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  • Who is Panin meeting with now? Alexey Panin: biography, family, personal life, films and photos

    Who is Panin meeting with now? Alexey Panin: biography, family, personal life, films and photos
    Alexey Vyacheslavovich Panin is an actor who, probably, does not need a special introduction. The star of the DMB series of films and numerous mainly comedy, criminal and military films has long earned a reputation as a rowdy and bully. Despite the scandalous fame when it comes to acting, all the characters that Panin embodies on the screen are lively, voluminous, charismatic and extremely vital.

    Childhood and family

    Alexey Panin was born on September 10, 1977 in Moscow. His family belonged to the Soviet intelligentsia: Alexei's mother was a well-known journalist and editor of the Nauka publishing house, a good friend of the popular artist Anatoly Romashin. Alexei's father worked as an engineer for one of the defense institutes of the USSR. As a child, Panin was always kept in tight-knit gloves, so he had to be a real “good boy”, study well and not even think about hooligan antics.

    In childhood and adolescence, his main hobby was sports. The future actor was engaged in water polo and even seriously thought about connecting his life with professional sports. In this area, he showed hope, but at some point he suddenly gave up training and decided to live for his own pleasure.

    For some time he studied at the theatrical studio of Vyacheslav Spesivtsev. Alexei got there by accident - on the way from school he saw an ad for a recruitment, that same evening he learned a poem and an excerpt from prose. The next day he came to the audition and passed - the first time, although he had no particular desire to be an actor.

    The young man changed many schools, but not at all because of hooliganism or poor academic performance, as one might think. More precisely, one time he still had to change school because of a grade in physics, but before that he moved from one educational institution to another five times due to constant moving - he lived with his parents, then with only grandparents, then with others. And once a generally anecdotal situation happened to him: without malicious intent, solely out of the kindness of his soul, he wiped the school portrait of the leader of the world proletariat with a wet rag. Lenin "flowed", and Alexei again had to look for a new school

    All these throwing from one place to another eventually made the guy dream about the fate of the gangster "authority". In this context, it is worth noting that all this happened in the early 90s, when "thieves' romance" was more popular than ever, and the halo of criminal lawlessness stirred the blood of thousands of teenagers. Alexei could not resist their charm, but his mother intervened in time. Seeing that her son was about to set foot on the inclined path, she insisted on entering GITIS.

    Alexei did not seriously count on success. He came to the exams to prove to everyone that he can act playfully. And in the end he was right - he auditioned successfully. This moment became a turning point in Panin's life.

    Actor career

    Alexey Panin played his first roles in his first year at GITIS, despite the ban on students from acting in films: the role of a policeman in the crime tape Who Else But Us, later received an invitation to star in the historical drama The Romanovs. Crowned family "Gleb Panfilov, because of which he was expelled. Later he recovered, but still could not finish his studies. The reason was the same - the violation of academic discipline. Panin played a cameo role in one of the little-known films, and for this he lost his student card.

    After being expelled from the RATI, the actor often began to play small roles in various cinematic projects. One of the most famous acting works of this period was the role of a conscript named Pysa in the cult army comedy "DMB" by Roman Kachanov and Ivan Okhlobystin. After this relatively small role, Panin became recognizable.

    Each of his roles was a small masterpiece. Pysa in "DMB" and its many sequels, the thimbler Ippolit in the movie "Down House", a weird guy named Bely in the comedy "Don't Even Think" ... The role of Sergeant Mamochkin in the military drama "Star" is a little apart on this list. However, in this film, the character of Alexei Panin can be called a comedic one. It is quite remarkable that for this work the actor was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

    In the 2000s, already as an established star, the actor continued to appear in new cinematic and television projects. "Four taxi drivers and a dog", "Zhmurki", "Tumbler", "Holy Deed", the television series "Soldiers" - all these, as well as many other bright roles made Alexey Panin a real star. He was recognized on the streets, he was often interviewed, and also bombarded with new scripts and filming proposals with enviable regularity.

    He played in dramas ("Flock"), action films ("Mirage"), historical tapes ("Spy"), but comedy still remained the favorite genre of Alexei Panin. In recent years, such films have been released with his participation as "Rzhevsky against Napoleon", "On treason", "The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines", and also some others. His partners on the set were Svetlana Khodchenkova, Liza Boyarskaya, Mikhail Galustyan, as well as many other stars of Russian cinema.

