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  • Universe, we are alone or not. Grigorenko a.m.

    Universe, we are alone or not.  Grigorenko a.m.

    However, a new study suggests that our world may be a rarity.

    A team of astronomers observed stars like the Sun in the open constellation of the Orion Nebula and found that less than 10 percent of them were surrounded by enough dust to form a planet the size of Jupiter.

    “We believe most of the stars in the galaxy formed in dense Orion-like regions, which means that a system like ours is the exception rather than the rule,” said researcher Joshua Eisner, an astrophysicist at the University of California, Berkeley.

    Eisner and colleagues observed more than 250 stars from the Orion Nebula. Their target was dense disks of dust surrounding stars that could form planets. They found that only 10% of the stars emitted radiation at a frequency that could mean they are protoplanetary disks of warm dust. And only 8 percent of the observed stars had dust disks, the mass of which was one thousandth of the mass of the Sun.

    Scientists looking for exoplanets around other stars using radial velocity data have come up with the same results. (The radial velocity method involves determining the fluctuation in the movement of a star, which is caused by a small force of gravity of the planet moving around it).

    The resulting figures indicate the existence of 6 to 10 percent of the stars that have planets the size of Jupiter.

    However, it is still too early to despair, because. research has mostly focused on looking for dust around stars rather than identifying planets that have already formed, it is possible that some of these sun-like stars already have planets.

    Many other scientists agree that there are still a lot of questions about solar systems beyond our own. It's too early to say with certainty that the Earth system is atypical. Further research to determine the material needed to form a similar solar system around other stars may help.

    If it turns out that in fact, stars with planets the size of Jupiter are rare, this may mean that extraterrestrial life is also rather an exception.

    Some scientists believe that our Jupiter played a very important role in shaping life on Earth. On the one hand, large planets can protect small inner planets from cosmic attacks that can destroy any nascent life.

    Plus, the big planets are capable of pushing comets and asteroids out of their orbits towards the smaller terrestrial planets. These rocks can supply systems with organic matter and water.

    Without Jupiter, it's hard to build an aquatic planet, Eisner said.

    Image from the Hubble Space Telescope. Visible light emitted from a protoplanetary disk in the Orion Nebula. Proplid (proplyd) 170-337 shows the presence of hot ionized gas (red) surrounding and propagating from the disk (yellow). This protoplanetary disk has a mass one-thousandth that of the Sun - at least needed to form a planet the size of Jupiter. ( Bally et al 2000/Hubble Space Telescope & Eisner et al 2008/CARMA, SMA)

    Man is a creation of space aliens.

    The main premise of the theory of influence on the development of mankind is

    space aliens (theory of paleocontacts) - the presence of the space

    some aliens - was formulated long ago. We find its clear formulation in the ancient Roman poet and philosopher Titus Lucretius Cara in his poem "On the Nature of Things":

    It remains to be recognized, inevitably,

    That there are other lands in the universe,

    Yes, and people tribes and also different animals.

    But Lucretius Car was not the first. The same idea was expressed long before him by many Greek philosophers. It is possible that it was also of interest to Paleolithic hunters 25 thousand years ago, who marked with simple dashes

    on stone and bone the results of their observations of the movement of the heavenly

    After the revolution made in science by Nicolaus Copernicus, once

    destroying the ancient Ptolemaic and Christian ideas that the Earth is the center of the universe, many thinkers of the Renaissance returned to the ideas of antiquity. Giordano Bruno wrote: "There are countless suns, as well as countless planets like the Earth, which revolve around their suns, like our seven planets around our sun. Intelligent beings also live in those worlds." These theories were further developed by modern philosophers such as Voltaire and Immanuel Kant. In the 19th century, opinions about the existence of intelligent beings on the Moon and Mars were quite widespread, which was also reflected in literature (for example, in the "Space Songs" by the Czech poet Jan Neruda).

    In the 19th century, the basis and second prerequisite for the theory of paleocontacts appeared - the idea of ​​the influence of space aliens on the development of mankind. In 1898, the English writer H. G. Wells wrote the science fiction novel The War of the Worlds about the Martians attacking Earth, inspired by astronomers' speculation about the possibility of life on Mars.

    The founder of the theory of paleocontacts is the American Charles Hoy Fort. Throughout his life, he tirelessly collected data that, as it seemed to him, would destroy conventional scientific theories. ("Defend science from scientists" is his motto.) He published four books: The Book of the Damned, New Lands, Look, and Indomitable Talents. Since 1931, the data collected in the Fort archive has been published by the Fortean Society in its Fortean Society Magazine. In all of Fort's books, there is his basic idea of ​​omnipotent cosmic beings, for whom we and our world are something between an experimental terrarium and a scientific laboratory. In 1919, in The Book of the Damned, Fort wrote: "I believe that we are someone's property. It seems to me that the Earth was once a no man's land, and then the inhabitants of other worlds began to compete for its possession. At present, we are ruled the most advanced of them.This has been known for centuries to those of us who are a special part of some order or adherents of some cult, whose members, as slaves of a special class, guide us according to the instructions they receive and impel us to our mysterious actions. ".

    Fort's work in Europe was continued by two French researchers - the famous physicist and chemist Jacques Bergier, as well as the philosopher and journalist Lewis Pauwels. They took Fort's motto as the epigraph for their magazine "Planete", which began to appear in the late 50s in Paris. On the pages of the magazine, they published articles and materials on a variety of topics: on environmental issues and the fight against hunger, about mysterious archaeological finds on religion, mysticism, magic, about unidentified flying objects, about visiting the Earth by aliens from outer space and about their impact on development of mankind.

    In the first decades of our century, the founder of cosmonautics K.E. Tsiolkovsky (1928, 1929) wrote about the space expansion of highly developed civilizations and direct contacts between them, as well as about visiting the earth from space. At this time, Nikolai Rybin drew attention to the coincidence of individual facts and plots in the legends of different peoples, separated by oceans and deserts, which spoke of visiting the Earth in ancient times by the inhabitants of other worlds. N. Rybin admits the presence of a grain of truth in these legends. A new impetus to the discussion on this problem was given by the appearance in 1961 of an article by the physicist Matest Agrest "Cosmonauts of Antiquity". M. Agrest finds confirmation of the contacts of space aliens with people in geology, archeology, in the history of art, in written sources. Over the next two decades, more than two hundred papers on the problems of paleocontacts were published in various popular science magazines and newspapers. In the 90s, philosopher Vladimir Rubtsov, together with philologist Yuri Morozov and other authors, are trying to create the so-called "paleovisitology" as a branch of science, the primary task of which should be to study the reality of contacts between space aliens and the Earth.

    And finally, Erich von Daniken in 1968 in his book "Memories of the Future" outlined the entire theory of paleocontacts in a generalized form, substantiating it with numerous data from the field of archeology, mythology and art history. Unlike other supporters of paleocontacts, E. Von Daniken managed to introduce his ideas to the general public by making a film based on his book. In addition, his work was published in numerous translations in different countries, the works of E. von Daniken caused a wide response in the scientific community. Many supporters appeared who began to study the facts he cited, collect new ones and look for evidence in favor of the theory of paleocontacts.

    The gods of myths are aliens from outer space.

    The main principles of his theory:

    1. In ancient times, the Earth was visited several times by beings from outer space.

    2. These unknown creatures, through purposeful artificial mutation, developed human intelligence in the hominids then living on Earth.

    3. Traces of the appearance of space aliens on Earth are reflected in ancient beliefs, traditions, tales, legends and fairy tales, they can be found in individual religious buildings and objects.

    “I developed this theory in 1954, at the same time I published the first articles on this topic. Subsequently, I developed it in eleven books. Objective evidence of the correctness of this theory has not yet been presented. I didn't find an alcoholized space alien mummy, or any other remains of creatures from another world Why? and the Russians left no traces on the moon?So where are the objective traces of space aliens?

    If we look at the surface of our planet, we will see that the chances of finding such traces are negligible. Two-thirds of the planet's surface is occupied by water, the rest is covered by ice (at the poles), deserts and spaces overgrown with greenery. Under water, at the poles and in deserts, a targeted search for extraterrestrial traces is unrealistic. In the forests, any object, large or small, would disappear without a trace. It would become as prominent as the Mayan cities in the jungles of Guatemala.

    Space aliens understood this very well. Therefore, the question arose before them, how to leave the future, technically developed humanity with the proof of their presence on Earth? What should be the proof? Any computer? Pictographic letters? Information in the form of mathematical formulas? A message encoded in genes or chromosomes? Whatever the testament of the space aliens, the question of the "safe" first of all arose before him. For example, a pictographic letter cannot be placed anywhere - in some temple, burial place or on top of a mountain.

    Space aliens understood that the path of mankind lies through wars in which the shrines will be destroyed; they knew that micro-organisms and plants could destroy their testament, and earthquakes and floods could swallow them whole. In addition, they had to shape their will in such a way that it would fall into the hands of a generation that would be able to appreciate such information. If, for example, the soldiers of Julius Caesar found a space object, they would not know what to do with it, even if this information was in Latin. In the time of Julius Caesar, people did not know such a thing as "the path to space." They knew nothing about experiments in the field of genetics, about the effect of shifting in time, about propulsion systems and interstellar spaces. Therefore, the space aliens had to prevent the proof of their existence, their testament, from being accidentally discovered by a generation of people who would not understand it.

    How to solve this problem? We discussed this issue in the "Society for the Study of Ancient Astronautics", in this useful social organization interested in my theories, and considered various options. Maybe the message of space aliens is encoded in human genes? Future technology will answer this question. Or maybe space aliens left their message on some of the neighboring "dead" planets? This issue will be resolved during future interplanetary flights. On the Moon, there are mysterious rock formations inside Kepler Crater (NASA - Photo N 67-H-201) and pyramid-like formations in Lubnik Crater (NASA - Photo N72-p-1387). The American George Leonard wrote about them. Rock formations on Mars are also known, which experts call the "Face of Mars" and "Pyramid on Mars". Even at the present time, we cannot give an unambiguous answer to the question of whether these rocks are geological formations or artificial structures.

    Are there traces of aliens in the asteroid belt? Professor Michael Papagiannis of the University of Boston admits this possibility. He spoke about this at the XXXIII Congress of the International Astronautical Federation in Paris.


    The sky is above us and the moral law is within us.

    Among the many problems that concern mankind, there is one that is of particular interest. Probably, as long as there is a person, he was worried about the question - are we alone in the Universe. Opinions on this matter varied widely. And sometimes the struggle of these opinions became so acute that it cost the lives of those who did not agree with the generally accepted opinion. An example of this can be the fate of Giordano Bruno.
    And even now, when science has reached incredible heights in studying the secrets of the Universe, there is no final answer to this question. Indeed, to this day, the problems of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations are of concern not only to almost everyone, but are also considered relevant in scientific circles. The work is being carried out by many scientific teams and individual scientists, including within the framework of the CETI - Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence program, which means communication with extraterrestrial intelligence. Although many scientists, such as academician Shklovsky I.S., believe that human civilization is most likely unique.
    It is quite natural that in human culture the problem of extraterrestrial intelligent life is reflected very widely. There are no number of fantastic novels, films and other works of art devoted to this problem.
    The book, which the esteemed reader holds in his hands, outlines some considerations that allow us to believe that we are, after all, alone in the Universe. In order to show this, the author had to study a lot of scientific literature. Nevertheless, assuming that the book may be of interest to a wide range of readers, the material is presented quite simply. Some calculations are given, but they, as a rule, do not go beyond the scope of the high school course. However, explanations are provided where necessary. Many opinions, positions, data are taken from published works. Given that not everyone is familiar with the issues that will be discussed in the book, they are briefly and as popularly as possible. Therefore, if the opinions that I am expressing here seem controversial to someone, then at least the sympathetic reader will be able to gather a lot of interesting information here.
    No one is obliged to take everything that is said here on faith. Let's argue, think together. After all, it is such a pleasant experience to be distracted from everyday life, from the problems of our mortal existence and think, dream, and talk about the stars, about other worlds, about brothers in mind ... Therefore, digress, my dear brothers in mind, from your worldly worries and plunge together with me to the nirvana of intellectual pleasures!


    And God said: Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.

