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  • Jellied pie with canned. Jellied fish pie

    Jellied pie with canned.  Jellied fish pie

    Canned fish pie is a dish that will undoubtedly decorate your table. Canned fish is a strategic product. You can make dozens of delicious salads from canned food, cook soup, serve fish pieces with a side dish, but the pie works best. It takes about an hour to prepare the pie as the filling is almost ready. It's up to the dough, which will take 15-20 minutes to cook.

    Prepare a fish pie from unleavened, yeast or puff pastry. The pie is quickly baked from batter. In a bowl, in a matter of minutes, the ingredients are mixed with which the filling is poured. Such a cake will be cooked in 30-40 minutes, so it can be taken into service when unexpected guests are on the doorstep.

    Experiments with filling help to make the pie tastier, healthier and more interesting. In addition to canned food, potatoes, carrots, zucchini, leeks, eggs, herbs, rice, buckwheat are added to the filling. By adding a new ingredient, you will get a new taste every time. Having mastered how to make canned fish pie according to basic recipes, you will very soon begin to create on your own, delighting home people with your own culinary masterpieces.

    Jellied fish pie

    Photo of a jellied pie with eggs and canned fish

    Fish and eggs will provide the body with full-fledged protein, fragrant fresh herbs - with vitamins, ruddy dough will make the dish nourishing. Pie preparation time - 1 hour. It is not difficult to prepare it for dinner and it is not a shame to serve it to the festive table. Consider a detailed process for making a jellied pie with canned fish.

    Ingredients for the recipe:

    • canned fish in its own juice 2 banks
    • eggs 6 pcs.
    • greens (dill, parsley, green onions) large bundle
    • sour cream 250 ml.
    • mayonnaise 250 ml.
    • flour 200 g
    • soda 1 tsp
    • vinegar 1 tbsp a spoon
    • salt, pepper to taste

    Cooking method:

    1. Boil 3 hard-boiled eggs. Cut into large pieces. Remove the canned food from the jar, mash slightly with a fork.
    2. Chop the greens finely. Combine herbs with chopped eggs and fish. Salt the filling, season with pepper. Mix everything again.
    3. Break three eggs into a bowl, beat lightly. Pour vinegar into sour cream with mayonnaise and add baking soda. Stir. Add the frothed sour cream and mayonnaise to the eggs. Stir. Enter flour. The dough should not be too thick.
    4. Grease a baking dish with any cooking oil. Pour the chaff dough into a mold. Spread the filling evenly. Pour over the remaining dough. Place the cake in the oven. Bake for 45 minutes in an oven heated to 180 ° C. Let the pie cool before serving.

    Photo of puff pie with canned fish and cauliflower

    Crispy shortbread dough goes best with juicy filling. Make an open pie with canned fish, vegetables, and cheese. In winter, you can use frozen vegetables, in summer they are fresh in season. If you use ready-made puff pastry, the pie is cooked for no more than 30 minutes. So, let's look at a method of making a puff pie with canned fish.

    Ingredients for the recipe:

    • puff pastry 500 g.
    • canned tuna 1 can
    • cauliflower 300 g.
    • sweet pepper 1 pc.
    • onion 1 pc.
    • butter 1 tbsp. a spoon
    • hard cheese 150 g.
    • cream 200 ml.
    • greens (dill, parsley, basil) bunch
    • eggs 2 pcs.
    • flour 2 tbsp. spoons

    Cooking method:

    1. Defrost the puff pastry. Remove the canned food from the jar, mash slightly with a fork.
    2. Disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences and boil in salted water. Discard in a colander. Let the water drain.
    3. Peel the bell pepper from seeds, cut into small cubes. Peel the onion, chop finely. Fry the onions and peppers in butter until the juice evaporates.
    4. Whisk the cream, eggs and flour until smooth. Salt, add finely chopped herbs.
    5. Roll out the dough thinly. Lay out in the form, decorating the side. Place pieces of fish, boiled cauliflower, fried peppers and onions on top of the dough. Pour the egg and butter mixture over the filling. Sprinkle with grated cheese.
    6. Send to preheated oven for 30-45 minutes. A quick pie is ready as soon as the crust turns golden.

    Photo of yeast pie with rice and canned fish

    Fish and Rice Pie is ideal for a picnic as it tastes good both warm and cold. You can bake a fish pie for dinner. It is filling, but not high in calories, since it contains a lot of filling and very little dough. The figure will not be harmed. So, let's look at a method of making a pie with rice and canned fish.

