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  • Characteristics born in the year of the boar. Celebrities born in the year of the pig

    Characteristics born in the year of the boar.  Celebrities born in the year of the pig

    year of birth: 1911 1923 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 2019

    The boar belongs to the Yin group of animals. This is the twelfth sign of the Chinese zodiac. It governs from 21 to 23 hours. The season that brings him luck is autumn. The peak period is November. According to the European Zodiac, the Boar corresponds to the sign of Scorpio. Its fixed element is Water. The colors that bring him happiness and prosperity are blue and fawn. Flowers and plants that bring them good luck are lavender, acacia and hazel. The most favorable countries for the Boar to live in are Pakistan, Denmark, Iceland, Israel, Malaysia, Burma, Brazil, Argentina.

    In eastern countries, the Boar is considered the master of the court, it is a symbol of pleasure, naivety and passion. It is difficult to recognize whether he is a noble boar or just a piggy bank. The Boar combines promiscuity and ferocity. This is a combination of dark and light beginnings, which often alternate. Before him, you involuntarily feel unarmed and helpless. His presence excites, and wealth delights. The boar is elusive and wild, often he is alone. These animals feed on acorns and trample the fields, they can also be lustful pigs who are used to living in a warm barn.

    Pigs are white and black, there are many legends about them. Everywhere the Boar is a loner. In the myths of the druids, it denotes spiritual strength. Hunting for him is dangerous and fraught with mortal risk, because the hunter pursues, as it were, the embodiment of the spirit.

    In Christian myths, the Boar has gained notoriety, as it is often depicted as a demon overcome by lust. Such Boars ravage fields and destroy orchards. But in China, the Boar represents courage, prosperity and nobility.

    Among the Celtic peoples, the Boar played a very important role. The Celts are avid hunters, they hunted mainly wild boars. In their mythology, the Boar also occupied a prominent place. Their people, who were evicted to the islands, brought up seven piglets. They were killed every evening and eaten, and in the morning they came to life again. These piglets were messengers from another world.

    It is better for a boar not to be born on New Year's Eve, otherwise it will simply be eaten for a holiday. It is better if the Boar's birthday does not coincide with traditional holidays, only in this case they can be happy. Their childhood always proceeds peacefully under the protection of parents and patrons. Adolescence is usually associated with a lot of emotional problems. The first part of their life is relatively calm, but various problems await them in the second. By nature, the Boars are too secretive and therefore will never ask for help, but will try to eliminate all the troubles themselves. In fact, no one suspects what kind of hell they live in.

    Maturity brings with it family difficulties, and therefore stable feelings should be achieved. But if this stability is achieved, by old age the Boars become fully prosperous.


    Boars are peaceful and good-natured people who want nothing more than a quiet life. Therefore, they can often be brought to hermitage. They are materialistic and love the beautiful life. In Chinese astrology, the Boar represents honesty, it is the most conscientious sign. They are born into the world already endowed with a mass of emotions and always lag behind fashion. They are great altruists, endowed with tolerance, constantly thinking about harmony. They are optimistic and very confident in human virtue.

    Boars are gallant gentlemen. They try to be correct and sincere under any circumstances. Of course, Boars can also be predators. When they notice an easy prey for themselves, they boldly pounce on it and devour it with an enviable appetite. But still they are very naive and gullible. Boars are frank and sometimes simpletons, which often borders on stupidity in our understanding. They are trusting because they are used to seeing the best side of a person. And no one can see the flaws better than them. They always live in a different world, which they are used to supporting and protecting.

    Boars are endowed with the rarest virtue - they are able to live in our vile world, showing sympathy and never drawing categorical conclusions. Boars are not capable of judging, they are opponents of disputes and conflicts. These people always compromise. Perhaps that is why they are considered weak, but they do not care. Boars always believe in the existence of the best, and they are right. Although sometimes their extreme tolerance leads to delusion. Boars are able to give shelter even to a criminal, being champions of justice. This makes them fanatics, in such moments they are very dangerous. But at the same time they have a good heart.

    Boars are made to do good. They give the impression of stable and calm people. They feel the position of others well and quickly adapt to the environment. Boars are very sociable and love noisy companies, but they cannot stand showing off. In society, they are accustomed to remain silent for fear of making a mistake. Boars do not know how to accurately express their thoughts, but in individual conversations they chat cheerfully about everything.

    The Boar, like the Monkey, is very eager for knowledge. He reads a lot, but usually erratically. Boars give the impression of a great mind, but their knowledge is rather superficial. One Japanese proverb says that the Boar is very wide in front and narrow in the back. Sometimes they scatter and do several things at the same time. This does not allow them to delve into the essence of the problem and deal with one idea. They are very stubborn and hard to lift, but if they make a decision, nothing will stop them. Boars try not to take the initiative and always count on the help of people. As a rule, no one refuses to help them, because they believe that the Boars themselves cannot carry out the intended work. But this is just a common misconception. Having received proper help, Boars calmly continue what they started.

    The boar is easy to deceive, but he is completely calm about this. True, it also happens that he is a victim of his own courtesy. Other Boars, over time, become distrustful and suspicious, which saves them from other people's snares. In fact, their weaknesses are fraught with a huge power of resistance, and the Chinese sages consider the Boar one of the most cunning animals, able to defeat even the Snake.

    These peaceful and sensitive creatures are good friends, they wish well and want to be useful. But they are defenseless against malice and hypocrisy. Once they make a mistake, they learn a lesson for life. Be careful, these wild animals in anger can destroy everything in their path! However, they can be trusted and they will never leave you.

    Boars have a pleasant character, because they hate disputes, always give in and change their minds at the right time, just so as not to enter into conflict. This is a big exception when Boars start arguing. Perhaps that is why, among all the signs, the Boar most often loses court cases. Often the impulsiveness and honesty of these people turns against them.