    Recently, Alexey Panin has been removed much less often. In 2013, only one film with his participation was released - the Ukrainian comedy film "The Bachelor". In 2014, he was featured in the comedy Hello, I'm your dad, the melodrama The Case of an Angel, and Vladimir Bortko's spy detective The Soul of a Spy.

    In the wake of the excitement around video bloggers, Panin started a YouTube channel called "Hypovosti", apparently expecting to follow in the footsteps of Sergei Druzhko. A dog in a tie became the channel's icon. The actor covered topical events like the scandal around the film "Matilda" or the nomination of Ksenia Sobchak for the presidency, and also invited scandalous personalities like Nikita Dzhigurda to the studio. But after several issues, the sponsor of the project abandoned it, as the ratings of the Hyp News were less than predicted.

    Hyip news Alexey Panina. Issue 1

    Personal life of Alexey Panin. Scandals

    Aleksey Panin differs in his hooligan character not only in the cinema, but also in real life. Some sharp-tongued viewers even called him "Russian Lindsay Lohan", referring to the fact that the actor "rides" on scandals, and not on talent. Usually star status helps him to settle incidents, but several times he still came to trial for his rowdy antics. In most cases, his actions were qualified as petty hooliganism.

    Panin about acting dream

    The scandal with Panin in Tuapse, where the artist was resting with friends, made a lot of noise. The man continuously absorbing alcoholic drinks put the whole hotel on his ears: first he showed up at the bar in some shorts, and when the bartender girl refused to serve him because of an indecent appearance, he took the cash register from the counter and went to his room. Apparently, he did not manage to cool down there, because after a few minutes he went out on the porch of the hotel completely naked and began to be rude to other hotel guests. The final chord was the purchase of alcohol for all visitors to the bar, but as soon as Panin saw the bill, and not very large, only 7 thousand rubles, he became furious and smashed half of the bar.

    In 2011, Panin beat a woman in a cafe. The employee refused to punch him a bottle of mineral water out of turn, and the actor attacked her with fists. At this moment, some girl from the queue timidly asked Panin for an autograph, but fell under the "distribution" - the actor grabbed the unfortunate bottle of water and cut her fan's head to blood.

    Two years later, apparently a preference for Russian resorts, Panin in Alushta beat up the driver who had crashed into his car. Although the beaten was the culprit of the accident, this is not a reason to throw fists, let alone insult his nationality. “For every Tatar - a tree,” Panin said about this situation, which aroused the anger of the Crimean Tatar diaspora.

    Panin in Alushta

    Cases when the actor smashed furniture in restaurants and hotel rooms, as well as ran naked in public places, is useless to list - the press has already lost count of them.

    Fans of the Ukrainian program "Lie Detector" will probably remember the episode with Panin - still, on the air of the program he made a scandalous statement. To be precise, Panin confirmed that he participated in an orgy with 80 people, and also slept with men. Later, in 2013, he made a bisexual coming out on the Invisible Man program. By the way, Panin often opposes homophobia, and also denies the very fact of the existence of “traditional” and “non-traditional” sexual relations, urging people to tolerance.

    "Lie detector" with Panin

    No less resonance is caused by the relationship of Alexei Panin with his wife and daughter. In general, the actor had a huge number of women, but the most serious relationships were with Yulia Yudintseva, Tatyana Savina and Lyudmila Grigorieva.

    Panin divorced his first common-law wife Yulia Yudintseva in 2008. But the woman could not get rid of her rowdy spouse due to the presence of a common child - Anna's girl. After a long and difficult divorce process, which finally came to an end in 2014, Julia took Anya away to hide from her obsessive ex-lover. Panin tracked down his ex-wife and for four days besieged the entrance of her house, seeking a meeting with his daughter. Yulia asked a lawyer for help - he called for her a car with security from the police.

    Panin chased a police car, drove through the paid segment of the Ring Road on the way, demolished the barrier and did not pay the fare. Arriving at the scene first, he barricaded the entrance to the department, where Julia and Anna were to deliver him, and recorded a video message to Stanislav Govorukhin, Nikolai Rastorguev and Joseph Kobzon with a request for protection.

    In December 2015, the actor trapped his daughter at her school on Shpalernaya Street and forced her to sit in his car. Mother saw Anya only a month later. As it turned out, Panin and his daughter were visiting the actor's friends.

    Panin scandals in a restaurant

    After Yudintseva, Panin was married to Tatyana Savina. In 2011, she gave birth to his second daughter. During pregnancy, complications arose, the woman was admitted to the hospital for preservation. Panin was not allowed inside, and he stood under the windows and shouted declarations of love.

