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  • Failed the retake oge. What happens if you do not pass the OGE

    Failed the retake oge.  What happens if you do not pass the OGE

    What to do if the child did not pass the OGE?

    If in the ninth grade your child suffered a complete fiasco, did not pass the GIA or was not allowed to take the exam, this does not mean that all doors are closed to him. Instead of a certificate, they give a certificate. Let's figure out together what to do with it and where to go to study further.

    Shall we try again?

    By law, children who have completed grade 9 with a certificate of the established form can try to pass the GIA again in a year as an external student. At the same time, subjects for which unsatisfactory scores were obtained must be surrendered.

    If you wish, your daughter or son can stay for re-training and pass the GIA together with new classmates for the next year. As a rule, this applies to those who were not admitted to certification.

    Where to go for help?

    Until 2015, in order to be trained in various vocational training programs for specialties, mainly workers and employees, a school certificate was a prerequisite. Now you can enter a secondary special educational institution with a certificate.

    Who will be your daughter or son?

    The list of working specialties and positions of employees is not limited to a janitor, a plumber and a turner, who are so fond of scaring teenagers. In fact, there are many more professions:

    • educator;
    • private security guard;
    • Cook;
    • driver;
    • seamstress;
    • driver;
    • flight attendant;
    • cynologist;
    • the hairdresser;
    • electrician, etc.

    If your son or daughter succeeds in their profession, then they will be able to earn very good money. Here, as elsewhere, the main effort and desire.

    You can check with your local department of public education which colleges accept grade 8 students in your area. In most cases, training is conducted on a paid basis.

    Why go to college?

    Admit it, after thinking: “What a horror! You didn’t pass / didn’t pass the GIA! the next one was: “Losing a whole year, what to do?!”. Idleness has a corrupting effect even on an adult, what can we say about a teenager who is not averse to scoring his studies anyway. In this situation, primary and secondary vocational education is a good option.

    • First of all, the child will be busy with business, and will not sit for days at the computer or hang out somewhere.
    • College education for children with a certificate lasts up to 6-8 months. They study specialized disciplines and gain practical skills in production. Classes usually start in October. Just a year will pass before the retake. During this time, your child will receive a profession and the appropriate category.
    • If your son or daughter successfully passes the GIA, they will be able to continue studying for free in any specialty. A college degree with honors gives certain advantages when entering a specialized university. In addition, many colleges participate in the "college - university" program, their graduates can immediately enter the 2nd or 3rd year of a specialized university.

    As you can see, the college offers good prospects. If your son or daughter immediately tunes in to study, then they will succeed in the future.

    How to prepare for the retake of the GIA?

    Without passing the state final certification, your son or daughter can get a profession, increase their rank, but their level of education will remain the same. Employers always pay attention to this column in the work book. Therefore, the GIA will still have to be passed. We have already written about the rules and established deadlines for retaking the GIA.

    • A professional tutor will prepare your son or daughter, but classes are very expensive and can be disrupted due to his illness or other pressing circumstances. After all, he is also human.
    • Many colleges offer preparatory courses. They are slightly cheaper than courses in educational centers, but are not always effective, as there are always large groups. Classes are taught by the same college teachers.
    • Classes are never canceled in educational centers. Groups are made up of 5-6 people. Teachers are often certified GIA and USE experts and are focused on high results.

    There are no hopeless situations. If your child received a certificate instead of a certificate, do not rush to blame only him for everything. You, too, are involved in this, admit it. Somewhere they didn’t make me sit down for lessons on time, somewhere they were allowed to skip the day. Instead of looking for someone to blame, make the most of the situation. Focus on going to college and preparing for the GIA retake.

    What to do if in 2019 I did not pass the OGE in the 9th grade? Ninth graders are given the opportunity to retake compulsory subjects if ...

    they received a grade of "two" in Russian or mathematics. You can retake even if you get two deuces. But you can not retake subjects of your choice, even if you have “two” for them. You will still receive a certificate. The certificate will contain a final grade, which is largely influenced by quarter grades.

