quickly built, it has conquered its niche very quickly. In combination with cellular polycarbonate, this greenhouse has almost all the advantages. Snow does not collect on it, it is very resistant to winds and the dispersion of sunlight in it occurs naturally. The only drawback may be a frame for this type of roof. It will be more expensive and more difficult to make a strong and reliable frame than for previous types of roofing. Let's talk about frames for greenhouses with our own hands.

    Types and materials for the greenhouse frame

    We continue to answer the question of how to build a greenhouse with our own hands. If you decide to build a greenhouse on your site, have chosen the type of roof for your future greenhouse, then now you need to think about choosing a material for the frame of the greenhouse. What to build a greenhouse from?

    A greenhouse frame can be made from:

    • wood
    • metal

    Wooden frame

    Timber frames are very easy to work with. The tree is easy to handle and can be used to build almost any kind of greenhouse. The disadvantage of such construction will be the wood's susceptibility to rotting. Therefore, the entire timber has to be treated with special impregnations before construction.

    Greenhouse made of wood and foil. Construction instruction video


    Good skills are required to assemble a metal frame. After all, the metal will either have to be welded or bolted. Such a frame for a greenhouse is very expensive. But it is very durable, reliable and will last for more than a dozen years. Such a frame is suitable for a capital greenhouse.

    Video of building a glass and metal greenhouse


    Today, the construction of greenhouses from plastic pipes is gaining popularity. This type of construction is relatively cheap, even beginners can make it. Moreover, such a construction will not take much time. The disadvantage of such a frame will be its low strength. Over time, plastic pipes bend, the greenhouse loses its shape. Therefore, as a capital structure, such a frame is not suitable.

    Video how to make a greenhouse from plastic pipes and film

    Greenhouse cover

    The materials for the walls and roof of the greenhouse are very diverse. Each has its own pros and cons. Let's take a closer look at them.

    • glass
    • film
    • agrofibre
    • cellular polycarbonate

    DIY glass greenhouse

    How to build a greenhouse with your own hands? If you want to build a capital and durable greenhouse with your own hands, then a glass greenhouse is a good option. Moreover, such a greenhouse will not necessarily be expensive. After all, it can be built from.

    Many people, replacing old wooden windows with plastic ones, simply throw out the frames in the trash. So you can get the material for your greenhouse for free. You just have to process the wood of the window frames and fasten them together. You will even have windows and vents ready for airing plants on hot days.

    Video review of a greenhouse made of old window frames

    However, do not forget that glass is a heavy material. Therefore, the foundation of such a greenhouse must be appropriate. It must be buried, or. Or you can make a slab foundation and drain water from under it.

    DIY film greenhouse

    Such a greenhouse, although it requires frequent film changes, is still common. Because the film is easy to mount and cheap. In addition, with a careful attitude, it can withstand several seasons. It is not suitable for a winter greenhouse with your own hands, but it copes very well with the functions of a summer greenhouse.

    The ideal design option for a film greenhouse would be a frame made of plastic pipes curved with an arch. Such an arch is erected in one day, it is cheap and even one person can handle it. The arch is covered with foil. Moreover, it will be possible to clean it for the winter. It is possible to slightly modernize such a greenhouse if agrofibre (geotextile) is used instead of film.

    Do-it-yourself agrofiber greenhouse

    Can be used as a material for covering the greenhouse with your own hands. It is water and steam permeable. Your plants will be irrigated with rainwater and will be able to breathe freely. White geotextile provides enough light for plants, and at the same time, the sun's rays will not burn the foliage. Such a greenhouse needs less ventilation than one made of other materials. Agrofibre is a durable material, unlike film. It can be used for many years. It does not tear, is not afraid of piercing, it stretches well. Today, this is a good alternative to film.

    Step-by-step video instructions for making a greenhouse made of agrofibre

    DIY cellular polycarbonate greenhouse

    Such greenhouses are made with their own hands for all types of roofs and frames. They are both arched and one-gable. Polycarbonate is attached to both wood and metal. They are covered with frames made of plastic and aluminum pipes. In general, this is a versatile material for building a greenhouse with your own hands. When choosing polycarbonate, pay attention to its thickness and weight. Choose sheets with a thickness of 4 mm or more. Better 6-8 mm. In addition, the sheet must be heavy enough. Remember that polycarbonate cannot be mounted horizontally. Condensation in the honeycomb should be free to slide and flow out. Otherwise, polycarbonate will quickly overgrow with algae and lose its transparency.

    How to make a polycarbonate greenhouse on a metal frame. Video

    We hope that our article helped you in choosing the type of your future greenhouse and we answered the question of how to build a greenhouse with your own hands. Share your thoughts and questions in the comments to the article. We are very interested, and what kind of greenhouse did you make with your own hands?

    Unfortunately, not all of the territory of Russia favors the cultivation of its own vegetables and fruits for many months. In most climatic zones of the country, the summer cottage season is extremely short, while many people strive to grow as many crops as possible on their site for their subsequent harvesting. In this connection, gardeners and gardeners willingly use greenhouses, with the help of which the growing season is increased, which makes it possible to harvest an early and more abundant harvest. In some cases, in the presence of a well-built greenhouse, self-grown crops can be consumed all year round.

    Of course, for these purposes, it is necessary to take into account a number of features, which we will discuss in detail in this article.


    A greenhouse built by your own hands always warms the soul of a gardener. The design can be of very different sizes and shapes, and homemade greenhouses are no worse in use and functionality. The device can be easily viewed on the diagrams and drawings; materials for manufacturing may be different. Often, fiberglass reinforcement is used as a frame, there are also no problems with a removable covering material - mainly, it is a plastic film, glass or polycarbonate. Considering all these features, such a structure can be erected on the site in one weekend, and homemade buildings are in no way inferior in quality to those purchased in the store.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Convenient homemade greenhouses are very popular among summer residents. The undoubted advantages include the fact that a self-made greenhouse in the country will be relatively cheap. A budget greenhouse can be made of different materials, the most important thing is to equip it with an opening roof and take care of the quality of lighting for plants. Speaking about the cons, of course, you should take into account that you will have to spend time studying the types and designs, as well as getting acquainted with the drawings and construction plans in the country.


    Greenhouses are designed taking into account the botanical characteristics of those plant species for the needs of which the greenhouse is built. This also includes the amount of light transmitted and the temperature inside. The greenhouse can be either year-round or used in a specific season. In general, all types of greenhouses are suitable for growing a wide variety of crops, be it Chinese cabbage or flowers.

    At a first approximation, greenhouses can be divided into the following categories:

    • single-slope;
    • gable;
    • drop-shaped;

    • domed;
    • polygonal;
    • Dutch.

    • In most cases, pitched roofs are used in the construction of greenhouses or conservatories, since this type of building has a passage. As a result, it is easy to enter the premises without regard to weather conditions. This type of greenhouse is best installed on the south side of a residential building.
    • Greenhouses with gable roofs are very popular in our country and are currently the most common design.
    • A drop-shaped greenhouse is a very solid structure, perfectly transmits sunlight, does not hold precipitation in the form of snow on the surface, but it is quite difficult to mount it, therefore such greenhouses are rarely made independently.
    • The domed greenhouse has a spectacular appearance and does not require a large consumption of materials, but its main advantage is that, due to the design features, it can be installed in areas with seismic hazard. The main tasks during construction are good sealing and high-quality insulation.