    Before proceeding to consider the question of the possibility of the existence of "brothers in mind" in the Universe, let's try to understand what they can be. There were different views on this issue. For example, sometimes they talk about such forms of life as crystalline, plasma and others. But the main thing is that they have a mind. Therefore, first of all, let us dwell on the concept of reason. It is said that man has a mind (although sometimes there are some doubts about this), but animals do not. Why? Probably, first of all, because no living creatures speak. They have no speech. They don't know the words.
    What is a word. The word is a sign, it is a concept. When we say “wheel” to another person, he imagines something round with a hub. When we think about something, it is as if we are talking to ourselves. Animals can't do that. They not only cannot speak, they cannot think. Where did this ability come from? Exclusively from the fact that man is a social being. Our ancient ancestor, a highly developed primate, lived in a herd. Physically weaker than many animals, especially predators, he had to somehow survive. And the only way to survive was the way of unity in the herd. Several individuals were supposed to act as one being. And this could be only under the condition of sufficiently effective communication - the exchange of signs, which, with an increase in their number and diversity, became concepts. Thus, the mind is evolutionarily, in the process of natural selection, the ability to operate with concepts developed in higher primates.
    In evolutionary terms, the mind is the same means of adapting to the conditions of a given ecological niche, like an elephant's trunk. But the very ability to operate with concepts when talking to oneself without opening one's mouth, that is, to think, allows a person to model the process of his actions. Based on the analysis of models, choose the most effective one. Thanks to this, as well as the presence of human hands (which, by the way, also played an extremely important role in the formation of the mind), a person got the opportunity to create tools.
    Thus, a number of conditions are necessary for the emergence of intelligence. At the very least, a creature that claims to acquire a mind must be created as a product of evolution in the struggle for survival, must have some biological prerequisites (a developed brain, relative freedom of the upper limbs, on which there are palms with fingers) and a herd form of life.
    Man is the highest product of biological evolution. It could not have appeared without life as such. And can there be any other life than biological? Let us now consider what life is.
    As you know, everything that we see around us is eternally moving matter. In the process of this movement, the elements of matter collide and scatter. In this case, if the energy of the united elements is less than the sum of the energies of the elements before the association, such an association becomes stable.
    So atoms arise from elementary particles, molecules from atoms. From atoms and molecules - stars, planets, crystals, etc. Sometimes very large molecules can arise under special conditions. But the larger the molecule, the less stable it is, and therefore quickly decays.
    However, such a situation is possible when a molecule can be like a template on which atoms are assembled and the same molecule is formed. In this case, the number of such molecules can increase to such a value that the emergence of other similar molecules with some properties that bring the process closer to the emergence of life will become quite probable.
    Thus, life is primarily the self-reproduction of complex molecules, or replication. You can give a more detailed definition of life, for example, as Academician V.S. Troitsky suggested: Life is a highly organized self-reproducing state of matter, supported by the exchange of matter, energy and information with the external environment, encoded by the state of molecules.
    What are the basic conditions that must be in order for the replication process to be possible. First, the molecule must be linear, such that there is free access for other atoms or molecules to any part of the given molecule. This is most consistent with polymer molecules. As is known from chemistry, of all the atoms that can form a polymer chain, only carbon and, to a lesser extent, silicon are known. Due to a number of circumstances, silicon cannot be the basis of polymeric molecules that occur naturally and provide the possibility of replication. Secondly, there must be an environment in which atoms and molecules move and actively interact. And this medium can only be water. In addition, there must be a certain temperature and pressure. All substances necessary for the polymerization and replication of molecules must be dissolved in water.
    As you can see, the conditions are quite limited. At the same time, it can be understood that (at least in our Universe) the emergence of the replication process is impossible either in the crystalline form of matter, or, even more so, in plasma, but is possible only in the form of polymeric hydrocarbon molecules. That is, life can only be organic.
    Thus mind is a product of the evolutionary development of organic life. A being claiming to acquire intelligence can only be the highest primate. Therefore, only an anthropomorphic being can be the bearer of reason. This approach is generally accepted in the scientific community.
    However, such opinions are expressed that the ancestors of people are not ancient primates. Then who? Let's not dwell on the opinion that man was created by God from clay seven thousand years ago. Anyone who firmly adheres to this hypothesis is unlikely to read this book. As for the hypothesis of panspermia, that is, the opinion that human ancestors were brought from space (there are different opinions - whether a person is already in his modern form, or life itself is at some stage), then we can ask the following question here: and there , in space, how did it appear? If by itself, then there must be conditions that are somehow better than on Earth, but what is unknown. If life or a person were brought there, then again from where, and we fall into a bad infinity.
    There are opinions that we are the ancestors of space aliens. Well, firstly, here we also fall into a bad infinity. And secondly, an elementary anatomical, physiological, cytological and other analysis of our body does not say, but shouts that we are flesh from flesh and blood from blood, part of our living nature.
    There are some who hate to realize that we and the great apes share a common ancestor. Well, what can be said about this. You don't like that they are covered in wool? And ask the monkeys if they like us without fur. Perhaps they see us without hair the same as we see a man without skin.
    And in general, than we actually are better. After all, there is no more malicious, greedy, cruel creature on Earth. After all, it was said - “A man walks on the earth and behind him remains a desert.”
    There is not a single living creature on Earth that would exterminate masses of its own kind in an endless series of wars with such frenzy, hatred and pleasure. Yes, and in short periods of peace, at the first opportunity, they did not seek to do any dirty trick to their neighbor. So let's not offend our smaller brothers with completely unreasonable contempt.
    Many have doubts about the origin of man from higher primates due to the fact that they outwardly (this is called the phenotype) are very different from humans. Apparently, this comes from the fact that it is not easy to realize the vastness of the period of time that separates us and the flexibility that ensures the variability of the appearance of living beings in the process of evolution. Indeed, look at pets. All of them are bred by man, but in their appearance they are so different from their wild ancestors that they have become, as it were, other species. For example, a lap dog has practically nothing to do with a wolf, and a modern horse has nothing to do with Przewalski's horse.
    The history of man, according to archaeological and paleontological data, covers a period of hundreds of thousands of years. And the discovery by L. Lika of the skull of a zijanthrope and stone tools near it lengthened human history, bringing it to almost 2,000,000 years.
    Thus, as a conclusion for this chapter, we will determine that if we are looking for some kind of extraterrestrial civilization, then we are looking for an anthropomorphic creature, and simply speaking, a person who has reached such a degree of intelligence that he creates a civilization.
    Moreover, by civilization we understand a certain stage of the organization of intelligent life, essentially a new living organism, consisting of many individuals that form a social form of the movement of matter, social mind. Or, according to the definition of V.S. Troitsky, civilization is a community of intelligent beings who use the exchange of information, energy and mass to develop actions and means that support their life and progressive development.
    Of course, we cannot look for these extraterrestrial civilizations the way we look for mushrooms in the forest. But we can at least think about whether extraterrestrial civilizations can exist at all. More precisely, can there be such conditions outside the Earth that a civilization could appear.


    Man is the measure of all things.

    As we have already said, in order for a civilization to arise, appropriate conditions are needed. Somewhere these conditions may be, but somewhere not. Generally speaking, this is a matter of chance. And chances have some probability. Questions of probability, this is a whole science. But for our purposes, there is no special need to study all this science. However, for those who are completely unfamiliar with this science, we will consider some questions.
    So let's take a coin. Let's toss it and see if it's heads or tails. Maybe heads, maybe tails. We cannot predict this. The events are incredible. As they say, fifty-fifty, or fifty-fifty. The chances are equal. In probability theory, they say that in this case the probability of falling, for example, an eagle, is equal to ½.
    Well, if we decide to buy a lottery ticket, what is the probability that we can win, say, a car. We know, for example, that a million lottery tickets have been issued. And twenty cars are played. Divide twenty by one million and get the probability that we will win a car if we buy one lottery ticket. That is, the probability of such an event is 20/1,000,000 , or 2/100,000 . To make these numbers more compact, they are written like this: 2 × 10 -5. Here ( - ) means - the denominator. And (5) - how many times you need to multiply 10 by itself to get 100,000. If 1000 , which is 10 3 , multiplied by 100 , which is 10 2 , you get 100,000 , or 10 5 . That is, if numbers are multiplied in the form of powers of 10, then the exponents of their powers are added. Or: 10 3 × 10 2 = 10 5 .
    If we buy 50 lottery tickets, then the probability of our winning will increase and will be equal to: 50×2×10 -5 = 100×10 -5 = 10 2 ×10 -5 = 10 -3. That is one chance in a thousand. The probability of our winning has increased fifty times. If one car were raffled off, and we would buy up all the lottery tickets, the car (if this is of course an honest lottery, and not a swindle) would, of course, be ours. That is, the probability of our winning would become equal to one.
    Now suppose that the lottery is played in two stages. In total, a million tickets have been issued, of which a thousand tickets give the right to participate in the second round, where 20 cars are actually drawn. Let's introduce the notation: В 1 - the probability of winning a ticket that gives the right to participate in the second round, В 2 - the probability of winning a car in the second round.
    To get the total probability, you need to add the probabilities B 1 and B 2. To do this, the probabilities B 1 and B 2 are multiplied (no matter how strange it sounds “to add, you need to multiply”). That is, B \u003d B 1 × B 2. Indeed, B 1 \u003d 10 3 / 10 6 \u003d 10 -3. B 2 \u003d 20/10 3 \u003d 2 × 10 -2. B \u003d B 1 × B 2 \u003d 10 -3 × 2 × 10 -2 \u003d 2 × 10 -5. That is, the same probability as when drawing a lottery in one round.
    This is how, roughly, we will determine the probability of the emergence of civilization, adding up the probabilities of the occurrence of individual conditions, without which civilization cannot arise in any way.
    Perhaps the basic formula for the whole problem of extraterrestrial civilizations is a simple ratio, called the "Drake formula"

    where N- the number of highly developed civilizations that exist in the universe with us, n is the total number of stars in the universe, P 1 is the probability that the star has a planetary system, P 2 - the probability of the emergence of life on the planet, P 3 - the probability that this life in the process of evolution will become intelligent, P 4 - the probability that intelligent life can create a civilization, t 1 - the average duration of the existence of a civilization, T is the age of the universe.
    The formula is simple. Essentially, this is a formula for adding probabilities and we know how to do it. It is difficult to determine the quantities that are included in it, especially the listed probabilities. As science advances, there is a distinct tendency for the factors in the Drake formula to decrease. Of course, they cannot be precisely defined. It is very good if we can define them at least roughly. Up to an order of magnitude, that is, ten times more or less. But for this we will have to work very hard. And we will start by getting acquainted at least a little with the Universe, galaxies, stars, planets, our Earth and life on it. So let's take courage, patience and move on.


    Above us the abyss of stars is full,
    The stars have no number, the abyss of the bottom.
    M.V. Lomonosov

    Who on a clear, moonless night, and even somewhere far away from big cities, did not experience reverent admiration, peering into the bottomless abyss of the Universe, dotted with myriads of stars. It seems that this picture is eternal and unchanging. But in fact, the Universe lives its mysterious, but stormy, and sometimes dramatic life.

    Photo 1

    The discoveries of recent decades allow us to more or less fully present the picture of the universe, which we will briefly describe here. So we live on planet earth. It is part of the system of planets that revolve around the sun. The sun is one, and in general it is an ordinary star, which is one of the stars that make up the local system of stars that form the Milky Way galaxy. There are many such (and not only such) galaxies. One of the closest to us is the Andromeda Nebula galaxy. It is named so because when galaxies were not yet discovered, they were considered nebulae. And it is located in the constellation Andromeda. Galaxies are elliptical, spiral and irregular. Our galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy are spiral galaxies (Photo1). Looking at the Andromeda Nebula, one can imagine that this is our galaxy. Then we are approximately where the circle is depicted. Several dozen nearby galaxies make up the local system. Then vast expanses of emptiness. Further, other systems of galaxies are discovered. They are placed like a honeycomb. Photo 2 shows an image literally littered with galaxies. And so on to the limit of the capabilities of our astronomical instruments.

    Photo 2

    They say that space, and hence the universe, is infinite. And time has no beginning and no end. It's hard to say anything here. That's probably how it is. In this case, the number of civilizations is infinite. And here, as it were, there is nothing to talk about. Nevertheless, there are reasons to look for some limits in space and time, which will allow us to speak at least about Our Universe. And there are such limits. But in order to understand the essence of these limits, we have to digress a little to get acquainted with the concept of redshift. And for this, we first recall what spectral analysis and the Doppler effect are.

    Spectral analysis. There is no such person who would not see a rainbow. And from the school physics course, we know that if you pass light through a glass prism, you can also see a rainbow (Fig. 1). It is believed that Newton was the first to make such experiments. We probably remember the saying that describes the arrangement of flowers in the rainbow: "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant goes." And we know, of course, that this is because light is electromagnetic waves. In principle, these are the same waves as the radio waves, thanks to which we watch TV and listen to the radio, but with a much higher frequency, or with a much shorter wavelength.

    When a body is very hot, it also emits light, that is, electromagnetic waves of the light range. We know that bodies are made up of atoms and molecules. And an atom consists of a nucleus and electrons rotating (to put it simply) around it. So, when heated, atoms acquire kinetic energy, move faster and faster, and some electrons move to other orbits, where more energy is required.


    If you stop heating, the body cools down. In this case, the electrons emit excess energy in the form of a small piece of an electromagnetic wave, called a quantum, and return to the old orbit. Actually, when heated, the body radiates energy. Therefore, in order to maintain a glow, for example, electric light bulbs, a current must be constantly passed through it. The rainbow that we talked about, in a broader sense, scientists call the spectrum, and it is formed because waves with different frequencies deviate in different ways during refraction. We probably remember that this phenomenon is called dispersion.

    When an electron moves from orbit to orbit, it either absorbs or emits a quantum of a strictly defined wavelength. This wavelength depends on which orbit the electron occupies and, in general, on how many electrons the atom has, that is, on which element in the periodic table it belongs to.

