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  • What to do to keep it cool at home. What to do if it's hot? How to escape the heat in an apartment or on the street? Cold drinks at home

    What to do to keep it cool at home.  What to do if it's hot?  How to escape the heat in an apartment or on the street?  Cold drinks at home

    It’s wonderful when the weather is warm and pleasant outside. The sun is shining, the wind gently blows on your face, it’s light and warm outside. But when the weather turns bad and it rains outside, it becomes uneasy, especially when you are not dressed for the weather. True, when you are wearing rubber boots and a raincoat, then it’s beautiful, “go” to walk through the puddles.

    Sometimes the weather can not only please us.

    For example, there is a strong snowstorm or severe frost outside and then you can catch a cold. You should know that it is dangerous to be in such weather conditions. The weather can be very capricious, so you need to be prepared for any weather conditions.

    So, let's begin.

    What to do if it's too hot outside...

    It seems to us that hot weather is not as bad for us as cold weather. In fact, this is a big misconception. Hot weather can be much worse than frost or rainy greyness. And I will try to tell you why now.

    When we are cold, we try in every possible way to warm ourselves. To do this, we move, we try not to stand in one place.

    And when it’s very hot outside, our body doesn’t feel it.

    We can sunbathe on the beach and not notice how the body overheats.

    This is how you can get sunstroke and this is a very dangerous condition for a person. The head begins to spin, nausea appears, and a high temperature rises.

    If you don't go to a cool place and stay in the sun, you can die.

    Therefore, when you sunbathe, try not to fall asleep, as you may not notice and get sunstroke.

    It is very important to protect your head from the heat. Are you asking "why"?

    Because our brain cannot stand overheating, and our head heats up first.

    Therefore, it is best to wear a hat in hot weather.

    You can, for example, wear a cap, but if you don’t like it, wear something else. Our head should be protected from direct sunlight.

    You will feel that your body is overheated, when your head hurts, it seems as if it has become heavy and it hurts your eyes to look at the bright light.

    You realize that you feel nauseous and it becomes difficult to breathe. Your legs and arms don't obey you. It could very well be heatstroke. You need to ask for help immediately.

    Drink water, wash your face with cold water, be sure to go into the shade and wait for help.

    Do you know that you can catch a cold in the heat? How? I'll tell you about it.

    So you come from the street, from the heat, into a room where there is an air conditioner and immediately closer to the cold air, you will feel refreshed.

    And your body is very hot and will begin to cool sharply. Or some cold water from the refrigerator or ice cream, and that’s it, you’re guaranteed a cold for a week.

    Remember: if you are warmed up in the sun and feel a pounding in your head (this means that it is difficult for blood to flow to the brain), under no circumstances should you jump into the water. It is very dangerous!

    The sun's rays are very dangerous: they can burn your skin.

    Sunburn is very unpleasant. It hurts to sleep, trembles all over the body, and then the skin itches, peels off and takes a long time to heal. When you get a burn from an iron, for example, you feel the pain immediately and pull back, but when you get a burn from the sun's rays, it does not immediately appear.

    How do you know when you're getting close to sunburn?

    Very simple. Press your finger on the skin, if it leaves a white spot, it already smells like a burn, you need to immediately hide in the shadows. Well, we've come to the end. So what to do if you get sunburned?

    You need to tell adults about this. Remember, under no circumstances should you smear your skin with oil or sour cream! This can only make matters worse. You can apply a little low-fat kefir to the burns; it will ease the pain a little. But this is a last resort.

    After that, you have to sit and wait until your back stops burning.


    • At lunchtime, sit in the shade; if you still have to go somewhere with adults, be sure to cover your shoulders and put a hat on your head.
    • Drink more fluids.
    • We don’t jump from the heat straight into the cold.
    • We don’t drink or eat cold things.
    • We don't stay in the sun for long.

    Just be responsible and attentive, then you will have a wonderful summer!

