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  • What lives under the nails. Who lives under your nails? What does the structure of the nail on the hand look like: diagram

    What lives under the nails.  Who lives under your nails?  What does the structure of the nail on the hand look like: diagram

    Knowledge about microbes seems to us necessary only at school age, in biology lessons. However, for preschool children, this information is equally important.... Children often neglect brushing their teeth and washing their hands, and these hygiene rules are extremely important for health. Before we tell the children anything, let's remember what germs are.

    What are they, bacteria and microbes?

    These are small creatures: it is impossible to see them with the naked eye. Examine the surrounding objects for the presence of microbes on them under a microscope. Germs live everywhere. They move with the help of flagella or tails, and in the water they bounce like balls. Animals and people are also carriers of microbes: on hands, unwashed vegetables and fruits, wool.

    Microbes feed on everything that is around. If you see mold on a piece of bread, then germs have settled on it. Microorganisms can be breeding grounds for disease: they are viruses. In order to recover and get rid of the multiplied microbes, a person is forced to take medications. To fight germs, it is imperative to follow the rules of hygiene.

    However, keep in mind that a dry and boring story about bacteria is unlikely to impress your little one. He will listen to everything, but, most likely, he will continue to disregard his health. Poems, videos, photographs, pictures will help to present information about microbes for children in a bright, interesting way.

    Study guides

    Show your children pictures, photographs, or a video to make them feel impressed by your story. These materials are prepared under a microscope. Scientists use a microscope to study the vital functions of microbes.

    Flashcards: What should a child know about germs?

    Pictures and photos show microbes magnified by a microscope millions of times. Hygiene verses can accompany your story. You can download pictures, photos and poems for children on our website.

    Varieties of microbes.


    An interesting cartoon or video film, in which there is a photo under a microscope, will show the baby the whole danger of microbes faster and brighter. Here are some of the good and useful cartoons to watch on our site.

    Aunt Owl's Lessons

    This cartoon is a wonderful tale about microbes and their effect on the human body. The information is presented in an accessible way, without unnecessary terminology and is aimed just at children of preschool or primary school age. The cartoon is accompanied by simple and at the same time understandable poems, and the main character - the assistant to Aunt Owl - examines harmful bacteria under a microscope, where microbes appear as living ones. You can watch the cartoon here:

    Why brush your teeth?

    This video film tells in detail why you need to wash your hands and brush your teeth, how a person tastes, how the digestion process takes place, etc. Boring scientific information is presented in the form of heroes who represent microbes, impulses that enter the human brain and are responsible for taste, etc. Thanks to such a non-standard presentation of the material, the kid will be able to literally visualize not only what microbes are (this topic is secondary in the cartoon), but also generally understand how the human body works. You can watch the cartoon here:

    Mitya and microbus

    The next cartoon titled "Mitya and the Microbe" is more suitable for preschoolers. This video film tells about the boy Mitya, who, like all children, neglected the methods of hygiene. The cartoon has an interesting plot about beneficial bacteria and microbes fighting among themselves. Microorganisms are presented in the form of small people, which seem to be observed under a microscope. The cartoon is a puppet, but it's no less interesting to watch it. The characters in it sing funny songs, simple and instructive. You can watch or download a video film here:

    Arkady Parovozov

    This is a video film made on the basis of computer graphics. It is a story about a girl named Masha who ate an unwashed tomato with germs. As a result, she had a fever and a stomach ache. But a certain Arkady Parovozov comes to the rescue, a kind of Superman who drives away microbes and returns Masha to well-being. This is not to say that the cartoon is drawn perfectly. The figures are rather schematic, and all attention is directed to the verses about microbes, which the author of the video reads off-screen. You can watch the cartoon here:

    You are your germs

    This cartoon is more of a scientific video film with explanations, pictures and photos. It will be more interesting for younger students. Here photos of microbes and cartoons alternate. There are no songs or poems in the cartoon. When offering it to a child, this factor must be taken into account: the child must be ready for perception. You can watch a cartoon with a photo here:

    So, a fairy tale about microbes in the form of a movie or a cartoon is an excellent tool for teaching kids.

    Some parents sometimes forget to remind their child to wash their hands, many times a day, thoroughly and thoroughly. All this will last until they see such a photo of microbes under a microscope that live on the hands of children. Their appearance alone, even without a detailed description, will be an excellent reminder of the mandatory observance of children's hygiene.

    While this information gave you figurative goosebumps, the photograph of the palm of an 8-year-old child, which is now walking on the Internet, opened our eyes to the fact that whole detachments of microbes really run on children's skin.

    Also Read: Hand Washing Can Save Your Child's Life

    Here's a scary fact to warm up: the human body is home to billions of microorganisms, which outnumber our cells by 10 to 1. Of course, some representatives of the microbial world can cause disease, but the vast majority live in harmony with humans: in the mouth, nose and skin.

    After filling a container (Petri dish) with a special laboratory solution, a microbiologist from California asked her 8-year-old son to make an imprint in it one morning after he did some chores and played with the dog. The child was absolutely healthy.

    After that, the scientist incubated the vessel at body temperature and two days later, "several orders" of bacteria turned into colonies.

    Then Miss Sturm, the boy's mother, decided to photograph her home experiment and put it on the MicrobeWorld website of the American Society for Microbiology.

    "There are approximately several million bacteria in this giant flower."

    But you are unlikely to see such a concentration of bacteria in the palm of your hand, because under the conditions of the experiment, the bacteria are provided with optimal conditions for reproduction and prosperity.

    The huge bloom of bacteria on her son's hand most likely represents a certain kind of bacillus, the most diverse group of bacteria. Scientists use some types of bacilli to synthesize antibiotics such as bacitracin and polyximin. That is, despite the fact that there are those that can cause disease, most bacteria are absolutely harmless to humans.

    “This is something that is often present in the environment. We often do swabs from shoe soles, and there are also a lot of bacteria there. "

    The reason why the bacteria are located clearly along the contour of the hand is that the rest of the vessel is completely sterile. But if you notice, there is another layer of bacteria between the thumb and forefinger.