    • Polygonal greenhouses are pleasing to the eye, perfectly transmitting light and are not afraid of gusty winds. The difficulty in installation lies in the fact that it is necessary to carefully organize the space in order to evenly distribute the heat inside.
    • The Dutch version of greenhouses is reliable and durable. Because of the sloping walls, sunlight penetrates in, which can significantly increase the yield. Among other things, this option is also quite budgetary.
    • Recently, the so-called "booths" - a greenhouse that looks like a tunnel, have become widespread among summer residents. Most often it is erected for growing tomatoes and peppers. This type of greenhouse is functional, convenient, does not require large costs, it allows you to consistently get a good harvest, which allows us to call it the optimal type of independent construction on the site.

    Also, greenhouses are divided according to the principle of movement:

    • folding;
    • stationary.

    Folding greenhouses began to gain popularity relatively recently. Their advantage is that the lightweight frame is easy to fold and move to another place in the infield if necessary. At the same time, the greenhouse itself is very ergonomic and has a low cost, which deserves the attention of summer residents.

    Stationary greenhouses, on the other hand, have long become classics of the genre. To install a structure of this type, an underground foundation and a metal frame will be required. Many people have long preferred this type of greenhouse, because over many years of operation in a wide variety of conditions, these structures have gained fame as strong and durable devices. There are no particular difficulties in installing such a greenhouse; it is also quite easy to maintain it.

    Also greenhouses can be divided according to the type of initial characteristics - these types of greenhouses are named after their creator:

    • greenhouse according to Kurdyumov;
    • greenhouse according to "Mitlider".

    Kurdyumov's greenhouse is an autonomous unit, otherwise it is called “smart”. This design is distinguished by the ability to automatically maintain the temperature inside itself, a special plus is the presence of drip irrigation of plants, which does not require human intervention. This type of structure supports the possibility of natural soil restoration in beds or in containers with plants. Meatlider's greenhouses are considered to be a special subspecies of greenhouses. Its distinctive features are know-how in indoor air ventilation systems, a special arrangement of the frame - beams and spacers create a solid structure for the covering material. Usually such greenhouses are located from east to west, which opens up wide opportunities for plants to absorb sunlight.

    Natural boards are usually used as the main material for the Mitlider greenhouse., which makes it possible to "breathe" and prevents the formation of condensation. As a rule, such greenhouses are large in size, which gives an additional opportunity to create a special microclimate for the plants inside. Usually a greenhouse looks like a low structure with a gable roof with a difference in height. Another possible option is an arched building with a roof of two levels.

    Another greenhouse option is a three-row greenhouse. As a rule, such buildings occupy a medium or large area, the beds in them are located in three levels, two aisles are located between them.

    A farm greenhouse consists of a metal frame, over which a film covering is stretched. This type of greenhouse is very popular among the population, because it has a low cost, is moisture-proof and resistant to environmental influences.

    Many summer residents fell in love with the spherical greenhouse for its unusual appearance and excellent transmission of sunlight.


    When choosing consumables for future construction, be sure to pay attention to what time of the year the greenhouse will be predominantly used.

    Winter greenhouses must be equipped with a heating system, it is better to install them near the heating system of the house. In another case, you can put a stove in the greenhouse as an additional equipment, but this will create additional difficulties - the stove requires additional attention, it needs to be heated and, most importantly, to ensure that it does not overheat, which is fraught with temperature fluctuations. The winter greenhouse must be installed on a solid foundation, among other things, this type of construction requires additional strengthening of the frame and roof in order to avoid possible destruction due to heavy snowfalls.

    There is also an opportunity to build a so-called "thermos greenhouse" on the site - this structure can boast of a characteristic of special strength, since its foundation goes into the ground by two meters. However, the installation of such a structure has a number of additional difficulties - it is necessary to dig a pit for it, the foundation must be separately strengthened to avoid deformation, thermoblocks are usually used as the material for the walls, which will subsequently need to be insulated. All this is quite costly, therefore, such greenhouses are rarely found on personal plots.

    Summer greenhouses in the overwhelming majority of cases are a frame on which a plastic film is stretched. This option for external cladding is the most budgetary, and with careful use, the film is quite capable of serving two seasons.

    Creating the simplest greenhouse in your summer cottage with your own hands requires certain preparatory work.

    The first thing to take care of is preparing the site for construction. Try to choose an area as flat as possible, it is also highly desirable that there are no obstacles to sunlight. Further, the platform is properly compacted. If a tree is chosen as the base, then the prepared boards are treated with an antiseptic solution and knocked around the perimeter. In the corners of the boxes, reinforcement is installed as additional reinforcement. If for some reason it is not possible to allocate a separate place for the construction of a greenhouse, an alternative option would be to adjoin one wall of the greenhouse to any building - it could be a residential building or some kind of utility room.

    When choosing a material for the frame, it is necessary to take into account all their characteristics. We must not forget that the frame itself and the doors must have special strength so that the structure cannot be damaged by wind, temperature fluctuations and snow masses during the winter period. None of the frame elements should be massive and impede the penetration of light. If a demountable structure is intended, it should be made of lightweight materials and be able to be dismantled without additional effort.

    Greenhouse frames can be made from the following materials.

    • Wood- the most environmentally friendly and easy-to-use material that does not require the use of any professional equipment and does not require specialized skills during the work. Since the tree tends to rot, special attention should be paid to its preliminary processing.
    • Aluminum profiles involve the creation of a rigid, but lightweight frame, while it is durable. This material has a higher cost, its use requires the use of equipment for fastening parts together.
    • Plastic(as well as metal-plastic) parts have a low specific weight, are strong enough, are not subject to external influences such as decay or corrosive changes. Due to flexibility, it is possible to change the shape of parts, which provides ample opportunities for creating greenhouses with arches or two slopes. But it must be borne in mind that plastic elements require mandatory attachment to the foundation or soil.

    • Steel frames are also quite widespread, but they require a tape fundamental base. If the elements are galvanized, they will last longer, as they are not subject to rust and corrosion.
    • Drywall is a successful combination of low material weight and ease of work. Practice shows that a frame made of this type of material is inexpensive, easy to use, serves for a long time and is easily disassembled. Gable, arched greenhouses, as well as Mitlider greenhouses, are perfectly created from it.

    Sometimes window frames are used as frames - which are characterized by excellent thermal insulation and relative ease of installation. However, one should take into account their relative fragility - even with careful care, the service life will hardly exceed five years.

    The next step in the process of building a greenhouse after choosing a suitable location is choosing a suitable foundation. Its type directly depends on the weight of the planned structure, since in most cases the frame of the greenhouses weighs a little, and the covering material additionally adds windage to the structure, which often causes destruction due to strong gusts of wind.

    • The brick foundation is easy to install, reliable and suitable for most greenhouses. But it must be borne in mind that laying a brick foundation requires specific skills and is a rather costly business.
    • Stone foundations are rightfully the most durable and strong. Heavy metal frames can be installed on it. This option cannot be called a budget option, as a rule, foundations for capital greenhouses are created from stone.

