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  • Annual dahlias "Merry Fellows" - growing flowers from seeds, planting, care, watering, feeding, pinching, reproduction: description, tips
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  • Dahlia funny guys, planting and care. Annual dahlias "Merry Fellows" - growing flowers from seeds, planting, care, watering, feeding, pinching, reproduction: description, tips

    Dahlia funny guys, planting and care.  Annual dahlias

    A spectacular decoration of any garden, of course, are perennial dahlias. But their cultivation is not convenient for everyone, since in winter the tubers must be properly preserved. There are also annual varieties of these flowers, referred to as "Merry Fellows" dahlias. They are less solemn than perennials, but can easily decorate any flower bed.

    Variety "Merry Fellows" refers to the dwarf form of dahlias. Their height ranges from 25 to 70 cm. The name "Merry Fellows" comes from the bright and varied colors of the flowers. Such dahlias are perennial, root-club, herbaceous plants. But the climatic conditions of the middle latitudes do not allow them to endure the cold season. Therefore, "Merry Fellows" and other varieties of dahlias are grown as annual crops.

    The stems of the plant are quite strong, the leaves have a bright green color. In some cases, they can be brown-burgundy, which is typical for dahlias with dark red flowers. There are plants with simple, double or semi-double petals. They are white, pink, yellow, red, lilac, burgundy.

    The inflorescence of annual dahlias "Merry Fellows" is a basket, inside of which are placed yellow tubular flowers, framed by reed petals. In diameter, the plant reaches 8-10 cm.

    This dahlia variety has one feature: the lower the bush, the earlier it blooms.

    The use of dahlia "Merry Fellows" in landscape design

    Unpretentious, fast-growing "Jolly Fellows" dahlias can be grown even by inexperienced gardeners. They make beautiful borders, flower beds, rabatki. It is good to sow plants on any slopes in a continuous array. This is a great way to decorate your home garden.

    In addition to individual plantings, combinations of dahlias with other crops are often used. For example, petunias, marigolds, colorful asters. Plants look advantageous against the background of less bright crops. Dahlia "Merry Fellows" in a flower bed can be the most noticeable decoration. A good neighborhood of annuals with sage, delphinium and other blue-blue flowers.

    Photo of dahlia "Merry Fellows" in different design options.

    Features of growing dwarf culture

    "Merry Fellows" grow quickly and bloom actively for a long time. They are unpretentious in care, but have their own planting characteristics. Growing dahlia "Merry Fellows" always begins with the choice of planting material and the method of sowing. Let's dwell on the technology in more detail.

    Multicolor in one package

    Dahlia seeds "Merry Fellows" are very different. Usually there are packages with their finished mixture. Such a mix of seeds suggests the presence of plant varieties that differ in color. It is important to pay attention to the information on the label. After all, the beginning of flowering will depend on the height of the dahlia. Simple plants grow up to 30-40 cm. Terry dahlias are usually slightly taller, but they have fewer flowers.

    Soil Requirements

    For the successful cultivation of "Jolly Fellows" it is worth taking care of the quality of the soil. It should be fertile, neutral and not oversaturated with moisture. The stores offer ready-made compositions for this variety of dahlias. But you can also make your own mix. For this, fertile soil, heated sand, peat or humus in equal amounts are prepared in autumn. Before sowing seeds, the soil mixture must be calcined and treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. This will disinfect it and protect the plant from various diseases.

    Choosing the right place to place plants

    A spacious area is selected for dahlias, as their bushes grow quickly and quite densely. It is important to provide the plants with enough space. A distance of 1 m should be maintained between individual bushes.

    Variety "Jolly Fellows" loves warmth and sun, can even tolerate prolonged drought. A place buried from drafts, which is well lit in the morning, is suitable for plants. You should not plant such dahlias under trees, fences and other structures that cast a shadow.

    Lack of lighting will certainly affect the abundance of flowering plants. Also, their stems will stretch towards the light, become thin and brittle. "Merry Fellows" grow well on gentle slopes facing south.

    Planting seeds in open ground

    Planting a dahlia "Merry Fellows" can occur by sowing seeds in open ground. It is important to remember that such plants, like other varieties, do not tolerate temperature changes and are very afraid of frost. They need to be planted in late May - early June. It is during this period that the threat of frost usually disappears.

    To prevent various diseases of dahlia, the seeds should be dipped for several minutes in an aqueous solution of formalin 10% concentration. After pickling, they must be thoroughly dried. Such a planting of dahlias is very simple, does not require the effort of growing seedlings, but flowering occurs only at the end of August.