    Ingredients for the recipe:

    • flour 250 g.
    • dry yeast 25 g.
    • pinch of salt and sugar
    • warm water 250 ml.
    • rice 100 gr.
    • onion 2 pcs.
    • canned food 2 cans
    • salt, pepper, dried dill taste

    Cooking method:

    1. Combine all ingredients for the dough. Knead the dough until bubbles begin to appear. Then place the dough in a bowl, cover the container with a lid or towel. Place in a warm place for an hour.
    2. Boil the rice until tender. Refrigerate. Peel and finely chop the onion. Fry it in vegetable oil until transparent. Add onions and canned food to the rice. If there is a lot of liquid or oil in the canned food, drain, otherwise the filling will be too wet. Season the filling with salt, pepper and dried dill. In summer, instead of dried dill, you can add any greens (dill, parsley, green onions, celery, basil).
    3. Lubricate the mold with oil. Divide the dough into 2 pieces. Place one on the bottom of the mold. Place the filling on top. Cover the pie with the other half of the dough. Brush the top with egg yolk using a cooking brush. Wait 15 minutes (for the dough to come up) and bake for 40 minutes.

    Photo of a lazy pie with canned fish and potatoes

    When there is no time to prepare the main course and side dish, a pie filled with potatoes and canned fish will do. For its preparation, you can use boiled or raw potatoes, the remaining mashed potatoes. The dough is prepared instantly, due to the liquid consistency it evenly covers the filling, provides a beautiful crust. The pie is quick and easy to prepare. Even the lazy one can handle its preparation.

    Ingredients for the recipe:

    • eggs 3 pcs.
    • flour 1 cup
    • kefir ½ cup
    • ½ cup mayonnaise
    • soda ½ tsp
    • salt, pepper to taste
    • potatoes (boiled in their skins) 5 pieces.
    • onion 2 pcs.
    • canned food 2 cans
    • parsley a few twigs

    Recipe for making a pie with canned fish and potatoes:

    1. Stir the soda with kefir. Let it stand so that the kefir begins to foam. Mix eggs, kefir, mayonnaise, flour. Season with salt and pepper to taste. The fill is ready.
    2. Peel the potatoes, cut into thin slices and place on the bottom of the mold. It is recommended to grease the form with any fat. Place finely chopped onion and fish slices on top of the potatoes. Sprinkle the filling with chopped parsley.
    3. Pour the dough over the filling. Bake in the oven at 200 ° C. Simple, tasty and very fast.

    Photo of a pie on kefir with canned fish in a slow cooker

    Canned fish pie can be prepared in a multicooker. The process takes an hour and a half, the cake is well suited, it turns out to be high, ruddy, with a thick layer of juicy filling. In addition to canned food, you can put cereals (rice, buckwheat), vegetables, including frozen ones, fresh herbs, potatoes in pieces and in the form of mashed potatoes in the filling. Aromatic herbs or ready-made fish spice kits are added as desired.

    Ingredients for the recipe:

    • butter 100 g.
    • kefir 1 glass
    • eggs 6 pcs.
    • flour 2 cups
    • baking powder 1 tsp
    • salt ½ teaspoon
    • sugar 1 tsp
    • canned food (sardines, saury, sardinella) 2 banks
    • boiled rice 1 cup
    • onion 2 pcs.
    • spices for fish ½ tsp
    • fat to grease the bowl

    Recipe for making a pie with kefir with canned fish:

    1. Boil 3 hard-boiled eggs. Throw the canned food in a colander so that the glass has excess oil or liquid. Peel the onions, cut into half rings. Mash the canned food into small pieces with a fork. Add peeled and coarsely chopped eggs, boiled rice, salt, season with spices, stir.
    2. Whisk the remaining eggs until smooth. Add kefir, salt, sugar, melted butter and mixed with baking powder and sifted flour. Whisk to avoid lumps. You should get a homogeneous dough of medium density.
    3. Grease the multicooker bowl. Pour out 2/3 of the dough. Lay out the filling. Onion on top. Pour out the remaining dough. Set the Baking mode. Time - 80 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the cake should cool slightly in the multicooker. Only then can it be removed and served.

