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  • Icon of the patron saint of the military. For official use: heavenly patrons

    Icon of the patron saint of the military. For official use: heavenly patrons

    We are finishing a series of publications about patron saints in business and careers. Today - a story about the defenders of soldiers, law enforcement officers. In difficult times, turn to your saint in prayer, and he will certainly help.

    Patron Saint of Warriors, Great Martyr George the Victorious

    Saint George was a Roman military leader and was martyred in 303 during the persecution of Christians. In Russia, he has long been revered as the patron saint of soldiers. Since the fourteenth century, the saint in the form of a horseman striking a snake with a spear has adorned the Coat of Arms of Moscow and the Russian State. Many victories of Russian weapons are associated with the name of the holy warrior.

    Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, patron saint of the Interior Ministry troops

    The main merit of Vladimir is the baptism of Russia in 998 with the command to "crush the idols and idol temples." Under him, the formation of the Russian army took place - the first regular squads appeared. They became a force that contributed to the centralization of power, the creation of a single state with the capital in Kiev.

    Patron of the Airborne Forces and Space Forces Saint Elijah (Ilya) the Prophet

    Prophet Elijah lived almost a thousand years before the birth of Christ. The Lord raised him up among the people of Israel, because this people would have been darkened by paganism, deviated from the true faith. Elijah's Prayer - “Lord! Show people that You are the True God ”- was heard. And fire fell from heaven, and burned everything up. And then those who believed said: “Indeed, the True God is Eliin,” that is, the One Whom Elijah preaches. The testimony of Elijah the Prophet is still being repeated. In Jerusalem, the Fire descends on the Holy Sepulcher on Great Saturday before Easter. And Elijah ascended to heaven in a chariot of fire.

    Patron saint of those who fought in Chechnya Holy Martyr Eugene

    Yevgeny served as a border guard in Chechnya, was taken prisoner. The bandits offered him life in exchange for renouncing Orthodoxy. He refused. Living, being conscious, his head was cut off.

    The Holy Martyr Eugene is still a revered saint, but the troparion and canon for him have already been drawn up and an icon has been painted. It can be seen in the Church of St. Nicholas in Pyzhy near the station. m. "Tretyakovskaya".

    The patroness of the Orthodox army in the campaigns

    The miraculous icons of the Mother of God invariably accompanied the troops. You can also pray to the icons of the Mother of God with a request for deliverance from enemy invasions.

    The patron saint of the army and the militia Holy Prince Dimitri Donskoy

    Demetrius was born in 1350 and was brought up in love for God. Demetrius strengthened Moscow, united the Russian lands and liberated Russia from the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

    Patron saint of the army and the CossacksNicholas the Wonderworker

    At birth, they gave him the name Nikolai, which means the winner of the peoples. And he, with the blessing of God, truly became the conqueror of malice for the good of the whole world.

    Nicholas the Wonderworker began to work miracles even before he began to eat his mother's milk. Even in the baptismal font, he stood for three hours on his feet, unsupported by anyone, thus giving honor to the Most Holy Trinity. Saint Nicholas all his life until his death was a fasting man and worked miracles.

    Patron saints of the host

    Mothers of conscripts and the soldiers themselves can also pray to their namesake (that is, to your name) saint, choosing the name nearest by date AFTER your birthday:

    st. Elijah Muromsky, the wonderworker of Pechersky - 1 January Theodore Stratilat - February 21st Theodore Tiron - 2 March 40 St. Martyrs of Sebastia - 22 March mch. George the Victorious - May 6 blg. book Dimitri Donskoy - June 1 right. John the Russian - June 9 Theodore Stratilat - June 21st mch. John the Warrior - 12 August Andrey Stratilat - September 1 Alexander Peresvet and Andrei Oslyabya - the celebration takes place in the face of the Cathedral of Moscow Saints (the week before September 8) of St. blgv. book Alexander Nevsky - September 12 right. Theodore Ushakov - October 15 Archangel Michael - November 8 vmch. Dimitri of Thessaloniki - November 8 blgv. book Alexander Nevsky - December 6 mch. Mercury of Smolensky - December 7 mch. George the Victorious - December 9 Andrew the First-Called - December 13

    the 6th of May orthodox Church celebrates the day of the Great Martyr George the Victorious, who suffered for his faith during the reign of Emperor Diocletian. After 8 days of grievous torment, the soldier's head was cut off, but he never denied Christ.

    The future hero was born in Palestine in the III century. Having entered the military service in his youth, Georgy immediately stood out among his peers with his mind, courage and physical strength. He quickly advanced in the service, became one of the commanders of thousands and the favorite of the emperor himself. He had a brilliant career, which was promoted by the rich inheritance received from his mother. However, brought up in the true Orthodox faith, the young man, as soon as the persecution of Christians began, distributed all his money to the poor, and standing in front of Diocletian, honestly declared himself a Christian, for which he was immediately arrested and thrown into prison. However, even there he endured torture and refused to accept paganism. On the night before his execution, the Savior appeared to George with a golden crown on his head and said that paradise awaited him. In the morning, the hero ascended the block and was beheaded.