    “It's probably a pollutant,” Sturm said. “I conducted the experiment at home, on the kitchen table, and therefore, when you lift the lid, there is the possibility of contamination of the dish, for example, with dust or animal dander.”

    The following photo shows a close-up of the concentration of bacteria.

    Although the biologist did not do specific tests to determine how many types of different bacteria are present in a print, she said she could try to scientifically guess what microorganisms are in the print.

    “Several white colonies can be seen around the fingertip area. It looks like staphylococcus aureus. The yellow colonies are micrococcus, and the pink ones are serratia. "

    All of the above bacteria are very common - we contact them on a daily basis. Staphylococcus aureus is a round-shaped bacterium that is often found in soil, and also likes to linger on human skin and mucous membranes.

    Many species of micrococcus are harmless and prefer to live in water, dust and soil, but scientists have also found the presence of micrococcus on human skin, dairy products and beer.

    In contrast, some types of serrata can lead to infection, especially for people in the hospital. These bacteria love to colonize our airways and urinary tract, but can also exist on our skin.

    Are bacteria on a child's hands harmless or dangerous?

    The bacteria that are present on the son's hands do not bother the microbiologist.

    “We encounter bacteria every day our entire lives, and this is also a kind of part of a healthy immune system,” says Sturm. “Therefore, if a child does not have an immunodeficiency, there is practically no reason for concern. You just have to be sensible and remember to wash your hands. "

    How would people live if they were born without fingers and nails? We use our hands every day and don't think about it at all. Thanks to palms and fingers, you can feel, touch, perform the most difficult and small work, without even knowing how lucky we are.

    To start

    Most of us know that washing our hands with soap after using the toilet is not just boring rules, but effective and efficient advice. Because only a few people think about how many different microbes can be hidden under the nails. However, just washing your hands will not be enough, since the soap sometimes does not get under the nail plate and does not kill pathogenic microorganisms.

    Let's find out what microbes live on your hands. Here are the most shocking facts that should motivate you to take better care of the hygiene of your nails in order to prevent various diseases.

    Your nails are a breeding ground for germs

    Hand hygiene is very important because most bacteria can cause vomiting and diarrhea. The area under the nails is an excellent environment where pathogenic microorganisms can safely multiply and feed without fear that they will die.

    You can contract E. coli and dozens of other bacteria by touching handles on public transport (train or bus), holding coins, or receiving banknotes. That being said, you cannot say for sure that all the people who touched the contaminated object have recently washed their hands.

    Failure to comply with hygiene rules, a dirty environment in the bathroom, contact with sick and street animals, raw meat - all this can cause infection with viruses such as campylobacter and norovirus.

    Artificial nails are not hygienic!

    The next time you admire someone's manicure, consider hygiene. It has been scientifically proven that a person transmits and takes on more than 10 million bacteria in just one day (average). But people who are very fond of false nails transport twice as many pathogens.

    False nails, although they look believable, well-groomed and beautiful, are more difficult to keep clean. Despite the fact that in appearance it will seem that the extended nail plate is much cleaner than natural, it is actually just a disguise that simply hides the entire unfavorable environment under a layer of gel or a finished nail.

    No one cares about hygiene

    An American microbiologist conducted research and found out that one in five people does not wash their hands with soap and water after using the toilet, especially in public. This means that even if these four people from statistics carefully treat their hands, lubricate them with an antiseptic gel and dry the skin surface, they can still "pick up" pathogenic microorganisms.

    Never bite your nails!

    Imagine how many bacteria that live under your nails you will eat when you start chewing on them! It's good if you have an excellent immune system that can resist viruses and infections. However, this is what can be the cause of the evening diarrhea, which, in your opinion, will be caused by bad yogurt eaten in the morning.

    Scientists from the University of Aston conducted a test: they took nail clippings from 100 volunteers (men and women), carefully studied and found the presence of enterobacteria (which includes Salmonella and E. coli). These microorganisms cause vomiting and diarrhea.

    A person who is aware of all the danger carefully monitors hand hygiene. Many experts agree that the best way to remove dirt from underneath your nails is to scrub the area with a special brush to keep germs out.

    More recently, the BRUZZ nail brush was invented, which was developed by Emma Mayer, a therapist and former flight attendant. She made the tool so comfortable and soft that it was possible to remove all germs from under the nail. The brush contains antibacterial bristles that are impregnated with softening vanilla extract. In addition to maximum hygiene, the accessory will help your hands smell great.

    Wash your hands

    It would seem that such a simple task, effective and easy, but not everyone can cope with it. Proper hand washing requires the use of running water and soap. In this case, the procedure is carried out for 15-30 seconds. To make the process easier, say the lyrics of a song, a verse, or even just the alphabet to yourself. This will help make sure you wash your hands long enough.

    Soap breaks down grease and dirt, which contain most germs. Make sure you are treating all areas, not just your palms! When doing this, wash thoroughly between the fingers, the back of the hand, across and along the nail, around the wrists, and inside the palm.

    The type of soap is irrelevant, but it is advisable if you will rinse the solid before and after the procedure. Always practice good hygiene, which means washing your hands before and after preparing food, touching a baby, and going to the bathroom. And if you wear contact lenses, you should always cleanse your skin before using them, otherwise you risk infecting your eyes!

    Wear gloves

    In some professions, this is not just a desire or a request, but a demand. For example, dentists should wear clean, disposable, sterile gloves before starting a procedure. The same goes for the chefs who serve food in a public place.

    Try this rule in your family as it will help prevent the spread of germs. Surgical gloves are not such an expensive commodity that the average person cannot buy them. However, this is how you can stop Campylobacter from getting into food, a bacteria that can cause serious poisoning.

    Wear surgical gloves or latex gloves when handling raw poultry and dispose of them immediately after you have processed the food and placed it in a baking sheet, pot, or skillet. This reduces the risk of spreading the virus to the kitchen faucet when washing your hands. It is also possible that when working with raw meat, you can infect other food items.

