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  • Why upgrade to windows 10. How Microsoft will benefit from free user upgrades to a new OS

    Why upgrade to windows 10. How Microsoft will benefit from free user upgrades to a new OS

    If you find yourself on this page, then almost certainly you are interested in the question, where can I download the official version of the Windows 10 operating system in Russian for free... I must say frankly, you are lucky to be with us. There are a lot of sites on the Internet that, under the guise of a legal one, offer an image of Windows 10 with all sorts of surprises inside. We will not deceive you, but honestly tell you about how to get a truly original "top ten" x64 or x32 (32- or 64-bit versions). Don't believe me? You are doing exactly right! Do not take the word of anyone on the World Wide Web. Just read on and you will see for yourself that the proposed way to download free Russian Windows 10 is absolutely official.

    In general, the popularity of pirated versions of Windows, which still exists today, is already an anachronism, but it is understandable. The fact is that before the appearance of the "ten" it was not possible to download a completely official image of the operating system from Microsoft from its official website. To do this, you definitely needed keys, and not just any activation keys, but certainly from a boxed (non-OEM) version of Windows. For example, for a factory-preinstalled "seven", a way to download its original image from the official Microsoft website was ordered. Of course, people looked for ways to get around these restrictions and downloaded for free from third-party sites. Lost a disk with a "seven"? Download from torrents.

    The fundamental difference between Windows 10 and all previous versions of this operating system is that now absolutely anyone can download it for free and legally. This is Microsoft's official policy. And it's very strange that people are still looking for legal OS images on third-party resources, in particular, torrents.

    Of course, Windows 10 is by no means free to users. No. The operating system is posted on the official website for those who want to use it legally. As before, you need a key to activate it. But in this case, Microsoft made significant concessions for users of the non-activated versions of the Tens:

    1. First, install original Windows 10 image, including in Russian, now you can without any key, as well as download. To do this, during the installation process, select the item "I do not have a key". Thus, everyone can "try" the OS in operation before purchasing it, and for an unlimited amount of time.
    2. Secondly, if the previously unactivated version of Windows 7 or 8 was forced to reboot, now this is not the case.
    3. Thirdly, even an unactivated Windows 10 will receive all the latest updates.

    Of course, it would be foolish to hope that Microsoft will not have a fly in the ointment in this barrel of honey. But, in our opinion, the limitations are not very significant: for the non-activated version of the "ten" in Russian (and not only), a translucent and barely visible inscription "Windows activation" appears in the lower right corner. Also, owners of the original, but not keyed Windows 10 will have to come to terms with the fact that they will not be able to customize the personalization parameters for themselves: the design of the Taskbar, the color scheme. We do not think that these problems will be significant for most people. Moreover, for their solution there are workarounds that do not pose a threat to the computer at all. About them at the end of the article.

    Let's add that the license binding is now happening in a different way. If your computer has already been installed original Windows 10, then you no longer need the key even with a complete clean reinstallation. Activation is now tied not to a specific installation, but to hardware - the motherboard and, possibly, the computer's processor. It is not required to enter the key.

    Where to download the original (official) Windows 10 for free

    Let's return now to the issue of trust. As we have already said, unlike other sites, a completely legal way is described on our Internet resource get the original Windows 10 image for free in Russian... The proof of this is the name of the site itself, from which we propose to download the OS for you - this is official Russian-language portal of the Microsoft company.

    So to free download Windows 10, you need to go to this page You can verify that this is indeed the official website of the company, for example, on Wikipedia. In the address bar, you can see that the site is reliable, that is, the connection to it is via a secure channel.

    If you just want to upgrade your computer operating system to Windows 10, you can select the "Update Now" button. You will be prompted to download a special software tool that will upgrade your OS. This method should be used by owners of licensed versions of Windows 7 or 8. For some strange reason, Microsoft still gives free upgrades from them to a licensed version of Windows 10 (although they promised to cover this program back in July 2016).

    If you have an unactivated operating system or you want to install the "top ten", then you should select the item " Download the tool now ". In this case, you will be prompted to download the MediaCreationTool program, with which you can create a bootable USB flash drive or disc with the official Windows 10 in Russian, as well as simply download the image of the original "dozen" to your computer. Both x32 and x64 versions are available.

    For more information on how to create Windows 10 installation media using MediaCreationTool, see our article "How to reinstall Windows 10" step by step.

    Why download Windows 10 only from the official website

    Let's move on to the seemingly obvious question of why you need to download the original top ten exclusively on the official Microsoft website. Of course, we do not want to impose anything on anyone. But we want to warn you about the need to be careful on the Internet. Unfortunately, if some Internet resources say what they offer download the official Russian Windows 10 for free, then this does not mean at all that they need to be trusted. The same goes for other software as well. The fact is that on third-party resources, significant changes can be made to the image of the operating system or programs, and, of course, including malicious ones.

    It is for the same reasons that we do not recommend using activators for Windows 10. They can damage the integrity of the OS and threaten the security of your computer. If you do not have a license, then it would be much more correct to simply use a free non-activated Windows 10. We will talk about this in a little more detail below.

    Is it possible to use the original Windows 10 without activation officially

    As we mentioned in this article, unactivated but legal Windows 10 quite suitable for daily use. Unlike previous versions, it does NOT reboot by itself in protest against its own unlicensedness and does NOT block the update center. You can use this version of the operating system for as long as you like. It won't do much harm, apart from the two small functionality limitations already mentioned above. Let's recall them:

    • The original, but unactivated version of the Tens has a translucent Windows Activation watermark. It may not appear immediately, but 3-4 hours after the reboot. Of course, it will annoy someone, but, in our opinion, it does not look intrusive.
    • The counterfeit version of Windows 10 does not allow customization of Personalization.