    Growing seedlings and planting them

    In order for the flowering of "Jolly Fellows" to begin earlier, it is better to grow them through seedlings. The technology is quite simple, but you need to follow some rules:

    1. The best time for planting seeds is the end of March or the beginning of April. As a container, you can use plastic containers equipped with a transparent lid, wooden boxes for seedlings. A simple film is sometimes used for covering. The container is filled with prepared soil mixture. It is important that it be loose, warmed up in the room and slightly compacted from above.
    2. The seeds of dwarf dahlias are quite large in size, so there should be no problems with planting. They are placed at a depth of about 2 cm with a distance of 3 cm. From above, the seeds are sprinkled with a layer of clean sand or its mixture with peat and slightly compacted. Next, they need to be carefully poured with slightly warm water (18-24 ° C). If the temperature in the room is maintained at 25-27 ° C, the first shoots appear after 7-10 days.
    3. When the plants reach 10 cm in height and a pair of leaves is formed on them, it will be necessary to pick. You can seat "Merry Fellows" in a spacious box at a distance of 10 to 15 cm or a separate container for each flower. You can use special peat pots, plastic glasses, paper bags, ordinary small pots.
    4. After picking, seedlings need only be moderately watered. Annual dahlias tolerate drought better than overwatering. Already in May, the finished seedlings need to be gradually hardened before transplanting into the open ground, accustoming it to stay in the air. To do this, the pots are taken out to the greenhouse or outside in sunny, warm weather.
    5. "Merry Fellows" perfectly tolerate planting in open ground. If there is a danger of frost, in the first week it is better to cover them with geotextiles at night. Planting seedlings can begin at the end of May for the southern regions and at the beginning of June for the northern ones. The distance between plants is usually from 20 cm, as the bushes grow quickly. It is recommended to add 1 teaspoon of nitrophoska, a handful of humus and a little ash to each well. The root system of seedlings is quite fragile, so it is easily damaged during transplantation. Plants should be placed with extreme care. To protect the root system from drying out, it is advisable to mulch the surface of the earth under the bush with sawdust.

    It is important to remember that seedlings grown in a separate container grow stronger faster and get more enduring. At the first stage, it is difficult to notice the differences: plants planted in a large box develop in the same way. But towards the end of April - the beginning of May, dahlias in separate pots begin to grow actively and acquire buds in the first weeks of June. The lag in plants planted in a spacious container is about 3 weeks.

    Flowering and feeding of annual dahlias

    For the entire life cycle, the plant is usually fed 3 times. 2 weeks after planting in open ground, dahlias should be fertilized with ammonium nitrate or mullein. Further feeding is needed already in the period of the appearance of the first buds. It is better to opt for potassium salt and superphosphate. The last time organic fertilizers are applied under the plants during their abundant flowering.

    It is important to remember that overfed with nitrogen "Jolly Fellows" will not be able to bloom in full force.

    The first buds of this variety begin to bloom in July, about three months after sowing. Dahlias "Merry Fellows" bloom almost continuously until the autumn frosts, their buds open one after another. The abundance of flowering depends on how well the bush itself is formed. The higher the plant, the later the buds will begin to bloom.

    If the dahlia is still low, then during its growth period, you need to pinch the main (over 4 pair of leaves) and side shoots. Stepchildren will appear in the axils of the leaves, and the bush will grow in width. In annuals, flowering inflorescences must also be removed. To prolong the life of dahlias, when temperatures drop, it is recommended to cover them overnight with non-woven material or film.

    Features of watering plants

    For the care of dahlias "Jolly Fellows" are very simple and unpretentious. They require plenty of sun, regular weeding and occasional feeding. But these plants can get wet, so it is important to pay attention to the abundance of watering at different periods of their life cycle.

    For the root system, waterlogging can be fatal. It copes much better with prolonged drought. Young seedlings are watered no more than once every 7 days. It is possible to increase the abundance of soil moisture in the first weeks after planting in open ground. It is advisable to control the drying of the soil on very hot days. In addition, plants are sprayed from a spray gun.

    As soon as multiple buds start to appear on dahlias, watering should be reduced to moderate. Starting from August, soil moisture is completely stopped or reduced to a minimum. During this period, plants need the least water.

    Reproduction of dwarf dahlias "Merry Fellows"

    You can propagate "Merry Fellows" by seeds or tubers. The first option has one significant drawback: the generation of plants in the next season usually does not give an exact repetition of the variety you like. Dahlias of different height and color can grow from seeds. Root tubers make it possible to fully convey the characteristics of the variety, but they are not always well preserved.