    Description of life Saint George found in Latin, Syrian, Armenian, Coptic, Ethiopian and Arabic texts. In Islam, the legend of George (Jirjis, Girgis or El-Khudi) is very similar to the Orthodox one. The Arabic apocryphal text about the hero can be found in the "History of Prophets and Kings" of the early 10th century. There George is named a disciple of one of the apostles of the prophet Isa. The king of Mosul, a pagan, subjected him to torture and executions, but each time George was resurrected by Allah.

    Saint George is one of the main patrons Georgia... He protects warriors and farmers, and takes care of travelers. Here they turn to him with requests to protect him from evil spirits, bestow good luck on the hunt, good harvest, fertility to families and offspring of livestock. In addition, according to local legends, he is a cousin of Equal to the Apostles Nino, an enlightener Georgia... The first temple dedicated to St. George was erected here in 335, and from the 9th century the construction of churches named after him became widespread. The image of St. George the Victorious slaying the serpent is also displayed on the country's coat of arms.

    IN Ossetia known is Uastyrdzhi (Wasgergi) - a gray-bearded old man in armor on a 3 or 4-legged white horse. He patronizes exclusively men, women are even forbidden to pronounce his name. It is noteworthy that with the spread of Christianity throughout the territory, he officially received the name of George.

    Love the Saint and in Bulgaria, where, among other things, they pray to him for the sending of rain.

    In Russia, George is also known under the name of Yuri or Yegor. In the 1030s, the Grand Duke Yaroslav founded the monasteries of St. George in Kiev and Novgorod. On spring St. George's Day, the peasants for the first time after a long winter drove cattle to the fields. Since the time of Dmitry Donskoy, the Saint is considered the patron saint of Moscow, since the city was founded by his namesake prince Yuri Dolgoruky. And in 1730. the image of George was officially fixed on the coat of arms.

    It got its name from the name of the Saint and st. George Ribbonfounded by Catherine II during the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774. It was complemented by the motto "For Service and Courage", as well as a white equilateral cross or a 4-pointed gold star. The tape was entitled to a life salary, inherited. At the same time, it was approved and order of Saint George, having 4 degrees.

    Interestingly, the first world war order of Saint George Many Muslim officers who bravely fought alongside the Russians were awarded. However, on the awards given to them, instead of the image of the Christian Saint, the Russian coat of arms with a two-headed eagle was placed.

    In 1942 the St.George ribbon was renamed to guards... The historical name returned to her only in 2005, when the first large-scale action was held "George Ribbon".

    But the main miracle is that on these May days, the ark with the right hand (right hand) of St. George was delivered from the Athos monastery to Moscow and from May 6 to 11 will be in the church of the Holy Martyr George the Victorious on Poklonnaya Hill.

    Evgeniya Asatiani


    (by profession).

    Problems at work happen to everyone from time to time. But sometimes it will be so oppressive that you don't know who to pray to, who to ask for help. We hope that our tips will help you out in difficult times.


    Anyone in the trade, salespeople, commercial directors and sales managers can ask for help archbishop Nicholas of Mirliki.

    (Nicholas the Wonderworker)

    And that's why.

    When a great famine struck in Lycia, Archbishop Nicholas, in order to save the starving, performed a miracle - he sent a strange dream to the merchant who had loaded him with large bread. The merchant saw in a dream an old man who commanded him to deliver bread to Lycia, for he buys all the cargo from him and gives him three gold coins as a deposit. Waking up, the merchant found three gold coins in his hand and realized that this was a command from above. He brought bread to Lycia, and the hungry were saved. When the merchant told the townspeople about the elder he had seen in a dream, they recognized him as their archbishop from the description.


    Archbishop Nikolay Mirlikisky also patronizes sailors. Once a ship sailing from Egypt to Lycia was overtaken by a violent storm. On it the sails were torn off, the masts were broken, the waves were ready to swallow the ship, doomed to inevitable death, and no forces could prevent it. The dying sailors began to pray fervently, and Saint Nicholas appeared at the stern at the helm, began to steer the ship, and safely brought him to the harbor.



    Their patron - archangel Gabriel - a heavenly messenger whom God sends to tell people about his plans. Thus, the archangel Gabriel appeared to righteous Anna, who had suffered from infertility for many years, and said that her prayers had been heard by God, and soon she would give birth to a blessed daughter Mary, through whom the world would receive salvation.

    He told the Virgin Mary that she would be the mother of the son of God. Later, God's representative explained to an angry Joseph that the conception of the Son of God came from the Holy Spirit, and his beloved Mary remained innocent. Why not a diplomat ...