    Tips for Making Canned Fish Pie

    Canned fish pie is as easy as shelling pears to make. It would seem that there could be secrets here. But there are subtleties here too. Having figured out how to cook canned fish pie correctly, having learned the little secrets, you will very quickly master this science to perfection, and the pie will become a favorite treat in your home:

    • Before cooking, it is recommended to put canned food in oil in a colander so that the glass will have excess oil. Experienced chefs prepare dough in strained butter. It is added instead of the fat that the recipe calls for. The dough becomes more flavorful.
    • Use canned food in your own juice to make your diet pie.
    • To make the filling juicy, put more onions in the dish. It should be the same as fish.
    • You can make a delicious pie not only from expensive canned fish, but also from cheap varieties. Lovers of canned food in tomato sauce can even use them.

    Pies are considered primordially Russian delicacies, our great-grandmothers were famous for their signature recipes for pies and other dishes. In those days, housewives spent the whole day baking holiday treats. Modern girls are more fortunate, because there are many quick and easy recipes for baking. And if you don't have fresh fish on hand, you can make a canned fish pie. In the oven, for example.

    How to knead the perfect dough?

    The basis of any pie is, of course, the dough. It can be of various types and tastes: yeast, crumbly, flaky, milk, kefir, etc. There is one golden rule of baking. For pies with a sweet filling, it is better to cook a rich yeast dough, and absolutely any is suitable for. The main thing is to know a few secrets of how to knead the perfect dough correctly.

    Once people believed that it was able to feel both the mood of a person and the warmth of his hands, so when mixing it they tried to think only about good things. Indeed, the best dough is obtained when it is prepared slowly, calmly. The secret is to knead and beat the future base as long as possible until it stops sticking to the hands and edges of the bowl.

    Which fish to choose for the filling?

    For closed pies in the form of a filling, juicy fish with dense and fatty meat, such as halibut, salmon, trout or sturgeon, are ideal. However, stores do not always sell fresh fish, so the best option for a treat for dinner is canned fish pie. Bake in the oven or fry in a pan - every housewife has the right to choose the method that she likes best.

    For the filling of such a dish, you can choose the following types of canned fish:

    • saury in oil - with it the cake will turn out to be soft and tender;
    • tuna in its own juice - suitable for those on a diet;
    • pink salmon in aromatic oil - will add the feeling of "crumbly";
    • mackerel - will add more piquancy and aroma.

    Yeast dough pie recipe

    The treat prepared according to this recipe turns out to be lush, soft and very appetizing. So how to bake a canned fish pie? Yeast dough ("raised" in the oven at a low temperature) is the most important ingredient. It doesn't matter how juicy your filling is, without the right proportion of flour and other ingredients, the pie will not be as tasty as intended.

    So, the necessary ingredients for cooking: premium flour - 4 tbsp., Yeast - 1 pack (about 7-10 g), sugar - 2 tsp, sunflower oil - 5-6 tbsp. l., salt - 1 tsp. - this is for the test; for the filling you will need tuna - 1 cons. jar, rice - 70 g, 2 large onions, spices and herbs.

    Step 1. Knead the dough as follows: stir sugar and yeast in 1 glass of warm water, add oil and salt, then pour it into a large container and sift flour there. Knead the resulting mass thoroughly until a homogeneous dough is formed, leave in a warm oven to rise.

    Step 2. Prepare the filling. To do this, finely chop the onion, boil the rice until half cooked, peel the tuna and peel. Mix all ingredients, add pepper and herbs.

    Step 3. Divide the dough into two parts, form each layer 2 cm thick. You can choose any shape, but it is more convenient to work with a classic rectangular one.

    Step 4. Grease a baking sheet with butter, carefully put the bottom layer of the base, then put the filling on it, level and cover with the second portion of the dough.

    Step 5. Yeast pie with canned fish, the recipe for which, as you can see, is very simple, is cooked at a temperature of 190-200 ° C for about 1 hour (plus or minus 10 minutes).

    The easiest recipe for novice hostesses

    If there is no opportunity or time to knead the dough, you can use ready-made purchased ones. Fortunately, now in any store they offer a large assortment of various types: puff, yeast and yeast-free, butter and even lean - for those on a diet. So how to make canned fish pie in the oven in the easiest way?

    For one small pie you will need the following ingredients: canned fish "Saira in oil" - 1 jar, ready-made puff pastry - 1 pack and hard cheese, for example, maasdam or parmesan.

    Step 1. Defrost the dough, if it is whole, then divide it into two parts and heat each into a thin layer.

    Step 2. Grease a baking dish with oil, put half of the dough and smooth along the edges of the baking sheet or baking dish.

    Step 3. Pour saury straight with butter into the mold, and cover with a layer of dough on top, trying to bend the edges down to completely cover the baking.