    • Concrete is inexpensive and hardens rather quickly, but requires the creation of formwork and frame fasteners.
    • Wood is often used as a foundation, but it should be borne in mind that a wooden base is not suitable for capital construction, since it is unlikely to last more than five years, even with the most careful care.
    • In some cases, when building a greenhouse, it is quite possible to do without a foundation. We are talking about small portable greenhouses, the windage of which is reduced by fastening directly to the ground with small pegs.

    When choosing a material for coating, it is necessary to take into account all the advantages and disadvantages of different types of materials.

    Basically, the following options are used:

    • polyethylene film;
    • glass;
    • polycarbonate.

    The most affordable type of covering material is a stretch film, however, it cannot boast of durability and even the highest quality coatings require replacement every three years. A greenhouse with arches or arches is usually covered with two layers of plastic, which creates excellent conditions for the plants inside the building. The material perfectly transmits sunlight, but for the same reason is subject to rapid wear and, as a result, a decrease in light transmittance. In addition, very often condensation forms on the inner surface, which can also be attributed to the disadvantages of this type of coating. There are also options for polyethylene films, additionally equipped with reinforcement. This option is stronger, more resistant to gusts of wind and will last longer.

    Glass can be safely attributed to the traditionally used materials in the manufacture of greenhouses with your own hands. Glass coatings are durable and have excellent thermal insulation, however, it should be remembered that glass heats up very quickly and at the same time weighs quite a lot. A separate difficulty is the replacement of broken glass.

    Polycarbonate is a kind of hard transparent plastic, which is a material with large cells in structure. It has sufficient shock resistance and light transmittance, is very flexible, therefore it is suitable for the construction of greenhouses with an arched vault or in the form of a tunnel. Since this type of coating consists of cells filled with air, it can be argued that it is the most insulating of all possible options.

    When considering this type of cover for a potential greenhouse, also consider the following disadvantages:

    • when exposed to sunlight, the material will inevitably collapse;
    • when carrying out installation work, do not forget that polycarbonate tends to expand strongly when heated;
    • in the absence of protective elements at the attachment points, the honeycombs of the material will quickly become filled with dust or mold, which will render the coating unusable.

    When attaching, consider the following features:

    • mount the material so that water can drain along the longitudinal stripes from the inside;
    • there is an ultraviolet filter on one side of the material - this side should be outside the greenhouse;
    • fix polycarbonate on specialized self-tapping screws with a thermal washer on them, pre-drill holes in the sheets.

    Also, take note of the following rules:

    • Exceptionally transparent polycarbonate is suitable as a covering material. Despite the great aesthetic appeal of the colored one, it transmits the sun's rays much worse, this is fraught with the failure of the greenhouse to fulfill its direct purpose.
    • Be sure to check for a UV filter layer.
    • Choose a layer thickness depending on the season in which the greenhouse will be used. In summer and autumn, the thickness of the sheets should be approximately 10-15 mm, in winter - at least 15 mm. Also, this value directly correlates with the strength of the frame - the greater the thickness, the stronger the supporting structure should be.
    • When joining sheets, use special profiles; the use of nails is strictly unacceptable.
    • Sheets must not be overlapped.
    • Pay attention to the accessories and do not try to save on them - the use of end profiles and end bands will significantly extend the longevity of the greenhouse.

    When choosing, pay attention to the manufacturer. Remember that the cheapskate pays twice, so it's best not to buy Chinese materials despite their attractive prices. Among those that have proven themselves in the market in recent years, one can note the domestic company "Kinplast". eTA offers a range of coatings ranging from inexpensive to premium options.

    Sheets of the Russian company "Aktual" will last about 8 years.

    This is an inexpensive option, has a fairly soft structure, and is well mounted.

    • The Russian-Israeli production "Polygal Vostok" offers a material that is characterized by rigidity, flexibility, ease of installation, but also has a high price tag.
    • "Vinpool" is made in China, very soft, fragile, inexpensive, you can count on a service life of 3 years.
    • "Sanex" is also a representative of the Chinese market, it is quite tough in work, not very convenient for installation, it will last about 4 years.
    • "Marlon" is brought to Russia from Great Britain, the material is quite expensive, but it will last at least 10 years if the operating rules are observed.

    Since the market has a huge number of options at the moment, you can get confused and choose not too high quality among them.

    To prevent this from happening, pay attention to the following points:

    • The surface of the sheets should be uniform and smooth, not have any protrusions, irregularities and chips. Also, it should not fall apart into layers.
    • The ribs should be located at an angle of 90 degrees and in no case should there be waviness.
    • Try to find out from the seller under what conditions the material was stored. Improper storage conditions will quickly reduce its useful life. Sheets should lie horizontally, but if they were stored in an upright position with an emphasis on an edge or rolled, this can reduce the quality of the material.
    • Some summer residents prefer a mixed type of covering materials. With this option, the side walls are usually glazed, and the ceiling is covered with a film. Some farmers prefer to cover the frame with spunbond canvases.

    Separately, it should be noted that it is not recommended to grow different types of crops at the same time in the same greenhouse - in other words, the same room is not suitable for seedlings and fruit crops at home. This aspect must be taken into account when choosing the type of greenhouse. Arched greenhouses that cover a wide area will not bring much benefit. He considers the optimal size of a simple greenhouse to be 3 by 6 meters - it does not take up much space, in such a greenhouse you can easily grow enough strawberries, cucumbers or tomatoes for a family.

    Preparation of materials

    Before getting down to work, carefully study the best designs and drawings from the publicly available resources - this will allow you to see the most complete picture of the opportunities provided. Of course, you can create a circuit yourself, but remember that this will require not only the investment of additional time and energy resources. In addition, an error can creep in during the calculations, which can lead to the loss of the greenhouse's quality characteristics.

    If we present a scheme of work execution point by point, a general description of the construction stages will look like this:

    • determining the desired type of building;
    • preparation of the circuit;
    • creating a skeleton;
    • preparatory work on the soil area where the greenhouse is planned to be installed;
    • laying the foundation;
    • mounting the supporting frame;
    • attachment of a light-transmitting coating.

    During self-design or choosing among ready-made options, start from the requirements for the finished structure, as well as from the available materials and preferences in the choice of crops. Most often, on personal plots, arched structures with a frame made of polyvinyl chloride pipes are located - this is an inexpensive type of greenhouse, quite simple to perform. If a flat site is chosen for construction, it is best to choose a model with two slopes. In the case when it is planned to put a greenhouse adjacent to the wall, it is more logical to make it lean. The base can be a geometric figure of various shapes - a square or rectangle, a trapezoid.

    Before purchasing the materials necessary for construction, it is necessary to make a calculation. This will help prevent unnecessary costs in the future.

    When the design is completed and the greenhouse manufacturing scheme is selected, it is necessary to start preparing the necessary components for future construction.

    If we take the simplest option, which is quite possible to build in a couple of days, the set of materials will be as follows:

    • Antiseptic impregnated, treated with linseed oil or boards burned with a blowtorch. Please note that if there is a desire to save money, you can not buy specialized products, but use the time-tested old-fashioned methods of processing wood and timber. If funds allow, of course, you can purchase factory chemicals.
    • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes. Before making a frame, calculate the required amount of material for construction. After calculating, add 10% in reserve, especially if you have to make a pipe bender.
    • Strong polyethylene film - the more wear-resistant the material is, the longer it will not need to be replaced with a new one. You can also use polycarbonate sheets if desired.