    Use an antibacterial spray

    Despite the fact that the main ingredient in an antibacterial gel or spray is ethyl alcohol, it effectively kills many bacteria by disinfecting the skin.

    Stock up on such a tool when you are traveling on public transport or going on a trip. Even if you want to have a snack on the way, you don't have to be afraid of poisoning. Just apply a little gel to the surface of your hands, rub and wait until it is completely dry. Do the same when using a public toilet. When at home, treat frequently used surfaces (faucets, doorknobs, sinks) with an antiseptic solution containing bleach or alcohol.

    Good day everyone!

    Today, the topic of the article is our nails. Say, what is it about them? However, they play a very important role. Their main function is protective. Moreover, almost all vertebrates (or their analogues) have nails. Nail care is necessary and not only for women. In addition, nails are a good indicator of various diseases. If you pay attention to them as this kind of indicator, you can prevent the development of ailments.

    If we compare nails as a specific formation in the animal kingdom, then in other animals their analogs are claws and hooves. Accordingly, nails are different both in configuration and in size. In humans, the length of the nail on the hands is approximately 1.5 cm, and the thickness is 0.75 mm, and on the legs is 1 mm.

    Nail structure

    NAIL, ungnis, an accessory formation of the skin, which, like the hooves and claws of animals, is a derivative of the epidermis. Nails are dense quadrangular plates, consisting of a special kind of keratinized elements, located on the dietary parts of the dorsal surfaces of the terminal phalanges of the fingers and toes. (medical encyclopedia)

    The nail is also called the nail plate. She lies on the nail bed. The nail has a root and a body. The root is the back of the nail plate, which is located under the posterior nail fold. The nail fold is the upper part of the skin fold that slides over the nail plate. This roller also plays a protective role, which means that neither any foreign bodies nor pathogenic bacteria get to the nail root. The back of the nail bed, on which the nail root lies, is called the matrix. It is here that the nail plate is formed. Therefore, the matrix consists of epithelial cells.

    Nogti are horny plates (claw homologues) on the dorsum of the ends of the fingers of the upper and lower extremities of most primates. Nails are derived from the epidermis

    The thorny layer of the epithelium contains special cells called onychoblasts. Due to these very onychoblasts, the nail is formed. This occurs as a result of their transformation into the horny plates of the nail.

    What is matrix

    The matrix is ​​a living part of the nail, which is located at its very base. To put it simply, it is from here that the nail grows. When new cells grow, old, dead ones are pushed out. This process is clearly visible when we cut our nails, and after a while we saw that they grew back again. This process is very important for the nail plate and requires adequate nutrition. As a result, there are many nerves and capillaries in the matrix. Moreover, it should be noted that the matrix is ​​also very sensitive. It can be easily injured and damaged. This must be taken into account when caring for your nails. Injuries to the matrix can lead to discoloration and even its complete loss, various irregularities and ribs can also appear. If serious consequences were not manifested in this case, then, in principle. After a while, all these manifestations will pass.

    As already mentioned, painful changes in the human body are reflected in the nails. So, for example, experiencing painful influences, the matrix leaves grooves, irregularities and grooves of various depths on the nails.

    Nail bed

    The continuation of the matrix is ​​the nail bed. It got its name from the fact that the nail plate is located on it. The health of this very plate, as well as the shape and color, depends on the nail bed.

    Hole, or moon

    If you look closely at the bottom of your nail (at the matrix), you will see a white semicircle - a crescent moon. That is why the Moon is called. True, it is not located on all fingers, but only on some. Best on the thumbs. But on the little fingers it is not visible at all.

    Nail plate

    This is the largest and most visible area of ​​the nail. In general, it is in everyday life that it is called a nail. The nail plate consists of compressed cells. There are no nerve endings or blood vessels here. It is understandable, otherwise, we would not be able to trim or take care of our nails painlessly. The main color of the plate is pale pink. But influenced by both external factors. Likewise, the internal color can vary from pale to bluish.

    The nail plate is presented in three layers. They differ in density and are separated by layers of fat. The outer layer is the hardest. It is on it that they build up with gel or acrylic on tips.

    Free edge

    That which protrudes beyond the edge of the finger that we process is called the free edge. This is the most vulnerable area. Having broken it off, we usually say: "I broke (broke) my nail"


    And finally, the cuticle. It can be seen as a rim of skin that frames the nail plate. It protects the part of the nail that begins to harden.

    Having lost its elasticity, the cuticle grows onto the nail itself. As a result, burrs are formed, it can also crack.

    What are nails made of?

    What is our nail like? It is based on a protein called keratin. This protein can be found not only in nails, but also in skin and even hair.

    Keratin contains a large amount of sulfur, which is associated with such a density of not only nails, but also hair. Sulfur molecules, forming strong bonds, thereby strengthen the protein, making it hard enough. The amount of this sulfur in the body is often determined by hereditary characteristics. People who have a high enough content also have harder nails.

    As already mentioned, there are layers of fat and water between the layers of keratin. These layers give exactly the elasticity and shine to the nail. By absorbing moisture, the nail often increases its thickness. If you often work with water or just kept your hands in water for a long time, then your nails can become soft and thick.

    In addition to sulfur, trace elements such as calcium, chromium, phosphorus, selenium, and zinc can be found in our nails.

    How does a nail grow?

    Growth of the nail occurs as a result of the division of matrix cells. Working hard, they release the protein keratin. But as you move to the nail plate, fluid disappears in the cells and they die off. At the same time, the rows of these cells become very dense.

    If we compare nail growth with hair growth, then it should be noted that nails grow much more slowly. It is estimated that nails grow by about 1 mm on the hands in a week, and by 0.25 mm on the legs. Completely, the nail plate is updated in almost six months.

