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  • Pepper stuffed with pieces of eggplant for the winter. Pepper stuffed with eggplant

    Pepper stuffed with pieces of eggplant for the winter.  Pepper stuffed with eggplant

    This recipe for stuffed peppers with eggplant is one of the most delicious. True, there is one drawback in it - it is eaten in a couple of minutes, and only the smell remains in the jar. It will take a couple of hours of your time to cook it, but I assure you, my dear hostesses, the end result of this recipe will please you very much. And after the amazed eyes of your household and guests, you will forget that you spent several hours of your day off near the stove, because what could be more pleasant than praise in your address. will proudly share the recipe.

    I cook peppers in two ways. One in marinade and the other in tomato sauce. Both recipes are very tasty and worthy of the attention of lovers of homemade preparations. I will write both of you, and you can choose the one that you like better or prepare several jars of each. the preparation is the same, but the tastes are completely different.

    Pickled Stuffed Pepper Recipe


    3 kg small bell pepper
    3 kg. eggplant
    garlic 4 heads,
    bitter pepper 4 pieces
    a large bunch of dill, parsley and celery

    For the marinade:
    2 glasses of water
    1 cup vinegar
    1 cup of sugar
    1 cup sunflower oil

    1 tbsp salt

    Small bell peppers of the same color or different. As you want, remove the tails and seeds and blanch in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. If you cook 2 or 3 servings at once, then peel and pour boiling water in a large basin, cover with a lid and leave to cool, so it will take less time, while you are busy preparing the eggplant.

    Cut the eggplants lengthwise into strips 5-7mm thick, salt and leave for 2 hours to remove the bitterness. If you have young eggplants, you can cut them with the skin.

    This year, the rainy summer is not The skin of all the eggplants was also pampered, hard and dried, it is better to peel it. Then squeeze all the eggplants from salt and fry, preferably in two pans at once, until golden brown.

    The fried eggplants can be immediately placed on a sieve or a colander so that the excess oil absorbed during frying drips. We don't need extra calories. If you still have a lot of oil, then you can make eggplants according to a simplified recipe. On a baking sheet, lightly greased with oil, put dried eggplant slices in one layer, sprinkle with oil on top and put in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. They will not absorb that much oil, but will become soft and baked.

    While the eggplants are cooling down, we will prepare a mixture of peppers, garlic and herbs. Peel the hot peppers from the tails and seeds, peel the garlic and grind everything in a blender, or twist it in a meat grinder. Add chopped Spread our mixture on top of the eggplant tongues, roll it up and stuff the cooled steamed peppers with it. You can put one or two rolls in each pepper, it all depends on the size of the pepper and eggplant.

    Do not try stuff a lot of rolls into the pepper, otherwise it will burst. Stuffed peppers are placed in one-liter jars, ohUsually a small pepper in a jar fits 8-9 pieces.When all the peppers are filled, prepare the marinade and pour into the jars. If there are a lot of jars, then the marinade you need to cook several portions at once. Cover and sterilize for 30 minutes.

    Stuffed Pepper Recipe with Eggplant Rolls in Tomato Sauce

    The ingredients are the same as in the first recipe.

    Peel the peppers, cut the eggplants as in the first recipe. Prepare the brine and boil all the vegetables for 5 minutes. Spread the cooled eggplant with the mixture and stuff the pepper, pour in the tomato sauce. We will make it from 3kg tomatoes, twisting them into manual juicer which I'm not p I wrote in my recipes. There is practically no waste, but the juice is squeezed out to the last drop.Prepare the marinade, pour it into liter jars and sterilize for 30 minutes.


    0.5 l of water

    0.5 l of vegetable oil

    0.5 l 6% vinegar

    100 g salt

    100 g sugar
    Tomato sauce:

    2 liters of tomato juice

    2 cups sugar

    1 glass of vinegar

    100g butter

    1 tbsp salt

    Such a blank of pepper can be safely stored at room temperature.

    In winter, the peppers can be put whole on a plate or cut into thick rings, but I hope you also enjoy this eggplant peppers recipe for the winter like the rest of my recipes.

    Bon Appetit!

    The best pickled vegetable recipes

    four liter cans

    2 hours

    55 kcal

    5/5 (1)

    There are many home canning recipes, but I would like to single out stuffed bell peppers from all the preparations for the winter. Why this product? First of all, because sweet pepper dishes have a truly amazing taste, and you can talk about the beneficial properties of this vegetable for an infinitely long time.

    I will name only the most significant of them: bell pepper is very useful for expectant mothers, since the vitamins and minerals contained in it help to replenish the deficiency of calcium and iron. It also has a positive effect on memory and is recommended for use by people engaged in intellectual work. Moreover, bell peppers help to cope with fatigue, irritability, and also promote sound sleep.

    So join us, we are starting to learn how to make useful preparations for the winter and today we have stuffed bell peppers in our program.

    Kitchen utensils

    • The first step is to prepare a long, sharp knife and a large board to chop the ingredients.
    • A large-diameter frying pan with high sides will be needed to prepare the pepper filling. It is also desirable that it has a non-stick coating.
    • Another smaller pan will speed up the filling process.
    • You will no doubt need a long spatula or large spoon to stir the food in the pan.
    • A large saucepan is needed to boil the pepper.
    • A colander is also best available.
    • For this recipe, four liter cans and iron lids must be prepared in advance.
    • You will also need a device for tightening the lids on the cans.
    • To sterilize cans, you will need a large basin with a lid.
    • It is also important to prepare a large, warm blanket in advance.