    Step 4. Bake at 180 ° C for about 10 minutes, then remove from the oven, sprinkle with grated cheese and put back for about 15 minutes.

    Unusual Canned Fish Pie

    A recipe with a photo is the best guide for hostesses. Below we will describe in detail the entire cooking process, so feel free to start cooking this particular baking. Prepared according to all the rules, it turns out to be incredibly soft and tender.

    For the pie, you will need butter dough, which is prepared like this:

    1. You need to take 100 g of crumbly cottage cheese and grind it, adding the same amount of butter.
    2. Break 1 chicken egg into the same container, mix thoroughly. Sift 1 cup flour, add a pinch of sugar, salt and baking powder.
    3. Knead the mass until a homogeneous dough is obtained. Then leave it for about 20 minutes in a warm place.

    At this time, you can do the stuffing:

    1. Pass small carrots through a grater, chop 1 onion, then sauté these ingredients in a frying pan in butter.
    2. Boil 2 hard-boiled eggs, cut into cubes and mix with carrots and onions.
    3. This canned fish pie, with a photo of which can be found below, is made from tuna without adding aromatic oils. Mix one jar of fish with the rest of the filling ingredients and add greens to them (dill looks best).

    How to properly make canned fish in the oven?

    The process of sculpting the cake itself is very simple: you need to divide the dough into two parts, form layers of approximately the same thickness and size, put the filling on one of them, close the top with a second layer of dough, grease the pastries with egg white (you can sprinkle with sesame seeds), and then send to oven for about 40 minutes. It is important to constantly monitor the cake, if necessary, move it to another level, closer or further from the fire. Willingness can be determined by three signs: the first is the aroma, the second is a ruddy look, the third (the classic way) is to try to pry the cake with a toothpick. If it's ready, there won't be any crumbs stuck on the stick.

    Such a treat can be eaten even by those who are on a diet, because it does not contain yeast or margarine. Instead, low-fat cottage cheese is used, thanks to which the cake turns out to be crumbly - it just melts in your mouth!

    One Layer Pie Recipe

    Such pastries are aromatic, crispy, and a little like pizza in appearance. We offer a method, tested by time and experience of many hostesses, on how to make an open pie from canned fish in the oven.

    For the test you will need: butter - 150 g, sour cream - 3 tbsp. l., flour - 1.5 cups (about 350 g), baking powder and salt. Knead in the following way:

    Step 1. Melt butter and add sour cream to it.

    Step 2. Sift flour into the same container, add baking powder and mix well. Knead the dough, it turns out to be shortbread.

    After the base is ready, it should be baked in the oven until golden brown edges appear. It is better to do it like this: form a circle 1 cm thick out of the dough, grease a mold or a baking sheet with oil, lay out the base (you can bend the edges by making "sides") and send it to the oven for 5-7 minutes.

    The following products are required for the filling: pollock fish fillet or canned tuna in its own juice, mushrooms, onions, spices and lemon.

    Step 1. Cut the onion and mushrooms into small pieces and sauté them in a frying pan.

    Step 2. Cut the fish into cubes, sprinkle with lemon juice and mix with onions and mushrooms.

    Step 3. Put the filling on a semi-prepared base, put in the oven and bake at 180 ° C for about 30 minutes.

    1. A yeast pie with canned fish will turn out to be softer and more fluffy if you use only fresh yeast for the dough, from which pleasant notes of alcohol emanate.
    2. before baking, you can pour sour cream cheese sauce. It is prepared very simply: mix grated hard cheese with sour cream, diluted with a little warm water.
    3. While baking, try to observe the process without opening the door. Otherwise, the oven temperature will drop immediately and the dough will not rise well enough.

    The finished treat is served on a large tray, it can be cut into portions and served also on small saucers. Historically, in Russia, various pastries - kulebyaki, pies, chicken pies and pies - were eaten by hand. However, it is now customary to use cutlery. With pies, for example, it is imperative to serve special tongs or a spatula so that each guest has the opportunity to add an additional portion to his plate.

    Every housewife dreams of having delicious and easy-to-use recipes in the culinary arsenal of pastries that can be made in a short period of time. Jellied pie with canned food on kefir has become such a must-have in many kitchens. Let's find out why the recipe for this pastry "wins hearts".