    You can retake the OGE from 2016 as many as three times, I think this is enough to eventually pass the OGE. If you have not passed Russian or mathematics, that is, one of the mandatory OGEs, then you will not receive a certificate, and in July you will have the opportunity to retake these subjects. If you pass them successfully in July, you will receive your certificate.

    Passing the OGE in the main subjects (Russian and mathematics) may be unsuccessful. For those who failed the exam in the above subjects, there is an opportunity to retake it on June 17. Of course, if non-basic subjects are not handed over, then you shouldn’t twitch too much, you will still be given a certificate in your hands. No need to hope for cheating, you will already be doubly worried on the retake, and then there's this. I advise you to thoroughly prepare, there is time until September!

    It makes sense to compete with an unsatisfactory grade in one of the compulsory subjects. if two deuces, then take a certificate and apply to an evening school. Two deuces in compulsory subjects is an indicator of unwillingness to study. But without education, life is very bad, so it is desirable to have at least a little higher than 9 classes. And get a job. In addition, having tasted how hard it is to work at work, you will be happy to study in the evening. If you want to live well. And if everything is on the drum, then there is nothing to think about at all. The worm lives and does not think about anything and he is fine, so the choice is to follow the path of the worm or go to night school.

    The OGE is an exam that every student who has completed the ninth grade must pass. The OGE will continue to be a guarantee of the student's transition to the tenth and eleventh grades, after which the path to universities is open. It also will not cease to be a calling card for admission to institutions of specialized education. Nevertheless, rumors about a change in the number of OGE exams do not stop. Let's try to figure out what changes can happen.

    The main state exam is a kind of dress rehearsal for passing another important test in the life of a school student - the USE. Grades of the latter will decorate the certificate of the future graduate of the school. The fate of a young person depends on them - either to continue their studies further, or to start working.

    How many subjects to take in 9th grade

    Currently, mathematics and Russian are among the mandatory OGE exams. However, it is worth recalling that back in 2015, the Ministry of Education started talking about increasing the number of exams in the coming years.

    In fact, four subjects have already been offered for passing the OGE. Until 2014, among the compulsory subjects were: mathematics and Russian, and the other two could be chosen at your discretion. At the same time, the choice of additional items in reality was as follows:

    • social science - 40%;
    • biology - 21.5%;
    • Physics - 12.8%.

    Starting from 2017, it was decided to return to the practice of passing several exams. According to the Deputy Minister of Education N. Tretyak, in 2017 and 2018 they are going to introduce two more compulsory subjects, and by 2020 they will add the following two subjects. Thus, in the near future, in order to pass the OGE, it will be necessary to pass the following number of compulsory subjects:

    • from 2016 - 2017 - 4;
    • since 2018 - 5;
    • after 2020 - 6.

    Already in 2017, OGE grades in compulsory subjects began to influence the student's certificate. Students who do not pass the required subjects will be forced to retake them in August.

    It is not yet known what specific items will be introduced. However, rumors are circulating that physics and history will be among the required subjects.

    Why are there additional exams?

    Analyzing the situation with education in recent years, experts came to the conclusion that the level of training of schoolchildren who take only two mandatory exams at the OGE has fallen sharply.

    After the introduction of two compulsory subjects, the situation changed dramatically and students began to choose mainly mathematics and the Russian language for passing the OGE - 90%. Other items were distributed as follows:

    • social science - 9%;
    • biology - 3.5%;
    • physics - 4.1%.

    Analyzing this table and the one shown above, one can see that the overall level of education has become much lower. It turned out that out of the sixteen subjects taught now for high school students, almost only two are supervised.

    The Ministry of Education believes that returning to passing several exams will help to better pass the exam in the future and, in general, improve the preparation of schoolchildren.

    Features of the new exams

    Until 2016, the scale of assessments in each region was different. The teachers themselves determined what knowledge should be given an A, and for which a D. With the introduction of new compulsory subjects, uniform standards for assessing knowledge will be introduced.

    KIMs - control and measuring materials will also be developed not in the regions, but will become uniform throughout the country.

    FIPI is already preparing to develop new exams for high school students. The Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements will most likely add jobs for school graduates. The Ministry of Education also plans to increase the number of exams for the Unified State Examination.