    In addition, both of these functionality limitations are rather arbitrary. In both cases, there are workarounds that, without any threat to the security of the computer and without installing suspicious third-party programs, will help at least partially remove the restrictions. You can read about them in our articles "Personalization in non-activated Windows 10" and "How to remove the watermark Activating Windows 10" (this article is still in the process of writing).


    What is an operating system for?

    In short: in order for you to have possibility get the most out of your computer.

    Operating system (briefly - OS) - a set of programs that work as connecting link between the hardware part of the computer ("hardware") and the programs of the application level, i. e. all sorts of browsers, games, editors, etc. The operation of programs is highly dependent on the operating system. You can't just use the hardware capabilities of your computer directly.

    MacOS and Windows systems are popular on desktop computers, and the share of the latter is much larger than the first two combined. The share of other operating systems - ReactOS, KolibriOS, etc. - is negligible.

    Why are new OS versions coming out?

    It is not always possible to push through some drastic changes within the framework of one software product. Marketing also influences the release of operating systems, but there should always be a technical justification for a major new release. Calling the same product new will not work.

    To fully unleash the potential of computing and provide a person with convenient program management, operating systems are periodically updated. Found errors are corrected, new ways of interacting with the computer appear (using a mouse, a touch screen, and so on). When the changes are so significant that they do not fit into the framework of a certain OS version as product, release a new one. This is how Windows 2000 / XP / 7/8/10 appear and so on.

    The line between versions is often blurred. For example, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 can be considered different operating systems. Windows 10, without changing the name, received noticeable innovations in August 2016, the next such update is planned for April 2017, the name will not change, but the changes will become noticeable.

    Moving to a new Windows can be difficult

    I wrote above about the need to seriously redesign the OS code so that it works effectively on the new hardware. This is understandable for tech-savvy people, they know the whole story. And what should those who just uses computers? Why don't people bother and use outdated operating systems on new computers?

    I might be wrong, but I think it's all about the poor performance of Microsoft marketers. They just don't explain why you need to buy a new OS. I got the impression that PR departments do not understand the psychology of consumption and confuse two messages:

    • desire to get a status item (new car, another iPhone),
    • the need to improve the efficiency of their work (new tool).

    I'm not a marketer, I could be wrong. But it seems to me that a dozen are progressing somehow sluggishly. I don’t know how things are with TV ads, but the ads from the official Windows channel are not impressive. This is something conceptual:

    UPD: this video has been deleted.

    Perhaps the only video that was interesting to watch was about the digital assistant Cortana. She does not work in Russia, which is a pity:

    People take loans to buy iPhones, but no one will do that for Windows. Despite the fact that the price of the OS is much less ( RUB 8,699.00), you need to convince more strongly. Well, our people are not used to spending money on software. In my opinion, the best way is to show in practice how innovation improves life.

    The benefits of improved work efficiency are clear. A simple example: a computer mouse. When working with office documents, it greatly facilitates the work. For 1983 (see video below) this was a real innovation.

    UPD: this video has been deleted.

    When a real problem is solved, changes are fairly easily accepted and bought.

    What does Windows 10 solve? What does it offer to improve work efficiency? Windows 10 is not Lamborgini, it doesn't smell of status here. It is an improvement on your instrument, the computer. As conceived by the fillers of the section of the official site, according to the main photo, Windows 10 is useful in the kitchen. Like a tablet among flour and dirty dishes, something does something better:

    Bad start, isn't it? You can scroll down the page, but there is advertising water. The ability to Google a recipe in the kitchen is not unique; when I was a student, I did it with Siemens S65 and was pleased.

    Is the young man holding the pen correctly? I do not think. It's not that it's different from how we were taught to hold a pen as a child. It's just awkward. Try to take a pen in the same way and you will understand that:

    1. The index finger should not be so squeezed that it cannot be seen behind the thumb.
    2. The top of the handle resting on the knuckle is unpleasant.

    Due to problems with composition, unnatural situations, photographs are not credible. Discomfort appears somewhere on a subconscious level. It does not allow the formation of a positive image of the tens.

    It can be seen that the “Unique” features of the dozens are by no means unique. It was possible to draw on a tablet in WinXP, night mode is an inverted scheme that was present in Windows 95, and so on. The list of features is by no means impressive. Apart from the system requirements for Windows 10, nothing interesting can be found in the official section of Win10. A lot of big words with small explanatory footnotes and nothing more.

    I give Windows 10 Marketing a No. The situation requires intervention.

    What's new in Windows 10

    I do not pretend to be the ultimate truth, I write based on my own experience and interviews with friends. I will also mention the innovations that first appeared in Win8, because the bulk of users are on Windows 7, the capabilities of the eight are unknown to them.

    1. The interior has been redesigned again. Stability has improved. But I do not recommend putting the top ten on laptops and tablets for which there are drivers only for Windows 7/8 - the effect will be exactly the opposite.
    2. The appearance has changed. The volume returned, mercilessly thrown out of the Windows 8 interface.
    3. A new Control Panel has appeared. The old one can be started from the Start button menu, invoked by the right mouse button.
    4. Like Windows 8, a dozen on crashes after turning on the computer itself trying to restore his work. This is not the case in Windows 7.
    5. You can use a Microsoft account. Then the Windows App Store and sync settings across all Windows 10 devices will be available.
    6. Windows Store apps can now run in a window. By the way, in this store there is no such wealth as in Google Play, but there are useful programs.
    7. Edge browser that someone likes. There are extensions for it, like you can find in the Store.
    8. In the Task Manager, you can disable the startup of programs. This most useful feature made its debut in the eight and it really helps to control the list of programs that are launched when the computer is turned on.
    9. An in-game panel that allows you to record the gameplay on video.
    10. Cortana Assistant. Doesn't work in Russia yet.