    However, nail growth can be accelerated by various hormonal shifts. This usually happens during adolescence, during pregnancy, in the spring. Nail growth can also be affected by the grinding of nails in those who constantly type on the keyboard, as well as the habit of constantly biting nails.

    Along with this, the growth of nails can slow down if you adhere to a diet that is too strict, which is low in fats, proteins and vitamins, and various diseases.

    Nails as a mirror of our diseases

    Recognizing Diseases by Examining the Nails in Tibetan Medicine

    If the nails are pink [in color, to the touch] smooth, [in shape] round and elongated, these are common signs of absence of disease.

    If the nails appear whitish and rough, these are signs of Rlung disease.

    If the nails are yellowish-burgundy, this indicates the presence of mkhris disease.

    If the nails become white in color, it is a sign [of a combination] of Rlung disease and depletion of blood [tissue]. If the nails are dark red in color, it is a sign of [heat] rims.

    If the nails appear blue, it is a sign of bad blood spread or agitation [blood].

    If white dots are visible on pink nails, this is a sign of pus.

    If you see black dots on blue [in color] nails, this is a sign of scraning.

    If the nails become convex or concave in shape, this is a sign of a disorder [from] the psyche or heart.

    It has long been known that nails are a good indicator of what diseases are going on in our body.

    The longitudinal grooves show that there are chronic inflammations in the body, usually either of the paranasal sinuses or teeth, as well as that rheumatism begins.

    Transverse grooves say that a person has diseases of internal organs, for example, kidneys, liver, intestines. These grooves are formed due to the fact that there is little zinc in the body. And since zinc is most of all in animal products, such grooves are often characteristic of vegetarians.

    If the nail has various indentations and depressions giving it the appearance of a thimble, then you have psoriasis. When the nails are shaped like watch glasses, it means there are lung diseases and even cancer. A spoon-shaped nail indicates an iron deficiency. And if the color of the nails changes, then pathological changes in the internal organs are formed. The blue tint of the nails indicates that there is insufficient blood circulation in it. The yellow color of the nails indicates a sick liver. If you have diabetes mellitus, the nails become not only yellowish, but also lumpy. The same happens with nail fungus.

    The word "manicure" is of Latin origin ("manus" - hand, "kur" - care, care, treatment). Manicure work is about making your nails and hands look more beautiful. Beautiful, well-groomed nails and hands are the norm for any woman and man.

    Before proceeding with the manicure, it is necessary to agree with the client on the most suitable shape of the nails.

    When choosing a shape, the following individual factors should be considered:

    Typically, the nails are shaped to match the shape of the cuticles.

    There are four main forms of nails: square, round, oval, pointed (almond-shaped).

    Nails are appendages of the skin. They are formed from horny cells in the form of a dense thickening on the dorsum of the surface of the terminal phalanges of the fingers.

    The nail plate consists of translucent keratinized cells, has a convex shape, is firmly connected to the nail bed, it protects the soft tissue of the fingertip, which protects the nail bed from mechanical damage, is resistant to weak acids and alkalis. The nail plate is surrounded by nail ridges at the back and sides.

    A healthy nail plate is pink and shiny.

    The complete renewal of the nail plate occurs in 105 days. Damage to the nail plate and nail skin can lead to infection under the nail fold and nail disease. Therefore, manicure (pedicure) should be done carefully and carefully.

    In order to carry out an elementary diagnosis of diseases, it is necessary to know their manifestations.

    Pustular skin diseases are caused by staphylococci and streptococci. Contamination of the skin, cuts, burns, and scratching contributes to the development of this disease.

    Pustular diseases are characterized by rashes (pustules) of red color, after a while the nodules fester.

    In the interdigital folds of the hand and foot, streptococcal diaper rash can develop, characterized by a weeping surface of the skin of a bright pink color.

    Prevention of pustular diseases consists mainly in maintaining the purity of the skin and eliminating the causes of its excessive pollution.

    Careless handling of manicure accessories can also be the cause of pustular diseases. Injury and cuticle cuts are accompanied by reddening of the nail rolls, and infection can cause felon (purulent discharge from under the nail roll).

    In the event of a cut or injection, it is imperative to treat this place with hydrogen peroxide, iodine or an antiseptic, thoroughly disinfect the instrument.

    With scabies, scabies are noticeable, laid by the female mite in the surface layer of the skin. Moves are found more often on the hands (between the fingers), as well as on the lateral surfaces of the fingers. They look like thin stripes 5-8 mm long with small bubbles. The disease is characterized by severe itching.

    Examination of the client's hands before the manicure consists in checking for scabies. At the slightest suspicion, the presence of bubbles on the surface of the fingers or between them, the client's complaints of itching, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist.

    - a disease of viral origin, transmitted through contact. The development of the disease is facilitated by trauma to the skin, its dryness, a decrease in the pH of the skin, as well as hyperhidrosis - increased sweating. The incubation period is from several weeks to 2-4 years.

    There are several types of warts: simple, flat (juvenile), periungual, subungual.

    Warts are flat, painless, globular, non-inflammatory nodules that rise above the level of the skin. The surface of the warts is rough, ranging in size from a grain of rice to a pea.

    When the warts are located on the nail roller, especially in the area of ​​the nail matrix, the nail plate becomes rough, becomes thinner, and transverse or longitudinal grooves are formed on it.

    A wart on the tip of a toe can spread under the nail on the bed of the nail. In this case, painful sensations appear, the nail plate separates from the bed, becomes dull. You can remove warts with a pencil, liquid nitrogen, 70% vinegar essence. And also by electrocoagulation or laser. Removal of warts is performed by a cosmetologist

    Fungal nail infections (mycoses)- especially contagious, since they are easily transmitted from one person to another. The fungus can quickly move from one nail of the client to another or get on the hands of the manicurist. The fungus affects the skin of the hands, feet and nails.

    Ringworm of the hands- belongs to the number of dangerous fungal diseases transmitted by contact. The main symptoms are reddish sores and may be accompanied by mild or severe itching.

