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  • How clairvoyants see the fate of a person. How to learn to see the future? Tips from experienced psychics

    How clairvoyants see the fate of a person. How to learn to see the future? Tips from experienced psychics

    Clairvoyance is the ability of a particular person to perceive information that remains inaccessible to the perception of most people. How clairvoyance manifests itself, we will talk about this in this material.

    Clairvoyance is a person's inner vision. With clairvoyance, information comes in images, symbols and signs. Ordinary senses are not involved in this - the so-called "third eye" is solely responsible for clairvoyance.

    Most mediums and psychics use this way of objectively seeing reality. If you have ever watched their work, you might have noticed that when a psychic concentrates on something, he looks away.

    At the initial stage of the development of clairvoyance, the images that a person begins to see are very fleeting, it is quite difficult to distinguish them. It is for this reason that most people are unable to notice them, and they are lost.

    Also in the esoteric literature you can read that if a person has the gift of clairvoyance, he supposedly falls into a three-dimensional dimension. In reality, a person who begins to awaken simply receives images of future events, which can come in the form of pictures, sounds, and in some cases words. Each individual interprets them in his own way.

    When you develop your abilities and have enough experience, the same images will come to you, which you will learn to understand using your own interpretation scheme. It is important to remember the peculiarities of the information that you receive from above, you can even keep a special diary in which you note all the unusual that happens to you. As a result, you will receive your own extrasensory dictionary to interpret the information received through the gift from above.

    Signs that indicate clairvoyance

    You can establish that you have begun to show extrasensory abilities by the presence of certain "symptoms":

    1. The emergence of very vivid, vivid images is observed, which are etched into memory for a long time.
    2. A person may not use a watch, because he always feels the exact time at random.
    3. When such a person is engaged in arranging his home, he always knows exactly in what place it is better to put this or that object to enhance energy flows.
    4. At the first glance at a person, a novice psychic intuitively feels what diseases he suffers from, even if the latter looks just wonderful.
    5. In a telephone conversation, a clairvoyant is able to describe his interlocutor even if he has never seen him before.

    If you put "plus" in front of at least half of these points, it is likely that clairvoyance is hidden in you. Do not under any circumstances try to suppress them!

    Many people, faced with something unknown that defies logical explanation, get scared and try to isolate themselves from it as much as possible. Therefore, you should not succumb to the provocations of television programs that show us not entirely correct images of clairvoyants with crystal balls in a room filled with smoke. The time has come to dispel the established stereotypes.

    Clairvoyance is just a faculty of the mind's eye. Having addressed this issue from a scientific point of view, it is necessary to mention the area located in the area between the eyebrows (the famous "third eye"), which is associated with the pituitary gland.

    Clairvoyants prefer large, open and well-lit spaces. It is important for them to see all the details of what is happening so that nothing remains for them "behind the scenes".

    When a person can develop in himself the ability to clairvoyance at a high level, he will be able to use his gift not only for the benefit of himself, but also in order to help the people around him. Many clairvoyants work with law enforcement to help locate missing items or people, and to apprehend criminals.

    Where clairvoyance comes from - how to protect yourself from scammers

    Clairvoyance and clairaudience testifies to a person's contact with otherworldly worlds (parallel realities). Each of us has had our own Guardian Angel since birth, but not all of us have the ability to contact him and correctly interpret the prompts received from him.

    But some especially sensitive people can still establish a connection with their Guardian Angel, who begins to show (or whisper) about upcoming events of the future or past. With the help of these actions, the Angel seeks to protect his ward from any trouble.

    In most cases, the gift of clairvoyance is manifested in very pure souls at a high level of development. People with such a soul are very compassionate and merciful. It should be noted that each person by nature has certain inclinations for the gift of clairvoyance, but not everyone is able to develop these abilities. Only the higher intelligence determines who is worthy to use such a talent. Old people, invalids, blind, illiterate children can act as seers ... If the Almighty decided to reward a person with supernormal abilities, in this case the close angels will help the person develop this gift.

    Angels are able to answer absolutely any questions, but not all information can be shared with strangers, and some cannot be voiced even by the closest. Clairvoyants must adhere to certain restrictions and prohibitions, which are unacceptable to violate - otherwise, higher powers can block the source of superpowers.

    Many clairvoyants help to heal other people, but they themselves suffer from certain pathologies. So, for example, the famous seer Vanga helped others all her life, but at the same time did not see her patients, because at an early age due to a natural disaster she lost her normal sight. And the famous predictor of the future, Nostradamus, who foresaw the future of kings and empires, constantly struggled with epilepsy.

    Very often, the gift of clairvoyance opens up in a person after severe trials, physical or mental suffering. Such cases very often occurred in Russia - blessed people, of whom there were a lot, can be called clairvoyants.

    The gift of clairvoyance does not get to a person just like that - it must be deserved, suffered, tortured in the truest sense of the word. But, having acquired such amazing abilities, a person changes very much - all the delights of worldly life are now in the background for him, from now on his first and main duty is to help others, those who need it.

    Exercise on how to open your inner vision

    You will need to create the necessary atmosphere for it. Prepare a small white candle for this exercise. Then follow these steps:

    1. Sit in a comfortable position with your body completely relaxed - remove any muscle tension.
    2. Light a candle and place it next to you.
    3. Relax your eye muscles and, without stopping, gaze into the flame. At the same time, your eyes will begin to water, then you will need to lower your eyelids and close them with your palms so that pitch darkness appears before you.
    4. Visualize as if the candle flame is now flickering at a point just above the brow. Wait until it disappears.
    5. Sit for a while with your eyes closed, and then complete the ritual. Leave the candle to burn out completely.

    After this exercise, you can practice your psychic abilities. For example, when talking on the phone with a stranger, close your eyes and listen to the voice of your interlocutor. Let his intonation and words completely fill your space, push the logical mind into the background, giving full free rein to your intuition.

    Train yourself regularly with similar practices if you want to learn how to predict the future by helping yourself and the world around you.

    Watch also an interesting video on the topic described:

    ). So the dark spirits, through the people under their control, apparently proclaimed the truth and truth. So you should have believed them?

    But the Lord Himself "forbade them to say that they know that He is Christ" ( Luke 4:41). "Shut up and get out of it" ( Mark 1:25), - He used to say to the invisible soothsayer who spoke through the possessed person. The Savior did not want the truth to be proclaimed by unclean lips, as it is said in the Holy Scripture, “praise in the mouth of a sinner is unpleasant, for it was not sent from the Lord” ( Sir 15: 9). After all, the dark forces, taking advantage of the trust of people, would certainly add a lie to the truth ...

    There is a committee in Moscow to save youth from totalitarian sects. One day a co-worker conducted a simple experiment. Taking a photograph of a friend who had died many years ago, she visited ten psychic healers who, according to advertisements, identified a person's illness from the photograph. So many things clairvoyant experts have not diagnosed! The conclusion of each was the same: the deceased must urgently come to them for treatment, and, as they promised, for a certain fee she will receive health.

    However, the phenomenon of clairvoyance exists. In the life of F.M. Dostoevsky had one notable incident in 1877. This is how Dostoevsky's wife Anna Grigorievna Snitkina describes it: “This autumn quite often the writer Vsevolod Sergeevich Solovyov, a great admirer of my husband's talent, visited us. Once, having come to us, he told her husband that he had met an interesting lady, Mrs. Field, who, having very correctly defined him past life, predicted to him some facts, which, to his surprise, have already come true. When Solov'ev went home, my husband went out with him, taking a long walk in the evenings. The dear husband asked Solovyov if Mrs. Field lived far away, and, upon learning that she lived close, invited him to visit her now. Soloviev agreed, and they went to the fortuneteller. Mrs. Field, of course, had no idea who her unfamiliar guest was, but what she predicted to Fyodor Mikhailovich came true exactly. Mrs. Field predicted to her husband that in the not too distant future worship awaits him, great glory, such as he could not even imagine - and this prediction came true at Pushkin's festival! It came true, to our great misfortune, and her sad prediction that soon her husband would suffer family grief - our dear Alyosha died! Fyodor Mikhailovich informed me about the sad prediction of the fortuneteller after our loss. "

    The book of Acts of the Holy Apostles describes a very instructive story that clearly reveals the nature of clairvoyance. It is about one of the missionary journeys of the Apostle Paul, when he came to the city of Philippi. Paul was accompanied by the evangelist Luke, who therefore leads the story in the first person: “It happened that when we were going to the house of prayer, we met a certain servant, possessed by a spirit of divination, who through divination brought great income to her masters” ( Acts 16:16). It is directly stated here that obsession can manifest itself not only in inappropriate behavior, terrible body movements or unreasonable sounds, but also in a specious form of divination, that is, in clairvoyance. “As she followed Paul and us, she cried out, saying: these men are servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation. She did this for many days "( Acts 16: 17-18). It would seem that for the sake of persuading people to their side, it is necessary to use the prophecy of an authoritative clairvoyant who spoke the obvious truth. How does the holy apostle react? “Paul, being indignant, turned and said to the spirit: in the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her. And the spirit went out at the same hour "( Acts 16:18). The Holy Apostle unequivocally stops clairvoyance for the sake of freedom of both his preaching and the possessed person from a dark, cunning spirit. The result was the persecution of Paul by the masters of the clairvoyant servant, who have since lost the income from her prophecies. However, this was much better than accepting demonic servility.