    Required Ingredients

    Step-by-step cooking

    Prepare the ingredients

    Let's prepare the filling

    1. Peel the carrots, peel the onions, and cut off the tails and stalk of eggplants.
    2. Now we cut the eggplants into medium-sized cubes.

    3. Then grate the carrots with large teeth, chop the onion with a knife.

    4. Next, cut the bell pepper into small squares.

    5. Now let's proceed to the direct preparation of minced meat: we put a large frying pan on the stove, pour vegetable oil into it and heat it up well.
    6. After that, pour the chopped eggplant there and fry it until it is completely softened.
    7. Pour vegetable oil into a smaller pan and put chopped onions into it.

    8. Fry the onion until transparent, stirring it almost all the time.
    9. When the onion is ready, pour it over the fried eggplant and mix well.
    10. Then salt the resulting filling and continue to fry, stirring the products from time to time.
    11. Now pour the grated carrots into the empty pan.

    12. We simmer the carrot mass until almost completely cooked, then transfer to the eggplant.
    13. Next, fry the chopped pepper and also send it to the total mass.

    14. Mix everything well, simmer for about five minutes, and then remove from heat and leave to cool.

    Let's prepare the marinade

    Stuffing the pepper

    Pepper preservation

    Final stage

    1. Next, we put the cans with the lids down in a dark place.
    2. After that, we wrap them well with a warm blanket.
    3. We leave the jars of pepper in this form until they cool completely, after which you can safely lower the jars into the basement.

    Video of a recipe for making pepper for the winter

    Be sure to check out the video below. After looking at it, you will follow the step-by-step sequence of the canning process for the winter of bell peppers stuffed with vegetables according to the recipe described above.

    • The jars can be sterilized before placing the peppers in them using dry heat or steam.
    • I advise you to use exclusively iron lids for sealing jars of pepper, since rubber lids can lose elasticity over time and let air into the jar, which will ruin our dish.
    • Instead of tomato juice, you can safely use fresh tomatoes. They must be passed through a meat grinder or chopped in a blender, then add table vinegar, granulated sugar and a little vegetable oil - the replacement for tomato juice is ready.
    • I also recommend adding allspice to the marinade in accordance with your own taste preferences - it will give a wonderful aroma and special taste to your dish.
    • Stuffed peppers do not have to be stored in the cellar, you can put them in the pantry and store them at room temperature.
    • The pepper will be ready for use no earlier than in a month and a half.
  • A stunningly rich and original dish, suitable for any festive table, are. This dish will not get lost even among the most exquisite and perfectly decorated dishes.
  • every self-respecting housewife should know. Tomatoes with surprises inside in a favorable light will present you as a skillful housewife and qualified chef.
  • Eat to your health and enjoy your meal! If you stuff peppers in a different way for the winter and use other ingredients for the filling, tell us about it, share your knowledge. In addition, ask questions in the comments, if you have any difficulties in the process of preparing stuffed peppers according to the recipe described above - I will certainly get in touch and help you avoid any mistakes. Have a good day!

    Greetings dear readers. Stuffed peppers with vegetables for the winter is not only a snack for the winter, but also a good option to keep vegetables with all the vitamins for the winter.

    The harvesting of vegetables continues until late autumn, of course, everyone has to work hard. The question often arises, they say, how to maintain a good harvest of Bulgarian, sweet pepper. One option is to stuff and roll into jars. It turns out a good homemade semi-finished product with preserved vitamins.

    Pepper is a rather unique vegetable. It is rich not only in vitamins, nutrients, bright color, it is also juicy, crispy, always brings variety to the table. It can be eaten not only raw, but also in any other form.

    Of course, keeping sweet peppers fresh throughout the winter is difficult only if they are frozen. But it is not always possible to freeze, therefore the most common type of preservation for the winter is: stuffed peppers with vegetables in jars for the winter.

    Today we'll talk about the most interesting recipes and how to freeze it for the winter. But first, let's talk about some of the tricks of our housewives. They help to get high-quality and tasty stuffed peppers with vegetables for the winter.

    • The most ideal option is pick pepper exactly on the day of harvest... If this is not possible, then you need to choose the freshest and fleshy ones. If you buy them, then carefully select each fruit.
    • Best for stuffing suitable red peppers... They are more meaty and juicy. Although there are different varieties, there are also greens that are very juicy.
    • When choosing a pepper, pay attention to sizes and grades... You need to choose medium, meaty, which will go well into the jar. And it is best to marinate multi-colored, but one variety in a jar. So they will marinate evenly.
    • All peppers should be no visible damage.
    • Peppers and other vegetables must be well rinsed, cleaned and dried... This will prevent the vegetables from becoming watery. Be sure to dry.

    Well, the recipe for stuffed peppers for the winter is a lot. I advise you to choose several recipes and cook for the winter.

    In order not to repeat myself in each recipe below, I will describe how to cook vegetables:

    Stuff the pepper with cabbage.

    Stuffed with cabbage

    Everyone in our family loves cabbage, so we always do something with cabbage for the winter. One of the options is stuffed peppers with vegetables for the winter, in this case the vegetable is cabbage. This type of preparation is perfect as an appetizer or as a side dish. Effortlessly and quickly, you can prepare a delicious meal for your family.

