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  • Making flower beds around the house. Oasis in front of the house: photos and flower garden design ideas

    Making flower beds around the house.  Oasis in front of the house: photos and flower garden design ideas

    To break a flower bed of perennials in the country, you do not need to get a higher education or be a certified specialist in landscape design.

    What to plant - onions or perennial flowers?

    Not everything in the garden should be for the stomach, you need to leave room for "beauty" - just for the soul. A flowerbed of continuous flowering of perennials is easy to decorate even the most nondescript area, giving it a unique charm. Roses, geraniums, carnations, poppies and asters will grow season after season in the same place, without requiring special attention.

    The question that every novice gardener should understand is the choice of plants for a perennial flower garden. From practical experience, the first flower bed should be made small and planted with unpretentious flowers that grow well under the bright sun.

    A flower bed is a bright element of the garden, so it makes no sense to break it in the far corner of the site or hide it under the shade of trees. The best solution for creating a perennial flower bed will be a place that is clearly visible from all sides.

    Multi-level flower beds (with tall exhibits in the background and short ones in the front) are usually placed near the walls of a house, fence or hedge. Whereas in the center of the site, a constantly flowering flower bed of perennials can either form all kinds of combinations of plants, or be decorated with only one species.

    Flowerbed of perennials for beginners

    Flower garden-puzzle of the most popular flowers - assemble it yourself!

    • Tall representatives of the flora for the center of the composition:

    Roses, astilbe, lilies, asters, clarikia, peonies, black cohosh, Hassler's cleoma, delphinium, ornamental onions, phloxes, gelenium, Ruselovsky's gooseberry, multi-leaved lupine, clematis, hosta, hydrangea, rudbeckia, liatris spiky, poppy, meadow bells, columnar ratibida , echinacea, daylily and many others.

    • Medium-sized perennials for a modest addition:

    Tulips, anemone, irises, fragrant rue, dyeing navel, aquilegia, beautiful small-flowered, mountain cornflower, hybrid catnip, magnificent dicentra, oak sage, gravel, yarrow ptarmica, geyhera, bergenia, narrow-leaved lavender, primrose, fern, quadrangular primrose, etc.

    • Ground cover plants for edging flower beds and filling gaps:

    Byzantine chistets, acena, small periwinkle, creeping tenacious, Renard's geranium, obrieta, Carpathian bell, carnation-grass, lobularia, spring umbilical, waldsteinia, lungwort, small periwinkle, veronica and others.

    Tall soloists are recommended to be planted separately, but it is better to plant small flowers in groups, several copies at once. At the same time, in a flower bed viewed from different angles, higher individuals should be planted closer to the center, and low ones along the edges.

    Advice. So that bald spots do not gape in the flower bed and weeds do not grow, plant the plants as close to each other as possible, but not too crowded.

    Do you want to achieve continuous flowering? Learn about the features of each flower, write down the flowering time on a piece of paper and make your own combination scheme of a beautiful club of perennials, in which some plants will bloom in early spring, others in the middle of summer, and still others will bloom until late autumn.

    Of course, to think over the ideal design of a luxurious flower garden is a special task. But, fortunately, there are proven schemes for perennial flower beds.

    Perennial flower beds - the best planting patterns

    Several options for the location of plants in flower beds - schematic symbols with the names of perennials.

    Scheme No. 1 "The most uncomplicated"

    In this simple and attractive composition of long flowering, such unpretentious perennials were used as:

    1. panicled pink or purple phlox. The best time for planting is September or mid-March, grows well in well-drained, sandy soil, blooms from mid-July to autumn;
    2. pink astilba. Flowering of different varieties lasts, as a rule, from the end of June to mid-August, the plant is responsive to regular feeding and loosening;
    3. purple-silvery daylily. The plants are planted in the spring in a rich in organic matter and well-drained, loose loam with an optimal acidity of 6-6.5 pH;
    4. geyhera with leaves of silver gray and lavender shade. Prefers light soils without stagnant water, blooms from May to July;
    5. geranium splendid. It blooms luxuriantly from mid-summer to the end of the season, forming a lush bush with light purple flowers).

    Scheme No. 2 "An example of a flower bed of perennials that bloom in the first year"

    1. stock-rose "Pleniflora" with dense double corollas of yellow, salmon-pink and red-purple flowers (“Pleniflora” is not a rose, but a giant mallow that blooms profusely in sunny and moist areas of the garden from mid-summer to the first cold weather);
    2. ten-petalled sunflower(a very valuable variety that blooms from mid-August to mid-October, grows well and has healing properties);
    3. Icelandic poppy(Ideal for an ever-flowering perennial bed due to continuous flowering from May until autumn);
    4. Hypericum "Hidcote"("An odorless" species of St. John's wort pleases with yellow inflorescences in a flower bed from June to September);
    5. lobelia cardinalis(a plant with a beautiful leaf plate, blood-red flowers adorn from July to October);
    6. catnip "Nepeta faassenii"(blooms for a long time with lavender-like flowers, starting in May);
    7. bluebell "Campanula poscharskyana"(the crystal ringing of these delicate and fragile lilac-blue flowers can be heard from June to September);
    8. katananche "Blue Cupid"(inflorescences-baskets of a muted sky shade can be observed all summer long);
    9. perennial gravel(in the composition of a long-flowering flower bed, the herbaceous plant of the Feuerbal variety does not solo, but rather complements the flower garden from May to July);
    10. sedum "Matrona"(strong bush with beautiful flowers remains decorative until the first snowfall);
    11. Heuchera "Miracle"(a spectacular bush with an unusual shade of foliage is decorated with pink flowers from June to mid-summer).