    Boars are not overly ambitious. Nothing can disturb their sleep. Prosperity is simply necessary for them to feel independent and comfortable. They strive to excel in what they really care about. It cannot be said that they are always lucky, as they sometimes choose the wrong profession, attracting with external brilliance, which can lead to a dead end.

    Boars do not like large crowds of people, they are not made for competition. These people are too loyal and cannot make a deal with their own conscience. They are too proud and do not know how to flatter. They can also be accused of laziness, because they do not like to overwork. Boars need time to learn not to tremble for their own skin. They hate fighting and can dignifiedly give up their privileges. In anger, wrestling qualities wake up in them, which incinerate the enemy.

    Failures do not bother the Pig, they treat them quite philosophically. But if the Boars fail to gain a foothold in their own profession, they will regret the lost time all their lives. Boars always need a person to push them. One more thing. Never in their lives will they sacrifice personal well-being for the sake of a professional career.

    Boars can work in all areas where conscience and hard work are needed, only in this case they can get rich. Of course, they can come to art and literature, but they can just as well fail. One of the worst traits is choosing the hardest path. Until the end of their lives, they are helped by others, thanks to which they can achieve perfection.

    They make excellent doctors, scientists, architects, directors, writers, poets, artists, music lovers, businessmen, judges, arbitrators, confessors.


    Boars love to live. They adore flowers and know how to grow fruits in the most unfavorable soil. This is their unique dignity. Boars tend to idealize everything, they live in their reality and sing the joy of life and feelings. Therefore, they are very gentle lovers and delightful partners.

    From an early age, Boars have a weakness for love pleasures. They are very sensitive, at first glance seem strange and have a vivid imagination. They experiment endlessly, fulfilling their desires, which constantly haunt them. Yes, and it takes a little to arouse a new passion in them. In love, Boars do not know how to dissemble, use cunning, they know how to talk with a partner. For them, there is no vicious relationship, and love is something ideal. As you can see, this is a pretty healthy philosophy, and it brings a lot of success to the Boar.

    Women of this sign enter into life with a good sensual appetite, but suffer from a penchant for excess. They are distinguished by perseverance, apparently caused by greed. Of course, Boars are faithful, but too lustful. They can encroach on someone else's marriage union, while having a lot of fans and applicants. Having allowed such an offense, they begin to build a life together, sharing everything with a partner - both joy and sorrow.

    When their union suits, they always behave calmly, emotionally and are attached to a partner.


    When the Boar finds a pleasant corner, he feels calm and lives in harmony and prosperity. Everyone knows that they adore luxury. They are used to looking content, even if they don't have much wealth. The thought of divorce always leads to Panic, as the Boars are very loyal and are not used to breaking this word. Many become moralists and conservatives after marriage, and a breakup is a real grief for them.

    They make wonderful parents who take too good care of their children. They are obsessed with the welfare of their offspring. They always insist on respect for principles. Boars instill high morality in children, but do not interfere with free development. In education, they use both affection and severity. The only drawback is too trusting relationship with children. Such children are very hard to break away from their parental blood. Oxen, Tigers, Dragons, Horses are too independent and love adventure, so they create a lot of trouble for their parents-Pigs. They make them anxious and nervous. The indifference and swagger of the Hare and the Sheep amaze the parents, but all the same, the Boars are able to provide protection for these children. Rats, Roosters and Monkeys quickly adapt to their Boar parents and love and understanding arise between them. Children-Dogs of these parents calm down. Snake children are not too disposed towards their caring parents and abuse their love.


    Boars are full of contradictions and are used to fighting with themselves. They burn with passion for their chosen one and oppose this passion with their strong and restrained character.

    There is no stronger sexual sign. Boars are able to be cold-blooded, like good artists, and, reaching their goal, they completely win the partner's heart. They take sex very seriously and their passion for life exists regardless of their partner. Even having won the hearts of their fans, they cannot penetrate the secret depths of their hidden feelings. Their enveloping tenderness is designed to meet the needs of their body. And no one can resist their charm.

    Having met an attractive partner, Boars always know how to tear them away from reality. These people are accustomed to brilliant escorts wherever they go and love to travel first class with a smile on their lips. Their purely emotional nature can become very dangerous when angry. They become devastating enemies. For a lover, they retain all their adoration, but, having learned about the betrayal, they immediately part. Boars can't stand weakness.

    They are always the first to start talking about sex and sometimes move on to too frank topics. They love big beds and experiments. Regardless of the knowledge of the sexual partner, they are so skillful that they still know how to surprise. Their behavior is entirely subordinated to instincts. If someone interests them, they pursue their prey decisively and persistently. They accumulate a lot of experience in sexual intercourse and know no limits in achieving their goals.


    Boars bribe with sincerity. When they are in love, they talk about it openly. And, as a rule, everyone appreciates their sincerity. They expect a partner to share their passions with them and respect their feelings. Boars do not tolerate aggressors.

    To keep their loved ones, they are ready to get the stars from the sky. They are not prone to cheating, but if a partner cannot satisfy their sexuality, they can find joy on the side. Boars know how to keep their obligations and protect the family from divorce.

    If there is a need to make a gift, it is not necessary to look for rarities, a small trinket is enough - it will certainly please the Pig. After all, attention is so important to them, and they are very glad that they are remembered. To seduce them, it is enough to invite them to a country walk, and best of all, to a villa. And in no case should we forget about the picnic.

    If there is nothing to talk about with the Boar and it is time to leave, organize a noisy party at home. Try to be in the company all the time. Pay less attention to the Boar, and when it comes to bed, say that you are very tired.


    As we have already noted, Boars love home comforts, nature and long walks. Of course, it is best for them to live in a country villa or by the sea. They adore blooming gardens and houses remote from civilization. Boars love a quiet life. If they do not have the opportunity to live in the village, then they always find friends outside the city. On their weekends, they leave the noisy city to breathe a sigh of relief in the vast expanses.

    Wild boars languish in a closed space, modern cages lead them to nervous depression. They are born for forests and spacious rooms. They like to pay attention to their own home, they constantly improve it with something. Boars can do a lot with their hands, from electrical wiring to complex carpentry work. Boars are real virtuosos, so they are often invited to help.

    These people love to decorate their life with various elegant things that delight the eye. Women - Boars are always reasonable and cannot stand mess, they are excellent housewives and know how to meet guests.


    Fred Astor, Oliver Cromwell, Dalai Lama, Ralph Waldow Emerson, Alfred Hitchcock, Saddam Hussein, Elton John, Carl Jung, Henry Kissinger, John Mackenroe, Ronald Reagan, John Rockefeller, Steven Spielberg, Max Rothschild, George Rockefeller, Gerald Ford, Albert Schweitzer, Blaise Pascal, Georges Pompidou, Otto von Bismarck, Françoise Sagan, Hector Berlioz, Paul Cezanne, Vladimir Nabokov, Bernard Law Montgomery, Herve Bazin, Mark Bernes, Rasul Gamzatov, Todor Zhivkov, Melvin Calvin, Marcel Marceau, Albert Osborne, Boris Pokrovsky, Arkady Raikin, Mikhail Tal, Lavrenty Beria, Joseph Balsamo Cagliostro, Alain Delon, John Ellington, Thomas Mann, Jean Paul Marat, Prosper Mérimée, Modest Mussorgsky, Maurice Ravel, Van Dyck, Velasquez.


    Boar and Boar

    This is a very favorable union. They know how to be condescending to the weaknesses of a partner, and they have the basis for building this union. It is very good if they have interests in work, this will further strengthen the union, otherwise there is a danger of parting. Misunderstanding can overshadow their life and end with terrible scenes. Such Boars will find a reason to argue. As a rule, the stumbling block is in the upbringing of children. While the parents are ranting, the offspring are in danger of growing up. These people love to be at the family hearth and do not tolerate change. The life of these people is impossible without work. So that there are no mutual insults and reproaches, it is better for both partners to work.

    Boar and Rat

    Both are passionate and sexual creatures, they are brought together by the desire for pleasure. Perhaps this is the only thing that unites them. And they do not regret it, experiencing wonderful moments together. True, sometimes the Rat is annoyed by the naivety of the Pig, especially in business and family matters. But if the Rat is overwhelmed by passions, she always admires the attention and tenderness of the Boar. For his sake, she is ready to go into the fire and; .: an ode, trying to stir up and encourage her clumsy pet. She can teach him a lot, especially the ability to manage money.

    Boar and Ox

    The boar wants to be the most cunning, but in reality he can only shine with frivolity. Therefore, the Ox must always be on the alert. They really like each other and especially appreciate honesty in a partner. The boar always acts as a fighter, and the Ox is distinguished by exceptional peacefulness, this is their strength. But this union is not without controversy, because the Boar is a glutton by nature, and the Ox cannot Allow such waste. They are pleased with different things - one is content with little, while the other desires abundance. The Ox is an excellent economist, and the Boar is wasteful and cannot live without comfort, which causes mutual reproaches. But on this, one might say, their disagreements end, since the Boar has a well-developed sense of proportion. And if he feels that he is tired of Ox, he will instantly shut up.

    Boar and Tiger

    These signs are united by their loyalty. They know how to make friends and love, their nights are full of passion. They know what honor is. The tiger is much more cunning than the Boar and helps him defend himself. He instills in the Boar the ability to find weaknesses in the enemy's defense and thus adapts him to life. Both respect each other's freedom, show tolerance and trust, which is the basis of their union. From time to time, the Tiger infuriates a partner, but not out of malice, but rather out of curiosity. In business, things are great, they complement each other.

    Boar and Hare

    This is the best union of all combinations. They respect each other, as they value positive qualities, which they have more than enough. Sometimes the Pig wants to be alone, and the Hare will not take it as a tragedy, he knows how to adapt and is used to pleasing his partner. The Hare uses all his free time for home improvement. Both will try to avoid everything that can interfere with family well-being. In intimate life, the Hare will help the Boar to avoid rash acts. They will prevent them in time. But in any union, disadvantages are not ruled out. The Boar is sensual, sometimes even too much, and the Hare is chaste and even in the most passionate situations he is not. throws off the veil of modesty, which can make the Boar laugh, and the Hare will not understand the reason for the laughter.

    Boar and Dragon

    For the Dragon, this alliance is very favorable, but not quite for the Boar. In this combination, the Boar falls into a trap, because the Dragon will instantly turn his head. The boar will be occupied only by the Dragon all his free time, and he will no longer have time for himself. His admiration for a brilliant partner will instill energy in him, he will become more liberated and begin independent exits into society. This Dragon will not offend at all, and he will not forget to give wise advice to his partner. The Boar will gratefully accept the words of the Dragon, because his advice is always valuable.

    Boar and snake

    With this union, some paradoxes are observed. Besotted by the Snake, the Boar instantly falls in love with her - and makes a big mistake. Because the Snake will fool him, like the rest. Honesty is not her quality. The snake is even annoyed by the natural honesty of the Boar. She considers him incredibly stupid and naively gullible. Perhaps there is some truth in her opinion, because the Boar very easily goes to all agreements. Despite these difficulties, feelings can hold them together, even though they are even expressed in different ways. But there is a danger that soon the Snake will want to eat the Boar. This is unlikely to succeed, because the Boar has a very fast reaction.

    It is easy for the boar to free himself from the death grip of the Snake, because he knows how to resist it. Of course, this fight will cost teeth. The snake should not think that it is a simpleton in front of it. Otherwise, unpleasant surprises await her.

    Boar and Horse

    Both signs are honest and love an easy and pleasant life. The Boar is too naive and does not see anything selfish in the actions of the Horse, but you cannot rely only on the sleeping Boar. When he is wounded, he defends himself to the last. Therefore, the Pig chooses a different tactic: he philosophically and patiently copes with his interesting partner. Both are sensual and inventive. The Horse likes the Boar, and she tries to stay near him, but this union will not do without friction, because the Horse needs to walk alone, and the Boar will not want to understand this. In addition, the Horse is a born egoist and loves everything to belong only to her. If the Boar shows his independence and innocence, the Horse will instantly become jealous. In this regard, it is very difficult for them to adapt to each other.

    Boar and Sheep

    This union is very favorable for both signs. The Boar represents luxury and generosity, while the Sheep cannot resist luxury and generosity. But there is an obstacle: A sheep cannot be locked in a golden cage, it must remain free. The boar is quite satisfied with these conditions, he allows the Sheep to roam wherever she wants.

    The sheep will be able to bring diversity and aesthetics to the life of the Boar and turn a tastelessly luxurious home into a gallery of elite art. They live peacefully in their idyllic world and give in to each other. Both do not tolerate conflicts and are happy to satisfy the whims of a partner. But the Sheep should not abuse the attention of the Boar, because from the soft and courteous it can turn into a harsh and impregnable, it is possible - aggressive. As always, he will have the last word.

    Boar and Rooster

    An overly calm and thick-skinned Boar will not pay attention to the teasing and pricks of the Rooster. Boars know how to appreciate the kindness and nobility of the Rooster, which he does not particularly boast about. The boar knows how to curb the aggressiveness of his motley friend and calms him down in time. For its part, the Rooster will never humiliate the Boar and will not dishonestly exploit him. These people get along well together and establish excellent companionship based on mutual understanding and talkativeness. Their union is more intellectual than based on passion and love. At the slightest danger, they always rush to help each other. In their house there is always a strict order that cannot be destroyed even by outside interference.

    Boar and Dog

    Between these people immediately there is a complete mutual understanding. Both benefit from the union. The Boar will be able to teach the Dog his carelessness and optimism, which she so lacks. Both partners are generous and honest, able to sympathize and respect each other. They know how to maintain a good microclimate in the family and constantly strengthen their union. They know what true love and a good life are, and there is simply no place for the rest.

    A peaceful Dog will be happy and calm, because it is so interesting for her to listen to the Boar and listen to his useful advice. She is absolutely not embarrassed by the awkwardness and slowness of the Boar, but sometimes the Dog shows excessive suspicion. However, at the right moment, she boldly rushes to the defense of her beloved. True, sometimes the Pig is annoyed by the excessive care of a restless girlfriend. But with the Boar, the Dog will not be lonely and she will finally be able to relax.

    Years of birth of a person according to the sign of the Pig (Boar): 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

    People who were born in the year of the Pig (Boar) are very honest, kind, noble and soft-hearted. They cannot stand lies and hypocrisy. In communication, they are extremely sincere and are used to talking only about meaningful things. They are also very tolerant and tactful people in relation to others.

    General characteristics of the sign of the year of the Pig (Boar)

    According to the Eastern horoscope, the Pig (Boar) is the last of the 12 signs of the zodiac. And he absorbed all the advantages and disadvantages of the previous ones. The Chinese are sure that it promises not only abundance, happiness and joy, but also disasters and failures that have accumulated over the previous 11 years.

    People born in the year of the Pig (Boar) have a character trait that is rare for our days - an unshakable faith in the original goodness of man.

    The Pig (Boar) herself is extraordinarily kind, tolerant and indulgent towards people, she also thinks about others in the same way.

    The most honest and respected people, as a rule, were born in the year of the Pig (Boar). They have an inexhaustible source of energy and always, wherever they are, they strive to do good. Otherwise, they simply cannot. But, there is also a negative side to this. With their naivety and selflessness, boundless faith in the good intentions of others, they seem to provoke them to bad deeds.

    Throughout her life, the Pig (Boar) experiences many disappointments, often it is necessary, as if starting life from the beginning, but she still remains true to her beliefs. The Pig (Boar) helps her to go through numerous difficulties with her great sense of humor and ... luck in financial matters. The Pig (Boar), on the one hand, is very naive, defenseless, easily allows himself to be fooled, accepts failures serenely, and the shortcomings of others are tolerant, sincere to such an extent that he completely destroys all doubts, disarms the enemy. But, on the other hand, she is straightforward and rarely compromises.

    People born in the year of the Pig (Boar) are unhurried, even slow. And in relation to them, you can apply the saying "harnesses for a long time, but rides fast." The Pig (Boar) will never make hasty decisions, she will think it over and carefully weigh all the pros and cons. Will do everything to avoid unnecessary risk. But, when the final decision is made, the Pig (Boar) will demonstrate to others amazing determination and firmness. Now, the Pig (Boar) is determined to win and will not yield to anyone. Such a wise tactic - first think, and then act - usually ensures the Pig (Boar) success in almost any business that she undertakes.

    The Pig (Boar) has inner strength, confidence, has invincible willpower, and this causes respect and admiration from others. In everyday life, he manifests himself as a sociable, energetic and peaceful nature. She even generously forgives the interlocutor for a careless word spoken to her. Such peacefulness, combined with the truthfulness of the Pig (Boar) and her faith in people, sometimes make her an easy prey for scammers. In addition, some others may shamelessly use this to their advantage. But, thanks to its sincerity and reliability, the Pig (Boar) knows how to make real friends, whom she may not have many, but who, on the other hand, will never leave her in trouble and are ready to stand up for her with a mountain.

    The Pig (Boar) has many-sided intellectual interests, loves art and is happy to participate in cultural activities. Thanks to this, her life is filled with harmony, beauty and peace, which are so lacking in everyday life.

    In family life, in the warmth of the hearth, the Pig (Boar) flourishes. She is always loving and loved, and is a good mother (father). She brings harmony and comfort into her life, and into the life of loved ones. The only negative is the desire to surround yourself with wealth and luxury. If we consider the material aspect of the life of the Pig (Boar), then she will always have a living wage. To do this, she does not even have to spend a lot of effort. Pig (Boar) - kind and attentive to loved ones and loved ones. If a conflict arose, he seeks to eliminate it as quickly as possible and does not allow long quarrels. No matter how difficult the problems are in the front, they never give up, although they act under the influence of a momentary impulse.

    The Year of the Pig (Boar) corresponds in Western classical astrology.

    Metal Pig (Boar): 1911, 1971

    People born in the year of the Metal Pig (Boar) are the most ambitious of all representatives of this sign. The Metal Pig (Boar) is energetic, purposeful, has a wide variety of interests. Often suffers from his gullibility, has a great sense of humor, and loves all kinds of parties. The Metal Pig (Boar) has a friendly, affable personality and tends to have many friends and admirers.

    Water Pig (Boar): 1923, 1983

    People born in the year of the Water Pig (Boar) are friendly and gentle in communication. We can say that they have a "golden heart", so they strive to take into account the interests of everyone and so that everyone always feels good. They are distinguished by generosity and maintain an even, trusting relationship with everyone. Very gullible and often fall victim to deception. They cannot tell white from black, bad from good.

    The Water Pig (Boar) prefers to lead a quiet, calm life, although the range of her interests is very high. Very hardworking and has a high sense of duty. Thanks to these qualities, he succeeds in his chosen profession.

    Wooden Pig (Boar): 1935, 1995

    People born in the year of the Wood Pig (Boar) are friendly and sociable. With enviable ease they acquire friends and like-minded people, they can speak convincingly. The Wood Pig (Boar) is constantly up to date with all events, optimistic, cheerful, leads an active lifestyle. He often overestimates his strength, but thanks to his excellent sense of humor, he finds a way out of a difficult situation. Takes great pleasure in helping others.

    Fire Pig (Boar): 1947, 2007

    People born in the year of the Fire Pig (Boar) are straightforward, energetic and enterprising. With great enthusiasm they take up any business and often achieve high results. To achieve the goal, they can even take unjustified risks. But, he is subject to momentary desires and can easily refuse to do business. If he suddenly loses interest in him. With money, the Fiery Pig (Boar) is lucky. And she generously shares her wealth with others. In relation to relatives and friends, she is caring and attentive.

    Ground Pig (Boar): 1899, 1959

    People born in the year of the Earth Pig (Boar) are distinguished by kindness and generosity. They have excellent organizational skills and they are well versed in the field of finance. As a rule, they lead an active social life. They tend to drink too much alcohol.

    Year of the Pig (Boar) - advantages and disadvantages

    The positive aspects of the personality of the Pig (Boar)

    People born in the year of the Pig (Boar) have a huge number of positive qualities. But, from other signs of the zodiac they are distinguished by extraordinary honesty. The Pig (Boar) is sincere to such an extent that it completely destroys its doubts and disarms its rivals. Although she is very smart, she has absolutely no cunning, and often it even happens that she lacks dexterity. She is helpless against hypocrisy and always believes what she is told. The Pig (Boar) is a cheerful comrade in society, she is loved in companies for her openness and good disposition. She is most often laconic, but if she decides to say something, she does everything at once, and no one is able to stop her until she exhausts her topic.

    The negative aspects of the personality of the Pig (Boar)

    In Japan they say: "The pig is wide in front, but narrow in the back." Despite the fact that the Pig (Boar) reads a lot, she has a great thirst for knowledge - all this is superficial. Pig (Boar) is an amateur in many vital matters.

    The Pig (Boar) hides its will and even authority under its ingenuous appearance. Her inner strength is unusually great, and nothing can resist her. The pig (Boar) is very slow. Before making any decision, she will carefully calculate everything, think it over. It lasts so long that it often gets in the way. It will seem to others that she hesitates and does not know what she wants. And only after she weighs all the pros and cons, she will begin to act with all the force she is capable of.

    Career and money of the Pig (Boar) sign

    People born in the year of the Pig (Boar) usually make a career easily due to their hard work, responsibility and a highly developed sense of duty. Their main method, time-tested - perseverance. Indeed, by adulthood, the Pig (Boar) achieves the goal that she saw at the beginning of her career. It is difficult for her to manage a large team, so she often remains in the role of the right hand of the boss. Persistence, diligence, responsibility make the Pig (Boar) simply an indispensable worker, and she is not afraid of even painstaking and inconspicuous work.

    People born in the year of the Pig (Boar) never go to their goal over their heads or use someone else's shortcomings to their advantage. Her victories are so deserved and honest that even her opponents admit it.

    Like the Monkey, the Pig (Boar) is intellectual, she has a great thirst for knowledge. She spends a lot of time reading books, though she reads everything in a row, indiscriminately, so her knowledge is more superficial. Due to his sensitivity, he can succeed in some arts, such as poetry and literature.

    Financially, the Pig (Boar) is just lucky. She more often than other representatives of the eastern horoscope receives gifts from fate. Unexpectedly, without any intention at all, she can win a large sum in the lottery, get a well-paid job or receive a large inheritance. The Pig (Boar) according to the Eastern horoscope is one of the most monetary signs. Moreover, the availability of finances here depends not so much on his zeal, but on the location of the stars. Despite its financial luck, the Pig (Boar) is very calm about money. She easily parted with them, and again easily receives them. If there was a failure, he quickly forgets about it and relentlessly moves forward.

    Life periods of the Pig (Boar)

    The first phase of the life of the Pig (Boar) will be relatively calm.

    In the second phase, some representatives of the Pig (Boar) may have problems in family life, possibly treason. But no matter what happens, the modest and timid Pig (Boar) will never ask anyone for help. Moreover, no one would even guess that she had problems. She is used to solving her problems on her own. If the Pig (Boar) is born long before the New Year holidays, then she will avoid the fate of being deceived, but the closer her birthday is to the Chinese New Year, the more likely she is to be “eaten”.

    The third life period will be calm and joyful.

    Stones: topaz

    Plants: acacia, lavender, hazel

    Time of day: 9 to 11 pm

    Season: autumn

    Boar, Pig - the year of the animal according to the eastern calendar: Boar (Pig) born in 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019.

    Year of birth from 02/08/1959 - 01/27/1960 (element of the year - earth, yellow color)
    Year of birth from 01/27/1971 - 02/14/1972 (element of the year - metal, color white)
    Year of birth from 02/13/1983 - 02/01/1984 (element of the year - water, black color)
    Year of birth from 01/31/1995 - 02/18/1996 (element of the year - tree, color blue)
    Year of birth from 02/18/2007 - 02/06/2008 (element of the year - fire, color red)
    Year of birth from 02/05/2019 - 01/24/2020 (element of the year - earth, color yellow)

    Characteristics of the year Boar, Pig

    Boar. Pig- the last sign of the Eastern calendar. The Pig has a chivalrous character. She is gallant, helpful and scrupulous to the extreme. You can safely trust her - she will never betray or deceive you. But it is not difficult to deceive the Pig itself - she is so naive and gullible. She seems defenseless, but she's actually not that weak.

    The Pig has few friends, but she keeps them throughout her life and is capable of great sacrifices for them. She is very attentive to those she loves. Women of this sign love to give gifts and organize small holidays. They are excellent hosts.

    If the Pig sympathizes with someone, he will always make concessions, will not object and argue, even if he is sure that he is right. She does not like litigation, because she knows that because of her honesty and impulsiveness, she will lose to someone who is less scrupulous.

    A pig can choose any profession, as everywhere it will prove to be a conscientious and hardworking worker. Due to his sensitivity, he can succeed in some arts, such as poetry and literature.

    As for the material side, the Pig will always be provided with what she needs for a living wage. She will have a job and money, and for this she will not have to spend much effort. In addition, throughout her life she will receive assistance, thanks to which she will be able to reach the highest financial spheres. Folk wisdom says: "The pig will always be delivered food with an ulterior motive so that it becomes fat and can be eaten on New Year's holidays." That is why the Pig needs to be careful and not trust anyone - at any moment she can be taken advantage of.
    The same situation develops in the Pig in his personal life. She will often be loved, but no less often will she be fooled. She faces a lot of worries and disappointments. The Pig Woman will be a good mother.

    The Pig calmly accepts its failures, and the shortcomings of others - with great patience. The Pig is a good player, but at the same time he keeps an impartial attitude and never shows the spirit of the competition. She always wants to be sure that she is right and is ready to endlessly ask herself questions about how honestly and loyally she acts in this or that case.

    The pig is unusually sincere - to such an extent that it is able to disarm its opponents with this. Lies only in extreme cases and only in self-defense. True, she does it very ineptly: there is not a penny in her cunning. The pig is helpless against hypocrisy, does not know how to justify itself. She always believes what she is told, while she herself always tries to provide evidence for her statements. The pig is very cheerful in society, and often even a little loose. At first it is difficult for her to decide to speak, but when this happens, it is difficult to stop her - she will not shut up until she has exhausted the topic. Like the Monkey, the Pig is drawn to knowledge. Reads a lot, but indiscriminately. She has the appearance of a well-informed person, but in reality this is not entirely true. If you check her knowledge, you can see that they are not as significant as they seem.
    The pig is prone to epicureanism, but under a benevolent appearance it hides will and even authority. She performs any task with all the power she is capable of. This inner strength is so great that no one can resist it. Before making any decision, the Pig weighs all the pros and cons for a long time - so long that it may seem like she is not too decisive. But, when the Pig makes a decision, nothing will stop her. And she hesitates just to avoid complications.

    The first phase of the Pig's life is relatively calm. But in the second, problems may arise in married life. And no one will guess about her experiences. The pig is so modest and timid that it never resorts to outside help, but itself is looking for a way out of any situation. The last stage of her life can be called happy and comfortable. But in many ways, the fate of the Pig depends on such a circumstance: if she was born long before the Chinese New Year, she will avoid trouble, but the closer her date of birth to the holiday, the more likely she is to be “eaten”.

    Boar, Pig and zodiac sign

    Aries: Pig's head, but a heart of gold.
    Taurus Charming pig.
    Gemini: Crazy Pig, will go far if the piglets don't eat.
    Cancer: Pig in gingerbread. Let her be careful not to eat it.
    Leo: Master Pig. Pork is clean.
    Virgo: A piggy bank, never loses its bearings.
    Libra: Double Pig, large reserves for a rainy day, will roll like cheese in butter.
    Scorpio: Severe Pig.
    Sagittarius: Logical Pig.
    Capricorn: Too strict for the Pig.
    Aquarius: Balanced Pig, will succeed.
    Pisces: Pig-perfection, real Pig.

    Years of birth according to the sign Pig (Boar) - 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

    Woman Pig (Boar) - personality trait

    The Year of the Pig (Boar) completes the 12-year eastern cycle, so a woman born this year absorbs both all the advantages and disadvantages inherent in all 12 signs.

    The Pig Woman (Boar) has a very pleasant appearance, complaisant, good-natured character. She will always come to the rescue and becomes a faithful friend, both for women and men.

    A woman born in the year of the Pig (Boar) is loved by everyone because she is helpful, polite, friendly, touching, calm and has a fantastic charm. The Pig Woman (Boar) often resembles a child with her behavior, because she knows how to enjoy everything around, is cheerful and cheerful, has a positive attitude towards each person individually and to the world as a whole. Her friendliness attracts people, and if you become her friend or friend, then you can count on her support all your life.

    The Pig Woman (Boar) is the most honest and scrupulous of all the representatives of the eastern horoscope. She has some, as it seems to many, outdated outlook on life. She professes altruism, tolerance, patience, forgiveness, is quite optimistic and believes in the original virtue of each person, in humanity, kindness and spiritual kinship of each person.

    She is not afraid of difficult problems and takes on a lot. If she does something, then she puts all her strength into it and fulfills her duty one hundred percent - both to the team and to the family. The Pig Woman (Boar) is gullible and does not know how to be cunning.

    She always believes what she hears, so hypocritical and dodgy people often use her gullibility and naivety. Also a woman born in, abuse and disputes. She always tries to smooth out sharp corners in a relationship and gives in, even if she believes that the interlocutor is wrong.

    But it is worth remembering that an outwardly peaceful and calm female Pig (Boar) can go ahead if she or her loved ones are hurt. If necessary, the female Pig (Boar) will dig a hole for any enemy, into which he will safely fall. In this regard, this woman can act with such power that is not characteristic of any sign of the eastern horoscope. True, if a person admits his mistake, then the female Pig (Boar) will easily forgive him.

    In general, she is not vindictive, never holds a grudge, and her trust is easy to restore. In her soul there is a lot of sympathy and understanding of human weaknesses. She is ready to justify everyone and gladly helps others, even when, in an objective opinion, this person does not deserve such an attitude towards herself. These are very tolerant women, and you can be sure that they will never condemn anyone or point fingers contemptuously.

    The Pig Woman (Boar) really likes to help others, but when she has problems, she can show character and refuse help. It will take time for her to learn how to share her troubles.

    In life, the female Pig (Boar) is used to trusting her intuition, and she has more mystical thinking than rational and rational. She loves to learn, constantly reads and absorbs new knowledge like a sponge. True, her knowledge is not systematic and superficial.

    The Pig Woman (Boar) is very sensitive and loves to enjoy life. In her gullibility, she can easily be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Therefore, she should avoid communicating with "bad" companies. She can easily become addicted to alcohol or drugs, and then her personality will manifest itself in the most unattractive form. She will become uncultured, will take liberties and lead a depraved lifestyle.

    Fortunately, most women born in the year of the Pig (Boar) are attracted to good company, but not to shine like the Rooster woman or the Dog woman, but to bask and enjoy the brilliance of others.

    If you look at it as a whole, then the eastern horoscope says that a woman born in the year of the Pig (Boar) will have a rather easy life. She always and in everything is lucky, of course, largely due to her optimistic outlook on life.

    Woman of the Year of the Pig (Boar) - love and family

    A woman born in the year of the Pig (Boar) is distinguished by a soft, complaisant character, pleasant appearance and good nature. We can safely say that the female Pig (Boar) is one of the best candidates for a wife for most men. She does not like to argue and unquestioningly recognizes the authority of her husband.

    And closed. She hides her true feelings and prefers to remain passive until she is sure that the man loves her too. In love, the female Pig (Boar) does not know how to dissemble, use cunning, but she knows how to talk with a partner. For her, there are no vicious relationships, and love is something ideal. This is a romantic who needs to be looked after, pampered.

    Most women born in the year of the Pig (Boar) tend to idealism in feelings and romance in thoughts. They try to perceive only the joy of contacts, sensual pleasures and the positive aspects of life. Therefore, when problems arise and their castle in the air collapses, the female Pig (Boar) may despair and become depressed for a while.

    This woman is pure, compassionate and generous, so she is an excellent target for less noble people. Her close friends are aware of this and anticipate her disappointments but cannot prevent them. Decision making, including in the area of ​​relationships, is not her forte, because she often hesitates too long, has great doubts that she made a good choice. At the same time, she never cancels her word, and it is impossible to convince her, therefore it is better to abandon this idea right away.

    For a woman born under the sign of the Pig (Boar), love is associated, first of all, with marriage, she is interested in a long relationship, which, like in romantic films, must certainly end with a joint trip to the altar.

    The Pig Woman (Boar) is a wonderful hostess. For her, the house is her quiet haven, where you can create harmony, warmth and comfort. She is a homebody for whom family and home are the most important values ​​in life.

    In a man, a woman born in the year of the Pig (Boar) appreciates, above all, reliability, devotion, security and a sense of humor. Gloomy, peevish and greedy men can never win her heart. Looking at a man, a female Pig (Boar) always subconsciously looks to see if he is suitable for the role of a father for her future children. Therefore, men who even hide the fact that children annoy them and they are not going to start them yet are deprived of a chance for reciprocity.

    If a man can win her heart, which, according to the eastern horoscope, always takes time, then the female Pig (Boar) will be his ally in the most difficult moments of life until the very end. She is perhaps the only one who in fact, and not in words, can sincerely help and be friends even with former lovers.

    The Pig Woman (Boar) does not like not only disputes, but also competition. If she feels that someone else is “hunting” for her chosen one, then she will simply leave the battlefield. Naturally, this is not always good, because in this way she may miss a good chance for happiness in her personal life.

    A woman born in the year of the Pig (Boar) has an incredible supply of patience, she has a large supply of good nature, compassion, and it is difficult to piss her off. For the sake of the family and children, she is ready to do anything, even self-sacrifice. She will adapt to any situation, will be able to give in everywhere and will make any compromises.

    For an absolutely happy life, the female Pig (Boar) needs land and the opportunity to work on it. Without communication with wildlife, it will quickly wither away. This woman loves flowers, and can grow a magnificent crop in the most infertile soil. And this is only her inherent dignity.

    The Pig Woman (Boar) tends to idealize everything, she lives in her reality, and sings of the joy of life and feelings. Therefore, she is a very tender lover and a delightful wife. It's very easy to make her happy. And if there is a need to make a gift, then she will be delighted with the smallest trinket. Most important for her is attention and knowing that she is remembered. Especially the female Pig (Boar) will be happy if she is invited for a country walk or a picnic.

    By the way, advice for men who are afraid to start relationships with women: chat with a female Pig (Boar) for therapeutic purposes (just don't deceive her). This is a beautiful, always smiling and cheerful woman with whom you can have a great free time.

    Her innate goodwill, "correctness", as well as her tolerant attitude towards the mistakes of others, have a calming effect on everyone.

    Horoscope of a woman Pig (Boar) - career

    Behind the plausible and calm appearance of the female Pig (Boar), there is an inner strength that will certainly affect the professional sphere. A woman born in the year of the Pig (Boar) often occupies leadership positions, but she lacks the will, ambition and determination to become a true leader or make a dizzying career.

    She cannot compromise with her conscience, she is alien to dexterity, cunning and self-promotion. But if her career does not require transactions with her conscience, then she very quickly and at minimal cost achieves major successes in her professional activities.

    The female Pig (Boar) strives for the goal in a noble way. As a rule, she is unsophisticated and recognizes only direct paths in life. If she makes a decision, then nothing will stop her, but at first he weighs all the pros and cons for a long time. She is well aware that well-being can only be achieved through tireless work. She always knows what he wants, and since she wants only the possible, she gets it in full.

    In the role of the boss, the female Pig (Boar) is active and energetic, and, unlike most bosses, is very accessible to her subordinates and even herself is interested in their opinion on any issue. Having rolled up her sleeves, she will always work on an equal footing with everyone. Such a person forgives a lot to his subordinates, but expects the same tolerance from them, to her miscalculations and shortcomings.

    She is generous and decisive, does not keep her subordinates in constant fear, like a Dragon boss, and does not manipulate them like Monkeys. The Boar-Pig (Boar), on the contrary, is trying to create a friendly, relaxed atmosphere in the office.

    The Pig Woman (Boar) is not afraid of difficult problems, and takes on a lot. If she does something, she puts all her strength, energy, warmth into it. True, it is worth noting that the Pig (Boar) is lazy and inert by nature, therefore, for the most part, education plays a role here. If a female Pig (Boar) was taught from childhood to work and not give in to difficulties, then professionally it will be easier for her.

    According to the eastern horoscope, the female Pig (Boar) most often prefers to do the same thing. And whatever she does, she will be able to achieve success everywhere thanks to her ability to process information, phenomenal memory, unique intuition, observation and an outstanding mind.

    In addition, he has good taste, so she can succeed in those areas of activity where fantasy and imagination are required. If she wants, she can even make crosswords professionally, which she solves with pleasure in her leisure hours.

    The Pig Woman (Boar) loves to eat well, so she can become an excellent chef and restaurant owner. Also, very suitable professions for a female Pig (Boar) are a doctor, scientist, architect, filmmaker, writer, poet, singer.

    The female Pig (Boar) has a subtle, kind soul. She is helpful and scrupulous to the extreme. You can safely do business with her, because she will never deceive her partners. In general, both the partner and the female Pig (Boar) employee are of great value to any company and never suffer from a lack of work.

    In general, we can say that the female Pig (Boar) was created not for a career, but for a family. She has typical feminine virtues, including sensitivity, sacrifice, thriftiness, the happiness of motherhood and love of children.

    She would be very happy to do only household chores, take care of the garden, take care of her husband and children, be able to lean against a strong male shoulder. Then she will forget about work, and will enjoy a quiet life in her quiet family haven.

    people born in the year Boar, calm and peaceful. They are not afraid of anyone, they see life without embellishment and accept the world as it is in reality. "Boar" hates quarrels and conflicts, especially squabbles, and tries with all his might to avoid participating in such events.

    “Boars” enjoy giving people joy, making them happy. Friends and relatives of the "boar" can be counted on the fingers, it is difficult for him to get along with people, in this he is hindered by excessive scrupulousness. He is very strict with himself and others, and finds it difficult to find companions.

    As a rule, “boars” are laconic, do not like risk, do not use cunning and do not sink to deceit, but they easily fall prey to scammers. It is not difficult to pity them and force them to act on the spur of the moment. The most terrible word for “boars” is “judgment”. They hate litigation and proceedings, preferring to give in immediately if the prospect of a lawsuit and the associated bureaucratic red tape looms ahead.

    People born in the year of the Boar are often considered slow because they take a very long time to make decisions. Having made a decision, the "boar" begins to act, and act quickly. "Boar" tries not to interfere in the lives of his friends and relatives, but he will definitely help if he is asked about it. With money, the “boar” has very good, one might say, sincere, relations.

    Born in the year of the Boar, Pig:

    Marcel Marceau (03/22/1923), Mark Bernes (09/21/1911), Alain Delon (11/08/1935), Oleg Tabakov (08/17/1935), Rasul Gamzatov (09/08/1923), Ernest Hemingway (07/21/1899), Dalai Lama (07/06/1935), Mohammed Najibulla (08/06/1947), Todor Zhivkov (09/07/1911), Ronald Reagan (02/06/1911), Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya (09/13/1923), Vanga (01/31/1911).