    Collection and storage of seeds

    When the period of completion of flowering of dahlias comes, the strongest bushes are left to collect seeds. After the inflorescences have completely dried, they are carefully separated from the petals and additionally dried naturally. The collected seeds are placed in paper bags. If planting material is kept at room temperature, it can be stored for several years.

    From one bag of purchased seeds at the end of the season, you can get a large amount of planting material for further breeding. But plants from it will not always have the exact signs of the bushes they like.

    Features of wintering tubers

    For the reproduction of "Jolly Fellows" by tubers, it is important to properly preserve them. After the onset of the first frost, the dahlias you like are dug up along with a clod of earth. Withered stems and small roots are cut off, and the tubers themselves are disinfected with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. Labels can be attached to the remaining stumps indicating the color of the plant.

    For several days, the tubers are left to dry along with the ground. It is not recommended to remove it, as the soil forms a crust and will not allow the roots to dry out. Next, the tubers are collected in wooden boxes, previously lined with thick paper, or cardboard boxes. You can completely cover them with sand or peat. Store the tubers at about 8°C, a cellar or fruit compartment of the refrigerator works well.

    Periodically, planting material is checked for rot and mold. Usually, fully mature tubers are stored well, subject to the temperature regime. You also need to make sure they don't dry out. It is advisable to moisten the tubers monthly with a spray bottle.

    Growing a crop from root tubers

    In the spring, the tubers are taken out of the storage place, inspected, damaged areas are removed with a knife, treated with phytosporin or sprinkled with coal powder. If the planting bush is too large, it is divided into several shares. It is important to consider that 1-2 root tubers and the same number of live buds remain on each part.

    The material is planted directly into the ground in May, focusing on the labels with flowers. Purchased seed mixtures do not make it possible to guess with the color of plants. And the division of tubers by color allows you to form the desired patterns. In addition, the blooming of the buds in this case is observed 2-3 weeks earlier. Planting bushes are sprinkled with earth to the level of sprouts. This will stimulate the formation of new roots, on which new root tubers will appear during the development of dahlias.

    This method of reproduction of "Merry Fellows" confirms their long-term nature, accurately preserves the colors of the original plants. But with repeated repetition of such a cycle, the tubers will begin to degenerate. In the future, it will again be necessary to use seed propagation.

    More about growing annual dahlias in the proposed video.

    In order to make the garden colorful, there is no need to grow perennials. Unpretentious "Merry Fellows" is the best option for those who want to make their flower beds beautiful and elegant, but do not want to spend extra time and effort.

    Everyone who has tried to cultivate annual dahlias Cheerful guys on their site is unanimous in their opinion - a wonderful plant deserves to be in any flowerbed, in a discount or in the form of a border.

    The unusual name of the flower was due to the bold multi-colored color and early opening of the buds. The reed petals of this dahlia variety can be absolutely any palette: from the usual white or yellow to burgundy or lilac. A flowerbed with Merry Guys turns out to be festive and bright.


    Dahlia bushes are compact and short. Moreover, the last sign directly depends on the illumination of the plant. In the sun, Funny guys barely reach 25 cm in height, but they bloom early. In partial shade conditions, the situation is the opposite - the bush becomes taller, and flowering is late. The abundance of the ovary of buds is also not to be expected.

    If the dahlia is planted in a sunny area, provided with proper care, then it will surely please the owners with numerous simple anemic, double or semi-double flowers with catchy yellow centers. The diameter of the basket of any variety varies between 8-10 cm.

    As for the vegetative mass, the stems of the Merry Fellows are quite strong, despite the cavity inside. The leaves are thick, juicy, green or brownish in color.

    On a note! The lower the dahlia variety, the earlier it will bloom!

    All about seeds


    The advantage of the dahlia "Jolly Fellows" is its rapid growth and active flowering for 2-3 months. The end result of growing a crop directly depends on the quality of the seeds and the chosen method of sowing.

    If you wish, you can buy the seeds of Merry Fellows of the same color, or you can purchase a package with a collection of multi-colored samples. The annotation to the product contains useful information about the features of the variety:

    • mature plant height
    • terry or smooth petals
    • single or multi-row tiers
    • agricultural conditions.

    As a rule, simple anemone-shaped flowers bloom on dwarf stems (up to 40 cm), and large double dahlias crown varieties that reach 70 cm. At the same time, the first group attracts consumers with a large number of buds and incessant flowering, and the second with an amazing structure of petals (there are fewer baskets on such dahlias).