    Scheme No. 3 "Pink-purple beautiful flower bed"

    1. mountaineer changeable with bluish-green delicate leaves, this large perennial shrub blooms with a "white cloud" in late June and remains in bloom until the end of summer;
    2. monarda hybrid creates a romantic mood in the country when, during flowering, its pink flowers begin to exude a divine aroma;
    3. astrantia "Claret", its small, numerous flowers-umbrellas of rich red-wine color, blooming in mid-summer, look luxurious against the background of dark purple leaves;
    4. Bergenia(saxifrage tolstolitsnaya) pleases the eye from May to July with paniculate-thyroid inflorescences on long pedicels .;
    5. Phlox "Dragon" with its smoky silver-violet petals, it looks especially attractive in the composition of a sunny flower bed;
    6. Heuchera "Obsidian" hybrid with dark purple-violet, almost black leaves blooms in June;
    7. geranium "Compactum" grows very luxuriantly, adding blood-red tones to the flower garden;
    8. Sedum telephium or hare cabbage, varieties "Matrona" blooms in mid-summer with pale pink inflorescences;
    9. bell "Loddon Anna" with pale purple broad-pyramidal inflorescences fill the garden with a delicate aroma from July to September.

    The material was prepared for the site

    Creating a flower bed from perennials: land preparation and planting

    Having decided on the ingredients for the flower bed, it's time to start preparing the soil for the flower garden. This is the most uncreative and time-consuming business in creating a perennial flower bed. But, at the same time, the most necessary thing, because well-prepared land is the foundation of a future flower bed.

    You need to prepare the ground after you draw a sketch of the future flower garden. It is necessary to choose plants not only according to the timing of flowering, but also according to their similar requirements for light, moisture and soil - this will greatly facilitate the care of the flower bed. (For example, in the shade and semi-shady areas in dry areas with fertile and loose soil, they grow well: geyher and Goryanka, lilies of the valley and cuffs, primroses and phloxes, irises and geraniums, periwinkles and anemones).

    How to make a beautiful flower bed of perennials?

    Start by removing the old sod with a shovel. Remove all weeds with roots and reanimate the soil by diluting clay soil with sand, and light soil with clay soil or concrete. Then add compost (this will make the soil more fertile) and loosen the soil as deep as possible with a pitchfork, mixing clay, sand and compost. Add the necessary fertilizers and start planting seedlings.

    Please note that in a flower bed of any scheme, approximately 1 sq. M is planted:

    • 10 pieces of ground cover plants;
    • 7 pieces undersized;
    • 5 pieces of medium height;
    • and 1-3 tall plants.

    Now you know how to arrange a flower bed of perennials.

    Flowerbeds of classical forms are less and less common in landscape design. In the landscape gardens of our days, island flower beds with plant species that are asymmetrical in height and planting, arranged on lawns and lawns, are more appropriate. No less popular are multi-level vertical plantings. Raised flower beds planted in flower beds of original forms, mini-flower beds in old stumps and cascades of rectangular stands bordered by broken bricks also look interesting.

    Tip: If possible, the shape of the flower bed should be combined with the shape of the nearest building, such as a gazebo or porch.

    Round flower bed of perennials

    If we talk about the simplest method of flower decoration of the site, then this is, of course, a round flower bed of perennials, which is very easy to do with your own hands. It is very important to choose the right size. Since on a large area a small flower garden will look ridiculous, and a flower bed that is too voluminous within a limited space will be poorly visible.

    Important! When decorating a garden with a perennial flower bed (for a harmonious combination of all elements), be sure to take into account the surrounding situation.

    The place for the flower bed should be cleared of weeds, debris and stones. Break large clods of earth, dig the earth and level it with a rake.

    To accurately draw a circle, you need to take a peg, drive it into the center of the future flower bed and tie a rope to it, at the other end of which there will be a peg. They need to draw the correct circle of the required size.

    The scheme of a round flower bed of perennials and annuals do it yourself

    with large white flowers, compactly collected in inflorescences;

    , often used to decorate borders;

    with characteristically narrow, linearly elongated leaves, which, intertwined, form a continuous bright green carpet;

    4. (Viola) pansies, specifically the variety "V. t. Maxima "- tricolor violet, blooming all summer;

    - an unpretentious plant that blooms in spring with yellow fragrant flowers;

    Making a flower garden in front of a country house with your own hands is a simple task, if you approach the matter correctly. Fragrant flowers, planted with taste, will transform the appearance of the garden and make it more comfortable. Having shown imagination, you can make a unique flower garden on your site.

    Fundamentals of landscape design

    Landscape design can be studied at higher educational institutions or master the skills of decorating a garden on your own. To create a unique atmosphere on the site, you must consider a few general rules:

    • Choose a style for the flower garden: rustic, romantic, Japanese, Mediterranean;
    • Inspect the garden plot, determine the type of soil;
    • Consider zones. On the plan, mark out a recreation area, a flower corner, architectural forms for the site;
    • Mark out backyard paths. They should be comfortable in terms of movement;
    • Determining the color scheme of the garden. Selection of the building form and color of the material, tracks;
    • Selection of flowers and trees for the garden. The choice of plant variety should be made taking into account the climatic features of the area, the type of soil.

    Flower garden in front of the house

    There are many directions in landscape design. Making a decorative courtyard flower garden is considered the most popular. A flower bed in front of the house, tastefully decorated, changes the look of the entire garden plot, makes the area lively, gives it a complete look.

    • The size of the bushes;
    • flowering periods;
    • Compatibility of plants with each other;
    • Flower requirements for soil type, lighting, watering;
    • The combination of the general style of the garden with a flower bed.

    A flower bed can be made in any geometric shape (round, oval, square or rectangular) or divided into several compatible parts.

    Interesting. Choosing vegetation for the garden, you can choose varieties so that there will be an effect of constant flowering of plants.

    How to plan a flower garden in front of the house

    When planning to plant a flower bed in front of the house, it is important to choose plants that are suitable for the climatic conditions of the region. It is desirable to take into account the characteristics of the soil. Depleted land can be fertilized using special mineral fertilizers or organic fertilizers.