    There are other nuances as well. Sad but true: positive, good changes can be met with hostility because the benefits are not always obvious.

    For example, many at one time criticized Windows Vista for its slow operation, although one of the reasons for the increased requirements for the computer hardware was that the system became more stable compared to XP. It was in Vista that a new driver model appeared, thanks to which serious failures like overheating video cards were solved by automatically restarting the driver. In Windows XP, if something like this happened, the system would stop working and display. Was it worth it to release a system that worked slowly but stable? Or did you have to wait a year or two before releasing Windows 7? There is still no unambiguous answer to these questions.

    I will consider popular scenarios for working with a computer. Please note, my experience is limited to desktop computers. How things are on tablets, whether it is convenient to use Windows 7/8/10 there, I cannot tell you.



    The fear of everything new is inherent in a person at a subconscious level. Windows 8, which looks very unusual for Windows XP / 7 users, has caused rejection by a large number of people. Windows 10 took a step back, returning a more or less familiar list of programs in the Start menu, but adapting to different screen sizes and types of devices did the trick - the system looks unusual.

    It should be understood that the functional point of view nothing changed. The colors have changed, the effects have changed, some small details have changed. Nothing more. In the end, "you checkers or go?".


    Windows 10 is believed to be spying on users. Unfortunately, this statement is incorrect, not because a dozen do not collect information about the use of a PC (even as they do), but because Windows 7, 8, and 8.1 have similar functionality for collecting user statistics. You cannot choose a system based on the fact that only a dozen are monitoring the user's actions.

    Modern computer

    If your computer has a modern 7th generation Intel processor (Kaby Lake) or AMD Bristol Ridge and Ryzen, you may not receive some of the Windows 7 / 8.1 updates. The fact is that Microsoft wants to move everyone to the top ten so badly that it blocks the installation of some updates of old OS on modern processors. But on the top ten, everything is updated as needed. At the time of this writing, only the 7 is blocked from updates, but at this rate, the 8 will also suffer soon. Therefore, on a modern computer have to set the top ten if you want a secure system.


    Windows 10 sold at launch and what we have now are slightly different systems. This is thanks to a giant update called "Redstone". At the time of this writing, only one has come out and the second is about to be released:

    • August 2, 2016 - Redstone 1.
    • April 11, 2017 - Redstone 2.
    • Fall 2017 - Redstone 3.

    This is a great feature because it changes the way Windows is evolving for the better. Previously, the user paid for a system that was actually frozen in development. Yes, service packs were released, but errors were fixed there, new features rarely appeared. There is not much difference between Windows 7 and Windows 7 SP2. With the "redstones" the user gets new functions, which gives hope that Windows 10 is the last operating system in the classic sense of the word and will no longer have to spend money on a new Windows. It was not for nothing that you could upgrade from Windows 7/8 for free.

    Work scenarios

    Gaming PCs

    Modern gaming PCs should be running Windows 10. A survey of the Steam service has not in vain showed that the 64-bit top ten is the most popular among gamers. If you have a modern graphics card and want to play modern games, you have to put ten, because DirectX 12 is only supported on Windows 10. I once told, but now I will not dwell on this.

    For older computers, things are not so simple. Having installed the seven, you will not be able to install games from the Windows App Store, which is in the eight and ten. This is not so scary, but there is another problem that has not yet arrived: when support for outdated systems ends, lose the updates that increase security. That is, on the old hardware, you can put a seven and play outdated games, except for reducing security in the future, you will not encounter any problems.

    Computer for the Internet

    Let's say the computer is used exclusively for visiting sites. Some online movies, browser games, social networks and news reading. Here Windows 10 is the only option, because the system needs to be as secure as possible, which means it needs to be regularly updated. For Windows 7 installed on a PC with a modern processor, there are limitations in terms of updates, Windows 8 is probably next in line. Well, as mentioned above, updates for old systems will cease to be released altogether. Despite the fact that the system is only needed to launch the browser, it must be secure. Everyone draws conclusions for himself.

    Office work

    At first glance, it makes no difference what to install on a work computer. If you turn off all visual beauties, any OS works fine, even on hardware a decade ago. Personally, I only encountered compatibility problems with dozens of old office equipment: printers, scanners, they are not always solvable. It is also possible to exacerbate neophobia in people who have not worked with a dozen before.

    There is one caveat: to buy a licensed disc with Win7 / 8 has long been impossible. Officially, sales of the seven ended on October 31, 2013, and the eight on September 1, 2015. Unless you find somewhere in some of the stores a boxed version that is lying around in a warehouse.

    It is quite easy to buy an OEM license for Windows 7 and Windows 8, but if you are not a computer builder, use such software in your organization legally will not work.

    Which Windows is popular now?

    I have come across a statement that the share of a dozen on users' computers is small. Like, nobody needs it. This is not true.

    Windows 7 dominates on desktop PCs. Anyway, Windows 7, 8 and 10 are the most popular operating systems and the top ten is significant. More than half of Steam users use a modern OS.

    Game panel

    A decade ago, the idea of ​​a video recording function built into an operating system would have seemed utopian. This is now reality. It is enough to press Win + G in any program and the game panel is right there:

    Also, thanks to the April Creators Update, there will be a feature for streaming games via Beam - Microsoft's equivalent of Twitch.