    • Metal rods or pieces of reinforcement one meter long.
    • Self-tapping screws and nails.
    • Hinges for fixing vents and doors.
    • Fittings - handles for doors and vents.
    • Special loops for fastening pipes.

    If a decision is made to use HDPE pipes to form a frame, consider their following features:

    • Pipes help to create a tightness inside the building, which creates favorable conditions for the maturation of crops.
    • This material is easy to use and does not require any special skills.
    • With the help of fasteners, the pipes can be easily mounted and dismantled if necessary. Thus, the frame can be easily assembled for warm climates and removed again when the greenhouse is not in use.
    • There is no need to use additional reinforcement. The pipes themselves have good characteristics and are self-sufficient in use.

    • Plastic, unlike wood or metal, is much less affected by the environment. Finished products do not have to be treated with anti-corrosion and other protective substances.
    • The building may well serve for at least a decade.
    • Since the material has a low specific gravity, the greenhouse can swing during strong gusts of wind. In this case, it is necessary to install additional metal elements in the ground to strengthen the structure.

    Please note that in order to strengthen the foundation, you can use metal corners, they will give the structure strength. This element is attached from the inside at the joint between the boards. If the base is made of timber, it is better to use metal brackets for fastening, which are mounted from the outside. The finished foundation should fit snugly against the soil. If any gaps appear, cover them with earth.

    Build and install

    When installing the frame, metal reinforcement is driven into the ground from the outside into the finished foundation at a distance of no more than a meter. Parts of plastic pipes, pre-cut to the required length, are pushed onto these blanks. To fasten them together, as well as to mount them on a wooden base, use screws or nails, self-tapping screws. To install the elements horizontally, as a rule, plastic couplings, corners and crosses, pre-drilled from the inside, are used, which enable the pipes to cross the connecting elements.

    When polycarbonate sheets are used as a covering material, the actions will be as follows:

    • The protective film is removed from the sheets, the top side is marked with a marker. For convenience in carrying out work, it is better to make several marks on each sheet.
    • Make blanks for the end walls - for this purpose, a standard size sheet is cut into three equal parts 2 by 2 meters. One of the parts is applied to the end in such a way that all cavities are located vertically. The left side of the sheet is aligned to the left, the outline of the required arc is outlined with a marker. A similar manipulation is done with the right edge, as a result of which the sheet takes on the contours of two semi-arches. Then they are cut out with a jigsaw, leaving a tolerance of 3-5 cm, in the same way they cut out the right end of the building.
    • The cut parts are attached to self-tapping screws at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other. Try not to squeeze the material too much. The excess is cut off with a knife.

    • The third part of the sheet is used for the door and vents. The sheet is vertically applied to the doorway. The contour of the door is outlined with a margin, the blanks are cut out and attached. The leftovers are used to close the space above the door. It is better to fasten the joints with special profiles.
    • To cover the top of the greenhouse, the sheets are stacked on arcs, aligned at the bottom edges and trimmed. The sheets should protrude slightly above the end of the building, then they are fixed in the corners.
    • The second sheet is overlapped on the first at the junction, the corners are fixed and planted on self-tapping screws from the bottom edge at a distance of 40-60 cm from each other.

    In the event that it is decided to cover the greenhouse with plastic wrap, the stages of the work will be as follows:

    • The film is attached to the frame with staples or wooden slats. Fasten it in such a way that there are no breaks in the canvas.
    • It is necessary to cover the front and back of the frame with foil. In the part where the door is planned to be made, the film is bent inward.
    • Re-measure the doorway, then you need to assemble the frame from the tubes. A film is attached to the resulting frame, the excess is cut off and the door is hung with hinges, the vents are designed according to the same principle. If you are planning glass doors, carefully study the glass-to-metal fasteners.
    • This greenhouse option is only suitable for summer. The next and final stage after the construction of the greenhouse is soil preparation and planting of seedlings.

    As mentioned above, for the winter version of the greenhouse, it must be equipped with a heating system. Despite the seeming complexity, this is not so difficult.

    Among the types of heating, the following can be distinguished:

    • solar;
    • technical;
    • biological.

    Technical, in turn, is divided into the following subspecies:

    • water;
    • gas;
    • stove;
    • electric.

    The solar type is based on the greenhouse effect that occurs when natural light enters the greenhouse space. This heating option is only used in summer when the sun is active. In the cold season, to achieve the best result, a mixed species is used - a biological and technological option.

    The biological species is used both in winter and in summer to heat the soil. Soil is removed from the shelves, after which manure is placed on the bottom, horse manure is best suited, since a large amount of heat is released during its decomposition. Tanks for soil are filled with manure by a third. In addition to manure, you can also use compost - one of its components is also the waste product of horses. Fill all the earth back into the racks. When the decomposition process begins, the roots of the plants will begin to warm up. In addition, it serves as an excellent fertilizer, since manure and compost contain many minerals for plant growth.

    The electric heating method is also easy to use. A heating cable laid in a special way serves for these purposes. Read the instructions first. Please note that a thermal cable can be purchased with a temperature controller, so it will be quite simple to create the optimal temperature for seedlings.

    Water heating is arranged as follows: the entire perimeter of the greenhouse is laid with a double row of pipes that loop into an electric boiler. To connect the boiler, it is necessary to lay an electrical cable. Please note that the boiler can stand inside the greenhouse or it can be moved outside of it. Experts insist that the boiler should be taken out and pre-insulated. These manipulations are done with the aim of a more uniform heating. You can also warm up the room using a heat generator. The boiler is directly purchased in the store or you can make it yourself, but keep in mind that in the second case, you cannot do without special knowledge and skills. Further, the procedure is similar - pipes are laid from the boiler under the racks, which are looped back. Any solid fuel can be used as fuel: coal, firewood, woodworking waste.

    If gasification is present on your personal plot, heating can be arranged by means of gas burners or air heaters, for this purpose they must be placed around the entire perimeter of the building. With a small greenhouse area, it is quite possible to use gas cylinders. If the greenhouse occupies a large area, then it is necessary to connect to the general gas system of the house. Gas burners create carbon dioxide that plants need. To distribute heat evenly, fans are installed in the building. Burners can also be replaced with a factory gas boiler, but be sure to look at the country of origin.

    As a source of heat for electric space heating, aluminum radiators or electric convectors are used, which are installed at an equal distance around the entire perimeter of the building or located on both sides if the greenhouse area is rectangular. A system of this type is connected directly to the power supply or heat supply system.

    You can also make a stove in a greenhouse, which is best located at the end of the building. A horizontal chimney is laid from the stove around the entire perimeter of the greenhouse. For these purposes, metal pipes or brickwork are suitable. When connecting the chimney and the vertical riser of the stove, you need to make a small rise at the junction. The higher the riser is, the better, because the stove will have good draft. For this type of heating, do not forget to prepare fuel in advance. You can put the stove in a pre-made hole in the ground.

    In addition, a water oven can be made from a conventional oven. For this purpose, a boiler for water heating is installed on it, from which the pipes will go to the water tank. Pipes and the boiler are looped using wiring around the entire perimeter of the room. There is also another option - to collect pipes along each of the racks, thereby providing routing to four different pipes.