    And so let's get started we need:

    1. 1 kg of sweet bell pepper;
    2. 1 head of cabbage (not large);
    3. 1-2 carrots.

    For the marinade:

    1. 1 liter of water;
    2. 150 ml vinegar;
    3. 200 gr. Sahara;
    4. 100 ml of sunflower oil;
    5. 2 tablespoons of salt.

    Step 1.

    At first cooking pepper as described above. In the meantime, the pepper dries up, cook the cabbage.

    Step 2.

    We wash and clean the cabbage and carrots. In this recipe, it is best to cut them into a thin salt shaker. But ideal if grated for Korean carrots. This way, the taste is better preserved and the appearance becomes better.

    Mix the carrots and cabbage.

    Step 3.

    Now neatly without damaging pepper, fill its cavity with a mixture of carrots and cabbage. You need to stuff tightly without damaging the pepper. Stacking stuffed peppers on its side in a saucepan.

    Step 4.

    Now preparing the marinade... In another saucepan, mix all the ingredients: water, salt, sugar, vinegar and sunflower oil. We put it on the stove, on the fire. When it boils, turn off the stove and pour it into a saucepan with vegetables.

    Now remove the pan for 2 days under oppression in a dark and cool place.

    Step 5.

    After 2 days, transfer stuffed peppers to sterilized jars, tightly and fill in brines. Now we put jars in a pot of water, sterilize... Banks need to boil for 15 minutes. After that roll up the lids, turn the cans over onto the lids and wrap them in a warm blanket. After cooling, we put it away for storage.

    Stuffed pepper "Globus" - nostalgia for Soviet times.

    Is the "Globe" the same from the Soviet times or according to the modern one?

    Once our grandmother came to visit us and for lunch we opened a jar of stuffed peppers. Everything is as usual. But our grandmother was delighted with our peppers and said that the taste was very familiar, even from Soviet times.

    Well, then we rummaged through the Internet and it turned out to be a recipe for stuffed store-bought imported peppers that were sold in Soviet times. So for those who want to remember or just try stuffed peppers with vegetables for the winter according to Soviet times, try it, lick your fingers.

    We do not have exact proportions, we do it in large, enough, volumes. Therefore, the recipe is described in parts.


    1. sweet bell pepper;
    2. 8 pieces of carrots;
    3. 1 part onion;
    4. 1 part parsnip;
    5. vegetable oil;
    6. greens;
    7. salt.

    For 1 liter of sauce:

    1. tomato sauce (1 liter);
    2. 50 gr. Sahara;
    3. 30 gr. salt;
    4. ground pepper (you can mix different peppers, all to taste).

    Step 1.

    Peel the peppers, rinse and blanch in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. While it is drying, we go further.

    Step 2.

    We clean the carrots, grate. Now cut the onion into rings... Now you need to separate from each other fry the carrots and onions over low heat in vegetable oil.

    Now let them cool down and then mix everything. Add herbs and salt... For 1 kg of the mixture, a handful of finely chopped greens and about 2 teaspoons of salt. Mix everything thoroughly.

    Step 3.

    Now stuffing peppers... Tight, but very gentle, so as not to break the pepper.

    Step 4.

    Now in a different dish making sauce... We mix tomato sauce, salt and sugar, and season with ground pepper to taste (we use a mixture). Mix everything thoroughly.

    Step 5.

    Put the peppers in sterilized jars and pour the sauce... Now we put on a boil. For 0.5 liter cans - boil for 70 minutes. For cans, 1 liter - boil for an hour and 20 minutes.

    Then we roll up and cover with a warm blanket. After cooling, we put it away for storage.

    Stuffed honey peppers for the winter.

    honey filling

    Stuffed peppers with vegetables for the winter is a common thing, but you can also add honey with vegetables. The taste is simple ... In short, jars of such pepper go away even before the snow falls)))) Garlic marinade, sweet and sour filling, just awesome stuffed peppers. Be sure to try this recipe.

    Honey is best, if possible, to take Linden from acacia. It has the best pronounced taste and color.


    1. Bulgarian pepper - 12-15 pieces;
    2. 2 heads of garlic (large);
    3. 600 gr. cabbage;
    4. 300 gr. carrots;
    5. 1 liter of water;
    6. 200 - 250 gr. Sahara;
    7. 20 grams of salt
    8. 20 ml vinegar 9%;
    9. 0.5 teaspoon honey (put in each pod).

    Step 1.

    Blanch the peppers and dry.

    Step 2.

    Finely chop the cabbage. Grate the carrots, salt and crush.

    Step 3.

    Cut the garlic into rings.

    Step 4.

    We fill the pepper. 0.5 teaspoon honey, a couple of garlic rings and the rest, fill with a mixture of cabbage and carrots. And immediately fill the cans tightly. We take liter jars.

    Step 5.

    Now we cook the brine. We mix all the ingredients: water, sugar, salt and vinegar. Bring to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes. Now we pour the brine into the sterilized jars to the top.

    Step 6.

    We sterilize for 35 minutes. Then we roll up and everything is as usual.

    The brine becomes cloudy over time. This is fine. These jars will stand all year round in a cool, dark place.

    Stuff with eggplants in tomato juice.

    peppers stuffed with eggplant with tomato juice

    Now we will consider stuffed peppers with vegetables for the winter, where the vegetable will be eggplant in tomato juice. It is better to select the ratio of vegetables yourself. We need:

    1. bell pepper;
    2. 400 grams of sugar;
    3. about 200 gr. salt;
    4. 70% vinegar essence;
    5. lemon juice (squeezed from 1 lemon);
    6. a few peas of allspice;
    7. 1.5 liters of water;
    8. 1.5 liters of tomato juice;
    9. Bay leaf;
    10. garlic and parsley.