    Pros of the recipe for canned fish jellied pie

    In our age, when homemade baking continues to exist, canned fish jellied pie attracts the following advantages:

    • In the first place is its taste: everyone eats this pastry with pleasure.
    • Jellied fish pie is very easy to make.
    • This quick pie is good for dinner or breakfast and can be served with the first course for lunch.
    • Many housewives really like the fact that you don't need to get your hands dirty to knead the dough. If desired, beat the dough with a mixer, although this can be done simply with a fork.
    • The pie is very inexpensive.
    • The set of products used in it is the most common one.
    • It turns out delicious from experienced housewives and young ones.
    • The pie can be prepared in fasting.
    • The recipe is suitable for a multicooker.

    • Children do not refuse "Happy Fish". This is a great opportunity to supplement their diet with healthy foods.

    We will find out what you should pay attention to to make your kefir baked goods especially tasty.

    Secrets of the recipe "Happy fish"

    The main thing in every kefir jellied pie is to properly prepare a baking dish.

    • To prevent the dough from sticking, and after cooking it would be easier to take it out, cover the form with parchment paper oiled with vegetable oil.
    • The kefir dough should not be too liquid; in terms of density, it resembles sour cream or pancake dough.
    • If you want to show off an interesting filling, then place it on the baking sheet last.

      If your family gives preference to a beautiful golden brown crust, “hide” the filling in the middle layer.

    • The finished cake should not be taken out of the oven immediately. Turn off the oven and let the cake "ripen" with the door off and open for 10 minutes.
    • After baking, cover the dough with a clean towel or parchment paper to prevent cracking or dryness.
    • If you are not on a diet, you can add melted butter to the baked goods after baking.
    • You can make the recipe even more interesting: add dill herbs to make the cake bright, and spice for the fish.

    • The filling can be varied by adding rice, hard cheese, eggs.

    There is a sufficient assortment of canned fish on the shelf of any store. Which jar to buy for our jellied pie?

    Choose your favorite canned foods with confidence.

    To further reduce your pie budget, even the most inexpensive canned food will do.

    Fish cooked in oil or tomato can be used with equal success in these baked goods.

    List of products for making a pie according to the recipe "Rybka"

    For the test:

    • a glass of kefir;
    • 2 eggs;
    • a glass of sifted flour;
    • 0.5 teaspoon salt;
    • 1/3 teaspoon baking soda.

    If you prefer a looser and fluffier dough, you can put in a few tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream.

    For filling:

    • a jar of canned fish;
    • dill and green onions;
    • spices for fish at will;
    • 1 medium onion.

    If the previous list of products for the filling is required, if you wish, you can add two or three tablespoons of boiled rice, chop a few boiled eggs, 100-150 grams of hard cheese.

    The cheese can be mixed with the filling or put on the pie when done, putting it in the oven for a few more minutes for a cheese crust.

    Making the cake

    Heat the oven to 180 degrees. Prepare the mold: line the container with parchment paper, grease with vegetable oil.

    1. Cut the onion into thin half rings.

    2. Knead the canned food with a fork, mix with chopped onions and selected foods (cheese, rice, eggs) and spices.

    3. Knead the dough: add soda, salt, eggs and flour to a container with kefir. We place it carefully. Let's check: the consistency should resemble pancakes.

    4. We spread the dough and filling in the prepared form in one of the ways listed above.

    5. We bake our quick pie. If you decide to make a cheese crust, take out the pie 5-7 minutes before cooking, sprinkle it with grated cheese.
    Total baking time of the cake: 35-40 minutes. After 25 minutes, reduce the heat slightly.

    We traditionally check the readiness of the baking with a match.

    Let the baked goods stand in the turned off, slightly open oven for ten minutes.

    6. If you decide to cook in a multicooker, select the "Bake" mode for 50 minutes. Cover the cake pan with foil. You can pour a little melted butter on top of the pie, sprinkle with herbs. Cover the Lucky Fish with parchment paper or a clean towel and let cool slightly. We recommend using the Redmond multicooker.

    We hope that a pie according to this recipe will become a frequent guest on your table. Bon Appetit!