    For example, oxygen will have one wavelength, while sodium will have completely different wavelengths. When we look at a rainbow, we see it as a continuous transition from one color to another. This is because the process of emissions and re-emissions is very complex and it is difficult for us to isolate the individual components of the spectrum. Such a spectrum is called continuous. But if you take some measures, you can find individual lines in the spectrum. Then the spectrum is called line, and the lines themselves are called spectral lines. The spectral lines of each chemical element are completely individual. Therefore, by looking at the spectrum obtained from a star with the help of a telescope, one can absolutely say exactly what chemical elements are there, and by their brightness, one can estimate their relative amount.
    Spectral methods have become one of the main ones, both in astronomy and in astrophysics. They are widely used in various terrestrial technologies.
    Doppler effect. We went through this effect at school, however, I will remind those who have forgotten. Everyone probably remembers that when you are riding a train, and another train is coming towards you, the driver of which is beeping, then we first hear a high-pitched sound, and when the locomotive passes us, the tone becomes lower. This is because when the source of sound (or other vibrations, including electromagnetic ones) moves towards the observer, the frequency of the received vibrations becomes greater, and when the source moves away from the observer, it decreases.
    In the light range of electromagnetic oscillations, this manifests itself in the shift of spectral lines in the spectrum received from the object.
    Redshift. In 1912 W. Slifer (USA) began to obtain the spectra of distant galaxies. Over the course of several years, spectra of 41 objects were obtained. It turned out that in 36 cases the lines in the spectra were redshifted. It seemed most natural to explain this shift by the Doppler effect. If the lines of the spectrum are redshifted, then the frequency of the resulting spectral lines decreases, which means that the galaxies are moving away from us. This effect is called redshift.
    At the end of 1923, Hubble estimated the distance to the Andromeda Nebula, and soon to other galaxies. After that, he made an attempt to find a relationship between the speed of the removal of the galaxy and the distance from it. In 1929, based on data on 36 galaxies, Hubble was able to establish that the speeds of galaxies (or their corresponding redshifts in the spectra) increase in direct proportion to their distance. After a number of clarifications made by other scientists, including in quantitative terms, the fact of the recession of galaxies became generally recognized. He says that our universe is expanding.
    However, from the fact that galaxies scatter from us in all directions, it does not at all follow that our Galaxy occupies some central position in the Universe. You can verify this with a very simple example. Take a rubber thread and tie knots on it. Stretch the thread in half. As a result of this, the distance between each two neighboring nodes will also double. At the same time, each of the knots is equal in rights and, in relation to it, the speed of movement of the others during the stretching of the thread was the greater, the farther they were from each other. Galaxies behave similarly.
    If the galaxies are moving apart, it means that they used to be closer to each other. And once, the whole Universe was generally compressed, if not into a point, then into something very small. And then some kind of grandiose explosion followed, or as it is customary to call it among scientists - the Big Bang. Knowing the speed of the recession of galaxies, we can also calculate the time that has passed since the Big Bang.
    The problem of calculating this time is not so simple. There are a lot of problems there. Those who wish can familiarize themselves with them in the literature. For example, the one at the end of the book. Here we say that no one knows the exact value, but in general, scientists agree on a time from 13 to 20 billion years. This is already one of the most important initial data for the problem of determining the possible number of civilizations.
    Knowing the approximate age of our universe, we can determine its approximate size. In addition, there are other possibilities to roughly limit the size of the universe.
    Firstly, the farther away a galaxy is from us, the faster it runs away from us, the more its spectrum shifts to the red side, and eventually the galaxy becomes invisible neither in the light region, nor even in infrared radiation.
    Secondly, there was an even more interesting opportunity to estimate the scale of our Universe.
    space monsters. After the Second World War, when radars had already been invented, radio telescopes also began to be used in astronomy. With their help, various radio sources were discovered, including by 1963 five point sources of cosmic radio emission became known, which were first called "radio stars". However, this term was soon recognized as not very successful, and these sources of radio emission were called quasi-stellar radio sources, or, for short, quasars.
    By examining the spectrum of quasars, astronomers have found that quasars are generally the most distant known space objects. About 1500 quasars are now known. The most distant of them is about 15 billion light-years away from us. (Let me remind you that a light year is the distance that light travels in one year. The speed of light is approximately 300,000 kilometers per second.) At the same time, it is also the fastest. He runs away from us at a speed close to the speed of light. Therefore, we can assume that the size of our universe is limited to a radius of 15 billion light years, or 142 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 kilometers.
    Since we are talking about quasars, I will tell you a little more about them. Even an ordinary quasar emits light tens and hundreds of times stronger than the largest galaxies, consisting of hundreds of billions of stars. Characteristically, quasars radiate in the entire electromagnetic range from X-rays to radio waves. Even the average quasar is brighter than 300 billion stars. Unexpectedly, it turned out that the brightness of quasars changes with very small periods - weeks, days and even minutes. Since there is nothing faster than light in the world, this means that the size of quasars is very small. After all, since the entire quasar changes its brightness, it means that this is a single process that cannot propagate through the quasar at a speed greater than the speed of light. For example, a quasar with a dimming period of 200 seconds should have a diameter no larger than the radius of the earth's orbit and at the same time emit light from more than 300 billion stars.
    There is no consensus on the nature of quasars yet. However, they are at such a distance from us that the light reaches us in a time of up to 15 billion light years. This means that we see the processes that took place in our country about 15 billion years ago, that is, after the Big Bang.
    Now we can say that the radius of our universe is about 15 billion light years. As we noted above, based on this, its age is approximately 15 billion years. That's what it says in the literature. True, I personally have doubts about this. Indeed, a quasar, in order to send us a beam of light, must already be where we see it. Therefore, if he himself moved at the speed of light, he must fly from the point of the Big Bang during the same 15 billion years. Therefore, the age of the universe must be at least twice that, that is, 30 billion years.
    It should be noted that measurements of the characteristics of objects located at the edge of the Universe are carried out within the limits of the capabilities of astronomical instruments. In addition, disputes between scientists are still far from over. Therefore, the accuracy of these figures is very relative. In this regard, for our further calculations, we use the figures that are mentioned in most publications, taking into account my remark in the previous paragraph. Namely: the radius of the Universe is 10 billion light years, the age is 20 billion years.
    What is further beyond these limits, we do not know. Perhaps we will never know. Therefore, for us it does not matter what is there. And we can assume that there is nothing. Therefore, our universe is the universe in general.
    Now that we have decided on the size and age of our Universe, let's take a quick look at what fills it. In general, it is almost empty. Clusters of galaxies are occasionally interspersed in the incredibly vast empty space (Photo 2). Today, the largest telescopes can register galaxies throughout the Universe, and it is estimated that there are about two hundred million (some believe up to one and a half billion) galaxies, each of which consists of billions stars. Groups of clusters and superclusters of galaxies are located mainly in relatively thin layers or chains. Layers and chains intersect, connect with each other and form colossal cells of irregular shape, inside which there are practically no galaxies.
    We have already said that galaxies are elliptical, spiral and irregular. It is believed that elliptical galaxies are young, spiral galaxies are middle-aged, and irregularly shaped galaxies are old. There are other opinions as well.
    There is reason to argue here, but first we will focus on the concept of a black hole.
    Black holes . The concept of "black holes" is largely based on Einstein's theory of relativity. But this theory is not so simple, so we will try to explain this concept in a simpler way.
    First of all, we know what gravity is. At least we know that if you throw a glass, it will fall to the ground. The earth attracts him. In general, all bodies with mass are attracted to each other. Light also has mass. Stoletov also determined that light presses on an illuminated body. Indeed, light is an electromagnetic wave that has energy. And energy, according to Einstein's equation - E = mс 2, has a mass m. Therefore light is also attracted by mass. For example, if a ray of light flies past a planet or star, then it deviates towards it. Moreover, the more the star attracts light, the more it is deflected.
    There may be such a strong gravitational attraction that the light will not only fall on the star, but even a quantum of light radiation will not be able to leave it. And not only light, but nothing at all can leave the body with such powerful gravity. Everything will fall on her. This is called gravitational collapse. Such a body is called an oton (from the abbreviation GRT - the general theory of relativity) or simply - "Black hole".
    Nevertheless, there are, after all, processes in which something leaves the black hole. Here we are already invading the field of quantum mechanics. Generally speaking, quantum mechanics is a set of formulas that allow you to mathematically describe some not very clear physical phenomena in the field of elementary particle physics. The very nature of these phenomena is not very clear even to physicists themselves.
    In principle, the effects of quantum mechanics occur due to the fact that elementary particles are, as it were, both particles and waves at the same time. Moreover, the smaller the particle, the more it exhibits wave properties. Moreover, very small particles do not look like small balls at all. They seem to be in different places with a certain probability. Moreover, no obstacles stop them. But most often they are in one place. This effect, called "Tunnel Effect", is used in the technique. For example, in zener diodes. This is a special semiconductor diode, often used in voltage stabilizers, is in the power supply of any computer or TV. So, the size of a black hole is relatively small, and the mass there is huge. Therefore, very small elementary particles, due to their quantum nature, can be outside the black hole and never return there. This is called black hole evaporation. Since the black hole has its own gravitational field, as well as magnetic and electric fields, and rotates rapidly, the evaporating particles do not form a spherically symmetrical shell around the black hole, but form, as it were, jets in two opposite directions.
    If the black hole is small, then it evaporates very quickly. If it is very large, and the influx of new mass falling on the black hole (this is called accretion) compensates for evaporation, then the black hole can exist for a very long time. In this case, the mass of matter that appears around the black hole due to its evaporation, in turn, compensates for the mass falling on the black hole. It is huge black holes that are the basis of galaxies.
    Galaxies. As we mentioned earlier, galaxies are mainly of three types: elliptical, spiral and irregular, shown in photos 3, 4 and 5. There are also galaxies and very bizarre shapes, shown in photo 6.
    There are different opinions about the origin and development of galaxies. I will state one of them, with which many scientists agree and which I personally like.

    Photo 3 Photo 4 Photo 5
    Photo 6

    So, at the beginning of the Big Bang, all matter was in the form of radiation, that is, quanta of very high frequency and energy. As they expanded, they began to form elementary particles, from which hydrogen atoms began to form. The density of the gas was still very high, but due to gravitational instability, the gas began to separate into separate seals. Supermassive stars began to form, which quickly began to evolve (we will talk about the evolution of stars in the next section) and shrink to such an extent that they turned into black holes.
    Due to the tunnel effect, the black hole began to evaporate. A cloud of elementary particles began to form around it, which, when combined, form hydrogen atoms. The gravitational compaction of gas leads to the emergence of stars, which, together with a black hole, form a galaxy.
    Despite the huge mass, the size of the black hole is small and the stars surrounding the black hole make it invisible. Therefore, it is impossible to see a black hole. During the initial expansion of the Universe, very turbulent processes took place in it. In this connection, the gas seals that gave rise to black holes rotated. As they contracted, they rotated faster and faster. Everyone has probably seen this effect when the skater, pressing his hands, rotates faster. Ultimately, a black hole tends to spin very fast, and behaves like the well-known spinning top. Those who played with a top in childhood probably remember that if you try to tilt it, then, oddly enough, the top does not obey and leans not in the direction you are trying to tilt it, but at an angle of ninety degrees. This effect is called precession.
    So, a black hole slowly rotates due to mechanical interaction with the substance generated by it. Therefore, the jets of mass flowing from it also slowly turn. Therefore, the spiral structure of galaxies is formed.
    Generally speaking, within certain limits, the size of a black hole, the speed of its rotation, the characteristics of electric and magnetic fields can vary greatly, which gives rise to a wide variety of appearances of galaxies. The average appearance of galaxies also differs from the distance from us, because we see the farther, the earlier processes in the Universe. In particular, quasars, quite possibly, are the processes of the birth of black holes. It is this kind of galaxies that are shown in Photo 6.
    We see galaxies because they emit light, that is, energy. Therefore, losing more and more energy and matter, galaxies age. Over time, the balance of matter falling into the black hole and evaporated is disturbed. The black hole loses mass, evaporates completely over time, and then we see an irregularly shaped galaxy. The galaxy is dying.


    It is not the task of this book to deal in detail with the physics of stars. Here we give a general overview of the processes that take place in them.
    Already from childhood, we get used to the fact that the starry world around us is surprisingly diverse. Exploring it with telescopes shows that this diversity is even more impressive. Basically, this diversity is determined, firstly, by the age at which we see them, and secondly, what is the mass of the star. So masses can vary from hundredths of the mass of the Sun, to tens of masses of the Sun.
    In principle, the life of stars is the same. First, a compaction of interstellar gas and dust (mainly hydrogen) is formed, then, due to gravitational compression, a huge hydrogen ball is formed (Fig. 2A). As it contracts, the pressure at the center of this ball increases and the temperature increases at the same time. This effect is familiar to everyone who pumped up a bicycle or football camera with a hand pump, and some, probably, remember what adiabatic compression is from a school physics course.
    When the temperature reaches a value of the order of hundreds of millions of degrees, the nuclei of hydrogen atoms begin to combine and turn into helium (the so-called proton-proton cycle reaction). Thermonuclear fusion begins and a star lights up (Fig. 2 B and C). This is the basic state of the star, in which it is, until all the hydrogen burns out. This is the state of our Sun.