    Step 1.

    Cooking the peppers and leaving them to dry.

    Step 2.

    It is necessary to prepare the marinade number 1. To do this, mix 1.5 liters of water, 200 gr. sugar, 100 grams of salt and 2 teaspoons of vinegar essence. Stir well.

    Step 3.

    Mix 1.5 liters of tomato juice, salt, sugar, 3 bay leaves, about 5 allspice peas, 1.5 teaspoons of vinegar essence. Stir well. This is marinade number 2.

    Step 4.

    Eggplant diced mode. But not too shallow.

    Step 5.

    Bring Marinade No. 1 to a boil. Dip all the peppers into the boiling marinade for 1-2 minutes. Then we take it out and cool it down.

    Meanwhile, put the chopped eggplant there and boil for 6 minutes. Then we transfer it to drushlak.

    Step 6.

    Grind the garlic with parsley and add to the eggplant. We mix. We fill the peppers with this mixture and put them in sterilized jars.

    Step 7.

    Now we put marinade No. 2 on fire and bring to a boil. After that, fill the jars with them.

    Step 8.

    Now we put the jars in a saucepan with water, cover with lids and boil for 15-20 minutes. Then we roll up the cans and everything is as usual.

    Pepper stuffed with carrots.

    A beautiful appetizer turns out

    Continuing the theme of stuffed peppers with vegetables for the winter. Now we will make not only tasty, but also beautiful. Carrots add flavor to the stuffed pepper dish.

    We need:

    1. 1.5 - 2 kg of bell pepper;
    2. 1 kg of carrots;
    3. 1 kg of onions;
    4. 1 tablespoon 70% vinegar essence (if using a 2-liter jar);
    5. 10 tablespoons of salt;
    6. 8 tablespoons of sugar;
    7. 1 teaspoon black peppercorns;
    8. 3 carnation buds;
    9. 0.5 teaspoon black allspice;
    10. 3 bay leaves;
    11. 3 - 3.5 liters of homemade tomato juice.

    Step 1.

    We prepare the pepper, dry it.

    Step 2.

    Meanwhile making homemade tomato juice... To do this, wash the tomatoes well, chop and grind through a sieve. Boil the juice, cook for 20 minutes. Remove the foam. Now we season the juice with all the spices, except for the bay leaf.

    Step 3.

    Chop onions and carrots and fry separately by adding a bay leaf. Then mix everything, removing the bay leaf and cool.

    Step 4.

    We fill the pepper with vegetables. We put it in a large saucepan, cook for 5-7 minutes.

    Step 5.

    Now we boil the juice again, extract the spices and pour through the sieve into the jars, leaving a little space. Now pour the essence on top and roll up the lids. Now we cover the jars with a warm blanket and, after cooling, put them in storage.

    Stuffed peppers with apples and cinnamon.

    peppers stuffed with apples in jars for the winter

    Another unusual recipe. Although we are preparing stuffed peppers with vegetables for the winter, we could not get by with the apples. We like it very much. The taste is sweet and spicy. Well suited to the festive table. It is better to make such blanks in small jars.


    1. 5 pieces of red and yellow bell peppers;
    2. 1 kg of white, sour apples.

    For the marinade you need:

    1. 0.8 liters of water;
    2. 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    3. 2 tablespoons of sugar;
    4. 1.5 tablespoons of salt;
    5. 250 ml vinegar 6%.

    Step 1.

    We prepare the pepper, everything is as usual and dry.

    Step 2.

    Cut the apples into quarters. If they are large, then you can cut into more pieces. We blanch them for a very short time. Then we put it in pepper. And immediately we fill sterilized jars.

    Step 3.

    We make the marinade, combine the ingredients, boil and pour in the vinegar.

    Step 4.

    We fill the jars with marinade and sterilize for 15 minutes.

    Step 5.

    Now we roll up the cans and the rest as usual.

    So we got stuffed peppers with vegetables for the winter, only instead of vegetables inside - one outside and a sweet filling inside.

    Delicious frozen stuffed peppers for the winter.

    frozen stuffed peppers

    Stuffed peppers with vegetables for the winter can not only be pickled, but also frozen. A good option. There are two ways to freeze: you can cook the stuffed peppers as usual and then freeze, or you can freeze all the ingredients separately.

    When we freeze all the ingredients separately, then you can safely make other dishes from them, combine various vegetables, and so on. Let's consider both options with an example.

    Option 1.

    • Freeze the whole stuffed peppers. In principle, any variant of stuffed peppers can be frozen.
    • You do not need to cook vegetables in advance. But, for example, if you want to cook minced meat stuffing with rice, then you need to boil the rice in advance. Then mix with minced meat, finely chopped onion, salt and pepper. And just tamp the peppers.
    • Better to put peppers in bags in the freezer. But not much, it is impossible for them to touch each other. If they freeze together, it will be difficult to separate them before cooking.
    • You do not need to defrost them before cooking. You need to get it out of the freezer and into a preheated pan. After frying on all sides, you can simply boil in the sauce and on the table.

    Option 2.