    So, from the text of the Holy Scripture it is clear that predictions can come from demons. It is important to take into account that demons, unlike angels, do not know the true future of man. After all, the future can be revealed to angels by God, but to demons the insight given by the Holy Spirit is not available. Therefore, demons cannot truly predict and prophesy. But fallen spirits, by their very nature, have a more subtle intuitive instinct, they know human psychology and actions very well, they see the current life situation, they are able to make logical assumptions about the consequences, therefore, dark spirits do not so much foresee, but analyze a possible future of a person, report this to a spirit or soothsayer, and he passes it on to his visitor. In addition, they can predict what they will then arrange with their dark influence.

    The Monk Anthony the Great explained how demons can pretend to be soothsayers: “They often say several days in advance that the brethren will come, and they will indeed come. The demons do this not out of concern for those who listen to them, but in order to arouse faith in them and then, having already subjugated them to themselves, to destroy them ... What is surprising if someone, having a body, the thinnest of a human body, and seeing those who have entered the path, anticipates them in the procession and informs about them? .. Sometimes they eloquently announce the water in the Nile River, seeing that there was a lot of rain in the Ethiopian countries, and knowing that from them there is a flood in the river; before the water comes to Egypt, they run there and predict ... This is how pagan prophecies took place, so long ago people were led astray by demons. "

    The hope of clairvoyants has often failed superstitious people. Saint Cyprian of Carthage in his treatise On the Vanity of Idols gives information about the Roman consuls who believed the predictions of victory favorable to them, entered the battle, but in the end some were killed and others were taken prisoner. On the contrary, the consul Caesar outright neglected the prophecies forbidding sailing to Africa before winter, got there safely and won. The Roman historian Suetonius gives information about how a representative of the lower class Telefus planned to attack the Emperor Augustus and the Senate only because he was deceived by a prophecy that promised him supreme power.

    The words of St. John Chrysostom are quite pertinent here: “Prophecy is primarily the work of God, which demons cannot even imitate, no matter how much they become stronger. There may still be some seduction in miracles, but predicting the future with accuracy is characteristic of only one Eternal Being. If ever the demons did this, it was only for the purpose of seducing the unreasonable, and therefore it is always easy to tell them a lie. "

    A clear illustration of this truth is the example recorded by the pre-revolutionary author - priest Grigory Dyachenko: “On the night of Holy Easter, two sisters wished to know about their future. They decided to eavesdrop under the windows at the end of the village. Suddenly they saw a funeral procession and the eldest of them lying in a coffin. The youngest ran home in fright, and the older sister immediately fell to the ground unconscious. She went mad and was ill for three months. She is now an old woman of about seventy. And all the time after this misfortune, with her admonitions, she dissuaded many young girls and women from the unreasonable temptations to torture the unknown future. "

    But what about the fact that predictions contain something from the truth? According to St. John Chrysostom, "such is one of the tricks of the devil that he always mixes error with truth itself, embellishing it with various semblances of truth, so that the easier it is to deceive the gullible." Turning to clairvoyants, fortune-tellers, spiritualists and all other such seers, we risk falling under the influence of the forces of evil, which will certainly cause harm. For example, in the 19th century, spiritualism was very developed in the form of a hundred-year-old, and St. Philaret of Moscow describes one such case in a letter to the viceroy of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, St. Anthony (Medvedev): “The steward was treating the girl in the direction of the table, but she became worse. Finally he asked the table what it meant. The table said that the girl would die in a few days and then resurrect in three days. The girl died, but was not resurrected, and the store-giver and his sister, who participated in the same, were damaged in their minds ... I advised you to take him to the Monk Sergius and turn to you so that you can arrange prayers over him. "

    One of our contemporary, possessing the "gift" of clairvoyance, who even dared to help the police in investigating crimes, assured that she was in contact with the souls of the dead, and therefore those who died from criminals allegedly tell the details of their deaths themselves, even show the location of their bodies (if they were lost). Among the many "revelations" that had been to her, the clairvoyant singled out one: somehow she saw the soul of Lenin, walking towards her with a smile. The seer asked the leader of the revolution a burning question: “Where are you now? In Paradise?" “No,” he replied. "In hell?" She asked. “No,” he said again. "So where are you?" - the seer was surprised. "Here on earth." - "But why?" - "Because they don't bury me."

    This example convincingly shows that occult revelations are accompanied by obvious superstition. They are inseparable from each other, just as the decay of a corpse is inseparable from the stench emanating from it. A person naively thinks that the soul remains here only because his body is not buried in the ground, as if immortal soul infinitely tied to the unburied body. Invisible tempters are interested in such delusions, ready for the sake of our destruction to "open" anything, except that which will bring salvation to our soul.

    For the most part, people turn to clairvoyants because they want to know their future. This curiosity to know the future in itself reveals the deep folly of man. No matter how justified such curiosity is, its spiritual reasons are hidden in the unwillingness to live in the present, because a person is used to wasting time, wasting himself on vanity and nonsense. Saint Basil the Great taught: “Do not be curious about the future, but dispose of the present for your benefit. For what profit is it to you to anticipate knowledge? If the future brings you something good, then it will come, although you did not foresee. And if it is sorrowful, what gain is it for you to languish in sorrow in advance? Do you want to be sure about the future? Fulfill what is prescribed by the gospel law and expect to enjoy the blessings (that is, spiritual blessings in the Kingdom of God for fulfilling the commandments on earth. - V.D.). "

    An appeal to astrologers, fortunetellers, palmists, clairvoyants, etc. connected with the common misconception that the future is seen as a pre-written, ready-made history. The future is likened to a text sealed in an envelope that cannot be opened to an ordinary person, but which can be read with the help of secret knowledge - as if to open the envelope and peep what is there. In fact, the picture of our being is completely different. The future is unknown, not because we cannot read it, but because it simply does not exist, because it is formed by our real life. This text is not at all sealed from the gaze of those who want to know, but is written by everyday life. We do not know the future for the important reason that a person is endowed with free will, and since he is free in his actions, there is no strictly prescribed future. Of course, God revealed some of the future of people. But this is not connected with the fact that God has prepared for people an unchanging, predetermined destiny, but because He is outside our limited world, and the depths of our hearts, our free decisions and wills are open to His all-pervading gaze. Thus, the Lord God knows which person to call to a certain path of life. There is God's plan for the life of each of us, but the real destiny is formed from our personal interaction with Divine Providence, response to God's call or unwillingness to respond and God's attempts to lead us to salvation. All this creates our further life path.

    Let us repeat that many people, unfortunately, are in the wrong position. They are curious to know the future, while the present is no longer interesting. The essence of this is that a person scatters himself into sins, all sorts of vain deeds, therefore, in the present he does not experience the fullness of life, and in the future he believes at least some hope for diversity and success and therefore wants to look there in advance. But after all, you must turn your gaze, first of all, to God, in whose hands both the present of a person, and his future, and even the past: for repentance of past sins, the Lord blots them out, thereby arranging for a person the best future and making the present happier ...

    Valery Dukhanin


    Dostoevskaya A.G. Memories. M., 2002. S. 293. We consider it necessary to give a more detailed description of this event from the "Memories of FM Dostoevsky" by the writer Vsevolod Solovyov, who accompanied Dostoevsky to the fortuneteller. Here a characteristic feature of clairvoyant occultists is clearly attested: "revelations" are presented in the most general terms, without specifics, vaguely, vaguely and insinuatingly, with an admixture of many absurdities. However, Dostoevsky himself did not think so. It is absolutely certain that many falsehoods were mixed with guessing the true events. Here's a short story:

    “After sitting until four o'clock, I was about to leave, when suddenly he (Dostoevsky) stopped me and asked:

    - Yes, I almost forgot ... Do you know the French fortune teller Field?

    “Several years ago,” I replied, “an old friend of mine, who was then living in Moscow, begged me to visit this Field, show her her photographic portrait, listen to what she had to say, and then tell her. The old woman assured me that this Field could in no way be called an ordinary fortune teller, that she was a wonderful fortune teller; she also gave me many interesting cases of her prophecies that came true. I was little interested in these stories, but wishing to fulfill my promise to the venerable old woman, having arrived in Petersburg, I immediately went with her portrait to this French woman.