    Canned fish pie - noble taste without much hassle. How to make delicious canned fish pie Tinned fish pie is a dish that will surely decorate your table. Canned fish is a strategic product. You can make dozens of delicious salads from canned food, cook soup, serve fish pieces with a side dish, but the pie works best. It takes about an hour to prepare the pie as the filling is almost ready. It's up to the dough, which will take 15-20 minutes to cook. Prepare a fish pie from unleavened, yeast or puff pastry. The pie is quickly baked from batter. In a bowl, in a matter of minutes, the ingredients are mixed with which the filling is poured. Such a cake will be cooked in 30-40 minutes, so it can be taken into service when unexpected guests are on the doorstep. Experiments with filling help to make the pie tastier, healthier and more interesting. In addition to canned food, potatoes, carrots, zucchini, leeks, eggs, herbs, rice, buckwheat are added to the filling. By adding a new ingredient, you will get a new taste every time. Having mastered how to make canned fish pie according to basic recipes, you will very soon begin to create on your own, delighting home people with your own culinary masterpieces. Canned fish pie - noble taste without much hassle. How to make delicious canned fish pie Tinned fish pie is a dish that will surely decorate your table. Canned fish is a strategic product. You can make dozens of delicious salads from canned food, cook soup, serve fish pieces with a side dish, but the pie works best. It takes about an hour to prepare the pie as the filling is almost ready. It's up to the dough, which will take 15-20 minutes to cook. Prepare a fish pie from unleavened, yeast or puff pastry. The pie is quickly baked from batter. In a bowl, in a matter of minutes, the ingredients are mixed with which the filling is poured. Such a cake will be cooked in 30-40 minutes, so it can be taken into service when unexpected guests are on the doorstep. Experiments with filling help to make the pie tastier, healthier and more interesting. In addition to canned food, potatoes, carrots, zucchini, leeks, eggs, herbs, rice, buckwheat are added to the filling. By adding a new ingredient, you will get a new taste every time. Having mastered how to make canned fish pie according to basic recipes, you will very soon begin to create on your own, delighting home people with your own culinary masterpieces. Jellied pie with canned fish ______________________________________________________________________________ Fish and eggs will provide the body with complete protein, fragrant fresh herbs - with vitamins, ruddy dough will make the dish nourishing. Pie preparation time - 1 hour. It is not difficult to prepare it for dinner and it is not a shame to serve it to the festive table. Consider a detailed process for making a jellied pie with canned fish. Ingredients for the recipe: canned fish in its own juice 2 cans of eggs 6 pcs. greens (dill, parsley, green onions) a large bunch of sour cream 250 ml. mayonnaise 250 ml. flour 200 g soda 1 tsp vinegar 1 tbsp. spoon salt, pepper to taste Method of preparation: Boil 3 eggs hard-boiled. Cut into large pieces. Remove the canned food from the jar, mash slightly with a fork. Chop the greens finely. Combine herbs with chopped eggs and fish. Salt the filling, season with pepper. Mix everything again. Break three eggs into a bowl, beat lightly. Pour vinegar into sour cream with mayonnaise and add baking soda. Stir. Add the frothed sour cream and mayonnaise to the eggs. Stir. Enter flour. The dough should not be too thick. Grease a baking dish with any cooking oil. Pour the chaff dough into a mold. Spread the filling evenly. Pour over the remaining dough. Place the cake in the oven. Bake for 45 minutes in an oven heated to 180 ° C. Let the pie cool before serving. ______________________________________________________________________________ Puff Pie with Canned Fish and Cauliflower ______________________________________________________________________________ Crispy shortbread dough goes best with juicy filling. Make an open pie with canned fish, vegetables, and cheese. In winter, you can use frozen vegetables, in summer they are fresh in season. If you use ready-made puff pastry, the pie is cooked for no more than 30 minutes. So, let's look at a method of making a puff pie with canned fish. Ingredients for the recipe: puff pastry 500 g canned tuna 1 can cauliflower 300 g sweet pepper 1 pc. onion 1 pc. butter 1 tbsp. spoon hard cheese 150 g cream 200 ml. greens (dill, parsley, basil) a bunch of eggs 2 pcs. flour 2 tbsp. spoons Method of preparation: Defrost the puff pastry. Remove the canned food from the jar, mash slightly with a fork. Disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences and boil in salted water. Discard in a colander. Let the water drain. Peel the bell pepper from seeds, cut into small cubes. Peel the onion, chop finely. Fry the onions and peppers in butter until the juice evaporates. Whisk the cream, eggs and flour until smooth. Salt, add finely chopped herbs. Roll out the dough thinly. Lay out in the form, decorating the side. Place pieces of fish, boiled cauliflower, fried peppers and onions on top of the dough. Pour the egg and butter mixture over the filling. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Send to preheated oven for 30-45 minutes. A quick pie is ready as soon as the crust turns golden. ______________________________________________________________________________ Yeast Pie with Rice and Canned Fish ______________________________________________________________________________ Fish and Rice Pie is ideal for a picnic as it tastes good both warm and cold. You can bake a fish pie for dinner. It is filling, but not high in calories, since it contains a lot of filling and very little dough. The figure will not be harmed. So, let's look at a method of making a pie with rice and canned fish. Ingredients for the recipe: flour 250 g dry yeast 25 g salt and sugar pinch each warm water 250 ml. rice 100 gr. onion 2 pcs. canned food 2 cans salt, pepper, dried dill to taste Method of preparation: Mix all the ingredients for the dough. Knead the dough until bubbles begin to appear. Then place the dough in a bowl, cover the container with a lid or towel. Place in a warm place for an hour. Boil the rice until tender. Refrigerate. Peel and finely chop the onion. Fry it in vegetable oil until transparent. Add onions and canned food to the rice. If there is a lot of liquid or oil in the canned food, drain, otherwise the filling will be too wet. Season the filling with salt, pepper and dried dill. In summer, instead of dried dill, you can add any greens (dill, parsley, green onions, celery, basil). Lubricate the mold with oil. Divide the dough into 2 pieces. Place one on the bottom of the mold. Place the filling on top. Cover the pie with the other half of the dough. Brush the top with egg yolk using a cooking brush. Wait 15 minutes (for the dough to come up) and bake for 40 minutes. ______________________________________________________________________________ Lazy pie with canned fish and potatoes ______________________________________________________________________________ When there is no time to prepare the main course and side dish, a pie filled with potatoes and canned fish will do. For its preparation, you can use boiled or raw potatoes, the remaining mashed potatoes. The dough is prepared instantly, due to the liquid consistency it evenly covers the filling, provides a beautiful crust. The pie is quick and easy to prepare. Even the lazy one can handle its preparation. Ingredients for the recipe: eggs 3 pcs. flour 1 cup kefir ½ cup mayonnaise ½ cup soda ½ teaspoon salt, pepper to taste potatoes (boiled in their jacket) 5 pcs. onion 2 pcs. canned food 2 cans parsley a few sprigs Recipe for making a pie with canned fish and potatoes: Stir soda with kefir. Let it stand so that the kefir begins to foam. Mix eggs, kefir, mayonnaise, flour. Season with salt and pepper to taste. The fill is ready. Peel the potatoes, cut into thin slices and place on the bottom of the mold. It is recommended to grease the form with any fat. Place finely chopped onion and fish slices on top of the potatoes. Sprinkle the filling with chopped parsley. Pour the dough over the filling. Bake in the oven at 200 ° C. Simple, tasty and very fast. ______________________________________________________________________________ Kefir pie with canned fish in a multicooker ______________________________________________________________________________ Canned fish pie can be prepared in a multicooker. The process takes an hour and a half, the cake is well suited, it turns out to be high, ruddy, with a thick layer of juicy filling. In addition to canned food, you can put cereals (rice, buckwheat), vegetables, including frozen ones, fresh herbs, potatoes in pieces and in the form of mashed potatoes in the filling. Aromatic herbs or ready-made fish spice kits are added as desired. Ingredients for the recipe: butter 100 g. Kefir 1 cup eggs 6 pcs. flour 2 cups baking powder 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon canned food (sardines, saury, sardinella) 2 cans boiled rice 1 cup onions 2 pcs. spices for fish ½ teaspoon fat for greasing the bowl Recipe for making a pie with kefir with canned fish: Boil 3 hard-boiled eggs. Throw the canned food in a colander so that the glass has excess oil or liquid. Peel the onions, cut into half rings. Mash the canned food into small pieces with a fork. Add peeled and coarsely chopped eggs, boiled rice, salt, season with spices, stir. Whisk the remaining eggs until smooth. Add kefir, salt, sugar, melted butter and mixed with baking powder and sifted flour. Whisk to avoid lumps. You should get a homogeneous dough of medium density. Grease the multicooker bowl. Pour out 2/3 of the dough. Lay out the filling. Onion on top. Pour out the remaining dough. Set the Baking mode. Time - 80 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the cake should cool slightly in the multicooker. Only then can it be removed and served. Tips for Making Canned Fish Pie Making canned fish pie is as easy as shelling pears. It would seem that there could be secrets here. But there are subtleties here too. Having figured out how to cook a pie from canned fish correctly, having learned the little secrets, you will very quickly master this science to perfection, and the pie will become a favorite treat in your home: Before cooking, it is recommended to throw the canned food in oil into a colander so that the glass will have excess oil. Experienced chefs prepare dough in strained butter. It is added instead of the fat that the recipe calls for. The dough becomes more flavorful. Use canned food in your own juice to make your diet pie. To make the filling juicy, put more onions in the dish. It should be the same as fish. You can make a delicious pie not only from expensive canned fish, but also from cheap varieties. Lovers of canned food in tomato sauce can even use them.