    • Peppers, carrots, cabbage, and eggplants can be frozen individually. You do not need to boil them.
    • Be sure to process all vegetables before freezing. Frozen or after defrosting, they cannot be processed.
    • Eggplant can be frozen in plates. And after defrosting, they can be fried. But the golden crust will not work. Better still fry in advance and wrap in tubes. Before freezing, soak the fat with napkins. Then freeze.
    • Cabbage, onions and carrots are finely chopped or grated. If you planned to fry, then it is better to do it before freezing. And the grease needs to be removed with napkins or paper towels.
    • It is better to freeze each vegetable in separate containers or bags. You can combine them in different ways before cooking.

    Unlike pickled peppers, frozen convenience foods cook faster.

    Well, here we figured out how to cook stuffed peppers with vegetables for the winter with various recipes. Share your impressions in the comments, write reviews on social networks. Bon appetit, see you soon.

    Calorie content: Not specified
    Cooking time: Not indicated

    Pepper stuffed with vegetables for the winter in Bulgarian - this is an original recipe for stuffed bell peppers. They are filled with a filling of slightly fried pieces of juicy onions and sweet carrots. Stewed until tender, rolled up with garlic and vinegar in tomato juice. And in winter, such a twist will become a lifesaver. It is also excellent as a snack, especially if you cut the stuffed peppers into slices. And they can be served as their own dish. Sweet, juicy, slightly spicy with aromatic spices are easy to make. So be sure to try this recipe.

    - 1.5 liters of tomato juice,
    - ½ kg of carrots,
    - ½ kg of onions,
    - 1 kg of peppers,
    - 1 tbsp. sunflower oil,
    - 5 cloves of garlic,
    - 1/3 Art. Sahara,
    - 1 tbsp. vinegar essence,
    - 2 tbsp. salt,
    - bay leaf - to taste,
    - a few clove buds - to taste,
    - allspice peas - to taste.

    To start

    We make the carrot and onion filling. For this we clean the onion husks. Scrape off the top layer from the carrots. We rub it finely, and chop the onion into small squares - as for ordinary frying.

    Pour half a glass of oil into a frying pan. We pass it, but so as not to get a crust.

    Pinch off the tails of the peppers. Divide vegetables in half. Take out the seeds with your fingers and tear off the seed septa. We rinse under the tap, making sure that all the seeds adhering to the walls are washed off.
    Let it dry by laying it out on a paper towel.

    We take ready-made tomato juice or prepare it from tomatoes by spinning them through a meat grinder or chopping them in a food processor.
    Pour the tomato liquid into a saucepan and turn on the stove. And immediately, even in cold juice, put the stuffed peppers. We fill them with carrots and onions tightly, but not too ramming.

    Bring to a boil and cook for about 25-30 minutes. As the peppers boil, they will soften. Add all the ingredients except the garlic.

    We throw it at the very end, crushing it into a fine gruel. Put the finished peppers in sterilized dry containers.

    We arrange a twisting heat bath, tightly wrapped in a blanket. And we keep it upside down for about a day.

    Tips: Before placing the peppers in the jars, catch the lavrushka. It can drown out other flavors by remaining in conservation. Peppers should be chosen for small pieces.
    It is most convenient to roll up in 1 liter jars. If the vegetable frying doesn't fit into the peppers, you can add it directly to the tomato juice. We advise you to see the recipe

    Calorie content: Not specified
    Cooking time: Not indicated

    At the end of autumn, every year I prepare several jars of pepper stuffed with vegetables for the winter. Bright flavored peppers stuffed with crispy cabbage, golden carrots and onions, prepared according to this photo recipe, will perfectly suit boiled potatoes, fried meat, and with cutlets or as an appetizer for a festive table will also be very good.

    I choose peppers for small, but with fleshy walls. Thin-walled peppers do not hold their shape well and are not as tasty. It is advisable to take peppers of different colors, I usually put equal amounts of green and red. In addition to cabbage, onions and carrots, you can add grated celery root (if you like), finely chopped parsley root, pieces of sweet pepper and all kinds of greens to the filling. I put parsley or dill.

    In the recipe, I will not indicate the exact amount of vegetables, but I will give the calculation of the marinade for four liter jars. Peppers come in different sizes, someone stuffs the filling very tightly, and someone stuffs vegetables without tamping the vegetable mixture, so it is difficult to determine how many vegetables you need. It is the same with jars - more pepper will go into one, less into the other. Roughly I can say that I have 10-12 small peppers in a liter jar.


    - Small Bulgarian pepper;
    - White cabbage;
    - carrot;
    - onion;
    - any fresh herbs;
    - vegetable oil;
    - salt to taste.

    For marinade for four liter jars:

    - Water - 4 glasses (250 ml glass);
    - salt - 2 tbsp. l. with a small slide;
    - sugar - 5 tbsp. l;
    - apple cider vinegar 6% - 100 ml;
    - vegetable oil - 120 ml.

    Peppers need to be peeled very carefully so as not to damage the walls. Use a knife to cut through the pepper near the stalk, and move in a circle to make an incision. Remove the stalk together with the seeds, shake out the remaining seeds. Rinse the peppers inside and out.

    Boil water in a saucepan, put peppers in boiling water in small batches. From the moment the water boils, keep the vegetables for a minute, then cool under cold water. If the peppers are simply removed from the boiling water, then the cooking process will continue, and while the peppers cool, they will become too soft, like boiled.

    For the filling, peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater. Chop the onion into small cubes.

