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  • Complaints to the Ministry of Higher Education about the TVSU. How to write a complaint to the Ministry of Education (sample)

    Complaints to the Ministry of Higher Education about the TVSU. How to write a complaint to the Ministry of Education (sample)

    You can file a claim if there are compelling reasons that are supported by documentary evidence or testimony.

    • abuse of office by teachers;
    • underestimation of grades by students without reason;
    • financial scams by employees of the institution;
    • physical abuse, as well as moral pressure on the child.

    How do I file a complaint with the Ministry of Education?

    You can apply for a teacher in 2 ways - a letter in electronic form through the website and an application on paper. When sending a complaint by mail or through a web resource, you need to know that the complaint must meet legal requirements and regulations. On the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation there is an electronic form where personal information and the essence of the claim are indicated, after which the complaint will be considered within 3 to 7 days and then they will provide you with an answer.

    Important! The legislator of the Russian Federation establishes that, before complaining to the Ministry of Education, an attempt must be made to settle the disputed point directly at the school itself. If a conflict has arisen at the school, talk to the principal and also contact your local education department.

    How to write a complaint to the Ministry of Education?

    The application does not have a specific form. It is necessary to submit it to the Ministry or the local department of the Department of Education using the following template:

    1. A cap. It is necessary to indicate to whom this complaint is addressed, and also write the name of the settlement, institution and the name of the head of the institution. Next, write your details, address of residence and contacts.
    2. Main text. Indicate the essence of the problem, describe the conflict in more detail, all persons involved, what legal norms have been violated.
    3. Petition. Describe your requirements, ask to take certain measures, and indicate the time frame when you want to receive an answer to the complaint (in the case of the Ministry of Education, this is purely symbolic, since the time frame is established by law, but it is advisable to write to the Department according to similar rules).
    4. Date and signature.

    The sample complaint to the Department of Education is not strict. It is important that it is written in a business style, contains the maximum amount of information, its text does not exceed 2 thousand characters. You cannot use incorrect expressions, use emotions, make mistakes, as well as abbreviations, corrections, etc.

    You can view a sample complaint with the Department of Education, which available for download.

    Important! A parent's complaint to the Department of Education is required to be made in 2 copies. One copy is sent to the Department of Education, the second remains with the applicant. It is important to get a mark confirming that the paper is accepted for consideration.

    If the Ministry of Education of Russia does not respond to the complaint, you need to complain to the law enforcement agencies. You can write a claim to the court or prosecutor's office, bypassing the main department, if the problem concerns physical or mental abuse of a child, material damage or extortion of funds.

    It is worth noting that with the correct and professional approach, the application to the Department, which is responsible for control in the field of education, will be considered and it will bring a positive effect.

    The main solution for Russians in this case is to seek help from an experienced lawyer. He will draw up a procedure and competently draw up a sample complaint to the Ministry of Education. Is your child not being accepted to school? Our specialist will help.

    ATTENTION! Due to the latest changes in legislation, the information in the article could become out of date! Our lawyer will advise you free of charge - write in the form below.

    When confirming the facts stated in the complaint, the Ministry is obliged to take measures against the perpetrators.

    Grounds for a complaint to the Minister of Education

    You can file a complaint with the Ministry of Education if the conflict has not been resolved at the local level (by the Education Department) or if the issue is within the competence of higher authorities.

    The grounds for a claim to the Ministry of Education are:

    • exceeding official powers;
    • incorrect assessment of students' knowledge;
    • monetary levies;
    • physical and mental abuse;
    • violation of the rights and freedoms of students, etc.

    If a violation falls under an article of criminal law, then in addition to a complaint to the Ministry of Education, an application must be submitted to law enforcement agencies and the prosecutor's office. In support of the words, you can provide evidence (photo or video filming, documents, statements, etc.)

    How to write a complaint to the Ministry of Education?

    The letter to the Minister of Education is drawn up according to a certain template:

    1. In the upper right corner there is information about:
      • addressee: name of the institution, address, official to whom the letter is sent;
      • addressee: name, address, telephone or e-mail for communication.
    2. Title of the document: "Complaint ...".
    3. Main text: information about the conflict situation, participants, as well as the legal basis for the position.
    4. Requirement: "I ask you to check", "Eliminate the violation", "Punish the guilty", etc.
    5. The end is dated and signed by the applicant.