    Disadvantages of Windows 10

    In my opinion, the top ten has two serious drawbacks:

    1. Gathering information. A complete list of what is being monitored is located. The main thing is not to panic. Websites, search engines, social networks - everyone keeps track of any activity. In Windows 10, this can at least be turned off. How - There are many instructions and utilities on the Internet.

    2. Violation of compatibility. The release of a new operating system is stress for driver developers, because the architecture of the system changes, you need to rewrite, check the program code to achieve compatibility. This translates into costs for device companies. Naturally, not every company spends on this. The end result is devices that cannot run Windows 10. For example, notebooks with nVidia Optimus hybrid graphics. The Windows 10 installer checks the computer for compatibility, but this is just a way to avoid problems by skipping the installation. So the transition is not useful or possible for all computers.

    Something else

    Whether to install a new OS is up to you. If you do not play modern games, you can postpone the transition. But remember: Microsoft wants by all means to drag users to the new operating system, so the "technorepression" is likely to continue. Today it is the unavailability of some of the Win7 updates on new processors, tomorrow something else. What do you think, is it worth "obeying" MS or should you use a system that was released back in 2009?

    I decided to carry it out in several stages, because if everyone started downloading at the same time, it would become a serious problem for the company's servers.

    At the same time, Windows 10 is intended to be a transitional product for Microsoft in changing the earning model. If earlier the Redmond-based company earned on the sale of physical copies of its products, then in the future the sale of services should become the main source of income. That is why the Windows 10 update system will consist of small data packages that will add new features to the system. The current operating systems from Microsoft receive global updates in the form of service packs.

    At the same time, the company plans to support Windows 10 until 2025.

    The support itself will be divided into two phases. Until 2020, Windows 10 will receive new functions, and after that the company plans to send out only "patches" aimed at improving the security of the system. Microsoft will try to distribute all of these updates to as many devices as possible.

    In total, the company hopes that at some point Windows 10 will be installed on more than one and a half billion computers, tablets and smartphones around the world. And it is precisely the refusal to pay for the update, according to Microsoft, will make the system so massive. Thanks to this, the company will be able to distribute the new OS as widely as possible and "tie" users to its products.

    A similar model is already working and, however, their business is largely limited to mobile operating systems. At the same time, Microsoft has already tested the mechanism for selling subscription services on its Office products. In addition to regular box licenses, the company also sells an annual subscription to Office 365. When a new version is released, the user will only have to download it, and the subscription will be carried over from the previous version.

    Microsoft will have to make money in three key areas: providing access to cloud storage using Azure technology, licenses for corporate users and office suites.

    These changes in strategy are taking place against the background of falling PC sales, and for this reason, Microsoft does not expect to make a profit in the long term from sales of licenses for "box" versions of the system, because they will fall after sales of computers. For the same reason, the company has organized the integration of all its products into a single system: Windows 10 will receive both PCs and tablets, smartphones, microcomputers, HoloLens augmented reality glasses and even the Xbox One game console.

    As a result, the operating system is no longer an independent product, but is only an integral part of the device.

    And in this case, a separate sale of the system no longer looks logical. For the same reason, Microsoft made the decision to independently enter the mobile market with the Surface and Lumia lines.

    That said, it cannot be argued that Microsoft is completely abandoning the Windows sales model. Indeed, in addition to free updates, the company will also offer traditional "box" licenses for those who still have an old version of Windows installed (only owners of Windows 7 and Windows 8 / 8.1 will receive the update), or who want to install the system on a new PC.

    However, as Microsoft VP Terry Myerson said, Windows 10 will be the last version of Windows to be paid for.

    Thus, starting with the next version of the system, the company is going to give up making money on the OS and focus on making money from other products that Windows will push to use.

    Greetings, dear readers.

    With similar computers and the same operating systems, devices may behave differently for different users. So, a frequent case is the normal operation of one or another software for some users, and a complete refusal to perform the prescribed functions for others. In particular, in the article below, I will tell you why games do not start on Windows 10. There are several main reasons why this happens.

    The most common problem faced by gamers is the incorrect video adapter driver. In general, the component works, and this is completely enough to provide a picture during simple operations. But when you start the game, it gives an error, a black screen appears or the image just freezes.

    The solution is simple - update. To do this, we perform several movements:

    If nothing happened, you need to go to the official website of the card manufacturer and find the appropriate software. In this case, it is important to choose for the current operating system with the required bit depth. Just download the file and run it. Everything should fix itself.

    If not, then we carry out the first three points of the above list and “ Searching the computer". Then just specify the file you downloaded earlier. After the procedure, it is better to reboot the device.

    Not enough rights( )

    Sometimes applications in the tenth version of the OS from Microsoft can be blocked in case of insufficient rights. Usually, during the start of the game, access is denied and then nothing happens.

    The fact is that an ordinary user may not be endowed with all the necessary capabilities to run any program. Sometimes this is even manifested by a ban on deleting elements or working with system components. This is how the operating system tries to protect itself from incorrect user actions. Therefore, sometimes access to applications and games is even denied.

    Important! If the application is launched from Steam, the above procedure must be applied to it.

    Libraries( )

    In some cases, the program refuses to work as a result of insufficient configuration. In most situations, the device writes: “ No dll file". And it doesn't matter with what name.

    This is often the case when different programs use the same files. And if you delete one of the software, files that are needed for another application may disappear.