    For a short time Panin was married to Lyudmila Grigoriev. In 2014, she dumped the actor, after which he swallowed phenobarbital pills. Doctors saved the actor, but Panin did not calm down and got a tattoo "Lucy and Alexey are forever together."

    The guests of the first release of Dmitry Shepelev's show "Actually" were the former spouses, Alexey Panin and Yulia Yudintseva. The parents of 9-year-old Anya underwent a lie detector test to find out all the tense moments.

    For filming in the TV show, the former common-law wife flew in from St. Petersburg. A couple of days ago, Panin left a post in social network, in which he said that she was pumped out by narcologists, as she was intoxicated.

    The guests of the program have drawn up questions for each other in advance. From the first minutes of the program, Alexey and Yulia were rude and showered with insults. Dmitry tried to calm down his ex-husband and wife. At the beginning of the program, Panin noted that he wants them to settle all the controversial issues.

    “Unfortunately, now we will have to say things that will be regarded by people as throwing all the dirt out,” Alexey explained.

    The actor recalled that he took his daughter from her mother at the age of eight months. According to the artist, once she left Nyushu alone on the first floor of the house, tied to a chair, and she herself went to sleep on the second, being drunk. According to the movie star, Yulia was previously treated in a psychiatric hospital, so she could easily afford such behavior.

    “Julia has a chance and an opportunity to become a friend for her daughter,” Panin said.

    According to Yudintseva, it is impossible to come to an agreement with Panin. The woman herself considers herself a good mother, but at the same time does not remember the weight and height of the heiress at birth.

    First, Julia asked if Alexei walked naked with his daughter. She received a negative answer to this question. However, the actor did not hide the fact that a couple of times the heiress could see him naked.

    “For this, people are imprisoned! This is an article, ”Yudintseva said.

    Roman Ustyuzhanin and Igor Fedorov, polygraph experts, checked how truthful their answers were, and Sabina Pantus determined by facial expressions and gestures when the hero tells a lie.

    Yudintseva answered the question about drugs. According to the woman, she does not use prohibited substances, but there were several episodes while she lived in the United States. Julia also denies that she recently drank alcohol.

    "Not. I didn’t use. I had a case when I was studying in America. I tried to smoke weed when I was there. I almost went crazy, ”Yudintseva noted.

    Alexey agreed to answer a similar question. It turned out that he had an incident when he used illegal substances.

    Panin also spoke frankly about his orgies. According to the actor, the child has never seen his dad with other women during intimacy. Since the artist loves to undress during his holidays, Yudintseva decided to ask if Nyusya sunbathed with her father on the same ship when he was surrounded by half-naked girls. “My daughter was on a similar yacht a few days later,” said Alexey, and his answer was acknowledged to be true.

    Panin noted that the ex-chosen one wants to put him in a negative light in front of the public.

    “It is more profitable and necessary for her to accuse me and throw mud at me than to make peace and improve relations with her daughter. I persuade you to see the child, I am opposed to you injuring the child. Become a child's mother, friend. You did everything to turn the child against yourself, ”said Alexey.

    According to Yudintseva, the other day she talked with her daughter. And then Panin posted their conversation on Instagram. Julia is indignant at how a former common-law spouse could do this. According to Alexei, he was not the initiator of the shooting, and it was Nyusya who called him at the time of the conversation with the parent.

    “He is completely bad,” - this is how the woman said about the actor.

    Yudintseva's lawyer Nazar Nazarov claims that for the first time Alexei is trying to negotiate with Yulia about her meetings with Nyusya. According to the lawyer, his client will not pay child support.

    According to Julia, her ex-husband may even kill someone. Next, they wanted to find out if Yudintsev had tried to commit suicide in the presence of Nyusya. The expert called the woman's reaction inadequate.

    “I had such a state when I realized that this damned freak would never detach from me, would always haunt me. There was such a moment, ”noted Yulia.

    The studio was also attended by the mothers of Panin and Yudintseva. According to the parent of Alexei, one day Julia raised her hand to her.

    “She put the bailiff on the wall, and then tried to hit me on the head with her fist…. Then they lifted a leg, moved it along the object, then head against the wall. I had a concussion, ”said Panina's mother.