    Ways to send letters to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

    The easiest way is to write an electronic appeal. The service is free. To do this, you need to go to the website of the Ministry of Education and Science, select the section "Citizens' appeals" and from the options offered, click on "Electronic appeal".

    An electronic appeal may contain a complaint, statement or request. The received application is registered within three days. Depending on the direction of the request, the appeal is transferred to a specific structural unit for consideration. The answer is provided within a period not exceeding 30 days.

    If the competence of the Ministry does not include consideration of the designated problem, then the letter is forwarded to the appropriate body within seven days. The applicant is notified of the referral. The answer is provided to the specified email or postal address. When considering an application, the disclosure of personal information is not allowed.

    The application is not considered if:

    Free legal advice:

    • the name and surname of the applicant are not indicated;
    • the text contains obscene and offensive language;
    • there is a physical threat to the life and health of an employee of the Ministry;
    • a non-Cyrillic keyboard layout or only capital letters was used;
    • the answer to this question was given earlier.

    You can choose to send a statement, complaint or report of corruption at the bottom of the page. Next, the proposed form is filled in. The size of the attachment file must not exceed 5 MB. At the end, click "Send".

    Important: the second option is to send a written application to the Ministry :, GSP-3, Moscow, Tverskaya street, 11. Another address: Moscow, Lyusinovskaya street, 51.

    The issue will be considered within 30 days. The travel time depends on the distance of the applicant's residence from the capital. Documents are sent by registered mail with notification and a list of attachments.

    Letter to the Minister of Education - Sample

    Save the article in 2 clicks:

    Thus, a citizen has the right to file a complaint with the Ministry of Education and Science if there are significant violations of rights. You can report illegal or incompetent actions through the Ministry's website or through the Russian Post. The response to the claim is provided within a period not exceeding 30 days.

    Free legal advice:

    The answer to your question may be found here

    Free legal advice by phone (around the clock, seven days a week):

    (St. Petersburg and Leningrad region)

    Application to the Department of Education

    A statement to the Department of Education about the teacher's negligence leading to nervous stress and psychological breakdown of our children

    To the Department of Education of the city of Moscow

    Free legal advice:

    moscow, Semenovskaya square, building 4

    We: __________________, ____________________, ____________________ cannot but respond to the teacher's negligence, which leads to constant nervous stress and psychological disorder of our children.

    Our children - _____________, __________________, ________________ are students of the __ "__" class of the State Educational Institution Secondary School No. ____.

    In accordance with the Federal Law No. "On Education" dated July 10, 1992, education is understood as a purposeful process of upbringing and training in the interests of a person, society, and the state, accompanied by a statement that a citizen (student) has achieved educational levels (educational qualifications) established by the state.

    Based on Part 1 of Art. 51 of the Federal Law "On Education", an educational institution creates conditions that guarantee the protection and strengthening of the health of students and pupils.

    The class teacher __ "__" is ___________________________________.

    Free legal advice:

    We believe that ________________ does not properly fulfill its duties as a teacher, both in teaching and in educating students, does not follow pedagogical ethics when communicating with students, which is expressed in the following:

    G. __________ was applied unacceptable methods of education and training to __________, namely: ____________ repeatedly participated in festive events, however, __________ for unknown reasons did not award him with a diploma, unlike other students, for far-fetched reasons, he misses him when interviewing students, his notebooks are not were checked, while the notebooks of the rest of the students were checked properly.

    Due to the fact that _______________ is observed at the Semashko Children's Medical Center by a neuropathologist diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which is known to the class teacher, the current situation negatively affected the mental and emotional development of ____________________________, as well as his health.

    These circumstances were the reason for contacting the director of the GOU Secondary School No. ____ ___________ with a request to clarify the situation.

    According to the response to the statement, in order to investigate the circumstances stated in the statement, an intra-school commission was organized and an inspection was carried out.

    Free legal advice:

    The commission found that workbooks, diaries are checked regularly, and grades are submitted to the class journal every day. My son's current grades have not dropped. During the lessons I attended, my son was interviewed. The lessons were conducted in a calm, welcoming atmosphere. For the facts that took place in the period from __.__.____ g. until __.__.____, the commission held a conversation with ________________ about the observance of the rules of pedagogical ethics with students.