    There are several solutions. The first is to download individual elements and place them in the folder indicated when the error appears. Sometimes it helps.
    Another option is to completely reinstall the program. This can be done from a disk or hard drive - it doesn't matter. But first, it's best to completely uninstall the game from your computer and reboot. Only then can you start a new placement.

    In rare cases, the above does not help. As a solution, it is worth looking for the so-called patches on the official website of the developers, which can change the current situation.

    DirectX( )

    DirectX is an essential component required to run games and other applications. The absence or inappropriate version of the element leads to a failure to start certain programs.

    You can find the required component of the system on the official Microsoft website. The main thing is to select the operating system and its bit depth.

    Download the solution, install and restart the device. Only after that is it worth checking the functionality of the software.

    Incompatibility( )

    In some cases, the application refuses to start due to incorrect compatibility. So, for example, there is no guarantee that the game from W7 will work without any problems on the tenth version of the OS. This is directly related to the parameter such as compatibility. In this case, it does not matter at all whether these are pirated games or obtained from the store.

    In this option, you need to press the RMB on the executable file (* .exe) or its shortcut, and select the item " Properties". Next, go to “ Compatibility"And here we set all the necessary parameters. We confirm the actions and immediately launch the application for verification.

    Have you upgraded to the next version of Windows 10, number 1809 and are having difficulties with your work? If so, this guide will help you solve them.

    Like the previous version, Windows 10 October 2018 Update 1809 is a major update. It brings with it new functionality and enhancements to personal computers, laptops and tablets. However, each such update carries the risk of new problems.

    Typically, major Windows 10 updates contain large code changes that can lead to compatibility issues, driver issues, unexpected bugs, and other issues that can affect performance and usability.

    In addition to unknown bugs, other problems may appear that are not caused by changes in the system. Sometimes an update cannot be installed due to incompatible software, outdated drivers, unusual hardware configurations.

    Below we will consider possible problems and solutions.

    Fixing Windows 10 October 2018 Update Issues

    When upgrading to a new version of Windows 10, there are two kinds of problems. There may be errors during the installation process that are not in themselves a problem with the new version. And there may be issues related to system design, compatibility, etc.

    This guide will solve both problems during and after installation.

    Fixing errors downloading installation files

    If you receive error 0x800F0922, the device is most likely not associated with Microsoft update servers or the System Reserved partition is not large enough. Try the following:

    Turn off VPN

    Then try installing the update again.

    Increase the System Reserved section

    Sometimes third-party applications like antivirus can save their data in this section. In this case, there will not be enough space on it to install the system update. Use third party tools to increase the size of the partition. You need at least 500 MB.
    You can also perform a clean install of Windows 10 when the partition is automatically created to the correct size.

    Updating with the Media Creation Tool

    When you try to download the installation files, you may receive error 0x80246007. It shows that the file could not be downloaded.
    In such a case, you can use the Media Creation Tool to install a clean version of Windows 10 when the partition is automatically created.

    Troubleshooting installation errors

    It is recommended to install updates through the update center. However, errors in the work may occur in it. To solve them, you can use the built-in Windows 10 error fixing tool.

    To do this, do the following: open the Settings app> Update & Security> Troubleshoot> Windows Update> Run the troubleshooter. Click the Apply this Fix button, if available. Follow the directions on the screen.

    After that, restart your computer and try updating again by opening Windows Update.

    Fix unexpected installation errors

    If you encounter a problem while trying to download the installation files, you may receive an error numbered 0x80190001. In this case, use the cleanup tool in the Settings app to delete temporary files. Do the following:

    Open the Settings app> System> Device storage> Storage sense> Free up space now. Select the option "Delete temporary Windows installation files".

    Then try installing the update again. If problems persist, use the Media Creation Tool to install.
    How to fix USB media problems

    If Media Creation Tool won't download updates

    In some cases, downloading cumulative updates may freeze. If the Media Creation Tool is unable to download the update, please restart the application. When the installation files are downloaded, disconnect the network cable or wireless connection. When the application times out, it will begin installing version 1809.

    After completing the installation and initial system setup, reconnect the network to complete the installation process.

    Fixing problems with installation via Media Creation Tool

    Usually restarting the Media Creation Tool will fix most of the errors, but if there are problems with dynamic updating, the application will continue to freeze every time you try to download the installation files.
    In this case, you should start the process manually:
    1. Open File Explorer.
    2. Navigate to C: \ $ Windows. ~ BT \ Sources.
    3. Double-click the Setupprep.exe file.

    After that, the installation process should begin. If it doesn't, you can use the Update Assistant tool.

    Bug fixes when creating a bootable USB flash drive

    If you are using a bootable USB flash drive created with the Media Creation Tool, the installation process may fail. One or more files on the flash drive may be damaged. It is impossible to fix them, so you should create the installation USB drive again. To do this, do the following:
    1. Download Media Creation Tool from Microsoft server.
    2. Double-click the MediaCreationToolxxxx.exe file.
    3. Click the Accept button.
    4. Select "Create installation media" (USB flash drive, DVD or ISO) for another computer.

    5. Click the Next button.
    6. Select language, architecture and revision version.

    7. Click the Next button.
    8. Select the USB Flash Drive option.

    9. Click the Next button.
    10. Select "Removable Disk" from the list.

    11. Click the Next button.
    12. Click the Finish button.

    After completing these steps, you will receive a new installation flash drive with no corrupted files. You can install the latest version of Windows 10 from it.

    Fixing the problem "The update is incompatible with your device"

    Although the process of downloading and installing Windows 10 updates happens automatically, if the device has not been connected to the Internet for a long time or you have disabled Windows Update, when using the installation flash drive, an error may appear stating that the update is not applicable to your computer.