    Yudintseva admitted that she raised her hand to the woman, but did not beat her. The detector flashed “false”. The mother of Panin's ex-darling, Nadezhda, Yudintseva believes that the actor is silent about some information. “If he refuses to answer questions, he makes himself worse. This is his conscious choice, "Shepelev noted.

    It seems that Alexey Panin is ready to try again to arrange family life. The actor, who was going to go to a monastery, and die young, and pour grief with strong drinks after a divorce from one wife and parting with another, got married.


    On his page on the social network, Panin published a photo in which he and his chosen one pose with wedding rings, reports Starhit. "Well, that's it," the actor wrote succinctly. However, this photo was later removed. Previously, Alexei posted a snapshot from a wedding salon. "The last and only time in the bridal salon I was when I bought a dress for my wife Lucy. She didn't like it. Now I decided to test my taste again ... Maybe this time I'll guess," he told the publication.

    Recall that in 2014, Alexey Panin swallowed pills, unable to cope with the fact that his wife Lyudmila left him. But the doctors pumped him out. Then he stuffed a large tattoo "Lucy and Alexei together forever" on his forearm. However, the actor clearly changed his mind to die because of his wife who left him. First, a pretty brunette appeared in his life. And then Panin started dating a friend of his ex-wife Lyudmila.

    "It so happened that Tanya was once a close friend of my wife Lucy. We have known each other for more than five years. After the divorce, which was two years ago, at first I stopped communicating with my ex-wife, and by that time Tatiana had not supported her for a long time either. connection. Recently, Tatyana and I have become closer, began to meet more often and spend time in each other's company. Tatyana is a very beautiful, cheerful and interesting person. I am pleased to be with her. But I do not want to think of anything for the future - it will turn out, it will be ", - the artist shared.

    Alexey Panin is an outrageous theater and film actor who never ceases to amaze his fans. Scandals related to his personal life periodically flash in the press. The audience is wondering if the artist really has a complex character, or if he stirs up interest in his person, offering the public another shocking news from his life. Let's find out what attracts girls Alexey Panin. The actor's biography, family and creative activity really deserve attention.


    On September 10, 1977, the future theater and film actor Alexei Panin was born in Moscow. His biography did not stand out against the background of his peers. Alexey, like many boys, was a restless child. But he hooliganed in moderation. Didn't like school. During his studies, he had to change a dozen secondary schools due to family relocations.

    Alexei was interested in sports. He played water polo and dreamed of being a professional athlete. But fate turned out differently - the actor connected his life with cinema and theater. And all thanks to my mother. It was she who saw acting talent in her son. When the young man graduated from school, his mother insisted on his admission to GITIS.


    Alexey passed the exam the first time and became a student at a prestigious Moscow institute. But his studies did not work out for him. At first, the future actor skipped part of the educational process because of the cameo role that he was offered to play in the film “The Romanovs. Crowned family ". For this reason, Alexei Panin was expelled from GITIS. The parents insisted that their son resume his studies. And he obeyed. But a similar situation repeated itself. This time, Panin missed the exam due to a new episodic role in the film. The third time it all ended with another exception: GITIS closed the doors for the student for good.

    But all these events did not upset the young man. The number of proposed roles increased, and Alexey Panin played them perfectly. The film, in which the actor flashed on the screens, was called "DMB". Several parts of the motion picture were shot. And in almost all of them Panin managed to play an episodic role.

    Film career

    The actor got his first leading role in a comedy film called “Don't Even Think”. He was offered to play a video rental worker - Bely, who was one of the members of a group of young guys who decided to challenge the world under the influence of modern films. The youth comedy turned out to be light and full of humor. After this film, he became recognizable. Photos of actor Alexei Panin appeared among the pictures of Russian celebrities from the world of cinema.

    Alexey was able to brilliantly demonstrate his acting skills by starring in A. Mitta's film “Border. Taiga novel ". This was followed by the comedy of V. Voinovich "Two comrades". Film offers poured in one after another. The directors were interested in the actor Alexey Panin. Biography and personal life intrigued the press.

    The actor has played over 100 roles in Russian films and television series. The newest work, in which Panin took part, is the detective "Spy Soul". Alexey's partners in the film are F. Bondarchuk, M. Alexandrova, D. Spivakovsky and other famous actors.


    In theatrical roles, Alexey Panin began to try himself in 2000. At first, he participated in entreprise productions. And then he got more serious roles. He played at the Moscow Independent Theater. The photo of Alexei Panin appeared in the ranks of famous theater actors. He played in the performances "Chasing Two Hares", "A Guide for Those Who Want to Get Married", "Theatrical Passions", "Tricks of the Old Goat". The last two productions were staged at the Millennium Theater House.