    To improve the level of training in 2018, they may also introduce a special certification in the fourth grade. The question of the possibility of introducing examinations in the primary grades is also being considered.

    Changes in KIMs and OGE assessment

    The FIPI official website provides complete information about the changes that will take place in 2018.

    The math exam contains 26 tasks:

    • Algebra -11;
    • Geometry - 8;
    • Mathematics - 7.

    In tasks 2,3,8,14 you need to make the right choice from the options offered, in others you need to indicate the correct number.

    The Russian language ticket has 15 tasks.

    First you need to write a summary of the text you have listened to. It can only be heard twice. Next, answer 13 tests that contain the correct answer. The result can be offered as a number or a word. At the end, you will need to write an essay on one of the topics. You can use dictionaries.

    Social science.

    KIM consists of 31 tasks. The ticket consists of two parts: The first part contains 25 tasks, the answers to which must be done briefly. In the next six tasks you need to give a detailed answer.

    The physics exam has 26 tasks.

    21 questions must be answered shortly, and the next five must be answered with reason.

    The biology ticket contains 32 tasks, divided into 2 parts:

    • 28 - short answers;
    • 4 - you must answer with reason.

    In chemistry, 22 tasks are expected:

    • 19 - short answer;
    • 3 - extended wording.

    In geography, you need to answer 30 questions:

    Answers to tasks 1-8,10-13,21,22,27-29 must be selected from the options provided and presented as a number of the correct answer. Questions 9,14,16-19,24-26,30 should be answered by writing a word or numbers. In tasks 15,20,23, you need to give detailed reasoned information. You can use atlases, a calculator and a ruler.

    The history ticket contains 35 questions.

    Thirty tasks are solved simply - you need to give a short answer. There are five other tasks worth working on. In tasks 31 and 32, it is necessary to show the ability to work with the source.

    As noted above, if earlier only the grades of two subjects were taken into account, then from 2017 the results of all tests will affect the future certificate. A document confirming the end of the school will be received only by those who have passed four subjects out of five with a satisfactory grade or higher.

    As for the scoring for exams, they will change in mathematics. Algebra and geometry scores will now be combined. As a result of each exam, you can score the following maximum number of points:

    ThingMax. number of pointsThe number of points for obtaining an "excellent" gradeNumber of points to get a "good" ratingThe number of points for obtaining a rating of "satisfactory"
    Mathematics32 22 and up15-21 8-14
    Russian language39 Above 34 inclusive25-33 15-24
    Physics40 From 31 inclusive20-30 10-19
    Chemistry34 Over 27 inclusive18-26 9-17
    Biology46 37 and up26-36 13-25
    Geography32 27 and over20-26 12-19
    social science39 Above 34 inclusive25-33 15-24
    Story44 From 35 inclusive24-34 13-23
    Literature23 Over 19 inclusive14-18 7-13
    Informatics22 Above 18 inclusive12-17 5-11
    Foreign language70 59 and above46-58 29-45

    Retaking the exam

    There are five exams to take in 2019. It is possible that some students will not be able to gather their strength and “fill up” one of the subjects. The Ministry of Education has foreseen such a situation. Students can retake exams, but there can be no more than two. If the student has not passed the test in more than two subjects, he does not move to the next class and remains for re-training in the same class.

    At first glance, all these changes seem quite complicated, given that the OGE was not mandatory before.

    State Duma deputies, who approved the new rules, believe that innovations will benefit society. They believe that the level of intellectual abilities of the younger generation will increase compared to the current period.

    There are many situations in life when it seems that everything has gone to dust and has become irreversible, but if the child did not pass the OGE the first time, it is not yet time to make a universal tragedy out of this fact. Millions of people, at one time, failed some exams and continued to live after that, sometimes even better than those who passed these exams. According to the rules established not in 2018, but earlier, everyone who graduated in the 9th grade must pass the State Final Attestation.

    Every year a certain number of unfortunate children find themselves in a dilemma of what to do. This question is asked along with him and his parents. Whether there are reasons for panic and tragedies - different families decide in their own way.