    According to the results of the commission, the director of the educational institution ____________ imposed an administrative penalty on the teacher __________.

    We consider the work of the commission to be formal and ineffective, since according to the results of her work, it was established that there were no violations committed by ________________, however, it should be noted that an administrative penalty was imposed for the "missing violations".

    This inconsistency indicates the desire of the school administration to satisfy the requirements of ______________, limiting itself to sending a notification of the imposition of an administrative penalty, instead of studying the situation and taking appropriate measures.

    Thus, the teacher of GOU SOSH № ___ ___________________ showed disrespect for the human dignity of the student _________________, i.e. violated the requirements of clause 6 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" No. from 10.07.1992, according to which the discipline in an educational institution is supported on the basis of respect for the human dignity of students, pupils, teachers. The use of methods of physical and mental violence in relation to students, pupils is not allowed.

    Free legal advice:

    In addition, in __.__.____ _____________ showed unacceptable methods of education and training to ______________, which were expressed in the fact that _______________________________. The mistakes made by ______________ were ridiculed by ____________ in the presence of all students in the __ "__" class, and ___________ himself was insulted by _________________.

    The spouse of __________________ asked the principal of ____________ for an explanation of the situation, and in the evening of the same day, _______________, as part of a telephone conversation with ______________, said that the facts given by their son did not correspond to reality and expressed her intention to leave him "for the second year."

    Due to these circumstances, ______________ often gets nervous, cries, refuses to attend school.

    Thus, the teacher of GOU SOSH № ___ ______________ showed disrespect for the human dignity of the student _____________________, showed him physical violence, i.e. violated the requirements of paragraph 6 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" No. from 10.07.1992

    Moreover, _______________ does not follow the discipline in the class, does not show due attention and respect to the students.

    Free legal advice:

    G. in the room __ "__" class of GOU SOSH № ____ a student of the same class __________ kicked the student _______________ in the abdomen. _____________ filed a complaint with the class teacher _________________.

    The class teacher ____________ did not provide first aid, but sent ____________ to class for classes, instead of taking her to the school health worker and notifying ____________________'s parents about the incident.

    Moreover, ___________ advised __________ to hit ____________ three times, which indicates the promotion of ______________ aggressive behavior and the use of methods of physical and psychological violence.

    In the future, the pain intensified and when _______________ applied to the emergency room, the doctor called an ambulance, which took her to the Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology, where she was diagnosed with an injury to the groin area.

    G. mother __________ was at a reception with the director of the secondary school № ___ _____________, where she told about the incident. ___________ informed that she would definitely understand what happened and take appropriate measures.

    Free legal advice:

    In turn, __.__.____ g. I was invited to an appointment with ________, which was attended, among other things, by ____________, who showed excessive nervousness and accused ___________ of disseminating information that did not correspond to reality.

    A constructive dialogue did not take place. Later, I received a notification from the director of GOU SOSH No. ___ that ___________ was reprimanded, which, in my opinion, given the circumstances of the incident, is an insufficient disciplinary measure.

    Based on Art. 51 of the Law, officials of educational institutions are responsible for creating the necessary conditions for study, work and rest of students, pupils of educational institutions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the charter of this educational institution.

    Thus, GOU SOSH No. ____ and the teacher _____________, who is its employee, must be held liable in accordance with the provisions of Art. 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" No. dated July 10, 1992, which establish that an educational institution is responsible in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for:

    1) failure to perform functions assigned to its competence;

    Free legal advice:

    2) implementation of educational programs not in full in accordance with the curriculum and the schedule of the educational process; the quality of education of its graduates;

    3) life and health of students, pupils and employees of the educational institution during the educational process;

    4) violation of the rights and freedoms of students, pupils and employees of an educational institution;

    5) other actions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    The situation that has developed through the fault of _______________ can negatively affect the mental and emotional development of our children, as well as the formation of their personality.

    Free legal advice:

    Unfortunately, our children had to face the soulless attitude of the teacher ____________ (if she has the right to be called that) to her duties. She has no sense of responsibility and no desire to deal with children.