    When did the actor become popular?

    Famous Panin woke up after the film "Star", where he got the role of Kostya Mamochkin. The actor's performance was highly appreciated by TV viewers and film professionals. For this film, he received the title of laureate of the State Prize. The biography of actor Alexei Panin flashed in the media. Everyone wanted to know the details of the life of a talented and outstanding personality.

    The painting "Zhmurki" by A. Balabanov became a lucky ticket in the fate of the young actor. The audience remembered this crime comedy with an ironic plot for a long time. The cast of the picture was full of professionals: Dmitry Dyuzhev, Renata Litvinova, Alexei Serebryakov, Nikita Mikhalkov and others.

    Best work

    The actor played the most memorable roles in the films "Star" (2002), "Blind Man's Man" (2005), "Down House" (2001), Next (2002). There are paintings that Alexey Panin himself especially appreciates. The films "Star", "Don't Even Think", "Zhmurki", "In August 44th", "Four Taxi Drivers and a Dog", "The Night is Light", "About Love in Any Weather", "Timur and His Commando" into the category of favorite works. The actor has repeatedly admitted that he was ready to star in them for a minimum fee and under any conditions.

    Alexey Panin has also made his mark in the music field. He starred in several videos, the best of which are: "About Max" by the "Casta" group (2002), "Tell Heart" by Ivan Breusov (2005), "We will be together" with Irina Bilyk (2012).


    The actor's talent and his extraordinary abilities are appreciated by both viewers and colleagues. Panin's work has been awarded two main prizes:

    1. For the role of Lieutenant Mamochkin in the film "Star", the actor became a laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation.
    2. For special achievements in the field of culture and art, Panin received the Triumph Youth Prize.

    Personal life

    This is an equally interesting part of the actor's biography. If his work is saturated with professionalism and talent, then violent passions are boiling in his personal sphere. The actor became famous for his love and promiscuity.

    Alexey Panin changed many partners in his life. His biography is full of stories from his personal life and related scandals. The actor had several official and civil marriages. Almost all relationships ended in scandalous antics on the part of Alexei. He stalked former lovers, drank pills, tried to cut veins. Often, the actor provided the media with hard-hitting facts from the life of ex-partners. All this shocked his fans. But soon they got used to it. The audience began to figure out how the actor's next relationship could end.

    A family

    It is worth noting here the few relatives of Alexei Panin. The actor's parents and children are his real family. Alexei's father and mother were famous personalities among the capital's people. But they had nothing to do with Moscow bohemia.

    Alexei Panin's father is a professional design engineer. He worked at a defense plant. The profession left its mark on his character. Vyacheslav Panin was distinguished by his rigor and discipline. The son suffered from his father more than once for hooligan behavior and disobedience.

    Tatyana Vlasova - the actor's mother - loved Alexei very much and always took his side. It was she who pushed her son to try himself as an actor. Tatiana worked as a journalist for the magazine "Science". She was passionate about her profession and was rarely at home. But the mother tried to give her son all the love and attention. It is worth noting that the actor appreciates the care of his mother. He does not forget about her and often takes her with him to various television shows, including scandalous ones.


    You can write a book about Panin's official and civil wives.

    The first wife of the actor was a girl who was not associated with the world of show business. Julia Yudintseva and Alexey Panin got married in 2006. The initiator of the relationship was the actor. He beautifully courted Julia, performing extravagant acts. But their marriage lasted only two years. The reason for the breakup was Alexei's scandalous antics. The divorce brought the girl a lot of trouble. The spouses have long argued with whom their joint child will live. This process dragged on until 2014. The actor stalked his wife and demanded that she let him take the child for the weekend. As a result, the daughter of Alexei Panin took his side and moved to live with him.

    The next official wife of the actor was Tatiana Savina. In 2010, young people formalized their relationship. A year later, the wife told Alexei the good news: they will have a child. Panin was very happy about the future addition to the family. The actor even gave up alcohol for a while. But the child could not save the marriage of Alexei and Tatiana. The woman could not tolerate the difficult character of the actor. The couple broke up. But their common daughter constantly sees her father, who regularly pays her child support. Savina admits that her feelings for Alexei have not faded away, but it is not possible to live with him together.