    High air humidity combined with high temperature results in a stuffy room, which has a bad effect on adults and children. If your home is hot and stuffy, what can you do? And what temperature/humidity ratio is considered comfortable? About this in our article!

    What is the optimal microclimate?

    According to GOST 30494-96, which regulates the parameters of temperature and humidity in rooms, 20-22°C is considered optimal for living rooms. For the kitchen and toilet 19-21°C, a little higher for the bathroom and lower for storage rooms. In summer, during warm months, the temperature in living rooms can be maintained in the range of 22-25°C. All these data are recommended at normal air humidity, which should be 30-60%.

    Why is there stuffiness in the apartment?

    The reason here is complex, which includes high humidity levels, elevated temperatures and excess carbon dioxide in one room. All three of these components lead to what is called “no breathing”, although in fact there will be air and oxygen in the room.

    By turning on a fan or air conditioner, we eliminate the influence of only one “component”. That is, we slightly reduce the air temperature. This may provide some relief, but the problem will return as soon as the fan is turned off.

    What to do? The first and main task is to learn how to regularly ventilate your apartment! After all, dry or humid, it is stale and stale air that creates the feeling of stuffiness. Carbon dioxide accumulates in it, which poisons the human body hour after hour. That is why, when it is very stuffy, drowsiness, lethargy, and inertia immediately arise. In such conditions it is impossible to work productively, memory and attention simply “switch off”, concentration is impaired.

    It is very harmful to sleep in a stuffy environment! At night, a person does not rest and recharge his strength; he wakes up “broken” with a migraine and fatigue.

    What to do about stuffiness

    Organize a constant flow of air, maintain optimal (not high or low) temperature and humidity level. This can be done by ventilation, but it must be regular and the incoming air must be clean and fresh.

    Air conditioning and a fan, unfortunately, do not solve the problem of stale air in the room. They only accelerate and slightly cool it, but do not allow air exchange with the street. Therefore, the only solution is regular ventilation or the use of special devices that supply air from the street, purify it and monitor the level of carbon dioxide.

    These supply ventilation devices are called breathers and they can get rid of stale air. It is supplied from the street, with the windows closed, then the air is purified through filters and supplied to the house.

    If the climate control of the device detects that the room is stuffy, fresh air is immediately supplied and the balance is restored. In addition, breathers heat the incoming air mass, which is very important when it’s winter.

    Where the breather is located, it is never very hot in the apartment, and it is never stuffy or uncomfortable, even with a large crowd of people. This device constantly monitors and maintains the optimal microclimate in your home and office. You can choose the breather that suits you on ours.

    Do you often notice that at certain moments it becomes stuffy in your apartment, and as if you can’t breathe?! This is especially felt in the autumn-winter period, when windows and doors are tightly closed.

    The reason lies in the fact that modern plastic windows and balconies are highly airtight, do not allow street noise and dirt to pass through, but at the same time practically do not allow fresh air to pass through. Because of this, humidity very quickly arises in the apartment and the concentration of carbon dioxide increases.

    Why does the apartment become stuffy?

    Stuffiness in an apartment occurs due to three main factors:

    1. Heat;
    2. High humidity;
    3. Increased concentration of carbon dioxide.

    Often at home we feel hot and stuffy, we feel increased humidity, however, turning on the air conditioner will only lower the air temperature, but will not make it fresh. And what to do if it is very hot in the apartment in winter, and plus it’s stuffy? In this case, you only need to know one thing - the concentration of “bad” air affects the microclimate, and you need to look for ways to get rid of this phenomenon, and not from the heat. The only optimal solution in such a situation is to establish a ventilation system in the apartment. Why there is ventilation in an apartment and what functions it performs, read.

    Here's an example:

    For the normal functioning of the human body, the concentration of carbon dioxide should be approximately 732 mg/m3.

    For comparison, in 1 hour, in a room with closed windows and doors, 2 people will increase the CO2 concentration to 3660 mg/m3, which is! 5 times the “normal” level.

    The main source of carbon dioxide is humans.