    Seeds of Merry Fellows are large. They can be collected independently from flowering crops. Germination lasts up to 3 years. However, it should be noted that the seeds collected in the flower bed sometimes do not give an exact repetition of the favorite variety. We must be prepared for the fact that different in height and color, but no less beautiful dahlias will grow in the flower bed.

    The same risk exists with self-sowing plants. If the seeds are not removed in time, then as they mature, they will fall to the ground and some of them will overwinter well, giving life to young dahlias in the spring.

    On a note! The chance of growing beautiful Merry Boys from seeds is much higher than from tubers. It is very difficult to maintain the health of the roots of an annual dahlia throughout the winter.

    Collection from the bush

    The collection of planting material must be approached very responsibly. Moreover, experienced gardeners recommend stocking them for future use. What if the summer does not work out and in the new season it will not be possible to replenish the bag with fresh seeds?

    Faded buds are left on the bush until completely dry. When the achene begins to crumble easily, literally pouring dark brown seeds to the ground, you can pluck it and pack it in a paper bag or any other container.

    If suddenly the plant did not have time to mature, then the half-wet material can be laid out in one layer on paper in a warm room for final drying. It is important to remember that the quality of such a collection is much lower than that which is taken from the bush.


    Soil preparation

    The annual is unpretentious to growing conditions, but feels better on fertile and neutral soil. The ideal soil composition for growing dahlias Funny guys from seeds is as follows:

    • 1 piece of land
    • 1 part sand
    • 1 part humus.

    The last item can be replaced with peat.

    Before planting seeds in pots or on a plot, flower growers recommend treating the soil with a solution of manganese in order to attract worms to the breeding site of dahlias (for loosening dense soil, increasing its breathability). Also, this measure will prevent the manifestation of a number of diseases and pests.

    On a note! In specialized stores and some nurseries they sell ready-made soil compositions for this plant variety!

    The layout of the bushes on the site

    Cheerful guys are not crowded on a small piece of land, but much more comfortable in a spacious flower bed. Although the bushes are compact, they like to be completely and completely under the sun. This means that when planting between dahlia bushes Cheerful guys, you should keep a distance of at least 30 - 50 cm. The first number is for seedlings germinated from seeds bought in a store, the second is for self-collected ones.

    If light-loving plants are placed in places where buildings, fences or trees cover the morning sun, the grower will not like the result of cultivation. The stems of the Merry Fellows will stretch out, lose the saturation of the color of the leaves, bloom late and poorly.

    The sun is all that a dahlia needs for successful growth and flowering.

    Seedless planting method

    As already mentioned, growing a dahlia from seeds is much more convenient and efficient than from tubers. Firstly, some of the Merry Fellows' roots dug up for the winter simply do not survive until spring. Secondly, the young dahlia turns out to be tall with small (albeit attractive) flowers.

    Therefore, the seeds of Merry Fellows are sown directly in open ground after the threat of return frosts has passed, that is, in May - June. Sometimes flower growers practice etching planting material for several minutes in a solution of 10% formalin. Then the germination of seedlings increases significantly and the risk of diseases of seedlings decreases.

    The lack of a seedless method of growing dahlias "Merry Fellows" is one - the start of flowering of the plant is late. The buds open no earlier than the end of July, the beginning of August.

    seedling harvesting

    With this method of cultivating a flower, you can admire the bright petals at the end of June. The time for planting seeds is the end of February, March. As containers use:

    • wooden boxes
    • peat pots
    • plastic cups
    • other suitable container.

    The seeds are deepened by 2 cm into a mixture of sand and peat, they maintain an average distance between seedlings of 3 cm. For the convenience of planting, furrows of the appropriate depth are made in the box, the “seeds” of dahlias are laid out in a row, they are sprinkled with soil on top and watered with water at room temperature.

    On a note! Seeds soaked in water, with sprouted sprouts, are very fragile, so as not to damage them, you can use tweezers.

    If desired, seedlings can organize a mini-greenhouse by covering the container with a transparent lid or film. Such a measure will provide seedlings with a comfortable, moderately humid climate for growth.

    Picking seedlings or transplanting into open ground

    The first sprouts of the dahlia "Merry Fellows" are shown on the surface of the soil within a week (7-10 days). The plant does not need picking. The tightness of the container for young seedlings is not critical. However, if there is a desire, the plant can be transplanted into a larger container. The transfer method is used.