    - So what? What impression did she make on you? Dostoevsky asked vividly and with visible interest.

    - Strange. This is a small, lively old woman with some special, black eyes and an extraordinary gift of speech. She really started talking to me and interested me, because she very correctly and definitely described the character of my friend, with whose portrait I appeared ...

    - Didn't you ask her anything about yourself?

    - I asked. She predicted for me for more than an hour, she said a lot of nonsense, but among this nonsense she said things that, as it seemed to me then, could not have happened in any way and which, nevertheless, happened to me in all the smallest details she predicted. I visited her again, and again she told me a lot of nonsense and a lot of truth. In any case, this is an interesting woman, and I think she has moments of inspiration.

    - Well ... Yes, all this is exactly what I have heard about her more than once ... Do you know her address? Let's go now, I want to know what she will tell me! ..

    We went. Field lived in the same house and received us. Fyodor Mikhailovich was very serious. He asked her to tell him in my presence. But the Frenchwoman resolutely refused: it was not in her rules.

    “In that case, there’s nothing to do,” he whispered to me, “but I give you my word, without concealing, to tell you everything that she will tell me.

    I waited in the tiny living room and was bored for over an hour. Finally Dostoevsky left. He was agitated, his eyes shining.

    - Let's go, let's go! He whispered to me mysteriously.

    We got out and went on foot. He walked in silence for several minutes, head bowed. Then he suddenly stopped, grabbed my hand and spoke:

    - Yes, she is an interesting woman, and I am glad that we went to her. She may have lied, but I have not experienced such a strong impression for a long time. Oh, how she knows how to describe people! If you only knew how she told me about my situation!

    - What did she tell you? After all, you gave me your word to tell everything without concealment!

    - And I will tell you, just do not spread this among strangers for a while; maybe she lied, it would be stupid ...

    He relayed to me everything she told him about his various family circumstances. Then it turned out that more than half did not come true, but something did come true. She told him, among other things, that in the spring he would have death in the house. And although there was a lot of absurdity in the details of this prediction, death really happened that same spring: his little son died, whose sudden death shocked him greatly. But this is not the point, but other predictions. Not knowing who he was, and not knowing how to define his activities, Field predicted great fame for him, which would begin soon.

    “She said,” he said, “that such fame, such honor awaits me, of which I could never have dreamed. Believe her, so they will carry me in their arms, fall asleep with flowers - and all this will increase every year, and I will die at the height of this glory ... But now, my dear, maybe she is a liar, just an interesting ... interesting liar! But all the same now I will wait for this glory, and this is really comforting!

    “It's good that she predicted glory for you,” I remarked, “but she also predicted family grief ...

    - Yes, and now I think that it will probably be. I tell you: she made a very strong impression on me. After all, others speak in commonplaces, more or less cleverly, but now you notice charlatanism, each prediction can be turned in one way or another - well, but with her everything is clear, definite. An interesting woman! ..

    I left him in a very agitated state. Returning home, I found my brother at my place, that evening I had Apollon Nikolaevich Maikov, and since they were both close to Fyodor Mikhailovich and I knew that what he had said would not be disseminated, I decided to tell them the details of the prediction, made by a Frenchwoman. Then Fyodor Mikhailovich himself told someone about this prediction. He did not have to wait long for his execution: universal sympathy, ardent adoration of the youth came suddenly, intensifying every day, expressing themselves with a noisy ovation, presented with wreaths and flowers. Dostoevsky achieved such popularity, which has never fallen to the lot of a Russian writer ... And he died at the height of this glory ... "

    Athanasius the Great, saint. Life reverend father our Anthony // Athanasius the Great, saint. Creations. T. 3.M., 1994.S. 205–206.

    See: Suetonius Guy Tranquill. About the life of the Caesars. SPb., 1998.S. 53.

    John Chrysostom, saint. Conversations on the Gospel of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian // John Chrysostom, saint. Complete collection of creations. T. 8. Book. 1.M., 2002.S. 127.

    Dyachenko Gregory, archpriest. Spiritual world. Stories and reflections leading to the recognition of the existence of the spiritual world. Moscow, 1900, pp. 325–326.

    John Chrysostom, saint. Interpretation of St. Matthew the Evangelist // John Chrysostom, saint. Complete collection of creations. T. 7. Book. 2.SPb., 1901, p. 481.

    Letters from Metropolitan Filaret of Moscow to Archimandrite Anthony, the governor of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra. T. 3. M., 1884. S. 299. At present, the session on spiritualism looks somewhat different. Usually, participants sit at the table in such a way as to create a vicious circle. All those present, as well as in the room itself, according to the rules of magic, should not have crosses, icons or other shrines, otherwise a conversation with the other world will not work. Hands are all brought to a saucer, located in the center of the table, which, after asking a question, begins to move towards the letters placed around the saucer. Spiritualists believe they communicate with the dead; in fact, this is a common form of seduction by dark spirits. In the 19th century, the table made a certain knock. Here is how St. Theophan the Recluse writes about spiritualism: “What is spiritualism? - Demonia. Demons fool ... One beauty wrote from St. Petersburg that someone began to spirit spirit with her, wanting to show her the wondrousness of spiritism. And she began to read "May God rise again." He sat, sat ... to no avail, and confessed: "No, no, you are an unbeliever." She is a true believer, and does not believe in spiritual demonic tricks. In the Caucasus, there was such a case that a pious family was carried away by spirituality: husband, wife, husband's brother and someone else ... and began to obtain revelations ... Finally, there was some strong contradiction in the testimony. They are to torture the one who spoke. It turns away, but fails. Someone from the sitting addressed him with the following speech: "We conjure you in the name of the true God, tell us: who are you?" He answered: "I am a demon." - "Why are you fooling us?" “In the hope,” he answered, “to visit you either on false thoughts or on unkind deeds” ... Since then the family parted with spiritualism ”(Theophan the Recluse, saint. Manuscripts from the cell. M., 2008. S. 646 ).

    Basil the Great, saint. Creations. Part 1. Sergiev Posad, 1900.S. 259.

    The theories of popular psychics about life after death are different, but all mediums agree in one opinion: a person's soul does not disappear after death. The Bulgarian soothsayer Wanga and the winner of the TV show "Battle of Psychics" Swami Dashi argue that there is an astral plane. This is a world in which there are no physical bodies, but only human souls that can be contacted by having certain psychic abilities.

    Table of contents [Show]

    1 Vanga's opinion about the afterlife

    The clairvoyant believed that the human soul lives forever and can return to earth several times, taking new physical forms. The human personality does not disappear, the soul is gaining experience and wisdom, thanks to many reincarnations. In the afterlife, subtle matter has the same tastes, preferences and attachments as the deceased. Humanity begins in the womb a few weeks before a baby is born. If for some reason this did not happen, the child is born dead. The Bulgarian seer claimed that through the silver thread the soul passes into the physical body of a person. When this thread is cut off, death occurs.

    Silver thread theorists: Charles Webster Lebditer and Carlos Casteneda. Reincarnation does not happen to all souls. Evil and greedy, selfish and cruel, deceitful and sinful, and remain toil between heaven and earth. They are doomed to eternal torment and the inability to find their refuge.


    Why do they close the mirrors in the house after a person's death

    2 Notable psychics

    Swami Dashi explains what happens to a person after physical death: the transmigration of the soul into the astral world. The psychic says that there is no need to be afraid of death, this is only the end of earthly life, but not mental.

    Ilona Novoselova argued that the soul consists of three main parts:

    • Biomass is a physical body.
    • Etheric shells (ghost or phantom). They store information about the appearance and character of the human person.
    • The divine body is a soul that transmigrates after death into a new physical body.

    The phantom does not disappear, but remains forever in parallel worlds and exists there, as an eternal memory of a certain person.

    The famous psychic Alexei Pokhabov adheres to Buddhist philosophy and claims that the soul is immortal and incarnates in different forms. A person's personality is just a small part of his nature, it is transformed after death, and people's earthly sensations change radically. They don't remember what happened to them before. Death, according to Pokhabov, is like awakening from sleep, when all the reincarnations of the soul are combined together.

    The American seer Edgar Cayce argued that each entity has a different life experience and can either reach unprecedented heights after physical death, or fall to the very bottom. The position of the soul depends on human behavior and deeds that were performed during earthly life. Edgar Cayce, like other clairvoyants, believed that you should not think about past and future lives, you need to focus on the present and live the years allotted to a person with dignity.

    And a little about secrets ...

    The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

    Especially depressing for me were the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness? But nothing makes a person so old or younger than his eyes.

    But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? Recognized - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid pilling, radio lifting, laser facelift? Slightly more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find all this time? And it's still expensive. Especially now. Therefore, I chose a different way for myself ...

    "Third Eye", or How clairvoyants see

    The "third eye" has been talked about for a long time. And not only in the east. Remember the tale about Tiny-havroshechka: "Sleep a peephole, sleep another, sleep a third ..."