    So, in 1 hour we:

    • inhale 450-1500 liters of air
    • exhale 18-60 liters of CO2

    If we are a constant source of carbon dioxide production, we need to utilize exhaust air, since exceeding the CO2 content to 1830 mg/m3 on a constant basis causes considerable harm to the human body. What to do if the room is hot and stuffy, we will tell you below.

    Consequences of stuffiness and high CO2 content for the human body

    When a person stays for a short time (2-3 hours) in a room with a CO2 concentration above 1464 mg/m3, the following symptoms appear:

    • headache;
    • dizziness;
    • fatigue, apathy;
    • poor sleep;
    • irritation of eyes and respiratory tract.

    When a person stays for a long time (from several hours to several years) in a room where the level of carbon dioxide is above 1464 mg/m3, the following occurs:

    • rhinitis;
    • allergic reactions;
    • asthma;
    • general decrease in immunity;
    • cardiovascular diseases;
    • diabetes;
    • blood diseases, etc.

    In the morning, with the bedroom windows closed, CO2 levels can reach 2196 mg/m3.

    So, in most indoor spaces, high humidity, heat and high levels of carbon dioxide make the microclimate unsuitable for human habitation, and, unfortunately, an air conditioner or floor fan does not improve the air quality, but only cools it.

    Let's take a closer look at ways to eliminate carbon dioxide and stuffiness in the apartment.

    How to get rid of stuffiness in a room or apartment?

    We want advise you

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    1. You can reduce the air temperature in the room, as mentioned earlier, using an air conditioner or a floor fan. This equipment will allow you to immediately feel cool, but both the first and second units process only the air that is in the room, air in which the CO2 content is high.

    Accordingly, using a fan or air conditioner, you eliminate only one factor contributing to stuffiness - heat, and polluted, stale air continues to circulate throughout the apartment.

    * It is best to keep the windows and balcony open when using a floor fan, so that polluted, moist air is drawn out of the room naturally. Of course, such a fan can cope with a very small volume of air masses, and using this option to eliminate stuffiness is not enough, because fresh air with the required temperature will enter the room rather weakly.

    2. To ensure that the ventilation in the room occurs correctly, and you do not worry about whether all factors of stuffiness have been eliminated (humidity, excess CO2, high air temperature, whether there is enough fresh, purified air entering the apartment) - install supply and exhaust ventilation.

    The supply and exhaust ventilation system is a specially designed equipment that allows you to enjoy all the advantages of plastic windows (no noise, dust, dirt) and at the same time organizes normal air exchange between the environment inside the apartment and the outside environment.

    The supply and exhaust unit consists of two built-in fans that operate for supply and exhaust: one fan takes air from the external environment, the second extracts exhaust air from the apartment. The system passes fresh air through its filter system, that is, it purifies and supplies it to the room. At the same time, most air handling units have air heating/cooling functions or the ability to add these functions. As a result, we can say that with such an installation we kill all the causes at once, because carbon dioxide is replaced by oxygen, the room is air-conditioned, and humidity comes out along with other masses through the hood.

    3. Natural ventilation. Open windows and vents to allow fresh air to enter the room to replace stale air. BUT, do not forget that through open windows, dust and dirt, heat and moisture enter your apartment. Also be careful with drafts, since respiratory illnesses are the first friends of drafts.

    One of the most effective ways to combat the summer heat is air conditioning. It is able to cool the air in the room and maintain the desired temperature.

    Of course, this method has disadvantages - the air conditioner requires complex and expensive installation. However, you can purchase a mobile air conditioner that does not require installation.

    When it is not possible to purchase and install an air conditioner, you can use another device - a fan. With its help, the hot season is much easier to bear.

    If the apartment windows face opposite sides of the house, you can open them and create a draft. But you need to remember that staying in a draft for a long time can be dangerous to your health.