    To solve the problem, make sure your computer is connected to the Internet. Go to the update center and check for updates. You can also download and install the update manually.

    How to fix Update Assistant problems installing the October Update

    Solving the problem "Something went wrong"

    If you use Update Assistant to update, you may encounter error 0x8007042B and the message "Something went wrong." After that, the update installation process will be terminated. It is not clear from this message what exactly went wrong. You can try to follow the troubleshooting steps.

    Try to remove unnecessary programs and antiviruses, disconnect unnecessary peripherals. Then run Update Assistant again.

    If the error persists, use a different update option. Try doing a clean install of Windows 10 or using the Media Creation Tool to create a bootable USB stick.

    Eliminating the problem with downloading the update through the Assistant Update

    Although Microsoft created Update Assistant to install updates when Windows Update doesn't work normally, sometimes the tool itself has problems. For example, problems with downloading installation files.
    Usually, in this case, problems with Internet access are to blame:
    Disconnect and reconnect the network cable. Try unplugging and plugging your router back on after a few minutes. Restart Update Assistant.
    Restart your computer, run Update Assistant.
    Try using Media Creation Tool instead of Update Assistant

    How to fix ISO problems

    When trying to update, an error 0x8007025D - 0x2000C may appear, which may mean that one or more ISO image files are damaged. To solve this problem, use the Media Creation Tool to create a new image:
    1. Download Media Creation from the Microsoft website.
    2. Double-click the MediaCreationToolxxxx.exe file to launch the utility.
    3. Click the Accept button.
    4. Select the "Create installation media (USB disk, DVD or ISO) for another PC" option.

    5. Select language, architecture and edition.

    6. Click the Next button.
    7. Select the "ISO file" option.

    8. Click the Next button.

    After completing these steps, the Media Creation Tool will create a new ISO image that should allow you to update your computer or virtual machine.

    If the error persists, you can try imaging on a different computer.

    How to fix storage problems

    Storage issues during installation

    System requirements say you need to have at least 20 GB of disk space when upgrading to 64-bit Windows 10 and 16 GB when upgrading to 32-bit. If the hard disk does not have enough free space, one of the following errors may appear:
    0x80070070 - 0x50011
    0x80070070 - 0x50012
    0x80070070 - 0x60000

    Open the Settings app> System Device storage> Storage sense> Free up space now.

    You can select the following files to delete:
    Previous Windows installations
    Windows Error Reporting Files Generated by the System
    Windows Defender Antivirus
    Windows update log files
    Previous Windows installations
    Temporary files
    Temporary internet files
    Delivery Optimization Files
    DirectX Texture Builder Cache

    Important: Do not select temporary Windows installation files or Windows ESD installation files, as these files are required for the update.

    Click on the "Delete Files" button. After following these steps, you should be able to install Windows 1809 without problems.

    If you can't free up enough space, plug in a USB flash drive or removable hard drive. You need at least 16 GB of free space for Windows 10 to use it as temporary storage to complete the update.

    Fix missing or damaged files during installation

    If you come across errors 0x80073712 and 0x80245006, they mean one or more installation files are missing or damaged. To resolve this issue, open Memory Sense and delete temporary files.

    Go to Settings> System> Device storage> Storage sense> Free up space now. Highlight "Previous Windows Installations" or "Temporary Files", click the "Delete Files" button.

    After that, check for updates in the update center. You can also use the Media Creation Tool after you upgrade your computer to version 1809.

    How to fix hardware and software compatibility issues with the October Update

    Fixing hardware compatibility issues during installation

    It is not necessary to have the most up-to-date components to work with Windows 10, but despite this, you may encounter errors 0xC1900200 - 0x20008 and 0xC1900202 - 0x20008 if your computer does not meet the minimum system requirements.
    This usually happens when updating only very old computers. The minimum system requirements for Windows 10 are as follows:
    Processor: 1 GHz
    RAM: 2 GB
    Storage: 16 GB disk space for 32-bit and 20 GB for 64-bit
    Graphics: Direct X 9 or newer with WDDM 1.0 driver
    Monitor: resolution from 800 x 600 pixels

    Usually computers already running Windows 10 have no system requirements issues when upgrading. However, budget models have difficulties from time to time. If you see errors 0xC1900200 - 0x20008 or 0xC1900202 - 0x20008, these are usually problems with RAM. In this case, increase the amount of memory.

    Fixes application and driver compatibility issues during update installation

    When trying to install Windows 10 October Update, there is a chance to see error 0x800F0923. It indicates a compatibility problem with an application or driver.

    This is usually a graphics driver error, it may be out of date or conflict with an old program or antivirus.
    To locate the specific source of the problem, you need to use an update through the Media Creation Tool or Update Assistant. When you follow the onscreen instructions, these tools detect and report hardware incompatibilities.

    If a device driver is at fault, go to the manufacturer's website and download the latest driver. If not, you can uninstall the driver, install an update, and then reinstall the driver.

    To do this, do the following: on the desktop, right-click on the "This computer" icon, in the context menu, click on the "Properties" command. In the System window, select Device Manager from the menu on the left. Select the device you need, right-click on it, select the "Remove driver" command.

    After that, try updating Windows 10.

    Driver incompatibility

    If you receive error 0x80070490 - 0x20007, one or more device drivers are incompatible. Error 0x80070003 - 0x20007 means that the installation process failed during the driver installation phase.