    We must not forget that plants require the creation of a special microclimate for their successful development and growth; special equipment will help to improve these indicators inside the greenhouse, with which it is possible to increase the productivity and yield of the crops grown. Additional equipment assumes not only additional heating, but also the possibility of ventilation, irrigation and lighting. As you know, watering plants is a rather laborious process. The automatic system will help save the owner of the suburban area from this hard work, while saving time and water.

    Good room ventilation is extremely important in a greenhouse, as it prevents the formation of condensation and improves the overall microclimate, which undoubtedly benefits the plants. Correctly created air exchange will protect crops from overheating. For natural air movement, it is enough to open the doors and vents, an additionally installed fan or hood will increase air circulation.

    With a short daylight hours, additional lighting sources are indispensable. Special lamps will help the seedlings get enough light in early spring or late autumn.

    Best projects

    Be sure to check out the best and most common options, you may have your own ideas.

    For cucumbers

    Separately, I would like to consider making a greenhouse for cucumbers as one of the most favorite vegetables. Any summer resident knows that cucumbers need warmth and high humidity. With the correct organization of protected ground, this vegetable is less susceptible to diseases and is able to give a greater yield.

    To obtain a rich harvest, the following requirements are necessary:

    • daytime air temperature - no more than 30 degrees, night - no less than 16;
    • soil temperature - about 23 degrees;
    • calm air without drafts;
    • humidity of about 80%;
    • high degree of illumination;
    • insect access, if the variety involves bee pollination;
    • robust structures for vertical movement of seedlings.

    Due to the large number of details, it is difficult to create the required climate in one room. Consider the general disadvantages and advantages of each type of greenhouse for a specific purpose - growing cucumbers.

    The advantages include simplicity of design, ease of creation from improvised and already available materials. The small area and internal volume will provide good warmth, it is well lit and easily accessible for insects for pollination. Among the minuses, one can note such characteristics as a low planting density - you can arrange a maximum of three pieces per square meter, inconvenience in soil cultivation and harvesting. If you water the plants with a watering can, the water reaches the leaves, which can cause burns. The greenhouse needs constant opening and closing, otherwise the crops will overheat and die.

    Arched type with film

    The advantages of this type of greenhouse are that it is easy to build and does not require expensive materials, it has sufficient internal space for growing vertical bushes. The film coating retains moisture well, promotes rapid heating of the soil and air, and perfectly transmits light. Disadvantages: the film is a short-lived material and requires regular replacement, has poor thermal insulation performance, therefore, in the event of early frosts, the greenhouse will have to be covered additionally. When building a greenhouse of this type, the presence of vents is necessary, since drafts will inevitably arise when the doors are opened.

    Polycarbonate coated

    Pros: High structural strength, high ceilings and ample interior space. Polycarbonate perfectly transmits sunlight, has an excellent ability to diffuse it. Provides convenient conditions for watering plants and cultivating the soil, easy to harvest. The provided vents provide good ventilation and no drafts.

    Cons: large financial costs for the purchase of materials or finished products. Polycarbonate reflects light strongly, causing energy loss. The cover and frame require constant maintenance; in winter, snow must be removed from the greenhouse. Difficult access for pollinating insects.

    Gable with glazed wooden frames

    The advantages are as follows: the noteworthy design, which has already become a classic, demonstrates high thermal insulation properties. Good heating of the entire internal space of the room. Glass possesses excellent light transmittance, when the vents are placed on the roof, the possibility of drafts is excluded. The ability to plant a large number of plants, the availability of convenient access to them. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that the severity of the frame requires preliminary laying of the foundation. The tree requires mandatory preliminary and regular post-processing, otherwise the frames will quickly begin to rot. It is also worth considering that glass is a fragile and traumatic material, and also has absolutely no scattering properties, which can lead to burns of plant leaves.

    With one slope

    Positive characteristics: it is always attached to a house or a shed from the north side, which ensures that the slope turns to the south to obtain the maximum amount of sun rays. The room assumes rapid heating and long-term retention of heat, and also gives space when choosing materials for construction. Negative characteristics: if the sun is active, it will be difficult to avoid overheating, curtains and a high-quality ventilation system are needed. If the greenhouse is built next to the house, good waterproofing and protection of the greenhouse from snow and ice is a prerequisite.


    The undoubted advantage lies in the special arrangement of the vents - they are located in the roof and face south, which does not leave the possibility of drafts and contributes to maintaining an optimal microclimate. The greenhouse is large, has high ceilings and a lot of space inside.

    The disadvantages are associated with the complexity of the design and the inability to build it yourself, without having accurate drawings and installation skills. If the doors are closed, insects will not be able to get inside; either self-pollinated varieties are suitable for such a greenhouse, or additional bait varieties will have to be planted. Among other things, a greenhouse requires close maintenance.

    Pyramid shaped

    Pros: The center section is ideal for vertical cultivation of cucumbers. It is well lit, easy to install, only budget materials are needed.

    Cons: small area, inconvenient to care for plants. Insect access is difficult. The structure is unstable and can easily be blown away by the wind.

    For tomatoes

    Polycarbonate greenhouses create ideal conditions for harmonious fruit ripening. Tomato belongs to crops that love sunlight and warmth, the optimal temperature regime for growing them is 22-25 degrees. If the soil has a high clay content, then humus, sawdust or peat must be added to the soil at the rate of one bucket per square meter.

    Planted seedlings must be watered frequently until they are fully developed. If it is cool enough at night, it is better not to water the plants after sunset, so as not to overcool the soil. Watering from a watering can makes sense during the hottest time of the season. Next, the seedlings need to be pruned and tied up, thereby ensuring uniform lighting and ventilation of the beds. With this type of cultivation, tomatoes ripen much faster and it is possible to harvest a good harvest. The plants are then attached to wire racks or pegs, giving them room to grow further.

    For greenery

    In the cold winter period, there is nothing better than a bunch of fresh herbs, especially if it is grown by hand. What is especially pleasant, greenhouse greens are not too whimsical to care for and gives several harvests a year. It is quite possible to choose the type of greenery based on your own preferences.

    Most people who use winter greenhouses to grow greens prefer dill, celery and parsley.

    • When growing dill, it is necessary to strictly observe the temperature regime - the thermometer should not fall below 15 degrees. In addition, dill needs constant spraying and does not tolerate drafts and cold winds, so be extremely careful when ventilating the greenhouse. The first harvest can be obtained in two months with proper care.
    • When growing parsley, there are slightly more nuances - firstly, this type of plant can be grown in the form of root crops or seeds. In the first version, the root crop must first be kept in sand, the temperature of which does not exceed two degrees, after which it is planted in a highly moist soil. If you plan to grow parsley from seeds, the seeds, previously kept in a damp cloth, are planted in the soil. As a rule, germination takes no more than ten days. The harvest is about one and a half kilograms of greenery per square meter.

    • Celery loves well-fertilized soft soil; cow or chicken manure is perfect as fertilizer. The temperature in the greenhouse should be between 15 and 20 degrees. Watering for plants is necessary infrequent, but as abundant as possible, while it is necessary to ensure that the water does not touch the leaves of the seedlings. Pay special attention to lighting, since the amount of the crop directly depends on the length of daylight hours.
    • Many people are very fond of mint and enjoy using it in cooking. This type of plant tolerates frosts up to eight degrees of frost, while sprouting at the lowest temperatures above zero. Experts recommend using hydroponics or biological heating of the soil with peat as soil. Carefully monitor the moisture content of the soil, its drying out is strictly unacceptable. If you plan to grow mint, it is best to equip the greenhouse with a drip irrigation system.
    • Mint, like most crops, does not tolerate temperature changes, not only because sharp jumps can destroy plants, such moments can lead to a dangerous disease - powdery mildew. Spider mites and greenhouse whiteflies are also extremely dangerous pests for mint. You can defeat them by spraying the culture with industrial means or time-tested folk recipes.