    What to do if you did not pass the OGE? OGE 2018

    Parental ambitions and traumatized psyche

    Each of the excited parents wants to have a promising child, an excellent student, promising and making a successful career. Many of them plan in advance for the child not only to go to college, but also to get a red diploma from the university. Starting from 2017, and in 2018, too, the certificate for grade 11 is graded, calculated as the arithmetic mean and taking into account the OGE in grade 9. A lot of parents these days chastise their offspring for unexpectedly low scores.
    There can be a long list of reasons for this phenomenon, but it is still better than if the child did not pass the exam at all. As you know, a triple in all exams is enough to pass the Main State Exam.

    What to do if 1 or 2 subjects are not handed over - retake. If you are not lucky with all disciplines, and the child did not pass any of the required 4 OGE exams, according to experts, in 2018 this means complete hopelessness. The only option left is to be in the 9th grade again.

    The child did not pass the exam

    What to do in each case does not mean hopelessness, but a quick search for a way out:

    • the lack of points scored to the five desired by the parents means intensive work in grades 10 and 11;

    • one or two missed exams - emergency retraining and retake in reserve - in June or September;

    • if the child did not pass the OGE at all - that is, 3 or 4 exams below the required three, the search for an answer to the question of what to do seems simply unrealistic.

    Parents are informed that the failed exams in the 9th grade in 2018 mean the only way out is to send the child back to the 9th grade. And this is not true. Sober-minded citizens will think over the situation well and find several more acceptable ways out.
    To do this, you need to abandon those ambitions that were previously assigned to the child, and look for another possible way for him to obtain a certificate.

    The main paths you can take

    If the child did not pass the OGE, there is no need to force him to go through the painful procedure again in a year, and then again, but already in the form of the Unified State Exam - after another 2 years. Perhaps he simply cannot mobilize efforts with this form of passing the exam. The second year in the ninth is again four tests, and a probable failure if more than two are not passed.
    This is money for a tutor thrown to the wind, a lost year of life and the nerves of the whole family. Before the implementation of the grandiose plans laid by the parents on the fragile shoulders of a teenager, everything is as far away as at the first moment, when it turned out that the number of points required for passing the OGE was not scored.

    OGE points

    There are several options for the upcoming retake:

    • one more year in the 9th grade - and again 4 exams;

    • homeschooling - and passing the OGE on a general basis;

    • admission to an evening school, with mandatory employment, to obtain a certificate.

    And the only way out that may seem appropriate in this situation is the right choice of a vocational school.

    You can enroll in a vocational school

    In large cities, on a paid basis, there are schools that accept students after grade 8. Education in them involves the simultaneous receipt of a certificate and a profession.
    The received official document, in some cases, gives the right to prerogative admission to the relevant universities, with which the school sometimes has an agreement.

    The vocational education system has not gone away, it still works, and it should not be taken as a scarecrow. This is the only reasonable alternative to shameful repetition at school, an opportunity to change the situation and get a profession. She is a rung on another ladder to career heights. Only the child would have a desire, and the parents would have the opportunity to help.

    Grade 9 is the first important stage in the life of a student, which for many teenagers is already decisive. Indeed, after the 9th grade, not all students remain within the walls of their native school, but, on the contrary, are eager to quickly master their future profession, entering colleges and technical schools. We can say that the document with which teenagers finish their studies in the 9th grade is a kind of professional diploma of maturity.

    But to get it, in 2019, you still need to try a lot. We will tell you right now about what changes schoolchildren expect at the end of the 9th grade in 2019.

    Changes in the OGE in 2019

    The OGE has been implemented for several years, and during these few years officials have observed the nuances of the process, tracked the subtleties and identified a number of important shortcomings in the conduct of the OGE. Therefore, in 2019, the procedure was slightly improved. Back in 2014, 2015, the following rules for passing the OGE by schoolchildren were in effect:

    1. Students were given the opportunity to receive a paper, which indicates the passing of examination tests, if they received a positive assessment in relation to passing at least 2 school subjects.
    2. Students could choose the format in which they would take the exam. Previously, there were 2 types of obtaining a diploma at the end of the 9th grade - passing the GVE or OGE to choose from. The difference between these varieties is that the GVE checks school knowledge more, and the OGE exercises control over educational methods and the process.