    Clairvoyants have always evoked self-interest, awe and fear. The rulers always consulted with such people and ... often they were then sent to the scaffold and the fire when the predictions came true.

    Nowadays, even the orthodox from science have resigned themselves to the effect of the ability to read information from the IP: the predictions of Vasily Nemchin, Michel Nostradamus, Vanga ... little by little knocked down arrogance from the most inveterate nihilists, and serious scientific publications on this topic appeared. We will try to understand this question, which is not easy at first glance: how, in fact, clairvoyants see.

    At the end of the outgoing century, the American Center for the Study of the Brain, having spent several billion dollars on research, came to the conclusion that the ancient scientists were right - a person thinks not with his brain, but with some external field structure (mental plane); the brain and the central nervous system perform only the role of some kind of switch.

    Our physical plane, the physical body, is a four-dimensional volumetric resonator that perceives information not only by the senses known to orthodox science, but also by every cell, every molecule and elementary particle entering the body. At the same time, taking into account the properties of higher metric spaces, time and distance do not play any role.

    The time factor is a property of our four-dimensional space. Only here the flow of time shows the direction of yesterday - today - tomorrow. Starting from the astral plane, the time stream becomes a multidimensional Field of Events, where everything happens simultaneously. In the astral-mental plane, the concepts of past, present and future are absent. This opens up the possibility of reading information by the astral-mental plane through the SP from the entire Field of Events.

    Think of the situation with the soldiers on the forest path. Something similar happens with clairvoyants. The ability of a free astral-mental exit into the Information Fields allows them to view the entire Field of Events. This ability is not unique. All people should, even should, have sensory abilities. There are no psychics! This term itself, at least, is stupid, like other terms: biofield, healing, etc.

    Doctors say that only 4% of brain cells are involved in humans. The remaining 96% is a certain margin of safety, it is not clear what it is intended for. Those who claim this may be so. In nature, there is no created for nothing. There are no rudiments! For example, the appendix on the astral plane is the master generator of the entire immune system. Removal of the appendix in this embodiment provokes the possibility of AIDS in the next incarnation cycle.

    4% of the cells in our brain are, as it were, a block of self-preservation of the physical plane, what in esoteric philosophy is called the human ego. The ego is responsible for the possibility of realizing the natality of birth (astrological natal chart - like some kind of technical passport, according to which our multidimensional essence can realize itself in the physical plane of four-dimensional space).

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    The remaining 96% of the brain cells provide the ego's interconnection with the astral-mental plane. In the majority of people, this relationship is blocked by the action of an external alien Implementation Program. However, almost all newborn children do not have this blockage and many children have free astral-mental vision. Almost all parents face this. For example, a child is afraid to sleep alone in a room. He complains to his mother that there is a terrible grandmother in the corner of the room and he is afraid of her. The child simply sees the astral plane of the deceased and not released into the next incarnation former mistress apartments. Or another situation. The child seems to be playing alone in the room. At the same time, he communicates with someone, talks. And this someone is a brownie. Remember Lafania from the cartoon. Brownies usually look like that. Naturally, a “blind” mother in the astral-mental “range” with fright pulls her child to a psychiatrist, who is kindly: “On you, lyalechka, tranquilizer, eat. Sleep peephole, sleep another, sleep third! Can't you see now? Well done! Stomp into the common "flock of slaughtered sheep." For the same purposes, anesthesia is used during surgical interventions - the astral plane is completely detached from physical and reverse recovery without energy-informational correction does not occur.

    "Third eye" is a normal state for any person! Christ told people: “You are sinful because you are blind. And if you think that you are seeing, then you will remain sinful forever! " How stupid are all kinds of "teachers" and "gurus" who declare that the "third eye" is open only for the highly spiritual and advanced! This one can be opened. And this lack of spirituality, let him walk blind. I wonder what kind of ruler they measure this very spirituality? Spirituality either exists in a person or is completely absent. Unfortunately, for most people, the astral-mental plane is completely blocked, there is no connection between the ego and the multidimensional entity. These people actually represent biomass - the raw material of the Potential Extraction program "brothers in mind". Most of them, having undergone medical and biological experiments of rotational seizures, are biorobots and carry out on Earth a program recorded on implanted microchip implants. In the Bible they were called "not written in the Book of Destinies" - Information Fields. However, they can be helped to normalize, but more on that later.

    In the esotericism of the East, there is a conditional gradation of vision with the “third eye”. The lowest level is a video camera: I see, but I don't know what I see, and even more so, I don't understand. Further levels follow: I see and understand, I see and know ... And then - a sharp jump: I don't see, but I know!

    In order to understand how, in fact, this very vision works, let us recall the drawing of the Pyramid of Multidimensionality and consider Fig. 39.
    Figure: 39. Visualization of information by the "third eye"
    The astral-mental plane of a person through the Information Fields perceives the information of the Field of Events. This information is projected onto all levels of information carriers of the Pyramid of Multidimensionality: nucleons in such and such molecules have their spin reversed; the molecules, in turn, slightly changed their shape, which caused a change in volume resonance, and the cell developed an electrical impulse. This impulse travels through the central nervous system to the brain - to those same 96% of cells that form the image of the perceived information. This image is perceived by our ego - 4% of the cells. The perception of the image of information is multifaceted: a thought appears, a person hears a voice or sees an image. The so-called clairvoyance is just a small part of the perception of information. Let's take a closer look at how this happens.

    Electric impulse from the brain is fed to the retina. Excitation of the rods and cones occurs - an imaginary image is formed, which, in turn, is again perceived by the cones and rods of the retina. An electrical impulse through the optic nerve enters the visual center of the brain - the image of the perceived information is recognized. Beginners look with closed eyes. With the accumulation of experience, the need to close your eyes disappears. Almost everyone can remember their childhood visions until medicine and the zombie education system covered your "third eye".

    So clairvoyance is not seeing through walls or through the patient's tissues. Clairvoyance is a free interconnection of the ego of the physical plane with the astral-mental plane of the multidimensional essence of a person. The “third eye” is our entire physical body.

    The level of information perception directly depends on intellectual abilities. The more a person knows, the easier it is for him to understand what he has seen. Let me give you one example. A woman healer turned to the ENIO Center for help. She received appropriate training and practiced for many years with good clairvoyance. However, somewhere in the work I made a mistake. She was constantly tormented day and night by nightmarish visions - the essence of the so-called lower astral plane. The woman asked to close her "third eye", as she was tired of all this. However, in the course of the energy-informational correction, we went the other way: we began to look for the reason why this happened to her in the SP. During the correction, employees, in particular, perceived the following images. One saw a huge panel with light bulbs, some of which were off, and when asked what needs to be done in her mental plan, she saw that the extinguished light bulbs had to be screwed in. Another employee perceived the image of a heating device called a "goat" and illegally used by workers at construction sites - an asbestos pipe with a heating coil wound around it. The spiral in the perceived image was all twisted, as is usually the case in real life. When asked what needs to be done to normalize the patient, this employee saw three options: turn off the heater completely, fill it with water, or normalize the resistance of the coil along its entire length. Even such imaginative perception helped to form the thought-form necessary for the patient's normalization - she stopped tormenting nightmares and began to work normally.

    After the correction, the employees literally attacked me. What is this, they say, for the work of the "third eye", what is this vision of some kind of light bulbs and "goats" instead of real information. But what did they mean by real information? Well, they could see that in the glia of the brain in such and such a molecule such and such a specific nucleon changed its spin to the opposite, as a result of which the interconnections of the synapses were disrupted. This led to the failure of the normal perception of the healer. But the staff at that moment had no idea about glia, synapses, nucleons. Therefore, their mental plane adapted the information to the level of ego intelligence. Naturally, the higher the intellectual abilities of a person, the higher the level of information perception.

    Almost every day one has to deal with the fact that after the energy-informational correction, the astral-mental vision begins to work perfectly in patients. For many, this vision works normally all their lives without corrections, but they did not mean it, not knowing that this is the so-called "third eye". Most just don't know how to use it! The unfortunate Indian yogi refrains from everything for twenty years, meditates to see the aura. We have a pies trader at the bazaar who can simply diagnose, find the missing and give the names and addresses of the mistresses ... And all kinds of "scammers" make the narrow-minded people thirsty for easy money to fork out.

    What is called the "third eye" is the whole complex of information perception: clairvoyance, telepathy, dreaming, intuition ...

    This also includes work with dowsing frames and a pendulum. Consider, for example, using the Pyramid of Multidimensionality to work with a pendulum. If the operator does not have visualization of mental images, his mental plane, in response to the ego's request, "outputs" through the astral plane multidimensional information in binary codes to the right - to the left. The operator himself sets the sign of these codes. If the pendulum rotates clockwise, then this means "yes", if against - "no". The two-dimensional information of the three-dimensional rotation of the pendulum is visually perceived by the operator and translated into four-dimensional images. Thus, the question-answer chain is closed.