    BUT B AT G D

    When the hydrogen is mostly burnt out, the star shrinks even more, the temperature in its center still increases, and the reaction of carbon synthesis from helium begins. Then helium combines with carbon and oxygen nuclei are formed, then increasingly heavier elements until the formation of iron. Iron is a stable element. Energy is not released either during synthesis or splitting. Therefore, the life of a star ends here. However, the nature of the passage of these processes is very different depending on what is the mass of the star.

    Photo 7

    If the mass of a star is less than 0.85 of the mass of the Sun, then the hydrogen in it burns out over tens of billions of years. Therefore, even those that appeared after the formation of our galaxy are burning now and will continue to burn for a very long time. Stars from 0.85 to 5 solar masses undergo evolution at different rates, at the end of which they shed their shell in the form of a planetary nebula (stage D in Fig. 2 and Photo 7) and turn into a white dwarf (Fig. 2E). As for relatively few massive stars with a mass of more than five solar masses, the nature of their evolution (much faster than that of their low-mass counterparts) will be fundamentally different from that described above. Most of them will end their existence with a grandiose explosion, which is occasionally observed by astronomers as a phenomenon of a supernova explosion.

    As a result of such an explosion, neutron stars and, less often, black holes are formed, which evaporate rather quickly. An example of the consequences of such an explosion is shown in Photo 8. In both cases, the substance ejected by the explosion turns into a nebula. The nebulae dissipate rather rapidly in the surrounding space. These nebulae are composed mainly of hydrogen. So, the stellar population of our Galaxy, as well as other galaxies, consists of two main classes of stars - transitional type stars and stable type stars.

    Photo 8

    The first group includes giants, the second type of main class stars (similar to our Sun), red dwarfs with masses much smaller than those of the Sun, white dwarfs and neutron stars.
    First-class stars exist for such a short time that they do not have any influence on the emergence of planetary systems. Therefore, we will not dwell on their consideration.
    Let's take a closer look at the stars of the second class. So, red dwarfs are, in principle, the same stars as our Sun, but much smaller in mass. Hydrogen burns out there, turning into helium. But the processes of this transformation are much slower, so their lifetime is such that even those of them that were formed shortly after the Big Bang are still glowing. They are also unlikely to take a significant part in the formation of planetary systems.
    Stars, similar to our Sun, are the main population of the galaxy. It is believed that they make up about 90% of all stars. Their lifetime is about 15 billion years. Our Sun is about 7 billion years old. There are still about 7 billion years left before it explodes in the form of a new star. So we hardly need to fear such a catastrophe in the near future.
    The radius of the Sun is 696,000 km, the mass is 1.99 × 10 33 g, the average density is 1.41 g / cm 3. The temperature on the surface of the Sun is 5806 K (K is degrees Kelvin. 0 degrees Kelvin is equal to -273 degrees Celsius).
    When thermonuclear reactions in a star run out of iron, the last chord of its life occurs - it explodes and turns into a white dwarf, neutron star or black hole, depending on the initial mass. Our Sun will turn into a white dwarf, forming a planetary nebula.
    A white dwarf is made up mostly of iron. He is very compressed. Its radius is approximately 5000 km, that is, it is approximately equal in size to our Earth. At the same time, its density is about 4 × 10 6 g / cm 3, that is, such a substance weighs four million more than water on Earth. The temperature on its surface is 10000K. The white dwarf cools very slowly and remains to exist until the end of the world.
    A neutron star is compressed to such an extent that the nuclei of atoms merge into a kind of super-huge nucleus. That is why it is called neutron. It seems to be made up of only neutrons. Its radius is up to 20 km. The density in the center is 10 15 g/cm 3 . Its mass, and consequently, the gravitational field is somewhat larger than the Sun, but its dimensions are approximately the size of a small asteroid.
    As for black holes, they evaporate rather quickly. What happens to them next, science is not well known. We will assume that, having evaporated, it simply disappears and does not affect the possibility of the formation of planetary systems in any way.
    White dwarfs and neutron stars, due to their small size and relatively low temperature, are difficult to detect, so the total number of stars can be roughly calculated from the stars of the main class like the Sun. It is estimated that our galaxy has a diameter of 100,000 light years. Its average thickness is 6000 light years. At the same time, the number of stars reaches - 10 10 . The galaxy makes one revolution around the center in 180 million years. The average speed of a star relative to other stars is about 30 km/s.
    Now the number of galaxies in the universe is estimated at 200 million. Thus, the number of stars in the Universe can be estimated as 2×10 8 ×10 10 , or 2×10 18 . Considering that about 20 billion years have passed since the Big Bang, and the lifetime of the main class star is 15 billion years, it can be assumed that the first generation of stars has already turned into white dwarfs. And then the number of white dwarfs can also be taken as the same 2×10 18 . The number of stars with a mass sufficient to form neutron stars is less than 10% of medium-sized stars. But they go through their evolutionary path in time an order of magnitude faster. Therefore, it can be assumed that the number of neutron stars is approximately the same as that of white dwarfs.
    The average distance between stars depends on its position in the Galaxy. In the central region, the density of stars is much higher than in spirals. If we consider the contents of an imaginary sphere, in the center of which our Sun is located, with a radius of 50 light years, then we can count about a thousand stars known to us. It is easy to calculate that the average distance between them is about five light years. These are, of course, very approximate figures. But for our purposes, we can focus on them.
    Now let's move on to the problem of the emergence of planetary systems.CHAPTER 5. PLANETARY SYSTEM

    By itself, the planetary system of the Sun has been studied very well. And not only by methods of observational astronomy, but also by direct research with the help of interplanetary automatic stations. How it works, we know very well. But as to how it arose, there is still no consensus. But from the point of view of the search for extraterrestrial civilizations, this is a very important issue.
    Over the past three hundred years, starting from Rene Descartes (1596 - 1650), several dozen cosmogonic hypotheses have been put forward, in which the most diverse versions of the early history of the solar system are considered. A theory considering the origin of the planetary system should explain the following: 1) why the orbits of all planets lie practically in the plane of the solar equator, 2) why the planets move in orbits close to circular, 3) why the direction of revolution around the Sun is the same for all planets and coincides with the direction of rotation of the Sun and the proper rotation of the planets around their axes, 4) why 99.8% of the mass of the solar system is on the Sun, and only 0.2% on the planets, while the planets have 98% of the angular momentum of the entire solar system, 5) why the planets are divided into two groups, which differ sharply in average density, 6) why does the substance of the planets have such a large relative amount of chemical elements from iron and heavier, including uranium, 7) why have planetary systems not yet been reliably discovered around other stars?
    The three most common hypotheses are:
    1) planets are formed from the same gas and dust cloud as the Sun (Kant),
    2) this cloud was captured by the Sun during its revolution around the center of the Galaxy (O.Yu. Schmidt), and
    3) it separated from the Sun in the course of its evolution (Laplace, Jeans, etc.). However, none of these hypotheses answers all the above questions. Therefore, we will try to invent our own hypothesis.
    As is known, about 30% of the stars are in multiple systems, most often binary. We can assume that 7 billion years ago a binary star system was formed, where the Sun was the smaller star. The other star was much larger, so it quickly passed its evolutionary path and exploded, bursting into a supernova and leaving a neutron star in its place. Then this neutron star for some reason collapsed. The only reason for its destruction was a collision with a fairly dense object, which was unlikely to be another body, except for a white dwarf - an iron star.
    The white dwarf passed so close by the Sun-neutron star system that it was captured by their gravitational field. At the same time, in the process of their mutual rotation, the neutron star and the white dwarf got so close that they either collided, or the gravitational field of the neutron star was so deformed that it lost its stability. A huge explosion followed.
    Both the neutron star and the white dwarf collapsed. Perhaps the Sun also got it. Part of his crown was torn off. Undoubtedly, the products of the explosion acquired such speeds that 99% of them left the vicinity of the Sun. And only about one percent of the central area of ​​the explosion remained in the area of ​​the gravitational influence of the Sun, forming a disk of debris, of various sizes, and gas.
    Further, under the action of the solar wind, the gas component was pushed to the periphery of the disk. The debris first moved in different elliptical orbits. But, colliding and uniting with other fragments, they began to acquire orbits closer and closer to circular ones. And uniting, the fragments began to form planets. Further according to Schmidt's conjecture. Eventually the planets formed. Moreover, the more distant ones were formed by the condensation of hydrogen and its compounds (methane) and nitrogen on solid small peripheral planets.
    Such a hypothesis answers all the questions posed above. Including the question about the anomalously high content of heavy elements in the matter of the planets. Indeed, a white dwarf is composed mostly of iron. And we have a lot of iron in the bowels of the planets. The neutron star, having collapsed, gave rise to the entire spectrum of the elements of the periodic table, including uranium. This hypothesis also explains the origin of meteorites, as well as comets. It is known, for example, that meteorites are represented by two main types - iron meteorites (5.7%), stone chondrites (85.7%) and stone achondrites (7.1%). Moreover, iron meteorites have a crystalline structure that can form in the bowels of an object with a radius of 100-200 km. That is to be large asteroids. Objects from which stone chondrites were formed also had the same dimensions. That is, they were formed from bodies, which in turn were formed from the remains of a white dwarf and a neutron star.
    A catastrophe like the one described above is extremely rare. Somewhat later, we will calculate the probability of such an event. At least now we can understand why planetary systems can be so rare that, to date, they have not yet been reliably detected.
    Now (not to scale) the planetary system looks like the one shown in Fig.3. The fragments of the destroyed stars were located in the area from Mercury to Jupiter, where terrestrial-type planets were formed.


    Further, on the basis of small iron-stone planets, the gas component condensed, pushed to the periphery of the system by the solar wind. After the explosion, not all, of course, the remnants of the stars acquired orbits in the region of the ecliptic. But most, colliding for almost a billion years and forming planets, determined the orbits of the planets, which lie on average in the plane of the ecliptic. And a small part still rotates in a variety of orbits, forming a sphere of comets.
    In the area between Mars and Jupiter, debris so far, due to the laws of celestial mechanics, have not been able to form a planet, but have formed an asteroid belt.
    The way the collisions of the fragments of the exploded stars took place can still be observed. After all, meteorites and dust are still falling to Earth. What happened on earth five billion years ago, one can only imagine. Depending on the ratio of velocities and masses of fragments, they not only combined into planets, but also collapsed, giving rise to small meteorites. The embryos of the planets, apparently, were the largest fragments of a white dwarf, ranging in size from hundreds to thousands of kilometers. Even when formed, the planets moved in orbits that were not quite circular (and even now they are not very circular, but rather elliptical). Therefore, they could come quite close to each other. Apparently this was the reason for the appearance of the moon, but we will dwell on this a little later. Now let us dwell in more detail on what inhabits our planetary system.
    Mercury. In size, this planet closest to the Sun is only slightly larger than the Moon. Its radius is 2437 km. It moves around the Sun in an elongated elliptical orbit. Therefore, it either approaches the Sun at a distance of 45.9 million km, then moves away from it up to 69.7 million km, making a complete revolution in 87.97 days. A day on Mercury is equal to 58.64 Earth days, and the axis of rotation is perpendicular to the plane of its orbit.

    Photo 9

    At noon, the temperature at the equator reaches 420°C, at night it drops to -180°C. The average density of Mercury is 5.45 g/cm2. There is practically no atmosphere. The surface of Mercury is generously dotted with craters (Photo 9). In general, Mercury is very similar to the Moon. Of course, there is no reason to believe that life is possible on this planet.
    Venus. This planet closest to us, densely wrapped in clouds, has long been a planet of mysteries. Now we know the following about it: the average radius is 6052 km; mass in fractions of the mass of the Earth - 0.815; the average distance from the Sun is 108.21 million km, or 0.723 astronomical units (an astronomical unit is equal to the average distance from the Earth to the Sun - 149.6 million km); period of revolution 224.7 Earth days; the period of rotation around the axis is 243.16 days, that is, a day on Venus is slightly longer than a year. It is interesting that at its closest approach to the Earth, Venus turns out to be turned by the same side to the Earth. In addition, the direction of its rotation around the axis is opposite to the directions of rotation of other planets. It has been established that the atmosphere of the planet consists of 97.3% carbon dioxide. Nitrogen here is less than 2%, oxygen - less than 0.1%, water vapor - less than 1%. The temperature near the surface is 468 ± 7°С, the pressure is 93 ± 1.5 atm. The thickness of the cloud cover reaches 30 - 60 km. Venus has no magnetic field. Naturally, there is no water on the surface. But there are mountains and a lot of craters. We can see its surface thanks to the pictures taken with the help of the Venera-9 station (Photo 10).

    The presence of craters indicates, firstly, that they were formed in that era (at the dawn of the formation of planets) when there was no atmosphere yet. Secondly, that the processes of erosion of the planet's surface are very weakly expressed. All this suggests that there is no life on Venus and never has been.
    Further. We will talk about the Earth separately, and then we will look at Mars.
    Mars. The planet Mars is almost half the size of the Earth (the equatorial radius of Mars is 3394 km) and nine times smaller than the Earth. At an average distance of 228 million km from the Sun, it revolves around it in 687 Earth days. A day on Mars is almost the same as on Earth - 24 hours 37 minutes. The plane of the equator is inclined to the plane of the planet's orbit at an angle of 25 °, due to which there is a regular change of seasons, similar to the earth.