    In 2012, Lyudmila Grigorieva became Panin's official wife. At first, the girl did not want to believe in the bad reputation of a loved one. But after two years of marriage, I realized that I was wrong. The marriage with Alexei became unbearable. The actor was very upset by the breakup: he swallowed pills and tried to commit suicide. Later, a tattoo appeared on his body, stating that Alexey and Lyudmila would be together forever. But very soon he forgot about his emotional experiences, having an affair with his close friend Grigorieva.


    The actor has two children. The beautiful princesses were presented to Alexei by two official wives. Anna is the eldest daughter of Alexei Panin. Photos of her periodically appeared in the press during the scandalous showdown of the actor's relationship with his former lover Yulia Yudintseva.

    Alexey's actions are always unpredictable. It is impossible to fully understand: his actions are dictated by strong love or a desire to attract attention. When Anya was 8 months old, her father took her from the hospital and did not return her back. Another insane act was committed by the actor when Anna became a schoolgirl. Alexei kidnapped the girl right from school. After the divorce, Anna lived with her mother. In 2015, the Vladimirsky court ruled in favor of Panin: it allowed the girl to be with her dad on a permanent basis. The daughter quickly moved to her father and is in no hurry to return to her mother.

    Maria is Panin's second child. She was born when the actor was in an official relationship with Tatyana Savina. And although the girl stayed with her mother, Alexey Panin never forgets about her. He regularly pays child support and spoils his baby.

    According to unofficial data, the actor has an illegitimate child - daughter Sofia, whose mother is his longtime fan.


    Unpredictable, shocking, luxurious actor - Alexey Panin. Films with his participation are always popular. But fans like to follow not only the creativity, but also the scandalous antics of Panin. Here are some of them:

    • More than once information appeared in the media that he had committed suicide. The reason for the death of Alexei Panin was called a break with another lover. The actor actually attempted suicide several times: cut veins, drank pills.
    • In an interview, Panin admitted that he has a bisexual orientation.
    • Alexey did not deny that he took part in the video with pornographic content.
    • In 2016, a video appeared on the Internet in which the actor committed sexual acts with a dog. He later proved that the video was edited.
    • Panin himself posted videos on the Internet in which he walked around the city in underwear. According to Alexei's stories, he lost the bet, so he had to commit this insane act.
    • In 2018, the actor distinguished himself with a drunken brawl on board an aircraft that was making a flight from Simferopol to Moscow.


    Interesting are the interviews in which Panin talks about himself and his attitude to life.

    The actor admits that he is grateful to the yellow press: it helps him maintain his popularity, even if it is negative. While many of the facts are untrue, the actor is not offended by this.

    Panin says that he does not consider himself an actor. He loves cinema very much. Work brings him first of all pleasure, and only then - material wealth. But he considers his life more broadly than just theater and cinema.

    To improve his acting talents, Panin seeks to adopt the experience of famous masters of theater and cinema. Alexey admires the professionalism of Vysotsky, Dal, Shukshin and tries to imitate them.

    As for the personal sphere, Panin admits that he is attracted not only by beautiful, but also smart women.

    About himself the actor says: “I am real, not made up. I always say what I think. A few minutes are enough for me to understand what a person is. Sometimes it is enough just to look into the eyes and it immediately becomes clear who you are dealing with. "

    Panin Alexey Vyacheslavovich is a person whom all people who live in Russia know. Since he is not only a gorgeous man, a talented actor who can easily get used to any image, but also a shocking young man.

    Interesting stories constantly appear on the Internet that relate to the scandals associated with Alexei. Recently, for example, he spoke about his bisexual orientation, which aroused keen interest in his person. At the same time, many argue that Panin does not do anything like that. And fables are invented by his agents in order to maintain interest in the person of the actor.

    Height, weight, age. How old is Alexei Panin

    Fans of Alexei Panin and his ill-wishers are in a hurry to get acquainted with such actor's parameters as his height, weight, age. How old is Alexei Panin - this is a query that is asked several hundred times on the Internet every day, so its popularity is not discussed.

    Alexey was born in 1977, which means that he celebrated his fortieth anniversary in early September. According to the celestial zodiac circle, Panin received the sign of a stable, economic, slightly insecure, shocking, creative and original Virgo.

    The eastern horoscope endowed the shocking brawler with the character traits of a wise, calm, touchy and slightly selfish Snake. At the same time, Alexey Panin: the photos in his youth and now are similar to each other, because the guy is still too young, although they use the services of make-up artists, because alcoholic drinks still do their job, causing wrinkles and bruises under the eyes.