    Often when a clairvoyant or operator is working with a pendulum or dowsing frame, one can hear: "They showed me ... I was told ... This is real information, and this is" misinformation "..." This approach not only kind of removes responsibility for the information seen and communicated, but also opens the possibility of real zombie on the part of other mental plans and egregorial programs.

    Any information from the Information Fields should be perceived and filtered only by your own mental plane and adapted to the level of perception by your ego. Therefore, it is more expedient to say: "I see ... I perceived the information ... I am sure that this is so ..." This is how you just block the passage of disinformation.

    The experience of working with groups of clairvoyants in solving a specific problem made it possible to understand that in this case it is impossible to single out the importance, the primacy of information perceived by one or another eniocorrector. Remember fig. 1 "Chamomile of Knowledge".

    Information is multidimensional. For our perception, the mental plane adapts information. In this case, part of the information is inevitably lost due to our four-dimensional thinking.

    Therefore, when considering serious complex programs, it is necessary to combine the efforts of a group of clairvoyants and a superposition of the information they perceive.

    To understand a foreign language, a translation dictionary is needed. Without this, you will not understand anything. A similar situation is true in the case of astral-mental perception of multidimensional information. In order for the clairvoyant to perceive a clear image, a "dictionary" of translation is needed. This is the whole difficulty - not only to see, but also to understand what it is. Such a "dictionary" has been created for millennia, but there is still no adequacy in the perceived information. For example, some authors claim that the "astral double" is located above the head of a person and is located upside down. Others are upside down and under their feet.

    Consider the following illustrative example. Muravyov, from the point of view of orthodox science, can be considered "flatteners" - they perceive mainly two-dimensional information - forward - backward, right - left. Let's imagine that ants have their own scientists and they study a stump of a cut tree. In their steps, the ants measured the height and width of the stump, counted the annual rings. In the future, with the accumulation of experience, they will be able to identify this or that tree.

    However, the way of thinking will not allow the scientist ants to understand what a living intelligent tree was, from which a stump remained, and, moreover, what a forest is. These concepts lie outside the framework of the world perception of ants, and for the perception of this information, it is necessary to "expand consciousness".

    Something similar happens in the study of multidimensional cause-and-effect relationships in the energy-information exchange of the Universe. Our ego often lacks an adequate “vocabulary” for translating multidimensional information into generally accepted terms. Therefore, when faced with the next new program, the clairvoyant (hereinafter referred to as the eniocorrector; the term “clairvoyant” sounds painfully common) usually perceives the information in a simplified form first: light - dark, good - bad, dangerous - safe, etc. the eniocorrectors group may have completely different perception of this. Gradually, during the multi-perspective study of the program, the generalized mental plan of the group (in some way, egregor) begins to form a certain conventional image, which leads to the adequacy of the perception of information by the eniocorrectors up to the complete coincidence of what they saw.

    However, this is not an end in itself, so that everyone can see the same thing - there is a danger of missing, even minor, information projections. During the work of the group, everyone perceives one or another information plan. Combining the thought images of this information allows you to form a generalized mental plan, the thought form necessary for correction.

    Let's summarize this chapter: the "third eye" is all the multidimensional perception of multidimensional information by all projections of the entity. What is usually called a person is just a four-dimensional resonant cavity that allows this entity to cognize and change this world in one direction or another.

    Extrasensory perception uses little-known or unknown to people mechanisms of information perception, and we are not always talking about vision. Some


    perceive such additional information through touch or even smell.

    Features of perception of psychics

    All psychics can be divided into several groups according to the method of perception of information inaccessible to ordinary people. There are specialists who see fields and energetic influences, there are those who hear them. Some psychics need to "feel" a person's aura in order to read information from it. It is the difference in the channels of perception that explains the imperfection and inaccuracy of the knowledge received from psychics.

    The main goal of any good psychic is to improve the extrasensory perception of reality. The development of an additional way of obtaining information allows the psychic to perceive it more accurately, not to depend on imperfect senses. Unfortunately, in practice, not everyone succeeds.

    It should be noted that even two psychic visuals can perceive this additional information in very different ways. One specialist can see energy fields in colors and bright colors, while another notices only vibration, but perceives it in a wide range. Constant training can sharpen perception, but rarely qualitatively changes the way you gain additional knowledge.

    What can extrasensory perception do?

    In other words, a psychic who is accustomed to perceiving the world not only with his eyes, but also with his fingertips, after constant training and self-adjustment, will be able to more accurately determine the boundaries of energy fields using touches, but he is unlikely to see them.

    There are many exercises that are aimed at revealing extrasensory abilities in a person, but most of them are aimed at working with vision, since it is it that is considered the most accurate feeling in this area. Good "seeing" psychics are rare and expensive.

    It should be noted that psychics do not always see or feel energy fields. Some of them can perceive other information. There are people who can see karmic connections with other people, significant events in life, the consequences of decisions. But the trouble is that there is no adequate and objective way to check and compare the information received from two different psychics, since attracting a third one with his individual characteristics of perception will only complicate the current picture.

    Extrasensory perception is interesting in that it is not engaged in attracting otherworldly forces and does not require special rituals. The effectiveness of a psychic depends solely on the strength of his consciousness and the ability to operate with the information received.

    Psychics - how they see everything

    "Third Eye", or How clairvoyants see

    The "third eye" has been talked about for a long time. And not only in the east. Remember the fairy tale about Kroshechka-Khavroshechka: "Sleep the peephole, sleep the other, sleep the third ..."

    Clairvoyants have always evoked self-interest, awe and fear. The rulers always consulted with such people and ... often they were then sent to the scaffold and the fire when the predictions came true.

    Nowadays, even the orthodox from science have resigned themselves to the effect of the ability to read information from the IP: the predictions of Vasily Nemchin, Michel Nostradamus, Vanga ... little by little knocked down arrogance from the most inveterate nihilists, and serious scientific publications on this topic appeared. We will try to understand this question, which is not easy at first glance: how, in fact, clairvoyants see.

    At the end of the outgoing century, the American Center for the Study of the Brain, having spent several billion dollars on research, came to the conclusion that the ancient scientists were right - a person thinks not with his brain, but with some external field structure (mental plane); the brain and the central nervous system perform only the role of some kind of switch.

    Our physical plane, the physical body, is a four-dimensional volumetric resonator that perceives information not only by the senses known to orthodox science, but also by every cell, every molecule and elementary particle entering the body. At the same time, taking into account the properties of higher metric spaces, time and distance do not play any role.

    The time factor is a property of our four-dimensional space. Only here the flow of time shows the direction of yesterday - today - tomorrow. Starting from the astral plane, the time stream becomes a multidimensional Field of Events, where everything happens simultaneously. In the astral-mental plane, the concepts of past, present and future are absent. This opens up the possibility of reading information by the astral-mental plane through the SP from the entire Field of Events.

    Think of the situation with the soldiers on the forest path. Something similar happens with clairvoyants. The ability of a free astral-mental exit into the Information Fields allows them to view the entire Field of Events. This ability is not unique. All people should, even should, have sensory abilities. There are no psychics! This term itself, at least, is stupid, like other terms: biofield, healing, etc.

    Doctors say that only 4% of brain cells are involved in humans. The remaining 96% is a certain margin of safety, it is not clear what it is intended for. Those who claim this may be so. In nature, there is no created for nothing. There are no rudiments! For example, the appendix on the astral plane is the master generator of the entire immune system. Removal of the appendix in this embodiment provokes the possibility of AIDS in the next incarnation cycle.

    4% of the cells in our brain are, as it were, a block of self-preservation of the physical plane, what in esoteric philosophy is called the human ego. The ego is responsible for the possibility of realizing the natality of birth (an astrological natal chart is like some kind of technical passport, according to which our multidimensional essence can realize itself in the physical plane of four-dimensional space).

    The remaining 96% of the brain cells provide the relationship between the ego and the astral-mental plane. In the majority of people, this relationship is blocked by the action of an external alien Implementation Program. However, almost all newborn children do not have this blockage and many children have free astral-mental vision. Almost all parents face this. For example, a child is afraid to sleep alone in a room. He complains to his mother that there is a terrible grandmother in the corner of the room and he is afraid of her. The child simply sees the astral plane of the former mistress of the apartment, who has not been released into the next incarnation. Or another situation. The child seems to be playing alone in the room. At the same time, he communicates with someone, talks. And this someone is a brownie. Remember Lafania from the cartoon. Brownies usually look like that. Naturally, a “blind” mother in the astral-mental “range” with fright pulls her child to a psychiatrist, who is kindly: “On you, lyalechka, tranquilizer, eat. Sleep peephole, sleep another, sleep third! Can't you see now? Well done! Stomp into the common 'flock of slaughtered sheep'. For the same purposes, anesthesia is used during surgical interventions - the astral plane is completely detached from physical and reverse recovery without energy-informational correction does not occur.