    Rules for compiling a flower garden:

    • Draw up a design project (diagram) on paper indicating the size, shape of the flower bed and indicate the color scheme;
    • For beginner gardeners, it is better to choose perennial, low-maintenance plants. A rose is a beautiful flower, but requires special care when growing, so less demanding plants are suitable for inexperienced growers to start with;
    • It is desirable to decorate a flower bed with spring, summer and autumn flowers. So it will be bright and beautiful for a long time;
    • To avoid excessive variegation and tastelessly decorated flower beds, you need to select several shades of flowers, combining bright colors with bed tones.

    An oval or round flower bed with a total area of ​​​​1 * 1.5 m will harmoniously look next to the house. A selection of colors and sizes of flowers depends on preferences. Options for placing flowers in the flower bed in front of the house:

    • The central circle is sage, Siberian iris, fassen, catnip;
    • Middle circle - tulips, daffodils;
    • The third circle - blueberries, crocuses, muscari.

    Flowers look spectacular if you plant low plants from the edge, choose higher ones towards the center.

    A flower bed in the yard transforms the appearance of the garden and fills it with various aromas. There are flowers that reveal their fragrance in the evening, after sunset. Color options: daylily, peonies, fragrant violet, panicled phlox.

    Option for organizing a flower bed

    You can organize a flower bed by choosing a simple and sophisticated style. On the periphery, plant lavender with a delightful soothing aroma, place a spectacular yellow echinacea in the center.

    On a note. When choosing flowers to form a flower bed, you must be guided by the basic rule: tall flowers are planted in the center or in the background.

    Flowerbed near a fence or a house

    If the place of the flower bed will be located near the wall of the house or near the fence, then it is necessary to determine the degree of illumination:

    • There are a lot of varieties of plants that grow well in partial shade, but it is more difficult to choose shade-loving flowers;
    • Since the soil in the shade can be wet for a long time, this point must be taken into account when planting flowers;
    • Perennial plants that grow in partial shade: ferns, lilies, sedge, hosts, crows, arizema, Rogersia, Goryanka, martagons.

    Arrangement option:

    • Plant a garden jasmine near the fence or wall of the house. The plant is tall enough and feels comfortable in the shade;
    • Against the background of jasmine, digitalis (digitalis) look good. They belong to perennial herbaceous plants, the inflorescence is in the form of a brush, reaches a height of 85 cm. The color of the inflorescences depends on the variety, it can be purple, red, white, yellow. Flowering period 1 month - June;
    • After digitalis, lupins can be planted in a circle;
    • In the foreground, for planting a flower bed near the house, you can choose a badan and a cuff. The cuff blooms throughout the summer, decorating the courtyard.

    On a note. To decorate the garden on the shady side of the site, you can use the design of a flower bed in the courtyard of coniferous trees. To create a composition, fir, ornamental spruce, juniper, arborvitae, Canadian hemlock are suitable. Nearby you can plant bushes that do not need the sun: elderberry, derain.

    Making a flower garden with your own hands

    With your own hands, you can arrange a beautiful flower garden near the house in the village or on the site of a multi-storey building. You need to connect your imagination, know how to plant flowers correctly, what mistakes there are when decorating a garden.

    DIY flower garden

    You can use improvised materials, old items that are in the household, or visit garden stores that sell interesting things to decorate the garden.

    • In the courtyard of a private house, a flower garden must be planned and see the end result. So it is easier to choose the necessary varieties of flowers, determine the color scheme and decor elements;
    • Most flowers grow well in full sun. If the flower garden is on the north side, then the flowers may growl towards the sun. Therefore, for such a flower bed it is better to use perennials (iris, marigolds, zinnias, delphinium);
    • It is undesirable to plant flowers close to each other. As they grow, they will fill the empty space and interfere with each other. If necessary, the flower garden must be thinned out;
    • Choice of colors by height. Usually all characteristics are indicated on the package with flowers. Plants are planted, starting from the highest from the center, then lower-growing flowers are placed;
    • Withered flowers should be pruned in a timely manner. Dry leaves will spoil the whole picture. In addition, this will achieve a few more flowering plants;
    • In one flower bed it is necessary to plant different varieties of flowers by type, color, size, but it is desirable that the requirements for cultivation be similar;
    • Pay attention to the time of flowering. You can arrange flowers that bloom during the day and in the evening.

    On a note. Bulbous flowers are among the first to bloom. The main peak of flowering of many flowers falls on June-beginning of July.

    Flowers in open ground can be planted with seeds, bulbs or ready-made seedlings.

    After the flower garden is planted, it needs to be given an aesthetic appearance. To do this, you can use pots from indoor flowers, large and small pebbles, old tires, logs, glass and plastic bottles, bricks. So you can create a flower garden in several tiers and it is interesting to protect it with a homemade fence.

    Ideas for a flower bed with your own hands from improvised means near the house:

    • Making a flower bed from car tires. The easiest option is to clean the tires well, paint them in the desired colors, pour soil and plant flowers there. Tires can be laid out in the form of a circle or make a multi-tiered flower bed. From the tires you can cut out different shapes that will give originality to the flower garden in the country;
    • Pots. Planting flowers in pots allows you to place them at will and rearrange them if necessary. Flower beds in vases and pots are gaining popularity because they are easy to care for and there are many options for flower garden layout. Small pots will become an original decoration of the front porch of a village house;
    • Wooden logs, boards, hemp. A flower bed carved from a tree or a stump looks very harmonious in the garden. If there are small wooden bars, then they will make a beautiful fence for a flower bed;
    • Plastic and glass bottles are well suited for fencing a flower garden. From plastic bottles you can make a hanging flower garden. To do this, they are cut off, soil is poured into them, flowers are planted and hung on a gazebo, fences;
    • Stones, bricks. You can decorate the flower garden with ordinary stones (slate, granite, cobblestones). Of these, lay out different options for fences or a base for a flower bed.