    Water seedlings sparingly. It is easier for annuals to cope with drought than with excess moisture. Waterlogging of the soil can kill the dahlia.

    A week or two before the landing, the Merry Guys are taken out into the open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe container. Young bushes adapt to new growing conditions. It is important that at this time the weather in the yard is warm and sunny.

    For seedlings at a distance of 20-50 cm from each other, holes are formed where nutrients are added:

    • 1-2 tsp ash
    • ½ cup humus
    • 1 tsp nitrophoska.

    The first substance protects the root system from decay. Thanks to the second, the plant gains strength and health. The third helps the seedlings build up the vegetative mass for good flowering.

    Important! Nitrophoska contains nitrogen, and therefore it is used as a fertilizer only when planting dahlias. In the following weeks, this top dressing cannot be applied, otherwise the greens will run amok at the expense of flowering.

    It remains to carefully distribute the roots in the hole, cover them with earth up to the root neck (not higher!), Water and mulch.

    On a note! Seedlings planted in seedlings as single specimens in separate pots bloom earlier than those that were picked!

    Basics of care


    There are several periods of the life cycle of the "Jolly Fellows" dahlia, with which, in one way or another, the peculiarities of soil moisture are associated. So, during the forcing of seedlings, the sprouts are watered about 1 time in 5-7 days.

    Transplanting annuals into the ground requires an increase in the number of irrigations up to 2 times over the same period. Particular attention is paid to dahlias in a long drought, in the absence of precipitation. To mitigate the effect of the heat, it is advisable to organize spraying with spray guns or hoses for the Merry Guys.

    With the appearance of buds on the bushes, watering is reduced. In August, it is completely stopped or reduced to a minimum. Bushes do not need moisture.


    During the season, the annual dahlia is fed 3-4 times:

    • landing
    • 2-3 weeks after rooting in open ground. Apply mullein or ammonium nitrate
    • when buds appear. Use superphosphate or potassium salt
    • at the peak of flowering. They prefer organic fertilizers.

    Reminder! Nitrogen negatively affects the formation of plant buds! Compositions with its content are best avoided!

    How to prolong flowering

    The abundance and duration of the release of flowers depends not only on the quality of the soil, proper watering and timely feeding of dahlias Cheerful guys. There is a simple way to stimulate a plant that will ensure continuous flowering. We are talking about pinching shoots and removing faded buds.

    So, the main stem of an annual is broken off over 4-5 pairs of leaves. This measure will ensure the awakening of side shoots. Branches will begin to appear from the axils of the leaves, which means that the bush will grow in width and provide additional space for ovaries of buds.

    However, this is not all. Faded dahlias must be removed by carefully cutting off the peduncle above the nearest internode with a pruner (with the exception of those specimens that are left for seeds). Soon, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cut, you can observe the release of new shoots with tiny buds at the ends.

    With this approach, Cheerful guys will successfully bloom until the very frost and can give odds even to chrysanthemums.

    What to do with the plant in autumn

    About the benefits of vegetative mass

    Summer residents noted that the stems and leaves of an annual dahlia are an excellent covering material for perennials that remain to winter in the garden. So, in September-November, cut "under the stump" greens of the Merry Fellows with withered, but not fallen leaves, are laid out over bushes of roses, clematis, over lilies and other flowering crops.

    Under such a "feather bed" perennials do not freeze, and most importantly, they do not die. In the spring, dahlias are much easier to clean than the same autumn leaves.

    About tubers

    Having considered the popular ways of planting the "Jolly Fellows" dahlia from seeds, as well as the basics of caring for the plant and the possibility of using greenery in the fall, I would like to say a few words about the root system of the crop.

    Some experienced flower growers are convinced that the cultivation of annual tubers is quite realistic.

    So, the roots dug out during the frost period with clearly defined tuberous cones are not cleaned from the earth coma. Moreover, they are additionally “wrapped” in clay. Such a measure will retain moisture in the roots, prevent them from drying out.

    In May, planting material is taken out of the shelter, dead areas are removed with a knife, healthy parts are treated with coal powder or phytosporin.

    The roots are planted in the ground, leaving the root neck on the surface. Further, the plant is followed by the usual care discussed earlier.

    It is noteworthy that reviews regarding this method of breeding dahlias are quite contradictory. Some flower growers convince that the Merry Guys retain the varietal characteristics inherent in the plant, while others argue the opposite.

    Without disputing the opinions of the opposing sides, I would like to focus on one circumstance - after a three-year cycle, the dahlia tubers Cheerful guys degenerate. It is not recommended to breed the plant in this way over the specified period.