    Photo 11

    Two-thirds of the surface of Mars is occupied by bright regions, which in the past were called continents, about one third - dark areas, named seas. White spots form near the poles in autumn - polar caps disappearing in early summer. Temperatures at the planet's equator range from +30°C at noon to -80°C at midnight. Near the poles it reaches -143°С. It has been established that the pressure near the surface of Mars is, on average, 160 times less than the pressure at sea level for the Earth. The atmosphere of the planet mainly consists of carbon dioxide - 95%, as well as 2.7% nitrogen, etc.
    The main component of the Martian soil is silica containing an admixture (up to 10%) of goethites, hydrates of iron oxides. It is they who give the planet a reddish tint. The surface of Mars resembles a lunar landscape in many ways (Photo 11). Its vast territories are dotted with craters, both meteoric and volcanic. Volcanic activity has long ended. When volcanic activity was active, there was a denser atmosphere and water formed, which is why channel-like formations still remain. This period was relatively short and insufficient for the formation of life. Therefore, life on Mars has not been detected, including with the help of the Viking stations. Apparently it was never there.
    Jupiter. This is the largest planet in the solar system. It is located 5.2 times farther from the Sun than the Earth, and receives 27 times less heat from it. The mass of Jupiter is twice the mass of all the other planets combined, 317.84 times the mass of the Earth and 1047.6 times less than the Sun. The equatorial radius of Jupiter is 71400 km. Since a day at Jupiter's equator lasts only 9 hours and 50 minutes, the action of a huge centrifugal force has led to the fact that the polar radius of Jupiter is almost 2500 km less than the equatorial one, and this compression of the planet is very noticeable during observations.
    The average density of Jupiter (as well as other giant planets) is about 1g/cm 3 . It follows that it mainly consists of hydrogen and helium. Jupiter's atmosphere contains 60% molecular hydrogen, about 36% helium, 3% neon, about 1% ammonia, and the same amount of methane. The concentration ratio of helium and hydrogen corresponds to the composition of the solar atmosphere.
    Jupiter's characteristic feature is the Great Red Spot, 13,000 to 40,000 km in size, which has been observed for at least 200 years. It is believed that this is a powerful atmospheric vortex. View of Jupiter from images taken by the automatic interplanetary station "Voyager-1" is shown in Photo 12.

    Photo 12

    Jupiter's surface temperature is -170°C. Apparently, Jupiter consists of a small silicate core, a solid hydrogen-helium shell and a powerful extended atmosphere, in the lower part of which hydrogen and helium can be in a liquid state. Jupiter has 13 satellites, of which four - Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto - were discovered by Galileo and in size and mass, they are similar to the Moon. The rest are 50 - 100 times smaller.
    It can be quite categorically stated that there is no life on Jupiter.
    Saturn. Saturn (Photo 13) is the second largest giant among the planets of the solar system. Its equatorial radius is 59,900 km, and its mass is 95 times the mass of the Earth. It follows that the average density of Saturn is only 0.7 g/cm 3 . This indicates that the planet mainly consists of hydrogen with an admixture of helium. Saturn makes one rotation around its axis in 10.25 hours. Therefore, he is flattened. Since Saturn is at a distance of 9.58 astronomical units from the Sun, the flux of solar energy per unit of its surface is 90 times less than on Earth, and therefore the surface of the planet is heated to a temperature of only -180 ° C.

    Photo 13

    Saturn has 10 moons and a system of frost rings. The sixth satellite of Saturn - Titan has a diameter of 5830 km and is the largest satellite in the planetary system. It is surrounded by an atmosphere of methane and ammonia. Of course, there is no life on Saturn or on its satellites.
    Uranus. Uranus revolves around the Sun as if lying: the inclination of its axis of rotation to the plane of the orbit is 8 °. Therefore, the direction of rotation of the planet itself and its satellites is, as it were, reversed. The temperature of the planet does not exceed -200°. Ammonia at this temperature is already in a solid state. Therefore, the atmosphere of the planet consists of methane and hydrogen.
    The distance from Uranus to the Sun is 19.14 astronomical units. The period of revolution around the Sun is 84 Earth years. The average radius is 24,540 km, the mass in fractions of the mass of the Earth is 14.59.
    Naturally, there is no life on Uranus.
    Neptune. The radius of Neptune is 25,270 km, the mass in fractions of the mass of the Earth is 17.25. The distance from the Sun is 30.2 astronomical units. The time of revolution around the Sun is 164 years. The atmosphere is made up of hydrogen and methane. The surface temperature is less than -200°C. There is a satellite Triton with a radius of about 3000 km, revolves around Uranus in the opposite direction.
    Pluto. The radius of Pluto is 1280 km. The average density is 1.25 g / cm 3. The distance from the Sun is 40 astronomical units. The period of revolution around the Sun is 248 years. It is essentially a snowball of ammonia, methane and hydrogen. It has a satellite, a smaller snowball. There is nothing to say about life here.
    Recently, they have been trying to give out as a sensation the fact that the size of Pluto is relatively small and in general it is like a huge lump of snow, and therefore, they say, it is not a planet at all. And accordingly, the planets are not nine, but eight. Well, you know, it's a matter of taste. Count as you wish. But of course, the solar system does not end beyond Pluto. And then there are some lumps of frozen gas. Someday they will open them, and they will shout that they covered the tenth, and then the eleventh, and so on. planets. Well, God be with them. The main thing is that this does not change the essence of the matter.
    Of course, according to the given digital data, it is difficult to imagine the true scale of the solar system. And even to draw it to scale is very difficult. But in order to at least roughly imagine what the solar system really looks like, let's do this. Imagine that the Sun is the size of a soccer ball. Then Mercury will be the size of a poppy seed at a distance of 30 meters from the Sun. Venus will be the size of a match head, at a distance of 50 meters. Earth, also the size of a match head, at a distance of 75 meters. Mars, half a match head, at a distance of 100 meters. Jupiter, the size of a cherry, at a distance of 300 meters. Saturn, slightly smaller than a cherry, at a distance of 750 meters. Uranus, the size of a cherry seed, at a distance of one and a half kilometers. Neptune, the same as Uranus, is more than two kilometers away. And finally, Pluto, again the size of a poppy seed, at a distance of three kilometers. And that is not all. If you imagine where comets fly on the same scale, then it will be up to thirty kilometers.
    Now, we imagine what the solar system is. There is so much diversity and different features in it that it is absolutely impossible to understand how these features appeared, if we proceed from the fact that the system of planets arose from a gas and dust nebula. The abundance of comets, meteorites, differences in the directions and speeds of rotation of the planets, etc. simply screams that at the beginning of the formation of the planetary system, processes of a catastrophic nature took place.
    After we have become familiar with the planetary system as a whole, let's move on to our dear planet Earth, our common home.


    First, about the shape of the Earth. We are a little mistaken when we say that it has the shape of a ball. The equatorial radius of the Earth is 6378.16 km, its polar radius is 6356.78 km, that is, 21.38 km less. This means that the Earth has a somewhat oblate shape, close to an ellipsoid of revolution. The mass of the Earth is 5.98 x10 27 g, the average density of the Earth is 5.52 g/cm 3 . How the Earth works, we have a good idea. There are different methods of studying its bowels. First, it is the study of rocks lying on the surface. Secondly, the study of rocks in mines, on faults, during deep drilling. So you can study the bowels to a depth of about 10 km. Based on the composition of rocks ejected during volcanic eruptions, it is possible to study the composition of substances to a depth of hundreds of kilometers. The structure of the planet at great depths is determined using seismic surveys.
    The principle of seismic research is that sound waves travel differently in rocks of different composition and depending on whether the rocks are in a liquid or solid phase. In addition, they are reflected and refracted at the boundaries of phases and densities. Earthquakes are the source of sound vibrations. Displacements of the earth's surface are recorded by sensitive instruments - seismographs installed at seismic stations in all parts of the globe. At each station, the exact start time of the event is recorded. This allows you to make an accurate picture of the propagation of seismic waves in the bowels of the Earth.
    Based on a detailed analysis of such measurements, conclusions were drawn about the properties of the substance of the deep interior of the earth, about the structure of the Earth as a whole. The components of our planet are (Fig. 4):

    The inner core with a radius of about 1300 km, in which the substance, according to all data, is in a solid state;
    - the outer core, the radius of which is approximately 3400 km; here, in a layer about 2100 km thick surrounding the inner core, the substance is in a liquid state;
    - shell, or mantle, about 2900 km thick;
    - the crust, the thickness of which is 4-8 km under the oceans and 30-80 km under the continents.
    The crust and mantle are separated by the Makhorovichic surface, on which the density of the matter of the earth's interior increases sharply from 3.3 to 5.2 g/cm 3 . So far, there is no consensus on the nature of the distribution of chemical elements in the bowels of the Earth. In general, scientists are inclined to believe that the core of the Earth consists of iron with an admixture of sulfur and nickel, while the mantle consists of oxides of silicon, magnesium and iron.
    The temperature in the center is about 6000 degrees, the pressure is 3 million atmospheres, the density is 12 g/cm 3 . In connection with the processes of decay of radioactive elements (uranium, thorium, etc.) taking place in the bowels of the Earth, melting of matter occurs in certain places of the mantle. When the deep masses move, the molten substance, magma, rises to the Earth's surface through channels whose diameters reach 10 km and a height of 60-100 km. Then there are volcanic eruptions.
    Now - about the mineralogical composition of the earth's crust. The earth's crust contains 47% oxygen, 25.5% silicon, 8.05% aluminum, 4.65% iron, 2.96% calcium, 2.5% sodium and potassium, and 1.87% magnesium. In total, these eight chemical elements make up 99% of the substance of the earth's crust.
    Rocks. Rocks on Earth are made up of various combinations of minerals- chemical compounds that are homogeneous in composition and structure (more than 4000 are known in total). An important place among them is occupied by igneous (igneous) rocks. They were formed from molten silicate magmas that rose from the bowels of the Earth to the surface and which consist mainly of silicates and aluminosilicates. The most important rock-forming oxides in it are silica (SiO 2) and alumina (Al 2 O3). Igneous rocks are called deep (intrusive) or erupted (effusive) depending on where the magma solidified - at depth or on the surface of the Earth. Among the deep rocks, peridotites and pyroxenites stand out primarily, in which the silica content is less than 40%, and the content of iron and magnesium oxides is relatively high. These so-called ultrabasic rocks are subdivided according to the content of olivine in them (a solid solution of Fe 2 SiO 3 + Mg 2 SiO 4 in any proportions), the general formula of which is (Fe, Mg) 2 SiO 4 . The general formula for pyroxenes is (Ca,Fe,Mg) 2 Si 2 O 6 . This means that pyroxenes are a mixture of components Ca 2 Si 2 O 6 (mineral salite), Fe 2 Si 2 O 6 (ferrosalite), Mg 2 Si 2 O 6 (enstatite), CaFeSi 2 O 6 (hedenbergite), CaMgSi 2 O 6 (diopside) in various proportions. One of the widespread pyroxenes is augite Ca(Ma,Fe,Al)[(Si,Al) 2 O 6 ]. Igneous rocks, in which oxide SiO 2 contains from 40 to 52%, are called basic. In this case, deep rocks are called gabbro, erupted - basalts. In general, they are 70-90% composed of feldspars, which are aluminosilicon salts of potassium, sodium and calcium. The mineral KalSi 3 O 6 is called orthoclase. More common are plagioclases (Ca,Na)(Al,Si) 4 O 8 , which are solid solutions of albite NaAlSi 3 O 8 and anorthite CaAl 2 Si 2 O 8 in various percentages. A mineral composed of anorthite with an admixture of olivine is called anorthosite. The basalts also contain about 5% ilmenite - FeTiO 3 . This book is not a mineralogy textbook. Therefore, let us recall such rocks as granites, andesites, syenites, diorites, and on this we will finish our acquaintance with the ABC of mineralogy
    Hydrosphere and atmosphere of the Earth. The liquid shell of the Earth, which covers 70.8% of its surface, is called hydrosphere. The oceans are the main reservoirs of water. They contain 97% of the world's water reserves. The currents in the oceans carry heat from the equatorial regions to the polar regions and thereby regulate the Earth's climate to a certain extent. Thus, the Gulf Stream, starting from the coast of Mexico and carrying warm waters to the coast of Svalbard, leads to the fact that the average temperature of northwestern Europe is much higher than the temperature of northeastern Canada.
    According to modern concepts, the presence of large bodies of water on Earth played a decisive role in the emergence of life on our planet. Part of the water on Earth, with a total volume of about 24 million km3, is in a solid state, in the form of ice and snow. Ice covers about 3% of the earth's surface. If this water were turned into a liquid state, then the level of the world ocean would rise by 62 meters. Every year, about 14% of the earth's surface is covered with snow. Snow and ice reflect from 45 to 95% of the energy of the sun's rays, which ultimately leads to a significant cooling of large areas of the Earth's surface. It has been calculated that if the whole Earth were covered with snow, then the average temperature on its surface would drop from the current +15°C to -88°C.
    The average temperature of the Earth's surface is 40°C higher than the temperature that the Earth should have, illuminated by the sun's rays. This is again connected with water, more precisely, with water vapor. The fact is that the sun's rays, reflected from the surface of the Earth, are absorbed by water vapor and are again reflected to the Earth. It is called greenhouse effect.
    The air shell of the Earth, the atmosphere, has already been studied in sufficient detail. The density of the atmosphere near the Earth's surface is 1.22 × 10 -3 g/cm 3 . If we talk about the chemical composition of the atmosphere, then the main component here is nitrogen; its percentage by weight is 75.53%. Oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere is 23.14%, of other gases, argon is the most representative - 1.28%, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is only 0.045%. This composition of the atmosphere is preserved up to an altitude of 100-150 km. At high altitudes, nitrogen and oxygen are in the atomic state. From a height of 800 km, helium predominates, and from 1600 km, hydrogen, which forms a hydrogen geocorona extending to a distance of several Earth radii.
    The atmosphere protects everything living on Earth from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation from the Sun and cosmic rays - high-energy particles moving towards it from all sides at almost light speeds.
    The Earth is a huge magnet, and the magnetic axis is inclined to the axis of rotation at an angle of 11.5 °. The magnetic field strength at the poles is about 0.63 oersteds, at the equator - 0.31 oersteds. The force lines of the Earth's magnetic field form a kind of "traps" for the flows of electrons and protons moving in them. Delayed by the Earth's magnetic field, these particles form huge radiation belts that envelop our planet along the geomagnetic equator. Charged particles, the source of which is largely the Sun, "sliding" along the magnetic field lines, penetrate into the atmosphere at the Earth's poles. Colliding with the atoms and molecules of the atmosphere, they excite the glow observed at high latitudes in the form of auroras.
    With this we will limit our brief story about the Earth - one of the planets of the solar system, which is a grain of sand in the boundless ocean of the Universe, and at the same time, the cradle of the mind, comprehending the laws of its structure and development.