    Ringworm of the feet- manifests itself in the form of bubbles spreading on the plantar side of the foot and between the toes. Sometimes only one foot is affected.

    Epidermophytosis of nails- Most often seen on the big toes and little toes. Yellow spots and stripes appear on the nail plate, the nail thickens, looses and collapses. Infection occurs in saunas, swimming pools, when using someone else's shoes. Increased sweating, moisture in the skin, as well as cracks and dirt contributes to infection.

    Trichophytosis of the palms and soles- characterized by thickening and flaking of the skin. Sharp outlined spots are noticeable.

    Trichophytosis of the nails most often occurs on the fingers. Gray-white spots appear in the thickness of the nail plate, starting from the free edge of the nail. The nail plate thickens, becomes brittle, bumpy.

    - a fungal disease transmitted by infection from sick people or animals (cats, dogs). It affects the smooth scalp, less often the nails. Outwardly, it is similar to trichophytosis: Peeling and redness.

    Mold- is a type of fungal infection. Mold damage to the nail occurs when moisture accumulates between the unsanitized nail and the cosmetic products on top. For example, when using false nails, gels and acrylics. Mold can be recognized already at an early stage of nail damage - by a yellowish-green spot that gradually darkens. When the infection persists for a long time, the nail becomes black, soft, and has an unpleasant odor.

    Specialists should deal with the treatment of fungal diseases.

    Prevention of fungal diseases consists in hygienic skin care, individual use of household items (washcloths, towels, shoes), frequent disinfection of bathtubs, floors, tools. It is advisable to disinfect the shoes: apply 70% vinegar essence on the foam rubber sponge, wipe the shoes inside and place them together with the sponge in a plastic bag for 48 hours, then ventilate the shoes well.

    Ingrown nail- the problem of an ingrown toenail in pedicure is quite common in practice. According to statistics, the number of diseases is constantly growing.

    An ingrown toenail is an ingrowth of the nail plate, usually the big toe, into the soft tissue of the nail fold, causing the roller to swell and chronic pain when walking.

    In the area of ​​ingrowth of the nail into the soft tissue of the nail fold, wounds are formed. Sometimes, when pressure is applied to the nail roll or the edge of the nail, a large amount of pus is released. Joining an infection is especially dangerous for people suffering from diabetes mellitus and poor circulation in the legs, since infection can lead to the development of gangrene of the toe.

    Causes of ingrown toenails. An ingrown toenail problem is often the result of improper nail care. When shortening the nail plate, it is recommended to cut off only the free edge of the nail, without touching the corners and without going into the nail sinuses. It is better to cut the corners with a nail file.

    The second reason for an ingrown toenail is wearing uncomfortable, narrow-toed shoes, as the constant squeezing of the toes causes the nail plate to bite into the nail roll.

    With flat feet or fungal diseases, the likelihood of an ingrown nail disease increases dramatically.

    - These are superficial small tears of the stratum corneum in the area of ​​the nail ridges. Burrs look like elongated pieces of skin. They can be single and multiple.

    Burrs arise from traumatic damage to the skin: deep cutting of the cuticle, the habit of gnawing the burrs, shaking wet hands, from the use of skin-irritating detergents, acids, alkalis.

    Burrs are often accompanied by inflammation of the skin of the periungual ridges and can lead to the formation of felon. You cannot tear off the burrs, but you need to carefully cut them off at the base with nail scissors, and then lubricate with an alcohol solution or Castellani liquid. A bandage with tetracycline ointment or synthomycin emulsion is applied to the inflamed areas.

    Change in nail color- the normal pink color of the nails can change: turn pale with anemia, blush with arrhythmias, turn blue with circulatory disorders and heart disease. The yellow color of the nails appears under the influence of some drugs, also after the use of some cheap varnishes. With fungal diseases, the nails are dull, gray, yellow, and have spots.

    Transverse or longitudinal grooves of the nail- this is a consequence of infectious or nervous diseases. As well as the consequences of nail trauma.

    Age nails- with age, the nails lose their transparency, elasticity, become dull, grayish or yellowish. Longitudinal ridges and grooves appear on them.

    Nutrition is important to keep your nails in good condition.

    Strengthening nails will help the use of products containing vitamins, trace elements, and minerals necessary for the structure of the nail plate. Wheat bran, containing B vitamins, fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits, rich in microelements, are also very useful. The lack of trace elements can also be replenished by walnuts and honey (but in limited quantities).

    An important source of potassium is dried apricots, potassium is also contained in prunes, bananas, apples.

    The lack of zinc in the body can be replenished with pumpkin seeds (10-20 seeds every other day). Food containing iodine (fish, seaweed) is required in the diet, it should be consumed 2-3 times a week. It is also recommended to eat meat 2 times a week as a source of animal proteins. It is recommended to take calcium tablets with vitamin D 2 times a year for 1 month.

    Sea salt baths give a good effect to strengthen nails. To do this, take 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt and dissolve in a glass of warm water. The nails are immersed for 15 minutes.

    You can use warmed vegetable oil in a similar way, then rub the rest of the oil into the skin of your hands.

    In the evening before going to bed, it is useful to lubricate your nails abundantly with lemon juice.

    Such procedures should be regular courses for 10-12 days in a row.

    Ready-made forms of nail strengthening products also give good results.

    The structure of the nail and its functions

    The biological function of nails is protective.

    Nails on fingers and toes, protect fingers from mechanical stress. Nails on the fingers, with their sufficient length, allow a person to manipulate smaller objects during any work.

    Like the hair shaft, the nail plate of the nail is not living tissue... The nail plate has no nerve endings and blood vessels, and it does not have in its structure, means of delivering nutrients to the cells of the already formed (regrown) nail.

    The nail consists of a partially visible nail plate and a nail root.

    Nail plate

    Nail plate- this is the visible outer part of the nail, consisting mainly of keratinized protein keratin, between the plates of which there are lipid layers and water molecules. On three sides, the nail plate goes into the skin, and on the side of the fingertips it has a free growing tip, which in everyday life we ​​call a nail. The nail plate consists of 100-150 layers of keratin, and has a thickness of 0.3 - 0.5 mm.