    For a better engraftment of seeds in the soil, you must first dry them in a draft. If you cannot plant the seeds directly, it is quite possible to grow seedlings at home, followed by planting them in the ground for 10-14 days.

    Not all summer residents have the time and desire to understand the intricacies of the technology of building a greenhouse on a site with their own hands. At the moment, the market is filled with ready-made greenhouses of a variety of options. The first thing to do is to decide for what purpose the greenhouse is being purchased. If we are talking about growing crops for the family's use, this is one thing, but if the summer resident considers the greenhouse as a way to increase his income and wants to put up the harvest, the situation will be different. In the first case, you can get by with an inexpensive option, in the second, of course, financial investments will be much higher and the cost of maintaining a greenhouse will also increase.

    It's nice when there is a do-it-yourself greenhouse in the country. And it's not so much about saving money as about what we build for ourselves and with love. Therefore, greenhouse and other vegetables seem especially tasty to us. But sometimes creating a greenhouse with your own hands makes the summer resident think. Where to put it? What material to build from? Which is the best greenhouse? And a lot of other questions arise when we are planning such a grandiose business))

    Let's start by looking at what greenhouses are, and then I'll tell you how to build a greenhouse with your own hands in one weekend.

    What are the greenhouses

    The most common types of greenhouses, the most convenient and loved by our summer residents, are arched, single-slope and gable.

    Arched greenhouses

    has an arc-shaped roof that allows plants to receive more light because the sun's rays are scattered over an arched surface, giving our carefully nurtured green breadwinners light and warmth.

    And in winter, snow does not accumulate on such a roof - accordingly, your greenhouse is not in danger of deformation or destruction (unless, of course, you have carefully strengthened its frame and foundation).

    Single slope greenhouses

    Single slope greenhouse usually adjoins with one wall to some good-quality summer cottage. And some summer residents attach it to the southern part of the country house.

    Although there is another option: to equip a greenhouse. But this is unnecessary trouble: the stove needs to be heated regularly and constantly monitored the temperature regime. When building a winter greenhouse with your own hands, you must definitely put it on a solid foundation and strengthen the base and roof well. Indeed, under the weight of snow, the structure can easily deform, or even completely collapse, alas ... and it happens.

    You can build the so-called greenhouse thermos, which is deepened into the ground by 2 m. Accordingly, you need:

    1. Dig a pit for it.
    2. Strengthen the foundation.
    3. Build walls from thermoblocks.
    4. Make special insulation.
    5. Carry out heating and perform a lot of labor-intensive and financially costly work.
    Therefore, such greenhouses are built with their own hands much less often than others.

    Greenhouses are usually called summer greenhouses, the frame of which is covered with a dense plastic wrap. This is the simplest and cheapest sheathing option, and with careful use, plastic wrap is quite capable of lasting a couple of seasons.

    Under film greenhouses, as a rule, a wooden frame is erected, on which in the spring, with light movements of our caring handles, a dense plastic film is thrown and attached to a wooden base with ordinary nails with a wide head (you can also fix it with special construction buttons). And you can use plastic PVC pipes for the frame (). It is not very difficult to build a film greenhouse with your own hands, even for summer residents who do not have good construction skills. Therefore, I will tell you about the construction of a film greenhouse with a PVC frame. So let's get started.

    I hope you have already identified a flat spot for the greenhouse. Next, you need to draw up a construction plan, take into account the consumption and cost of the material needed for the construction. And the material you need is the following:

    • and, which are pre-impregnated to protect against decay. You can cover the wooden parts of the greenhouse with linseed oil 2-3 times, soak it with hot resin or burn it with an ordinary blowtorch;
    • polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes;
    • dense polyethylene film;
    • metal rods (fittings), 1m high;
    • nails and screws;
    • special hinges for doors and vents;
    • lock and handles (door and window);
    • metal loops for securing PVC pipes (see photo below).

    Stage 1

    At the first stage of work, you need prepare a flat area for a greenhouse, tamp it well and knock down the boards treated with an antiseptic around the perimeter.

    At the corners of the box made of boards, it is necessary to strengthen the reinforcement, as shown in the photo.

    Stage 2

    Fasten several reinforcement rods along the perimeter of the foundation at an equal distance from each other. For a greenhouse measuring 3x6 m, you will need 30-35 rods. Dig the rods into the ground to a depth of 40-50 cm and strengthen them well, because they are designed to hold a fairly large weight.

    The height of the rods above the ground should be at least 60 cm.

    Stage 3

    Now it is necessary to put on the well-strengthened rods the pre-cut PVC pipes, which will connect the opposite reinforcing rods to each other.

    Stage 4

    Secure the PVC pipes with metal loops using a screwdriver.

    Stage 5

    Next, reinforce the structure with a bar with a cross section of at least 50x50 mm.

    Stage 6

    To ensure the stability of the frame, additionally reinforce the corners of the structure with a bar:

    Stage 7

    Fasten together several PVC pipes so that the total length of the resulting pipe is equal to the length of the greenhouse, and then attach the long pipe to the transverse arches of the frame.

    Stage 8

    Now cover the frame with a thick plastic wrap. It is attached with special brackets (you can use a wooden strip, which more securely fixes the film, preventing it from tearing).

    Ecology of consumption. Farmstead: With the onset of spring, each summer resident faces the task of planting seedlings and their further planting in open ground. A simple and cheap design of a greenhouse made of plastic pipes will suit all summer residents and owners of country houses without exception.

    Many summer residents strive to provide themselves with self-grown vegetables for the whole year. But due to climatic features, it is not always possible to achieve this goal in those areas that are located in the northern regions of our country. An excellent solution to this problem is the construction of a greenhouse on the garden plot.

    True, not all gardeners have the financial ability to buy a ready-made factory greenhouse. For such people, the way out of the situation can be the construction of greenhouses from plastic pipes with their own hands.

    You can design and build a greenhouse from plastic pipes on your own without resorting to outside help. And such a greenhouse made of plastic pipes will serve throughout the year, for several seasons in a row. An obvious advantage in the construction of greenhouses from plastic pipes is the prevalence, long service life and low cost of polypropylene products.


    When choosing a future place for building a greenhouse made of plastic pipes, a number of factors should be taken into account that affect the quality and quantity of the future crop.

    There are the following options for placing a future greenhouse made of plastic pipes in a garden plot:

    1. You need to place a greenhouse made of plastic pipes, created by your own hands, in an open space, away from other buildings of the site and large garden trees. This placement option can be combined with the location of small shrubs and plants around the greenhouse. This will add aesthetic appeal to the building.
    2. If, due to the small area of ​​the site, it is not possible to use an open space of sufficient area, it is possible to envisage the location of the greenhouse with one side adjoining the wall of an already erected building, house or shed. With this option, an important condition will be the location of the other sides of the greenhouse on the south side in order to maximize the amount of sunlight.