    Flower garden with stone fence

    A small flower garden can be arranged in the apartment. To do this, you need to pick up pots, home flowers, decorative materials and compose a composition. You can place it on the balcony, on the window, on the site near the entrance.

    On a note. When using wooden objects in creating a flower garden, it is recommended to cover them with moisture-resistant agents for durability.

    For beginner gardeners who want to tastefully decorate their site, it is useful to learn the nuances, which will help to achieve the desired result and avoid many problems:

    • Moderate watering. It is not necessary to fill the flower beds with water. Plants need oxygen in addition to moisture. Highly moist soil prevents air from penetrating into the ground. Plants can die from excessive moisture;
    • Winter calm. With the onset of winter, plants do not need watering or top dressing. At this time, the flower bed is not recommended to be touched;
    • Humidity. On hot days, flowers need to be moistened. Watering and spraying are done in the morning or evening hours, when the sun's rays are the least active;
    • Compliance with growth requirements. Flowers are divided into light-loving, shade-loving and those that grow equally well in any light conditions. This must be taken into account when choosing a place to place a flower garden and when buying flowers;
    • Fight against diseases and pests. In order for the flower garden to decorate the garden throughout the season, it is important to regularly inspect the plants for diseases and pests. If diseased flowers are found, immediately start the fight, since at the initial stage it is easier to do. With the spread of the disease, the flower garden may die completely;
    • Planting plants in groups according to care requirements. If you choose flowers that are similar in content, then it will be easier to care for them. This technique facilitates the work of the gardener;
    • Top dressing. For flower beds, perennials are most often chosen. Over time, the soil is depleted, the flowers cease to bloom magnificently. The problem can be solved by choosing mineral and organic fertilizers, if they are applied according to the recommendations;
    • Garden tools. It is necessary to care for flowers and carry out land work with the help of special garden tools. Beginners will need to purchase: a watering can, spatula, spoons and forks for loosening the soil, trellises, props, ropes, sprayers, fertilizers, special soil;
    • Care. Any flower requires some care, so you need to provide an approach to each type of plant in the flower bed.

    The basic rules and recommendations will help to properly equip a flower garden in front of a private or apartment building, even if it is not a specialist designer who takes up the work, but a novice florist. Lush bright flowers will become the main decoration of the site and will attract attention.

    Initially, flower beds were created not for aesthetic pleasure, but for medicinal purposes. At pharmacies and hospitals, flower beds were grown with medicinal plants, as well as vegetables. And only in the 50s of the XX century, carpet beds became fashionable, which required great effort to maintain their own beauty.

    Today, beautiful flower beds are made not only from annual plants, but also from perennials. How to grow such a flower bed with your own hands so that it pleases with its beauty for more than one year?


    A flower garden of perennials is often called a flower bed of continuous flowering, because from early spring to the very snow it pleases with its colors. And for professional gardeners, the flower bed blooms in winter. And this is a clear advantage compared to annual flower plants.

    There are other positive characteristics and features:

    • The main thing is durability. In a few years, each plant will grow in such a way that old bushes can be completely painlessly removed and a new shoot will grow in their place next year.
    • Ease of care: before planting, the soil is well fertilized and baking powder (expanded clay, sand) is applied, after planting the plants are watered in a timely manner and weeds are removed.
    • Financial costs - about 1 thousand rubles per flower bed for several years to come. While seeds or seedlings of annual plants have to be bought annually.
    • Perennials are considered gentle - they do not deplete the earth and do not require regular feeding.
    • Such plants are unpretentious - some of them will grow in the sun, another is suitable for partial shade, the third is for shade, and the fourth will quietly grow with any amount of sun.
    • To create such a flower bed, there is no need to invite a landscape designer every year.

    Even if the flower garden was originally created with its help, then next year the flower bed only needs to be slightly updated. And this can be done with your own hands.

    How to do?

    To break a flower bed that will delight for several years, you need to think about the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba flower garden before the start of the season. To bring it to life, do not be shy to ask for help from experts or neighbors. The next step in implementing the idea is to create a plan.

    It may consist of several items:

    • Come up with a name according to the idea.
    • Choose a place for a flower garden.
    • Consider its shape.
    • Present a figurative layout.
    • Create a planting scheme (it is better if it is colored, voluminous, very detailed, drawn from several angles, indicating the time of flowering of plants), taking into account light and shadow.

    • Select plants in such a way that the flower bed blooms continuously and includes undersized plants and flowers with a long stem.
    • Pay attention to the soil: apply fertilizer and baking powder.
    • Make a frame for a flower garden: live or artificial.
    • Carry out pre-planting work: loosening and watering.
    • Plant flowers, not forgetting that they will grow over time (which means that now they need to be planted at a considerable distance from each other).
    • Regularly take pictures of your flower garden to avoid mistakes when decorating other flower beds, as well as to preserve this beauty in memory.

    When selecting plants, you need to remember that for one square meter they use:

    • about 10 ground cover flowers;
    • no more than 7 undersized;
    • plants of medium height - 5;
    • plants on a high leg - no more than 7.


    According to the planting density, several types of flower beds are distinguished:

    • Tapeworms- a lonely planted plant (flower or bush) with large flowers, large leaves; they must be clearly visible; more often it is roses, mallow, amorphous.
    • Rabatki- narrow flower strips stretching along the fence, house walls, paths; to give beauty, 2-3 types of plants of different heights and colors are planted.
    • borders- this is a kind of flower edging of a flower bed; borders are always undersized and one-color, while the color is selected contrasting with respect to the flower bed; in addition, you can choose plants with a strong aroma that will be fragrant on summer evenings in the garden.
    • Partners- flower beds that need space, as they include several elements: a lawn, a discount, a border.