    Chop the cabbage into thin strips, preferably not very long, so that it is more convenient to stuff the peppers.

    Pour a little oil into the pan or saucepan, just so that it covers the bottom. Put onion, heat without frying and bring to softness. Pour carrots to the onion, also warm up. In no case should you fry the vegetables, we just need to soften them and stew them a little (3-4 minutes).

    Add cabbage to the pan to carrots and onions, mix. Turn off the fire. Add finely chopped greens, lightly salt.

    Fill prepared peppers with minced vegetables. You need to stuff the peppers tightly, otherwise, during sterilization, the cabbage will spill out of them and the peppercorns will remain half empty.

    Place a layer of pepper on the bottom of the jar. Then lay out the next layer, placing the peppers as tightly as possible to one another. Fill the jar to the top.

    Cook the marinade with all of the ingredients listed. Pour the vinegar before the marinade starts to boil. Try the marinade to taste, perhaps you decide to make it sweeter or vice versa - add more salt. Pour jars of pepper with boiling marinade to the very top.

    Cover with lids (do not screw or roll them up), put on the bottom of a deep saucepan. Before placing the cans, cover the bottom of the pan with a folded towel in several layers. Pour in water 4 cm from the edge of the jar and bring the water in a saucepan to a high boil over medium heat. Mute the heat, adjust the boil so that the water boils slightly. Sterilize 15 minutes liter cans, 25 minutes cans with a capacity of three liters. Seal the jars hermetically, turn over, cover with a warm blanket and leave for 18-24 hours. After the jars have cooled down, store them in the pantry. Successful preparations and a delicious winter!

    By Elena Litvinenko (Sangina)

    Stuffed peppers are a hearty and delicious main course. The aromas that come from the kitchen while cooking it will remind you of summer, sunny days, juicy vegetables and herbs. Romanians began to stuff peppers with all kinds of filling: meat, rice, berries, seafood, eggplants, tomatoes, cheese, feta cheese. Then the dish began to be prepared in the Bulgarian and Azerbaijani cuisines, a little later it traveled across Europe, tightly registered in some countries.
    The pepper recipe can be upgraded to suit your taste. Vegetarians will appreciate the peppers stuffed with rice and vegetables, while meat-eaters will prefer the more substantial stuffing. Another advantage of the dish is that it can be frozen, spending just one evening preparing semi-finished products. Frozen stuffed peppers for the winter are an excellent aromatic and vitamin dish.
    This recipe is a lifesaver for all busy women. It is enough to get the peppers out of the freezer, put them in a mold or a saucepan, add water and send them to the stove, oven or slow cooker for half an hour. And the kitchen is clean and a hearty dinner is ready, now we will tell you how to make frozen stuffed peppers for the winter.

    How to cook frozen stuffed peppers "Business Lady"

    Wash the pepper, carefully cut off the "lid", remove the seeds and partitions from each "carcass". If the pepper bursts a little, or comes across a little spoiled, you can safely cut off a piece of skin with pulp. The main thing is that the hole is small, then the filling will remain inside.

    Prepare onions, garlic and carrots. Peel the vegetables and peel the carrots.

    Finely chop the onion and garlic, grate the carrots on any grater. Onions and garlic must be chopped, and not passed through a meat grinder with meat. Then, when stewing, these vegetables will not give juice, with which almost all of their taste can flow out of the peppers.

    Rinse the rice well and boil until half cooked in slightly salted water.
    Prepare the filling by mixing well the rice, raw minced meat, onion and garlic and carrots. Salt and pepper the resulting mass.

    Fill the peppers with minced meat tightly. At the same time, vegetables can be filled with a small "slice". The meat will hold well both during freezing and during braising.

    Place the stuffed peppers in a bag in one layer and place in the freezer. The vegetables can touch each other.

    Frozen peppers can be stored in the freezer for up to six months. Although they are unlikely to live that long, they are likely to be eaten faster by the household.

    After the semi-finished product is taken out of the freezer, the question arises: how to cook frozen stuffed peppers. Most housewives choose the "old-fashioned" method on the stove. To do this, you do not need to defrost the peppers. Place in a saucepan, cover with water so that it completely covers the peppers.

    Top with sour cream and ketchup, cover with finely chopped dill. Many housewives have a question: how much time to cook frozen stuffed peppers? Our tip is to bring the water to a boil over medium heat, then reduce it and cover the pan. Simmer the peppers for about 30 minutes.

    When serving, pour over the fragrant gravy.

    How to cook frozen stuffed peppers in the oven

    Cooking peppers in the oven is much the same as on the stove. Semi-finished products are placed in a baking dish, filled with water mixed with sour cream, ketchup and herbs. It is important to put the vegetables vertically with the minced meat upwards so that they do not fall to the side. Otherwise, all the juice will flow out of the peppers. Bake the dish in the oven for about 40 minutes.

    How to cook frozen stuffed peppers in a slow cooker

    In a slow cooker, peppers are especially easy to prepare. But this method is for those who are in no hurry. First you need to pour half of water into the bowl, add sour cream, ketchup, herbs and mix well. Add frozen peppers to the broth. The dish is stewed for about 2 hours in the "stew" multicar mode.

    Cooking tips for frozen stuffed peppers

    • When preparing meat peppers, it is better to use less lean meat for the mince. Otherwise, the filling will be tough. The neck is ideal.

    • To prevent the rice from boiling and turning into porridge, it is better to put it in peppers raw or half-baked.