    ... took under his wing apostle John the Theologian, beloved disciple of Christ. John created his own version of the Gospel, and at the same time the Apocalypse. And he performed many miracles: he raised two hundred people from the dead, expelled a demon from a pagan castle, turned salty sea water into drinking water. He was such an amazing person that even the dust from his grave smelled sweet and healed the sick for a whole year.

    And they are also patronized Saint Luke.


    Evangelista Luke asked when studying icon painting, Saint Luke in Orthodoxy is considered the first icon painter and is the Heavenly patron of icon painters, painters; doctors and farmers also receive special help from him.



    Reverend Roman, nicknamed “ Sweet singer”, Was a Greek by birth and assiduously helped during divine services, although he did not differ in voice or hearing. At one of the pre-Christmas services, ill-wishers pushed Roman to the pulpit of the temple and made him sing. In the presence of the emperor and the court retinue, embarrassed and frightened, with his trembling voice and indistinct singing, he was publicly disgraced. Arriving home completely depressed, Saint Roman at night prayed long and intensely before the icon of the Mother of God, pouring out his sorrow. The Mother of God appeared to him, handed him a paper scroll and told him to eat it. And then a miracle happened: Roman received a beautiful, melodic voice and at the same time a poetic gift.

    The next day Saint Roman came to church for the All-night Vigil at Christmas. He insisted that he be allowed to sing again on the pulpit, and this time he sang so beautifully the hymn he had composed, "Virgin of the Day," that caused universal delight. The emperor and patriarch thanked Saint Romanus, and people called him the Sweet Songwriter. Since then, Saint Roman has adorned the divine services with his wondrous singing and inspired prayers.

    Beloved by all, Saint Roman became a teacher of singing in Constantinople and raised high the grandeur of Orthodox divine services. For his poetic gift, he took an honorable place among church hymnographers. He is credited with over a thousand prayers and hymns on various holidays. Especially famous is the Akathist to the Annunciation of the Mother of God, which is sung on the fifth Saturday of Great Lent. Other akathists were composed on his model. The Monk Roman died in 556.


    those associated with dance and choreography are protected Holy Martyr Vitus... (Boy 7-12 years old).

    According to legend, he went to Rome, where he expelled demons from the emperor Diocletian. But when Vit refused to pray to the Roman gods, he was arrested again and thrown to the lions, which did not touch the righteous. Then Vita was thrown into a cauldron of boiling oil.

    For unknown reasons, in the 16th century in Germany, there was a belief according to which one could gain health by dancing in front of the statue of St. Vitus on his name day.


    revered as their assistant Saint Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow, on whose initiative the first stone buildings of the Kremlin were built.


    Patrons of realtors Saints Alexander of Kushtsky and Euthymius of Syanzhemsky.

    Having met in a deep forest, the monks rejoiced at each other and, for the sake of even greater silence, decided to exchange deserts: Euthymius remained on the banks of the Syanzhema River, in Alexander's cell, and Alexander went to Kushta, settling in the monastery of Euthymius. Both saints were distinguished by amazing patience and humility - qualities necessary for any city dweller who started to solve the housing problem.


    They are patronized holy great martyr Barbara of Iliopolskaya... Her father, the pagan Dioscorus, upon learning that his daughter had become a Christian, became indescribably furious. He drew his sword and chased the girl, intending to kill the disobedient woman. But a mountain blocked their path, which parted and hid the saint in a crevice, on the other side of which there was an exit upward.


    Bankers, accountants, financiers, employees of tax inspectorates and treasuries can be considered their patron holy apostle matthew, which is usually depicted with bills or a sack of gold. By his profession, Matthew was a tax collector, but when he heard the voice of Christ: “Follow me,” he threw the collected taxes into the dust and went after the Savior lightly.

    TO CARS, DRIVERS AND everyone whose activities are related to carrying heavy loads ,

    patronizes Saint Christopher... This name was given to the hermit Oferro, who lived at the river crossing. Once he happened to carry a little boy in his arms across the river, who turned out to be Jesus himself. In gratitude, Jesus baptized Oferro, giving him the name Christopher, which means "Christ-bearer."


    Your patron saints - Cyril and Methodius... Saint Cyril, having received an excellent education, perfectly comprehended all the sciences of his time and many languages. With the help of his brother Methodius and his disciples, he compiled the Slavic alphabet and translated the Gospel and the Psalter into the Slavic language.


    Your patron - venerable Sergius of Radonezh... They pray to him for help in difficult teaching. At the age of seven, Sergius was sent to study literacy, but science was not given to him, and the boy suffered terribly because of this. Once in the field, he met a monk. I went up to him and told him about my trouble. After listening to the boy, the elder gave him a part of the prosphora and ordered him to eat it. At that very moment, grace descended on the boy. The Lord gave him memory and understanding, and he began to easily assimilate bookish wisdom.