    • Mixborders popular with non-professional gardeners, as plants of various flowering periods and colors are planted in them; such a flower bed blooms from early spring until frost.
    • Arrays because they are called that because they occupy a large area; this includes plants that do not require close attention to themselves, and this attracts amateur gardeners.
    • Groups- flower beds of any, usually smooth shape; their main difference is the bright spots in the middle of the lawn or playground.
    • Arabesque are made with the help of colored stones and pebbles, the location is horizontal and inclined.
    • Vases, for example, gabion - a mesh used as a metal frame-basket for stones.
    • Rockery or rock garden- imitation of mountainous relief.


    No matter how wonderful the flowers themselves are, they need to be beautifully decorated. After all, flower beds can be very diverse. And if professionals use special devices and structures, then amateurs use improvised material for this: pieces of brick, tires, old basins and watering cans, old shoes, boxes, dishes, cobblestones, pieces of metal, canvas.

    Roofing material, polyethylene, cement mortar may also be useful. The main thing is soil, sand, expanded clay.


    Before choosing a place for a flower garden, you need to consider the following points:

    • whether he will interfere with the passage;
    • whether it will be well seen;
    • Will he have enough sunlight?
    • what form is most suitable for the selected plants;
    • what function should the flower garden perform;
    • when the peak of flowering will be observed.

    Based on this, and also, depending on the available space, the following places for flower beds are chosen:

    • along the track or at the end of it;
    • along the fence
    • in front of the house against the backdrop of buildings;
    • on the border of two functional areas, for example, a recreation area and a garden;
    • on an artificial or natural slope;
    • on the stairs;
    • on lawns;
    • in the case of vertical or raised beds, the places can be very different.


    The flower arrangement in its size should be strictly proportional to the area of ​​​​the site: a small area - a small flower bed, a large area - a large flower garden or several flower beds.

    Flowerbeds can be of completely different sizes: from 0.75 m (soliters) to 20 m in diameter for arrays. But usually round flower beds have a diameter of 4-6 m. Works can be several hundred meters long. According to technology, the soil is always made convex, the slope is 5-10 degrees. This is done to drain water and better view the flowers.

    The height of plants is 50-80 cm. But this is the case if shrubs are not used. When using, for example, an evergreen thuja as the main plant of a flower garden, the height will be much greater. Border flowers rise 8-10 cm above the lawn.


    At the idea stage, you need to think carefully about the color scheme that you would like to see in the flower bed. The color combination can be the most diverse.

    The principle of creation is the following:

    • Monochrome flower bed - one shade, but different plant heights; a white flower bed enjoys special chic - it looks very gentle, both vertical and tapeworm.
    • Contrast allows a color explosion.
    • From plants of similar shades - a smooth transition, for example, from red to yellow or from lilac to pink.
    • Neutral colors are soothing to the eye, such as green rose bushes with white flowers.

    Flower beds are planted for visual relaxation or emotional outburst.

    Psychologists, together with florists, offer tips on placing and combining flowers in a flower bed:

    • for peace of mind, you need to choose either warm or cold colors; for an emotional explosion - contrasting colors;
    • smooth plant leaves reflect color, matte absorb;
    • for visual enlargement, flower beds minimize the number of colors and their contrast;
    • in order to visually enlarge the flower garden located along the fence or building, tall blue flowers are planted in the background, and undersized yellow ones in the front;

    • bright colors in the foreground, which means that in the background they are calm;
    • several flower beds combined into one flower garden should be formed as follows: the background is calm, bright colors - in small groups;
    • in a large area, it is allowed to create one flower bed with bright plants;
    • if there is a bright alpha plant in the flower bed, then the rest of the flowers should be its pale shadow;
    • before planting, it is better to draw in color the area that this or that color will occupy: a small red spot among the blue flowers is appropriate, a large one is annoying;
    • a rural resident prefers bright colors, an urban one prefers pastel shades: you need to take into account the location of the flower garden, not only its urbanization, but also the climatic zone.


    Since perennials will grow in the same place for several years, it is necessary to carefully consider the shape of the flower garden. At the same time, it should be in harmony with nearby structures: a house, a gazebo, a path, a fence.

    Modern design is increasingly moving away from the usual forms, however, everything is based on them:

    • a round or oval flower bed can accommodate tree species or shrubs in the center, and herbaceous plants around the circumference; flowers are planted in such a way as to create continuous flowering from the edge of the circle to the center;
    • a rectangular flower bed is decorated with a pattern and ornament from the plants themselves;
    • a square or rhombus is suitable for bright portrait paintings, animal drawings, etc .;
    • the use of triangular flower beds requires certain skills: individual triangles look harmoniously on a site of clear geometry, in other cases, a triangular flower bed should become part of a polygonal flower garden;
    • long flower beds - rabatki may or may not be symmetrical, but they are located along the paths or parallel to them.

    Flowerbed design

    There are many design options for decorating flower beds. You can always come up with your own version. But first, we offer to get acquainted with the existing flowerbed designs.

    So, according to the design idea, a flower bed happens:

    • Regular- This is a flower garden, which is a clear geometric shapes or ornament. Such a flower bed is very similar to the carpet, but it differs precisely in the geometric pattern.

    When creating such a flower garden, the following conditions must be considered:

    1. plants should not be in the shade at all;
    2. they need to be planted not singly, but rather densely;
    3. for such a flower bed, not an orderly, but a group method of planting is better suited;
    4. flowers must be of the same height, time and period of flowering;
    5. after planting, several plants should remain in case of replacement of wilted flowers;
    6. such flower beds consist of perennials and annuals; if desired, they can be decorated with perennial roses, peonies, hostas, as well as bulbous tulips, crocuses, lilies, daffodils, gladioli;
    7. a regular flower bed is not the easiest to care for, it is better for beginners to use other types of flower beds.

    • Irregular- a flower garden that is easier to create, consisting of annual and perennial plants, as well as ornamental shrubs, conifers and lianas. Perennial flowers or shrubs can be the main element. And every year annuals can be planted around them. With proper organization, you can create a continuous flowering bed when the plants bloom alternately.