    There is only one way out - to return to the seed method of propagating your favorite flowers.

    The role of annuals in landscape design

    Often summer residents are interested in the question, with what colors on the site do dahlias Cheerful guys harmonize? It should be noted that these annuals are perfectly combined with many ornamental crops:

    • marigolds
    • nasturtiums
    • petunias
    • asters
    • sage
    • other plants.

    The only thing that should be taken into account when landing is the height of all the “neighbors”: who should be placed in the background, and who should be brought to the fore.

    Diseases and pests

    Processing the land with potassium permanganate before planting dahlias prevents the manifestation of certain diseases, however, if the Merry Guys are not taken care of properly, problems may return.

    Main troubles:

    • gray rot (manifested on leaves and buds with brown spots)
    • white rot (brown spots affect individual stems)
    • fusarium (root rot)

    In all cases, the damaged parts of the plant dry out and fall off. The cause of the trouble is waterlogging of the soil and thickening of the planting. Dahlia cannot be cured. The diseased bush is removed.

    Of the pests, the dahlia is threatened by:

    • aphids (leaves curl, turn yellow prematurely)
    • slugs (gnawed stripes and holes are clearly visible on the plant).

    In the first case, you can use preparations like "Aktellik", in the second - you will have to collect pests manually, and at the same time scatter sawdust between the bushes.

    In general, dahlias are considered disease and pest resistant crops. If you do not make mistakes when caring for the garden, you will not have to fight the enemy.

    The experience of growing Cheerful guys from purchased seeds is conveyed by the author of the video blog “How beautiful this world is” (from the same photo of living plants):

    Among all types of dwarf flowers, the annual cultivar mixture of dahlia "Jolly Fellows" is universal, since colorful and very long flowering. It is a pleasure to grow these flowers, and we will tell you below how to do it.

    "Funny guys": variety description

    Annual "Merry Fellows" dahlias are a mixture of dwarf annual dahlias that produce beautiful flowers already in the year the seeds are sown. Just like all other varieties of dahlias, during the growing season, tubers are formed in the flowers, suitable for long-term cultivation. However, in the middle lane, in which Ukraine is located, tubers are not able to overwinter in the soil, so they are practically not used for propagation of the dahlia variety "Merry Fellows".

    "Merry Fellows" is an excellent decorative flower, which is used not only to decorate flower beds, but also to decorate borders and garden paths. These flowers attract attention with strong stems, bright green leaves and large inflorescences, which can be about 9 cm in diameter. The color of the flowers in this variety mixture includes almost ten shades, the most common of which are:

    • white;
    • pink;
    • lilac;
    • red;
    • yellow.

    Did you know? The height of these dwarf dahlias is small, only 30 cm, although with careful care and good feeding, the flower stems can stretch up to 70 cm.

    The flowers inside the variety mixture also differ in the form of inflorescences, since among them there are both simple and very lush terry. On one bush can form from 3 to 7 flowers, at the same time, they can be cut from July, although in general they are able to please the eye until the first frost.

    Features of planting dahlias "Funny guys"

    Planting a "Jolly Fellows" dahlia can involve many options - and sowing flowers with seeds for seedlings, and sowing them directly into open ground. If you live in climatic conditions where already in May the soil temperature warms up to 10 ° C, you can sow flowers immediately in the flower beds. But if warm weather comes only closer to summer, it is much more efficient to grow flowers with seedlings, which in warm weather can be planted in a pre-prepared place.

    Where and when to plant

    The main rule for planting annual "Merry Fellows" dahlias is to choose a sunny place, which is illuminated by sunlight throughout the day. Thanks to this, the flowers will grow evenly, their stems will be strong, albeit low. But if you sow this variety mixture in the shade, then the stems will rush to the sunlight, as a result of which they can stretch up to 70 cm, but will not give lush flowering (besides, they will have to be tied up).

    As for the soil, these dwarf dahlias can grow in any soil, even with low humidity. It is for drought resistance that dahlias are loved by summer residents who cannot water their flower beds every day.

    Important! In order for the plant to grow well and not be affected by pests and diseases that may remain in the soil from other plants, it is important to water the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate before sowing seeds.

    The date of sowing the seeds depends on how you decide to sow them.- for seedlings or directly in open ground. In the first case, the seeds are sown in boxes already at the end of March - beginning of April. They grow in this form until mid-late May, depending on weather conditions, after which the seedlings can be planted in flower beds.