    The Moon is a satellite of the Earth, which has had and is having a huge impact on all processes on our planet. Therefore, we must definitely get to know her better.
    The radius of the Moon is 1737 km, the mass is 81.3 times less than the mass of the Earth, and the average density (3.35 g / cm 3) is one and a half times less than the density of the Earth. The temperature at the lunar equator ranges from +130°C at noon to -170°C at midnight, and the length of a lunar day is 29.5 Earth days. Already with the naked eye on the Moon, light areas are clearly distinguished - "continents", occupying about 60% of the lunar disk, and dark "seas" (40%) (Photo 14). The most spectacular details of the lunar surface are craters. On the visible side of the Moon, there are about 300,000 craters with a diameter of one to one hundred kilometers. Five craters are larger than 200 km.

    Photo 14

    The vast majority of craters are undoubtedly of impact origin. At the same time, over time, a “dynamic balance” sets in: the process of formation of new craters is accompanied by the destruction of old ones, which are “plowed up” and erased from the face of the Moon. Some craters, according to selenologists, are of volcanic origin. Therefore, by analogy with the terrestrial "samples" on the Moon, they distinguish: 1) maars- small (up to 5 km in diameter) circular depressions, framed by higher edges, 2) calderas - flat-bottomed craters located on top of a mountain, 3) domed mountains with small craters on top. The seas are areas filled with a dark substance resembling solidified volcanic lava. Marginal uplifts on the periphery of the seas are called cordillera.
    The study of the far side of the Moon led to a somewhat unexpected conclusion: only three relatively small seas were found on it. This is probably not surprising. After all, our Earth is also asymmetric. Almost half of its surface is occupied by the Pacific Ocean, while the continents crowd on the other half. Instead of seas on the far side of the moon, new formations have been discovered - thalassoids("sea-like") - large depressions, the surface of which looks as light as the continents.
    Accurate observations of the movement of artificial satellites of the Moon have shown that the satellite moves over different parts of the lunar surface at different speeds. So it was concluded that the distribution of mass in the surface layers of the Moon (mainly near the equator) is non-uniform. At a shallow depth under the large annular seas are "mass concentrations", which received the abbreviated name mascons. Apparently, mascons are areas of hardened lava, the density of which is higher than the density of the surrounding continental regions.
    As a result of prolonged bombardment of the lunar surface by meteorites, a loose detrital cover about six meters thick was formed on it. This layer is called regolith. It includes three fractions: crystalline igneous rocks, breccias and loose fine-grained material. Structure analysis crystalline rocks leads to the conclusion that they were once completely melted, and then subjected to very rapid cooling. Among the lunar crystalline rocks, samples of the gabbroid type were found. The lunar continents consist mainly of anorthosites and basalts; the lunar seas are covered with basaltic lavas. There is no doubt that in the past the Moon experienced an era of intense volcanic activity. The outer layer of regolith is a sandy-dust material of dark gray (or brownish) color 16-30 cm thick. It is covered, as it were, with a thin film of light gray dust.
    Moon rocks have been found to be between 3.13 and 4.4 billion years old. It follows that the Moon was formed at about the same time as the Earth, and that volcanic phenomena ceased on the Moon about 3 billion years ago. At an early stage of its development, the Moon was almost completely melted. This led to the differentiation of its substance, and plagioclases, as lighter components, surfaced and, having hardened, formed the primary lunar crust of the Moon. When measured from satellites, it seemed that the intensity of the general constant magnetic field of the Moon was about 1000 times less than the earth's. However, direct measurements by instruments delivered to its surface showed that the constant field varies here from point to point. This suggests that in the past there was a strong magnetization of certain parts of the Moon, the cause of which is still difficult to judge.
    An analysis was also made of alternating magnetic fields, which are generated by electric currents that arise in the bowels of the Moon during fluctuations in the intensity of the solar wind. The properties of these fields are determined by the conductivity of the lunar interior, which, in turn, depends significantly on temperature. Thus, it was found that in the deep interior of the Moon the temperature does not exceed 1500°C. Thus, today the Moon is a relatively cold celestial body. This is evidenced by its relatively low seismic activity.
    When considering the internal structure of the Moon, it is customary to distinguish the crust - an outer layer about 60 km thick, an upper mantle 250 km thick, a middle mantle located at depths of 300-800 km, a lower mantle, as well as a small iron core with a radius of several hundred kilometers. The core is in a molten or semi-molten state.


    So, let's imagine the process of formation of our planet and its development up to the present time. Let's return to the moment when a white dwarf star approached the binary system of the Sun and a neutron star, and more clearly imagine further events.
    The neutron star, apparently, was at a distance from the Sun the same as the Earth. At the same time, she played the role of a "vampire", that is, part of the matter from the corona of the Sun flowed onto the neutron star. The white dwarf, with a speed less than the third cosmic speed (that is, the speed at which the body forever leaves the vicinity of the star), entered the zone of influence of the gravitation of the stellar pair. Now the system began to consist of three stars. In celestial mechanics, the solution of the three-body problem is already quite complicated. In this case, the probability of an unstable solution is high. That is, in this dance of the Sun, a neutron star and a white dwarf, the probability of a collision of a white dwarf with a neutron star increases significantly. Therefore, after a short time, such a collision occurred.
    At the same time, it should be noted that both a neutron star and a white dwarf have a crust consisting of relatively light elements - calcium, aluminum and others. Therefore, after the explosion occurred, fragments were formed, consisting of three groups - iron (with an admixture of nickel), chondrites and achondrites. As we have already said, 99% of these fragments acquired a speed higher than the third cosmic one and left the vicinity of the Sun forever. Some of them formed a whole cloud of fragments circulating along various elliptical trajectories around the Sun, nevertheless retaining, as it were, a binding to the center of the explosion and retaining part of the total momentum of the exploded stars. Which predetermined the fact that now the planets revolve around the Sun in a plane close to the plane of rotation of the Sun.
    The memory of this explosion is preserved to this day in the orbits of comets. In Fig.5 we see these orbits. Isn't it true, this picture is very reminiscent of an explosion. The size of the fragments ranged from hundreds of kilometers to the size of a speck of dust. In addition, with this mass of debris was the gas left over from the gas that flowed from the Sun to the neutron star. The density of fragments in space was high, so they often collided. At the same time, some fragments were destroyed, decreasing in size. If the relative velocities were not very high, then other fragments would unite, primarily on the largest fragments, starting the formation of planetary embryos.


    Gradually, an increasing mass of debris was concentrated in the plane of the ecliptic, that is, in the plane of the current position of the orbits of the planets. The gas component was pushed to the periphery by the solar wind, and giant planets began to form there.
    So, the core of the future planet Earth was one of the largest fragments of a white dwarf, about a thousand kilometers in size. Smaller debris of all kinds fell on it, forming a bulk shell, gradually bringing the size of the Earth to about the current size. The process of formation of the Earth (as well as other planets) from the moment of the collision of a neutron star and a white dwarf took about a billion years.
    It should be noted that the fragments of a neutron star after its explosion were very radioactive. Over a billion years, short-lived isotopes have become long-lived - not radioactive. But long-lived ones, such as uranium and thorium isotopes, were still preserved by the time the planets formed and became one of the sources of heating of the Earth's interior.
    So, the bowels of the Earth began to warm up. In addition to radioactive elements, the sources of heating were the energy released during the gravitational compression of the Earth, and, at the first stage, the energy of falling meteorites. After the temperature inside the Earth became high enough, the bowels began to melt. At the same time, the heavier components began to sink down, respectively, the lighter ones began to rise up. This is how the core, mantle and crust began to form. This is where the geological history of the earth actually begins.

    While the crust was still thin, magma often broke through it, so the whole Earth was covered with volcanoes. Meteorites fell like rain to Earth. Therefore, the surface of the Earth was covered with craters. The atmosphere of the Earth began to form, consisting mainly of nitrogen, water vapor, carbon dioxide, etc. There was still very little oxygen. There was no water on the surface yet, it was almost all evaporated. This period of development is called the lunar period. It lasted about 500-700 million years.
    To make it more convenient for us to follow the course of processes on Earth, we must use the periodization accepted in science. Types of periodization are shown in Fig. 6. So, the lunar period was followed by the nuclear phase, so named because during this period the formation of the nucleus was basically completed. This phase also lasted approximately 500-700 million years.


    Geological scale Abs.
    organic world
    Nader Era
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


    Anthropogenic 1 O


    Neogene 25
    Paleogene 41
    Chalky 70
    Jurassic 58
    Triassic 45
    Permian 45
    Devonian 70
    Silurian 30
    Ordovician 60
    Cambrian 70




    570 million years 1200







    2600 million years 1000
    3500 million years 500-


    inorganic compounds
    Lunar 500-
    Pregeological evolution (up to 5 billion years)

    As we have said, molten magma is in motion. Melt centers move from bottom to top, carrying lighter components with them. This is called zone melting. As a result, differentiation, that is, separation, of the Earth's matter took place. Otherwise, this process is called gravitational differentiation. Due to the light rocks brought up, the crust was formed (primarily basalt rocks), and a large amount of gases and water was released. The atmosphere and the hydrosphere formed.

    Magma rises, then cools down. A complete revolution (called the tectonomagmatic cycle) occurs in 200 million years. Thus, the crust formed about 4 billion years ago.
    As a result of zone melting (and possibly other processes), large ring structures arose on the surface of the Earth, filled with lava of basaltic composition. Typical forms of relief were meteorite craters of various sizes, which are the main element of the lunar landscape. Fopmy povepxnocti, cozdannye in lynnyyu epy, polnoctyu ctopty pocledyyuschimi gpandioznymi geologicheckimi ppotseccami, cvyazannymi ne tolko c vnytpennimi, Nr and c vneshnimi cilami, ppezhde vcego c vozdeyctviem nA zemnyyu kopy gidpocfepy and atmocfepy.
    In the process of zone melting, 1.6 × 10 24 g of water was released. This amount almost corresponds to the current volume of the hydrosphere. Boda RESIDENCE papa in vnachale vxodila in coctav vylkanicheckix gazov, kotopye codepzhat takzhe yglekicloty, ammiak, azot, vodopod, blagopodnye gazy and dpygie coedineniya, typical characteristic for covpemennyx vylkanov (HCl, HF, H 2 S et al.). The hydrosphere was formed after the surface of the earth's crust and the upper layers of the atmosphere cooled below +100°C. The seas, lakes, and rivers that appeared on the surface of the Earth began to intensively destroy the formed relief forms, as a result, the first sedimentary rocks appeared on the bottom of the reservoirs. In this way, the interaction of endo- and exogenous processes was established, which determined the further development and formation of the earth's crust throughout its long history.
    During the lunar stage of the development of the Earth, the primary atmosphere was also formed, which, in its composition, approached volcanic gases and included water vapor, methane, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and other gases. Therefore, if the beginning of the lunar era is the beginning of the formation of the earth's crust, then the end of it can be considered the emergence of the hydrosphere and the primary atmosphere. In the primary atmosphere and hydrosphere, that chimic evolution of elements took place, which subsequently led to the emergence of life on Earth and the formation of the biosphere. The proof of the possibility of the formation in the course of the natural evolution of organic substances from non-organic substances is the synthesis of DNA in laboratory conditions.
    Seas and continents. One of the most important questions of the development of the Earth is a question regarding which there is still no definite answer. It is a question of how continents and oceans formed. For a long time there was a dispute between the supporters of fixism and mobilism. The first believed that the formation of structures occurred by raising and lowering individual sections of the earth's crust. And here many very useful theories have been developed, the main of which is the theory of geosynclines. The second (the Austrian climatologist and geophysicist A. Wagener is considered the founder of the theory of mobilism) without denying, generally speaking, the previously developed theoretical base, believe that the continents are moving. Now Wagener's theory is no longer objectionable to anyone. We can easily understand its essence by comparing two figures: Fig. 7 and Fig.8.
    Based on this theory, it follows that once all the continents that we see on our planet were one continent. It is called Gondwana. Moreover, Europe and Asia were represented by separate plates. It is known that in the past they were separated by the ocean, the remnant of the mid-ocean ridge of which are the Ural Mountains. Then the Gondwana continent began to collapse into separate blocks, which began to drift in different directions, and this drift has not ended so far.
    And now the question arises of how it happened that on one side of the planet a huge continent was formed, and on the other, an even more huge ocean. So it shouldn't be. In the process of gravitational differentiation, the crust should form evenly over the entire surface of the planet. The water released in this case should cover the bark with an even layer of about three kilometers. At the same time, there are practically no conditions for the emergence and even more so for the development of life. The combination of land, oceans and atmosphere is essential for the existence of life on Earth.