    The nail plate consists of the following elements:

    • 62% keratin protein
    • 15-16 % water
    • 15-16% fat lipids that hold the keratin layers together
    • 5-6 % sulfur, which is responsible for the strength of the nail plate. With a lack of sulfur, the nails exfoliate.
    • trace elements: calcium, nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon, magnesium, iron, barium, manganese, zinc

    Nail root

    Nail root- this is the back of the nail plate, which goes under the skin ( proximal cushion). The root of the nail lies on the back of the nail bed and is called - matrix.

    Matrix- this is, by analogy with the structure of the hair, a kind of bulb. The visible nail plate begins to form and grows from the matrix. In the matrix, the cells of the future nail are formed from a kind of protein - keratin... New cells formed in the matrix push the dead cells forward, and as a result, the nail growing.

    Lunula- this is the visible part of the matrix, which has the shape of a crescent and has a lighter color (almost white) than the main nail. This is actually a zone of transition, still living tissues of the nail plate into keratinized tissues.

    Cuticle (eponychium)- This is a dense roller of skin cells that surrounds the nail plate at the base of the nail and fits snugly against it. The main function of this area of ​​the nail is to protect the matrix from the penetration of bacteria and foreign bodies.

    Nail bed- This is the layer of connective tissue on which the nail plate is formed. It is densely covered with blood vessels, has many nerve endings and is attached to the nail plate through a thin layer of tissue - epithelial tissue of the bed.

    Hyponychium- This is the lowest layer of the nail plate, in the form of an interlayer between the nail plate itself and the nail bed. The hyponychium is formed by a layer of the epidermis and consists of basal and spinous cells.

    How does a nail grow?

    Let's trace the life path of one nail cell from the stage of inception to the final formation in the nail plate.

    New nail cells are formed at the root of the nail - in the matrix.

    So in the process cell division in the matrix, two new cells are formed, called onychoblasts... The mother cell of the onychoblast, which has been dividing, remains in the matrix structure, and the identical cell formed from it is above it, in the second row. Then the process is repeated, and the onychoblast cell remaining in the matrix divides again, forming another row of identical cells. Etc.

    The formed new row of cells pushes forward the row of cells formed earlier, and thus the cells move from the matrix towards the tip of the nail plate. The process of formation of new cells of onychoblasts occurs continuously, and due to this, the nail plate grows.

    New onychoblast cells, formed from the mother cells of the matrix, immediately after formation have a spherical shape and white color. The accumulation of these cells in the area of ​​the nail root gives white color lunule... As soon as cells are born, protein begins to be synthesized in them - keratin... And as the cells move from the matrix towards the tip of the nail, a number of changes occur in them, as a result of which the cell changes its shape, content and color. From a white spherical cell, it turns into a translucent cell, shaped like a gear. The bulges on the cell, which give it the shape of a gear, are called desmosomes.

    Desmosomes- This is a type of intercellular contacts that provide a strong connection between cells. In the picture: 2 - desmosomes, 1 - keratin intermediate filaments (bonds)

    As they grow older and move towards the tip of the nail, the cells are almost completely filled with the protein keratin and turn into dead (keratinized) cells of the nail plate, fastened together with a layer of special adipose tissue - lipids.

    The process of nail growth in a person begins in the womb and does not stop throughout his life.

    It takes about 8 months for a nail to grow back 2.5 centimeters. For comparison, hair grows 10 centimeters during the same time.

    What is keratin and what is it formed from

    Keratin Is a type of protein that is synthesized in the human body. Keratin differs from other proteins in the structure of the framework, which gives it a special mechanical strength. Like other proteins, keratin is synthesized from amino acids.

    Discoloration of nails due to disease

    Of course, you cannot diagnose yourself by the appearance of the nails, but the painful appearance of the nails can serve as a signal that you need to pay attention to your health.

    Structure and function of nails

    Nails are a unique part of the human body. Their anatomy is quite complex, but studying it, you can learn a few interesting facts.

    1. The closest "relatives" of nails on the fingers and toes of a person are his own hair, as well as animal hooves.
    2. The corneal protective plate consists of three parts: the root (other names are matrix, matrix), the body, and the free edge. The root is formed by living epidermal cells, while the body and free edge are dead
    3. The root part of the marigold, hidden under the skin, in the nail gap. We do not see. But its dimensions are not small, they make up a third of the visible part. The white semicircle visible on the plate at the bottom roller is a continuation of the matrix. It is called lunula
    4. The body of the marigold rests on the nail bed. The average length of this part of the keratinized plate on the hands is 1.5 cm, the width is 1 cm, and the thickness is 0.7 mm. On the legs, the extreme phalanges and, accordingly, the nail plates, on the first and other four fingers differ significantly in size, the thickness of the plate on the thumb is about 1 mm
    5. The stratum corneum itself is naturally devoid of blood vessels. But there are extremely many of them under it, in the nail bed. It is these vessels that carry out the nutrition of the nail.
    6. Between the plate and the bed is a thin layer of living cells, hyponychium
    7. Rollers are folds of skin located at the bottom and sides of the body of the marigold. With the horny plate, they are fastened with a cuticle
    8. The matrix consists of living epithelial cells - onychoblasts. They feed on blood very intensively, constantly divide and horny, forming the protein keratin, of which the dead part of the plate consists.
    9. The matrix is ​​responsible for how the visible part of the nail looks - its shape, thickness, strength, its growth rate, smoothness, etc. Nail root injuries directly affect the appearance of the plate
    10. The growth rate of a nail on a finger is up to 4 mm per month, on a toe - up to 3 mm during the same time. Interestingly, the growth process occurs faster in women. Also, more often you have to cut marigolds in the summer.
    11. The body of the nail, although represented by dead cells, is dense, shiny, elastic, has a pleasant pink tint, if, of course, the person is healthy. This is due to the fact that between keratin contains sulfur atoms (cysteine), between its parts in the plate there are "spacers" of fat and water. The pink color to the plate is given by the blood circulating in the blood vessels located under it.
    12. The free edge of the nail can grow as strong and elastic as the person wants it to be. For classic manicure, the length is from 2 to 5 mm. Nails - stilettos with an unusual design can be longer. As it grows, the free edge of the nail plate curls and takes the form of a spiral
    13. The manicurist gives the free edge of the nail various shapes by filing