    Martyr Tatianaconsidered patroness due to historical coincidence. It was on January 25 (on Tatiana's day) that Empress Elizabeth approved the project of Moscow University. And the great martyr Tatiana was named his patroness.


    Doctors have not one, but four patron saints. Healer Panteleimon, who devoted his life to the suffering, sick and poor, healed all those who turned to him free of charge. Soon the rumor about the gracious doctor spread everywhere. Leaving other doctors, people began to turn only to Saint Panteleimon.

    Saint Luke

    Evangelist Luke - Christian saint, revered as the author of one of the four Gospels and Acts of the Holy Apostles. He was a doctor, possibly a ship's doctor, he is asked about the healing of eye diseases.

    Hypatius the Healer

    also devoted himself to serving the sick and for this he received the gift from God to heal people by the simple laying on of hands.

    Brothers Kosma and Damian

    could heal any disease, even the most terrible. The blind, the lame, the possessed went to the miracle workers in droves and they did not refuse anyone help. On the contrary, in order to be more accessible to the sick, they themselves looked for them, moving from city to city. And they did it absolutely free of charge, for which the people called them unmercenaries.


    Not only people were healed Cosma and Damian, but also our smaller brothers. Grateful animals knew their benefactors, and therefore sometimes followed on their heels.


    In general, all military people are under the reliable protection of Saint George, who is called the Victorious for courage and for spiritual victory over the torturers who could not force him to renounce Christianity. George the Victorious became famous for his miraculous help to people in mortal danger.

    As well as military, armed forces under the tutelage of the monk

    Ilya Muromets of Pechersky.

    Patron saints of the types of troops:

    Internal Troops (Ministry of Internal Affairs)

    Vladimir, Equal to the Apostles Prince.


    Apostle Andrew the First-Called,

    Holy Righteous Theodore Ushakov.

    Airborne troops

    Elijah, the prophet.

    Special Forces

    Alexander Nevskiy.

    Tank forces

    Since the appearance of the first regular army in our country, a good tradition has arisen to have Orthodox soldiers their heavenly patrons. In pre-revolutionary Russia, everyone who wore military uniform, of course, they considered the Archangel Michael as their patron. But the air fleet, for example, still especially honored Elijah the Prophet. Saints Florus and Laurus were considered the patrons of the cavalry. And Saint George the Victorious patronized the Cossacks. In all military units, temples were built in the name of their beloved saints. In today's Russian army, this light tradition has not been forgotten either. Almost every branch or type of troops has its own heavenly protector. Here are some of them.

    The main patron saint of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Ground Forces is the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious

    He was born in the mid-270s in Cappadocia (a region in Asia Minor) into a very wealthy and noble Christian family. His father was killed when George was still a baby. The mother, who owned estates in Palestine, moved with her son to her homeland, where she raised him. When the boy grew up, he entered the service in the Roman army. The young man surpassed everyone in mind, courage, physical strength and quickly became the most prominent warrior in his cohort (a division of the legion, about 1000 people). Already at the age of 24, he was appointed commander of an elite cohort of invaders (in Latin - invincible). In the war with Persia in 296–297, George more than once showed courage and was included in the number of the komits - the emperor's close associates. At present, this is a member of the military council of the branch of the armed forces, a representative of the highest rate.

    In 303, the emperor Dilektian began persecuting Christians, and his first blow was directed at the army, where there were a large number of them. He thought it would be easy to crush the others if he could overcome the resistance of the military. His plan didn’t work in full force. Many soldiers decided to leave the service and become ordinary citizens, just not to renounce their faith in Christ. But there were also those who openly objected. George distributed his property to the poor and publicly declared himself a Christian before the emperor. He was arrested and tortured.

    For eight days, George was subjected to the most sophisticated torture. But it was all in vain. Every morning there was no trace of his wounds. In bewilderment and horror, the guards peered at him and were convinced that a miracle was really happening.
    George endured all the torments and did not deny Christ. On the night before the death penalty, the Savior appeared to him in a dream and said that paradise awaited him. The next morning, calmly and courageously, the former warrior bowed his head under the sword. It was April 23rd, 303.

    Saint George could become a talented military leader and surprise the world with military exploits. He died when he was not even 30 years old.

    Many may wonder why in iconography St. George is depicted on a horse killing a snake? This is one of the most famous posthumous miracles performed by saints. As the legend says, a monster appeared in the lake on the shore of which the city stood - either a serpent or a dragon. Attempts to defeat him with weapons in hand did not lead to anything. Then the inhabitants, being pagans, decided to sacrifice the king's daughter to the beast. At the moment when the girl was to be eaten, George appeared on a horse from heaven to earth and pierced the snake with a spear, saving the princess from death. The appearance of the saint contributed to the conversion of local residents to Christianity.
    This legend was often interpreted allegorically: the princess is the church, the serpent is paganism. It is also seen as a victory over the devil - "the ancient serpent".