    For this, perennial peonies, delphinium, phlox, rose bushes, drought-resistant allium are suitable. You can supplement them with snapdragons, asters, balsams. A beautiful frame will turn out from marigolds.

    • Carpet is the most labor intensive. In addition to significant material costs, it will require artistic taste and knowledge of floristry. Flowers for such a flower bed are selected with good bushiness, one-level height, but in different colors. A carpet flower garden is a drawing, and not necessarily a familiar carpet: it can be a cartoon character, animalistics, a portrait. This is what distinguishes it from a regular flower bed.
    • uplifted most common in cities. But amateur gardeners also decorate such flower beds from improvised material and even old carts and cars. The earth in such structures warms up faster, but it also needs to be watered more often. But alpines and dwarf trees look good here.

    • vertical- This is a flower bed or several mini-flower beds located at a height from the ground. When creating such a flower garden, a drain for water should be provided.
    • Multidimensional- a more complex version of a vertical flower bed. This is a three-dimensional flower garden in the form of a specific animated image or piece of furniture. But it can also be a whole landscape composition with mountains, hills and ponds. The main thing is to think over the watering of such a "curvy" horse or gnome.

    • Ring a flower bed is created to frame a tree, a monument, a raised flower bed. The rule of planting plants in such a flower garden: from the high center to the low edge. In this case, you can create several multi-colored rings. If you plant an unpretentious purslane here, then it will withstand the hot sun, partial shade, and light frost.
    • Island the composition may consist of a large stone and several perennial bushes. A distinctive feature is a small flower bed in a large flowerless space. The main care is to timely mow the grass around the flower bed so that it does not fill the flower garden.

    • Panel flowerbeds require a fairly large space and therefore not suitable for every garden plot. In addition, this is a complex composition that requires the skills of floristry. But if you manage to create such a panel from perennial (together with annual) flowers, then this will be a real decoration of the backyard.

    • Modular a flower bed is being built instead of several paving slabs. This option can be provided before the installation of the coating. The flower garden is unusually beautiful and original. On a small plot of land, the “checkered” module will expand the space and correct its shape. If it is impossible to remove the tile from the paving, a false module is made: several containers with earth and plants are installed in the right places and framed with stone or vibrocasting tiles.

    • Monolumba- the simplest design solution, there can be two options:
    1. plants are different in appearance, but the same in color;
    2. plants of the same species, but of different colors and flowering times (a rose garden is a typical monoflower).

    Required Tools

    Depending on the type of flower bed, you may need different tools for its manufacture. The main ones will be:

    • hammer;
    • axe;
    • hacksaw;
    • Master OK;
    • construction scissors;
    • plastic borders;
    • level.

    To work on creating and caring for a flower bed, you should always have at hand:

    • shovel;
    • spatula (scoop) for planting plants;
    • rake;
    • rakes for garbage collection between perennials;
    • hoe or weeder;
    • watering can;
    • cultivator for preparing and loosening the soil;
    • gloves.

    For beginner flower growers, professional florists and experienced gardeners have prepared some tips:

    • do not start with complex design solutions, but do not be afraid to invent your own forms for flower beds;
    • for starters, it is better to place multi-level perennials in long rows;
    • proper selection of plants will ensure wave flowering for the whole season;
    • in addition to flowers, be sure to include plants with beautiful multicolor foliage;
    • low and medium-sized plants should be planted at least two, giving them the opportunity to grow;
    • if there are concerns about the wrong selection of plants, it is better to make 2-3 flower beds with different color options;
    • if you do not like the result, you can remove the plant and plant another next year.

    Each, even the most economical hostess, when buying seeds for planting, along with herbs and vegetables, will definitely take a few bags of flowers. After all, you want so much not only to harvest your own crops, but also to enjoy the entire warm season from spring to late autumn with bright colors and fragrance.

    Unfortunately, few of us know how to properly plan the planting of a flower garden so that it has an aesthetic appearance and does not stop flowering. The layout of the flower garden seems to us such an overwhelming and difficult task that in most cases the seeds are thrown into the ground all in a row, in the hope that something will bloom anyway. In fact, everything is not as scary as it seems at first glance. Knowing a few basic rules and putting them into practice, even a novice florist will be able to create a real masterpiece with his own hands on a personal plot or cottage.

    We take a plan of our site with a house applied to it, outbuildings and paths, then we decide what will go under the vegetable beds, and all that remains is our field for activity. Mostly these will be pieces of free land in front of the house, strips along the paths, a place for flower beds can be allocated both in the recreation area and in the garden by breaking the so-called near-trunk flower beds. Having decided on the places of our future flower beds, you can proceed directly to the layout. According to the occupied area, forms and purpose, there are several types of flower beds:

    • flowerbeds,
    • discounts,
    • borders,
    • mixborders,
    • rockeries,
    • parterres.

    An example of planning a flower garden can be seen in the photo.


    Flowerbeds are the most common and popular type of flower decoration on a personal plot or in the country. Usually flower beds are broken in the correct geometric shape:

    • square,
    • round,
    • rectangular.

    To clearly define the boundaries of the flower bed, you can use various materials, such as stones, tiles, or a small decorative fence made by yourself. At the site of the future flower garden, we remove the top layer of earth about 15 centimeters high, mix the selected soil with fertilizers and return it back, and it is desirable to distribute the earth so that there is a hill in the center. This will enable you to see the flowers better. If you want to create a carpet bed, it is better to choose flowers that are undersized, of the same height.

    If it is an ordinary flower bed, the principle of planting flowers is as follows:

    • in the center we place the tallest plants,
    • closer to the edge - lower.

    As in the photo.

    For flower beds, flowers with the longest flowering period should be selected. Suitable annuals such as

    • begonia,
    • lobelia,
    • petunia.

    It is possible to use such perennials as

    • peony,
    • forget-me-not.

    Flower beds are usually placed in a well-lit, visible place; it would be preferable to break several flower beds in a recreation area in front of the house.