    In accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 56 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", in addition to the grounds for terminating an employment contract on the initiative of the administration, provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor, the grounds for dismissing a teacher of an educational institution on the initiative of the administration of this educational institution before the expiration of the employment contract (contract) are:

    1) repeated gross violation of the charter of an educational institution within a year;

    2) the use, including one-time, of educational methods associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the personality of the student, pupil;

    3) appearance at work in a state of alcoholic, drug or toxic intoxication.

    Free legal advice:

    An analysis of these circumstances in their totality indicates that as a result of the teacher's negligent, improper performance of the duties assigned to her, our children are regularly inflicted not only with psychological trauma, but also with harm to the health of our children.

    The foregoing facts allow us to conclude that ____________________ is incompatible with teaching.

    On the basis of the above, -

    1. Conduct an official investigation against an employee of the state educational institution "Secondary School No. ____" _____________________.

    2. Create a commission to verify violations of the current legislation committed by employees of GOU SOSH No. ___ ____________________, the circumstances of which are set out in this application, including any of the applicants in the commission.

    Free legal advice:

    3. Based on the results of the audit, consider the issue of terminating the employment contract concluded between the State Educational Institution Secondary School No. ___ and __________________________.

    We ask you to notify about the decision taken within the time period established by law:

    (Full name) ____________ at the address: _____________________________________;

    (Full name) ____________ at the address: _____________________________________.

    Free legal advice:

    1. A copy of the application ____________ to the director of the GOU SOSH No. ___ dated __.__.____;

    2. A copy of the answer of the director of the GOU SOSH No. ___ to the application _______________;

    3. A copy of the application ____________ to the director of the GOU SOSH No. ___ dated __.__.____;

    4. A copy of the application ________ to the Department of Education __AO of Moscow;

    5. A copy of the complaint ___________ to the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation;

    Free legal advice:

    6. Copies of certificates of the Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology No. ___ and ___;

    7. Copy of the answer of the director of GOU SOSH No. ____ _____________

    "___" __________________ 201_


    Fill out the feedback form. Describe your question in as much detail as possible in simple words. For a written response, please provide your return email address.

    During the day, the lawyer will answer you by email with an explanation of the situation and recommendations on what to do next. In the final recommendations, the lawyer will tell you what documents need to be drawn up and their recipients.

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    After receiving a list of required documents from our lawyer, visit our free archive of legal documents and find the one you need. Insert personal data, postal details, recipient address and send to destination.

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    Procedure for considering a complaint at the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

    Often, citizens of the Russian Federation face troubles and problems in the field of education and often they do not know how to deal with violation of their own interests and constitutional rights. If you become a victim or witness to corruption at school, your child is discriminated against in assessing knowledge, he is subjected to humiliation by teachers, you must write a letter to the Department that controls the work of educational institutions.

    Competent specialists know all the "sharp corners" of the legislation and will help to get around them. On our portal, advice from the best legal experts is available around the clock. Professionals will remotely study the issue and promptly provide an individual solution to the problem. The lawyer will tell you how to draw up an application to the Department of Education of the Moscow or Penza Region, as well as other regions of the Russian Federation, answer questions from citizens, prepare a sample letter. You can contact our consultants online and by phone.

    Free legal advice:

    How to write an application to the Ministry or Department of Education of Russia

    The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes that initially controversial issues should be tried to be resolved at the local level. If there is a conflict at school, talk to the school principal or the city or county Department of Education.

    There are two ways to draw up an application for employees in the education sector - electronically through the website and on paper. The Department of Education in the Moscow and Penza regions, as well as other regions of the country, has an official portal where everyone can leave their message, statement, complaint or demand. The site will allow citizens to save time, effort, nerves and money, as well as avoid long queues in front of government officials.

    Structure and characteristics of a complaint to the Department of Education

    When sending a claim by mail or through the website, you must remember that the application must comply with legal norms and requirements. You can competently draw up a document, you can ask a lawyer or take a sample of a complaint from him, which will help you draw up your appeal by analogy. When addressing the head of the educational sphere of the Moscow, Penza or other region, it is necessary to present all the facts as briefly and meaningfully as possible. The document must not make mistakes, make corrections, use profanity and emotional expressions.

    The application to the Department of Education of the Moscow, Penza and other regions does not have a strict form. It is enough that the document contains the following details:

    • the name of the structure and the head of the department;
    • personal data of the applicant;
    • description of the problem;
    • references of legislation that are violated by the actions of employees of an educational institution;
    • requirements for the elimination of illegal actions;
    • date and signature.