    Alexei's height has now reached a level of one meter and eighty-seven centimeters, and his weight is set at around seventy-two to seventy-five kilograms.

    Biography and personal life of Alexei Panin

    The biography and personal life of Alexei Panin at the present time and in earlier periods of life are completely different options. As a child, Lesha was never a homely and calm boy, he often played naughty and disrupted lessons until his father forced him to behave as expected in society.

    Parents were famous people in metropolitan circles, although they had nothing to do with the world of Moscow bohemia.
    Father - Vyacheslav Panin - was a professional and talented designer and engineer, he worked at a defense-type plant, so he was constantly busy and incredibly strict, so Lesha got a lot of nuts from him.

    Mother - Tatyana Vlasova - was always on the side of her beloved son, she was rarely at home, since she was a popular journalist, therefore she was constantly at her workplace in the office of the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Science".

    The boy was extremely active, precisely in order to channel his energy into a peaceful channel, he was sent to the sports sections. Lesha has been involved in water polo for a long time, he was the hope of the capital's section of this sport, but suddenly he cooled down to him and decided to live an easy and fun life. Instead of the sports section, the guy went to a theater studio, but he was not going to become a professional actor.

    Lesha Panin's personal life is overwhelming, he leads a promiscuous sex life, and recently even talked about being a bisexual who does not mind putting his own erotic fantasies on public display. He is a scandalous and hooligan guy, so he was accused of the fact that when his talent waned, he had to go out only on shocking antics that border on insanity.

    At the same time, he constantly ends up in the police after a huge number of hooligan antics, for example, when he got drunk in Tuapse and broke half of the contents of the bar because of the seven thousandth bill. Or, when he beat a waitress in a cafeteria for a bottle of mineral water, simultaneously breaking the head of a random fan. Another high-profile scandal was associated with the beating of a Tatar driver in the Crimean Alushta, who provoked an accident.

    Filmography: films with the participation of Alexei Panin in the title role

    After leaving school, the young guy entered GITIS, which he managed to graduate at a high level. It was strictly forbidden to film students of this higher educational institution, but Lesha was used to breaking the rules. He debuted as a freshman in 1998, playing the role of a police officer.

    After that, the filmography of Alexei Panin was constantly replenished with works in the series and films "Truckers", "Down House", "DMB", "Zvezda", "Timur and his commandos", "Miracles in Reshetov", "Four taxi drivers and a dog", " The night is light ”,“ Soldiers ”,“ Cuckoo ”. At the same time, the young man is actively acting in clips of stars of the first magnitude, and also runs his own Internet project "Hypovosti".

    In a number of TV shows and interviews, he confessed that he constantly participated in crowded orgies, including with males. At the same time, he called for a tolerant attitude towards persons with a non-traditional sexual orientation, as well as to protect them from criminal encroachments.

    Alexey had several official and common-law wives, with whom the guy was far from being friends. He cut the veins and swallowed pills, chased the former chosen ones and poured mud on them. Currently, Alexei says that he is now meeting with a friend of his ex-wife Lyudmila Tatyana, but no one has ever seen the girl, although the relationship began in 2016.

    He is actively involved in politics, nominates himself in elections to the Legislative Assembly from the Liberal Democratic Party, called for voting for the United Russia party, threatened to nominate himself for the presidency in 2018, and also supported the ideas of the LPR and DPR.

    Family and children of Alexey Panin

    The Panin family constantly moved from place to place, since his father was associated with the defense industry. He managed to change at least five educational institutions, but from only one he was expelled for academic failure.

    The funny thing is that Lesha was saved from prison romance by his beloved mother, who literally forced him to enter GITIS. Before these events, Panin got into bad company, so he wanted to become a crime boss, or at least his right hand.

    It is worth clarifying that Alexei's mother is madly in love and constantly supports him. The guy does not stop appearing with her on various television shows, where the mother asks to help her unreasonable son, who, by the way, is not too eager to change his lifestyle.

    Panin has only two children, these are charming princesses, which were presented to the actor by different women. At the same time, scandals constantly arise around Alexei's daughters, since the spouses cannot allocate the time when they will meet with the babies, as well as their place of permanent residence.

    Panin is an incomprehensible person, so it is unclear how he treats his daughters, loves them, or is simply trying to attract attention to himself, traumatizing the psyche of his beloved girls. At the same time, representatives of the yellow press talk about the fact that Alexei has illegitimate daughters Sonya and Masha, but this is unconfirmed information. By the way, the guy said that Sofia's mother is his fan Olga Mogucheva, this event happened in about 2011.