    IMPORTANT: There is a separate official science that studies the anatomy and function of nails, and also deals with the diagnosis of their condition. It is called "onychology"

    The main function of nails is to protect the extreme phalanges of the fingers from the negative effects of environmental factors, in particular, mechanical, chemical, vibration, temperature, etc. Also, marigolds:

    1. Needed to itch
    2. Help a person to manipulate various objects, giving the fingertips the necessary firmness
    3. Help a person to assess an object tactilely
    4. Are a means of self-expression

    Yes, yes, thanks to the possibilities of modern nail design, nails for a woman are an adornment comparable to clothes, accessories, jewelry. The ability to take care of nails is a valuable quality for a man as well.

    Singer Countess has record long nails - 91 cm.

    The tank looks like the structure of the toenail: diagram

    Anatomy of the toenail.

    What does the structure of the nail on the hand look like: diagram

    Diagram of the structure of the nail on the hand.

    Anatomical structure of the nail and nail plate: photo

    Diagram of the structure of the nail with a photo.

    Cuticle on the nail - anatomy

    From the rollers around the body of the nail, a thin protective film called the cuticle grows onto the stratum corneum itself.

    IMPORTANT: The cuticle consists of two types of cells - living and dead. Living cells are located closer to the skin folds, while dead cells are located closer to the keratin plate. The dead part of the cuticle is easily damaged, it starts up with barbs, which quite often leads to inflammation of the living areas of the skin around the nail

    The main function of the cuticle is protective. The film is needed so that bacteria, dust, and other foreign bodies do not get into the gaps between the nail and the skin.
    Onychologists and manicurists are still debating whether it is necessary to remove the cuticle.

    Previously, it was believed that a beautiful manicure with this film was simply impossible, and it was mercilessly cut off with scissors or bitten with tweezers. Today, the majority is inclined to believe that the living part of the cuticle is needed. The dead, after softening with special means, is removed using a router bit or gently pushed aside with a stick.
    Also, it is proposed to take care of the cuticle with the help of:

    • trays
    • massage
    • special oils and creams

    Nail structure and manicure

    To work in the nail industry, it is necessary, in addition to having the desire and ability, to complete courses and receive a certificate.

    There are a lot of manicure and pedicure courses in any city. Regardless of their cost and duration, the first thing that future nail designers will have to get acquainted with is the anatomy of the nail, its injuries and diseases. They need this block of knowledge to:

    • understand what exactly they will have to work with
    • protect clients from injuries and damage during nail manipulation, and yourself from the troubles following these injuries and injuries
    • answer numerous questions that customers have

    IMPORTANT: By the way, every person who does a manicure for himself should have knowledge of the features of the structure of marigolds. After all, it is ignorance that becomes lasting injuries to the plate, matrix, skin, infection during inept caring procedures. Often such troubles occur in children who are getting a manicure by their parents.

    Here are a few questions that manicurists hear especially often:

    1. Why do I have such short nails? This parameter is set genetically. The matrix is ​​responsible for the shape of the plate. But external factors also influence the length of the nail plates. For example, parents "disfigure" marigolds for children when they damage hyponychium in infancy by cutting them too short. Short nails are also common among those who had a habit of biting them.
    2. My nails feel tight. But why do they often break? The fact is that the nail plates are very hygroscopic. After drinking water, they thicken, but lose elasticity, and, accordingly, break. It is recommended to wear special gloves for frequent contact with water.
    3. My nails are growing too slowly. Why? Again, heredity is responsible for the growth rate of nails. Also, it depends on hormones. For example, pregnant women quickly acquire long nails. To increase the growth rate, you need to: eat right and enough; be in the sun; take vitamins; do a massage of the fingers (this contributes to a more active supply of the matrix with blood); be examined for the presence of cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, if necessary, treat them
    4. The nails are dead. Why does it hurt me to trim or file them? It is not the nails that hurt, because they have no nerves. Soreness occurs when well-innervated hyponychia is injured. This happens when the nail plates are cut too short. Or, on the contrary, the marigolds were too long for too long, and the hyponychium was overgrown on them. To eliminate discomfort, it is recommended to lubricate the inner surface of the nail plate with oil and gently move the skin that has grown on it with an orange stick.
    5. I hurt my nail and it turned black. What will happen now? You can read in detail about nail bruises in the article: link

    Pedicure basics and nail structure

    Toes are subject to extreme stress due to walking upright and wearing shoes. When doing a pedicure, you need to think not only about aesthetics, but also about the health of your feet.

    Here are some rules:

    1. It is better to move the cuticle on the toes, rather than cut off.
    2. Nails on four small fingers can be cut short, "root-in". On a large, the length of the free edge should be about 1 mm
    3. To shorten the thumbnail, and it is thick, you need to be very careful not to break it. If the marigold has grown too much, it is cut off, if moderately, it is sawed off. Shortens the free edge from the corners, not the middle
    4. The corners of the toenails are not rounded, otherwise they may grow into the skin

    IMPORTANT: If during the pedicure procedure there was any injury to the nail or the skin around it, you must use an antiseptic. The risk of developing an infectious process is high

    Structure and diseases of the nail

    A healthy marigold is strong, elastic, smooth, translucent, of a pleasant color. Brittleness, yellowness, dullness, furrows and irregularities speak of a particular disease.
    Brittle nails are caused by:

    • lack of nutrition (deficiency of proteins and vitamins)
    • the destructive effect of water, household chemicals, and other external factors
    • prolonged exposure to the sun
    • typing, playing musical instruments
    • the habit of stripping off the varnish
    • onychomycosis (fungal nail disease)

    The nail plate fades and turns yellow due to:

    • smoking
    • cardiovascular, endocrine diseases
    • taking certain medications
    • elderly
    • fungus

    Irregularities and grooves on the nail plate appear if:

    • the root of the nail is injured
    • human nutrition is unbalanced
    • in humans, iron deficiency anemia

    The lamination of nails is explained by:

    • using household chemicals without gloves
    • lack of vitamins
    • the habit of biting your nails or peeling off nail polish
    • allergies
    • internal diseases
    • nail fungus

    About nail fungus and methods of its treatment is written here: link

    Can a person live without nails?