    "Third eye" is a normal state for any person! Christ told people: “You are sinful because you are blind. And if you think that you are seeing, then you will remain sinful forever! " How stupid are all kinds of "teachers" and "gurus" who declare that the "third eye" is open only for the highly spiritual and advanced! This one can be opened. And this lack of spirituality, let him walk blind. I wonder what kind of ruler they measure this very spirituality? Spirituality is either a person has or is completely absent. Unfortunately, for most people, the astral-mental plane is completely blocked, there is no connection between the ego and the multidimensional entity. These people actually represent biomass - the raw material of the Potential Extraction program "brothers in mind". Most of them, having undergone medical and biological experiments of rotational seizures, are biorobots and carry out on Earth a program recorded on implanted microchip implants. In the Bible they were called "not written in the Book of Destinies" - Information Fields. However, they can be helped to normalize, but more on that later.

    In the esotericism of the East, there is a conditional gradation of vision with the “third eye”. The lowest level is a video camera: I see, but I don't know what I see, and even more so, I don't understand. Further levels follow: I see and understand, I see and know ... And then - a sharp jump: I don't see, but I know!

    In order to understand how, in fact, this very vision works, let us recall the drawing of the Pyramid of Multidimensionality and consider Fig. 39.

    Figure: 39. Visualization of information by the "third eye"

    The astral-mental plane of a person through the Information Fields perceives the information of the Field of Events. This information is projected onto all levels of information carriers of the Pyramid of Multidimensionality: nucleons in such and such molecules have turned over their spin; the molecules, in turn, slightly changed their shape, which caused a change in volume resonance, and the cell developed an electrical impulse. This impulse travels through the central nervous system to the brain - to those same 96% of cells that form the image of the perceived information. This image is perceived by our ego - 4% of the cells. The perception of the image of information is multifaceted: a thought appears, a person hears a voice or sees an image. The so-called clairvoyance is just a small part of the perception of information. Let's take a closer look at how this happens.

    An electrical impulse from the brain is fed to the retina. Excitation of the rods and cones occurs - an imaginary image is formed, which, in turn, is again perceived by the cones and rods of the retina. An electrical impulse through the optic nerve enters the visual center of the brain - the image of the perceived information is recognized. Beginners look with closed eyes. With the accumulation of experience, the need to close your eyes disappears. Almost everyone can remember their childhood visions until medicine and the zombie education system covered your "third eye".

    So clairvoyance is not seeing through walls or through the patient's tissues. Clairvoyance is a free interconnection of the ego of the physical plane with the astral-mental plane of the multidimensional essence of a person. The “third eye” is our entire physical body.

    The level of information perception directly depends on intellectual abilities. The more a person knows, the easier it is for him to understand what he has seen. Let me give you one example. A woman healer turned to the ENIO Center for help. She received appropriate training and practiced for many years with good clairvoyance. However, somewhere in the work I made a mistake. She was constantly tormented day and night by nightmarish visions - the essence of the so-called lower astral plane. The woman asked to close her "third eye", as she was tired of all this. However, in the course of the energy-informational correction, we went the other way: we began to look for the reason why this happened to her in the SP. During the correction, employees, in particular, perceived the following images. One saw a huge panel with light bulbs, some of which were off, and when asked what needs to be done in her mental plan, she saw that the extinguished light bulbs had to be screwed in. Another employee perceived the image of a heating device called a "goat" and illegally used by workers at construction sites - an asbestos pipe with a heating coil wound around it. The spiral in the perceived image was all twisted, as is usually the case in real life. When asked what needs to be done to normalize the patient, this employee saw three options: turn off the heater completely, fill it with water, or normalize the resistance of the coil along its entire length. Even such imaginative perception helped to form the thought-form necessary for the patient's normalization - she stopped tormenting nightmares and began to work normally.

    After the correction, the employees literally attacked me. What is this, they say, for the work of the "third eye", what is this vision of some kind of light bulbs and "goats" instead of real information. But what did they mean by real information? Well, they could see that in the glia of the brain in such and such a molecule such and such a specific nucleon changed its spin to the opposite, as a result of which the interconnections of the synapses were disrupted. This led to the failure of the normal perception of the healer. But the staff at that moment had no idea about glia, synapses, nucleons. Therefore, their mental plane adapted the information to the level of ego intelligence. Naturally, the higher the intellectual abilities of a person, the higher the level of information perception.

    Almost every day one has to deal with the fact that after the energy-informational correction, the astral-mental vision begins to work perfectly in patients. For many, this vision works normally all their lives without corrections, but they did not mean it, not knowing that this is the so-called "third eye". Most just don't know how to use it! The unfortunate Indian yogi refrains from everything for twenty years, meditates to see the aura. We have a pies trader at the bazaar who can simply diagnose, find the missing and give the names and addresses of the mistresses ... And all kinds of "scammers" make the narrow-minded people thirsty for easy money to fork out.

    What is called the "third eye" is the whole complex of information perception: clairvoyance, telepathy, dreaming, intuition ...

    This also includes work with dowsing frames and a pendulum. Consider, for example, using the Pyramid of Multidimensionality to work with a pendulum. If the operator does not have visualization of mental images, his mental plane, in response to the ego's request, "outputs" through the astral plane multidimensional information in binary codes to the right - to the left. The operator himself sets the sign of these codes. If the pendulum rotates clockwise, then this means "yes", if against - "no". The two-dimensional information of the three-dimensional rotation of the pendulum is visually perceived by the operator and translated into four-dimensional images. Thus, the question-answer chain is closed.

    Often when a clairvoyant or operator is working with a pendulum or dowsing frame, one can hear: "I was shown ... I was told ... This is real information, and this is" misinformation "..." This approach not only kind of removes responsibility for the information seen and communicated, but also opens the possibility of real zombie on the part of other mental plans and egregorial programs.

    Any information from the Information Fields should be perceived and filtered only by your own mental plane and adapted to the level of perception by your ego. Therefore, it is more expedient to say: "I see ... I perceived the information ... I am sure that this is so ..." This is how you just block the passage of disinformation.

    The experience of working with groups of clairvoyants in solving a specific problem made it possible to understand that in this case it is impossible to single out the importance, the primacy of information perceived by one or another eniocorrector. Remember fig. 1 "Chamomile of Knowledge".

    Information is multidimensional. For our perception, the mental plane adapts information. In this case, part of the information is inevitably lost due to our four-dimensional thinking.

    Therefore, when considering serious complex programs, it is necessary to combine the efforts of a group of clairvoyants and a superposition of the information they perceive.

    To understand a foreign language, a translation dictionary is needed. Without this, you will not understand anything. A similar situation is true in the case of astral-mental perception of multidimensional information. In order for the clairvoyant to perceive a clear image, a "dictionary" of translation is needed. This is the whole difficulty - not only to see, but also to understand what it is. Such a "dictionary" has been created for millennia, but there is still no adequacy in the perceived information. For example, some authors claim that the "astral double" is located above the head of a person and is located upside down. Others are upside down and under their feet.

    Consider the following illustrative example. Muravyov, from the point of view of orthodox science, can be considered "flatteners" - they perceive mainly two-dimensional information - forward - backward, right - left. Let's imagine that ants have their own scientists and they study a stump of a cut tree. In their steps, the ants measured the height and width of the stump, counted the annual rings. In the future, with the accumulation of experience, they will be able to identify this or that tree.

    However, the way of thinking will not allow the scientist ants to understand what a living intelligent tree was, from which a stump remained, and, moreover, what a forest is. These concepts lie outside the framework of the world perception of ants, and for the perception of this information, it is necessary to "expand consciousness".

    Something similar happens in the study of multidimensional cause-and-effect relationships in the energy-information exchange of the Universe. Our ego often lacks an adequate “vocabulary” for translating multidimensional information into generally accepted terms. Therefore, when faced with the next new program, the clairvoyant (hereinafter referred to as the eniocorrector; the term “clairvoyant” sounds painfully common) usually perceives the information in a simplified form first: light - dark, good - bad, dangerous - safe, etc. the eniocorrectors group may have completely different perception of this. Gradually, during the multi-perspective study of the program, the generalized mental plan of the group (in some way, egregor) begins to form a certain conventional image, which leads to the adequacy of the perception of information by the eniocorrectors up to the complete coincidence of what they saw.

    However, this is not an end in itself, so that everyone can see the same thing - there is a danger of missing, even minor, information projections. During the work of the group, everyone perceives one or another information plan. Combining the thought images of this information allows you to form a generalized mental plan, the thought form necessary for correction.