    Where can you complain about educational institutions

    If the appeal to the Ministry of Education of the Moscow, Penza or other regions of the Russian Federation is not enough, or the complaint is simply not responded to, you need to complain to the law enforcement agencies. Russians can apply to the prosecutor's office or court, bypassing the main department, if the issue concerns mental or physical abuse of a child, extortion of money, material damage.

    Free legal advice:

    Free round-the-clock legal support by phone:

    (call is free)

    When filing a complaint with the court, you should correctly draw up a claim. In the statement of claim, the victims have the right to demand not only punishment of the violator, but also compensation from him for material damage and moral harm. If the case goes to court, it is better that the rights of the plaintiff are defended by an experienced lawyer. A lawyer with a power of attorney to represent interests will skillfully present the facts to the court, justify the accusation and argue the evidence. Having enlisted professional legal support, it will be possible to win a court against an employee of the educational sphere as quickly as possible.

    Sample written application to the Department of Education

    Head of Preschool Education

    Free legal advice:

    Department of Education N

    Postal address (your)

    Email address (your)

    Contact phone numbers (yours)

    Dear (name of the chief), I am addressing you (full name of your)….

    • Full name and year of birth of the child,
    • year of enrollment,
    • the commission where they stood in line,
    • notification number,
    • number of preschool educational institution, which is a priority for you,
    • FULL NAME. the member of the commission with whom we spoke,
    • a response from a commission member, preferably in writing.

    Then move on to formulating the problem itself.

    In connection with the above data, I ask you to assist in resolving this issue.

    I ask you to answer me in writing within the time limit established by law.

    Best regards, full name

    Signature (with decryption)

    • Be sure to indicate the period in which you oblige the addressee to respond to your application / reply (If after this period there is no response and no information has been received, you can contact the higher authorities),
    • Any written request must be made in two copies, one of which is handed / sent to the addressee personally / with notification, and the second remains with you with a mark on the delivery of this document to the addressee. This will significantly facilitate further appeal against the actions / omissions of the persons concerned to the prosecutor's office or the court.

    Tamara, I also lost my individual code, but, for example, on you can see your turn by the number of the birth certificate.

    In October, gave birth to a child in 2013, benefits until a year and a half did not receive even once ... ..the child is already 4 months old, the respected state has to feed and clothe the child all this time, a non-working mother without any income. accruals must be from January 1, 2014. and until today the month SOCIAL PROTECTION feeds with breakfasts and promises ... ... .. and says that the budget of money is not responsible for the receipts ... ... kindly request, sort out this mess. EXCELLENT STATE as the citizens of RUSSIA to pay the mortgage on time without a single delay, and allowances for the infant can be WITHDRAWAL (twisted by these funds at interest to the bank). AWESOME.

    Faced with rudeness from the kindergarten teacher 163, Kolosisty. Unfortunately, I don’t know the surname, but the name is Tatyana Vladimirovna. How do you ask to do something, so the teacher is cute and fluffy, or at meetings ask you to buy a split (although what kind of split? multimedia, gifts for educators, etc., everything is not counted, I am silent about repairs, about the eternal change for napkins (although they were brought in this way), given that several snotty noses are wiped off with one napkin (it was personally taken away). force majeure, was 3 minutes late for the closing of the garden (you know there are traffic jams), then our teacher has changed dramatically, she began to scold me in such a rude way.

    I would like to know, do you, Tatyana Viktorovna, include good qualities only when you need something from your parents? And you can't get into the position of a parent and sit with your child for three minutes without being rude? I think we, parents, are doing enough for you to earn at least a drop of respect and understanding.

    tell me, is there an electronic commission in St. Petersburg?

    valeria, in St. Petersburg you can get on the queue for kindergarten through the portal of state services.

    Yesterday I went to OSIP, I was almost directly denied a place in the nursery. They said that places are only for privileged categories, only large families, disabled parents, etc. I doubt that there are so many such children, the gardens are half-empty, in some gardens even groups were closed.

    Despite the fact that my eldest goes to the priority garden for us in the middle group. So you said, don't hope. They did not give me a written refusal, referring to the instructions of the authorities and the lack of rights to sign.