    When you see errors 0x80070490 - 0x20007 or 0x80070003 - 0x20007 after rolling back Windows 10 to a previous version, follow the steps above to uninstall the drivers.

    Software incompatibilities

    When an app is at fault, open the manufacturer's page to download the latest version. You can also uninstall the app temporarily and try to update Windows 10.

    Open Settings> Applications, select the required application from the list and click on the "Remove" button. Try installing Windows 10 and then reinstalling the app.

    Fixing Driver Compatibility Issues During Installation

    When upgrading to any version of Windows 10, an error may occur that starts with code 0xC1900101. This means there is a problem with the driver. The options are as follows:
    0xC1900101 - 0x20004
    0xC1900101 - 0x2000c
    0xC1900101 - 0x20017
    0xC1900101 - 0x30018
    0xC1900101 - 0x3000D
    0xC1900101 - 0x4000D
    0xC1900101 - 0x40017

    There is also an error 0x80090011, which refers to the driver in the process of data transfer.
    The solutions can be as follows:

    Disconnect unnecessary peripherals

    To get rid of the driver error, please disconnect peripherals with all drivers. Then update and reconnect the devices. You can turn off all unnecessary devices such as removable drives, printers, cameras, leave the keyboard and mouse.

    Update device drivers

    If you get errors 0xC1900101 or 0x80090011, you need to make sure to install the latest drivers. Open the "Task Manager", select the desired device and click on the "Update driver" command in the context menu. You can also temporarily remove your device before updating Windows 10.

    Alternatively, you can download the driver from the manufacturer's website and install it manually. There may be separate instructions for installing video card drivers.

    Free up disk space

    Insufficient disk space can also cause error 0xC1900101. You need to free up at least 20 GB of hard disk space. We have already described how to do this above.

    Restoring the current version of the system

    Windows 10 includes the System File Checker (SFC) and Deployment Servicing and Management (DISM) command-line tools to repair your current installation and fix potential device driver issues. Try the SFC commands first, then DISM if necessary.

    Hard disk repair

    Windows 10 also contains a CHKDSK command to check and fix hard disk errors. Click on the start menu, type cmd, in the run window type chkdsk / f c: and hit enter. If necessary, enter Y and press enter to schedule the scan.
    After completing these steps, restart your computer to start checking hard drives.

    Manual update

    If all else fails, you can perform a clean install of Windows 10 using the Media Creation Tool.

    Fix application compatibility issues during installation

    If you see error 0xC1900208 - 0x4000C, one or more applications are incompatible with the update. The easiest way is to uninstall these apps for a while. Third party antiviruses are usually to blame. How to uninstall applications is described above.

    If you uninstall classic desktop applications, you may need to take additional steps. Follow the directions on the screen.

    How to fix problems installing the October 2018 Update

    Fixes Windows 10 before installing a new version

    Typically, after running Windows 10 for a long time without the necessary maintenance, performance starts to drop. Problems accumulate that can manifest themselves during the update installation process.

    To resolve these issues, use the SFC and DISM command line tools.

    Fixes for problems at the beginning of the update process

    Error 0xC1900107 may appear when trying to stop updating Windows 10. It means that you recently upgraded and the previous version needs to be removed.

    Restart your computer and try installing the update again. If this is not possible, go to the "Memory Sense" section and free up space as described above. Then try installing updates again.

    Resolving problems with random reboots during the update installation process

    When installing version 1809, you may see error 0x80200056 after unintentional reboot. You need to restart the update process and do not turn off the computer during installation.

    Bug fixes without administrator rights

    Error 0x80070522 means that you are installing the update using a standard user account. For a successful installation, you need to have administrator rights. If this is not a home computer, you need to contact your system administrator to obtain these rights.

    Fixing problems with completing the update installation

    When installing major or cumulative updates, two errors may occur:
    Error: Unable to complete the installation of updates. Cancellation of changes. Do not turn off your computer.
    Error: Unable to customize Windows updates. Cancellation of changes.

    Windows 10 has known errors that occur when updates cannot be installed. We need to find the reason for the error.

    The Windows Update page has a section that keeps track of information about each update and their bugs. Open Settings app> Update & Security> Windows Update> View update history. Check the error code. Find a description of this code on the Internet. Possible solutions to the problem can also be described there.

    How to fix problems after installing the update

    Solving the problem with activation of the October 2018 Update

    If the device is not reactivated, you may receive error 0x803F7001 and the message "Windows is not activated" on the activation page in the "Settings" application.

    You can use the Activation Troubleshooter tool. You can also wait a couple of days for Windows 10 to reactivate on its own.

    Solving network problems

    Sometimes, after successfully updating to the latest version of Windows 10, the device may lose internet access or the speed may be slow. The reasons can be varied, including software errors in the update, changing or resetting network settings during the installation of an update, or problems with the network adapter.

    To troubleshoot, you need to open the Network Troubleshooter. Launch Settings> Network & Internet> Status> Network Troubleshooter. Follow the directions on the screen.

    Reset all network adapters

    If the above method does not work, you can reset all network adapters. Open Settings> Network & Internet> Status> Reset Network> Reset Now. All network adapters will be reset to default settings.

    Solving black screen issues after installing an update

    Sometimes after installing the update, graphical problems in the form of a black screen may appear. It could be a Windows 10 update, cumulative update, or a video card driver issue. You can roll back to a previous version of Windows 10 until the issue is resolved.

    Go to Settings> Update & Security> Recovery> Revert to a previous version of Windows 10. Click the Get Started button. Select the reason for returning, click Next, refuse to check for updates, click the Next button twice, then click the Return to the previous build button.