    The most common form in the construction of a greenhouse made of plastic pipes is an arched structure. This is primarily due to the ease of construction and relative cheapness.

    When choosing a form for the construction of a future greenhouse from plastic pipes, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the garden plot and the place that is chosen for the installation of the structure.

    If a greenhouse made of plastic pipes will be located in an open place, then it is better to stay on a gable model. In the case when the greenhouse will adjoin one side to the wall of an existing building, it is more expedient to opt for a single-slope model.

    The base of the greenhouse can be made in different geometric shapes, be it a square, rectangle, circle, oval or trapezoid. Recently, tent-shaped greenhouses are gaining popularity.

    Attention! Greenhouses of this design have greater light transmission than the classic options.


    The construction of a greenhouse from plastic pipes has a number of advantages over structures from other materials:

    The main and, apparently, the only drawback in the construction of a greenhouse from plastic pipes is its lightness. This can cause the entire structure to sway in strong winds. At the same time, this problem can be solved by using additional metal rods driven into the ground to strengthen the structure.


    Before you make a greenhouse from plastic pipes, you should calculate the necessary materials and tools. It is recommended to do this immediately after determining the location on the site for the future structure. Such measures will help to avoid additional costs already at the stage of construction of the structure.

    So, to work you need:

    1. Beams or boards to form the base of the greenhouse. It is recommended to treat wooden elements with special protective substances before starting construction, which will protect the tree from decay.

      Advice! To save money, it is recommended to use not branded professional tools for wood processing, but improvised ones. For example, soak wooden beams with resin, smear with linseed oil several times, treat with a blowtorch.

    2. Polypropylene pipes. It is necessary to calculate how many running meters will be needed to build a greenhouse. For a more accurate calculation when building a greenhouse from plastic pipes with your own hands, it is recommended to make a drawing of the future structure. After receiving a certain footage of plastic, you can add 10% of the total length for the stock.
    3. A polyethylene film is used to cover the polypropylene structure. It must be strong enough. High strength will keep it from tearing and will allow it to be used for several seasons.
    4. Several metal rods. The armature must be at least 1 m long.
    5. Nails and screws.
    6. Handles with locks and hinges for the device in the greenhouse of doors and windows.
    7. Additional metal hinges for fastening individual plastic structural elements.


    If, at the stage of calculating the materials used, a detailed drawing of the future structure was drawn up, then you can immediately proceed directly to the construction of a greenhouse. Otherwise, it is recommended to draw up a detailed scheme of the construction, - this will greatly simplify and speed up construction work.


    Before you make your own greenhouse out of plastic pipes, you need to create a foundation. Under the future foundation of the greenhouse, a flat, flat area with a small depression is needed. Therefore, before starting work, it is imperative to level the ground and make a small depression of a few centimeters. Either boards or wooden beams can be used as the foundation material.

    Attention! Before proceeding with the installation of the foundation, wooden boards must be cleaned with a plane or sandpaper, and also treated with protective substances.

    To strengthen the foundation of the future structure, it is recommended to use additional metal brackets or corners. A metal corner is attached to each internal joint of wooden planks. If a timber is used as a material for the base of the greenhouse, it is more expedient to use brackets that are driven in at each external joint of structural elements.

    The finished foundation should lie tightly on the soil prepared for it. If there are gaps between the foundation and the ground, they must be covered with earth.


    After the construction of the foundation, metal fittings should be driven into the ground along its outer perimeter with a step of no more than 100 cm.Prepared and cut pieces of plastic pipe of the required length are placed on these metal rods.

    To fix the plastic pipes, self-tapping screws are used, with which the base of the pipe must be pulled to the wooden foundation. Plastic couplings, corners and crosses are used as connecting elements in the horizontal plane of the structure, which must first be drilled inside. This will allow the pipes to pass through the fittings.


    When choosing a material for building a greenhouse roof, you should take into account the features of some of the most common options:

    1. The optimal and common material for covering the greenhouse is plastic wrap. If financial capabilities allow, you can use a special reinforced polyvinyl chloride film as a covering. This material has good thermal insulation, which will allow you to maintain the desired temperature in the greenhouse even at night. At the same time, this material is highly transparent and transmits up to 95% of sunlight during the day.
    2. A polycarbonate roof has the longest service life, but it has a higher price and can cause additional difficulties during construction. In addition, such a roof cannot be quickly dismantled, unlike a polyethylene one.
    3. The textile material for covering the "Agrotex" type has low thermal insulation. True, the lightness and simplicity of this material make it possible to carry out installation and dismantling work in the shortest possible time.


    Summing up, we can say that the option of independent construction of a greenhouse from plastic pipes on the garden plot seems to be the most acceptable option. Such designs have a number of undeniable advantages. These include the lightness and strength of the structure, its durability, ease of assembly and disassembly. In addition, such greenhouses are ultimately the cheapest option, and from an aesthetic point of view, they are in no way inferior to expensive factory counterparts.

    How to build a greenhouse from plastic pipes with our own hands we learn from the video

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    A greenhouse is essentially a unique part of your garden, because the whims of nature do not dominate over it. The greenhouse will allow you to grow vegetables in winter or all year round to admire the plants and flowers of your winter garden. And it's especially nice when it's made with your own hands. After all, the harvest harvested in it will be especially tasty, and it is also important that by building a greenhouse with your own hands, you will save a considerable amount. Of course, a number of questions immediately arise. What greenhouses are there and which one to choose? Where is it better to put it? Which material should you choose? But don't worry, we will answer all these questions and more. So, how to build a greenhouse with your own hands.

    First of all, it is worth noting that buildings intended for growing plants are divided into hotbeds and greenhouses. A greenhouse is a more solid and complex structure. It usually has a foundation, walls and a roof made of different materials. The design of the greenhouse is much simpler, it is small and mobile. In principle, a greenhouse is not provided for the entire plant growth cycle. It is designed for growing seedlings, which are then planted in the ground.

    Greenhouses are primarily divided into summer (seasonal) and winter (capital).

    Winter greenhouse

    It is better to locate the winter greenhouse closer to the communications of your home. Since the heating system must be led from them. Of course, you can heat the greenhouse with a stove, but this will be too troublesome. The stove must be constantly heated to maintain a stable temperature level. A capital greenhouse will definitely require a strong foundation and supports to withstand all weather factors.

    It is also worth mentioning here the thermos greenhouse, which is deepened several meters into the ground. But these greenhouses are erected an order of magnitude less often due to the high labor intensity and cost. For it, it is necessary to dig a pit, make a strong foundation and walls from thermoblocks, bring the heating system and much more.

    Summer greenhouse

    Summer greenhouses are usually covered with dense polyethylene. This is the simplest and cheapest option for covering a greenhouse, which will last a couple of seasons if used carefully. Usually, either a wooden frame or a frame made of PVC pipes is erected, on which a film is attached in spring. A large selection of inexpensive seasonal greenhouses is also available for sale. They have an easy-to-fold, non-bulky design that will be easy to hide if necessary at the end of the season.

    According to their shape, greenhouses are divided into:

    • arched
    • shed
    • gable
    • Mittlider's greenhouse
    • domed greenhouses
    • polygonal

    Arched greenhouse has an arched roof, due to which the sun's rays will be evenly distributed over the entire area and, accordingly, the plants will receive maximum sunlight and heat. Also, this shape prevents the accumulation of a large amount of snow, so that deformation does not threaten it, and you will have less work.