    They say about the initiative of the authorities with the GKP, that for the rest of the day you will have to pay about a thousand rubles!

    I would like to thank the staff of the circus, especially Ekaterina, for an interesting lesson and a great time while spending my child! Excellent adaptation and preparation for the garden. Attentive attitude, interesting games, the year went off with pleasure. It is very good that there are such things to do, for children it is beauty, but for a mother it is a rest !! Thank you!!

    Hello. I ask you to turn your appeal to my letter. We are citizens of the Russian Federation, we live in Moscow, in the Tekstilshchiki district, with a temporary registration for 5 years. My eldest son David Borisovich Zargaryan visits d / s499, in Tekstilshchiki district, second child Anna Borisovna Zargaryan And Maria Borisovich were on the electronic queue. Anna's turn came in September 2013, Maria's in September 2014. Until now, my children are not given a place in the garden. We are constantly denied. Neither the OSIP nor the Department give us any information about the manning of children. I ask you to help a large family, I ask you to write a reply within the time limit established by law. My contact phone number. I am a mother of children Zargaryan Oksana Yurievna.

    Oksana Yurievna, have you applied with a written application to the Department of Education? The problem is most likely in temporary registration

    Margarita, we need to find out why the child is behaving this way. There can be many moments here: from banal attention grabbing to mental problems. It is better to contact the manager with a collective letter that you are asking to take measures to resolve the situation, because fear for the life and health of your children.

    Hello, please tell me where you can go in this situation: I am a citizen of Ukraine, my husband is Muscovite, my child is also a citizen of Ukraine and for 4 years he lived with his grandparents in Ukraine. In connection with the current situation (we are from the Donetsk region), finding a child in Ukraine became unsafe, and the department refused to enter the kindergarten, although in the kindergarten we were told that children of this age are needed i.e. there is room. In the department, we were offered to stand in line, we started, but there is no answer anymore, and in the garden there were still places as they were. Taking the child back is dangerous and here the question is not solved by the garden, tell me where in this case you can turn.

    Tatyana, the question was forwarded to a lawyer.

    At first glance, kindergarten number 1389 is good, but if

    look at him from nutria is not good! The manager says that she

    takes care of children, but under the windows

    nursery group No. 1 always has her car. The transom windows are open in the bedroom, and she

    warms up his car! Is this a concern? When the children walk in the morning she

    can safely drive along the path where children play ball. And the educators into this

    time they drive children to playgrounds for a car to pass. Tell - this

    right. In the washrooms, the tiles are all re-glued with tape - very

    dangerously! The roof is leaking, in groups of mold on the ceiling, although they cover it up

    paint. Veranda playgrounds in

    the terrible condition of the floor is always in disrepair and wrapped in tape. Sand in

    the sandbox is mixed with the surface of the site, and the primer is more than sand! we

    went to the teacher Sokolova Elena Anatolyevna, a pleasant woman, but to the children

    only treats well when parents are around. I observed the situation when the child

    fell and cried, but she pretended not to see and continued to talk with

    other caregiver. Some educators do not look after children at all, but

    talking on the phone. Holidays are always alone and there, nothing new, alone

    the joy that our children are performing and not sitting on chairs. Yes, very

    it is interesting to listen to some educators about the personal life of the head. Very

    sorry that she allows such talk about herself!

    And complaints about what kind of team. In general, draw your own conclusions.

    The main thing is that the children feel good, and everything that is happening in the nutria remains on

    conscience of the leader and people who work with children.

    NONSENSE. our kindergarten is full of places ... so all Muscovites are arranged. the manager is ready to take us - she says there are places - but they still won't give us. as a temporary registration.

    Elena, what nonsense? You ask a question, we answer. If you have questions about the allocation of places, then you can write a complaint to the Department of Education.

    elena, write to the Department of Education.

    Good evening! Please tell me when it is necessary to write an application for a place in another kindergarten with the right to transfer to the one where the electronic queue was occupied?

    Maria, please answer me! Post above.

    Olga, the question is not very clear. Describe the situation more fully.

    We entered the queue for three kindergartens, at the moment our turn is 118, 77 and 55, respectively, we do not get into them in 2016. I found out that it is possible to write some kind of application in the education department, according to which we should be provided with a place in any other kindergarten in which it will be (as I understand it), but with the preservation of a queue in those of our three, where we got up and when there will be a place the ability to transfer to them. They don't say when and how to write this statement by phone, and there is no way to get there yet, I'm afraid to miss the moment.