    If you look even earlier, the state certification for students in the 9th grade was simplified as much as possible and close to the usual assessment of knowledge, which was known back in the days of the Soviet of Deputies. Therefore, teenagers easily and simply passed their final exams and calmly entered the selected educational institutions. The Ministry of Education, in turn, considered that such a quality of tests leaves much to be desired, so it significantly complicated the procedure. In their opinion, now it has become more objective.

    So, graduates of the 9th grade in 2019 will face the following innovations:

    1. If earlier two main subjects and optionally two additional subjects were mandatory, today their number has increased to four. In 2019, teenagers in their mass ignored the opportunity to attend additional exams.
    2. It is expected that a foreign language will be one of the compulsory subjects.

    The reaction of experts and parents to changes in the OGE in 2019

    The experts expressed their point of view on the changes in the OGE for students in the 9th grade. Too zealously the Ministry of Education took up the children, who now have to sit down for a long time at the textbooks to pass the exams. The same opinion is shared by parents of teenagers, believing that at this rate it will soon be easier to get a job than to finish school.

    However, officials insist on their own, explaining their decision by the desire to improve the knowledge of students in the 9th grade, the course for increasing disciplines is planned to be maintained at least until 2020. If in 2018 children take tests in the subjects: mathematics, Russian, social studies, a foreign language, then in 2019 knowledge of computer science will most likely be added, and in 2020 testing will take 6 subjects at once.

    We turned to psychologists for advice in order for them to give their own, independent assessment of the burden placed on the shoulders of children in the 9th grade. Psychologists confirmed the fears of parents that worries and worries, a huge responsibility for the outcome of exams can lead not only to nervous breakdowns in the child's psyche, but also to other concomitant diseases, for example, gastritis, sleep disorders, and neuritis. Not only teenagers who show mediocre academic results can suffer, but also suspicious natures who are not ready at their age for thorough tests.

    How is the passing of the OGE

    In 2019, in order to be able to say that “I passed the OGE”, but first you need to get admission to the final tests. To do this, students write an essay in Russian. If the child passed the essay and received a positive mark, he can proceed to the subsequent test of knowledge. If the score is unsatisfactory, the essay must be rewritten.

    Preliminary assessment of knowledge is held in February and April 2019. In winter, schoolchildren have already passed the Russian language and one more subject to choose from, the rest is rented in the spring.

    Positive moments in passing the OGE in 2019

    Among other changes in the OGE for ninth graders, you can find a number of positive points that help teenagers pass exams in any case:

    • students will immediately receive several options for retaking the subject for which negative results were obtained;
    • test results are not entered in the general certificate of completion of the course of secondary education (the general certificate has only an average annual mark);
    • in 2018, the decision of officials on the formation of a unified assessment system did not come into effect, this project remains postponed to 2019.

    That is, as before, each region of the country sets its own passing scores. However, teachers in the regions already take into account the recommendations regarding the minimum scores, below which it is impossible to lower the plan.

    What to do if the student did not pass the OGE

    Let's imagine the most difficult situation - the results for passing the discipline are received on hand and, to put it mildly, they shock not only the child, but also the parents. Grade "unsatisfactory", did not pass - that's the verdict of the teachers. What does it mean? Are you no longer able to go to college, are you dropping out of school, or are you wasting a year by going back to 9th grade?

    In fact, neither parents nor the student should panic - the situation can still be corrected. The fact is that in 2019 you can retake the same discipline up to 3 times, and the graduate has the right to decide in what form to take the exam - in test mode or by tickets. In addition, you can do this even if you got “satisfactory” and still remained dissatisfied.

    What should you focus on at this moment? No tantrums, calculate which topics and sections of the failed subject are better to pull up. If you are not confident in your own abilities, seek help from a tutor who will bring the teenager's knowledge to an acceptable level using a certain order of learning the material.