    • For extra juiciness, you can add fried carrots and onions to the minced meat.

    • If the hostess decides to defrost the peppers before cooking, this should not be done at room temperature. It is best to put the peppers on a large plate in the refrigerator. This way they will not lose their shape.

    • Peppers can be stuffed with crushed potatoes mixed with fried onions and lard, mushrooms or buckwheat, rice with crab sticks, minced liver.

    • In order to make the dish even tastier in the broth in which the peppers are boiled, you can add vegetable frying from carrots, onions, and garlic.

    This recipe for stuffed peppers with eggplant is one of the most delicious. True, there is one drawback in it - it is eaten in a couple of minutes, and only the smell remains in the jar. It will take a couple of hours of your time to cook it, but I assure you, my dear hostesses, the end result of this recipe will delight you very much.

    And after the amazed eyes of your household and guests, you will forget that you spent several hours of your day off near the stove, because what could be more pleasant than praise addressed to yourself. ...

    I cook pepper in several ways. One in a marinade with a spicy filling, with herbs and garlic and in tomato sauce. All the recipes are very tasty and worthy of attention of lovers of homemade preparations. I will write you all five, and you can choose the one that you like more or prepare several jars each, the contents and preparation are the same, but the tastes are completely different.

    With practice, I began to like skinless eggplants better, and I advise you to take small peppers. They include fewer rolls, but such peppers look better on a plate and they are more convenient to eat. Small gogoshars will also go, but do not take large peppers - you need a lot of rolls and a jar will not fit much. As shown in the photo - you should not do it, you do not need to fill all the voids of the pepper, otherwise it will burst.

    Recipe for Stuffed Pepper with Marinated Eggplant Rolls - Basic Step by Step Recipe

    Bright, tasty preparation for the winter it's worth tinkering for the sake of such... You can cook it spicy, and if you don't like spicy, then red hot pepper can be excluded from the list of ingredients or added quite a bit, this is an amateur.


    • 3 kg small bell pepper
    • 3 kg. eggplant
    • garlic 4 heads,
    • bitter pepper 4 pieces
    • a large bunch of dill, parsley and celery

    For the marinade:

    • 2 glasses of water
    • 1 cup vinegar
    • 1 cup of sugar
    • 1 cup sunflower oil
    • 1 tbsp salt


    Small bell peppers of the same color or different. As you want, remove the tails and seeds and blanch in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. If you cook 2 or 3 servings at once, then peel and pour boiling water in a large bowl, cover and leave to cool, so it will take less time, but while you are busy preparing the eggplant.

    Cut the eggplants lengthwise into strips 5-7mm thick, salt and leave for 2 hours to remove the bitterness. If you have young eggplants, you can cut them with the skin.

    Then squeeze all the eggplants from the salt and fry, preferably in two pans at once, until golden brown.

    Fried eggplants can be immediately put on a sieve or colander so that the excess oil absorbed during frying drips off. We don't need extra calories. If you still have a lot of oil, then you can make eggplants according to a simplified recipe. On a baking sheet, slightly oiled, put dried eggplant slices in one layer, sprinkle with oil on top and put in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. They will not absorb that much oil, but will become soft and baked.

    While the eggplants are cooling, we will prepare a mixture of pepper, garlic and herbs. Peel the hot peppers from the tails and seeds, clean the garlic and grind everything in a blender, or twist it in a meat grinder. Add the chopped greens to the mixture and stir.

    Spread our mixture on top of the eggplant tongues, roll it up and stuff the cooled steamed peppers with it. You can put one or two rolls in each pepper, it all depends on the size of the pepper and eggplant.

    If the pepper is small, then there will be fewer rolls. Do not try to stuff a lot of rolls into the pepper, otherwise it will burst.

    We put the stuffed peppers in one-liter jars, oh Usually a small pepper in a jar fits 8-9 pieces.

    When all the peppers are filled, prepare the marinade and pour into the jars. If there are a lot of jars, then the marinade must be cooked in several portions at once.

    Cover and sterilize for 30 minutes.

    After the time has elapsed, roll up the jars and, after they have cooled down, put them in the pantry or cellar. It will stand everywhere well.

    Stuffed Pepper Recipe with Eggplant Rolls in Tomato Sauce

    This is one of the interpretations of my favorite stuffed peppers with eggplant rolls. Appetizing pepper can decorate any festive table. Therefore, you should prepare such preservation, because it will add variety to your winter diet, and you will always have a gorgeous dish ready for the holiday.


    The ingredients are the same , as in the first recipe. It is better to take small peppers so that more of them go into the jars.


    • 0.5 l of water
    • 0.5 l of vegetable oil
    • 0.5 l 6% vinegar
    • 100 g salt
    • 100 g sugar

    Tomato sauce:

    • 2 liters of tomato juice
    • 2 cups sugar
    • 1 glass of vinegar
    • 100g butter
    • 1 tbsp salt


    Peel the pepper, cut the eggplant as in the first recipe.

    Spread the cooled eggplant with a mixture and stuff with pepper, pour in tomato sauce.

    We will make it from 3 kg of tomatoes by twisting them in a manual juicer, which I have written about more than once in my recipes. There is practically no waste, but the juice is squeezed out to the last drop.

    Prepare the marinade, pour it into liter jars and sterilize for 30 minutes.