    Apparently, some catastrophic event occurred, which, generally speaking, had a random character. So far, science does not give a definite explanation of what kind of event it was. We need to deal with this issue in order to answer our main question - are we alone in the Universe.

    Some hints can be found in the above. The first clue is the moon. Indeed, the moon is always turned to us with one side. This suggests that its center of mass does not coincide with the geometric center. Its density is close to the density of the Earth's crust and the composition of the rocks from which it is composed is very close to the composition of the Earth's rocks. The structure of its surface also makes a big difference, whether we see its side facing us or the back side. There are other features that suggest that the Moon, the fastest, was once part of the Earth. There is another clue - this is Venus. Venus revolves around the Sun in such a way that when, moving along an ellipse, it comes closest to the Earth, then it always faces us on one side.
    It is not unreasonable to assume that earlier the orbit of Venus was more elongated, and the orbit of the Earth, perhaps, as well. Moreover, it is so elongated that the orbits of Venus and the Earth intersect. At the same time, it is quite possible that the planets got so close that part of the Earth's crust was torn off. This could be facilitated by the fact that the speed of rotation of the Earth in the initial period of its formation was much greater than now. Perhaps somewhere around 10 o'clock. In those days, volcanic activity was much more intense, so the magma was more liquid. In addition, when the tidal forces from the side of Venus began to lift the crust, as it were, the pressure in the magma dropped sharply, and reactions began that lead to an intensive release of gases, that is, there was a kind of explosion, which threw off part of the crust. Something similar happened on Venus. In this regard, she also had some asymmetry.
    The crust from the Earth, under the influence of its own attraction, acquired the shape of a ball and remained in orbit near the Earth. As for the Earth, at the place where the crust with part of the magma separated, a huge wound formed. Due to the fluidity of magma, the Earth restored its spherical shape. The crust began to recover, but since the main process of differentiation has already passed, the crust has become thin, and is currently about 4 km. The moon took away part of the Earth's momentum, so it began to rotate much more slowly - in about 20 hours. The orbits of both the Earth and Venus have also changed somewhat.
    Magma, in the course of its tectono-magmatic cycle, rises in some places, descends in others, having passed thousands of kilometers along the surface of the planet. The temperature of the magma gradually increased. From two thousand in the lunar era to four in our time. Its fluidity has increased. In this regard, two hundred million years ago, Gondwana, the remaining part of the crust, split into separate parts - continents, which, moving in different directions, took the position that we see now.
    In addition, there is another question that somehow did not attract much attention. Namely, the ratio of land areas and oceans. In fact, the ratio of land area to oceans is about 1/3. At the same time, the ratio of the density of water and crust is also approximately equal to 1/3. Apparently, this fact is of great importance. Indeed, the depth of the oceans is approximately 4 km. Plain areas of land are elevated relative to the water level in the oceans by about forty meters. To visualize this more clearly, let's assume that we have a glass filled with water, while the edges of the glass protrude above the water by about a millimeter. Obviously, if you add just a little water, it will overflow. The same can happen on a planetary scale.
    During the geological history of the Earth, water has been constantly added. There were short-term changes in the level of the oceans, but there was no catastrophic flood. What could be the reason for this stability? It can be accepted as true that when the amount of water in the oceans becomes larger, the overall pressure on the bottom of the oceans increases. Magma is forced out under the continents and lifts them. Moreover, if the ratio of the densities of water and the crust, and the ratio of the areas of land and oceans is 1/3, then the land will rise so much that it compensates for the rise of water in the oceans. That is, the excess of land over the surface of the ocean will remain the same as before. But the depth of the ocean will increase.
    This phenomenon is of fundamental importance in the development of life on Earth. Indeed, if this were not the case, then water would have flooded the land long ago, and the process of life development would not have gone beyond marine organisms. There could be no talk of any intelligent life, let alone civilization. Thus, in the process of the formation of the Moon, just such a mass must separate from the Earth so that the ratio of land and oceans is exactly 1/3. And this is already a very rare coincidence, in connection with which the probability of the emergence of civilization is significantly reduced. In the future, we will try to estimate this probability, and now we will briefly consider the process of development of life on Earth.


    Let us turn again to Fig. 6 and get acquainted with the main stages of the development of the Earth. There are various approaches to the periodization of the history of our planet. Of these, the main ones are the geological approach and paleontological. The geological approach divides the history of the Earth into the lunar, nuclear and geosynclinal stages. The geosynclinal stage, in turn, is divided into early geosynclinal and geosynclinal-platform stages, in which processes associated with the movement of platforms, that is, continents, become important.
    The paleontological approach divides the history of the Earth into a stage of chemical evolution and a stage of organic evolution. The stage of organic evolution into the Cryptozoic nader, when unicellular organisms developed, and the Phanerozoic nader, when multicellular organisms, both animals and plants, developed. The Phanerozoic nadera is divided into the Paleozoic (ancient animals), Mesozoic (middle animals) and Cenozoic (modern animals) eras.
    Eras are divided into periods. Considering that this book is not a textbook on paleontology, we will not dwell on a detailed description of the processes of development of the ancient animal and plant world. First of all, let us pay attention to the time scales in which the processes of development of life on Earth took place.
    At the end of the lunar period, in the process of volcanic activity, a large number of various chemical compounds were released. Dissolving in water, they formed the so-called primary "broth", in which a wide variety of chemical reactions took place. Interestingly, the composition of this "broth" is close to the chemical composition of living beings. Appropriate physical conditions (pressure, temperature, etc.) contributed to the emergence of life, as a result of which polymerization reactions became possible. It was as a result of these reactions that long polymeric molecules arose, which, among other things, were themselves, as it were, templates on the basis of which similar molecules were formed. Thus, replication processes arose. Due to this, the density of such molecules in solution increased, in connection with which the probability of the appearance of more complex and more stable molecules also increased. Thus, the prerequisites for the emergence of life arose. The appearance of such molecules ends the period of chemical evolution. This period lasted for about a billion years.
    At the end of this period, in the primary "broth" were available all the ingredients necessary for the emergence of the first, very primitive cells. Namely, prototypes of DNA, polypeptides, lipopeptides and other compounds from which cell membranes, proteins, DNA, etc. could be created. And of course, over hundreds of millions of years, the cell simply could not have formed. And having formed, for about three billion years, the cell developed, improved and began to have the form we know now.


    Let's look at the cell (Fig.9). It is certainly not arranged simply. Such a formation, of course, could not arise immediately. Such a cell is a product of a long evolutionary development. Moreover, if you look closely, we may have doubts about the correctness of the name of what we see as a unicellular organism. Indeed, the cell contains a nucleus with nucleoli, ribosomes, mitochondria, lysosomes and other organelles (as they are generally called). It seems that we have a community of cells united by a common shell. In addition to the one shown in the figure, there are many different, much simpler cells - bacteria, viruses, bacteriophages, plasmids, etc.
    There are cells that do not have a nucleus, there are those that do not have a cell membrane, and so on. But all cells have DNA. Truth and DNA are different, for example, there are DNA-like formations called RNA. This suggests that in the process of hundreds of millions of years, all kinds of molecules of living cells were created. Some were not very effective and disappeared forever. Some turned out to be useful for certain functions and took their place in the cells. At the same time, different cells had different fates, some of them united, forming more and more complex cells, others acquired such properties that provided them with the possibility of survival.

    This is how viruses appeared. The virus has very short DNA. That is, it has a cell ancestor that appeared at a very early stage of cellular evolution. Processes in cells were also organized differently. Some acquired the ability to use the energy of light and so appeared unicellular algae, the ancestors of plants, fungi, blue-green algae, cells that assimilate protein molecules, which first consumed them from the environment, and then captured other cells. There are even cells that feed on various minerals.

    Rice. eleven

    Thus, the early history of the development of life is a turbulent process of random trial and error, a process of rapid mutation and natural selection in a huge biomass of single-celled creatures. Indeed, even now the biomass of unicellular organisms is greater than all other living beings. But the main core of the existence of cells (as well as all living things) is reproduction or, as we said, replication. Moreover, if at an early stage of the origin of life, reproduction by copying (that is, replication) was a property of living matter in general, then with the emergence of the simplest cells, this became a property of the main, but not the only cell molecule - DNA.
    What is DNA. It has a structure similar to a rope ladder, twisted into a right-handed spiral (Fig. 10). It resembles a corkscrew, but the corkscrew is double. Nitrogenous bases of four varieties, in the sequence of which genetic information is contained, are called nucleotides and are similar to one of them - thymine monophosphate, shown in Fig.11. There are four of them in total and they are designated by letters - A, T, G and C. Moreover, in one crossbar there are two of them, connected according to the principle of complementarity, or complementarity: against A there should be T, against G there should be C.
    Photo 15 shows a model of a DNA segment, and photo 16 shows a photograph taken with an electron microscope.
    Under certain conditions, parallel strands of DNA can separate, and a new strand can be assembled on each of them. Photo 16 shows how the DNA splits into two strands at the ends. This is how replication works. If the chain is short, then this process is not very complicated, but if it is long, then there are a lot of complex mechanisms by which replication is carried out. We will not delve into this issue. It is enough for us to understand that the origin of the replication process could also occur naturally.
    Moreover, if the appropriate conditions existed, then such a process should inevitably arise. That is, the emergence of life is not a probabilistic process. The accident in the origin of life consists in the accident of the occurrence of the corresponding conditions.

    From the moment of the emergence of cellular life to the formation of multicellular life, approximately three billion years. This period corresponds to the Archean and Proterozoic eras. How did multicellular life forms arise? First of all, let us say that the emergence of multicellular life forms is a natural and regular process. Indeed, unicellular organisms, multiplying, as a rule, remain in the same place where they appeared, forming colonies. At the same time, the conditions in the center and on the periphery of the colony are significantly different. This could not but lead to the fact that in the process of adaptation to these conditions, a certain specialization of individual cells appeared. And specialization in the cellular community is, in fact, the emergence of multicellular organisms.

    Photo 15
    Photo 16

    multicellular organisms. In the emergence of multicellular organisms, unicellular organisms played an important role in the sense that they contributed to a significant change in physical factors on the planet. First of all, in the transformation of the primary atmosphere into nitrogen-oxygen. At the same time, the decisive role belongs to photosynthesis, which changed the biosphere, since oxygen carried huge reserves of chemical and biochemical energy. Most of the redox processes occurring in nature are associated with oxygen: the formation of the ozone layer in the atmosphere, the development of the biosphere, and the accumulation of organogenic rocks.
    According to the latest data, already at the end of the Archean, in addition to bacteria and unicellular algae, multicellular algae, polyps and other primitive multicellular organisms begin to appear.
    At the end of the Proterozoic era, only aquatic animals and plants still existed. Jellyfish, worm-like, soft corals were common in the seas. The heyday of multicellular organisms begins in the Phanerozoic, which is divided, as we said, into three eras: Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic, which lasted together for about six hundred million years. Much less, by the way, than the time during which unicellular organisms reigned.
    In the organic world of the Cambrian period, the beginning of the Paleozoic, archaeocyates (Fig. 12) and the most ancient arthropods appear - trilobites (Fig. 13), brachiopods, stromatoporoids.
    In the Ordovician and Silurian periods, the first vertebrates appear - jawless fish-like organisms. By the end of the Silurian, the role of trilobites is reduced, new genera of corals, brachiopods, the first real jawed fish appear. The end of the Silurian is the time when higher plants, primarily psilophytes, land on land. The spread of land plants was an important step in the conquest of land and animals.


    The birth and evolution of the universe - in search of life

    Space expanses of the Universe…
    For centuries, people have peered into the depths of the Metagalaxy with the hope of finding fellow minds. In the 20th century, scientists moved from passive contemplation to an active search for life on the planets of the solar system and sending radio messages to the most interesting parts of the starry sky, and some automatic interplanetary stations, having completed their research missions inside the solar system, carried the messages of human civilization to interstellar space.

    For humanity, it is extremely important to search for their own kind in the boundless outer space. This is one of the most important tasks. To date, only the first and, probably, ineffective steps are being taken on the long road to brothers in mind. Although, there is also such a question about the reality of the object of search. For example, the outstanding scientist and thinker of the last century, I.S. Shklovsky, in his wonderful book “The Universe, Life, Mind”, very reasonably substantiated the hypothesis that the human mind is probably unique not only in our Galaxy, but throughout the Universe. . Moreover, Shklovsky writes that the very contact with another mind, perhaps, will bring little benefit to earthlings.