    Single slope greenhouses they are usually built on one side to some kind of solid construction of the site. Perhaps the ideal option would be if it is attached to the south side of a residential, heated house. In this option, you will save not only space on your site, but also energy for heating. But in this option, unlike the previous one, snow can accumulate, so you should be careful during snowfalls.

    And the most common today are - gable greenhouses... They can be both winter and summer. The main advantage of these greenhouses is their size. There is plenty of room for you and your plants. In such a greenhouse, some of the area can even be allocated for a recreation area.

    The form Mittlider greenhouses is usually based on a gable structure (less often arched). But still, we made it a separate view because of its unique two-level roof, which allows us to make a transom (windows in the picture below). The transom in this case is a full-fledged ventilation system that eliminates all the ventilation disadvantages of other types of greenhouses. It not only ventilates, but also delivers the carbon dioxide that plants need to feed them.

    Domed greenhouse is more of a design element than a fully functional greenhouse. However, it is great for growing flowers and will look great in a snowy garden. It should be noted, however, that the domed shape provides a number of significant advantages. Among them, it is worth noting strength and stability, and most importantly, good illumination throughout the day. The disadvantage is the small size, which is often not very convenient to work with. Such a greenhouse is difficult to manufacture, so ready-made structures are usually bought.

    Polygonal greenhouses have, as a rule, an octahedral shape, which gives them a number of advantages, but also makes their construction more expensive and laborious. The advantages include an attractive appearance, which makes them a real garden decoration, as well as a number of practical qualities. It is convenient to install racks in them and work, but, most importantly, at least one of the eight faces is always at the best angle to the sun.

    Choosing a location for a greenhouse

    The efficiency of a greenhouse will largely depend on its location. Please note the following:

    1. If you are planning a solid greenhouse, then build it from west to east to provide the necessary conditions for the plants (lighting, wind).
    2. An important role is played by the amount of soil, as well as its slope. The greenhouse is placed only out of the blue. If the soil is clayey, you must first sprinkle it with gravel, and then pour a layer of fertile soil. It is not necessary to install the greenhouse in a low-lying area, on sandy soil, in a swampy area.
    3. Considering the need to supply communications, remember the proximity to the house. As mentioned above, an extension of the greenhouse to a house or other structure not far from it may be a good option. This, for example, will facilitate heating and wind protection and will be beneficial in a small area of ​​the site. Most importantly, do not forget that this building should not interfere with the access of the sun.
    4. To improve the temperature regime, deepen the greenhouse by 70-80 centimeters. When deepening, it is worth remembering about undersized plants, since with excessive deepening, they may receive less light.
    5. Do not place the greenhouse close to trees, they will create unnecessary shade for the plants.

    Greenhouse frame

    One of the key elements of the greenhouse structure, ensuring its strength and stability, is the frame. There are three most common and popular types of frame: metal, wood, plastic (PVC). Briefly about each of them:

    • Plus timber frame is the convenience of its construction and more opportunities for improvisation. To protect against weather factors, wood will require mandatory processing, but, despite this, the wooden frame will still yield to the other two in terms of durability. The main advantage of this material is its environmental friendliness.
    • Metal carcass stands out for its durability. You shouldn't worry about it during strong winds or snowfalls. There are different options for metal frames, but if you choose a steel profile, remember to use an anti-corrosion coating.
    • PVC frame considered reliable and safe. The strength of this frame will primarily depend on the thickness of the selected profile. Using polyvinyl chloride (PVC), you can create a completely sealed system in your greenhouse and regulate the microclimate in it as you wish.

    Greenhouse cover

    Good greenhouse cover material is required for reliable plant protection. The most common: glass, different types of films and products made of the same PVC.

    When choosing glass for a greenhouse, keep in mind that it must be highly durable in order to withstand all weather disasters. The best choice would be tempered glass or triplex. In the event that there is no possibility to put more than one of these options, as an option, there may be installation of several glasses.

    Film- the most popular greenhouse cover option today. With the right choice and proper care, it can last for a long time. Now, specially for greenhouses and greenhouses, various types of films are produced. For example:

    • Reinforced film is an extra strong material that helps in protecting plants from frost. Most often, gardeners choose it.
    • Light-converting film - converts ultraviolet radiation into infrared, which in turn promotes plant growth.

    PVC products is a honeycomb and monolithic polycarbonate and acrylic plastic with good light transmission. Polycarbonate is in the greatest demand. It has a number of notable advantages:

    • relatively low price;
    • flexibility of the material;
    • does not fade and looks aesthetically pleasing;
    • good thermal insulation due to the air gap;
    • resistant to temperature extremes and other weather factors;
    • lightness of the material, which allows you not to build an impressive frame and foundation for it;
    • well scatters the sun's rays;
    • ease of installation and dismantling;
    • durability.

    How to build a greenhouse with your own hands

    Before building a greenhouse, you must have a clear idea of ​​the future construction. To do this, you need to draw up a diagram of the greenhouse, calculate the amount of material required and, of course, prepare the place. In order for you to get an idea of ​​the progress of construction, let's look at a visual example of the construction of one of the options for a greenhouse.

    For the frame of the greenhouse, aluminum pipes are used.

    To give the pipes the required shape, we use a simple pipe bender.

    Obviously, if you are using PVC pipes, this step will not be necessary.

    As a result, you should get the following.

    In our example, pipes of a larger diameter are used to secure the arches of the greenhouse frame. They are driven to a depth of 40-50 cm. The height of the pipes above the ground should be about 30-40 cm.

    Instead of pipes with a larger diameter, conventional fittings with the same dimensions can be used for fastening. It is hammered into the ground in the same way, and the arches of the frame are put on from above.

    Along the perimeter we install boards (plinth), pre-treated with an antiseptic. Then we drill a hole through the board and both pipes. Then we securely fasten them with bolts. We fasten the boards to each other with metal jumpers.

    Using a wooden beam, we assemble the frames of the "fronts".

    We fasten the transverse arcs with a longitudinal pipe.

    We cover the wooden frame with siding or simple plywood, and then paint it.

    Cover all potentially sharp and rough edges so as not to tear the film.

    It remains to put the door and cover the greenhouse with foil. Let's talk in more detail about the options for fastening the film.

    Fastening the film to the greenhouse

    Let's list the most popular mounting options:

    • Wooden slats, nailed or screwed on with self-tapping screws. Alternatively, instead of slats, you can use cut linoleum or packing tape, and fix them with a construction stapler. But this option is best used for reinforced film, since other types will inevitably tear over time from gusts of wind.
    • Clamps, clips. Now there is a large selection of such mounts, so there will be no problems in purchasing. But if you wish, you can make them yourself, for example, from PVC pipes. It's not difficult at all, and with a little experimentation, you will definitely make the right ones. If you purchase metal clips, be sure to put something underneath them, as the metal can ruin the film if heated in the sun.
    • The net is the safest mounting option. After we cover the greenhouse with foil, we put a mesh on top of it, which is tied to the body. Of course, some additional film mount, at least minimal, must be present. Otherwise, after every heavy rain, you will have to correct it. In principle, a rope can be used instead of a net, although this is more troublesome.

    We reviewed with you, we hope this article was useful to you.