    Patron of the Airborne Troops - Prophet Elijah

    August 2 marks the birthday of the Russian Airborne Forces. The same day is the day of the prophet Elijah, liturgies are held in his honor and a procession is arranged.

    The Holy Prophet Elijah - one of the greatest prophets of the Old Testament - was born in Thesvia of Gilead in 900 BC. The name given to the baby Elijah (the fortress of the Lord) determined his entire life.

    From an early age, he dedicated himself to God. He lived in the wilderness, observing strict fasting and prayer. At that time, the Israelites worshiped pagan idols, which led to complete moral decay. Seeing the death of his people, the prophet Elijah began to denounce King Ahab of wickedness, urging him to repent and turn to faith in God alone. The king did not listen to him. Then the prophet Elijah announced to him that as a punishment for three years there would be no rain or dew on the earth and the drought would stop only by his prayer. Indeed, there was drought and famine throughout the land.

    After three years, the prophet Elijah ordered to gather all the inhabitants of Israel on Mount Carmel. When the people gathered, he proposed to build two altars: one from the priests, the other from the prophet Elijah for serving the true God. “On which of them fire will fall from heaven, that will be an indication of whose God is true,” said the prophet Elijah, “and everyone will have to worship Him.

    At the prayer of the prophet, fire came down from heaven and burned up the sacrifice, wood, stones and even water, and then the sky opened and a heavy rain fell, watering the thirsty earth. Seeing what happened, millions of people drew conclusions for themselves.

    Later, for his ardent zeal for the glory of God, the prophet Elijah was taken to heaven alive in a fiery chariot, as the icon-painting tradition depicts him. According to legend, the prophet Elijah will be the forerunner of the terrible second coming of Christ to earth and will take a bodily death during the sermon.

    Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker - patron saint of the Navy

    Saint Nicholas the Pleasant was born in the city of Patara, Lycian region (now Turkey). At a very young age, he was elevated to the rank of priest. Serving the Lord, the young man burned in spirit, and with experience in matters of faith he was like an old man, which caused surprise and deep respect among believers. Constantly working and vigilant, staying in unceasing prayer, the priest Nicholas showed great mercy, coming to the aid of the suffering, and distributed all his possessions to the poor.

    Nicholas's miraculous gift was revealed when he sailed on a ship as a pilgrim to the Holy Land. He warned the crew of an impending storm and revived a sailor who had fallen from the mast.

    Going to worship the holy places in Jerusalem, on the way, Nicholas predicted an impending storm that threatened the ship with sinking, for he saw the devil himself who had entered the ship.

    He performed many other miracles. Through the prayers of the saint, the city of Myra was saved from a severe famine. More than once the saint saved those drowning in the sea, brought them out of captivity and imprisonment in dungeons.

    Having reached a ripe old age, Saint Nicholas died peacefully in 345.

    He is especially revered in Russia as a quick assistant in the most seemingly hopeless and insoluble problems - both spiritual and everyday. It is difficult to imagine a ship flying the Russian flag without the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

    Patroness of the Strategic Missile Forces - Holy Great Martyr Barbara

    The memory of the Great Martyr Barbara - the saint who died for Christ in the IV century - is celebrated on December 17. On this day in 1995, the President of Russia signed a decree establishing the Day of Strategic Missile Forces. In the same year, having visited the General Staff of the Strategic Missile Forces in Vlasikha, His Holiness the Patriarch handed over the icon of St. Great Martyr Barbara. Its image is now on every command post of all Russian missile divisions.

    The Holy Great Martyr Barbara lived with her father in the Phoenician city of Iliopolis, during the reign of Emperor Maximilian. She lost her mother early. Widowed, the father focused all his attention on raising his only daughter. Protecting her in every possible way from communicating with unwanted people, he settled her in the tower. Only teachers and maids had access to it.

    Once, when her father was not at home, Barbara left the tower and met Christian girls who told her about Jesus Christ and his teachings. The desire to be a Christian was kindled in the girl's heart. She was baptized.

    When he returned and learned about his daughter's deed, the father severely beat her, and then betrayed her into the hands of the authorities, persecutors of Christians. They mocked her for a long time, forcing her to renounce her faith, but she did not give in. According to legend, at night an untold light shone in the dungeon, and the Lord himself appeared to the suffering great martyr, healed her wounds and comforted her with the hope of bliss in the Heavenly kingdom.

    The next day, Varvara was executed by her father. This happened around 306. In her deathbed prayer, the holy Great Martyr Barbara asked the Lord to deliver everyone who sought her help; from unexpected misfortunes, from sudden death without repentance and would pour out his grace on them. In response, she heard a voice from heaven, promising to fulfill her request. Immediately after the burial, miraculous healings began at her relics.