    Let's summarize this chapter: the "third eye" is all the multidimensional perception of multidimensional information by all projections of the entity. What is usually called a person is just a four-dimensional resonant cavity that allows this entity to cognize and change this world in one direction or another.

    This text is an introductory fragment. There is a committee in Moscow to save youth from totalitarian sects. One day a co-worker conducted a simple experiment. Taking a photograph of a friend who had died many years ago, she visited ten psychic healers who, according to advertisements, identified a person's illness from the photograph. So many things clairvoyant experts have not diagnosed! The conclusion of each was the same: the deceased must urgently come to them for treatment, and, as they promised, for a certain fee she will receive health.

    However, the phenomenon of clairvoyance exists. In the life of F.M. Dostoevsky had one notable incident in 1877. This is how Dostoevsky's wife Anna Grigorievna Snitkina describes it: “This autumn quite often the writer Vsevolod Sergeevich Soloviev, a great admirer of my husband's talent, visited us. Once, having come to us, he told her husband that he had met an interesting lady, Mrs. Field, who, having very accurately defined his past life, predicted some facts for him, which, to his surprise, had already come true. When Solov'ev went home, my husband went out with him, taking a long walk in the evenings. The dear husband asked Solovyov if Mrs. Field lived far away, and, upon learning that she lived close, invited him to visit her now. Soloviev agreed, and they went to the fortuneteller. Mrs. Field, of course, had no idea who her unfamiliar guest was, but what she predicted to Fyodor Mikhailovich came true exactly. Mrs. Field predicted to her husband that in the not too distant future worship awaits him, great glory, such as he could not even imagine - and this prediction came true at Pushkin's festival! It came true, to our great misfortune, and her sad prediction that soon her husband would suffer family grief - our dear Alyosha died! Fyodor Mikhailovich informed me about the sad prediction of the fortuneteller after our loss. "

    By itself, the ability to perceive something or draw revelations from the other world does not contain anything impossible. The whole question is who exactly is giving the revelation. In the Gospel we encounter an amazing situation. The apostles still doubted Christ as the Messiah, and the demoniacs were already shouting: "You are the Christ, the Son of God!" (Luke 4:41). So the dark spirits, through the people under their control, apparently proclaimed the truth and truth. So you had to believe them? But the Lord Himself "forbade them to say that they know that He is Christ" (Luke 4:41). "Shut up and come out of him" (Mark 1:25), - He used to say to the invisible soothsayer who spoke through the possessed person. The Savior did not want the truth to be proclaimed by unclean lips, as it is said in the Holy Scripture, “praise in the mouth of a sinner is unpleasant, for it was not sent from the Lord” (Sir 15: 9). After all, the dark forces, taking advantage of the trust of people, would certainly add a lie to the truth.

    The book of the Acts of the Holy Apostles also describes a very instructive story that clearly reveals the nature of clairvoyance. It is about one of the missionary journeys of the Apostle Paul, when he came to the city of Philippi. Paul was accompanied by the evangelist Luke, who therefore narrates the story in the first person: “It happened that when we were going to the house of prayer, we met a certain servant, possessed by a spirit of divination, who through divination brought great income to her masters” (Acts 16:16) ... It is directly stated here that obsession can manifest itself not only in inappropriate behavior, terrible body movements or unreasonable sounds, but also in a specious form of divination, that is, in clairvoyance. “As she followed Paul and us, she cried out, saying: These men are servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation. She did this for many days ”(Acts 16: 17-18). It would seem that for the sake of persuading people to their side, it is necessary to use the prophecy of an authoritative clairvoyant, who spoke the obvious truth. How does the holy apostle react? “Paul, being indignant, turned and said to the spirit: in the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her. And the spirit went out at the same hour ”(Acts 16:18). The Holy Apostle unequivocally stops clairvoyance for the sake of freedom of both his preaching and the possessed person from a dark, cunning spirit. The result was the persecution of Paul by the masters of the clairvoyant servant, who have since lost the income from her divination. However, this was much better than accepting demonic servility.

    So, from the text of the Holy Scripture it is clear that predictions can come from demons. It is important to take into account that demons, unlike angels, do not know the true future of man. After all, the future can be revealed to angels by God, but to demons the insight given by the Holy Spirit is not available. Therefore, demons cannot truly predict and prophesy. But fallen spirits, by their very nature, have a more subtle intuitive instinct, they know human psychology and actions very well, they see the current life situation, they are able to make logical assumptions about the consequences, therefore, dark spirits do not so much foresee, but analyze a possible future of a person, report this to a spirit or soothsayer, and he passes it on to his visitor. In addition, they can predict what they will then arrange with their dark influence.

    The Monk Anthony the Great explained how demons can pretend to be soothsayers: “They often say several days in advance that the brethren will come, and they will indeed come. The demons do this not out of concern for those who listen to them, but in order to arouse faith in them and then, having already subjugated them to themselves, to destroy them ... What is surprising if someone, having a body, the thinnest of a human body, and seeing those who have entered the path, anticipates them in the procession and informs about them? .. Sometimes they eloquently announce the water in the Nile River, seeing that there was a lot of rain in the Ethiopian countries, and knowing that from them there is a flood in the river; before the water comes to Egypt, they run there and predict ... This is how pagan prophecies took place, so long ago people were led astray by demons. "

    The hope of clairvoyants has often failed superstitious people. Saint Cyprian of Carthage in his treatise On the Vanity of Idols gives information about the Roman consuls who believed the predictions of victory favorable to them, entered the battle, but in the end some were killed and others were taken prisoner. On the contrary, the consul Caesar outright neglected the prophecies forbidding sailing to Africa before winter, got there safely and won. The Roman historian Suetonius gives information about how a representative of the lower class Telefus planned to attack the Emperor Augustus and the Senate only because he was deceived by a prophecy that promised him supreme power.

    The words of St. John Chrysostom are quite pertinent here: “Prophecy is primarily the work of God, which demons cannot even imitate, no matter how much they become stronger. There may still be some seduction in miracles, but predicting the future with accuracy is characteristic of only one Eternal Being. If ever the demons did this, it was only for the purpose of seducing the unreasonable, and therefore it is always easy to tell them a lie. "

    A clear illustration of this truth is the example recorded by the pre-revolutionary author - priest Grigory Dyachenko: “On the night of Holy Easter, two sisters wished to know about their future. They decided to eavesdrop under the windows at the end of the village. Suddenly they saw a funeral procession and the eldest of them lying in a coffin. The youngest ran home in fright, and the older sister immediately fell to the ground unconscious. She went mad and was ill for three months. She is now an old woman of about seventy. And all the time after this misfortune, with her admonitions, she dissuaded many young girls and women from the unreasonable temptations to torture the unknown future. "

    But what about the fact that predictions contain something from the truth? According to St. John Chrysostom, "such is one of the tricks of the devil that he always mixes error with truth itself, embellishing it with various semblances of truth, so that the easier it is to deceive the gullible." Turning to clairvoyants, fortune-tellers, spiritualists and all other such seers, we risk falling under the influence of the forces of evil, which will certainly cause harm. For example, in the 19th century, spiritualism was very developed in the form of a hundred-year-old, and St. Philaret of Moscow describes one such case in a letter to the viceroy of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, St. Anthony (Medvedev): “The steward was treating the girl in the direction of the table, but she became worse. Finally he asked the table what it meant. The table said that the girl would die in a few days and then resurrect in three days. The girl died, but was not resurrected, and the store-giver and his sister, who participated in the same, were damaged in their minds ... I advised you to take him to the Monk Sergius and turn to you so that you can arrange prayers over him. "

    One of our contemporary, possessing the "gift" of clairvoyance, who even dared to help the police in investigating crimes, assured that she was in contact with the souls of the dead, and therefore those who died from criminals allegedly tell the details of their deaths themselves, even show the location of their bodies (if they were lost). Among the many "revelations" that had been to her, the clairvoyant singled out one: somehow she saw the soul of Lenin, walking towards her with a smile. The seer asked the leader of the revolution a burning question: “Where are you now? In Paradise?" “No,” he replied. "In hell?" She asked. “No,” he said again. "So where are you?" - the seer was surprised. "Here on earth." - "But why?" - "Because they don't bury me."

    This example convincingly shows that occult revelations are accompanied by obvious superstition. They are inseparable from each other, just as the decay of a corpse is inseparable from the stench emanating from it. A person naively thinks that the soul remains here only because his body is not buried in the ground, as if the immortal soul is infinitely attached to the unburied body. Invisible tempters are interested in such delusions, who are ready to "open" anything for our destruction, except that which will bring salvation to our soul.