    Daughter of Alexei Panin - Anna Panina

    The daughter of Alexei Panin - Anna Panina - was born in 2007, his ex-wife Julia Yudintseva became his mother. She practically did not remember her father, since the couple broke up after birth, and since 2009, the girl stayed with her mother and grandmother in court.

    When the baby was eight months old, her father kidnapped her sick daughter from the hospital and did not return her for several months. After that, Anya lived with her mother in St. Petersburg, they rested on the Crimean peninsula, and the girl went to first grade, from where her father stole her.

    In 2015, the Vladimir court allowed Anechka or Nyusa to live with her dad permanently, while the mother worries about the psychological state of her daughter, who sees her father's indecent behavior. The wife threatens to deprive Panin of parental rights, and Nyusya is categorically against parting with her beloved daddy.

    Daughter of Alexei Panin - Maria Panina

    The daughter of Alexei Panin - Maria Panina - was born in 2011, the common-law wife of the actor Tatyana Savina became her mother. For a long time, the actor persuaded his ex-wife to write down the girl in his last name, he settled down a little, but not for long.

    Little Mashenka is an active and inquisitive child, she draws, dances and sings wonderfully, and is also preparing to go to first grade. It is worth clarifying that Marishka rarely communicates with her dad and sister, but alimony is paid for her regularly, which is good news.

    The ex-wife of Alexei Panin - Julia Yudintseva

    The ex-wife of Alexei Panin, Yulia Yudintseva, is a woman who married a brawler back in 2006, while the marriage lasted only two years. Alexey beautifully looked after Julia and even performed various extravagant acts.

    The marriage broke up due to the scandalous nature of Alexei. At the same time, the procedures for determining the child's place of residence lasted until 2014, while little Anyutka was kidnapped several times. Panin pursued his ex-wife and daughter, demanded to allow him to meet with the baby and take her away for the weekend. Ten-year-old Nyusya took the side of her father, deciding to live with him.

    The ex-wife of Alexei Panin - Tatiana Savina

    The ex-wife of Alexei Panin - Tatyana Savina - became his wife in 2010, and the next year, after a difficult pregnancy, she gave a daughter. The guy for a while stopped drinking and making scandals, although he shouted declarations of love for his wife under the windows of the maternity ward.

    Tatiana and Alexey divorced unexpectedly, because it was very difficult to live with a brawler. The little daughter could not save the marriage, but Panin constantly sees his father and receives alimony from him in a timely manner.

    Savina constantly repeats that she loves the actor, but worries about his mental health and addiction to alcohol.

    The ex-wife of Alexei Panin - Lyudmila Grigorieva

    The ex-wife of Alexei Panin - Lyudmila Grigorieva - became his official wife in 2012. The woman idolized the actor and did not believe in his scandalous antics. But two years later, she became disillusioned with a man and divorced him.

    Panin tried to commit suicide by swallowing pills, but he failed. Then he calmed down, but made a tattoo, which said that Lucy and Alexei would always be together. The most interesting thing is that Panin did not suffer about her for a long time, having found another woman. At the same time, in an interview, he argued that he did not mind returning Grigoriev and marrying her again, because he loved.

    Alexey Panin shocking video

    Alexey Panin a shocking video constantly appears on the Internet, attracting the close attention of fans. Since 2016, a scandalous video has appeared in which a young man committed acts of a sexual nature with a dog. Alexey denied his involvement in this process. Because on the back of the main "character" of the videos there are no three tattoos, although he is gray-haired, so the drawings had to be in this very place. By the way, the indecent video in which an unknown guy and his girlfriend orally satisfied some man was recognized as real.

    The actor shocked his fans again this summer. Having posted videos on the Internet in which he walked around the city in women's underwear and showed his genitals. Although he soon said that he simply betrayed his friends' desire, and was not at all perverted.

    Instagram and Wikipedia Alexey Panin

    Instagram and Wikipedia Alexei Panin have been around for a long time, therefore they contain only reliable and relevant information. From a Wikipedia article, you can really learn everything about childhood, education, parents, personal and family life, his daughters, as well as scandalous incidents and filmography.

    More than 30,500 people have already signed up for the profile of the scandalous star. Who are happy to view photos and videos dedicated to their personal, family and creative life. It will be possible to comment on all the photographs, as well as appreciate them.