    Hello! I am a mother of many children! My two children go to kindergarten! The payment was increased, but in the receipt for the kindergarten we have double payment for December and January! Why is that? Explain?

    Julia, you need to address this question to the accounting department of the kindergarten. For example, we had a similar error. Clarified everything in the accounting department.

    Please tell me how long it is necessary to indicate the response to the letter? Is there a legal time frame?

    Please tell me how long the response should be in the letter? Is there a time frame established by law?

    Yesterday I had a personal meeting with the deputy of the North-Eastern Administrative District. She said that everyone knows the places, but why the Department of Education does not issue a ticket to the kindergarten is not clear.

    © 2008-2018. Project A.V. Kuznetsova

    The site owner is not responsible for the comments left by visitors.

    However, if you find a comment containing false information, please report it.

    1. Applications sent in the form of an electronic document through the official Internet portal of the Government of the Russian Federation are submitted for consideration to the Citizenship Department of the Department of Culture of the Government of the Russian Federation. Responsible for organizing work with citizens 'appeals is the head of the department for work with citizens' appeals of the Department of Culture of the Government of the Russian Federation Sergey Valerievich Kostyanov.
    2. The response to the appeal is sent:
      • in the form of an electronic document at the e-mail address indicated in the application received in the form of an electronic document;
      • in writing at the mailing address indicated in the written request.
    3. Before sending an appeal in the form of an electronic document, you must correctly fill out the form.
    4. The size of the text of the appeal, sent in the form of an electronic document through the official Internet portal of the Government of the Russian Federation, cannot exceed 2000 characters.
    5. The appeal can contain attached documents and materials in electronic form in the form of one or two files without archiving. The size of attachment files cannot exceed 5 MB. The following file formats are accepted for attachments: txt, doc, docx, pptx, xlsx, rtf, xls, pps, ppt, pdf, jpg, bmp, png, tif, pcx, mp3, wma, avi, mp4, mkv, wmv, mov , flv, odt, gif, and pub. Other formats are not processed in the information systems of the Government Office of the Russian Federation.
    6. For technical reasons, the text may not be considered:
      • written in Russian using the Latin alphabet;
      • typed entirely in capital letters;
      • not broken down into sentences.
    7. An appeal is not accepted for consideration if it:
      • not addressed to the Government of the Russian Federation or the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation;
      • does not contain specific statements, complaints, suggestions or requests.
    8. The answer is essentially not given to an appeal that contains obscene or offensive language.
    9. When sending applications regarding the appeal of court decisions, it is necessary to keep in mind the following. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, justice in Russia is administered only by the court. The judiciary is independent and operates independently of the legislative and executive branches. The decisions of the judicial authorities are appealed against in the procedural order established by law. The current legislation prohibits any interference with the administration of justice.
    10. Information about the personal data of the authors of applications sent in electronic form is stored and processed in compliance with the requirements of the Russian legislation on personal data.
    11. Notification to the author about the progress of consideration of his application is sent to the postal address or in electronic form to the e-mail address (e-mail) specified in the questionnaire.

    The applicant's son is attending school. His academic performance in all general subjects is at the required level. Due to the fact that he is not an excellent student, moral and psychological pressure is exerted on both the child and the applicant by the school administration and the class teacher. The applicant asks to conduct a check on the above arguments, to bring to justice those responsible for violating the rights of the child, to assist in the restoration of violated rights.