    Practice has shown that it is better to peel off an eggplant, now I just do that. This is a photo of this year of canning. Such a blank of pepper can be safely stored at room temperature. In winter, the peppers can be put whole on a plate or cut into thick rings, but I hope you also enjoy this eggplant peppers recipe for the winter like the rest of my recipes.

    Stuffed peppers with eggplant rolls with carrots and parsnips

    In appearance, ordinary peppers from a can amaze with the richness of the filling and the colorful variety. You get such a pepper, cut it across into circles and such beauty! A worthy dish for a festive table.


    • Sweet red pepper(12-15 pieces) - 15 pieces
    • Eggplant (preferably long-fruited, approximate quantity) - 10 pcs
    • Carrots - 3 pieces
    • Parsnip - 2 pieces
    • Garlic (large heads) - 2 pieces
    • Water - 2 l
    • Sugar - 200 g
    • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.
    • Vinegar (6%, of which 150 ml for cooking pepper) - 300 ml
    • Cloves - 20 pieces
    • Allspice - 20 pcs
    • Black pepper - 1 tsp
    • Bay leaf - 3 pieces
    • Sunflower oil(for frying, can go more) - 0.5 stack.


    Wash the peppers, cut off the stalk and remove the seeds. Boil the marinade with sugar, salt, spices and half the vinegar. Put the pepper in the boiling marinade in parts, boil for 2 minutes at a low boil. Cut the peeled carrots and parsnips into thin strips. Fry in sunflower oil until half cooked. ...

    Cut the eggplants lengthwise with a thickness of 0.5 cm.Leaving 2-3 pieces, which are cut into washers, 1 cm thick, Fry the eggplants until soft in oil, over high heat. Grease each fried eggplant slice with garlic, passed through a garlic press, put straws of carrots across and parsnips and roll them up. We start the peppers with rolls, tightly stacking several of them.

    Put the stuffed peppers in a jar, fill the gaps, if they remain, with circles of fried eggplant. Boil the remaining marinade again, add at the end the second half of the vinegar and pour into the jars. Cover the jars with sterilized lids and put on sterilization, 700 g - 15 minutes, liter - 20 minutes Then roll up and put to cool, covered with a blanket.

    When you open the jar, carefully remove the pepper and cut it across into 1cm slices, the cut will be colorful and very appetizing!

    Eggplant rolls in pepper with herbs and garlic

    We are in a hurry to please you with a delicious recipevegetable preparation for the winter- bell pepper stuffed with eggplant rolls with herbs and garlic. The taste of the salad is unusually bright and recognizable, and the preparation is perfectly stored at room temperature and always causes a sensation on any festive table.


    • Bulgarian pepper(medium) - 5 pieces
    • eggplant (medium) - 2 pieces
    • dill - 1 bunch.
    • parsley - 1 bunch.
    • garlic (medium heads) - 2 pieces
    • allspice (peas) - 3 pcs
    • bay leaf - 1 piece


    • Input - 125 ml
    • sugar - 50 g
    • salt - 0.5 tbsp. l.
    • vinegar (9%) - 25 ml

    For frying

    • Vegetable oil(how much is required)


    All ingredients are for a 1 liter can. With products it acts in the same way as in the first recipe, but I recommend cleansing the skin better. Finely chop the greens, pass the garlic through a press. Mix the herbs and garlic well in a bowl.

    Put the herbs with garlic on the strips of eggplant and roll them up.Then we fill the boiled bell pepper with these rolls.
    Put bay leaf and allspice peas on the bottom of a clean jar. We put stuffed peppers in a jar.

    We prepare the marinade: boil water with sugar and salt, add vinegar, pour our peppers and put the jars to sterilize. 1 liter cans - 40 minutes. At the end of sterilization, we roll up the jars and send them for storage. The snack keeps well at room temperature.

    Well, that's all, now if suddenly guests come to you, or maybe you have a holiday, then with such snacks you will be at your best. With boiled potatoes and fried liver with onions, these peppers stuffed with eggplants are very soulful in harmony, and the rest of the products also.


    • parsley, dill or celery, or all together - 2 bunches
    • 3 heads garlic
    • eggplant 2kg
    • sweet pepper 2 kg

    Marinade 1 for blanching:

    • 0.5 l of water,
    • 0.5 l of vegetable oil
    • 0.5 l vinegar 9%
    Marinade 2 for pickling:
    • 1.5 l tomato juice
    • 200 gr. Sahara
    • 1 tbsp salt
    • 100 g vinegar 9%


    Wash and prepare the whole vegetable for slicing. Remove the center from the pepper. And cut the eggplants into tongues.

    First, prepare your first marinade. Combine all ingredients and bring to a boil. Boil bell peppers, peeled from seeds and eggplants, cut into tongues without a peel, in this marinade for 5 - 7 minutes, depending on the thickness of the walls of your pepper.

    Then remove the vegetables from the brine and cool. Grind your herbs, which you choose based on your preference. Grind the garlic in any way.

    Brush the eggplants with garlic and sprinkle with herbs. Roll into a roll and fill the bell peppers with it, as in the previous recipes.

    Blend the ingredients from the second marinade and bring to a boil. Place the peppers in the jars and cover with the second marinade. Heat the water in a saucepan and put the jars to sterilize for 20 minutes, it will warm up quickly, because we poured boiling water over the pepper. Although you can roll it up right after pouring, but I didn’t risk it, it’s safer.

    Roll up the bell peppers stuffed with eggplant rolls; if you won't sterilize, then wrap until cool.