    But when sowing in open ground, it is important to wait for heat, so seeds are sown only in May, sometimes at the end of April, if the weather contributes to this. The first shoots should be regularly looked at, covered at night with the likelihood of frost.

    Important! Seedlings can grow at a distance3 cmfrom each other, however, when the plant reaches a height of 10 cm, it will need to be passivated - transplanted into more spacious boxes. You can use special peat pots for this, whichthen it will be possible to dig into the soil along with the plant.

    How to plant "Jolly Fellows"?

    When sowing seeds, they do not need to be pre-soaked or frozen. However, it is worth considering that the effectiveness of seedlings largely depends on whether the seeds ripened in the fall or not. After all, if you collect them prematurely, they may be empty. But if the seeds are bought in a store, there should be no problems.

    The whole process of sowing dahlia seeds "Merry Fellows" consists of the following points:

    1. In a pre-prepared and heated soil mixture, which can be taken directly from the flower bed, seeds are placed approximately to a depth of 2 cm.
    2. After sowing the seeds, the soil is watered abundantly. If sowing is carried out in boxes, then re-watering may be necessary only after 5-7 days.
    3. To stimulate the emergence of seedlings, a flower bed or seed boxes should be covered with a film that can be removed during the daytime.
    4. The first shoots will appear in 7-10 days. After another week, they can be thinned out.
    Since the dahlia seedlings "Merry Fellows" will be ready for planting in open ground at the end of May, it is for this period that work in the flower bed must be scheduled. When planting seedlings, it is very important to dig the root system not very deep, only 2 cm. Otherwise, the roots of the flowers will rot.

    Planting seedlings must be carried out in rows, and since these plants are quite lush, a space of about 30 cm can be left between the rows. Between plants in one row - 20 cm. The same rule must be used when sowing seeds of "Merry Fellows" dahlias in open ground. Sowing seeds so rarely is not worth it; it is better to thin out the crops later and replant.

    Features of caring for dahlia varieties "Jolly Fellows"

    Dahlias "Merry Fellows", like all flowers, require care, which, however, does not imply the constant presence of a gardener at their summer cottage. But still with regular watering and fertilization, the flowers will delight you with lush bushes and inflorescences.

    Watering rules

    In terms of watering, the plant is not very demanding. "Merry Fellows" tolerate drought more easily than excessive moisture. Therefore, for adult plants, you can apply almost the same irrigation scheme as for seedlings - water is recommended to be applied only once a week, but in sufficiently large quantities. After watering, the root space can be covered with mulch so that the water is retained in the soil longer. However, if the weather is rainy, it is better not to do this, as the roots may begin to rot due to waterlogging.

    In August, the growth of flowers will stop, and they will not need watering, as they have enough natural rainfall.

    Did you know? In order for the plant to retain its vital activity for as long as possible and delight with flowers, it is recommended to cover the roots of dahlia bushes in the autumn with ordinary film or other non-woven material for the night, which will not allow frost to lower the temperature of the soil.

    When and how to fertilize flowers

    Dahlias do not need to be fed, as this plant is completely undemanding to fertilizers and can successfully grow and give beautiful inflorescences even on the poorest soils. But still, in order to get a colorful flower bed, it is important to dig up and fertilize the soil before planting dahlias in the fall - it is recommended to add manure or humus, which will have time to decompose by spring and become good growth stimulants.

    Reproduction of the dahlia "Merry Fellows"

    As mentioned above, "Jolly Fellows" dahlias are an annual plant that propagated mainly by seeds. But since tubers are formed annually in the ground under the bushes, many flower growers also use them to propagate these flowers. However tubers have one big drawback: when using them, flowers can lose their decorative effect.

    How and when to collect seeds?

    After the dahlias stop blooming, a few inflorescences should be left on the bushes so that they ripen to seeds. If the weather conditions are no longer pleasing with warmth, the inflorescences are released from the petals and collected in a warm and ventilated place for the seeds to dry completely. After that, the seeds will only need to be shaken off the inflorescence and collected in paper bags.

    Important! When stored in paper bags and at room temperature, Dahlia Seeds "Merry Fellows" can remain suitable for sowing for another 2-4 years.

    It is very important not to rush to collect inflorescences. After all, if the seeds do not have time to ripen, they will not give the desired shoots, and for a new planting, the seeds will have to be bought again.

    Secrets of the preservation and reproduction of "Jolly Fellows" tubers

    If you still decide to dig up the tubers of annual dahlias to plant them next year, it is worth starting harvesting tubers after the first frost. To do this, simply dig up the tubers of the bushes you like, remove excess soil from them (but not all) and stems that have had time to wither.