    It is necessary to limit the penetration of sunlight into the room. If curtains or blinds are not effective enough, you can use a mirror reflective film and attach it to the window. It will reflect infrared and ultraviolet rays. This film is especially effective if your windows face the sunny side.

    Heat is more difficult to bear if the air in the room is dry. It needs to be moisturized. To do this, you can use wet towels or sheets and hang them in the rooms. In addition, you can find humidifiers in stores that will maintain humidity automatically.

    A constant flow of fresh air will help you endure the heat more easily. Of course, open windows partially help in solving this issue. But there is a more effective and technologically advanced way - to install fresh air ventilation valves. They will ensure proper air exchange around the clock.

    What to do if your apartment is hot in winter

    In winter, some houses have very hot radiators. The air conditioner is powerless in winter - the external unit must operate at positive temperatures. But it can help early, when it’s already near zero outside and the radiators are still hot.

    The most effective way to deal with excessively hot batteries is to install thermostats or ordinary shut-off valves on them. With their help you can regulate the water supply. As a last resort, just block it.

    If this is not possible, you can open the windows. But in winter this is fraught with the danger of catching a cold. If you open the windows for a short time, then after a while the air in the room will warm up again and the heat will return.

    Heating radiators can be covered with damp towels or sheets. This will humidify the air and reduce the temperature of the batteries. There is only one drawback - the sheets dry out quickly and need to be constantly moistened.

    Another option is to cover the battery with a thick blanket. It will serve as a heat insulator and help reduce the temperature. And next to the battery you can place a jar of water, which will evaporate and reduce the dryness of the air.

    The management company is responsible for regulating the temperature of the water supplied to your home. You can contact it with a request to reduce the temperature of the coolant. If your request is ignored, you can file a written complaint with Rospotrebnadzor.

    Last year broke all temperature records, but 2017 is not going to lag behind. According to forecasts from the World Meteorological Organization, it could be the warmest on record. What to do if your apartment is very hot in summer, and how to survive the heat in the city? We have collected all the valuable tips in one longread.

    How does heat affect the body?

    Physical discomfort from heat is the lesser of the evils. What's worse is that it can be harmful to your health. The human body is sensitive to changes in the environment, and the capabilities of the thermoregulation system are not limitless.

    Heat causes the body to overheat. The skin temperature rises, and the body's heat exchange with the external environment increases significantly. Sweating becomes more intense, the water-salt balance in the body is disrupted. Because of this, the mucous membranes, designed to prevent harmful microorganisms from entering the body, dry out, and the body’s defenses are reduced. Children are especially susceptible to this process: their thermoregulation mechanism is not yet fully formed, and in the heat their body temperature rises faster. That's why even in mid-July, kids can catch a cold infection.

    Violation of the water-salt balance also depletes muscle tissue. They do not receive enough nutrition, their performance decreases, fatigue and discomfort appear.

    On hot days, it’s a good idea to help the body come into balance, not overload it, and try to reduce the ambient temperature as much as possible.

    How to cope with heat in an apartment: household appliances

    They say that if you concentrate and imagine something cold, you can actually feel the coolness. But if thoughts about ice cream and Everest do not affect you, then we advise you to move from the spiritual to the material and look for salvation among household climate control appliances. They will help normalize temperature and humidity, a decrease in which during hot weather can have a negative impact on health. But first things first.

    Air conditioner

    The most popular type of air conditioner in everyday life is the wall-mounted split system. It consists of two blocks - external and internal. Freon continuously circulates between them. In the indoor unit of the air conditioner, freon changes from a liquid state to a gaseous state and, in the process of evaporation, takes heat from the air. The cooled air is supplied back to the room, and the freon heated from the room air enters the external unit.

    Many modern split systems are equipped with an inverter, which allows you to smoothly change the heating and cooling power. Due to this, inverter air conditioners are quieter and, as a rule, more economical than conventional ones.

    Life experience says: under certain circumstances, an air conditioner can show insidiousness and, along with the desired coolness, bring a sore throat, runny nose, and even an attack of radiculitis. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to approach the choice of the location of the device with all responsibility. The main thing is to prevent a person from staying for a long time in the area where the cold air stream is directly directed: this is approximately 2-3 meters from the device. In the bedroom, it is recommended to hang the air conditioner above the head of the bed. This way the recreation area will be protected from direct exposure to cold air.

    When using an air conditioner, you must remember that it requires care and attention. If filters are not changed regularly according to the instructions, bacteria can grow on them.

    And one more important point that is often not known or forgotten. The air conditioner does not provide fresh air from the street. Therefore, you will still have to ventilate the room, regardless of the temperature outside the window. In a clogged room, even with air conditioning, a person will soon feel lethargic.

    Air conditioners with fresh air that have appeared recently (we devoted an entire article to them) also do not eliminate the need to ventilate. They supply only about 30 m3 of fresh air per hour. Compare with a specialized ventilation device: its productivity reaches 160 m3/h. This is enough to provide fresh air to five people. In addition, the use of air conditioners with inflow is limited in the cold season. And the breather can be used not only in June-July-August, but all year round, thanks to the heating function. So it would be optimal to use two devices: entrust the breather with ventilation, and the air conditioner with cooling.


    A fan is a cheap and cheerful way to escape the heat. Of course, if the room is very hot, then the air conditioner will help out faster and more efficiently. But the fan is not without its advantages. Affordable price, ease of installation, lack of need for any maintenance and low cost - these are, in fact, the reasons why many, answering the question “what to do if the house is hot?”, choose a fan.

    When choosing a fan, pay attention to the diameter of the propeller blades: the larger it is, the stronger the device will accelerate the air. The most popular fans are floor fans. But if the room is small and there is nowhere to place such a fan, look for wall-mounted models. Ceiling fans are still more commonly seen in food service establishments than in friends' living rooms. But lately they are still gradually penetrating into design projects.


    No, a humidifier does not help with heat. In the sense that it cannot reduce the air temperature. But in cases where heat is combined with dry air, a humidifier is strictly recommended for use. By supporting at least at home, we allow the mucous membranes to rehabilitate their protective capabilities. True, it is important not to overdo it: excessive humidity in the heat makes sweating difficult and therefore difficult to tolerate. Therefore, a humidifier should only be used in dry weather.

    There are several ways to make your life easier in the heat without using special devices.

    To keep the hot sun out of your rooms, close the windows with thick curtains or blinds. An alternative method: glue a reflective film to the window glass, which prevents the room from heating up.

    If possible, try to limit the time you use an electric or gas stove, otherwise the air will heat up even more. During the heat, you can try to give up hot dishes and switch to fresh vegetables and fruits, especially since your appetite usually decreases in summer.

    Cold air is heavier than hot air and sinks. Therefore, during abnormally hot weather, you can change your usual bed to a mattress on the floor - it’s cooler there.

    Pets also suffer from the heat and, as a rule, become thirsty more often than usual. It is important to ensure that there is always water in their feeder. But you shouldn’t leave meat or fish for the whole day: in the heat, food quickly spoils. It's better to switch to dry food.

    How to survive the heat in the city

    Whatever oasis you create in your apartment, sooner or later you will have to leave it and go out into the scorching heat. What to do in hot weather in the city?

    The first step is to take care of your equipment: clothes in the heat should be light, it is better to give preference to natural materials, cotton and linen. Synthetic clothing impedes heat transfer and prevents the evaporation of moisture, which is necessary to cool the body.

    Eating in hot weather should be given special attention. Heavy high-calorie food at this time is not the best choice, because the body does not need extra energy. But spicy food, on the contrary, is recommended for use in hot weather: it increases sweating and thereby promotes thermoregulation. Just remember to drink spicy foods with plenty of water to prevent dehydration. In hot weather, it is advisable to eat little by little, but often - 5-6 times a day. It is better to abstain from alcohol and sweet carbonated drinks: all this provokes dehydration. Give preference to water, plain or mineral.