    For the most part, people turn to clairvoyants because they want to know their future. This curiosity to know the future in itself reveals the deep folly of man. No matter how justified such curiosity may be, its spiritual reasons are hidden in the unwillingness to live in the present, because a person is used to wasting time, wasting himself on vanity and nonsense. Saint Basil the Great taught: “Do not be curious about the future, but dispose of the present for your benefit. For what profit is it to you to anticipate knowledge? If the future brings you something good, then it will come, although you did not foresee. And if it is sorrowful, what is your gain in advance to languish in sorrow? Do you want to be sure about the future? Fulfill what is prescribed by the gospel law and expect to enjoy the blessings (that is, spiritual blessings in the Kingdom of God for fulfilling the commandments on earth. - V.D.)» .

    An appeal to astrologers, fortunetellers, palmists, clairvoyants, etc. connected with the common misconception that the future is seen as a pre-written, ready-made history. The future is likened to a text sealed in an envelope that cannot be opened to an ordinary person, but which can be read with the help of secret knowledge - as if to open the envelope and peep what is there. In fact, the picture of our being is completely different. The future is unknown, not because we cannot read it, but because it simply does not exist, because it is formed by our real life. This text is not at all sealed from the gaze of those who want to know, but is written by everyday life. We do not know the future for the important reason that a person is endowed with free will, and since he is free in his actions, there is no strictly prescribed future. Of course, God revealed some of the future of people. But this is not connected with the fact that God has prepared for people an unchanging, predetermined destiny, but because He is outside our limited world, and the depths of our hearts, our free decisions and wills are open to His all-pervading gaze. Thus, the Lord God knows which person to call to a certain path of life. There is God's plan for the life of each of us, but the real destiny is formed from our personal interaction with Divine Providence, response to God's call or unwillingness to respond and God's attempts to lead us to salvation. All this creates our further life path.

    Let us repeat that many people, unfortunately, are in the wrong position. They are curious to know the future, while the present is no longer interesting. The essence of this is that a person scatters himself into sins, all sorts of vain deeds, therefore, in the present he does not experience the fullness of life, and in the future he believes at least some hope for diversity and success and therefore wants to look there in advance. But after all, you must turn your gaze, first of all, to God, in whose hands both the present of a person, and his future, and even the past: for repentance of past sins, the Lord blots them out, thereby arranging for a person the best future and making the present happier ...

    Dostoevskaya A.G. Memories. M., 2002. S. 293. We consider it necessary to give a more detailed description of this event from the "Memoirs of FM Dostoevsky" by the writer Vsevolod Solovyov, who accompanied Dostoevsky to the fortune-teller. Here a characteristic feature of clairvoyant occultists is clearly attested: "revelations" are presented in the most general outline, without specifics, vaguely, vaguely and insinuatingly, with an admixture of many absurdities. However, Dostoevsky himself did not think so. It is absolutely certain that many falsehoods were mixed with guessing the true events. Here's a short story:

    “After sitting until four o'clock, I was about to leave, when suddenly he (Dostoevsky) stopped me and asked:

    - Yes, I almost forgot ... Do you know the French fortune teller Field?

    “Several years ago,” I replied, “an old friend of mine, who was then living in Moscow, begged me to visit this Field, show her her photographic portrait, listen to what she had to say, and then tell her. The old woman assured me that this Field could in no way be called an ordinary fortune teller, that she was a wonderful fortune teller; she also gave me many interesting cases of her prophecies that came true. I was little interested in these stories, but wishing to fulfill my promise to the venerable old woman, having arrived in Petersburg, I immediately went with her portrait to this French woman.

    - So what? What impression did she make on you? Dostoevsky asked vividly and with visible interest.

    - Strange. This is a small, lively old woman with some special, black eyes and an extraordinary gift of speech. She really started talking to me and interested me, because she very correctly and definitely described the character of my friend, with whose portrait I appeared ...

    - Didn't you ask her anything about yourself?

    - I asked. She predicted for me for more than an hour, she said a lot of nonsense, but among this nonsense she said things that, as it seemed to me then, could not have happened in any way and which, nevertheless, happened to me in all the smallest details she predicted. I visited her again, and again she told me a lot of nonsense and a lot of truth. In any case, this is an interesting woman, and I think she has moments of inspiration.

    - Well ... Yes, all this is exactly what I have heard about her more than once ... Do you know her address? Let's go now, I want to know what she will tell me! ..

    We went. Field lived in the same house and received us. Fyodor Mikhailovich was very serious. He asked her to tell him in my presence. But the Frenchwoman resolutely refused: it was not in her rules.

    “In that case, there’s nothing to do,” he whispered to me, “but I give you my word, without concealing, to tell you everything that she will tell me.

    I waited in the tiny living room and was bored for over an hour. Finally Dostoevsky left. He was agitated, his eyes shining.

    - Let's go, let's go! He whispered to me mysteriously.

    We got out and went on foot. He walked in silence for several minutes, head bowed. Then he suddenly stopped, grabbed my hand and spoke:

    - Yes, she is an interesting woman, and I am glad that we went to her. She may have lied, but I have not experienced such a strong impression for a long time. Oh, how she knows how to describe people! If you only knew how she told me about my situation!

    - What did she tell you? After all, you gave me your word to tell everything without concealment!

    - And I will tell you, just do not spread this among strangers for a while; maybe she lied, it would be stupid ...

    He relayed to me everything she told him about his various family circumstances. Then it turned out that more than half did not come true, but something did come true. She told him, among other things, that in the spring he would have death in the house. And although there was a lot of absurdity in the details of this prediction, death really happened that same spring: his little son died, whose sudden death shocked him greatly. But this is not the point, but other predictions. Not knowing who he was, and not knowing how to define his activities, Field predicted great fame for him, which would begin soon.

    “She said,” he said, “that such fame, such honor awaits me, of which I could never have dreamed. Believe her, so they will carry me in their arms, fall asleep with flowers - and all this will increase every year, and I will die at the height of this glory ... But now, my dear, maybe she is a liar, just an interesting ... interesting liar! But all the same now I will wait for this glory, and this is really comforting!

    “It's good that she predicted glory for you,” I remarked, “but she also predicted family grief ...

    - Yes, and now I think that it will probably be. I tell you: she made a very strong impression on me. After all, others speak in commonplaces, more or less cleverly, but now you notice charlatanism, each prediction can be turned in one way or another - well, but with her everything is clear, definite. An interesting woman! ..

    I left him in a very agitated state. Returning home, I found my brother at my place, that evening I had Apollon Nikolaevich Maikov, and since they were both close to Fyodor Mikhailovich and I knew that what he had said would not be disseminated, I decided to tell them the details of the prediction, made by a Frenchwoman. Then Fyodor Mikhailovich himself told someone about this prediction. He did not have to wait long for his execution: universal sympathy, ardent adoration of the youth came suddenly, intensifying every day, expressing themselves with a noisy ovation, presented with wreaths and flowers. Dostoevsky achieved such popularity, which has never fallen to the lot of a Russian writer ... And he died at the height of this glory ... "

    John Chrysostom,saint. Conversations on the Gospel of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian // John Chrysostom, saint. Complete collection of creations. T. 8. Book. 1.M., 2002.S. 127.

    John Chrysostom,saint. Interpretation of Saint Matthew the Evangelist // John Chrysostom,saint. Complete collection of creations. T. 7. Book. 2.SPb., 1901. P. 481.

    Letters from Metropolitan Filaret of Moscow to Archimandrite Anthony, the governor of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra. T. 3. M., 1884. S. 299. At present, the session on spiritualism looks somewhat different. Usually, participants sit at the table in such a way as to create a vicious circle. All those present, as well as in the room itself, according to the rules of magic, should not have crosses, icons or other shrines, otherwise a conversation with the other world will not work. Hands are all brought to a saucer, located in the center of the table, which, after asking a question, begins to move towards the letters placed around the saucer. Spiritualists believe they communicate with the dead; in fact, this is a common form of seduction by dark spirits. In the 19th century, the table made a certain knock. Here is how St. Theophan the Recluse writes about spiritualism: “What is spiritualism? - Demonia. Demons fool ... One beauty wrote from St. Petersburg that someone began to spirit spirit with her, wanting to show her the wondrousness of spiritism. And she began to read "May God rise again." He sat, sat ... to no avail, and confessed: "No, no, you are an unbeliever." She is a true believer, and does not believe in spiritual demonic tricks. In the Caucasus, there was such a case that a pious family was carried away by spirituality: husband, wife, husband's brother and someone else ... and began to obtain revelations ... Finally, there was some strong contradiction in the testimony. They are to torture the one who spoke. It turns away, but fails. Someone from the sitting addressed him with the following speech: "We conjure you in the name of the true God, tell us: who are you?" He answered: "I am a demon." - "Why are you fooling us?" “In the hope,” he answered, “to visit you either on false thoughts or on unkind deeds” ... Since then, the family parted with spiritualism ”( Theophan the Recluse,saint. Manuscripts from the cell. M., 2008.S. 646).