    Another type of flower garden - a near-trunk flower bed - will help decorate a garden in a personal plot or cottage. This is not only beautiful to look at, but also good for the tree: by creating a certain mulch, the flowers will retain moisture for the tree. The most optimal diameter of such a flower bed is 1 meter. Before planting flowers, the place of the future flower garden must be fertilized. For such flower beds, various bulbs are suitable:

    • crocuses,
    • blueberries,
    • daffodils,
    • tulips.

    To make the flower bed happy all summer, you can sow annuals. An example of a near-stem flower bed can be seen in the photo.

    Ribbons and borders

    But along the paths, around the gazebo, verandas, you can arrange discounts (rectangular long flower beds with a width of 40 centimeters to 2 meters).

    1. The long edges of the ridges should be parallel to the lines of the paths, the walls of the house and buildings.
    2. Depending on the width, flowers are selected: the smaller the width of the flower garden, the smaller the flowers on the plants should be.
    3. You can alternate different crops, or you can plant one variety, choosing a color scheme. So, with purple inflorescences, orange will look good, with yellow - blue and blue, and with red - white.

    When arranging such flower beds near buildings, we pay attention to the fact that water flowing from the roof does not get into them.

    To mark the border of the recreation area in the country or to clearly highlight the area of ​​​​a large flower garden, you can use a border, a narrow (30-50 centimeters) strip of flowers. Usually, it is preferable to take flowers up to 40 centimeters high as plants used for curbing. It should also be remembered that this type of flower bed requires maximum decorativeness from early spring to the very frost. This can be achieved with the help of decorative and deciduous perennials, which, even in the absence of flowering, retain a wonderful appearance. You can see a beautiful discount around the lawn in the photo.

    Complex flower beds: mixborders and rockeries


    If on your site or cottage there is much more space for laying out a flower garden, you should think about a mixborder device. This is one of the types of flower beds, planted in the form of a border, only the width can reach up to 4 meters. Unlike fairly long-blooming annuals, most perennials don't last long.

    The main task in the mixborder device is to select varieties of perennials with different flowering periods so that flowering plants are present in the flower bed all season.

    In mixborders, flowers are arranged both in rows and in groups. Again, we adhere to the principle: tall plants in the background, lower ones in front of them. Since perennials are planted in such a flower bed, its layout should be more carefully thought out. We think it is worth considering in more detail those types of perennials that we can use to equip this type of flower bed.

    1. Of the early flowering tall plants, peony and Turkish poppy can be noted.
    2. In June, astilbe, delphinium, lupine begin to bloom.
    3. July - the time of the beginning of flowering of echinacea, phlox, gelenium.
    4. The aster and rudebeckia bloom later than all. These flowers will be the basis of our flower garden.
    5. Accompanying plants can be such low-growing varieties of perennials as primrose, lavender, cornflower, anemone, aquileia.
    6. And to complete the design of our mixborder, ground cover plants should be used: periwinkle, lungwort, shaving, carnation grass.

    The real beauty of such a flower garden will not be revealed immediately, but as soon as the perennials take root, grow and bloom with full dedication, no one will remain indifferent to the splendor created by your hands.


    Recently, such elements of landscape design as rockeries have become very popular for decorating a garden or a recreation area in a country house. Among them

    • alpine hills,
    • regular slides,
    • rock mini-gardens.

    For the arrangement of such flower beds, not only plants are used, but also various decorative elements:

    • stones,
    • small fountains,
    • reservoirs.

    Despite the apparent complexity, the layout of such beauty is not so difficult, and even a novice florist can do it with his own hands.

    1. When choosing a place for rockeries, it should be remembered that a well-lit area that will be visible from all sides is most suitable.
    2. In order for your creation to look aesthetically pleasing for more than one year, you need to take care of drainage.
    3. When arranging a flower garden, you should purchase seeds or seedlings of undersized ground cover perennials, preferably herbaceous ones.
    4. Plants with the original shape of the leaves and a large number of medium-sized flowers will look especially good. You can also use a small number of low bushes.
    5. Until the green mass of perennials grows and covers the allotted space, it would be nice to fill empty areas of soil with annual flowers: marigolds, purslane, iberis.

    In addition to flower beds, you can arrange hand-made flower pots and flowerpots around the site and in front of the house.

    Old tires, buckets, pieces of boards and the remains of various building materials are suitable as a basis. There really is no limit to the flight of fancy.

    As you can see, planning is not such a difficult matter, and creating beauty with your own hands is an exciting activity.

    It is difficult to imagine a garden without flowers. Flower beds decorate landscape design, thereby hiding its shortcomings and emphasizing its main advantages. That is why flower beds should occupy an honorable and most prominent place on the site. In order for flower beds made with your own hands to look beautiful in any weather, you need to take into account and observe many important nuances. There are four general rules to help create an attractive flower garden.

    1. Closer to the center, plants should always be planted higher.
    2. Color combinations should be in harmony.
    3. In the center, it is better to plant flowers rarely, but on the contrary, tightly around the edges.
    4. When designing, it is better to avoid complex patterns, beauty is in simplicity.

    By observing these simple nuances, it is very easy to give the site freshness and originality. It is not necessary to choose only colors that are combined with each other. In one composition, contrasting flowers will look good. Most try to create flower beds that are combined with all the buildings on the site.

    A variant of the mixborder in the shade, the main tone is set by hosts and coleuses.

    What to look for before making any flower bed?

    Before you start creating beautiful flower beds, you need to remember about the right soil, lighting, humidity. In most cases, it depends on the type of flowers planted. There are certain guidelines that you need to follow.

    Lighting should be optimal for all planted types of flowers, so that the plants are in direct sunlight for at least seven hours a day. All plants must be photophilous.