    The patron saint of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - Prince Vladimir Equal to the Apostles

    Prince Vladimir was born in 963. In 972 he began to rule over Novgorod. In 980, having defeated his brother Yaropolk in the war, he conquered Kiev. Later he conquered Galicia, humbled the Vyatichi, fought with the Pechenegs, and extended the boundaries of his state from the Baltic Sea in the north to the Bug River in the south. He had five wives and numerous concubines. On the Kiev mountains, he installed idols, to which they began to bring human sacrifices. Then the Varangians Theodore and John died for Christ. The circumstances of their death made Vladimir doubt the truth of the pagan faith.

    At the invitation of the prince, preachers from different countries came to Kiev: ambassadors from the Muslim Bulgarians who lived beyond the Volga, the Latin Germans, Jews and Greeks. The prince asked about their faith, and each offered him his own. But the strongest impression was made on him by an Orthodox Byzantine preacher, who at the end of his conversation showed him a picture of the Last Judgment.

    Vladimir was baptized himself, and later offered to do it to his twelve sons. They were baptized in one source known in Kiev under the name of Khreshchatyk. Many boyars followed them, and a little later all the inhabitants.

    After Kiev and its environs orthodox faith was planted in Novgorod, Suzdal, Rostov and elsewhere. Under her influence, the Slavic tribes began to unite into a single state.

    The era of St. Vladimir was a key period for the state formation of Orthodox Russia. The unification of the Slavic lands and the formalization of the state borders of the Rurik power took place in an intense spiritual and political struggle with neighboring tribes and states. The baptism of Russia from Orthodox Byzantium was the most important step in its state self-determination.

    Prince Vladimir with a firm hand held back enemies at the borders, built cities and fortresses. He built the first "notch line" in Russian history - a line of defensive posts against nomads.
    Prince Vladimir, whom the people called the Red Sun, died on July 15, 1015. He ruled the Russian state for thirty-seven years.

    Patron saint of the border service of the FSB of Russia - Reverend Ilia Muromets

    There are very few reliable information about the life of the Monk Elijah of Murom of Pechersk survived to our time.

    It is believed that he was born about 1143 in the village of Karacharovo near Murom in the Vladimir region in a peasant family. Popular legend identified him with the famous hero Ilya Muromets, about whom numerous epics were formed.

    From childhood to 30 years old, Ilya was paralyzed, and then miraculously received healing from three prophetic elders - poor wanderers who predicted that "death in battle is not written for him." Taking his parental blessing, Ilya was in the squad of the Kiev prince Vladimir Monomakh for many years. There was "the first hero in Kiev" who did not know defeat.

    Ilya Muromets became famous for his numerous military exploits and unprecedented strength, which he used only to fight the enemies of the Fatherland, protect the Russian people and restore justice. And then there was someone to endure grievances from: in the steppes a "filthy idol" (as the Pechenegs were called) roamed, nightingales-robbers took a fancy to the forests, from the Khazar side the "damned Jew" threatened.

    All the legends testify to the truly Christian humility and meekness of Ilya Muromets, stately serenity and peace of mind: “I am a simple Russian hero, a peasant son. ... My wealth is a heroic strength, my business is to serve Rus, to defend her from her enemies. "

    Having received an incurable wound in the chest in one of the battles with the Polovtsy and obeying the call of his heart, Ilya took monastic vows at the Kiev-Pechersk Dormition Monastery. At that time, many soldiers did this, replacing the iron sword with a spiritual sword.

    Iliya Muromets died around 1188, at about 45 years of age.

    Since the appearance of the first regular army in our country, a good tradition has arisen for Orthodox soldiers to have their heavenly patrons. In pre-revolutionary Russia, everyone who wore a military uniform, of course, considered the Archangel Michael as their patron. But the air fleet, for example, still especially honored Elijah the Prophet. Saints Florus and Laurus were considered the patrons of the cavalry. And Saint George the Victorious patronized the Cossacks. In all military units, temples were built in the name of their beloved saints. In today's Russian army, this light tradition has not been forgotten either. Almost every branch or type of troops has its own heavenly protector. Here are some of them.

    The main patron saint of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Ground Forces is the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious

    He was born in the mid-270s in Cappadocia (a region in Asia Minor) into a very wealthy and noble Christian family. His father was killed when George was still a baby. The mother, who owned estates in Palestine, moved with her son to her homeland, where she raised him. When the boy grew up, he entered the service in the Roman army. The young man surpassed everyone in mind, courage, physical strength and quickly became the most prominent warrior in his cohort (a division of the legion, about 1000 people). Already at the age of 24, he was appointed commander of an elite cohort of invaders (in Latin - invincible). In the war with Persia in 296–297, George more than once showed courage and was included in the number of the komits - the emperor's close associates. At present, this is a member of the military council of the branch of the armed forces, a representative of the highest rate.

    In 303, the emperor Dilektian began persecuting Christians, and his first blow was directed at the army, where there were a large number of them. He thought it would be easy to crush the others if he could overcome the resistance of the military. His plan didn’t work in full force. Many soldiers decided to leave the service and become ordinary citizens, just not to renounce their faith in Christ. But there were also those who openly objected. George distributed his property to the poor and publicly declared himself a Christian before the emperor. He was arrested and tortured.

    For eight days, George was subjected to the most sophisticated torture. But it was all in vain. Every morning there was no trace of his wounds. In bewilderment and horror, the guards peered at him and were convinced that a miracle was really happening.

    George endured all the torments and did not deny Christ. On the night before the death penalty, the Savior appeared to him in a dream and said that paradise awaited him. The next morning, calmly and courageously, the former warrior bowed his head under the sword. It was April 23rd, 303.

    Saint George could become a talented military leader and surprise the world with military exploits. He died when he was not even 30 years old.

    Many may wonder why in iconography St. George is depicted on a horse killing a snake? This is one of the most famous posthumous miracles performed by saints. As the legend says, a monster appeared in the lake on the shore of which the city stood - either a serpent or a dragon. Attempts to defeat him with weapons in hand did not lead to anything. Then the inhabitants, being pagans, decided to sacrifice the king's daughter to the beast. At the moment when the girl was to be eaten, George appeared from heaven to earth on a horse and pierced the snake with a spear, saving the princess from death. The appearance of the saint contributed to the conversion of local residents to Christianity.

    Patron of the Airborne Troops - Prophet Elijah

    August 2 marks the birthday of the Russian Airborne Forces. The same day is the day of the prophet Elijah, liturgies are held in his honor and a procession is held.

    The Holy Prophet Elijah - one of the greatest prophets of the Old Testament - was born in Thesvia of Gilead in 900 BC. The name given to the baby Elijah (the fortress of the Lord) determined his entire life.

    From an early age, he dedicated himself to God. He lived in the wilderness, observing strict fasting and prayer. At that time, the Israelites worshiped pagan idols, which led to complete moral decay. Seeing the death of his people, the prophet Elijah began to denounce King Ahab of wickedness, urging him to repent and turn to faith in God alone. The king did not listen to him. Then the prophet Elijah announced to him that as a punishment for three years there would be no rain or dew on the earth and the drought would stop only by his prayer. Indeed, there was drought and famine throughout the land.

    After three years, the prophet Elijah ordered to gather all the inhabitants of Israel on Mount Carmel. When the people gathered, he proposed to build two altars: one from the priests, the other from the prophet Elijah for serving the true God. “On which of them fire will fall from heaven, that will be an indication of whose God is true,” said the prophet Elijah, “and everyone will have to worship Him.

    At the prayer of the prophet, fire came down from heaven and burned up the sacrifice, wood, stones and even water, and then the sky opened, and a heavy rain fell, watering the thirsty earth. Seeing what happened, millions of people drew conclusions for themselves.

    Later, for his ardent zeal for the glory of God, the prophet Elijah was taken to heaven alive in a fiery chariot, as the icon-painting tradition depicts him. According to legend, the prophet Elijah will be the forerunner of the terrible second coming of Christ to earth and will take a bodily death during the sermon.

    Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker - patron saint of the Navy

    Saint Nicholas the Pleasant was born in the city of Patara in the Lycian region (now Turkey). At a very young age, he was elevated to the rank of priest. Serving the Lord, the young man burned in spirit, and with experience in matters of faith he was like an old man, which caused surprise and deep respect of the believers. Constantly working and vigilant, staying in unceasing prayer, the priest Nicholas showed great mercy, coming to the aid of the suffering, and distributed all his possessions to the poor.

    Nicholas's miraculous gift was revealed when he sailed on a ship as a pilgrim to the Holy Land. He warned the crew of an impending storm and revived a sailor who had fallen from the mast.

    Going to worship the holy places in Jerusalem, on the way, Nicholas predicted an impending storm that threatened the ship with sinking, for he saw the devil himself who had entered the ship.

    He performed many other miracles. Through the prayers of the saint, the city of Myra was saved from a severe famine. More than once the saint saved those drowning in the sea, led them out of captivity and imprisonment in dungeons.

    Having reached a ripe old age, Saint Nicholas died peacefully in 345.

    He is especially revered in Russia as a quick assistant in the most seemingly hopeless and insoluble problems - both spiritual and everyday. It is difficult to imagine a ship flying the Russian flag without the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

    Patroness of the Strategic Missile Forces - Holy Great Martyr Barbara

    The memory of the Great Martyr Barbara - the saint who died for Christ in the IV century - is celebrated on December 17. On this day in 1995, the President of Russia signed a decree establishing the Day of Strategic Missile Forces. In the same year, having visited the General Staff of the Strategic Missile Forces in Vlasikha, His Holiness the Patriarch handed over the icon of St. Great Martyr Barbara. Its image is now on every command post of all Russian missile divisions.