    Talk to your child, no need to spread rot and scold him. Discuss the problem, why it happened and how best to get out of this situation, explain that this is really important for him, so you need to work a little. Moral support in this case is important, when they believe in a child, he gains self-confidence.

    If a child was not very conscientious about classes, missed a lot without a good reason and preferred walking on the street to study, did not pass the OGE - a completely understandable outcome of events, as they say, there is no one to blame the student and parents except himself. The situation is quite different when a teenager showed excellent and good results during his studies, but in the end he got unsuccessful. Indeed, there are cases when, due to unrest, nervousness, inattention and absent-mindedness, students receive low marks, which clearly underestimate their real level of knowledge.

    In this case, you can apply for an appeal, the teaching staff will meet again and review the written work more carefully. If the mark is confirmed and it turns out that the teenager did not pass the discipline, then the student has no choice but to start preparing for the exam again.

    You do not need to rely on the possibility of cheating or using cheat sheets; this method will not work during the OGE. Of course, metal detectors will not be used, but the mobile phone should be put aside. A negligent attitude to this rule can lead to the exclusion of a disobedient student from the class, which means that one more chance to pass the exam is irrevocably lost.

    If the student did not pass two subjects and received “unsatisfactory” in both subjects, you need to be prepared that he will be sent for retraining to grade 9 in the second year. This rarely happens, but it also happens. That is why the OGE is called a mini-USE, today these tests are very similar to each other in terms of the level of requirements.

    But what if you need to pass the exam ahead of schedule? There must be a good reason for this, and this factor will have to be told to the teaching staff. As a good reason, departure with adults, parents, guardians outside the borders of the Russian Federation to a temporary or permanent place of residence may be used.

    Those who also passed the OGE ahead of schedule in 2019 include athletes who need to go to scheduled competitions, talented children participating in olympiads and competitions of international importance, with outstanding knowledge.

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    OGE is a prerequisite for the transition of a student to the next stage of education. What will happen if the result of the OGE is not credited, as a ninth grader should do in this case, experts explained.

    Graduate students in Russia undergo final testing: eleventh graders take the Unified State Examination, students who have completed the ninth grade take the OGE. Graduates of the 9th grade in 2018 will have to prove the level of their knowledge in five disciplines, two of which are mandatory (Russian language and mathematics), and the rest the student chooses independently. This year, the most popular elective subjects were social science (chosen by 63% of ninth graders), geography (33%) and computer science (28%).

    The results of the OGE are read out when a student enters the next grade of an educational school, as well as when moving to a specialized educational institution. According to the results of the work, as you know, points are calculated: each subject has its own characteristics of scoring. Then the scores are converted into marks on a five-point system: there is also a scale for converting points into “twos”, “threes”, “fours” and “fives”. So, in order not to get "2" in the Russian language, you need to score at least 15 points, for mathematics this indicator is 8 points.

    What to do if the OGE for the 9th grade is not passed?

    Students who receive an unsatisfactory mark in one of the subjects at the OGE can retake it. Time is allotted for this in the summer, and there is also a chance to correct the situation in September. Note that earlier a student who did not pass at least one subject in the OGE had to retake all exams. In 2018, it became easier for schoolchildren: they re-test only in the discipline for which they received an insufficient number of points.

    A student who failed to correct the grade for the OGE during the summer or in September either remains in the ninth grade for the second year, or leaves the walls of the educational institution with a certificate instead of a certificate. In the latter case, a student can receive this document on the successful completion of a 9-year education in another educational institution, to which he can enter with a certificate (for example, in a vocational school).

    A student who successfully retakes the exam receives a certificate for 9 classes. With this document, the student will not have problems when entering vocational education institutions, but he may not be accepted into the 10th grade, especially if the school where he studied was with an in-depth study of any subject. Now the rules for enrolling in the 10th grade are set by the schools themselves: if the charter says that only those who received at least 4 points in the OGE can become a tenth grader, then documents from less successful students will not be accepted.

    The OGE in 2018 in Russia is taken by approximately 1.3 million students in grade 9. The main wave of the OGE began on May 25 and will end on June 29, 2018.