    The possibility of reaching distant galaxies can be illustrated by the following example: if, at the dawn of civilization, a spaceship with light speed had started there from the Earth, now it would be at the very beginning of the journey. And even if space technology reaches near-light speeds in the next hundred years, flying to the nearest Andromeda nebula will require hundreds of thousands of times more fuel than the useful mass of the spacecraft.

    But even with this fantastic speed and the most perfect medicine, with the ability to put a person into a state of anabiosis and safely bring him out of it, millennia will be needed for a short acquaintance with only one branch of our Galaxy, and the increasing pace of scientific and technological progress generally casts doubt on the practical benefits of such expeditions. .

    To date, astronomers have already discovered billions of billions of galaxies containing billions of stars, and yet scientists admit the existence of other universes with a different set of parameters and laws in which life exists that is completely different from ours. Interestingly, some scenarios for the development of the Universe as a Multiuniverse, consisting of many worlds, suggest that their number tends to infinity. However, then, contrary to the opinion of Shklovsky, the probability of the appearance of an alien mind will tend to 100%!

    The problems of extraterrestrial civilizations and establishing contacts with them form the basis of many international scientific projects. It turned out that this is one of the most difficult problems that once confronted terrestrial science. Suppose living cells appeared on some cosmic body (we already know that there are no generally accepted theories of this phenomenon yet). For further existence and evolution, the transformation of this kind of "grains of life" into intelligent beings, it will take millions of years, provided that some mandatory parameters are preserved.

    The most amazing and, probably, the rarest phenomenon of life, not to mention the mind, can appear and develop only on planets of a very specific type. And we should not forget that these planets need to revolve around their star in certain orbits - in the so-called life zone, which is favorable in terms of temperature and radiation conditions for a living environment. Unfortunately, the search for planets around neighboring stars is still the most difficult astronomical problem.

    Despite the rapid development of orbital astronomical observatories, observational data on the planets of other stars are still not enough to confirm certain cosmogonic hypotheses. Some scientists believe that the process of the formation of a new luminary from the gas and dust interstellar medium almost certainly leads to the formation of planetary systems. Others believe the formation of terrestrial planets is a rather rare phenomenon. They are supported in this by the existing astronomical data, because most of the discovered planets are the so-called "hot Jupiters", gas giants, which are sometimes tens of times larger than Jupiter in size and mass and rotate quite close to their stars at high orbital speed.

    At present, planetary systems have already been discovered around hundreds of stars, but in this case it is often necessary to use only indirect data on changes in the motion of stars, without direct visual observation of the planets. And yet, if we take into account the rather cautious forecast that terrestrial-type planets with a solid surface and atmosphere appear on average around one in 100 million stars, then only in our Galaxy their number will exceed 1000. Here we should add the probability of the appearance of exotic forms life on dying stars as the internal nuclear reactor shuts down and the surface cools. Surprising situations of this kind have already been considered in the works of the classics of the sci-fi genre Stanislav Lem and Ivan Antonovich Efremov.

    Here we approached the very essence of the problem of extraterrestrial life.

    In our solar system, the "zone of life" is occupied by only three planets - Venus, Earth, Mars. In this case, the orbit of Venus passes near the inner border, and the orbit of Mars - near the outer border of the life zone. Our planet is lucky, it does not have the high temperature of Venus and the terrible cold of Mars. Recent interplanetary flights of robotic rovers show that Mars was once warm, and liquid water was also present. And it should not be ruled out that the traces of the Martian civilization, so many times and colorfully depicted by science fiction writers, will someday be discovered by space archaeologists.

    It is a pity, but so far, neither the express analysis of the Martian soil, nor the drilling of rocks have found traces of living organisms. Scientists hope that the upcoming international expedition of the spacecraft to Mars will clarify the situation. It should take place in the first quarter of our century.

    So, life may not appear in all star systems, and one of the indispensable conditions is the stability of the star's radiation over billions of years and the presence of planets in its life zone.
    Is it possible to reliably estimate the time of the first birth of life in the Universe?
    And to understand whether this happened earlier or later than on planet Earth?

    In order to answer these questions, we need to once again return in the history of the universe, to the mysterious moment of the Big Bang, when all the matter of the Universe was grouped “in one atom”. Recall that this happened about 15 billion years ago, when the density of matter and its temperature were tending to infinity. The primary "atom" could not stand it and scattered, forming a superdense and very hot expanding cloud. As with the expansion of any gas, its temperature and density began to drop. Then, as a result of evolution, all observable cosmic bodies were formed from it: galaxies, stars, planets, their satellites. The fragments of the Big Bang are flying apart now. We live in an ever-expanding universe without noticing it. Galaxies scatter from each other, like colored dots on an inflated balloon. We can even estimate how much our world expanded after the super-powerful impulse of the Big Bang - if we assume that the fastest "fragments" moved at the speed of light, then we get the radius of the Universe on the order of 15 billion light years.

    A light beam from luminous objects at the very edge of our cloud must travel the distance from its source to the solar system for billions of years. And the most curious thing is that he copes with this task without wasting light energy along the way. Space orbital telescopes already allow it to be captured, measured, and studied.

    In modern science, it is generally accepted that the phase of the chemical and nuclear evolution of the Universe, which prepared the possibility of the emergence of life, took at least 5 billion years. Let us assume that the time of biological evolution is at least on average on other stars of the same order as on our planet. From this it turns out that the earliest extraterrestrial civilizations could have appeared about 5 billion years ago! These ratings are simply amazing! After all, terrestrial civilization, even if we count from the first glimpses of reason, has existed for only a few million years. If we count from the appearance of writing and developed cities, then its age is about 10,000 years.

    Therefore, if we assume that the first of the emerging civilizations overcame all crises and safely reached our time, then they overtook us by billions of years! During this time, they were able to accomplish a lot: to colonize star systems and command them, to defeat diseases and almost achieve immortality.

    But questions immediately arise.
    Does humanity need contact with aliens? And if so, how to install it? Will we be able to understand each other, exchange information? From all that has been said, the reader has probably already understood the essence of the problem of extraterrestrial civilizations. It is a tangled tangle of interrelated questions, most of which have yet to be answered positively.

    Considering questions about living beings of alien origin, Isaac Asimov wrote that there is only one form of living beings on our planet, and at its core, from the simplest virus to the largest whale or mahogany, are proteins and nucleic acids. All these living beings use the same vitamins, the same chemical reactions occur in their bodies, the energy is released and used in the same ways. All living things move in the same way, no matter how different biological species differ in details. Life on Earth originated in the sea, and living beings consist of exactly those chemical elements that are (or were) abundant in sea water. There are no mysterious ingredients in the chemical composition of living beings, no rare, "magic" primary elements, the acquisition of which would require a very unlikely coincidence.

    On any planet with a mass and temperature similar to our planet, one should also expect the presence of oceans of water with a solution of the same type of salts. Accordingly, the life that originated there will have a chemical composition similar to terrestrial living matter. Does it follow from this that in its further development this life will repeat the earthly one?

    This is where you can't be sure. It is possible to assemble many different combinations from the same chemical elements. It is possible that in the youth of the planet Earth, at the very dawn of the origin of life, thousands of fundamentally different living Forms floated in the primitive ocean. Let's say that one of them beat all the others in the competition, and then we can no longer deny the possibility that this happened by chance. And now the uniqueness of the currently existing life may lead us to the false conclusion that it is precisely such a structure of living matter that is inevitable.

    Therefore, on any planet similar to Earth, the chemical basis of life is likely to be the same as on our planet. We have no reason to believe otherwise. Moreover, the whole course of evolution as a whole must be the same. Under the pressure of natural selection, all accessible regions of the planet will be filled with living beings, acquiring the necessary abilities to adapt to local conditions. On our planet, after the origin of life in the sea, there gradually took place the colonization of fresh water by creatures capable of storing salt, the colonization of land by creatures capable of storing water, and the colonization of air by creatures that have developed the ability to fly.

    And on another planet, everything should happen in exactly the same way. On no terrestrial planet can a flying creature grow beyond a certain size, since the air must hold it; the sea creature must either be streamlined or move slowly, etc.

    So it is quite reasonable to expect from alien living beings the appearance of features familiar to us - simply for reasons of rationality. Bilateral symmetry "right-left" should also take place, as well as the presence of a separate head with the placement of the brain and sensory organs there. Among the latter, light receptors, similar to our eyes, must be present. More active living forms must also eat plant forms, and it is very likely that aliens, as well as humans, will breathe oxygen - or absorb it in some other way.

    In general, alien beings cannot be completely different from us. There is no doubt, however, that in specific details they will be strikingly different from us: who could predict, say, the appearance of a platypus before the discovery of Australia, or the appearance of deep-sea fish before man could reach the depths of their habitat?

    What is life - an accident inherent only in our planet, or its forms are scattered throughout the galaxy? Within a few decades, we should have an answer to this question.

    The NASA-launched Curiosity rover, which is now on the red planet, may find evidence that living creatures once lived on its surface. Even the proof of the existence of the most primitive viruses or microbes will be of great importance. Life could have originated in the ice-covered oceans of Europa, a moon of Jupiter. Meanwhile, major passions boil over the prospect of finding somewhere highly developed life forms - "aliens" familiar to us from science fiction literature - and on the above planets no one assumes the presence of a complex biosphere.

    However, let's look beyond the solar system. Astronomers have established that there are other similar systems in the universe in which the planets revolve around their suns. About 150,000 stars are observed by NASA's Kepler space telescope. The device constantly measures the level of brightness of their glow, trying to detect the moment when the light becomes dimmer - this means that some planet, similar to Earth, is passing by the star. The existence of thousands of such celestial bodies has already been registered. Naturally, one would like to see the planets themselves, and not just their shadows, but this is not easy to do. To understand how difficult this is, imagine that some alien astronomer is viewing the Earth through a powerful telescope from a distance of, say, 50 light years. Our planet will appear to him as a "pale blue dot" - as Carl Sagan put it - located very close to a star (our Sun), and the brightness of the Sun exceeds the light reflected by the Earth by several billion times, i.e. it's like comparing a firefly and a powerful spotlight. However, if hypothetical aliens are able to detect our planet, they will be able to learn a lot about it. Shades of blue light will be somewhat different depending on which side of the Earth is turned towards them - whether they are facing the Pacific Ocean or Eurasia. Thus, they can draw conclusions about the length of the day on Earth, about the topography and climate of the planet.

    In the 2020s, European astronomers hope to complete the construction of a telescope in Chile with a mosaic mirror 39 meters wide. This apparatus will be powerful enough to detect and analyze even the very faint light reflected by a planet that is orbiting a star and come to the conclusion that there is life on this planet.

    Unfortunately, we know too little about how life began on Earth to say anything with certainty. On the one hand, its origin is considered by many to be an accident, which took place only once in our galaxy. At the same time, this process can be considered as inevitable, if a situation arises with the necessary conditions for it. Over the next two decades, there is hope for some progress in understanding the biochemistry of the origin of life. This problem is the largest of all the problems unsolved by mankind - it fascinates not only biologists who are confident in the uniqueness of the Earth, but also astronomers who are looking for alien life forms.

    Meanwhile, even if the presence of simple microorganisms is quite a common occurrence in the galaxy, the question arises as to whether they are capable of evolution, as a result of which highly developed life forms, intelligent beings, will appear on the planet. In fact, even supporters of evolution cannot agree on the direction in which our biosphere would develop if the course of unforeseen processes such as the onset of the ice age and meteorite impacts would have been different. If, for example, the dinosaurs had not died out, the chain of evolution of mammals could be broken, and no one knows whether any other life forms would have turned into intelligent beings, taking our place.

    Perhaps, in the search for alien life forms, one should not pay attention exclusively to celestial bodies resembling the Earth. Science fiction writers have other ideas - balloon-like creatures floating in Jupiter's thick atmosphere, sentient insects, nano-robots, and more. (Sometimes it is better to read first-class fiction than second-rate science fiction, because fantastic works are much more stimulating to the imagination, and in reckless judgment they can be no worse than second-rate ones.) The most durable form of "life" may well be machines that have taken power from their creators or completely exterminated them.

    As you know, the great physicist Enrico Fermi (Enrico Fermi) argued that highly developed life, of course, is a very rare phenomenon. Many stars are billions of years older than our Sun. If life were a common phenomenon in the universe, it would inevitably originate on planets orbiting these older stars. Why, then, Fermi wondered, had aliens not yet visited us? Why don't we find the artifacts they created? Such arguments are well founded. At the same time, you should not look for exclusively humanoid creatures, because highly developed alien life can be very different from the one we have on Earth. Imagine, for example, that such creatures lead a contemplative life somewhere deep at the bottom of an alien ocean, without revealing themselves in any way.

    In the coming decades, we must find out whether biological evolution is a unique phenomenon, unique to the "pale blue dot" where our home is, or Darwin's ideas are valid for the entire universe, and it is literally teeming with various forms of life, even intelligent ones.

    Martin Rees, The Guardian, UK