    The Holy Great Martyr Barbara lived with her father in the Phoenician city of Iliopolis, during the reign of Emperor Maximilian. She lost her mother early. Widowed, the father focused all his attention on raising his only daughter. Protecting her in every possible way from communicating with unwanted people, he settled her in the tower. Only teachers and maids had access to it.

    Once, when her father was not at home, Barbara left the tower and met Christian girls, who told her about Jesus Christ and his teachings. A desire to be a Christian was kindled in the girl's heart. She was baptized.

    When he returned and learned about his daughter's deed, the father severely beat her, and then betrayed her into the hands of the authorities, persecutors of Christians. They mocked her for a long time, forcing her to renounce her faith, but she did not give in. According to legend, at night an untold light shone in the dungeon, and the Lord himself appeared to the suffering great martyr, healed her wounds and consoled with the hope of bliss in the Heavenly kingdom.

    The next day, Varvara was executed by her father. This happened around 306. In her deathbed prayer, the holy Great Martyr Barbara asked the Lord to deliver everyone who sought her help; from unexpected misfortunes, from sudden death without repentance, and would pour out his grace on them. In response, she heard a voice from heaven, promising to fulfill her request. Immediately after the burial, miraculous healings began at her relics.

    The patron saint of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - Prince Vladimir Equal to the Apostles

    Prince Vladimir was born in 963. In 972 he began to rule over Novgorod. In 980, having defeated his brother Yaropolk in the war, he conquered Kiev. Later he conquered Galicia, humbled the Vyatichi, fought with the Pechenegs, and extended the boundaries of his state from the Baltic Sea in the north to the Bug River in the south. He had five wives and numerous concubines. On the Kiev mountains, he installed idols, to which they began to bring human sacrifices. Then the Varangians Theodore and John died for Christ. The circumstances of their death made Vladimir doubt the truth of the pagan faith.

    At the invitation of the prince, preachers from different countries came to Kiev: ambassadors from the Muslim Bulgarians who lived beyond the Volga, the Latin Germans, Jews and Greeks. The prince asked about their faith, and each offered him his own. But the strongest impression was made on him by an Orthodox Byzantine preacher, who at the end of his conversation showed him a picture of the Last Judgment.

    Vladimir was baptized himself, and later offered to do it to his twelve sons. They were baptized in one source known in Kiev under the name of Khreshchatyk. They were followed by many boyars, and a little later by all the inhabitants.

    After Kiev and its environs, the Orthodox faith was planted in Novgorod, Suzdal, Rostov and elsewhere. Under her influence, the Slavic tribes began to unite into a single state.

    The era of St. Vladimir was a key period for the state formation of Orthodox Russia. The unification of the Slavic lands and the formalization of the state borders of the Rurik power took place in a tense spiritual and political struggle with neighboring tribes and states. The baptism of Russia from Orthodox Byzantium was the most important step in its state self-determination.

    Prince Vladimir with a firm hand held back enemies at the borders, built cities and fortresses. He built the first "notch line" in Russian history - a line of defensive posts against nomads.

    Prince Vladimir, whom the people called the Red Sun, died on July 15, 1015. He ruled the Russian state for thirty-seven years.

    Patron saint of the border service of the FSB of Russia - Reverend Ilia Muromets

    There are very few reliable information about the life of the Monk Elijah of Murom of Pechersk survived to our time.

    It is believed that he was born about 1143 in the village of Karacharovo near Murom in the Vladimir region in a peasant family. Popular legend identified him with the famous hero Ilya Muromets, about whom numerous epics were formed.

    From childhood to 30 years old, Ilya was paralyzed, and then miraculously received healing from three prophetic elders - poor wanderers who predicted that "death in battle is not written for him." Taking his parental blessing, Ilya was in the squad of the Kiev prince Vladimir Monomakh for many years. There was "the first hero in Kiev" who did not know defeat.

    Ilya Muromets became famous for his numerous military exploits and unprecedented strength, which he used only to fight the enemies of the Fatherland, protect the Russian people and restore justice. And then there was someone to endure grievances from: in the steppes a "filthy idol" (as the Pechenegs were called) roamed, nightingales-robbers took a fancy to the forests, from the Khazar side the "damned Jew" threatened.

    All the legends testify to the truly Christian humility and meekness of Ilya Muromets, stately serenity and peace of mind: “I am a simple Russian hero, a peasant son. ... My wealth is a heroic strength, my business is to serve Russia, to defend it from its enemies. "

    Having received an incurable wound in the chest in one of the battles with the Polovtsy and obeying the call of his heart, Ilya took monastic vows at the Kiev-Pechersk Dormition Monastery. At that time, many soldiers did this, replacing the iron sword with a spiritual sword.

    Iliya Muromets died around 1188, at about 45 years of age.

    Victor BOLTIKOV