    To the Department of Education ___________,

    the address: _______________________________


    Education is understood as a purposeful process of upbringing and training in the interests of a person, society, and the state, accompanied by a statement that a citizen (student) has achieved educational levels (educational qualifications) established by the state.
    Under the receipt of a citizen (student) of education is understood the achievement and confirmation of a certain educational qualification, which is certified by an appropriate document.
    The right to education is one of the fundamental and inalienable constitutional rights of citizens of the Russian Federation.
    My son, _______________________, is a student of the __ class of GOU SOSH № ____ in Moscow.
    My son's progress in all general education subjects is at the required level. He may not be a gifted child, but he is not a failure either.
    Due to the fact that ___________________ is not an excellent student, moral and psychological pressure comes from the school leadership and the class teacher, both on the child and on us his parents.
    Constant teachers' councils to which we and our child are called, during which constant reproaches are expressed that our child's academic performance is not at the highest level, that the school needs excellent students, and he spoils the statistics of the school's performance. We and the child are constantly being told that he will not be able to pass the exam for passing the state final certification for the highest marks, that he does not belong to a secondary school, but his place in a vocational school or a military school.
    In our country, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", general education is compulsory.
    However, my son is not even allowed to receive an incomplete secondary education, they are forced to take the documents from the school and apply for it at a vocational school or a military school.
    According to clause 4 of article 19 of the Law "On Education", the requirement of compulsory general education in relation to a particular student remains in force until he reaches the age of eighteen, if the student has not received the corresponding education earlier.
    And only with the consent of the parents (legal representatives), the commission for minors and the protection of their rights and the local government body that administers in the field of education, a student who has reached the age of fifteen can leave a general education institution before receiving a general education.
    Our family is not not prosperous, we follow the process of training our son, as well as his upbringing.
    My son is not a poor student, he does not miss lessons at school, he prepares his homework every day, he is not registered either in the children's room of the police or in a neuropsychiatric dispensary.
    According to clause 7 of article 19 of the Law "On Education", by decision of the governing body of an educational institution, for repeated gross violations of the charter of an educational institution, a student who has reached the age of fifteen can be expelled from this educational institution.
    The expulsion of a student from an educational institution is applied if educational measures have not yielded results and the student's further stay in an educational institution has a negative impact on other students, violates their rights and the rights of employees of an educational institution, as well as the normal functioning of an educational institution.
    However, our son does not have violations of the charter of a general educational institution, and insufficiently high scores are not a reason for his transfer from the secondary school or for expulsion from school.
    The decision to expel a student who has not received a general education is made taking into account the opinion of his parents (legal representatives) and with the consent of the commission for minors and the protection of their rights (Article 19 of the RF Law “On Education).
    Thus, the actions of the director of the GOU SOSH No. ____ and the class teacher to compel the transfer of ___________________ to a vocational technical school or to a military school are illegal.
    According to Article 28 of the Law "On Education", the powers of federal government bodies in the field of education also include ensuring state guarantees of the rights of citizens in the field of education.
    The mission of the Moscow Department of Education is the implementation of state policy to ensure the constitutional right of citizens to education.
    One of the tasks of the Department is to exercise the powers of the Russian Federation in the field of education in relation to state educational institutions and non-state educational organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and departmental subordination located in the city of Moscow (with the exception of educational institutions and organizations in relation to which the functions of supervision and control are attributed to the competence of federal executive bodies), including:
    quality control of education, including the quality of training of students and graduates, in accordance with federal state educational standards in educational institutions and organizations of the city of Moscow, for all educational programs they implement;
    licensing and state accreditation of educational institutions and organizations of the city of Moscow for all educational programs they implement;
    supervision and control over the observance of federal legislation and the legislation of the city of Moscow in the field of education by educational institutions and organizations of the city of Moscow.
    The Constitution of the Russian Federation provides for my right to apply personally, as well as to send individual and collective appeals to state and local authorities (Article 33 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
    In accordance with Article 2 of the Federal Law of 02.05.2006, No. 59-FZ "On the Procedure for Considering Appeals of Citizens of the Russian Federation", citizens have the right to apply personally, as well as to send individual and collective appeals to state bodies, local governments and officials ... Citizens exercise the right to appeal freely and voluntarily. The exercise by citizens of the right to appeal should not violate the rights and freedoms of others.
    A written application received by a state body, local self-government body or an official in accordance with their competence is considered within 30 days from the date of registration of the written application (Article 12 of the above Law).

    Based on the foregoing, guided by Articles 1, 19, 28 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education",

    Consider this complaint and take appropriate action.
    Conduct a check on the arguments I have outlined, bring to justice those responsible for violating my rights, assist in the restoration of my violated rights.

    We kindly ask you to report the results of the consideration of the complaint to the above address within the time frame established by law.

    Attachment: a copy of a certificate from the police children's room;
    a copy of a certificate from the juvenile affairs department;
    a copy of the certificate from the neuropsychiatric dispensary.

    "___" ___________________ _______________ / ______________ /