    Pies are a popular dish in many countries. They were especially appreciated in Russia. Many sayings and proverbs were created by the people about pies. For example: "Red hut with corners, lunch with pies." Appetizing pies are obtained with savory filling and the addition of canned fish. The recipe for filling with canned fish necessarily contains onions or green onions and some additional component.

    This can be potatoes, herbs with rice, a boiled egg, or fried mushrooms. The dough can be very different. If you like to experiment, try jellied pies made from kefir or sour cream dough. You can buy ready-made puff pastry in the store, then you will definitely get a delicious canned fish pie if you take it out of the oven in time. You will have to spend a little more time making a yeast pie with potatoes or rice, onions and tuna.

    Prescription products

    • kefir 490 ml;
    • eggs 2 pcs.;
    • flour 360 g;
    • sugar 10 g;
    • soda 2.5 g;
    • salt;
    • vegetable oil 10 g;
    • onions 110 g;
    • eggs for the filling 2 pcs.;
    • canned fish from mackerel 250 g;
    • green onions.


    1. The dough for this cake is pretty runny. The amount of flour - two full glasses with a slide, when mixed with kefir and eggs, gives a dough resembling pancakes in density. But the recipe is very simple and quick to prepare.
    2. To prepare the dough, combine kefir with soda and leave for several minutes. Then they put eggs, a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of sugar and sifted flour in kefir. Knead a homogeneous dough with a spoon.
    3. Hard-boiled eggs are boiled for the filling. Canned fish are mixed with finely chopped onions and green onions. Boiled eggs are also finely chopped and mixed with the rest of the filling.
    4. A baking dish is greased with vegetable oil. Preheat the oven. Pour 1/3 of the dough into a mold, put half of the filling from canned food, eggs and onions on top. Cover the filling with another layer of dough, pouring it over with a spoon. Spread the entire filling on top and fill with the remaining dough.
    5. Bake at 200 degrees for about half an hour. The finished cake is allowed to cool, and only then is it removed from the mold.

    Yeast dough pie

    In the preparation of the cake, ready-made yeast dough is used. The dough is made unsweetened. You can use any recipe - simple yeast dough, like for baking bread, or pastry like for pies. If instead of potatoes you want to make a pie with rice, it is pre-boiled until half cooked and mixed with onions and herbs.

    Prescription products

    • yeast dough 800 g;
    • raw potatoes 760 g;
    • onions 110 g;
    • canned fish 450 g;
    • salt;
    • pepper;
    • egg for lubrication;
    • butter 45 g.


    1. The dough for the pie is prepared in advance or bought ready-made in the store. To prepare the filling, the potatoes are peeled and cut into small strips. Onions are cut into half rings or small pieces. Chopped potatoes and onions are mixed in a plastic sieve, salt and pepper. Leave the vegetables in a sieve so that the resulting juice flows into another container.
    2. The pie dough is divided into two parts, one of which should be slightly larger than the other. I roll out most of it about a centimeter thick. A sheet for baking a cake is sprinkled with flour and a rolled layer of dough is spread on it. Turn on the oven 180 degrees.
    3. At the layer that lies on the baking sheet, the edges are raised, making the sides so that they can then be connected to the top layer of the dough, and completely close the filling. Spread potatoes and onions on a rolled layer of dough, crushed canned fish (tuna, sardines or saury) are evenly distributed on top. Pieces of butter are laid out on top of the canned food to make the pie juicy.
    4. Roll out the dough for the top of the pie. Using a rolling pin, transfer it to the cake, and pinch the edges. You need to pinch thoroughly so that juice does not flow out of the filling. An egg is spread over the top of the pie. Using a knife, several small cuts are made in the top of the cake to release steam when baking. Put the pie in the oven for 40 minutes.
    5. When the cake is baked, removed from the oven, it is greased with butter, covered with food parchment and a towel, and left to cool for ten minutes. The finished pie with potatoes or rice and tuna is cut into pieces and served.

    The ready-made yeast dough in the recipe can be replaced with puff from the store. You don't have to roll it out, just defrost it. The procedure for making a puff pastry recipe will be the same as for yeast.

    Good appetite.