    It happens that a person has to live without nails. This may be due to:

    1. Heredity. Congenital complete or partial absence of nails is passed from generation to generation. A complex congenital pathology is arthro-osteo-onychodysplasia, in which a person lacks not only nails, but also patella, pelvic bones and radial bones are formed incorrectly
    2. Nails come off partially or completely due to disease. Such ailments are psoriasis, lichen, epidermal bullosa, and others.
    3. Injuries to the nail plate, in which its nutrition is disrupted, and it leaves. In this case, new nails grow on the hands in 4 months, on the big toe - in six months.
    4. The nail can also be removed surgically due to fungal disease or infection

    Nail structure

    On the outer side of the toes are the nails - keratinized epidermis in the form of plates, which serve as protection for the phalanx pads. Like hair, these formations are skin appendages similar in appearance to animal claws. A healthy toenail plate is no thicker than 1 mm and its average length is 1.5 cm. Completely new toenails grow in 4.5 months.

    Their structure is similar to a layer cake and looks like this:

    • matrix;
    • nail bed;
    • nail rollers;
    • nail plate;
    • cuticle.

    The matrix is ​​the sprout part of the formation, its fertile soil. The existence of the nail plate depends on the state of this zone: how quickly the horny formation will grow, what its thickness, width and length will be - is genetically embedded in the matrix. If there is a serious injury to the foot, the plate is severely deformed, but its matrix is ​​preserved - rest assured: a healthy new toenail will soon grow.

    The matrix consists of onychoblasts - epithelial cells, the division of which leads to the growth of the plate. The keratinization process can be described as follows. Matrix cells at the very depth of the stratum corneum (basal layer) are converted into a special protein - beta-carotene. This protein is the building material of the nail.

    The beta-carotene cells of the keratinocytes look like scales, they line the nail bed like a shingle on a roof. As a result, the plate grows in length. The final, upper layer of formation, due to the structural features of beta-carotene, is dense and porous.

    The matrix ends in a hole - a white crescent at the base of the plate. In this place, blood circulation is weaker due to pressure on the socket of the growing nail. Therefore, the color of the hole is paler than the rest.

    Unless you enjoy sucking in 10 million bacteria every day, of course.

    1. Under the nails there are a huge number of different types of harmful bacteria.

    Your fingertips are a pool of dirt and are home to various types of bacteria, fungi, and yeast. One of the most common bacteria found under nails is Staphylococcus aureus, which can cause crazy skin infections like boils and abscesses.

    2. When you suck and bite your nails, they become an even better breeding ground for bacteria.

    Back in 2007, Turkish scientists conducted an experiment on 59 volunteers to see if nail biting had a real impact on the transport of bacteria to the mouth. They took the saliva from each of them to check for bacteria that cause diarrhea and vomiting, like E. coli. And you know what? Harmful bacteria were found in 76% of those who bite their nails, compared with 26.5% of those who do not have this bad habit.

    3. If you bite your nails, there is a high probability that you have already damaged your own teeth.

    Who knew that innocent nail biting would lead to such dental havoc? But seriously, in the most severe real cases, the habit of biting nails led to dental fractures, tooth loss and crazy jaw movements.

    4. You have most likely already ground your teeth into dust.

    Very often, nail biting is an attempt to calm the nerves. If you have weak teeth, this bad habit can lead to chipped teeth enamel and even lead to their loss.

    5. If you bite your nails while wearing braces, you risk causing unprecedented damage to your teeth.

    Dr. Akram Ansa, a clinical professor of orthodontics at the University of Bristol, says biting nails with braces is risky. After all, this bad habit can not only destroy the braces themselves, but also start or intensify the process of resorption of the roots of the teeth, as a result of which the cells of the human body begin to dissolve the structure of the tooth.

    6. The habit of biting your nails can cause gum disease.

    Bit off nail debris can easily cause accidental injury to your gums. One of the most terrifying cases is mentioned in the report of Dr. B. Carlin Kreichi, when a child had severe gum swelling due to a piece of nails stuck several years ago. When the doctors took x-rays, it turned out that there were 6 fragments of nails in that place.

    7. Due to this habit, you can have an incredible stink from the mouth.

    A disgusting smell can be caused by bacteria under the nails, because they develop with impressive speed among the favorable microflora of the mouth.

    8. Your fingers may become pus-filled vessels.

    Biting your nails can often damage the surrounding skin. So you can develop acute infectious paronychia at any time. It is caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria in small open wounds that convert them into pools of pus around the nails. The disease can be treated with pills, but surgery is sometimes necessary.

    9. Nail biting can even lead to oral STIs. And it's not a joke!

    It turns out that because of this terrible habit, you can get herpes. These are rare cases, but it has happened that sexually transmitted infections (STIs) have resulted in blistering of the mouth (lips) due to the transfer of bacteria from the finger to the mouth.

    10. Nail polish is essentially a poison that shouldn't be chewed.

    Many nail polishes contain formaldehyde, a material used to embalm corpses.

    11. Finally, these nails may NEVER grow back.

    Chronic nail biting can damage the nail bed, resulting in permanent nail reduction. In other words, the habit of biting your nails far enough down can lead to their gradual disappearance FOREVER.