    How to fix problems with the dark explorer interface

    One of the most notable innovations in the October version of Windows 10 is the introduction of a dark version of File Explorer. However, there are already reports of problems with this version of Explorer. These issues may cause the toolbar, background, and some other elements to appear white.

    You need to wait until the cumulative update is released, and until then there are a number of steps you can take.

    Turn on and off

    Go to Settings> Personalization> Colors> Default App Mode> Light. Then select Dark again.

    Changing the graphic theme

    Open Settings> Personalization> Themes> Windows.

    Using a new account

    If the problem persists, you can create a new account. If there is no fault with the conductor color in it, you can go to work in this account.

    Fixing the problem with the brightness of the screen

    After installing the October update, some users reported problems with brightness settings. For some, the brightness dropped to 50%, in others, the ability to adjust the brightness was completely lost. This could be due to the video card drivers. Install the latest drivers. You can download them from the manufacturer's website or update them through the "Task Manager".

    If you already have the latest driver, you can remove the device in the Task Manager and reinstall the driver.
    Microsoft has removed the brightness button from the Battery section because it is in Action Center.

    How to fix Intel Audio driver problems

    If you are trying to update using the Media Creation Tool and Update Assistant, you may receive an error that says “Your Attention Needed”. Microsoft claims Intel Display Audio device drivers have compatibility issues with this update. This can increase the consumption of system resources and energy, which can reduce the operating time of laptops and tablets.
    If you see this message, it is recommended that you click the Back button and cancel the update installation. Also, Microsoft itself blocks the appearance of the update on such devices.

    How to fix the problem with applications not having Internet access

    Some users write that after updating the application from the Microsoft Store, they lost access to the Internet.

    Enable TCP / IPv6

    In addition to TCP / IPv4, Microsoft Store apps and Edge browser require TCP / IPv6 to be enabled. If you have applications that cannot access the Internet, make sure this protocol is enabled.

    Open Control Panel> Network and Sharing Center. In the left pane, click Change adapter settings. Right-click on the required adapter and select Properties. Check the box next to "IP version 6 (TCP / IPv6)". Click OK.

    Change network profile

    If that doesn't work, you can change the network profile from private to public.

    Open the Settings app> Network & Internet> Status> Change connection properties. Select "Public".

    Reset network settings

    Open Settings> Network & Internet> Status> Change> Reset network> Reset now.

    How to solve problems with Task Manager

    If Task Manager stops displaying CPU percentage correctly, you are not alone in this problem. There is no solution yet. Microsoft should release a software update.

    How to successfully upgrade to Windows 10 October 2018 Update

    The process of installing updates on Windows 10 has improved over time, but a large number of possible hardware configurations lead to errors. However, simple steps can be taken to reduce the likelihood of such errors.

    Making backups

    While the chances of mistakes are small, things can still go wrong. For these situations, Windows 10 has a rollback process, but it might not work. For this reason, it is always recommended to back up the system and user files.

    A backup will help you roll back to a previous version of Windows if you don't have access to the rollback functionality in the Settings app.
    If the installation fails, you will not be able to boot your computer. If you have problems after installation, you can use a complete copy of the system to restore your computer.

    Remove unimportant applications

    Application incompatibility is one of the main reasons for not being able to upgrade. If you don't know which particular application is to blame, start with classic desktop programs and antiviruses. Apps are removed under Settings> Apps> Apps & features. Select the required programs and click on the "Remove" button.

    In addition to incompatible applications, remove third-party antiviruses and other security software. Naturally, it is not recommended to work for a long time without such protection. You can also disable Windows Defender Antivirus.
    To do this, open Settings> Updates & Security> Windows Security> Open Windows Security> Virus & Threat Protection> Virus & Threat Protection Options> Manage Settings. Uncheck the "Real-time protection" switch. After installing the Windows 10 update, the antivirus will turn on automatically.
    If you uninstall the third-party antivirus, put it back in after installing the update.

    Disable Firewall

    Sometimes built-in or third-party firewalls can cause problems during the upgrade process. If you are using Windows Firewall or other firewall software, disable them before trying to install Windows 10 updates.

    To disable the built-in firewall, in the same Windows Security window go to the Firewall and Network Security section and click on the section marked as Active. Turn off the Windows Defender Firewall switch.

    Cancel blocking updates

    There is a chance that you have made changes to the settings that may prevent the update from downloading automatically. In particular, in the advanced settings of the update center, there may be a ban on the installation of major updates. Open Settings> Update & Security> Windows Update> Advanced Options. In the "Choose when to install updates" section, the Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted) option should be selected and 0 days. The Pause Updates switch must be disabled.

    Disabling metered connections

    If your connection is marked as metered, the Windows 10 update may not download automatically. You need to disable this limitation.

    If you have limited traffic, you need up to 5 GB to download updates. To disable metered connection, open Settings> Network & Internet> Status> Change connection properties. Disable the switch in the Metered Connection section.

    Disconnecting unimportant peripherals

    To avoid driver compatibility issues, disconnect any unnecessary peripherals from your computer. It is enough to leave the monitor, mouse and keyboard. After installing the update, everything can be connected back.

    Clean install

    If installing updates does not work, you can perform a clean install. This will erase all data on the primary hard disk partition. Before installing, transfer the files you need to another partition or disk. Using the Media Creation Tool, you can create an installation flash drive or disk.


    A major Windows 10 update released every six months is available for installation by all interested users. It is recommended to wait for the automatic installation, which will mean that your computer is compatible with the new version. You can also take your time and wait a few weeks to make sure there are no issues with this update.