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    Bright flowers can decorate any personal plot. And some of them are very easy to grow, you just need a little time and planting material. So, dahlias can be attributed to one of the most common garden plants. They are annual and perennial, and the color of their petals can be very different. Dahlias can be a wonderful option for the garden. Cheerful guys, we will discuss their cultivation from seeds, find out how such plants are planted, and what kind of care they need, and we will also give photos of such flowers.

    Flowers "Merry Fellows" is a very popular dwarf variety of annual dahlias. They got their name due to the particularly bright petals and the ability to improve mood. A distinctive feature of this variety is resistance to moisture deficiency, as well as the ability to bloom in the first year after planting.
    In the middle lane, such dahlias are not able to survive the cold. They grow up to twenty-five to seventy centimeters in height, have fairly strong stems and bright green leaves. Flowers can reach nine centimeters in diameter, they can be white, pink, lilac, red, etc.

    Pictured dahlias Cheerful guys

    Growing dahlias from seeds

    Growing such a plant is not difficult even for beginners in gardening. They can be sown directly into the ground or grown from seedlings.
    Sowing in open ground is carried out closer to the middle-end of May, when the probability of occurrence of return frosts is reduced to zero. In this case, the plants begin to bloom somewhere in late August.

    Sowing should be carried out in loose and fertile soil, not too densely, as the bushes are prone to overgrowth. After the plants sprout, the excess sprouts are eliminated.

    Readers of "Popular about Health", who wish to admire the flowering of dahlias a little earlier, should grow them through seedlings. This is best done in the first days of April, placing the planting material in loose soil, previously spilled with potassium permanganate. It is best to scatter jolly guys dahlia seeds over the surface of the soil and sprinkle them with a little sand or a mixture of sand and peat. After planting, it is advisable to spray the crops from a spray bottle and cover with a lid, glass or plastic wrap.

    Boxes with crops should be kept at a temperature of twenty-five degrees. The first seedlings in this case will appear after one to one and a half weeks. And after another seven to ten days, it is worth picking young plants into separate containers, for example, into disposable cups. After such manipulation, it is worth watering the seedlings with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

    Before planting plants in open ground, it is necessary to subject them to gradual hardening.

    In order for dahlias to grow magnificently and be covered with many flowers, it is worth pinching their main shoots at the stage of growing seedlings. After that, stepchildren will appear in the axils of the leaves, and the bush will begin to grow in breadth.

    Planting Dahlias Cheerful Guys

    Dahlia seedlings need to be transferred to open ground somewhere in the beginning - mid-June. Such plants begin to bloom around the beginning of July. They are completely undemanding to the characteristics of the soil and can easily tolerate dryness. But for the successful cultivation of such flowers, it is necessary to plant them in well-lit places. With a lack of light, the stems of dahlias become thin and break easily. It will also not be superfluous to prepare the selected area in the fall: add manure or humus to it, which will help the plant grow faster and bloom luxuriantly.

    When planting seedlings in open ground, it is necessary to adhere to the row. The optimal interval between individual plants is twenty centimeters, because the dahlia bushes begin to grow quite quickly. Young flowers need to be watered periodically, especially if it has not rained for a long time. Also, it will not be superfluous to carry out mulching of the soil, which will prevent excessive drying of the earth.

    Features of caring for dahlias Cheerful guys

    Dahlias are not capricious at all. Such plants really do not like excessive dampness. So, experienced flower growers advise watering young plants only once a week, not more often. It will not be superfluous to spray the bushes with water using a spray bottle. Already at the end of summer, watering can be completely stopped; at this life stage, dahlias do not need systemic moisture at all.

    As for top dressing, for the whole season you can feed the dahlia three times. Young plants are fertilized with ammonium nitrate or mullein, superphosphate or potassium salt is used at the stage of tying buds, and organic fertilizers during flowering. Some flower growers do not use fertilizers at all, limiting themselves to applying manure to the site in the autumn.

    After the end of the flowering period, it is worth leaving only the strongest specimens of plants in the soil - for seeds. After the inflorescences have completely dried, the seeds are carefully separated and additionally dried in the sun. Such planting material can be successfully stored for several years at room temperature.

    "Merry Fellows" - dahlias that can bloom until the first frost. And in order to prolong their flowering a little, it will not be superfluous to cover them for the night using a film or non-woven material.

    Catherine for Popular about health (