    Determine the type and acidity of the soil. For better growth and flowering, acidity, type can be slightly adjusted or completely changed. To give it better aeration, you can add compost, sand. Use chalk to improve the acidified type. We must not forget about mineral, organic fertilizers. Add them to any type of substrate.

    Water should not stagnate in the soil. Especially applies to melt water. If you do not follow a simple rule, putrefactive processes will arise in tubers, rhizomes, and bulbs of perennial plants. In addition to putrefactive processes, the root respiration of flowers will be difficult or, in the worst case, completely stop.

    What types of flower beds are there near the house?

    On one site, regardless of its size, several flower beds can be placed at once. All of them can be made in different styles. In this case, their dimensions must be taken into account. There is a golden section rule, which states that their size ratio should be 3:5:8.

    In general, there are several types of flower beds:

    1. . As mentioned above, the flower garden is made in compliance with the main rules, high flowers are planted in the center and rarely, and low ones are densely planted along the edges. The colors harmonize with each other. She looks like this
    2. curb. These are seated on the sides of the tracks. Their color does not have to be uniform. Usually the color is selected depending on the landscape design or the individual preferences of the owners.
    3. Monolumba. Such views prove that beauty is hidden in simplicity. A nice solid color can stand out from other colors, or it can harmonize with them.
    4. flowerpot. They are widely used due to the fact that they can be transferred to different parts of the garden. They look great almost anywhere.
    5. Regular. It is ideal for a large yard with a small pond or fountain.
    6. . Ideal for decorating a fence or home. This design shows the whole creative nature of the residents.
    7. . A clear band of various colors in a strict, often geometric, thoughtful form.
    8. vertical. Such compositions can stand in the middle of the site or serve as a fence.
    9. Group. They combine completely different plants that are not similar to each other. If you follow the above rule that large plants should be in the center, then such plantings will decorate absolutely any area.

    When choosing one or another type, first of all, consider where the flowers will grow. Near the house, curbstones are most often planted or flower beds are installed. And the vertical one will look the best on the wall of the building. It is not uncommon for there to be a combination of the two types. For example, curb and group. It looks especially attractive if the color differs.

    How to make a flower bed?

    The composition should be higher than the rest of the landscape. Make it simply from the earth or using various materials. For example, to create flower beds, materials such as:

    • natural stone;
    • wooden boards;
    • logs;
    • bricks, fortan.

    With the help of stone create any pattern for a flower garden. Before proceeding, draw or find diagrams of beautiful flower beds, then navigate by them. Even a woman can easily cope with such work, because it does not require complex installation work.

    When the shape and dimensions are chosen, you need to lay out a small fence around the perimeter, made of stones of the required height. The stones should be very close to each other. Fix them for the durability of the structure with a cement mortar. Inside, remove a small layer of earth, up to about 15 centimeters. Fill the hole with sand, gravel or gravel. Now fill the stone building with earth, plant plants.

    Here are examples of how to beautifully decorate a flower garden with a stone.

    A flower bed made of wooden boards will fit perfectly if there is a wooden house on the site or All selected planks need to be sanded. After that, it is necessary to cover them first with sealant, then with varnish. Having chosen the desired shape, you need to drive pegs into the ground, and then install planks around the perimeter. The composition is created from the pegs themselves. To do this, they are simply driven into the ground close to each other.

    Many materials remain after construction, in connection with this the question arises of how to make log bed? Making such a flower garden is quite easy if you follow all the steps and rules. The diameter of the logs should be approximately the same. The logs that will be below need to be cut lengthwise into ½ diameter. After you need to prepare the material to increase the height of the walls. Next, the sequence of actions is as follows:

    1. On one side, make a groove that will exactly equal half the diameter.
    2. On both sides, make notches to connect the logs into crowns.
    3. At the site of the future flower bed, you need to remove the earth by about 15 cm.
    4. Pour gravel into the hole.
    5. The logs themselves after preparation must be treated with a special protective sealant. Lay out the lower logs first, and across the top those with grooves.

    Brick compositions on any land will look good. In skillful hands, flower beds turn out to be both perfectly even and with curved shapes.

    Brick buildings must be installed on a solid concrete base. And if you plan to connect it to the walls of the house, be sure to install waterproofing so as not to damage the wall.

    So, when the surface of the base has dried out well, start laying the bricks. On the bottom row, leave a few seams unfilled. Because you need to provide drainage holes. When laying, periodically check how evenly the walls are installed.

    Borders for flower beds

    A clear line of flower beds near the house is half the success. In the photo gallery below - a lot of possible options. Wooden: from the remains of beams, from bent tree trunks, woven from branches, miniature similarities - the stone is generally very beautiful, you can create a semblance of a stone stream along the flower bed, use both huge boulders and small pebbles. Also used: bricks of various types, concrete, the perfect line along looks very beautiful, in an original way - a border made of decorative cabbage.

    The easiest ways to beautifully decorate a flower bed near the house

    Many do not know how to decorate a flower bed beautifully so as not to make an effort and not use a lot of material. There are some of the easiest ways.

    1. Use an earthen mound to create a slight rise
    2. Flower beds should not merge with the ground.
    3. Then shape the area with a ruler or cord.
    4. Now plant your plants.

    So that the flower garden is not overgrown with other plants, weeds or grass from the city, it must be fenced off.

    To protect it, pour gravel around the edges, lay heavy stones on top. Compositions that are fenced with a small stone border look very aesthetically pleasing.

    Another simple way to arrange a flower bed: stack flower pots on top of each other to hold, secure with glue.

    Monoflower is considered one of the simplest. It adds style and elegance to the space. One type of flower should be planted on a small hill, fenced with stones.

    With such simple flower beds, you can seat the entire site. The main thing is to fence them off from each other with rubble, stone chips, small cobblestones.

    About creating a flower bed from flyers on video

    What could be simpler than a flowerbed of flyers? This is not a long-term project, even if some mistakes are made, they can easily be corrected next year. About creating a flower bed from flyers, as well as many other recommendations: